Friday, March 19, 2010

Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, March 18: The case of the torching torturer.

Tonight we get a re-showing of the most popular show from the first season, so Leticia Calderon is "Sonia, Desalmada" (Sonia, Soulless). I believe according to the gossip, this is the role that got her cast in ENDA.

A junk collector and his dog are walking down an alley. The man sees smoke rising from a dumpster and picks up a branch to poke around. What he sees makes him gasp and run off.

The credits are a bunch of clips from throughout the first season, I presume, accompanied by the show's instrumental theme. I miss Gloria this week.

A man and a woman walk off an elevator into a parking garage. The man is Dr. Fernando Quevedo, played by Juan Soler, who I last saw as Aldo the Daisy Duke-d angel in La Fea Mas Bella. The woman is his medical resident Marcela Gonzalez, played by Grettel Valdez, who I last saw as Carlota in Lola. They're flirting and being watched by a woman with zebra-stripe-tipped nails smoking a cigarette. I assume this will turn out to be Sonia Quevedo, aka Cruelota from ENDA. She finally insists she has to leave and he's got a surgery to perform. She pulls herself a way and he grins, watching her, before getting back on the elevator. Sonia whispers, "Marcela." Bye, Marcela. It was nice knowing you.

Marcela combs her hair while her mom watches. She tolls mom that she'll probably be back late because she's got "guardia" (she's on call tonight). The phone starts ringing and she tells Mom not to answer it. Mom insists they can't keep living this way. She yells at the person on the other end of the phone that this is a decent house and her daughter's not…. The party on the other end hangs up. Mom wonders what that woman has against Marcela and Marcela denies knowing. Marcela asks Mom to please just let the machine answer it. Mom fusses some more about Marcela taking a taxi from the hospital and not the street because it's dark out by the time she leaves work.

Marcela walks down the street, followed by a car. She gets into a taxi and Sonia quits following her.

A coworker, Isabel, asks Marcela how it's going with "you-know-who" (she's dating Voldemort? That puts a whole different spin on things.) Marcela gets jumpy and asks "a ti que te importa?" (what's it to you). Whatever, Isabel was just wondering if she was off the waiting list yet. Dr. Fernando hears this and asks what list. Isabel says it's the surgery list, but he gives her a suggestive smile. Marcela asks him for a minute of his time and before they leave he mumbles something to Isabel about not missing her turn.

Marcela and Dr. F get to macking in an exam room. Marcela, in between moans and groans, tells him that people are starting to suspect. There's more mumbling on his part until she shoves him away and says she doesn't like hearing the gossip. He throws out an "a ti que te importa" before leaving the room. She walks out after him and says his surgery is at 12. Sonia is waiting for them in the hall. She asks who Marcela is and, on hearing the name, says "I know who you are. Fernando's never mentioned you." She says her name is Sonia and reaches out a hand. Marcela shakes her hand. Sonia says "I'm Fernando's wife. I'm sure he's mentioned me to you." Marcela uncomfortably excuses herself and Fernando drags Sonia into the same exam room he was just in with Marcela. He's upset at her for being there, but she says she wants him to come with her to see the remodeling that they're doing of her parents' house. He tells her to deal with her affairs on her own. She starts coming on to him and saying that he is her business and she wants the house to be perfect for them. He pushes her away, calling her pathetic and reminds her that they're in a hospital. She reminds him that she's his wife, but he calls her "frigid" and says she never wants to get help. Fernando says he's the problem and there's no point to this. He starts to leave, but she says she isn't going to beg, "I want you to make love to me." Fernando tells her to see to the remodeling and maybe she'll get lucky and find a really good "albanil" (builder) who will give her the tumble of her life.

Marcela walks down the street, being followed again. Sonia stops when Marcela walks up a flight of stairs. "Soon, Marcela, very soon."

Marcela gripes at Isabel for not telling her that Fernando was married. "It was a week ago, get over it already." Isabel asks why she had to tell Marcela something that everybody already knows. "Well, he said they were divorced." "And you believed him? And what will you be asking Santa Claus for this Christmas?" Marcela continues to insist that Isabel should have told her. Isabel tells her that everybody sleeps with everybody else in the hospital. "Is that why you told me about the list?" Isabel says the guy is swimming in money and what's best about him is that he's married. A nurse in a white uniform asks if the gals have seen the new guy in trauma, "He's divine, he's got an ass that's, mmm" (nalgas = ass). She says she's got to go, she's got a thing with someone in cardiology. Marcela is mopey. "They keep calling my house. When my mom answers they tell her the same thing, that I'd better take care of myself, that they're going to kill me." Isabel wonders if Marcela has any idea who it could be. Marcela doesn't know, but Isabel recommends she figure it out and report it to the cops. "It's probably a crazy lady." "Por eso" (that's why; you can use it in place of "exactly" or "well, there you go") replies Isabel.

Marcela hands over a clipboard to the girls at the desk and leaves. Fernando comes after her and says she's been ignoring him for days and he heard she applied for a change in residency. Marcela will, in fact, be starting at a new hospital on Monday. Fernando tries to argue that this hospital is the best one for her specialty. He offers to explain things to her, but she just asks him to tell his wife to stop calling her house. "My mom's getting really nervous and she's about to make a report." Fernando tells her they need to go get a coffee.

Fernando wonders what she wanted him to say. "The truth!" Marcela informs him that the "partial" truth he told her is no good to her, she doesn't go out with married men. "But I'm getting divorced, I swear!" Yeah, like we've never heard that one before. He says he didn't want to hurt either her or Sonia. Marcela doesn't want him to do anything, as there's nothing left for him to do. "What you did wasn't good." "Oh, please, you sound like my mother!" "No, I sound like your lover!" His phone starts ringing and it's Sonia. Marcela starts to leave, but he asks her not to. Sonia is actually standing right outside of the cafeteria and presumably knows exactly where he is. He lies and says he's just about to go into surgery. She asks him if he's thought about where they're going on vacation this year and he flips out and says he hadn't thought about it yet. He asks her to hold on as Marcela starts walking out and calls after her. This gives Sonia enough notice to avoid being seen by Marcela by the simple expedient of turning her head the other way. Once Marcela has left, he picks up the phone and starts trying to continue his conversation with Sonia, who is busy staring after Marcela.

Marcela gets followed down the street, yet again, and this time Sonia honks. She offers Marcela a ride and Marcela asks her to quit calling her house. "I didn't know he was a married man and my mom doesn't need…" Sonia asks Marcela to give her a chance to apologize. Marcela gets in the car…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm going to make a general rule here that if a person is, was, or intends to be sleeping with another woman's husband, it is extremely unwise to get into a car alone with that woman. This is a PSA brought to you by the Foundation For Not Ending Up In A Pool of Blood. Once Marcela gets into the car, and before she's even quite finished closing the door, Sonia stabs her with a syringe and injects a pale yellow liquid. She tells Marcela it's just an "analgesico" (analgesic; painkiller). Marcela starts to get out of the car, but Sonia grabs her by the hair and slams her face into the car door until she passes out. She raises the window and says "You know, you and I have a lot in common. I wanted to be a doctor too, and I was also one of Fernando's residents, but, well, we'll talk about that later. We have a lot to talk about." She locks the doors and puts the car in gear.

Marcela wakes up tied to a chair. Sonia tells her that she's in her house as a guest. Marcela starts crying for her mother. Sonia throws water on her face to get her fully woken up. Marcela starts babbling that she didn't know he was married, but Sonia doesn't believe her. Marcela is sobbing and babbling and Sonia says she won't let her go or else she'll go running to Fernando and then Sonia and Fernando will never be happy. Marcela screams at Sonia that she's crazy and gets slapped across the face for it. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to scream in other people's houses?" I dunno, lady, didn't anyone ever teach you not to kidnap people? Sonia tells Marcela that she grew up in that house.

We get a flashback to a little Sonia having a tea party with her dolls until Daddy walks in. She gets nervous, but daddy asks for a cup of tea. After she gives it to him, he shoves the dolls off the table and says he wants the two of them to play alone.

"My dad smoked. My mother didn't. We can stay here as long as you like, you and I, alone." Marcela begs again to be let go. "What, you want to go? Without having tea? Without talking? You're sleeping with my husband and you can't even talk to me?" Sonia puts her cigarette out on Marcela's shoulder.

Sonia and Marcela are both sleeping when the buzzer sounds. Sonia sits up and says "He came! My love came!" She gags Marcela and tells her to be quiet. She gives her a kiss on top of the head and goes rushing out. Marcela sobs.

Sonia fixes her hair before answering the door to Fernando. He tells her they've got to talk. Meanwhile, Marcela keeps sobbing and Fernando hears something and turns around. Sonia distracts him by asking him if he likes the wall color. "That's why you wanted me to come? To talk about the wall color?" She says no, but can't articulate what she did want to talk to him about. The fact that he keeps interrupting her doesn't help. He starts to open the door to the room where Marcela is, but she asks him not to because it's a disaster. "Like the rest of the house isn't?" Sonia takes off her jacket and starts to take off his and kiss him. She's telling him she loves him and he tells her she's sick and pathetic. Then he leaves. Sonia starts crying and looks at herself in the mirror. Then Hulk gets angry and goes to take it out on Marcela some more. "Did you see what you did? I lost him and it's your fault! And here you were, making noise so he'd hear you, right." Sonia notices that Marcela has wet herself and calls her "cochina" (dirty).

In a flashback, we see that little Sonia has wet herself. Her father yells at her that he can't even talk to her because the first thing she does is wet herself. Well, asshole, maybe if you wouldn't confuse "yelling" with "talking."

Back to grown-up crazy Sonia. "Is that the only thing that occurs to you, and just when Fernando shows up! Clean it up!"

Flashback: "Well, now you're going to clean it up!"

Present: "Clean it up!" Marcela, it should be noted, is still tied to the chair. "Clean it up now!" Sonia shoves the chair over on its side.

Flashback: Sonia is cleaning the floor with the bottom of her dress. "I'm not going to be cleaning up your filth. Clean it! Or do you think your mommy is going to come help you? Mommy's not here anymore."

Present: "Does it hurt?" When the chair fell, Marcela hit the same side of her head that had been bashed into the car door. "Of course. And that's good that it hurts. Rest up, precious." Marcela keeps crying.

Back at the hospital, in the locker room, Isabel and the nurse are discussing Marcela's disappearance. Isabel says she hasn't seen her in two days. "Are you sure she didn't take vacation?" Isabel doesn't think so. Marcela's mom, Lorena, walks in and greets Isabel. She came to check out Marcela's locker and see if there was anything in it to help them figure out where Marcela is. Isabel opens the locker for her, as Lorena says first there were all those calls to the house, and now…. Lorena hasn't called the police because "the woman" has been calling saying that if she called the police…. Isabel thinks that's exactly why she needs to call. She suggests that Lorena get in touch with DIEM, they should know what to do. Lorena asks if by any chance, her daughter was going out with that doctor who…. Isabel asks her to go get a coffee.

Lorena goes to DIEM and looks around nervously. She bumps into a few people and doesn't seem to know who to ask for. Teniente Alvarez (played by Laisha Wilkins, aka La Momia, aka Constanza in both Gancho and briefly in CS) greets her and tells her that Det. Capellan is already working on the case. She walks Lorena to Capellan's office.

