Saturday, June 14, 2008

La Traición, Fri, June 13 - Hugo confronts Soledad about her engagement; Eloisa experiences the treasure and Alcides finds Dr. Dan's secret

Hugo rides to confront Soledad

Eloisa loves the treasure vault

Hugo and Soledad kiss in the mine

Dr. Dan says that he will do whatever it takes to make Soledad’s heart heal and make it his forever. He says that Soledad’s mother wants them to marry and move far away so that Alcides and Hugo can’t mess up Soledad life again. Dr. Dan says that he knows she’s not ready but asks her to marry him and move far away from San Marino.

Ursula comes into the forge. Boris is glad to see her. He says now that Hugo can’t visit his daughter at the Obragon house, it will be harder for them to see each other. He missed her a lot. Ursula says that she missed Boris too but she has come to see Hugo. Ursula tells Hugo that Soledad accepted Dr. Dan’s proposal and is now engaged to him. Hugo is impactado.

Soledad says that she can’t leave San Marino. There are too many things tying her here – her family, this is the place she was born… Dr. Dan says that she doesn’t need to lie. He knows that the only reason she won’t leave San Marino is Hugo. Soledad denies this but Dr. Dan says that they have agreed not to lie to one another. He says that they are both survivors - survivors of loss and betrayal. He tells Soledad that once he fell in love with a woman who betrayed him and that is why he understands her. He knows she doesn’t love him and is scared to death of making another mistake. But now that she is single and free, they will only go to the altar when Soledad is ready and in love with him. Dr. Dan starts to kiss Soledad and Eloisa breezes in asking if she is interrupting something. Eloisa notices right away that Soledad is wearing Dr. Dan’s ring and asks when the wedding will be.

Paquito decides to get Deborah out of his place in a barrel.

Margot tells Arturo that he can’t believe that she is spying for Hercu-less. Arturo says what should he think? Yesterday Margot said that she missed Herc and wanted to return home and the next morning she sneaks into Arturo’s house. Margot says that she came because she was worried about him. Last night he was drunk and he has the ED problem. Arturo says that he doesn’t want her pity. He orders her out of his house before his mother sees her and gives Arturo a hard time. He pushes her out the door saying that Margot is crazy.

Soledad tells Eloisa that yes she is engaged but they haven’t set a date yet. Dr. Dan says that they are officially engaged. Eloisa says that she doesn’t know whether to congratulate them or offer condolences. Soledad asks why Eloisa says that. Eloisa advises her to ask her fiancé. She asks Daniel if he doesn’t remember all the horrible things he told her. Eloisa tells Soledad about how Dr. Dan came to her house and insulted and threatened her all because he didn’t believe that Michelle left town and only said goodbye to Eloisa. He called her a liar. Dr. Dan says that he is sorry but he finds it extremely strange and impossible to believe that Michelle left town without saying goodbye to him. Soledad reminds him that she told him about Hugo’s letter from Michelle explaining her reasons for leaving town. Eloisa is surprised, “A letter?” she says and flashes back to Alcides telling her that they have to make people forget about Michelle. Dr. Dan says that then he didn’t know anything about a letter. Eloisa asks what it says. Soledad says that the letter says that Michelle thought she was in the way between Soledad and Hugo. “You see,” says Eloisa, “I told you so. You owe me an apology.” To himself, Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t believe anything she says but he has to apologize for Soledad’s sake. He does so.

“So von Chirac and Soledad are engaged,” says Hugo, vigorously using the bellows. He says that he talked to Soledad this morning (Ursula was there) and she didn’t say anything about that. Ursula says that Soledad was very upset about the letter that Hugo got from Michelle. She and Michelle were great friends and Ursula thinks that Soledad feels guilty about Michelle’s departure. Hugo is working the bellows more slowly now. Ursula says that she shouldn’t have opened her big mouth (‘bocota’ from ‘boca,’ mouth) If Soledad finds out that Ursula came here, she’ll kill her. She says that she shouldn’t have told Hugo. Hugo says she did the right thing. Ursula asks Hugo not to tell Soledad that it was she who told him about this. Ursula says that she has to go and leaves. Boris asks Hugo what he is going to do. “What I should have done a long time ago,” says Hugo.

Arturo is in his room. He sees his medals and flashes back to Margot’s admiration of his military service. He wonders if Margot is in love with him. Then he says, “women,” and shakes his head.

Margot comes back to her house with bread. She greets Hercu-less as her king (‘mi rey’). He asks where she’s been and she says that she went early to get fresh baked bread (‘pan recién horneado’) to make Herc a nice breakfast. Herc asks if she is telling the truth. She says of course. What else would she do? They kiss.

Paquito is disposing of his barrel of Deborah. He drives it somewhere. “Rest in peace” (‘descansa en paz’), he says and rolls it down a hill.

Eloisa accepts Dr. Dan’s apology saying that she knows that Dr. Dan was desperate about the disappearance of ‘their’ friend and that’s why he did it. Soledad is happy that they have settled that matter. She asks why Eloisa has come to visit. Eloisa says that she wanted to see Soledad before she went to the hospital. It has been a while since she saw Soledad, not since Michelle left and she misses her friends. Dr. Dan tells himself that he doesn’t believe a word this woman says. He suspects that everything with her is a fake (‘una farsa’). Soledad says Eloisa is welcome whenever. This is her house too. (‘Esta tambien es tu casa.’) Eloisa says that Dr. Dan is giving her a dirty look. She will leave them alone and say hello to the rest of the family. “Proceed with your romance, (‘prosigan con el idilio)” she says. She leaves. Soledad asks Dr. Dan if he thinks that Soledad would lie about Michelle. Dr. Dan says that Eloisa is her friend and he doesn’t want to get involved in the relationship between Soledad and her friends. He assures that he will protect her always from everyone and that includes Eloisa.

Eloisa goes into Soledad’s room, locks the door and hears Alicdes’ voice giving her instructions on how to get into the treasure vault. She turns a lamp fixture and the door opens. Just then Antonia knocks on the door. Eloisa closes the door to the vault and unlocks the door. Antonia asks what Eloisa is doing in Soledad’s bedroom and where is Soledad. Eloisa says that Soledad is with Dr.Dan and starts to give some lie about what she was doing in Soledad’s room when she looks at Antonia strangely and flashes back to asking Paquito about George the pianist at the cabaret. Antonia asks why Eloisa doesn’t answer her question. “Doña Antonia,” says Eloisa, “you and the pianist…”

Ok, here we go. Hugo, still in his work shirt, rides flat out to Soledad’s house. The guards won’t let him in. Hugo says that he has to speak to Soledad. The guards aim their weapons and mention the identical twin problem. Hugo yells that he has to speak to Soledad. Hugo rides right up on the porch. “Soledad!” he yells, “It’s Hugo. I need to talk to you. Soledad!” Soledad hears Hugo’s voice. Dr. Dan wants to go and deal with it but Soledad says she will come too.

Eloisa says that Antonia looks a lot like the pianist in the bar (so much for the disguise). Eloisa asks if Antonia is related to George Wilde. Antonia dismisses that as absurd. She is an Obragon and has nothing to do with anyone employed in that den of iniquity (‘antro de perdición). Antonia notices Hugo outside and that Dr. Dan and Soledad have gone to speak to him. Antonia goes to tell Ester. Eloisa breathes a sigh of relief. Hugo has saved her bacon this time. She has to get into the vault. She locks the door to the bedroom once again. She opens the door to the vault and goes in.

Dr. Dan tells the guards to lower their arms. Hugo says that he needs to talk to Soledad. Soledad says that she just brought the baby to him at the cabaña. What does he want? When she gets close enough, Hugo reaches down takes her hand and sees the ring. He asks if she is engaged to Dr. Dan.

Eloisa is overwhelmed at the sight of the treasure. She hears Alcides’ voice tell her where Michelle corpse is (covered with a cloth). The body is intact because she died recently and the vault is cold. Eloisa has to bury her there in the vault. Eloisa is creeped out by he corpse. She finds the place where Alcides told her to put Michelle’s body. Eloisa is distracted by the treasure and starts fondling gold bars.

Hugo and Soledad look at one another. Finally, Soledad says, “Hugo, please. There’s nothing for you here. I told you that we had nothing more to say. Don’t get involved in more problems.” Trying to lower the tension level, Dr. Dan says that he understands Hugo got a letter saying that Michelle had returned to her country. He’s glad ‘cause he doubted it before. Hugo ignores him. “Why Soledad? Why?” he asks Soledad. They look at each other again for a few seconds and Hugo reaches down and puts Soledad behind him on the horse and gallops away. Dr. Dan tells the guards not to shoot.

Dr. Dan goes after Soledad. Ester, Lucas, Antonia and Ursula all come outside to find out what is going on. Ester is concerned that Hugo will harm Soledad and but Lucas says that she knows that Hugo loves Soledad.

Eloisa is panting. She has buried Michelle. She says that Alcides didn’t tell her what to do with the sword. She should leave it here. If she’s found with it, everything would be discovered. She starts fondling the gold bars again. She almost trips the trap but remembers Alcides’ instructions just in time and avoids it.

Boris has come to see the judge. He tells him about the footprints and the judge says to come with him and he will take care of it.

At the Hacienda, Alcides is cleaning his gun. Hercu-less comes in with a letter. He says that this is what Alcides asked him to investigate two months ago. The response has just come in. Still cleaning the gun, Alcides say that he hopes that this is the letter that will enable him to give von Chirac the surprise he deserves.

Dr. Dan and the guards are following Hugo’s trail. It leads into the forest.

Hugo lifts Soledad off the horse. He says that the guards aren’t following. Soledad asks Hugo what he is doing. Dr. Dan and the guards are looking for her. He’ll be arrested. Has he gone crazy? “I’m crazy with love for you,” says Hugo, “When I saw that ring on your finger, I couldn’t take it. I thought I had lost you forever.” He kisses her.
S: You lost me long ago, Hugo. I told you. I told you to go your own way.
H: I didn’t want it to come to this but I had no choice. We must find a safe place.
He puts her back on the horse and they ride off.

As you would expect, Eloisa is in no hurry to leave the treasure chamber. She finds a pearl necklace and takes it as a gift for her trouble. She hears Alcides’ voice telling her to take two gold bars (‘lingotes de oro’) and hide them under her clothes. No one will suspect that she has something under there. Eloisa puts the gold bars in the tops of her stockings. (They must be really tough garters. Gold weighs a lot.) Eloisa is done but she can’t resist taking an emerald and putting it in her cleavage.

