Friday, March 16, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/15/18 Chapter 9: Dreaded Ends and Making New Friends

Carlos explains his strategy of exculpation,aka, acquittal, to his dimmer witted cousin, Alan: if Carolos gets Leonardo, who everyone knows won't defend anyone he deems to be lying, and who comes from his major legal competition, as his criminal defense attorney [penalista] then his personal and professional reputation suddenly becomes golden again--and Leo should win that cases.

Victoria gives her official statement to the equivalent of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office.  She  assures her that many times she told her dead friend, Rocio, to tell the police about her husband's physical and mental abuse.  That's why she filed an anonymous complaint against Dario (Mario?).  She warned to be careful and that he'd end up killing her some day and now.....well Vicki's determined it was that brute--who has suddenly, conveniently gone missing--and she's going to put him behind bars if it's the last thing she ever does!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/14/18 Chapter 8 Miercoles: The 400 Blows

Chapter 8: The 400 Blows

Another Elena-free episode:
  • Repeat of Carmen commenting positively about Ana and Leonardo announcing their engagement. Ricardo looks somewhere between apprehensive and guilty. He commented that Leonardo was the most honest man he had ever known and surely Leo found that quality in Ana, who made a show of saying she had made a lot of mistakes in her life but hopefully will be what Leonardo deserved. Ricardo looked like he was restraining himself.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/13/18 Chapter 7: Of Sacrifices and Second Chances

Daniel/a meets with Ricardo to give up the awarded right to paternal rights.  (Guess he's having second thoughts about the upset he'll cause everybody.)

Carlos accepts that Alejandra is going to accept the offer from his competition--as it's a magnificent opportunity for her (Viewerville agrees it is).  But we all know that deep down it's gotta grate the hell out of him!  He does get his digs in on Ric.  He tells her that she's a thousand times better attorney than Ric and soon she'll realize it. She's surprised and pleased at Carlos's support for her decision.   "--I will always support you because I love you!" (Viewerville wonders how long he can keep up that smile before his face cracks and the snake hisses out from behind.)

Leo Returns to work and the secretaries are thrilled along with Olivia who forgets her place, forcing Victoria to pull her off him.  Leo tells the group and the office manager that the welcome back party she's planning will be a great opportunity for the firm to meet his girlfriend--it's a very serious relationship.

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Monday, March 12, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/12/18 Chapter 6 Lunes: Proposals, Propositions, and Delusions

Chapter 6: Proposals, Propositions, and Delusions

Bullet points per request:
  • Repeat of Nuria's father getting in Ricardo's face about the case, accusing him of ruining his grandson's life, etc, saying that Daniela is mentally ill. [If he keeps on like this he'll have a stroke.]
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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/9/18 Chapter 5 Viernes: Winners, Losers, and Cheaters

Chapter 5: Winners, Losers, and Cheaters

Bullet points for the weekend discussion; some items combined.
  • Repeat of Carlos' beatdown which didn't – but should have – result in brain damage.
  • Leonardo and Ricardo talked about Elena and Anna. Leonardo appears to have been a lifetime workaholic and not had much experience with women and relationships. He's thinking about getting married.  [Will he ever be in for a shock.]
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Thursday, March 08, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/8/18 Chapter 4 Jueves: Life Tips, Swaying Hips, and Guilt Trips

Chapter 4: Life Tips, Swaying Hips, and Guilt Trips

After closing his apartment door Ricardo looked at the garter he picked up in the parking lot prior to the wedding that didn't happen. He remembered Jaime introducing him to Alejandra. He then put the garter in a book-shaped box that he kept on his nightstand.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/7/18 Chapter 3: All For A Day's Pay

At the jailhouse: Alejandra cries buckets full at the realization that Charismatic Carlos, now taking residence in the clinker for murder most foul, was really not the man for her.  Why me??????  She'll get over it eventually says Daddy.  Throw yourself into your work -what impassions you.  Daddy gives her a difficult and intriguing case to distract her.  She's betrayed and wants little to do with Carlos but it pulled at her heartstrings to see him behind bars, she admits.   Mama later agrees passionate distracting tasks are the best medicine getting over big disappointments in life.

Speaking of intriguing cases: Ricardo Bustamante meets his mystery client.  It is a he-turned-she and Ric does all he can to be non-judgmental when hearing the would-be client's request for paternity rights of a child born prior to Daniel/Daniela's sex change.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/6/18 Chapter 2: I Accuse, or, Irreconcilable Differences

A car full of detectives have come to the church to announce that Carlos is being detained for questioning for the murder of Patricia The Hooker.  The cops won't wait for the ceremony to end or discuss the situation outside the building with the bride's attorney papa.  Alejandra interrogates Carlos immediately as it is evident he knows who she was.  He simply says it's a mistake and he'll clear it up as the cops drag him unceremoniously from the church with the entire group of legal eagles trailing concernedly behind.

Ali decides she's going to the police station to handle things herself, although Mama has asked her to stay.  "--Carlos has plenty of lawyers helping him already!"   (That's an understatement.)

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Monday, March 05, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/5/18 Chapter 1 Lunes: Gran Estreno

Chapter 1: Marriage is Cursed

Ricardo Bustamante stepped off the elevator and entered the offices of Vega and Associates. He was a tall, attractive man in his forties with dark hair and dressed in a dark suit and tie as though he were ready for court, a sensible precaution in his profession. He greeted the office staff and was met by his secretary, a mature woman named Carmen who asked if he wished to go over the agenda. He answered in the affirmative. They began discussing this on the way to his office only to encounter a couple having an argument that ended with the woman throwing a glass of water in the man's face. Victoria Escalante, who seemed to be the woman's lawyer, went over to stop this situation from getting any worse.
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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley – Dramatis Personae Starts Monday 3/5/18 10PM EST

I didn't change anything except grammar errors and pronoun errors that occur in Google Translate. However, I have some doubts regarding descriptions such as that of characters' ages, which I left as given. If this information is accurate we will get a few people being cast against type so this could be very interesting.

Attractive lawyer specialized in family law. In his forties, handsome, kind, noble, sincere and hardworking. Partner of the law firm Vega. He is constantly guided by the laws of ethics and love and, in general, seeks to help others instead of thinking about himself. He has an excellent relationship with his ex-wife's children, Elena; and although they are not his blood sons, he raised them from very young, which is why he sees them as his own. Ricardo finds in Alejandra an admirable woman and with whom he shares the same ideals, so that soon the attraction he feels for her becomes love.
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Thursday, February 01, 2018

Index: Por amar sin ley

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