Thursday, May 29, 2008

La Traición, Wed., May 28 - Is it ok to have sex with somebody else if you are thinking about your true love?

Hugo the Blacksmith

The nurses of San Marino

Hugo and Alcides:
H: Alcides, you can’t have that woman in your house. She is a fugitive. Because of her I was almost hanged.
A: I know, brother, but I think she regrets blaming you for her accident. In fact, I can assure you that she is sorry for what she did. Don’t you think we should give her another chance?
H: I don’t believe a word you say.
A: Hugo, please, you’ve always been known as a man with a good heart. This is your opportunity to show it. Do you want this poor woman to spend the rest of her life in jail? Is that what you want? Or do you just want to get back at her?

Lucas tells Soledad that he will give her the money he is receiving back from the mine investment to use as she wishes. He knows it isn’t much but now that he can’t work… (He worked before?) Soledad says that she will take care of her family. She is going to look for a job today. Ester says that she can sew and Antonia wants to help too. (What a big, happy family.) Soledad says that everything will be fine.

Dr. Dan tells Michelle that now he can dedicate himself to finding a cure for catalepsy and save Soledad’s daughter. He also wants to help with Lucas’ therapy. Michelle says that will keep him close to Soledad. Whenever he mentions her, his eyes sparkle. Dr. Dan says that right now Soledad is wounded but he hopes in time that she will consider him. He says that Michelle can’t imagine how much he adores Soledad and her cute baby. Michelle says that she is happy for him. Dr. Dan asks Michelle how it goes with Hugo. She says she has mixed feelings, she is scared and embarrassed but she adores Hugo. She is about to tell Dr. Dan about seeing Hugo in the altogether the previous evening when the world’s hardest working judge appears. Dr. Max’s body has been found and the judge understands that Dr. Dan was the last person to see him alive.

Hugo and Alcides:
(Marina listens from hiding.)
A: Brother, what is happening to you? It’s up to you whether this woman spends the rest of her life in jail. Ok, don’t do it for her. Do it for me. I’ve done you some favors, right? I didn’t let them imprison you when you stole my identity. I defended you in the trial and paid off your debt to the investors so they’d leave you alone.
H: I knew your favors would cost me. Alcides, I didn’t ask you to do anything for me.
A: So you’re going to turn her in?
H: Never again will I hold a grudge. I learned a life lesson. That woman was in my service for years. I thought she was faithful and loyal and look what she did. You decide what to do with her. I’ll speak to the judge and have the charges dropped. But for the record, tell her that I’m not doing this for her, I’m doing it for Boris. It was he who saved my life and it’s he who is saving her life now. I don’t want Boris to suffer knowing that she’s in jail.
A: Thanks brother. Have a good day.
Alcides says to Marina, who is still hiding, that she owes him her life and he likes to be paid back with loyalty. He’s out of nuts. “Are you listening, Marina?” says Alcides.
(All during this scene, the bird that sounds like an Eastern Phoebe was singing in the background.)

Dr. Dan tells the judge that it is true. He probably was the last person to see Dr. Max. After the operation on Lucas, they said goodbye to one another. Dr. Dan assumed Dr. Max went home and he went to the hotel. Dr. Dan flashes back to Dr. Max going over the cliff. The judge says that there were no defensive wounds on Dr. Max’s body. The judge wanted Dr. Dan’s testimony to close the case. Michelle says, “In that case, there won’t be any further investigation? The judge says no. The authorities have concluded that Dr. Max killed Rebeca and then committed suicide by jumping off the cliff. No relatives of Dr. Max could be located so his laboratory will be sold. If Dr. Dan, as a doctor, knows of anyone who might be interested, he should let the judge know. The judge leaves. Dr. Dan says that he feels so guilty. Michelle says that Dr. Max killed himself. Dr. Dan says that they both know that Dr. Max didn’t kill Rebeca. “Yes,” says Michelle, “did you find anything out last night?” Dr. Dan say that he didn’t but he will keep investigating. Michelle suggests that they buy the Dr. Max’s lab. Everything he needs for find a cure for Soledad’s daughter is there.

Boris thanks the blacksmith for selling them his business. Boris looks around excitedly, “We got the smithy!” (‘Ya tenemos la herreria!’) Ursula comes in. She says that she saw Boris come into the workshop and she wanted him to know that she thinks he is very brave for saving Hugo’s life at the hanging. She is very proud of him. He thanks her and says how courteous she is. Boris says that this is a big day. He’s just bought this blacksmith shop and he is going to work here with Don Hugo. Ursula says that she is happy. But this means that they won’t see each other that much. Now that their bosses are separated, it will be more difficult. Boris says that he wants to see her. Hugo and Soledad’s problems shouldn’t affect them. He says that Ursula is a very good woman and he doesn’t want to lose the friendship they have. Ursula says that she doesn’t want to lose their friendship either. Boris says that he saw Marina in the street yesterday. Ursula says that she thought Marina had run away from the city. Hugo comes in. Ursula leaves. Hugo tells Boris that he just saw Marina in Alcides’ house and he dropped the charges against her.

Alcides tells Eloisa that he is sorry he wasn’t at Rebeca’s funeral. Eloisa says that almost no one came. That’s how hypocritical people are. Alcides agrees. He asks Eloisa if Paquito suspects about the treasure or about her aunt. Almost too quickly, Eloisa says that she spoke with Paquito the previous evening and he is convinced that Rebeca didn’t find the treasure and that Alcides wasn’t involved in her death. Alcides says that he hope she keeps her word. Eloisa says that she promised to keep his secret and besides they have common interests. Eloisa doesn’t understand why Alcides has Marina in his house. She isn’t trustworthy (and you are?). Alcides replies that he has plans for her and he wants to keep an eye on her. Alcides tells Eloisa to tell him about every step that Soledad takes. Alcides will pay Dr. Max and Dr. Dan a lot of money to find a cure for Soledad’s daughter. He also wants Eloisa to find out if what Rebeca told him before she died is true – that Jeremias gave Ester her house and if so, why he did it. Eloisa says that he can count on her and she hopes he will pay very well for her services. She strokes his hand. Alcides eats nuts.

Los Burque are ready to go to London. Guille is hulking the luggage. He says that he forgot his violin and has to go back for it. The lawyer says that won’t be necessary. Guille’s father has a collection of Stradivarius violins. Elena thinks maybe a Stradivarius is a brother they have to share their inheritance with. Guille explains. They get dressed up and say goodbye to their friends: Hugo and Boris and the Obragons. (Did I hear right? Hugo spoke in English to Guille? He said, “let me give you a piece of advice..”)

There follows a big montage of scenes, mercifully without much dialog that indicate the passage of time:

Boris explains hammering and suchlike to Hugo. Michelle brings Hugo a broken sword. He says it is too expensive to fix. If she trusts him, he will make her a new sword.

Lucas gets therapy and Soledad is carrying bedpans in a low-cut nurses’ uniform.

Doña Gladis is harassing Arturo and he’s taken to drink.

Hercu-less and Margot just have sex all the time.

Dr. Dan buys Dr. Max’s lab and works on a cure for Aurora’s catalepsy. Dr. Dan is trying to show Soledad how to look through a microscope when Alcides comes in. He is not a happy camper when Soledad hugs Dr. Dan.

Alcides gives money and a letter to Herc who in turns gives it to Eloisa.

No wonder the patients get better in Soledad’s hospital. All the nurses are beautiful and wear low cut dresses. (What happened to the nurse’s uniform that Beatriz was wearing?) Eloisa is there on the job for Alcides and Michelle too.

Hugo’s working away in the forge. (I hope they make something other than swords. How many swords can a place like San Marino need? Shouldn’t they be making something more useful?) Michelle comes in and kisses Hugo. She admires the sword he made for her.

Boris makes a sculpture for Ursula while Marina looks on jealously.

Arturo wants to have sex with Margot but she apparently isn’t interested.

Paquito and Eloisa have a knockdown drag out fight and then have sex. Paquito checks on his money in the wardrobe. He buys Omar’s bar.

Hugo and Boris are carrying some brass bedsteads into the hospital and Hugo sees Soledad with Dr. Dan treating a child. He looks for a few seconds and continues on.

Alcides offers Dr. Dan a big bag of money to find a cure for catalepsy but it looks like Dr. Dan refuses. Alcides wants Hercu-less to tell Eloisa that it’s been two months and he is tired of supporting her ineptitude.

Soledad and Ursula are walking and she sees Alcides and avoids him.

Paquito teases (I guess) Marina by putting a hangman’s noose on his cane and dangling it in front of her face.

Lucas stands up.

Three months later

Dr. Dan gets all the Obragons together. Eloisa is there as well. He has a surprise for them. It’s Lucas walking with crutches. Soledad is grateful to Dr. Dan. She embraces him.

Eloisa scurries right over to Alcides and tell him that helping Lucas is bringing Dr. Dan and Soledad together. Alcides says that Dr. Dan refused his donation to speed up the catalepsy cure process. He says that the little doctor (doctorcillo) is getting in his way. Eloisa warns him to be careful. Alcides says that he would do anything to win Soledad’s love.

Margot is having a sponge bath. A hand covers her eyes. She thinks it’s Hercu-less but it’s Arturo. It’s been three months and he wants to try and have sex again.

Boris is working in the forge and Ursula bring him some jam she made. He says that he really appreciates it. Ursula says that she likes to see him smile. It shows that life isn’t that bad. “Of course life isn’t bad,” says Boris, “Having a woman, I’m sorry, with a woman like you, life is beautiful.” Marina is watching this exchange.

Hugo has invited Michelle to an elegant dinner (I guess he got off early from work). He says that he wants to thank her for the last three months. Since he doesn’t have the money to buy her jewels or take her to a nice restaurant, he made this delicious dinner for her (in the hotel kitchen?). Michelle asks if he made it all himself. Hugo says yes but she has to try it and tell him what she thinks. She says that it is delicious. She didn’t know he could cook so well. He says that he never thought he would be a blacksmith either but Michelle told him that he made her the best sword she ever had. Michelle says that the food is very good. If Hugo gives up being a blacksmith, he could be a chef. Hugo leans over to wipe a drop of wine from Michelle’s lip. Dinner is forgotten. Hugo thanks Michelle for everything and they kiss.

Back at the Obragon house, Soledad asks where Eloisa is. Antonia says that she seemed to have something important to do. Dr. Dan asks for their attention and says he has another surprise. He asks everyone but Soledad to sit. He has something very important to ask Soledad in front of them all. Alcides appears to be watching this. Dr. Dan says that he is a scientist and isn’t good at making speeches but what he is going to ask her only takes four words but these four words fill his heart and mean the world to him. He gets down on one knee and asks Soledad to marry him (Quieres ser mi novia?). He has a ring. Alcides is watching. Dr. Dan says that this might not have been the best way to ask Soledad to marry him. He probably should have spoken to Lucas first. Lucas says that Dr. Dan has his support and blessing. Dr. Dan is a good guy and would make a good husband for his daughter. (Aurora is making little noises during all this.) Ester says that Lucas is right. They make a beautiful couple. Soledad is urged to respond by her family. She takes the ring. Dr. Dan asks if that means she accepts. Alcides holds his breath. Soledad says that it means they have to talk. Alcides breathes. Soledad leads Dr. Dan out of the room.