Ursula is taking the baby to Soledad’s room. She wonders why it is locked. At the cabaña, the judge is now the CSI team and is examining the footprints himself with a magnifying glass. He tells Boris that it is important evidence that will help find out who
kidnapped Soledad and Hugo’s child. Boris is just about to tell the judge whom he and Hugo suspect when Dr. Dan runs in calling Soledad. He tells the judge that Hugo took Soledad against her will and he has to find her. The judge says that he’ll get on it as soon as he is finished with the footprints. Dr. Dan says that he needs to do it right away. Boris tells the judge that there must be some misunderstanding. Hugo adores Soledad. He would never harm her. The judge says that this family doesn’t get out of one tragedy before they get involved in another. He asks Boris about the person he suspects in the kidnapping.

Hugo carries Soledad into the gold mine. (Good thing Soledad has her ‘mine cave in’ dress on.) Hugo flashes back to when he was in the mine with Soledad before. Hugo says that for him, this is where Soledad saved his life. He grabs her and kisses her. We see the engagement ring still on her finger. Soledad says that she can’t do this. She is engaged to Dr. Dan. Hugo says that when he found out, he thought he was going to go crazy. That’s why he kidnapped her at her house in front of everyone.
S: Hugo, this is insane.
H: Yes, Your love makes me crazy. I’m desperate for your love.
S: I gave my word to Daniel.
H: Words are just words. (‘las palabras se las lleve el viento,’ literally, ‘words are carried away by the wind’) Don’t you feel the same way I do? We were born for each other.
S: No, that’s not true. Fate is always keeping us apart.
H: Then I’ll fight against fate and the world. I’ll fight against everyone. If they hang me for loving you, let them do it. Let them hang me a thousand times because a thousand times I’ll return from the dead to keep kissing you. Take the ring off. Take it off.

Eloisa is orgasmic as she comes out of the treasure room. All of a sudden she hears Ursula knocking on the door. She closes up the entrance to the vault and lets Ursula in. In response to Ursula’s question about why she didn’t open the door when Ursula knocked, Eloisa says that she lay down and fell deeply asleep. Ursula tells Eloisa that Hugo kidnapped Soledad.

The judge comes to see Arturo (his boots still look muddy. The maid didn’t do a very good job of polishing them) about the kidnapping of Aurora. The judge says that Arturo is a suspect. Arturo says that is absurd. The judge wants to compare Arturo’s boots with the footprints found where the baby was recovered.

Alcides is looking off of the balcony at the Hacienda. Hercu-less asks why he doesn’t open the envelope. Alcides replies that good things in life should be enjoyed. He opens the envelope and sighs. “The doctor has a secret. The little doctor (doctorcillo) that everyone believes to be perfect and without fault (‘sin manchas,’ literally, ‘without stains’) is a married man.

Dr. Perfect is riding around looking for Soledad. Hugo and Soledad are kissing in the mine.
H: You can’t marry anyone but me.
S: Don’t torture me any more. Let me go.
H: Take the ring off or I will. Take it off.
S: I’ve made my decision. There’s no return. I’m getting married to Dr. Dan.
H: You can’t. You’re still married to Alcides in the church.
S: No, you’re wrong. The annulment came through. I’m free, Hugo.
He kisses her again and she asks him to let her go.
H: Listen to me, we can’t run away from our feeling much less find other loves – Dr. Dan for you or Michelle for me.
S: You won’t convince me.
H: We were born to love one another. What we feel is so strong, so beautiful that for good or bad our destinies are linked forever.
Soledad kisses Hugo. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Hugo yells and the mine collapses.


Friday, June 13, 2008

La Traición, Thurs. Apr. 3 - Soledad makes a decision about Dr. Dan; Hugo makes a sword for Michelle; Paquito makes an unwelcome discovery

Hugo looks at the letter supposedly from Michelle

Hugo makes a sword for Michelle

Alcides tells Eloisa how to get into the treasure vault

Antonia tells Soledad that she went for a walk. Soledad can’t believe she was walking for all the time she was gone and moreover Antonia smells of tobacco and alcohol. Antonia laughs offs the idea. She tells Soledad that she is so happy the baby is back, that Daniel has left guards outside so that they are all safe and oh by the way, Daniel is a great guy. Soledad says that is the only thing they talk about here. Antonia now reveals to Soledad some of what Dr. Dan confided to her as George the pianist: that Dr. Dan is dying of love for Soledad; that he loves her with all his heart and with him, she would never be heartbroken; she is sure that he would give his life for her. Antonia asks Soledad to think about it.

At the Hacienda, Alcides is, what else, eating nuts. Hercu-less comes in and reports that he arranged for the letter that Alcides gave him to be mailed in Alcala and it will be delivered tomorrow morning. “Perfect,” Alcides says to him, “Go get some rest.” Herc leaves. Alcides says that now no one will suspect that Michelle is dead. Now he needs a way to get Dr. Dan out of his way.

Margot is in bed alone. She has multiple flashbacks to things that happened yesterday. She can’t understand why she keeps thinking about Arturo. Herc comes in. They kiss. Herc asks her what happened. She tells him that she told Arturo that she missed Herc and he let her go. Now she is his, only his.

Alcides is obsessed with nuts. Hugo is obsessed with fruit. Hugo is having breakfast and remarks on how sweet the raspberries are (‘Qué tal la dulzura de estas frambuesas’). His neighbor’s daughter gave them to him. He says that today he is going to forge a special sword to give to Michelle. Boris says that Hugo looks happy today and ready to formalize his relationship with Michelle. “I can’t continue to be committed to something impossible, Boris,” says Hugo, “Soledad and I can’t be.” There’s a knock at the door. Boris takes delivery of a letter from Michelle to Hugo.

Soledad is in her ‘mine cave in’ yellow dress. She tells Ursula that Hugo should see the baby before he leaves to find Michelle. Ursula asks if it is just the baby that Hugo should see. Soledad gives her a look and Ursula says that it will give her an opportunity to see Boris.

Ester is sewing and Antonia comes in and says good morning. Ester asks where Antonia was last night. Antonia spins a tale of a rich friend of Paquito’s who wants to learn to play the piano but only at night. Ester asks his name and Antonia says, Oscar Sand. She produces the money that she earned and Ester is impactada. Antonia says that she promised to maintain the house.

Hugo is carrying around the letter unopened. Boris asks if he is going to read it. Hugo says that he has a strange feeling that this letter is going to change the rest of his life. Hugo notes that it was postmarked two days ago; the day that Michelle disappeared. Hugo reads the letter aloud:

Dear Hugo: I can’t express in words what I feel in my heart. I want to be yours but I can’t. First, because I feel that I am hurting Soledad. Second, because I see in your eyes that you have never stopped loving her. (Soledad and Ursula have come into the room behind him.) I was yours for the first time and it was beautiful but in your eyes and on your lips Soledad’s name was always there. As long as she is between us, we will never be happy. Not her, not you and not I. (Hugo gives a big sigh and put the letter down.) He says that is why she left San Marino without saying goodbye to me. He turns and sees Soledad standing there. Soledad tells Hugo that she couldn’t help overhearing him read the letter (she could have knocked). She says that Michelle was completely right to leave. Hugo says that he wasn’t expecting her. “You told me you were leaving town to find Michelle,” says Soledad, “I brought the baby so you could say goodbye to her.” Ursula has actually brought the blanket named Aurora but Hugo dutifully kisses it. Soledad starts to cry. She says the letter is horrible. Michelle must be suffering so much. Michelle is Soledad’s friend. She has been with Soledad in her worst times. “She saved my life,” says Hugo, “Thanks to her and Dr. Dan, I’m cured of catalepsy. But she has made her decision.”
S: Pushed by us, Hugo. It’s our fault. You need to go and talk to her. You must convince her that it’s not true; that’s she wrong.
H: No. No, Soledad. It’s true. However much we try and deny it.
S: No. There is no future for us. Out of respect for all the people around us: Dr. Dan, Michelle, my family and even Alcides, who have all been trying to persuade me, we have to separate. We have to take different roads. Please. You have to look for Michelle. Try to be happy with her – for us.
H: And you?
S: I know what I have to do. Goodbye Hugo.
Hugo suffers.

Alcides is lurking outside the Obragon house. He says that the only way to get past the security is to kill the guards. He says that there must be another way to get to the treasure.

Paquito tells Pierre that the opening of the cabaret was a big success. He is going to be rich. Pierre gives him the receipts and the bills and goes to bed. Paquito sees something on the couch behind him. He uncovers Deborah, one of his waitresses. She is dead. What a problem! (I may not have mentioned in yesterday’s recap that Deborah was the waitress serving Arturo at the cabaret.)

Hercu-less wakes up alone in bed. He calls for Margot. He wonders where she went so early. Margot is at the foot of Arturo’s bed. Arturo is dreaming a flashback to the May 2 episode when he vowed to wipe out Alcides and his family. Here is how I recapped that scene:

>>>Arturo is instructing his men on what they are to do: show no mercy and leave no witnesses. Gladis asks him what’s going on and why everyone is armed. Arturo tells her to get back to the kitchen; this is a guy thing (good luck there, Arturo. We know who really wears the pants in your family). Gladis demands to know what he is planning. Arturo says that he is going to kill Alcides and all his family, all of them. Gladis is impactada. She tries to get him to change his mind. Surely, as an intelligent man, he can think of a better way to get his money back than killing everyone? Once they are all dead, how is he going to get his money anyway? Arturo says he will plunder the hacienda. Gladis asks if he wants to spend the rest of his life in jail but Arturo says that he has the authorities under his control.<<<

Arturo wakes up and sees Margot. He asks what she is doing there.

Eloisa (in an amazing green dressing gown with huge ruched sleeves and her hair down) says that Alcides must have something very important to tell her to come this early.
Alcides says that it is hot in here. He takes off his coat. He can’t get to the treasure. However, someone with access to the Obragon house could do so. He wants to make a deal: Eloisa will go into where the treasure is and take the money they need. Eloisa is impactada.

Hugo is in the forge. He appears to be making a sword while the ‘Mi sufrimento,’ song is playing. In no time at all, he has a beautiful polished sword with a fancy gold hilt. “Soledad was right,” he says, “My future is with Michelle. Michelle, my belle.”

Dr. Dan has come to take Soledad to the hospital. Lucas says that she went out very early. She comes back in and asks Dr. Dan to wait a minute (she’s going for the ring, I bet). Lucas says that he knows Soledad very well. Something is going on. The Obragon witches come in. Antonia flashes back to meeting Dr. Dan in the cabaret but he doesn’t appear to make any connection. Soledad comes back and asks them all to listen to what she is going to say to Dr. Dan. She says that being his friend has been a privilege but from now on things are going to be very different between them. She says that she will marry him (‘Acepto ser tu novia’). Dr. Dan asks her to repeat it. Dr. Dan wonders if he is dreaming. Soledad shows that she is wearing his engagement ring. Dr. Dan is happy like a 6 year old who’s been given a lollipop. Ester happily and Lucas reluctantly welcome Dr. Dan to the family. Dr. Dan says that he didn’t expect an answer so quickly. Soledad says that she discussed it with her family and they all agreed that marrying him was a good idea for her and her daughter. Dr. Dan suggests celebrating at the new cabaret that evening and announcing his good news to all of San Marino. The cabaret is in the French style and has a wonderful pianist (I’m sure Ester would love it!). Antonia is impactada.

