Friday, November 21, 2008

QE Thursday 11/20 (#105) - Bruto tastes Love Potion #86 and all the weiners get their neeners

From yesterday: Santiago tells Sara and Bruno he knows they killed Fafy. Sara tells him he's LOCO and she wants him to disappear from her life. Santi calls them murderers. Over at Televisa studios the supposed dumb blonde grabs Jimena's phone, calls the texter and hears Greta reveal that Jimena concocted the plot to make Lorena think Ernesto is still a womanizer.

Lorena, hearing Greta, immediately comprehends that Jimena has been tricking both her and Ernesto. She tells Jimena she can't believe she sank so low as to pretend to be her friend to try to steal Ernesto away from her. Jimena reasons since Lorena had the doctor she didn't need Ernesto. Interesting logic but Lor doesn't buy it, "my love life isn't your business". As the star of this show she gets to have as many men as she wants and Jimena gets nothing, neener neener neener. (OK, I paraphrased.) Lorena points out that Ernesto's not going to be happy to hear about Jimena's trickery and she orders Jimena to get out.

In a random scene Zuly scolds Matilde for forgetting the peppers. Matilde says she was distracted because she's so happy at the prospect of seeing Zulema cook. She rushes out to the store while Zulema gets ready to watch Lorena's show. Uh, OK.

The very bad Private Investigator tries to talk his way into the Televisa studios to watch Ernesto, it's for his work, uh, it's private business, but the receptionist who has heard it all soon wearies of him and tells him to leave. Remember how Juan Querendón could always talk his way into the Televisa studios? Well this guy's no Juan.

Ern and Lor get ready for their show by discussing Fafy's demise and the pair of wretches who no doubt helped him get there. Lorena tells him that Snorty mentioned Santiago was Fafy Cuenca's dear friend and Ern says he's suffering and he hopes he keeps his silence about Ernesto's involvement. Lor wants to talk to him about Jimena but they are interrupted by the director's countdown. These two are pretty cool about being on camera. If it were my show I would be a nervous wreck checking ingredients and psyching myself up instead of talking.

Omar watches the show while stuffing a fast food burger in his mouth. Oh how the well-fed have fallen. Another neener.

Over at casa pobre Zulema snacks on product-placed Bimbo colchones while Ernesto welcomes the audience to their second season and Lor thanks God that her mother came out of the coma. She wants to dedicate this first show to her. Zuly happily eats her colchones and remarks that Lor is cooking a dish that Zuly taught her. In his lonely room Omar is sad, heh.

Sara yells at Santi some more, he was nothing more than a toady to Fafy. Her mouth is a perfect claymation square (thanks Susanlynn). She bares all her teeth and spits insults at him. He gives it right back, calls her a harpy and a cursed witch; Fafy's message proves he trusted Santiago! Sara yells at him to leave. Santiago tearfully scrunches up his face.

Team Al watches the show and compliments Lorena's talent while Al sighs "how lovely she is". Tori comments that he loved eating Lorena's cooking and knew she'd be a chef. Paula tells Al he'd better get on the stick or Chef Ernesto will make him eat swine, i.e. steal a march on him. (This was an idiom that Paula used with the verb comer, a play on words referencing Ern's career, "comerle a alguien el mandado" = to spoil someone's plans and get an advantage over them by doing something sooner or better than them). Betina agrees that Al is too slow, it's time to do something drastic. Tori calls him a chicken and tells him to hurry up and take the bull by the horns.

Ern and Lor finish another successful show. He wants to know what's up with Jimena but they are interrupted by a call from Santiago who tells Ern that the autopsy came back...apparently Fafy died of natural causes. Ern is impactado. He and Lor are about to talk when Celeste tells Ern he has an interview right now with a gourmet magazine. Lorena invites him to stop by her house later tonight. Excellent idea.

Julian pays another visit to Toño the forger and this time Toño's at home. Julian tries to get Toño to help him get the goods on Sara but Toño refuses. It's not his problem and his business has taught him to be discreet. Sorry but he can't do something like that without implicating himself.

Sara and Bruno celebrate Fafy's demise with a drink and it doesn't take long for this greedy pair to start bickering. Sara says things are finally going her way. Bruno reminds her things are going their way. Sara keeps commenting about "her" money and Bruno keeps reminding her they're in this together, it's "their" money. He suggests opening a joint account where they can't spend the money without the other's consent. Sara hates this idea and informs him from now on she doesn't want to be stuck with him. He replies that he was thinking they would get married. She makes a sour face and he asks "don't you want to be Mrs. De Palma?" She thinks he's crazy. He says he's decided that's how it will be and can she think of a better plan? She looks at him with ominous loathing. I would say yes, she's thinking of a better plan.

After the commercial he tells her end of discussion, he wants her, then he calls her "gatita" which truly irritates her. He says he'll call her whatever he wants because she's his woman. Oh and he wants her to wear a negligee, now! As he swaggers upstairs he turns and tells his ga-ti-ta to pour him another class of wine. She glares daggers at him and her cogs and sprockets start, yes!

Jimena shows up at Ern's house and learns that Lor hasn't spilled the beans on her yet. She tells Ern they need to talk.

Over at Moth-Eaten Estates Catalina misses her grandkids and gets mad when Icky says he wants to call Valeria tomorrow and borrow money from her. Of course he's lost all their money and wants to go sniveling back to Val. Cat doesn't like the idea because she's convinced Valeria will revel in their misfortune. He hopes Val will forgive him for forgetting the children. Cat snarls that he couldn't call them, that's different from forgetting, but she wonders what excuse he'll give Val for not calling. She also thinks he needs to be careful of Sara. Icky pines over Val and says it would be very lucky if she gave him another chance. Dude, she is so over you. Neener.

Tori's at the clinic looking for Al. He comments he probably knows where Al is but he wisely does not reveal it to Val. They say tact skips a generation. He ends up chatting to Val and she mentions she and the kids are very happy and she hasn't heard a thing from Icky. No she doesn't think it's weird because they are used to his absence. She lets slip that her kids think Al is the best man in the world. Tori chuckles knowingly and Val looks busted.

Ern is irate at Jimena. He tells her he doesn't hate her but he feels very disappointed. She admits it was love for him that drove her to play dirty. However she has some advice for him, judging by Lorena's reaction she still loves Ernesto. He should go and find her now, don't waste any more time. She tells him that a woman in love cannot be just a friend, goodbye forever. Eavesdroppers kids and Fanny rush out and urge him to go to Lorena.

Over at the jewelry store Al is busy picking out an engagement ring for the most wonderful, noble and real woman in the world. She's not his girlfriend but she's the woman he loves. The clerk pretends to care.

When Lor gets home Snorty compliments her on her show and Zuly is on cloud nine because of Lor's on-air message to her. Lor tells them she invited Ernesto over for dinner which Zuly thinks is a great idea but she gets all in a flutter, whatever will she cook for this great chef?

Snorty asks Lor if she invited Ernesto because she's decided on him? Lor smiles shyly and tells her abuela that he's coming over to discuss the death of Fafy Cuenca, they need to develop a new strategy to trap Sara. However, she admits she has revised her opinion of Ernesto. Snorty advises Lor to use her heart to choose between Al and Ern. Lorena says it's hard to decide...same old.

Back at the only joyería in the DF Al's got his rings lined up. Who should walk in but Ern who wants a special ring for a special woman. The two rivals size each other up as the kooky music plays.

Sara tells the wine bottle that if Bruno wants a glass of wine he'll get it. At first I thought we might be seeing some product placement but she pours white wine out of a bottle of Louis Latour Beaujolais-Village Chameroy. Eh? Isn't the Beaujolais-Village a red wine? Oh never mind. She pours a glass for Bruto, hides the bottle, then pours herself a glass from another bottle. He calls to his gatita and asks about his wine. She gleefuly hands him his glass, calls him her little beast and toasts to their brilliant future swimming in gold. He flashes his most odious grin and she smirks affectionately. Bruto's about to be 86ed as they say in the kitchen.

Lorena tells Snorty it's hard to listen to her heart. Snorty tells her to imagine the rest of her life, who is it she wants to spend every day of her life with? Lorena gets a funny smile. Is it love mixed with hunger I hope I hope?

Sara wants to toast their partnership, a toast to Sara and Bruno...until death parts them. They chug their wine and she smiles, working her jaw oddly like a mantis who has just bitten the head off her mate. Bruto gives her a funny look, does he suspect?

No, after drinking through the commercial all he can think about is rolling in dough. Sara strokes his ego by saying she looks forward to having a real name instead of an orphanage name. He wants to travel to Paris. "Whatever you decide my love," she coos. He says it's the best day of his life because today he stops being a loser starts being be a millionaire. He kisses Sara goodbye and says he's off to help with Fafy's arrangements. Sara happily mutters, "What's stopping is your existence, you said yourself the poison is slow but sure."

Bruto gets in his car, surveys the house and congratulates himself on the power that all his millions will bring.

Ern shows the kids his ring. They think he'll win Lorena for sure and Ern seems confident by the look he saw in Lorena's eyes. Just then Bad Hair Jorge strolls in and pulls a bunch of food out of the refrigerator without even saying hi. What a leech. Ern scolds him and tells him to have respect, even his nephews ask permission first. "Fine, eat your popcorn," Jorge sasses, putting the popcorn and lemonade on the table. (May I say he at least has good taste in snacks? As a kid I regularly made myself sick by injesting too much popcorn and lemonade, one of my favorite combinations to this day.)

Ivan decides to go get the snacks himself and stupidly leaves his laptop open. A message pops up, "We need to talk", presumably from Betina. Jorge takes over and composes a quick response, "I'm not interested". He smiles nastily.

On the receiving end Betina is very upset. She tells Pau that Ivan deleted her from his contacts and wants nothing to do with her. She cries on mom's shoulder and Paula reassures her that Ivan is immature, maybe one day they will recognize their mistakes and reconnect, eh?

Ivan comes back with the snacks and tells Jorge he was rude for grabbing the food, all he had to do is ask permission, duh, get a clue and some manners. Jorge accuses Ivan of being a child. Ivan notices that Betina's no longer one of his contacts. Jorge pretends to look and cheerfully notes she must have deleted Ivan. For a young kid he's pretty smarmy.

Stupid Al happily shows Val the ring he bought for Lorena.

Over at the lesser house there's lots more Bimbo product placement, apparently that's all Zuly and Lor want to eat because they're really macking on a mountain of colchones. Both Lor and Diana want to help Zuly cook but they're relegated to setting the table. Lor tells Diana that someone else will join them, Ernesto's stopping by. Diana gets super excited, he's a part of the family, hooray! but Lor says they have a lot to talk about. Diana stuffs a colchone in her mouth. OK, they're yummy, we get it, I'm going to buy a bag tomorrow to see what the big deal is. I'll report back. Zuly asks if Al is coming over. Lor looks incredulous, having them both there would be a time bomb!

Bruto starts to feel the effects of the poison. His hands get numb. He thinks back in horror...he poisoned the wine, then he drank some wine. The poison! Damn that Sara!! He pulls out his cell phone but he's fading fast. Gasping for breath he calls an ambulance.

Sara calls the PI and tells him his services are no longer needed. Now that Fafy has died she cares about nothing. She caresses the poison bottle and cackles at Bruto, he should be feeling the effects by now. Bwaahaahaahaaa. She grabs the poison bottle and glass, time to get rid of the evidence.

