Friday, June 06, 2008

La Traición, Thurs., June 5 - Michelle ma belle, goodbye; Antonia is offered a job; Alcides gets nowhere with Soledad

Tell Hugo I loved him with my whole being

Paquito does the happy dance!

Alcides hears noises in the house. He waits with his gun. Down the stairs comes Eloisa. He asks what the hell she is doing there. Wasn’t he sufficiently clear before? Eloisa asks him to be calm and lower his weapon. She tells Alcides that she came because Michelle knows everything: she knows about the treasure; she knows about them. She was here and heard us arguing. Eloisa says that she is ready to tell everyone.

At Rebeca’s house, Alcides watches while a bound and gagged Michelle wakes up. He takes the gag off her and the first thing Michelle says is that the treasure doesn’t belong to Alcides. “I told you she knows everything!” says Eloisa. Alcides replaces the gag and uses the Vulcan nerve pinch on Michelle to render her unconscious. Eloisa asks how he did that. Alcides says this is no time for trivial matters. Eloisa asks what he is going to do with Michelle. Alcides says that soon it will be dawn. He has to get her out of here. Alcides mentions the fact that Paquito helped Eloisa incapacitate Michelle. Eloisa assures Alcides that he doesn’t have to worry about Paquito. Alcides says that he hopes so. Alcides says that Michelle is very beautiful. Eloisa says that she hopes Alcides isn’t thinking about taking Michelle to his house. Marina is there and he shouldn’t trust her. “You do your part and I’ll do mine,” says Alcides. Eloisa wants to know if that means he will still pay for her services. Alcides tells Eloisa to give him all Michelle’s belongings so that there is no trace of her in Rebeca’s house. Eloisa says that Michelle only came with her sword. Alcides picks up Michelle and the sword and tells Eloisa not to say a word about this to anyone. When he is gone, Eloisa says that Michelle has finally got what was coming to her. Alcides has no other alternative than to kill her.

Alcides takes Michelle to the Treasure vault. With his back to Michelle, he is fiddling with something and asks himself what he is going to do with her. He has to think of something. She can’t ruin his plans for Soledad by talking. All of a sudden, Michelle’s sword is at Alcides’ neck. She tells him to turn around slowly. He does and he’s holding a gun.
M: This is the treasure you told Eloisa about, right? You’re so wretched. You killed Rebeca de Montenegro over this. You tried to convince everyone that you were a changed man but no, you’re just a murderer. No wonder Soledad hates you.
A: That isn’t true. There is no basis for what you say. You don’t understand. I love Soledad more than anything. I’d do anything for her.
M: Including murder?” (‘llenar tus manos de sangre’, literally ‘fill your hands with blood’) “That not love it’s craziness, it’s obsession.” Alcides cocks his gun. Michelle looks around. What are doing? Be careful.
A: Don’t move. Don’t take another step or I’ll shoot. (Michelle is very close to the trip wire.)
M: Where are we? Where is this place?
A: Listen to me Michelle. No one has to die. We can reach an agreement.
M: There’s a way out, isn’t there? Where is it?
A: We’re under the Obragon house. (Alcides lowers his gun).
M: How ironic that Soledad is above us. That’s how you get into her house undetected.
A: We can reach an agreement, Michelle. No one has to die.
M: No.
A: Don’t move!
Michelle trips the booby trap. Alcides pushes her aside and the arrow goes into his arm. He staggers, puts down his gun, holds the wounded arm and looks at Michelle.

Doña Gladis rings the bell at her party and in comes Margot. Gladis and the other maid stare in disbelief. Margot has made her uniform into a tight-fitting and extremely low cut dress.

Paquito comes to see Antonia and says that he has a good paying job for her as a pianist. She asks what she has to do.

Hugo is having breakfast. Boris says that he is very thoughtful. Dr. Dan bursts in and says that Michelle is missing. Her bed wasn’t slept in. Something must have happened to her.

Soledad comes to Alcides’ house with the bag of money. She tells Marina to tells Alcides that she is waiting and she won’t leave until he speaks with her. Marina gives Soledad a real nasty look.

M: Why did you do it, Alcides? Why did you lie to Soledad? Why?
With great effort, Alcides pulls the arrow out of his arm. (that trap is not working out so well for you, Alcides.)
A: I’ve never lied to Soledad. I’ve loved her since I was a boy.
M: That’s not love; it’s sickness. You have no right! She’s not in love with you!
A: (making an effort to speak) All’s fair in love and war. Why did you have to stick your nose in my business? Why? Why did you come to my house and listen to what you shouldn’t have?
Michelle looks at the gun Alcides laid down. She makes a move for it. Alcides tries to stop her. They struggle. The gun goes off. It’s not clear at first who is hit. It’s Michelle. “Tell Hugo, I loved him with my whole being,” she says and dies.

Ester is dreaming. She flashes back to visiting Jeremias’s tomb and asking him to help her because someone knows her secret and is blackmailing her. Rebeca comes up and asks what she is doing there and on and on. Finally, she wakes up when she hears a shot. Ester goes to Lucas’ room and tells him that she heard shots. He heard them too. He thought they were close to the house. Ester looks out the window and sees that Paquito and Antonia are talking as if nothing happened. Lucas says that means that they are getting old and are hearing things. He asks her to help him up.

Paquito is having difficulty making Antonia understand what he wants to hire her to do without telling her that she will be working in a tavern. Finally, he asks her to come with him to see the establishment he is opening.

Marina tells Soledad that Alcides is not in the Hacienda. He must have left early because he didn’t have breakfast. Soledad doesn’t believe her and says she will look for herself . Marina stops her. Marina asks why Soledad is looking at her like that. Soledad says that because of her Hugo was almost hanged and Boris was only saved by a miracle. She betrayed her boss and her husband. Doesn’t she have a heart? Marina shouldn’t forget that Hugo dropped the charges against her. She should be in prison. What she did was unforgivable. Marina raises her hand to hit Soledad. Soledad dares Marina to hit her and she will see what Soledad de Obragon is capable of.

Hugo asks if Dr. Dan is sure that Michelle didn’t sleep in her room. Dr. Dan says that her bed is untouched and the reception desk didn’t see her come in last night. Boris suggests that she did leave the city, maybe by carriage if she wasn’t on the train. Hugo says that he can’t believe she wouldn’t say goodbye. Dr. Dan asks if there was any detail that caught Hugo’s attention. Hugo (eating grapes and drinking orange juice) says no. They had talked. Michelle had agreed to stay. Hugo flashes back to asking Michelle to leave him and Soledad alone in Soledad’s house the previous evening. Michelle told him that she had something to do and hugged Soledad. Back in the present, Dr. Dan asks if Hugo has any idea where Michelle could be. “Yes,” says Hugo, “Michelle has left San Marino. I want to know why she left without saying goodbye to anyone.”

Alcides carefully lays Michelle on the floor of the Treasure Vault and puts her sword on her body and crosses her hands over it. “What a shame,” he says, “You were in the wrong place at that wrong time. I don’t think I’ll respect your last wish, Michelle. I can’t tell my brother without revealing my involvement. You knew it. One of us had to die. You lost. (‘Sólo que a ti te tocó perder’).

Antonia doesn’t want to go with Paquito. He offers her 1,000 pesos just to come and see the place. Antonia says that is more than all of them earn in the house. “And that’s just a tip,” says Paquito. Antonia agrees to come. She will just tell her family. Paquito does a happy dance. He has found a pianist.

Margot tells Gladis that she knew she would be surprised at the alterations to her uniform but she didn’t think Gladis would like it so much. In a voice that would freeze the blood, Gladis tells Margot to come to the kitchen with her and excuses herself to her guests.

Soledad tells Marina to go away. She prefers to wait for Alcides alone. Marina leaves. Soledad flashes back to one of the many times in that house that Hugo as Alcides tormented her for betraying him. “As much as I want to,” says Soledad, “I can’t forget the horror you made me live through in this house, Hugo. All because of your revenge.”

“Ah Michelle, my belle (Mario actually sort of says the line from the Paul McCartney song in its original English/French!) How could she?” Dr. Dan says that if Hugo and Michelle had a problem, he could understand how she could not say goodbye to Hugo but not to say goodbye to him. He doesn’t believe it. Boris says that he thought it was strange that Michelle went out so late with her sword. Hugo asks Boris if he thought Michelle had a problem. Boris says that she doesn’t know but she didn’t look very happy. Dr. Dan has a thought. What if Michelle went to confront Alcides because she was convinced that he had it in for Dr. Dan (‘me tiene entre ojos,’ literally, ‘had me between the eyes,’) for courting Soledad. “Michelle went alone to confront Alcides,” says Hugo twice.

Alcides resets the trap. He tells Michelle that he will return tonight to bury her body.

Gladis hauls Margot out of the room where the guests are. She asks what Margot did to the dress. She looks like a street walker. Margot says that she always dresses this way. Gladis sends her to her room until Arturo comes back.

Hugo says that Michelle didn’t have any reason to confront Alcides unless she thought he was going to attack Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says if that were so, she would have told him. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t understand. She changed her mind. Did she leave without telling anyone so that we couldn’t try and convince her not to go? Hugo tells Boris to send a telegram to Andres and have him let them know when Michelle arrives. Dr. Dan asks what Hugo is going to do. Hugo says that he will go to see Michelle in her country.

Alcides comes out of the treasure vault and runs into Antonia. She asks what he is doing there. Alcides says good morning. Antonia asks if he came to leave another bag of money. Alcides asks what she is talking about. Antonia says that yesterday a bag of money was found in Soledad’s room and Antonia knows perfectly well that it came from Alcides. Is he going to deny it? Alcides says, of course he denies it. Could it have come from a family friend? Antonia says that she would rather question her family’s enemies. She tells Alcides that he returned to the city showing off about his money and has entered Soledad’s bedroom without being seen several times. It’s obvious that he left the money there.

Ester comes up calling Antonia. She asks if Antonia heard shots being fired a little while ago. She is not happy to see Alcides either and asks what he is doing at her house. Alcides politely says good morning to Ester. Ester asks Antonia if she saw Alcides coming out of any of the windows. Antonia says that she found him in the garden and she doesn’t know if he’s been inside. Ester tells Alcides that he may be a millionaire but deep down he is a thief because only a thief would enter a house without permission. Ester says that it must have been Alcides who fired those shots. Alcides claims that he has no idea what she is talking about. He repeats the suggestion he made to Antonia that a friend left the money in Soledad’s bedroom. Antonia says, “What shots? I didn’t hear anything.” Ester says that if she finds Alcides wandering around her house again, she’ll call the police. Alcides’ arm is starting to bleed. He tells Ester and Antonia that he has to leave. They can finish their discussion later. He drives off in his ratty wagon. Ester yells insults after him and Paquito comes running up asking who she is yelling at.

Meanwhile, Soledad is still waiting at Alcides’ house. Arturo is there too, watching her. Soledad is uneasy.

Margot goes to her room. She says it was a mistake for Arturo to bring her here. Gladis wouldn’t like her if she were dressed like a princess. Hercu-less climbs in the window. Margot is worried about Arturo finding him. Herc says that he waited until Arturo left. Margot says that if Arturo finds her with Herc, he’ll kill Herc. She locks the door. Herc asks if Arturo gave her that dress. Margot say no, it is a servant’s uniform but she altered it a little bit. It turns Herc on. They fall to the bed and start going at it.