Paquito says that he doesn’t deserve problems like this right after the inauguration. He wonders who killed Deborah. He tries to think what to do. He tells the body that he has to get rid of her. He doesn’t know who did this or why but he can’t let it ruin him.

Eloisa ask if Alcides is asking her to go inside the treasure vault in the Obragon house without anyone seeing. Alcides says yes. Eloisa says that if the guards could see Alcides, they could see her. Alcides replies that as Soledad’s friend, she can come and go in the house without arousing suspicion. He says that the treasure vault has two entrances: one is outside in the garden near the patio and other… (first we’ve heard of a second entrance). Eloisa refuses to listen. She says that she doesn’t want to know anything. She believes Alcides is setting a trap to kill her. He wants her to enter the treasure vault and be killed.

Margot tells Arturo that she snuck into the house when Gladis and the maid went to mass. Arturo was asleep so she made him breakfast. Arturo is suspicious. He thinks she has come to spy on him for Alcides.

Hercu-less wanders around his house drinking milk (out of the bottle).

Dr.Dan is all excited about celebrating his engagement at the cabaret but Antonia is horrified. She says that it is a place of sin. Dr. Dan says that they can have a celebration at the house with the baby. Soledad says that she doesn’t want to celebrate at all. She says that she means it should just be a family event. Whatever, says Dr. Dan. Lucas, Ester and Antonia leave. Soledad turns around and Ursula has disappeared (we can guess where she’s gone!) Dr. Dan says to Soledad that now that they are alone, he would like the truth: why did she become his fiancée? A few days ago, she wasn’t sure. Was it for love or to distance herself from Hugo?

At the forge, Hugo is polishing the sword he made. He flashes back to giving the other sword to Michelle and to asking Michelle to give time a chance to heal his wounds. Boris comes in and says that without doubt, this sword is his best work to date. Hugo says that it will be a good present for Michelle. He hopes that she will forgive him. She is a great woman with a noble and generous heart. She doesn’t deserve to suffer. Hugo hands the sword to Boris, turns away and sighs, “Soledad.”

Eloisa says that she won’t fall into the same trap as Rebeca and Michelle. She won’t let Alcides kill her. Alcides demonstrates that he could kill her right now by drawing his guns. She agrees to go into the treasure chamber. Alcides tells her that there is an entrance inside the house where the guards won’t see her. Eloisa has three long and very bizarre flashbacks that seem to have absolutely nothing to do with the story.

Soledad tells Dr. Dan that she agreed to marry him for various reasons. He is a marvelous man, noble, good… Dr. Dan interrupts and says that he has a feeling she still hasn’t told him the most important reason. Soledad says that something happened that helped her make her decision and it was the letter that Hugo received this morning from Michelle. Dr. Dan asks when it was written. Soledad says that she doesn’t know but Hugo got it this morning. Dr. Dan says that Soledad just came back from seeing Hugo. She explains about taking the baby to say goodbye to Hugo before he goes after Michelle. She gets back to the letter. She says that it gives the reason that Michelle left San Marino and the main reason was her, Soledad. She feels guilty for that. Dr. Dan says that it is true then that Michelle left town. Soledad says yes, Michelle has returned to her country. That is one of the reasons Soledad has agreed to marry him. She knows that the only way for Hugo and Michelle to be happy is if she, Soledad, stays away from Hugo for good. Dr. Dan says then Soledad didn’t accept his proposal for his sake. She did it for Hugo. Soledad asks if Dr. Dan remembers that she told him before that she wasn’t ready for a new relationship. That hasn’t changed. Her heart hasn’t recovered. Dr. Dan kisses Soledad on the cheek and hugs her. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Hugo carries Soledad off on horseback


Thursday, June 12, 2008

La Traición, Wed., June 11 - It's show time at the cabaret and the rest is a lot of talkin' 'bout love

Hugo practices with his gun

'What's the special tonight?' Oh sorry. Alcides broods over the annulment of his marriage to Soledad

Dr. Dan drowns his sorrows at the cabaret

The judge tells Soledad that the church has annulled her marriage. She now has no ties to Alcides de Medina. Soledad asks if Alcides knows. The judge says no, he will bring Alcides a copy of the order tomorrow. Lucas says that they have two reasons to celebrate: the return of his granddaughter and her freedom. Lucas asks the judge to find out who kidnapped his grandchild. The judge says that the investigation is ongoing and he will be notified when there is some conclusive evidence. The judge leaves. Soledad does not look that happy to get the news of her annulment and her mother says so. Dr. Dan tells Soledad that now she is free to give her heart to whomever she wants. “Free,” says Soledad to herself, “I’m a free woman. This document only freed me from Alcides de Medina but I’m not free because my heart belongs to Hugo.”

Alcides goes up to the judge outside the Obragon house. He asks if there is news about his niece. The judge is surprised that he doesn’t know. The baby has been found. Now all that remains is to find the kidnapper or kidnappers. Alcides says that is excellent news. He hopes that those responsible will be punished. The judge says not to doubt it. The judge tells Alcides that they were discussing him inside. He gives Alcides a copy of the annulment.

While he practices some fancy gun moves, Hugo says that Michelle is incapable of harming his child. He says that tomorrow morning he will go to the police and have them check out the footprints.

Cut to the boots that made the footprints. Arturo is saying to himself that at this moment, Alcides must be having trouble with Soledad and her family. “Prepare yourself, Alcides,” says Arturo, “this is just the beginning.” He calls the maid and asks her to shine his boots. He’s going out tonight to the new cabaret.

Paquito is helping Antonia put on her wig. He assures her that no one will know that she and ‘George’ are the same person. Antonia says that she hopes so. What does he want her to play? Paquito asks if she knows the Infernal Gallop by Offenbach. Antonia says that it is a little difficult but if she has the score… Paquito says not to worry. He wants to end the night with the cancan so his girls can lift their legs and create a sensation. Antonia asks if the girls can dance to that rhythm. Paquito replies that the choreography is the dancers’ problem. She should just play. (So the pianist has never rehearsed with the dancers. This should be interesting.) Paquito gives Antonia her money. Tonight she has to convince everyone that she is a man. He tells her to stand up straight, keep her legs apart and play wonderfully since she is European.

Dr. Dan tells the Obragons that he should leave. He will see Soledad tomorrow in the hospital. Soledad thanks him for all he had done. Dr. Dan says that she doesn’t need to thank him. He will always be there loving and respecting her and waiting for the day when she will accept him. Soledad says that she wants to talk about that later. He repeats again that patience is his greatest virtue. She should take all the time she needs. He leaves. Soledad asks why everyone is looking at her. Ester says that man who just left is a saint. Lucas says that Dr. Dan loves Soledad very much but he has learned his lesson and is not getting involved. No such luck with Ester. She tells Soledad that she should formalize her relationship with Dr. Dan as soon as possible. Soledad tells her mother that she doesn’t want to be rude but she should stop pressuring her. Ester pressured her to marry Alcides and that turned out to be a living hell. (You tell that witch, Soledad!)

Alcides is reading the annulment. He says that he never should have let his marriage in the church be annulled. He has ended up doing a favor for the little doctor (‘doctorcillo’). Alcides looks to heaven and says that this is absurd. It is as if a vengeful and mediocre god is trying to punish him when all he has done is love Soledad with his whole soul since he was a boy. Why? The duel should have been with his brother, Hugo, a clean fight to win Soledad’s heart. He says that had he known things would end up like this, he never would have divorced Soledad. Dr. Dan walks right past Alcides apparently without seeing him until Alcides says his name. They glare at each other.

Hugo is relaxing at the cabaña. Boris asks now that his daughter is safe, whether he is going to go after Michelle. Hugo says that he will take the first train after he goes to see the police in the morning. He is concerned that the kidnapper is still at large though. Boris asks if he suspects who might have done it. Alcides? Hugo says that he doesn’t think Alcides was involved. Kidnapping Aurora wouldn’t have benefited Alcides. “Who then?” asks Boris.

Antonia makes an inauspicious entrance into the cabaret. Her hand is crushed by male handshakes and she is shocked to meet Pierre, the topless waiter. Arturo comes into the place, is introduced to ‘George’ and looks at her curiously.

Ester is offended at Soledad’s accusation. She is only concerned about Soledad’s well being and that of her granddaughter. Soledad replies that she may not have expressed herself very well but the fact is that Ester pressured her to marry Alcides. Ester admits that was a mistake but that is in the past. Lucas says that we should learn from our mistakes. He asks Soledad if she likes Dr. Dan. She says that Dr. Dan is a great guy and would make a great father for her child but finally admits that she doesn’t love him. She is not ready to start a new relationship. In a resigned voice, Ester says that Soledad is still in love with Hugo de Medina.

Dr. Dan asks what Alcides is doing there. He is not welcome in the Obragon house. Alcides say that is none of Dr. Dan’s business. Dr. Dan replies that it is his business. He and Soledad… Alcides interrupts. He says that there is nothing between Dr. Dan and Soledad. Dr. Dan says that there will be something. Alcides replies that he heard Dr. Dan proposed and Soledad didn’t accept. Dr. Dan says that very soon she will accept. Alcides tells him not to fool himself. He should forget that woman. Dr. Dan thanks Alcides for the advice but says that he doesn’t need it. “I’ve been in love with Soledad since I was a child and she’s never returned my sentiments,” says Alcides, “Do you want to know why? Because her heart belongs to my brother. She loves Hugo.”

Hugo is thinking out loud. He says whoever kidnapped his daughter wants him and his brother to look bad in Soledad’s eyes. Boris replies that there is only one person who would benefit if Hugo and his brother fell into disgrace with Soledad. “Arturo de Linares,” says Hugo.

So far Antonia’s disguise is not working too well. Arturo says that ‘George’s’ face looks very familiar. Paquito spins a tale about George being a well-known European musician who is in town briefly. Since Antonia is a woman, she can’t help but be effeminate. “That’s what we need in this town,” says Arturo, “another pervert.” (In spite of the fact that Antonia hasn’t sat down at the piano, we can hear ragtime being played.)

