Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ENDA Tuesday January 12. The kiss of death for Germán’s soul?

Stuff we just haven’t had enough of: In the prison yard, Thugly and Snidekick decide to pound some guilt into Cris’s innocent face. Chucho gets sucked into the melee. The guards break it up and send Cris off to see his visitor, whether he wants to go or not (he does not).

And his instincts are right on, as his visitor is none other than Crueloca, the Heifer from Hell, decked out in a cow-print blouse. She claims she knows everything, then instantly refutes that by asking whether Madeleine Martell is another of his conquests. The Crazy Cow offers Cris one last-chance Get Out of Jail Free card, at the low, low price of spending his life making sweet, sweet lurve to her. He’d rather rot in prison. This was not a chapter in He’s Just Not That Into You*, so of course she may still think he’s into her. Playing hard to get, doncha know? She throws a fit, and Cris finally escapes to the relative peace and luxury of the prison yard.

New stuff: Germán tries to give Eric orders in the office. Eric is having none of it, because Germs does not outrank him. Not for long, says Germy. Eric threatens to break Germy’s face if he doesn’t give it up. Germy says he’s just jealous because Liliana would come running if he snapped his fingers. Snap all you want; we’re splitsville, says Eric. He also thinks it’s pathetic that Germy thinks racking up more notches makes him more manly. Honestly, these two have one of the most passionate and long-lasting relationships on this show, next to Cruel and Cris.

Licenciado Cordero’s secretary or paralegal or whoever asks him whether he really thinks the priest is guilty. He says what he thinks doesn’t matter; people say he’s guilty, and this is his job. He just needs a little more proof to be sure. He finds the envelope which appeared while they were out, marked all over with “Confidential” and “Regarding the Case of Padre Juan Cristóbal” and whatnot. He puts it aside to look at later, and gets back to his files. Cats (unlike puppies and birds) must live long, long lives in Real del Monte, because there is like NO curiosity in the entire pueblo.

Germán interrogates Rufi about the value of Misery Manor and the gentlemen callers of Carlota and Paloma. Rufi clearly wishes there were knockout drops in the coffee she’s serving him, but fortunately Carloca shows up to meet with him and Rufi is spared further temptation to wring his neck. In Carloca’s office, she tells him she wants him to take Cris down. He wants the prestige that would come from winning the case. She tells him he can gain prestige in other cases, but she will pay him well to lose this one. He just needs to find someone who will claim to have witnessed Alonso being run over by the truck, Carlota suggests, as she slowly strolls around Germy and checks out his rump (yes, really). Well, Germs is not totally asleep on the job. “How do you know he was run over by a truck?” he asks, looking at her sharply.

Paloma goes to Gabriel’s studio and shows him the painting she’s been working on. He says it is amazing (it is bad). It’s just like the painting he was doing (also bad)!

{Everyone get your barf buckets ready at this point.}

So Carloca says she heard from someone about the truck. Small town, you know. He pretends to accept that. She makes him sit down about two millimeters in front of her, and gets right in his face and says she wants him to court Paloma. He’s surprised. He always thought Carloca was serious, recatada (circumspect, modest), but as he gets to know her, he marvels, and thinks she is just the most beautiful woman in the whole house! (Way to not overstate the case, Germs). Well, given that Carloca can take “I hate you and want nothing to do with you, EVER” as a “maybe” you can imagine how she reacts to that. She plants a big, gropy, tonsil-tango smooch on him. Does he get into it? Oh yes, he does.

One of Diana’s poker friends, also apparently a friend of Camila, goes to Camila’s shop and confesses to her that she is in big trouble, having lost a lot of money playing poker. She explains about Samuel playing. Camila is shocked to hear that Samuel and Diana are…something we’d rather not think about.

Over at the Anguished Artists’ Mutual Admiration Society meeting, Gabriel tells Paloma he has not come to Real del Monte in vain; she is exactly what he’s been looking for. “Huh?” she responds. “Never mind, just understand that everything I have will be yours.” She doesn’t appear to understand that much better, but Emiliano calls just then to invite her to come with him to visit the baby. Gabriel glares jealously at the phone.

Angélica wonders what Emiliano’s up to. He says the baby needs affection to thrive, and Romina can’t or won’t give it. Ange agrees it’s good for the baby to have Paloma around, but says it is not good for Emiliano. He needs to leave her alone to avoid temptation and let her move on with her life.

La Loca and Germs are still madly making out. His jacket is off and his shirt unbuttoned. “Tell me you love me, Cristóbal!” she pants. Screeeeech. Germy pulls away, everything suddenly clear. When he starts accusing Carloca, she shrieks at him to leave. He flees. She trashes her desk and yells “Te odio, Cristóbal!” over and over. Out in the hall, Rufi looks alarmed.

Cris tells Orlando he wants to find a way to make Carlota tell the truth and show what she’s really like. Orly, always one to dismiss the problems of others, says probably everything will work out in the trial. Cris gives Orlando a letter to give to Natalia. Supposing Cris is out of prison in a few days, says Orly, does he think he’ll get together with Natalia? “What is wrong with you?” says Cris’s expression. “Well, why not? You’re no longer a priest, Macarena is gone, and Natalia is a widow. You could start over and have a family,” says Orlando. Cris looks thoughtful.

Paloma tells Gabriel she’s finished the sketch she’s been working on. “Great; see you next class,” Gabriel snottily replies, not really looking up from the Virgen painting he’s restoring. “Don’t you want to look at it?” No, he doesn’t. She’s dismissed. Paloma is not to be gotten rid of so easily, she’s hurt and confused and asks him what’s going on. A few rounds of “Nothing; see you later.” “We’re friends. Tell me what’s wrong.” “I’m your teacher, and I say we’re done.” “Are you mad at me?” “It’s not you, it’s me.” “What?” “Fine. You stay and I’ll go.” Gabriel leaves and Paloma has no idea what has just happened.

Carloca stomps up the stairs. Rufi goes into the office and sees the mess. “Carlota and Germán?! I can’t believe it!”

You know, the shower scenes in this novela are really subpar. This one features La Loca. She furiously rinses while remembering the nasty germy smooch. Her eye makeup does not move, even with rubbing.

Mónica and Camila hope the news about Samuel and Diana is only gossip, but Camila says maybe Diana thought it was the perfect vengeance against Camila. She tells Mónica she can believe Samuel would do it to try to scam Diana. In fact, she saw him with Carlota one day and suspects he was up to the same thing with her. Camila leaves a message for Samuel to call her.

Samuel is playing cards and drinking with Diana, and ignores the beeping phone. He claims Camila has been pestering him since he returned to Real del Monte, always wanting to get together. She’s probably tired of her fiancé, that pelmazo (pain in the heinie), and having a midlife crisis besides, now that she’s a grandmother. Diana looks a little offended at that, but Samuel quickly covers by saying that no one would guess she is also a grandmother. Sammy wants to keep playing poker, but Diana says he’s won all her money. He suggests strip poker instead. She’s titillated. His jacket comes off. Her shoes. Her jacket. Her blouse. Her skirt. Her wig.

Romina calls the furniture store to ask why her delivery is taking so long. The furniture lady says they have no record of her order. Then a nurse calls to tell her the baby is stable, but needs his mother to come visit him; it’s vital to help him thrive. Romina says she’ll see if she can get around to it, but in the meantime, take good care of him, okey-dokey? Buh-bye.

Liliana finds Eric on the street and tells him she’s missed him terribly and wants to get back together. He says he loves her, but she doesn’t really love him. She says she does. He says unless she is absolutely sure, she should stay away from him. Lili cries.

Luz lets herself into Gabriel’s place and hunts around looking for him. Yes, she is one of those women who calls, “You-hoooo!” (It’s spelled yuju en español). She finds a sketch of a girl with bangs and braids and seems enchanted by it. Luz writes a note: “Gabriel, where are you? I’m stealing your sketch (bosquejo).” She needs to learn some boundaries.

Gabriel is out pacing in the park. Sandra calls from her sickbed and asks what’s the deal with him taking Paloma to graduation. “Sorry, gotta go,” he says, and hangs up. Romina strolls up, looking remarkably trim. “Hola, guapo,” she says flirtily.

Paloma helps Rufi with some baking. “Mamá’s recipe,” comments Paloma happily. “Yes, your father loved this,” says Rufi. Paloma gets mad and says she doesn’t want to hear anything about that man. Rufi tells her not to believe what he said. Maybe if Rufi would just tell Paloma the truth already, she could have something real to believe. Paloma’s still annoyed, so Rufi tells her the hot gossip about Carlota and Germán to distract her. She says they were shut up in the office for hours and hours (REALLY?! That was some kiss! I’m glad we got the condensed version!) and then Germs left in a hurry and Tia Loca had a fit. Rufi is just saying that she doesn’t think Carlota will attend the trial when the purple cow walks in and says certainly not. No one should. Paloma says she is definitely going. Carloca says fine, but she’s going to hear some very ugly things about Cris and Natalia.

Gabriel asks about Romina’s baby, which she uses as a lead-in to trash-talk Paloma and grope Gabe a bit while asking if he has the hots for Paloma. Gabriel suddenly feels the need to get back to work. “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,” Romina says to herself.

Germán visits Doc Bermúdez. Doc tells him that he and Emiliano doubt the baby’s paternity. Germán says they already did a test. Doc says even so, things just don’t square, and he wants to do another test. Germy says no test; he doesn’t want to know. In his mind, he says if Carlota found out he was the father of Romina’s baby, his scheme with her would be over. (Oh, the irony! Carlota is the one who got the first test faked. I love that Germy still thinks he has the upper hand and hasn’t grasped that Carlota is the root of all Real del Monte evil). Doc B calls him a coward. Germs doesn’t care. He wants to dar la carpetaza to the whole subject (I’m guessing that’s like file it away; be done with it).

Gabriel is hard at work when his dad drops in and can sense something is wrong. Gabriel says he wants to finish up his work and skip town as soon as possible, because he is in love with Paloma. They have a little staring contest. Eugenio is thrilled. Falling in love is great! Gabriel doesn’t like it. Besides, he says, you know my secret, and that I can’t have ataduras (have ties? Relations? Something like that?). Eugenio says finding love is a blessing and he should just go with it. Gabriel wants to use his time to pass on his knowledge and skill. Aww, it’s kind of sweet that his dad just can’t break it to him that he sucks at art. Dad says that love isn’t a waste of time. Sure, I feel that, says Gabe, but what about after?

[I’m leaning toward brain tumor as the diagnosis. It might explain some of the delusions and mood swings. There are also hints pointing toward HIV, but that is very treatable these days, so while I would understand his reluctance to have relations, I’m not sure it would explain the fatalistic “I have limited time” attitude. Then again, this is a telenovela, so regular medical facts need not apply. Then AGAIN, I have learned everything I pretend to know about medicine from television.]

Chava gives Emiliano a tiny pair of soccer shoes and a little soccer ball for the baby. He says he’s going to Padre JC’s trial to support him, which is the very least he can do after all PJC has done for him. Chava hopes someday he can help Emo’s son the way Emo helped him (is he saying he hopes Samito will be an alcoholic dropout?) and he wants to be just like Emo when he grows up. Big hug.

Orlando gives Natalia the letter from Cris. It says he’s very sorry he’s gotten her into this situation and to have faith that soon they will be free. Nat says it is not his fault. Orlando tells her that surely Carlota is responsible, motivated by her sick and twisted obsession with Cris. “Inconceivable!” says Nat. Orly tries to cheer her up a bit and agrees to try to make arrangements for Ivonne to come and visit.

Paloma admires the baby. Emiliano shows up with his friend Alejandro, who is visiting from Guanajuato. Alejandro plays the recorder therapeutically for the baby. Sammy isn’t screaming, so I guess he likes it okay. Paloma tells Emiliano he’s a super good dad. He says she’ll be a great mom someday. He ponders sadly the idea of her in love with another. The hospital staff comes to the window to find out what the hell that noise is…er, I mean, to marvel at the beautiful healing scene.

Germán fetches Cris. It’s time to go. Cris says he hopes the facts will come to light, especially since Natalia has a daughter and it’s about time for their annual two-hour mother-daughter visit. He might not have said that last part.