Capellan's hair is much, much bigger this season. Alvarez takes notes as Lorena says that she last saw Marcela two days ago when Marcela was on her way to work. It was in the afternoon, and she wasn't planning on coming home for dinner because she was on call. She was supposed to come back in the morning, on the following day, but she never came home. Capellan asks Alvarez to pull the on-call schedule for the hospital. Capellan asks if Lorena has been getting calls asking for money and Lorena says that they didn't ask for money, but she did get calls from the same woman. Lorena tells Capellan about the previous calls. The started out insulting, then they got threatening, and now they're saying they've got Marcela and they're going to kill her. She didn't make a report from the beginning "por estupida" (because I was stupid). "My daughter is very innocent sometimes. I'm not saying that because I'm her mother. I'm worried that she's so naïve. You know how the world is, like there's no place for innocence." Capellan confirms that the first call was about a week ago. Lorena tells her that one day, Marcela came home from work very upset and didn't want dinner and that the next day they started getting the calls. She calls them "obscene" calls. Capellan apologizes in advance and asks if the calls and threats have something to do with the "innocence" of her daughter.

Sonia picks up the chair and unties the gag. She pats Marcela on the cheek. "Did I tell you that I studied medicine? I got as far as my residency. My specialty was surgery." She has a set of surgical tools and she's looking lovingly at a scalpel. "That's where I met Fernando. Just like you. He was a brilliant young man. He was already head resident, and before 30, imagine! You know why he fell in love with me? My scalpel skills " (bisturí = scalpel) she's showing the scalpel to Marcela. "No one could take out an appendix more neatly than I could. " She takes the scalpel and cuts an x into Marcela's upper chest. Marcela starts screaming. I'm pretty sure yesterday's injection has worn off. Sonia strokes her cheek.

"You're right, my daughter was going out with that doctor, but she thought he was divorced. Now I know that his last name is Quevedo and that he's the head resident, Isabel just told me. She's my daughter's friend." Lorena isn't sure if the calls have anything to do with that. She says Marcela was a good girl and wasn't raised to go out with married men. "My daughter had already broken up with him. And I thought that everything would calm down." Capellan picks up the phone and asks someone if they've already processed the photograph.

Camacho shows someone that he can make a three-dimensional reconstruction of a face from a photograph. The conversation is somewhat mumbled, so I don't hear what the two men are talking about, but something to do with what the computer program does. Alvarez comes in and Camacho fumbles the calipers and bulb syringe he'd been playing with. Alvarez tells Camacho she needs him on a 315.

Alvarez and Camacho are at the hospital talking to a nurse. She gets Isabel's last name, then finds out that Isabel was last seen with Dr. Quevedo, who is probably in surgery right now. Dr. Q is just coming out of surgery and the nurse points him out. When Alvarez introduces herself and says where she's from, Dr. Q figures it must be about Marcela. Alvarez asks him to come with them. Isabel looks meaningfully at Dr. Q and says "Fer". Alvarez asks her if she's Isabel and asks her to come with them also. "Well, I don't understand this, the doctor just came out of a difficult surgery and…." "And I suppose you also want to help us to help other people from suffering more, like Marcela's mother?" Fernando says they'll go get changed and go with them. Nice, Isabel. Your friend disappears and not only have you moved in to take her place with Fernando, but you don't want to talk to the cops about her disappearance?

Back at the remodel, Sonia smokes a cigarette and thinks about the past.

Flashback: Sonia is in the shower and her dad walks in on her. She covers herself with the towel, but he takes it away from her. He tells her her mommy's not coming.

Present: Marcela is crying for her mother. "Is that all you wanted, Marcela? To separate me from my husband? I'd end up alone. I'm not your mother, Marcela, and your mom isn't coming." Sonia starts crying and says "She's not coming. That's how Fernando likes them, you know, young. They've all been young. He doesn't like grown women. And I've kept quiet, you know? I've never, never said anything. I can already imagine, if I went out with a younger guy. Fernando would die if I went out with anyone else. He's very jealous. He didn't make jealous scenes with you?" Marcela just keeps sobbing. "I'm talking to you!" Sonia stabs her in the thigh with the scalpel and Marcela screams. "That's it. Now you're paying attention, right? Poor thing. Who would like you looking like this. You need a touch-up." Marcela keeps begging. Sonia pulls out some black eye shadow and a huge brush and starts putting it on Marcela's eyelids. "You haven't answered me, was he jealous?"

Flashback: "Your mom isn't ever going to come back. Now, you and I are alone." Sonia is huddled in her towel, after her bath, and her dad hugs her. He's combing her hair as he says he can take care of her. "See how your hair is. What did you mom put in your hair, Sonia?" Sonia hands him a bottle. "Good. She knew everything. She always took care of us. But now she's not here."

Present: Marcela has the classic bad girl eyes now. I can never manage to achieve that look, no matter how much black eyeshadow I layer on. It always comes out kind of a muddy grey and not trashy-looking enough. "See, you look beautiful! Oh, no, but look at your hair! It's a disaster. But that's got a solution." Sonia pulls out scissors and cuts the elastic out of Marcela's hair. She grabs a bunch of hair from the top of Marcela's head, but Marcela is sobbing. "Oh, Marcela, no, really, I can't do it like this." Marcela swears for the millionth time that she didn't know he was a married man. "Stop lying. I don't like lies. I hate lies, Marcela." She stabs her in the arm with the scissors, then wipes them off on her shirt before going back to cutting Marcela's hair. "You complain about everything." She starts humming. "Come on, sing with me."

Fernando tells Det. Capellan that Sonia is incapable of doing "something like that." Capellan asks if he is and he denies it. "Your wife found out about the adultery. In these cases people start to threaten, blackmail." Fernando wants clarification about blackmail. He tells Capellan that Sonia's the one with the money, not him.

Alvarez is talking to Isabel. She asks if that was the last time Isabel saw Marcela and whether Marcela had a car. "Marcela would take the bus and if we got out late, she'd get a taxi. Can I go now." Alvarez asks about her relationship with Dr. Quevedo. Isabel is surprised. "According to your coworker, Irene Cervantes, you were in a relationship with the doctor before he broke it off to go out with Marcela. I suppose that upset you." "Are you saying I did something?" "I'm asking." "I don't understand." Alvarez says that there's a possibility that this was done by a jealous lover. "Did you or didn't you have anything to do with Marcela's disappearance?" Isabel doesn't answer before we go to commercial.

Det. Capellan asks Fernando when his wife found out about Marcela. He says it was recently, maybe about a week ago when she came to see him at the hospital. "She surprised me, as always." He says she came because she complains that she never sees him. He saw her the day before yesterday at the house she's remodeling. He tells Capellan that the house was empty. "Yesterday when you were there, did you notice anything strange about the house, or about her?" He says he didn't, but then remembers her telling him not to open the door. He tells Capellan this.

Capellan storms out of the interview room. Fernando follows her, but stops by the stairs and takes a deep breath.

Sonia is wringing out a cloth in a bucket and Marcela begs for water. "Do you know how long a person can live without water? Four days." Marcela begs, but Sonia empties the rest of her water bottle out into the bucket and says it's all gone. "I know, I can give you coffee! Do you drink coffee? Of course, with Fernando you drank coffee all the time." She opens a thermos and pours hot coffee all over Marcela's legs. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Oh, how funny! I knew you were going to ask me that!" "Look, I have nothing to do with your husband, I swear." "Look, Marcela, I tried to do this nicely. I even called your mom so she'd make you see reason, but you wouldn't pay attention. Well, your filth is clean now. That's something. You can't live in filth. I hate filthy people. What's more, I'm going to give you a bath." She starts to untie Marcela. "I broke up with Fernando." Sonia screams that Marcela can't and shouldn't talk about him. "He talks about you, you about him, and me? I don't know what to do with you anymore. Fernando is MY husband and he LOVES me! You don't believe me? You're going to hear it right now." She starts dialing her cell phone.

Camacho comes in to tell Capellan that they've reviewed the camera footage from the hospital. She tells him to forget about that, they've got a code red at this address. Fernando's phone starts ringing and he runs in to Capellan. They get the computer ready and sit him down. When they signal, he answers. "Fernando, my love! You answered! I miss you so much! Tell me you love me!" "I love you, Sonia." Marcela starts getting herself untied as Sonia is asking Fernando where he is. "You're at DIEM? What's that? For Marcela? Do you want me with you?" When he says he does, she falls all over herself telling him to wait and writing down the address. She writes it down, continuing to ask if her loves her. She finally announces, "We're going to be so happy! Do you remember when we were happy? I love you! Yes, yes, love, of course I'm coming over. I'll be right there." Marcela is dragging herself toward the door as Sonia is wrapping up her phone call. "What are you doing?" Sonia tells Marcela to throw herself at his feet. She cuts Marcela's throat, shallowly and Marcela starts bleeding onto the floor. Sonia sits down and watches.

DIEM storm the place and find evidence of blood. Camacho calls Capellan to inform her, "We got here too late." Capellan tells someone in the hallway to send Mrs. Q's photo and information out. She tells someone else to inform the airport and the border checkpoints. Alvarez tells Capellan that they just found a woman's body in a trash dumpster. Capellan tells her to have Camacho send the blood samples form the house. Sonia, cool as a cucumber, walks in and introduces herself to Det. Capellan.

In the interview room, Capellan tells Sonia that they have satellite records to confirm that less than an hour ago she was at the house. "Who told you about that house?" "Your husband." "Wow. Finally he's interested in me."

The forensic guy analyzes the DNA and it matches. That's so fake, it's supposed to take a couple of days at least.

Capellan is telling Sonia that they found her using her cell phone when the forensic guy walks in and hands Capellan the folder. He tells her the samples match, "the blood at the house and from the body we received are the same."

Alvarez tells Lorena that what she's about to see won't be easy. She doesn't know if she's ready. They uncover the face and Lorena gasps and says it's Marcela. "What have they done to you? Let me see." Alvarez holds her up.

We still hear her weeping as we cut back to Capellan and Sonia and Sonia's creepy smile. "I'll be brief. The evidence implicates you in the murder and kidnapping of Marcela Gonzalez. Why don't you tell me once and for all what happened." Sonia agrees. She opens up her trench and we see her white shirt all stained with blood. "Where do you want me to start?" She smiles proudly.

Sonia drives a car out to the dumpster we saw earlier. She pulls Marcela out of the trunk, dumps her in the dumpster, wipes her hands on her shirt, and pulls two containers of gasoline out of the trunk. She empties them into the dumpster, lights her lighter and lowers it to Marcela's face. Marcela opens her eyes and sees the lighter. Her eyes go to Sonia. Sonia tosses the lighter into the dumpster.

"Marcela was kidnapped two days before being murdered. The autopsy revealed that she was still alive when her body began burning. Sonia was found guilty of kidnapping, torture and premeditated murder with violence. She was condemned to the maximum sentence: 50 years in prison."


Friday, March 05, 2010

Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, March 4: The case of the mistrustful mujer and the neighbor no one listened to.

Tonight, Edith Gonzalez is "Clara, Fantasiosa" (Clara, imaginative)

A maintenance guy drags around a mop and bucket and picks up mail from the floor of an apartment building before taking his mop and bucket and climbing the stairs to the elevator. He opens the elevator door and gasps at whatever he sees.

Let's check out some hot chicks in red dresses, cause that's the last pleasant thing we'll see this episode, I'm sure. Que emane….