Zuly has made platters of colchones appetizers and she's on cloud 9. She woke from her coma, she's not fat, and now Rosy and Julian are back together. Diana says it's too bad papa's not with them, maybe they can invite him? Zuly's not on board with this. Diana can't stop her mouth, dad's really remorseful and he's not with that woman any more, can't Zuly consider forgiving him? Nope. Mom leaves the room and Lor gives Diana The Look.

Snorty asks Vasco why he insists on being with Paty, he obviously doesn't love her. He admits it but he's fond of her. Better to be with Paty who loves him that wait around for Diana all his life. Snorty asks what would he say if she told him she knows Diana still loves him?

Felipe shows up with a present for the baby. Diana tries ten different ways to get rid of him but he won't take a hint. He even tries to invite himself to the party. What a pest. She finally tells him to quit insisting, she's not interested. But she does take the present.

Bruto has made it to clinic 23, he gasps out an order that Al inject him with 10 cc's of fluoverax, an antidote to the poison Sara gave him. He admits he used the stuff to try to poison Fafy but the old guy died on his own. Whether they save him or not he'll renounce Sara right now. He hears himself flatlining, a fantastically macabre touch there. A nurse runs in, there's no antidote! What??? Horrified, Bruno remembers this is one of the medications that he himself sold off on the cheap. Ahhh, it's divine justice of the most twisted sort. Al tells the nurse to get some from another clinic or pharmacy, quickly! Bruto, amazingly clear headed considering his dire situation, announces there's no time to write his admission so they'll have to record it, he instructs Val to use his cell phone which has video. Val's no cinematographer since all we can see in the phone are his nostrils. Bruto admits that he and Sara planned to kill Fafy, he injected some wine bottles (yes he said bottles..with an "s") with neuropandol, they poisoined the Armendariz guests and he sabotaged Zulema's operation so she'd go in a coma. Al was innocent, he did it because he always envied him. He gasps "tell Diana..." His head flops back, we hear heavenly singing and it looks like Bruto kicks the bucket. Val's got it all on the cell phone. Awesome scene! Somebody give that bad boy an Oscar.

Val hands a stunned Al the phone, she recorded the whole thing. Al can't believe there's such evil in the world.

Over at the bitch house Greta whines some more to Jimena. She still singing the same song, Omar only left her because he feels sorry for the fatty. Jimena tells her to give it a rest, her tricks didn't work. Anyway, she only came to say goodbye because she's off to Florence. (Ha! Did we call this one or what?) Greta is shocked, Jimena her only friend is leaving her? Greta wants to know are they really friends or was Jimena just using her? Jimena tells her they are friends of circumstance, Greta lost her true friends when she decided to live with Omar. Double neener for the nasty girls.

Cut to sad Omar, he calls the lesser house. Zuly answers but Omar says nothing. She hands the phone to Lorena, still no response from Omar. Lorena inadequately "hangs up" the phone and the receiver slips off unnoticed to the ladies. In anguish Omar listens to their happy chatter, Zuly looks wonderful in her new dress, she's beautiful and happy, blah blah blah. Today her whole family will be with her, reunited. Omar sighs, this was, and could have been, his life but due to his weak character he lost it. Julian and Diana arrive and they all hug and laugh because Zulema is beautiful and once again the queen of her house! Omar's eyes tear up and he bites his lip. He's the Ebenezer Scrooge of the DF.

Later the other guests have arrived and they clap at Zulema's grand entrance. The doorbell rings, it must be Vasco. But no, it's Ernesto hiding behind two huge bouquets, one for Lorena and the other for her mama. He's pleased to have been invited to their family gathering and to the first time that Zulema cooks for her family since her coma.

Vasco and Patty get ready for the party. She says he's acting odd. He says he's been thinking about them. Of course, she says, we're novios so we're always thinking about "us". Just yesterday she was thinking about having children. He's somber and tries to speak but she keeps interrupting him with forced pratter. He insists they have to speak. She doesn't want to keep her future family waiting.

Ernesto quickly fills Lorena in on how he got proof of Sara's perfidy and Lorena compliments Ernesto on his detective skills.

Zulema has an announcement. Today is her dream, to be able to cook for her family again, now eat up! But wait, Ernesto is happy to see the family together because has an announcement, he reaches into his pocket. But wait, the doorbell rings and it's proponus interruptus for poor Ernesto...a somber Al has arrived and sees a party to which he was not invited. The galans glare at each other momentarily until Al speaks, "Sorry I didn't know there was a party but I have bad news. Bruno arrived at the clinic, Sara poisoned him." Caras Impactadas spread through the gathering and Zulema rushes to Diana. The camera rests on Ernesto's grim face.

No preview for tomorrow, darn!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

QE, Wednesday 11/19 (#104): The Legend of Fafy Cuenca

Alt titles:
Why wait for a grave when you can dance on the corpse?
OH MY GOD! They killed Fafy! You bastards!!
Everyone Gropes Ernesto (except Lorena)

What do you mean, you've never heard of Fafy Cuenca? Let me tell you about my good friend Fafy Cuenca. He was the king of the jet set... the world-famous playboy. He once climbed Mt. Everest with nothing but a sweater and a pair of nail clippers. He invented sliced bread.

Ever have chocolate and peanut butter mixed together? That was Fafy Cuenca's idea. Donald Trump lost most of his hair in a bet with Fafy Cuenca - that's why he combs his hair over now. Fafy Cuenca taught Captain Kirk how to beat the Kobayashi Maru. He blew up the Death Star with a well-aimed spitball. He gave martial arts advice to Chuck Norris.

Fafy Cuenca will be missed.

Sara wakes and tells Fafy she has an idea about how they can use the bodyguards. Fafy stubbornly keeps his eyes shut. His hands are folded neatly over his chest, and there's a faint smirk on his face. She reaches for his face and recoils. "He's dead! But I didn't do anything, he died all by himself!"

She calls Bruno with the news. She's still freaked out that she spent the night with a corpse. (Complain, complain.) Bruno's happy that they lucked out. She agrees, and tells him to get ready to put on a show.

She runs into the hallway, shrieking for Bruno. "Something happened to Fafy!" Bruno and two guards show up. Bruno briefly examines the patient. Yep, he's been dead for a few hours! Sara swoons dramatically (comically), then goes into hysterics, to be soothed in Bruno's arms. Bruno glances nervously at Fafy, who is still smirking with his eyes shut. But we just know it's a trick; he'll open those eyes any minute now and laugh in all their stupid faces.

Lorena fills Julian in on last night's meeting with the lawyer. Fafy had told Ern he wanted to entrap Sara, but she didn't know what he had in mind. Meanwhile, they'll keep looking for evidence. Julian's willing to try to get some help from Toño, the forger, but he doesn't want to do it in a sneaky way because the guy was nice to him. Lorena wonders if he might have kept any records, or maybe even original documents. Julian doubts that he would have kept any incriminating evidence; Lorena agrees and dismisses the idea. (Not so fast, kids! Toño took a lot of pride in the work that he did; I wouldn't be at all surprised if he kept a portfolio.) Still, he thinks maybe something could come of it.

Diana weeps to her baby about what a shame it is that he can't get to know his father. She doesn't know how she ever could have loved him! And she can never forgive herself for rejecting Vasco. He would have been a great dad. But she'll have to resign herself...

"Why are you so sure?" asks Hortensia, walking in. She says their separation was her fault, not Diana's, and she thinks Vasco's still in love with her. Diana thinks he seems pretty happy with Paty. "Because that dingbat (atolondrada) is saying how much they love each other at the top of her lungs (a voz en cuello), but I know Vasco," Hortensia says. But he's probably afraid to hear her say no again. Would she reject him again? Diana says of course not! Snorty says that the next time he comes by, she'd better grab him and not let him go. Snorty knows what he'll say! (Meanwhile, poor little Saulito is coughing his head off!)

Meanwhile, Sara is crawling all over her dead sweetie and crying "you can't leave me alone, I love you." Her theatrics are so over-the-top that Bruno threatens to give her a shot. "How can I calm down when my reason for living is dead?" The bodyguards ask if there's anyone they should call. Bruno says no, he didn't have any family; they'd just like some privacy. He sends them out. "No, I love you Fafy! Why did you leave?!" Sara hollers for good measure.

Alone at last, just the two of them and the dead guy, Bruno wants to know how long the mourning period is, because he's ready to party now. She says the party can begin when they read his will. "Now I believe in God!" she laughs.

Downstairs, one of the bodyguards says they should find out what really happened. The other is doubtful - if she killed him, then what would she do to them? The first guy says they need to stay there and find out who's going to pay them.

Sara's in a hurry for Bruno to sign the death certificate so they can get this "lump" (bulto) out of here. He teases her, "he's not even finished cooling off yet and you want to get rid of him?" He can sign the certificate, but a judge still has to validate it. He asks if they shouldn't notify someone, to make their little play look more convincing. The only person she can think of is that nosy Santiago, and she'd rather not tell him until Fafy's nothing but ashes. Bruno says they still have to keep up the act. They should shut down the company for a couple of days in mourning.

Sara loves this idea. She calls Ernesto and tells him her Fafy died in his sleep. "What a shame," is all Ernesto can say, stunned. He invites himself to the house. "No, that's not necessary," Sara says, rolling her eyes desperately at Bruno, but Ern wants to be supportive.

After the call, Sara and Bruno stifle giggles. Does Fafy wake up and grab them by their necks and choke the life out of them? Sadly, no.

Julian goes to see Toño, but a bystander says he left. Sometimes he disappears for many days at a time.

Zulema and Lorena go to the clinic for Z's checkup. Alonso invites Lorena out to eat after the checkup. Of course he doesn't notice the disappointed look on Valeria's face. Valeria offers to see Zulema home afterwards. Lorena suggests that 'Slow do the checkup first, and then they can talk about lunch.

Santiago enters his one-room apartment with a styrofoam coffee cup and a paper bag. He sits down at a tiny little table to tuck into whatever luxurious meal might be in that bag. We'll never know, because he can't stop looking at his phone. He decides to listen to his message.

Hopefully it's not that you don't want to answer me,

says the voice of a dead man. "How well you know me, Fafy Cuenca," Santiago sighs.

Maybe I made too much of a fuss about the golf clubs...


...but today more than ever I've realized that if anyone's ever really liked me, it's you, my great friend.

"Wha? I wasn't expecting to hear that."

You are the only person in whom I can trust. I need to tell you something right away.

(Obviously, Fafy went to the Lorena School of Communication.)

Santi dashes to the door. He doesn't even take his coffee with him.

Zulema's checkup is fine. She can't wait to make a big dinner for her whole family. Alonso says that when people talk about their desires, it's usually travel or some fun thing. She says her great dream is to see her family together and happy around the table, enjoying the food she's made for them.

She asks if she's going to get fat again. He says if she doesn't control her diet, she will, but if she eats a balanced diet, she can be thin forever. She resolves to be careful.

Ernesto arrives at the Big House of Horrors. The smarter bodyguard tells him that the old man went to sleep with his wife and woke up dead. They didn't see anything; they couldn't be in the room. (The dumber bodyguard asks Ernesto who's going to pay them.) Ern reminds the smarter one to be discreet and not let on that they've already met.

Sara comes downstairs clutching a hanky. Of course, she is clad in a black suit, which she probably bought the very morning after she slept with Fafy for the first time. Ern acts very sympathetic and says gee, who would have thought... Fafy seemed so healthy! "This is the most awful thing that could have happened to me," Sara sobs. She throws herself into his arms, just in time for Santiago to walk in and see.

