Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Guapos 08-12-08 "Are you warm, are you real, mona lisa? Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?"

First let me say...a rousing Salute to "Hugo & Karla", you put a smile on my face.

Well it’s party time at the ole, hacienda…good times, good times.
Blonde sister, lets Lina have it with the you’re pullin the oldest trick in the book, “Servant gets pregnant”.
--I can’t really argue with that, but needless to say, Pay the servants more dinero and maybe they could afford birthcontrol.---Nah, I don’t really believe that either.

Thankfully, Bobby comes in and scoops up Lina, telling Al “Happy New Baby Day” & Lina and I are getting married and we are having a kid too. Oh Snap, Blondie looks sad, Lina looks happy.

Somehow, Blondie makes her way back over to Bobby, he inquires about Matt the Ratt. Blondie says, “You didn’t know?’, he has been implicated in the murder of my father. She swoops in for the big obligatory hug. Lina, Mili, & Gloria stare while Al looks a bit nervous on the steps. Al tells Bobby to come upstairs and see the new kid. Blondie says tell Sis, I am going home, I will call later. When the boyz leave, she walks past Lina with a “Now who is Snappin Sista”.

Mili walks up to Hugo, ackward..
She once again says she is sorry.
--Now I must insert here, is she referring to her “Mi Culpa” cause “I banged your cousin like a snare drum in a Shriner’s Parade” or cause of that hair? Que the Hell is up with that hair, even my husband asked what was wrong with her hair. I dunno, but it has been pretty bad since “Beach Blanket Bingo”. Maybe it is a wig?
Anyway Hugo is in no mood for a party, he prefers to go upstairs and paint, “Oh and by the by, I will never divorce you”.
Mili displays serious angst, but it may be that she caught a reflection of that God Awful Hair.

Meanwhile over in La Carcel Centro, Gramps Lawyer has gone to see his grandson. He tells Matt that he will get him the best lawyer, but Matt must pay for his criminal deeds. Matt’s little pinched face looks even more pinched than usual.
--I can totally see Matt wearing the “Miss Congeniality” crown in prison, yes prison is not going to be kind to our 135lb dripping wet boy--

Andrea and Consti arrive back at the homestead. Andrea is like a freaking Lego, she is totally interchangeable with any male, she doesn’t miss a beat.

Al & Bobby go up to the bedroom of despair. Flor tells Al to go run a bath for the kid. She uses the time to ask, Bobby not to tell Al that Flor’s ex showed up at Blondie’s. Bobby will keep it quiet.

Andrea is preening around the bedroom, Karla is with her and lamenting her bad fortune. She so had dreams of being the President’s wife. “Well take heart, now you can be the President’s servant,” Andrea answers. Andrea is like, run along little girl, no help from me.

Downstairs Andrea and Consti are discussing poor drunk Luci, the doorbell rings.
--Damn you TelVista, I was hoping it was it was Luci, dressed as a Nun collecting Wine for the Church, but alas it is Nestor. Say this is turning into quite the party.

Over at the Hotel, Luci is passed out with a bottle. A knock at the door. The Hotel Manager is demanding she open the door. Luci is all slurry and looking much the worse for wear. She finally answers the door. The manager is disgusted by the trash and empty bottles. Luci says the Hotel Staff are crappy cleaners. Hotel Guy says, you only open the door for more mini-bottles. He tells Luci he wants her out. He will meet her downstairs to settle her bill. This sobers princess right up. She has no money. Somewhere in the alcohol soaked recesses of her long term memory, she must haul up an old Audrey Hepburn character. She pulls a dress up on her head, fashions it into a wrap, pulls out a big necklace and sunglasses. She will sneak out.

Bobby and Al are talking about their start up construction business, the boyz need capital. Alas, being rich and decadent..they have apparently not saved a centavo. Bobby pressures Al to talk to Daddy NestorBucks. Al doesn’t want too. Al must make a stand and do this for himself. As if, you still live with your parents, when they aren’t in jail or an rehab. Rocky comes in to tell Al that Nestor has arrived. The boyz continue their discussion about trying to raise capital. Rocky says he has some money. Al & Bobby scoff at this. Rocky takes the notepad and pen, says out loud; this much from the TacoNaco and this for being a chauffeur, he hands it back to the skeptics, who suck in their breathes. Welcome to the business brother-in-law.
---Hey kids this is a PSA for hard work, slow and steady. Rather than spending all your money on fast cars and faster women.---Still it won’t be enough. The boyz say Rocky is now one of them. Guey all round.

Blondie stops in the jail to see Matt. She spits in his face. She rants on about how he used her, it was a set up from the beginning, all he wanted was her money. Damn, Matt snarls back, yes and women like her are so easy for ambitious men like him. She was so easy. Blondie hopes he rots in jail.
--Blondie, go over to the prison in like a month and see who stands up when you call out Bitch--

Downstairs, Consti is telling Nestor, that beings that Luci is drying out, he really has no reason to stay. Nestor says, oh but I am here to see my grandkid.

Upstairs, Karla slips into Hugo’s room with two glasses of beer. He is like what do you want. Oh I just brought you a beer. She says you promised to paint me. He says you are so predictable, my father is done with you so here you come. Get out. Karla slips around behind him and says she hates to see him suffer. She is kissing on his neck. She says there is no reason they can’t spend time together. I guess, they can rub neosporin on each other’s broken hearts. Hugo tries to put up a very brief fight, just so he won’t look like a slut. They are soon intertwined and moving to the settee, I say good for them. It’s like I always say, another bus comes along.

Downstairs, Consti is making a fake happy speech over the Wedding of Val and Rocky or Morgan. Rocky is a bit of a Tool and calls Consti “Guey”. As if, I mean Rocky isn’t that educated, but he has been around the rich and famous long enough to know better. Consti, painfully plays it off.
Mili congratulates Consti on his nice speech, and Al’s baby and so on. He asks if she is happy and what she wants. She wants her father. Well, Consti gets all teary eyed at that, but then catches a glimpse of that hair, he just can’t get the words out. Poor Mili is comforted by Uncle Brau.

Luci is wandering down the dark streets of Mexico City with her little suitcase on wheels. She is accosted by three young ruffians, who push her around, steal her headgear, and lovely necklace and then to add insult to injury, they steal her suitcase. They run off and she runs after them screaming, “Give me back my bottles.” Priorities…

Over at the Macarena bar, Macarena stands lamenting…I believe she is enamoured with Damien, who is no where to be seen.

Now let’s stroll over to St. Deceptions, Chunky Nun is looking at a set of pictures of guess what? No I can’t put anything over on you people, that’s right, twins.
--I said out loud, yeah she is a twin & my husband said “I thought they were the same person.” I answered, “They are in real life.” And he started laughing maniacally, I never know what is gonna set him off during these dramas.—

Anyway, Mother Superior comes in and chastises Chunky for worry Padre Manuel about Mother Superior’s health. She says she is fine. She then looks over and see the shrine to the past that Chunky has built. She tells Chunky, to leave the past in the past. Maybe they got sick as kids and Chunky needed a Morals transplant and Macarena donated hers. That would explain everything, or maybe Macarena is really Chunky hiding out in St. Deception’s and maybe Chunky is really Macarena or maybe my husband is right and they are one person, but twins in real life.

Flor has left the bedroom of despair and is showing the kid to Nestor. He is making over the kid and Al and Flor stand there looking like they just got life in prison…no chance of parole. Nestor leaves and I don’t think they got a chance to tap the well for dinero.
Upstairs Karla is asleep, just like a pit-bull puppy; she looks so sweet while sleeping. Hugo is playing with her hair, then he kisses her neck a couple of times and I think..okay round two. I am so jaded, instead Hugo gets up (he is wearing boxers, Hugo actually looks quite fine…and thank you for wearing boxers..I heart you) Anyway, Hugo takes down the half ass drawing he was working on and starts painting.

Bobby leaves and Flor follows him out. Al is left holding the baby and Mili stares at him.
Flor outside tells Bobby, thanks for not ratting me out. Bobby tells Flor to meet him at Blondie’s tomorrow.
Meanwhile right out in the open..Mili and Al edge closer together, of course they do…No one practices caution in this house, except I must say Kudos to Karla, she locked the door when she came in Hugo’s room. Mili says, “Te Amo”, Al answers me too. They lean in for the beso, but Mili pulls back. I must go up to bed. They say their time at the beach was the happiest of their lives. Al says if you can’t sleep, think of me, I will be thinking of you.
Seriously he said that…
Mili forgetting she has already let the cow out of the barn, runs up the steps like a scared maiden.

Flor comes in and just looks kinda lost.

Cock-a-doodle-do…Morning has broken.

We see the sight of a dirty white pants suit, why it is Luci, she has slept on the street. She gets up, she is so thirsty, there are three alcoholics boozing in up in front of a graffiti covered wall. This doesn’t necessary mean it is a bad area as most of Mexico City is covered with graffiti, however the three dirty, crazy ass drunks are kind of a tip off. Luci goes up and starts talking to drunk lady, she starts asking directions. Crazy lady is talking nonsense and waving a bottle around. Luci snatches the bottle and runs off. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. She is standing around a corner swilling down, some nasty looking stuff, my vote is for pulque, cheap, sweet, brewed at home and a favorite amongst the alcoholic street set. I know it was a bottle with a label, but probably a refill. Well, I just hope there is enough alcohol in it to kill, the various parasites, viruses and bacteria that the alcoholic woman no doubt has festering in her.
---Note to Nestor---Hold off any deep kissing for a while

Anyhow drunk lady catches her, a fight breaks out and to the dismay of both mighty amazons the bottle is smashed. Luci wanders off and drunk lady cries.

Karla wakes up and Hugo Van Gogh is still painting. Karla says she is cold, come give me a hug. Hugo doesn’t stop painting. Karla says let me see it. Hugo just gives her the “Stand back signal”.

---I find myself praying to the entire Holy Family, St. Deception, and all 365 of the calendar saints. Please don’t let Hugo have pained Mili’s head on Karla’s body.

Hugo is finished and Karla steps around to see it, her face lights up. It is her..it is beautiful and the best thing I ever saw Hugo paint.
Hugo has his MOJO back. Call me crazy, but I love these two crazy (really kind of psychotic) kids together. The people no one else wanted. Karla is so thrilled… they kiss.

Consti is sitting in his office with his PI, he sees pictures of the beach and he spots Ramses. PI says Ramses was very jealous of Val and Rocky, Consti wants him to track Ramses down.

Al comes in and PI leaves. Consti lies and tells Al that he is still trying to track Mili’s Pa down. Al just gives him a tired smile. Consti says Al will be his right hand man. Al says Nope, I am quitting…

Bobby shows up at Blondie’s. She doesn’t want him to encourage Flor to see her ex. Flor comes in. A knock at the door. Surprise Surprise Surprise..it is ex husband.

To be continued….

Mili spots the picture of Karla and demands to know how that happened.
I say give it a rest Princess.

Consti is still a self serving RatBastard…


Guapos: Monday 8/11/08- "Two Impromptu Parties, Two Very Different Reasons"

Mili and Lina are able to explain away Lina’s slip about Constancio being Mili’s dad. Socorrito buys it hook, line, and sinker. Lina tells Mili about Bobby’s proposal and Mili’s quite happy for her friend.

Back in the jail visiting room, Val admits to her father that she went away with Rocky. Connie’s not too happy, but Val goes on to explain that Rocky makes her happy. She asks her father what kind of marriage he wants for her, a loveless one like Al’s and Florencia’s, like her parents, or one based on love. Connie says he only wants her to be happy. She encourages her father to live up to the promise he made to Rocky three years ago when he sent Val away to Paris. She reminds him that he deal was that if they were still in love three years later, he’d not stand in the way of them getting married. She tells her father that they are more in love than ever. Connie reluctantly agrees to fulfill his promise.

Gloria complains to Chamuco that with him working so much, she never sees him. And, when they are together, he’s too tired to do anything. He can’t see her point and she walks off in a tiff. Chamuco lays his head down to take a little nap and has a dream---fast forwarded 15 years and basically a “Cats in the Cradle” moment happening with his daughter (who he keeps calling a son). He wakes up, calls it a nightmare and takes off to work.

