Saturday, May 07, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #51, 05/06/22: Obsession In Common


         [Doesn't he look familiar?  It's been driving me crazy till now.  V for Vendetta... or Guy Fawkes...or  Adrian?] 

 Natalia tries explaining to know-it-all 17 year-old Andrea that a person doesn't change his stripes overnight.  She doesn't believe that Adrian is truly remorseful; she doesn't need or want his "support money" to live at the level to which she was once accustomed.  Nopers.  If she gets a home like the one she had again it will be due to her own efforts, by the sweat of her own brow.  Andi shuts up for a while.  (Viewerville finds Andi's affected use of English words sprinkled in amongst her chatty-Cathy speech truly irritating, disconcerting, and senseless.  Is this a character affectation or that of Univision's?) Nata states she cannot deny her from renewing her relationship with her father.  He's a fact of her life.  But Nata wants nothing more to do with him and nothing more from him; Andi needs to respect her wishes.  No more errands or messages from him through her.

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Friday, May 06, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #50 Thursday 05/05/2022 The rescue

 Not too much happened last night, below are the highlights:

  • Adrian and Chente square off, Adrian is of the opinion that Natalia is on the rebound and desperate, that's the only reason she could be dating someone like Chente (I missed some of this scene but this is the best I could get). Chente has to stop himself from hitting Adrian and eventually kicks him out of the house.
  • It's 2022, Natalia and Chente would be wise to invest in a ring camera.
  • We get great news, Magos is going to make a full recovery! The tumor was not cancerous! 
  • Magos can tell that things between Tere and Claudio have gotten worse, Tere tells her she just learned some very delicate information that Claudio withheld from her.
  • Andrea visits Natalia, she tries to give her an envelope full of money, Natalia asks her where the money is coming from and eventually Andrea has to admit that Adrian gave her the money to give to Natalia, Natalia refuses the money.
  • The boys (Donovan, Simba, Octavio and Mario) show up at the nightclub where Valentina is being held hostage by Felix, they leave Mario and Donavan in the car while Tavo and Simba go in to the club.
  • Simba has found his natural habitat, he fits right in at the brothel/night club.
  • Valentina spots Tavo and Simba, she pretends not to know them and goes to serve them some drinks, they tell her they are there to rescue her but she tells them to leave, Felix had previously told Valentina that if she made a run for it he would kill Mario.
  • Tavo and Simba are approached by felix, he welcomes them to the club. Tavo asks to hire Valentina for a private party, Felix says no way, that girl does not leave the club, Tavo insists and Felix kicks them out of the club.
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Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #49 Wed. 5/4/22

 Hey, JudyB,  hope you are keeping warm with the throws on the chairs on the patio tonight. We have  hot herbal tea and some butter cookies for tonight's episode.  Hope you see me waving at you!   ; ) 

1. A crying Regina tells Chente how lucky Ben is to have a father like him and not one like Adrián but what she really wants to know is if he loves her mother. He says he adores her. She says if that is the case, she wants him to swear to her that he will not hurt her, get bored with her and throw her aside for somebody else. Chente sees being with her a privilege, a gift from God. After his wife died, he could never see himself falling in love with another woman but her mother showed him that life goes and love can come knocking at your door again. He seriously promises that he will not do anything to make her mother sad. He wants to dedicate every day of his life to making her happy. 

2. In Acapulco in the room in which he has her imprisoned, Félix is arguing with Vale.  He thinks that she is in love with Mario.   She insists she is not in love with Mario. He doesn't believe her. She wants to be let go and doesn't want Mario hurt either. He grabs her around the neck and tell her to get it straight in her head. She is going to be staying there to be his  alone and she needs to know that  he is the one she loves the most.  He throws her on the bed before he leaves. Vale picks up some junk from the floor and hurls it at the locked door. 

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MI Fortuna Es Amarte #48: Recapture

 [This is only a few high points as not a lot happened and I truly couldn't get much of the gutter slang.-edit.]