Alcides is with Eloisa. She says that he is bleeding. Eloisa starts to panic: If that wound is from Michelle’s sword, then that means Michelle escaped and she’s at the police station right now to accuse thm and Eloisa doesn’t want to go to jail… Calmly, Alcides says that Michelle is dead. He asks Eloisa to cover his wound but she is open-mouthed impactada.

The guys are packing up to leave the hotel. Dr. Dan is going to Dr. Max’s place. Hugo is going to the cabaña in the woods. He says he will pay Alcides for it little by little. Hugo asks Dr. Dan to tell him if he hears from Michelle. After Dr. Dan leaves, Boris asks Hugo if he believes that Michelle left town. “No,” says Hugo, “I didn’t want to say it in front of the doctor but it’s not possible. Michelle loves me as much as I love Soledad and when you love someone that much, you don’t give up that easily.”

Paquito is having some tea at the Obragon house. He asks who the Obragon witches were yelling at. Ester says that lately Alcides has spent a lot of time wandering around outside her house. To himself, Paquito says that if the treasure is here, of course Alcides would come here a lot. He wonders what happened to Michelle. Did Alcides take care of her? Ester asks why Paquito has come to visit. Paquito is surprised that Antonia hasn’t told her. Antonia says that she prefers to make sure what it is about before telling her family. She and Paquito leave. Ester asks Ursula where Soledad is and Ursula says that she went out very early to see Alcides.

Eloisa says to Alcides that his wound looks very deep and ugly. He should see a doctor. “Yes, of course,” says Alcides, “I’ll go to the hospital and see von Chirac and when he asks me how I got the wound, I’ll say that an arrow struck me when I was trying to save Michelle Phillips in the treasure chamber.” Eloisa says that everything is getting out of hand. She is afraid. Soon, everyone will be looking for Michelle. Alcides says that she will have to decide if she wants to go to prison or not. Eloisa asks what he means by that. Alcides says that she has to follow his instructions to the letter.

Soledad is still waiting. Alcides comes in (the Phoebe is singing like crazy outside). “Soledad,” says Alcides surprised. Soledad says that she has been waiting all morning. Alcides closes his eyes for a few seconds (is Alcides meditating? trying not pass out? is Mario trying to remember his lines?) Finally, he says that he had to go out early to do some errands. He is so glad to see her. What can he do for her? “Nothing,” says Soledad coldly, “I don’t need your help.” She holds up the bag of money. “I imagine you know what this is, right?” Alcides pretends that he doesn’t know what the bag is. Soledad says that he is the only one who could have left a bag of money in her house. “Ah, the infamous bag of money,” says Alcides, “Hugo told me about that last night. Soledad, I didn’t have anything to do with that.” Alcides suggests that it was Michelle who left the money for her. “How can you lie to me so easily?” says Soledad, “I could never be with you. I hate lies.” Ester comes running in. She says that Alcides is a fraud. Ursula told Ester that Soledad had come here alone. This is the second time that Ester has seen Alcides this morning. Soledad asks what she means. Ester says that Antonia found Alcides prowling around the house this morning. Alcides stands there with this idiotic smile on his face while Soledad looks at him in horror.

Paquito brings Antonia to the bar. She says that this is the cheap tavern where indecent people come. Paquito says that it isn’t a cheap place. All the best people will come here. Antonia is scandalized at the thought of working there and that is before the ‘Paquitas’ come in wearing their skimpy outfits.

In a post coital chat, Margot tells Hercu-less that he will always be the man of her life and she swears that she will return to his house. But for now Herc has to stay calm and not get in Arturo’s way. Herc asks why, will Arturo attack him? Margot says that she doesn’t know but she thinks that Arturo doesn’t want to hurt Herc. She says that he is not as bad as Herc thinks. (What have you been smoking, Margot?) She asks if Herc knew that Arturo had been in the military. He is tough like all military men. Herc asks if Margot likes Arturo. She asks if he is jealous. He says of course he is. Margot asks why Herc should be jealous. Even if Arturo wanted to sleep with her, he can’t. (That’s not really an answer to the question of whether you like Arturo.) Herc asks Margot to come back with him before Arturo comes back.

Ester tells Soledad that she and Antonia just saw Alcides wandering around the garden of her house. He was probably putting more money in Soledad’s room. Alcides asks why they both think it was he who left the money. Did anyone see him go inside? Soledad asks Alcides not to be so disingenuous. He has entered her room secretly before when he rescued Hugo from the investors. Arturo is watching. Ester says that she and Soledad should leave. Soledad holds the bag out to Alcides. She thanks him but says that he can’t buy her not even with all the gold in the world. Alcides doesn’t take the bag and it falls on the floor. Ester and Soledad leave. Alcides stands there confused, “I just wanted to help,” he says. The credits roll.

Tomorrow- Aurora is kidnapped.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

La Traición, Tues., June 3 - Michelle overhears some things she didn't want to know

Michelle confronts Eloisa

Hugo and Soledad:
H: You’re crying. These months without you have been a living hell.
S: Hugo, please don’t make this more difficult than it already is. You need that money as much or more than we do. Keep it.
H: Listen, you yourself told me that I only had to support myself. While you have to support your family and my daughter. Your poor father can’t work. Soledad, go ahead and hate me but please take the money. It’s not much but you can use it for things for our daughter.
In comes Dr. Dan (bad timing). He says that he is sorry that he came without notice but he couldn’t sleep. He went for a walk to think and ended up here at her house. He is saying that he needs to see Soledad when he sees Hugo. Hugo says good evening.

Alcides tells Eloisa that she opened her mouth and told someone that he had the treasure of Jeremias Montenegro under his control. You opened your mouth. Eloisa says that he can’t kill her. What happened to this new man who doesn’t like violence? Alcides says that he isn’t a killer but if she pushes him, she will see his bad side. “So you killed my Aunt Rebeca,” says Eloisa. (Michelle reacts to hearing this.) “You lied when you told me that she sprung a trap while hunting for Jeremias’ treasure.” Alcides tells Eloisa to get out. Eloisa says that she wants her money. She did what he wanted. She became Soledad’s best friend so that she could fall for him. It wasn’t Eloisa’s fault that Soldedad is not interested in Alcides.

Dr. Dan says that he thought that Hugo had left. He’s sorry. Hugo says that he came to see his daughter. He has no other business in this house. Hugo wishes Soledad and Dr. Dan good night and thanks Soledad for everything. Hugo leaves. Dr. Dan says that he shouldn’t have come. He’s sorry. Soledad says quite the contrary, she is glad that he came. She hugs him. Hugo sees this before he leaves.

Michelle, still in hiding, says to herself that Eloisa is a traitor. She acted like her and Soledad’s friend on the orders of Alcides. Alcides tells Eloisa that he won’t give her any money and to get out of his house. Eloisa says that Alcides won’t get his way. She knows that he wants to kill Dr. Dan. When he doctor’s body turns up, everyone will know that he did it. Michelle is impactada. Alcides says that he knows that one is not supposed to hit women but he won’t listen to another word. Eloisa looks abashed and leaves. Alcides locks the door to the house and takes the key. As he goes upstairs, he says that he can’t believe that he allied himself with that crazy witch. Now Michelle is trapped in Alcides’ house!

Margot has tried on the maid’s uniform. She says that it is horrible. She finds some things that look that they are made of gold (in a maid’s room? No, we see later this is Arturo’s room where Gladis told her not to go). Arturo comes in and asks if she has spoken with his mother. The things are medals that Arturo won in the war. Margot says that Arturo never told her about that. Arturo says that he followed in his father’s footsteps. They were both heroes in the war. Margot says that sounds like a fairy tale.

Here we go with the Obragon witches. Ester tells Lucas that she can’t believe he feels compassion for that man that nearly killed him. Antonia chimes in that Ester is right. Lucas tells them to be honest. Hugo wasn’t the only one to blame for what happened to him. He had been drinking that day and it was his second heart attack. Lucas says that he is responsible too. Ester maintains that Hugo was the only person responsible for what happened. Lucas tells them that he has stayed awake many nights thinking about what would have happened if Hugo had been hanged because of him. Ester says that he only the said the truth and Antonia chimes in to say that none of it was his fault. Lucas says that it isn’t a question of fault but it didn’t help to say what he did at the trial. He asks Ester and Antonia if they believe in their heart of hearts that Soledad and Hugo will ever stop loving each other. The witches can’t say yes.

Hugo flashes back to finding Soledad wearing Dr. Dan’s ring. He flashes back to hearing Soledad say that she will take the bag of money to Alcides and demand an explanation.

Dr. Dan says that Soledad has nothing to explain to him. He knows that Aurora will be a link between her and Hugo for the rest of their lives. He shouldn’t have come over without letting her know. Soledad says that she is glad he came. It was the perfect excuse for Hugo to leave. Dr. Dan asks if Soledad is ok and she says that she feels like she has an empty place in her heart. But it will pass. Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t like to see her suffer. He wants her to happy. She says that she can’t think about anything now. Dr. Dan leaves. Ursula comes up with the baby and says that sometimes love hurts but Soledad has to be strong, very strong.

Michelle is panicking. She says that she has to get out of the house. If Alcides finds her, she is done for. She uses her earring to try and pick the door lock. All of sudden, there is a knock at the door. It’s Hugo come to see Alcides. Michelle hides. Alcides comes downstairs. Alcides asks what Hugo is doing there so late. He hopes he hasn’t come for the chamber. That can wait until morning. Hugo says that came to talk to Alcides about what he did today in Soledad’s house. Alcides looks surprised.

Margot pins the medals on Arturo. She says that he looks very handsome. “Sure,” he says, “the handsome, impotent, one-handed man of San Marino.” Margot has a fantasy that Arturo, in his military uniform, is telling his mother that he will be married in a few days. His mother says that her dream has come true at last. Arturo introduces Margot as his future wife but Gladis calls her a slut and tells her to get out of her house. Margot comes back to reality and goes to sleep in the servants’ quarters. Arturo wishes that his medals were good for something even if it is just getting revenge on Alcides and his whole family.

Hugo and Alcides:
A: Would you like a drink?
H: No, thank you.
A: It’s your favorite liquor.
H: Thanks but no.
A: Fine. What do you say that I did in Soledad’s house?
H: You left a bag full of money in Soledad’s bedroom.
A: I did that? I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m surprised that Soledad received you after what you did.
H: Listen, Alcides, I went to see my daughter. That’s how I found out about the bag. Don’t lie to me, I know it was you.
A: How can you be so sure? Did someone see me? Do you have any proof?
H: You entered that room the same way you did when the investors came to lynch me. I don’t understand how you did it. How did you get access to Soledad’s bedroom without anyone seeing you? I’m warning you. You can’t go into Soledad’s room whenever you want.
A: Calm down, calm down. Let me remind you that I am three minutes older than you. Some respect is indicated. The love you feel for Soledad is undeniable. Just like for me. Even in a hundred years, you couldn’t stop loving her. Am I right? (Michelle closes her eyes in sadness) Did you check out about Soledad and that quack? Did you see with your own eyes that he is engaged to her? (Hugo pours himself a drink. Alcides starts to eat nuts.)
H: Yes, but she hasn’t accepted.
A: Will you do nothing and wait until they get married?
H: No, that won’t happen.
A: I wouldn’t be so sure. Why don’t you be honest with me Hugo? Why don’t you tell me the truth? Do you love Soledad with all your heart as much as I do? (Michelle is rapt to hear Hugo’s reply.) I asked you a question, Hugo. You still love Soledad knowing that you have lost her forever? Do you still love her? (Hugo doesn’t answer.) It looks like I hit the nail on the head. She is still in your heart.
H: I didn’t come here to talk about my feelings. Watch out with your schemes to win her over. She isn’t stupid. She knows perfectly well that you left that money in her room.
A: But you haven’t answered the question I asked you. Do you still love her?
H: Why ask? You know the answer. (Michelle is stricken) You know perfectly well that Soledad is the great love of my life. I haven’t stopped loving her for one second since we met.
A: Then help me. Together we can both get von Chirac out of the way. (Michelle bolts for the door. Hugo sees the movement.) What happened?
H: I saw a shadow. You didn’t hear anything?
A: Listen to me. Don’t get distracted. Will you help me get von Chirac out of the way?