Gloria finds Mili and Lina and she tells them about her discussion with Chamu. Mili scolds her friend and says that he’s working so hard because he thinks there is a baby on the way. Mili urges Gloria to ‘fess up to him. The girls then press Mili for info on her trip to Puerta Vallarta and did she run into Alejandro when she was there. She admits that they spent the night together and how it was the marvelous thing in the world. She goes on into great detail about how much it meant to her, how strongly she feels for Al, etc. Of course such a discourse cannot go unheard. Hugo’s outside the door eavesdropping on the whole thing, crying more and more tears as Mili tells her tale. Hugo takes off and has a temper tantrum in his room---wailing “Why Mili? Why? Why can’t you love ME!” Karla walks into the room and asks what’s going on. He tells her to scram. She says, hey I’m just here to work. He kicks her out.

The Mafia Princesses are talking….nothing new here. MP1 has gotten an all clear from the doctor after giving birth in the back of an SUV. They discuss how Gustavo, whom they’ve known all their lives, could be responsible for their father’s death. Al walks in on the conversation and he can’t pass up the opportunity to point out Mateo’s involvement in the plot to kill Domingo and frame Constancio. Marisela isn’t so quick to believe Mat’s involved. She flings a little mud in Al’s direction, reminding him that he’s stolen from his family. Al says it’s false, something cooked up by Mat. He tells Marisela she can check with Connie when he returns home. Besides, he adds, let’s see the proof. Marisela says that Mat ripped up the documents. A-ha, Al retorts, that says it all. Mari realizes she’s been such a fool. MP1 says face it sis, we’ve fallen in love with miserable men. Al tells Flo that if she’s so miserable, then she shouldn’t have any hesitation in granting him a divorce. Flo ignores this and turns to her sister and says let’s go upstairs…. “You’ve gotta see the baby!”
Upstairs, Mili and the girls are discussing the smells of changing a diaper. Flo comes in and demands to know why Mili’s with her child, she left it (does it have a name yet?) in Soco’s care. Flo tells Mili to stay away from her baby, but hand her to me (lack of logic, yeah I think so too).

In the office, Damian flirts with his new secretary, Erika. Andrea arrives and she’s a little perturbed to see him flirting. She orders him into the office. Damian tells Erika that they are not to be disturbed for any reason. Inside, Andrea tells Damian of the toys, balloons and decorations she’s bought for the new baby. Damian questions her motives and she tells him that she’s trying to win Al over. She’s already made tracks with Val, but she needs to get both of them on her side so they don’t kick her out of the house while Connie’s locked up. They discuss how Damian is related to the bambina, but Damian gets bored with this line of conversation and starts to kiss Andrea.

Val tells Rocky that they no longer have to keep their love a secret. Connie’s agreed to live up to his promise, they can get married.

Robledo and Connie arrive at the office and meet the new secretary. She tells them that Damian’s in a meeting and can’t be disturbed. Connie get’s her to let Damian know he’s there (Erika takes no notice that Connie’s last name is Belmonte and she’s working for Belmonte Enterprises). She intercoms into the office and tells Damian that a Constancio Belmonte is there to see him. After hearing this, Damian freaks and orders Andrea to get her clothes back on, as he rearranges his own clothes.

The MPs are again rehashing old news. MP1 fills MP2 in on Al and Mili sleeping together in PV. MP2 is shocked they’d do that while everyone was there (it’s not like they did it in the hotel lobby, right in front of everyone, sheesh). Flo blames it all on Mili, how she’s had designs on Al. Mari reminds her sister that she tricked Al into marrying her and tells Flo that it is obvious that they aren’t happy and she should let Al go. Flo says she’s used to winning, so there is no way she’s letting Al go. Mari says, you are a winner, you’ve got this beautiful baby….think of her. Mari then tells Flo that Rigoberto, her ex, came looking for her. Mari fills her in on how the drop in visit went down, including the part where Bobby told Rigo that Flo’s not happily married. Flo rants some about how she doesn’t need Rigo in her life, blah, blah. Mari scolds her sister and says that she’s making the same mistakes with her marriage to Al as she did in her marriage to Rigo.

Bobby and Rigo are lunching together. Bobby wants the background on why he’s back in town, Bobby thought he was dead. Rigo says Domingo intended him to be dead. He says that Domingo ruined his life----that Dom was behind the whole cheating on Flo thing. He tells Bobby he’s there to clear things up now that Dom’s dead and Bobby agrees to help him.

Connie beats on the door to his office. Inside, Andrea is busy blowing up balloons. They finally open the door and “surprise!”. They spontaneously throw him a getting out of jail party. Never does Connie ask how they knew he was sprung from the pen. He tells Damian that they’ve got some things to work out later, but he gets into the party spirit and toasts his freedom and toasts himself.

Val, Rocky, the rest of the servants, Hugo, Mili, Al, Flo and Mari are gathered in the mansion foyer. Val toasts the birth of her niece, Connie’s freedom, and her and Rocky’s engagement. Everyone is happy for the couple. Horacio, Mili, and Al all give them hugs. Hugo gets in on the hug activity and tells the couple that he hopes “they never betray each other or break promises they make to each other”. This is said as he stares at Mili. Karla, not one to miss the obvious, senses that something’s going on between Hugo and Mili. Rocky gives a little speech and he and Val declare their love in front of all and kiss.

Connie asks Robledo to help him with his daughter’s marriage. He needs a fake judge to perform the ceremony. Robledo’s not too keen on helping. Connie says that it won’t last, it is just a whim for Val. Then there is the whole thing with Val being from money and Rocky being poor. Robledo suggests a prenup would be a better option, but Connie’s not in favor of that. Robledo agrees to help, but asks Connie what’ll happen if the marriage lasts and they are truly in love. Connie says he’ll accept that he was wrong. They discuss Mateo and then Al. Robledo says that it was a true demonstration of Al’s love for Connie, that he was willing to take the blame for Dom’s death in Connie’s stead.

The gathering at the Belmonte’s has turned into an impromptu party. Mili, Lina, and Gloria are dancing. Al’s having a bonding moment with his daughter. Mari and Flo are sitting on the steps looking bored. Flo decides to mess with Al and she takes the baby away from him. Mari decides that she’s going to mess with Lina, she asks Lina to bring her a drink. Lina reluctantly does and then Mari starts to harass her about trapping Bobby into marriage with a pregnancy, isn’t that a typical servant trick. Lina says that Bobby cares for her and that’s why he’s marrying her. Mari wants to know when Lina got pregnant and Lina asks why that’s any of her business. Mari says she wants to know if it was when Bobby was with her. Bobby arrives at this moment and Lina says he’s here now, have him answer your questions but leave me alone. Lina walks away. Bobby greets Al and learns that his baby was born. Bobby says he’s got some great news too. He calls Lina over and announces that he and Lina are to be married and that they are going to be parents. Al is happy for his friend and steam is coming out of Marisela’s ears. END OF EPISODE.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #139, Friday 8-8: I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies!

OK, so the setup for tonight is that the younger set are on the way back from Puerto Vallarta on the road trip from hell. While stopping to fix a flat tire, Flor goes into labor. Yes, labor. And considering everyone else on this trip is either male or Valeria, who do you think is going to end up playing obstetrician?

Mili confirms that the baby's going to be born now, like right now, not later now. Everybody freaks out.

Luciana drinks twice her weight in alcohol as she accuses Damian of cleaning out her checking account. He denies it, of course, and says she must have drunk it all. She tries to scratch his eyes out, but he's more sober than she is, so he holds her off. Then he kicks her out of "his" office and tells her she's on her own from now on. Damn, that's cold, even for Damian.

Mat the Rat comes into Robledo Sr.'s office and tells him that Fernando has been killed and Mat will be killed too if he doesn't cooperate with the guy who killed Domingo Echavarria. He swears he's innocent. I don't think grandpa's buying that. Mat explains that the plot was for him to marry Marisela and then steal the girls' money. Mat says he can't tell the cops because the mob guys will kill him. More power to them, I say. Grandpa says they've got to take him to a hospital and Mat can tell the rest of the story on the way.

Florencia lies in the backseat with her knees up. Mili can't think of what else to do, so she prays to Jesús for help. Um, I believe his vocational training background was in carpentry, so I'm not sure how much help he'd be in this situation. Alejandro comes over to take a look, but Flor doesn't want him there…and Mili doesn't want him looking! Nor Rocky. Rocky faints dead away when Flor's knees fall apart. Valeria now comes over and has to tend to Rocky. Mili finally says that Alejandro will help her, but Flor tells them both to go away. Mili says they're her only options, even though she has no idea what to do.

Sor Cachete and Padre Manuel talk in the library. PM tells her that Damian came to visit. SC tells PM that she's worried about the Madre Superior. The doctor has been coming to visit and she's been keeping quiet about it.

Mili yells at "Florinda" to breathe. Rocky looks for instructions on how to deliver a baby in his book of roadside emergencies. He discovers that they need hot water. Much discussion on where the hot water should come from. Rocky ends up being sent to get it. It sounds like Mili's trying to convince the baby not to come out. Now they're all yelling at Rocky to bring towels…and disinfectant. Valeria has a lovely alcohol-free disinfectant in her luggage, thankfully. Seriously, I think fixing the tire and getting the hell back on the road and/or calling 911 would be a better idea than having the baby delivered by the Five Stooges.

Grandpa called Marisela to come to the hospital. He says they're going to the cops once they get Mat out of the hospital. Mat refuses because either (a) Villalobos will kill him and/or (b) the cops will think he's an accomplice and arrest him. He tries to convince Grandpa to let him flee the country. Grandpa says nothing will happen and goes looking for the doctor. Mat talks to himself, saying he's not going to jail and he walks out with his bright blue hospital gown and his pants. Yeah, thankfully we didn't have to be subjected to seeing his skinny butt.

Mili and Valeria are yelling at Flor to push. We hear a baby crying and see Alejandro faint out in front of the car. Mili hands the baby to Valeria and then cuts the cord. She takes the baby from Valeria and tries to hand her to Florencia. Florencia's a little squicked about holding the baby, but Hugo wants to have a look at her. Rocky finally came back with the hot water, but doesn't know what to do with it. Meanwhile Alejandro keeps lying on the ground passed out. Mili uses the water to wake him up. He faints again when he remembers why he fainted in the first place. Valeria keeps holding the baby, with Hugo looking on. Florencia just looks around as the "something bad is going to happen" theme song plays.

Mat the Rat runs out of the hospital and gets into Marisela's car. He tells her to take off, quick.

Hugo gets Flor back into the front seat of the car. He stares at Alejandro and Mili all googly-eyed over the baby. Mili tries to give Florencia the baby, but she won't take it. Yeesh! It's dangerous to just have the baby bouncing around in the car. Hugo says they're close to a town and should get there fast so Florencia and the baby can get checked out and they can get diapers for the kid. Flor keeps giving nasty looks to Alejandro and Mili while they keep looking all googly-eyed at the baby…and each other. Poor kid's going to have a hard time figuring out what to make of the story of what happened when she was born.

It's beating o'clock at the prison and Constancio doesn't have all the money necessary to avoid it. Once Mono finds out it's not all the money, Constancio starts the fast talking. He promises that Mono will have all the money before noon tomorrow. Mono says rules are rules and the other two guys get antsy to start teaching the new guy a lesson. Constancio finally says he'll pay double, which is a different story. Mono says he'll take the double, but if not, he'll have to pay up in the locker room (los vestidores), if you catch his meaning. The backup band leaves and Mono settles in for story hour.