A woman uses a straightened out wire clothes hanger to get mail out of a mailbox. The maintenance guy chides her for it. She uses the excuse of not having a key, but he says she could have asked him to open the box for her. Ana Layevska, last seen in Querida Enemiga, and not looking too healthy, walks in to the building and the first woman…ok, I'm going to have to run to IMDB again, cause this show takes too long to give names for anybody…Woman #1, played by Edith Gonzalez is Clara and Woman #2, played by Ana Layevska is Marcela…anyway, Clara starts accosting Marcela with "what are you looking at?" and accuses her of being "Beatriz" and writing letters to Clara's husband. Marcela denies it, but Clara insists that she is Beatriz and is having an affair with Clara's husband. She keeps screaming "you" as the elevator rises. Well, Clara, unless IMDB is lying to me, that's not Beatriz. Whether she's having an affair with your husband remains to be seen.

Back in her apartment, Clara opens the letters. She picks up the phone and calls "Eduardo" to leave him a message that she's waiting for him. The man in question walks in, played by Rene Casados, who is currently in Corazon Salvaje as Noel. His hair is much greyer here, but only half as fluffy. This is a man who's not afraid of a little volume. Maybe he used to be in a hair band and is just trying to keep the dream alive. Anyway, she starts right in with "How did it go? What did you do? Where were you? I just left you a message!" He counters that it wasn't 1 message, it was 12. Also, he talked to the doorman. "How far are you going to go? Do you want us to get kicked out of this building?" She objects that they didn't get kicked out of the last one, they left. He reminds her that they left to avoid being kicked out due to the scandal. She starts to promise something, but he cuts her off. He wonders when things got screwed up between them and why it's so hard for her to accept that he loves her. He doesn't want any more promises. Clara starts playing with her nails.

Marcela brings a tray of tea or coffee into a room where Perla (played by Silvia Mariscal, who I last saw as Jaime Camil's mom on Tontas) sits knitting. She nervously wonders if she remembered to shut the door and Perla says she did and to chill out already. Perla calls Carla a "poor woman" but Marcela says she was worried Clara was going to do something to her. "But why?" "Because she thinks I'm her husband's lover." "Well are you?" "No!" "Then don't worry about it. She'll find the one who is and fight with her." Setting aside for a moment the question of whether Marcela really is sleeping with Eduardo, I'm not sure that it really matters to Carla--if she thinks Marcela's the one, that's enough for her.

Eduardo is fixing his tie in the mirror and gets instantly tense when Clara walks up behind him. She asks him if he's going to see Beatriz. "Did you not hear anything I just told you? Who the hell is Beatriz, anyway?" Clara insists that if he's not going to see her, then all he has to do is say so, and besides they both know who Beatriz is. When Eduardo's eyeballs look like they're about to spontaneously pop out of his head, she starts with the "I'm sorry"-s. She begs him to stay home, but he says he's just going to "the agency." He asks, and she hasn't taken her meds yet because it wasn't time. He says he'll be back later to take her to the doctor. He kisses her on the forehead and says he loves her.

Marcela is waiting for the elevator. When Eduardo gets out, she gets in. They exchange hello's, but it's still unclear whether they even know each other or whether she's thinking "Oh, it's the crazy woman's husband" and he's thinking "Don't look, don't look or Clara will think this is the one!"

At a car dealership, a saleswoman talks to a woman about a car, but fails to close the deal. As the woman walks off, Eduardo walks in. He asks the saleswoman how it went and comments that these days people would rather fix up an old tricycle than buy a new car. The woman nods sadly and tells him that Clara called. Three times. He goes into his office and the saleswoman follows him and asks what he's going to do. We finally get the woman's name, Patricia (played by Lili Brillanti, who's been in a bunch of things I've seen, but for whatever reason, I don't recognize her). Eduardo says that they haven't been in the new apartment long, but the neighbors already are making a fuss. He's still taking her to a psychiatrist and, in fact, they just changed to a new one who came highly recommended. He doesn't think it's done her any good. Hmmm, I'm going to armchair diagnose her with Borderline Personality Disorder but I'll have to see how this all winds up.

Clara sits in a kind of fancy-looking living room, wearing sloppy sweats and holding one of Eduardo's shirts in her lap. She's playing with her hair, so her mom, Mrs. Soler, asks if she wants to go to the salon. "A haircut will strengthen your hair." Clara says she doesn't have time. She insists Eduardo's cheating on her, but Mrs. S brushes it off. Clara has her mom smell the shirt, but she doesn't smell anything. "You don't understand because you don't have to keep an eye on dad." Mrs. S reminds her that he's dead. "Exactly. The only men who don't cheat on us are the dead ones."

In the post-murder timeline, Forense Gerardo watches a tech zip up the body bag. Still no word on who's in it.

Eduardo and Patricia sit and have coffee. Eduardo says he takes Clara to the doc once a month or maybe once every fifteen days, it just depends. Sometimes he takes her or sometimes she goes alone or with her mother. He notices the time and says she has an appointment today and he wants to take her. Patricia supposes Clara must be at home and says she's having a bad time. Eduardo agrees and says he's having a bad time too…a really bad time. Patricia asks if Clara has ever thought that they…"Yes, she has. But don't worry, now I'm with Beatriz, a neighbor." He doesn't roll his eyes, exactly, it's more like he's just too tired to even bother.

At the doc's office, Clara isn't even listening, although she says she is, when Eduardo says she keeps being jealous and causing scenes. Eduardo mentions her pills and Clara insists they're to keep her doped up so that he can go out with other women. The doctor challenges her, "How do you know they're to keep you doped up?" But she doesn't really answer his question, she just tells him he doesn't understand. The doctor says he does understand, he's a doctor. He says she's been receiving treatment for a year. "But I'm fine. You're both exaggerating." Eduardo asks her to tell the doctor about the bells. She sighs and we get a flashback.

Clara is tying bells and chimes above the bedroom door. She explains that since she's on the pills and they make her sleep, she hung the bells above the bedroom door so that if he went out they would wake her up. Yeah, brilliant, but he can also duck to avoid them.

"It was only for a while." The doc asks if Eduardo didn't take them down and he answers something along the lines of "What should I have done?" or "What could I do?" but I'm not clear on whether he did take them down or whether he felt like he had to leave them up. The doctor sighs at his answer and Clara says that the two of them, the doctor and Eduardo, are plotting behind her back. She tells Ed that he's trying to get her out of the way so that he can be with Beatriz. She tells the doctor that Eduardo wants her locked up there so he can cheat with Beatriz. The doctor says no one's talking about having her admitted and what she needs to do is keep following the treatment and she'll get better little by little. Eduardo is nodding.

As they leave the office, Eduardo asks her where she got the idea that he was trying to have her locked up. She says because they didn't ask her for ID or anything, so how do they know she's really his wife, really Clara. He asks if she's really taking her medication. "Why do you ask?" That would be a no, methinks. He says she seems to be getting worse and worse and he's worried about her. They're sitting on a park bench and she tells him to go back to work so he won't worry. He'd rather take her home first. He asks her if she wouldn't like an ice cream from a cart nearby. She's surprised that he would buy her an ice cream and laughs. He reminds her that they once agreed he would get her the sun, moon, and stars. She keeps laughing, "like when we were dating." He's laughing too and says, "yeah, I used to recite you poetry," and he goes over to the ice cream cart. He gets two cones and hands her one. He reminds her that their promises were mutual. "You're throwing it in my face." He insists he's not, he just wants her to be well…and for them to have the sun, moon, and stars. They're both laughing. That's the power of ice cream. But eventually it melts, and the crazy starts again.

Forense Gerardo reports to Det. Capellan that there's not a lot to say. It was the same weapon for all the wounds and there were 64 stabs--add one to the stabbing column for this season. He figures someone very angry or very scared would have made that many wounds.

Marcela finishes getting ready. Perla comments that she hasn't seen her this happy in a long time. Marcela says she's going out with some girlfriends. Perla says it's been a long time since she's gone out and maybe she'll meet someone. "And what would you think if I did? Meet someone." Perla says she thinks Marcela needs to have a life again. "It's been two years since my son died. You can't keep taking care of me forever. There's nothing sadder than a young widow." Marcela says maybe later, but now she's gotta go. Perla tells her to have a good time.

When Marcela gets out of the elevator, Clara is waiting on the stairs for her, still eating her ice cream cone. Damn, I want one now. Upholding my earlier theory, the ice cream itself is gone and it looks like the crazy is back. Clara just wants a word with "Beatriz" to resolve this in the best way possible. Marcela insists that she's not "Beatriz" and that Clara is mistaking her for someone else. Clara shows her the ice cream cone and says her husband bought it for her and she sensed that he loves her. LOVES HER. "That's nice, "says Marcela, "I'm glad your husband loves you. That's the way it should be, isn't it?" She walks off and Clara keeps munching on her cone.

Back in her apartment, Clara picks up a picture of a blond woman…herself as a blond? I can't tell. She picks up the phone and calls the auto dealership. Patricia picks up the phone. She very loudly announces that it's Clara and Eduardo makes the international sign for "I'm not here" so Patricia says he's with a client. Clara hangs up. For one thing, Patricia doesn't sound very convincing. For another, I don't care if this coworker is my soul brother, if he's got a crazy wife who constantly thinks he's cheating, I am not going to lie for him--that way only leads to the crazy wife either thinking you're the mistress or accusing you of covering for him. Either way, it ups the probability of you ending up in a pool of blood.

Patricia finishes up with a client jut as Clara shows up asking for Eduardo. Clara heads right for his office as he throws out his hands and begs her not to make a scene at work. She says she just called and they told her he was with a client, so obviously that means he bought her ice cream and then went to go shag Beatriz. Yes, of course, because when a man buys you ice cream it always means he's getting it somewhere else, how did I miss the signs! Clara keeps asking him where he was as the phone starts ringing. Ed hesitates, so Clara says if he won't answer it, she will. As she and Ed both slap hands on the receiver, the phone stops ringing. Patricia comes over and tells Eduardo it's a Mr. somebody calling about the sedan. He tells Patricia he'll call the guy back. When Patricia leaves, Eduardo asks Clara what she needs and what she wants. "We can't go on like this." Clara thinks he's finally gotten up the guts to leave her. Eduardo says he's always had the guts, but he keeps trying because he loves her. Clara rushes him and grabs him. She starts crying and saying she needs help.

At the police station, Det. Capellan asks Eduardo if he noticed any changes in his wife. Ed says sometimes she got better, but…. He claims he did supervise her treatment, but he couldn't be with her constantly because he had to work.

Clara plays with one of her pills, eventually dropping it in a glass of water and watching it fizz. She pours it into a plant.

Capellan asks Eduardo if the doctor ever used the word "delirio" (delusion). Capellan says specifically, jealous delusions--jealousy with distortion of reality. Ed kind of smiles and she goes on to say, "You look at your wife lovingly--she thinks you have a lover. You bring her flowers--she thinks you have a lover." Eduardo says he understands, but isn't it too late for this?

Marcela, looking sickly again, gets off the elevator. Clara follows her. Out at the street, Clara gets up in her face and says "You're my husband's lover." Marcela insists that she's not, nor is her name Beatriz, and if Clara doesn't cut it out, she's going to the cops. Clara says she's mocking her and she'd better watch out.

Marcela is getting some pastries at a nearby café when Clara comes up behind her and says "Hi, Beatriz." Clara says they can end this very easily if Marcela just shows her some ID to prove she's not Beatriz. Marcela gets upset and begs Clara to leave her alone. She runs out of the café and Clara says, "See how I found you out! See how you are my husband's lover!" She goes up to the counter and says she'll take the bread that Marcela ran off without.