Since Soledad hasn’t answered, Lucas concludes that Soledad is still in love with Hugo. Ester asks why Soledad can’t escape from the vicious circle she is in with that man. Soledad says that her mind tells her to leave Hugo but her heart won’t let her. Lucas says it is pointless to argue. But since Ester is still breathing, argue we will. Ester says that the only good thing that came from Hugo was Aurora and all the rest was pain. Soledad says that she can’t help what she feels. Ester once again urges to Soledad to get Hugo out of her heart and marry Dr. Dan and move away. Finally, Lucas gets up and asks what Soledad’s heart wants. “Hugo, papa,” says Soledad, “I love Hugo.” She starts to cry. This pointless argument continues after the commercial. Ester says that Hugo knows that she can’t get him out of her heart and is manipulating her feelings. Soledad denies this. Ester says that she always has to speak the hard truths in this family. She could just push Soledad into Hugo’s arms but she won’t because it is wrong. She begs Soledad to take her advice. Lucas says that unfortunately Soledad’s mother is right.

Dr. Dan says that he won’t discuss the details of his relationship with Soledad with Alcides. Alcides laughs and Dr. Dan says that he who laughs last… He will invite Alcides to his wedding. Alcides tells Dr. Dan once again that Soledad loves Hugo. Dr. Dan asks why Alcides is defending his brother. Aren’t they rivals? Alcides says that Soledad is his whole purpose in life. She may love Hugo but she knows he is no good for her while Alcides has changed and learned a lot. Alcides believes that in time Soledad will learn that he can make her happy. He tells Dr. Dan to stop sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Dr. Dan asks if Alcides is threatening him. “Take as you will,” says Alcides. He suggests that Dr. Dan leave town like Michelle. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t believe Michelle went anywhere or at least not willingly. He is going to get to the bottom of that, too.

Paquito is nervous that the show is about to start. Eloisa comes in. Paquito points out that Arturo is there. Arturo looks in her direction but he sees Margot, not Eloisa.

Soledad tells her father that she can’t explain what she feels inside. When her daughter disappeared, she felt like she was going to die and when Hugo came, she felt at peace. She can’t explain it. Lucas says that it is love but some love can kill you. Ester comes in to say that she is concerned that it’s late and Antonia hasn’t returned home.

Dr. Dan comes into the cabaret sure that he will find a clue to what happened to Michelle here. He sees Eloisa. Margot says that Arturo is happy to be seen with her in a place like the cabaret. Arturo asks where Hercu-less is and Margot says that she thinks he is sleeping at Alcides’ hacienda. Arturo asks why Margot came to the cabaret and she says that she can’t stop thinking about him and then takes back what she said. Paquito announces the show and introduces ‘George Wild’ the pianist. The ‘Paquitas’ are introduced and they do about a 30 second cancan number. Dr. Dan is impressed with Antonia’s piano playing. After the performance, he introduces himself to her and compliments her on her performance.

Ester is concerned about where Antonia could be. Lucas says that she is an adult and can do what she wants. Ester and Lucas go to bed. Ursula comes in to say that the baby is sleeping. Soledad asks her to sit down. They haven’t had a chance for a talk. (So the baby has been left alone, then?) Soledad asks how things are going with Boris. Ursula says that things have been so hectic, she hasn’t much time to see him. And now that Hugo can’t come to the house, it will be even harder. Soledad says that if Boris really loves her, nothing will keep him away. He will do anything to win her heart. “Like Dr. Dan is doing everything possible to win your heart?” asks Ursula.

Dr. Dan asks Antonia to have a drink with him. They are both strangers to town. Antonia doesn’t even have to talk, just listen to him. They sit down at the bar.

Margot tells Arturo that she is tired and wants to go to her house. She asks if Arturo is staying and he says yes, of course. Who would want to leave with Paquito’s beautiful women here. Arturo perceives jealousy in Margot’s reaction. Margot denies being jealous. She has her husband. Arturo says then go back to her husband. Margot says that Hercu-less doesn’t know that Arturo released her. Arturo says that it sounds like he kept her a prisoner but yet she has spent the whole evening with him. Margot leaves and Arturo orders more drinks.

Soledad tells Ursula that she can’t forget Hugo or any of the memories she has of him. But he has filled her life with pain. Ursula says that it is because of that she asked about Dr. Dan. Soledad asks if Michelle left town because she thought there was something between Hugo and her. Ursula says that of course, she thought that. It is obvious that Soledad and Hugo still love each other. “But our relationship is impossible,” says Soledad. It isn’t her fault if Hugo and Michelle can’t get together. Soledad says that accepting Dr. Dan’s proposal and marrying him is the only way to make everyone happy (except you and Hugo, of course. Bad idea, Soledad).

Dr. Dan is drunk. He says that he doesn’t usually share his secrets with strangers but his usual confidant isn’t here. Has George heard about Michelle Phillips? Antonia shakes her head. Dr. Dan says that he misses her. Dr. Dan confides in George that he is in love with an incredible woman but she doesn’t return his affections because she is in love with another man. Dr. Dan says that it is terrible not being loved back. Dr. Dan tells George how much he loves Soledad but she loves Hugo. He says that he just ran into Hugo’s twin brother, Alcides. He says that Alcides really hates him. He swears to George that if Alcides doesn’t kill him first, he will win Soledad’s heart, love and affection. Even if he has to die, he will do it. He swears it. Dr. Dan is a weepy drunk.

Liquor sales are brisk at the cabaret and Paquito thinks that his success will make Eloisa respect him. He asks if she having a good time but she says that she is bored. She asks who the pianist is. Paquito asks why she wants to know. Eloisa says that the pianist seems very effeminate and Paquito wouldn’t want a rumor going around that the piano player is his lover. She leaves. Arturo asks a waitress to have a drink with him. Paquito sends George off to the dressing room and sits down with Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says that George listens well but doesn’t talk much. He says that he feels like he has known George for a long time.

Antonia returns home. Soledad asks where she has been. She has been waiting for her. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Soledad accepts Dr. Dan’s proposal.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

La Traición, Tues., June 10 - Hugo finds the baby; Boris finds a clue; Dr. Dan doesn't believe Eloisa and Antonia becomes George

Hugo finds the baby in the cabaña

Aurora is renuited with her parents

Antonia is 'George' the piano player

Arturo watches Boris going into the cabaña. He says that he should leave. No one must suspect that he was involved in taking the baby. “You were lucky, Aurora,” says Arturo, “you will be saved but not you, Alcides.” He says that soon the baby will be discovered on Alcides’ property and everyone will think that Alcides kidnapped the baby. Outside the cabaña, Boris says that it is strange that a window has been broken.

Someone is banging on the door of the Hacienda. Marina opens the door. It’s Dr. Dan come to see Alcides and he’s angry. Marina tells him that Alcides isn’t home. Dr. Dan demands to know where he is. Marina replies that Alcides isn’t in the habit of telling her where he goes. “Tell Alcides de Medina that Daniel von Chirac is looking for him and wants him to face the consequences (‘que me de la cara’) .

At the Obragon house, Soledad is still dreaming old dreams that have nothing to with the story. She wakes up saying that she hoping that all this had just been a nightmare. Hugo says that now she is awake, he will go look for the baby. Lucas asks where he will look. Hugo says that he doesn’t know but he will find the baby whatever happens. Hugo kisses Soledad’s hand and promises that he will bring her the baby safe and sound (‘sana y salva’) and she should take care of herself. Hugo leaves. Soledad suffers.

In Rebeca’s house, Alcides searches for suitable material in Michelle’s diary. He finds the perfect entry. Eloisa wants to read it but Alcides says the less she knows the better. Eloisa asks Alcides when he is going to pay her for keeping Michelle from talking to the authorities. Alcides says that he can’t pay her right now. Eloisa doesn’t understand. Alcides has a huge treasure; why is he playing games with her? Alcides says that right now there are guards that are preventing him from getting access to the treasure. Eloisa asks what he is going to do. “I’ll think of something,” says Alcides, “have a little patience.” Dr. Dan is heard outside calling for Eloisa.

Boris goes inside the cabaña and leaves the luggage. He does not see the baby. “The cabin in the forest, what memories!” he says (probably remembering when he was trapped in the basement and escaped seconds before Alcides blew the place up with dynamite and it burned to the ground only to miraculously rise again from the ruins.) “What dust (polvo)!” he says. It needs new curtains (cortinas) too. (Being as observant as most men, he fails to notice a baby in the house.) The kid who helped him bring the luggage says that it is starting to rain and they should leave. Boris leaves without seeing the baby who is playing with what looks like a sprig from a pine tree.

Ursula asks Soledad to forgive her. If she hadn’t left the baby alone, this never would have happened. Soledad says that only the person who took the baby is to blame. She says that they have to find the baby before she has another catalepsy attack.

Dr. Dan says that he needs to talk to Eloisa about something important. Alcides tells Eloisa to distract the imbecile while he leaves. No one must know that he was here. Eloisa prepares herself and goes out to meet Dr. Dan. He says that it isn’t a social visit. He was looking for Alcides and didn’t find him so he has come here to tell her about some important things. Eloisa asks if the baby has been found. Dr. Dan says this isn’t about that. “I’ve come to tell you that I am not convinced by your story about the abrupt departure of Michelle,” says Dr. Dan. Eloisa asks what he means. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t believe that Michelle only said goodbye to Eloisa before leaving.

Hugo and Boris are in the cabaña. Boris says that he is glad Hugo got his telegram. Hugo says that when he got it, he returned on another train. He says that he went to Soledad’s house and she was in bad shape. Boris replies that he can imagine. Boris asks Hugo how he knew that Boris was in the cabaña? Hugo says that he doesn’t know anyone more efficient than Boris and he figured that Boris would have brought the luggage here after they left the hotel. Boris thanks Hugo and asks if he has any idea where the baby could be. Hugo says that he doesn’t have the slightest idea. He is going to change his clothes and go out looking for the baby. He needs Boris’ help. Of course, Boris says that Hugo can count on him. Hugo says that his search for Michelle will have to wait. Right now, nothing is more important that finding the baby. Just imagining that she might be in the hands of some unscrupulous person, hits him in the gut. At this moment, the baby makes a noise. “Do you hear what I hear?” asks Hugo. “Yes,” says Boris, “she’s here.” They get up and look and there’s the baby safe and sound. Hugo makes baby talk and Aurora holds his finger.

Hugo says that the baby is in perfect health. Boris says that when he brought the luggage in, he didn’t see her. He says that when the baby heard Hugo’s voice, she reacted. Hugo says to the baby, “That’s because you know that your papa loves you so much. You want to know a secret? Your mama is going to be the happiest woman in the world when she sees you safe and sound.”