Vasco comes to the Casserole Cooperative to wait for Paty, who is out shopping with Felipe. He asks Diana, who is alone, if she minds if he waits there. He asks about the meeting with Joel. She tells him about the video - not only do they have a confession from Sara, but Bruno was her accomplice. And they're also the ones who poisoned all the guests at Snorty's last gig.

Diana says Bruno was the greatest mistake of her life, and letting him take her away from Vasco. She never should have done that; she was a fool.

"Why, Diana? I begged you, I waited for you. I love your child as if he were my own; I saw him grow in your belly, I wanted to be his father." Diana says the only consolation left is that maybe her child will be like him, a sincere and honest man.

He is about to kiss her when Paty and Felipe come in. Felipe scowls, but Paty doesn't seem to realize what she's walked in on. Di and Vasco look awkward and guilty.

Santi doesn't take the news of Fafy's death well. (Indeed, I'm still thinking that this is a trick, and that Fafy is being revived right now.) He plays back the phone message for Sara, Ernesto, and the bodyguards to hear. He feels that it is irrefutable (fehaciente) evidence that Fafy felt endangered. His friend didn't die of natural causes - they killed him! He says he's accusing all of them. They're all under suspicion until they prove otherwise! He says all these security people are proof that Fafy couldn't trust anyone but him.

Ernesto tells Santi he's taking things too far. Sara protests being accused amidst all her pain. Santi vows not to let this crime go unpunished. He runs up the stairs calling Fafy's name. "Poor Santiago, he truly was his friend," Sara sniffs.

Ern says the phone message really is very odd. Sara says the only strange thing she noticed yesterday was the security, but Fafy was so eccentric, he said he was trying them out on a friend's recommendation. As for the message, maybe he sensed that he was going to die and called Santi to say goodbye.

"We're alone now - you don't have to pretend. Please get up," Santi coaxes his friend. (Only now does my hope begin to fade, but only a little.) He begs Fafy Cuenca to just be joking. He can't be dead - it's ludicrous! He's immortal! "Don't abandon me! Say you've gone on one of your trips... you have to come back, like always..."

Now Felipe and Diana are alone. He is not and never was Diana's boyfriend to begin with, but he's still mad about the kiss he knows he interrupted. He says he's not as dumb as Paty - he's tired of her not paying attention to him (no me peles = you don't peel me = you don't pay attention to me) and dying over some guy who's aiming at two targets (blancos).

Diana says if there's anyone in this world who has integrity, it's Vasco. She's not going to listen to Felipe - she's got things to do and he can leave. He insists that he loves her. "Nice way of showing it," she replies.

Outside, Paty is thanking Vasco for visiting her, and says it brightened her day to find him waiting for her. Finally she notices that he's quiet. He says he's been thinking about their relationship... "Me too!" Paty interrupts. "You don't know how many dreams I have and plans I've made for the two of us. I've been imagining waking at your side for the rest of my life!"

Maruja finds Rosy crying over a particularly stinky onion. Also, she really misses Julian. Maru says she was the one who wanted to be apart. Rosy still doesn't want to lose her willpower. She wants a man, not a child. Maruja says she's heard that from Rosy's mouth, but her heart is saying something else. Rosy says sometimes the heart is wrong. She wants her child to be proud of its father and she doesn't want to go through what Diana did.

Maruja doesn't think there's any comparison. Julian may act like a kid, but he's a good person. Rosy insists she wants him to be mature.

Santiago is still begging at Fafy's bedside. He's sick with guilt for not having taken that call. If only he had answered, if he'd come over yesterday, maybe Fafy would still be alive. He promises again that this death will not go unpunished. He knows Fafy felt threatened and that he wanted to tell him that those desgraciados wanted to kill him.

Fafy still doesn't open his eyes. Really, I find this whole thing very cruel. I wish he would put an end to this sick charade right now. Tell us you're okay! Please???

Sara, Bruno, and Ernesto come in. Santi asks which of them did it. Bruno says Fafy had a sudden heart attack. "'Natural causes,' my longjohns (polainas). I don't believe you - you killed Fafy Cuenca." Sara threatens to throw him out. He calls her a slut and says he won't be ordered around by her. He wonders whether Bruno or Ern or both helped her. He doesn't care about Bruno's stupid death certificate, either. He wants an autopsy.

Sara says she's been patient so far, but this is going too far. Santi is adamant. Ernesto tries to mediate, saying why not have the autopsy to settle any doubts. "Because NO!" is Sara's convincing reply. "I'm not going to let you destroy Fafy's body just to please a crazy little old man!" He says that if they don't do it, he'll accuse them of murder. Sara says he'll have to eat those words (literally, face up to that profanity), "because there is a God!" (second time she's said that today). And if the autopsy says it was a natural death, he can't attend Fafy's funeral.

She and Bruno leave to arrange the autopsy. Bruno is wondering who they can bribe for a negative autopsy. Sara insists she didn't do anything. Bruno asks, then why did she oppose the autopsy? She just didn't want Santi to have his way. She didn't kill Fafy - that was just lucky.

Santi stands guard over his friend. He's hostile to Ernesto, but Ernesto starts to tell him what he knows.

Sara pays the bodyguards generously and they leave. (Now the smart bodyguard has his answer... Sara knows she's not in danger, even though Fafy was afraid for his life. I bet he knows what that means.)

Bruno has arranged for the autopsy. Sara looks forward to never seeing Santiago's ugly face again. Bruno looks forward to flinging Fafy's ashes with a big spoon.

Apparently, Ernesto has told Santi everything. Santi is angrier than ever. He asks Ern to promise that they won't stop until Sara and Bruno pay. Ern says they've got a lot against them, because Fafy's not this woman's only victim. "But in time you'll know the whole story." Santi feels that he's heard enough already. Ern reminds him to keep all of this under his hat, for Fafy. "For the legend, Fafy Cuenca!" Santi sobs, and cries on Ernesto's shoulder.

Rosy goes shopping with Diana at the baby stuff store to cheer Diana up. When Rosy starts showing enthusiasm for different things, Diana teases her, "but what if you don't have any children?" Ha, ha, she knows all about the baby. Oh, what a bunch of jokers. Diana admits that Julian is the only person who doesn't know yet. They all respect her opinion, but she's depriving him of the right to his dreams. Rosy says she wishes it wasn't so hard, but she's started and now she's going to see it through. Meanwhile, she would like Diana's help in buying everything in the store.

Zulema and Lorena discuss mole poblano and other dishes for their big celebratory dinner. They wonder if Julian and Rosy will be back together in time to enjoy it together. Julian lurks outside the door and overhears that someone's having a baby. He bursts in and wants to hear all about Lorena's baby. Lorena wheezes with laughter. Nope, it's not Diana either. Zulema and Lorena just stare awkwardly. He figures it out. "I'm going to be a daddy! I'm going to be a daddy!"

At the babystuff store, Diana says it still hurts her to see Vasco with Paty. Rosy says she likes Paty, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like Diana too. Aw, big hug. Rosy buys another pair of baby shoes during the hug.

Sara is complaining that they're at the morgue thanks to Santiago, instead of at a funeral home. She's alone in the world. Ern says, surely Fafy left you something. "Oh, no, with Fafy it was living from day to day. We never spoke of the future, much less a future without him." She cries on his shoulder.

(Ahem, I know Ern is irresistible, but the death of a loved one is no excuse for copping a cheap feel.)

Bruno sees them. They'll find out the autopsy results first thing tomorrow. Santi says he won't leave until he has the report in his hands.

Ernesto borrows Ivan's cell phone to call Lorena. (No idea why he didn't do this sooner.) Lorena is at home with Zulema and Snorty, who are debating whether or not Rosy will let up on Julian. Ernesto tells her about Fafy's death. Everything points to Sara and Bruno killing him and trying to make it look like a natural death, but his friend ordered an autopsy. He's pretending to be supportive while they carry on with their little game. He and Lorena still have to meet at the set tomorrow, but they'll keep faking...

Lorena tells her mother and grandmother; Z is worried that Sara might hurt Ernesto, while Snorty thinks Sara will be satisfied and leave them alone now that she's got some money. Lorena doesn't want to leave Sara alone, though.

Diana is visiting with Barbara when Vasco comes home. Barbara insists that Diana stay for dinner. She won't take no for an answer, and assures Diana that she brought the dinner home from work. Don't worry, she didn't cook it herself! Ha, ha! She goes to heat it up, leaving Diana alone with Vasco again.

Diana asks how things are going with Paty and says the almost-kiss was not proper. "You're right, I'd better not lie..." and before he can finish, there's a big crash in the kitchen. Barb has dropped their dinner. (Sounds like the chicken was made out of metal and glass.)

Omar calls the lesser house just to remind us that he's still alive. He tells Lorena to take care. That's the whole phone call.

Julian is sitting outside Maruja's place, waiting, when Rosy comes home in a taxicab full of baby stuff. She tries to make up an excuse, but he tells her he knows about the baby. And he's the happiest man on earth.

Paula answers the door to find a very dejected Greta on her doorstep. Greta needs a friend; Paula firmly says they're finished. "You reap what you sow." She chews her out for being a homewrecker. Greta says she did it for love, and love justifies everything! Paula reminds her that she wasn't in love yet when she went after a married man. Greta continues to whine and beg, but Paula says she can't be friends with someone like her.

Rosy tells Julian she was going to tell him about the baby when he could show that he's a man that her child needs as a father. J says he's never going to be perfect, but he's responsible, will toil from dan till dusk until he can come up with a down payment on an apartment so they can live together with their baby. All this time, the only two things that have been on his mind have been his job, and her name. And her eyes, and her hands, and her legs... she says now her baby too.

He offers to leave. She says no, he can stick around - to help her carry her things into the house. After which he can leave. Ha, ha! A joke! Of course he can stay.

Back at The Place Formerly Known As Snorty Acres (I can't remember what we actually called it) Bruno is ready for a drink in Fafy's honor, and the rewards of patience. He asks Sara if she knows how much money she'll inherit. Sara's getting dizzy just thinking of all those zeros... hmmm... maybe that's all she's going to end up with. She saw her name on that will with her own eyes... the eyes that hypnotize Bruno... he says her mourning clothes must be very uncomfortable - he'll help her out of them!

More doorbells at Paula's house. It's Valeria and Maruja. She tells them about Greta's visit, showing neither dignity nor shame. And she hasn't forgotten that little trick Greta pulled on her with Raymundo, either. She reports that things are going well with him. Paula and Maruja want to know why Valeria doesn't have a love life yet. Val says, who would want a woman with two kids? They pooh-pooh her concerns and think surely there must be some nice doctor at the hospital. Val doesn't want to talk about any of this; she's ready to uncork the bottle and forget about her problems. "Your only problem is your ex, and I don't think he's coming back." Valeria finally cracks a smile.

Ickturo and his mom are back. She's thrilled that all of their stuff is still there in the house. Ickturo isn't nearly as cheerful. Apparently, all the money he stole from Sara is gone, blown away on some camel-related investment, and he has to start from scratch again. Mama's sure he'll bounce back. He's not so sure he can do much with the 300 dollars he has left.

Mama reminds him that he still has the hats (as if he could forget - they're surrounded by the boxes). This cheers him up, until he discovers that they've been eaten by moths.

Jaime and Maruja seem to be preparing for una noche de amor when Julian and Rosy arrive. "It's not what you think," Maruja claims. Rosy says they're together again.

Next morning, Alonso dashes off to work in a hurry without breakfast. Toribio tries to point out the irony of a doctor who tells his patients to eat right and get lots of sleep, yet he skips breakfast, etc. Tori opens his newspaper and is surprised by a big photo of his former classmate, and a big headline: "Famous Fafy Cuenca Dies." He shows it to Alonso. Alonso gapes.

