Monday, January 05, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo #119, ♥ Lunes 1/5/15 ♥: Out in the Night

Dispensing with refritos...

La Costeña: Hisabruja tried insulting Yolanda once more about having the gall to try to intimidate her and said she would deny everything but Yolanda wouldn't back down. She asked Hisabitch whether she really thought Fernando wouldn't demand a DNA test when the baby was born. That stopped her long enough for Yolanda to head for the door to say she would then bring her suitcases back to the apartment. As in previous situations, Hisababy had a tantrum as soon as Yolanda was out the door.
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Saturday, January 03, 2015

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo 118: Checkmate, You Ingrate!!

Cap #118, Parte 1  AND 2 complete 

Ana and Jenifer get a lesson first hand in what “going viral” means—and the problem is that not only might Don Fernando get an eyeful, but his kids as well!  R.U.H. – R.O.H.!!!

"--How can we erase the thing?"  Fanny isn’t sure, but they need to try reporting it.   (--And how!! But, to whom? Good luck with that!)

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Friday, January 02, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo, #117 January, 2nd Introducing: The secret! Fresh video edition available in a store near you

Happy New Year, my Caray fellows!!!! Hope you had some rest, a glass of champagne, made good resolutions that you will forget about by the end of the week and are all ready for what 2015 has in store for us.

The old (2014 old):
Enrique has resuscitated from his coma, but he faints once he’s outside his room.
Isabela is mooning over Angel, while impersonating one of her many alias, Ines – do you think that maybe Isa remembers that in another life she used to be called like this and she had to lie in order to live, while pretending to be a drug addict with a rich granny?
Soledad sees her daughter dance – being artistic must run in the family.
Fernando feels that something is keeping him away from Ana – yeah, a 4 meters dancing pole.
Ana is sure that Fernando will never forgive her when he finds out the secret. Soledad is sure that love is powerful enough to forgive everything. Ehhh… maybe after another 50 episodes of drama.

The new (2015 new!!!!)

At Chicago Dorofeo and a guy are sitting at a table and Doro signals Jenny and the other waitress to bring them drinks. Dana and Johnny watch them and Dana tells Johnny that the guy who is with the boss is a lawyer; they both agree that probably they have some shady business together.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Mi Corazon Es tuyo #116 Ana performs for Soledad, Isa kicks Yomama out, Fernando tells Fanny he feels something that he can't see separates him and Ana


Fernando and Ana have dinner out in a roof/balcony surrounded by roses… Fernando could tell Ana is distracted. She says she can’t believe all the events of the last few days… Fernando says Soledad is ‘guapa’ like Ana. Ana blushes a bit with his using and his pronouncing the ‘guapa’. She wants to call the house to check on the kids, he grabs her hand and prevents her from dialong, he wants her to enjoy the moment alone with him. Suddenly they hear the children of the choir sing the theme song of the show… Fernando brings Ana to the fence to see the kids who are at street level singing. Off key, like UA said… Ana gets a bit closer to Fernando, they are both moved/happy and turn to each other… about to kiss…

Lo Nuevo:

We see Isa is at office reading Angel’s business card and remembering their encounter. Betty comes in. wants Isa to sign some documents. Betty asks her if she knows about Freeky. Isa was with him at hospital. Betty notices her bruise on her neck. She says it was urticaria (irritation/rash). Isa tells her that Fernando will come back to the office. Isa is excited at the idea of working with Fernando every day.

Laura tells Leon that she was hurt by Freeky. She feels cheap, used, etc. She seems to want Leon to vouch for her to get back in Fanny’s good friends list. Laura says she feels alone. Leon gets a call from Fanny while they talk. Leon smiles and Laura guesses its Fanny. They get into cheesy talk and Laura rolls her eyes and blows hard. More cheesy talk. Leon and Fanny will go somewhere tonight. He hangs up and ‘see ya, gotta go back to work’ for Laura.

