Saturday, April 09, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #31, 04/08/22: Faked Devotion, A Silly Notion, and Lots of Emotion

Natalia is a bit redfaced after Vicente tells her she is right to move out as soon as possible.  She says she only needs a couple of weeks to find a place she can afford.  Although Mario has offered to help her out...--Chente mocks her and says that she'd rather have Mario's help; she insists it was Mario's idea since he'd helped her earlier right after Adrien had first abandoned her and the girls.  However, she's refusing it again because she just doesn't feel comfortable with him.  So, that's why she had thought to remain there in the house.  And, Chente realizes that he's stuck his foot in it again with Natalia.  

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Friday, April 08, 2022

But is he dead? Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #30 04/07/2022


Hi Patio peeps, here's the recap for last night's episode:

  • Chente and Mario are selling pastries, Mario is offering returning clients a 20% discount.
  • Juan Gabriel asks Chente for a loan, he's taking Olga out and needs a thousand pesos, he also takes some cakes so Chente deducts 200.00 pesos from the money he gives Juan Gabriel, Juan Gabriel says that for Olga he will finally get his life in check. 
  • William is in mortal danger (not!), Nestor is holding him at knife point but he's no match for William who disarms him and gets him to confess that Constanza sent him, William is livid.
  • Why would you send Nestor to take out William, the guy barely looks like he does cardio, and worst of all he didn't even wear a mask, and with his hair anyone could pick him out of a lineup.
  • William drives off like a crazy person and crashes his he dead? 
  • Andrea is getting settled in at Constanza's house, she has a new cell phone but all she wants is to find out where Omar is, she asks Connie to call Samia to get information on the missing Omar.
  • Natalia calls Samia, Samia tells her that Omar was upset about Andrea hiding her pregnancy and that Elias convinced him to return to London to finish his degree, Andrea is crushed and says she wants to die.
  • Natalia tries to comfort her but Andrea is a monster and blames her for everything that's going on. 
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Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #29 Wed. 4/6/22

1. Connie makes it clear to Samia that an abortion isn't in the cards for her niece.

2. At his office in the garage, Tavo is expressing his regrets to Chole that Connie will not give him a divorce. Chole says they knew it was never going to be easy with Connie. Tavo also has something to tell Chole before they take the first step. He only hopes that after he is honest, that she won't cut him out of he life. Before he can say anymore, he is interrupted by noise from the garage. 

3. JuanGa is fighting with Simba and Tavo breaks them up.  Evidently Simba was telling them all about what  he had going on with Olga once upon a time before JuanGa. Olga denies it all and tries to attack Simba, too. One of the other workers starts to complain about how lazy and dishonest Simba is.  Tavo has had it with Simba and fires him on the spot. Simba threatens him with telling Connie about Chole. Tavo refuses to be intimidated. 

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #28, 4/5/22: Ulterior Motives

Omar has escaped from Papi Elias and driven over to Constanza's to speak to Andrea about a change in plans.  Conniving Connie refuses to let him speak with her.  She tells him Andi never wants to hear from him again.  He insists on hearing it directly from Andi. Nopers.  So he starts screaming for Andi at the top of his lungs.  Connie threatens to call the police.  Ruh-roh!! He behaves but insists and tries explaining.  (It's a good try, but Connie's way ahead of him here.)   He says he's leaving the country and needs to explain why. "--And the wedding?"  "--There's been an emergency." "-- insist after those disgusting pictures of you kissing that prostitute!  Yes, my niece has proof! And, I suppose you spent the night with her also, or am I wrong?  She wants nothing more to do with you.  Don't come here again."  He gets the door in his face.  

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Monday, April 04, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #27 Monday 4/4/22

 1. A smiling  Natalia enters the kitchen as Mario and Chente continue to argue about who can provide Natalia with what she needs with Mario informing Chente that  he has arrived to put things in order. Natalia tells Mario how elegant he looks in his pj's. Mario snaps back that he feels ridiculous. Chente can see that because he doesn't have the "muscle" to fill them out.  Natalia notices the breakfast that Mario has made for them and asks Chente if he wouldn't agree that it is just lovely. Mario smirks and an infuriated Chente bites his tongue. 