The autopsy results are ready. The medical examiner offers them to Sara and Bruno, but Santiago snatches them away. "Me first!" He doesn't look happy.

Rosy barges into the lesser house and demands to know who blabbed about the baby to Julian. Ha ha, she's kidding! They're happy! Yaaaay! Hortensia's happy too. She demands that Julian call her "Grandma" (or even "great-grandma") rather than "Miss Hortensia."

Lorena goes to the studio and finds a gift basket, which she assumes is for her. However, the card says "Thanks for the wonderful night you gave me, Ernesto. Camila." Jimena just happens to show up at that moment. "Oh, this isn't Ernesto's dressing room? Oops!" Annoyed, Lorena shows her the gift. Jimena's like, eh, what did I tell you? That woman's still hounding her about Ernesto. She shows Lorena the latest text message she sent: "Did Ernesto tell you about the night we had?"

Lorena, being a sucker and not even considering the kind of night Ernesto probably had after spending the day around a corpse and a couple of would-be murderers, gets so angry she takes the phone out of Jimena's hand and decides to call Ernesto's little chippie and give her a piece of her mind. She is shocked to hear, "How'd it go? Did the plan work? Please tell me that dumb bonde totally turned green!"

Instead, the alleged dumb blonde hangs up and turns purple. "You're going to tell me right now what plan that woman's talking about!" Jimena is speechless (for now).

Santiago finishes reading the autopsy report, which confirms that Fafy's death was of natural causes. He's still not convinced. "I know you two killed him. Desgraciados!" (I hope the fact that he didn't include Ernesto in the blame this time doesn't make them suspicious.)


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday Nov. 18, '08 A Sadder But Wiser Fafy Dies Of A Broken Heart....Or Does He?

"They that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same." Job 4:8
Funniest Home Videos......NOT!
Anvils 'R Us

Good morning, folks. Sorry to be later than usual with this but the computer was out of commission last night. And poor Fafy appears to be permanently out of commission at the end of this episode.

But who knows? The writers love to fool us with these cliffhangers. At any rate, he knows the truth about Sara now, thanks to Ernesto's Not Funniest Home Video. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start back at the beginning.

We have a brief review of the tense scene between Bruno and Fafy where the latter asks him what he's doing in Fafy's place of business. Bruno , impactado at seeing Fafy still alive, treads water adroitly and tells him he's here to do some health checkups on Sara's employees for the insurance.

And the explanation for Fafy's miraculous presence? He stopped the car when he got a call from the client on his cellphone. They talked for a long time. When he finally started up the car again he pumped the brake and nothing! He steered the car into the curb and voilà he is, safe and sound. I owe him one (the client), Fafy adds.

Meanwhile, Sara, in high dudgeon, is blasting Alonso for having lied to her about Lorena.

Alonso: I never lied to you. I wasn't with her when we talked, but now I am. I could never love a woman like you. My only regret is that I went with you and hurt the love of my life.

Sara: How dare you!? WE love each other. How can you love THAT wretch?! You'll pay, both of you. You won't be happy for even five minutes. I'll be with you.

Alonso: What did Lorena ever do to you?

Sara: She robbed me of your love.

More shouting (I should probably just put "Alonso's lines, Sara's lines") and then he throws her out of the apartment.

Sara, of course, is just getting warmed up. Now she calls "Las Cazuelas", gets in an insulting match with Rossy in order to talk to Lorena, finds out the latter is off with Hortensia picking up the first payment on the auto assembly catering contract and heads off to do more verbal damage there.

Meanwhile Bruno and Fafy are still chatting about Fafy's guardian angel and "good star" but practical Fafy also thinks he needs to see about some actual security measures. At this point, Ernesto arrives and is instructed to come up with a menu for a special dinner for guardian angel client that evening. Ernesto promises to get right on it after he takes care of one little detail (putting a videocamera in some files in Fafy/Sara's office.

In the meantime, another cat fight with Lorena and Hortensia coming out on top. Sara's berating them for being losers and "muertas de hambre" and they're sneering at her because everything she's gotten is by trickery. And she has no love! No family! Sara gloats that she's enjoying Hortensia's house and business. Hortensia b****slaps her. Sara continues her verbal beatdown and this time Lorena busts her one. The sound effects are enormous on these slaps. Sara should be in the hospital but she only looks momentarily stunned.

Barbara, meanwhile, is showing us that she's now a serious, hard-working grownup . She turns down the romantic advances of one the Cazuela's clients, telling him firmly that she can't respond in kind. But if he wants to come in the office to discuss the banquet budget, she's all ears. He evaporates.

More bad news for Sara. She arrives at the office to find Fafy "vivito y coleando" (alive and kicking) and she and Bruno go into the office and position themselves conveniently in front of the camera to smooch, churn about Lorena and whine about Hortensia's recovery. I pushed her down the stairs but she didn't die! I was suffocating her with a pillow and then Lorena stepped in! I'd love to strangle them both! If only I had a pistol!

Bruno rightly observes that Sara is hysterical and offers a pill. Fafy and Ernesto arrive and he tells her about his miraculous recovery and then qvetches a bit about there being no Beaujolais in the place to accompany his client appreciation dinner. Sara oozes all over the old guy, assuring him she would die if anything happened to him and both Sara and Bruno advise suing the socks off the person who sold him the car. Fafy is all love and forgiveness since the owner of the agency is a friend of his.

They head off to the kitchen to check the menu preparation but first Fafy takes another Flo-Max bathroom break. He's been stepping out to the restroom frequently in these last few episodes, adding a note of realism, I must say. Ernesto uses this time to check his camera and Fafy catches him with it in the office. Ernesto makes up a pretty implausible story (he's not as good at this as Bruno) but Fafy lets it ride while they check on the menu. There's a tense moment when Bruno, seeing the camera, asks for it. Anxious music throbs in the background, but all he says is that he'd like to buy one like it. Oh, there are a lot better ones, mumbles Ernesto anxiously, as he takes it back.

Sara decides she'll run around town looking for the Beaujolais Fafy wants (2004 or 2005) and wants to buy a dress for the dinner as well. And who better to accompany her and give her advice but her sensitive, fashion-forward friend Bruno? Fafy gives them his blessing and off they go to plot their next murderous move.

Fafy then instructs Ernesto to follow him into the office and he says he'll be there after checking a couple of details in the kitchen (and popping into the bathroom himself to check the recording). We did it Lorena, he exults, we did it! He has the goods on Sara now. How will Fafy react?

After the ad, we see Bruno and Sara in the car, planning to adulterate one of the Beaujolais wine bottles with a slow-acting poison. Subtle enough so that no one will be able to pin the death on them. At the same moment Fafy is confronting Ernesto. Are you some kind of voyeur? Or committing industrial espionage with that camera? No, replies Ernesto. I was only interested in filming one person....Sara.

We're on the edge of our seats, but the writers flip us back to Barbara, re-reading Chalo's final love letter, misspellings and all, and tearily reminiscing about the one great love of her life. (Seriously, how long do you think that affair would have lasted had Chalo lived? Oh well, let's not be cynical.) Vasco comes in, catches her crying, but congratulates her on her new-found independence, work ethic, and ability to fend off unwanted romantic overtures. Mom has grown up!

Back at the lesser house, Hortensia and Lorena have convened the family and Joel, the under-sized lawyer, to plan how to put Sara in jail. Surely together they can come up with enough evidence to put her away. Particularly now that Ernesto overheard the conversation about poisoning the food for the banquet. Eventually everyone in the family except Julian is there (even Alonso shows up) but lawyer Joel pours water on every thing they put forward. It's just their word against Sara. No real proof that will stand up in court.

But Fafy has all the proof he needs, thanks to Ernesto's video. I thank you from the depths of my soul for breaking my heart, he tells Ernesto sadly. For the first time in my life, I fell genuinely in love. But looking back, I realize that all my loves have been "bought". But let's keep playing it like we don't know about Sara.. We'll see how far she'll go. Ernesto warns him to be very careful, and especially vigilant about his medicine. Fafy agrees.

There's a poignant scene following this, where Fafy, all alone with a tumbler of cognac in his hand, calls Santiago. His little pal, hurt by the fight over the ruined golf clubs, refuses to answer the phone....for the first time ever. So Fafy leaves a "making amends" message, recognizing that Santiago was the only human being who ever truly cared for him. The golf clubs weren't important. His genuine friendship was.

Fafy, like Barbara, finally grows up.

On the other hand, Bruno and Sara are still at it, snarling at each other in the car. Phone rings. It's Fafy. Where are you? Looking for the wine took a long time. Get home. Click! He hung up on me! announces Sara.

Another sideline story...really annoying in my opinion, about Bettina's love triangle. Gramps is giving her advice and basically confirms that Jorge is a creep and she needs to telephone Ivan and clear things up. Of course when she does, Jorge answers the phone, lies that Ivans out with a girl and tells Ivan it was a wrong number. Yawn.

Back at the lesser house, Joel is still letting the air out of everyone's legal strategies against Sara, saying that even if Toño the forger were willing to testify (unlikely) the trial would be very long and the case hard to prove. Our folks are beginning to believe Sara has a pact with the devil. Is there no way to get her!?

Whew...a little buff break for us ladies. Ernesto, still being trailed by the obvious private detective, has planned to meet a buddy, change clothes with him in a store dressing room, and throw off the tail. His pal thinks it's woman trouble (lio de faldas) again, and Ernesto says, "Well, something like that". Nice shot of Ernesto's manly deltoids, pecs, triceps etc. (trying to look at this like the fitness professional I am) but alas, the scene is all too short. He's off to the lesser house to show the group his latest contribution to the bring-down-Sara strategy.

Sara and Bruno finally arrive at the mansion to find it crawling with security guards. One of them even demands to look in Sara's purse. She's furious and stomps up the stairs to confront Fafy.

Back to the lesser house. Ernesto arrives. Alonso has already been sulking everytime Ernesto's name is mentioned. Now he's incensed that Ernesto is here in the flesh (hmmm, thinking back to that dressing room scene am I?) and pouts some more when Ernesto pulls out the incrimiating video. But little Joel once again dims the lights, telling them a video can't be used in court. Well, one effect anyway, is that Diana is so disgusted with Bruno's behavior, she wants to see about changing their son's last name. (paving the way for Vasco, no doubt.) The troops are fuming, wanting to get Sara and get her now, but Ernesto advises waiting. Fafy's in the know. Let's wait a little longer.

Sara, great at smoke screens, is still arguing for throwing the security guards out. They're looking at me with lecherous glances. Am I supposed to change clothes with this goon staring at me!? Fafy tiredly waves the guard out of the bedroom, but not out of the house. Sara keeps trying to get him to have at least a sip of the poisoned wine but he declines. Are you going to reject me? she coos. "There's always a first time, he replies quietly. And goes to sleep.

The next morning, Sara awakens, leans over to rouse him and......nada. Has Fafy met his Maker, unaided by Sara and Bruno? Tune in tonight to find out.


lio de faldas = woman trouble

los tiempos que corren lo ameritan = with things the way they are, it's necessary (Fafy talking about security measures)

más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo = experience counts (Toribio explaining why Bettina should trust his advice)

trabas = obstacles, difficulties (all the things lawyer Joel brings up)

maridaje = combination, "marriage" (in a cooking sense)

hinojo = fennel (one of the kitchen help was working on a "crema de hinojo"


Monday, November 17, 2008

QE Monday November 17 - Greta, please just jump off the bridge already

I’m writing this around noon on Sunday, I sure hope that Tontas has episodes all over youtube like this show did. It saved me. I have my monthly evening meeting tomorrow and as usual I forgot to find a substitute. Thank you youtube. If anyone finds Tontas on youtube, please post the link as a topic or in our comments. I think more and more of us are watching episodes online when we miss them at home.