Soledad says to Ursula that she hadn’t seen Hugo in a long time. She felt short of breath. She had missed him so much. She says that now it is worse because she met him and it was like a knife stabbed her in the heart. She says that she is going out of her mind. Ursula says that love and madness are very similar. (If it’s so late, why isn’t that baby asleep in bed?) Ursula says that is why she is afraid to fall in love. Soledad says no, love is wonderful when it’s pure and transparent and there aren’t any betrayals. She says that it’s worth it. Ursula says that Hugo loves her. Soledad says that it is she who can’t be with someone who has hurt her so much. Ursula asks who does she think she is fooling? She will love Hugo while blood runs in her veins. She and Hugo were made for one another. Soledad takes the baby. She says that maybe she and Hugo were made for each other but destiny isn’t going to allow it. She says that destiny wants them to be apart. Hugo isn’t hers anymore. Hugo belongs to Michelle now. “Poor Michelle,” says Soledad, “she seemed so sad when she left as if I would never see her again.”

Michelle is sobbing walking along the brightly lit wall of the Hacienda. “My God,” she says, “What should I do? Should I leave San Marino behind forever? I can’t after what I just heard.” She flashes back to Hugo telling Alcides that Soledad is and has always been the love of his life. Then she flashes back to Eloisa telling Alcides that he wants to kill Dr. Dan. “I have never been a coward. I must do what is right. Before I leave and renounce Hugo’s love, I will expose his brother Alcides.”

Lucas tells Ester and Antonia that you can’t give up when you love. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past. Soledad and Hugo are still in love. The Obragon witches tell him that he’s delirious and should go to bed. Lucas says fine but he knows that Soledad will never be happy with anyone but Hugo - the man we hate so much.

Hugo and Alcides:
A: Pay attention, Hugo. If we do this right, if we act correctly, we can get rid of this von Chirac.
H: I won’t do any deals with you.
A: Don’t back out, brother. We have a pact.
H: A pact I regret. I accepted that stupid duel for Soledad’s love in a moment of weakness. But she loves me. She has absolutely no feelings for you.
A: But Soledad will never forgive you for what you did to her. You lost your money and you lost Soledad. Accept it.
H: I won’t help you get Dr. Chirac out of the way because Soledad is free to do what she pleases. Stop trying to impress her with your money. If you do anything against her, if you take one step against her, I’ll be there to protect her. Is that clear?
Hugo leaves.

At the hotel, Michelle is looking for Dr. Dan. She needs to find him and tell him that Alcides wants to kill him. She flashes back to making love with Hugo. She says that she can’t think about Hugo. She has to think about Dr. Dan. She can’t let Alcides hurt him. She gets the sword that Hugo made for her. She says that it is ironic that she will save his rival with it. Michelle leaves and Boris sees her. He wonders where she is going with that sword.

Dr. Dan must have just missed Michelle. He knocks on the door of her room but Boris tells him that Michelle isn’t there. Boris says that she left in a hurry with her sword. Dr. Dan wonders if she could have left San Marino without saying goodbye. He tells Boris that he is going to try and find her before she gets the last train. He leaves.

Eloisa opens a box and takes out the letters that Alcides sent her. She says that with these letters, she has Alcides at her mercy but he knows that she can’t open her mouth, that’s why he fired her. She says that Alcides is capable of killing her. She tries to think. She doesn’t want to be left penniless but what can she do? She wishes she knew where the treasure is in Soledad’s house. She flashes back to Alcides telling her about how Rebeca died from a trap he set to protect the treasure. She wonders if that is true or if Alcides killed her with his own hands. She has to forget about the treasure. She doesn’t want to end up like Rebeca. Michelle kicks in the door. Eloisa asks what she is doing there with a sword. Michelle says that she has come to unmask Eloisa. Michelle says that she has found out about Eloisa’s double game with Alcides.’’

Alcides is just about to go upstairs when he hears a noise. He says to himself that Hugo is right. There seems to be an intruder in the house. He gets a gun out of a drawer and surprises Hercu-less and Marina kissing. Marina says enough and slaps Herc saying that she isn’t a prostitute. He says that she knew he was watching when she was taking a bath. She wanted to arouse him. Marina slaps him and says that he had better respect her. Herc seems to find that pleasurable.

Aurora is sleeping and Ursula flashes back to kissing Boris. She says to Soledad that when she said that love hurts, she was speaking from her own experience. Soledad asks what she is trying to say. Ursula says that she is in love but it isn’t meant to be. Soledad is surprised. She wants to know who Ursula is in love with. Ursula says that she and Boris kissed and she liked it so much. Soledad is very happy for Ursula. She had no idea. But why does Ursula say that her love can’t be? Boris and Marina are getting divorced. Ursula says that it doesn’t only have to do with Marina. Boris is Hugo’s servant and she knows that Soledad doesn’t want to see Hugo. How could she and Boris be together? Soledad says that what happens between her and Hugo has nothing to do with Ursula and Boris. She should take the opportunity to be happy. She and Boris deserve it.

Hugo comes into his room at the hotel where Boris is waiting. Boris says that he was worried that he couldn’t find Hugo. Hugo says that he went to see his daughter and then went to see his brother and they had an argument. Boris says that it is not strange that Alcides caused and argument. Hugo says that Alcides is trying to win Soledad’s heart with money. Hugo says that his brother has never learned how to make a woman fall in love with him. “My poor brother,” says Hugo. Boris asks if Hugo spoke to Michelle. Hugo says no. Why is Boris asking? Boris says that it appears that Michelle has left San Marino.

Dr. Dan checks but Michelle is not on the last train out of town. Dr. Dan can’t figure out where she could be.

Eloisa begs Michelle to lower her sword. She is terrified of weapons. Michelle asks what the letters on the bed are. Eloisa says that they are just love letters but Michelle picks them up and reads the instructions to Eloisa from Alcides: find out if Soledad is the daughter of Jeremias; separate Soledad from Dr. Dan; make friends with Michelle Phillips even if you have to go to the hospital to do charity work, that’s what I pay you for. Michelle says these letters are from from Alcides, does Eloisa work for him? “How could you betray us in that way?” says Michelle turning her back on Eloisa for a second. Eloisa throws something at Michelle, “You’ve just made a mistake,” says Michelle holding Eloisa at swordpoint. Eloisa says that Michelle shouldn’t get involved. Michelle say that all San Marino will find out today and Eloisa and Alcides will pay. Eloisa asks how Michelle found out. She replies that she heard Eloisa arguing with Alcides. “What did you hear?” asks Eloisa. “Everything,” says Michelle, “including about the treasure. I don’t know where it came from but you are going to tell me.” Eloisa says that she doesn’t know anything but Michelle and her sword insist. Eloisa says that the treasure belonged to Jeremias Montenegro and he may have left it to Soledad because he is her real father. Now Michelle understands how Alcides returned as a millionaire. He took money that didn’t belong to him. Michelle asks what is the plan for killing Dr. Dan? Eloisa says that Alcides hasn’t told her. Michelle is going to take Eloisa to the police station so that Eloisa can tell them what she just told her. Paquito sneaks up behind Michelle and knocks her unconscious with a wine bottle. He says that he got there just in time to save Eloisa. Eloisa thanks him. Paquito says that he doesn’t understand why Michelle was trying to kill Eloisa.

Hugo says that Michelle wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye. Boris mentions that Michelle sent her stuff ahead with Andres. Hugo says that he convinced Michelle to stay. Dr. Dan comes in and reports that Michelle wasn’t on the train. Hugo says that maybe she is practicing. Dr. Dan asks whether she took her swords to think? Hugo asks Boris to leave them. Dr. Dan asks if something is wrong. Hugo says that he and Dr. Dan need to talk about Soledad.

Soledad is folding up baby clothes when Lucas comes in. He says that he spoke to Hugo tonight in her room. Soledad says that she wanted to warn him beforehand that Hugo was there. Did anything bad happen? Lucas says no. Soledad says that she knows what it means to have Hugo in the house, especially for Lucas. Lucas says that he knows. They have discussed this. He will do anything for his granddaughter (Aurora is asleep – so cute). Lucas turns to hobble out but he stops and asks Soledad how thing are going with Dr. Dan. Soledad says that Dr. Dan is a great person but they are going slowly. She doesn’t want to give him false hope. Lucas asks Soledad to tell him the truth – she stills loves Hugo, right?

Paquito asks what Eloisa has been up to that got Michelle so angry. Eloisa says that Michelle knows everything – that she and Alcides are secret allies. Eloisa says that she has to do something. Paquito says what, kill Michelle? Eloisa replies that even though Alcides hates her, he is going to have to help her deal with this problem. She asks Paquito to help her but he washes his hands of her. He has a big opening tomorrow.

Hugo and Dr. Dan:
DD: You want to talk about my visit to Soledad’s house?
H: I know you asked for her hand.
DD: You’re committed to Michelle.
H: Yes, we’re each rebuilding our lives. Soledad is now a possibility for you.
DD: You have never stopped loving her, right?
H: I have never stopped loving her.
DD: I thought you and Michelle were serious.
H: We are but I haven’t been able to forget Soledad. When I saw her after such a long time, it seemed that not a single day had passed.
DD: I hope that in spite of my interest in Soledad, we can have a cordial relationship. I know that we’re not friends but we don’t have to be enemies.
H: You’d better watch out for my brother, Alcides.
DD: Yes, Michelle warned me. It’s late. I’d better go. I suggest that you talk to Michelle. She must be upset to be out at this time.

Lucas says that Soledad’s tears are what prevent him from seeing Hugo in a good light. Soledad says not to pay any attention to her. Lucas tells her that a love that produces more anguish than happiness isn’t a true love. He asks her to think about it. He only wants the best for her. Soledad says that she knows. The credits roll.

Tomorrow – No LT
Thursday – It looks like Alcides is going to kill Michelle


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

La Traición, Mon, June 2 - Hugo gets 5 minutes with the baby and 45 minutes of abuse from the Obragons; Alcides fires Eloisa

Marina enjoys al fresco bathing with an audience

Hugo offers what little he has to help Soledad's family

Antonia is checking out the bag of money when Ester comes in. She asks where the money came from. Antonia says that Ursula was playing with the baby and found it and doesn’t know where it came from. Ester knows – it’s a gift from God – a miracle from heaven. Antonia says that being poor is driving Ester crazy. They can’t just take the money. They don’t know where it came from. Ester says that the bag of money was on Soledad’s bed – they should ask Soledad about it. Aurora seemed very interested in the money as well.

