Saturday, August 15, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #64 (Tel #65) Fri 8/14/15 The Return Of The Veronica Sketch

Vero wants to know what "secrets" Nanci is talking about. Marty lies to save his butt and claims that the "secrets" are the ones about 1. Dim being his brother and 2. that Dim took his life. Vero now understands Nanci's reason for calling her la mala mujer. Nanci must also believe that Vero was the slut who had been with both brothers. Vero is really angry now and orders Nanci not to get near her or her hubby again. Then she turns to Marty and demands that he put Nanci in her place or she won't have her (Vero) around anymore. She then storms off on her crutches. 

Marty turns to Nanci and yells at her for going around saying that she loves him. Nanci tries to hug him and tells him that it's true that she does love him. But Marty backs off and tells Nanci that he loves his wife. Nanci says that what she says is true. The patron is still keeping secrets that when they come to light will separate him from Vero. 

Meanwhile, Ana Perla and Blanquita chit chat about Ana Perla's upcoming wedding. The wedding will take place before Pablo heads off to The Big Apple. Ana Perla will be accompanying Pablo as his wife on the trip and is worried that she won't be on the level of all those important people that will be at Pablo's exhibition. And Pablo did want the wedding to be AFTER he returns from The Big Apple.... Blanquita thinks Pablo wanted it like that so he could have more money and is sure that Pablo will sell a lot of his crappy paintings at the exhibition. Ana Perla will ask Pablo how she should behave and is excited about traveling with Pablo as his wife.  
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Friday, August 14, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #63 (Tel #64) Thu 8/13/15 Let's get this party started!

Aaron tells Malena that their daughter has been adopted by a very rich family, after he decided to fake his death.

The new stuff
Pueblo NuevoIf the engagement is so pretentious, what is there left for the wedding?
Pablo’s mom has very nice words to say about her son – ever since his father died, he proved to be hardworking and well behaved, making her extremely proud. If Crescencio accepts him into his family, he will have nothing to be sorry about.
Abuelo is happy with what he hears, all his remaining doubts are now gone. He asks for the party ceremony to continue. Pablo starts his speech: he asks the head of the family to give his consent and then both he and Ana Perla kneel, while Crescencio gives his godly blessing.
Sorry, this looks so ridiculous.
As Pablo slips a ring on AP’s finger, Julio looks on in anger and then leaves.

In the city
Aaron hugs Malena, promising her that their daughter had a very good life. He kisses her (both Malena and the Patio can barely stand it). Malena wants some more information, but Aaron has shared enough for now. He wants some money to pay his debts. After she obliges, he’s out the door, leaving Malena to shake with disgust and with the realization that Aaron hasn’t changed one bit.

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #62 (Tel #63) Wed 8/12/15 "Party On While You Can, Folks, Because Your Happiness Is About to End!!!"

Quick Note:  Hi everyone, I'm back and happy to report that we made the move across country without a hitch.  First, allow me to give a quick shout out and thank you to the rest of our recap team for pinch hitting for me these past few weeks.  They all did a great job, as usual.  Also, I managed to catch up yesterday on my reading of all recaps and comments and in the process I realized (since I watch the Mexico broadcast) that at some point Univision combined two episodes, so that Univision's episode #62 last night was actually episode #63 of the original Televisa broadcast in Mexico.  I noted this in my title for any of you that read our recaps but watch online copies of Televisa's broadcast.

On with the recap.  Some scenes are combined.

Lo Viejo:  V-Snake feels awful, but it's no surprise.  Daniel warned her of the effect of the medicine he gave her to cause her a medical crisis and gain even more sympathy from her family.  She whispers to him a plan for squeezing all the juice out of this manufactured "crisis".  Vero tells Martin she has to go to Mexico City and can't wait any longer because she is worried about Malena.  Malena runs to the shower to wash away the filth left on her body by her rapist husband Aaron.

Lo Nuevo:

Martin promises Vero that he will speak with her doctor about going to Mexico City, but if the doctor says it's too dangerous for her, then he can't do anything about it.  She tells Martin she needs to go to their room to rest.  After she leaves, Martin tells Alfredo how happy he now is with Vero, but confesses he still has to learn to control his jealousy.  He worries that Emi still loves Vero even if he plans to marry Virginia.  Alfredo reminds him Vero loves him, but he needs to control his jealousy or he will lose her forever.  The doctor shows up.  Martin tells him about Vero's wish to go to Mexico City and the doctor agrees to examine Vero.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #61 Tue 8/11/15 The Episode Eli hated to have to recap

Okay, so I hated this episode, and I'll tell you why: this is going to throw the recap a little bit out of order but I need to get this out. The last five telenovelas that I've watched all had a female in the cast suffer a sexual assault and quite frankly I find it disgusting that in 2015 writers are still so lazy that they would resort to having a someone be sexually abused in order to move the plot along.