  • Dona Magos makes it out of surgery after hours of waiting and praying.
  • Taking Ver at her word, Olga finds her some extra cash by selling Valentina out to Felix.
  • Felix waits till dark and kidnaps Tina from the boarding house.  She mouths "--Ayudame" through the car window to Simba who snickers and ignores it as they drive off.  He later brags about that to Vulga and complains the money isn't enough by a longshot.
  • Mario makes it back to the boarding house and sees the destruction all over the floor and the mess in Tina's bedroom.  He raises the alarm to the others, insuring they realize he was a cellmate of Felix who had a hell of a grudge.
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Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #47 Mon. 5/2/22

 Hey, JudyB, looks like we are down to jelly beans for tonight so what I can say for sure is that this episode was much better than the snacks! 

1. Granny Magos is in her room with Ben who is coloring. She is in a great deal of pain. There is knocking at the door and Ben goes down see who it is. It is Olga who has come to see his father. Ben runs away from her and tries to hide from her under the coffee table. Olga can't believe they would've left him all alone. She calls out to Chente and Granny Magos. There is no answer.  She stomps loudly and drags Ben out from his hiding place.  She holds him in place and asks him if he is happy that his father is with that old lady. Ben nods. She take delight in informing him that she is going to do the same to her that she did to his mother. She torments him showing him a picture of his mother and telling him how she killed his mother by using witchcraft. Ben starts crying and trying to get a hold of the picture as she pushes him around. She adds that she has used her black magic on Granny Magos so she would get sick and end up like his mother. She grabs his face so she can deliver her warning up close and personal. If he  continues behaving badly, she is going to do the same thing to  Natalia for getting in between her and his father. As he continues crying, she asks how he likes that. He continues to cry in terror.

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Saturday, April 30, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #46, 04/29/22: Ultimatum

Andrea, of course, scolds--nay, lays a major guilt trip on-- her mother for not being anywhere near while she was contemplating killing herself by jumping off the nearest bridge.  (Viewerville is screaming that she chose to leave the shack to live with her aunt in the huge manse, choosing to remain incognito all this while.) 

Down the street outside the garage, Juanga and his mechanic compatriots are having a wake for Juanga's failed relationship with Olga.  The others bid farewell and good riddance as they share a couple of 40 ouncers with Juanga who is literally crying in his beer.  (Viewerville swallows a trago or two along with Tavo and Tina.  ¡Salud y hasta nunca, naca!)  We agree with Darius, "Some people will never change...i.e., it was to be expected (from Vulga).  Tina emphasizes what was obvious for the rest of us: "--She was just playing with you.  Good riddance. She was using you to get to Chente."  Simba walks by to rub salt on the wound.  "--She dumped you cuz you're a dumbass!"  

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Friday, April 29, 2022

My Fortuna es Amarte #45 04/28/2022 Andrea is the worst

 Hi all, here's your recap!

The important stuff:

Natalia and Chente announce that they are seeing each other, everyone is happy for them, well not Olga and not Mario, those two are not happy bunnies. Natalia and Chente give Benjamin the news and he's over the moon- Regina not so much but she seems to come around a little when Benjamin asks her if she wants to be his sister.

Olga is fuming, she calls Veronica and tells her she wants Natalia dead- Veronica wants to know how much money it would take to make that happen, Olga seems surprised that Veronica is also on the kill Natalia team. Veronica tells her to find out how much it would cost, they will pay the hitman half up front and half when the job is done, does Olga know someone who could do the job? Enter Simba. Bro, why would you trust someone with that hair to do ANYTHING? ANYTHING AT ALL? Simba agrees to do it but he has one condition: Olga has to break up with Juan Gabriel.

Olga marches into Tavo's shop and tells Juan Gabriel that she's been using him, she still loves Chente, will only ever love Chente and their relationship is over. My nephew from the couch says "bro she's mean, she didn't have to do him like that".

Adrian has a busy day with the Hadad's, first he visits Elias, he has a new business plan that involves money laundering, if Elias agrees to work with him they will make millions, it's better that they work together than be enemies. Elias agrees. Later Adrian meets up with Samia for a nice chat over some wine, he tells her that he's going to get Natalia back because she belongs to him, and after all he's not the first man to stray away from home. Samia agrees, he's not the first, nor will he be the last, however, he did leave his wife on the night for their anniversary and ran off with her best friend and that's unforgivable. 