Soledad comes into the living room and Ester says that Ursula found a bag of money in her bedroom, where did she get it? Before Soledad can answer, Hugo follows Soledad into the room.

Hercu-less ask what Alcides plan is to confront Arturo. Alcides says that he will be ready in case Arturo attacks him but he has something much more important to do. Herc says that he can’t stand around doing nothing (‘no me puedo quedar de brazos cruzados,’ literally, ‘I can’t remain with crossed arms’). Arturo took his woman. Alcides gives fatalistic advice: “If she’s meant to be with you, she’ll be in your arms soon.” He will help Herc rescue her and Herc will be responsible for Alcides’ security and for taking letters to Eloisa. Once again, no need for letters. Eloisa appears. Alcides says, “I’ll have to order those secret passages in the house shut.”

Gladis continues to abuse Arturo for bringing Margot into her house. What will she says to ladies who come over for tea? Arturo replies that if the ladies who come for tea know that Margot worked in a tavern, it’s because they were there too, which makes them as shameless as Margot. Margot laughs and Gladis asks how Arturo can talk to her that way – she’s his mother. Gladis says that she won’t tolerate this disrespect. She will get Hercu-less to get that woman out of her house. Arturo tells her that the traitor Herc now works for Arturo’s worst enemy – Alcides de Medina.

Hugo politely says good evening to Ester, Antonia and Ursula. Ester says its isn’t a good evening for her because he has come back to their house. Soledad says that they have already discussed the situation. Antonia says that’s true but they still don’t like having Hugo in the house. Hugo says that it their right. Soledad says that there should not be any more confrontations. Ursula asks what they should do about the bag. Soledad doesn’t understand who could have left a bag of money on her bed. Ester suggest that is was someone who wanted to bribe them so he could wander around the house. They all look at Hugo.

Eloisa tells Alcides that she couldn’t wait around so see what he had done to Dr. Dan. She is a nervous wreck. Alcides sends Herc out to patrol the estate and to keep himself armed and ready in case of trouble. Eloisa asks what happened between Arturo and Herc. Alcides says it doesn’t concern her. Eloisa asks if Alcides killed Dr. Dan. Alcides says that he can’t kill him right now. He just got engaged to Soledad and if Dr. Dan died now, he would be converted into ‘Saint von Chirac.’ Eloisa takes credit for advising Alcides not to kill Dr. Dan in the Obragon garden. Alcides says that he was enraged when he saw Dr. Dan kissing Soledad but now he can’t act on impulse like he did before. He flashes back to meditating with Vlad. Eloisa asks if he is telling her the truth or is trying to make her believe that he is an angel from heaven.

Margot tells Arturo that he behaved like an angel is defending her from his mother. Arturo says that he did it to annoy his mother. He is sick of her stories about the family’s noble ancestry. He tells her that ‘abolengo’ is when a family has illustrious ancestors like the Linares. Margot giggles and says Arturo says beautiful things and in spite of what he has done, she thinks he is a good man. Arturo asks how she can say that since he forced her to leave her man and work here. Margot replies that she knows that he will let her go when he calms down. Arturo says that won’t happen. Herc has to pay for his betrayal. Arturo asks how much Margot loves Herc. Margot says that she loves him a lot and even if Arturo keeps her here in this house of ‘abolengo,’ she will continue to love Herc. Arturo asks if Margot told Alcides that he was impotent. She says that she did to prove that nothing happened between them and that’s why she knows that Herc won’t try and hurt Arturo.

On his rounds, Hercu-less spies Marina taking a bubble bath out on the lawn. He seems most appreciative of the view.

Boris is leaving the forge. He picks up the jam and flashes back to Ursula bringing it to him. He tries some of the jam and flashes back to kissing Ursula.

Ursula says the person who left the money must have come in through the window of Soledad’s bedroom. “Like a thief,” says Antonia, “but instead of taking money, he leaves it there to blackmail us later.” Hugo asks how they could consider him capable of such a thing? Ester says that he is capable of many things. Hugo points out that he doesn’t have any money. He lost it all. What he makes in the blacksmith shop is barely enough to live on. Where would he get that kind of money? He says that he would never enter their house without permission, much less go in Soledad’s bedroom. Soledad says that she believes Hugo. “Yes,” says Ester, “We believed in him before and look where it got us.” Antonia tells Soledad to wake up. Hugo has only brought problems into her life. “Enough already!” says Soledad. She says there is only one person who could have put that quantity of money in her bedroom – Michelle. “Or Alcides,” suggests Hugo.

Ester is ready to believe it was Alcides. She says that evil last name is in their house again to harm them. Soledad says she will take the bag to Alcides tomorrow and demand an explanation. He can’t just come into the house when he wants to. Hugo points out that he has no proof it was Alcides. That was just his speculation because everyone knows Alcides is a millionaire. Soledad is sure that it was Alcides but she is creeped out that he came into her daughter’s room. He shouldn’t come into the house without permission. Ursula takes Hugo to see the baby. Soledad says, “It really was Alcides.”

Eloisa tells Alcides that she doesn’t like it that he distrusts her. They are allies. She has a right to know what he’s doing. Alcides says that she has no rights. He has given her money for months to help him win Soledad’s heart and he hasn’t gotten anywhere. Eloisa says that she tried. She never missed an opportunity to say how great Alcides was but Soledad doesn’t want anything to do with him. Alcides says that she was supposed to become Soledad’s confident and help him win her heart and now von Chirac has just proposed to her. He wants to know what she has done for him in all this time. He asks her to give him one reason why he should continue to pay her, one reason.

Arturo tells Margot that she shouldn’t have told Hercu-less about his personal problems. Herc will go and blab about it to everyone. Margot says that she told Herc about taking care of his wound after Dr. Max killed himself and he hasn’t blabbed about Arturo losing his hand so why should he talk about the impotency thing. Arturo says maybe so. Margot has helped cure him and one day he will make her his. Margot says that if he keeps thinking about it, he will never be able to do it. Gladis knocks on the door. She is looking for Margot. Arturo says that she isn’t there but Gladis says that she has looked everywhere else. Arturo asks why she is looking for Margot. Gladis says that if Margot is going to be a servant in her house, she wants to teach her the rules. Arturo tells Margot that she will have to face the wicked witch (‘la bruja del bosque’, literally, ‘the witch of the forest’). Margot says that she is used to being insulted by women like Arturo’s mother. Arturo says that at least is mother is letting her stay. He tells her to wait a few minutes and then go find Gladis.

Hercu-less continues to enjoy the view of Marina bathing. She realizes he is there and asks what he is doing. He says he is looking for Alcides. Marina stands up in the tub covered only with bubbles and says that she heard Herc told Arturo and she and Herc were having an affair. Herc says that is true but it was a lie to protect Alcides. Herc leaves.

Ester asks in the nastiest way if Hugo will come to visit the baby every single day? Soledad says that she doesn’t know and not to ask her anymore. Antonia asks how Alcides came into the house and went directly to her room and no one saw him. Soledad recalls that it isn’t the first time that happened. When the investors searched the house, Alcides snuck in without anyone noticing. Michelle comes in. Soledad asks if she came because she knew Hugo was there. Michelle says that she knew Hugo was there but that isn’t why she came. Maybe this isn’t a good time. Soledad says that she wants to ask her a question: she didn’t happen to leave a bag of money in Soledad’s bedroom?

Hugo, obviously not holding the real baby, says that his daughter is so beautiful. Does she know that she has the prettiest eyes in San Marino? She is as beautiful as her mother and very soon she will be cured and will live a life like the rest of them – a normal life. Hugo thanks Ursula for telling him that his daughter was ill. She says it was nothing. Lucas comes into the room on crutches and is impactado to see Hugo. Ursula takes the baby out to bathe her. Hugo starts to say something to Lucas but he says that they have nothing to talk about. Everything has already been said. “Please,” says Hugo, “Let me take advantage of the fact that we are seeing each other after the trial. Don Lucas, I want to apologize. It’s my fault that you couldn’t walk for a while.” Lucas hobbles forward and asks if Hugo thinks that this is walking? If so, he accepts Hugo’s apology. Hugo thanks Lucas for letting him see his daughter. Lucas says that it is better if he goes back to his room. Hugo says that he knows that nothing will change Lucas’ opinion of him but he wants Lucas to know that there’s not a day in his life that he doesn’t think about the damage he caused to Lucas and his family. He asks Lucas to believe him.

Michelle says absolutely not. Breaking into someone house and leaving bags of money like an intruder isn’t her style. Soledad says that is what they thought. Michelle says that besides she has offered Soledad her help many times and Soledad has always refused. Antonia says that Hugo was right. It must have been his brother Alcides. Michelle is surprised. Ester says that one brother breaks in and the other asks permission to come in – they are at the mercy of these criminals. “How shocking!” says Antonia (¡Qué horror!)
Michelle says that she doesn’t like Alcides at all. Soledad is right not to trust him. Soledad asks why she says that. Did something happen? Michelle tells Soledad about how Alcides looked at Dr. Dan when he was treating Aurora. . Soledad says that she has seen that look many times. Michelle says that if looks could kill, Dr. Dan would be dead.

Eloisa says that she did all she could to make Soledad consider Alcides. Alcides says that she didn’t do enough. Eloisa asks what she could have done? Every time she mentioned Alcides name to Soledad, she reacted as if he were the devil. It’s not her fault that Soledad doesn’t like Alcides. Alcides says that it is her fault. She should have done something and now Soledad and that ‘medicucho’ – stupid doctor – are engaged. “What should I have done?” says Eloisa, “told her that Daniel is a monster after he saved that old man, Lucas? After he miraculously helped him walk again? And if that weren’t enough, he’s looking for a cure for that brat’s (mocosa) disease!” Alcides raises his hand to her. He says that the child she calls a ‘brat,’ is his niece. “You’ve dug your own grave,” Alcides says to her, “You’ve shown me in one second that you won’t help my plans. You’re fired (Estás despedida). Eloisa is impactada.

Dr. Dan is sleeping. He dreams of Soledad telling him that he is the kindest man she has known in her whole life. They embrace. He tells Soledad that she is the most beautiful woman he has known in his whole life. They kiss. Hugo comes in and says that Soledad will never be his because her heart belongs to Hugo. Soledad asks Dr. Dan to forgive him but Hugo is right. Her heart has always been Hugo’s. Hugo turns into Alcides. Dr. Dan says that he’s not going to let him take her away. He has been waiting for him. They go for their guns and Alcides shoots Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says to Soledad that Alcides shot him but if she leaves with Hugo, he’ll die of a broken heart. He kisses Soledad again and Alcides shoots him again. Dr. Dan wakes up. He says that he has to calm down. It was only a nightmare or was it a warning from his conscience?

Gladis finds Margot dusting. Gladis asks where she was and Margot says that the house that is so full of her family’s heritage was very messy. Gladis wastes no time. She gives Margot a uniform that she must wear whenever she leaves her room. She is not to make eye contact with any of the guests. She should greet the guests by bowing her head. When she hears the bell, she should come immediately. Other than that, she is never to leave her room. Margot says that the uniform is out of style but Gladis says that she has to wear it anyway. Gladis is expecting guests for breakfast and Margot should behave as if she were a lady. Gladis says that Margot especially is never to go to Arturo’s room. Gladis says that she know that women like Margot get themselves pregnant to get to her money. Margot thinks that if Gladis knew that her son was impotent, she would die.