 In last night's episode Magda fell victim to her awful husband Aaron. He raped her and in the process made me hate this show even more. Because not only has this been heavy on the slut shaming and treating the women like dirt but now they throw a rape in? Really writers? REALLY?! Think about it you guys, five novelas and all five had rapes in them, why? Are there really no better ways to tell a story than to have a woman be brutally abused? Really? Anyhoo, the recap is below and I'm personally counting down the episodes till this one is OVER.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #60 Mon 8/10/15 Yeah, but you should see the mosquito!

What goes up must come down, including Marty's mood.

Over breakfast, Marty and Vero are all lovey-dovey as they chat about their new house (which will have a room for Matilde, natch).  Marty wants her to see the plans he has drafted, so he steps away for a moment to get them.  Meanwhile,  Matilde joins Vero at the table.  The women get to talking about Poor Emi and The Ginny Problem.  "I know she'll never be able to make him happy," Vero says.  

Uh oh. Marty has returned and overheard the conversation.

"And who do you think could make him happy?" he asks grimly.

Go figure.  Now that she's really sick, she fakes being well.
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Saturday, August 08, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #59 Fri 8/7/15 The Makeup, The Breakup, And The Engagement

(scenes out of order and combined) 

Alternative Title: Will The Character Who Isn't An Idiot Please Raise Their Hand...

The Makeup
Vero wanted Marty to look her in the eyes and tell her that he truly believes that she never had anything to do with Dem. Marty NEVER does this. Instead, he sweet talks himself out of the situation -- he tells her how love wonderful is because it heals all wounds -- and he also tells her that he's never loved anyone as much as he loves her. Vero for a like a second tells him that there's no point in the two getting back together if he does not trust him. But as expected she falls for the sweet talk and caves in. The two kiss and makeup once again without resolving any of their issues. For now all is well with them until the next time Crazy Marty makes an appearance which is bound to happen sooner or later. (more on this later...)

Meanwhile in her hotel room, Matilde lights a candle to La Virgencita and prays that Vero finds happiness at the side of a good man. The next morning, she wakes up to find that Vero's bed has not been slept in. Where could her precious niña be? Matilde's prayers have been answered (at least for now) because Vero is with Marty in his room. The two have spent the night together and Marty watches her sleep. She wakes up and kisses him. She asks him to promise her that he'll NEVER do anything to make her want to be far away from him. He promises (and over at The Patio we take on bets on how long it'll be before he breaks this promise just like he has broken all the other promises he has made before). He has her promises that she'll always love him and she promises. The two kiss. 

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Friday, August 07, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #58 Thu 8/6/15 She's alive! She's alive! But she's not too bright, is she?

In Mexico City

Old lovers - hard not to shake with disgust
Malena and Botel find a creepy doll in the coffin. Does that mean that her daughter is alive ? Estas viva, Veronica ?
Back at the hotel, everyone congratulates Malena for how well she’s taking the news. Botel is the one who looks rather shaken up, so Malena herself suggests he should go for a walk, relax. Botel and the PI leave, after deciding that they would resume the search and this time they will force the truth out of Clemente and will involve the authorities, too.
Left alone, Malena, who is everything but calm, wonders if Aaron knows where little Veronica might be. Just then, he calls her, asking her to join him. She refuses, demands a proof that their daughter is alive.  

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Thursday, August 06, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #57 Wed 8/5/15 Filler, Filler, Filler, And What's In The Casket?

Filling in for LatinaInMD 

Magdalena lies to Botel and tells him that she had a drink because she was very nervous. He tells her mixing booze and medication is a big no no. She promises it won't happen again. He wants her to be OK and to work on her fear of the outdoors. She promises that little by little she'll be able to handle it. She hugs him tight and wishes she could always be in his arms. He notes that she talks as if she's about to disappear from his life which won't ever happen. 

