Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ENDA Tuesday January 26. The Genie is unbottled.

Are things finally turning around? Will Don Eugenio grant our three wishes and free the prisoners, save the townspeople from the mindmelt spell they’re under, and deliver La Loca to her grisly fate? Well, things are drifting that way, at long last.

In chambers, Eugenio says he thinks someone with an interest in Cristóbal’s downfall is interfering in the trial. The prosecutor says they don’t know who it is, so whatevs. The judge says regardless, y’all hop to it and finish up by day after tomorrow, because this fifteen minutes of court per day is wearing him out and his golf game won’t play itself.

Carlota is offended that Rufi plans to leave town with Paloma, after she has done her the charity of allowing her to work like a slave and take incessant verbal abuse in exchange for a pittance of a salary. Hire someone else, says Rufi, as she continues toiling over the day’s cabbage (okay, maybe she doesn’t work that hard. It looks like she’s slowly peeling it apart, leaf by leaf). Carloca thinks Rufi should convince Paloma to stay, so they don’t have to go begging (mendigando) in the capital. Suddenly she changes her tune, inspired by the jar of belladonna. Why don’t they invite Doc B to dinner, to thank him for all he’s doing?

All the girls are back in their school uniforms and sitting in the classroom, where they will receive their diplomas. What exactly was the point of that whole graduation celebration?

Gabriel gets jealous of some couple making out in the church courtyard. He leans against a pillar and turns into Emoony 2.0.

In the courtroom, Eugenio gets a crack at the new witness, Leopoldo, who says he is a fruit vendor but used to drive a truck. “Why the change?” asks Don E. He couldn’t drive well due to worsening diabetes. “So, weakness, loss of vision?” Yes. The prosecutor feebly objects, but is rebuffed. Don E. gets Leo the Lyin’ to admit he can’t see well from a distance. Germy gets kerfuffled, and some guy in front of him who looks like a broom barfed on his head isn’t happy either.

Sandra, mostly recovered from hepatitis, tells Liliana she’ll be able to go to Paloma’s birthday party. She asks whether Gabriel might be there. Lili assumes so, since the party is at his house and he’s the latest fly in Paloma’s web. Sandra is a bit disappointed.

Don YouGenio subjects Leo to an impromptu vision and memory test, which he fails miserably. Germy gets squirmy. The Padre Cadre snickers. Don E. accuses Leo of perjury.

Leo the Lyin’ insists that the person he saw push Alonso had dark eyes and limped, but slithers out of the perjury trap by agreeing it must not have been Cris. I hope the judge is watching Germán’s reactions to all this. It is pretty freaking clear which side he’s on. Don E. gloats modestly.

Emiliano is at the hospital, holding the perfectly healthy baby. The doctora spills that Romina rarely visits, and when she does she spends most of the time on the phone. Emo does a forceful yoga exhale so we know he doesn’t approve.

The girls are still hanging around the school in their uniforms, saying long goodbyes. Sandra assumes Emiliano must know Paloma is leaving, and that’s why he has given up on her and was with some other pretty girl at the movies. Qué? Paloma is not happy, but her hair looks really good aside from that stupid bow.

Luz sits in the park, watching Xochi play and debating whether she should marry Rafa in order to adopt the little munchkin. {I thought she was going to marry Rafa anyway. What’s the crisis here?}

Rafa and Joel are in the office, bemoaning their personal lives rather than focusing on work, as usual. Rafa is upset that Camila is getting married.

Camila stares at her wedding dress, trying to psych herself up for the marriage.

In another office where little work ever occurs, Angélica tells Orlando that Mr. Gibson called from Houston, something about a house rental. “Are you moving to Houston?” she asks, while thinking, “Is my blouse unbuttoned quite far enough to convince you to reconsider?” He fakes a phone call to get rid of her.

Paloma goes to church, still in her school uniform, and runs into Gabriel. She invites him to attend Camila and Orly’s wedding with her.

Back at the jail, Eugenio asks Cris whether he thinks Carlota may have given all the info on his past to the prosecution. “Absolutely. She is the most intelligent and perverse woman I’ve ever met,” says Cris.

Romina is doing abdominal crunches. Sure healed from that C-section fast. Emo storms in and yells at her that he doubts the baby is his and their family is a farce because she’s still the same selfish b!tch she’s always been. He wants a divorce.

Romi gets all whiny and defensive and says she lurves him sooooo much, and he’d be happy with her if he just wanted to. Emo says she manipulated him into marrying her, but he has had enough. She accuses him of leaving her for that short-skirted tramp. He says Anamar has nothing to do with it.

Gabriel spies on Paloma from the choir loft as she prays. She’s a bit afraid and nervous about her impending move, and asks for blessings and comfort. As she gets up, Padre Benito approaches and encourages her to lighten up a bit on Cris. He really does care about her, even if he and Mac didn’t share all their news, you know, while Macarena was busy dying. Paloma is too stubborn to move the plot forward.

The press barges into the office and asks Ange about her accusations against Darío. She smiles for the cameras and says of course she is absolutely certain that he stole her work. Orlando beams proudly.

Gabriel catches up with Paloma outside the church. His homeless beggar outfit doesn’t scare her off, because she is still in her weird school uniform. With the SEE-THROUGH shirt. I still can’t get over that, but I hope we won’t have to see them anymore. Or see through them. Paloma tells him she’s tired of all the secrets. Gabe tells her sometimes people feel they need to keep secrets in order to protect the ones they love. She doesn’t care. Does she think that refusing to talk to people will get rid of the secrets? Gabriel thinks to himself that he hopes she never finds out his secret.

Germs goes to Misery Manor, takes a few deep breaths, and reports to the Wicked Witch the disappointing performance of their star witness. The Purple Cow calls him a good-for-nothing and throws him out. She nearly foams at the mouth as she tries to think of a new plot.

Lucila the editor tells Darío she ain’t happy. He claims Ange and Miriam are just trying to frame him because of their unrequited love for his fine self. Lucila isn’t buying it. She says Olivia and Susana have also accused him of plagiarizing their work. Darío throws a fit. Lucila gives him a final check and tells him she won’t risk publishing his book, and their contract is finito.

Romina takes a hint from Anamar and wears a shirt as a dress. She cries to Orlando that Emo wants to leave her. She begs him to make Emoony a happy family man for the sake of their precious baby.

Emo sits in the park and basks in the sun, appreciating the fine weather and scenery. No, he moons, of course. He has some blue-tinted flashbacks so we can see him smile and remember better times.

Emo tells Rafa he’s decided to get a divorce, but he’ll fight to keep the baby. He’s afraid to do another paternity test, though, because he’s gotten attached to the little one. Rafa thinks it would help with the divorce.

Camila writes a letter she doesn’t intend to deliver, telling Rafael how she feels about him. Schmucky, is the gist. Then she burns the letter and cries.

Luz introduces Xochi to Gabriel. They are fast friends. Gabriel says she’s lucky to have found so much happiness in Realweird del Monte, while things are not going so well for him with Paloma. Luz says love is a blessing whether it lasts for only an instant or for a lifetime, so take what you can get.

Rafa is still moping about Camila’s impending wedding. Emo remarks that he seems so happy with Luz, though. Rafa says that with Luz, he’s doing wild things he never dared to do before. Not sure that’s what a guy wants to hear about his father. Still, though, he can’t get over Camila.

Ange tells Miriam the bomb has exploded; now everyone will know what a cockroach Darío is. Miriam agrees that’s good, but doesn’t seem very happy about it.

Eugenio tells Luz that being a mother is very hard work, and he knows how impulsive she is. She asks whether he doesn’t think she’ll be a good mother, and he is saved from answering by a call from Carloca, who wants to see him.

Romina assaults Anamar in the hotel lobby and calls her a golfa.

Avances: Carloca shows way too much skin and lights candles. Is she trying to seduce Eugenio?! More catfighting.

Also: State of the Onion is Wednesday. ENDA is on at 8:00(ish?) on the west coast; check your local listings.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Amor Monday, January 25, 2010: Don Eugenio rides in on his white steed, wielding his flaming sword of justice

Friday: Paloma tells Lili that the problem with Gabriel being interested in her is that she still loves Emiliano. Romina overhears. Em and Gab circle each other like stags, antlers lowered.

Why, it’s a day like any other day in the pretty little town of Real del Monte. Anguish. Bloodlust. Deceit. The usual.

Camila’s bachelorette party is getting rowdy – they’ve reached the conga line stage. Romina pulls Paloma aside and said she just has to tell somebody – she thinks Em is cheating on her. Paloma says he would never do that. Romina says that’s what I thought, but he didn’t come home last night and I found a message on his cell from some lady saying their time together was hot. Men! They’re all the same. Looks like he was just playing with you and me both.

Padre M is visiting Chris in jail. He tells him that he’s so glad Don E is representing him, not only because he personally wants to see him exonerated, but because when a priest is accused, it affects the faithful. They stop coming to church; they lose faith. Our behavior must be above reproach. Chris says I know.

Padre M tells how happy he was when Madeleine told him Don E was taking over. Chris says my mother? She’s behind it? I don’t want anything to do with anything connected with her. Oops! Padre M realizes he’s said too much. Chris says tell Don E to forget it. Padre M tells him not to be that way – Don E can prove his innocence. Chris would be nuts to reject him.

Good ol’ Gabe points out to Em that they’re acting like enemies, but actually they’re on the same page, they both want to make Paloma happy. Em says but why don’t you ever talk about the future? It’s like a today thing with you.

Gabriel says You planned a future with Paloma and it didn’t happen. The only thing we can really be sure of is the present. Paloma is my present, and Romina is yours. And off he walks down the street.

Em thoughtbubbles that he should never have married Romina.

Paloma isn’t buying that Em is a cheater. Romina asks if she’s heard of Anamar. Paloma says yes, she’s from Monterrey and she’s in town now. She was having lunch with Em when I was having lunch with Gabriel, and he introduced us. Romina says he never told me. Our baby isn’t even out of the hospital, and he’s cheating on me.

Romina tries not to cry. She says her mama was right about not marrying him. But she’s going to pretend she doesn’t know what’s going on. If I say anything, he’ll leave me and my baby won’t have a family.

At the law firm, Nestor is asking German what happened – how could he get taken off Chris’s case? It would have been a career-maker for him, plus he had Carlota hiring him. German says I don’t know what I can do. Nestor says nothing, I guess. German says maybe Don E will lose the case. Nestor doubts it, plus he feels Chris is innocent though he can’t put his finger on why. If Don E wins it, it’s going to leave a big blot on your resume.

The guy in Houston is on the phone telling Orlando that if he doesn’t come to live in Houston, it’s a no-go. The Houston people don’t have the knowledge or materials to successfully deal with the project on their own. Orlando says well, okay. My wife and I will be there in a couple of months. Start the paperwork.

Carlota arrives at German’s office under full sail. She wants to know if German has dug up any dirt on Don E yet. German says I can’t find a thing. He seems to be irreproachable, so I’ve been reviewing Chris’s case to find a way for us to make him lose, even though I’m not his lawyer. I’ll come out smelling like a rose. I just don’t know how to go about it.