Poor Hugo. His castigation by these Obragons never ends. Lucas tells Hugo to look him in the eyes. Lucas says that if Hugo is here, it is because of his granddaughter and that’s the only reason. Hugo thanks him for the opportunity. Lucas says not to thank him but to thank Soledad. She fought for him. Hugo says that he understands. Lucas says that he is going to speak to Hugo, man to man. He is going to tell Hugo what hurts him the most. He won’t say it in front of his daughter because he doesn’t want to cause more problems but what hurts him the most is his dignity. He is now a man who lives in shame. He is supported by the women of his family. Hugo says that he would like to help him.. Lucas tells him to shut up. Doesn’t Hugo understand? Lucas is a kept man (un hombre mantenido), a man with no strength after the heart attack that Hugo caused. “You would have preferred that I died on the gallows, that day, right?” says Hugo. “No,” says Lucas, “I would have preferred that you had never met my daughter.” He hobbles out.

Soledad tells Michelle that Hugo saw her wearing the ring that Daniel gave her. “You were wearing it when he arrived?” says Michelle, “Does that mean you’ve accepted Dr. Dan’s proposal?” Soledad says no, she was thinking about it and trying on the ring and at that moment, Hugo came. “And now you feel bad,” says Michelle. Soledad says that she doesn’t know how she feels; she’s confused. “You are confused about your feelings for Hugo?” asks Michelle. Soledad says no, there is no doubt about her feelings for Hugo. That’s not the problem. She is confused about her feelings for Dr. Dan. She knows he is a wonderful and good man but she is not clear about her feelings for him. “I can imagine,” says Michelle.

Soledad asks Michelle how she is. Michelle says that she is fine. Soledad tells Michelle that she knows that she left the laboratory when she didn’t feel well. Soledad asks if Michelle is upset that Soledad told Hugo that he could come to the house. Michelle denies that. It’s just that she saw Soledad, Hugo and the baby as a family and had a moment of confusion. Soledad and Hugo are united by circumstances and feeling that, all of a sudden… Soledad says that Michelle knows very well that there can never be anything between her and Hugo. Michelle says yes but sometimes the head and the heart can’t reconcile their differences. Michelle says that she thought of leaving San Marino. Soledad replies that Hugo told her that. Michelle is surprised. Soledad says that she is glad Michelle changed her mind. Michelle says that she isn’t sure that she has completely given up he idea of leaving. She told Hugo that she would stay on condition that their relationship didn’t hurt Soledad. Michelle asks Soledad if she thinks it is possible that she and Hugo could be happy without hurting Soledad. Soledad doesn’t answer and Hugo comes in. He didn’t know Michelle was there and asks her (politely) to leave so that he can talk to Soledad. She says it is no problem. She has something to do. She leaves saying how much she admires Soledad.

Eloisa says that Alcides can’t end their relationship. He asks why not. She says that she knows all his secrets. Alcides says that she is referring to Jeremias’ treasure. She will tell everyone that he has it. Eloisa tells him not to give her ideas. Alcides says that she is about to cross the line. If she does, she will have to hide but he will chase her to the end of the world and kill her. Eloisa asks for another chance. Alcides says why. She can’t even find out who Soledad’s real father is. Eloisa says that she needs more time. She can’t just ask Ester something like that. Eloisa tries sex. She says that she will give Alcides a massage. He is so virile, such a man. He asks if she’s finished. “No,” she says, “I want to give you everything you want. Just ask me.” “Perfect,” responds Alcides, “I want you to leave my house.”

Paquito tells his girls that the inauguration of his place is tomorrow and he is desperate for a pianist. In any other place, there would be a line of people willing to do the job but in San Marino – nobody. The girls suggest that Paquito play himself and he tries but it is not a success. He says this is a disaster. He has less than 24 hours and he says that he doesn’t know what he will do but he will find a pianist even if he has to look on the bottom of the ocean.

Antonia tells Ester that she put an ad in the paper about giving piano lessons. She asks Ester if she thinks anyone in San Marino will be interested. Ester says that there are many cultivated and educated people in San Marino and playing the piano is an important social link. She should get many offers. Lucas comes in. He says that he ran into Hugo in his own house.

Margot says that the maid’s uniform is so ugly. She flashes back to when Herc almost called her a prostitute and contrasts that with a flashback to Arturo defending her from his mother’s insults. She says that Arturo has done for her what Hercu-less never did. Arturo defended her in front of his mother. Then she asks herself what is she thinking. She says that the uniform is horrible. It needs some alterations before Gladis’ morning visitors arrive.

Lucas says that Hugo was with his daughter when Lucas was in Soledad’s bedroom. Antonia asks if Hugo was rude to him. Lucas tells her to calm down. Lucas says that it was he who said a few things. The Obragon witches say that Hugo deserved everything he got. Ester says that if it were up to her, Hugo would not set foot in her house. Lucas says that Hugo is a changed man. Ester asks why Lucas says that. Lucas replies that after all the damage that he has done, Hugo has become a different person. Lucas says that he can see it in the way Hugo looked at him and the way Hugo talked to him. Lucas says that Hugo isn’t the same. He’s not the same. It’s clear that the Obragon witches don’t agree with these sentiments but at least for now, they don’t say anything.

Alcides is escorting Eloisa out of the house. He says that he doesn’t want to see her again. Eloisa says that he can’t throw her out like a dog (perro). Alcides says that she didn’t help him with his plans. Michelle is listening to this from behind a giant vase of flowers. (How did she get in?) Eloisa says that she and Alcides had an agreement and he can’t break it. Michelle asks herself what plans did Alcides have? Eloisa says that Alcides promised to share the treasure with her. Alcides tells Eloisa that if she says a single word about his secret, she knows what will happen.

Soledad and Hugo-
S: You should have left with Michelle.
H: I need to clarify some things. Soledad, I swear to you by the most sacred thing to me, my daughter, that I didn’t sneak into your house and leave that money in your bedroom. Please, I need you to believe me.
S: I believe you. Even if you’ve deceived my heart many times, I believe you.
H: Thank you. Now, I would like to ask you for another favor.
S: What?
H: (he reaches into his jacket and takes out a small wad of money) That you accept my help. (he laughs) It’s not much. I’m just starting with the business but every little bit helps (‘algo es algo,’ literally, ‘something is something’). I’m sure it will help. Please Soledad, don’t reject it. I know your family needs it. I want to help (colaborar). Use it for things our daughter needs. Besides, my business will do well. In the future, I will be able to bring you more. Soledad doesn’t answer. (But unlike Alcides, Hugo is clearly making points here.) The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Dr. Dan shows up inopportunely.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Mario!!Feliz cumpleaños para Mario!!

Today (Sunday) is the birthday of Mario Cimarro, guapissimo star of two novelas on Telemundo that are currently featured in recaps or discussions here on Caray Caray: La Traición and Pasión de Gavilanes.

To celebrate the occasion, here are five (all that I was allowed to upload) photos of Mario. Enjoy!!!

Mario as a baby! (thanks Marie Celeste)
Hugo escapes from the mine (Nancy's request)

My Favorites from La Traición:

Hugo in disguise
Iremos juntos de este mundo como cuando nacimos...

and Mario as Juan Reyes in Pasión de Gavilanes:

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La Traición, Fri, May 30 - Margo moves up in the world but Herc is down in the dumps; Hugo gets a fencing lesson and Dr. Dan gets a warning

Boris and Ursula

Hugo has come to the Hacienda to ask Alcides for the thermal chamber that is in the basement. He declines Alcides offer of a drink.
A: What do you want it for? Don’t tell me that you are about to have a catalepsy attack?
H: (to himself) My brother continues to be ignorant of the fact that I no longer suffer from that disease.
A: I was in the laboratory when Soledad arrived with my sick niece. How is the child?
H: She didn’t have an attack but I need the chamber in case she has another one.
A: Are you concerned about the baby or are you just trying to get points with Soledad? Because if that’s that case you are losing the game, well, we both are. Daniel von Chirac gave Soledad an engagement ring. They’re engaged.

Soledad thanks Dr. Dan and says that he is always there when she needs him. Dr. Dan says that she is everything to him and what happens to Aurorita affects him as if she was his own. Dr. Dan says that he will take her home but Soledad says that isn’t necessary. The coachman is waiting outside. Dr. Dan asks Soledad to look at him. He says that he knows she isn’t acting this way because of Aurora, “It’s Hugo, right?”

Hercu-less says that he believes Margot. Margot tells him that if he loves her, he has to trust her. Arturo busts open the door. He asks why Herc didn’t meet him like he was supposed to. Herc says he was just leaving. Arturo says maybe Margot won’t let Herc go to Alcides’ house because he is having an affair with Marina. Margot is impactada.

Ursula says that if something happens to Aurora, she’ll die. Boris comforts her. The baby has her mother and father and the doctor, nothing will happen to her. Ursula thanks Boris and says that he is a great guy. She apologizes for what happened with Marina earlier. She should have controlled herself. Boris says that she did the right thing. A kiss happens (finally!).

Hugo and Alcides:
H: von Chirac and Soledad aren’t engaged. They’re together because they are looking for a cure for Aurora’s illness.
A: If that’s what you want to believe, go ahead. I saw them kissing.
H: I didn’t come here to discuss your suppositions.
A: There’s no point in fighting a duel for Soledad’s love, brother. That little doctor is in the way. What is it with you, Hugo? Won’t you do anything about it? Will you let a nobody (don nadie) take her away from you?

Soledad says that she won’t lie to Dr. Dan. She doesn’t know what happened. She hadn’t seen Hugo for a long time and to see him holding her daughter and laughing made her forget all the bad things he has done and I saw him again as the man that I had loved. I remembered beautiful moments. But that’s over. She says that she had a moment of weakness. Dr. Dan says that he will ask her something that sounds odd and it will be hard to do but, if you don’t want to suffer, you have to get Hugo out of your mind and your heart. Soledad says that she knows this but there is something very powerful that binds her and Hugo together – their daughter. Dr. Dan says that he knows that and he will never pressure her to do something that she doesn’t want to do. He tells her not to go the hospital. She should rest. She has a lot of things to think about. Soledad agrees. She says that she has a lot to organize in her mind.

Ursula and Boris are kissing. Ursula pulls away and says that she doesn’t know what happened. Boris says that it was meant to be. She is a very beautiful woman. Ursula moves to leave. She says that he is a married man. This can’t happen. After she leaves, Boris say that there is nothing between him and Marina.

Tearfully, Margot asks if Hercu-less is Marina’s lover. (Poor Herc. He just can’t catch a break here.) Arturo urges Herc admit it. If Marina is his lover, he should let Marina deal with it. “But if you’ve lied,” says Arturo, “you’ll have to deal with me.” Poor Herc is thinking, “What do I do? What do I do? (¿Qué hago?)” Arturo draws his gun. He says that the moment has come. Speak. Herc chooses the lesser of two evils or at least the one that is least likely to get him killed. He says that he and Marina are lovers. “Liar!” says Arturo and knees him in the crotch. Herc falls down. Arturo says that he was with Marina and she told him the truth that she and Herc weren’t lovers and she told him that Herc visited Alcides. Arturo accuses Herc of being the ally of his worst enemy. Now he understands why Herc didn’t keep his appointment; why he wasn’t there to defend Arturo when he lost his hand. It was because of Alcides. Margot asks if this is true. Arturo says that Herc will tell him about all the dirty deals Herc has with Alcides. “Answer!” shouts Arturo while Margot begs Arturo not to hurt Herc.