Macarena, in another fabulous red dress and more cleavage on display than the previous evening, sings at her club again. Damian asks for a table and a tequila. Macarena takes notice and really belts it out for him. The crowd goes wild. The bouncer leads Macarena to Damian's table. She certainly doesn't invest much in the furniture. Looks like they're sitting on folding chairs. She has someone bring a bottle of tequila, to give Damian a shot of courage. She attempts to suffocate Damian in her cleavage. Damian remembers he's got to take one for the team, but he just can't bring himself to do it. He calls her "Sor Catalina" and says she's a pervert. She realizes he confused her with her sister, so he might know where her sister is. Damian goes out to his car and Macarena follows him, but he takes off before she gets a chance to ask where Catalina is…"She has something of mine." She goes back inside and tells the bouncer it's nothing, she'll explain it to him later. Come on, now, don't tell me Sor Cachete has the money…and still they have to fundraise for the orphanage every time one of those kids sneezes?

Sor Cachete thanks Gloria and Chamuco for inviting her to the movies, but she says there'd better be dinner after. She goes to tell the Madre Superior where she's off to. After she leaves, Chamuco breaks it to Gloria that he's not going to the movies with them since he's got to start his new job as a taxi driver tonight. Gloria is not happy. She really wants him to go to the movies with them, but he reminds her they need money for the baby. Gloria eventually agrees. See what happens when you lie about being pregnant? Let that be a lesson to you.

Mat the Rat and Marisela are back at her apartment. She wants him to swear he had nothing to do with "it." I guess he just told her that the Wolfman killed her daddy. She can't understand why he would do that. Mat explains he wants to take the business away from them. He says he wouldn't play along and that's why he looks like ground hamburger. The doorbell rings, but Mat doesn't want her to answer it. Marisela tells him it's Grandpa because she agrees with Grandpa that they should go to the cops. She says she won't let them live in fear. She answers the door and Grandpa is there with Detective Cienfuegos ("hundred fires") . He recognizes Mat from running off from the police station the other day. He wants an explanation. Mateo gives Grandpa a betrayed look, Marisela weeps, and Grandpa looks really, really disappointed in his super-loser grandson.

The young folks have returned to Casa Belmonte and Braulio is thrilled to see them and the baby. Mili is still holding her while Florencia looks pissed off. She says that the doctor in Middle of Nowhere said the baby was healthy, so yay! Death glare from Florencia. Braulio congratulates Alejandro and Flor and she's like "whatever, I just want to shower and then go visit Constancio in jail." Alejandro tells her she should rest, but she wants to confront Constancio about killing her dad. Mili tries to give the baby to Flor, again, but Alejandro's the one who ends up taking the baby upstairs as Braulio coos. Hugo can't help smiling, but then he looks at Milagros smiling and gives her the death glare again. Mili says they need to talk, but he says he has nothing to say to her and he's not interested in listening to her either. Valeria tells her to be patient and eventually Hugo will understand. Braulio wants to know about the gossip.

Valeria comes into Andrea's room. She wants to know how her Daddy is doing. Andrea tells her he'll be in jail for years what with all the evidence against him. Valeria tells her that the baby has been born and she wants to celebrate the birth, but everyone's upset about Daddy being in jail and Mommy being in rehab. Andrea says that's exactly why they should celebrate, to take their minds off things. Valeria goes off to change so she can go on the jail visit too.

Valeria, Alejandro, and Florencia sit at a table with Constancio. Alejandro explains that they didn't bring the baby because Flor had just breast-fed her (seriously? I feel sorry for the poor kid just thinking of all that bitterness and hatred and CRAZY that she's getting from Flor) and they left her with Socorro. Constancio starts with the "I didn't do it, you believe me, right?" Alejandro reminds him he's lied his whole life. Constancio reminds him that Domingo threatened him, but Alejandro remembers that Constancio threatened right back. Constancio said he only planned to ruin him, not kill him. Alejandro says he'll never cease to be amazed at what a rat bastard Constancio can be. Constancio says his conscience is clear (clear or nonexistent?) and he swears he's not a killer. Valeria says she wants to believe him, but he's lied about so many things…and he tried to separate her from Rocky. Constancio says if he was the killer they think he is, wouldn't Rocky be dead and buried? Now everyone, including Florencia, agrees to give him the benefit of the doubt. Florencia says if it turns out that he did it, she'll spend all her money keeping him locked up. Mafia Daddy turns over in his grave…any properly-brought-up Mafia Princess should be threatening him with death. Much more economical than wasting all of Daddy's hard-earned money on keeping Constancio in prison. Flor excuses herself and says she'll wait out front for them.

Rocky tells Socorro, Horacio, and Lina his version of the baby's birth while Socorro cradles a doll. Rocky claims that Mili fainted and Alejandro jumped out the window of the car. He says the baby popped out like an "esquida"…I don't see that as an official word, but is he calling his niece a squid? Socorro tells him he delivered the baby all wrong since he was saying that he pushed the baby out by pushing on Flor's stomach. Gloria now comes in and mentions Mili delivering the baby and Rocky fainting. Rocky goes to clean up the car (ew!) while the others laugh.

Constancio blah, blah, blah's about how crappy he feels, how he's scared, he's going to spend the rest of his life locked up, etc. He cries. Alejandro says if he's innocent, he'll get out. Constancio says even if he gets out, his career is over. Valeria says he's going to clear his name, but Constancio's not optimistic about it. Alejandro even manages to look sad. He looks up and sees Robledo Sr. and the cop guy. Alejandro says he wants to give Constancio a chance to clear his name, but Constancio better not let him down. Robledo Sr. and Cienfuegos come in and Alejandro says that Constancio is innocent. He offers to stay in jail so that Constancio can get out and find the real killer. Dude, that is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Constancio at least has the grace to call it stupid. Alejandro insists that he has to clear his name. Valeria reminds him that the baby and Mili need him. Sr. Robledo says that won't work and also they have good news--Constancio's getting out. Cienfuegos says they don't have the killer, but they're looking for him--Gustavo Villalobos. Valeria's thrilled. Constancio asks Alejandro for a hug. Alejandro looks really disturbed as Constancio hugs him.

The cops close in on the Wolfman's hideout. Of course, because we're in Ultimas Semanas, he's sitting there making a shady business deal. The cops come in with their assault rifles. The get Villalobos and the other two guys and take them out to the cars, after explaining to Villalobos what he's getting arrested for. Looks like Mono Salazar is going to have some competition soon.

Robledo Sr. is filling in Constancio and kids on the details of what Mat told him. Alejandro says he doesn't believe Mat to be innocent and that he made Alejandro look bad so that he could get his hands on the company. Constancio admits that he helped Mat to screw over Alejandro…no, wait, he admits that Mat asked for help, but he wouldn't help him, since he would never do that. Oh, Constancio, will you ever stop being a rat bastard? Grandpa is a little shocked, because he knows Mat is a rat, but he doesn't think he's a killer. Constancio remembers the night that he found Mateo hiding under his desk. Constancio surmises he must have been planting evidence. Cienfuegos looks like it's all adding up for him…he says he's going to call and have Mat detained since he's over giving his deposition. Alejandro comforts Grandpa.

At the station, Mat finishes giving his deposition, such as it is. The cop says he's going to go print the deposition so that Mat can sign it. Marisela is giving him puppy dog eyes for being all beat up. Mat says he was just trying to protect her. The desk guy gets the note about detaining Mat. When Mat goes over to ask if he can sign yet, the desk guy tells him he's being detained as an accomplice. Marisela is impactada, especially when the desk guy says they have proof against him. Mat the Rat gets hauled away.

Grandpa Robledo goes off to finish arranging for Constancio's release. Alejandro says he's leaving because Florencia's waiting for him. Constancio thanks him for his nice gesture. Valeria tells him they need to be closer, as a family, especially since mom's in rehab. Constancio hugs Valeria and calls her his good-luck charm. The record scratches as he tells her he's not too happy about the, ahem, runway show in Guadalajara, hm?

Lina, Mili, and Socorro fawn over the baby and how sweet she is. Mili encourages Lina to practice holding the baby. Oh, la Floreenda esa's going to love that! Socorro's offended that Florencia left the baby like this. Mili defends Florencia to the baby, saying she's going through a tough time and they need to be understanding. Yes, Saint Mili. She tells the gals that Florencia went to see Constancio in jail. Lina lets slip that Constancio is Mili's dad. Socorro is impactadissima!

And Monday…Marisela tells Florencia that Rigoberto's back; Damian and Andrea get busted; Florencia and Mili fight about the baby--well, that's refreshing, at least they're not fighting over Alejandro for once.


Friday, August 08, 2008

Guapos Thursday, August 07, 2008: The Castaways vs. the Castoffs

Damien is talking to Mono the protector in prison and is telling him that Macarena has changed, that it’s been years since Mono saw her. Mono reminds him that she has all the money he stole. Damien says it’s not her appearance, it’s that she leads a double life, hot mama by night, nun by day. Mono is impactado.

Mili and Alex are sitting on the island beach in the morning. They are sad that they have to go back and wish they could stay forever. Mili says it’s been the happiest time of her life. They kiss, then try to figure out what to say when they get back. Mili figures nobody will believe anything they make up, so they might as well tell the truth. Alex says let’s wait until we get back and take it from there. More smoochies.

In the hotel, Hugo is talking to Damien on the phone. Hugo says things are going badly and he expects they will be home as soon as possible. Flor walks up and asks if he’s heard about Mili and Alex yet. Hugo says it’s something else – Connie has been thrown in jail. Flor wants to know why and when Hugo doesn’t respond with anything definite, she pops off that she’s been up all night worrying and nothing he could say would be any worse. She whips out her cell and says she’s calling the DF to find out for herself. Hugo tells her to sit down and he tells her that Connie is being held for the murder of her father. Flor is impactada and the camera closes in on her rubbing her baby belly. Maybe she will miscarry?

Damien is visiting Connie in prison. He remarks that Connie looks better in prison garb than he does. Connie curses him and Damien says aw, he’s missed him at home. Connie growls just you wait until I get out. Damien says why so aggressive? You left me stuck here for three years! I’m here to see what I can do for you. Connie grabs him by the lapels and hangs on tight, demanding why Damien set him up. Rolling his eyes to indicate the guard, Damien tells him to let go or he’ll be in deeper trouble than he already is. Connie tells him to get out. Damien says okay, but you’re going to need some money in here, you know.

Damien mentions protection and Connie says Mono is a good guy. Damien says yeah but for how long if you don’t pay him? Connie is stuck and says give me some money and get out. Damien looks wounded and says you’ve hurt my feelings, you’ve been so aggressive with me. Connie demands money and Damien says the next time I visit, and he runs out.

Mili and Alex are lying in the sand, kissing sweetly and lovetalking. Mili remembers the first time she met him and we fade into the past. She is out on the street in her Carlitos outfit and Alex is taunting her and calling her a boy. She says she’s a woman and he grabs her and kisses her. She grabs him, acts like she’s going to kiss him back, but knees him.

Alex laughs and says he never thought he’d fall in love forever with Carlitos like he did. He wishes that he could pluck Hugo’s eyes out so that Hugo could never look at her with love like he (Al) is doing now. More sweet nothings and besitos.

In other sand, Morgan is buried up to his neck and Vale is laughing and romping around him. Hugo comes up and Vale says don’t be mad at Milagros, it’s all her (Vale’s) and Morgan’s fault. Hugo says never mind about that, Flor is packing and they’ve got to head back home. Vale says what will we tell Al and Mili when we see them? Hugo says you better pack too, your father is in prison.

In her hotel room, Flor is on the phone with Marisela and wants to know why Mari didn’t tell her anything. Mari says you told me you didn’t want to hear and I wanted you to enjoy your vacation. Flor has a meltdown and says I’m living in hell, Alex and Mili have been gone all night – together - and nobody knows where they are. Mari thinks Flor should just leave him, but Flor says she loves him. Mari says he’s a sorry excuse for a man, but what can you expect, raised by a drunk and a murderer?

Mari says Connie took our father’s life and now Alex is destroying yours. Flor says it’s all my fault papa got killed. I just had to marry Alex and our papa got mixed up with that family. Mari tells her to think of the baby and be calm and Flor says okay, and then, showing a glimmer of understanding that there are other people are on the planet and not just her, asks how Mari is doing.

Mari says she feels alone, and Mat seems to have disappeared into thin air.