Michelle says that she has dreamed of this moment for months – to be in Hugo’s arms, to be his. Dialog-free love making ensues.

Arturo tells Margot to take off her clothes. He needs to know if he is ready to please her in bed. Margot says that she has become fond of Arturo while she took care of his hand without his mother knowing. But she lives with Hercu-less. She doesn’t want them to fight. Arturo says that she is the only person who can help him. She begs him not to ask her to do something she shouldn’t do. Arturo says that he isn’t asking. He wants to be with her in bed. Period (Punto).

Marina watches while Boris asks Ursula asks how Lucas and Soledad are doing. Ursula says Lucas is getting better but he can only take small steps. Ursula can’t go out and work so the situation in the house is very complicated. Boris says it is the same for him and Hugo trying to make a go of this workshop. Boris offers to pay for the jam. Ursula says it is a gift. Marina comes in and says that now Ursula is taking money from men – like a slut.

While Alcides watches, Soledad tells Dr. Dan that he is a great guy. He would make any woman happy. It is an honor that he chose her. Her family loves him too. Alcides gets his gun out, cocks and aims it at Dr. Dan. Eloisa lowers his arm. “It only takes one second to do something crazy, Alcides,” she says. Alcides says that Dr. Dan has gotten in his way. Eloisa asks if he has gone completely crazy? He shouldn’t do things without thinking.
Dr. Dan says to Soledad that all the stuff about him being a great guy means that she won’t marry him, right? Soledad replies that she’s not ready to be his wife. Dr. Dan makes his sad/goofy smile.

Hugo and Michelle go at it to a new song and Hugo has a vision or something of Soledad’s face and then is surprised when he sees Michelle’s face. Michelle asks him if he is ok but they continue.

Marina calls Ursula a prostitute and they get into a fight. Boris carefully puts down the jam and tries to stop them.

“Don’t you realize what you were going to do?” Eloisa asks Alcides, “If you kill Dr. Dan, you’ll be in serious trouble. You can’t lose control for a whim.” Alcides says that Soledad isn’t a whim. He loves her more than life itself. Eloisa points out that if Alcides kills Dr. Dan in front of Soledad, he’ll lose her forever. Alcides says that he lost control when he heard Soledad says that Dr. Dan was the man of her life. Eloisa says that she did tell Alcides that Dr. Dan was making points with Soledad. Alcides says that with Hugo, it is different. Winning over Soledad is an honor, a challenge but that’s not the case with this doctor. Alcides says that he won’t let this newcomer ruin his plans.

Soledad tells Dr. Dan that her heart isn’t healed yet. He knows this. She need more time. Dr. Dan says that means she still loves Hugo. Soledad replies that it means that Hugo has been the only man in her life. He hurt her so much that she needs time to believe in love again. Dr. Dan says that he has loved and respected other women in his life but this is the first time that he has truly fallen in love and he believes that true love lasts a lifetime. He believes that she is the love of his life. Soledad says that they have so much in common. Dr. Dan asks if that means he still has a chance? Soledad replies that she will keep the ring. When she is ready to start over, she will start wearing it. Then he will know that she is ready to be his finacée. Alcides watches with hatred in his eyes.

Arturo still can’t do it. He flashes back to cutting off his hand. He says that this is all Alcides’ fault. Margot tells him that he has to forget Alcides and Arturo says that he will forget him when Alcides is dead. Margot tells him that he needs to find a woman that he likes and desires. Arturo says that he likes her but he still can’t perform. Margot says that he has to find a woman that he loves. Arturo replies that he doesn’t believe in this love stuff. Arturo promises not to tell Hercu-less that he was there but he drops one of his gloves on the way out. “Poor Arturo,” says Margot.

Dr. Dan says that Soledad has no idea of the happiness he feels in having the hope of being a part of her family some day. Soledad says that she has to tell him that in the eyes of God, she is still married to Alcides. She was divorced in civil law but is still married in the church. A request to annul the marriage has been made to the bishop but she hasn’t heard back. Dr. Dan says that patience is his greatest virtue. He’ll wait as long as it takes if it gives him the chance to be her husband and to love and adore her and her beautiful daughter. “You are an angel fallen from heaven,” says Soledad, “Thanks for bringing such happiness to my life. You give me much peace.” They kiss. Alcides is watching.

The credits roll.

Tomorrow- Michelle tells Soledad that she was with Hugo.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

La Traición, Tues., May 27 - Hugo takes a bath and Michelle gets an eyeful; Marina gets a new boss and Boris doesn't have a boss anymore

Michelle gets an eyeful!

Hugo and Alcides:

A:You’ve got a noose mark around your neck but you are alive.
H: Don’t bother to pretend, Alcides. I don’t believe in your words and acts of kindness towards me.
A: You’ve become very distrustful, little brother.
H: I know you too well. Everything you did defending me at the trial was part of your plan.
A: What are you talking about? What plan? You and I entered into a gentleman’s agreement - a duel of love to conquer Soledad. Remember?
H: You’ve won. Soledad and I have parted forever. There can never be anything between us.

Marina tells Eloisa and Paquito again that she won’t pretend to be the ML. She just wants her money. Eloisa says that she won’t give her a penny. When Paquito tries to attack Marina, she incapacitates him and runs out of the house.

Hercu-less comes to see Arturo. Herc apologizes for what happened with Margot. He was drunk. Arturo says that he doesn’t want to discuss women. Arturo says that he knows it was Herc who kidnapped Boris so he couldn’t testify at Hugo’s trial. “On who’s orders did you do that?” asks Arturo.

Boris is negotiating with a guy holding a saddle to buy his business. The guy says that he will give Boris an answer the next day. Boris turns away and there is Marina. He grabs her.

Arturo asks Hercu-less the question again. Herc hears the voice of Alcides telling him that he must pretend to be working for Arturo and not reveal his relationship with Alcides. He replies that he kidnapped Boris on his own initiative. He wanted to do Arturo a favor because he knows that Hugo is Arturo’s enemy. Arturo says that he doesn’t believe it. Herc says that he made a mistake. He should have killed Boris but before he could do so, Boris fell into the ravine and Herc thought he was dead. Arturo tells Herc in future not to move a single finger without his authorization. Herc assents.

Dr. Dan tells Michelle that he wasn’t involved in Rebeca’s death. Michelle says that she knows that but Dr. Max is dead. How did Rebeca’s body get into his laboratory? Dr. Dan says that he has no idea. It’s all very strange. Michelle says that it is strange and dangerous. Hugo told her that they need to be careful. Dr. Dan says that Dr. Max certainly didn’t kill Rebeca. He promises to find out who did. (You’ve got a pretty ambitious list already, there Dr. Dan: find a cure for Aurora’s catalepsy; make Lucas walk again; conquer Soledad and now this.)

Hugo and Alcides:

A: Your big mistake was pretending to be me when I was away. That’s when your trouble started. You helped me.
H: Alcides, in any case, thanks for helping to save me. This isn’t a social visit. Here are the keys to the Hacienda. Now it’s yours.
A: Why are you so proud?
H: It’s not pride, It’s dignity.
A: Dignity is a very important word but you can’t feed yourself with it or put a roof over your head. You can’t even get a woman to sleep with you for it. Money buys dignity.
H: What you just said is precisely the difference between us.
A: Why don’t you just drop the pride (orgullo), little brother, (he holds up the keys to the Hacienda) ask me for them. I’ll give you back your keys and your Hacienda.
H: Never. I don’t want your pity or your charity (limosnas). Never.
A: Ah, Hugo, always such pride (he uses the word ‘soberbia’ here, which is the sin of excessive pride, as opposed to ‘orgullo’). It’s the winner that takes the prize. You remember? It’s been that way since we were children. This time, I’m the winner.
H: I congratulate you. Celebrate your triumph but you’ll never have the satisfaction of seeing me on my knees begging you for charity.

Boris tells Marina the obvious. The police are after her. “Then I won’t let you turn me in,” says Marina and tries to run away again. Boris grabs her. He urges her to go to the police with him. She can’t be a fugitive her whole life. Hugo will help her. Marina says that she doesn’t want anything from Hugo. Thanks to Boris and Hugo, her life is ruined. She says that thanks to Hugo her marriage is over. Boris agrees that the marriage is over. He found out too late that she was cold and unfeeling and betrayed him. His wedding ring means nothing to her. Marina tells Boris to give her regards to Hugo. Boris can rot in hell with him. She runs away with Paquito and Eloisa in hot pursuit. Boris holds his wedding ring for a second and then lets it fall to the ground. (Don’t you and Hugo need money? You shouldn’t just throw it away.)

Hugo and Alcides
A: You really wasted our parents’ inheritance. You blew it on your absurd vengeance on Soledad and the people of San Marino. And now you don’t have a cent (‘no tienes donde caerte muerto,’ literally, ‘you don’t have a place to fall down dead’)
H: Are you finished?
A: There you go again – arrogant. Always the most intelligent, the most educated. Don’t you ever change, Hugo?
H: Soledad will never love you more than she loves me.
Hugo leaves.
A: You’re wrong, Hugo, Soledad will love me much more than she loves you – whatever it takes (‘cueste lo que cueste,’ literally ‘cost what it costs’).

Dr. Dan tells Lucas that he has given Ester instructions for caring for him. Soledad thanks him with a hug. She hugs Michelle and reminds her of their conversation. Dr. Dan and Michelle leave. Ester is pensive but she says that she is tired. Lucas says that Soledad looks tired. He feels responsible for what happened (too right!) Soledad tells him not to worry. What had to happen did. Soledad tells Lucas that he was right; she has to get Hugo out of her life. She wants to go back to the past when they were a happy family (return to childhood, eh Soledad? You can’t go back.)

Hugo is taking a bath. He flashes back to Soledad telling him that he got another chance, not them.

Michelle tells Dr. Dan that from now on Hugo and Boris are her guests until they get back on their feet financially. Dr. Dan approves. He says that after he has a bath, he will go into town to investigate Rebeca’s death. Soledad tells him to be careful.

Eloisa and Paquito can’t find Marina. Eloisa says that they have to find her. “Enough games,” says Paquito. “We have to kill her.”

Marina is in the Hacienda. She thinks she can hide there for a good while. Alcides comes up behind her. Marina thinks it is Hugo but Alcides identifies himself. He asks what she is doing there. How did she get in?

Michelle comes into Hugo’s room without knocking and he is standing there wet and apparently naked. She is impactada (of course!).