Hugo and Alcides-
A: Why are you so quiet, brother? What about the ‘great love’ that you said you felt for Soledad?
H: Alcides, I’m not interested in talking about that. I only came here because I need the chamber. Are you going to give it to me, yes or no?
A: Send for it. I have no use for it.
H: Thanks. (He starts to leave.)
A: Hugo, I don’t believe you when you say that you aren’t interested in what happens between Soledad and von Chirac. I don’t believe it.
H: I have lost Soledad forever. Believe it. (He leaves.)
A: I’ll have to deal with von Chirac by myself. I’ll get him away from Soledad whatever it takes.

Michelle and Andres are fencing. Michelle is victorious. Andres asks what is the matter with her. She was attacking him as if he were a real enemy. He says he doesn’t understand. She came in, asked to practice and doesn’t say another word. What is happening? Andres guesses that it has to do with Hugo. Michelle tells Andres to pack up everything. They’re leaving tomorrow morning forever. Michelle tells Andres to buy a ticket and take their stuff home the next day. He asks what she will do. She says that she has to think. She will go Europe before she goes home. Andres says that she didn’t answer her question. It’s about Hugo, isn’t it? Michelle says that she doesn’t want to talk about it. Andres should just do what she asks: pack up and leave her swords and some clothes. He agrees. He leaves as Dr. Dan comes in. Dr. Dan says that they knew this could happen. She shouldn’t worry; he has spoken to Soledad. Michelle tells Dr. Dan not to try and convince her. She says that she thought she had an opportunity with Hugo but today she realized it was impossible. She says that she won’t be an obstacle between Soledad and Hugo. They love each other. Dr. Dan says that Soledad is trying to forget Hugo. “You don’t understand,” says Michelle, “You can win Soledad’s heart because you aren’t friends with Hugo but I am Soledad’s friend and I won’t put myself between two people who love each other. I can’t.”

Soledad tells her family that fortunately, it was a false alarm and Aurora is fine. Soledad thanks Ursula for telling Hugo. Naturally, Ester and Antonia are outraged. Soledad tells Ester and Antonia not to blame Ursula. She was only trying to help. Besides if it wasn’t for Hugo, Aurora could have had a catalepsy attack. They should have seen how she stopped crying when she heard Hugo’s voice and her temperature went back to normal. It was incredible. Antonia says it was a coincidence. Hugo doesn’t have healing powers in his voice. Soledad asks Ursula to put Aurora down for a nap. She says that she has something important to tell Ester and Antonia. They need to respect her decision. Soledad tell them that she has agreed to let Hugo come to the house to visit his daughter whenever he wants. That is her decision. Ester and Antonia roll their eyes but we are spared their usual diatribes.

Hugo comes in to where Andres is packing up Michelle’s stuff. He asks what Andres is doing. Andres says that per Michelle’s orders, he is packing her stuff. She is returning to her own country.

Arturo tells Hercu-less that he has betrayed him. He’s been working for Alcides while pretending to be Arturo’s servant. Margot begs Arturo not to shoot. She asks Herc to tell Arturo that it isn’t true. Herc says that Alcides paid him to run errands for him but Herc says that he never betrayed Arturo. Arturo flashes back to Hugo accusing Herc of kidnapping Boris. He says that now he understands that Herc kidnapped Boris on Alcides’ orders. Herc begs Arturo not to shoot him. He says that he didn’t have any money. Alcides gave him the money to buy this house. Arturo screams that Herc betrayed him for filthy money. He cocks the gun but Margot pushes his arm and he misses. Margot says that she won’t let him kill Herc. If he wants to kill Herc, he will have to kill her first.

It was too good to be true. Now we have the diatribes of Ester and Antonia. They tell Soledad that they can’t believe she would let Hugo in the house after all he’s done, the baby has enough love already, Hugo gives Antonia the creeps (escalofríos). Soledad says that she hasn’t forgiven Hugo. That’s not the issue. It’s just that her daughter should be with her father, that’s all. Soledad says that she is sure that her daughter would never forgive her if she kept her away from her father. Antonia asks Soledad to tell her from her heart what she feels for Hugo. Does she still love him even after all the damage that he’s done? Before Soledad can answer, Ester says that Lucas would feel very bad if Hugo came to the house. “We will do what my daughter decides,” says Lucas coming into the room as Soledad looks at him gratefully.

Dr. Dan tells Michelle not to give up. She is a strong woman who fights for what she wants. “Maybe,” says Michelle, “but I have to be honest with myself. You didn’t see the way Hugo looked at Soledad. His eyes reflected the love he still has for her. A love that I will never have.” Dr. Dan says that Hugo and Soledad hadn’t seen each other in several months. He tells her not to give up for that. She could be very happy with Hugo. Michelle says no, tomorrow she is leaving San Marino forever. Her decision is made. Hugo comes in and says that he saw Andres packing her luggage. He doesn’t want her to go. Dr. Dan leaves.
H: We were all uneasy about what happened at the laboratory. Is that why you left?
M: I understand perfectly that Aurora is your daughter. It’s logical that Soledad and you…
H: Michelle, don’t be mistaken. As Soledad’s friend, you know full well that there is nothing between us.
M: I feel embarrassed.
H: Why?
M: Because after all this time, we finally made love. I was yours on the same day that you and Soledad met again.
H: It was just a coincidence. I was working when Ursula came to say that my daughter was ill and I went to the lab.
M: I know but seeing you together with Soledad and Aurora, I understood a lot and that’s why I’m leaving. (She gets her stuff to leave the room.)
H: Michelle, you can’t leave. Not after what happened between us. I want you to say.
M: Only if I know that one day you and I will have the chance of having a family, a home but without hurting Soledad or anyone. Tell me, is that possible?

Soledad thanks Lucas for understanding her. Lucas says that the presence of that man will be good for his granddaughter, then he has no objection to Hugo coming to the house. Ester agrees but says that she won’t be polite to that man (she never has been up to now, why even think about changing?). Soledad says that isn’t coming to visit them, he’s coming to see his daughter. She wants Antonia’s support for this decision as well. Antonia says Soledad should do as she likes. It’s all for the good of her niece. Ester asks if Soledad is going to the hospital and she says that Dr. Dan gave her the day off. Once again Lucas has to say that he feels bad that all of them are working and he can’t do anything. And once again Soledad tells him that he worked all his life to support them like royalty and now it’s his turn to rest. Lucas says that he realizes that they don’t have enough to eat.

Right beneath their feet. Alcides is making a withdrawal from the Treasure vault. (What an irony!) He says that he has to think of something to separate Soledad from Dr. Dan. He has to find a way to win her. He knows that she won’t accept money from him. “If not with money, how am I going to win her heart?” says Alcides, “How can I win your heart, Soledad?”

Arturo says that Hercu-less with pay for his betrayal with blood. Herc goes for his gun but Arturo makes him toss it away. Margot begs Arturo not to kill Herc. Arturo says that she is the only person who can save this traitor. Margot says that she will do whatever he asks. Arturo says that he will spare Herc’s life if Margot comes to live with him. Margot is impactada.

Hugo and Michelle-
H: Before thinking of yourself, you think of Soledad. You are a great woman, Michelle, with noble principles. (He didn’t answer her question.) Let time help us. Help me heal my wounds. Give me the opportunity to be happy by your side. This is what I want the most. Is that the sword I made for you?
M: It’s a perfect weapon, its curvature, its sharpness. I’ve never had a better one. You should specialize in making swords, you make them very well.
H: Maybe but it doesn’t make sense.
M: If you want, I can show you the secrets of fencing.

Soledad says that they are getting along ok. Lucas says they shouldn’t lie to him. He knows that their money is almost gone and they are having trouble putting food on the table. Ester says that between her sewing work and Soledad working in the hospital, they can live decently. Antonia says that in addition to helping Ester with the sewing (costura) and Ursula with the preserves (jalea), she will put an ad in the paper offering her services.
Ester asks what kind of services. Antonia replies that she will make use of what she learned in the Conservatory – she will offer piano lessons in people’s homes.

Cut to Paquito’s Tavern where his piano player has to leave because of his mother is sick. Where is he going to get another piano player????

Margot says that she doesn’t understand. Where would they live? “Where else,” says Arturo, “in my house.” Margot says that Arturo’s mother will kill her. Herc says that Margot is his woman. Arturo tells Margot to decide: come to live with him or he will kill Herc. Margot hugs Herc and says that she doesn’t have any other option. She will go with Arturo and save Herc’s life. She tells him not to worry. She will talk him out of it when he is calmer. Herc says that what Arturo is doing is called kidnapping. He doesn’t have any right to take Margot. Arturo says that Margot is saving his life. He should thank her. From now on Herc and Arturo are enemies and if Herc makes one false step, Arturo will kill him. He wants Herc to understand that he has lost Margot not because she doesn’t love him but because Herc betrayed Arturo with his worst enemy. They leave. Herc says that he swears that it won’t end like this.

Hugo thanks Michelle for teaching him the secrets of fencing. She says that he is a very good student. Now he has a better understanding of how to use swords. Hugo says he is a good listener. (Are we to assume that Hugo never learned fencing as part of his education as a gentleman?). Hugo asks if Michelle feels better. She says that she does and asks him he same thing. Hugo says that with a woman like her, it is impossible to feel bad. He says that she is an exceptional woman.

Alcides tell Hercu-less that he thought Arturo would have killed Herc after discovering him in Alcicdes’ house. Herc says that Arturo discovered everything. He knows that Alcides hired him to spy on Arturo. Alcides asks how is it that Arturo let him live? Herc says that Arturo spared his life in exchange for Margot. He forced her to go live with him. Alcides says that Arturo won’t stop with this.

In Arturo’s house, Margot tells him this is crazy. How can he force her to live in his house? His mother hates her. Arturo says that he will see what he can do. Margot says that she won’t believe him. Why doesn’t he let her go back to her house? In comes Mother Linares and her first words are to ask what this slut is doing in her house?

Ursula comes into Soledad’s bedroom and plays with the baby. She says that someday she will have a baby like Aurora. She tells the baby that the most beautiful thing in her life happened today. She flashes back to kissing Boris. Ursula says that she has to tell Soledad about it. Ursula finds a cowhide bag full of money on Soledad’s bed.

Michelle is at her dressing table. Dr. Dan comes in. He asks if she if feeling better. He says that he saw her teaching Hugo some fencing tricks. He says that he thinks she changed her mind about leaving San Marino. Michelle replies that Hugo convinced her to stay. She is going to send Andres a telegram, telling him to come back with her stuff. Dr. Dan says that she has done the right thing. He is happy that she is staying because between the two of them, Hugo and Soledad will find happiness.