Carlota does. She says find a person to say that they just heard about the case in the papers and they remember seeing someone who looked like Chris shoving Alonso under a truck. And then pay them whatever it takes. (I see a hole in this already. A person doesn’t report a murder he says he saw right when Alonso was still warm and flat on the pavement, but is motivated to report it months later just because there’s an article in the Pachuco Daily?)

German gulps and doesn’t think to ask why exactly a truck and not a car? Why exactly shoving him under a truck instead of driving a truck over him? Carlota says just do it.

Now Dr B is visiting Natalia in prison. She can’t figure out why Chris got them a new lawyer. Why not just keep German? Dr B says he’s glad he did – he couldn’t believe that German let them drag all that past history out of Chris on the stand. Dr B says that whole thing about leaving the priesthood to go with Macarena made him look bad. Did you know about his past with her?

Natalia says yes, he told me when he came to Real del Monte. Dr B says Macarena never told me. I realize she wasn’t totally open with me. She just told me that Paloma was her daughter and… Natalia interrupts, saying Paloma is her daughter? Then she must be Chris’s daughter! Dr B says I thought so too when she said Paloma was the child of a great love, but then I thought no, she would have told Paloma before she died. Now that I know she and Chris were going to marry, I’m starting to doubt again.

Natalia says it wasn’t that long ago that he asked me about Sagrario’s pregnancy! He asked if I had seen Sagrario when she was pregnant. You know, he said something that just now seems important. Natalia turns deathly pale, but it’s just because we’re fading into Flashbackland. She whites out and we see Chris asking if Sagrario was just expecting a baby, or was she pregnant. At that time, Natalia said isn’t that the same thing?

Chris said not necessarily. We pop back to the present. Natalia tells Dr B he needs to talk to Chris about it. Because it was Chris who was Mac’s big love. Dr B says I don’t know if he wants to talk about that right now, and Paloma is mad at him. Natalia says you have to.

Luz tells the social worker that she wants to adopt the little girl. The social worker says great – does your husband agree? Luz says she and Rafa aren’t married, and that she wants to adopt her as a single mother. The social worker says it used to be that single women couldn’t adopt, but things have changed. Now she just needs to show that she has the financial means and that she’s emotionally stable and respectable. Then we’re home free, says Luz.

The social worker wants to know if she has a residence and steady work. Luz says no job, but money isn’t a problem. The social worker knits her brows. As for a residence – well, I move around a lot.

The social worker says I think your best plan would be to stabilize your situation with Rafa, and then adopt together. Luz looks doubtful. Bummer, huh, Luz? Reality sucks.

Anamar knocks at Em’s office door and he smiles to see her. And no wonder – she wears a skin-tight micro-mini dress and our eyes (and undoubtedly his) are transfixed by her impressive cantilevered bosom. In a nod to modestly, the dress has a high neckline.

She reports that she has been walking around town (not to be confused with street walking) and it’s a lovely place. Oh, and she met his wife. She tells about how they met at the hotel. She doesn’t seem right for you, she says. She seems cranky, frustrated. I don’t think we took to each other.

She says I came by to ask if you want to go to a movie. Em says I can’t – I’m working on some proposals. She says let me help you. You know I’m good at things like that. If we get done in time, we’ll go to a movie, and if not we’ll have spent some time together. Where do we start? She coyly cuts her eyes and him and smiles widely.

Now Madeleine is visiting tight-lipped Chris in prison, and she’s telling him that when she was at church, Padre M told her how mad Chris was that she’s behind Don E taking his case. She begs him to understand, that he has always been important to her. I know I have no right she says, but I can pay for my mistakes.

Chris wants to know how she knows Don E. She tells him that her family, which is to say his too, and the Lizardes have known each other forever. She called him for advice, and it turned out that he was right here in Real del Monte visiting his son. It’s the hand of God.

Chris says I don’t want anything to do with you and I don’t want to be beholden to you. But at this time, I can’t afford to refuse Don E’s help. Madeleine says you don’t owe me anything, it’s I who owe you so much. And Don E is a fine and honest man. I trust him completely, and trust in his ability to prove your innocence and to get you out of here.

If you are so sure of the outcome, says Chris, why don’t you just get along back to Paris now? Madeleine says I told you I’m staying until the trial is over. I want to see you happy. Then I’ll go back to Paris and die alone.

Paloma and Rufi have come home from the party, but it’s still daylight out. Paloma says she just doesn’t feel comfortable in that house, even though she likes Camila. And she says now that the whole thing of leaving town with Dr B may not happen, she’s extra uncomfortable.

Rufi says I was thinking about that, and about what Gabriel offered you, and I have an idea about money for you. She takes Paloma out into the little patio and says You remember Inaki’s ring? How Aron told you it was valuable? Paloma says yes, but my tia said it was worthless. Rufi says she might not have been telling the truth. Like now we know that she wasn’t telling you about your inheritance from your parents. Why don’t you have Gabriel take you to Pachuco and have a jeweler look at it?

Paloma doubtfully says Ay, Rufi! But Rufi says do it for me. Okay, says Paloma.

At the office, Rafa is staring out the window. Joel has trouble getting his attention. He notes that Rafa looks worried. Rafa says it’s Luz – she’s so impulsive. She got it into her head that she wants to adopt that little girl, on her own. I have no idea if she is planning on including me in all this.

While Rufi and Paloma are chatting, Dr B has let himself in, as the front door was open. After some polite pleasantries, Paloma tells him she feels bad for him about what happened. He says I know you do, but don’t. And I want you to know that my offer is still open.

Really? says Paloma, amazed. Rufi kisses his hand. He says you need me, and I need you too. You are part of my present and my future too. I would be very honored if you two would come with me. Will you? Paloma throws her arms around him. Rufi too. Group hug!

Angelica comes home and tells Miriam that Orlando has a job for her. Miriam thanks her excitedly. Angelica says there’s no need to thank me – I owe you one. When you came to me, telling me that Dario had stolen your characters, I didn’t support you. But when I called you, you supported me. I’ve learned my lesson. Miriam says I knew you were blinded by Dario. Please forget about it. Girlfriends? Girlfriends! agrees Angelica.

In his studio, Gabriel is cleaning his brushes while Don E has a nice laugh thinking about how Carlota’s power is slipping out her hands. Gabriel says the whole thing makes him uncomfortable. Don E laughs his rumbly laugh some more and says there’s something about her that attracts me – she’s very interesting.

In what way? says Gabriel. Don E says I don’t know – she’s full of contradictions, and will do anything and everything not to lose control. I think she’s a woman who wants to be rescued from the crazy world she’s created. Underneath she needs love, tenderness.

Gabriel, looking grossed out, says I see you’re in full psychologist mode. Don E laughs and says And how did you do with Paloma?

I think I overwhelmed her. She’s still in love with Emiliano, and now she feels uncomfortable with me. Don E says are you guessing, or are you sure? I’m sure, says Gabriel. She couldn’t paint any more. And I can’t loose sight of the fact that I was looking for someone to pass all my knowledge, my legacy on to.

Don E says that’s a goal you imposed upon yourself. A legacy of love is just as important as a professional legacy. Gabriel says but she doesn’t return my feelings and now I maybe have lost her as a student.

Don E says maybe you’re exaggerating. Paloma may have lost her flow state, as you call it, when you told her, but probably she was just surprised by what you told her. But tomorrow you can see her, maybe she’ll think about what it was that made you say that.(At least, I think that’s what Don E said.) It’s just part of our being human.

Gabriel says I hope you’re right, because I don’t have time to find another person who has the sensitivity to receive what I have to give her.

Don E says give her your love along with your lessons. What she does with it is her responsibility, not yours.

Rufi and Paloma are walking arm-in-arm in the house when Carlota walks through. Paloma wants to know why she didn’t come to the Camila’s bachelorette party. Carlota says Why do you think I’d accept an invitation like that, to that kind of party after the scandalous life that she’s led?

Rufi says she didn’t lead a scandalous life – quite the opposite. Que? says Carlota. Living with a guy before marrying him isn’t scandalous? Where are your standards? And then to throw herself a bachelorette party! Paloma says I’m glad she’s marrying and I wish her every happiness. Por favor! says Carlota.

You take everything the bad way, says Paloma. I’m glad I went to the party, because it served as a going-away party for me. Carlota turns and says What? Paloma says when I turn 18, Rufi and I are going to Mexico City to live with Dr. Bermudez.

Still with that stupid idea? says Carlota. Yes, says Paloma. And we won’t see each other for three years, when I’ll return to collect the inheritance that my parents left me. Carlota narrows her eyes.

We’re back in the courtroom. No dialog, but split-screen scenes of Don E questioning Orlando, Natalia, a lady I think is the statue-makers wife, Padre M, Lili, the angry statue maker. Cameos of various people in the courtroom. Don E is self-assured, Madeleine is starting to smile, our team of good guys is starting to brighten up and the prosecutor is looking ever more serious.

That’s all for now, Chris informs the judge.

Gabriel is at the church, working on his restoration. Paloma comes in – he’s glad to see her. I accept, she says with a smile. Gabriel looks happy and hopeful. Accept what? The party for my 18th, she says. He jumps down from the low scaffold and says it’ll be wonderful.

She asks him how much longer he has to go on his restoration. He says he doesn’t know exactly. She says she will have to break off her lessons for now, because she’s going to Mexico City to live with Dr B. Gabriel looks puzzled and unhappy.

In her office, Carlota is talking to herself. She says I can’t let Paloma leave to live with Dr B. Everything I’ve done will have been for nothing. Maybe Dr B should pass into a better life?

It’s breakfast time and Em says he’s going to work but first he’s going to stop by to see the baby. Does Romina want to go with him? She says no, she’s going to shop for a dress for the wedding. She’s almost gotten her figure back! Em says Don’t you think it’s more important to see the baby, and then go shopping afterwards?

Romina says You just don’t understand how much work it is to get ready for a wedding, and it’s tomorrow. I want to look dazzling for you. I’ll go see the baby this afternoon. Give him some kisses for me, okay?

Don’t look at me that way! While you’re at work I’m going to be with the baby the whole time. It’s not going to hurt that I don’t go right now. Em angrily says If I weren’t working, I’d be with the baby all the time. (In his righteousness, he is handily forgetting the time spent with his ex yesterday.)

Romina says I knew you were going to be a great father, and I was right. I’ve really won the lottery with you.

Em looks like feh. He goes to leave and Romina says By the way, I met your girlfriend yesterday. Em says I know, she told me. Romina jumps up from the table and says You saw her again? Yes, says Em. She came to Real del Monte to see me so I’m spending time with her.

I’m you’re wife, don’t forget, Romina throws at him. Em says I’m not forgetting, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have friends. And just so you know, I’ve invited her to the wedding. Romina says She’s not coming to my mother’s wedding! She’s coming to my father’s wedding, he snarls. He stomps out.

Okay, we know Romina is no prize, but seriously Em, you don’t have a leg to stand on here.

In court, Don E rests his case and addresses the jury. He says this trial has changed course and that he has shown that Chris has led an honorable life. The prosecutor says he has nothing more to add. A baliff hands him a note. The judge says In that case… He raises his gavel and the prosecutor looks at the note and says Wait! I have something else. I call Leopardo Perez to the stand.

The crowd looks amazed, Don E too.