*I’m guessing; I didn’t actually read it.

Mañana: The trial. Seriously?! Neither the prosecution nor the defense has done any investigating!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Amor Monday, Jan 11, 2010 Who does the baby look like? The Michelin Tire Man? The Pillsbury Doughboy? You decide.

Friday: Madeleine is Chris’s ma!

Monday: Is this a joke? says Chris.

Madeleine: No joke; I’ve been wanting to see you again forever.
Chris: Madam, I don’t know what kind of game this is, but you’re very much out of line.
M (pleading): Don’t push me away. I understand you are surprised, maybe angry, but this is no time to argue. It’s bad enough what you are suffering in this place.
C: I don’t understand what you’re doing here in the prison.
M: God works in mysterious ways. Being here has wrecked your life, but if it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t be here with you now.
C: What is it you want, Madam?
M: To see you, to get to know you. You’re my child – my only child.
C: I was a half-orphan from a very young age. I lost my mother. I think it’s better that you leave now. (He stands)
M: Please, just listen to me.

Diana and Inez are having lunch at a café and Inez asks her to be her maid of honor. Diana says sure and says she hopes she has the same kind of luck with Samuel. Whew! What a lover! Maybe Camila has said he’s bad in bed, but she must’ve just been frigid. Yowrrrrr. Pragmatic Inez says maybe he just got a lot of experience in the meantime. Whatever, says Diana…. what a night!

Joel walks in with Monica, her child in his arms. Diana spots them and says Joel! What’s with the kid? Oh, poor little guy – I see why you’ve kept him hidden. Monica snatches the boy from Joel’s arms and says He’s mine! Joel says And he’s going to be mine too very soon. He hasn’t been kept hidden. Diana says Oh, don’t be so touchy.

Monica heads for another table waaay on the other side of the room and Joel tells Diana he hopes her grandson will recover. Diana is shocked and Joel says didn’t you know he was born last night? Diana says You’re lying! Joel tells her that he’s in an incubator, and Diana abandons Inez, furious that nobody even told her.

Madeleine tells Chris that she lives in Paris, but was born in Mexico. When she saw his photo in the papers and read his name, she jumped on the first plane to Mexico. Or rolled on.

Chris says I’m sorry to hear you went to the trouble, because you’re wasting your time. I have no mother. My mother abandoned me when I was a baby, and left me with an alcoholic father. So you can see, even if she were alive, I wouldn’t want to have any sort of relationship with her.

I understand how you feel, she says. I expected it. But this isn’t the time to argue. I wanted to be here for you at this hard time. Chris says I don’t want you here. Go on back to Paris. Please, she implores. I need to be with you, just once.

Why? says Chris. Madeleine says I wanted you to know how much I love you (Chris snorts) and how much I care what happens to you. Empty words, says Chris. If something is important to a person, they don’t ever desert it.

Chris says I don’t want to judge you, but if you are who you say you are, you made that decision years ago, let’s be honest.

Carlota is reading in the paper that Chris and Natalie’s case is coming up and German will be their lawyer. The prosecutor will be Lic. Cordero. Carlota seems to know who that is, but I don’t. Anyway, she figures she has some secrets about Chris to tell him.

Back at the jail, Madeleine says people change their minds, see the errors of their decisions, repent. Perdoname! Chris says I have nothing to forgive. But I do get to choose who I want to be with, and I don’t want to be with you.

Madeleine says the thought of seeing you again has kept me alive all these years. If you want me near, or far away, I can die in peace, knowing that I was able to look you in the eyes and tell you that I haven’t had one single day of peace. Perdoname!

Nurses are trying to get Romina suited up in a sterile outfit to go be with her baby. Em watches through a door window. Romina is scared – the baby will be too fragile. She’s just not good at stuff like that. They tell her they need her to give breast milk and she is horrified – she says there is all kinds of good formula out there. The nurses say the baby needs her. Romina tells Em that she’d give milk to the baby in the incubator, but not to the nurse. Gross! Forget it.

Em, all suited up, goes in to see the megababy.

Madeleine tells Chris that she’s going to leave a box at the priest’s residence that has family papers and photos so if he wants to he can find out about his mother and his family. Chris says I made it all these years without knowing that, why bother? Madeleine says because now you know you have a mother. Who abandoned me, says Chris. Who is here now, says Madeleine.

I’ll leave it with the priests, she says. Chris says you realize they chucked me out of the church? I know, she says, mi amor. Chris squeezes his eyes shut. Leave, he says, and don’t come back.

The baby has a great pair of lungs. The nurse tells Em to touch the baby and he reaches through the incubator armholes with his UNGLOVED hands. Every inch of him is covered in blue sterile getup, hair included, but all those parts of him are outside the incubator. He strokes the baby, buttering it with germs. Romina watches through an observation window. Em sweettalks the baby, telling him he loves him, that he’ll take him camping and everything. Romina smiles.

Madeleine says I know I have no rights here, but I’m going to stay in town. Think about it… if you want to see me, I’ll leave my hotel address. Chris says why don’t you go back to Paris – you must’ve been happy all these years. Madeleine says how could I be happy? I love you, I’ve always loved you. Chris rolls his eyes and sighs. I’m going to stay here and see what happens with the trial. Chris takes the hotel’s card and gets up to leave. As he passes her, Madeleine takes his hand, kisses it and leans her cheek into it. Chris gives her a perfunctory blessing and leaves.

Paloma in her bedroom slops bright yellow paint on a canvas. She stops and calls Gabriel and tells him that she had a nap, and when she woke up, she felt she had to get her thoughts on canvas. Never has she been in this color mood! She feels like something is starting, something is about to be born. Gabriel says wow – we’re painting the same thing! Me too! Orange! Yellow! Red!

Paloma wonders if it has something to do with the baby being born. Gabriel thinks so. He’s stoked that they’re so in sync. He tells her to bring her canvas when she comes for her lesson.

Lili and Sandra (in bed with her hepatitis) are talking on the phone and Lili gives her the bad news that Gabriel went over and asked Paloma if he could escort her to the graduation party. Sandra is bummed, but Lili says he doesn’t think Paloma is interested in him. Sandra has heard about Lili’s breakup with Erik, but she says it makes sense since Lili is still hung up on German.

Sandra says she’s realized she liked Erik way better than she thought and now she’s unhappy. Sandra asks her to tell all about Romina’s water breaking at the party, and then says she feels jealous of Paloma. What should she do?

Romina calls Paloma from her hospital bed and begs her to come see the monster newborn. Paloma says I didn’t think you wanted me to come because…. Romina says please come see him, he’s adorable. She hangs up and says I want you to come shrivel up with jealousy about Emiliano and the baby.

Rufi was listening, and Paloma says she feels uncomfortable about going. Yesterday was an emergency, but this is different. Rufi says it’d look rude if you didn’t come, and besides, you’re not butting in, Romina invited you. Paloma says you’re right! I’ll get a present and go.

Rafa and Luz are visiting Romina in the hospital. Em is there too. Rafa marvels that he’s a grandfather and Romina marvels that she’s a mother. Luz urges Romina to touch her baby – that it would know her smell and her voice. Romina is doubtful. She asks if Luz has kids, and Luz says no, you two are so privileged to have one.

Diana barges in and says nobody even told me! Luz smirks. Rafa rolls his eyes. He says he called all night, but she didn’t pick up. Diana says no you didn’t, but Em backs Rafa up.

Rafa and Luz leave, Luz trailing clouds of smugness. Diana reproaches Em and Em says all you can gripe about is not having found out? Why don’t you ask how Romina is? How the baby is?

Samuel comes in with a bouquet of tacky baby-themed balloons. Diana looks nervous and shifty-eyed. Samuel is all phony-gushy and Romina informs him the baby will be named after him.

Paloma, gift in hand, is looking through the big observation window at the baby and coo-cooing at him. Em enters and Paloma melts, seeing him caress his child. He looks up and sees her and they look at each other with delight. A nurse comes up and talks to Paloma for a while, but we can’t hear. Next thing, we see Paloma all suited up, being allowed to come love up the baby. She puts her hand into the incubator and we all hope and pray that she doesn’t have any Carlota cooties on her ungloved hands.

Paloma doesn’t look like she knows how to handle a baby, she mostly just pets its clothes, but she does know how to sing, and so we and Em are treated to a lovely little lullaby. Em looks at her with admiration.

Paloma says this is the most amazing thing she’s ever experienced. She has the urge to protect the baby, to hold it and kiss it. Em says you can come do that any time. But reality break: Paloma says Romina wouldn’t like that. The musicians put down their Happy Baby sheet music and switch to the Crushed Lovers score. I’ve just come today because she asked me to. Em says the nurses say the baby needs this attention to thrive and Romina is unwilling, or unable, to provide it. Let’s not tell Romina.

In the prison visiting hall, Chris is telling Padre B about his mother’s visit. He says he didn’t actually know if she was dead or alive, but just that she had abandoned him when he was very small and left him with father and after he died, he lived with his grandparents until they died.

Padre B says don’t you want to know what happened? Chris says no – I’m sure she’s just here because she was always afraid her child might turn out to be a murderer. Padre B says whoa – negative vibes! Chris says why not? The church turned its back on me. Padre B says he believes in him, and look at the silver lining – his mother found him. She came all this way to see him!

Why do I have to deal with so much? Chris anguishes. Padre B says they’re trials, trials that’ll make you stronger. He urges Chris to dig around in his heart and find some love and compassion. Besides, the trial will give him the opportunity to tell his side. He says Chris should give his mother the same opportunity.

Back at the hospital, Paloma says she doesn’t want to make Romina mad. Em says you never know which way that cat will jump, but the main thing is what the baby needs. Paloma marvels at it, that it’s Em’s baby.

Em says he wishes it were her baby. Paloma says hush. He says you’re right, it shouldn’t have to pay for his mistakes. Paloma says the baby is lucky to have him. Em says he’s going to dedicate his life to making his son happy. Paloma looks at him with melty eyes. She sings another lullaby. He looks at her tenderly.

Gabriel is painting furiously – he has done a landscape with a yellow sky. Oops – suddenly he doesn’t feel well.

Now Paloma is visiting with Romina who says the baby looks just like Em, don’t you think? Paloma says to her babies never look like anybody, but they’re so sweet. Romina says he scares her – he’s so fragile. What if she dropped him? She likes babies better when they’re bigger. Paloma gives her a kiss and Romina thanks her for everything she’s done for their new family. Paloma leaves and Romina smirks.

The sun rises over Real del Monte.

At the plateria, Angelica is telling Orlando about what Dario did to her. Orlando says he’s sorry he hasn’t been around – all the excitement with the baby. Angelica says she’s going to go after Dario with everything she’s got.

Orlando says he’s sorry, but he couldn’t find the manuscript she gave him. He wanted to read it. Why? she says sharply. It was a good story, she says, or Dario wouldn’t have stolen it. Don’t look for it, I found it thrown in among your other papers. Orlando says he really wanted to read it and Angelica says is that why you lied to me and said you had? Orlando says I was ashamed that I hadn’t yet.

I’m awfully sorry, says Orlando. I won’t lie to you again. Give it to me – I want to read it. I’ll be honest with you from now on – does this mean you’ll stay? She reminds him that she was just filling in for a couple of months. He says he wants her to stay because things are really going to be hopping when they expand to the U.S. You write your new novel and I’ll read every page!

Every page? Wow, you da man, Orlando! Why not go for the gold and read the cover flap too?

Angelica gets a little tearful and Orlando asks why. She says she felt so alone. You’re not alone he says.

Don Eugenio is on the phone with Gabriel, who assures him he’s fine. Don E wants to come see him anyway. He uses the excuse of the unfinished conversation with Carlota. Gabriel, though he’s having a nature walk, looks a little peaky and Don E looks worried after he hangs up.

Paloma and Lili are visiting. Lili says it looks like there’s something between Paloma and Gabriel, but Paloma scoffs. Lili says I know you don’t want anything to do with cupid, but Em’s making his own life with Romina and the baby and you should make yours.

Paloma deflects her by asking about Erik. Lili says she’s really down and Paloma suggests she talk with him and tell him how she feels.