Mat is sitting in a bar, looking a bit the worse for wear. Two suits walk up behind him and he recognizes their voices. He turns apprehensively and there is that Mafioso, Mari’s mama’s first husband whose name escapes me. The Mafioso is smiling. Mat tries to bolt, but the other suit grabs him. The Mafioso says you thought you could hide from me? Maybe they put a lojack on his motorcycle.

Mari answers her door and it’s Flor’s ex, Rigoberto! She gives him a cool reception. He asks to come in and says he saw in the papers about her papa, and he’s sorry. She says I doubt it. Rigoberto says we always got along, why the attitude? Mari says we got along until you betrayed my sister. How is Florencia? asks Rigo. And Mari says what’s it to you? Bobby comes up behind Rigo and says am I interrupting something?

Rigo wants to know if Bobby is a boyfriend, and she says no, just a friend. Bobby wants to know who the guy is, and Mari says Flor’s ex. The music says ta-DUM, but we already knew who he was.

Rigo says where is Flor, he has to talk to her. And sure enough, we see Flor. She is in the hotel lobby with Hugo, checking out. Vale and Morgan are there too. Morgan says maybe he should stay and wait for the others, but Vale says she needs him by her side. Hugo says to the porter let’s go and they’re about to walk off when in walk Mili and Alex. Now, that deserves a ta-DUM!

Vale steps right up to the plate and says she and Morgan were responsible for everything. Flor is livid and tells her to shut up so that they can talk to Mili and Alex. Vale says she and Morgan will wait outside and they scamper off.

Wow – Hugo has started blubbering. Flor is more proactive and she slaps Alex and tries to slap Mili who deflects her. Flor says you messed in with my husband and Mili says no, you messed in with the man I love. Yowza! Words fly. Hugo says Mili please come with me so we can talk. Flor says she’s not going anywhere until I’ve finished. Mili says you knew we weren’t brother and sister and you didn’t say anything. Alex is surprised and Mili says oh, yes, she knew that before she married you.

Back at Mari’s apartment, Mari is telling Rigo if he wants to see Flor, he can look at his wedding photos, she’s right there, before he betrayed her. Rigo says that’s why I need to talk to her, to clear something up. Mari says forget it, she’s married and expecting a baby, so leave her alone. Rigo tries to insist then says he’ll go (probably to Goggle her) but he wants to know if she’s happy. Both Mari and Bobby hesitate and finally Bobby says no she’s not. Looks like we have a replacement guy for Flor!

And we see the unhappy Flor – she’s on a lobby couch with Alex, telling him off. Don’t even start says Alex. You withheld information that was pivotal in my life, in my happiness. You knew when I married you that I didn’t love you, that I was trying to forget her. Flor says what do you expect? I’m not stupid. I love you, I wanted to marry you, have your children. Alex says you’re sick. That’s not love.

Flor says I thought you would forget her. I’m a grown woman, not a child like her. I wasn’t put on this planet to lose. Alex says you just now lost me. Flor says I’m going to take off with the child and you will never see us again. She leaves.

Things are going much differently with Mili and Hugo. She tearfully tells him he’s been an angel in her life and that he didn’t deserve this. She begs his forgiveness. She is sobbing so hard, she can barely get her words out. She tells Hugo that they were stuck on an island, no way to get home. All night? asks Hugo? Yes, says Mili. Now Hugo is having trouble ‘cause he’s crying too. He asks her to please tell if something happened between Alex and her.

Mili says she doesn’t want to lie to him. She says it was like the world stopped and she couldn’t think. Hugo is taking every word like a body blow. He asks her to stop. He runs off, Mili in pursuit.

Out by the pool, Vale and Morgan are asking Alex to forgive them. For what? says Alex, grinning. For the best night of my life? Into the scene barrels Hugo, yelling that he will kill him, and bowls him into the pool. Both are in the pool, struggling mightily and Morgan jumps in to try to separate them. Vale and Mili scream. We find out that Morgan can swim just fine without water wings.

Rigo is still leaving. He gives Mari his card to give to Flor, but Mari rips it up. Rigo leaves and Mari tells Bobby she won’t tell Flor as Flor has too much happening right now. Bobby holds the two parts of Rigo’s business card together and reads it – maybe this will be significant later? Mari leans against Bobby a little, but he pats her says he just stopped by to check in and he’s off now. Mari says Lina is lucky and Bobby says I’m the lucky one.

Mari wants to know… if Lina is pregnant, was Bobby with her when he and she were still together? Bobby says he’s not going to answer that. Mari tries to suggest he was cheating too but he says he got interested in Lina after he caught her with Mat. So now, says Bobby, you have your super boyfriend and I have my super girlfriend. Mari says she hasn’t heard from Mat. Bobby says don’t worry, bad news travels fast so he must be okay. He’s Super Mateo after all.

Speak of the devil! The thugs have Mat in a warehouse and he’s crying and saying he’s sorry. The Mafioso guy says I’m going to make it so you don’t escape again. Two sartorially correct thugs beat him up for a while until the Mafioso calls them off. He tells Mat that from now on he’s to do as he’s told and to quit thinking and keep his mouth shut. Mat grovels and swears he will. The Mafioso says Mat will marry Marisela and together he and Mat will manage her father’s company, and he is to represent Constancio Belmonte. I will, I will! swears Mat. The Mafioso squeezes his cheeks and reminds him of the fate of his little friend, then wipes Mat’s blood off his hand first on Mat’s sweater, then on a thug’s suit. He walks off and the thugs beat Mat up a little more.

Damien has appeared at the convent and asks the padre if he can get Sor Cachete. The padre is skeptical and says she doesn’t know much about gambling. Damien says not that – he learned a lot from her when he was there and he’d like to say hi. The padre says she’s taking clothes to the poor kids. Damien mumbles that it’s a pretext. The padre says what pretext?

Morgan and Vale are by Alex’s car out front of the hotel. She wonders if his nose is all right, and he says it’s okay, he’s used to his new family. Vale comments that it’s weird how here they are fighting like dogs and cats and meantime her father is in prison. She wonders if he regrets anything, and he says of course not. He comments that with her father in jail, maybe he’s safe for a while and she ruefully agrees that that’s true.

Mili walks up and sees that Flor is in the van waiting. She stands there looking grim, and Hugo walks by without talking to her. Alex walks up. Everyone is very unhappy and uncomfortable and Morgan makes a weak stab at a joke. Mili says to Hugo you and I should ride separately. He sarcastically asks if she’s talking to Alex. She says they need to talk, but Hugo says you’ll be talking alone because I don’t want to listen.

He announces that Constancio is in jail for murdering Domingo. Alex and Mili are shocked. Hugo very roughly shoves Vale and Morgan out of the way and gets in the van. Vale takes Alex’s hand and says we’re with you. Hugo orders Mili into the van. Everyone gets in and you could cut the frosty atmosphere with a knife. On the road, Morgan tries to lift the mood by babbling on, but they all tell him to stop.

Flor has a spasm and grabs her stomach. Alex asks if she’s okay. She says what do you care? Poor kid is going to be born into this family – I wish I’d never met you. She rants on, ending up with calling Connie a murderer. Fun family road trip! She has another spasm.

In prison, Connie is telling Mono that he’ll have some money next week. Mono says look, I like you, but no money, no protection. Connie says you know you can trust me – when I get out I’ll make it right. Mono says we’re not in your office and I’m not one of your underlings you order around, so don’t raise your voice to me. Here you are nothing. Connie backs off and tries to make light of what he said. Mono says if he doesn’t get money by tonight, Connie’s going to have to learn a lesson. He gives Connie a little shove for emphasis.

In the car, Flor seems to be having spasms and when Vale asks if she’s okay, she tells her to shut up. Oops – something’s wrong with the car, maybe a flat. Alex pulls over.

Andrea is visiting Connie in prison. He tells her to stop rattling on about the household gossip and give him the money he asked for. She hands him an envelope and he says where’s the rest? She says she stopped by a shoe store on the way. She says she will bring his checkbook tomorrow, but he says he’s not out in the world, is she nuts? She says well never mind, and don’t yell. He remembers a signed check he left in his desk and tells her to cash it and bring him the money without stopping by the shops on the way. She doesn’t look enthusiastic and he orders her to do it.

Alex is changing the tire and everyone is out of the car except Flor. Hugo and Mili are standing in front of the car, not a good spot as Hugo has tears running down his face. He tells Mili that he will pretend nothing happened with Alex, but she cannot expect that he will continue to be the white dove in her life. He says I gave you every opportunity to go to Alex before we married – I begged you to go to him, and what did you say? You said you wanted to be my wife. Mili remembers she also said “don’t ever let me leave.” You betrayed me, I want to hate you, but I can’t. He is bawling and so is Mili.

Mili begs forgiveness and says she never wanted to hurt him, but she begs understanding too. She says her love for Alex is so huge she can’t control it. She says please let’s get divorced. Hugo says that’s never going to happen. He sees Alex is looking.

Tire changing hijinks with Morgan and Vale to let a little novela time pass.

Flor says to Hugo I saw you two arguing. Did you tell her you slept with someone else? Hugo throws his hands up. Flor says all you men are pigs. Spasm!

Damien has four hot babes lined up in the office foyer and is telling them the requirements for the position of his secretary. They seem to understand the requirements very well, as they have on short skirts and low-cut tops and are vamping for him. Luci (without makeup) comes in and calls him a thief and demands her money. She tells the applicants that he’s a scoundrel. Damien hauls her into Connie’s office.

Back at the road trip, everyone is very cranky. The tire, which rolled away during the hijinks, has been recovered, Hugo gripes, and is reminded that he hasn’t helped. Mili is looking at Flor and says even though you’re insulting me, I can tell you look like you don’t feel well. Flor says she needs to get out and walk a bit. She gets out and grabs her belly. Her water has broken!

Avances: beat-up Mateo is telling his grandfather about what the Mafioso wants him to do, and that the Mafioso was behind the death of Mari’s dad. Flor is giving birth in the back of the car, with Alex and Mili as labor coaches.


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 8/6/08 Mili and Al are dancing with the stars; Damian does the Macarena

Well, Margarita was right when she said not to miss this episode. Why oh why does it fall to me to recap it? Not since Granny died have we had such a dramatic turning point. Not to mention the introduction of a wacky new character.

Let's give a big Guapsters welcome to my friend Stacey, who may be lurking in the background. She has decided to start studying Spanish again, so I got her watch this show and read our recaps.

We begin the episode with Mili and Al stranded on the desert island, shrieking after Val and Rocky, who are motoring away in the launch. Val yells that there's a surprise in the bag that she left behind. Mili encourages Al to swim after them, and he points out that he probably wouldn't make it. Mili asks if he's afraid of a few little sharks, then she says he should call Hugo to pick them up (that's a great idea--call your husband to pick you up from your excursion with your boyfriend). Anyway, there's no cell phone signal there.

Hugo's line is busy, as we see when we cut to the hotel, where Hugo is still making out with Nefertiti in the private pool of their hotel room. There's a knock on the door, so he has her hide. Enter Flo, who says she learned that Rocky and Val have spirited away their spouses. She asks what he was doing, and is not quite sure he was alone. He says he was swimming, and she asks "how can you swim at a time like this?"

Meanwhile, back at the island, Al and Mili are deciding where to stay, since they will have to remain all night.

Val and Rocky are back at the hotel. She is laughing at how hard Mili and Al were shouting, but she's glad they are together, even for a short time. She anticipates a fight ahead.

Flor, having left Hugo to do the breaststroke with Nefertiti, has retreated to the beach with Ramses, who drones on about face cream. She asks him if that's all he can talk about, and he says of course not--he also talks about hydrating lotions and masks! It's part of his profession. He asks if she's seen his sister, and she is really fed up--does she look like an information booth? Nobody feels her pain!

Meanwhile, Flor flashes back on the fight she had with Mili in the store a couple of weeks ago. Mili said that one of them has to lose.

Mili is planning to sleep alone in the cave, but somehow that plan goes by the wayside, as Al reminds her that hey have slept together embracing before--remember the "honeymoon of lies" after the kermes marriage? Mili says this is different--now they are married to others.