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #44 Wed. 4/27/22

 Hey, JudyB, it looks like early spring/late winter weather is continuing on the patio. We have the heat lamps out tonight to go with our oversupply of Cadbury eggs and carrot cake. Hot chocolate is on tonight! Keep cozy!

1. Natalia leaves Chente speechless as she comes down in her formal blue dress.  A smiling Ben watches  them from  under a coffee table. She tells him he looks exceptionally handsome as she fingers his shirt.His suit and shirt suit him so very well. She also loves the cologne he used but nothing can compare to his smile. He thinks she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.   She thanks him for being a gentleman. He thanks her. They leave arm in arm.  Ben prays  that his father and Natalia get together. 

2. As Mario and Connie are still bickering about the shop and rooming house and Mario's "attack of compassion."  Connie asks if he thinks handing over the property to Tavo will get him into heaven? He doesn't think so. She agrees. Regina and Connie come in telling Connie there is a change of plans. They have to take the surprise party to Natalia's place. Connie does not look pleased. 

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #43 Tuesday 4/26/22

 Ah, the life of a blogger. . . . technical difficulties get even the best of us. That being the situation, I am  posting a discussion page on behalf of Jardinera for this episode. 

Here are a few notes from tonight's episode:

-Adrián tells Natalia that Vero set him up. Natalia is not interested in getting back with him. He insists that he will not give up trying to win her back.

-The sample offerings of Natalia's tortillas españolas in the barrio goes well in spite of her not being there.

-Adrián becomes aware of Natalia's new business and her two partners during  Regina's live stream covering the event. 

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Mi Fortuna es Amarte #42 Mon. 4/25/22

 Hey, JudyB, tonight it is left-over solid chocolate bunnies: milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate on the patio. I will make sure we have some hot coffee to go with them. Take good care and we will see you on the patio!

1. Tavo is unwilling to spend years in litigation with Connie. He only wants the property that his parents left him. Tavo's request does not go over well since Connie doesn't like the fact that his suggestion includes the  rooming house he wants for his lover.  She doesn't care if Chole and the renters end up living  under a bridge.  If he hasn't noticed, SHE is doing just fine.  He disagrees reminding her she is all alone. Connie corrects him.  She is not alone but  in the process of getting exactly what she has always wanted.

2. Chente has put on a crisp white shirt and black pants. He asks for Ben's approval and gets it as he finishes off his look with a black suit coat. He asks Ben how he looks and if Natalia is going to whistle at him when she sees him. Ben smiles and nods eagerly.  

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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Mi fortuna Es Amarte 41, 4/22/22: Of Partners And Papas


Mario offers to front the fonda [little tavern/inn] serving simple neighborhood favorites that Natalia and Teresa were thinking of starting.  He'd be the silent partner.  Nat likes the idea but says she thinks the best place to locate it is there in the house.  She needs to see what Vicente thinks, though.  

Andrea receives a number of bags of baby and maternity clothes.  She rudely tells the maid to take them to her aunt as they don't belong to her.

Chente walks in and wants an explanation.  Mario asks him to listen closely to what Nat has to say.  "--Sure, sure. I know to speak to the head of the circus, not to the clown. (We all know who he's talking about....) She informs him that since she hasn't any cash to rent a space she's going to put the restaurant there in the house.  "--My house?"  "--Our house!"  

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Friday, April 22, 2022

Mario tries to escape the friend zone Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #40 04/21/2022

 Here's your recap:

  • We start back up where we left off yesterday, Regina has slapped the living daylights out of Juan Gabriel, he totally deserved it. Regina leaves and finds Pepe Pepe, he tells her that he thinks Chente is in love with Natalia, Regina leaves in a huff.
  • Natalia has a hard day, she has to deal with Adrian who is still trying to convince her that he's changed, Natalia is smart and she tells him that she will never, ever, ever believe a word he says. As the Taylor Swift song goes: We are never ever getting back together.
  • Susana Gonzales is rocking that blue outfit, she looks so elegant.
  • The next thing she has to deal with is trying to sell her baked goods to the hospital (I think) but the woman that makes the decisions around there refuses to work with her on the basis that Adrian is a rat bastard. 
  • Elias visits Constanza, he's worried about her sudden interest in the baby, she tells him Andrea is her niece and that it's normal for her to worry about the baby and Andrea.
  • Elias tells Andrea and Constanza that if the little bastard is male and truly is his grandchild he will be seeing a lot of the two women.
  • Constanza and Andrea go to the car dealership to buy a car. It's a new "sell your baby for a car" program.
  • In London Omar is feeling pretty crappy on account that he thinks he killed a girl but his lil heart says there's no way he could have done that, Veronica is there trying to make him feel better.
  • Speaking of Veronica she totally killed Tania, she poisoned her before they were to leave for the airport, I mean on the bright side she didn't have to deal with TSA, so there's that.
  • Natalia comes home and Tavo shows up a few seconds later, he asks to speak with her, he wants her to talk to Constanza and convince her to give him the divorce without having to go to trail, all he wants is his shop and the building that Chole rents rooms from, Natalia does not want to get involved. bro, how does Tavo expect Constanza to listen to Natalia when she hates her? He is one dumb bunny.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #39 Wednesday 4/20/22

Hey, Judy, stay dry on the patio. We have tons of left over Easter candy. Tonight it is chocolate covered marshmallow eggs.

 1. Claudio reminds Mario that Adrián didn't only betray him as a partner but he also took the woman he was going to marry. Mario thinks that now he is actually grateful that he avoided marrying a woman like Vero. He also thinks that Adrián suspects he fell in love with Natalia. Claudio chokes on his drink as he proclaims: Sacre bleu!

2. JuanGa and 2XJosé are upset with Granny Magos who is in bed but did not tell them how ill she was. Granny Magos said that she didn't want to tell them because she didn't want to fill the house with tears and sadness. 2XJosé  says will do whatever she wants. She make sit clear that she  only needs two things. In the first place, she wants Juanga to cancel his wedding. JuanGa dissolves in tears as he whines on about how much he loves Olga and how he wants her to be the mother of his five kids. She tells him to put off the wedding because only time will tell where things are going with Olga.  As for 2XJosé, she wants him to be the first Ramírez to get a university degree. 2XJosé agrees that is exactly what he intends to do. He wants to have that diploma hanging on the wall in the living room where it will look really good. He tells her she has to get well so he can show it off to her. She asks them for a hug and they both join her on the bed to hug and all cry together. 

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #38 4/19/22: Discussion Page and Highlights

 Sorry, patio peeps.  No time to do the page for last night's episodio.  The only  a few things of great importance is that Natalia admitted to Magos that she's in love with Vicente, Felix is in the barrio searching for Mario but got the wrong address as given by Claudio to Adrian.  Valentina's seen him outside the garage and avoided him seeing her by doing a wonderous liplock on Mario.  Clod's also warned Mario that Adrian wanted his address and since he doesn't trust Adrian he gave out a false one.  Omar got out of a motel room bed and Veronica was in the other room rushing him to get dressed.  Samia told Constanza that Elias has had a change of heart so that if the baby is a boy and is Omar's he will inherit and be responsible for the kid.  Conz spit nails at Sam for even considering this.  She's raising the kid and ain't nobody else to stick their honker noses into it.


Monday, April 18, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #37 Monday 4/18/22

Thanks to RgvChick, we know that our novela will start FIVE minutes early on Wed. 

Hey, JudyB, there is hot coffee on the patio tonight with some donuts to keep the chill out.  Sending healing thoughts your way. 


 1. After the slap and as Natalia demands to know why Olga sent her daughter to an abortion provider, Olga starts to fight back. As she goes to hit Natalia, Natalia grabs her arm and tells her not to dare touch her. Juanga grabs Olga to keep her under control. Olga changes the subject and tells Natalia that she is a fine one to talk when she is the one with the bad reputation that she got all by herself chasing after Chente. As Mario watches on, Natalia tells her she doesn't have to explain to anyone about anything she does in her personal life. As Juanga tries to defend Olga,  Natalia warns him to mind his own business.