Pierre and Pablo chat. Pablo is all smiles -- he's never been soooo happy and thinks that Mina Escondida is a paradise. Pierre thinks the same. Daniel and Matilde show up. Daniel introduces Matilde to Pablo. More chit chat that was pointless. Matilde doesn't like that her niña's hubby yelled at her. But Pablo tells her that Marty is a good man and was probably just desperate because of the situation with Vero (Side note: Yeah because that excuses him behaving like a big fat jerk...NOT). Vero wheels in (thanks Eli!) and tells Pierre that Marty wants to speak to him. Pierre goes to see him (and makes a face of either fear or "I'm not in the mood for his crap!"). 

Marty apologizes to Pierre for his jealous snit from before and accepts that Pierre is not to blame for his problems with Vero. Pierre hopes his apology is sincere and that he's not apologizing because Vero asked him too. How does Marty respond to this? By basically telling Pierre that yeah he IS only apologizing to him because Vero asked him too. Jerk. He goes on to tell Pierre that he doesn't like him being near Vero. He does accept though that he can't boss Vero around but lets Pierre know that he'll be close to Vero. So he wants the room close to hers like he had asked. Pierre will give him the room. Pierre assures Marty that he's a gentlemen and would never ever get in between a marriage BUT in the end the women are the ones who choose. (Side Note: Is Pierre basically saying that he'd go after Vero if she was free? So much for his LOVE for Claudia.) 

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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #56 Tue 8/4/15 Veronica makes her escape!


  • Bad Marty makes Vero cry by telling her he is tired of having to beg for forgiveness, he gives up and won't bother her any more (wanna bet that's not true?)
  • In Mexico Aaron continues his emotional torture of Maggie, he tells her he lied about their daughter being dead in order to make her suffer for dumping his sorry butt and running away with Botel. *I HATE AARON!*
  • Bad Marty brings Matilde to look after Veronica and then gets angry when Vero accuses him of doing it only to make himself feel less guilty.
  • Along with Matilde a neurologist comes along and examines Vero, he is surprised to hear that Dr.Feelgood has been keeping her sedated but proclaims the young Doc did a good job.
  • In Mexico Claudia visists Ginny and tells her she's there to see Emi, over coffee she shares that Marty fired her, Ginny blames this on Vero always getting what she wants from men, and tells Claudia that she and Emi are novios.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #55 Mon 8/3/15 You won't have Crazy Marty to kick around anymore!

Crazy Marty has left the building.  
In his stead, he has left Good Marty, the loving husband who checks his ego at the door and takes care of Vero's needs while expecting nothing in return.  Well, almost nothing.

Good Marty promises Vero that he will take her to her family in Mexico as soon as she is well enough to travel.  Vero listens silently.  That's not enough for Marty.  He wants to hear her say he has made her happy.  She's glad, she says finally, looking absolutely miserable.  She doesn't want to be a continuing burden to everyone – to Ana Perla, to Blanquita, and most of all, to him. 

She asks him to leave her alone so she can go to sleep.  But as soon as he is gone, she starts to cry.  Has he finally taken her at her word?  Has she driven him away? Even though getting free of Crazy Marty made perfect sense, she's not sure that divorcing Good Marty will make her happy.  
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Saturday, August 01, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #53-54 Thu 7/30/15-Fri 7/31/15 We Are Stuck In A Rut It Seems

Greetings Everyone! I don't know what happened with Thurs recap but I have added a quick recap of what happened on Thurs as well as my regular Fri recap.


 * Marty watches as Vero sleeps. She wakes up. "Good Morning, mi amor" he tells her. She tells him that she's not his "amor" anymore and she doesn't like it when she watches him sleep. (What would she think if she finds out he was kissing all over her while she was asleep) He tells her that he loves seeing her beautiful face in the morning. He gives her a flower that is her favorite. She doesn't want it. He promises that he'll bring her one every morning until she accepts it. (More on this later..) 

*  Botel is sad over seeing Magda so depressed. Botel blames himself. Dr. Del Rio tells Botel that he has to have patience. Botel hopes Dr. can help her. Dr. understand Botel's desperation. And yes, they do need to find something that makes Magda get out of her depression. 

* A depressed Magda lays in her hotel bed. Cell phone rings. She doesn't answer. 

* Ana Perla and Old Goat talk about Manuel. Old Goat is worried about him. Ana Perla is hurt by what happens to her brother. But she doens't want Old Goat to suffer over Manuel's crap. It pisses Ana Perla off that Manuel didn't change even after he was locked up. Ana Perla reminds the Old Goat that he has to take care of himself. He assures her that he'll be fine. She tells him that even though he seems grumpy he's a good man. She tells him that he worries about Manuel despite how rude he was with him and all the horrible things he said. 