Cut to Luci, whose credit card was just turned down. What will she do to get more booze?

Flor now has cornered Rocky and Val to find out the whereabouts of Mili and Al. They profess ignorance, but pretty soon Val gives in and says that Flor should let them be--it's about time her brother had some happiness. Flor points out that it's her husband and the father of her baby. Val says that eventually he'll be back with her (this is really kind of stupid logic), so at least she could be happy for him having a little happiness of his own. He's going to be with her even though he wants to escape.
Flor calls her unconscionable, but Val retorts that she doesn't hold a candle to Val who manipulated the life of everyone to have her way. (Problem here--Val stil doesn't know that Connie is Mili's father, so how does this accusation make sense?) Flor calls her a brat, and Rocky pipes up, but Val defends herself--her brother does not love Flor.

Mili and Al have nothing to eat so they decide to search in the surprise bag, where they find a heart-shaped map. It leads them to a giant chuppah-like tent over what looks, gulp, suspiciously like a bed in the sand. Mili picks up an apple and takes a bite and offers Al a bite. He accepts. How's that for subtle symbolism? They say that they can't believe Rocky and Val set this up--now they know where they were when they disappeared for a while earlier. (I have to say I can't imagine how they set this up unless they had paid someone else with another boat to shlep this stuff to the island.)

Al says he is happy to be there with her, but he wasn't going to do it. Don't do it, she says. He says he wants to kiss her and forget everything. No, don't do it, she says, but her protests are getting weaker. He says he'll shut up. She now says, "I love you and would like to kiss you and forget everything."

Quick, cut to Padre Manuel, who is praying to Jesus! He says he knows Mili always comes there to pray and he asks for help. He has tried his best: first to get Mili and Al together and now to keep them apart. He suspects the hand of Granny Regina from heaven. He asks Jesus to somehow bless the illicit union that is inexorably forming.

Al says he will go back to the cave to sleep, but Mili is scared to stay in the tent alone.

Cut to Damian, who is preparing to go out. Braulio asks where he is going, and he says he met a beautiful new girl. Do we know who that is? Luci calls and yells at him for leaving her without money.

Sister Chunky is chatting with Socorro in the kitchen while she scarfs down everything in sight. We're about to find out about Chunky's secret past? Socorro asks if she doesn't have a flirty friend named Macarena. Sister C drops her coffee.

It's getting dark at the island, but Mili isn't voting Al off. They have champagne (also thoughtfully left by Val and Rocky), and Mili laughs at the bubbles in her nose. As the sun goes down, Al notices that the sun and moon are together for a moment--just like them. They are alone with the sea, the sun and the moon. I am waiting for Al to start quoting Neruda again. No, he just says that it hurts to be apart from her every day. Somewhere a bird squeaks.

She says he is always in her dreams. He says he can't continue in a life formed by moments. He wants them to grow old togher and at 90 they'll hold each other in their arms. She will be the last person he sees. They kiss, and the camera tastefully cuts to a chimney.

Downtown, Damian looks like he's going to pick up a couple of hookers . . . no, he passes them by and enters a cheesy club. Are you sitting down? He sees Sor Cachete in a blond wig and a strapless red dress. Yes, she's as big as you can imagine, but I don't want to be a sizeist, and she's singing that song she sang a few weeks ago, the Mili/Al theme. It's Macarena, who is either Sr. Cachete's evil twin or a split personality. Damian is impactado.

Back to the island, where it's fully dark, and the same song continues playing. Mili and Al kiss and lie in the bed. Al asks if she is okay, and she says she feels like she is touching the stars. I guess that means that Mili and Al are going to do it.

(Time to digress: how do we feel about this? All along we have been uncomfortable with the actress's young age, and we were betting that they wouldn't let her go all the way, even though her character is now 21. Well, we were wrong. I feel a bit uneasy about this, in addition to the problem of Al being married with a baby on the way (Mili never consummated her relationship with Hugo, and he is cheating on her, so they can annul their marriage; I'll let that one go.). So while ordinarily I would be happy for these characters, my joy is tempered by queasiness. To tell you the truth, I even wonder if these scenes could violate the child pornography statutes. They're skating on thin ice. Oh, yeah, there's also how wonderful these first times always are. Okay, digression over.)

Damian is introduced to Macarena. She notices him and is eager to meet the fresh meat. Assuming she is really Sr. Cachete, he says she should be ashamed--saint by day and sinner by night. How is she going to get up for 5 AM masses? She scoffs--don't tell me you're religious. Let's have a party (guateque). He says Sr. Cachete, please . . . but she interrupts and says it's Cachetona from all sides by machos like him--and she begs for a kiss. (Now, after all these months I learn that Cachetona means chubby cheeked. ) Repulsed, Damian flees. She tells her confederates not to worry--he'll be back, they all come back.

Well, we shouldn't forget that Connie is languishing in the big house. He and his cell mate, big guy whose name I can't remember, trade romantic reminiscences about women. Recently, we had some speculation that big guy was Socorro's attacker and the father of Karla. Big guy reminisces about a woman who got him put in there but when he gets out there'll be hell to pay. As Connie dozes off, he tenderly tucks him in. Ah, he says, Macarena, how I miss you. Surprise!

Cut to the island. Mili and Al are nude under a red satin blanket. Now we know for sure they have really gone all the way.

Back to the hotel, where Nefertiti is trying to get Hugo to abandon swimming for a dinner out. Flor comes in and tries to get someone else to sympathize with her. Lotsa luck--Hugo has moved on. They should give up on these ridiculous marriages. Flor cheated her husband and deserves to be miserable. Only an alimana (vermin) could destroy four lives the way she did. Flor slaps him.

Back to Mili and Al, who are waking up under the red blanket. Mili is now shy and wants Al to close his eyes while she gets up under the blanket. She won't look at him nude.

Back at the swimming pool, Rocky and Val have a last few moments of fun. Ramses and Nefertiti have a skin reaction to some bad sunscreen.

Al and Mili are now dressed. He asks her why she was so shy after what they did the night before. She was shy because she didn't see, she only felt . . . fear . . . fear that the night would end. But he is still there, and it was not a dream . . . Okay, it's corny, bu alll in all, I would find this one of the best romantic scenes I ever saw, if not for the aforementioned queasiness.

End of episode: Camera stalker gets a call that Connie is in prison and leaves. Maybe he will stop working if he thinks his employer isn't going to pay--which could be good news for Rocky and Val.


Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Guapos 08-05-08 "Please Mr. Jailer, don't you make no lifer outta me"

Shout out to "CryBaby"--yeah Johnny, I woulda sprung ya.

Okay quick rehash:
Consti is in jail, for the murder of Domingo Sorprano…
(He was set up by Lobo..VillaLobo man of mystery and evil deeds. No Consti didn’t kill Domingo, but he has been doing bad things for years…So yeh it is called Karma Dude.

What the hell is her name, Blondie sister of Flor, gets a visit by Lina‘s future husband…Bobby (Not babyDaddy). He tells her he loves Lina and they are having a kid. Blondie may go for some hawt monkey grief sex.

Matt the Ratt, is freaking out, yes he may have actually peed his pants. He takes off on his motorcycle. We have yet to see if the Mafia will find him.

Now then the Thankless Children are yucking it up at the beach, for ease I will grp them as A) Al & Flor, B) Val & Rocky, C) Mili & Hugo. Now then A knows about B, C knows about B. A is unaware of C.
Thus the common denominator of B) will reduce A & C to a workable fraction. With Hugo and Flor as the remainder.

Also Luci is doing a remake of “Leaving Las Vegas”, she has assumed the Nicholas Cage role. However I don’t recall Nick bitching about his hotel room as much as Luci does, but hey she is doing her best.

Chunky Nun is chatting it up with Madre Superior. Madre is horrified at the rash of pregnancies. She laments that kids mature so fast today. Well Chunky tells her that the girls are 21 now. My how the time flies. Still Madre is about to break out in a rendition of , “What’s the Matter with Kids Today?”
---Here’s a thought ladies convert to Anglican, that way you can teach the youngin about Birth Control, cause remember “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”.---
Chunky brings up when she entered the convent 15 years ago, the Madre says that was different. Methinks Chunky has a past—but she is a fun comic character, how bad can it be?

A doctor comes in and Madre tells Chunky to leave. Hmmmm is Madre ill or is she just getting vaccinations as she plans to run off with the 1.5 million dollars she has collected over the past three years from the guilt ridden BelMonte Clan. I kinda hope so.

Now the Padre comes to visit Consti…He tells Consti all the bad crap he has done, the Amante, so on so forth. Consti says, “Well I sent Luci to be dried out”. The Padre gives him a quickie confession (the Padre is sweating it, is Consti a murder? Consti tells him, “I am not a murder”. The Padre is relieved. Jeez, I don’t think I could make a judgement that fast, but then I never felt the calling.

Now Bobby & Sista Blondie, nothing happens…Bobby leaves

We go to the Mansion, the chiclets are talking with Socorrito about the Weddings. Karla comes in and makes a snarky remark about Lina marrying Bobby, when like a fool she lost it to Dead Fred. Finally, Finally, Socorrito gives Karla a much needed smack across the face. She says the chiclets are marrying loving boyz and are going to have happy families unlike Karla who will lie down under anything that might have a roll of pesos in their pocket, only to find out it wasn’t pesos. Karla skanks off, rubbing her face.

Over at the Beach, Rocky is with Group A, Val is with Group C. Rocky is going on about how much he loves his Chiquita, Flor looks like she smells something bad, oh yeah she is sensitve to Naco. Rocky wants Al to go swimming with the Dolphins. Val is using the same story with Hugo and Mili. It will be a girls day out.

Matt’s Gramps stops by, Consti asks him to be his lawyer, but Gramps doesn’t do criminal law. He tells Consti that Matt is engaged to Sista Blondie and it probably wouldn’t be prudent to represent the murderer of her father. As if, Matt is like crossing the Colombian border by now.

Egads, Consti is being moved to the big house. Dude I am sure they will appreciate that fine Armante suit.

Hugo is standing on his balcony sketching who knows what. Flor moves out to her balcony. Hugo spots her and this leads to a what the hell moment, which leads to “We’ve been duped”. Oh the loser remaining fraction.

Now over to Flipper, Mili & Al are swimming in a pool with Dolphins and masks, the human wear masks, not the Dolphins. I think this is kinda scary what if the Dolphins go all crazy ass and attack them, like a Siegfrid and Roy moment only in a pool. Whew they take off their masks just before the Dolphins were going to drag them to the bottom. “What are you doing here?” Al cries. “What are you doing here?” Mili shouts in glee. The dolphins along with the unseen audience clap with glee. Oh yes, I speak Dolphin and they said in answer to Mili and Al’s deep question, “ What are you doing here?” “Obviously, not your said
Spouses.” “EEEEE EEE EEEE”, that is the laugh, Dolphins make when they are laughing at an inside joke.

Now the much forgotten Hugo and Flor go sit outside and Hugo drinks. Flor talks about what a skank Mili is and Hugo talks about what a rat Al is. Here comes the Egyptian twins. Ramses starts in on Flor about how she should restrict her fluid intake due to her feet swelling up like sausages, what with her pregnancy and all. Flor wants to be alone and I can’t say I blame her. Ramses is kind of hawt, but damn then he opens his mouth. This leaves NefroNympho alone with Hugo, she orders a margarita and orders Hugo more Tequila. Hugo gets a sly smile on his face, now I don’t blame him either, seems the whole vacation won’t be a waste.

Back at the office Damien is living large in Consti office, Andrea comes in and gets all smart ass with him. Damien always the pragmatist says, hey Consti is going down for a long time, he will probably die in jail. I will have the company and let’s have hawt monkey sex. Well actually, it took like two minutes to get to the monkey sex part, he started by unbuttoning her dress buttons, Andrea’s eyes narrow and pragmatist that she is, realizes that just cause you are morally bankrupt does not mean you can’t trade sex for money.