The busy, busy, busy judge comes to see Lucas. Ostensibly he is there to tell Lucas about the return of the money to the investors in the mine, but he reveals that Rebeca has been murdered. Lucas and Soledad are impactados. Lucas looks like he having another heart attack (we wish!). The Obragon witches are obviously hiding something and Soledad wants to know what’s going on. (No happy families, Soledad. That’s what’s going on.)

Michelle says, “How embarrassing!” and turns away. She asks him to forgive her. She shouldn’t have come in. She didn’t know he was there. A towel comes into view. Hugo says, “Did you want to tell me something, Michelle?” She keeps peeking over at Hugo. Michelle stammers and says now is not a good time.

Alcides asks Marina how she got in. The door was locked. Marina doesn’t answer his question but says that she thought no one was in the house and she could hide there. Alcides asks why she accused Hugo of trying to murder her and causing a miscarriage. Marina says that it is too painful to think about. Alcides says that Hugo is capable of many things but murder isn’t one of them (unlike you, Alcides) or did he really try to kill Marina? Marina says that she lied. She hates Hugo because he destroyed her marriage to Boris. She begs Alcides not to turn her in. Alcides says that he is moving into the Hacienda and he needs an efficient employee.

Meanwhile Eloisa and Paquito are outside the Hacienda still searching for Marina. Eloisa is sure that Marina is in the Hacienda and she knows how she got in – like Eloisa, she knows the secret passages. She and Paquito head for the entrance.

Soledad asks her mother what is going on. She can’t understand why Lucas is so upset and Ester, supposedly Rebeca’s best friend, is taking the news calmly. Ester says that she has to tell or she will explode. She says that Rebeca wasn’t her friend, she was a fake and she was Lucas’ lover.

Michelle is fiddling with her hair nonstop. She asks herself what was she thinking to go into Hugo’s room without knocking? Hugo comes in a dressing gown. Michelle babbles about how embarrassed she is and how she had just come from talking to Soledad… Hugo tells her not to feel bad. Next time, he will lock the door so it won’t happen again. Hugo asks after Lucas, Soledad and his daughter. Michelle gives quickie reports on Lucas and Aurora: doing better/very cute and then says that she and Soledad talked. She flashes back to Soledad telling her that she can make Hugo happy. Hugo asks if she is ok since she stopped talking. He says that she doesn’t have to tell him what Soledad said. He just wanted to know if Soledad is ok. In future, he won’t ask about her so that he can get her out of his heart. Hugo thanks her for inviting him to stay in her suite and asks if she is ok. Michelle says that she is just a little tired. It’s late. She turns away. Hugo stands there bemused.

“Then you won’t turn me in?” Marina asks Alcides. Alcides says that he is offering her a job. Besides, Hugo owes him some favors. He can ask him to withdraw the charges against her. Marina says she would be eternally grateful if he did that. Alcides asks Marina if it was her idea to accuse Hugo of attempted murder or did someone suggest it? Before she can answer, Paquito and Eloisa come running down the stairs. They are muy impactados to see Alcides.

It’s all secrets out at the Casa Obregon. Lucas confesses to Soledad (the only one who doesn’t know) that he had a relationship with Rebeca and he makes excuses such as his drinking and fights with Ester. Not to be outdone, Ester tells Antonia (the only one who doesn’t know) that she had an affair with Jeremias but she assures Soledad that Lucas is her father. Soledad says that all this time she thought her parents loved each other.

Alcides looks at the keys to the Hacienda. He says that it is apparent that there are secret entrances to the house. How did Eloisa and Paquito get in? Paquito does not answer this question either. He says that he was, then changes the verb the present tense, is pursuing a fugitive. Alcides says that Marina works for him now. Eloisa and Alcides play a little cat and mouse game. Eloisa says that if Alcides is thinking of protecting Marina, he should be careful, she is accused of a serious crime. Paquito chimes in that Marina is a liar. “I bet she convinced you of her innocence?” Paquito continues. “You should be careful,” says Alcides to Eloisa, “I heard your Aunt Rebeca was murdered.” Eloisa says that they all should be careful. You never know who will stab you in the back. Alcides says that he thinks Eloisa and Paquito are lying. Marina pipes up and says that she heard Paquito tell Eloisa that Alcides had killed Rebeca. Dirty looks are exchanged.

Soledad tells her parents that she grew up and became a woman in what she thought was a happy family but it was all a big lie. Did her parents ever love each other? She wanted to go back to the happy family she remembered from her childhood but it never existed. Lucas says that it can exist if there is forgiveness.

Michelle has a dream about Hugo coming in and kissing her. She says that loves Hugo a lot but she knows that Soledad loves him too, even if she says that she doesn’t. What is she going to do?

Soledad and Antonia leave Lucas and Ester to talk. Antonia says that she has been wearing a mask all her life too. She was afraid to love and have a child. Ester and Lucas have a wonderful child, a home etc. What more could they want?

Boris tells Hugo that he saw Marina today. She appeared out of nowhere. Hugo says that he thought she had left San Marino. Boris thought so too but it isn’t so. Boris says that he tried to get her to turn herself in and told her that Hugo would help her but she took off running. Hugo says that he noticed that Boris isn’t wearing his wedding ring. Boris replies that he took it off and threw it down in front of Marina. He didn’t think Hugo had noticed. “There are many things I notice that I don’t mention,” says Hugo, “You are my only friend, Boris. I care about what happens to you. If you want to find Marina and fight for her, you can count on my support.” Boris says that he could never go back to Marina after all she has done to him. “Boris,” says Hugo, “we need to start again; you without Marina and me without Soledad. We need to rebuild our lives.”

Paquito tells Alcides that Marina is a liar. He says that we all know that she accused Alcides’ brother of trying to kill her. Marina repeats her statement that she heard Paquito says that Alcides killed Rebeca. Eloisa tries to get out of the situation by suggesting that Paquito mentioned Alcides as part of a general discussion of who might have been responsible. Paquito picks up the hint and says that as a journalist, he has to consider all the possible suspects of a crime. Alcides asks Eloisa what she thinks. She says that Alcides couldn’t possibly have been the killer since she was with Alcides when the crime occurred (how could she know exactly when Rebeca was killed?). Paquito is surprised to hear this. Eloisa says to Paquito that she is sorry but she lied to him about being with Alcides.

Let’s just say that Ester and Lucas resolve their problems. Lucas does say that he believes Ester that Soledad is his daughter. It is just too boring to go into details. Soledad comes out and they are all happy.

Alcides sends Marina out. He asks Paquito and Eloisa why they would think that he had anything to do with Rebeca’s murder. He barely knew her. What proofs to they have against him? Paquito flashes back to a conversation where Eloisa says that if Alcides finds out that they know Rebeca was looking for the treasure, he will kill them. Alcides asks why Paquito doesn’t answer. Paquito says that everyone knows that Arturo and Alcides are the two most violent guys in town. Alcides says that he didn’t kill Rebeca. Eloisa says that people say bad things about Alcides but she knows that he didn’t kill Rebeca because she was with him and besides he had no reason to do so. Alcides says that he has changed and is different person now. He asks them to leave.

Boris tells Hugo that he will hear tomorrow whether the town blacksmith will sell them his business. Hugo asks if Boris thinks the guy will sell. Boris says that he doesn’t know but if so, tomorrow he will teach Hugo the art of metalworking. “You are true friend,” says Hugo, “You became the brother that Alcides never was. Don’t call me sir and boss ('patron') anymore. From today, I want you to call me Hugo.” Boris says that he doesn’t know if he can after all these years. Hugo replies that precisely because of those many years of loyalty and faithful service, he wants Boris to use his given name. Boris agrees but he has a hard time saying it.

Paquito is irritated that Eloisa lied to him about seeing Alcides. He is also concerned about what Marina might tell Alcides. Eloisa doesn’t understand his concern. To himself, Paquito says that he is concerned that Marina will tell Alcides about the money he stole from the investors. To Eloisa, he asks who could have killed Rebeca if it wasn’t Alcides?

Alcides observes to Marina that the Hacienda is almost empty. She says that it was the investors coming to get their money from Hugo. Marina asks Alcides if he knows about Paquito and Eloisa. Alcides says that he has taken care of the problem. They won’t bother her if she doesn’t bother them. Marina is happy that they won’t turn her in. She says that she doesn’t know why he is helping her but she is grateful. She leaves and Alcides says she shouldn’t thank him. You have to keep your enemies close (‘a los enemigos hay que sentarlos a comer en la misma mesa,’ literally, ‘you have to sit down to eat with your enemies at that same table’)

Next morning Alcides is having furniture moved into the Hacienda. Hugo comes in.
A: Thanks for coming, little brother, you are very punctual. I asked you to come for two reasons. First, to give you this. (He holds out a set of keys.) Take them, they’re the keys to the cabaña in the forest. Use it whenever you want.
H: I told you I don’t want your charity.
A: (putting the keys in Hugo’s pocket) That’s your problem. You decide.
H: You said that you wanted to tell me two things. What is the second one?
Marina announces that breakfast is served. She and Hugo are surprised to see each other.
H: What is that woman doing here?
A: She is the second reason that I wanted to talk to you.
The credits roll.

Tomorrow- Hugo becomes a blacksmith!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

La Traición, Mon. 5-27 Margot leaves the tavern; Hugo leaves the Hacienda; Lucas leaves the hospital and Soledad leaves Hugo to Michelle

Alcides meditates on his plans

Aurorita the cutie is crawling!

Soledad is devastated to learn that her father will never walk again. Obragon witch #1, Ester, feels it necessary to say that Lucas’ condition is Hugo’s fault. He has brought nothing but misfortune to their lives (would that include Aurora?). Even Obragon witch #2, Antonia thinks, this is not really the right time to make such a comment. Soledad says that she has already told them that Hugo is out of her life especially after this. Soledad begs Dr. Dan to help her Dad walk again. Dr. Dan says that he will start therapy but there are no guarantees. Lucas calls Soledad. He loves her. Soledad assures Lucas that he will walk again.

Alcides has taken Rebeca back to Dr. Max’s and it looks like hulking her corpse around is finally getting to him. Alcides apologizes to the absent Dr. Max but he is the only one who can be blamed for this. Everyone knows he steals corpses. It will be the perfect explanation for the authorities.

Hugo is ready to leave the Hacienda. Michelle says that she wants to help him. She has the means to help him get through this crisis. Hugo refuses politely. She can help him by finding a cure for his daughter’s catalepsy. Michelle replies that with Daniel’s help, they will find a cure. Hugo then says that he has something to tell her. He is worried about her safety. As she has seen, he has lots of enemies - enemies that would do anything to do him harm including preventing her from finding a cure for Aurora’s catalepsy. He asks her to believe him and not be afraid but her life is in danger.