Leopardo swears on the bible. He then recounts that he lives in Pachuco and the day Alonso was killed, he saw a priest. The prosecutor asks if he can point him out, and he points dramatically at Chris. It’s him. German, lurking in the back of the courtroom, nods in satisfaction.

Leopardo tells how Chris shoved Alonso under a truck and ran away. Chris leaps to his feet and stares at him. German and the guy exchange glances and German nods.

Don E asks to approach the bench. He and the prosecutor address the judge in low voices. Don E says that guy wasn’t on the list of witnesses. I just found out about him, says the prosecutor. I don’t believe him, says Don E, and I’m going to prove it. The judge calls for a recess.

Don E picks up his papers from his desk and Chris says to him It’s all a lie. Don E says stay calm. He heads for chambers.

The well-dressed jury are discussing the case in the jury room. Are they allowed to do this? They take a straw vote and all but one think that Chris is guilty.

In another room, Chris and Natalia in handcuffs wonder where that fake witness came from.

German has called Carlota.
G ;You would have loved it!
C: No doubt. It wasn’t enough to supply all that information on Chris’s past.
G: That was you? You didn’t trust me?
C: Did you think I had 100% confidence in you? I don’t like to take unnecessary risks. G: (laying it on thick) You never cease to amaze me
C: (sighing) You have so much to learn.
G: If you will be my teacher, I’d be so happy. You would get unconditional loyalty
C: If I pay your conscience well enough. Your loyalty has a price. But don’t worry, I’m well aware of that.
G: (buttering her up) It’s not just that. I’ll never forget that kiss we had.
C: Well, wipe it from your brain if you don’t want me to forget to pay for your loyalty.
G: No! There’s no need to take things that far!
C: Call me when they find him guilty.
She hangs up.

In the judge’s chambers, the judge says the testimony is important. Don E shakes his head. The prosecutor says the guy saw it! How about we settle for 10 years instead of 20? Agreed? Don E says no.

Don E says I have a question. How is it that you came to know so much about Chris’s past? The prosecutor brags that he has a great team. (We should note that his crack investigation team didn’t check out Leopardo, whether that’s even his name and whether he even comes from Pachuco, etc.) Maybe, says Don E, but it’s too much intimate detail – it would have to come from someone who knew him very well, someone who wanted him to found guilty. Maybe, says the prosecutor. I don’t reveal sources.

The judge tells them to wrap up, because the day after tomorrow is the final day. (Why? Is the courtroom reserved for someone else?)

Rufi is at the kitchen table and Carlota comes in to make tea. She asks Rufi if she’s going with Dr B. Rufi says yes. Carlota says even after all the years I’ve supported you? Rufi says you’ve paid me for my work, and I’ve earned every cent honestly. Carlota says I don’t know about that. Not many people would keep on an old lady like you. I’ve just let you stay out of compassion and because of your long service.

Rufi pointedly notes she could have had a younger woman, like the one she hired while she was gone. Carlota says at least you could convince Paloma to stay at least until she’s 21. Rufi says Dr B is such a wonderful man – he loved Macarena so much and he’s doing it for her.

Carlota reaches for a big jar on a shelf over the stove. She freezes mid-reach and has a sudden idea. Rufi, she says. Invite Dr B for dinner. I want to thank him for all he’s done for Paloma. Really? says Rufi, amazed. Carlota says it’s better to keep your enemies close, they say.

It’s not going to be easy for any of you to adapt to life in the big city, she observes. But I can’t intervene now that she’s reached 18, even if it would be for her own good. She taps the jar she’s holding and smiles to herself. Uh oh. Dr B will be familiar with the concept of heart-attack-on-a-plate, but I don’t think Carlota’s thinking fettuccine alfredo.

Avances: Chris tells Leopardo, who’s on the stand, that he’s lying. Em tells Romina he wants a divorce.


Friday, January 22, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 22, 2010

For discussion of the Friday ENDA episode.


En Nombre del Amor, January 21, 2010--Time for Another Episode of "Law and (Dis)order: Unreal del Monte"

Emiliano is at the hospital showing Anamar his baby when Romina calls and wants to know where he is; he gets annoyed hangs up on her.

Eugenio tells Luz to go see Leticia Lopez in Pachuca for help on the Xochitl situation, then scolds her for not doing things by the book. After Luz leaves the room to get Xochitl, Rafa thanks Eug for his help with exporting the ceramics. Euge replies that he wouldn’t have agreed to help if the products had been poor quality.

Carlota thinks about her encounter with Eugenio and wonders who he really is. She doesn’t like that his presence unnerves her.

The prosecutor reads a piece of paper and says today is going to be a very important day in the trial thanks to this information--he's going to show that Cristobal was just a man hiding under his priest’s garb. The clerk asks who sent it but the prosecutor doesn’t know. He seems to think that if wins the case he’ll be the next Johnnie Cochran or something. The clerk thinks Cris is innocent, which makes the lawyer spout off about how amoral Cris is, etc.

At the trial, the prosecutor calls Cris to the stand and asks about Macarena. Cris has a flashback of his reunion with Mac and explains that he and Mac realized they’d been duped by the evil one into thinking the other was dead. The lawyer asks if learning that Mac was alive made him doubt his vocation and think of leaving the priesthood. Cris admits that he did, and he had thought about it seriously. (Mientras tanto, Euge has entered the courtroom.) Prosecutor asks if Cris told Mac this. Flashback of Cris proposing to Mac and her accepting. Euge whispers to Madeleine that German should have told Cris not to answer. Cris answers anyway: he proposed to her the day before her accident--he left the church for her. Paloma is impactada. But when Mac was dying he went back to religious life so that she could go in peace. The prosecutor says, oh, so you can take the habits off and just like that? Uproar from the peanut gallery.

The prosecutor asks who else knew about Cris’s plans to propose to Mac and leave the church. Cris only told Padre Benito, Orlando and Natalia. The lawyer asks if Cris had a romantic relationship with her when she was alone in Real del Monte. Cris gets mad and yells no, no, y NO! More uproar. Prosecutor gets all dramatic, claiming that Cris was seen getting into Nat’s car the day of Alonso’s accident, but Cris says she was just taking him to the church. German objects that he’s badgering his client; I think the judge sustains the objection (“ha lugar”--thank you closed captioning) and says ok, that’s enough for today, we’ll reconvene tomorrow.

As Cris leaves, Paloma throws a tantrum about him and Mac deceiving her. What she felt for him has just died FOREVER. Cris tries to explain that they had reasons for keeping quiet and Pal was going to be the first to know--I give you my word it’s the truth. Pal just rants at him that his word means nothing to her and he isn’t who she thought he was. She yells that she’s never coming back to the courthouse again and runs out. German advises Cris to give her time--you know how women are (!!!). Eugenio thinks Pal needs to get her faith and trust in Cris back, and the first step towards that is for him to demonstrate his innocence. Cris agrees and tells German, sorry, you’re fired. Euge is taking my case.

Luz and Rafa are with Xochitl at what I suppose is a social worker’s office. She explains that they have to do a physical and psychological evaluation first, then they can discuss what will happen with Xochi.

Rufi tells Dr. B. that she didn’t know about Cris and Mac’s plans to marry. Dr. B. understands now why Mac didn’t want to marry him. Rufi wonders why Mac didn’t tell her about the proposal when she had always told Rufi everything before. Dr. B. says he feels like an idiot and is totally bummed out.

When Emiliano comes home, Romi pretends that she wanted to meet Anamar so as to know more about Emil; she suggests they invite Anamar to dinner. Romi says she made dinner and is going to take cooking classes--she wants to be a good wife--but Emil claims he’s not hungry and goes off to bed.

Back to Rafa and Luz. The social worker or whoever she is returns and reports that Xochi has been physically abused. And that will have important psychological implications. Rafa asks if they can take Xochitl home with them while things are worked out. The lady agrees to make an exception--they can take her for a couple of days. Luz is elated.

Anamar thinks to herself that she couldn’t have come at a better time, and maybe now there is a real chance for her and Emil. She’s willing to move there to be with him.

Gabriel walks Pal home. She confesses that Mac was her mother, not her aunt. But Cris isn’t her father. Now she understands why Cris reacted the way he did when she told him Mac was her mom, because Mac never told him. Pal says she doesn’t want to feel anything, but Gabriel tells her to allow herself to feel her pain and sadness, and paint it. It’s fine to feel the anger and hurt, but then let it go. If you need me I’m just a call away. She thanks him, saying “you don’t know how important you are to me,” then goes inside. Not as important as you are to me, Gabe thinks.

As Cris is being led to the police car to take him back to jail, German begs him to reconsider--this is going to seriously affect my career. Cris questions whether German worked on this case with honesty--Germy claims he did, but Cris doesn’t seem to believe him. He advises Germy to do some self-introspection and bids him good night.

Angelica is awakened late at night by the doorbell and stupidly doesn’t look through the peephole before opening the door. Lucky for her, it’s only Miriam, who’s crying and upset. Turns out that Dario found her and threatened her that if they continue with this, it’s going to get bad for them. Miriam says she can’t go back to Mexico City.

Carlota is at the dining table with a glum-looking Pal (of course) and she can’t believe that Cris admitted to proposing to Mac while he was still a priest. Maybe that’s why God allowed that accident that took her life, Crazylota muses, he was punishing her. Rufi disagrees and says they can’t judge Macarena, especially when she’s not there to defend herself. Pal wants to know why did they hide it, why didn’t Cris leave the church first before proposing? Gee, I don’t know, maybe because it would be game over once the Purple One found out? Carlota rants some more about Mac dishonoring the family. Rufi sticks it to Carlota here and says she’s glad that Mac left this world happy--look of death from Carlota--and knowing that she was loved by the man that she loved so much. Rufi thinks Mac deserved to be happy because life was very UNFAIR [pointedly looking at Carlota here] to her. So, she advises Pal, don’t judge your mother, because one day you could regret it.

German is at a bar throwing back drinks. He’s all mad and thinks no, this can’t be happening to me! What do I do? Carlota will be furious. Ha, ya think?

Angelica brings Miriam some tea and tries to calm her down. Did you report Dario to the police? No. Miriam says she was afraid and only went home long enough to grab some clothes and leave--she’s never seen Dario like that before. Ange tells her she can stay there as long as she wants and offers to talk to Orlando to see if there might be a job available at the office.

Montage of Pal drawing and crying (and it looks like she’s writing something too) while Gabe and Emil sit around looking tortured, with Gabe thinking he doesn’t have much time and wants to take advantage of it with Pal at his side, and Emil thinking he has to have Pal far away. Oh, the agony.

Madeleine is happy that Eugenio has taken Cris’s case and wants to pay him, but Euge insists that it’s not necessary, he’s doing this for her. After she leaves, Gabe tells Euge he knows something that might be important to the case: Mac is Pal’s mom. Euge gets very animated, saying that could be the motive for Carlota wanting to ruin Cris. He’s not sure if it’s for jealousy or wounded pride, but she could be behind the whole Cris Is the Worst Person in the World campaign. Euge thinks not only is she controlling German, but she could also be helping the prosecutor, because he knows too much, info that nobody knew. Euge believes she’s dangerous and is capable of manipulating both the defense and prosecution.