Jenny tells Bruno she is so disillusioned… she promised herself not to cry. She can’t believe Nico left without even a goodbye. Not caring about her feelings or her pain. Bruno is understanding. All he can say is Nico is also suffering and left without courage to face his own pain. Vouches for Nico being noble. (hah?) all he did was for love (double hah?) Jen questions herself if he left her for being pour, ordinary, or a bad homemaker. Bruno does not believe it was any of that. Bruno said it was more Nico not having the will or drive to go on. Jen says suffering is no use. Nico won’t change his mind.
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Monday, December 29, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ #115, Lunes 12/29/14: ♥Confessions♥

Dispensing with refritos...

Hospital: While Ana, Soledad, and Fernando prepared to leave for El Oro, leaving Bruno in charge of the children, Torres told Hissabela the news about Enrique being in a coma.
She either didn't quite believe it or got very nervous, wanting to know how long this would last. He said it could be hours... or years. Then he excused himself so he could call Fernando with the update.
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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #114 A hit to the groin instead of a cigar.

Daniela Romo is off stage now and Ana is still reeling from the magic of the moment. She tells Soledad that the one thing that she remembers about her is her singing. They express their love for each other again. Angel comes back from seeing Daniela with a bag of fan goodies, a poster, a t-shirt, and a cd.

Isa is still at Enrique’s discussing his poor performance as the president of La Costaña. He sneers at her as she tells him that the finance officer gave her the grim details of the financial health of the company. She tells him that no one wants him heading up the company and that he’s cray cray. He asks what she wants, she says she wants the company to run like it used to, you know, healthily. She has a lot at stake for the company to make money since she can’t live on the pittance that Fernando is giving her, she needs to be the president. He tells her that she will not take the company away from him, grabs her neck and starts to squeeze. Go Enrique Go! 
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Friday, December 26, 2014

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #113: Time For The Golden Parachute!

While Don Fernando is telling Ana the details of Isabela. aka, IsaBlanca’s deception of Soledad, Nico calls Johnny into the library for a serious chat.  He’s leaving for Switzerland to check up on Diego’s progress, but also to put some distance between him and Jennifer.  He will leave Jens her own ample bank account, and he won’t be telling her good-bye personally.  Don Nicolas wants Johnny to take care of her and “to make her very happy.”   Johnny doesn’t feel comfortable about this. Knowing Johnny, neither does Viewerville.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Mi Corazon Es tuyo #112 Dec 24 2014... Aftermath of Ana's surprise, Edith tells Nando her story... Fernando tells Ana what Isa did




Angel magic trick with twins with Fernando’s 200 pesos…

Johnny and Jennifer at kitchen

Ana/Soledad talk about Fernando and Ana love for each other…

Lo Nuevo:

After the stares, Fernando just heads away with Bruno…

Ana and Soledad … Soledad wants to know more about Fernando love story with Ana… Ana will tell her all the details later… Soledad tells her all the praises from Fernando for Ana… (talks wonders… extraordinary, generous, tender, sweet, charming…). Ana blushes a bit… tells Soledad it is still a bit hard to call her ‘mom’ since she gets nervous… Both women are looking forward to talk and talk to recover more than 30 yrs of separation… Soledad feels bad about that. Ana says lets let it go… lets look forward from here… always… always together. They embrace again.

Ana wants to go put the kids to bed, Fernando says no worries, I will do that. Ana thanks him (tries to give him a laundry list of things to check with Alicia’s and the boys bedtime routines). Fernando wants her to keep talking to Soledad. Soledad asks him for authorization to spend a lot of time talking to Ana. Fernando even offers Soledad to stay in the house with Ana so they can spend lots of time together… Soledad says he is a total gentleman. Angel says goodbye but not before taking their (Soledad and Ana) first picture together. Ana wants him to send her a copy. Angel reminds Ana the booster shots for the twins and to bring Luz back for checkup.

Nico also says goodbye… although he is staying in the house too but is not emotionally in the mood for lots of talk.

Fernando goes to check on Sarai, apologizes for not spending much time with her. (Ali and Luz are watching).. he offers her to ask for anything, she thanks him.

Soledad needs to explain to Ana what happened… ‘Once you know the truth… I will be able to get it off my system and I won’t mention the subject again… it is very important for me that you know that I never abandoned you.’

Sarai tells Fernando that her parents are always fighting/arguing.