Clara reports to the doctor that she's feeling better. Much better. She thinks it's all over. She asks the doctor, just hypothetically, if he would show ID if one of his patients asked. He's confused and points to his credentials on the wall, saying "I'm a psychiatrist." But, just saying, what if a patient wanted to see that he really is who he says he is. The doctor says he supposes that if it were necessary, he would let a patient see his ID. Clara smiles. I think the good doctor just screwed Marcela over without meaning to.

Marcela and Perla are sitting in the apartment when someone knocks on the door. Marcela looks scared. She creeps up to the door and checks the peephole before unlocking the door. It's the doorman, who came to bring her the mail like she asked. Marcela gets the mail and then shuts the door in the guy's face. She comments to Perla that it's incredible what she's having to do because of that crazy woman.

Clara brings the pastries to her mom. She tells mom that mom can only stay for a little while because Clara is very busy. "With what?" Clara offers her mom coffee, but mom says Clara's not supposed to be drinking coffee with her medication. "Of course I can." Mom complains that it's impossible to get Clara out of the house and she never dresses up, even with all the nice clothes she has. Clara grabs mom's handbag and tells her to please leave. She insists she's busy and walks her mom out.

Perla thinks Marcela should have just shown Clara some ID. Marcela says she shouldn't have to. Perla insists that she would have done it and ended this. "First she's crazy, now she's making you crazy." Marcela thinks she needs to keep something from happening. "How, by killing that woman?" Marcela thinks it's not a bad idea. Perla is shocked.

"Were those her words?" Capellan asks Perla. Perla says yes, "It wouldn't be a bad idea to kill her." She wonders how it got to that point.

Clara serves Eduardo the bread she got from the bakery earlier for dinner. He's a little freaked out that she's just serving him bread. She grabs a piece and puts it on her plate and tells him, "Oh, I know, you're tired of eating this, but you eat it every day with Beatriz, so now you'll eat it with me." She takes a fork and knife and cuts herself a piece of bread, telling him to eat. He asks if she took her pills and she says of course she did.

There's a rattling at the door of Perla and Marcela's apartment. Perla gets up and calls out, "Marcela, is that you?" and the rattling stops.

Marcela gripes to the doorman, who tries to say that maybe Perla imagined it, but Perla objects to that. The doorman insists that he was on duty all day and no strangers came into the building. Marcela says it must have been someone from the building.

Clara's mom goes to Eduardo's work to complain about Clara. She's upset about Clara throwing her out and because she doesn't seem to be getting better. Eduardo insists that he's doing everything he can, because he loves her. And because she's his wife. He tells her that it doesn't matter what he does, every day she gets worse. He says the person he most loves is slipping away.

Forense Gerardo and Det. Capellan are looking at something in the lab when Aranda comes in. She tells Capellan that there was a previous report, but it wasn't investigated. Capellan looks at the file.

Marcela tells a cop what's going on with Clara. The cop says it's normal for Clara to have shown up at the same bus stop and café, "After all, you're neighbors, why wouldn't you shop in the same places?" Marcela insists that the woman is dangerous. The cop finally agrees to take the report, but he doesn't think they'll do much, since he doesn't see a threat. Marcela keeps insisting and asks how much farther it has to go before they do something. He asks her to sign something and she says, "you aren't going to do anything, are you?" She signs the paper and starts to leave, then turns around and says, "You won't do anything because there's been no threat? Fine, here's one, 'I'm going to kill that woman. I, Marcela Rodriguez, am going to kil that woman.' Put that down on your paper." She leaves.

Capellan tells Aranda to rain down hell on the dipshits who ignored the report. She says they'd better be ready to explain in front of the judge why they did nothing. "Because now I've got a dead body." Aranda leaves.

Marcela gets on the elevator and Eduardo asks her to wait and gets on with her. She looks really scared.

In her apartment, she considers possible weapons and ends up putting kitchen shears in her purse.

Eduardo sits in his apartment, drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette. Marcela opens the door partway and knocks. She comes in and she and Eduardo say hi, but he sticks his head out the door to check the hallway. She says she didn’t want to be rude earlier, in the elevator, and says she's his neighbor, from 6C. He asks if she's looking for his wife and says she's out. Marcela wanted to talk to both of them, but that's fine, she'll talk to him. She starts to come further into the apartment, but Eduardo freaks out, pointing at the door and saying "Clara!"

Clara is down at that café with her mom. She insists she's got to leave now and her mom asks why she's being this way about her husband. Clara says he's going to go off with Beatriz. "Why would he want me? My hair's falling out, I'm gross, and I can't give him a kid." Mom insists that Eduardo loves Clara, but she's just as convinced that he's sleeping with someone else and she can't understand why mom doesn't get it. She leaves.

Standing in the foyer of the apartment, Eduardo apologizes for what Clara has done, but asks her to be patient. Marcela says she's been patient, but she's afraid Clara will do something to her or to her mother-in-law. Eduardo says she's crazy, but she won't do anything. Marcela is as astounded at him as she was at the cop, "Are you not listening to me?" Eduardo insists that she's not dangerous, but she is crazy and jealous and about to come home, so he's really going to have to ask Marcela to leave.

Clara realizes the elevator is upstairs, so she takes the stairs.

Marcela insists that Eduardo talk to Clara and he says he will. He all but shoves her out the door and calls "thanks" after her. He leaves the door open and goes back inside.

Marcela gets in the elevator and takes it upstairs just as Clara comes up the stairs. Marcela goes into her apartment and Clara to hers, realizing that the door is open. She walks in slowly and sees Eduardo, sitting in the living room eating. "You brought her here, didn't you?" Eduardo heads her off by asking if she talked to her mother, "She's very worried about you. She says you yelled at her in the bakery." Clara insists that he took advantage of her being out to bring Beatriz into their house.

Marcela tells Perla about her conversation with Eduardo. "What is she going to have to do for them to believe me? Kill me?"

Clara says this is why he wanted to move to this apartment building. Eduardo loses it and starts screaming a bunch of stuff that gets muted out and then, "Who is this Beatriz? Where is she?" He pretends he's got her in his hands and then blows her away and says "there, she's gone!" Clara insists her perfume is there. Eduardo asks her to listen to him, but we're way past that now.

Marcela complains that Perla isn't the one being followed around, so of course, it's easy for her. "When your son was sick everybody had an opinion, 'chemotherapy, naturopathy,' they even want to try Reiki. And now when I've got a problem, everybody's got an opinion again, that I'm exaggerating, that I'm worrying about nothing, that she's not going to do anything. The last thing I need is for them to say the crazy woman is me. Everybody has an opinion, but nobody does anything."

Perla tells Capellan that Marcela was right. Nobody did anything, they all kept quiet, and they're all guilty. "We were all accomplices."

Marcela is sleeping.

Clara is sleeping and Eduardo strokes her hair.

Marcela wakes up at 6:30 the next morning. As does Clara. She puts on lipstick. Clara slips into her running shoes and a robe. Marcela brushes her hair. Clara goes into the kitchen and grabs a knife from a drawer. Marcela puts on perfume. She checks her purse and takes out the kitchen shears. She leaves them on her dressing table and leaves. Clara tucks the knife into the sleeve of her robe. Marcela waits for the elevator. Clara watches it go up.

"Why didn't you comply with treatment?" Det. Capellan asks Clara. "Your situation would have been easier to resolve." Clara says, "What situation? Eduardo was cheating on me." She's got blood on her cheeks. Capellan says she's referring to Clara's clinical situation. "I'm fine. Well, I'm fine now. Eduardo's going to stay with me. I asked Beatriz to help me, but she didn't want to. I don't understand why she didn't want to. I asked her to help me but she didn’t want to, so I had to punish her. With a knife, because I wanted to get my husband out of her, the perfume out of her, so I had to open her up all over. But instead there was just blood. Why was there blood? I don't like blood. Why didn't Beatriz want to help me? Why?"

Clara watches the elevator go up and she goes up the stairs after it. Marcela gets into the elevator and Clara locks them both in together and starts stabbing her. Repeatedly. The bloody butterfly flies out of the elevator. The elevator reaches the bottom and Clara opens the door, looks back at Marcela, and walks up the stairs and back into her apartment. She lays the knife on Eduardo's nightstand, climbs into bed, and kisses him on the cheek.

"Marcela Rodriguez was stabbed 64 times. Clara Soler was declared incompetent, being diagnosed with schizoid pathological jealousy. She carried out her sentence in the psychiatric wing of the women's prison."


Friday, February 26, 2010

Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, February 25: The case of the homicidal hairdresser.

Tonight, Daniela Castro is "Rosa, Heredera" (Rosa , Heiress)

A woman of a certain age sits at her dining room table. Actually, her head rests on her dining room table, bleeding all over it, while her cat eats his breakfast out of a bowl set precariously close to the pool of blood. Ungrateful beast. We hear a voiceover explaining, "this is me, or was me," and that this is the end of something that was a long time coming. She wonders what "we" did. Now they're going to show up and investigate, and "manosear" (grope) her and really, she knows who did it. The one responsible for her ending up in a mess of blood is Loneliness. Well, ok, case closed, we'll tune in next week. Pfft.

Sing it, Gloria….

The soon-to-be dead woman feeds her cat canned food while she chatters at him. She feeds the cat on top of the table, which I understand is the right of every American under some article or other, but which my fuzzballs better not even THINK is going to happen with them. She complains about her knees, in particular. She tells the cat everybody's got to go sometime, as she gives it a bowl of water. She says the cat still gets around, but she never ran off with a man, "What an idiot, right? And I was pretty!" The doorbell rings and "Ana Maria" calls to her.

I gave up and looked it up, this older woman, played by Silvia Pinal (who I'm not familiar with) is Inés. Inés goes to the door and has a pointless argument with Ana Maria about why she rings the doorbell when she has a key and why Inés always asks who it is when she knows it's Ana Maria. Inés gripes about being old and alone. The third woman suggests maybe AM and Inés should move in together, so then they won't be alone, but each was left their house by another person and refuses to leave. And also, they're both so crotchety, I wouldn’t want to live with either of them. Woman #3 cuts off the argument, or tries. Inés insists she'll go to the beauty salon alone. Woman #3, Esperanza, calls Inés' attitude a "berrinche" (temper tantrum), which only adds fuel to the fire. Inés stalks out alone and Ana Maria and Esperanza start cleaning up the breakfast dishes. AM figures she'll calm down and come back. There's some general fussing in the kitchen about Inés attitude.

Gerardo, the forensic guy, pulls the sheet back over the corpse and says "We've always known the dead can speak to us." Det. Capellan points to her head, mocking him. A foxy cougar (a cougary fox?) in a red blouse agrees with him that the body and the wounds talk about the victim and the crime. Capellan says that's why she wants the two of them working together, and she'll be waiting in her office. Before she can leave, Teniente Aranda (the curly-haired cop…doesn't she ever have a bad hair day?) calls on the cell phone/walkie and says there's a call that Capellan should hear. It sounds like a 911 call. Someone's asking for help, but the 911 operator needs them to calm down and give a location. The only word I can make out is "pobrecita" (poor little woman) before the call cuts off. Aranda says they've narrowed down the area and are closing in. Foxy Lady says they need to get out there. Capellan will keep Foxy Lady informed, but she wants Gerardo to go with her.