2. Elias tells his  hysterical son not to worry because he has been working on  keeping him safe from the law. Elías asks Omar if anyone saw him leaving the room. Omar has to admit a maid must have seen him. Elías keeps up his act and says Omar did the right thing calling him because beyond anything else, Omar is his son and he will always protect him.  Elías believes him but "admits" that the police could be a problem with a "witness" and the "incriminating evidence." Omar is afraid of ending up in  jail for something he didn't do. Elías says he would never allow that to happen and will get him out of the country immediately.  As Omar keeps sobbing, Elías caresses his face and tells him to calm down. 

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Saturday, April 02, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #26, 4/1/22: Musical Chairs and Musical Pairs


Vicente and Natalia continue discussing Magos' age and infirmities while still seated at the uptown restaurant.  They agree that, at this advanced age, she should continue living there at the house with them.  Nata has skirted the cancer angle.

At the resort, Juanga is very obviously moping after Chole who he's seen passionately mouth-melding with Gustavo.  Magos has Juanga sit with her.  She advises him to give up on the impossible dream woman and look for one who is much more attainable and who can truly appreciate him.

Back at Constanza's vacation casota, it's lunchtime and the guest list is now whittled down by three.  Connie complains to Teresa about Regina's gross lack of manners and defends her opposition to allowing any hoi polloi, i.e., the brutish barrio rabble, to sit at her table.  Claudio defends Connie's class-conscious social stratification along with Andrea who nods in agreement with each of Constanza's complaints.  Clod says Regi is picking up her mother's bad habits.  Connie says she wouldn't be surprised if Nata ends up becoming Chente's lover.  (Oh, the shame of it all!)

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Friday, April 01, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #25 Thurs. 3/31/22

 Princess Juju is under the weather today. 

Here are a few plot points from last night.  Feel free to add anything you noticed that I didn't.  : )

- Natalia tells Chente she never expected to  hear from Adrián again in her life but now he has called and she knows she will have to confront him. Chente has all the confidence in the world that she will be able to handle the situation.  She can also count on him.

- Olga tries to suck up to Granny Magos who sees right through Olga and tells her that Chente deserves somebody with values and class, somebody who isn't like her.  Natalia is her choice...

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #24. 3/29/22: Secrets and Surprises Galor

Natalia is shocked to receive a phone call from Adrien asking for help now that he's been caught. Natalia spurns him and then hangs up on him.  She is an emotional mess.  It's a mystery what a self-serving, self-obsessed, vain man like Adrien is feeling--certainly not remorse, but maybe he can hide behind "change of life" issues.

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Monday, March 28, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #23 Mon 3/28/22

We will be pre-empted on Wed. due to soccer.

1.  Chente confronts Granny Magos about what she said not wanting to repeat it lest it become true. Natalia jumps to her defense saying that Granny Magos was just telling her that she was "dying of shame" having to ask her for a favor. Granny Magos plays along asking Natalia to fix her something to eat because she is dying from hunger after being at the doctor. Chente wants to know why she went to the doctor without telling him. He could have given her lift. He is worried something could have happened to her.  Granny Magos makes it clear that she doesn't want to be treated like a useless old woman. Chente wants to know how the visit went. Granny Magos says fine. The doctor says she is like Santa Elena, better each day. Chente wants them to celebrate that they have her with them. 

2. Vale has to re-introduce herself  to Mario who doesn't recognize he at first. He smiles when he realizes who she is. Vale explains how Natalia told her about him being imprisoned and how she felt bad not sorry for him.  She knows that he is innocent. He doesn't want to talk about his problems and tells her how pretty she looks. Vale is pleased.

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte 3/25/22 #22: Bad News Abounds And Keeps Making The Rounds


It's hand-tp-hand combat as Elias and Vicente fight for control of the pistol Elias has been threatening everyone with.  "--Get out of here unless you want me to whip you out of here with a switch!"  And, true to form, Chente is no "coyone" [cowardly person].  As Andrea and Natalia look on downstairs and Magos worries over the upset Benji, their struggle continues. Finally, Chente wrests the gun from Elias and tells the power-mad and boisterous scoundrel to scat!    "--Realize that Natalia isn't defenseless.  I'm taking responsibility for both her and her daughters."  "--You have made a very powerful enemy!  So you should be the careful one as I can smash you like the flea-ravaged mongrel bastard of the neighborhood that you are." "--Don't threaten me. Because I am capable of forcing you to swallow your very words!  If you try anything against Natalia and her daughters, you'll be dealing with me!" He takes out the bullets from the magazine. "--You were warned." Big bull de Elias tries bullying Chente.  "--I'm not forgetting your happy face.  You've got no idea who you've messed with."  Nata finds her voice.  "--Leave, already!  Get. Out. Of. Here!!!!"  Elias exits in a huff.