Soledad: when Angel’s parents died, I ended jobless… we ended up poor and I found myself in the need to sing at the buses to get us through. (Ana asks about her dad) He left the moment he found out I was pregnant and he even took the money I had saved. I had fallen for him, he seduced me, told me sweet things, and then he just left… have not found out anything about him. Never saw him again.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #111 The reunion is here!!! and it is more emotional and joyful than anyone could have imagined... Also, Edith runs right into her nightmares from the past


Fernando summons Nico to accompany him to fulfill a dream that has waited more than 30 yrs.

Ana is trying on the gray vertical dress… the girls say it’s a bit old style and too serious. Ana suggests to go to Ecatepec. Fanny says no time for that. Have to shop here.

Luz says she has to look ‘chula’.

Ana asks about Sarai. She has her sort of overly mature scene with Sebas. He is chosing songs for an event.

Nando on phone with the people from the sound system for an outdoor area about 500 m2.

The girls love Ana’s dress… They say Ana looks like a princess.

Fernando presents Nico to Soledad and Angel. Fernando says everything is rolling well. Fernando hands dress to Soledad saying wants Ana to see where she gets her beauty from. Sole is still afraid Ana will reject her. Fer says no way, she is too generous and loving … she has waited all her life for this… all she wants to do is hug her. Soledad is moved.

Lo Nuevo:

The backyard at the Lasc mansion is being converted to a big production set as if this were a wedding instead of an encounter between Ana and her mom. Johnny and Edna are directing all the folks moving plants and stuff around.

Bruno is rehearsing his speech. But he can’t stop himself from stuttering, even when he has marbles in his mouth. He is using marbles instead of guijaros (small pebbles) as famous singers from medieval times used. He realizes its too dangerous. He tries holding a pencil with his teeth, and that doesn’t seem to help either.

Sebas is letting Sarai listen (on his headphones) to some songs he has picked out. She likes it.

Nando brings the audio/lighting guys.

At Angel’s Fernando is talking to Fanny on phone. He is worried Ana will see all the stuff ahead of time. Has Ana asked about it? Ana thinks it is a sort of date with him. Fanny asks about Soledad.. Fanny is excited about how Ana looks, she will do her makeup when they get to the house.

Fanny promises Ana she won’t regret going along with this… Ana gets excited. Soledad looks great in her formal dress. It is black with some bling in the curved neckline and the shoulders are mid shoulder.

Fanny is doing Ana’s makeup in Ana’s room. Jennifer is there. All Ana knows is that it has something to do with Fer.

Luz, the twins and Alicia are setting up the name Ana with petals on the yard. The kids one by one think of how excited Ana will be. Nando is also there thinking of how to value a mother when you have her around.

Fanny brings Ana out with a blindfold… Fanny and Fernando also think of how happy this will make Ana. Fernando thinks ‘you will be happy and that will make me happy. I love you’.

Soledad looks at the picture of baby Ana in her pendant… she is really emotional about the upcoming moment. Angel is smiling beside her. Ana has Fanny, Alicia and Luz beside her, she is also smiling in anticipation.

There are neon lights bouncing on white fabric… it looks real nice. Everyone is checking in with each other with walkie-talkies. Ready?... Ready!... Fernando is standing by Soledad and the twins. Seems the twins will escort Soledad in. Fernando asks Bruno to bring the ‘magic object’. Soledad asks what it is. Fernando says ‘don’t worry, you will know how to use it.’
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Monday, December 22, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ #110, Lunes 12/22/14: ♥The Happiness Conspiracy♥

Dispensing with refritos...

Bruja Central: Soledad absorbed the shock of hearing that Isabitch wasn't her daughter with her trusted and protective Angel there for her. Fernando wasted no time demanding to know where his nasty ex was.
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Saturday, December 20, 2014

MI Corazon es Tuyo #109, 12/19/14: Oh, Belaaaaaa! Yo' Ti-i-i-i-i-ime Is Uh-h-h-h-h-p!

The Rehash

The docs in Houston (amazing how well the stars in this telenovela pronounce this city’s name) remind Don Fernando that the best next step is to ship Diego off to Basil, Switzerland for months and months of rehabilitation.  [Suiza—has a “z” as opposed to Suecia, Sweden, which has “ice” appropriately enough, spelled backward in it, for those of you who remember our crazy discussions about this a couple of years ago.] 