Arturo is at home drinking. He says that he has to forget about Hercu-less and Margot and concentrate on his vengeance against Alcides, his brother Hugo, Soledad, their child and all of them. Gladis is glad to see him and says it is about time he thought of his mother. Arturo says that he isn’t in a good mood. His mother says that he’s NEVER in a good mood. All he does is think about vengeance and guns and killing people. When is he going to find a nice well-born girl and give her some grandchildren! Arturo screams at her to stay out of his affairs and to stop nagging him about grandchildren. Gladis goes off in a huff. Arturo asks himself what nice girl would want to marry an incomplete man like him who can’t even function in bed.

Hercu-less asks Margot if Arturo hadn’t been impotent, would she have slept with him? She has to say yes but Herc is her guy, her stud, etc. They start to go at it.

Michelle tells Hugo that she can defend herself. Anyway, Andres is like her brother. He takes care of her. Hugo tells her to be careful anyway. You never know when someone will attack you. Michelle says that she will be careful. She asks Hugo where he will go. He says that he doesn’t know. Michelle invites him to stay at her suite in the hotel, which is big enough for him and Boris. Hugo demurs but Michelle tells him not to be stubborn and make her beg him to accept her help. He accepts on condition that she treats it as loan that he will pay back every penny. She agrees. Boris says they are ready to go.

In the hospital, Soledad is with Lucas and she is crying again. She assures him that he isn’t alone. They are all here to help him. Dr. Dan comes in and says that Lucas can go home. Antonia says that she wants to thank Dr. Max for his help. Dr. Dan agrees nervously. Soledad thanks Dr. Dan for his help and there is some hand holding.

Eloisa returns to Rebeca’s house where Paquito is sitting on the terrace with Marina, the wanted criminal (Suppose the judge showed up again?). Paquito asks why Eloisa is making that face and Eloisa says it’s the only face she has. Paquito asks if she has spoken with ‘you know who’. He’s been waiting for her for a long time. Eloisa rushes past without a word and Paquito goes after her while warning Marina to stay put.

Margot quits her job at the taverna and leaves with Hercu-less.

Antonia comes to see Dr. Max. She calls to him that she hasn’t been coming to work lately because of family problems. She brought him some fruit and vegetables. She turns around and sees Rebeca’s body. Antonia is impactada.

Lucas leaves the hospital with his family and Soledad sees Michelle holding Hugo’s arm with a death grip strolling, smiling and talking with Boris following with the luggage. They exchange glances. Michelle says that only time can help them. Dr. Dan helps Soledad into the carriage.

Eloisa is pacing up and down saying that Alcides is going to kill her. Paquito appears and asks why she didn’t answer him and what did Alcides say? What is the plan? She says that didn’t see Alcides. Paquito wants to know where she has been then. Lately, she has been completely useless. She says that he is the one who is useless and she wants to be alone. Paquito says that he isn’t leaving until they solve the Marina problem. Marina appears and says that the judge is on the way to the house with the police. Marina assumes that Eloisa has turned her in but Eloisa tells her to hide, she and Paquito will deal with the judge. Paquito tells her to be quiet and no snooping.

Eloisa and Paquito receive the judge. He tells them that Antonia found the lifeless body of her Aunt Rebeca at Dr. Max’s. She had been murdered. (What happened to Inspector Duarte? Now the Judge does the investigation?) Paquito is impactado and Eloisa pretends to be impactada.

Los Burque tell the lawyer that up until now they haven’t had any luck in the heir department but they’ll get on it right away. The lawyer says that they will have plenty of time on the voyage to London. He has arranged their passage. Guille just has to sign a document accepting the conditions of the inheritance. Guille picks up the pen and tells Elena to pack their bags.

Hugo and Boris come to see Arturo. Hugo wants an explanation of why Arturo’s servant kidnapped Boris.

At the Obragon house, Lucas says his best medicine is his granddaughter’s smile. Dr. Dan is sitting right next to Soledad and he asks to hold the baby. Soledad talks to Ursula. She repeats again how her father will get better with Dr. Dan’s help. Ursula says that she heard Boris saved Hugo. Soledad says that it was a miracle but Hugo is dead to her (I’m getting tired of her saying that). He is part of her past. In addition to everything else, Hugo is responsible for her father being in that chair. She doesn’t want to hear about him. Michelle breezes in. She has something important to say to Soledad. They have always been honest with one another. When Soledad saw her with Hugo it was because as of today, Hugo and Boris are her guests. Michelle is helping Hugo since he is bankrupt.

Ester is in the garden. Alcides comes up and greets her. Charming as always, Ester demands to know what he is doing in her house. Alcides thinks she is confusing him with Hugo but Ester says that neither Medina brother is welcome in this house. Alcides says that he came to speak to her. No beating about the bush, he asks if Soledad is Lucas’ daughter or the daughter of Jeremias Montenegro. Ester is impactada. Ester says how dare he ask her that. Alcides says that he will be discreet and he mentions that they have made deals in the past that were to her benefit. In the name of those deals, he asks the question again. Ester replies that she was wrong in thinking he was the right man for her daughter. Alcides asks the question again and Ester demands to know who told him such a thing.

Soledad tells Michelle that it is great that she is helping Hugo. Michelle didn’t have to come and tell her about it. Michelle says that she wanted to tell Soledad because they have a great friendship and she wants to keep it that way. She doesn’t want Soledad to get the wrong idea. Soledad says that Michelle and Dr. Dan have been a blessing to her with the hope of finding a cure for her daughter’s illness. How can she repay that? As far as Hugo is concerned, she understands. He is sad, alone and bankrupt. Someone had to help him and it speaks well of her for doing it. Soledad says that she wants Michelle to know that there is nothing between her and Hugo. He is dead to her. She prefers to discuss this further in her bedroom.

Arturo says that he doesn’t know what Hugo is talking about. He didn’t order any kidnapping. Maybe this is another of Hugo’s tricks. Hugo says that it was Hercu-less who kidnapped Boris to keep him from testifying at Hugo’s trial. Boris chimes in and says that he didn’t see Boris because he was hooded but he recognized his voice. Boris says he doesn’t know why Herc didn’t kill him. Arturo repeats that he didn’t have anything to do with it but if he had done it, Boris wouldn’t be here now. That gets Hugo’s dander up. He says that maybe the servant isn’t a killer like the boss. Hugo gives Boris his cane and appears to be initiating a gunfight when Gladis appears and scolds him and Arturo like children.

The judge tells Paquito and Eloisa that Dr. Max is missing and is being sought in connection with the investigation. He leaves. Eloisa sheds crocodile tears but Paquito says that the killer was Alcides.

Ester refuses to answer Alcides’ question concerning the paternity of Soledad and he won’t tell her who told him. Alcides is asking Ester who gave her her house when Antonia comes up to report that she went to thank Dr. Max for helping Lucas. Dr. Max wasn’t there but Rebeca was. Ester says that after what happened at the trial, she needs to talk to Rebeca. They aren’t friends anymore. Antonia replies that won’t be possible because Rebeca is dead – murdered! (Do I have to say it?) Ester is impactada.

Soledad says that she wanted to talk to Michelle. She isn’t crying because of Hugo. Michelle says that she understands. You can’t stop loving someone overnight. Soledad says that Michelle must think she is an idiot for crying for someone who has hurt her so much. Michelle says that they are not tears of weakness – Soledad is a very courageous woman. “But one without strength,” says Soledad. Counselor Michelle says that it is normal for her to feel this way – first Hugo, then her father. It’s all been a terrible nightmare for her, for both of you. Hugo is hurting too. Michelle says to let time heal the wounds and they maybe they can forgive each other. Soldead says no. As far as is concerned, Hugo died the day of the hanging. If she doesn’t believe that, she will lose her mind. All she has are her memories of their love and her daughter, the fruit of their love. Their love doesn’t exist anymore and it shouldn’t exist anymore.

Gladis says enough with the violence. She tells Hugo to get out of her house immediately. Arturo tells her not to stick her nose in men’s business. “Then go kill yourselves in the street, “says Doña Gladis, “I won’t permit more violence in my house.”
“Between men, be very careful what you do,” says Hugo, “remember that no crime goes unpunished.” “You should know,” says Arturo (good one). Hugo tells Arturo not to mess with him or his or it will cost him dearly. Hugo leaves and Gladis makes a terrible face at Arturo. Arturo says Hercu-less better have a good explanation for why he kidnapped Boris.

Margot has ditched the bar girl feather and she and Hercu-less are having a happy picnic (near the pond?). Tomorrow he will buy her a house and she won’t have to work anymore and everything will be wonderful. (Sure it will).

Paquito tries to calm Eloisa down. He is sure that Alcides murdered Rebeca because she found the treasure. He asks if Eloisa is lying to him. Did she really not see Alcides? Eloisa hears Alcides’ warning in her mind. She says that maybe Alcides was involved in Rebeca’s death and that’s why he wasn’t there when she went to see him.

Alcides suggests that if Dr. Max has disappeared, maybe he was involved in Rebeca’s murder. Antonia says that Dr. Max wasn’t a murderer. Antonia asks what Alcides is doing there and Ester says that he came to inquire after Lucas and is just leaving. Alcides plays along and leaves. Antonia does not want to tell Lucas that Rebeca is dead. (it appears to start raining just as the scene ends).

Dr. Dan plays with Aurora and then gives her to Ursula to change. Dr. Dan tells Lucas how lucky he is to have a family. Dr. Dan would like to be a father. Lucas thanks Dr. Dan. Dr. Dan says that God willing Lucas will be walking soon. Lucas says not to waste your time on him. He should find a cure for my granddaughter. Dr. Dan says he can do both. Lucas says Dr. Dan is a great doctor and a good friend.

Soledad says to Michelle that she thinks Michelle loves Hugo. She repeats that she and Hugo had a great love but it’s over. Soledad wants Hugo to be happy and if he is happy with Michelle that’s ok with Soledad.

Ester says that Antonia is crazy. Lucas is bound to find out that Rebeca is dead. She was a friend of the family. Antonia flashes back to finding out that Rebeca was the Mysterious Lady and therefore Lucas’ lover. Ester asks Antonia what she is hiding. She is about to go inside and tell Lucas when Antonia blurts out that Rebeca was the ML and her husband’s lover. Once again, Ester is impactada.

Paquito wants Eloisa to get information out of Alcides but Eloisa says that it is too dangerous. Paquito returns to their main problem – what do they do with Marina? Eloisa floats the idea of disguising Marina as the ML. Paquito looks skeptical.

Ester doesn’t believe what Antonia says at first but then she remembers finding Rebeca’s hat in the ML’s dressing room. She asks why Antonia didn’t tell her. Rebeca became her best friend and confidant. Antonia says that she spoke to Lucas and he promised to stop seeing Rebeca. He regretted what he had done. Ester is outraged. She says that Rebeca kept visiting her and she told her all her secrets. She hopes Rebeca burns in hell. Ester is about to storm in and confront Lucas when Antonia says that Lucas just had a second heart attack and is depressed that he can’t walk and now Ester wants to kill him. She threatens Ester that if she opens her mouth, she will have to explain to everyone what she did to Lucas in the past that only Soledad knows about. Ester agrees to say nothing for now but one day she will speak to Lucas about the fool that he and Rebeca made of her. Antonia still wants to know what Ester is hiding from her.