Afterward, Nata thanks Chente.  "--I don't know what I'd have done without you."  She explains he's Omar's papi.  Andi says he's taken his mean to a whole new level.  Chente remarks that Nata's quite capable of defending herself and her family and smiles admiringly of her.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #21 Wed. 3/23/22

1. Andrea is not impressed by hearing Omar telling her that being left with nothing is the best thing that could have happened to him.  He admits that everything belonged to his father. Now he will be able to build something by himself for both of them.  Nobody can stop him from taking her as his wife. She reaffirms that he left everything for her and that is super incredible BUT what is his plan?  Where and how are they going to live? He says he will get a job and they can rent a cheap place. She asks if he was thinking of renting something like this. He nervously answers  of course he would be looking for something better. He refuses to give up. He is determined to  make it on his own. Andrea rolls her eyes and suggests that they postpone the wedding. He won't hear of it! She asks if it wouldn't it be better to wait just a little while until things get better. He  launches into how they will not change their plans because that would be like giving his father his way and he refuses to do that. She finally gives in and tells him that he is right that the important thing is that they are together. He announces that they will get married and move ahead like everyone else even if they have to begin from zero. It will make their relationship even more solid. Andrea forces a smile.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #20, 03/22/22: Ciao, Babeeee!!!

Adrien is thinking of Andrea and their fun times while she was growing up.  He remembers telling her they're two peas in a pod and she knows how to get what she wants.  "--Never forget it!"

Andi and Natalia have a real mother-daughter chat about how horrible the Hadid's humiliated her, and how Omar had failed to stand up for her or their relationship once again even though they were insulting her and treating her like trash.  So, she asks to move back home.

At the same time, Vicente is taking down the protest signs hung over the wall.  Omar knocks and states he wants to speak with his girlfriend. Chente says she's speaking with her mother and it is best for now if he leaves them alone.  Omar insists.  Chente says have a seat; they'll be done in a bit.  Chente take a minute to ask why such a hurry to get married.  He politely asks to offer some advice, man to man.  Omar refuses and rudely tells him that he's not part of the family and to stay out of it.  Chente gets just as rude and tells him they are all family under that roof and so he's going to listen whether he likes it or not!  Omar tells him again he has no reason to listen to anything Chente says.  Chente tells him to ditch the attitude.  Then Nata arrives.

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Monday, March 21, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #19 Mon. 3/21/22

 We pick up the tale . . .

1.  Back on St. Germain, Adrián explains to  Tania that he never married for love, only for money. Natalia was very young and had no idea what to do with the huge fortune that her father left her. His original plan was to get control of the money and leave with it all in a year but then their daughters were born and he postponed his plans to see them grow up. He was trapped for  20 years. As for Tania, she felt invisible growing up. Her brother was the "male child" and the clear favorite. She simply never existed for her parents. Even though she strove to be better than her brother in everything, they never noticed. What she wouldn't give for her parents to see their favorite child in  jail. They would be so disappointed that  they would die again but his time from shame. 

2. At Omar's, Andrea admires her engagement ring and takes selfies with it. 

3. Granny Magos is having breakfast with her two grandsons 2XJosé and JuanGa at Chole's. Granny Magos remarks how lovely Chole  always is unlike others . . . as she sees Olga coming to join them.  Granny Magos informs Olga that she has come to discuss something very serious with her grandsons and asks her if she would be kind enough to leave them alone. Chole drags Olga out of there because it is time to open up the shop! 

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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte Fri. 3/18/22:To Kiss And Make Up...Or Not!/


⦁      Gustavo has been seen kissing Chole at the exclusive restaurant he normally frequents when rubbing elbows with the upper of society.  Fernanda tells him not to bother explaining (or introducing) Chole to her; it's his wife he needs to explain things to, not her.  They leave.  