Lili says I know! I’ll try with Erik and you try with Gabriel. They laugh and banter then agree and high five.

Camila is packing up Romina’s bag and she and Em are about to check her out of the hospital. Em says it’s weird to leave the baby there, but Romina says they’ll take good care of him. A nurse comes up and asks if they’re going to go by the neonatal unit. Romina says of course, we want to say goodbye to the baby before we go. The nurse says I wasn’t asking for that reason – I was asking because we need some milk.

Camila tries to talk her into it and Romina says she can do it at home, but not here with a nurse. The nurse warns her that her milk will dry up. Romina walks off and Camila says Romina finds ways to get out of things, but she’s sure Romina is very worried about the baby. Em looks skeptical.

Romina looks at the baby through the observation window and thoughtbubbles that he looks just like German and she doesn’t know what she’s going to do when he gets bigger. Em and Camila come up and Romina gushes about how he looks just like him. Even his mother said so! Em doesn’t really see how he looks like him. And her dad says he looks like her when she was young, she asserts. Don’t you think so, Mami? Behind her, Camila looks very troubled.

In the prison yard, Chris is staring and is remembering his mother saying she hadn’t had one day of peace all these years, thinking about him. Chicho spots him and runs over and says what’s wrong? Chris says he just doesn’t get all this. Chicho says his mother says God’s ways are not the same as men’s ways. From a distance, Canibal studies him. He and another thug approach slowly. Canibal tells him he can’t wait until the day when he quits pretending to be innocent and admits to be a killer, like the rest of them there.

Canibal says maybe he’ll land up back in the hospital, or maybe even the cemetery. Chicho tells him to knock it off – a higher power will be stepping in. Canibal says he always wanted to tempt God. He grabs Chicho and starts to struggle with him, Chris and the thug jump in and the guards come and break it up.

Holding Canibal at bay, the guard tells Chris he has a visitor. Chris says he doesn’t want any visits, unless it’s his lawyer. The guard says this isn’t a boutique – go see your visitor.

AHHHHHH intone the bassos. It’s Carlota waiting for Chris. Guard! he says when he sees who it is, but the door remains closed. He wants to know why she won’t leave him alone. She says who is this Madeleine Martell? How did you find out? Chris demands.

Ca: I know everything. Is she one of your conquests?
Ch: How do you know this stuff?
Ca: There’s nothing money can’t buy.
Ch: You’d better leave, because I’m capable of….
Ca: (coming in close) Of what? Kiss me!

He grabs her face and pushes her away and says Basta! You’re nuts! This obsession of yours is driving me crazy. And I can’t get it out of my head that you’re responsible for all this.

Ca: And what if I told you you’re right?
Ch: Dios mio! You were capable of killing Alonso to get close to me?
Ca: One day you’ll understand what your love has made me do.
Ch: Get out of here.
Ca: This is your last opportunity to get back to your life. The trial is about to start and then I won’t do anything for you. Now is the time. The only thing I ask of you is that you be mine.
Ch: You are the worst thing that has happened to me in my life. I’d rather spend the rest of my days in prison than in bed with you.
Ca: Fine. If you want to stay in prison, help yourself. We would have been great together.

The guard lets Chris out and she says You lost your opportunity.

Avances: Carlota tells German that she wants him to sink Chris. He’s stunned. She tells him that she consents to him approaching Paloma. And then she grabs him by the face and kisses him passionately.


Friday, January 08, 2010

ENDA, January 8, 2010

For comments on the Fri. episode.


En Nombre del Amor, January 7, 2010

At the graduation, Paloma and Romina hug and cry. Everyone looks moved except Carlota, who shakes her head and rolls her purple-laden eyes.

Cristobal’s cellmate asks what’s the deal with that photo? Cris explains that his father gave it to him before he died (of cirrhosis). His father never accepted that he was an alcoholic or that he needed help. What does your father’s death have to do with the photo? Cris’s dad told him that he’d never get the other half, so it’s strange that it appeared while Cris was asleep in the hospital. He needs to find out who left it and why.

Someone calls Madeleine, the old lady, and a voice says everything is ready and in a couple of days the meeting will be able to take place. She thinks, “Finally, Cristobal, finally.”

Gabriel reveals to Pal that what she said to Romi in her speech left him impactado. Pal says she’ll always love Romi very much.

Liliana calls everyone to come out and dance. German tells Carlota he would have liked to come to the dance with Pal and that he’s interested in being near both her and Carlota.

Rufi comments to the mother superior that Macarena would have been happy to see this, to see Pal happy. MS is sure that Mac is there in some way.

Romi whines at Emil to dance with her, so he reluctantly gets up. Cami sees this and says she was right, that marriage was a mistake. Luz thinks they don’t look like they’re in love. Rafael remarks that they’re not, and looks at Cami while saying “love isn’t easy to find.”

Diana preens in the mirror while Samuel lounges in bed. He claims that he has always liked her, even back when he was married to Cami. Diana thinks it’s best that he go now because she doesn’t want people to have something to gossip about, but Sam puts on a “poor me” act about having to go back to a cold, empty bed. He even suggests that they could spend every night together. Di agrees that he can stay the night and she’ll think about his offer. When she leaves the room Sam rolls his eyes then clenches his fists in glee.

Everyone starts doing some kind of line dance where people have to switch partners, so of course Emiliano and Paloma end up dancing together while Romi glares at them from across the room. He thinks Macarena made this moment possible because she wanted them to be together. Pal insists they don’t have a future.

Suddenly Romi starts to double over in pain.

Liliana dances with Gabriel and tells him she likes him and Pal as a couple.

Now Lili is dancing with Emil and notes that he still loves Pal. He says he’ll never stop loving her.

Pal thanks Gabriel for coming to the dance with her. "Thank you" he replies.

Romi stumbles into the bathroom where she encounters Carlota. Romi complains that she got a pain from seeing Pal and Emil dance together. She’s surprised Carlota let Pal wear such a common/ordinary dress. Carlota replies that more and more Pal is out of her control. And out of mine, says Romi--it’s obvious she and Emil still love each other. She asks Carlota what else she can do. You have to separate them, advises the Purple One, and don’t let them be alone together for even one minute. You get your husband, and I’ll take care of Paloma.

Camila laments to Rufi about the Romi-Pal split. Luz asks what separated them, to which Orlando answers “they both fell in love with the same man.” Uncomfortable looks on Rafa and Cami’s faces. Luz thinks maybe when the baby is born that will bring them together.

Natalia agonizes over Alonso. She remembers several instances of him working on his computer and one night when he was worried and couldn’t sleep. She thinks there must have been something going on, he was very different in his last days. She takes out a picture of her and Sagrario, saying “help me, because it’s not fair to you, to me, to our daughter.” Then we see a flashback scene of someone, presumably Alonso, hiding a piece of paper inside the very frame that Natalia is holding.

Miss Aguafiestas (and that’s MISS, not MRS.) tries to make Rufi leave the party but Rufi volunteers to stay there with Paloma awhile longer. Rafael offers to take Carlota home while Rufi suggests that Dr. B. can take her and Pal home (Orlando offers too), and Carlota finally agrees. After Rafa, Luz, and Carlota leave, Orlando comments “what an enchanting woman!” From the look on Cami’s face, my guess is that he was referring to Luz, but who knows.

Pal and Gabriel run into Romina, who’s looking rather green. She starts having pains again so Gabe runs off to get Emil. He and Cami come running. I guess Romi’s water broke. Romi says this can’t be, so soon? While German lurks around the corner, Dr. B comes over and says it’s time to go to the hospital. After everyone leaves, Liliana comes up and gives German a knowing look.

Rafa and Luz drop off Carlota. Luz asks if Carlota has lived there her whole life, then rattles off a long list of the different places she’s lived. They go on to have a discussion about living life freely—-Luz is for it, Carlota isn’t, and she doesn’t want Luz putting ideas in Pal’s head. After Carlota bids them goodnight Luz comments that Carlota is from the last century. Carlota then spies on Luz and Rafa kissing and thinks what a tramp--but then she tells herself maybe she should be like Luz and that way she’d get Cris. She imagines that it’s her and Cris making out.

Carlota talks out loud to Cris again, this time about wanting his kisses on her skin and wondering how long she’s going to have to wait.

It’s night at the jail and it sounds like an owl is hooting. Cris asks his roomie Chucho what’s that noise? It’s Canibal’s group, they do it when they’re going to beat up (or maybe “take down”? I’m not sure exactly how “echar” is being used here) somebody. He hopes they won’t try something with Cris again.

Emiliano, Paloma and Gabe drive Romi to the hospital. Cami tells Orly that the baby will be premature but she doesn’t think it will be a problem.

In the car Romi thanks Pal for being there for her and tries to lay a guilt trip on her by saying she never imagined that the two people she loves most in the world would be able to be there on this important day.

Dr. B. takes Rufi home and gives her the two rings back to put back where she found them. She’s going to give Pal the real one and Carlota the fake one.

Rafa tells Luz that Crazylota is very strict/demanding with Pal, to which Luz replies “like Romi is with Emil”. She thinks Carlota and Romi are alike. She wonders what’s the deal with Romi—why be with someone who doesn’t love you? Rafa changes the subject and asks if Luz has ever thought of having kids. Of course, she’d love to. But she can’t have kids.

Still parked in front of the house of horrors, Rufi tells Dr. B. about her suspicions that Carlota diluted Macarena’s medication, and that’s why they weren’t having the effect he was expecting. Rufi thinks Carlota ruined Pal’s dress on purpose. Dr. B. says they can’t prove Carlota tampered with the medicine, so let’s go to Mexico City and get Pal out of here-—that will be our victory over Carlota. Said witch has just walked up and heard this and demands to know what he meant.

At the hospital, Romi asks Pal to stay with her and for Emil to ask Cami to call her dad. Emiliano rebuffs Gabe’s offer to go with him to the front desk to register Romi.

Dr. B. appears to be in an anvil-baiting mood. He informs Carlota that Mac didn’t want Pal to live with her and told him about Pal being her daughter. If Mac didn’t trust you, I’m not going to either. Although Mac isn’t here, I’m going to keep the promise I made to her. Carlota asks where Pal is. Dr. B. explains that Romi’s having the baby and she went to the hospital with her. Carlota thinks Pal has no reason to be there because she and Romi stopped being friends when they fell for the same guy. Yeah, just like others that were sisters, Dr. B. observes. Carlota demands that Dr. B. tell Pal to come home immediately.

Rafa and Luz have arrived home when Camila calls to tell him about Romi. He’s a little confused because it’s not time yet for the baby to be born. Luz offers to go to the hospital with him but he tells her to stay home and rest.

Carlota reads Rufi the riot act for not bringing Paloma home with her. She also tells Rufi not to go against her—-she doesn’t like her friendship with Dr. B., what they’ve been hinting at. Rufi is also in an anvil-baitin’ mood, as she speculates that perhaps Mac would have lived many years more had she married Dr. B., because she would have had a doctor caring for her and her medicines would have worked well.

German and Liliana get into an argument about who’s the father of Romi’s baby-—despite the DNA results she still has doubts and she believes Germy does too. He grabs her and asks what does she care? It must be because she still loves him. He forces a kiss on her but is pulled away and punched by her boyfriend Eric. They scuffle and German yells at Eric that Lili loves him.

While Carlota goes upstairs, Rufi sneaks into the study to put the phony ring back in Carlota’s desk. Before she can leave, Carlota comes in. Rufi claims she came in to close the window. After Rufi leaves, Carlota thinks “I hope you haven’t been snooping around.” She takes the ring out and looks at it. The camera pans down to the floor under the desk where Rufi had to hurriedly stash the real ring.

Rafa calls Diana but she doesn’t answer. She’s going to make him suffer. Samuel comes out of the bathroom and piles on some more fake compliments, including how Di is 1,000 times prettier than Camila.

Rufi returns to the study and retrieves the real ring.

The doctor does an ultrasound on Romi and notes that the baby is very small. Romi claims she’s 8 months along, so the doctor speculates that perhaps the baby hasn’t developed normally. Romi is afraid that something is wrong with the baby.