Sara and Bruno have set the stage for Fafy to get in a car accident. I’m sure CSI would solve the crime in 10 minutes, but crime pays in novela-world. Fafy starts his car, fluid leaks out the bottom onto the pavement. Grissom would notice this, then find the knife that cut the line and match up the grooves. Bruno and Sara agree to keep up their normal routing to throw off the cops.

Alonso talks to Lorena on the phone, Alonso wants to pour his heart out. Lorena doesn’t want to hear it just yet, neither does Valeria, who walked into Alonso’s office and overheard. He does get Lorena to agree to meet up later. Alonso the dunce then tells Valeria all about how he is going to win Lorena again. He even asks her for advice. She looks like she wants to throw up but being the awesome doctor that he is, Alonso doesn’t notice. This reminds me of Pamela in Heridas de Amor. She was ten times hotter than any of the other women on the show but was relegated to backup/loser status. Valeria deserves better.

Jimena tries to drive the wedge a bit further, telling Ern that evidence points to Lorena preferring Alonso to him.

Valeria tells Alonso why he’s so awesome and he again doesn’t see that she’s pining for him. They move on to business. They discuss a colonoscopy. How romantic. Alonso drops the friend zone curse on Valeria some more and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Her reaction leaves no doubt as to how she feels but Alonso is stupid.

Ern wants to figure out how to get in with Lorena again.

Jorge shows up to talk to Bettina. I hate this kid.

Felipe shows up with gifts for Saulito. He is trying to come on stronger but it is too strong. Diana is obviously not interested.

Jorge tries to sweet talk Bettina, but she smartly and rightly calls him out as a dog, hitting on his best friend’s girl. I thought she had a better memory than this – Ivan told her specifically that it was Jorge who said love letters were stupid and then Jorge himself wrote one. She has shown herself to be much smarter than that, I hope she remembers soon. If nothing else she should realize this kid is creepy and should rat him out to Ivan. And yes I’m groaning because my baby girl is due in a couple months and some day I’m going to have to fight little rat finks like this kid away from the house.

Vasco and Paty make up from their disagreement the night before, but then Vasco sees Felipe and Diana together. Paty thinks it makes htem almost married, Vasco of course seems to still be in love with Diana.

Oh I really hate this Jorge kid now – I will have to go to dialogue style so this isn’t a paragraph of “he said he and she and he said he” stuff.
Jorge – I only came over here because Ivan said you were broken up already.
Bettina – No, we’re just in a fight.
Jorge – Ivan told me you guys were broken up, not just fighting
Bettina – He said that?
Jorge – it’s about that card he would write, right?
Bettina – none of your beeswax, and your hair looks stupid (ok it was me who said the hair part)
Jorge – yeah I was with him when he wouldn’t write that letter to you, he didn’t write it for you on purpose, to start a fight.
Bettina – it was just an excuse to make us break up?
Jorge – Yeah, well, you’re too little girly for him, he wants someone more mature.
Bettina – I don’t believe you. And you shouldn’t have come here and said all this.
Jorge – Hey open your eyes, Ivan doesn’t want you any more.
Bettina – I don’t want to hear this, get out and take your stupid hair with you.
Jorge says something that sounded like calling her stupid and leaves the room. Loser. I hope Bettina does what normal people would do, and calls Ivan right away to clarify. The whole thing could be resolved in minutes and stupid hair Jorge could be sent packing, but I’m sure they will fight until the Gran Final (which was just announced as being on Friday Nov 28, the day after Thanksgiving).

Diana says thanks to Felipe for the gift, but seems like she wants him to leave. Paty and Vasco arrive, Paty makes sure to lay a big kiss on Vasco to mark her territory. Vasco asks to go inside and see Zulema, Diana follows him in, leaving Paty and Felipe outside. Felipe is upset because nothing he is doing is working with Diana, he thinks she’s still in love with Vasco. Paty tells him to keep trying, harder and harder, obviously not caring if he succeeds as long as it keeps her away from Vasco. Paty even gets mad at Felipe for wanting to throw in the towel. In the end Felipe says forget it. Paty looks pissed.

Stupid hair Jorge runs into Ivan out on the street outside Bettina’s house and makes me hate him more. He tells Ivan he was there because Bettina found HIM in the chatroom online and invited HIM over and wants to go out with him. He claims to have shot her down because of his friendship with Ivan. Ivan says he’s here to apologize for not writing the love letter. Jorge says don’t bother and leads him away. Come on Ivan! I don’t want 8 days of this.

Vasco acts a little jealous about Felipe, on the inside Diana exults. They make small talk back and forth while each thought bubbling how much they want each other if the other one would only make a move. Vasco accepts a cup of coffee and they look dopey at each other.

Sara is in the office and gets a call on her cell phone looking for Fafy. She says she doesn’t know where he is. After hanging up, she realizes that being at work on a Sunday will make her look quite suspicious, so she decides to leave. Out in the hall, someone sneaks up behind her and grabs her, covering her mouth. Snap her neck! Oh no, it’s just Fafy. He came to get her. Why did he grab her that way? He wants her to go shopping with him. Of course she doesn’t want to get into the car. Fafy tells her that before he left the house, Santiago showed up and wanted to be his caddy, so they came in Santiago’s car. They stopped off to look at some horrible beast of a car from the 70s. I think Santiago wants to buy it and wants Fafy to check it out. Something happened, there was an accident or something, somehow in all this his golf clubs got ruined and now he needs to buy some new ones. Sara wants to be anywhere but getting into this car, dripping brake fluid or whatever all over the pavement.

Lorena meets up with Alonso at the mall, he cluelessly starts in on her again about how much he loooooves her and she’s getting tired of it. She shuts him down again. But of course she keeps doing that smiley so obviously flattered thing she does, so why she expects him to stop I have no idea. Probably the same reason all the pretty girls do that, no matter how much they torture someone, they are gluttons for attention.

Bettina is looking at her e-mail and stressing. Paula wants to know what’s up, Bettina fills her in – Ivan’s friend is after her, now he sent her an e-mail saying the same thing, yes he knows about Ivan but doesn’t seem to care. She tells Paula that supposedly Ivan thinks she’s immature, Paula says Bettina is more mature than she herself is! Paula tells her to be careful, this kid sounds like bad news.

Alonso must be whipped, because he is willingly following Lorena around while she looks at clothes. I guess Lorena is trying to find something for Zulema. Alonso buys her a scarf, pushing his agenda all the while. Leaving the store, Lorena asks what he needs to shop for now. He makes up something stupid, she figures out he just came to see her and he admits it. Man is she dumb. She thinks a guy who is totally in love with her will actually, voluntarily, not act on it. Yeah right. She agrees to having coffee.

Sara is aiming a gun at Fafy in the sporting goods store, wishing he would invite her to a safari so she could shoot him. Bruno calls and Sara fills him in on Santiago saving Fafy by accident. Turns out the store doesn’t have golf clubs. The lady at the store calls Sara Fafy’s daughter, Sara loudly says she isn’t his daughter and Fafy says she’s his girlfriend. Then Sara for some reason gets mad at Fafy for saying that. ??? She gets mad at being called daughter, then mad at him for saying she’s his girlfriend. Nope, still doesn’t make sense. Perhaps she’s coming unglued.

Alonso and Lorena have some cold drink that is clear and certainly not coffee. He tries to talk love with her again and she tells him to knock it off. AGAIN. Sara and Fafy take a table near them. Alonso sees and tells Lorena to casually look around, which she does. The ‘look casual’ part is pointless, as Sara has spotted them and is just staring her evil glare. Fafy is trying to talk her down from her anger in the store, Sara just fumes about Lorena being there with Alonso. She is cursing Lorena, Fafy thinks she’s cussing about the woman at the store. Alonso and Lorena STARE at them as Fafy plants a kiss on Sara. I was waiting for them to say ‘EWWWWWWWWW!!!’ like I did, but no. Sara is humiliated. She stares at them some more. Lorena and Alonso decide they don’t have to leave just because Sara showed up. Sure you don’t HAVE to but I think I would anyway.

Ern is grocery shopping and is accosted by a heavy woman who wants to tell him how handsome he is. The lady is sure that he and Lorena are in love with each other, they can tell from seeing them on TV. Ern denies it all and says they hate each other. He keeps looking over his shoulder, as the worst detective in the entire world pretends to shop behind him. Wearing a long coat and hat in the middle of the same store where everyone else is wearing short sleeves. He’s nervous about being caught by THIS guy? Give me a break.

Alonso and Lorena watch Sara and can’t believe who she’s with. Sara is just dying from embarrassment.

Ern runs into Maruja and Rosy, he whispers about the detective and Rosy and Maruja launch into a loud attack on him about the horrible things he did to Lorena. On his way past them, he winks and whispers ‘thank you’. For good measure, Rosy yells “Maldito!” after him as he walks away. Then she and Maruja laugh and give each other a high five. Funny scene.

Sara continues to fume. She wants to leave. Fafy says he’s going to the bathroom, he doesn’t want to leave. I have to say that I am sick to death of seeing Sara’s face. I’m tired of it. All she does is gripe and curse. Alonso gets the bright idea for he and Lorena to act like they are together, to torture Sara. Yeah Alonso I see where you’re going with this and I have to say GREAT move. Lorena totally falls for it (as I said before she can be stupid). Alonso wastes no time cuddling up and planting a big kiss on Lorena. Well played Alonso, well played. Excellently played. When Lorena backs off she tells him that she is going to smack the hell out of him once Sara isn’t watching. Alonso says “it was to convince her!” Lorena of course doesn’t believe it, but then smiles at him like you’d smile at a kid who did something bad but backed it up with good logic. And she wonders why Alonso keeps trying. When you keep rewarding him, Lorena, he’s going to keep coming back for more. DUH.

Greta is getting drunk, Jimena on her end of the phone call talks loudly about Lorena in earshot of Ern’s kids, how Lorena is now with Alonso, apparently. The kids scowl. What an evil woman. Back on her end, Greta whines about Omar. Blech.

Alonso flirts with Lorena, who is trying to be tough with him. She’s not selling it very well. Alonso doesn’t care, he tells her he loves her a few times. Fafy comes back to his table, he can tell Sara is having some issue with Lorena and Alonso at the other table. I might even think that Fafy is getting the tiniest bit tired of Sara. She claims to not be staring at the other table, Fafy tells her he’s not stupid, don’t treat him as if he is. He wants to know what’s up with those two at the other table. She finally spins some story about Lorena being her sister who betrayed her so horribly! Lorena and Alonso decide to leave, they walk past Sara grinning right at her and laughing. Heh. Nice one. Outside the food court, Lorena tries to act mad at Alonso but he isn’t having it. She pushes him off a bit, he doesn’t take it well and acts pouty. He claims AGAIN that he won’t push any more. He also says he isn’t going to pretend with Sara any more since he thought she was all alone but here she is with her lover. He’s staying away from her completely. Good call Alonso. Wow how many times have I congratulated Alonso on a good move or decision today? I just realized. Wow.

Sara continues her tale of woe to Fafy, who tries to act like he cares but fails. He gets the same look that he gets when Santiago won’t shut up. He says she left, let’s move on. Sara won’t move on. She wants to cry and whine some more. Fafy rightfully says wtf, you have everything you want now, get over it! He says losers stay hung up on the past, winners move forward. She promises to move on, totally lying.