Now the happy kids, (Al, Val, Rocky and Mili) take a launch to an island. Rocky and Val frolic in the waves and Al tries to get one of what he hopes will be millions of kisses. Alas our little convent raised Mili can’t give in to her desires, no kissy no touchy. Oh Hugo the sacrifices she makes for you.

Consti has traded in his suit for some Khaki Prison Duds, as he is walked down the hall, several prisoners kick the crap out of him. Finally the guards say, enough. Ha Ha Ha, good times. Consti is thrown into a cell.

Luci is in a bank trying to cash a check. It seems she is living by the maxim “It is better to drink good than to look good”. Her account is empty, no dinero, she makes a bit of a scene as she stumbles out.

Now we see Andrea buttoning up, the deed has been done. Damien is off to get info about Consti and once again no work ever gets done in that office.

At the resort, Hugo and Nef are in the pool, they are making out. She quizzes him about his marriage. Hugo too is a pragmatist, he tells her his wife is off with the love of her life, but Hugo seems willing to try and party on without his wife. This pool is the example of why I would never get in a public hot-tub, people think hot-tubs are the same thing as your hotel room only without sheets.

Al and Flor are having a snack on the island, everyone must hurry cause the last launches are leaving. They all four get to the launch and Val says she left her purse at the eatery, she send Mili & Al back for it. The launch takes off without Mili and Al, (oh yes it was planned by Rocky and Val). Mili and Al are stranded on the island until tomorrow.

Now Flor will have to set around watching her feet swell and burst her flip-flops and hopefully Hugo will get his groove back with Nef the Nymph.

That big huge guy comes to see Consti in prison. (the one he was paying to keep an eye on Damien). Consti tells him that Consti is innocent. It seems most people look skeptical when he says it.

Now Damien is having a chat with his ol prison pal. He wants the guy to make Consti’s life a living hell. The guy says, Consti paid him for three anos to protect Damien. Okay only make his life a little rough.

Sucker that Damien is, he falls for a story from this guy about a shady lady who turned this guy into the cops and kept millions of dollars that they robbed from a bank. He tells Damien she is dangerous. Damien bites and thinks he likes dangerous women. I am wondering if Consti set him up. I bet so.

This is all I remember….

I say with Consti missing, Luci on a bender, Damien out prowling for strange....
The kids should have an awesome kegger party


Guapos: Monday 8/4/08- "A Round of Impactado for All"

Mili gets over her fantasy of running into Alejandro on the beach and realizes that it is Rocky she sees. The two friends hug and each launch into a discourse on what are the chances of them meeting up in Puerta Vallarta (pretty good as it is plot device to throw our main characters in some “silly” situations and to attempt to move the story forward, all be it slowly). Rocky tells her he’s there with Valeria and Mili is happy for the couple. They decide to meet up for dinner later, but in the mean time, they’ll go look for Val together.

Val, meanwhile, has run into her brother poolside. They also launch into a conversation about meeting up in PV. Val tells Al she’s there with Rocky and he says he’s happy that his sister is with the man she loves. They decide to meet up for dinner later as a foursome, with Rocky and Flo. Val fills him in on Ramses & Nefertiti. Al has a good time mocking Ramses. Val tells Al that Nefertiti has been hitting on Rocky. They decide to go look for Rocky together.

Constancio is on some talking head show. The actor has that perfect “political spin” pitch to his voice and I have to admit I went into a catatonic state listening to him talk, pretty much what I do whenever I hear a politician speak. As far as I could tell, my capt text could have just repeated the word mentira throughout his soliloquy and we would have all gotten the point of it. Basically he emphasized how he’s honest and open to the people. The host tried to call him on the appearance of a man in drag (Brau) and Constancio attempts to explain that away. The subject of his family comes up and Connie says that Luci’s had a nervous breakdown, he loves her, he wants to protect her and all he wants right now is to protect and care for her. That’s pretty much the gist of it, if I missed anything of importance, please add it to the comments (some how I doubt I missed much of anything, since it all was a bunch of lies).

Back at the mansion, the police show up with a search warrant (or the Mexican equivalent). Braulio doesn’t want to let them in and tries to tell them that the owners aren’t home, but Andrea shows up and says she’s the mujer of the casa and the police take that as their “in”. Andrea insists that she will accompany them on their search. They go into the study and begin to pull books off the shelf, making quite a mess. Brau is in such a state over the mess they are making. The main detective earns his keep that day, by opening a drawer in Constancio’s desk and finding a folder that apparently contains the proof he needs to link Connie with Domingo’s death.

Back at the TV studio, the police burst in on the broadcast (which is apparently live) and arrest Connie right then and there. Connie is impactado and outraged. Then as all people do when arrested, Connie professes his innocence and exclaims that he’s been set up.

Luci, in her drunken stupor, sees this play out on TV with very little reaction---no impactada for her, as the booze has pickled her emotions (at least for today). There is a knock at her door and it is Damian. He knows what’s happened to Connie (didn’t it just happen on TV?). Damian mentions the police finding the evidence in Connie’s desk. This has no effect on Luci, she just wants to be left alone with her bottle. Damian takes this opportunity to blackmail his sister into giving him a blank check in exchange for keeping her whereabouts a secret and keeping up the rouse that she’s in rehab. Talk about a dysfunctional family. Damian gets the check and leaves and Luci’s back to the bottle.

Marisela and Mateo are in bed (ick) and watching TV (I think the sizzle has left their romance, oh wait, there was never a sizzle). She sees Connie getting arrested for her papa’s murder and she gets upset. Mat takes this as an opportunity to bad mouth Al and to once again maneuver to getting control over Flo’s inheritance and business interests. Mari calls Flo.

Horacio is lighting into Socorrito about keeping Lina’s pregnancy a secret. She explains that she couldn’t betray Lina’s confidence, but Horacio thinks that marital ties trump secrets. They have words back and forth about this and finally Soco tells her husband that right now Lina needs him to step up to the plate and be a dad and be there for her in her time of trouble. Brau comes into the kitchen and tells them that Connie’s been arrested. They are appropriately impactados.

Al’s cell phone rings, it is MP2 and she’s upset but won’t tell Al why. He can’t say why Flo isn’t answering her phone. They hang up with each other and Al goes to hunt down his insipid wife, to tell her about the phone call and also Rocky and Val’s being at the same hotel. Just as Al walks away, Mili and Rocky find Val. She’s happy to see Mili there.

Al finds Flo and gives her the 411 on Rocky and Val. She’s snobby enough to be appalled that Val would be on vacation with the chauffer. Al tells her that Rocky makes Val happy and that’s all that’s important. He tells her that he’s made dinner plans with his sister and Flo agrees to go. He tells her about Mari’s phone call. Flo tries to call her back but gets a busy signal.

That’s because Mat’s using the phone, talking to Connie, and agreeing to meet him at the jail. Mari’s upset that Mat’s even thinking about helping the man accused of killing her dad. Mat says he’s doing it for her. That he’ll use his powers for good, not evil, but we all know he’s lying. He tells Mari that he’ll make sure that Connie’s not going to do anything underhanded or use his connections to get out of it. Mari makes him promise that when Connie’s found guilty he’ll rot in prison for the rest of his life. Mat makes that promise. Mat leaves and MP2 calls Bobby right away. He doesn’t have time to talk because he’s in the middle of planning his wedding. Mari is impactada upon hearing this, today just isn’t her day.

Bobby’s in a conference with Padre Manuel, Chamuco, Gloria, and Lina. They are working out the details for the double wedding that will be taking place in a month. Lina almost blurts out Gloria’s unpregnant secret, but Gloria cuts her off before the big reveal. They talk about Mili and Hugo on their honeymoon and Bobby tells them that Flo and Al are also in PV. Impactado-looks from the entire group (because apparently there is only one hotel in PV, so they are bound to run into each other).

Mili tells Hugo that Rocky and Val are at their hotel. They play in the surf together….still not feeling it between these two, oh yeah, that’s because the idea of being with Hugo gives Mili the heebee jeebies and that translates to the audience.

Flo finally gets a hold of Mari. She can tell her sister is upset, but she’s selfish enough to not want to hear about it while on vacation. Mari keeps quiet, as to not ruin her sister’s obviously good time (snarky tone implied). MP2 hangs up with MP1 and has a good pity cry.

Val and Rocky talk about Mili and Al both being at the same hotel and how Flo and Hugo would flip if they knew (could we say that they'd be impactados, to keep with the theme?). They go to get some spa treatments and Ramses and Nefertiti kick the attendants out and take over giving the treatment. Each uses the opportunity to get a kiss in with Val and Rocky, respectively. Val and Rocky react by being impactado and rejecting the advances and running away….meeting up in the spa waiting room. They rehash what just happened to each of them----each upset to hear that the other was kissed by the Mexican-Egyptian wonder twins.

Back at the convent/church. PM tells Lina and Bobby that his wanting to marry her is truly an act of love. Bobby fills the good padre in on Connie’s arrest. Once again, the news leaves someone impactado, this time both Padre Manuel and Lina.

Damian visits Connie in the slammer-the pen-the big house-the can-the clink-the cooler-the coop-the joint. Connie asks for Damian’s help, but he professes to be turning over a new leaf and becoming an honest person. So no can do. Connie is steamed and tells Damian he’ll pay. Damian leaves and his exit is followed closely by Andrea’s arrival. She’s shedding the appropriate amount of tears. Connie tells her he knows who is behind all of this and just at this point Mateo arrives. His guilty conscious shows, not that Connie and Andrea can see. Connie tells Mat to leave for a bit and he and Andrea discuss if Mat will be effective as Connie’s lawyer. Outside the detective (the one who earlier earned his keep finding the file in the desk) asks Mat if he’s Connie’s lawyer. Faster than Peter denied Christ, Mat denies it and takes off. Back in the other room, Connie’s telling Andrea that he thinks Damian is behind all of this. Andrea doubts that Damian had anything to do with Domingo’s murder and Connie agrees, but he does think Damian took this opportunity to set Connie up as the fall guy for the crime. Andrea whines that the nights will be lonely without Connie and he urges her to be strong. On her way out, the detective wants to talk to her. She mentions that she’s Connie’s wife, well almost wife. The detective finds this as interesting of a conversation as I do, which isn’t that much. He tells Andrea he’s looking for Connie’s lawyer, to discuss some procedural stuff. Andrea tells him she’s looking for the lawyer too, but Mat is long gone….

He’s sitting on his motorcycle (it just looks all wrong, this skinny twerp being on such a big bike). Mat calls the Lobo guy (?) and tells him that Connie knows the truth and that the police are now looking for him. He no longer wants any part of this whole thing. Lobo guy tries to talk sense into him, but he’s not listening. He throws his cell phone down on the street like a three year old throwing a temper tantrum and he drives off. Meanwhile, MP2 is trying to reach him on the phone, no luck as the phone is in pieces on some DF street. Bobby arrives to talk to her and he tells her that he doesn’t think Connie had any part in her father’s death. She’s upset to hear this, but that aside, she wants to talk about Bobby’s plans to marry the servant. Bobby reminds her that Lina has a name. MP2 says you know, we dated for three years and you always freaked at the word marriage and now you’re marrying Lina. Bobby says, well she’s knocked up, so that kinda fixes things (although he doesn’t mention that he’s not the father). Marisela is visibly impactada.

Back in Puerta Vallarta, Val and Rocky hatch a plan to get Mili and Al together while they are there in paradise. END OF EPISODE


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #134, Friday 8-1: The Puerto Vallarta getaways aren't really and another wedding is in the works

So, the setup for tonight is that Flor-n-Al, Mili-n-Hugo, and Vale-n-Rocky are ALL at the same hotel in Puerto Vallarta, allegedly having romantic times. Also there are Ramses and the skeevy guy who seems to be following Valeria and Rocky around. So, obviously, something's hitting the fan tonight.

Back at Casa Belmonte, Damian practices his campaign speech. Karla, the woman who can blemish his reputation comes up with the vacuum cleaner and almost drops it on his foot. Damian tells her he's up for party president. Karla says he's not the best option of anything, unless it's biggest jackass and dirty old man. Damian retaliates by dropping his brandy glass and tells her to clean it up and not raise her voice to him again. Dude, that's harsh. Broken glass sucks to clean up. I'd be more careful if I were him--there's no telling where that glass will end up…between his sheets? On his chair at the dinner table?