Pal feels bad about Dr. B. being deceived by Mac and is sure that his offer to live with him in Mexico City is down the tubes, so now she won’t be able to leave RdM--he doesn’t have any reason to take responsibility for them. After Pal goes off to art class, Rufi wonders if Pal could be right (about Dr. B’s offer, I guess).

Orlando and Emiliano chat at the office about the trial and about Cris changing lawyers. Emil mentions that he’s continuing with the volunteer work and that he and Pal are going their separate ways, blah blah blah. Orlando asks if Emil has thought about taking his name; Emil replies that it’s a no go. Sorry Dad, I’m Emiliano Saenz even though I have your blood.

Pal shows her drawing to Gabe--it's a picture of Emil. He lights a candle and says, burn it, then tell me how you feel. She tears it up and then lights the pieces on fire while Gabe watches in the background.

Rafa brings some new clothes for Xochi. Luz thinks she wasn’t mistaken with him--he is exactly like she imagined. She felt very good when he presented her to the social worker as his girlfriend. She likes being his woman because she doesn’t feel like half of something, but like a whole that shares with another whole. They say they love each other and kiss.

Camila paces in her shop and tells Meche she can’t stop thinking about Rafa, but she doesn’t know why.

Pal has told Gabe about Dr. B. no longer being her ticket out of town, but he points out that she’s making an assumption and it’s better to find out for sure first. Anyway, there’s another way for her to go to the city--she can go with him and live with Rufi, and he can teach her even more than what they’ll teach under the scholarship from his dad. He offers to give her a loan and she can pay him when she gets her inheritance. Pal doesn’t understand why he’s helping her; he admits that it’s because he luuuuuvs her. Cara impactada de Paloma, otra vez.

In the avances Carlota finds out that Germy got fired and has a hissy fit, natch. And it says Ultimas Semanas, hooray!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ENDA, January 20, 2010

Camila informs Orlando that she will never move away from her daughter or grandson. She will go on many trips with him, but never leave Real de Monte permanently.

Ivonne comes to talk to Dr. Bermudez in a nice dress, but ugly white shoes. Anyway she tells him that visited Natalia and feels awful. Dr. Bermudez thinks that the trial is not going very well and doesn't see any hope that they will be freed. Ivonne shows the picture that Natalia gave to her to give to her daughter that has the secret letter in the back of the frame.

Emiliano's in the park and his old friend from Monterrey drives by. She yells out his name. Paloma hears this and witnesses his friend, Anamar, running up to him to give him a hug. She's in Mexico to visit her old boyfriend. This turns out to be Emiliano. He's happy to see her. She can't believe that she let him go. Paloma hides from their view and spies on them. Celos. Mucho celos from Paloma. Anamar finds out he's married and can't believe she lost him.

Eugenio is talking on the phone with Madeleine. She suggests Eugenio talk to the priests Benito and Mateo. He thinks it's a great idea.

Carloca tells Rufi how unhappy she is with her and how she always preferred Macarena over her. Rufi spells out all the things that Carloca did that were not right. You lied to Macarena about Cristobal's death and lied to Paloma about who her real dad is. Carloca says I know you don't agree with the things I did, but I have my conscience clear. (Really? Killing a dog, telling lies, mistreating everyone in your home and killing people. Only a crazy person would have a clear conscience) Anyway Carloca says I may have made a couple of mistakes, but to be considered a monster by you? It really hurts me. Rufi says sorry, but I explained why I felt that way. Carloca pretty much says whatever and walks away. Rufi asks herself why it appears Carloca is guilty of nothing when inside she feels she is.

Rafa finally comes home and Luz takes him into the bedroom and shows him Xochi who is sleeping. He asks her what she is doing here. Luz says I found her and explains what she did. Rafa says do you realize that you stole a little girl? This is a crime.

Orlando walks into his office thinking to himself how he can convince Camila to move away with him. Not only would it be good for business, but also for their relationship. Angelica asks Orlando if everything is okay. Fine replies Orlando. Have you heard from Dario? No replies Angelica. He tells her that he contacted an attorney for her and has pre-paid for 3 office visits. And if more is needed he'll take care of it. What he did to you he must pay for. Don't be scared to confront him. Paloma comes in to speak with Angelica. Paloma tells her that she saw Emiliano with another.

Romina visits Camila. What are you doing here asks Camila. I came because I was bored replies Romina. How can you be bored asks Camila. Soon you will have a little baby to take care of and you have lots to learn. You should take a course. Romina tells her that's not necessary. She's going to have 2 nurses to take care of him and when he's well a nanny. Then what are you going to do asks Camila. Why supervise Bernando replies Romina. Bernando says Camila. Yes. We are going to name him after your dad says Romina. Camila is so happy. She tells Romina that she's going to have a special place in her store for him so that Romina can bring him everyday to see her. Romina wants her to take care of her son well so that she can dedicate her time to her husband. Camila says why don't you work here and we both can take care of Bernando. That way you don't have to hire a nanny. Romina says thanks but no thanks. I was not born to work. So forget it.

Angelica tells Paloma not to let her celos make her see things that are not true. Celos asks Paloma? Yes replies Angelica. Celos because you saw Emiliano hugging a woman that you do not know. Paloma denies being celosa. But then asks if this is the same feeling that Emiliano gets when he sees her with Gabriel. Yes answers Angelica. Paloma thinks this is a horrible feeling. (All this celos talk reminds me of the Marc Anthony song "Celos". It's a good song. If you have never heard it, it's worth a listen. Really any of his songs are. The man can sing)

Emiliano accompanies Anamar to check in at her hotel. He invites her out to eat.

Rufi is cleaning Carloca's office and is going through a recipe book. She comes up with an idea to gather recipes from the ladies from the church and sell them. What would you do with the money asks Rufi. Use it for the dispensary replies Carloca. Rufi thinks it's a good idea. Phone rings and its Padre Benito. He wants her to come and talk to him. Carloca wonders what's going on.

Romina visits Gabriel at the church. She wants to know if he can give her classes. Says she has lots of time on her hands and has the money to pay him. It's a win-win situation. All this time she is getting closer to him and openly flirting. He turns away and says that there are things that money can't buy. And painting is one of them. Can't you show me asks Romina. German walks by and spots Romina and Gabriel talking. He goes up to them and says to Romina that he can't believe she's at church.

Luz asks Rafa why he can't understand her. Rafa says it's not that he can't understand her; it's the fact that you stole her away. It's impulsive. Luz defends herself by saying she's always been that way. Rafa tells her that she needs to start thinking first. Do you realize the danger it was for you to enter a strange house with a drunk man in it? You put not only your life but that of the little girl in danger. And what will happen if that man accuses you of kidnapping? Luz says we know that the little girl is not his. That is what they told you replies Rafa. But we are not sure. This is not the way things are done. She can't stay here. Luz replies that if Xochi can't stay here then neither will she.

Romina calls German an idiot. German accuses her of making eyes at Gabriel. Romina says she only has eyes for her husband. German doesn't believe her. He knows her too well. Then grabs her and kisses her. In broad daylight in the streets. She tries to push away, but ends up kissing him back.

Paloma tells herself that it's best that she forget about Emiliano. She doesn't like the way she feels. She remembers back to the time when she met Emiliano at the park. He tells her that there are lots of way to make love. Looking at you, caressing you, feeling you close. Says other things but the darn music is too loud to hear his words. Gabriel interrupts her daydreaming. Paloma tells him that she drew a picture and wants to show him. He invites her out to eat.

Emiliano and Anamar are at a restaurant catching up on what's been going on in their lives. Seems like she loved him more then he loved her.

Paloma tells Rufi that she will be going to lunch with Gabriel.

Rafa tries to reason with Luz. He just wants things to be done right. Luz finally agrees.

Eugenio asks Padre Mateo if he thinks that Carloca bought off German. He says I do. That woman is like the devil. We have witnessed her lies and when she accosted Cristobal. Eugenio says accosted? Do you mean sexually? Padre Mateo says yes. One day Carloca tried to get into Cristobal's bed here. Eugenio is impactado.

Paloma and Gabriel walk into the same restaurant where Emiliano and Anamar are. Emiliano spots her and calls out her name. He comes over with Anamar and introduces her to Paloma. Then goes back to his table. Gabriel asks if she wants to go. No replies Paloma. Gabriel asks if she wants to talk about it. She tells him that she saw them at the park today hugging. Gabriel says Emiliano introduced her as his friend. There's nothing wrong with that. So you can live with him being married, but not with another woman? Paloma asks if he has ever felt celos before. He says he thought he was immune until he met a woman that made him finally feel it. Like she has made me feel love. I never thought I would feel it replies Paloma. Emiliano and Paloma stare at each other.

Padre Benito tells Carloca that she is no longer allowed back at the church until she has confessed all her sins. Carloca says he is nobody to deny her anything. You are mistaken replies PB. I am a representative of god here on earth and am a witness to your lies and deception. Carloca says she's going to complain to his supervisors. He can't deny her communion. This situation will not stay that way. PB says I won't deny you coming here, but I can with the communion. You do not deserve to accept the blood and body of Christ. You are perverse. If you think that replies Carloca, not only are you to show me respect but you should also fear me. As she storms away from PB she runs into Eugenio. She says that she didn't realize how religious he was to be here at this hour at church. Eugenio says no one is aware of what people are capable of. Carloca agrees. If you had know PJC then you would never have imagined him doing what he did. It appears you have found him guilty replies Eugenio. Let's just say it's what I have seen. She tells him she has to go home. They are waiting for her to eat. To bad replies Eugenio. I would have liked to talk to you more. About what asks Camila? About how you are a very intense, wound up woman. A woman that is quite a mystery. I would love to get to know that mystery. Carloca feels uncomfortable and says she has to go.

Emiliano tells Anamar that the girl is Paloma. The love of his life. Anamar tells him that it looks like Paloma is trying to make a new life with Gabriel. It's obvious that Gabriel is in love with her. And Paloma may end up falling in love with him. Looks like she's trying to forget you. I also know that you married someone you don't love. So start the divorce process immediately. She can't take your child away from you. You are the father and the law will protect you. Look for our happiness.

PM tells PB that Eugenio was here and thinks that Cristobal needs to drop German. PB agrees. PM tells PB that he told Eugenio about Carloca trying to get in bed with Cristobal. He looks like he expects a scolding, but PB says if it saves Cristobal then oh well. PM asks how it went with Carloca. He crosses himself and gulps. She went away very angry, but it had to be done.

German is doing business at the same restaurant where Emiliano is. He calls Romina and tells her that Emiliano is at the restaurant with a very good looking woman. Romina says don't lie. I'm not replies German. And Paloma is here with her teacher. Emiliano and Anamar leave. Gabriel asks Paloma when she is turning 18. Next week replies Paloma. Why? Because I want to throw you a party says Gabriel. Paloma doesn't think that Carloca would foot the bill to throw the party. Gabriel says he'll take care of it all. They'll throw the party at his crib.

Luz is feeding Xochi and gets a call from Eugenio. She wants him to come over.

Romina goes to the restaurant and questions the waiter about seeing Emiliano. She calls him up and asks him where he is. At the hospital with the baby answers Emiliano? What are you doing there at this hour asks Romina. Introducing Anamar to the baby. Romina gets pissed and says that he should have introduced her first to his friend. Emiliano gets mad and hangs up on her.