Ester is worried that Soledad will faint again. Soledad says that she can’t just stay inside these four walls waiting for news. Ester asks her to be calm, torturing herself won’t help anything. Soledad asks her mother not to tell her to be calm. She should put herself in Soledad’s place. Ester agrees and says that if someone had taken Soledad from her, she wouldn’t have been able to stand it. Ester says that Soledad has to believe. The power of the mind is very strong. She says that something tells her that the baby will turn up very soon.

Then the Obragon witchiness appears. Ester says that after the baby is returned, she wants Soledad to organize her life. She can’t continue to live in limbo. She can’t be enslaved in the diabolic game of those two men. Soledad says that Hugo is Aurora’s father. “No, my love,” says the Obragon witch, “a father takes care of his family. Hugo and Alcides have only brought misfortune (desgracias) to your life.” Soledad says that she can’t separate Hugo from his daughter. It’s not fair and she won’t do it. Ester says that although it hurts her to say so, the best thing she can do when Aurora is found is go far away from the Medina brothers and make herself happy. Soledad says that she doesn’t want to think about her future. She only wants her baby back. Ester says that the baby will be found but if she doesn’t think about her future, things will only get worse. “Soledad,” says Ester, “listen to my advice. When Aurora is found, formalize your relationship with Daniel and go away from here.” (Soledad- you should know by now never to follow any advice that Ester gives you.)

Dr. Dan asks Eloisa to pardon him for speaking frankly. He doesn’t believe that Michelle would leave and only say goodbye to Eloisa. Eloisa says that Michelle was destroyed and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Dr. Dan is sure that she would have talked to him – they are best friends. Eloisa says that she and Michelle are best friends too and women understand problems of the heart better. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t believe in the friendship between Eloisa and Michelle or Soledad. Eloisa fakes shock that Dr. Dan could be so mean. Dr. Dan flashes back to Hugo’s trial when he heard Rebeca tell Eloisa how she got Lucas drunk to encourage him to testify against Hugo. He tells Eloisa that he can appear to be a little aloof but his senses are well developed. Just as he knows that Alcides wants to see him dead, he know that she isn’t sincere.

At the Hacienda, Alcides is eating nuts and giving instructions to Hercu-less. He has given Herc a letter and Herc asks if he should deliver it to Eloisa. Alcides, apropos of nothing, looks around says how beautiful the Hacienda is. He tells Herc that he has a special mission for him. He is to take the letter to Alcala (a nearby town) and bribe the postman there to postmark it yesterday (‘un sello con fecha de ayer’) and then he should put it into the mail so that it will arrive from Alcala postmarked yesterday. Herc doesn’t understand. He sees that the letter is addressed to Hugo. Alcides tells him not to ask questions and to go to Alcala on horseback, not by public transportation so that no one knows he went there. Herc leaves. “Con el tiempo y un ganchito,” Alcides uses his mantra of old: “ with time and a little luck.” Marina has overheard.

Arturo is hitting the bottle. Margot comes in and asks if he harmed Hercu-less. Arturo says that he just warned him not to come into his house much less to Margot’s room. Margot says that Herc did it because he missed her. Arturo responds that he did it because Herc is working for Arturo’s worst enemy and wants information. Margot asks if Arturo was involved in the kidnapping of Soledad’s baby. Is he capable of doing something so horrible?

Ester asks Soledad that when this nightmare (pesadilla) is over to think about what she has said. Ursula comes running in to say that Hugo has come and… Soledad jumps up, “What did he say? What has happened? Tell me …” Then Hugo comes into her room with the baby. “Here is our baby, Soledad,” says Hugo. Everyone is happy. Soledad says that no one can imagine how she feels. Boris comes in. Ester and Lucas ask Hugo where he found the baby. Hugo says that he found the baby in the cabaña in the woods. Ester asks what place that is and who lives there. Hugo says that no one lives there since his brother moved to the Hacienda. Lucas asks know Hugo knew that the baby was there. Hugo says that it was pure luck. After Michelle left town, he decided to move into the cabaña. Boris says that he didn’t realize the baby was there but when Hugo came and the baby heard his voice, she called out. She recognized his voice. Soledad asks who took the baby there, was it Alcides? Hugo says no. Boris says that a window had been broken and he assumes that someone broke in and left the baby there. Ester says that she doesn’t believe this story. It was he who took the baby there or worse, he did it in league with his brother. Hugo shakes his head in frustration.

Eloisa fakes outrage that Dr. Dan could accuse her of something like that to her face. After all she has done for him promoting his suit with Soledad. He will come on his knees begging forgiveness. “You know, Eloisa,” says Dr. Dan, “Behind every one of your words, I hear and feel a lie.” He says that if it happens that he is wrong, he will ask her forgiveness. Eloisa tells him to get out of her house. Dr. Dan says that when Michelle returns, we will see if she corroborates the story that Eloisa has invented. He leaves.

Alcides is meditating. Marina apologizes for disturbing him and asks what he wants her to do with the clothes that he bought for Aurora. He tells her to keep them. When the baby is found and Soledad is calmer, he will give them to her. Alcides asks if Marina knows the secret passages in the house. She says yes, of course. Alcides asks her to show them to him right away. He might need to make use of them.

Arturo denies having anything to do with the kidnapping of the baby. Margot asks why Alcides accused him of being involved. Arturo says that Alcides is his worst enemy and says that everything bad that happens in San Marino is his fault or doesn’t she understand that. Margot tells him not to treat her that way. She goes on to say that she knows that Arturo isn’t bad. He is the way he is because he was a soldier. Arturo doesn’t know what she means. She asks what he said to Hercu-less and Arturo repeats that he told Herc that his life had been saved by a miracle but it won’t happen again. Arturo asks Margot to leave him alone. Margot asks to leave. She misses Herc. Arturo says fine – get out of my house. He throws her out of the room.

Dr. Dan drives a gig to the Obragon house. He asks the guards if anything has happened. They say no. But a Medina went into the house. Dr. Dan asks which one, Hugo or Alcides. The guards aren’t sure. The twins are identical but the man said he was Hugo and he was accompanied by his servant, Boris. Dr. Dan doesn’t want the guards to let Alcides in so they shouldn’t let any Medina brother in unless they are sure it isn’t Alcides. The guard finally mentions that that Hugo came with the baby. Dr. Dan repeats his instructions that only authorized persons can come into the house.

Inside, Ester the Obragon witch starts in on Hugo. How can he guarantee that the disappearance of the baby wasn’t a dirty game to get points with Soledad? “Señora, I can’t do anything to convince you,” says Hugo. “It was as I said.” Soledad says that no one in her house knows Hugo better than her and she knows he is telling the truth. She says that they can say what they want about Hugo but he would never hurt his own daughter. Ester replies that they should tell the police and they will investigate and see who was responsible. Lucas makes an ineffectual attempt to restrain Ester. Hugo says that he understands this is an uncomfortable situation for everyone. It is better that he leaves. “At least my return meant that we found our baby,” says Hugo. Soledad thanks him. She asks if he going to look for Michelle. He says that he will leave again tomorrow morning.

Dr. Dan comes in and rushes over to see the baby. Soledad tells him that the baby was found in a house that belongs to Hugo’s family. Dr. Dan does a quick unnecessary checkup on the baby’s vital signs and say that she is ok. Hugo says goodbye and turns to leave but Dr. Dan wants him to stay and hear what he has to say. He says that if Lucas and Ester agree, they have to be much more strict about who enters the house so that the baby can’t be snatched again. Lucas agrees that only the family should be permitted to enter and certainly not Hugo’s brother, Alcides. Dr. Dan says that Hugo should not come in either. Hugo asks what he is saying. He has permission from the family to come see his daughter. Dr. Dan says it isn’t that but he and Alcides are identical ('dos gotas de agua,’ literally, ‘two drops of water’). The guards can’t tell them apart. Alcides could disguise himself as Hugo and gain entrance. Lucas agrees. Hugo tells Soledad that he needs to see his daughter. Soledad says that they need to find a solution. She understands the problem but Hugo needs to see his daughter. Dr. Dan suggests a solution. Whenever Hugo needs to see the baby, they can bring her to his house. A triumphant Ester asks Soledad what she thinks of this idea – neither of the Medina brothers would be permitted to come into the house.

Hugo does not let Ester force Soledad to decide. “Soledad, before you come to any decision,” says Hugo, “I think it is better that I don’t return to this house. I did it because any father needs to see his daughter but I prefer not to come to a place where I’m not welcome (‘no soy bien venido’).” Soledad asks Hugo not to look at it that way. Lucas and Ester think Hugo’s decision is fine. Hugo says that he lives in the cabin in the woods. Soledad can bring the baby there or to the workshop. She decides and he will obey (‘tu decidas y yo acataré’). Dr. Dan says to Hugo that he will help Soledad make sure that Hugo gets to see his daughter whenever it’s necessary. It’s not personal. On the contrary, he is simply avoiding the risk that Alcides could pretend to be him. “Yes,” pause, “of course,” says Hugo in a tone that indicates he does take it personally. He kisses the baby, “I understand perfectly,” he says and leaves. With a horrible smile that makes you just want to strangle her, Ester thanks Dr. Dan for all he has done for them. Soledad has the grace to look ashamed. Lucas asks where something that is garbled is but must be Antonia.

Paquito tells his girls that lacking a pianist, they will have to dance to a phonograph record. They don’t want to. Antonia is outside the bar and tells Paquito that she will play the piano for him provided that no one recognizes her. Paquito is ecstatic. He will transform her into his friend George.

Hercu-less has done what Alcides asked with a corrupt mailman in Alcala. The letter will be delivered tomorrow morning. Herc pays him.

Margot returns to her house. She can see that Herc hasn’t been there for a while. She flashes back to when Arturo defended her a decent person in front of his mother. She says to herself that in spite of everything, Arturo is a good man. He is the only person who has defended her. She wonders what is happening to her. Why does she miss Arturo. She is Herc’s woman. If she loves Herc, why isn’t she happy to be here?

Arturo is still drinking. His mother comes in and thanks him for getting Margot out of the house. She says that he still handsome and her greatest desire is that he marry a woman of noble lineage (‘de alcurnia’). Arturo tells her to go to bed and leave him alone.

Returning the to the cabaña, Hugo tells Boris that he would like to prove that his brother didn’t have anything to do with kidnapping Aurora. Hugo says he needs to talk to Alcides. Boris says that he will light a fire. Keen-eyed Boris now discovers a bunch of muddy footprints (pisadas) that are certainly those of whoever left the baby in the cabaña. Hugo says that they are the prints of someone who wore boots. It’s a good clue to discovering who kidnapped his daughter.