Michelle asks Dr. Dan if he is feeling better about what happened at Dr. Max’s. Dr. Dan says that it is not easy to accept what happened. Michelle tells him how much she likes Soledad. He won’t believe the conversation they just had. The busybody Antonia wants to speak to Dr. Dan in private. She tells him about finding Rebeca’s body at Dr. Max’s. She was murdered. Antonia asks Dr. Dan when was the last time he saw Dr. Max.

Paquito thinks that disguising Marina as the ML is a ridiculous idea. Rebeca is dead; everybody will know. Eloisa asks who knew that Rebeca was the ML: Omar, Margot, Los Burque. Eloisa says that they can pay them. And Lucas, says Paquito and then agrees that he probably won’t be going to the tavern any time soon. Paquito has more objections: he is sure Marina can’t sing and she doesn’t have the style or elegance. Marina comes out and says that she has overheard and she won’t be arrested for pretending to be a woman who is already dead. Eloisa asks her what her solution is. Marina says give me my money and I’m out of here forever.

Dr. Dan asks what exactly Antonia wants from him. Antonia says that Dr. Max laboratory is all in order but he’s not there. Dr. Dan operated with him the night before. Did he say anything about going away? Dr. Dan says that they finished the operation at dawn and Dr. Max went home and he went to the hotel. Antonia recalls that when Dr. Dan came to the hospital the next morning, he hadn’t changed his clothes. Antonia asks Dr. Dan if he thinks a doctor can also be a killer. Michelle comes in and Antonia tells her about Rebeca. She is sure that all will be revealed when Dr. Max reappears. She leaves. Michelle asks Dr. Dan if he had anything to do with Rebeca’s death.

Alcides is meditating about the Dr. Max situation. When Dr. Max turns up, he will have to explain things to the police. Alcides says that he will try to help without arousing suspicion. Ester wouldn’t answer his question about Soledad’s paternity but if what Rebeca told him before she died is true, the treasure belongs to Soledad. Hugo comes into the cabaña. He says to Alcides, “You must be very satisfied. Everything is going as you planned.” The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Hugo and Michelle???


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hugo's return from the dead fails to touch Soledad's heart; Eloisa gets a fright and Arturo can't do it one-handed

I'm alive. Touch me.

In my heart, you are dead, Hugo

Alcides repeats the important information that Rebeca told him from yesterday’s episode – Soledad is the daughter of Jeremias Montenegro, not Lucas de Obragon. Apparently in her death throes, Rebeca tells Alcides that Ester is a liar. “How so?” ask Alcides. “Before he died, Jeremias told Ester that Soledad’s future would be assured,” gasps Rebeca, “but the treasure belongs to me.” Alcides tells her not to talk. Rebeca wants to know how Alcides found the treasure but he says that doesn’t matter. She is not to mention the treasure to Dr. Max. Alcides says that he will be right back. He calls for Dr. Max and while he does, Rebeca dies. (Then there were Two Tesoro Trackers – I hope they both stay alive for a while. We lose the alliteration with One.)

Dr. Dan says that he feels like a murderer. Michelle tells him that he isn’t a murder. He’s dedicated his life to saving others. What happened was an accident. Dr. Dan says that he brought Dr. Max there. Michelle says that he didn’t intend to hurt Dr. Max. He did it to himself. He shouldn’t feel guilty. Dr. Max was obsessed with his crazy idea of reviving his dead wife. Dr. Dan didn’t throw him over the cliff, he did it himself.

More Arturo and Margot. (At least Arturo took off his gloves.) Uh oh, Arturo can’t get it up. The mind is willing but the body won’t cooperate. This has never happened to him before. He’s is a freak. Margot reaches out to him but he tells her not to touch him. Margot gives the tried and true, “It could happen to anyone” but Arturo says he doesn’t want her pity.

Hugo is packing up his stuff. He tells Boris that his parents hired tutors to educate him. Between them and a myriad of books, Hugo got a well-rounded education. He has to use that knowledge now to survive. Boris says that before he escaped from the reformatory and came to Hugo’s house, he was trained as a blacksmith. He could teach Hugo to work with metals. It’s a hard and humble profession. Hugo says that no job is hard or humble if it’s done with dignity. (Are you going to wear a leather apron without a shirt, Hugo?) Hugo asks Boris to teach him metal smithing. Michelle comes in to tell Hugo that Soledad is missing. They’ve looked everywhere.

The two Obragon witches are sitting with Lucas. He asks for Soledad. They say that she isn’t around. Ester says that Hugo barely escaped death on the scaffold. Naturally, Lucas is confused but Antonia says that it is too long a story to tell now. The upshot is that Hugo is alive but Soledad doesn’t know that. Lucas tries to get up to find Soledad but they tell him he is too weak. Lucas realizes that he can’t feel his legs. What has happened to him?

Michelle tells Hugo that Soledad ran away from the gallows when she thought Hugo was going to be executed. She doesn’t know that Boris saved Hugo. She is probably in an emotional state. Michelle asks if Hugo has any idea where she might be. Hugo flashes back to when they courted in a park. He says that he might know where she is and leaves.

Lucas asks what happened to him. Why can’t he feel his legs? The witches start to tell lies but Dr. Dan comes in and says that as a doctor, he has to tell the truth to his patients. Dr. Dan tells Lucas that he had a heart attack. It wasn’t his first one and he had damage from a lifetime of drinking (was that Hugo’s fault too?). He survived but there was brain damage that prevents a signal from being sent to his legs. “Does that mean I will never walk again?” asks Lucas. Dr. Dan says that he won’t lie to him – he won’t walk again.

Yippee!! Los Burques are back!! They are down on their luck – no food in the house, no job. There’s a knock at the door. Elena thinks it is the police come because they haven’t paid the rent in so many months but it is a lawyer with the will of Guillermo’s father. Guille and Elena are impactados.

Marina says that she won’t let them catch her. Paquito and Eloisa will turn her in. She gets the money out of the wardrobe. “You returned to me, You’re mine,” she says, “Now I can have the life I deserve.” She is moving to leave when Paquito asks her where she thinks she is going.

Arturo says that he is a freak, etc. He wants to kill Alcides for doing this to him. Margot tells him to relax and find his inner child. She is comforting him when Hercu-less come into the room. He’s drunk, of course. He says that is how he expected to find her. She never left off being a tramp (a “zorra” literally, a (female) fox).

Eloisa has come to the cabaña to find Alcides. She finds Rebeca’s body. “Alcides killed my Aunt Rebeca!” she says as Alcides comes up behind her.

Soledad is sitting against a tree in the park. Hugo comes up behind her and says her name. She looks around, “Hugo,” she says, “You’re alive.” “Yes,” Hugo replies, “I am alive, I’m alive, alive.” Soledad thinks that she is imagining things, “He’s not alive. I’m going crazy.” Hugo comes up to her, “I’m alive. Come, touch me. It’s me.” He kisses her hand, “It’s me,” he says. “It can’t be,” she says. “Boris appeared and saved me,” says Hugo, “He declared before everyone that I didn’t have anything to do with Marina’s accident. The judge let me go. I’m a free man, Soledad, free and innocent.” Soledad says that she always knew he was innocent of what happened to Marina. But the best thing is that my daughter will have her father.” “What are you saying, Soledad?” asks Hugo. “That I’m happy you are alive, Hugo but that you are not innocent. You are guilty of all that happened because you lied to me, you pretended to be your brother, you betrayed me and it is your fault that my father is in the hospital fighting for his life. No, you are not an innocent man.”

“You killed my Aunt Rebeca, Alcides,” repeats Eloisa. Alcides says that he didn’t kill her. Eloisa says that Alcides killed Rebeca because she found the treasure and now he will kill her. She becomes hysterical and Alcides has to slap her. He says that he didn’t kill Rebeca. She did find the treasure but she was killed by a trap he set for robbers. “Then the treasure does exist?” says Eloisa. “Yes,” says Alcides, “the treasure does exist.”

Paquito wants the briefcase back. Marina refuses saying that it doesn’t belong to him. It contains the money from the investors that Paquito stole from Hugo. Paquito slaps Marina and takes back the briefcase saying that this insolence will cost her dearly.

Hercu-less says that Margot betrayed him. She tries to get him to leave because he is drunk. On the way out, Arturo says that Herc has gone soft and fallen in love with a whore. Women like Margot don’t have owners. Herc replies that Margot is his woman. He pulls a knife and starts a fight with Arturo.

Hugo and Soledad in the park-
H: Soledad, what happened today was a miracle. Being here with you, looking into your eyes when not too long ago I was about to die. I think life has given us another chance.
S: I think life wants to give an opportunity but for you, not us. We don’t exist anymore.
H: Yes, we exist. Who are you fooling? The mere idea of never seeing each other again tormented you as much as me. Don’t lie. I saw it in your eyes, Soledad, when you came to the plaza to see my execution.
S: Sure, it hurt to think that I would never see you again because I thought that you were dead. The truth is that I cried and prayed a lot for you for God to forgive you and have compassion for all you had done.
H: But now I am alive, Soledad, I’m alive. We could have a second chance. Our daughter, you and me. The three of us.
S: You clearly haven’t understood anything. You ruined that chance because you pretended to be Alcides and I got used to living without you. You taught me to live without you. I don’t need you anymore.

The lawyer says that Guille’s father felt bad because his wife, Guille’s stepmother, mistreated him. He left his whole very large fortune to Guillermo but on two conditions.

Eloisa tells Alcides that if he has confessed to her that the treasure exists, then he is going to kill her. Alcides says that he isn’t a saint but he isn’t a criminal. The only person he will kill for is Soledad. For her, he will do anything. “What about the treasure?” says Eloisa. “All I’m admitting is that yes, the treasure is in my power,” says Alcides, “Only two people in the world know about it’s existence: your Aunt Rebeca, who is now dead, and now you. Or does anyone else know?” Eloisa lies and says that only she and Rebeca knew about it. “Are you sure?” asks Alcides, “no one else?” Eloisa says that Paquito was investigating it once but he thought they were tales her aunt had invented. Alcides flashes back to running into Paquito in the Obragon’s garden on the day of Hugo’s trial. “I’m sure that Paquito doesn’t know anything,” says Eloisa. Alcides says that they have concluded that only he and Eloisa know about it. He has to make a decision. Eloisa begs him not to kill her. Alcides says that he isn’t going to kill her. He isn’t a murderer. “Then what are you going to do with me now that I know your secret?” Alcides eats nuts.

Marina tries to escape from Rebeca’s house but Paquito drags her back in. He’s not going to let her testify against him.

Hercu-less pulls a gun on Arturo. Margot begs him not to shoot. Herc says that he didn’t want to be a murderer but Margot betrayed him. Arturo grabs the gun out of Herc’s hand and in the struggle Arturo’s glove comes off and Herc sees that he has lost a hand.