Eugenio calls a friend in Pachuca. He tells Luz and Rafa to go to see his friend who will help them. Luz wants to know if they will take Xochi away from her. Eugenio gets to the point with Luz. What she did was wrong. You have to denounce the guardian and fight for custody.

Carloca is in her office recalling Eugenio's words to her. She feels uncomfortable around him.

Manana: Cristobal fires German; Anamar is plotting to get back Emiliano


ENDA Tuesday January 19. Carlota is still captain of the kangaroo court.

But not for long, right? Right?

The trial has broken up for the day. Carlota sticks her snooty snoot up in the air and tells Paloma she had no choice but to keep the inheritance a secret, but she doesn’t want this to lead to lies and mistrust in their relationship. Crueloca swans off for some fresh air (better enjoy it while it lasts; she’ll be smelling sulfur soon enough) and Gabriel steps in. Paloma is upset that her parents would have wanted to keep the money from her when she would need it for her education. Gabriel tells her she can get by without it, like she was planning to do anyway.

Rufi says to Doc Bermúdez she’s not convinced Javier’s will actually said that. If so, why did Carmen tell Macarena that the results of Iñaki’s investigation would change Paloma’s life? Doc B says maybe she just meant in a few years, when Paloma is 21. {Anyone here see or read Tuck Everlasting? I suspect by the time Paloma is 21, Rufi, Carlota, Doc B, Emiliano, everyone will be long dead of old age.} In that case, Rufi wonders if maybe they’ve been wrong to suspect Carlota. No, Doc B still thinks something is off.

In chambers, the judge and Eugenio are all chummy.

Paloma tells Gabriel that she and Emiliano have said goodbye forever, and this time they really mean it. They’re so serious about avoiding each other that they are going to go visit the baby at separate times. Gabe doesn’t say much, but his expression says he believes her about as much as we do.

Night has fallen, and it can’t get up. Emiliano is finally doing a little work. Orlando drops in and reports the day’s trial proceedings. Emo is surprised to hear that Paloma will inherit a fortune, but doesn’t have time to get into details as he is heading out to the hospital with Romina. Orlando asks if they’ve registered the baby and Emiliano says they can’t until he’s out of the incubator?????WHY??? Well, good, because Orlando wants his last name to be Ferrer, and he wants Emo to change his own last name to Ferrer also so Orly will have everything possible stamped as his property. Emo says he’ll think about it, but the answer is probably no. He leaves in an uncomfortable hurry and Orly looks peeved.

The remaining members of the Padre Cadre catch Germán as he struts out of the courthouse. They tell him Carlota is lying about her relationship with Juan Cristóbal. They think that showing Carloca is a liar could open the way to proving JC is innocent. Germs condescendingly tells them it has nothing to do with the trial, and he is the lawyer and knows best.

Liliana meets Eric in a restaurant and says she loves him and has done nothing but think about him all the time. He asks about Germán. Lili says he’s become intolerable since he went over to the dark side even more. Eric agrees to be her novio again, and they are both deliriously happy.

Angélica and Miriam say Dario is a jerk and discuss how he snookered them with his debatable charms. Miriam says it’s a good thing Ange had Orlando there, because things could have turned very ugly. Ange gets all sad because she doesn’t have Orlando with her the way she wants him. “Are you in love with Orlando?!” asks Miriam. Yeah, I can’t believe it either, lady.

Emoo and Romina hold the baby. The doctora says he can go home soon. Romememena asks for a recommendation for a nurse. The doc knows two good ones who are available. Romi says she’ll hire both, one for day and one for night. Emo is a little surprised and disapproving, but I think he should embrace the idea, because even a devoted and responsible new mother can use some help, and Romememena is neither devoted nor responsible. They agree to name the baby Bernardo after Camila’s father.

Gabriel preps the fruit and cheese while Eugenio fetches the wine and tells him about the priests saying La Loca was lying. He’s going to visit JC in the morning and try to take on the case. Gabriel asks him to be sensitive to Paloma’s delicate feelings, as she’s gotten more shocking news than she can process already in this kangaroo court.

Miriam and Ange are also drinking wine, and Ange is getting all melancholy. She’s been hanging around Emo too much. Blah, blah, blah, it’s hard to be near Orlando and see him control and steamroll another woman’s life (not exactly her words), but she’ll be leaving soon and going back to the big city anyway. “What pants you have!” says Miriam (exactly her words, directly translated). She doesn’t think she’d have the strength to live so near to, and yet so far from, a delectable dictatorly dreamboat such as Oily Orly.

Crueloca snarls at Rufi for daring to say negative things about her and get involved in the investigation. “But I just told them that you said Javier’s house was mortgaged (hipotecada) and he had debts and no money, and it didn’t make sense.” Cruel claims she had to do this to keep the secret. Paloma is now getting irate, yelling that she doesn’t understand any of them. Why all the mystery, and why didn’t Mac know about any of this? If she had, they wouldn’t have been so worried about finding money for Paloma to go to school. What good have all these shenanigans accomplished?! As usual when she is challenged, Carloca just ups the volume and claims this is all hurting her more than anyone else. Well, Paloma is mad as hell, and she is not taking it anymore. If there was all this money, she shrieks, why did Tia Loca spend all these years telling Paloma and Mac they were her charity cases and treating them badly, when it’s surely been Paloma’s money supporting them all this time? Paloma storms out and Rufi glares.

Don YouGenius and Gabriel meet Juan Cris at the prison and tell him that Germy is a lousy lawyer and is under Carlota’s thumb besides. Eugenio offers to represent him. JC is more worried about Natalia, and Eugenio says not to worry; he will represent her also. You can tell Don E is a better lawyer already, because he wants to hear about JC and Carlota’s entire history. Cris isn’t sure about switching counsel.

Paloma is back at the hospital, wearing a blue gown and hat and breathing right in the baby’s face. Romina apparently didn’t get the 3-way-custody schedule, because she appears and demands to know what Paloma is doing holding HER baby. Paloma does her best Bambi eyes and stammers that she loves newborns and didn’t think Romina would mind. So Romi does a 180 and says it’s so nice that Paloma still cares about her and her family, when she thought Paloma would hate the baby for separating her from Emiliano. Meanwhile, Emiliano has been SOOO affectionate lately, and finally Romina has the loving happy family she wanted. Gosh, if only you could find such a man and this happiness for yourself, dear friend, Romina smirks.

Rafael and Joel: business, blah, blah, Joel’s afraid because everything is going so well for him it must just be fixing to go bad, don’t be afraid, you deserve it all.

Luz sees her favorite little urchin on the sidewalk. Little urchin’s name is Xochitln, and some nasty man yells at her and shakes her because she didn’t sell enough of whatever. He shoves her into a car and drives away. Luz runs after the car and hits it with her purse.

Natalia tells Ivonne that she thinks that will is absurd. However, if it was valid, does that mean that Carlota had nothing to do with Alonso’s death? Ivonne still thinks his death was an accident. Natalia says maybe, but what was he doing in Pachuca? She gives Ivonne a letter and the photo to give to little Sagrario. Ivonne tells her to stop being such a pessimist. Soon she’ll be home and can tell Sagrario everything in person. Nat is not convinced, and says if things don’t work out, she wants Sagrario to think her mother is dead. Has anyone told her yet that her father is dead?

Cris paces his cell and asks God why Carlota can get away with whatever she wants and hurt everyone. He’s sure she’s bought Germy off, but he’s going to give the slimy slacker a chance to redeem himself.

Natalia wants Ivonne to adopt Sagrario and take all Nat’s assets to raise her, rather than letting her daughter find out that mom is accused of killing dad to run off with another man. We get a lingering look at the back cover of the photo, which refuses to cooperate and fall off.

Carlota smugly reminisces about her perjury and says out loud that she hasn’t given up hope that Cris will get so lonely in prison that he’ll accept her conjugal visits. Uh, Loca? He was a priest. I think he’s fine with celibacy.

Dastardly Dario assaults Miriam in a parking lot back in the city and threatens that she and Ange are going to pay.

Back at the studio, Eugenio says he thinks Cris doesn’t want to hurt Germán’s career, so he’ll give him one last chance, and then let the lawyer who actually has a little skill take over. He notices Gabe is looking better and smiling. Gabriel says he’s decided to declare his love for Paloma. He wants to live simply and honestly, even just for a moment. Dad is surprised but happy.

Romina tries to brainwash the baby into hating Paloma (who has departed). She calls Emiliano at work and tells him she’s holding Bernito; he’s so snuggly (he is in the incubator and she is not even touching or looking at him). The baby starts to cry and Emo asks if that is their little Bernito. Of course not, says Ro, it’s another baby. She thanks Emo for giving her the best gift ever. He looks conflicted.

Mean guy pulls up in front of some modest dwelling and Xochitln runs inside and cowers on her bed. Mean guy immediately hits the bottle and yells at her some more. She hasn’t sold anything, which is why he hasn’t been able to drink for two days! (Am I misunderstanding him? He’s got a bottle right there, and he’s swilling freely). Luz has followed them and she eavesdrops.

Gabriel’s bravado has evaporated. Now he is huddled on the floor, worrying that it is not fair to Paloma to have a relationship with her when he knows he is going to leave. Eugenio says they have no idea when he’ll go, they thought it would be years ago but he is still here. They keep using irse, to go, not to die or anything. Why can’t they just say what is wrong with him? Until they actually say, I am now deciding that he is going to be called into service by the Israeli army, and whatever made him collapse is incidental. Anyway, Eugenio thinks he should just go for Paloma, and if he persists she’ll decide she loves him eventually. That sounds stalkerific.

Orlando/Angélica/Emiliano confab. Orlando: It seems like Germán is defending Carlota more than Cris. Ange: Didn’t I say I thought he was too inexperienced? Emo: I agree. He’s doing a lousy job of defending the padre. Also I don’t trust him. Ange: We need to find another lawyer.

Germy visits Carlota at home, claiming he came to see Paloma. He compliments Cruel’s cool-as-a-cucumber perjury skills. Even innocent people are more nervous than that! Anyway, he wants to let Paloma know that he’ll take her to visit Cris at noon tomorrow. La Loca gets all yelly and says he has to cancel the appointment. The two of them can NOT see each other!

Luz peeks through the windows until DrunkDad passes out. She sneaks in and rushes Xochi out to her car. DrunkDad wakes up and stumbles after them, yelling “she’s mine!” as Luz peels out.

Madeleine worries that it might be too late to help Cris. Eugenio tries to reassure her.

Rafa and Joel are interrupted in their chatter by Luz, who requests that Rafa meet her at the apartment ASAP.

Orlando brings Camila an orchid, because he thinks of her all the time. He only cares about what she wants, he claims, so he’s willing to compromise and go on a shorter honeymoon. Then, eventually, they will move to the U.S. “WHAT?! NO.” He actually seems surprised that she doesn’t want to move. “Business. Daughter. Grandson. Home,” she spells out for him. She’s okay with taking short trips wherever he wants to go, but she is not moving away. Orly looks perplexed that she’s making this so difficult. After he brought her an orchid and everything!