Looks like Luciana has made it out of her hotel room and is down at the bar. I can't imagine why. Couldn't room service have brought up a few dozen bottles for her? The bartender is one of those helpful chatty types. He tells her to (a) forget her ungrateful family and (b) go shopping, since isn't that what makes all women happy? Ergh! Luciana looks rough, not like she's been holed up in a hotel room drinking non-stop, but like she's got a nasty flu.

Spy Guy watches Alejandro and Flor set up their lounge chairs by the pool. Alejandro can't stop thinking about his mommy, but Flor tells him mommy's in the hospital getting better. She offers to put some sunscreen on him. SpyGuy then watches Rocky and Valeria go over to the pool. Baby Rocky has his floaties on and a blue rhino inner tube thingy. Mommy Valeria won't let him go in the water without sunscreen. Ramses is having himself oiled by the girl who tried to come on to Hugo. She complains about it and we find out she's his sister…is this the infamous Nefertiti? Poor girl. SpyGuy continues his spying.

Constancio tries to talk Peralta out of making Damian party president. He says he's got an interview set up the following day to clear up the scandal. Peralta says if they spin it right, maybe he can get the party to reconsider Constancio as president. He tells him he's got to manage the interview well. Constancio's phone rings and Guevara, aka SpyGuy reports that Alejandro and Florencia are "there". Constancio's confused. Guevera says all the kids are there. Constancio is pissed that Valeria is there with Rocky. Guevara then breaks it to him that they are (a) in the same room and (b) the bed is king size. Constancio says he's going out there tomorrow, interview be damned.

Villalobos tells Mateo that soon the cops will go to Casa Belmonte and Constancio will be more sunk than the Titanic, especially after that scandal the other day. Villalobos tells Mat to get over his little friend Fernie, he had it coming. Marisela comes in to tell them that she just talked to Flor. She worries about their relationship. Villalobos tells her it'll be fine, they're there alone, right. Oh, Wolfman, if only you knew. He tells her that the cops are closing in on the guy who killed her dad.

Rocky is finally all sunscreened and Valeria gives him permission to go into the pool. Loud shorts and all. He does a brilliant acting job of bad swimming…oh, the flippers, I hadn't noticed the flippers! Ramses walks by and sees Valeria…and commercial.

Rocky is splashing water all over Ramses' sister. She gripes at him and he offers to go away, but then she starts flirting with him.

Mili and Hugo walk by the beach. Hugo blah, blah, blah's about their relationship and how it's going to get better. He's essentially trying to talk her into having sex to save the relationship. He says it would rock to conceive a kid there. Florencia calls him and asks how it's going, have they done it yet? They talk to each other about how great it is and how their respective spouses haven't said anything about each other. Mili attacks Hugo, so he hangs up on Florencia and then buys Mili an ice cream.

Ramses is hitting on Valeria as she looks incredibly uncomfortable. She finally tells him she's not there alone, she's with her boyfriend and she's really happy with him. Ramses is upset about her being there with "the chauffeur." Valeria corrects him, she's there with the love of her life.

Rocky finds out that her name really is Nefertiti. And no, she's not Greek or Polish, she's Mexican, but her parents were into Egypt. She's thoroughly enchanted with Rocky. Ramses comes over to criticize her taste in men and tell her that Rocky is his ex-girlfriend's chauffeur and boyfriend. Nefertiti is disappointed.

Rocky comes out of the pool and Valeria tells him Ramses is there. Rocky threatens to drown him in the ocean if he comes near them. With all those floaties, I'm thinking not.

Alejandro comes back from swimming in the ocean and collects Florencia. They make plans to go get some food after they clean up.

Karla tells Lina she's not going to let Damian get away with what he's doing. Lina tries to be nice to her, but Karla's back to her own self. Lina's feelings are hurt. She figures out, though, that Karla's jealous of her relationship with Socorro. She tries to tell Karla how much Socorro loves her. Gloria comes in and snarks that Karla's change of attitude didn't last long. Karla walks out. Gloria tells Lina that Bobby's waiting in the garden for her. Lina takes a few moments, then runs out to find him.

Andrea is cleaning out Luciana's closet and orders Braulio to burn Luciana's stuff. Braulio's heart breaks. Andrea announces it's her house and she's redecorating.

Luciana goes grocery shopping. She makes sure to get all the major food groups--whiskey, rum, tequila, and vodka. But no mixers--you wouldn't want to dilute the potency of the natural flavor compounds.

Karla fixes herself a sandwich. Horacio wonders why she doesn't behave herself already. Karla can't take it anymore and tells him that she won't be compared with Lina…"your daughter, who everyone thinks is such a saint, has more prizes in her than a piñata." Er, ok I guess if we're talking in terms of individual cells rather than just one baby, right?

Florencia lays out clothes for Alejandro and then goes in to take a shower. Alejandro goes out on the balcony in his towel and thinks about Mili. He wonders why she's not there with him. Hee hee. Mili goes out on her balcony and thinks she would have liked it better if Alejandro were there with her. Commercials.

Before they see each other, Mili goes back inside. Hugo is waiting for her by a little pool with some fruit and champagne. She says she was just looking at the sea. Hugo offers to move there if she likes it so much. He tries to be romantic, but Mili says she's hungry. And no, she doesn't want room service. Mili horrifies even me by telling Hugo to "behave" himself when he tries to kiss her again. This is driving me nuts. I don't think she owes him sex, but how naïve is she that she thought he could hold out for even a few months waiting for her to be "ready." That's one of those stupid clichés that goes right up there with "I'll learn to love you." Anyway, he tells her he's just kissing her, not undressing her, and is she going to reject his kisses too? He tells her to forget Alejandro and let's go to dinner.

Horacio and Karla argue about Lina being pregnant. She's being pretty nasty to him, calling him stupid, filthy, etc. Horacio tells her she can say what she wants about him, but leave his daughter out of it. Karla goes on this long rant about how Horacio's so stupid he'll just think that Lina's belly is growing because she's putting on weight and that the baby is just a doll. Then she twists the knife a little more, telling him that everyone knows but him, even Braulio, and he's an idiot for not realizing it. Horacio tells Karla that she doesn't need anyone to ruin her life, her nastiness and bitterness will do it for her. Braulio hears the argument and comes in to tell them to shut it. Horacio asks where Lina is and Braulio says she's out in the garden with Bobby. Horacio takes off and Braulio asks Karla to help him with what Andrea asked him to do.

Bobby tries to talk Lina into telling him what's up and why she's rejecting him now. She tells him she just doesn't want a boyfriend right now. Bobby's hurt that she doesn't trust him. He says he's tired of being an idiot, falling in love, and then getting rejected. He tells her he doesn't deserve that. He says he likes her and knows how to see her for what she's worth, he realizes she has everything he's always looked for in a woman. He says he forgot that in order to be a couple, she would have to feel the same way about him. Lina hugs and kisses him and right then Horacio comes up and says "hands off my daughter! You already got her pregnant, what more do you want?" Oops.

Rocky and Valeria have dinner outside. Valeria's having a great time being there alone with him. She remembers that "date" they had where he was both Rocky and Morgan. Ramses and Nefertiti send over a bottle of champagne, and then impose themselves on Rocky and Valeria. Ramses picks on Rocky and Nefertiti hits on him. Valeria's a little pissed off that Rocky and Nefertiti already met at the pool. Ramses starts pouring the champagne. Rocky makes a comment about Ramses getting spots on his face and he has to check. Once he confirms he's ok, he toasts to their lucky encounter. Valeria's claws come out as she tells Nefertiti that maybe her BOYFRIEND is a flirt, but he's a complete dear to her. Ramses talks about the wonderful spa they have at the hotel, so Valeria says that of course, she and her BOYFRIEND have already made appointments for relaxing massages and mud and honey treatments. She makes kissy faces at Rocky. She says she and her BOYFRIEND do everything together. Nefertiti thinks maybe they can skip the "honey" part of the treatment. I think all the loveyness is making her sick. Valeria says they've got places to go, so bye now. Rocky follows her lead and they leave. Ramses and Nefertiti toast. I notice she calls him "Ram." I wonder what his pet name for her is…"Nef?"

Horacio gripes out Lina for being pregnant. Dude, it's already done, quit making her feel bad. Bobby asks if this is why she was trying to get rid of him. She admits it's true and she's pregnant. Horacio still thinks it's Bobby's though and Lina has to get between them and say it's not Bobby's. Now Horacio really lets her have it and says he'd expect this from Karla, but not her. Somewhere, on a shelf in the kitchen, his "#1 Dad" mug is falling off and breaking on the floor. Bobby tells Lina not to try and defend him and tells Horacio he really is the baby daddy. I know, right! Go Bobby!

Constancio thanks someone on the phone. The doctor at the clinic has lied to Constancio and told him that Luciana is doing great. Constancio says there's no way he's going out there to see her, though. Damian is relieved. He says he'll go out there and check up on her. Constancio is surprised that Damian gives a crap. Damian says he's got to keep Luciana from causing scandals for him. Constancio tells him not to get too comfy thinking he'll be the next party president, because Constancio's interview might put him back in the running. Dude, if you wanted even a prayer of that happening, you shouldn't have told Damian. Idiot.

Hugo blah, blah, blahs about what a lucky guy he is to be with her, he wants into her…uh, heart…but we all know he means "pants." Mili is grimacing in pain as he goes on and on. She finally says she can't take it anymore and she's got to pee. Dude, what adult person waits so long it gets painful, unless there's no access to facilities? Maybe she's got a UTI, I don't know. That'll certainly serve as an excuse not to have sex with Hugo. It'll be a refreshing change from "not tonight, dear, I'm not ready." On her mad dash to the bathroom, she runs behind Alejandro's table as he studies the menu. Hugo grins. Because Mili's just so darn charming.

She runs into the bathroom stall and quite loudly exclaims about how great it feels. Florencia convinces herself she's just imagining things as she comes out of her stall and then washes her hands. She takes her time, checking out her outfit. Mili emerges just as she leaves. Mili recognizes Florencia's perfume and says: "Huh, it smells like Florinda…or maybe she smells like a bathroom?" Ha! Commercials.

Horacio, Lina, and Bobby go inside to the servants' dining room. Horacio tells Bobby he'd better not be making a fool of his daughter. Bobby says he adores Lina and he won't lose her, least of all now when they're expecting a baby. Horacio says they'd better be getting married and Bobby says he'd like nothing more. Horacio mentions his long pointy gardening shears and Bobby says he won't need to use them, he always wants to be with Lina. Horacio finally calms down and hugs his "son-in-law." Poor Lina is in shock. She asks for a minute alone with Bobby, which, hey, she's already knocked up, so what more can happen. Horacio says he'll be right nearby in case she needs something since he's always going to take care of her. Oh, whatever, dude. (A) This does not erase all the nasty things he said about her a few minutes ago and (B) I love that Bobby stepped up like this, but I think Lina needs to have a say in the matter instead of having these two men decide the rest of her future for her. Horacio leaves. Lina asks why he did it. Well, duh! Bobby says he said all those things because they're true, he loves her and he wants to share everything with her and her kid will be his…if she wants. Thank you. He asks her if she wants him to be her baby daddy. And marry her. Lina gives him a big teary hug and a kiss. I guess that means yes, right?

Florencia, with her presumably virgin piña colada, blah, blah, blahs about how it's so great to be there and how she wants Al to be more romantic and affectionate, etc. And how for the rest of this trip she'd like him not to think about Milagros. Lady, you're the one who brought her up. Alejandro says she thinks about Mili more than he does. He promises not to think about her as long as Florencia doesn't bring her up.

Hugo extracts the same promise from Mili. She says she didn't even think about him until Hugo brought him up. Hugo says he wants them to have "an unforgettable trip" which really means "sex." Mili says the trip is already unforgettable for her, isn't it for him? Heh. He says it is and asks for the check.