Soledad is on the porch of her house. She sits down and flashes back to Hugo smiling at Aurora in the laboratory.
S: Ah, Hugo, so much time has passed but today, when I saw you, my life was turned upside down. It was as if time had stopped. Your look, your laugh, were the the same but different at the same time. I want to hate you but I can’t. I know that I have to tear you out of my heart. I have to be able to do it!!
For some reason, she is carrying the box with Dr. Dan’s engagement ring. She flashes back to him saying that patience is his greatest virtue. She puts the ring on and Hugo is there.
H: It’s true then. You are really engaged to Daniel von Chirac?
S: (surprised) Hugo!
H: Is this the ring that von Chirac gave you? (Soledad hastily takes the ring off.)
S: What are you doing here? You scared me.
H: You are engaged to him, then.
S: Who told you?
H: I just saw you with an engagement ring (anillo de compromiso) on your finger (dedo).
S: During the months that we’ve been apart, the only person who has supported me, apart from my family, is Daniel. I am very thankful to him.
H: I can imagine. It’s been hard for me, also.
S: Really? It’s been hard for you? It At least you only have yourself to worry about. I have to worry about my family. It has been very hard.
H: Soledad, I came because I need..
S: While you make a new life with Michelle, I’m trying to support my family and do you know who has been there all the time to help me? Daniel. For that reason, he is a very important person to me. It’s not just that he’s helping to get my father out of his wheelchair, he also helping my daughter by looking for a cure for her catalepsy.
H: Then you are engaged to him.
S: No, I haven’t given my answer yet.

Dr. Dan tells Michelle that she made the right decision and he is sure that she will be as happy with Hugo as he will be with Soledad. He says that he thought Hugo was here. Michelle says that he went to see his daughter. Dr. Dan says that it is inevitable that they see each other. A child is a tie between them that will never break. He says that they’ll have to get used to it. Michelle agrees that is the best thing if they don’t want to suffer. Michelle flashes back to seeing Alcides’ look of hatred towards Dr. Dan. She tells him that she has to tell him about something she saw that bothered her a lot (‘me dio muy mal espina,’ literally ‘gave me a very bad thorn’). It has to do with Dr. Dan and Alcides.

Alcides says that by taking Hercu-less’ woman instead of killing him with a bullet, Arturo has hit him where it hurts the most – in the heart. Herc asks Alcides to help him get Margot back.

Gladis tells Arturo that she knows who this whore is and how dare he bring a woman off the streets into a house of a family of noble descent (‘una familia de abolengo,’). Margot asks whose family is of noble descent. Gladis is horrified about what the neighbors will say. She hopes no one saw him come in with this ‘sinvergüenza’ (literally, ‘shameless person’). Has Arturo no respect for her, this house, etc.? Finally, Arturo says that Gladis has insulted Margot enough. She is a decent woman who doesn’t steal for a living. “Decent!” says Gladis, “My clean, ironed underwear is decent” (‘Decente es mis calzones que siempre están limpios y planchados’) Margot laughs at this. Gladis asks if Arturo is drunk or crazy and orders him to get Margot out of the house. Arturo says that he isn’t drunk and Margot isn’t leaving. From now on, she’s working in this house. Gladis is scandalized.

Ursula wonders who could have put a bag of money in Soledad bedroom when they barely have enough to eat in the house. “It can’t be,” she says and grabs the bag calling for Soledad only to meet Antonia in the doorway who asks where that money came from.

Hugo and Soledad-

H: You haven’t given him a response but you are planning to accept his proposal, is that what you want to say?
S: I’m sorry, but I don’t think that is your business.
H: Yes, I’m interfering in your life and I have no right to do so. But it hurts me to see you engaged to another man.
S: It’s better not to talk about pain Hugo. Our wounds are still fresh.
H: I think that I had better go. I will come visit my daughter some other time. It wasn’t my intention to bother you.
S: You can see Aurora.
H: Have you talked to your family about permitting me to be here?
S: It wasn’t easy but they accept it. They know, as I do, that it is best for our child.
H: Thank you.
S: Michelle told me that you two were doing well, that things between you were better than ever.

Michelle asks Dr. Dan what Alcides was doing in the laboratory when she and Soledad came with the baby. Dr. Dan says that Alcides came to talk to him. Once, Alcides had offered him money to find a cure for catalepsy and he had rejected it. He didn’t understand that it wasn’t a matter of money. (I guess you forgot, Dr. Dan, that Alcides said that he had a score to settle with you.) Michelle says that she is sure that Alcides knows that Dr. Dan asked Soledad to marry him or saw them together. Michelle tells Dr. Dan that she saw Alcides looking at him with such hate (odio). From what she knows about Alcides and his obsession with Soledad, she thinks Alcides might try and harm Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says that if Alcides tries to challenge him for Soledad, he will be waiting for him.

Alcides tells Herc that as far as Arturo is concerned, they don’t have to wait any longer. Everything is out in the open (‘Las cartas con Arturo están echadas y sobre la mesa,’ literally, Arturo’s cards are face up on the table). Herc doesn’t understand. He thinks that Alcides doesn’t need him anymore and without Alcides’ help, he is lost. Alcides says that Herc was loyal and he rewards that. Herc says that Arturo was planning to kill Alcides. Herc was going to warn him but Arturo came to his house and stopped him. Alcides says that he will have to be careful.

Hugo and Soledad:
S: Michelle is my friend. She is a great woman, independent, she doesn’t let herself be blinded by love easily. She won’t be as easy to fool as I was, Hugo.
H: I would prefer not to talk about Michelle.
S: And why not? You asked me about Daniel. I answered. Then why don’t you want to talk about Michelle? Why? I felt terrible when she ran out of the laboratory. I know she was uncomfortable because we were together again.
H: Michelle didn’t feel well. She was a little indisposed. She asked Andres to take her luggage ahead because she was going to leave San Marino.
S: What! I didn’t know that.
H: Yes. Later we talked and she changed her mind. She realized that she was wrong.
S: Then she didn’t leave?
H: She didn’t leave. She changed her plans.
S: Oh. Good. That makes me very happy. (She doesn’t seem very happy.) Come into the house to see the baby.
H: Thanks for letting me see my daughter. What you’re doing shows your good heart.

The credits roll.

Monday – Alcides is not happy with Eloisa.


Friday, May 30, 2008

La Traición, Thurs, May 29 - It's Father's Day and Dr. Dan and Michelle realize they have an upward climb

Loves his daughter!

Loves her Daddy!

Dr. Dan says that he will cherish Soledad’s kiss in his heart forever. Every time he feels sad, he will remember that kiss. Soledad says that she doesn’t want to disillusion him but that was a thank you kiss. Dr. Dan says it was the most sweet, tender and beautiful kiss he has ever received in his life. He repeats that he loves her, he loves her like he’s never loved anyone in his life.

Eloisa tells Alcides that it was just a friendly kiss. He shouldn’t worry. Alcides says that Dr. Dan will pay dearly for it. Eloisa tells Alcides that he needs to be calm (‘tienes que actuar con sangre fria,’ literally, ‘you have to act with cold blood’). She will investigate and find out what Soledad’s intentions are. I don’t care a straw (‘no me importa un bledo’) what he thinks or says, says Alcides, “I want to know what Soledad promised him. Now.”

Soledad tells Dr. Dan that she has to go back inside. She will see him later at the hospital. Dr. Dan says of course, he can’t be there without her. She is his best helper and when she’s not there, the patients don’t stop asking for her and neither does he. She thanks him and leaves.

Boris tells Marina and Ursula to stop fighting. Don’t they see the fire? They could get hurt. He asks Marina what she is doing coming here after all this time. She says that she didn’t come to see him but she was passing by and saw Ursula giving him money and had to come in and tell her to her face what she is: a slut (‘buscona’). Boris tells Marina to leave but she refuses. Ursula says that she will leave. When she is gone, Marina says that she always knew Boris liked Ursula but she is sure that he doesn’t like Ursula as much as he likes her. She says that he must have been thinking about her a lot in all this time. “Don’t tell me that you haven’t missed me,” says Marina, caressing Boris.

Paquito tells himself that the bar will make him a millionaire. The mine investors wasted their money but he has put it to good use. He is auditioning scantily clad ladies for some position.

Soledad show her family the ring. Ester asks if they are engaged. Lucas and Ester express their approval of Dr. Dan. Eloisa breezes in. She’s says that she didn’t want intrude on the family celebration of Lucas’ recovery. Soledad shows her the ring. Eloisa asks if she is engaged. Soledad says that she told Dr. Dan that she need more time to think. Lucas tells her to follow her heart and not make any more errors. Soledad says that she will.

Boris moves away from Marina. He says that she is wrong. What she did destroyed all his feelings for her. Marina says that she doesn’t believe that Boris never thinks of her especially when he’s alone in bed because she is the only woman that has brought him pleasure… At this moment, Hugo walks in. He asks what Marina is doing there.

Lucas tells Soledad that if Dr. Dan really loves her, he will wait. Eloisa tells Soledad that there’s no rush after all she’s been through. If he doesn’t wait, there are other men. Soledad says that there are other men but Dr. Dan is the nicest and most generous man that she knows, except her father of course. Lucas says ‘flatterer’(‘aduladora’). He gripes about not being able to work. Soledad asks Eloisa if she wants to go to the kitchen and help her make things to sell. Not surprisingly, Eloisa has other obligations. She leaves. Michelle comes in and asks if Soledad got the ring. Soledad is surprised that she knew about it. Michelle says that as Dr. Dan’s best friend, she helped him pick out the prettiest ring in the shop. Michelle and Soledad admire the ring. Michelle asks why Soledad isn’t wearing it. She says that she hasn’t accepted Dr. Dan’s proposal. As soon as she is sure, she will wear it. Soledad says that Michelle looks different (that’s what a night with Hugo can do to you).

Hugo asks Marina how dare she come into their place of business. He has dropped the charges against her but he hasn’t forgiven her. Her lies nearly got him killed on the gallows. Boris tells her to get out. Boris apologizes for letting her in. Hugo says that Boris hasn’t forgotten her. Boris says that it is hard to forget someone that you loved. “Tell me about it,” says Hugo, “I’ve been trying to forget Soledad for three months. Trying to get her out of my mind and thoughts but it is impossible. But we have to move forward. We have to open our hearts to new things.” Boris asks if he is saying that because of Michelle. Boris asks what happened at the thank you dinner he gave for Michelle. Hugo says that it was a beautiful moment, truly unique but as he said before, he tried not to think of Soledad but he couldn’t.

Soledad says that women have a sixth sense about these things. She is oozing happiness. Michelle hesitates and Soledad says, “Hugo? Your happiness is related to something that has to do with Hugo?” (What could that be Soledad?) Soledad says that she is not asking for an explanation. She cleared the way for Michelle to be with Hugo. Michelle says that she is very embarrassed. Soledad says that she shouldn’t be embarrassed. Michelle should feel free to tell her anything. “It’s true,” replies Michelle, “Hugo and I slept together.” Soledad is impactada.

Alcides is about to send Hercu-less to give a letter to Eloisa when she comes in and says that she need to speak to him in private. Herc leaves. Nervously, Alcides asks if she spoke to Soledad. What is she going to do? Eloisa tells him to relax. Soledad did not accept Dr. Dan’s proposal. She says that Soledad asked Dr. Dan for time to think about it. Alcides still has time to win her. Alcides says that he has to act fast before it’s too late.

Arturo broods on taking vengeance on Alcides. Because of Alcides, he has been converted into a useless man. It turns out that Arturo is brooding outside of Alcides’ house and Arturo sees Herc leaving. He calls him over and asks why is coming out of the house of his worst enemy. (Get those brain cells working, Herc!)