Ivonne flails into Doc B’s office, crying about her talk with Natalia. Doc B empathizes but thinks the case may be hopeless. She gives him the letter and photo, and again we linger on the back of the frame. Someone drop that and break the glass already.

Paloma sits in the park and sketches. Emiliano sits across the park and doesn’t see her. Some young lady gets out of a taxi and calls to him. “Anamar!” he says. They smile and hug tightly. Paloma sees and is impactada.

Coming attractions: Germán sees Romina flirting with Gabriel and gets all jealous, and later forcefully kisses Romi, right out in public as usual.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Amor Monday, January 18, 2010: Juicier than O.J.’s!

Well, rats. Not only did Univision mess with the schedule, there are no captions tonight. There were some pivotal conversations that I couldn’t catch due to the music and of course my iffy Spanish, so additions and corrections would be very much appreciated. Here’s my best shot:

Friday: Don E tells his son that he went to see Carlota just out of curiosity. His opinion: under that cool exterior is a lot of conflict. Gabriel thinks she’s a meanie. Don E thinks she’s a fascinating case study. Gabriel says look out, she probably killed Paloma’s intended. Don E says aw, don’t worry about me. German tells Carlota that she has to appear in court and she takes a fit. He tells her that Natalia is insinuating that she (Carlota) killed Inaki. Carlota thinks Natalia should be locked up for life for saying such things. German assures her that her obvious rectitude will carry the day. He also tells her that Natalia and others were trying to find out about the will.

And here we go:

Em and Paloma are outside the baby’s room at the hospital. Paloma says that she has to watch the trial and Em tells her that Romina has started coming to see the baby now. The music swells and I have no idea what they are saying, except that I think Em is saying he understands that it’s not fair to either of them if he tries to hang on to her. He says You are the woman of my dreams, but I guess not the woman of my life. Adios, Emiliano, Paloma says sadly. Adios, mi amor, says Em, and they embrace and weep, and then kiss. She runs off.

We get some new music to a strumming guitar while Em looks at the baby and weeps, and Paloma leans tragically against a wall. Flashbacks of tender times, of sad times. Fortunately the baby sleeps through it all. More weeping. More flashbacks. And more. And then some more. These two are going to need to hydrate.

In Gabriel’s studio, he is talking to his dad about the trial when suddenly he staggers, clutches his stomach and collapses. Don E fortunately knows exactly which little wooden drawer to reach into for his med. He pops a pill into Gabriel’s mouth and gets down on the floor with him and holds him and pets him and says there there. Gabriel says I’m okay, though we can see he isn’t. Don E says too many stressful things have been going on. There’s no deadline for the church restoration and Paloma can learn what you want to teach her by the time… Gabriel interrupts By the time I leave?

Gabriel sits up weakly and says Don’t worry about me. I’ve lived alone for some time. Don E pulls him close and says yes. But for me you will always be my boy.

Paloma is weeping at Macarena’s grave. Why? she wants to know. Why didn’t you tell me my father was such a bad man? Why didn’t you tell me that you and Padre Juan were novios? Paloma is so weepy and the music so loud I can’t make out what she’s saying. But she laments that she is so alone without Mac, without Emiliano, without Padre Juan. I’m like you, she says to her mother’s grave, unlucky in love.

Em is lamenting too, but, luckily for him, he’s lamenting to a living parent, Rafa. He says he just can’t stand the idea of Paloma with another man. Rafa says this is the perfect time to do the DNA test again, to be sure. Em says it would be great if he could make his life with Paloma, but there’s something holding him back. He’s just so crazy about the baby. Rafa understands, and sighs.

Angelica is at home, which is to say Orlando’s home, with Miriam. She’s super nervous about confronting Dario. The doorbell rings and Miriam hides in another room while Angelica opens up all smiles. Dario says she’s belissima and is very impressed with the house. She offers him something to drink. He pets her and wants to kiss her, but she smiles and turns away.

Dario says the two of them can be honest. Mariam struts in and says make that three. ¿Qué haces aquí? says Dario, startled. She gives him an earful and so does Angelica. You’re both nuts, he says, shoving Angelica roughly. Orlando walks in and glares at him.

Back to Rafa and Em. Em is saying his relationship with Romina is a big zero, but he just loves that baby. Rafa says he doesn’t want Em to waste years and years like he did. Em says but he’d lose all those years with the baby. Rafa says there are compensations, he could have another family, other women. Look at me! Life has given the opportunity to be with Luz (Luz is now in the background, listening) and she’s terrific. Luz smiles.

Orlando tells Dario he’s scum. Angelica, who it turns out was pushed onto the couch, pops up behind Orlando and says that she and Mariam are going to go after him with everything they’ve got for stealing their books. I think they tell him he has to write a book to see if it’s anywhere at their level of writing. He retorts that they are aware that he is very capable. Orlando says capable all right – capable of dirty dealing You have one week to give Angelica back her book, or I’m going to the highest authorities with this.

Get out! Says Orlando. Dario gives dramatic dirty looks to Miriam and Angelica, and gits.

Angelica sinks into the couch and breathily tells Orlando thank you. He kneels and takes her hand. Miriam looks distressed, like maybe how come she has some guy hovering over her and I don’t?

Samuel in his bathrobe is lying around in bed in his hotel room, smoking and drinking wine. Diana knocks and he says just a minute! He frantically stubs out his cigarette, hides the wine glass and then the wine bottle, and puts the overflowing ashtray in the drawer. He straightens his robe and answers the door.

Diana has a legal-size manila envelope. She coyly sits on the end of the bed. Samuel kneels and says he’s never felt this way about a woman before. He has such a desire to touch her, to kiss her! Meantime, he is trying to slide the envelope out of her hand.

She fans herself with it and says whew! (Maybe all those wine and cigarette fumes, but I don’t think that’s what the writers meant.) Don’t stop! He tries to think of more compliments but is searching around for words. Diana fills in that she’s amazing, and that he is going to be so hot when he gets this (waving the envelope in front of him). He pretends to have just noticed it. He takes it and pretends to be overwhelmed with gratitude. He hugs the envelope and tells her that she can count on him – she won’t be sorry. I hope not, she says. Nothing bad will happen, right? Of course not, he assures her. She taps the envelope and says it’s all ready for signature.

When they are alone, Rafa tells Luz that it’s just killing him to see Em suffer so much. Luz says she’s never seen a man suffer so much for love. Rafa says it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman – the feelings are the same. Hasn’t she ever suffered for love? No, she says, looking uneasy. Rafa says not even when you broke off with someone? Luz says she always leaves before things get painful.

Rafa says I don’t know how you manage that - feelings can’t be just dictated that way. The rest of the conversation I just couldn’t get and it seems to be really important, as Luz is looking more and more uncomfortable. Rafa is telling her about how love works and how it can be hard, and how it’s two people depending on each other, I think, but I’m sure there was a lot more going on.

He tries to break the mood by rising and kissing her hands. He leaves. She is nervous and unhappy and, as we know, nervous and unhappy aren’t in the Free Spirit Guidebook. She thinks maybe it’s time for her to make an exit.

Orlando comes into Camila’s shop and greets her by calling her The future Mrs Ferrer. Mi amor! She smiles. ¿Qué haces aquí?

She tells him she has the invitations ready – it’s just a small handful. He presents a folder to her with their honeymoon trip plans and whips out a map. She flips through the pages and says wait – this is for two months! He says Em will take care of the baby, and….

She says she appreciates that he’s so enthusiastic, but she has a life she can’t be gone that long. There’s the shop, and the baby, and the problem with Samuel and Romina. I can’t be away two months! Orlando says you’re going to be my wife and I was assuming I’d be your priority. Camila stares and him and blinks several times.

(I just hit stop and Sortilegio is on. I didn’t know Rafa was in it!)

Rufi is serving breakfast and Carlota is furious about having to go to the trial. It’s all Macarena’s fault that she has to go. Paloma says Mac had nothing to do with it – it’s Alonso. Carlota says if Mac had behaved like a proper lady, she (Carlota) wouldn’t be sucked into all this.

Paloma says she misses her. Rufi says me too. Carlota says After all you’ve learned at the trial? It’s just astonishing after all the trouble she’s caused us all.

I think Carlota tells Paloma to get ready so they’re not late. The music was so loud I couldn’t get a lot of this, but I think Carlota was saying that she was going to hold her head high despite what others (she glares at Rufi) say (timpani), despite the lack of confidence of others (another glare at Rufi) (timpani), and despite being betrayed by others (another glare at Rufi) (timpani).

She stomps off and Rufi and Paloma look at each other wide-eyed. Rufi says who knows what’s going to happen.

Back in the courtroom. Madeleine is there and Don E. too, and Gabriel, Dr B and Ivonne, as well as the two padres and other assorted Real del Monte folks. Carlota comes in on the arm of German, Paloma and Rufi in tow. Don E checks out Carlota, who looks at her watch and drums her fingers.

Angelica walks into Em’s office and is startled to see him there. She thought he was going to the trial. He says no. He doesn’t want to be anywhere where Paloma is. They are over. Angelica looks astonished and sad.

Carlota is in the witness stand, prim in her suit and an overly ruffled blouse. Did she swear on the Bible? If so, I hope the top of the courthouse has a lightening rod. German asks her how she responds to Natalia’s assertion that Alonso thought she had something to do with Inaki’s death. I’m innocent, she smiles.

German says Did you hide anything about an inheritance left to Paloma by your brother Javier? Yes, I did, said Carlota. Paloma is impactada. The crowd grumbles and the judge pounds his gavel for silence. German says And why did you do that? Because that’s what my brother requested in the will.

What does it say? asks German. Carlota says that Paloma is not supposed to find out about the properties she was left until she turns 21. German says why would your brother stipulate that? I don’t really know, she says. Probably he was afraid some fellow would take advantage of her innocence. Knowing what a protective person he was, and that we were all women in our family, I guess that was his reason – to protect us all, and particularly Paloma.

She hands over a copy to German, who takes it to the judge, who scans it briefly and verifies that what she said is true. German swaggers a bit. The judge asks him to read it aloud. He reads that Paloma is not to be told of her inheritance of a small fortune until she turns 21. It then switches to addressing Paloma directly, saying We don’t want people to take advantage of you. For that reason, we request that your guardian not tell you until then.

Paloma’s jaw drops and so does mine, because if that’s legal language I’ll eat my hat. After all the pesos that Carlota paid that scummy lawyer, this is the best he can do? Carlota seems satisfied and smiles smugly.

The crowd mumbles and Paloma looks like she’s going to hyperventilate.

Carlota says So you see, Christobal, Natalia, Dr Bermudez, my servant Rufi, and even Inaki’s father Alonso, falsely accused me. I was just following the wishes of my brother.

Carlota, who now seems to be running things, says to the judge I’m sure I have nothing more I need to say here. Paloma leans on Rufi and cries.

Rafa goes to see Diana. Diana says I was just thinking about you! I’m going to give you your divorce. Rafa says you’re kidding. Diana says I’m tired of being the laughingstock of the town. Rafa says great, I’ll have the lawyer call you. Diana says do that – now I can be free! Diana verifies that the house is hers and he says sure, he’s not interested in fighting about money.