Black SUV's race down the road. Aranda has the exact location now and says that the psychologist (so now she's the Foxy Psychologist) is analyzing the tape. Capellan asks Gerardo why he thinks the call came from the murderer. He just had a "corazonada" (a hunch, a feeling) that the call didn't come from the victim. Capellan smiles and says that's why she wanted him to come, his hunches are usually right. Capellan calls Aranda back and says "go to code red" she wants everyone alert.

Inés walks into the beauty salon. A stylist starts asking what she wants done. Inés turns down a shampoo with the excuse that "I've already washed it and at my age, I can't be getting it wet all the time." The stylist jokingly asks her age…"Somewhere between 70 and the grave!" jajaja. The stylist is Rosa. Inés wants Rosa to "tutear" (use the familiar "you" instead of the formal) her so she doesn't feel so old. She fesses up to being 72 years old. Rosa says she looks a good 10 years younger. As they discuss the cut she wants, Dead!Inés voiceovers that "this was the beginning of our friendship, a friendship based on lies." Rosa asks if Inés is married and finds out that she never got married. "Oh, that's not possible, with that pretty face!" Dead!Inés says "And at that moment was when she started planning my death."

Back to Inés lying on the table. "I told her everything she needed to know and she told me everything I needed to hear. Lies. Sweet lies."

Rosa comes sauntering into a room where an old man is sitting. "This old lady is around 120," she laughs. "Did she say she was alone?" the man asks. Rosa says she's completely alone. She remembers Inés saying that when someone is so alone, any attention is like a gift. The man wonders if she has her "guacadito?" Rosa says those old ladies always have something. She thinks there might be a sister, but they joke that if she's 120, her sister must be 250.

At the salon, Rosa tells Inés that she doesn't need to feel alone. She can drop by any time, even if it's just for a coffee. Inés says something about she and her sister living in separate houses (I guess that's Ana Maria, which explains the 'tudes), then she leaves. Rosa calls one of the other girls over to do the hairstyle on her that they talked about earlier, "but quick, because I want to leave."

The old guy philosophizes that in America there are lots of ways to become a millionaire quickly, "selling drugs, inheriting, winning the lottery, or turning yourself into a politician." Rosa says she has no intention of stealing from anyone. The old guy, Mario, says this isn't about stealing, what she's going to do is invest. "This is a business in which you have to invest and then wait."

Rosa is in the middle of doing a client's hair when Inés comes in all upset. Rosa yells at someone to bring a glass of water and rubbing alcohol. Inés' trauma is that she's convinced something happened to her sister because she's not answering her phone and her car is in the garage. She didn’t want to go into the house and check, even though she's got the keys, because she got an "escalofrio" (shiver, shudder). Rosa calls for someone to bring her a "chamarra" (jacket) and tells Inés they'll go right away.

They go into the house calling for Ana Maria. Inés is convinced something happened because the car is outside. Rosa tells her Ana Maria must have stepped out. She finds the coffee pot still on and says AM must have just gone out to the supermarket or something. They finally see Ana Maria in her chair. Rosa says she's just sleeping. Inés goes over and starts calling her name and moving her. Ana Maria is dead. Inés starts crying and Rosa pats her on the back and does a quick mental estimate of the value of the room's contents.

The medical people zip up the bag and take the body. Inés sits at AM's dining room table crying that she was hardly ever sick. Rosa says "the doctor told you, she had a heart attack, sometimes these things happen and there's just no warning." Inés says AM was more like her daughter, ever since they were younger. Rosa says, if it makes her feel better, AM probably didn't suffer. She was just sitting there like a sleeping bird. She asks if Inés is now going to have two houses. Inés starts yelling at her that of course not, this house now belongs to Robertito who's in Canada! She keeps yelling that she didn't think Ana Maria was going to die before she did, and why is Rosa asking her about the house, what does she (Inés) care about the house! She starts crying again and Rosa asks her to calm down. She says this has been really difficult for her, too, and she was just trying to distract Inés. Inés now feels bad about dragging Rosa into this, but Rosa says not to worry about it, Inés isn't alone anymore. Inés doesn't know what she's supposed to do next, how to arrange the funeral, "and I'm sure there are lots of papers to sign, I can't be going all over the place!" And what about Robertito! How is she going to tell him. Rosa reminds her that she's there for Inés. "I don't want you to worry about the process or informing your nephew, I'll take care of everything!"

Mario yells up the stairs at Rosa that they've had some good luck, with the younger sister dying before the older. Rosa comes downstairs in all black with a zebra stripe scarf. Mario wonders if the nephew won't also try to get his aunt's house. Rosa says no way. He didn't even come to his own mother's funeral. She already told him what the "cínico" Roberto said, but she'll tell him again. "So sorry, how good that you're taking care of everything, of course, since the house is in my name already…." Well, says Mario, we've got another house to worry about, right? Rosa questions his "we." He says at some point the old lady is supposed to start helping her out. She says she hopes the moment is now, since she didn't help at all with the funeral arrangements, etc. Mario says this is only the beginning. She has to become indispensible to the old lady, her right hand, almost her daughter. Mario says to turn into whatever it takes. Rosa tells him she's had enough of his advice and he needs to start thinking about how he can help her. She storms out.

The cops come busting into Inés' house, where Rosa is trying to wipe something up from the table. They tell her to get away from the body and put her hands in the air. Dead!Inés says, "Are you crying, Rosa? I don't believe you anymore." Dead!Inés keeps talking over Rosa and the cops, so it's hard to make out what anyone's saying. Basically, Rosa is probably saying she didn't do it and Inés is saying she thought they were friends. Aranda leads Rosa out.

Inés is stirring some Jell-O as she yells to Rosa to come on in, she's just leaving a "gelatina" in the fridge for later. Instead, it's Esperanza, who wonders what would happen if it had been a thief. Not to worry, Inés has her revolver. Esperanza laughs. If the gun was Inés' dad's, then it must be rustier than the two of them put together. Inés supposes so, "But it would give them a good scare anyway!" Esperanza marvels over Inés' hair, which has gone blonde. Inés talks about how Rosa colored her hair, Rosa is so nice to her, Rosa does everything, Rosa is practically a sister to her. Esperanza thinks it's too early for that, but Inés says it's just a figure of speech. "The poor thing doesn't get along with her husband, that's why I'm putting her in my will and leaving her this house. I'm just waiting for her to come over so we can go to the notary together." Esperanza has her doubts, because Inés hasn't known Rosa for long and is now planning to leave the house to her. Rosa comes in and tells Inés she looks beautiful. Inés tries to start something by saying that Esperanza was talking about her. Rosa takes the bowl of Jell-O away and puts in in the fridge for Inés while Inés makes faces behind her back at Esperanza, like "see, I told you how nice she was!"

Dead!Inés sits at the table while to cops take pictures. Rosa, in her python print leggings, is in the living room with Det. Capellan and Aranda. Aranda gets Rosa's thumbprints on, dare I think it, her iPhone? She's not doing it with ink, just having Rosa press her thumbs to something that looks about iPhone size. Dead!Inés voiceovers that none of it was true, and Rosa was just carrying out a plan.

Rosa comes home after a hard day of getting old ladies to sign over their worldly possessions and announces to Mario that he's talking to "Rosa Dominguez, heredera." Mario tells her that Inés has already called twice and said she needs Rosa to come over right away. He snatches the folder with the paperwork out of her hands and tells her to get a move on. Rosa grabs her bag and walks out, saying "ay, mendiga vieja!" (needy old woman). As soon as she walks out, Mario throws his paper away and starts looking through the folder.

Rosa gets there and it turns out the big emergency was that Inés wanted her to come over so they could take a walk and then watch a novela together. Rosa has a hard time containing her impatience that Inés made it sounds like such a big deal, especially after they'd spent the whole day together. Inés, in her haze of self-delusion, thinks Rosa should be excited to go have a nice walk and then watch her novela in her next house.

Rosa is consulting with a client at the salon when Inés calls. She's gotten confused about which medication to take when and already took some of the wrong ones. Rosa says she'll be right over.

Rosa stands over Inés while she takes her medication, then gives her a kiss and says she'll be back in the afternoon. She leaves the receipts for the bills she paid and Inés says "What would I do without you?"

Inés calls Rosa to come over right away! She can't find her medication! Rosa loses her temper, telling Inés they're in the same drawer as always. She shoves the bottle into Inés' hand.

Rosa tries to do some accounting at the salon. She waves off the girl who answers the phone when she hears that it's Inés. The girl tells Inés that Rosa isn't there and Inés slams the phone down and won't leave a message. Rosa throws up her hands and goes back to what she was doing. Which includes having foils in her hair.

A bald man gives Rosa a tip for her work and she says she'll see him next week. Rosa starts talking to her next client about her hair and Inés comes in, enraged. She loudly accuses of Rosa of lying about having just gotten there (which she was) and just paying attention to her until she got her name in the will (which she did). Inés calls her a hypocrite. Rosa tries to calm her down and asks her to go into the back room with her, but Inés refuses. Rosa tells one of the other girls to take care of her client and takes Inés into the back. Inés keeps up the accusation that Rosa was just trying to get on her good side to get the house. Rosa tells her to do what ever the hell she wants to with the damn house, she can't take it anymore. "Oh, so you were just putting up with me to get the house, is that it?" Rosa says she wasn't putting up with her for anything, especially since she can't put up with her, no one can! "Esperanza can't put up with you and your sister hated you!" That earns her a slap. Inés tells Rosa that she's going to change her will and leave the house to the parish priest. Rosa tries to talk to her, and she tries to say it's not about the will, she just wants to talk. Inés says if that's the case, then come over to the house tonight.

Moran is on his laptop, analyzing the fingerprints. Det. Capellan starts questioning Rosa in the living room. Rosa told 911 that two men came into the house and attacked them. Capellan says none of the locks had been forced. Rosa says they tied her up. Gerardo asks to see her wrists. Rosa says they also hit her and Gerardo wants to know where. Moran calls over that he's noticing a bruise on the victim's cheek that's about a week to ten days old. Rosa claims not to know where it came from. Aranda comes in with Inés' gun and says both Inés' and Rosa's fingerprints were on it. Aranda's walking around a crime scene in a tank top. Why does that strike me as inappropriate attire?

Inés is sitting up in bed reading when Rosa comes in. They snipe at each other until Inés says her back is hurting and Rosa comes over to give her a massage. They keep arguing. Rosa asks how much longer Inés is going to be in this bad mood. When Inés won't answer, Rosa starts to leave. Inés points her father's gun at Rosa and says "If we're all going to die one day, then why don't we die together?" Rosa tries to calm her down. Inés calls Rosa a coward and points the gun at her own head. Rosa starts crawling over the bed to try and take the gun away from her. She finally pries it out of her hands, and then yells at her, "Loca!" Inés yells back that if Rosa doesn't want to end up with nothing, she has to put up with Inés' craziness. "The notary already told me that if I want to change my will I should just think about it and then call him and I already thought about it and I'm going to call him tomorrow!" Rosa sweeps everything off of Inés dresser to show just how much she gives a crap about the house and Inés' things. Inés threatens to call the cops and Rosa knocks her out with the butt of the gun. When Rosa sees that Inés is knocked out, she puts the gun in the nightstand and walks out.

Capellan asks and Rosa admits that she did hit her with the gun, but that Inés threatened her first. Rosa denies knowing anything about the gun having been fired and says the incident happened 5 or 6 days ago. "What did you do after that?" Rosa says she went home and talked to her husband, who showed her the error of her ways and convinced her to come back and apologize to Inés.