Hugo and Soledad:
H: Soledad, my love (amor mio). Don’t tell me that there is no hope for our love because that is worse than being dead. What good is life without you and my daughter?
S: When we said goodbye in your cell, I thought that I had made everything clear between us, Hugo.
H: But why? Because you can’t forgive me? I told you that I am sorry from the bottom of my heart (“hasta los huesos,” literally “to the bones”). Then, at least for now, give me some hope for the future.
S: That is part of the past. There’s nothing we can do.
H: All your family is very worried about you. They’re looking for you.
S: How did you know I was here?
H: Take a guess. We shared our first kiss in this park, do you remember? That’s why I thought you might be here.
S: I have to go. My father and daughter need me.
She turns to go.
H: And you? Why did you come here?
S: I wanted to change the last image that I had of you. I wanted to remember those happy times when we were together. But as I told you, it’s part of the past.
H: In my cell, you told me that you loved me.
S: It was true. I love the Hugo of my memories. But even if you’re alive, I want to be very clear. There is nothing for you in my heart. In my heart, you are dead, Hugo.

Alcides tells Eloisa that from today she will play his game without cheating. He will not tolerate betrayal. He says that Rebeca died due to her greed. Alcides starts to say something about the treasure but Eloisa hysterically says that she doesn’t want to know anything more, it’s too risky. Alcides says that Eloisa is still at risk. The situation with Marina is very dangerous. If she talks, many heads could roll and the first would be Eloisa’s. Eloisa says that is why she came. Alcides says that they have to do something about Rebeca and Marina. Things are getting complicated. Eloisa has the bright idea to hide Marina in plain sight as the Mysterious Lady.

Hercu-less asks what happened to Arturo. Arturo replies that it was Herc’s fault since he wasn’t around when Arturo needed him. Herc figures out this is why Herc hasn’t returned home. He doesn’t want his mommy or anyone to know he’s missing a hand. “Did you have an accident?” asks Herc. “Yes,” answers Arturo, “an accident called Alcides de Medina!”

Eloisa tells Alcides that she will handle Marina. Alcides says that he trusts her and she says that she trust him. She will play his game but she needs his protection. Alcides responds that nothing will happen to her. Alcides then says that they have to do something with Rebeca (she is lying in the chair but the front of her gown shows no sign of the arrow wound). Eloisa says that she couldn’t explain how she was wounded if Eloisa brought her body home. Alcides says not to worry. He knows who to blame her death on. Eloisa asks who is the lucky person but Alcides that she’ll find out when it happens. When she is told about her aunt’s death, she must pretend to be surprised. Eloisa agrees and Alcides tells her to leave. As Eloisa is backing out of the room, Alcides says, “Now you know I am not a killer, right?” Eloisa nods, “But if anyone finds out about this conversation and because of it, I lose the chance to win Soledad’s love, you know what I am capable of, right?” Eloisa swears to him that no one will find out.

Hercu-less is surprised. “Alcides de Medina is responsible for this?” he says. Arturo explains what happened in the gunpowder cabaña. Herc flashes back to Alcides telling him that he was wrong about Arturo being dead. “Now I understand everything,” says Herc. He tells Arturo that he understands why Arturo was so angry with him because he wasn’t there to protect him. Arturo leaves saying that he never wants to see Margot again.

The lawyer tells Los Burques that the first condition of receiving the inheritence is that they have to move to Guille’s father’s mansion in London. The second is that they have to have a child that bears the name Burque. “A Burquecito!” says Elena.

Lucas is asleep. The Obragon witches are sorry they told him the truth about his condition. “What truth?” says Soledad coming into the room, “Did something happen to my father?”

Hercu-less says that he isn’t a gentleman like Arturo but he doesn’t want sloppy seconds (“tampoco soy plato de secondo mesa,” literally, “I’m not a plate from the second table”). He blames Margot for breaking her promise not to be with anyone else. Margot says that she was with Arturo to protect him. But she says that nothing happened – Arturo is impotent. He tried but he couldn’t. Herc is impactado.

Boris says to Michelle that Hugo must be very sorry for what he did. He has tremendous love for Soledad. Michelle says, “Sometimes in love, we make mistakes. Mistakes that we pay dearly for the rest of our lives.” Boris says those are wise words. He loved his wife, Marina, deeply. He still wears his wedding ring. But his love blinded him to the resentment she had against him until it was too late. (Blinded is right, Boris. It was pretty obvious.) Hugo comes in. Michelle asks if he found Soledad. He says that she was where he thought she would be. Hugo sits down on the bed and sighs.
H: It’s all over. Soledad only has an immense hatred of me in her heart. She will never forgive me.
M: I’m very sorry, Hugo.
H: Now, I must go on with my life. Go forward.
M: Yes, that is the best thing you can do. When you fall, you have to get back in the saddle (“cuando uno cae, hay que aprender a levantarse,” literally, “when one falls, one has to learn to get get up”). And if you need help with anything, you can count on me.

Soledad tells Ester and Antonia that she saw Hugo but nothing has changed. He is dead in her heart. Dr. Dan looks guiltily hopeful. Dr. Dan tells her the whole Lucas is paralyzed thing again and Soledad is upset and embraces Dr. Dan. The credits roll.

Monday – Soledad sees Michelle on Hugo’s arm.


Friday, May 23, 2008

La Traición, Thurs., 5-22 - Tragedy touches one of the Three Tesoro Trackers

Faithful friends

The two Obragon witches yell at Hugo saying that he should be dead and that it was his fault that Lucas is paralyzed. Dr. Dan and Michelle have to remind them that they are in a hospital. Dr. Dan takes Boris for treatment. Hugo turns to get the hell away from Ester and Antonia when Michelle says to him that she is glad that things turned out better than he expected. Hugo thanks Michelle saying that she is a great woman. He says that he is devastated to learn what happened to Lucas. He asks Michelle to tell Soledad that he is alive. Maybe now she will talk to him. He leaves.

Alcides tells Hercu-less to take the money. Herc asks if this is a trick. Alcides says that he didn’t do what he was ordered to do but he tried. He didn’t betray Alcides. Herc says that he is sorry that he didn’t kill Boris. Alcides stops Herc from taking the money with his cane, “Your error saved my plan,” he says, “I forgive you because my brother Hugo wasn’t hanged but I warn you, not another lie, not one.” Herc takes the money and leaves. Alcides checks his pockets. He needs more money.

The Three Tesoro Trackers (TTT’s) (thank you Nancy) are complaining about their failure to find anything. Paquito is calm because, as he says to himself, he already has a fortune in the money he stole from the investors. He tells Eloisa and Rebeca that the plans for the Obragon house show that the treasure isn’t in the house, it’s outside. Rebeca says she wants to see the plans because she’s going to the house while everyone is at the hospital.

Ester asks Michelle if Soledad was with her in the plaza. Michelle says yes but she couldn’t stay to see the hanging. Michelle thought she had returned to the hospital. Soledad needs to know that Hugo is alive. Antonia suggests that Soledad went to the house to see the baby. Michelle and Andres leave to check there.

Hercu-less comes to see Margot. He’s come to tell her that he has enough money to buy a house just for them. They kiss. Margot says that she wants to his, only his. Of course, Arturo walks in on them. He says that now he understands why Margot wouldn’t be his last night, “So this is the creep who wants you just for him,” he says.

Eloisa and Paquito are making out. Eloisa asks Paquito thinks that Rebeca will find the treasure in the Obragon house with the clues that he gave her. He says, “Of course not. Do you think she’ll find it under a rug?” They are getting hot and heavy when Marina opens the door. Eloisa sees her and asks what she is doing here. Marina says that she has nowhere to go. Either they help her or she’ll tell the judge that Eloisa convinced her to lie about Hugo.

Rebeca is roaming around the garden of the Obragon house but she can’t find anything. She curses her dead husband. She hears horse neigh and hides. It’s Alcides. He goes right to the entrance to the treasure place and Rebeca sees him.

Eloisa and Paquito are trying to deal with Marina when the hangin’ judge calls and said he wants to speak to Eloisa. Somebody left the door open. Confusion reigns but Paquito and Eloisa leave Marina in the bedroom and go to see about the judge. Marina runs out of the bedroom and starts taking things out of a wardrobe to hide in it, I guess. She finds the money that Paquito stole from Hugo. A flashback to her confrontation with Boris is the proof. “So it’s true,” she says, “The investors’ money really was stolen from Don Hugo.”

Ursula is so happy to hear that Aurora’s daddy is alive (Aurora is playing with Ursula’s earrings again). She is also happy that Boris returned and saved Hugo. But she hasn’t seen Soledad and now Michelle and Andres are concerned that no one has seen Soledad since she was in the square. Soledad has disappeared. Ursula asks about Lucas and Michelle gives her the good and bad news – alive/will never walk again. Ursula says that Soledad will never forgive Hugo for this. Where could she be?

Marina comes to the amazing conclusion that either Eloisa, Rebeca or Paquito stole the money from Hugo. She hears Paquito and Eloisa returning and hides in the wardrobe. Then Paquito and Eloisa play a little comedy on the judge by receiving him with Eloisa in her underwear and Paquito made up and with a towel on his head. The judge is taken aback but pursues his inquiries. He wants to know if Marina told Eloisa anything about where she was going. Eloisa at first says that she has never spoken to the servant Marina but the judge has already been told that Eloisa was seen talking to Marina in the tavern.

Alcides goes into the treasure vault. He unhooks a string or trip wire that is stretched across the entrance to the vault. He flashes back to taking Vlad’s amulet and saying that he will always wear it. For some reason, Alcides takes the amulet off. He says that thanks to Vlad, he is the owner of an immense fortune. He will hire Dr. Max to find a cure for his niece’s catalepsy. He has to make Soledad love him as much as he loves her. Whatever it costs. Outside, Rebeca is already betraying her partners. She was Jeremias’ widow, the treasure belongs to her alone. She will wait until Alcides is gone, take what is hers and they’ll never see her again.

Arturo asks Margot if she is in love with Hercu-less. Herc signals her to say no and she does. Herc is a client like any other. Women like her don’t fall in love. Arturo tells Herc to get out. He has unfinished business with Margot. It’s a good thing Arturo can’t see Herc’s expression.

Michelle tells the Obragon witches that Soledad is not at the house and no one knows where she is. Ester says that Soledad was very upset. Where could she be? Ester wants to go looking for Soledad but Michelle says that she will do that. Dr. Dan is finished with Boris. Michelle asks how he is and Boris says that he is much better. Boris thanks Michelle. Michelle responds that it was Boris who helped Hugo. Michelle tells Boris that Soledad is missing. Boris will tell Hugo. The Obragon witches tell Boris to get out since he is Hugo’s accomplice. (Real charmers those two.) Michelle says that Dr. Dan looks exhausted. Is he ok? Dr. Dan says that he has something to tell her, something terrible.