Diana wants to know why he came by. He says he heard that she’s been seeing Samuel. Ah, she says. Are you jealous? Not at all, he says, but I want you to be very careful. He has a very bad reputation. Don’t worry, she says, I can take care of myself. You’re not the only one who can make a new life. I’m going to too, and very soon. She smiles brightly.

In the courtroom, Paloma is still leaning on Rufi and Gabriel says are you okay? Paloma says I don’t know yet. Madeleine says to Don E I don’t get it. German tells the judge he’s done.

The prosecutor says wait, he wants to ask Carlota a few questions. He approaches her and asks her why in her opinion Alonso suspected her of killing Inaki. German protests that Carlota isn’t on trial, just Chris and Natalia. The prosecutor says now there are three being accused.

Carlota says no problem, I’m happy to respond. She says that at first she was against Inaki’s interest in Paloma because he was a poor musician and she thought he’d take advantage of her. Prosecutor Cordero points out that Inaki didn’t know Paloma was rich. Carlota says he was conducting an investigation into their family finances. Cordero says but you didn’t know he was conducting an investigation. Carlota says no, I just found out now.

She goes on that at the time she had him checked out and discovered that he was a good person, and she gave her consent even though Paloma was a minor. Cordero asks if the family agreed. Carlota says Carmen, his mother did, but his father Alonso was against it, and even insulted Paloma at the funeral.

Why was that? Cordero wants to know. Carlota says Alonso felt Inaki was wrecking his future by marrying Paloma. I suppose when Inaki died, his father felt terrible remorse that he had not promoted his son’s happiness. And then Alonso apparently held me responsible for Inaki’s death, which the doctor said was a heart attack. Carlota pointedly directs this last comment at the judge.

Madeleine, who has been watching the whole thing in horror, plucks at Don E’s sleeve and says I don’t like the way this is headed – she’s going to condemn my son. Don E says don’t worry. I assure you she’s lying. Madeleine says if my son is in your hands, I know justice will win out. Don E pats her hand reassuringly.

Samuel is in his hotel room, happily packing. He exults over the manila envelope and kisses it.

Cordero asks Carlota what her relationship is with Chris. She says I got to know him years ago through my sister Macarena. I didn’t really know him well. But I did find out that he’d wanted to run away (with Macarena?) instead of doing things publicly the way God likes. Cordero asks And when he returned to Real del Monte as a priest – what was your relationship? Neutral, shrugs Carlota. I respected him. But I was very surprised he had become a priest.

Padre M hisses to Padre B that she’s lying. Padre B says they have to talk to German. Don E, who is sitting behind them, overhears.

The judge adjourns for the day and Chris, who is able to direct a few words at the padres, is led off. The baliff leads him by Carlota who smiles evenly at him. He looks her in the eyes, then gives his head a small shake and he’s led off. Carlota, still smiling, narrows her eyes and radiates such evil that I swear I saw my TV levitate.

Paloma steps forward and confronts her. So my parents left me money to secure my future? Carlota says I couldn’t talk about it, I was just following my brother’s orders. But when we’re in court, I had to. Paloma protests But I’ve suffered so much about money! Carlota says I had no choice. I don’t want anything that was said in this court to be a problem at home.(?) I’m going to step out for some fresh air. She sails by Dr B and Rufi who look at her, astonished.

Everybody has left the courtroom but Paloma and Gabriel. Paloma has a meltdown, most of which I couldn’t understand because of the background music and Paloma crying so hard. But at the end she says she needed that money to make her career and to get free of her aunt. Gabriel says you aren’t without options – you have your talent.

All I can make out is the violins for a while. And then Gabriel says you don’t need an inheritance to make your way in life. Keep on the way you were.

Carlota walks into her office. AHHHHHHHH say the bassos (where have they been all night?) and Carlota says to herself I’m a genius.

Avances: Don E tells Chris he wants to represent him. Paloma yells at Carlota about doing something (I couldn’t catch the verb) with her money all these years.


Friday, January 15, 2010

En Nombre del Amor, January 15, 2010

Comments section for ENDA's Friday episode.


En Nombre del Amor, January 14, 2010

Eugenio, Gabriel and Luz chat. She suggests that she can show Eugenio her gratitude by finding him a girlfriend; she and Gabe laugh over Eugenio’s protests.

Lili convenes a meeting of the Lonely Hearts Club asks Paloma how to live apart from the one you love. Gabe comes in and wants to take Pal out. Emiliano enters with a bouquet of flowers and says not so fast, she’s coming with me. Pal takes offense to Emil deciding things for her--if she goes w/Gabe it’s because she wants to, not because she was pressured. So you’re going with him? Yes indeedy, Mr. Needy. Gabe goes outside to wait for Pal while she explains to Emil (with Lili still in the room) that wasn’t a question of love why they’re not together, it was the circumstances, which they can’t change. I want to keep living my life . . . You aren’t for me--that's a reality.

German and Romina run into each other on the street. Practically drooling, he notes that she got her figure back. He wants to start things up with her again and claims he’s about to hit the big time and thus will be able to give her the life of a queen. She starts to walk off and he grabs her and kisses her.

Emil pouts while Lili tries to convince him that since he’s with Romi--who's never going to leave him--it’s logical that Pal’s moving on. Lili is glad that Pal is not closing herself off to love. More pouting.

While still kissing Romina, Germs sees Carlota walking by so quickly pulls away and says he has to leave. Romi informs him that she won’t be his lover again because she doesn’t like cowards. Get lost for good. She tells him she has a better option elsewhere.

Eugenio asks his secretary to have Licenciado Martinez find out everything there is to know about the Espinosa family. She then tells him Madeleine Martelli called and dials her up for him. He and Madeleine are on a first-name basis and it has been awhile since they last talked. When he tells her that he’s in Real del Monte, she says what a coinky-dink, me too. She wants to meet with him right away.

Carlota arrives at the dispensario where Ines and another church lady are working. They look at Carlota weird because of how stuff came out at the trial and now Mac’s reputation is ruined. Carlota pretends to be sad and upset that she knew about Mac’s trampiness and had always tried to steer her down the right road, but didn’t succeed. You don’t know what I’ve suffered with Mac’s double life. And poor Paloma, boo-hoo-hoo, she who adored Mac like a saint.

Romi cries to Camila that her papa robbed her (i.e., cashed the check and didn’t buy the baby furniture). She’s upset that he robbed his own daughter, and that she defended him so much and went against Cami on his behalf. Cami is hurt that not only did he still Romi’s money, but he also stole her smile. Romi wants to see him and tell him what she feels; Cami declares it’s time for him to see that Romi’s not blinded by him anymore. Romi asks Cami to go with her and Cami agrees.

Samuel and Diana are playing cards. He starts working his con on Di, saying the business deal he was expecting is finally done. But the problem is that it will all be for naught if he can’t show that he has some property or put up a property as a guarantee, or something like that (my captions disappeared). He needs someone with a property who can act as a guarantor. Diana asks if her house will work. Yes, but don’t even offer, because I’m not going to accept--it’s not right. Di insists on helping him and suggests that 1) they don’t tell Emiliano & Rafael and 2) leave Real del Crazy and live together in his Mexico City apartment. He accepts and says he loves her, with all his soul.

At the hospital, Emil holds the baby while simultaneously looking tragic and thinking that he’ll continue to do everything to help his kid.

Gabriel takes Pal to the countryside to ride “motos” and he has come prepared with racing outfits, helmets, etc.

The doctor tells Emil that she’s happy with the baby’s development and that he’s responding well (despite Romi not wanting to breastfeed or visit the baby). And Emil and Pal visiting with the flute player was very good for all of the babies in the nursery.

Angelica asks Orlando if Miriam can stay with her for a few days, he says sure. He wants her to tell Dario that she’s not alone, she has friends that will help her unmask him. Angelica wants Dario to understand that he should respect her and the others that he plagiarized even if they don’t have anyone to defend them. Orly admires that Ange is fighting for what’s hers.

Romi and Cami confront Samuel in the hotel lobby. Romi accuses him of ripping her off and lying, etc. and says this is Cami’s business too because all the money Romi has is thanks to Cami. Cami had to be both father and mother to her at the same time. Sam tries to claim that he’s the only father there, but Romi declares that she doesn’t have a father anymore; he’s the opposite of everything she thought and she doesn’t want anything to do with him. After they leave he looks like he’s got steam coming out of his ears.

Montage of Gabe and Pal riding some type of all-terrain vehicles and having fun.

Emiliano mopes (natch) in his office. He tells Orlando “I lost her” and whines that he’s not her priority anymore, waa waaa waaaaa. In addition to being obtuse, Orly appears to suffer from the same forgetfulness that plagued Macarena (and still plagues Pal), because I think only a few hours have passed since he told Emil to follow his heart and stalk Paloma, but now when Emil laments that he and Pal are going their separate ways, he’s saying “oh well, maybe that’s what you have to do.” Emil says “I just want to make her happy, Papa”. Orlando can’t hear the rest of Emil’s tale of woe not because of the loud music, but because all he can think of is himself and that Emil just called him “dad.” He points it out to Emil, who didn’t realize he said it--he thinks maybe now that he has a baby, that makes it easier to understand Orly.

Madeleine tells Eugenio she’s worried about Cristobal, because he’s her son. Eugenio is impactado so she explains that she had him before she met Pierre (I got the feeling that Eugenio knows her through Pierre--maybe he worked with him?). Maddy is sure that Cris is innocent and thinks this case isn’t being managed well (ha!). Eugenio asks what if he’s guilty? She’s certain that her intuition isn’t wrong and doesn’t care if she has to spend all of her fortune to prove that her son is innocent. Eugenio cautions her that he hasn’t practiced in years, but she’s certain that if his son was in this situation he’d do the impossible to save him (hmm, foreshadowing, anyone?). She begs him to defend Cristobal and he agrees.

Cristobal tells German that he’s worried about Paloma and wants to see her so he can tell her everything--he needs to do this in order to have peace.

Eugenio doesn’t like injustices, so if this is what’s happening with Cris, he’ll do everything he can to help him. Maddy asks him not to tell Cris that she was the one who hired him to take the case. He tells her not to worry.

Romi and Cami are back at the shop--Romi asks for forgiveness. “I was so unfair with you. You’ve been the best mom in the world. You’re always going to be with me? You’re never going to leave me, right?” Camila promises they are always going to be together. And now they have Sammy to unite them (Romi says not “Sammy”, she doesn’t want to name him that now). Romi cries that it would be easier to be with the baby if Emiliano was there too; Cami tells her not to miss the incredible experience of being a mother. Romi asks her to come see the baby with her and they hug and cry and say they love each other.

More Mopey-ano, this time thinking back to the conversation with Pal at the beginning of the episode and wondering “why did you go with him?”

More Gabe and Pal riding ATVs.

Eric and German glare at each other in the office. When Carlota shows up, she and German go into his office--she wants to know why he didn’t tell her what happened in the trial. Oh, it didn’t occur to me. She reminds him that she’s paying him a lot of $$$, so he better be at her service. And don’t tutear me. But we kissed, Germs protests. It was a mistake, Carlota says. On her way out she tosses an envelope of money on his desk, which Germs then thumbs through while Eric scowls in the doorway. In addition to having no scruples, Germs apparently doesn’t have peripheral vision, because Eric stands there for some time before Germs notices he's there.