Back in the DF Andrea has Braulio set the bundle of Luciana's stuff on the steps--not the ones directly in front of the house, but the ones on the other side of the fountain. Karla douses it with gasoline when Braulio can't bring himself to do it. They all retreat higher up on the steps and Andrea throws a lit match. She and Karla enjoy the burning, but poor Braulio may never recover.

And finally, the inevitable happens, Mili walks along the beach in the morning and runs into Alejandro. He is as delighted as a kid at Christmas.

Monday: Constancio's interview doesn't go as he hoped--he gets arrested on live TV for the murder of Domingo Echavarria.


Friday, August 01, 2008

Guapos Thursday, July 31, 2008: Waltz of the Cuñados

The little men in white coats are carrying Luci away. Everyone stands outside, watching. Alex is in tears and Flor tells him it’s for the best. Andrea is smirking and Damien says no tears? She says they’ll come and they’ll be tears of happiness. Hugo embraces Damien who says he feels terrible. Hugo says it’s not your fault and she’ll be getting the help she needs. Everyone drifts somberly back into the house.

Andrea in her low-cut babe outfit is in Luci’s room and tells Connie that she’s checking out her new digs and she wants to decorate them her way. Connie says whatever. Andrea says now that Luci’s locked up, Connie can get a divorce and not leave her a cent, and then they can start planning their wedding. Connie isn’t in the mood and says tomorrow is going to be rough, trying to figure out how to get out of the mess he’s in. Andrea says tonight she’ll make it so he forgets everything. She bends him back on the bed and they disappear behind the bedpost.

Morgan is waiting in Vale’s room when she comes in. He says he knows she needs a hug and tearful Vale is grateful. Morgan says let’s go to the bus station tomorrow and go far away – all on me. He says it won’t be luxury class, but Vale says just being with you is a luxury. Aw. They have to figure out how to sneak out in the morning. He leaves and Vale thoughtbubbles that she’s going to surprise him with a reservation at a super hotel.

Flor is packing and telling Alex, who is brooding by the window, that when they get back, he’ll feel better and Luci will be better and he can talk to her. Flor points out that he can’t make himself miserable over something he has no control over. He says I guess you’re right.

In Mili and Hugo’s room, she is in a giant T-shirt nightie and fuzzy slippers, promoting Padre Manuel’s concept of contraception via abstinence, and Hugo is telling her she doesn’t need to pack because when they get there, he’s going to take her shopping to get whatever she wants. He notes that she is sad and she says it was rough, particularly for Alex and Vale. Hugo says there’s nothing Mili can do to change things. Mili says she just feels bad going off to the beach when Luci is so miserable and Hugo says no reason for everyone to be miserable. Mili says just one thing – she’d like to talk to Alex. They will be gone a number of days, and he is so devastated. Hugo is not enthusiastic and points out that Alex has a wife to comfort him, a wife who is very jealous and Mili shouldn’t stir her up. Mili concedes.

Looks like Damien has beat the ambulance guys… oh wait, it’s an arranged meeting. He hands them a big wad of cash and grateful Luci falls into his arms. Damien says he couldn’t tip his hand on his plans or others at Casa Belmonte would have suspected. Luci begs for a drink and he has a small bottle ready.

Vale finds Connie in the hallway. He embraces her and she says how awful it was. She wants to know if he will support Luci when she gets out because she’s going to need everyone’s support, and Connie says you know me, family comes first and I’ll take care of her. Vale says she has to go to Guadalajara tomorrow on a modeling call and Connie says not with the car, right? Vale says no the agency is buying her ticket. Connie says sure, go ahead. He hugs her big and, laughing, says I’m really going to miss you!

Braulio is saying to the other servants how awful about Luci and that he feels partly to blame. They tell him he’s not, and besides it’ll be easier around the house with her gone for a while. Morgan comes in and asks for a favor: He’s going to the beach with Vale for a few days and he wants everyone to make it seem like he’s still there. Braulio says who said you could take days off? Socorro says come on, they’re in love, help out. Braulio softens, and, absent-mindedly running his hands through Horacio’s snowy locks, says okay. Horacio slaps him away. They all worry about Karla finding out, but Braulio says he’ll take care of that.

In some room, maybe a hotel, Luci is signing off her shares to Damien. The short ambulance ride seems to have sobered her up remarkably. Damien says here’s your checkbook and your credit cards and the suitcase your family packed for you. Luci looks lost and says she just wants to sleep. She says they’ll find out I’m not in the asylum. Damien says no, I have everything taken care of. He gives her a cell phone and tells her he’ll call her tomorrow.

Finally it’s the next day. Damien is having breakfast in the bright sunlight out on the lawn. You’d think the Belmontes could afford a nice patio umbrella. Karla has brought him coffee. He notes that Mili and Hugo are off on their honeymoon at the beach and by the way, where was she planning her honeymoon with him? She glares at him and he says pour my coffee. Sure, she says, and flings a potful at him.

He leaps up and starts blotting himself and says it’s super hot. She says that’s what you deserve and more. He says shut up and act like the servant you are, just obey when you are told to. Karla rolls her eyes and says ya ya ya. Damien says watch it or I can see that you and your mother lose your jobs. Though Karla looks defiant, we can tell that this is something serious. Damien says nobody would defend you.

Connie comes out and slaps the morning papers on Damien’s table and says he’s the laughingstock of Mexico. He stalks off and Damien looks at the photos of Braulio dressed as Luci and Connie with a look of astonishment and he has a good laugh. Besides, with no umbrella at hand, he doesn’t have to worry about his eggs getting cold.

In the kitchen Horacio comes in and announces that he has dropped the kids off at the bus station. Everyone tells him not to holler the news. He has the day’s paper and shows it to the ladies. They love the photo and tell Braulio what a nice figure he has, and how lovely he looks and that they are envious. Really? flutters Braulio. He says he likes to watch his figure and he tells Horacio not to gobble him up with his eyes like that. What?? says Horacio. Braulio says to Socorro please control your husband. He tells Horacio that his gaze is intense and he feels invaded. Braulio turns his face away and Horacio keeps staring, amazed.

The girls ask where Vale and Morgan are going and Horacio says the beach. Lina remarks that that’s where Mili and Hugo are going too. Karla comes in and says Alex and Flor just left for the beach. Whoo-hoo say the girls and Karla wonders what’s the big deal. Everyone including Braulio whistles innocently.

Vale and Morgan are on the bus which is full of people and chickens. Vale looks doubtful, but they cuddle a bit and she smiles. Then the bus jolts and she starts complaining about couldn’t the driver go faster – it’s going to take 3 days to get to the beach at this rate. She asks Morgan didn’t he say he had a bank account. Morgan says I do, but that’s no-touch money I’m saving to buy you your house with a garden. Vale looks out of her element.

Morgan tells Vale they will be traveling overnight on the bus as it doesn’t go on the highways. Vale is horrified. A farmer type reaches up into the overhead which may have a baby pig in it. Vale squirts her perfume around. A chicken flies into her lap and she starts to cry. Morgan tells her to try to sleep. In the back of the bus, the spy guy is watching them with binoculars.

Flor and Alex are having lunch in a casual restaurant and we find out they’re partway to Guadalajara. Alex says he wants to go in easy stages so she doesn’t get tired. Flor is grateful, puts her arms around his neck and says it will be wonderful to be away from everything and everybody and that she believes their marriage can be saved. Alex smiles as best he can.

Now we’re in Puerto Vallerta – some exterior shots while the Guapos theme bounces along in the background. Next we see Mili and Hugo walking hand-in-hand in the lobby of a luxury hotel. Mili wishes Lina and Gloria were along to see it. Hugo says on a honeymoon? They make some jokes about three girls on a honeymoon and they head to the beach.

Hugo asks if she’s ever been to the beach and is surprised when she says yes. He says the sea is like his love for her, that vast, that deep. She says how lovely, but dips her head away when he wants to kiss her. Mili has some flashbacks of her time romping in the surf with Alex.

Back at the company business, Connie is sputtering over the headlines with Peralta while Damien looks on. Peralta says they had an emergency meeting party meeting last night and they don’t want Connie as president, not even as representative. Damien says to Peralta surely there is something that can be done. Peralta says sorry Connie, your political career is over. (Cue the anvil.)

Luci’s hotel room is a mess and she’s trying to get a decent tumbler of booze from various small hotel bottles. At least she’s washed her hair. She flashes back on her telling Mili that Connie is her father, on threatening the padre if he told Mili the truth about Al’s true father, on not telling Al that Connie wasn’t his father when he was begging her for the truth, on telling Mili the truth about Al when it was too late. She remembers Nestor telling her to look at Mili and Alex, their misery which is her fault. Holding her tiny hotel bottle, she says to herself that she did it for her son, but nobody loves her now.

In the office, Damien and Connie are saying the party is corrupt and they probably picked some corrupt loser. Perlata says not really, they picked a guy who is a widower with no known skeletons in his closet, and guess what, it’s you Damien. (Damien’s aura is all prickly with rattling closet skeletons, but Peralta’s not a mystic kinda guy so he doesn’t notice them.)

Mili and Hugo montage: They are shopping for beach outfits, they are romping in the ocean, seagulls are flying, the sun is setting, they are eating at a beach-side restaurant, they are walking on the beach at night. The sun comes back up and we get an aerial shot of the fabulous seaside hotel with pools and palm trees galore.

Alex and Flor have arrived and are checking in. Hugo and Mili pass through the lobby, but don’t notice Mr and Mrs Belmonte at the check-in. For further suspense, Mili and Hugo are cuddling at one end of the lobby while a waiter gives Al and Flor a welcome drink which they pause to enjoy. Still, they don’t see each other. Alex runs into Ramses the model in the lobby.

Morgan and Vale arrive in the lobby. She still has a piece of straw stuck in her hair and says she never wants to ride a bus like that again. Morgan wants to know what’s up with the fancy hotel since he can’t afford it. Vale says don’t worry, she put it on her card and her daddy is paying, though he doesn’t know it. Morgan says he doesn’t like doing that. Vale says do it for me after that horrible bus trip. Morgan says okay, but he’ll pay. Vale says you’re saving up, remember. Morgan doesn’t look exactly convinced.

Alex is having their luggage rolled into their suite at the end of a sunny arched passageway that looks out over the sea. The suite we see over his shoulder looks huge with ocean views everywhere. He goes in and oops here comes Hugo out of their room just a few doors down the same passageway. He leaves and wouldn’t you know it, here come Vale and Morgan about to go into their room in the same hallway. Morgan is blown away by the hotel and says it’s like being in a movie to be there. I’m pretty blown away too.

Inside the room, Morgan is bouncing on the bed and Vale has to remind him to tip the porter. Morgan gives him some coins and Vale watches, a bit amused. Morgan worships the ocean view and Vale says let’s go out and get some sun.

Connie is furious about Damien’s candidacy as party president. He accuses Damien of having had a hand in his downfall. Damien protests his innocence and says what a great choice he is. As Peralta noted, he has a clean record. He assures Connie that he will be the power behind the throne, his right-hand man. Stabbing his finger into the air, he says that he is a man of his word, he is… Connie says a wretch and stomps out.

Hugo is sitting out in the pool area and a chick in a bikini spots him and comes over, hovers her bazzoomies in front of him and asks why he’s there alone. He says he’s happily married and she takes off. Ramses walks behind him and asks the waiter for a juice – 100% pure, as he won’t let anything impure enter his body. Hugo recognizes him and greets him. Ramses says he’s on vacation and Hugo says he’s on his honeymoon. Mili runs up and throws her arms around Hugo. They all chat and we see the spy guy using his binoculars. Hugo and Mili go off and we see that the spy guy isn’t looking at them, he’s checking the beach.

Avances: Karla tells Horacio that Lina is pregnant. Mili goes into a stall in the ladies’ room exclaiming aloud about the relief, and Flor comes out of the other stall and listens to see if that’s her. The spy guy reports to Connie via phone about all the family there, including Vale and Morgan. Connie is astonished about Vale. Mili and Al maybe see each other from their hotel balconies.


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