Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #11 Wed. 3/9/22

1.  Chente and Natalia observe each other in their shared jail cell. 

2. A visibly deflated Tavo tells  Chole that he never thought that having a child was important to her. Well, it is. He admits that he always wanted to be a father, too. She doesn't want to pressure him but at their ages. . . She offers him an alternative to sleeping on the couch in his office when Benja goes home.  Tavo wants to do things the right way so when he is legally free, they will be able to show their love for each other  out in the open. They kiss. 

3. Connie arrives home with "just a gigolo"William who ignores her offer of a drink to get hot and heavy with her. An animated Connie  tells him to wait  a second so she can check that her husband isn't  home. Tavo isn't at home so Connie is very open to Will's advances. 

4. Teresa tells her granddaughters to not worry about their mother because Claudio is using his influence with important people to solve the situation.  Regina is worried about her mother. Andrea feels like they have been cursed. Teresa knocks on wood and says not at all.  Their father made unforgivable decisions and that is what has allowed them to end up here.  Regina tells Teresa she can stay with Claudio in her mother's room and that she and Andrea will stay in the maid's quarters. Andrea complains.

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Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #10, 3/8/22: Possession Is 9/10 Of The Law--Or Is It?

Chente packs up Natala and family's belongings and sets their three suitcases out on the street.  

Constanza has returned to her mega manse and all hell has broken loose "--What is that little so-and-so doing in my house??"  Gustavo says "--I dunno.  It was Claudio who brought her here."  Claudio answers her: "I'm staying mum till you call a doctor for her."  Connie the Cruelheart screams again at him to answer.  Claudio is shaking in his boots and explains Valentina was in his trunk when he drove away and was screaming; when he parked the car he found her.  "--Ahuh!  This gal still works in the repair shop, doesn't she, Gustavo???!!!"

Andrea and Regina return to Chente's and find the gates locked.  Andi reminds him that the house belongs to their mother.  "--No, you're quite mistaken.  The house is mine and you're not coming in again!"  "--Just wait till my mother comes back!  You're going to get it and how!!"  Chente replies we'll see about that!  Juanga, the fug-ugly whistles smugly. 

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Monday, March 07, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #9 Mon. 3/7/22 "Malentendidos (misunderstandings) Abound!"

 1. Calculating Connie blames her being the hateful woman that she is on Tavo's failure to show her any kind of affection. Is it too much to ask that he love her? He grabs her hand and agrees it isn't too much to ask.  She poisons the moment when she adds that his love is the only thing that can make up for him not being able to give her baby. He withdraws his hand and looks down in guilt as she observes him from behind her "pained" look. 

2. Everyone is at the supper table getting ready to eat as Chente thinks back on happier times when his Lucía was there.

3. Natalia serves the food and Regina tells JuanGa (who has started eating before everyone was at the table and must have served himself before in the kitchen) it is rude to chew with his mouth open (really?). Chente reminds him they are not cavemen.  Natalia makes a point of thanking Chente and his family for allowing her and her family to stay at the house. She acknowledges the very difficult situation that Chente and especially Benja find themselves in  missing Lucía so much. Chente thanks her. She will do whatever she can to be cooperative.

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Saturday, March 05, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #8 Friday 3/4/22

1. At Benja's silent urging, Chente asks Natalia to stay and talk about a solution  to their problem. Chente offers to make a house payment ahead of time so Natalia has some cash to find a place to stay. JuanGa is less trusting telling him to go ahead and give her payments for  two months  so she can come back with a lawyer and throw him out. Chente  thinks they should just sign the new contract and then he can give her the payment. Natalia cannot accept his offer. 

2. Claudio is leaving some bar drunk as a skunk telling Teresa he is just leaving a  meeting with some colleagues and a government secretary. Martinique awaits them! As he goes to get his car, he finds out it no longer has  a couple of tires, headlights, etc., and is left bawling about Martinique on the street. 

3. Chente and Andrea do not understand why she won't take the deal. After hearing that his place is horrible from Andrea, Chente remarks how her daughter just keeps on offending them. Natalia explains that an early payment does nothing to solve the problems she is facing. She doesn't need a place for a couple of nights. She needs a place to live. This is her house but she is willing to sign the new contract with one condition: they both live in the house.

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Friday, March 04, 2022

My Fortuna Es Amarte #7 We live here now

 Hi all, below is a quick recap of last night's action:

  • First, how cute were the outfits the women wore last night? I loved Natalia's baby blue dress, I have to own Chelo's dress and even Tania's dress was to die for.
  • Speaking of Tania, she and Mario go to a notary so that he can transfer his properties to her in order to avoid them being taken by the government, he was also going to transfer what little money he had left to her but he waited too long to do so and his assets were frozen. 
  • Tania frets that the government will think she was in on the fraud, oh gosh, why would the government think that dear Tania? Could it be because to everyone it will look like you and your brother were trying to hide assets? As the kids would say, that's suspicious, that's weird.
  • Tania tells Mario to run but he refuses to, he is not a criminal and he did nothing wrong. Also, Natalia has his passport.
  • Natalia and her daughters leave Mario's home and jump into a taxi but Natalia has no idea where they will go, she makes it clear to her daughters and later to Chente that everyone they know has turned their backs on them, no one will help them.
  • Andrea's BIG idea to get out of living in "poverty" is to get her boyfriend to marry her. Yes, teenage marriage is the solution to everything.
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Thursday, March 03, 2022