Back in the Mexico City suburbs, a very flustered Soledad leaves our Dr. Angel of Mercy, refusing his offer to accompany her to Isabela’s/Blanca’s apartment.  (Viewerville is so very curious to know what this guy’s and Sol’s history is together that he should treat her like so much like his… his own mother,  HMMMM?)  He kisses her good-bye, they exchange blessing’s and she’s off, he with a smile of blissful satisfaction at having done yet another good deed. 

Back in his hospital room, a still rather dazed Diego seems anything but nonplussed by his opportunity to travel to the freezing Swiss Alps for his hand-rehab stint.  He turns to Ferd and tells him that he wants nothing more than for him to return to the D.F. to win back Ana.  Fernando doesn’t take much convincing and plans to arrive back that evening.

Meanwhile, Pissabela can’t handle the grand time she’s had pulling one over on Ana’s mother with the fraudulent claim of being her abandoned daughter and runs to the bathroom to “relieve” herself.

Soledad crosses paths in the meantime with a nanny and her five charges and the call of the blood begins to trumpet ever so softly…..

The News Flash:

Sebastian tries to connect with the woman dressed in red—the stranger, as Ana warns him off of speaking to strangers.  She seemed about to cry and he felt her pain……  Bad news that she was “looking” at them so strangely for such a long time.

Back at Lux Manor, Leon and Fanny secretly watch the endearing, adorable way that Mau and Luz interact, first discussing their two mothers’ deaths and their assimilation of the facts, and then their discussion of their two fathers’ new lady loves and their wishes that each would marry these women and make them their new mothers.
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Friday, December 19, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #108 12/18/14 Monster in red

We open with Fernando dreaming of Ana. In his dream he’s taking off his tie, he’s tired after a hard day of work. Ana comes in, wearing a pair of glasses and briefly covers his eyes with a scarf. He’s surprised that she waited for him, since it’s so late now – they are acting like any normal married couple would - this guy sure dreams PG- rated. Because it is so late, Ana says that he can only choose one card from the little chest of naughtiness. I take back the PG-rated stuff, this is actually rather kinky and a good idea for ….ahem… moving on.
Anyway, Ana thinks that he should only pick one card, because it’s late, but he wants to pick several. He ends up with the cards for Massage, Besos tronados, Jacuzzi and another one that I didn’t get. Fer doesn’t want to settle for only one, but not to worry, Ana has one ace up her sleeve cleavage – a card that says that all the others will be accomplished. They go to the bed and start smooching.
Time for Fer to wake up, kissing his pillow in the Houston hotel and murmuring Ana’s name.
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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #107 Fernando starts wooing Ana from long distance... Sarai keeps annoying everyone... Isa has a close call but does not get to see Ana at Chicago. However she begins to work a plan to hurt Ana hard.


Luz shows Fanny and Leon the fortune cookie message. ‘if someone leaves your life is sometimes so that their seat is free (for someone else)’.

Leon tells Luz Mau fell asleep waiting to see her.

Ana tells Fanny she has to go work at Chicago. Fanny says I will take care of Luz.

At Houston, Fernando talks to Natalia and Diego about Ana then. Fernando tells Diego have got no clue about Soledad Fuentes yet. And have not checked email since cell phone battery is dead. Fernando asks Natalia how she fell for Diego. For his values, for his gentleness.

Isa is heading to see Doroteo but sets her phone to check Fernando’s email through it.

YoMama nags about DoroTeo not contacting her recently.

Angel refers to Soledad as ‘Mama Sol’. He realizes whoever is looking for her on the web site might know where her daughter is so he responds to the request with Soledad’s location (El Oro) and her job (children’s choir director).

Isa gets the email and is jumping for joy.

Lo Nuevo:

Leon and Mau are leaving. Fanny has Luz in her arms so Leon comments they are already looking like a mom and dad. Love you. Fanny is heading to take Luz to bed when Sarai comes down the stairs with two house maids ordering around how to wash her clothes, sneezing and complaining about the dust. She can’t sleep in the girls room. Fanny says you have the living room, the couch or there is a foyer. Sarai keeps whining.