Camila leaves Samuel a message about Romi having her baby. Gabe comments to Emil that he must be excited to be a father for the first time. Emil sulkily says he doesn’t have to put on a nice guy act for him. Gabe says he’s not, it’s just that not everyone gets to be a father like Emil does. When Emil notices that Gabe says that as though he’s not going to have kids, Gabe replies “one never knows.” Emil, not phased at all by his imminent fatherhood, takes this opportunity to defensively mention that it’s obvious Gabe is interested in Paloma.

The doc informs everyone that the baby is fine but very small, like it’s 7 months or less. I think he says they’re trying to stop the labor and they’ll have to wait and see how Romi/the baby respond. Rafa arrives and Emil tells him that the baby could die.

In the avances, a doctor comes out and tells Emiliano he has to choose Romi, or the baby.


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

ENDA, January 6, 2010

Paloma is excited and tells Carloca that this is the first dress she bought with her own money. You would think that Paloma would know by now that being excited about something in Carloca's presence turns into disaster. The child will never learn.

Everyone starts trickling in for the graduation. Paloma and Liliana light a candle and MS welcomes everyone. Diplomas are handed out. MS gives Paloma a special diploma for being the best student. Carloca actually seems proud.

German brings PJC the other half of the photo.

Carloca looks at Paloma's gown and tells her that she will iron it for her. Carloca tells her to finish putting on her make-up and leaves with the dress.

Gabriel shows up at Sandra's house to bring her a corsage. Sandra's mother wants to tell him something about Sandra.

Carloca is ironing Paloma's dress and purposely ruins it by leaving the iron on it.

Emiliano yells for Romina to hurry up their going to be late. Romina comes in all whiny that she looks hideous. Emiliano reminds her that she's pregnant. I know replies Romina. I can't wait for this baby to be born. I'm tired of being fat. How can women say that being pregnant is so wonderful? She tries to adjust her scarf to hide her belly.

Rufi comes into Paloma's room all spiffed up. Paloma comments on how pretty she is. Rufi wants Paloma's dress to iron, but Paloma tells her that Carloca already is doing it. Rufi says but she doesn't like to iron! Carloca rushes in and tells Paloma that she accidentally ruined her dress. Paloma starts crying. Oh poor me!

PJC wishes he could be at Paloma's graduation. He asks God to watch out over her since he cannot be there.

Rufi thinks she might be able to fix it, but Carloca is adamant that it cannot. Carloca offers to lend her one of her dresses since the shops are closed. I'm sure it'll be an ugly dress.

The doorbell rings and it's Dr. Bermudez. Carloca says "Oh, it's you" and walks away. Rufi comes up to greet the doctor properly. As soon as the door is closed the doorbell rings again and it's Gabriel. He greets everyone and Carloca asks him rudely what he is doing here. He replies that he came to get Paloma. Suddenly Paloma walks up and says "Gabriel?" "What are you doing here?" She comes in with a shiny black shawl and a black dress. Nothing to look at.

Gabriel explains why he wants to accompany Paloma to the graduation. We don't get to hear his explanation. Carloca says absolutely not. Why asks Paloma. Because you are not going to be second best replies Carloca. Gabriel says she's misunderstood his explanation. Carloca replies that he just said his date cancelled their plans. That's not what happened says Gabriel. Is that how you understood it he asks Paloma. No replies Paloma with Rufi and Dr. Bermudez agreeing also. Dr. Bermudez points out that it's tradition for the graduates to be accompanied by a partner. Rufi mentions that it will make Paloma go to the party because now that her dress was ruined by accident by Carloca she didn't want to go. Paloma says she doesn't feel comfortable with the dress that she is wearing. But if he wants to accompany her then she would love to go. Everyone is happy except Carloca. Carloca tries again to dissuade Paloma. Gabriel says that he, Sandra and Paloma had already discussed that he would be their for both of them. Paloma pipes up and says of course. You would dance one with her and then the other with me.

Romina and Emiliano show up at the hotel where the graduation is held and come across Rafa and Luz. Rafa says he came to take Luz to the restaurant for dinner. He introduces Luz to Emiliano and Romina. Luz comments on how she has wanted to meet him and that he looks a lot like his dad. And Romina looks beautiful. They are about to leave when Camila and Orlando show up. Camila and Rafa make eyes at each other. Luz shakes hands with Camila. Emiliano breaks up the happy group and says they have to go in now. Romina comes up with the bright idea for Rafa and Luz to come along with them. Emiliano doesn't want to mess up Rafa's plan, but Romina overrides it and says that she had to buy a table and there is room for them. Rafa says thanks, but we didn't come properly dressed. Luz suggests they go home and change into appropiate attire. Romina seconds the idea. Camila asks Romina not to insist if they don't want to. Orlando seconds the comment. Romina ignores them and tells Luz that she expects them to show up.

Diana and the ladies play cards with Samuel.

Rufi asks Dr. Bermudez if he has figured out the ring situation. He says one is the original and the other a very good copy. He thinks the copy was made by Carloca.

Gabriel stops and buys Paloma a flower. He tells her he has another surprise for her.

Romina and Emiliano walk into the room where the party is being held followed by Camila and Orlando. Orlando comments that he thinks Romina went to far. Camila agree. Orlando says this dinner will be torture with you, me, Rafa and his newest girlfriend. Camila says if you want to leave, I'll understand. Orlando says of course not. Camila asks if Luz is really pretty. Orlando says she pales in comparison to you. Emiliano gets onto Romina for inviting Rafa and Luz. Now Orlando and Rafa are going to be uncomfortable. Romina thinks Camila needs to get use to it because once the baby is born they are going to around each other and Rafa's latest squeeze. So you did it to get at your mother asks Emiliano. Of course not replies Romina. I did for you. So that both your dads can be together with you.

Romina and Emiliano ask where Paloma is when the see Rufi, Carloca and Dr. Bermudez. Rufi says she's just coming in. Paloma walks in with Gabriel on her arm. The dress? Okay I guess. Carloca asks Rufi what she did. Nothing replies Rufi. I just bought her a new dress. Orlando says she's beautiful, Romina says she looks nice and Emiliano says spectacular.

Paloma goes up to Camila who tells her she looks beautiful. Paloma introduces Gabriel to her. Romina comments that she thought Paloma was coming alone. Paloma says last minute Gabriel wanted to accompany her. Emiliano says something that I don't quite catch. Probably since I am watching most of this on you tube. Anyway Liliana comes in and spots Paloma. They get all excited and Liliana says you look gorgeous. I'm so glad that you came with Gabriel especially after all that happened. Romina wants to go what's going on. Paloma says something which I don't catch and then Romina says of course. Gabriel was coming with Sandra. So you Paloma must be his consolation prize. Gabriel says of course not. If she had asked me she would have been first priority. Gabriel and Paloma take their leave.

Emiliano and Romina sit down at their table and Romina rubs it in that Paloma found herself another. Camila says Paloma's free and so is Gabriel. They look like a lovely couple. Orlando says so does Emiliano and Romina. You look beautiful today. Romina tells him not to lie. She looks like a cow.

Paloma thanks Rufi for the dress. Rufi says that Paloma has become the focus of the party. Of course Carloca is not pleased.

Rafa complains about going to the party.

Angelica is at a restaurant and in comes Miriam an old friend of hers. They were friends that parted badly. Angelica says it's because she was so into Dario. I thought everything he said was the truth. Miriam agrees and says you thought we were out to get him, but that's not the cases. I know that now replies Angelica. What happened asks Miriam. Dario stole my book replies Angelica. Miriam isn't surprised. He used me too. Angelica wants to get back at him. She wants to join forces with her. Miriam agrees.

At the party Emiliano keeps looking at Paloma and Gabriel and is jealous. German comes up and asks what's wrong? Paloma came with that guy replies Emiliano. They both talk bad about Gabriel. German assures him that he will handle everything.

Rafa and Luz show up and encounter Emiliano. Rafa says I don't think this is a good idea.

German greets Carloca and tells Paloma she looks beautiful. Rufi asks if Paloma and Gabriel are going to dance. Paloma says she wasn't but now that she has an escort she will. German says you can dance with me. Gabriel says I don't think so. That will be my pleasure. BLAH, BLAH. German says see you later, but Carloca asks German to join them instead. Gabriel spots Luz and says hi. Luz then goes over to Paloma and asks her how she got Gabriel to come since he hates these kinds of parties. Really replies Paloma. Carloca asks Rafa if he came with Luz. She's my girl replies Rafa. Carloca asks so you are divorced? She's very young isn't she? Luz says Rafa is young too and we make a great looking couple.

MS starts the party by making a speech. Rafa looks at Camila, Romina looks at Emiliano and Emiliano looks at Paloma.

Joel and Monica are washing dishes. They talk about her son. Joel says once we get married he will get use to me. Monica is shocked and says you want to marry me? Of course replies Joel. Don't you? Monica says she wants to spend her life next to him along with her son. Why don't we live together instead? That way if you want to leave you can just pack up. No papers involved. Are you that scared asks Joel. Monica begs Joel to understand. She's scared of marriage. I understand that you had a bad experience with the father of your son, but that doesn't pertain to use replies Joel. I want your son to know that my promise is not only with you but also with him. I intend to be with you for all my life.

MS asks Paloma to come up and make a speech. Gabriel escorts her to the stage. I hate that bow at the back of her dress. Paloma makes a speech about leaving behind today their childhood and looking forward to adulthood. She thanks MS for the love and guidance she has shown everyone. Emiliano drinks in every word she says and German could care less. Paloma thanks everyone especially Romina for opening up her heart to her when she first came to the school. Romina cries silently. Paloma says with Romina I learned what a friend is and a sister. I will always care for her. No matter what. Carloca just shakes her head. Video of Romina and Paloma as kids at the school. Everyone looks on at the video and tears are running down Romina's face. Carloca yawns. Emiliano smiles. Liliana laughs. At the end of the video Romina and Paloma embrace. Sweet.

PJC's cellmate asks about the torn photo. PJC says it's my father who is now dead. What did he die of asks cellmate. Psoriases of the liver replies PJC. What's with the photo though? This picture showed up at the hospital while I was sleeping. I need to know who gave it to me.

The old lady gets a call from someone saying in a couple of days things will be finalized. Old lady says finally Cristobal.

Manana: The special dance; Romina is pissed Emiliano and Paloma danced together.


ENDA Tuesday January 5. Really, Chava might have the right idea.

Living in Real del Monte could drive anyone to drink. Cris the recovering alcoholic is probably going to need strong therapy of some kind to avoid either a relapse, or slicing his own veins to get the evil blood out.

Paloma and Cristóbal (not yet glowing purple) tell each other how strongly attached they are. I hope Cris recovers super-fast, because I find hospital scenes quite tiresome. Even the zombie prison is better.

Luz tells Gabriel she knows his secret. He’s upset, but she says she found out quite a while ago, by accident, and it hasn’t changed anything between them thus far, so it needn’t change anything now. She won’t tell anyone. She does urge him to carpe diem, live life fully, fall in love, etc.

Cris tells Padre Benito he hates Carlota with the fire of a thousand suns and wants to kill her.

Paloma calls Gabriel and tells him that PJC is going to be fine. She says she’ll see him at their next class, and not to worry about Auntie Maim because soon (WHEN?!?!! This girl lives in Neverland) Paloma will be a legal adult and things will be so much better. Gabriel gets all smily and wiggles eyebrows with Luz.

Rufi tells Dr. Bermúdez about the second ring she found, exactly like Paloma’s engagement ring from Iñaki, which Carlota said was worthless. The doc wants to see them.

Mónica watches her son drawing with his class of little children. The kids are all wearing girly smocks. Joel shows up, says hello to the kid, and is rewarded with a big hug and kiss. He gives the little boy a present right in front of the other kids, which seems kind of rude, but they don’t seem to notice. Mónica is touched by the schmaltzy sentimentality of the scene.

Germán illuminates Paloma on the subject of prison vigilante justice. She wonders if there is something they can do to protect PJC and Natalia, like prove their innocence. Germs thinks that will be hard because he is a crappy lawyer who has been bought off by the opposition and no one can be bothered to investigate. He leaves to visit Natalia.