At the same time in another part of the city, Willie meets up with Connie at a different restaurant where they discuss the terms of payment for that 3 million worth of blackmail bucks.  He's considerate enough to allow payments till "every single centavo is paid in full."  And then he makes her pay for the meal before she races off in a huff.

Natalia tells Vicente he's being released soon but he refuses to call a truce.  He reminds her he shouldn't have been held in a cell--like a common criminal; he's an honest man, not like her husband.  That stings like a slap in the face she wasn't expecting and didn't deserve--and he knows it.  But, she agrees with him that, yes, he is a man like few others.

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Friday, March 18, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #18 The one where Chente built the wall

Patio peeps come and get your recap! Shout out to our girl Judy B!

Chente and Natalia continue to fight, they resolve nothing so the one foot wall gets built, Natalia gets the kitchen but Chente gets most of the bathrooms, Natalia, Regina, Teresa and Claudio will have to share one bathroom.

Olga threatens Benjamin with getting rid of all his loved ones if he gets in her way, she makes the poor little guy weep but thankfully Regina is near and comes to his rescue, she is told by Olga that Benjamin is distraught because kids are picking on him for being mute and because his mother is dead. Olga warns Benjamin to keep his mouth shut, she sees and knows everything because she's a witch and she will hurt him if he tells anyone that she's being abusive. B*tch.

Mario learns that Tania is gone and with her all of his money. 

Samia fills Elias in on the latest gossip, Tania left the country and apparently she was working with Veronica and Adrian the whole time, she tells her husband that Tania booked a trip to Miami so Elias can start looking for Adrian there. Elias says he is disgusted with the behavior of the unholy trinity (Veronica, Tania and Adrian), he is not going to give Veronica any money for information on Adrian, she's already defrauded him once, and once is enough. Sidenote: My boyfriend does not know a lot of Spanish but I did manage to teach him the Spanish word for gossip which is "chisme".
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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #16 Wed. 3/16/22

1. Claudio offers the small woman at the door a few pesos as charity and refuses to listen to her.  She looks angry as he asks God to bless her and closes the door in her face. 

2. The small woman makes her way down the street, hauling a box along with her, to Chente's store. He greets her as his "granny." They hug and he asks when she drive. Why didn't she say she was coming? 

3. As Natalia and Connie are working on her desserts, Claudio is spiking a cup of coffee for himself in the kitchen. 2XJuan comes by looking for Regina who is at school. 

4. Chente comes in with his Granny Magos demanding to know  who  the miserable person was who didn't allow his Granny Magos  come into his house.  Nobody knows anything and Claudio is silent until Granny Magos points him out. He tries to apologize saying he didn't know but Chente cuts him off  by hitting him hard across the face. Claudio ends up unconscious on the floor with Natalia screaming at Chente not to act like a savage! (anger management classes, anyone?) Chente doubles down insisting that nobody messes with his granny. Teresa is afraid that Claudio is dead! Chente wants her and her husband out of this house NOW! Natalia tells him he cannot throw her mother out. He says he can and gives his tantrum an exclamation mark!!  by pushing all of her dessert preparations off the table and onto the floor.  Natalia stares at him in anger as he stares back. 

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #15 -03/15/22: SEDUCTIONS AND DECEITS All SO BUTTERY SWEET!

Adrien and Veronica are worried that Pedro is stalling at investing with them.  He suggests she try seducing him.  "--It's a card I'm will to play."  

Tania drives into Gustavo's repair shop in Mario's car and says she needs it sold.  She is snippy with Valentina and makes a point of calling Gustavo, who tells her to deal with Tina and he'll see about getting a buyer.  

Tania is roaming the streets of the barrio and unexpectedly runs into Natalia returning home from shopping.  Tania learns Nata lives in the area and the blue house in particular.  Tania sniggers.  "--How far you have fallen!"  Nata asks after Mario to politely change the subject; Tania says he's suffering after Nata's rejection, even though she warned her brother against falling for a women like her.  "--And, according to you, what kind of woman am I?"  "--The kind whose husbands leave them flat because they're worthless."  Nata lets loose with a slap heard 'round the barrio on testy Tania.  (A communal cheer goes up in Viewerville.  Alas, the elation is too short-lived.)  And of course, Olga The Nosy is watching this from afar.  