Mario reads Rosa the riot act for screwing up the plan. He tells her to go back and beg forgiveness and ask for her help. Rosa asks "help for what?" and Mario backhands her. He tells her to go tell Inés that her husband beat her and ask her for a place to stay. "I told you I'd help you out at some point."

Dead!Inés voiceovers "You told me you had problems with Mario, that I was your friend, the only one who could help you, and you wanted to be with me." as we see that a week has passed. Inés is letting Rosa into the house and giving her a hug. Dead!Inés says "You told me all the things I needed to hear. I wonder if we always only hear the lies." Rosa tells Inés that she really doesn't care about the house and the will, she just wants them to be friends like they were before. Inés hugs her and tells her not to worry about it.

Inés calls to Rosa that the news is starting. Rosa picks up the phone and calls Mario. Inés picks up the phone and listens to the conversation. Rosa tells Mario she can't take any more. It's been five days and the crazy old woman just yells all the time. Mario tells her she'd better put up with it and keep the old lady good and happy to stay in her will. He hangs up on Rosa. Once Inés hears Rosa hang up, she does the same. Inés dumps her bowl of gruel on the floor and then screams and waits for Rosa to come in. She tells Rosa it fell. Rosa says she'll get a rag and clean it up and Inés tells her she's sorry, she'll have to clean it with a brush or else the milk will smell, oh, what would she ever do without her. Rosa takes the bowl out of the room and Inés goes back to watching TV.

Det. Capellan tells Rosa that there is no evidence to indicate that any man came in by force, nor that he attacked her or Inés. She says there's also no physical evidence that Rosa was tied up or beaten. What they do have evidence of is that Rosa had previously hit Inés with the butt of a gun. Rosa's fingerprints are all over the house. Gerardo comes over and says that with head wounds, especially near the occipital lobe, the veins tend to explode because of the intracranial pressure and the blood aerosolizes, leaving stains like Rosa has on her face and shirt. Det. Capellan asks Rosa if she'd like to tell them what happened.

Rosa comes in and asks Inés why the door was locked. Inés says something about going to see the parish priest. Rosa says she didn't remember Inés telling her that. Inés asks where Rosa was and Rosa says she was a work. Inés tells her that she called the salon, and Monica said that Rosa had called in sick. Rosa accuses Inés of spying on her. Inés says she was just worried about Rosa's husband abusing her. Rosa apologizes and says she should have told Inés. Inés says Rosa has to tell her everything-- that's just what she was talking to Padre Luis about. Padre Luis said that where there's trust, there's "prudencia" (caution, good sense). She thinks Padre Luis should be listening to her and Rosa laughs at the idea of Inés counseling the priest. Inés comes in with the cat's food and another bowl and sets them on the dining room table. Inés says she talked to Padre Luis about maybe selling the house if he needs to and investing the money to use it to take care of the poor if he needs to. Rosa wants to know what house she's talking about, but I think we know the answer to that one.

Rosa tells Det. Capellan that she got tired of the lies and she couldn't control herself. She wanted to open her head up and pull all the lies out.

"But this house isn't…." "It's Padre Luis' and the parish's. You told me you didn't care about the house." "And you told me you hadn't changed your will!" "Well, I guess we both lied. You to get the house, and me…" "To have a servant! You've had me at your service 24 hours a day!" Inés laughs at the idea of Rosa being her servant. She calls her an unscrupulous slave, a greedy one with no dignity. Rosa starts laughing about the idea of dignity. Inés says Rosa would have licked the ground she walked on, and all for what? "For an old house." Rosa says that if she doesn't have any dignity, then Inés is a damn manipulative old woman. Inés calls her a hyena and a vulture. She dares Rosa to kill her. "Death would be a liberation, but for you, all you have left is to see the world pass you by through the windows of a neighborhood beauty parlor." Rosa tells her to shut up. "For you there is nothing, nothing, nothing." Rosa hits her over the head with a glass bowl and yells at her to shut up. The bloody butterfly flies away.

"Rosa Dominguez was condemned to 20 years in prison for voluntary manslaughter, aggravated by viciousness and premeditation. She will be released from prison in 2026. Her husband, Mario Dominguez, filed for divorce and never visited her in prison."


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, February 11: The case of the lying Lolita and the suspicious señora.

I'm a little late this week. I was out at a charity event on Thursday night and I was completely wiped out yesterday!

Tonight, Susana Gonzales is "Tere, Desconfiada" (Tere, distrustful).

A woman in a blue sweater stands with her back to the camera. Another woman says, "Tere? Teresita?" Tere turns around. Her neck is covered in blood and she's holding bloody scissors. "En que le puedo servir?" (What can I do for you?)

Credits. I admit, the song gives me chills.

A doorbell rings. A man in a suit, carrying a laptop, puts down the laptop and answers the door. It's Eiza Gonzalez, who I last saw as Lola in Lola, Erase Una Vez. She obviously attends St. Britney Spears' School for Wayward Tarts. She's looking for her mom, who she thought would be with Tere. The guy invites her in. Just so we can avoid confusion later, his name is José and hers is Gabriela.

A knitting shop. Gorgeous yarns, sharp shiny needles. Tere puts skeins of yarn into a bin and looks at the clock. She shakes her head and keeps working. She starts stacking skeins on the shelves. She counts the cash in the till. She sighs. She takes a pill out of a hankie in her pocket and downs it. I think the hankie is done in hardanger. I wonder if she did it herself. She leaves the shop and locks the door. The whole time, she's got a dead look on her face.

José offers Gabriela a "refresco" (soft drink), but she'd rather have coffee. He makes her an instant coffee and asks her to get the cream out of a cabinet. He checks out her ass as she does it. Something fell out of the cabinet and she thinks it got her in the eye. He gets up way too close to see if she's ok. The microwave beeps and he hands her the coffee. She pretty quickly puts it down, sits on the counter, puts her feet up on the opposite counter and says there's a place nearby that serves real coffee. Maybe he could meet her there around six tomorrow? He hears the front door and says it's Tere and her mom. But really, it's only Tere. Gabi's mom went to the store. Gabi supposes she'd better go home. She thanks José for the coffee. He and Tere share a look.

Moran comments to the medical guy, who is maybe Gerardo, that it was odd the guy was killed that way. Gerardo thinks what's weird is that Moran thinks it's weird. Aranda, the curly-haired cop, says she's surprised he was killed with this"…whatever it is it's in a plastic bag, so I can't quite tell. Gerardo is surprised the two of them work with him. He asks what else they found and Moran shows the bloody scissors.

Tere heats up two plates of dinner in the microwave and brings them into the dining room. José asks when the maid is coming back. Tere says with only the two of them, there's not a lot for her to do, so despite the maid's absence, she'll manage. José asks for the salt and adds some to his plate. Tere thinks it was weird for Gabi to be there because she knew that Tere wasn't going to see her mom today. José gets nervous and changes the subject. He asks if she sold anything, even an "estambrito" (a ball of yarn). She says a couple of ladies came in, but no, she didn't sell anything. Come on, people, support your local "tienda de hilo" (yarn shop). They start getting into an argument. She thinks business will pick up. He's upset because they're not done paying off the house yet and he's also paying for her mother's medical bills. "And on top of that, I can't count on you for anything…not even as a wife." He tells her that the two of them aren't anything. She says she's grateful for him taking care of her mom and as for the "mercería" (haberdasher's; i.e., the yarn store) it's a business and you have to invest in businesses. She reminds him that he's the one who wanted her to have the store as a distraction. It just hasn't been the distraction he hoped it would be and he thinks she's becoming more depressed. He tells her he doesn't care what hobby she chooses, he just wants her distracted, and if it should happen not to cost anything, he'd like that even better.

Later, in bed, she calls a halt to the action.

The next morning, he's asking about his blue shirt. She starts specifying which one, but he gets pissy. She breaks off brushing her hair and goes into his closet to get the shirt, which was hiding under a jacket. As he puts it on, he reminds her that it's someone's birthday, so he's going out for drinks with the guys after the meeting. She's upset that he hadn't mentioned it before. He doesn't know exactly where they're going and he doesn't know if he'll be home for dinner. She clips her hair up.

At the shop, she looks around, fussing with things, rearranging. Eventually she pulls out a project and starts knitting, almost angrily. I bet her gauge is consistently tight.

José goes into the coffee place. Gabi is waiting for him, smacking gum and smoking. He sits down. He tells her he sometimes goes there after work, but she laughs at him. He accepts a drink of her beer. He asks if she didn't go to school. She says she did, but she went home to change. Ew, is that code for "What happened to the uniform?" She's already underage and wearing short shorts and a top that doesn't cover her stomach. Is that not enough for you, Humbert? She asks if he's comfortable or if he's nervous that they'll be seen. He says they aren't doing anything bad, so she rubs her foot against his leg and says he wants to.

They go to a hotel. We are left to assume that the dirty deed was done.

Tere chops vegetables badly and makes soup. She looks at the clock. She takes some meds. Her hands are shaking badly.

Later, she pulls the hankie out from under her nightgown and takes another pill before she goes to bed.

She's sleeping with the light on and he comes home.

He remembers Gabi asking when they'll see each other again. He tries to suggest the following Tuesday, but she gets pissed off and says they'll meet on Friday at the same hotel. He hedges. He's not sure if he'll be able to make it. She tells him he will be able to.

José turned out the light and Tere sleeps on, while he's still awake thinking of Gabi telling him he will be able to.

Tere and another woman are working on some kind of craft project, decorating what I think are tiny baby bassinets. The other woman, who I think is Gabi's mother, is suggesting that if they were doing this at the shop, people would see them and it might bring in business. Tere says she wouldn't have been able to go to the store, she's got a headache that's killing her. Gabi's mom thinks the projects are cute, but Tere thinks they're awful. Gabi's mom suggests that maybe it's because they're baby-themed and Tere never had a baby. She sees the look on Tere's face and apologizes. Tere asks how Gabi is doing. Mom says she's fine, she always does what she wants. The doorbell rings and Tere goes to get it. Gabi, in full-on tart mode, saunters in. She touches Tere's cheek and says she looks tired. Tere blames it on her headache. She asks Gabi what's up. "Are you happy? Are you seeing anyone?" Gabi says she "more or less" is and mom gives her a hard time for not having mentioned it. Tere says there's nothing wrong with going out with someone, "as long as they're not married." Mom makes a face. Tere asks if the guy lives nearby. Gabi says yes and starts laughing at a picture of José and Tere. Tere tells her the picture is about ten years old. Gabi says José (Pepe) looks exactly the same. José comes home and looks freaked out to see them all there. Tere explains that there wasn't enough room at the shop to work on their project. José asks about dinner and Tere says she'll make some now. Mom says she and Gabi need to be off. She'll take some stuff home to work on, but Gabi needs to get home because she's in the middle of exams. Jose, like the idiot he's already proved himself to be by cheating on his wife with a little tart not yet out of school, says "Really? Exams? You didn't tell me." Tere immediately picks up on this and asks why Gabi would have needed to tell him. José says no reason, just talking. Gabi and mom take off.

Back at the popo, Aranda tells Capellan that the team is brining over the rest of the evidence. Gerardo begins his report to Det. Capellan: "The first thing she did was drive in the needle. She did it with enough force to get it 20cm in and through the liver." Det. C objects that a knitting needle can't do that…it would break. Not so, says Gerardo, not with today's ultra-light, ultra-strong ones. "How long has it been since you last knitted?" Det. C takes the needle from him, points it at his neck and says it's been a long time since she last knitted, but she'd like to practice on him. Moran and Aranda grin.