The judge asks Eloisa what she talked to Marina about in the tavern. Eloisa says that Marina was afraid that she would be locked up if it was discovered that Hugo was impersonating his brother. Eloisa says that she counseled Marina that the worst thing was to run away. Paquito confirms that he was present during this conversation. Eloisa says that then Boris came to the tavern and spoke with Marina. The judge says that he will check that out and asks them to let him know immediately if they hear from Marina. The judge leaves. Eloisa says that they have to get rid of Marina as soon as possible. If she is caught and she talks, they’re lost.

Now we see what is going on in the treasure vault. The string is a trip wire for a crossbow. The vault is protected from thieves. Alcides leaves. Rebeca says that now it is time to collect her reward. After putting up with that old fart Jeremias, finally she is going to be an immensely rich woman.

Michelle asks Dr. Dan what he is so upset about. She thinks it has to do with Lucas’ treatment but Dr. Dan says no. Finally, he says that while everyone was at Hugo’s execution, he killed Dr. Max. Michelle is impactada.

Arturo wants Margot to put out, use her best skills and do exactly what he wants. Hercu-less is still standing there and Arturo orders him to leave. He does so reluctantly.

At the Hacienda, Hugo is collecting his stuff and having memories. He says to himself that Soledad will never forgive him especially now that her father is handicapped. How could he ask for her forgiveness? Boris comes in. Hugo motions him to sit down next to him and asks how he is feeling. Boris says that physically he is fine but, as Hugo knows, a broken heart hurts the most. It takes time to heal. Boris says that there is a huge gulf between him and Marina. He gives Hugo Michelle’s message about Soledad’s disappearance. Hugo says that she must be very upset about what happened to her father. He doesn’t thinks she wants to see him. Even if he wanted to help her, he can’t. Boris also tells Hugo that it was Hercu-less who kidnapped him from the prison. Boris concludes that Arturo was behind it. Hugo asks why he didn’t say so. Boris replies that Herc didn’t want to kill him. He doesn’t know why Herc didn’t obey Arturo’s order. Boris describes how when Herc told him to run away from San Marino, Boris recognized Herc’s voice. He fell down the ravine and before he passed out, he heard Herc say that he didn’t want to kill Boris. That is why Boris didn’t denounce Herc. Hugo concludes that it is Arturo who is behind all this. They will have to settle accounts with him.

Boris asks Hugo what he is going to do? Hugo says that he is ruined. He doesn’t have a penny. All his assets are now in Alcides’ name to pay the debts owed to the investors. Hugo says that he can’t keep Boris in his service. Boris is totally free to take any job he pleases. “No, Señor, don’t say that,” responds Boris, “I will never leave you. You supported me when no one else did. I have some money; it’s not much but it will support us for a while.” Hugo says, “You are a good person and a great man. It was my fault that I lost Soledad and it was also my fault that you lost Marina.” “No, sir,” says Boris, “She got lost on her own. She preferred to sell her soul to the devil.” “We have to start from zero,” says Hugo, “We have to start a new life. Are you sure you want to stay with me?” “I am your faithful servant, sir,” replies Boris, “We had some nice times in this house for which I thank you very much. Now it’s the moment to pay you back for all you have done for me. You can count on me.” They have a manly display of affection.

Paquito and Eloisa search for Marina after the judge has left. They find her in the wardrobe. Eloisa says that it was stupid of her to come to this house. What if the judge had seen her? She can’t stay here. Meanwhile Paquito is checking that his stolen money is still there and Marina is watching out of the corner of her eye. Marina says that she wants money. Eloisa says wasn’t what she gave Marina before enough? Paquito says that Marina is not in a position to threaten anyone.

Rebeca goes into the treasure vault. She is excited to see all the treasure and resolves to have it all for herself. She trips the wire and the crossbow fires an arrow into her stomach. She curses Alcides. No one can hear her. She will die here alone. Meanwhile, Alcides realizes he has left the talisman behind. He goes back for it and finds Rebeca. Alcides asks how she found this place? She says that she came to get what is hers. She is Jeremias’s widow, the treasure should belong to her. Now she is going to die. Alcides pulls the arrow out. Rebeca begs him not to let her die. He says that he won’t let her die but she has to promise not to say anything about the treasure vault. She agrees and Alcides says he will take her to Dr. Max’s. He carries her out. (Doesn’t anybody in the Obragon house notice all these comings and goings in their garden?)

Back at the endless scene with Arturo, Margot has lost her professionalism. Arturo thinks it is his handicap but she says that it her problem. Arturo asks if her problem is Hercu-less. Margot says no, Herc is just a client. Arturo responds that he is a client too, from now on he will be her only client.

Hercu-less is drowning his sorrows in drink and he flashes back to his happy exchange of vows with Margot after pond sex. Omar asks him what’s wrong. He looks like he’s seen a ghost. “I haven’t seen a ghost,” says Herc, “but I will soon.”

Dr. Dan tells Michelle about how he discovered that Dr. Max killed his father and what happened after that. Michelle asks how Dr. Dan discovered that Dr. Max kept his dead wife in a cabinet. Dr. Dan says that he never liked Dr. Max so he did some investigating. He swears that he didn’t want to kill Dr. Max but in the end, it was he who killed him.

Eloisa tells Marina that she can stay the night at the house and then they’ll find a safe place for her. Paquito pulls Eloisa aside and asks what she is doing. Eloisa says that she will ask Alcides for help in dealing with Marina. Paquito warns her to be careful. She leaves. Marina asks Paquito about the wardrobe and he says that it is his. He realizes that she found the money he stole from the investors.

I guess if Arturo has to wear a glove one hand, he thinks he has to wear one on the other hand as well. It looked pretty weird to see him caressing Margot with his good hand in a glove. Anyway, Margot thinks to herself that if she tells Arturo that she loves Hercu-less, Arturo will kill him. What should she do? (You fake it, Margot! Has love made you stupid? She’s a perfect match for Herc. in the intelligence department.) Arturo tells her to strip.

Hercu-less is drunk. He says that Margot told him she was going to change and along came Arturo and took what was his. His new boss hates Arturo and even if Alcides doesn’t tell him to, Herc says that he is going to kill Arturo like a dog.

Alcides brings Rebeca to Dr. Max’s but of course, Dr. Max isn’t there. Rebeca manages to gasp out the information that the treasure really belongs to Soledad because she is Jeremias’ daughter. Alcides is impactado.

The credits roll.

Tomorrow – Michelle goes for Hugo on the rebound.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

La Traición, Wed., May 21 - Boris saves Hugo in the nick of time and Dr. Max goes over the edge

Hugo on the gallows

Aurora likes Ursula's earringes

Hugo thanks Michelle for bringing the baby. He tells her that he doesn’t blame Soledad. He understands her pain. Michelle says that Soledad isn’t well. She told Michelle that they had said their goodbyes and it would be better not to be together now. “She’s right,” says Hugo, “I only needed to say goodbye to my daughter to die in peace. I’m sorry I couldn’t cure her catalepsy. Life is so ironic. All my life, catalepsy had me on the brink of death. Then, just when my daughter is born, you two arrive, cure me and now I’ll die on the gallows. But my daughter… My first catalepsy attack didn’t happen until I was four or five. But Aurorita is so young.” Michelle assures him that Dr. Dan will find a cure. He has promised. “Of course he will,” says Hugo, (to Aurora) “You will be cured, precious. You will be cured. Your mommy will protect you and Michelle, Dr. Chirac and Boris, he’s a good man and Ursula.”

Michelle says that before going she wants Hugo to know that despite everything that has happened, she sees a good man in him. A good man who has made mistakes but… Hugo interrupts her. She asks him to let her finish because it is hard for her to say this. She says that although she knows that many people see Hugo as a criminal, she sees a man with a noble heart. She says, “All my life I have waited to find a man like you to start a family. It’s sad because when I thought I’d found him, I have to say goodbye to him for good.” Hugo kisses her cheek. He says goodbye to his daughter and the guards lock the cell behind Michelle.

Margot doesn’t want to have sex with Arturo. He thinks it is because she is disgusted by his handicap. She says no. She wants to change and she flashes back to her promise to Hercu-less to be only his. She tells Arturo that she is faithful to another man but that cuts no ice with Arturo. He wants sex. Margot runs out of the room.

Hercu-less is in search of Boris’ body to bury it so as not to get in further trouble with Alcides. He can’t find the body. He says that someone must have found Boris’ body.

It’s dawn. “The hour has come, Hugo de Medina,” says the judge. Hugo sits up. “I was expecting you,” he says. He is handcuffed and led out of the cell.

Lucas wakes up. Soledad, Ester and Antonia are all hovering around this worthless sack of sh*t saying that he will be fine while Hugo is going to be executed. Grrrr! Ester asks Soledad if she is going to the execution. “Why?” says Soledad, “Why did I fall in love with the wrong man, mama? Such suffering, such pain.” “You love him in spite of everything, don’t you?” says Ester. “I can’t avoid it,” says Soledad, “I know he is responsible for all my misfortunes (NOT!) but the day he dies a part of me will die too.”

The campesinos have called the police about the man they found.

Dr. Dan is calling Dr. Max from outside his house. Dr. Max wakes up. He can’t remember how he got back to his house the previous evening. Dr. Dan calls again. Dr. Max sees that the Cabinet of the Dead Wife (CotDW) is missing. He calls for his ‘Amada Eva’. He goes outside where Dr. Dan has suspended the CotDW over the cliff that Dr. Max’s house sits on. Dr. Dan tells Dr. Max that he gave him a tranquillizer last night so that he could steal the CotDW. He found out that Dr. Max keeps the body of his wife in there with the hope of reviving her some day (How on earth did he find out about that? It’s ridiculous.) Dr. Max tells Dr. Dan not to do anything to the Cabinet or… “Or what,” shouts Dr. Dan, “You’ll kill me like you killed my father?” Dr. Max is impactado.

Hugo is led to the scaffold. Everyone is there. Hugo says to himself, “Soledad didn’t come.” He sighs, “Soledad.” Hugo mounts the block, the noose is put around his neck. He sees Soledad. “I love you.” he says to her silently. She runs away.

Boris has disappeared from the campesino’s hut. (Yeah!!) The campesinos tell the policeman that the man’s name was Boris Monsalve.

The block is pulled away and Hugo is hanging for a few horrible seconds. Then we see a gun, a shot is fired that cuts the rope and Hugo falls to the ground unconscious. Consternation! The crowd parts. Boris is standing there with a gun. The judge orders the guards to seize him.

Dr. Max pretends that he doesn’t know anything about Dr. Dan’s father. Dr. Dan says that he heard Dr. Max confess to the murder to Arturo. Dr. Dan wants to know why. Dr. Max says that he had to. Old Dr. Chirac was going to help Soledad deliver her baby and he needed the baby to find a cure for catalepsy. Dr. Dan is horrified, “You were going to steal Soledad’s baby?”