Pedro is playing hard to get.  No business is to be discussed while they're all out on the yacht.  It's his wedding present to Javier and her. Oh....okay.  Well, ok.  "--How about you and I get together for dinner--just you and I alone?"  Perfecto.

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Monday, March 14, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte Mon. 3/14/22 #14

1. Tavo enters the house he shares with Connie and all of the lights are off. He turns on some lights and calls her name as he starts to look for her. 

2. Olga's motor mouth is flying calling Natalia a prostitute being in HER Chente's room. Chente tells her to stop but Olga refuses insisting that she will say what she wants to Natalia. Natalia says she doesn't have to but Olga pushes her back as she tries to leave. Olga accuses her of living there just to get a new husband.  Natalia tells her not to talk to her that way and if she is living there it is because of necessity. Olga answers saying it is clearly her necessity to have a man. Chente tells Olga that is enough. She has no business being in this bedroom. (what about NO business being in this house???) Natalia says she is confused because there seems to have been  something between Chente and Olga. Chente insists there is  nothing  between them. Olga clears it up further by saying there is nothing between them because Chente doesn't want there to be. Olga goes on to reveal herself even further talking about how much she loves him and how long she has been waiting for him. An exasperated Natalia leaves to wait for Chente downstairs and Olga smiles. Chente lets Olga have it saying she cannot treat him like he is her property. She starts to pound on his chest and he grabs her wrists and tells her ENOUGH. In tears she asks him why he can't give HER a chance. She gets free as she tells him she has been his friend in the good times and the very worst times. She warns him that Natalia is only there to take advantage of him. He has had it. It is over. He is going to say goodbye to everyone and he wants her out of his house. She sarcastically says just go ahead and run her off. She tells him "Donde pisa leona no deja huella gata." (A cat cannot leave a footprint  where a lioness has been/ A great woman cannot be replaced by one who isn't.) and that she is going to fight for him. She leaves an angry Chente in his room. 

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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Mi Fortuna Eres Tu #13, 3/12/22: Partay-y-y-y!!!

 ⦁ The barrio's block party is about to begin.  Chole is about ready to leave with Olga who's fibbed that it's to welcome Vicente's new house partners. Valentina arrives to go with them; Chole suggests Vulga lend Tina one of her dresses.  Tina refuses the offer.  She doesn't want to go "looking like an easy lay." 

Regina takes a moment to show her mother the finished bedroom renovation of the maid's room: all Pretty In Pink.  Natalia mentions that she's decided to sell desserts to The Club if they'll buy them from her.  Regi says it's great to work at something you love and do well, and cooking is her mama's forte.

Vicente tucks in the soundly sleeping Benji.  He runs into Natalia in the hallway.  Yes, he's duded up since there's a little party he's going to attend.  She's not awake enough to want to go with him.  She's exhausted and going to bed.  

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Friday, March 11, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #12 The one where Chente's house turns into a clown car...

Here's your recap patio peeps:

Chente and Natalia bond while in the pokey, she learns about how his wife died, he learns about her father and husband being rat bastards. Natalia and Chente agree to be friends and to support and help each other raise their kids. 

The pair return to the house only for poor Chente to learn that now he has two new roommates, the useless Claudio and his wife. Claudio thinks that both he and his wife have a right to live there because half the house belongs to Natalia, Chente almost hits him- which he should have done, not only because Claudio was verbally abusive towards him but also because Claudio has been drinking his beer.

Natalia begs Chente to allow her mom and Claudio to stay, to sweeten the raw deal she tells him that Claudio will pay rent, Claudio is not happy with this, how dare she charge her own mother rent?! "I'm not charging my mother rent, I'm charging you!". Chente needs time to think about this and goes to talk it over with Jose and Juan Ga.

Claudio asks Natalia if she wants him to make a few phone calls to help her find a job- Regina explodes! "Why don't you go get a job Claudio? Why are you going to make my mom work? So you can live off of her just like you've been living off of my grandmother?" she rages. Claudio is upset that she would speak like that to her grandfather, "you are not my grandfather!" Regina reminds him. Good for her, someone had to tell him that he is a grifter. 

*Sidenote: Natalia was always going to look for a job*
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