Loser Chava hangs in the park, drinking with his buddies. Meche shows up and yells at him. He tries to blame his drinking on the hypocritical killer priest.

Emiliano has taken Rufi and Paloma home, and Rufi is instantly summoned by the bellowing harpy, leaving Emo free to hit on Paloma, even though she keeps pointing out how his continued pursuit annoys her.

Carloca lounges in bed and demands juice, as she is feeling weak after giving up her demon fluid. She also wants to make sure Rufi knows that it is thanks to her that Cris is still alive. Rufi would rather thank God. She asks La Loca what exactly are her intentions in all this. Well, obviously, says Carloca, to keep Cris alive and make him eternally grateful to her. “And are you ever going to resign yourself to the fact that he will never return your feelings?” asks Rufi. Cruel glares.

Cris is still grossed out and horrified at having Carlota’s cooties. Dr. Rodolfo apologizes but says it was an emergency. Cris says he has a lot of suspicions about Carlota but isn’t yet ready to stir up (remover) the past.

Carlota is annoyed that it is so obvious that Cris does not return her affections. She tells Rufi that soon she will get a big surprise; everyone will find out that Cris is really in love with her. Rufi manages not to roll her eyes back so far that they get stuck, and leaves. Crueloca pulls out her precious envelope of “incriminating” creepy photos and tells Cris he’ll have to give in. She rubs the photos all over herself and seems to get all het up by that, blegh.

Paloma tells Emo it would be better if he just gave Romina a chance. He says he has, but his lips only want Paloma’s, and the lips don’t lie. He takes her hand and leans in, and when said lips are mere millimeters apart, we must go to commercial. Elmo and some fuzzy green character take the opportunity to teach us how to cough properly to avoid spreading disease, but they don’t mention kissing or devil blood cooties.

When we return, we can’t tell whether they are actually kissing due to the camera angle. Well, whatever, Emo says he’d better leave before things get harder. He makes it to the other side of the gate before he has his usual meltdown.

Camila is still tormenting herself with flashbacks of Rafael and Luz and trying to pep-talk herself into getting over it, since she was the one who left him. Mónica interrupts to rave about how well Joel and her son hit it off, and how happy she is that she can fall in love and have a partner in life after all. She hopes Camila will be as happy with Orlando. Cami tries to put on a brave face.

Emiliano drags himself home. Romina is for some reason super excited about the graduation party and showing him her new dress and asking him if he wants to invite his parents. Wow, this town has a dismal social scene. He says Germán wants to be invited. Romi doesn’t like that, but says he should invite Rafael and his new girlfriend. “Huh?” asks Emo. Romi says she saw them herself, and she never knew Rafa could be soooo affectionate. “Oy,” thinks Emo.

Samuel gives bewigged Diana a stolen flower and strokes her cheek. Maybe his oiliness will get rid of her squeaking.

Emiliano calls Rafa, who is hanging around in pajamas with Luz, to verify the existence of the new girlfriend. Rafa says it happened rather by surprise, and in carefully worded answers tells Emo part of him is happy, and the other part will just have to forget. You can guess which part is which.

Meche cries to Padre Mateo about her screwup grandson. PM says he’ll ask Emiliano to help him try to talk some sense into the kid.

Crueloca calls Germy and asks him if something could happen to Natalia in prison, also. “Gosh, I hope not,” says Germs. “But it’s possible, right?” Cruel asks hopefully. Germy looks appalled. They clarify that Cruel is willing to spend plenty of money to achieve her goals.

Natalia mopes in prison and remembers Cris leaving her at the altar. She tells herself that life would have been so different if they had just gone through with the wedding. Now she’s afraid she’ll be in jail forever.

Paloma asks Carloca about her conversation with Gabriel and his father. Carloca tries to claim Gabriel’s slinking around with his tail between his legs is his way of heading off accusations at the pass, so he must have had bad intentions. Carloca wants him to know she is there to defend Paloma. Paloma is confused and doesn’t think that is how he was acting at all. La Loca doesn’t like having her ridiculous assertions challenged so she says she’s tired. She warns Paloma to stay away from that wolf in sheep’s clothing, PJC (now with less P). Paloma says she will always believe he is innocent.

The lady on wheels checks into a hotel, asking for the biggest room they have. Samuel passes by her at the reception desk, on the phone with Romina. He claims he’s in Mexico City and just kept the room in Real del Monte (or is it in Pachuca? I don’t know) as a place to keep his stuff. Not to worry; the furniture is on its way. She invites him to her graduation. “Uhhh…didn’t you get expelled?” he asks. She still gets to go to the party, which is obviously the important thing. He says it would be too awkward to be around Camila. Emiliano eavesdrops and looks disgusted. He kisses Romina on the forehead and leaves, and Romi looks sad and rubs her belly.

Eric drops off an envelope in Germy’s office, and things instantly get hostile:
Germs: Just leave it there.
Eric: I’m not your cat; don’t order me around like you’re the boss.
G: I’ll be the boss soon, so you’d better get used to it.
E: You’re rising like foam, and foam disappears. Be careful.
G: Estúpido! You’re just jealous because Liliana can’t forget me.

Emiliano and Padre Mateo drop by Meche’s quesadilla stand while Chava is begging her for food. They’d like one of everything, and also a chat with the young hoodlum.

Rojas calls Germs and says he’s heard that he is Carloca Espiny de los Monstruos’s new lawyer. He warns Germy to watch his back and says he doesn’t know whether to congratulate him or offer condolences. Germán hangs up and says he’s just jealous.

PM and Emo give Chava a boring lecture. I could not care less about this character.

Rufi shows Rodolfo the two rings, looking nervously over her shoulder and saying she’s worried because she thinks La Loca has superhuman powers.

Paloma gives the madre superiora a copy of her graduation speech and says she doesn’t know whether it’s any good, as she can’t concentrate. MS says she can tell how strong a bond Paloma and Padre Juan have. Paloma is sorry that he won’t be able to be at the graduation. Yes, missing the graduation is really worse than being accused of murder, being sent to zombie prison, getting de-priested, getting shivved, and being pumped full of demon blood. This school really must throw one heck of a graduation party.

Germán visits Cris in the hospital. Cris asks him to make sure that Carlota is not present at the trial.

Carlota lounges about, dreaming of the day when she will be Carlota Espinosa de los Monteros de Gamboa. Good thing it will never happen; she would probably insist on being addressed by all of that, every time.

Cris sleeps and creepy music of doom plays as we see part of a picture drop onto his bedside table, then the door closing. The photo appears to be half a black-and-white shot of a baby, torn diagonally.

The next morning, a nurse removes Cris’s needles and wakes him up. Germy arrives and they help Cris sit up. No indecency in this hospital; the patients get to wear pants. Cris sees the photo and is stunned. He says he has the other half and never knew that this half still existed. He begs Germy to ask the other padres to find his half in his things and bring it, and to find out how this half arrived. Cris continues to hyperventilate.

Montage of Emo and Paloma making googly eyes at each other while Paloma supervises her art class and Emo halfheartedly kicks the soccer ball around with the boys. Time passes.

Cris returns to prison and is buddy-buddy with the other prisoners. Paloma visits Natalia. Time passes.

Luz snuggles up to Rafa in bed. Samuel and Diana get frisky on the couch. More time is passing.

Camila and Orlando plan their wedding. The padres hunt through Cris’s stuff and find the other half of the baby picture. More time passes.

Romina looks even bigger, and tries on dresses and cries about how huge she is. Emo laughs at her.

Paloma and Gabriel flirt a lot during her art lessons.

Paloma admires her dowdy graduation party dress and tells herself she will not be bitter and uncomfortable because she doesn’t have a date. Carlota comes along and tells her the dress is too daring and inappropriate. Daringly ugly, and inappropriately unfestive, I say. I don’t think she could possibly have found something more conservative. Anyhoo, Paloma doesn’t care. She’s proud that she bought the dress with money she earned herself.

FINALLY it is graduation day. Caps and gowns, smiles, diplomas, candles, speeches, making eyes at your married beloved, the usual. Paloma gets a special plaque for being the best. Everyone claps. Caps thrown. Fortunately, we are not subjected to Paloma’s speech.

Mañana: The big party. Paloma seems to have the impression it is a Victorian costume ball. She smiles at Gabriel and Emiliano gets ragingly jealous.


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Amor Monday, January 4, 2010: Could somebody run out for a 6-pack of blood?

Friday: Gabriel tells Don Eugenio that he’s going to go wait at the school to tell Paloma what happened to Padre Juan. Padre Juan meanwhile is out cold at the hospital and Dr B is there calling for blood as Chris has lost so much. He hopes there is some on hand, or they will need a donor. Emiliano gets to the school first and tells Paloma and Lili. Gabriel comes up with his dad and they all discuss the news. The fellows ask Paloma which one she wants to go to the hospital with. Don Eugenio looks hard at his son and realizes he’s fallen for Paloma.

And now, a fresh new week of Real del Monte adventures in a fresh new year:

Paloma wonders how they all found out. Em heard from German, and Gabriel and his dad heard from Carlota. Paloma wonders what they were doing talking to her and Gabriel said his dad wanted to put in a good word for him so she’d calm down.

Em points out that they’re wasting time. Indeed. Why is Paloma so interested in how they found out when Padre Juan’s life could be slipping away at any moment? Anyway, she thanks Gabriel and picks Em. Don Eugenio puts his arm around his son’s shoulder.

At home, Rufi is praying to the Virgin for Padre Juan. When she’s done, she puts her hands in her apron pockets and discovers the two matching Inaki engagement rings that she found. Where to hide them? She decides to hide them in the vegetable basket and starts moving the produce around.

Luz comes into Rafa’s office and smiles understandingly which she likes to do when other women have fled in tears because she is the radiant queen of Rafa now. She says let’s be honest – it hurt, didn’t it? (Meaning his argument with Camila.) He says the last thing he expected was for Camila to show up at the office.

Luz, still smiling, says It’s obvious that there is, or has been, something big between you two. Rafa says Camila’s about to marry someone else. Luz says that must be hard when your heart belongs to someone else. Rafa says nah, she doesn’t love me anymore. Luz says oh, come on. I could tell that there’s nothing left between you and Diana, but it’s obvious that you feel more for Camila than you care to recognize.

Rafa says I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Luz says don’t worry. I’ve only known you a few days – it’s illogical to think that you didn’t have anyone before me, or that I didn’t have anyone before you. Don’t you want to run after her, to tell her that there’s still a chance? Rafa looks thoughtful.

Now we see Camila walking a leafy street and flashing back on seeing Luz come into Rafa’s office. Who do you love, Rafael? she wonders aloud.

German is at the nurse’s desk when Carlota comes flying in, distressed and wanting to know how Chris is. German says not good – he was stabbed. It happens a lot in prisons.
Carlota says she wants to go see him. German says visits are restricted. I don’t care! I don’t care! says Carlota, frantic. Bribe somebody! Get me in!

Back to Rafa and Luz. He says to her that most women would be upset and would pack up and leave. Luz says the thing is if somebody is with me, it’s because they want to be, and if you want to go with her, yes, my pride will be a little bruised and it’ll hurt a little, but better now than later.

Rafa says I am where I want to be. Really? says Luz. Really, says Rafa.

Tearful Camila, standing in a window of her shop, is debriefing herself with sympathetic Monica. She tells Monica You have no idea how it hurt to see him happy with someone else. He didn’t love me like he said he did. Monica says you know men, they can’t stand to be alone, so they grab onto someone else. Camila says Rafa’s not like that.

It wouldn’t mean that he doesn’t love you, Monica assures her. Camila says he’s already with someone, and maybe even sleeping with her! Monica says well, I’m not a guy so I don’t really understand how they do that, but there’s no doubt that Rafa really loved you.

Camila says it’s a good thing I chose Orlando. He’d never pull anything like that. Never.

German comes back into the hospital waiting room and tells Carlota that it’s going to cost a load. Whatever! Whatever! she says, urgently. German says I didn’t know Padre Juan was so important to you. Carlota says I don’t pay you to think, just to act. German says okay, there’s a nurse waiting for you at the end of the hall.