Antonia is dressed up like a man – she looks like Charlie Chaplin. Paquito congratulates himself. With these clothes, make up and the moustache, no one will recognize Antonia. Antonia ask God to forgive her for this sacrilege. She is only doing it to help her family. Paquito tells her that her public is waiting and Antonia swaggers into the tavern.

Hugo and Boris continue to look at the footprints. Hugo says that they were definitely made by a man wearing boots. Boris says that it rules out Michelle. Hugo says that was ridiculous. He has no idea how the police came to that conclusion. Boris says that the footprints weren’t from his helpers either.

Alcides is outside the Obragon house wondering how he can get to the treasure vault. He sees the judge show up and wonders if it is about the baby or the disappearance of Michelle.

Inside Soledad is thanking Dr. Dan for making them all feel more relaxed. Ester has to chime in that Dr. Dan is a man who cares about Soledad. Dr. Dan says that Ester took the words out of his mouth. He will do whatever it takes to make Soledad feel safe and happy. There’s a knock on the door. It’s the judge. He asks after Lucas, tells the family that he heard the baby was returned. However, his reason for coming is that he has received the annulment of Soledad’s marriage from the Vatican. She is a completely free woman. Happy looks all around. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: the fight for Soledad begins


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

La Traición, Mon., June 9 - Soledad cries and asks where her baby could be 1000 times

I want my mommy!!
Antonia tries out men's clothes but decides it's not her look

Soledad faints in Hugo's arms

Arturo looks at the sleeping baby and says that he hopes someone comes for her before it’s too late. He says that it is obvious that no one has been in the house for a while but this is the perfect place, the place that only Alcides would bring the baby to separate her from her mother. He looks at the sleeping Aurora and says that she is small but she will bring great headaches to his worst enemy. He says goodbye to the baby and leaves.

Dr. Dan says to Alcides that his arm is bleeding and that is why he asked. Alcides replies that he had an accident recently while practicing with a lance. Ester says she doesn’t believe him. Who knows what he was doing when he was injured. She is convinced that it was Alcides who took the baby. Alcides asks what proof she has. Ester puts forward the circumstantial evidence already mentioned: Alcides has been inside her house without permission and he bought clothes for the baby. Alcides protests again that he bought the clothes to be nice to Soledad. Soledad says that she just wants the baby back. Dr. Dan reports that the whole house has been searched, including the basement, and the baby is not here. They should look somewhere else.

Alcides says that he will look too and he promises to find the baby if he has to go the ends of the earth and the bottom of the sea. Soledad says that if he took the baby only to pretend to be a hero and bring her back, he is wrong. Alcides denies that he would do something like that. Can’t Soledad tell that he is speaking from the heart? Ester says that Alcides doesn’t have a heart and gets the nasty look. Soledad says this is exactly what he did to Hugo: pretend to save him and then betray him. “Alcides, what kind of a person are you?” asks Soledad. “I’m just the man who loves you. That’s who I am. And you, as always, don’t trust me.” Alcides then says Soledad should ask Hugo where the baby is. Where is Hugo? Soledad says, “Hugo!” and runs out. Ester follows. Dr. Dan says that Alcides is very smart. He is implicating his brother to gain some time but it won’t work. He leaves. Alcides is alone with Marina. He picks up the baby clothes and gives them to Marina to take care of. Alcides wonders aloud if Hugo is capable of kidnapping his own niece. Marina suggests that the kidnapper might be Arturo de Linares.

Alone in the cabaña, Aurora starts to cry.

Antonia is praying that Aurorita is safe and sound. She finds some men’s clothes in the laundry. She flashes back to Paquito telling her how he would pass her off as a man. She says that she could never dress as a man. But then she says that the household needs the money. No one would recognize her anyway. Then she wonders how she could be thinking of such trifles when Aurora has disappeared.

Alcides is cleaning the blood off his jacket. He says Arturo’s name and Marina replies that she thought of him because he is Alcides’ worst enemy. Marina doesn’t think Hugo would kidnap his own daughter. Alcides doesn’t think so either. Alcides says that Arturo is the only one who would do anything to get revenge on him. This would be the perfect opportunity for Arturo. Alcides says that Marina is very observant and thanks her. He will find his niece himself. A glass of water and few nuts and he’s off.

Soledad and Ester find Ursula in the plaza. Ursula asks if the baby has been found. Soledad says no. She wasn’t at Alcides’ house. They searched the place. Soledad is panicking. Ester tells her to calm down and find Hugo. Ursula tells them that Hugo left town to find Michelle. Soledad comes to the same conclusion as Ursula did originally – that Hugo has the baby.

Hercu-less is standing in the street presumably outside Arturo’s house. Alcides comes up and they each ask the other what he is doing there. Herc says that he is watching for any suspicious movements by Arturo in case he tries to do anything against Alcides. Alcides tells him not to be an idiot. He came here after his woman. Alcides asks if Herc has seen Arturo. Herc says that Arturo went out very early, came back a short time later and has gone out again and not returned. Alcides concludes that it must have been Arturo who took the baby. He asks Herc if Arturo had a baby or anything that would hold a baby. Before Herc can answer, Alcides draws his gun and shoots at Arturo who is walking up the street. Passers by flee in terror. Alcides runs up, tosses his cane to Herc and grabs Arturo. He says that he missed on purpose, not because he is a bad shot. He demands to know where Soledad’s daughter is. Where did Arturo take his niece?

Arturo asks what the hell he is talking about. Alcides says that his niece was kidnapped and he knows that Arturo did it to get revenge on him. Alcides asks Arturo where he has been. Arturo says he has been taking care of business. Alcides says that Herc has reported seeing him go in and out of the house several times. What was he doing? Arturo says so Hercu-less was spying on him. “On my orders,” says Alcides. Arturo says that Alcides should ask Herc, then. Has Herc seen Arturo go in or out of his house with a baby? He invites Alcides to come in and search his house. He has nothing to do with this and his vengeance would never involve a child or an old person. Alcides says that he doesn’t believe in Arturo’s moral protestations. Arturo wants Alcides to be blamed for the baby’s disappearance to prejudice Soledad against him. “Listen to me,” says Alcides, “where did you take her?” Gladis comes out of the house. She heard a shot and wants to know what’s is going on. Arturo tells his mother that it is nothing. Alcides’ gun went off by accident. Alcides puts away his gun and tells Arturo that he hopes he is telling the truth. If he finds the baby and finds out that Arturo was involved, someone (he indicates Gladis) will pay the consequences. Alcides and Herc leave.

Eloisa comes into Michelle’s room at the hotel. She says to herself that she has completed the first part of Alcides’ plan: everyone believes that Michelle left without saying goodbye. Now she needs something to tie Alcides’ alibi with Michelle’s disappearance. She finds Michelle’s diary and reads what Michelle wrote about loving Hugo. She says that love is so tacky. How could a smart woman like Michelle write such stupid things? She says that Alcides will be able to make use of the diary. At this moment Boris comes in and asks what Eloisa is doing in Michelle’s room.

Aurora is still crying.

Ester says that she distrusts Hugo as much as Alcides. Either of them is capable of anything. Soledad asks why Hugo would take Aurora. It doesn’t make sense; he’s her father. Ursula says that Hugo didn’t take Aurora. Boris told her that he took Hugo to the train and he didn’t have a baby. Dr. Dan agrees that it doesn’t seem possible that Hugo would have kidnapped the baby. He suggests that they go to the police and ask if there is any information. Soledad is panicking again. She says that if Aurora isn’t with them and isn’t with her father, what if she has a catalepsy attack? Soledad has to sit down and cry.

Hugo’s on the train. He flashes back to one of his many encounters with Soledad as Alcides where he tried to find out about her feelings for Hugo. This is just filler. Hugo gets a telegram telling him about Aurora’s disappearance. He just sits there. (Get off the train, Hugo!)

Holding the diary behind her back, Eloisa says that Michelle asked her to pack up her things and send them to her. Boris says that he will help but Eloisa says that she would rather do it herself. Boris asks if Eloisa has heard that Soledad’s daughter has disappeared. Eloisa says that she was in the Obragon house when the baby was discovered to be missing. Eloisa asks where Hugo is. Boris says that Hugo left town to find Michelle. “That can’t be,” says Eloisa. Boris says that he doesn’t understand. Eloisa recovers by saying that Michelle didn’t want to see Hugo. Boris replies that he sent Hugo a telegram about his daughter’s disappearance and he expects that Hugo will return to San Marino when he gets it. Eloisa says that it is right for Hugo to return in this difficult time. To herself, Eloisa says, “If only this idiot knew that Michelle is dead.”

Margot is making her bed when Arturo barges in and accuses her of being in this room with Hercu-less. Margot says that she doesn’t know what he is talking about. Arturo demands that she confess that Herc was here with her.

Antonia has put on men’s clothing that is much too big for her and is trying to walk like a man. She looks at herself in the mirror and says that she can’t pretend to be a man – she can’t. What idiocy is she thinking about? She can’t accept that journalist’s offer to play piano in a cabaret. She can’t.

Ester, Dr. Dan and Ursula try to get Soledad to calm down. The judge comes out. He says that he is investigating the matter and he has a suspect. He says that Michelle Phillips disappeared at the same time as her daughter. They are investigating the possibility that Michelle took the child. Dr. Dan says that it is impossible. The judge asks if there was any rivalry or conflict between Michelle and Soledad? Soledad asks if they have all gone crazy. Michelle is incapable of doing something like that. Dr. Dan agrees. Ester asks what motive Michelle would have and the judge says motive doesn’t matter. They won’t rule anything out. He advises Soledad to go home and when he has some information, he will bring it to her personally. (I wouldn’t hold my breath. They are the ones who convicted Hugo of attempted murder on no evidence.)

Paquito is in search of pianist. He runs into Eloisa. He wants to know if Alcides took care of Michelle. Eloisa tells him that Michelle is dead and that Alcides took her to the treasure vault, they fought and he killed her. Paquito wants to know where her body is. Eloisa says that Alcides wouldn’t tell her that. Paquito is concerned that if her body isn’t found in the next couple of days, they could all be in trouble. Eloisa tells Paquito about Alcides’ plan to make everyone believe that Michelle left town. Paquito can’t believe that people believed that but Eloisa tells him that she convinced everyone. Paquito says that she is a little devil (una diabilla). She deserves a prize. They kiss.

Margot is folding up laundry. Hercu-less comes in through the window. He sees that Margot is crying and says that he hopes that animal Arturo didn’t hurt her. Arturo appears and says that he didn’t hurt Margot, he set a trap so that Herc would betray himself without any evidence.

Aurora is crying.