Mi Fortuna Eres Tu #6, 03/02/22: Bad Boys Big-Time Boogy, Mario Blows It, & Andi Gets Blown Off

Tania warns Natalia that if the company cannot resolve the fraud issue, the next best thing for her brother, Mario, is to leave the country.  Mari walks in on the two of them and is surprised to see Nata there.  Nata asks why he's so surprised she is back at the office.  She explains she's gotten a forensic accountant--Enrique--to trace back the accounts and assist them in locating everything.   Tania states she already looked through everything and the others left no trace.  Nobody can find a thing, rest assured!  Mario agrees another set of eyes could probably discover something they all overlooked.  (Especially a forensic accountant doncha think?)  Nata suggests then Tania should probably hand over the necessary passwords to the computer and various accounts so the accountant can get the show on the road already!  Mario asks so why haven't you done that by now?  Tania stalls saying she cannot just go handing out such things willy nilly! "--Besides, I don't take orders from her!"  Mario insists she hand over the passwords then and there.  Trammeling Tania then exits stage right to assist Enrique.

Across town at Vicente's Auto Parts open-air shop, Olga stops to visit with Chente and to find another way to insert herself....Why wasn't she allowed to join in the fun the night before?  Sorry, just a family thing and Benji is still not talking.  Vulga says she enjoys helping out with the housework and Benji, and sweetly places her hand over his (as Viewerville gets a load of her crazy nail polish).  He pulls away and says he really doesn't want to take advantage of her good will (let alone her willing).  Chente says there's only one woman his child wants to see (and it ain't her) so being ill, her being there will only disturb him more and .....Ugha won't stop insisting...she gives him a hug and says she will remain invisible, only being there when Benji's away at school cuz she only wants to help them both through this difficult time --Somebody throw the dude an oxygen mask and a full tank of O2.  He's being suffocated!  

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Monday, February 28, 2022

Mi Fortuna es Amarte #5 Monday 2/28/22

 1. As Chente sits down to play a board game with Ben, JuanGa and 2XJosé, Olga comes calling at the gate. A displeased Chente tries to "nicely" get rid of her saying that he and his buddies are playing a board game and physically blocks her from snaking her way in. He adds that they are having "family moment." He thanks her for trying ton help. She gets the message and assures him she will be back again to see if they need anything . . . (sure . . . )

2. Natalia thanks Mario forgiving them a place to stay. He will keep her copy of the criminal complaint she made so her daughters do not see it. He will send a taxi to pick them all up tomorrow and insists on giving her some money for breakfast for her and her children. 

3. Connie puts on the ruby necklace and likes how it looks on her!

4. Andrea has "good" news for her mother. She and Omar made up.  Omar and an apartment in  Polanco and has invited them ALL to come and stay. Natalia tries to explain to  daughter Andrea the Brat that they can to stay there because  The apartment doesn't belong to Omar. It belongs to his father who just kicked them out of their home.  Natalia tells her daughters that they are going to stay with Mario for a few weeks until she can find them a new home. Andrea the Brat voices her disgust asking if she is going to do the same thing with that her father did with Verónica and be lovers with Mario.  Natalia slaps Andrea the Brat. (Yes! I enjoyed it!) 

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte 4, 2/25/22 Naive Natalia's Painful Predicament Continued Or Misfortune Abounds

Claudio is eager to move into Constanza's castle to continue living the highlife.  Teresa refuses to because Connie Cruel Shoes refuses to allow daughter #2 to move in owing to Mama always loved her best or some such thing....However pride gives way to the fact of a paucity of pesos.  Sleep on the street or swallow your pride-- and since pride is something of which Claudio knows nothing, Teresa must eventually give in.

At the garage, Valentina screams in frustration at Juanga's brainless response to having screwed up the whole front braking system, shock absorbers, discs, hub, bushings, axle, the tire, et al.  How is Juanga planning to pay Gustavo back for the damages to the customer's car? "--Don't act so down in the mouth." He promises to help if it really is that costly.....Sorry, but that kind of STOOPID.  I got no patience with this, and if this is supposed to be humorous or clownish, even less.  I'd have fired this south end of a northbound jackass in a N.Y. minute y punto.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #2, 2/22/22: We Was Robbed!

We resume as Natalia validates what her two daughters have just been told by the covetous, and otherwise cattily cruel, Tia Constanza: Daddy has abandoned the three of them all and run off with mama's bestie, La Victoria. (Meeeoooowwwwwwwwwhsssssttt!)

Across town, Vicente holds the wake for his newly deceased and dearly beloved wife of twenty years(?) Lucia.  (Viewerville assumes that they waited over 10 years or so to have at least had Benjamin just 6 years prior.  Otherwise, it may mean that Vicente is a decade younger than Natalia.)  And, while guests pray, Olga merrily gobbles, gorges, gulps or otherwise insensitively ingests a plate of food as the apparently only one there with any appetite.  On the other side of the room, her first cousin and Lucia's best friend, Soledad (Chole), cries with Chente and offers her support to the family.  

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