Are you sure nobody else knows about Chris? Carlota asks. German says not now, but somebody like Orlando could find out. Carlota says make sure nobody visits him but me. She runs off down the hall and we see Orlando show up in the waiting room. He asks German how Chris is.

Inez has received her not-secret-anymore admirer, Juancho, in her living room. Hat in hand, he says that he doesn’t want to be precipitous, but he doesn’t want to wait any more years to declare his intentions. He drops to one knee, proposes, and pulls out a little red box which he opens to reveal a ring. Inez stares, takes her glasses off and looks heavenward. Dios mio! she says gratefully. She faints dead away onto the couch.

Back at the hospital, the nurse tells Carlota she’s going to have to disguise herself in a nurse’s outfit the nurse will provide. The nurse says don’t forget you’re putting my job at risk. Carlota says don’t forget I’m paying you very well.

Em and Paloma are strolling towards the hospital. Paloma says it’s not fair what happened to Padre Juan! Em wants to know why Gabriel and his dad would want to talk to Carlota and Paloma explains. They stop and he smiles. She wants to know why. He says he is on the same page as Carlota for a change – he doesn’t want anybody coming around Paloma.

Don’t be so self-centered says Paloma. Em says I mean it. He strokes her face and says One day we’re going to be together. Paloma pulls away and takes off.

The Eiffel Tower! The Paris airport! Airplanes taking off. And in the waiting room, the white-haired lady in her wheelchair looking sad and grim. In her mind, an old conversation between a man and woman (her?) replays.

Man: You have your future. Just brilliant. This will ruin all your plans.
Woman (weeping): I know, but I just can’t give him up.
Man: It’ll be hard at first, but you’ll get over it.
Woman: Do you think he’ll hacer cargo (I couldn’t find a meaning for this – maybe “take responsibility”?)
Man: You have to do it. You have to think of yourself.
Woman: I’m so confused.
Man: You made a big mistake and if you don’t do what I say, you’ll be making a bigger one. I won’t give you anything more, understand?
Woman: All right, I’ll do it - my way.

Carlota, in her nurse’s cap and mask, and plenty of eye makeup, comes into Chris’s room. She closes the blinds to his room and slowly pulls her mask away. She approaches his sleeping form. She speaks softly to him: You have to get better! Now you’re not a priest, and there’s no Macarena, the way is wide open for us. Nobody will ever come between us. You have to live - we have a future waiting for us, just you and me. She gets weepy. I’ve always been ready to do anything for you. Even if it costs me my fortune, I’ll save your life. She strokes his face, weeps, and begs him to live.

Sometimes it’s really handy to be unconscious.

Back in the Paris airport, a Spanish-speaking couple are looking at a newspaper, and the wife reads to her husband the scandalous story of the fallen priest, Padre Juan Cristobal. Our white-haired lady overhears and says excuse me, but I couldn’t help overhearing. Where is Real del Monte? They tell her it’s about a half an hour from Pachuca.

She calls her helper over and says something to him, but the captions have disappeared and the violins are scraping madly, and I can’t make out what she said. Anyway, he nods and says Very good, madam, or words to that effect.

The hospital again. A doctor comes into Chris’s room and Carlota quickly puts her mask back on and turns away and fiddles with something on the tray. The doctor, who, like all telenovela hospital doctors, doesn’t seem to know the nurses personally, asks if blood has been located for the transfusion. Carlota is startled and says she doesn’t know. She asks if he gets a transfusion, will he have a better chance of survival?

The doctor, maybe distracted by pondering how his stocks are going go up in 2010, doesn’t think about how any real nurse wouldn’t ask a stupid question like that. He patiently explains that Chris was bleeding a lot and needs blood. What kind? asks Carlota. It’s in the chart, the doctor says, handing it to her and leaving. Carlota flips through the chart, apparently finds the blood type, and looks up, having realized something.

If you don’t know what’s going to happen next with this, you’ve failed Telenovelas 101. Sorry.

The two padres arrive so now we have in the waiting room Paloma, Rufi, Padre B and Padre M, Emiliano, Orlando and German. They take a blood donor poll. Em gave within the last 6 months, so he’s out. Paloma’s a minor, Orlando isn’t a match, etc. Padre M says he’ll ask the congregation – there are plenty who believe in Padre Juan and would like to help. Padre M says he’ll go, so Padre B can stay and lend comfort to Chris.

Rufi says let’s all go to the chapel. They all agree, except Major Sinner German who says he’ll wait here. Maybe he’s afraid he’ll get struck by lightening if he gets down on his knees all hypocritical. But any bolt flaming towards the Real del Monte hospital wouldn’t aim for pikers like him, it’d zap Carlota. That I’d like to see, her with her hair standing on end and her body like an x-ray.

Romina is at the marble front desk of the luxurious hotel where Samuel is staying. Apparently he isn’t in. Romina accuses the lady behind the desk of not giving him her messages because he hasn’t called. The lady protests that she did. Romina asks for pen and paper and leaves him a note: What’s up with you? What’s up with the furniture for my baby and the check I gave you?

She thoughtbubbles Don’t make me think badly of you like other people do.

Orlando goes to Camila’s shop and tells her he’s been trying to call all morning. She checks her cell and finds out the battery died. He tells her that Chris has been stabbed in prison and has been thrown out of the church. I just came from the hospital. But I have a question for you: Where were you before you came to the shop this morning?

Diana is at Inez’s and Inez is showing her her ring. Diana says he must be a thief, because he doesn’t have any money. Maybe it’s his mother’s or grandmother’s ring. Too bad you got a used ring! He does have money, Inez enthuses. He wants to buy me a house in Mexico City. Diana wants to know what they need two houses for. Inez says they’ll be traveling back and forth a lot. Too unsettled, says Diana disapprovingly. Inez says she’s thrilled. Give me a hug! Diana does, frowning.

Diana says you ought to be congratulating me: Samuel gave me a little kiss. They hug again. Inez says we were kissing for hours. Diana says how many hours? The whole afternoon! says Inez. Diana grimaces with envy.

Camila tells Orlando that she stopped by the ceramics factory. She says she had business with Joel and saw Rafa just for a minute. Is Orlando going to start up with his jealousy thing again? No, he says, I just know that Rafa is seeing someone else and didn’t know if you knew. I do, says Camila. I have decided to make my life with you and Rafa has the right to make his life with whomever he wants.

In the little coffee shop, Gabriel, Don Eugenio and Luz are toasting her new romance. Don E. wonders why Gabriel can’t just let go like she does and fall in love. He says no, he’s too intense, too guarded. Luz says she was that way too, but she learned that nothing is forever. She just lives each day as if it were her last. Gabriel says I ought to learn to do that. Luz says See? There’s a reason why we are all here together.

Angelica alone at her desk at work thinks she ought to sue Dario for plagiarism. But who would believe her? A lightbulb goes on over her head. Miriam! The same thing happened to her and nobody believed her, least of all me, so in love with Dario. How can I locate her? Maybe the Writer’s Association. She grabs the phone.

Back at the café, Don E asks what it is Luz wanted to ask him. Turns out she’d like his help exporting Rafa’s ceramics to Europe. Gabriel says you have the connections! Don E says sure, why not? But I want something in return. I want you to teach Gabriel to live like you do, to enjoy life, and not just through his art.

At the publisher’s office, Dario is being interviewed while the publishing lady looks on. The interviewer says what really struck her about the book is that the female characters were so well rendered, it seemed like a book a woman had written. The publisher lady looks pained. The interviewer says Does this represent a change in your style?

The nurse holds up a bag of blood while it courses into Chris’s veins. His eyelids flutter. Dr B. says they were so lucky to find a donor. Chris wants to know what he’s doing there and Dr. B explains. He tells Chris who all is in the waiting room, worried about him. Dr B leaves and the nurse says you are really lucky that that woman was able to give blood for you. She saved your life.

We hear Carlota say Now you have my blood running throughout your body. Chris’s eyes and the camera turn to the bed next to him, and there is Carlota, her cat eyes smiling, her blood flowing directly his way apparently.

German takes this opportunity to hit on Paloma. In the waiting room, he asks her if she has a date for graduation. No, she says. He says I’ll take you – people will talk if you go without a date. Paloma says I don’t care. German says Romina is coming with Em – you’d feel a lot better with a date.

Why? says Paloma. To make Romina jealous? I know you two used to go out. No, says German, it’s just that you shouldn’t have to go alone. No thanks, says Paloma. I’ll be fine alone.

Chris is pulling at his transfusion tube. He begs the nurse to take it out, but she restrains him. Carlota comments that it’s the way God set things up. Chris says leave God out of this. Dr B comes in and restrains him too. Chris says Why did you have her give me blood? I don’t want anything from her. I’d rather die. Carlota says your place is here on earth. Chris says let me die.

To be with her? says Carlota.

Don Eugenio is about to head out for Mexico City and among much laughter and affection, he says goodbye to Luz and Gabriel. He hugs Gabriel and tells him to listen to Luz, and live a little.

Chris passes out again. Dr B asks the nurse to step out a moment. He then asks Carlota what she meant about Chris wanting to die “to be with her”? Who? Carlota says we all have our secrets and Padre Juan – make that ex-Padre Juan – is no exception. It’s not for me to tell his secrets. I know much more than he wants me to know.

Dr B says I’m going to have to ask you to not come to see him again when the transfusion is done. Carlota says but you’ll keep giving him my blood? Dr B says yes, without your blood, he would have died.

AHHHHH intone the bassos. They are supposed to be ominous but it always startles the bejeezus out of me when they suddenly come on.

In the waiting room, Padre B tells Em that he told Chris that Em is going to keep up with the social work and Chris is glad. Em says good, because he doesn’t want anybody’s life to fall down a rat hole from drinking.

Dr B comes in and announces Chris is out of danger because they found a donor. Paloma and Rufi are thrilled about the donor and Rufi says God bless the donor.

Carlota is holding her bent arm, and drinking orange juice, apparently done with the donation. She tells the nurse to leave her alone with Chris. The nurse says I can’t – doctor’s orders. Carlota says I paid you enough – obey MY orders. The nurse begs her to understand, but Carlota says I just want to say goodbye – it’ll take just a few seconds.

The nurse leaves, and Carlota comes and hovers over Chris. She tells him that his life now belongs to her and he will go along with her plans. She’ll show those photographs of him kissing her so people know there was something going on between them, plus she’ll make the photos be his alibi, and then they can go far, far away together. I want to be yours. She nuzzles him.

The nurse rushes in and tells her to get out quick – the doctor is coming.

Dr B is in the waiting room telling Rufi that Carlota was the donor and the transfusion saved his life. But Chris wanted her out of there and said he would rather die than take her blood. Dr B is puzzled by that, but Rufi doesn’t seem surprised.

Dr B says what’s between them? Or what was between them? Because there’s something more, isn’t there? Rufi says I promise one day, if we move with you to Mexico City and I feel more secure, I’ll tell you everything, about what a person will do En El Nombre del Amor.

Luz tries to convince Gabriel to live free – we never know when we might die. What about that nice Paloma?

At the hospital. German tells Em that he asked Paloma if he could escort her to her graduation, because, he assures Em, he wanted to help out by making sure she didn’t go with her art teacher. He tells Em she turned him down and is going to go alone. German’s going to go anyway – he doesn’t want to miss the party. Em says he wishes he didn’t have to go. German says Romina’d kill you. Em says it’s good Paloma’s going alone because he just couldn’t stand to see her dancing with another fellow. German says it’s going to happen one day, you know.

Dr B comes out and says visits are still restricted, but they can go in and see Chris. Paloma and Rufi hug, and Carlota peeks into the waiting room and then sneaks down the hall and out the door.

Paloma gets to visit first. She tells Chris that if he’d died she’d want to go live on a desert island where she would never love anyone again, so they wouldn’t die on her. Chris says you are the reason I want to live, I’m staying alive for you more than for myself. They hold hands. Paloma said when she heard he’d been stabbed, she thought her heart would just stop beating and never start up again. (She’s forgetting that actually she was standing around asking everyone how they’d found out, then discussing Carlota. After which she sauntered to the hospital. )

They talk of how much they love each other – Paloma is surprised she came to care for him so much, and Chris says he feels towards her as a father feels toward his child. He would give his life for her.