Alcides comes to the Obragon house in the rain. He is accosted by several uniformed men who say that they are guards hired by Dr. Dan to keep anyone but family from entering the Obragon house. One guard notes that Alcides looks just like the guy they just let in. And so it is. Hugo is inside. Ester asks if Hugo has her granddaughter. Hugo says that he is incapable of doing something like that. As soon as he heard, he came back on the train. He asks where Soledad is? Soledad comes in and asks Hugo to tell her that he didn’t take their daughter. Hugo says that he never could be capable of doing that, never. Soledad goes to Hugo and says, crying, “They took our daughter.” Hugo embraces her, “How could this happen to our baby?” Dr. Dan looks on unhappily. Hugo asks Soledad to stay calm. They will find the baby. Soledad says that no one has seen the baby and she is scared. Hugo says that is why he came back, to find Aurora.

Ester tells Soledad to be calm. She isn’t alone. She has her family and Dr. Dan who has been taking care of everything. Soledad tells Ester that she thanks Dr. Dan but they have to understand her anguish. In her desperation, she even thought Hugo had taken the baby. Hugo swears again that he would never do something like that. “If you don’t have her and Alcides didn’t, then who has her?” asks Soledad. Hugo asks if Alcides told her that he hadn’t taken the baby. Dr. Dan says that they searched the whole Hacienda and Alcides denied having the baby. Soledad asks who could have the baby, then? Hugo says that Alcides is capable of doing something like this but he doesn’t know. He doesn’t understand ‘Alcides the millionaire.’ He doesn’t know what to think about Alcides. Hugo says that he doesn’t know who has the baby. Soledad says that Boris told them he had gone after Michelle. Hugo admits this and says that Boris sent him a telegram about the baby. He came back right away. Soledad asks again who could have the baby. Who could be so perverse? Hugo says once again that he doesn’t have the baby. “I’d be incapable of doing something like that, not because of our daughter, not because of her but because I’d never forgive myself if I caused you any more pain.” Dr. Dan is not happy to hear all this.

Arturo asks Hercu-less why Alcides thinks that Arturo took Soledad’s baby.

Outside the house, Alcides learns that Hugo is inside. The guards ask if they should let Hugo know his brother is here.

Dr. Dan says that at least they know Alcides won’t come back. The guards he hired won’t let anyone in. Ester says some rude things about the Medinas. Antonia and Lucas come in and agree that they can’t just sit and do nothing. Hugo asks if the police have any suspects. Dr. Dan says that they have an incredible one – Michelle. The baby and Michelle disappeared at the same time. Hugo says that is absurd.

Margot babbles about how terrible it is that someone would kidnap a baby who is less than a year old. Arturo tells her to shut up. There is no need to get sentimental. Arturo asks Heru-less why Alcides thinks that he took the baby. Herc says that he doesn’t know. He was with Margot and then ran into Alcides as he was leaving the house. Arturo says that Herc is admitting he was with Margot. Arturo tells Margot to leave. She wants him to promise that he won’t hurt Herc. Arturo says he just wants to talk. Herc warns Arturo that Alcides knows where he is.

He guards say that their orders are not to let anyone in the house unless the Obragon family authorizes it. Alcides says that if his brother is there, he doesn’t need to be. As he leaves, he says to himself, that having all these people around is going to make it harder to get to the treasure vault. He says that he has to bury Michelle and convince everyone that she left San Marino. He has to find Aurora.

In the cabaña, Aurora is sleeping (or having a catalepsy attack).

Boris is packing up Hugo’s stuff. He flashes back to Hugo saying (on Friday) that since Michelle has gone, there is no point in staying at the hotel and they will go to the cabaña in the woods. Boris says that before Hugo returns, he will take his stuff to the cabaña.

Hugo tells Soledad that Michelle didn’t do it. She is incapable of taking their daughter. Soledad says that is the problem – everyone is innocent. Even Alcides convinced her with his words that he was innocent. She doesn’t want to be convinced of anything, she just wants her daughter.

The guards report that Alcides was outside and didn’t come in when he heard his brother was there. Soledad asks how Alcides could come back to this house. Dr. Dan finds his behavior suspicious and goes to confront Alcides. Soledad asks him not to leave but he is gone. Soledad starts to cry again, seeks Hugo’s embrace and faints. He holds her.

Arturo tells Herc that he doesn’t want him hanging around or spying on him anymore. He claims he had nothing to do with the baby’s disappearance. He doesn’t want to hear from Herc or Alcides and if he sees Herc around again, Margot will suffer. Herc says that none of this is Margot’s fault. Arturo tells him not to push his luck. Margot saved his life once but it won’t happen again. Arturo tells Herc to leave by the same hole he came in through.

Boris sends the luggage down. He says that there will be a new beginning in the cabaña in the forest.

Eloisa gives Alcides Michelle’s diary. Alcides asks about what Paquito knows. Eloisa tells him not to be concerned about Paquito. He is only concerned with the opening of his cabaret. Eloisa says that she is worried about Hugo. Boris told her that Hugo had gone to find Michelle. Alcides says not to worry about Hugo. They have to make everyone believe that Michelle left. He finds Michelle’s last entry in her diary. It says that the baby will always come between Hugo and her but she loves the baby like her own. Eloisa thinks that is good material but Alcides says that it implies that Michelle took the baby. He doesn’t want everyone looking for Michelle. He wants them to forget about her. He searches for something more useful.

Soledad is dreaming that she is running in the woods. She falls and has a dream in her dream. Hugo accuses her of betraying him. A child says, “Mother and Father, don’t let your love die.” She has her dream of trying to save Hugo from the grave in her wedding dress. She calls for help. The little girl says that she must not let Hugo die.

Arturo is near the cabaña. He sees that no one has been there. He says too bad for Hugo and Soledad’s baby. Then a wagon pulls up. It’s Boris. Arturo says that Boris will discover the baby in one of Alcides’ properties. The credits roll.

Tomorrow – Let’s hope something happens.


Saturday, June 07, 2008

La Traición, Fri, June 6 - Aurora gets kidnapped (again) and Eloisa tells lies

The 'Paquitas' comfort Paquito

Hugo's happy family fantasy

Alcides does not like Dr. Dan

Hugo is in the workshop busy with a bellows. Boris comes in and says that he has sent a telegram to Andres asking him to confirm the arrival of Michelle in case she left the city. Hugo says that Michelle wasn’t on the list of passengers who left last night. He was right. She didn’t leave. Hugo says he is worried. Boris asks Hugo what he thinks happened. Eloisa (still wearing the same outfit she was wearing yesterday) bursts in and says that she has the answer to that question. She says that she has very bad news about Michelle. She is sorry to bring it but she has no choice. “Michelle left because of you,” Eloisa says to Hugo.

Paquito shoos his girls out of the tavern. Antonia is outraged that he would expect her to work in such a vulgar place with women who are practically naked. Paquito asks her to look around – this is art! “If this is art,” says Antonia, “it’s in decline.” She says that she is a respectable woman. Paquito chases her around the bar making offers: he will pay her double; he will say she is a foreign pianist; he will give her a costume; she can be his friend George and no one will know she is a woman.

Hugo asks why Eloisa says that Michelle left town because of him. Eloisa says that Hugo knows that Michelle is her friend. How could he have done that to her? “Done what to her?” asks Hugo. Eloisa says that Michelle was shattered. When she came to visit Eloisa, she was very sad and said that she didn’t want to say goodbye because Hugo and Soledad had ruined her life. Eloisa asks Hugo what he did to Michelle. What injustice did he commit?

Nurse Soledad is making up a bed and telling Dr. Dan that she told Alcides that he couldn’t buy her with his money. She says that her mother has seen Alcides roaming around the house. Dr. Dan says that they have to be careful. Alcides is very dangerous. Soledad (with her hair bound up and hanging down her back like a ‘dead animal’ (thanks Nancy)) says that she doesn’t think Alcides will come around her place again after what Soledad said to him yesterday. Dr. Dan asks if Soledad saw Michelle after he left her house. Soledad says no. She asks what is going on with Michelle. Dr. Dan says that it appears that Michelle has left San Marino forever.

Eloisa is continuing her performance for Hugo. She says that poor Michelle couldn’t stop crying before she left. Hugo says that he and Michelle had a little misunderstanding but they worked it out. Eloisa says that is what Hugo thought. Eloisa saw Michelle’s suffering. Michelle had no choice but to leave San Marino to stop the pain. Hugo says that Michelle isn’t like that. She is strong, faces things head on. She wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye to him. Eloisa replies that however strong she was, Michelle is a woman. A woman who knows she lost. She had no alternative but to leave. Hugo asks by what form of transportation did Michelle leave. Eloisa says that she took the last train. Boris says that he is sorry to contradict her, but Michelle was not on the list of passengers on that train. Hugo asks how Eloisa explains that. Eloisa gets that deer-in-the-headlights look.

Alcides pours himself some water on the porch of the Hacienda. He flashes back to Michelle’s death. “You asked for it, Michelle. No one can separate me from Soledad,” he says, “No one. My Soledad. Your hair smells so good. I can almost smell it from a distance. My Soledad… My Soledad..” He flashes back to Soledad returning the bag of money to him. “You’ll come back to me. You’ll come back to me today.” (‘Come back’ Alcides? You never had her.)

Margot says that she won’t go back with Hercu-less. He asks why if he’s her man. Margot says that it is because of that. If she goes back with Herc, Arturo will kill him. There’s a knock on the door. It’s Arturo. Margot shoves Herc out the window with a last kiss. She lets Arturo into the room. When he sees Margot’s dress he says that he understands why his mother was scandalized. Margot asks if he likes her dress. Arturo says that it is different. Arturo touches her breast (Herc watches this part from the window. Herc lets the curtain fall.) Then Arturo turns and leaves the room. Margot sighs with relief.

Paquito tells Antonia that he will dress her as a man with a moustache and they will have to cover up the ‘obvious parts,’ indicating her breasts. When he asks her what she thinks, Antonia slaps him and runs out of the tavern. The Paquitas comfort Paquito.

Hugo asks Eloisa how Michelle left the city if she wasn’t on the list of passengers on the train. Eloisa says that Michelle said something about leaving incognito but that Eloisa was so upset on hearing her plans, that she didn’t pay too much attention. Eloisa says that she has to leave. Michelle asked her to speak to Soledad. As Hugo asks what Eloisa is going to say to Soledad, Soledad arrives at the workshop saying that Dr. Dan told her Michelle had left town. Eloisa confirms that Michelle has left town. She says that Michelle came to her house the previous night to say goodbye and that she was heartbroken.