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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #36, 04/15/22: Gossip Girl Gets Burned And A Few Tables Get Turned

Parte 1~

So Elias has come to the jail to complain to Adrian about the sudden turn of affairs: he's learned that Adi arranged a deal with Piedro to purchase shares in Elias's company from Pedro.  So now, Adi has effectively used the money he embezzled from Elias and others to buy 30% ownership of Elias Hadad's company.  Adi remarks "-- a nice bit of irony, isn't it?"  Eli yells at him that it's a low-down dirty trick but Adi kicks away his chair in a fit of temper and screams back what's low-down and dirty is what he did to his daughter.  "--Andrea is a social climber!"  Adi grabs Eli by the collar.  "--Watch your mouth you dog!  I'm going to get back what Veronica stole from me!  And you better than anyone knows that money is power.  This guard and various others are on my payroll.  I could smash your damned head in and nobody would bother to stop me.  But, don't worry.  I wouldn't think of hurting my new business partner."  

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Friday, April 15, 2022

Romance Interrupted Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #35 04/14/2022

 Hi peeps, here's your recap:

  • Andrea wants to get an abortion but because she's a minor she needs parental permission and she knows Natalia would never agree, she confides in Olga who recommends that she go to a clinic that Kimberly went to once, they don't ask any questions! Tell me you want to die without telling me you want to die.
  • Constanza tries to get Mario to agree to receive all of her assets in order to hide them from her husband, she straight up tells Mario that he's an idiot but he's an honest idiot.
  • Natalia and Chente share a romantic night, they drink and he serenades her- they KISS! 
  • Meanwhile Tere and Magos get wasted on either mezcal or tequila, whatever it was it made the ladies have a very good time, a drunk Teresa confesses to Mago's that she only married Claudio out of fear of being alone but she never loved him, her one true love was her dead husband. Isn't awful what women will settle for just for fear of being alone?
  • Claudio walks in on the women and comments on what a mistake it was to drink so much- Tere tells him that the only mistake she's made was marrying him.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #34 Wed. 4/13/22

Hey, JudyB, it is windy and rainy on the patio tonight. Keep warm and comfy. Sending good thoughts your way.  


1.Chente appears on the road in Valle de Bravo. Natalia is so happy see him that she runs into his arms. Chente looks like he knows this is who he belongs with. Chente assures her it is all going to  be fine and he is there to help her. She pulls away and says how embarrassed she is to have brought him all the way out there. He smiles and says she would have done the same for him. He goes for his toolbox as she tells him how the car was running fine until she heard a little noise and suddenly there was smoke coming out from under the hood.  Later she found out that her cellphone was dead. He confidently says he is sure it will be something very easy to fix and investigates under the hood.

2. Ben continues to flee in terror still hearing the gunshots as Regina and 2XJosé decide to look for him one last time before calling the police.  

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #33, 04/12/22: A Sign From Above

[This may not be in the same order as presented....--ed.]

At breakfast Magos once again encourages Vicente to pursue Natalia; he shouldn't let her get away. "Happiness is knocking at the door."  He should open that door and welcome it in.  Just then Nata walks into the room with Benji.  The two of them look so right together.  "--We overslept.  Ready for breakfast?"

At the rooming house, Jose Jose tells Juanga he's not so sure that his brother should be getting married to Olga.  Dating her is enough, but the thought of marriage is really a disgustingly ridiculous idea.  Juanga says Jojo is just upset cause he hasn't managed to get Regina to take the bait.  Take care of his own romantic life before complaining about his.

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Monday, April 11, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #32 Mon.4/11/22

 Hey, JudyB, 

I see you out on the patio. It is still a little chilly so stay close to a heat lamp. Hope you enjoyed this episode.


1. Tavo and Chole disappear into the boarding house kissing all the while. 

2. Natalia wants to know why Regina has decided to leave the house when she thought  everything was okay. Regina explains it is because of Andrea who is not doing well at all. Natalia insists that Andrea must need her, too, so she should be looking for a new place for the three of them to stay. Regina has to tell her mother one more time that Andrea is not leaving her aunt's house but maybe Natalia could help watch over her while she is expecting. A tearful Natalia explains she is trying to understand but she cannot deal with the fact that her little girls are leaving. She asks if Connie agrees with her coming to stay with her sister. Regina says Connie doesn't know  yet but she doesn't care because she is not going to leave Andrea alone. Natalia grabs her and kisses her on the head. 

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