Tere shows off some yarn to a client. The client likes the yarn, but she forgot exactly what color she used to start her shawl in the first place. I do this all the time--not forgetting the color, exactly, but running out of yarn and not being sure a new skein is going to match. Tere gives the woman the skein and says if it's wrong, she'll exchange it. Gabi's Mom comes in and says she finished (with the project, I assume) and asks if Tere did as well. Tere avoids answering and asks where Gabi is, if she's out of school. Mom supposes so. She doesn't ask Gabi where she's going. And she has no idea who the boyfriend is. She announces that she finished 100 of the decorations, but she doesn't want Tere to pay her. She just did it to keep busy. Tere gripes that all she ever sells are skeins of yarn. Gabi's mom reminds her that José bought her the store as a distraction, not so she would become a millionaire. I wish my husband would buy me a yarn store as a distraction. It couldn't go under any faster than I could knit up all the yarn instead of selling it, I'm sure. Tere immediately starts asking about Gabi again, if she seems happy. Mom is wierded out, now, but she says Gabi is strange, like they all are at that age. She laughs at the suggestion that Gabi may be going out with an older man. Tere winds some ribbon back onto a bobbin at lightning speed. Mom says she thinks Gabi likes guys her own age.

Jose sleeps as Gabi smacks him to wake him back up. She angrily says she ditched school today, so he'd better teach her something new. Ew. "Whatever you like best." He's groggy.

Tere is nervous. She plays with her hands, takes out her cell phone, pulls out a bottle of pills and plays with the cap. José comes home. She was waiting for him. She asks if they should have dinner. She's suspicious that he wants to shower now, at this time of day, but he says he feels "dirty." He comments that she looks nervous, so maybe she should just take the pills already.

Tere examines her face in the mirror. José asks what she's obsessing about and says she's beautiful, young. He asks where his wife is. She shakes her head and says she doesn't know. José's cell phone rings. He eventually answers it, but in a shady way, since he can see it's Gabriela calling. He tells her he'll call her tomorrow.

Tere and Gabi's mom put the little mini-bassinets in a big basket in the shop. Mom reminds Tere that yesterday was her saint's day (St. Teresa…there are a couple of them). Tere isn't used to celebrating it, but Mom got her a gift…of skimpy lingerie. Tere says it's pretty, but she doesn't wear that stuff. Gabi's mom says she'd better. One has to keep one's man warm. Then she says it was Gabi's idea. Tere storms off. Gabi's mom also says to thank José for buying one of Gabi's schoolbooks for her. She thinks that José is just playing daddy (riiight, sugar daddy). Mom supposes that Gabi, being the little "igualada" (uppity) girl she is, probably pestered José into buying it for her and he didn't want to say "no." Tere agrees that must be right, but her heart isn't in it.

Gabi didn't get a call back, so she waited outside his house. José says he couldn't call because he was in a meeting. She bullies him into agreeing to meet her at the hotel at 7 tomorrow, even though he says 7 is too late.

José waits impatiently for the microwave to finish heating his food. Tere comes in. He asks her what's up and she returns the question. He claims not to know what she's talking about. She says she wants to know what's up with Gabriela, with him buying her a book, and when did he even see her to give it to her. He says they just ran into each other and she asked him for money for a book, which he gave her, and what's the big deal, it's Tere's friend's daughter." Tere says she's a girl, to which he stupidly replies, "She told me she was 18." Tere says she's seen the way he looks at her and he gripes that she's not a girl, she's a woman. "Excuse me if I like to look at women." He leaves his food on the table and leaves the room while Tere seethes.

The next day, Gabi's mom comes into the shop and announces that she found some fabric for them to use to make the "duendecitos" (little imps, little goblins). Tere is busy knitting way too tight and she slams down her knitting to ask Gabi's Mom if her daughter is going out with her (Tere's) husband. She keeps advancing on Gabi's Mom, and Mom gets nervous and says Tere has gone crazy from taking so many pills and she's sick.

José tries to explain to Gabi that they can't see each other so often. People are getting suspicious. He says she's very "chiquita" (little). "You didn't care about my age when it came to sleeping with me." She confesses that her mom asked her if they were going out. "And you know what? Tere's the one who told her, so she already knows." José doesn't think so, but Gabi says they "always" end up finding out. "Not if we do things right." Gabi kicks his shoulder and sulks.

Gabi is walking down the street, minding her own tarty business, when Tere comes up behind her, holds scissors to her throat, slaps a hand over her mouth, and drags her away.

Tere drags her into an alley and tells her to shut it. Gabi cries and gasps. She says she didn't do anything. José told her he was going to buy her a book and he took her to their house and raped her in their bed. Tere pats Gabi on the head feebly, puts the scissors away, and walks away. Gabi keeps sobbing and gasping.

Gabi's Mom tells the same story to Det. Capellan, that José raped her daughter. Det. C asks if they did exams, if they reported it. Gabi's Mom says if her daughter says it happened, then she believes her. Det. C coldly says they can't discard the possibility that her daughter is lying. Det. C says she can order a gyno exam and she doesn't need mom's permission to do it. FYI, that will only tell them if she's been sexually active recently, not whether she was raped.

Gabi and José sit in his car. Gabi angrily tells José that Tere tried to kill her. She demands that he get divorced and send Tere to jail. José doesn't think Tere's capable of doing anything. Gabi says the only one not capable of doing anything here is him. She calls him "poco hombre" (not man enough) and says he can get into a relationship with a "little girl" but he can't confront his wife. José says they'll settle this right now.

He goes to the shop asks "What did you do to Gabi? You threatened her with scissors?" Tere asks him what he did to Gabi.

Det. Capellan shows Gabi's mom a medical report and says a gyno exam showed no signs of rape (because it usually can't) and Gabi's body doesn't show any signs of violence (which doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't raped). Mom is shocked.

José laughs off the idea that he could have raped Gabi. He says that the pills have made her crazy. Tere says Gabi's the one who told her. Gabi who didn't wait in the car like he told her to. José confronts Gabi with having told Tere that he raped her. Gabi starts crying and asking "Why? Why did you do this to me?" Then she calls Tere a killer and says they're both crazy. She calls José a pig and says she should have called the cops. Tere gets upset and José says "can't you see what she's trying to do?" He calls Gabi the crazy one. He tells Tere that she wants to destroy them. "Didn't you tell me to divorce her and send her to jail?" Gabi keeps up the lie and Tere is beyond confused. José is now telling the truth, about her waiting outside the house for him, ditching school. José tells Tere that he'll admit his responsibility, but he won't let "this girl" come between them. Gabi screams again that he raped her. "Oh yeah? Weren't you the one who asked me to show you new things last night in bed?" Tere cries and holds her head.

Detective Capellan tells Tere that Gabi lied. José never raped her. Her suspicions were correct, they were having an affair. Tere, still a bit bloody, pulls out the hankie with the pills and says, "Then it was good I punished him?" Det. C says no, she shouldn't have punished anyone, much less in that way. Tere wonders when she heard Gabriela and when she stopped hearing and seeing her husband. "When did my sight get clouded with his blood?"

José keeps yelling that Gabi is crazy. Gabi keeps crying that he said he loved her, he said she was the daughter Tere could never give him. Tere comes at him with a knitting needle, stabs him with it, and cuts his throat with scissors. And now Gabi's crying for real. The bloody butterfly flies away. Tere turns to look at Gabi, and then at the camera.

"Tere Alamilla was found guilty of brutal murder, aggravated by matrimonial ties. She was condemned to 14 years in prison. Her lawyers tried to declare her incompetent but they failed. Gabriela Ortega was condemned to 11 months in prison after being found guilty of the crimes of perjury and false testimony."


Friday, February 05, 2010

Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, February 4: The case of the reluctant ramera's revenge.

Tonight, Angelique Boyer is "Soledad, Cautiva" (Soledad, captured).

A couple gets hot and heavy in a bright orange retina-burning room. The guy mumbles something about her being very expensive, but she says she's worth it.


A "family" is traveling in a car. We gather that the girl in the back seat is Soledad. Dad is driving, and Stepmom sits up front. Dad is sick of the other two fighting and wants Soledad to get over it and Stepmom to just shut up already. Soledad is pissed that Stepmom was dad's lover before Mom died. Stepmom doesn't like how either Dad or Soledad treat her. Soledad won't let go of Stepmom being "Lover" first. Dad actually pulls the car over in the middle of nowhere rather than threatening and Soledad gets out and starts walking down the road in the opposite direction. Dad orders Stepmom back into the car and they drive away.

Soledad has no luck hitching a ride until, finally, an old beat-up truck pulls over and she hops in the back. They drive her to a roadside stand, where, due to her lack of money, she just asks for a glass of water. A hottie in a much nicer, newer truck pulls up. He orders his usual, whatever that might be. He notices Soledad crying and asks if she's ok, but she just shakes her head. He picks up his tacos and goes to sit next to her. He asks if she's hungry and he shares his…quesadillas? On blue corn tortillas?

He gives her a ride to somewhere. She talks about Dad and Stepmom and tells him the whole story, according to her. Her cell phone battery is dead, so she can't call her best friend and his is only for inbound calls. She finally realizes she's been talking this whole time and starts asking him to talk. What he comes up with is "I like listening to music while I drive and being with pretty girls." He turns the radio on.

It's getting late and she figures he must be getting tired. She feels bad about it. He asks what she's going to the city for. She's going to see her aunt. He offers to put her up in a hotel for the night so they can rest. Just a nice, simple, clean place.

He said it wasn't a by-the-hour place, but when they get there, it is. He says maybe that's how other people use it, but they're just there to sleep, so it's no big deal.

Ah, but now it turns out there's only one room available with only one bed in it. No worries, though, he'll take the floor.

At some point, he asks if she's awake, which she is. He playfully grabs her hand and pulls her off the bed and onto the floor with him. This suits her just fine and the by-the-hour motel room heaves a sigh of relief as it gets to fulfill its life's purpose.

Dad calls Yolanda, the aunt, I presume, and is surprised to hear that Soledad isn't with her. She also hasn't called. Dad defends himself for yesterday, saying Yolanda wasn't there and she shouldn't judge him. He agrees to call her later. Stepmom tells Dad to chill, that Soledad is probably with a friend.

A male, naked friend, in fact.

They keep driving on. The guy drops her off at an intersection of two highways. He says when he comes to Mexico he'll call her at her aunt's place. She asks if his uncle's house is much farther away. It sounds like she's scared to go to her aunt's. He offers to wait, but she declines. He finally, very seriously, says it was a pleasure meeting her. She giggles and ends up asking what if she goes with him to his uncle's house. He asks if she's sure and she gets back in the truck and kisses him. Nice shiny truck like that…I've got a bad feeling about this. Really, man, there's no point getting informed consent unless it's actually informed. But I bet that "are you sure?" is going to come back to haunt her. Safe bet on a show like this.