Dr. Dan asks why Michelle said she was leaving. Eloisa says that she realized Hugo was destined to be with Soledad and she hadn’t realized it until it was too late. Dr. Dan asks why Michelle didn’t talk to him. Why didn’t she take her luggage? Hugo says that Michelle sent Andres ahead with all her luggage. Eloisa says that Michelle was feeling terrible. She only wanted to take her sword. “The sword that I gave her,” says Hugo to himself. Boris says that Michelle looked very upset when she left the hotel and was only carrying her sword. Soledad says that this is a mistake. Michelle has to stay. Soledad flashes back to Michelle telling her that the only way she would stay with Hugo is if their relationship didn’t hurt Soledad. Back in the present, Soledad says that this is hers and Hugo’s fault. “All that Michelle did for us,” she says, “and look what happened.” She runs out. Dr. Dan is going to follow but Eloisa says that Soledad needs to talk to a (woman) friend right now. Hugo asks Boris to get him a train ticket and pack some clothes. He is going to look for Michelle. (What the heck are you doing, Hugo?)

At the Obragon house, Antonia is looking for Ester. She is in her bedroom, very upset. Antonia asks what is the matter. (You could see this coming a mile away.) Ester says that all their money is gone. She doesn’t know how to tell Lucas. Antonia flashes back to Paquito offering to pay her double. Antonia tells Ester not to worry. She will be in charge of the finances in the house from now on. Ester won’t lack for anything.

Marina is looking for Alcides. He isn’t there. Marina says that he told her he was going to be at home. She wonders where he went.

Alone with Eloisa, Soledad says that when Michelle said goodbye to her last night, she had a feeling that she wouldn’t see her again. She thought it was her imagination but now she realizes it was the truth. Soledad wants to go find Michelle but Eloisa says that would only make Michelle believe that Soledad feels sorry for her. Now Eloisa starts with the lies. She tells Soledad that leaving San Marino was the best thing for Michelle. Soledad asks why she says that. Eloisa replies that Michelle told her that Hugo didn’t treat her right. Soledad is surprised and doesn’t understand. Eloisa says that sometimes Soledad is very naïve. Hugo showed one face to her and another to Michelle. He mistreated Michelle. Eloisa pretends to be surprised that Michelle never mentioned this to Soledad. Soledad says Michelle told her the opposite that she was very happy with Hugo. Eloisa say that Michelle told her that Hugo mistreated her verbally the same way he did to Soledad when he was pretending to be Alcides. Soledad says what Michelle is telling her is terrible.

In the lab, Dr. Dan flashes back to Michelle warning him about Alcides’ jealousy of him and Soledad and her fear that Alcides that might hurt him. Dr. Dan concludes that Michelle wouldn’t have left San Marino and especially not without saying goodbye to him. He thinks Michelle is in trouble and Alcides is involved. He gets his whip out. He says that Alcides will listen to him right now.

Hugo is getting on the train. He says that it will take two days to get to where Michelle is and then he will try and persuade her to return with him. He tells Boris that he didn’t tell Soledad that he was leaving so she doesn’t know that he won’t be visiting his daughter. Boris says that he sees Ursula frequently so he can send Soledad a note through her. Hugo says goodbye to Boris and that he will return in a month. (Two days there and two days back; what is Hugo going to do for the other three weeks? I think he meant to say above that it would take two weeks to get to Michelle’s ‘country.’)

Ursula goes to wake up Aurora but she is gone. Meanwhile, back at the lie-fest, Eloisa tells Soledad that she is glad that Michelle left San Marino. She says that Michelle told her that she was envious of Soledad because she could never have what Soledad had. Soledad says that is not true and Eloisa is claiming that she has never lied to Soledad when the Obragon witches and Ursula burst in to announce that the baby is not in the house. Someone took her. Everyone is running around. Maybe Lucas has the baby? He doesn’t. Eloisa says to herself that Alcides must have taken the baby.

Hugo is on the train. He says to himself that he can’t believe that Michelle left because of him. He has to ask her forgiveness. He should start a new life with her far from Soledad. He flashes back to seeing a shadow when he was talking to Alcides the previous evening and figures out that it was Michelle. She heard him say that he still loved Soledad and that is why she left San Marino.

Dr. Dan goes to the Hacienda to see Alcides. Marina says that he isn’t there.

Soledad concludes that it was Alcides who took the baby. He is the only person who can go in and out of her house without being seen. Soledad wants to go see Alcides immediately. Ester says that she will go to the police station and file charges against Alcides. Eloisa pipes up and says that she will go to the police station. Ester can go with Soledad.

The baby, carried by an as yet unknown person, is at the cabaña in the woods. She’s pretty calm so far.

Lucas wants to go and help find the baby but Antonia tells him he would just be a burden. He realizes this is true.

Hugo is on the train. He doesn’t respond when the conductor asks for his ticket. Finally, he realizes that the conductor is talking to him. He says that he is distracted. When the conductor is gone, he flashes back to when Aurora nearly got a catalepsy attack and he saved her.

Marina tells Dr. Dan that she doesn’t know how long Alcides will be out. She suggests that he leave and she will give Alcides the message that he was there. Dr. Dan agrees and at that moment Soledad bursts in looking for Alcides. Soledad says that Alcides has taken her baby. Marina says that she doesn’t know anything about it. Dr. Dan says that he will help and the first thing he does is hug Soledad.

Ursula comes into the workshop looking for Hugo. When Boris tells her that Hugo has gone on a trip for a month, Ursula jumps to the conclusion that it was Hugo that took the baby.

The Obragons and Dr. Dan search the Hacienda but don’t find the baby or Alcides. Marina says that Alcides will be furious when he finds them roaming around his house. Ester tells her to shut up and get out. At that moment, Alcides comes into the house carrying a box. “Where do you have my daughter?” demands Soledad, “Where did you take her?” Alcides stares at her with that sappy look he gets when she is near him. (He probably smells her hair.)

Alcides tells Soledad that he doesn’t know what she is talking about. What has happened with my niece? Soledad screams at him that she knows he kidnapped the baby and she demands to know where Aurora is. He doesn’t know what she is capable of. Ester says that Antonia saw Alcides roaming around the Obragon house. She demands that he confess to taking the child. Alcides says that he roams around their house all the time to get a glimpse of Soledad. Ester saw him. He didn’t have the baby. Soledad says that Alcides must have returned and taken the baby. She is losing her patience. Dr. Dan says that the Obragons have reason to believe that it was Alcides who took the baby. Alcides says that Soledad is wrong. He didn’t have anything to do with this. He is innocent. Soledad has to believe him. Alcides wonders who could have kidnapped the baby. Alcides asks Marina to put away the box he is carrying but Soledad grabs it and it has baby clothes in it! Soledad and the others demand to know where the baby is.

Boris asks Ursula to calm down and explain to him what has happened. Ursula says that Aurora has been kidnapped and since Boris told her that Hugo has left town, he must have taken her. Boris asks how Ursula could believe that Hugo is capable of doing something like that. Boris assures her that it wasn’t Hugo. Ursula asks why Hugo left town. Boris tells her that Michelle decided to go back to her country and Hugo went after her. He says that they have to let Hugo know what has happened as soon as possible.

On the train, Hugo is having a happy vision of going on vacation with Soledad and the baby. Soledad kisses him. (This is not a good sign when you’re going after another woman, Hugo.) Hugo wakes up from his happy fantasy and flashes back to telling Boris outside the mine that he has to go to a meeting to advance his Plan of Vengeance. He says to himself that it all could have been so different. Hugo flashes back to one of the many times when the evidence was there that Soledad loved him but he ignored it. In this case, Hugo says that the other Aurora told him that Soledad named her baby Aurora because this other Aurora saved Hugo’s life at the trial. Hugo says that if that is true, then Soledad loves him. Boris and Marina pour cold water on that idea by saying that Soledad probably just likes the name or wanted to keep up appearances since she cares what other people think.

Antonia tells Lucas that she doesn’t understand how Alcides comes in and out of the house without anyone seeing him. Lucas is frustrated that he can’t even confront that miserable bastard Alcides for what he has done. Antonia tells him not to torture himself. He should trust in God that Alcides took the baby to get Soledad’s attention. Lucas hopes Antonia is right. Antonia starts fiddling with her hair obviously figuring out how she is going to do the Victor Victoria thing. Lucas says that Antonia seems very nervous and not just about the baby. Is she hiding something from him? She flashes back to her conversation with Paquito in the tavern and Ester telling her that they are broke. Antonia tells Lucas that he is imagining things. She is worried and upset about Aurorita’s disappearance. Isn’t that enough to make her stressed out?

Ursula is crying for Aurora. She asks Boris who could have taken the baby if it wasn’t Hugo. Boris says that he doesn’t know but it wasn’t Hugo. Boris took him to the train and he didn’t have the baby. Ursula says that she believes him. She tells Boris that they have to tell Soledad that Hugo is out of town. She needs to know. Boris says that he will go with her. He will send a telegram to Hugo at the next station to tell him that the baby has been kidnapped.

Soledad goes ballistic on Alcides asking how he could take and innocent child and she beats on him. Alcides asks Soledad to look him in the eyes. He swears to her that he doesn’t know where the baby is and had nothing to do with her disappearance. Soledad says that she doesn’t believe him. Why else would he be buying baby clothes? Alcides says that the baby clothes have nothing to do with his niece or rather they do. He bought them for Aurora because Soledad was so upset when she left his house this morning and he wanted to do something nice for her but now it has all gone wrong. Dr. Dan tells Alcides that he should tell the truth. “I will accept whatever from Soledad,” says Alcides, giving Dr. Dan a nasty look, “but not threats from you.” Ester says that the police will be here soon and Alcides will have to confess. “You accused me of this to the police without evidence?” Alcides asks Soledad. Soledad replies that there is more than enough proof (‘pruebas me sobran’). Of course, she is accusing him. Eloisa has gone to do so in Soledad’s name. Dr. Dan notices that Alcides’ arm is bleeding. What happened to him? How did he get injured?

Eloisa runs into the sole representative of law enforcement in San Marino, the judge. She says that she has come to notify the police that Soledad’s baby is missing. The judge asks where and when this happened. Eloisa says that it happened this morning. Soledad’s servant, Ursula, got distracted and someone took the child. The judge asks if Eloisa suspects anyone. She says Soledad thinks it was Alcides but she doesn’t agree. Eloisa pretends to not want to incriminate someone. The judge tells her that her information will considered ‘off the record.’ So Eloisa accuses Michelle Phillips.

We see the baby sleeping and the kidnapper is, who else, Arturo. (Except for Alcides, sort of, he’s the only bad guy we’ve got left.) He flashes back to overhearing Soledad tell Alcides that he has gone into her room without anyone seeing before. Arturo says to himself that Alcides must be dealing with the wrath of Soledad and her family. He told Alcides that he would get revenge, whatever it cost. The credits roll.

Monday – The hunt for the baby –well, at least Hugo seems to have come back to town.


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