Hortensia visits Omar in his bachelor pad, which looks very depressing. Hort reminds him that it was his cheating before the coma that is the problem, not what happened later. We all agree I think. He beats himself up a bit over what he did.

Jimena wants to send Greta to rehab. She needs it. Who is watching her kid while she drinks and cries? Jimena tells Greta that of course Omar bailed after the scenes Greta made with his family. Greta cries over her lost friends. Jimena says that they weren’t her true friends, but Greta says that they were. Yes they really were, Greta is the one who screwed it all up. She continues to whine about ending it all. Jimena tells her to shut up about that or she’s not coming over any more.

Rosy and Marjua tell Zulema about their adventure at the grocery store. They then discuss how much they all want to have sex with Ernesto. Well they talk about how much they want Lorena to choose Ern, but hearing them, Rosy and Maruja at least, they want a roll for themselves first, it sounds like. Zulema drops the news that Lorena is hanging out with Alonso. They think the balance is tipping towards Alonso. Zulema now wants to know what’s up with Rosy and Julian. Rosy accidently mentions the baby, Zulema says Lorena already told her, Rosy laments that nobody can keep a secret. They all smile and hug a lot.

Raimundo and Paula together visit with Toribio at Paula’s house. They all get along well. The Riamundo relationship seems to be going well.

Alonso visits with Bettina. She tells him about the boys. They both think that Jorge is up to no good. Bettina wants to discuss it with Ivan but she doesn’t want to go to him to ask. Alonso advises her to find him and talk it out.

Raimundo says goodbye and timidly kisses Paula. Toribio turns around so they can kiss properly. After he leaves, Toribio says his instinct is that Rai is loco – loco in love with Paula. Ha ha ha oh Toribio you card. Paula says she’s all fluttery for Raimundo. Toribio is happy to see Paula happy and says soon Alonso will be back with Lorena and all will be well.

Lorena gives Zulema the new clothes she bought for her, with help from Diana. She tells Zulema how Alonso won’t shut up about loving her. Zulema says Alonso is like that, just like Felipe with Diana. Diana says Felipe’s nice, but…. Lorena says “yeah he isn’t Vasco.” Diana agrees without actually agreeing and changes the subject. Zulema manages to accidently tell Diana that Rosy is pregnant. Now everyone knows except for Julian. Which is totally not fair but I guess I understand. Lorena worries for a bit about Sara.

Sara wakes up calling ‘Alonso’. Bruno comes in saying Fafy drove off in the car. For some reason Sara is worried, but Bruno is happy about it. Bruno is ready to celebrate right here and now. Sara is very worried, I guess about getting caught.

Ern plays with a video camera in the kitchen.

Sara shows up at Alonso’s house and yells at him for lying to her. Alonso calls out her lies right back.

Bruno calls Sara and tells her voicemail that he’s at the office, where is she? He barges into Sara’s office and finds Fafy there. Fafy asks him, “what are you doing here at my company, Bruno?” Great question.

Preview – Ern uses the video camera to catch Sara admitting something, Fafy figures out that Sara is bad news.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

QE Friday 11/14 Where Sara Burs with ire, Fafy burns with desire and California burns to the ground

I’m sorry about the title, but I can’t ignore what is happening here. I woke up to an orange morning, and to a lot of ashes everywhere. I live to the west of one of the fires and last night I was seeing in the news how the wind kept on moving the fire in our direction. The rational part of me tells me that I have nothing to worry. I’m still at least 4 cities away from the freeway fire (That’s how they are calling the fire in the Corona, Yorbalinda, Anaheim Area), but the irrational part of my brain has already made an inventory of what I would take; cat, bird, turtle, pictures, important papers, lap top, clothes… you get the picture . Anyway it is sad to see so much loss, and having to actually realize what is REALY important has put me in a philosophical mood. I apologize again.

After the rant I present to you for your enjoyment QE. NOW COMPLETE.

Bruno kisses Sara and tries to make out but Sara is not in the mood. Ernesto is hiding in plain sight and realizes that Bruno is not gay. Bruno jokingly tells Sara that he is getting jealous because as of lately, she doesn’t want to do the vertical mambo with him. -Is the old man fulfilling all your needs? Sara is very mad and yells at him to stop bothering her. She tells him that she is fuming because of the humiliation she had to endure on Hortensia’s hands. Bruno tries to play it down but Sara won’t have any of it. She wants revenge and tells Bruno that she wanted to tell Hortensia that she had been the one that had poisoned all the bankers. Of course Ernesto hears this and is shocked, he leaves and doesn’t hear Bruno trying to knock some sense into Sara. He tells her that she should stop obsessing over Lorena, but she yells with all her strength that she can’t, Lorena and Co. have to pay. Bruno doesn’t understand and Sara calls him mediocre. He calls himself practical.

Ernesto has left the loving couple to themselves and thought bubbles (yes ladies and gens, he doesn’t think aloud, we actually got a real thought bubble) that Sara is a monster, she has her two lovers in the same house and Fafy doesn’t even suspects. His first thoughts after his shock wears out is to contact Lorena, she needs to know that Sara is responsible for the demise of “Banquetes Armendaris”

Back to Sara and Bruno. He is getting into his violent mood, he yells at her (again) to stop obsessing, she is risking everything with her attitude, the fact that she is in the will is meaningless unless Faffy dies. Sara yells back that she doesn’t care! All she wants is to destroy Lorena. Bruno wants to know what Lorena did to deserve such hate. -To be born! To be always perfect, to have everything that I want. Bruno says almost to himself -”Estas fregada” you are messed up. He realizes that Sara is mentally ill and tells her that she won’t do anything crazy at least until Fafy dies. Sara tells him that he is a nobody, he can’t tell her what to do. Bruno tells her that he is her conscience, and he’ll stop her from do it anything crazy. He then tells her that she is going apeshit “Estas hecha una energumena” (remember that one guys?) and remembers that she was the same when she lost Alonslow. -you are not thinking about going back with him do you? Sara cools down immediately, she doesn’t Bruno to know that she is talking to Alonslow, and just tells him that she doesn’t want to be reminded of him.

Its morning now over the fair city of Mexico and Valeria is just arriving to her house, she finds Alonslow sleeping in the couch with her little girl. He tells her that Analis had a nightmare and wanted to cuddle. Valeria is very thankful and tells him that now is her turn to cuddle him “Ahora me toca ami apapacharte” do you want to eat breakfast? He says that he is very hungry. (is it just me or the music in the background at the end of this scene is “Pescador de hombres” ? I don’t know the name in English, but it is a song that is used at chuch this is a link to a very modernized version of it. I know that it doesn’t have anything to do with La novela, but I thought it was odd)

Lorena tries to cheer Zulema up by bringing her breakfast, but she is still very upset for the Greta incident, Julian arrives home and tells them the good news about his new job as a sports comentarist. He Congratulations all around. He notices that Zulema is not happy and Lore and Diana tell him that Greta was there. He is fuming and wants to go to yell at Greta and Omar. Zulema puts him in his place and tells him that Omar is his father and he should respect him. Julian says that that man is not his father. Zulema tells him to stop it, her problems with Omar are only theirs (Zulema and Omar) and the kids should not interfere.

Alonslow and Valeria are cooking breakfast. Valeria comments on his cooking skills and he tells her that he learned from Lorena. Not what Valeria wanted to hear. He then changes the subject and tells her that she is a very strong and beautiful woman, he is sure that she’ll find somebody that will appreciate her. Valeria says that nobody will want her with her kids. Alonslow tells her that her kids are wonderful and any man would be happy to have her and her kids. The kids (that oddly enough have been reduce to just one kid) enter the kitchen. Analis asks Alonslow if he is staying with them. Valeria tells her that he has his house and he was just visiting. -Could you visit more often then? Alonslow says that he’ll be there more often. Smiles all around.

At the Hortensia-now-Sara-and Fafy’s house, Fafy wants “breakfast” Sara can’t understand where he gets his stamina. He tells her he is a vampire that is draining all her youth (Creepy, but wouldn’t it be fun if it was true?) Sara is not in the mood and he says he’ll forgive her just because he has a business meeting.

Jimena arrives at Ernesto’s house. He is kind of back to his old neurotic self and scolds her for taking to long in coming back. Jimena laughs it off and tells him that if she had known that he was going to be mean to her she wouldn’t have come back. He apologizes and asks her about Lorena. Jimena tells him that she told Lorena everything. Ernesto wants to know Lorena’s reaction. Jimena tells him that she wanted to know the name of the Dr. Ernesto tells her that the Dr. is Bruno Palma. As soon as he said the name he realizes that it might be Diana’s ex-husband. Jimena utilizes the change of subjectt and tells him that Alonslow was there. Ernesto tells her that he doesn’t care. Alonslow can do whatever he wants, he knows that Lorena won’t give into his antics. Jimena tells him that she is almost sure that Lorena loves Alonslow. They contained themselves because she was there, but Lorena almost jumped Alonslow on the spot. Ernesto looks conflicted and tells her that he has faith and he knows that Lorena loves him, besides “ojos que no ven Corazon que no siente” if my eyes don’t see it my heart doesn’t feel it. Jimena says that she tells him this things because she is his friend and doesn’t want to see him suffer. Ernesto thanks her for being such a loyal friend (if you only new Ernesto!) Jimena wants to know what he is doing next. He says that he’ll keep investigating until he finds hard evidence of Sara’s crimes.

Ivan is talking to his friend when they see Betina approaching. Ivan tells his friend that Betina is upset with him because he did not write the letter she wanted. The “Friend” tells him that Betina must be a spoiled brat and he should dump her. Ivan doesn’t want to talk about it and leaves. As soon as Ivan leaves, the friend calls Betina over and start putting the moves on her. Betina ignores him and leaves.

Paula and Ray are having breakfast, Ray got a huitlacoche omelet. Paula tastes it and declares it delicious! Ray asks her if she wants to go out with him. She says yes, but he needs to give her time. He says he’ll give her all the time in the world.

Julian sees Alonslow in the Living Room. He apologizes to Alonslow for the way he acted when his mom was on coma. Alonslow tells him that he understands and not to worry about it. Lorena offers Julian breakfast, but he says that he has something to do, he goes into another room. Diana and Hortensia arrive home and see Alonslow and Lorena. Lorena tells Hortensia that she has something to tell her.

Maruja visits Valeria, she tells her that she was worried about the kids because she couldn’t help her. Valeria tells her that Alonslow stayed with the kids. Maruja is relieved that he helped and tells Valeria that Alonslow must be a very good friend. Valeria then starts singing Alonslow’s praises. Maruja notices that Valeria is little too enthusiastic and asks her if she feels something else for Alonslow. Valeria breaks down and finally confesses that she is in love with Alonslow. Cara impactada de Maruja.

Julian is standing outside Rosi’s house, he wants to go in, but hesitates. Rosi comes out and sees him, they talk a few minutes awkwardly. Finally Rosi tells him that she has to leave. Julian wants to go with her, but she doesn’t allow it. She leaves and Julian just looks at her sadly.
Hortensia is incensed, she says that she knew that Sara had something to do with the poisoning of the bankers. She can’t believe that Sara would be so callous and risk so many people’s lives. Right then Lorena’s phone rings, it’s Jimena with the name of the Dr. It is Bruno Palma. Cara de impactada de Lorena.