He pulls up to a gate and honks. A man in a dark suit holding some kind of rifle waves them in. There are several of these men around, and also a pool and a lot of pretty girls in bikinis. As the truck pulls up, several of the girls start walking over. Since I'm sick of calling him "the guy" I looked up his name on IMDB--Esteban. Esteban greets a man in a lighter suit, Jorge, and introduces Soledad as his girlfriend. Jorge calls her precious and says she's got beautiful eyes while carressing her face. Jorge asks if Esteban explained. He starts copping a feel and Soledad freaks out. Esteban tells her it will be better if she plays along. Better in the sense of "not getting quite as bruised in the process" I imagine. She starts backing away as one of the dark-suited guys goes after her. She starts asking the bikini crew for help, but all they do is watch. The one woman not in a bikini comes up and injects something into Soledad's arm as two suits hold her. This is Clarissa, who I recognize from playing Marta on Tormenta en el Paraiso. The hair's different, but she has a very distinctive, almost manly jaw. Soledad gets carried off and sure enough, Esteban yells after her "Hey, this was your decision, remember?" Jorge asks how much for the girl.

Soledad wakes up with blurry vision, surrounded by a posse of other girls her age. One of them tells her that her name is Cindy now, as per Don Jorge. Another girl whispers not to worry, that as soon as they can they'll all get out of there. Don Jorge and Clarissa walk in. Soledad begs to go home. She throws up from the drugs and Jorge gets pissed off. Clarissa wipes the vomit off Soledad's mouth and tells her that's the last time she does that. Soledad keeps begging to go home. Jorge tells her she's to open her legs and not her mouth. He tells Clarissa to have her washed and brought to him. He tells her that she will open her legs.

Soledad gets hosed off by another of the girls, while the one who woke her up gives her a quick swipe with the soap. Clarissa watches, smoking a cigarette, and another girl holds a towel and looks worried.

She ends in what looks like a hotel room, dressed in lingerie. Don Jorge walks in and she starts the crying and begging all over again while he starts getting undressed. From the way he bites into a strawberry, he seems to get off on the crying and begging. The crying and begging continues, as does the undressing. She asks what she has to do so they'll let her go and starts telling him not to come closer. Back in the bunk room, the other girls cry and/or cover their ears as she continues screaming "no." One of the girls says she hopes Soledad passes out. Other than "no" and "please" we also get "me duele" (it hurts)…yeesh! Clarissa waits out in the hallway and smokes.

I take it we're keeping the same cops throughout the whole series. Dad has brought Det. Capellan Soledad's purse and a picture of Soledad. He says all she would have with her is her cell phone. Det. Capellan says it's been 24 hours since his daughter disappeared. Det. C thinks it's odd she hasn't called in that time. Actually, Dad says she called her friend, but just when she was about to tell her friend where she was, the call got disconnected. It seems like she was with someone. He thinks it's the first time she's gone off with someone and that's what worries with him. Det. C tells the cop behind her, whose name I didn't catch, but whose hair I covet, to set up a 100km perimeter around a spot she points to on the map and to notify her of any sighting of Soledad. She hands over the photo.

"From me, you will learn everything you need to know to give pleasure. To serve men, to please them, to not suffer. Forget about the other day with Jorge. I'll show you how things are here. I'll turn you into a geisha, a goddess. From now on, see me as your teacher, your protectress, your friend. You need to be obedient, pleasing, servile. Under my care, nothing will happen to you. And one day, if you do what I say, a client will come, who will notice you. He'll be with you once, and he'll come back again and again for you until he falls completely in love with you and he pays us everything you're worth. And that's how you'll get out of here." This is Clarissa's little motivational speech to Soledad as she introduces her to the fine art of whoring. Aren't these shows so much more fun when you actually know what people are saying?

Soledad spends some quality time with a Hugh Heffner wannabe, complete with satin robe.

"And now, I'll tell you one of the great secrets. Here, it's the clients who enjoy, not you."

Mr. 5ft thinks it would be nice of Soledad blows this whole place up. Given the show, I think that's entirely possible.

Curly-haired cop explains to Det. C and a hot male cop that within that perimeter she found other missing girls. She has points of disappearance and pictures up on the computer screen, mapped out. The guy is Lt. Moran. He reports that there are several whorehouses in the area, many of them with registered sex workers ( but none of those correspond to these missing girls. Dec. C wonders, then, what's going on.

At Casa Jorge, the girls sunbathe. Soledad notices Enrique's truck pull up. Another girl tells her not to be stupid. Soledad watches another girl try to run as the "Don't be stupid" girl tells "Cindy" not to "echar a perder" (ruin) things. "Soledad," Soledad insists, "my name is Soledad." The other girls start talking about needing to escape. DBS is working on a plan. Another girl says in the meantime, they've got to go welcome the new girl. Soledad looks over at Esteban and Jorge.

Estaban asks how it's going. Well, but they need more, according to Jorge.

Back in the bunk room, the new girl is laid out on a table, in some distress from the drugs and the kidnapping and the suspicion that she's about to start a fun new job she didn't ask for. The other girls hover, comforting her. DBS points out that today is Monday and on the first Monday of every month, Don Jorge leaves. She presumes, to go move his money around. And with two of the guards gone with him, that leaves less eyes to watch the girls. Another girl thinks DBS is saying stupid stuff. If they get caught, they're dead. "We're already dead," says another girl. DBS says if someone doesn't want in on the plan, fine, but they need to keep their mouth shut. Don Jorge comes in, asking if the girl is awake yet. DBS says they're working on it. Jorge tells them to get the girl ready quickly and bring her to his room.

Out on the floor, one girl wipes a glass, another fiddles with her necklace, and a third attaches her thigh-highs to her garter belt. Clarissa comes in, suspicious, and asks where Karen and Soledad are. Thigh-high girl says they're getting changed.

Outside, one of the girls seduces a guard to get him to leave his post. Others start sneaking out. Another one waits by the breaker box and cuts all the electricity.

Clarissa is still asking the few girls who are left where Karen and Soledad are…"Where is everybody?"

The girls outside get chased by guards with lights attached on their big scary guns.

Inside, Clarissa reprimands the other girls for their lack of discipline. One of the girls is lying on a table, at least hurt, but possibly dead. Clarissa asks the girl who seduced the guard "Since when do you care about others?" For Soledad, she has a "Why did you do this to me?" And for the guard, she says if he breathes a word of this, he'll have to deal with Jorge. She zips his pants up. Right then, Jorge walks in, asking what happened. I guess the girl on the table is dead after all. Jorge says "look what you've done to her." He asks Clarissa if she knows how much money he's losing. He orders the guard to get the body out of the room.

Curly haired cop gets a call. She tells Lt. Moran that the Red Cross found one of the missing girls. She's having her transferred to them.

Jorge directs his dark-suited lackeys to "find the girl." They're out there with dogs, not knowing that the Red Cross found her first.

The doc tells Det. Capellan that if what the girl is saying is true, they've got a real horror story going on. They're standing outside the interrogation room, while the escaped girl sits inside with the curly haired cop. Doc says that another doc did some tests and said the girl was fine.

Looks like the ringleader is the one who made it out. The cop is showing her pictures and asking about the girls. She identifies one as "Roxy," who got out with her, but then she thinks they must have caught her. She's sure Roxy is dead by now. She also identifies "Cindy". She explains to the cop that they give all of them new names.

CHC comes out and announces to Det. C that she's identified practically every girl on their list, including Soledad. But she doesn't exactly know how to get to the place where they are. It's a secret place and you have to put in several passwords on the computer, but she knows the main address is "" (goddesses of love). That's actually not a site name that's taken.

The bring a laptop in and Det. C asks Karen to help them, but she only knows the address and she doesn't know any of the passwords. Lt. Moran is going to take care of it. He guesses a couple of wrong passwords. Karen says it's members only and you have to be recommended. Moran pulls up a "search engine" which is really one of those programs to try every different password until it finds the right one. He puts in the password, but then it asks "Who is your contact?" He enters "sierra" and then gets asked for a credit card number. Curly haired cop comes in with a big suitcase and hands Moran the department's Black Amex. He enters the number. Okay, I was only kidding about it being Amex. He gets a menu of pictures and picks Soledad's. He gets a message reading "It's a pleasure to have you as a client. You will receive a phone call giving you instructions to follow. Privacy, sensuality, and good taste await you. Enter your telephone number." He enters a number.

As curly haired cop tapes a mic to his manly chest, Moran answers his phone and hears a recording with directions to get to the whorehouse. These directions, however only get him as far as valet parking. He'll be driven the rest of the way in a company truck. This does not sound like a safe proposition. They will also take his GPS and cell phone away from him. We watch all this happen.

Meanwhile, Det. C and CHC track him on the computer.

Moran wanders around the whorehouse lobby, looking around. He tells Clarissa that he chose Cindy, but he doesn't see her. He tries to insist on her, since that's who he chose on the computer, but Clarissa says she's indisposed and can she offer someone else instead. They'd hate to give him bad service. Clarissa suggests Perla instead (looks like the new girl, especially by the body language) and offers him the Hef's robe.

"Perla" cringes her way into the room, where a guard and Clarissa wait outside.

Soledad is getting a room ready. She considers the lighter she's holding for a moment before she starts to light the candles. Esteban walks in, asking if she's missed him. She agrees that they've treated her well. Esteban brags that he paid a lot for her because he missed her. Soledad smiles faintly and says she's glad he paid. Everyone has to pay.

Soledad, in the interrogation room, cries as Det. C asks "How could you trust him enough to get into his truck?" Soledad says she liked him on sight. He looked at her like no one had before. It was love at first sight. "Hasn't that ever happened to you?" Det. C doesn't answer. She says it was a falling in love that she paid dearly for. "Tell me about the place where you were locked up." Soledad says it was hell. "They hit me, they raped me, and they made me feel like I wasn't worth anything. There you live with the constant worry of waking up dead. Just waiting for the next degenerate to come along." Det. C asks if she knew that Esteban was coming for her that night. Soledad says he acted like nothing had happened.

We see her take the cork off the corkscrew. It seems like she considers the corkscrew for a moment. She turns around and hands him a glass of wine.

The cops roll up in black SUV's and start surrounding the place.

Perla cries and begs Moran to help her. He covers her mouth and shushes her. He tells her he's a cop and they're there to help, but she has to stay quiet.

Esteban keeps flirting with Soledad, and she flirts right back.

Soledad tells Det. C that he showed up so he could treat her like dirt, because he showed up to buy her. He paid for her. "He always considered me his prostitute."

We get the scene from the beginning where he says he paid a fortune for her and she says she's worth it.

Out in the lobby, the cops are quietly moving in. Some of the girls are crying and others are smiling.

Soledad and Esteban keep getting it on. She tells him "no pasa nada" (it's nothing; nothing's happening here) and keeps macking on him. Aw, honey, you don't want him to die happy, do you?

Jorge threatens Clarissa with a gun, calling her stupid. The curly haired cop, with backup, walks in and tells Jorge to drop the gun. She ends up shooting him and he slides down the wall.

Det. C says "if you'd just waited, Soledad. My people were there to save you and all the other girls." Soledad said everything happens in a moment. "In a moment I went from heaven to hell, from love to hate, from his princess to his prostitute. That's why I had to take advantage of the moment. He'd paid for me, we were alone."

She picks up the corkscrew and slashes him across the face with it. Then she breaks the wine bottle and stabs him with it. Repeatedly. She keeps screaming that she's Soledad. And away flies the bloody butterfly.

"Soledad Oropeza was sentenced to 12 years in prison for unpremeditated murder. The extenuating circumstances presented to the judge by Det. Capellan reduced her sentence to half. DIEM dismantled a prostitution and white slavery network. It is estimated that there are 27 million people worldwide trapped in prostitution and pornography networks."


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