Michelle says that she shouldn’t have told Soledad. Soledad says that it would have been worse if she had hidden it. Michelle asks Soledad to forgive her but Soledad says that she has nothing to forgive. Things have been clear between them since the beginning. Soledad says that it was she who suggested that Michelle and Hugo get together. “Hugo and I have the right to be happy, right?” says Soledad, “We need to restart our lives.” Michelle says that she knows that Soledad hasn’t forgotten Hugo and that makes Michelle feel that she is betraying Soledad. Soledad says that isn’t so because between her and Hugo there’s nothing. Hugo is a free man. “And you?” asks Michelle, “do you really think that you have removed Hugo from your heart?” “I won’t lie to you,” says Soledad, “Sometimes I remember all the happy times we had in the past but that’s over. He’s happy with you and that’s enough.” Ursula comes in with Aurora. She won’t stop crying. She’s not hungry. What could be the problem? Another catalepsy attack on the way? Send for Dr. Dan!

Dr. Dan is in the lab trying to figure out how to cure Aurora but he’s distracted by memories of kissing Soledad.

Alcides says that Dr. Dan’s luck has run out. Eloisa asks what he is going to do. “If there is a fallen tree in your path,” says Alcides, “you remove it any way you can.” Eloisa can’t believe it. Alcides is going to kill Dr. Dan.

Arturo demand a response from Hercu-less about why he was in Alcides’ house. Herc comes to the brilliant conclusion that if tells Arturo that he is working for Alcides, Arturo will kill him. Herc says that he is having an affair with Marina and she works at Alicides house. He asks Arturo not to tell Margot. Arturo says that Herc thinks he’s a stud (semental). Margot can’t satisfy him. Arturo doesn’t care about that. He has a plan to kill Alcides and since Herc can get in and out of the Hacienda, he can help with it.

In the Hacienda, Alcides tell Marina to get out of his way. She wonders where he is going.

The smiths are busy at the forge. Hugo is pounding away with a hammer and flashes back to making love with Michelle and seeing Soledad’s face. Then he flashes back to making love to Soledad. Boris asks if Hugo is ok. Hugo says that he can’t get certain thought out of his mind. He goes back to pounding.

Aurora is still crying and she’s cold. Soledad and Michelle will take her to Dr. Dan’s. Ursula is concerned. These are the same symptoms she had the last time she had a catalepsy attack.

At Arturo’s house, Herc notices that Arturo has lost a glove. Gladis isn’t home so they can talk freely about things she doesn’t like, such as killing people. Hercu-less asks Arturo what his plan is. His plan is to kill Alcides. He wants to have Alcides on his knees begging for mercy today. Arturo isn’t going to do this alone, Herc is going to help him. Arturo tells Herc the plan but we can’t hear it.

Alcides comes into the lab where Dr. Dan is working. Dr. Dan isn’t sure if it is Hugo or Alcides. Alcides says scornfully that Dr. Dan still can’t tell him from his brother, Hugo. Dr. Dan says that he can tell the difference but he was concentrating on his work. He asks what Alcides wants. Alcides says that in the past, he offered Dr. Dan a lot of money to find a cure for the disease that his niece and brother suffer. Dr. Dan refused that money. Alcides says that he doesn’t beg. Dr. Dan perceives a threat in Alcides’ words. Alcides says that Dr. Dan is correct. They have a score to settle. Moves are made towards each man’s gun but before we have the gunfight at the laboratory, Soledad comes in with the baby. Dr. Dan examines her and confirms that she is on the point of having an attack of catalepsy.

Ursula comes into the smithy. Boris wants to talk about Marina but Ursula says that she is there to see Hugo. She tells him the baby is sick and might be having a catalepsy attack. Hugo takes off his apron and runs out. Boris tries to calm Ursula down.

The poor baby is crying. Alcides asks Dr. Dan to do something to help her. Dr. Dan says that the baby shouldn’t get upset and asks Alcides to leave. Alcides flashes back to seeing Soledad kissing Dr. Dan. Michelle observes Alcides and says to herself that there is a lot of hate in his eyes when he looks at Dr. Dan. Alcides must have found out that Dr. Dan proposed to Soledad. Alcides leaves.

Eloisa comes into the taverna where Paquito is still auditioning dancing girls. He tells the three girls that they are hired. He introduces them to Eloisa as Ruby, Topaz and Emerald. Eloisa is not interested in this frivolity. She says that something terrible is going to happen today. Paquito asks what she is talking about.

Hercu-less goes home to get his gun (why doesn’t he wear it all the time like everyone else in San Marino?) He says that he has to tell Alcides that Arturo is going to try and kill him. Margot comes in. She tells Herc to be careful and then Herc sees Arturo’s glove on the floor. He flashes back to noticing that Arturo had lost a glove. He asks Margot what Arturo was doing in his house.

Arturo is outside the Hacienda impatiently waiting for Hercu-less. He accosts Marina. Marina says that Alcides isn’t home and Arturo should leave before there is any trouble. Arturo tells Marina not to act like the perfect servant. He knows that she is sleeping with Herc. Marina says that she doesn’t know what he talking about. She hasn’t had any contact with Herc in a long time. She doesn’t even speak to him when he comes to see Alcides (uh oh!).

Aurora is still crying. Dr. Dan says that they have to calm her down. Fear is the worst enemy of a patient with catalepsy. Soledad is trying to talk to the baby but has no success. In comes Hugo. He holds the baby, talks to her and miracle of miracles, she stops crying and smiles at Hugo. Dr. Dan is amazed. Her temperature is normal. Hugo has saved the baby!! Dr. Dan says that the baby recognized her father’s voice. Hugo asks Soledad if she noticed that the baby isn’t pale any more. Soledad keeps asking if the baby is ok, does she need to go to the thermal chamber? Hugo reassures her that he knows the symptoms of catalepsy and the baby is fine now. Soledad thanks him for coming. He saved her daughter, their daughter. Hugo is giving Soledad a look of such love that Dr. Dan and Michelle are rethinking their chances of success in love.

Arturo asks if Marina is saying that Hercu-less is doing business with Alcides. Marina plays dumb and says that Arturo should ask Alcides about that. Arturo flashes back to Herc telling him that he was having an affair with Marina. Arturo tells Marina that he wants the truth: is she or is she not having an affair with Herc?

Meanwhile Herc is confronting Margot about Arturo being in the house. Has she been unfaithful to him? Margot says that Arturo has been coming to the house but not for the reason Herc thinks. Margot has been treating his scar (cicatriz). Herc asks why she didn’t tell him about it and Margot says that she was afraid of his jealousy, that he would do something crazy. Margot goes on to say that Herc’s boss is impotent. He wants to make love to her but he can’t.

Paquito is totally obsessed by the preparations for the opening of his bar and and whether he should call the dancers ‘Paquito’s girls’ (‘las chicas de Paquito’) or ‘Paquitas’ and isn’t interested in Eloisa spoiling his day with news about terrible things that are going to happen. She leaves.

At the lab, Michelle and Dr. Dan are on the outside looking in. Michelle suggest that Dr. Dan should examine the baby but he say he’s already done so and Aurora should be with her father. While Hugo makes faces at the baby, Soledad flashes back to when Hugo saved the baby the first time she had an attack by using the thermal chamber. Michelle flashes back to having sex with Hugo. Dr. Dan flashes back to Soledad thanking him for being there. Hugo flashes back to Soledad telling him that he is dead in her heart. Soledad says, “Hugo, in spite of everything that has happened between us, we have our daughter and she is more important than everything. Because of that, I authorize you to visit her at the house whenever you want.” Hugo smiles and says to the baby, “Did you hear, did you hear the good news?”

Arturo is choking Marina to get her to answer why Hercu-less comes to Alcides’ house. Marina knees him and runs away. Arturo starts to go after her when Alcides strolls up and asks what Arturo is doing at his house.

Margot says that Hercu-less has to believe her. She has been taking care of Arturo because she feels pity (le tengo lástima) for him. He lost a hand and now he’s going crazy. Herc says that he never should have taken her out of the tavern because she’s just a.. Margot slaps him and says that she won’t let him call her that. He knows perfectly well that she left behind her past, her job in the tavern for what she felt with him – love. It’s true that Herc didn’t find her in a palace and she’s not a princess but he knew what she was and what she did and she isn’t going to let him call her that.

Hugo thanks Soledad for letting him see his daughter. He missed her terribly. Soledad says that she is doing it for her daughter, nothing more. Hugo says that he knows. Hugo kisses the baby, “Well, our daughter is fine. I think it’s time for me to say goodbye.” (He calls the baby, muñeca, a doll). Dr. Dan takes the baby to check her vital signs once more before Soledad takes her back to the house. Hugo looks at Michelle, “I was working when Ursula came and told me the baby was sick. I ran out of there.” Michelle says that Hugo is a good father. Soledad says that it was good that Ursula let him know. Thanks to that her daughter was saved. Really, she was saved thanks to Hugo. “How are you?” asks Hugo, “I haven’t seen you for quite a while.”
S: Yes, three months already. I imagine you know about our bad financial condition. The economic situation in my house is very difficult.
H: I can imagine. It hasn’t been easy for me either but we have to move forward.
(Michelle turns and leaves)
How is Lucas?
S: Good, better. At least he is walking, With a cane but he’s walking.
H: That’s great. And Ester, how is your mother?
S: She’s working a lot. She has a lot of sewing projects. Really, in my house, everyone is doing something to help now that my father can’t work.

Dr. Dan interrupts asking for Michelle and Hugo has the grace to look abashed.

Michelle says to herself, “The way they looked at each other. Hugo hasn’t stopped loving Soledad and she loves him. How could I have gotten my hopes up with Hugo? How? For what?”

Alcides asks Marina what is going on here. Marina says that Arturo showed up like a crazy person and said that I am Hercu-less’ lover. Alcides tells her to leave. He will take care of the visitor. Alcides asks what Arturo is doing here. Arturo says that he has discovered that Herc has been making secret visits to this house. Herc’s explanation is that he is your servant’s lover but she says that is a lie. Alcides says that of course Marina would lie, she is a married woman. Arturo says that he doesn’t believe a word of that but Herc will have to tell him the truth. Alcides asks again why Arturo came to his house. He can’t imagine that the love lives of their servants interests him. Arturo says that for his own good, he hopes that Alcides hasn’t bribed Hercu-less. He would be making a very bad deal. He leaves. Alcides says that he hopes Herc knows how to treat this animal.

Hugo and Soledad:

H: Well, now I think I’m really going.
S: You can come to the house to see the baby whenever you want.
H: I don’t want to create problems with your parents, Soledad.
S: I’ll speak to them, Hugo.
H: Ok, I’ll give a kiss to my daughter. Goodbye, my love (amor mío), goodbye.
Is everything ok, doctor?
DD: Yes, her vital signs are stable.
H: (to Aurora) I love you. Don’t forget it. I love you. Soledad, thanks again.
S: Thank you for saving my baby, Hugo.
H: No, thank you for letting me see my daughter (You’re milking it, Hugo).
In spite of all that I did to you and all that happened to your father because of me, I don’t deserve your friendship. Thanks for letting me see my daughter. (He touches her cheek and leaves with one backward glance.)

Soledad is crying. Dr. Dan tries to comfort her but he knows that she is crying for Hugo, not for her baby. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: the doomed love affairs proceed.


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