At the café, Gabriel tells Luz he just thinks of Paloma as a student. Luz says she has a special instinct and knows it’s much more. Luz says I want to tell you something, since I’ve known you and your father for so long. She strokes his face. I know your secret.

Everyone is visiting Chris now and thanking God for his recovery. Rufi says he needed to live to prove his innocence. Padre B says and that woman who gave blood for you is someone else who can help. Rufi looks like yuck. Dr B tells them too much visiting now. They all leave, but Chris asks Padre B to stay.

He asks him how he can get this hate out of his heart. He hates his blood donor. Padre B says don’t do that! Chris says it was Carlota. Padre B is impactado. I wanted to kill her, says Chris.

Avances: Carlota is in bed, looking at the photos of her kissing Chris. She rubs a photo against her shoulder lustfully. Em professes his love to Paloma and leans in to kiss her.


Friday, January 01, 2010

ENDA, January 1, 2010

Discussion post for the Jan. 1 episode.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

ENDA, December 30, 2009

Carloca wants German to convince PJC to go along with her plans.

Gabriel and Luz are walking in the park. Luz is telling Gabriel that she will be moving in with Rafa. They spot Paloma moping alone on a park bench and Gabriel goes to talk to her. She tells him she hopes time flies quickly so that she can leave Real del Monte. Gabriel says that what he most likes about her is her wings. No matter how much they try to make her stay she wants to fly away. Paloma mentions that is what her mother use to say to her. Emiliano comes across them talking and stares. Romina comes up and tells him that Paloma just goes from one man to another. Emiliano says that's not true. Of course it is replies Romina. Paloma told me so herself. I saw her after school and the mother superior begged me to come to the graduation so I couldn't say no. So you will be accompanying me. Paloma gets a call from Liliana to meet at the store so that she can help her pick out a dress. BLAH, BLAH. Paloma can't afford one, but Gabriel tells her to use some of the money she got from selling her paintings. You deserve it.

Dr. Bermudez and Rufi talk about Paloma and the situation involving PJC and Natalia. Rufi asks if German is the attorney who is handling Rojas things while he's away. Yes, replies Bermudez. Why? Rufi tells him that German has been going to the house to visit with Carloca. He also takes care of PJC's case. Bermudez smells something fishy.

Paloma is walking to meet with Liliana and comes across Romina and Emiliano. Of course Romina shouts out a greeting and asks Paloma to get her 4 tickets to the graduation. Paloma says fine and tries to leave. Of course Romina stops her and asks her if she will be going with her art teacher. Yes, replies Paloma and leaves. Emiliano is very jealous.

PJC is in his jail cell and ugly guy comes up behind him with rope to choke him. PJC slams ugly guy up against the wall to get away and then throws him out. Ugly guy threatens him and PJC's cellmate runs up and asks if he's okay. PJC says he's fine and doesn't want him to say anything to anyone else.

Orlando visits Natalia in jail and promises to help her.

Liliana and Paloma look at dresses for the graduation. Liliana picks out a pretty dress for Paloma, but she declines. I'm sure she'll pick something ugly. Past looks prove that. Liliana says they have to look their best because Romina will be there.

Emiliano and Romina go and look for baby furniture. Emiliano spots a happy couple and thinks to himself if only this baby was ours Paloma.

Angelica investigates and finds out that Dario registered her book the day after she gave it to him. You betrayed me you jerk.

Diana is playing poker with some other ladies in her ugly wig, extensions, whatever. HA-HA. Samuel's in the background. I think karma's going to bite Diana in the hind end.

Luz is so excited about Rafa's apartment. She brought groceries to cook for him. Smart girl. Men loved a home cooked meal.

Samuel comes up and offers to help the ladies with their game. We don't know you replies one lady. Diana remembers that he's Camila's ex and he joins the ladies. Diana and Samuel slimy smile at each other.

Angelica calls Orlando and gets voicemail. She leaves a message telling him that she will not be able to go to the office tomorrow. She still has not fixed her problem yet. She'll call back sometime tomorrow.

Paloma tells Rufi that she went dress shopping, but can't afford the dress. Rufi tells her to get it and she'll pay for it as a gift. She has no one to spend her money on. That way she can look like a young lady. Paloma decides she'll pay for it instead.

Angelica calls the editor lady that gave her Dario's manuscript to read and asks her to call Dario so that she can tell him face to face that she will be editing his book. She wants to surprise him. I hope she brings along a bat to beat him with. Anyway the lady agrees.

Carloca talks to someone on the phone and wants German to handle all her affairs now instead of Rojas.

The editor lady calls Angelica back and tells her that Dario agreed to come to the office tomorrow. Angelica thanks her and hangs up with a crazy look in her eyes.

Carloca yells for Paloma to hurry up to go to school. She starts fixing Paloma's bed and glances at her nightstand. There in an envelope is a huge amount of cash. Of course Paloma is not smart enough to hide it. Anyway Carloca wants to know in what bad things she's mixed in to have such a large amount of money.

PJC gets a visit from the archbishop and Padre Benito. The archbishop fires/suspends/terminates PJC's priestly duties.

Carloca accuses Paloma of bad behavior with her art teacher. They argue and Carloca wants her to distance herself from Gabriel and Dr. Bermudez. Paloma disagrees. I am a woman that wants to fly. Carloca belittles her. Paloma says I am not a little girl nor am I stupid. So don't treat me that way. Carloca says he wants to take you to bed. Paloma argues again and takes the money from Carloca and leaves.

Rafa is in bed sleeping when Luz comes in with breakfast. Damn she is laying in on thick. I've been married for 10 years and not once have taken breakfast to hubby in bed. He has 2 legs to carry him to the kitchen. Anyway he wants to get up from bed to go to work. They play fight and she tells him that he will not be going to the office. Breakfast is spilt all over the bed. And that is why I don't do breakfast in bed. Hubby is too accident prone and I'm too hot tempered. It'll never work. Rafa calls Joel and tells him that he will not be coming in today. Joel is shocked and guesses it's because of Luz.

Inez gets another letter under her door and opens the door quickly to find Juancho is her secret admirer.

One of the lawyers in the office informs German that he is Carloca's new lawyer. German is happy.

Carloca visits Paloma's first art teacher and wants the number to the guy who bought all the paintings from Paloma. Why asks the lady art teacher. Carloca tells her that she's concerned about all the money he gave Paloma for the paintings and doesn't want things to be misinterpreted. Lady art teacher defends Gabriel and his dad, but gives her the number anyway along with Gabriel's number and address.

Inez accepts having a relationship with Juancho.

Lady editor and Angelica are in her office waiting for Dario. Angelica asks if she can give him the news in private. Lady editor agrees. She leaves as soon as she gets word that he has arrived.

Orlando and Emiliano are talking about Angelica and wonder what's going on.

Dario walks in and sees Angelica. His smile fades and he asks her what she is doing their. Surprised to see me asks Angelica and bitch slaps him. He says he wants to explain. She grabs him by his collar and says what do you want to explain? That you took advantage of me again and stole my book? He tells her he was desperate. Angelica says I am so stupid to have trusted you. You came to Real del Monte in the pretense of helping me and you only wanted to steal it from me. Dario says yes I did, but no one has to know about it. (good time for her to bring out the bat)

PJC is sitting in his cell talking to god and begs him not to leave him.

Dario says his name may be in the book, but the money will be for her. Angelica starts yelling at him. Editor lady comes in wondering what's going on and Angelica says to her that Dario stoled her book. Dario of course denies it and editor lady begs Angelica not to cause a scene. She doesn't understand what Angelica gains from lying. Of course Dario has a smirk on his face. Angelica begs editor lady to believe her, but of course she doesn't.

German tells Emiliano that PJC has been expelled from the priesthood. Emiliano wants to help, but German says if the church doesn't back PJC up then no one will believe in their innocence. Emiliano wants to know if Paloma knows yet. German says he'll tell her , but Emiliano says he will.

German tells PJC he is sorry about his expulsion from the priesthood. PJC wants German to personally tell Paloma about what's going on.

Angelica is walking down the street crying and calling herself an idiot. I agree. If there is absolutely nothing you can do to get your book back then go all ape crazy on his ass and beat the snot out of him. No I do not condone violence, but sometimes you have to teach people a lesson and have them know not to mess with you. I'm just saying.

Emiliano tries calling Paloma and ends up leaving her a message to call him back about PJC.

Carloca yells at Gabriel to quit selling fantasies to Paloma that she will be a great painter. Also I forbid you and your father from giving Paloma excessive amounts of money. I do not like your intentions. Are you done asks Gabriel. I'm not playing replies Carloca. You do not know who you are messing with. Gabriel says a person is known for their words and it's obvious that I am in front of a woman that thinks she can control everything. And wants to cut her niece's wings. Carloca gets pissed and tells him to respect her. Gabriel says then do the same to me. Now it's time you leave. Carloca is appalled that he is throwing her out. Paloma walks in on this. Gabriel again tells Carloca to leave his house now. Carloca stares at him with her mouth opened in shock. Paloma says "Tia"? Carloca whirls around and is surprised to see Paloma.

Manana: Emiliano admits his jealousy; PJC gets stabbed and Carloca is going loca with the news.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Amor Tuesday, December 29, 2009: Real del Monte Gazette

Julia will be back next week to crack us all up. This week, though, this is just a discussion link.


Amor Monday, December 28, 2009: Hell hath no fury like a Carlota scorned

Friday: Rufi lets German in to see Carlota and wonders to herself why he wants to see her. A slo-mo montage with a mournful churchy choir in the background while we see Chris and Natalia admitted to jail, getting their jail clothes and being sent to the showers.

Sorry, no steamy shower scenes. Who wants to see a morose shower scene, and anyway they’re middle-aged. Padre Juan is more concerned with the state of his soul than the state of his pecs. Cassocks are very forgiving.

Okay, on with tonight’s episode!

German tells Carlota that Chris thinks she’s behind it all. If so, she’ll be in a lot of trouble. She asks if he believes Chris and he says of course not. But as a professional, he has to follow all threads. Carlota admires his attitude and says that a person who has been shamed and brought down can make up all kinds of fantasies to make their lives bearable.

So you deny it all, yes? says German. Of course, says Carlota. How could I fabricate photos of them all affectionate? German politely says Chris says you sent the anonymous letter and took the photos to make them look like lovers because you are in love with him and wanted vengeance.

Me? In love with Padre Juan? pooh-poohs Carlota. Surely you don’t believe that do you? German shrugs. Carlota says how could I have killed Alonso? I’m sorry he wants to point the finger at me. But you know what? I like the way you think. I’m seriously considering dropping Rojas as my lawyer and hiring you.

Really? says German standing up and gulping. Carlota says Rojas is getting old and tired where as you are young (she eyes him up and down) and ambitious.

Let’s get back to Padre Juan says German. Carlota says I think we’re done with that, don’t you agree? German says I agree. A man who is desperate will look for someone to blame. Carlota says too bad he picked me, because I’m not going to stand for it. German says it would be hard to believe of a woman like you with an impeccable reputation.

I’m glad you understand, says Carlota, you’re hired.

Rafa, all smiles, decides to call Luz, but he gets her tape. He hangs up and says What would I say? It’s better to leave it as a beautiful dream. And on cue, we get a series of flashbacks of their happy times at the conference and walking around the conference town, all scenes we’ve never seen before. A migration of Monarch butterflies must’ve come through during filming, because we get lots of scenes of them. Flutter flutter.

Cut to Luz checking her cell messages. She sees the unfamiliar number and dials back. She gets Rafa’s machine, but is happy to find out it was he who called. She guesses that he didn’t know what to say and smiles.

Em is at work, telling Angelica all about Padre Juan. Angie thinks German is very young and doesn’t have enough experience. Em says Orlando says if German is struggling, he’ll find somebody else. Angie wonders if German has the humility to realize when he’s in over his head. Angie thinks they definitely should find somebody with more experience.

A knock at the office door and in comes Diana, all smiles and hair extensions. Her ‘do looks great on her, but typical male Em doesn’t even seem to notice. What he does notice is that she’s there when he’s said he didn’t want to have anything to do with her. Angie tactfully says she’s going to run to the bank and evaporates.