Jimena is at Greta’s house. She says bye to Lorena and Greta walks in, she is ready to go out because she can’t stand to be in the house without Omar. Jimena tells her that she needs to get used to been alone because Omar is not coming back after the show she did at work. Greta tells Jimena that she is sure he is coming back and starts getting upset at Jimena. Jimena tells her that if Greta wants to be by herself she can leave too. Greta changes her tune and asks Jimena to forgive her and not to go because she doesn’t like to be alone.

Back to Lorena and Co. It is Diana’s turn to fume. She knew that Bruno liked Sara, of course they are together! They deserve each other both are vermin. Alonslow is worried because Sara is obsessed with Lorena, and he is sure that if she is daring show her face again she is planning something big. Cara de impactado all around. Zulema comes out, she says she is ready to go. Lorena tells everybody not to tell Zulema. Alonslow tells Zulema that she looks beautiful. Zulema beams.

Bruno is walking on the street when a car approaches, It’s Javivi and some friends he met in the club. He tells Bruno that he is now behaving like a real man he is ready to escape to New York with Bruno. Bruno tells him that he is going to talk to him like a man. He gives Javivi the “is not me it’s you” line. You are not my type, I don’t like you etc. Javivi cries and tries to hug him. The other two tell Bruno not to be mean to Javivi “No seas abusadora” Don’t be abusive, (They use the feminine, since Bruno is a man it should have been “no seas abusador” I just thought it was odd, I think they are doing this because they think that Bruno is gay) Bruno looks worried.

Zulema thanks Alonslow for thinking on her, it was a great idea. Lorena tells her that Alonslow is very caring and nice. Zulema tells her that he is just the man for her. Alonslow agrees. Lorena tells them to stop it or she’ll have to take a taxi home. Alonslow promises that he won’t say again that he loves her and wants to marry her and wants to have a thousand kids with her. Lorena just rolls her eyes.

Back to Bruno and Javivi. Javivi jumps on Bruno and tries to kiss him the friends start egging them to kiss. Bruno is able to push Javivi out. The friends tell Bruno not to hurt Javivi. Bruno tells them to mind their own business and calls one of them an idiot. They don’t like this and one of them holds Bruno while Javivi and the other take fighting stances. Bruno looks really worried now.

Zulema and Lorena are sitting at a park bench. She is very thankful because she has been given a second chance, she woke up to good things and to bad things. Lorena asks her if he thinks that she’ll ever be able to forgive Omar. Zulema says that not at this point, she is still hurting a lot. Alonslow comes back with gelatinas and tells them that they could rent a bike and give Zulema a ride. Zulema and Lorena think this is a great idea.

Maruja and Jaime are eating colchones Bimbo (at least they don’t stop to say how healthy and how delicious the bred is) Jaime tells Maruja that Omar quitted his job, and is wondering if maybe Omar could work with them. Maruja tells him that it is not a good idea because she thinks that Diana and Lorena won’t agree.

Felipe is trying to befriend Saulito but he is to hard with the kid. Diana looks apprehensively.
Patty is giving vasco a massage. He says that it feels very good. She kisses him and tells him that it feels better with kisses, he agrees. Patty tells him that she loves him and Vasco tells her that she enchants him. Patty wants to hear that he loves her too, but Vasco can’t lie to her, he tells her that he is not sure. Patty gets sad and tells him that she has to go. Vasco tries to stop her but can’t. Patty leaves.

Bruno is back at home with Sara nursing a black eye. Sara makes fun of him and Javivi’s friends. Bruno is so mad that he has decided to do the job on Fafy’s breaks tonight. He warns Sara not to go out with him tomorrow. Sara is very happy.

I guess it is now the next day Alonslow is in his office when Valeria comes in and tells him that she wanted to go out with him and her kids yesterday. He tells her that he couldn’t go because he went out with Lorena and Zulema. Valeria’s face tells us how she feels, but Alonslow is oblivious to this. He then tells Valeria tat he found out that Bruno was involved with the poisonings that bankrupted “Banquetes Armendaris” Cara impactada de Valeria.

Erenesto and Ivan are setting the table for breakfast. Ivan wants to know what is wrong Ernesto tells him that he is worried that Alonslow is gaining territory with Lorena because he can’t get close to her. He asks Ivan if maybe he could ask Betina what is he doing. Ivan tells him that he fought with Bettina because of a corny letter Ernesto tells Ivan that woman like romanticism and like details. Ivan finally gets it that he messed it up with Bettina. Gina and brother arrive and want to go out with Lorena. Ernesto tells them that they can’t go out with Lorena, but after breakfast they are going to a museum. They are all happy.

Bettina is in the chat room when somebody enter it. It is Jorge Ivan’s friend. He sends Bettina a letter where he declares his love. Bettina has mixed feelings.

Fafy is ready to go out. He asks Sara to go with him to play golf. Sara tells him that she has to go to the office, but she’ll see him later.

Sara calls Bruno. He wants to know if Fafy is dead, Sara tells him that no, but they can start countdown because when she left Fafy was about to leave. We see Fafy getting in his car and we hear Sara and Bruno in the background. Bruno says that it was very easy to fix the breaks. Sara says that she is ready to swim in money. Fafy turns on his car.

The end


Thursday, November 13, 2008

QE, Wednesday 11/12 (#100): Allez Cuisine!

On the left we have Iron Chef Mexico, Ernesto Mendiola, representing Sólo Gourmet. To the right is his challenger, the young but scrappy Lorena de la Cruz, representing Cooperativa las Cazuelas (Casserole Cooperative).

Who takes it? Whose cuisine reigns supreme?

Sara and Lorena snarl at one another while they wait for the client. Lorena says, "last I heard, you never finished school." Snorty whispers to Jaime that she's tempted to strangle Sara right now. She's confident they'll win, though; Jaime's not as sure.

Fafy is looking at some financial papers in his home office, and Santiago is babbling uselessly. He mentions that Fafy made two million dollars yesterday. Fafy's not worried about whether Sara wins today or not, because he makes enough money with his other investments to make up the difference. All he wants out of Sara's company is for it to keep her happy. (Lost cause, Fafy.) Santiago teases him again about being in love. Fafy tells him not to repeat that. Santi locks his mouth with an invisible (and may I say very defective) key.

The clients have arrived - a couple of company officers, plus the union steward. One of the company officers makes a beeline for Hortensia and tells her what a fan he is. Snorty introduces Lorena as her granddaughter. Sara doesn't look happy.

The rest of the Amendariz gang anxiously waits for news. Maruja has to remind Rosy and Paty to finish up another client's order.

The tasting commences. The union guy is impressed with Ern's main dish of sole marinated in cilantro oil and grilled with tarragon, green pepper, shallots, garlic, and rosemary. We don't get to see the rest of his dishes.

Team Lorena gives them a palate-cleansing sorbet, followed by numerous dishes that are not discussed. I see something like mini-tacos and a rice pudding.

The clients talk things over amongst themselves, praise both chefs, and say it's un empate (tie). Sara says they offer high cuisine. Snorty says that high cuisine isn't strictly foreign; Ernesto's fancy fish dish didn't use more ingredients than their chili sauce.

Sara replies, "you made Mexican food because your chef doesn't know any other kind." Lorena says they came up with their menu with the expectation that the workers will want to eat the kind of food they get at home. For many of them, the workplace is like a second home. The shop steward agrees - he gets something like Ern's fish dinner only once a month.

Sara hurriedly interjects that they can do Mexican food too, if that's what they want. Lorena eagerly offers to do another test.

Sara says there are other areas in which Lorena and her peeps cannot beat her. "Who would trust a company that poisoned more than 100 people?" Snorty explains that not one thing went wrong at her company for over 40 years, and if she hadn't been at death's door at the time, that one poisoning incident would not have happened. In any case, they didn't shirk their responsibility, they compensated everyone, and even though it wiped her out financially, her conscience is clear. Otherwise, she couldn't serve so much as a bowl of soup.

That does it - the clients are impressed. Team Lorena is hired on the spot! Lorena calls the office and tells them that Snorty put Sara in her place. There is much rejoicing.

Alonso asks Valeria to review something for him. Noting her chilly manner, he asks what's wrong. She reminds him that they had plans last night. He apologizes - he had a chance to meet with Sara and let Lorena know what she's been up to. This explanation doesn't make Valeria any happier, but she pretends to be a good sport. He asks how he can make it up to her. She tells him not to worry about it.

Sara complains to Ernesto that she asked them to give her another chance. He suggests that she not be a sore loser and adds, "who would have thought we we'd be in the hands of a guy who likes tacos?" Knowing that Lorena is watching, Sara gives Ernesto a big, very uncomfortable-looking hug. Lorena's eyes pop as he shoots a pained look at her over Sara's shoulder. Sara says she doesn't blame him for this.

Sara turns and claps sarcastically for Lorena. "Tell them to call us when they get poisoned." Lorena taunts that Sara can't stand that they beat her in a clean fight. Sara accuses Lorena of doing some favor for one of the guys. Lorena takes Sara to task for throwing her grandmother "to the ground." (I believe on the face of it, this is supposed to mean something like "throwing her under the bus," but obviously it's also a reference to actually tossing her down the stairs.) Lorena calls her a grifter, impostor, and murderer. "Someday you're going to pay for all you've done."

Sara takes a big dramatic swing at her, which Lorena has plenty of time to block. "This is just the beginning," Lorena warns. She turns to walk away, and Sarah grabs her from behind. Ernesto pulls Sara away. Lorena and Sara both want to fight, but Ern reminds Sara not to put Fafy in a bad position. "Revenge is a dish best served cold," he tells her privately. Great, now he's giving her free cooking advice too.

Sara goes off on her sob story about how she's always been in Lorena's shadow, always watching her win, always watching everything go well for her. (Lorena can see and/or hear them.) Ern says he's felt the same way about Lorena, both on the cooking show and today, but they can't settle it with blows. They'll need to find another way. Sara thanks him for his support.

Fafy calls, but Sara doesn't pick up because she's not eager to tell Fafy of her defeat.

Ern sneaks off to talk to Lorena. She is chilly with him. She says he only tried to send his sample menu because she didn't think she could do it on her own. He says he didn't mean it that way. Lorena says Sara's cheating ways have rubbed off on him in the few days he's been working for her.

Ernesto is bewildered by her attitude and says she's the only reason he's even doing this. Lorena remarks that he looks pretty happy with Sara. Ern asks her not to go off on some tontería. She admits she's pretty mad ("tengo la cabeza echa humo" = head filled with steam; steam coming out of her ears; fuming). She says thanks for the help, but she's not comfortable with his tactics. She leaves without saying goodbye.

The nurse is helping Zulema walk around her bedroom. Z says she lost 30 pounds. She had worried a lot about Omar rejecting her because she was fat, thus the operation. But Z doesn't want to talk about that. She wants some help with her clothes, because they're all too big for her now. One of these days her husband is going to show up, and she wants to look really nice for him.

Hysterical, Greta tells Jimena that Omar took off, even though she threatened to kill herself. Jimena thinks Greta probably overdid it, that's why he didn't believe her. She tries to talk her down, don't worry his wife won't take him back, but Greta's hopped up on whatever crazy chemicals are in the makeup she's been snorting, and she says she's going to take drastic measures.

Vasco accompanies Omar to the place where he and his mom are already renting a room (and where Jaime had been staying before). Conchita, the flaky landlady, is thrilled to have yet another Amendariz as a tenant. She's very nosy about Omar's situation and offers to do a tarot reading for him to find out whether he'll reconcile or not. She says she knew as soon as she saw them that he was going to ask for a room. "I am so perceptive," she boasts.

Lorena calls Zulema to say she won the contract.