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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #52 Wed 7/29/15 Just the Facts.

Hi folks,
I'm filling in for LatinaInMd today with a quick and dirty rundown of last night's events.  Latina should be back here next week.  Yay!

The police come to the cantina (the same ones who had previously locked Manny in the Cave Jail) and Ireri tells them Manuel has been up to his old tricks.  Inexplicably, they don't arrest him.  Nor does Ireri want them to.

On the phone, Ginny tells Dr. F that the pregnancy test was negative.  He's sad.  She rolls her eyes.

Dr. F tells Ginny that Vero is awake, had a terrible fight with Marty and wants to go back to Mexico.  Ginny tells him to do whatever it takes to keep her in Mina Escondida – even if what he does ends up killing her.

Despite Marty's vehement protests, Vero accepts Pierre's invitation to convalesce in his hotel.  Unlike Claudia, she insists on paying for the room.  Pierre tells Marty that he is no longer included in the invitation.  Marty acts like a jealous ass.  (How the actors kept from giggling during this scene, I don't know.)
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #51 Tue 7/28/15 Discussion page

My boss is out of town again and work caught up with me this morning, I'll have a recap for you all much later today...I've yet to see the episode and my phone is out of battery, I'll be back as soon as I can!


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #50 Mon 7/27/15 Ladies' Night

Last night the women claimed the spotlight.  The men?  Mere props.  Supporting players in some cases, obstructing players in others.  Verónica, Virginia and Magdalena were geographically apart but their stories were more intertwined than ever.  Nanciyaga and Matilde were both responsible for saving a life, though Nanciyaga was a reluctant hero.  (Even lightweight Ana Perla had a sweet, if parenthetical moment.)  And the Virgin of Guadalupe was a featured guest star.

Verónica – ow! that hurts!

Nanciyaga has grudgingly worked her leafy magic; Vero awakens confused and in tremendous pain.  Why does her leg hurt so much?  And her head?  Ay ay ay, what a killer headache!  And what's that crap on her brow?  Marty tells her about the fire and how she was hurt when a beam fell on her.  She has a broken leg and a serious head injury.  It was Nanciyaga who helped bring her back to consciousness.  Dr. F couldn't tell them when – or even if – she would wake up.  
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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #49 Fri 7/24/15 The one with the magical healing herbs

Hi. You get me again, for the third time this week, sorry mates! Anyhoo, I again kindly ask that you use a name so that we all know who we are talking to in the comments section, think about it, say you went to a dinner party and you're with a group of people you've never met, what's the first thing you would do? That's right, you'd introduce yourself. You don't have to use your real name, call yourselves whatever you'd like, I just want to know who is hanging out in the patio!

And now your recap. Disclaimer: Events are NOT in order.
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Friday, July 24, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #48 Thu 7/23/15 The one where EXPLOSIVE stuff happens

Hello, everybody!

I had a very bad morning, probably the worst in ages, so I wasn't able to watch the show or write a recap as I had planned. I'm extremely sorry and ashamed, but these have been difficult days for me, as I received a couple of bad news and more might follow (friendly advice: never move to France - it will suck the life out of you and then, when you finally come out for air, it will suck some more).

The one VERY bright spot right now is that my baby is doing just fine, which is the only thing that truly matters, but all the rest is a mess, so I didn't have the heart to watch the show.
I am so very sorry to disappoint you all, especially after Eli's two stellar recaps (btw, Eli, great job yesterday, too, you bring it every single time - thank you so much for your hard work!).

Please, if you can, feel free to include whatever you want about last night's show in your comments and later on I might have the time to edit this post and add your stuff, too.

Now I have to go struggle with some French bureaucrats some more, as my day is only half over and who knows what will happen next. If only I had a gold mine somewhere deep in the Mexican nowhere land to go hide...

Adriana Noel

Later Edit:

Thank you so much, Vivi and Anon 09:48, for giving us the highlights of the episode. It seems like I lost quite an explosive show.
I will add them here, so that anyone who comes to the post later on, can find them faster.
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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #47 Wed 7/22/15 Claudia suelta la sopa

Hello my patio peeps, you get me for the 2nd day in the row! I'm going to ask you guys for a favor, it seems like we are getting more people commenting on this show, but many show up as anonymous, if you can (and want to) would our new friends please sign up for an account so that I have something to call you instead of "Anonymous 20:13"?- if you don't want to sign up for an account that's ok, the box at the bottom before you comment allows you to put in a user name without having to sign up for an account. I just think it'd be awesome to get to know who we are talking to in the comments!