Orlando comes into Em’s office and is amazed to see Diana or maybe her extensions. He just stares and says it was nothing important, he’ll check back. Out he goes. Diana giggles. He must’ve been knocked out by my new look, she preens.

Em says I know you’re not going to give up, so let’s talk, but not here. Let’s go to a coffee place. Diana is thrilled and hugs Em’s arm on the way out.

Rafa runs into Camila on the street. She asks him how the convention went and he said great, they made all kinds of useful contacts. He catches sight of the engagement ring on her hand and excuses himself. He starts to leave, then turns and asks if that’s her engagement ring and if so, did she have it on when she visited the conference? She says yes it is and no, Orlando gave it to her later when he got back from Houston.

He wants to know when they’re getting married and she tells him a month. I can’t pretend I’m happy about it, he says, but probably it was the best decision. Good day, Senora Ferrer. I have to get used to calling you that.

He leaves and we can tell Camila’s heart goes lub DUB because she makes sad puppy eyes at his retreating back.

At Gabriel’s studio, he and Paloma lament over Chris’s situation. Gabriel asserts that it’s important that people like them believe in him. As God is my witness, says Paloma, I’m going to do whatever I can. Gabriel likes her passion and says it’s vital for any artist.

Paloma, all fired up, says she wants to paint her outrage. I guess this means no more wimpy charcoal drawings of doves anymore. Gabriel gets all fired up too and says work with it! Use it!

He tells her to close her eyes, breathe, and imagine she can fly, that she is a butterfly that can go wherever it wants.

(I’m not feeling this image. I mean, butterflies are fragile and they just flutter about, they don’t soar, and even if some little chirpy bird doesn’t eat them, they still don’t live very long. How about something really free and high-flying, like a seagull? Oh yeah, I forgot, Gaviota was taken some telenovelas ago… Okay, how about something powerful, like an eagle? Or, even better, a pterodactyl? You soar, girl!)

The doorbells rings and Gabriel leaves her there with her eyes closed. Offscreen we hear him say Luz! and we hear Luz squealing Gabriel! How are you? Paloma opens one eye a slit.

Luz gushes a while and says she just got in town and she plans to stay with him. Paloma regards all this warily. Gabriel, all his art passion deflected for the moment, tells Paloma sorry and says he’ll find something for Luz to eat.

He introduces Paloma to Luz who says don’t go falling in love with this fellow! Paloma says I won’t. Luz jokes Well, you’ve been warned. She kisses Paloma on the cheek and sails out of the room. Paloma looks even more wary and says to Gabriel maybe we should just skip the lesson for today so you can be with your……

Gabriel says no, art comes first. We’ll finish up and then I’ll go with her.

German is coming out of Carlota’s house, thinking, distracted. Across the street, Romina, just coming out of her mother’s house, sees him. She’s in a pretty dress and heels and I’m hoping she’ll have to walk across street to talk to him, as it’s always fun to see her wobble across those cobblestones in heels.

German is talking to himself, waving his arms to punctuate his thoughts. He thinks there’s something odd about Carlota and he thinks it would be dangerous to get on the wrong side of her. He realizes she could open the doors of Real del Monte society to him. (The thrift shop ladies are society?) Across the street, Romina is smiling and wondering at this pantomime. German stabs his finger in the air and declares to himself that with his knowledge of the will and Chris’s information he could have Carlota eating out of his hand.

He figures it’s more to his advantage to be on her side than Padre Juan’s.

He comes up on Romina without realizing it. She says have you gone crazy – since when do you talk to yourself? What were you doing at Paloma’s house? German says he doesn’t want to upset a pregnant lady, he just came to see Carlota, not Paloma, as she’s a client of Lic. Rojas’s. He says that Paloma is off at her art class.

Romina says good, Paloma can get all interested in her art teacher and leave Em alone. German says with Padre Juan in jail, they’re tighter than ever. It’s up to you to control your husband.

Em and his mama are having coffee. He takes her hand and tells her that there are many things that he admires about her, one of them being the way she fights for what she wants. But she goes way overboard sometimes. I do it for you, Diana says, stroking his face.

Em is kind, but says when you hurt others, you’ve gone too far and that’s what I can’t take. Diana says she realizes she’s blown it and that’s why she’s so alone now. I can’t stand it, she says. Em says is that why you chased after Dad at the conference? Diana says you know? Em says yes, don’t you realize how you humiliate yourself by throwing scenes like that?

She says I need to leave your father alone and re-make my life. Em says that’s great, and if you can do that, we can heal our relationship. Diana is hopeful. She throws her arms around him and he hugs her tenderly while she weeps on his shoulder.

Oh goody, a Carlota and Rufi scene. Those are always fun. Rufi says to Carlota that people are saying it’s going to take a long time to sort the whole Padre Juan thing out. She was surprised to hear that Carlota was there when Chris got taken away. Carlota wants to know who told her that. Rufi says Orlando.

Carlota says she’s tired of always feeling judged by Rufi. Look out, she warns. She hopes that Rufi doesn’t get sick again and have to leave the house for good.

Rufi says are you threatening me? Carlota says don’t let your imagination run wild. I just mean that you’re getting tired, and that you’ve forgotten your place in this household. She huffs off.

Chris’s cellmate is talking to him, telling him in jail everybody’s equal. I didn’t kill anybody says Chris. That’s what they all say, says the cellmate. Somebody messed with my wife and nobody does that and lives.

A threatening type comes in and leers at Chris. His cellmate tells him to go away. Then he hands Chris a wooden cross and says pray for me, you have connections up there. If you do, nobody will bother you, I promise.

Dr B and Natalia’s friend Ivonne are walking in a park with little Sagrario, who wants to know where her mama is. Ivonne lies and says she’s off with your dad. Go play.

Ivonne tells Dr B she’d love to come with him, and Natalia had arranged for Sagrario to go to school in Real del Monte, but she’s afraid she’ll learn the truth, so she’s going to keep her here in the DF. Dr B agrees that would be best, but he’ll be coming to the city often and will keep in touch. She gives him the keys to Natalia’s place in Real del Monte.

In the kitchen, Paloma and Rufi are cleaning the birdcage. Rufi comments that she saw Gabriel when Padre Juan was being taken off, and she thought he had a kind face. Why doesn’t Paloma like him? Paloma says he’s very tough, but she doesn’t mind him so much actually. Rufi says that’s good, if you have to spend a lot of time with him.

Gabriel and Luz are eating in a cafe. He’s amazed that she just decided on a whim to come to Real del Monte. He likes that she’s such a free spirit. We’re both the same way she says. She wants to know about Paloma. She’s never seen him with a girlfriend and thinks he ought to have one. Gabriel says he likes Paloma’s talent. But she’s blocked right now.

Luz says you were the same way when your mother died, remember? Suddenly serious, Gabriel looks Thoughtful.

Chris’s cellmate is showing him photos of his kids when someone comes and tells Chris that he has a visitor.

Luz has told Gabriel about Rafa apparently and he wants to meet him. She says he’s like a painting, square, and has a hard time opening up and letting go. She says he’s quite different from her, and that she and Gabriel are so similar there’s no chance for them ever to be a couple. Gabriel laughs and says you never know. Luz hugs him.

Diana walks into the cafe and stops to stare. She realizes that Luz is the one from the conference. What is she doing here with that good-looking young man?

Padre Benito and Padre Manuel are all worked up about Chris’s situation, how the crowd turned on him, and here’s him with such a devoted heart. Padre B. says Chris really needed to be careful about his image.

The phone rings. Padre B gets the news that the bishop found out about Chris’s situation and has decided to come to Real del Monte. They both feel this doesn’t bode well. Padre B wants to know how the bishop could have found out.

Maybe he watches the 5 o’clock news? A priest stoning would make headlines, I’m sure.

Chris comes into the visiting room and suddenly those bassos sing AHHHHHH. It’s Carlota who’s come to see him. She says it’s nice to see him out of his cassock. He wonders how she got in to see him. She says I always get what I want.

She says she can get him out of there, but in order to do it, she’d have to sell her soul. Would he be willing to do the same? Like for instance what? he wants to know.

Carlota says she could offer proof of where he was at the moment they killed Alonso. How would you know that? he wonders. I could say you were with me, she says, tossing photos on the table, the ones of her kissing him when he was drugged.

Eeeew! says Chris, horrified. You are sick sick sick.

Carlota says those photos are your ticket out of here. It could save your life, but it would ruin my reputation.

Em comes home to where Romina is sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine. She wonders why he’s late home from work and he explains about a presentation he had to prepare. She says hey, maybe he’ll get to go to Houston next time and she could come along. He says there’s something else we can do together.

What? She says, transferring to his lap and stroking his hair. He says make decisions about the baby together. I don’t like it that you chose the furniture for the baby’s room without talking to me, and that you gave your father money to purchase it.

Romina is upset that he suspects her father of wanting to steal money. Em says the whole time he’s been in Real del Monte, he hasn’t seem interested in you. Romina is mad and says my mother says the same thing. But he came to Real del Monte just to be near me and I think he’s the only person who accepts me as I am.

Back to the jail visiting room:

Ch: But those weren’t taken that day! They were taken the day you drugged me.
Ca: They won’t know that. We can say we had a secret romance.
Ch: That’d get me thrown out of the church!
Ca: But we can be free! Free to live our love.
Ch: Our love?
Ca: I know you’re not interested in money, but I have enough for us to live for the rest of our days.
Ch: It’s a very tempting offer.
Ca: (hopefully) That means you’ll accept?
Ch: It means that I’d rather rot in jail than to sell my soul to the devil and to you.
Ca: You’re a fool.
Ch: Probably. But I’m telling you not to come visit me until you’re ready to confess because I know you’re behind everything that happened.

Paloma in her jammies is in her room praying for Padre Juan. She knows he’s innocent. It’s not fair. She decides that injustice is the theme she’s going to portray in her art.

And who doesn’t want to hang that on their wall?

Rufi comes in and they chat. Paloma starts taking things from her wardrobe and says they’re clothes she doesn’t want to wear any more. Rufi thinks it’s a good idea – she’s a young woman now, not la niña Paloma. Paloma thinks if she gives it all to the church thrift shop, she can put la niña Paloma behind her. Rufi asks if she can still call her her niña Paloma, since that’s what she’ll always be to her. Paloma says of course and hugs her.

Gabriel is in his studio alone, thinking back on Paloma’s passion for justice. His cell rings. It’s his dad, Don Eugenio. He tells his dad that he thought Real del Monte would be a sleepy little town, but whoo-ee. He briefly tells about what happened to Chris.

Don Eugenio says Luz might be on her way, and Gabriel says she’s already here. His father is glad, so he won’t feel alone in town. Gabriel says he’s fine.

Diana, apparently having forgotten her resolution to behave, has dropped by at Rafa’s. He’s none too pleased. She reports that guess what – she saw that young lady from the conference in town – with a very handsome young man. And she was laughing and hugging him. Rafa doesn’t believe her. He tells her to get out. She says okay. She understands his pain. Oh, and she’s glad he likes her new look.

She leaves and Rafa smiles broadly. Luz came all the way here?

At Gabriel’s, Luz is in a fluffy bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her head. She exclaims that she loves the feeling of a shower. She wants to turn in early to be fresh and rested. Who for? Gabriel asks, laughing. For Rafi, she exclaims. He’ll be so excited.

Angelica in her silky bathrobe settles into her couch to look at the manuscript. Her eyes pop. She flips pages. It’s my book! she says, astonished.

The sun pops up over the roofs of Real del Monte. Daytime!

Carlota has dialed up the church and gotten Padre Manuel. She wants to know how the whole thing with Padre Juan is going. Her niece is very upset. Padre M says things are worse! Somebody is gossiping that Padre Juan had lots of lovers all over town. You don’t say, says Carlota.

Padre M says I really have to go – with Padre Juan gone, there’s just so much to do.

Carlota says to herself This is turning out even better than I had imagined.


Romina flings a coat at Em – apparently it’s Paloma’s. One of the schoolgirls says something bad about Padre Juan and Paloma slaps her, then gets into a roll-around girlfight with her. The voiceover says Paloma is no longer the Good Girl.


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