Out on the sidewalk, Carlota crazy talks about how the only one who can control her with just one kiss is Cristobal.

Romina goes to Emiliano’s office and cries about her dad robbing her. “He doesn’t love me,” she weeps.

Gabriel and Pal have a picnic. He says a bunch of stuff about how there’s more out there than what’s she’s lived in Real del Monte, there’s a whole world out there to discover, paint, etc., and the failure of one love isn’t the end of love altogether.

When Emil reminds Romi that her mom has always been there for her, she says but not the men--my father’s love wasn’t real and neither is yours. She asks Emil to love her and hug her so he kisses her on the forehead a couple times. She takes advantage of the moment to plant a big kiss on him.

Carlota comes home and yells at Rufi because Pal isn’t home yet. Rufi comments on how Pal must feel upon learning about Mac and Cris, and Carlota hopes that’s the only secret she finds out. Because if she finds out that Cris is her father--a man who’s a sinner, blahblahblah--I don’t want to imagine how that will affect her.

Emil's phone rings so he breaks off the kiss. He says he shouldn’t have kissed her, he got carried away because of her emotional state. Romi says this kiss could be a new start for them, but Emil repeats that he doesn’t love her. She insists that she wants to start over, and that includes “you and my baby. Thank you for that kiss--it was unforgettable.” Dun Dun DUNNNN!!!!! Be sure to join us for our next episode, Emiliano Jones and The Look of Doom.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ENDA, January 13, 2010

Orlando tries to reassure Natalia that everything will work out. Then of course turns it around to him and how he needs her at the wedding when he marries Camila. Good ol' Orlando. Ends up talking about himself. Natalia asks him to get Ivonne to come to see her.

Paloma is at the hospital visiting the baby. Emiliano and some weird dude with flutes named Alejandro come up and Emiliano invites Paloma to accompany them to see the baby. Alejandro plays the flute for the baby. Mega baby is actually not annoyed at this. Emiliano tells Paloma that babies react well when music is playing. So the flute playing is actually soothing the baby? Most people would play something a little bit more calming. Like Mozart, Beethoven or any other classical pianist. Cute baby though. Paloma tells Emiliano that she imagined that he would be a great dad, but didn't realize how amazing he is. Emiliano says that the love she is showing his child shows him how much she will show with her own. He then looks sad and when questioned by Paloma he says that would mean she would have a child with another.

German visits PJC and he tells him it's time. PJC without the P begs German to help Natalia if he can only save one.

Angelica is on the phone with Dario and plays nice. She wants him to come and read the summary she wrote for the book. (the part in the back of the book that explains what the story is about. don't know the right word) At first he refuses, but with a little more persuasion from Angelica he relents.

Madeleine, PJC's mom, drops off a box at the church that explains the past. In case he ever wants to know. Padre Mateo? asks why he left PJC. She says that even though she was born here most of her family lived in France. She spent a lot of time there studying dance. On one of her vacations here she met PJC's dad. She ended up pregnant, but didn't want to renounce her career path. I felt I had no other way out and decided that my career came first. That's why I left him with his dad.

Camila tries to warn Diana about Samuel. Diana of course doesn't want to hear it. Fine replies Camila. I tried to warn you. My hands are washed.

Padre Benito asks Madeleine if she knew that PJC's dad was an alcoholic and died of liver disease. She admits that she knew it all and read the Mexican papers daily in hopes of finding out something about him. God blessed me by keeping me alive so that I can ask him for forgiveness.

PJC and Natalia are being lead to the courthouse for the trial. Crowds outside yelling.

Diana is helping Romina put on a girdle while telling her that once you have a child your figure looks horrible. Good job Diana. Romina wants to look sexy again for Emiliano. Diana tells her not to put it on to tight or it can cut off her milk. Romina gets a sparkle in her eyes when hearing this. Diana says she wants to be close to the baby, Emiliano and her. So don't push me away. She apologizes to Romina on her bad attitude at the hospital. Romina reminds Diana that she has a bad relationship right now with her son and that complicates things. Diana asks for her help and Romina says she'll try, but he doesn't want her or Samuel near the baby. Why asks Diana. I don't know replies Romina. Perhaps because he rubs Emiliano the wrong way. Diana asks how she feels about Samuel. I love him dearly responds Romina. Diana promises to help her with the Samuel situation if she helps her with Emiliano.

Camila goes wedding dress shopping. She gets a call from Orlando. He tells her he's about to enter the courtroom.

Packed courthouse. Natalia and PJC are escorted in. Dr. Bermudez, Rufi, Paloma and Gabriel are watching from the sidelines. A man yells out "assassino!" Crowd in an uproar. Bailiff yells out silence. PJC and Natalia have decided to keep German as their attorney. The judge asks for their plea. Both say not guilty. The prosecutor calls PJC to the stand or stool. He's sworn in.

P: Is it true that 9 years ago you were engaged to be married to Natalia?
PJC: Yes
P: Then why did you decide not to marry her?
PJC: I didn't feel right taking the next step with her. I realized I did not love her the way she should have been loved.
P: Also because you felt guilty over a suicide.
G: Objection!
P: Is it or isn't it true that you told Natalia you were feeling guilty over a death?
PJC: An emotional death. I believed that a woman had committed suicide because of me. For many years I felt guilty until I found out that it was a lie and she was still alive.
P: And who was that person?
PJC: I don't think it's really necessary for me to mention that person's name in this hearing. That person is now dead.
P: It is really important for you to tell us the name of that person.
PJC: That person was Macarena Espinosa de los Monteros. And the person who made me believe that she was dead for all those years was her sister. Carlota Espinosa de los Monteros. (Paloma jaw dropping impactada)

Carloca pours herself some wine and wishes she could be at the trial. She wants everything to come out the way she wants it too.

Luz is walking around and buys an ice cream. She gives one to a little girl. Luz asks the little girl what her name is. The mother of the little girl scowls her for talking to strangers.

Rufi tells Paloma that it is probably best they leave. Paloma says no. I am finding out things that no one wanted to tell me. It's time to know the whole truth. Rufi thinks it will be too painful. German protests the line of questioning. The judge overrules.

P: Is it or isn't it true that you were going to leave Real de Monte with Macarena?
PJC: Yes. Macarena and I were going to leave to get married. Her family would not accept me. We both loved each other very much.

Paloma asks Rufi if she knew this. Rufi just hangs her head. Paloma leaves. Emiliano follows. German asks the judge if he can have a recess to talk to his client. Dr. Bermudez asks Rufi if PJC was the man that Macarena talked about. Rufi says not to ask her any questions.

Paloma is outside the courtroom crying. Emiliano asks if she's okay. Paloma says she's confused. Emiliano says you probably should not have come. No, it' best I did replies Paloma.

Rafael gets a call from a European company interested in importing his ceramics.

Gabriel informs Paloma that the trial has been postponed till tomorrow. Rufi tries to talk to Paloma, but she turns her back on her. Gabriel asks if she wants him to take her home. Yes, replies Paloma. I no longer want to be here. Everyone has lied to me and storms off. Rufi asks Gabriel not to leave her alone. Rufi is worried that Paloma no longer loves her, but Emiliano reassures her that Paloma does. Rufi wanted the truth to come out, but was afraid of Paloma's reaction.

German goes into the room where PJC is being held and asks him why PJC never told him about his relationship with Macarena. PJC felt that it was irrelevant to the case. It was a secret. German says it is important. It makes you look dirty. You were married to god and here you are with a woman. PJC says that was before I became a priest. German tells him that all this stuff that has come out has complicated things. If you keep hiding secrets then it will be difficult to win.

Gabriel walks Paloma home.

Carloca wants to know what happened at the trial. Paloma asks why she never told her that PJC and Macarena were in love. Carloca says it was a delicate situation. You put PJC on a pedestal and Macarena never wanted to tell you. Then why didn't you asks Paloma. Because I did not want to cause you any more heartache replies Carloca. Paloma recalls the day PJC found out Macarena was not dead from her. Carloca says the only reason I told you about your dad was because you kept insisting. So I hope you realize why I kept quiet about this. You and PJC thought that Macarena was a saint. More talking and Paloma comes to a conclusion. Could that mean that PJC is my dad?

Rafael tells Luz the good news. Luz wants to celebrate. Rafael says she can ask him for whatever she wants so that he can show her this thanks. Luz mentions meeting a girl today and suddenly realizes that it is the drawing that Gabriel did. She wants Rafael to help her find the little girl. Why asks Rafael. I don't know. I just feel something every special for her.

Carloca tells Paloma to calm down. Your mind is wandering. Do you want the truth asks Carloca. That is all I've ever wanted replies Paloma. Carloca tells her that Macarena was already pregnant with her when she met PJC. Macarena was going to make PJC believe she was his. That can't be replies Paloma. What else happened? Carloca begged Macarena not to lie. It just wasn't right. So that is how the hatred between your mother and I started. You have no idea how hard it has been for me to keep this all a secret. Forgive me for not telling you the whole truth. I was scared of your reaction. You have suffered enough. Please understand me. Forgive me. They hug and Rufi comes in looking confused.

Paloma gets a call from the baby furniture store saying that there is no order for her. Romina crying says my dad assured me it was done. Then thinks that perhaps she called the wrong store. Emiliano comes home and asks her what's wrong. Nothing replies Romina. Then she tells him that her dad cashed the check, but never bought the baby furniture. I think he robbed me. His own daughter. Romina cries and Emiliano comforts her.

Camila tells Orlando that she went to see Diana to warn her. Orlando thinks that she shouldn't have gone. It's best to leave it alone. Camila asks about PJC. Orlando is scared that he will be in prison for the rest of his life.

Dr. Bermudez tells Ivonne that he never thought PJC was the love of Macarena's life. Ivonne says that when they were in love, he was not yet a priest. What's the problem? Dr. Bermudez says that Macarena confided in him that the man she loved had died. But when PJC came to Real de Monte she never told me. Then a thought enters his head. Can PJC be Paloma's father? He vows to protect Paloma like he promised Macarena.

PJC asks Macarena for forgiveness in letting out their secret.

Carloca is in her room happy. Now everyone will know what a hoochie Macarena was. My plans are coming out exactly like I wanted them too. Even better. How good revenge tastes.

Luz tells Gabriel and his dad about meeting the girl in the picture.

Orlando asks Emiliano how Paloma is doing. Not good replies Emiliano. Orlando encourages Emiliano to go to her because she may need comforting.

Liliana asks Paloma how she can be okay without Emiliano. She's having a hard time with Erik. Paloma says it's hard, but I want him to have a good life. What about Gabriel asks Liliana. Gabriel is different replies Paloma. With him I feel free. Liliana tells her to be happy with what life is offering her. What life is offering me is turning 18 next month replies Paloma. Then I can leave Real de Monte. Then I will never see Carloca, Emiliano or Gabriel. Of course Gabriel walks in at that moment. Liliana calls Paloma who turns around to see Gabriel. He tells Paloma that he wants to take her out and make her forget about what happened yesterday. He's been worried. Just then Emiliano walks in and says no. Paloma will be coming with me.

Manana: Inez tells Carloca that Macarena's rep it torn into pieces; PJC tells German that he wants to talk to Paloma to tell her everything; Who will Paloma choose to go with?


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