Now your recap:

The Old Goat and Family:

 Pablo gets grilled. He tells the old goat his story: he does not come from money, he is on a scholarship that allows him to pay his expenses, he has an art show scheduled in New York which should net him enough money to buy a house in Pueblo Nuevo. The old goat freaks out at the thought of Pablo taking AP with him but Pablo promises that he won't, he has no plans to move to the city. The Old Goat questions how Pablo will manage to keep AP living in the same standard that she's used to...sorry, time for a rant:

Dear Old Goat,

Your granddaughter has spent a life time being bullied by Manuel simply because she was born with a vagina, she has been treated as a second class citizen, and as a criminal who needs to be watched at all times to prevent her from what? Having a party in her pants? More recently she has been emotionally abused by your pig of a grandson and has been locked in a shed, oh and let's not forget that she's not even allowed to read because god forbid she should get any "ideas"- I'm pretty sure AP would gladly live in a hovel like Veronica's if it meant having some freedom, what good is all the money she has now when she can't even walk down the street without you and Manuel thinking she's going to start jumping the bones of every man in town?

End of rant. PS:I'm still counting down to your death!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #46 Tue 7/21/15 Babies, soulmates, and disappointment

Hiii patio peeps, here goes a quick recap! Apologies for any spelling mistakes, I'll clean this up later!

I'm skipping the old and going to the new: (Events not in order)

Matilde gets the letter in which Veronica tells her that her marriage is not what she expected, Marty has shown his true colors and while she loves him and they've had some lovely times, this is not enough for her to stick around, she will wait until Marty returns from his trip, then she will travel to Mexico and start the divorce process. Veronica asks that Matiilde keep this to herself until she gets a chance to tell uncle Jorge what's going on. Matilde laments that Vero is too good to be suffering so much.

Matilde is shaken by the letter and left in tears, she calls Marty and tells him that they need to talk, they arrange to meet the next day at a cafe near the notary Marty is using to make Vero half owner of his portion of La Morenita. The next day Marty goes to the notary and finishes the process of giving Vero ownership of the mine- the paper work will take an hour and instead of waiting Marty opts to leave in order to meet with a very unhappy Matilde.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #45 Mon 7/20/15 Marty, get help!

The Sad Plight of Polo and Onix

Much of this episode centers on Polo and his dog Onix huddled in the tunnel of the abandoned mine.  The little boy tries to keep his growing fears at bay and remain hopeful although this becomes increasingly difficult as the hours pass and no one shows up to rescue him.  We cringe at a sudden shower of dust and gravel – is this tunnel going to collapse?  (Polo is more worried about the ghosts of dead miners.)  

He stands up suddenly and hits his head.  Yow!  And his foot is hurt.  Are he and Onix ever going to get out of there alive?  Who will save them?  Well at least they have a little fruit and water in the market bag he was carrying when he ran away from Manuel.  But he is really scared.  So very scared.
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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #44 Fri 7/17/15 A Passionate Cleansing

I don't have much time today so this will be a short recap:

 * Thoughtubbling from Marty and Vero. Both are in different places but via their thoughts they recite the lyrics of the theme song to each other. Marty apologizes to Vero via his thoughts while Vero says that she can't forgive Marty this time.

* Marty via his thoughtbubbling knows that he doesn't deserve Vero's forgiveness. If only she knew how much he loooves her. She's his everything - his light, hope, beginning and end. He needs her respiration. He's sure that he and Vero will get back together. He will find a way for Vero to forgive him. The two will leave the past behind. Marty gets on the boat that will take him one step closer to the city. 

* Lucky Old Goat. Not only did he survive the operation but his shall we say intimate parts were left untouched. Now all he must do is take his medication and lose some weight. If he does all this then we'll have to deal with the old goat for a loooong time. Oy vey. The old goat is ready to head back home because he can't stand being in the contaminated city that is full of cars and shameless women. Die Old Goat. Die. Oh and he wants Botel to give him back the letter he had written for Ana Perla. No one must read it. Hmm... 

*  Emi tells Virginia that he tried to convince Nanci to let her come along to the jungle to meet her people BUT... Virginia "understands". She's ticked off though because Nanci said that she was a bad person. How dare she do that? Emi thinks it must have been Nanci's way of saying "Me no like Virginia". Emi changes the subject and tries to convince her to head back home but Virginia can't. Because she promised her aunt and uncle that she'd return with him.  

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