Vasco tells Omar he did right to leave Greta. Omar wants to "think" before he talks to Zulema, but Vasco says every day that Omar waits will be another day of deceiving her. Vasco says his cousins can't go on lying to protect him.

Betina shows Paula a photo album she made as an anniversary gift to Ivan. Paula asks if he's getting her a present too; she says men become very forgetful about these things later on. Beti says she asked him for a letter explaining how he feels about her.

Beti asks her mother if she and Raimundo are an item. Paula says no and asks if Beti doesn't like him. Beti is neutral, but she knows Paula likes him. Paula says Beti's approval matters to her. Beti says whatever makes Paula happy...

Ivan is with his boyfriend Jorge, trying to decide what to write. Jorge says love letters are lame and that she probably asked him for the letter so she could show it to everyone and make fun of him. That's how all women are. He should just buy her something and speak his mushy words. They'll be carried away with the wind, unlike the corny stuff in a letter. (Will Ivan take romantic advice from a kid who clearly doesn't have a girlfriend?)

Sara goes to the clinic to cry on Alonso's lapels. She says Lorena's messin' with her. Sara's about to lose her job because of her! She stole a contract right out of her hands - bribed the judges. Alonso points out that Lorena has no money. Sara says she must have fixed it up somehow. She cries that she'll never be able to get anything in her life. She thought she could live in peace, but she's being attacked.

Alonso tries to reason with her and tells her to trust in her talent. If she was cheated, then no one will blame her for losing. If it had been a rule-abiding fight, she would have won.

Sara says his words were very helpful and that she loves him. Her life is complicated, but some day she'll be able seek him freely. He asks her to clarify - is she not free right now? Is she engaged or something? "My heart is with you," she answers dramatically, and kisses him.

After Sara leaves, Alonso performs my favorite telenovela maneuver in the entire world - wiping an unwanted kiss off of his face. I think Juan's spitting last night was more impressive, but this was one of Alonso's finer moments. "She's crazy!"

Lorena, Jaime, and Snorty return to the office amid cheers and balloons. They celebrate winning the contract. (I think there's some joking about Barbara's contribution to the buffet.)

In a later scene, Lorena tells them how Snorty told Sara off in front of everyone, which turned out to be the deciding factor in their winning the contract. Snorty says she's recieved many plaudits in her life, but the one from Lorena just now was the best.

Now there is music and dancing. Paty gestures at Felipe to ask Diana to dance.

Greta barges into Zulema's house and demands that they speak in private. However, she doesn't wait for any privacy to announce that Omar's been lying about being on a trip. "He's my man and you're not going to take him away from me."

The nurse is not eager to leave Zulema alone with this viper, but Zulema sends her and Mathilde out of the room. Greta continues to tell her story in such a loud voice that I really don't know why she bothered to ask for a private talk. Zulema is somewhat protective of Omar - she says he gave up hope and didn't think she'd wake up. Greta corrects her: they started fooling around long before Z's coma. "Ask him! See if he has the gall to deny it." And Lorena knew, and lied about it. "Omar is sick of you."

Meanwhile, Vasco is urging Omar to let Zulema hear it from him. Omar agrees he needs to face the consequences. Vasco assures him that something good will come of it.

Omar rounds the corner and is surprised to see Greta's car parked in front. Greta is telling Zulema that Omar felt like the living dead when he was with her. Zulema expresses doubt that Omar could be in love with such a nasty-talking woman. "Ask him how much you were worth to him. Omar will come back to me because he loves me."

"Come back?" Greta explains that he left her, but the fact that he hasn't come to the Z's house yet shows that he doesn't really want her. If he does come back, it will only be out of guilt.

It has taken this long for Omar to get from the sidewalk to the front door. "Zulema! I didn't want you to find out this way!" All of his concern is directed at Zulema. Greta is... well, I thought she was in full psychobitch mode a minute ago, but was just warming up. She's crazy with rage because Omar is favoring Zulema.

Zulema says it would have been one thing if it had just been because he had given her up for dead, but if it was going on before that too...

Instead of letting Zulema chew Omar out, Greta demands that Omar say he loves her. "You are very mistaken," he answers. She was just a mirage! What little attraction he felt for her, it's all gone now! "You shouldn't have spoken that way to my wife. I curse the day I took up with you and deceived the only woman I've always loved!"

He throws her out. "Get out of here and you'd better not come back and bother the people I love!"

"You can't treat me this way!!"
"Yes I can! Get out of my house and get out of my life!"

Mathilde and the nurse notice that it's suddenly become quiet.

Omar is physically removing Greta from his house. "VANISH from my life!" Greta predicts that he'll come looking for her when he gets over his guilt. "I would rather be alone than have a woman like you!" "That's what you say now, but eventually you'll be begging me to come back to you." "I wouldn't go back to you if you were the last woman on earth. You're worse than a viper!"

She says he's afraid to be with a real woman, he'd rather be with that resuscitated mummy. He sends her away and goes back into the house. She staggers toward her car with pure crazy in her eyes.

The nurse is giving Zulema some medicine. Omar wants to talk alone. Zulema feels that Greta has already told her the whole story. He wants Zule to listen to his side of it. He made a mistake, but he loves her. It was just a fling, it meant nothing. "If you were with that woman and she's nothing, where does that leave me?" She says there's nothing to forgive; he just stopped loving her. He's only there now out of guilt. What really hurts her is that he let the kids lie rather than confront her. Omar says he wanted to tell her from the beginning, but it was their idea to spare her feelings.

"Where's the Omar I fell in love with and admired?" Omar says he's here, and he'll always be hers because he loves her. "All I see is a liar. How much longer to show your face if Greta hadn't shown up?" She mocks him for needing young Vasco to persuade him to act like a man. She wants him to stop talking because she's just getting more and more displeased with him. He thinks she's being too harsh. She tells him to get out.

"But you are the woman of my life! I swear it on our three children!"

She doesn't ever want to see him again. He leaves, and she cries the kind of sobbing that gives your face a cramp.

And I'll just mention here that I HATE this very cheesy sappy music that they play during these scenes.

Raimundo has brought Paula flowers and some new tequila. He says he can't pass a florist's without thinking of her. (Looks like red roses, the bright red kind, not the darker ones.)

Ding-dong, it's Ivan with a gift and no letter. Letters are totally corny!

"Writing what you feel for me is totally corny?"
"Sure, I just would have been writing drivel."

She wanted a card, not some present. She tells him she was really excited about the letter. "You women are so complicated. Jorge was right." Betina says fine, then why don't you go see Jorge. SLAM!

She is very grumpy with her mother and cries in her room over the photo album she made for Ivan.

Valeria's on call tonight, and her regular and backup babysitters aren't available. Alonso offers to watch the kids to make up for skipping out on her last night. "Why don't you give me your housekeys!" Valeria's eyes sparkle. Come on, V! This doesn't mean he's moving in!

Diana and Lorena come home. The nurse and the maid tell them about Omar's visit.

At Omar's place, Jaime offers to stay and keep him company because J thinks O isn't looking too good. Omar says no thank you, you have a family to go home to. Vasco says in that case, he'll stay. Omar rejects this too and says he's not going to do anything crazy. The worst thing that could happened to him has already happened. He thinks Zulema will never forgive him, and he agrees with her. He can't forgive himself either. "What I did was unspeakable!"

Zulema doesn't answer when Lore and Diana knock. They let themselves in. "We did it for your health," they say. She doesn't blame them. "The thread always breaks where it is thinnest."

Sadly, Greta has arrived home safely and is rehashing with Jimena. Jimena thinks Greta made a big mistake. That's the one thing you can't do to a guy, is to make a scene with his family. (But telling sneaky lies to his kids is totally okay, apparently.) Greta says Omar has to take her back, even if it takes witchcraft. Again, Jimena tries to talk her down, accept that it's over, but Greta says she's lost her dignity and she just wants him to come back and stay with her.

She's clutching at her own hair. Not a good sign. Jimena makes a sympathetic but worried face.

There's trouble at the office where Julian works. The guy who's supposed to cover the game is hoarse, and all the usual guys are unavailable. Julian volunteers.

Fafy doesn't want to go to some reunion party that Santiago set up for him. Instead, Fafy thinks he should cheer up Sara about the lost contract. Santi doesn't see why that's such a big deal. "You've had failed deals, haven't you? Oh... you haven't." "Not even one." He has to wait for Javivi to come over. They giggle about Javivi's "intentions" and agree that they must let the lovebirds have some privacy. The doorbell rings on cue. Santi scurries to answer it. I just realized Fafy doesn't have any visible servants.

Julian auditions by commentating a videotaped game. His boss is impressed. He's got the job. He won't be covering tonight's game, they'll give him some practice first. His coworkers tease him for calling his girlfriend.

Fafy tells Javivi that he and Santi are going to a party, so Bruno will have to keep Javivi company instead. (Why this silly charade, I have no idea.) Javivi is so excited that he needs to pee.

Bruno comes home. Santi explains that Fafy's the guest of honor at a party with some old friends, and Sara and Bruno aren't invited. Bruno thinks he has the night off, but no... here comes Javivi! He skips across the floor like a little girl to greet Bruno and flirts grotesquely. Fafy pats Bruno on the back and tells him to be a good host.

Alone at last! Javivi squeals with delight and offers flowers. Bruno stalks off without a word.

On the phone, Rosy congratulates Julian on his new opportunity, but pretty much says she'll believe it when she sees it. Maruja is more optimistic. Rosy wants deeds, not words. Maruja says you should help your spouse when he's having problems. Rosy says it's not easy to be away from the man she loves, but... Jaime comes in with glasses of champagne. Rosy stands there awkwardly as Maru and Jaime toast and smooch.

Javivi plays hide-and-seek with Bruno. He says he can smell Bruno's pheromones. He finds Bruno hiding under a desk. He thinks Bruno is merely playing hard-to-get. He tries to pinch Bruno's cheek. He thinks Bruno's just intimidated by him. He talks about how easy it is to open the door and come out of the closet. Bruno again tries to walk away. "You're in a bad mood." Bruno says he doesn't like to feel pursued. He's an old-school kind of guy.

Javivi promises to play by Bruno's rules. Bruno says again he doesn't like J's "mannerisms." He tells him to put on some leather and they'll meet later at the Pink Zone's most famous bar. Javivi's excited about the leather. He suggests that they go to his place and Bruno can pick out something he likes. Bruno would rather they meet and Javivi can surprise him. He reminds J, no "mannerisms." Agreed. They'll meet in one hour. J even gives Bruno a fist-bump to show how macho he is. "One hour!" he squeals with delight.

Later, on the phone from Sara's office: "Sorry, Javivi, I should have called, it's an emergency, gotta go to the hospital, no I am NOT giving you a kiss because I said no mannerisms, okay?"

Sara is still sulking in her office about how Alonso HAS to be with her. She doesn't even seem to notice Bruno at first. He's fed up with Javivi and the matchmaker and his crony. Sara says everyone has a cross to bear. She lost the autoworkers' contract.

He's shocked she lost the contract, but says that thanks to Sara's impulsiveness Lorena now knows what she's up to. He urges her to forget about Lorena. And it's been a while since he's gotten it on with Sara; he thinks now would be a good time.

Ernesto wanders in on Official Chef Business and sees them goin' at it. "That guy's not gay!"

(He must be invisible. Other people have to hide, but Ernesto can stand in plain sight and eavesdrop all he wants!)

Ernesto overhears Sara and Bruno reminiscing about that time when they poisoned a bunch of people at one of Snorty's jobs.
And it's Ultimos Capitulos, baby! Yeah! It's the final countdown!


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