Ursula is walking with Aurora in the garden. She says that Hugo must have been hanged by now. Soledad will be devastated and Aurora won’t have a father. Ursula hears a knock at the door. It’s Rebeca come to see Ester (kind of early for a social call and why isn’t Rebeca enjoying the spectacle of seeing Hugo hanged?) Ursula says that Ester isn’t home. She is at the hospital with Lucas. Ursula asks if Rebeca saw Hugo hanged. She says no, she doesn’t enjoy that kind of spectacle. She doesn’t want to go to the hospital to see Ester. She will wait in the house. (The baby kept grabbing Ursula’s earring – cute). Ursula agrees to let her wait. She goes inside to put the baby to sleep and Rebeca starts looking for a secret passage behind the patio furniture and in the flower boxes.

Antonia wants to know what Ester did to hurt Lucas in the past.

Boris says that he hopes Hugo is alive. Michelle runs over, takes the noose off Hugo and unties his hands. Hugo is alive. Michelle thanks God he was saved. It’s a miracle. Hugo asks what happened. Michelle tells him that Boris saved him. “Soledad?” asks Hugo. Michelle says that Soledad couldn’t stand to see him hanged and she ran away. She doesn’t know he is alive. The guards bring Boris to the judge and he can see that Hugo is alive and Boris is happy. The judge says that yesterday, Boris escaped to avoid testifying at Hugo’s trial and today he appears to prevent Hugo’s death. The judge demands to know who ordered him to fire. If he doesn’t answer, he will share the gallows with Hugo. Poor Boris is a mess but he manages to say that no one ordered him to shoot. He did it because Hugo is innocent. Lots of impactados looks in the crowd.

Dr. Dan says that doctors take an oath to save lives, not take them. Dr. Max says that sacrifices have to be made for science. Dr. Dan’s father had to die so that Dr. Max could save Eva. Dr. Dan breaks it to Dr. Max that Eva is dead and will stay dead. Dr. Max decides that the next person he has to kill is Dr. Dan. Dr. Max draws his sword, Dr. Max takes out his whip. He disarms Dr. Max but Dr. Dan lets go of the rope holding the CotDW and Dr. Max tries to stop it from falling into the abyss.

Antonia harasses Ester to tell her what Soledad was so mad at her about. Ester refuses. Ester says her only concern is having Lucas get better. Antonia says that she will find out the secret sooner or later.

Ursula sees Rebeca rooting around in the garden.

Hugo tells Boris that he knew his friend wouldn’t let him down. The judge asks Boris if Hugo is innocent, why did Boris escape from the courthouse instead of testifying at Hugo’s trial? Boris says that he didn’t escape. He was kidnapped and removed from the courthouse. The judge asks who did it. Boris looks at Hercu-less and flashes back to when he taunted Herc to shoot him. Herc said that he didn’t want to shoot him. Herc wanted Boris to run away but Boris said that he had to go back to San Marino for Hugo’s trial. Boris recognized Herc’s voice but then he fell into the ravine. Now we have Herc’s flashback to not wanting to lose Margot by getting blood on his hands and deciding to prove to Alcides that Boris was dead by getting a pig’s heart. The judge says that if Boris doesn’t answer that means he is hiding someone. Boris says that he didn’t see who kidnapped him. They put a bag over his head.

Dr. Dan tells Dr. Max to let Eva go. He has to face justice for what he has done. Dr. Max says no, they will go together and he and the CotDW go over the cliff. Dr. Dan is impactado.

Rebeca is still searching when Ursula comes up and says sweetly, “Señora Rebeca, if you tell me what you are looking for, maybe I can help you.” Rebeca asks if Ursula is insinuating that she was searching for something? “What were you doing then?” asks Ursula. Rebeca says that the house is a work of art and she was admiring it but Rebeca says that Ursula wouldn’t understand that. Ursula suggests that Rebeca leave. Rebeca says that Ursula is a spoiled servant and she will report her impertinence to Ester. When she is gone Ursula says that Rebeca was obviously searching for something. What could it be?

The judge tells Boris to tell the truth. He ran away because he was an accomplice to Hugo. Boris says that he wouldn’t have run away. He had nothing to hide. The reason that he is here is because he is the only witness to the fact that Hugo is innocent. Hugo never would have been capable of committing this atrocity. Michelle says to Hugo that Boris is saving his life. Eloisa tells Marina to run before everyone finds out she lied at the trial. The judge continues to cross examine Boris. He asks how Boris escaped from his kidnappers if he was hooded and bound. Boris repeats that he didn’t see his captors. He was taken to the edge of a ravine and pushed over. He fell to the bottom and passed out. His captors must have thought that he was dead. Later, he woke up in a hut in the forest. Some campesinos must have found him. When he woke up, no one was around so he made his way here as best he could. That’s the story. Arturo tells the judge not to believe Boris. This is all a story cooked up by Boris and Alcides to save his brother. They won’t get away with it because there is no proof of Boris’ story. Proof arrives. The campesinos show up and identify Boris as the man they found bound and hooded at the bottom of a ravine near their house. Arturo is really annoyed. He thought he had one Medina taken care of. Alcides tells the judge that Boris’ story has been confirmed. Since Boris was the only witness to what happened to his wife, Alcides says that there is just one question: why does he say that Hugo is innocent? Boris says he challenges Marina to tell her lie to his face. Hugo never pushed Marina. He is innocent. He swears this as a husband and as a father of the child he lost. The judge orders Marina arrested. Eloisa speaks up and says that she saw Marina run away when she saw her husband. Hugo says to the judge that he has proof of Hugo’s innocence. What else does he need?

At the hospital, Ester thinks something must have happened at the execution because Soledad hasn’t returned. Lucas wakes up again. Dr. Dan comes in and Ester says that he looks very strange. Has something happened? Dr. Dan says no. Antonia says, “He’s dead, right?” Dr. Dan looks like he has seen a ghost but Antonia is referring to Hugo, of course.

The judge orders an arrest warrant to be issued for Marina with the charge of perjury. (If there’s not going to be an execution, can’t the hangman take off his hood? It must be really hot under there.) The judge says that the death sentence on Hugo is cancelled and he is acquitted of attempted murder. The crowd that yesterday was calling for Hugo’s blood, now applauds. The mob is always fickle. Michelle says that justice has finally been served. “That means…” says Hugo. “It means that you are a free man,” says Alcides. Some people applaud. Arturo tries once more. He says that the charges shouldn’t be dropped until Marina testifies. Alcides says that Marina already testified and Boris refuted her accusations. The judge says that the proceeding is over. Everybody should go home. Alcides tells Hercu-less to go to his house. They need to talk. Hugo shakes Boris’ hand and thanks him for saving his life. “I was only doing my duty, sir,” says Boris, “even if it means that I lose Marina forever.”

Dr. Dan says that he doesn’t know what Antonia means. Antonia asks if Dr. Dan was in the plaza to see Hugo executed. Relieved, Dr. Dan says that he was tired after saving Lucas and he went home to rest. For some reason, Antonia seems to have taken a dislike to Dr. Dan and she points out that he doesn’t look like he has rested and he’s wearing the same clothes. Ester has to tell her not to be impertinent. Antonia thanks Dr. Dan for what he did for Lucas and says that she will go and to Dr. Max’s and thank him later. Dr. Dan smiles weakly.

Hercu-less asks Arturo where he is staying since he hasn’t gone to his house. Out of earshot, Margot is worried that Arturo is mad at her for refusing to sleep with him. She hopes that’s not what they are talking about. She leaves. Arturo asks who Herc is to ask him for explanations. Herc says that he is Arturo’s loyal servant and he is worried about him. Arturo tells Herc what he should be worried about is why Herc is never around when Arturo need him.

Alcides comes over to where Michelle and Hugo are standing. Michelle says that Alcides continues to surprise her. Again today, he behaved like a good brother. Hugo asks Alcides where Soledad is. Alcides says that he didn’t see her. He didn’t think she came to the execution. Michelle says that she already told Hugo that Soledad was there but ran away because she couldn’t stand the anguish. She doesn’t know that Hugo’s death sentence has been lifted. “She’ll find out soon enough,” says Alcides. To Hugo, Alcides says that they should talk. Hugo thanks Alcides for paying his debt to the investors. His assets now belong to Alcides. He will just take his personal things and books. Alcides asks Hugo, “How will you live if I have all your assets? Don’t be so proud, brother, accept my help.” Hugo thanks him again but says that it isn’t necessary. Hugo says to Boris that the least he can do him is take him to the hospital to be treated. Michelle says that Dr. Dan will cure Boris. Hugo thanks Alcides again and says that tomorrow he can take control of all his assets. “Good luck, brother,” says Alcides, “Good luck.”

Paquito tells Eloisa that his story will run on the first page of the newspaper. Too bad Hugo was saved from being executed. Eloisa says that Hugo has more lives than a cat. She is worried about Marina. When Eloisa told her to run, she was paralyzed with terror. Eloisa wonders where she is. Paquito says that it is Eloisa who should be worried. If the police catch Marina, Eloisa could be in big trouble if Marina blabs about how Eloisa coached her to accuse Hugo. Eloisa tells Paquito to shut up. Marina is probably far away. Rebeca comes in and Paquito guesses from her expression that she’s had no luck finding the treasure. Rebeca says that the servant at the Obragon house was watching her all the time and she couldn’t do anything.

Dr. Dan says that Lucas is out of danger. Ester thanks him. Antonia chimes in and, of course, has to mention Dr. Max, her very good friend. Dr. Dan wants to tell them something important in private. Naturally, he wants Soledad there as well but Ester says that she went to Hugo’s execution and hasn’t come back. He tells them to be calm. He says that Lucas is no longer in danger of dying but he will never walk again. (So? Will anyone notice?)

Alcides (drinking healthy glasses of water) ask Hercu-less how the hell Boris was in the middle of the Plaza. Herc starts to explain but Alcides interrupts, “Why did you tell me that you had killed Boris if he was alive? Whose heart did you bring me?” Herc answers that it was an animal’s heart. “An animal,” says Alcides without expression. He gestures Herc to come closer and whacks him with his cane. “You betrayed me,” says Alcides. Herc denies it. He thought Boris was dead when he fell into the ravine. “You lied to me, Hercu-less. I pay you to obey my orders, not to lie.” Alcides gives Herc some money and says that he earned it. (It’s not clear if Alcides is terminating Herc’s employment.)

Antonia says it can’t be that her brother will be in a wheel chair for the rest of his life and it is all the fault of Hugo. Ester asks how this happened and Dr. Dan gives some ridiculous explanation. Dr. Dan looks around in surprise as Hugo comes in helping Boris. Ester says, “Hugo de Medina!” Antonia states the obvious, “You’re alive!” Ester and Antonia are impactadas, Dr. Dan looks confused, Michelle and Andres look pleased with themselves, Hugo looks innocent and Boris looks like he would really like to lie down. The credits roll.

Tomorrow: Soledad is missing.


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