Edith has something to show Fanny… her brother… seems Edith has given Nando a makeover. He looks a bit more mature and less nurdy even if he still has glasses on. His hair is more natural and smiles widely.

At Chicago, they are introducing ‘Yolanda’ (wow! None other than YoMama!!!) DoroTeo is so shocked I am not sure when he will pick up his jaw from the floor… YoMama grabs the pole and starts swinging around it. Now it is DoroTeo who is having a nightmare… loL!

Isa calls Angel. She fakes being real happy that she found her. She asks Angel if Soledad had a daughter. Angel is suspicious so he asks what relationship does Fernando have with Soledad’s daughter.

Fernando is daydreaming about Ana while Ana, in the Chicago, is thinking she has to tell the truth to Fernando.

Angel is in disbelief. Isa tells him that Soledad’s daughter Blanca is looking for her. Angel is so elated, ‘you can’t imagine how long we have been waiting for this moment’.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mi Corazon es tuyo #106, Sarai gets a taste of the 'hell week', Lasc twins version. Fernando takes Diego to Houston. New kids Dr Angel happens to know Soledad so he responds to Fernie's ad, but Isa reads it first.


Fernando continues the listing of all the ‘characters’ in the Lasc household.

F: an adolescent that gets her braces stuck…

A: A cook who behaves like an alien… a butler who stutters… a multi-use boxer, a kitchen helper who…

F: Ana a nanny… a wonderful nanny. These weeks you have looked at me different (oh yeah?)… you have looked at me with less reserve, a bit kinder, more directly… with those spectacular green eyes (she blinks several times)… with your beautiful smile… (gets a bit close to her, or rather she gets closer to him with a big smile)

A: Thank you for the flattering compliments… and like I said, time helps to heal the wounds… (he gives her a bear hug) ah no, no, no! … don’t get so ahead of yourself (no se emocione tanto!) no, sir, it’s a long way still for the wounds to heal.

F: Yes. I’m sorry.

(he goes for the divorce papers to show her)… she says he has a toothpaste commercial smile on his face

F: I want you to see this.

A: this is… the… divorce sentence.

F: Yes. This document says Isa and I are officially divorced…

A: (jumps to hug him) Ah, blessed be God!! Blessed be God!! Don Fernando! How wonderful, sir!!

F: Finally a chapter in our lives is closed… (he gives her a bear hug, she complains she can’t breathe) … sorry. Don’t get away from me…

A: No, sir. This can’t be.

F: (they are leaning on his desk in the library/study) nothing’s easy. I know. But in this spot… in this spot began our love story… in this spot you hit my nose, remember?... and I saw your beautiful face for the first time… another day we dared to kiss… don’t get away from me anymore, Ana… let me show you how much I love you… (they are about a hair away lips to lips)

Lo Nuevo:

They are about to kiss… when suddenly a girl scream is heard… Both Ana and Fernando are willing to ignore it at first… we hear Ana say ‘it is no big deal, its no big deal’ and they both are about to kiss again but a second later Ana gives a huge sigh and pushes him away and starts shouting ‘what is the matter?? What??!!’ then they both run out.

The issue turned out to be Siete slurping the new girl (forgot her name) in front of Luz and the twins (from their face I can tell they woke up to her screams and are not happy campers for her waking them up like that). (where’s Alicia??) A minute later Ana, Fer, Fanny, Nando, Alicia are in the room as well and they all are in around her bed. Turns out the twins had put pieces of ham slice over Sarai’s face so that Siete would slurp her. The twins and Luz go fetch Sebas but as soon as he learns who is screaming he runs to her side. Nando and Fanny find it both annoying and funny that Sarai is so annoyed at Siete slurping her. Fernando eventually brings back the peace… they send Sarai to the bathroom to clean up.
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Monday, December 15, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 12/15/14 ♥ #105 ♥

Capitulo 105: Trading One Brat for Another

Lascuráin Mansion: Pablo hurried out while Ana had Fernando pinned to the couch. He was growling over the situation. Bruno directed Alicia to go upstairs before her father lost his temper at her, which Fernando was having trouble doing because he had pulled a muscle and he also had trouble breathing. Ana tried getting him to calm down before letting him get up.
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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #104, Lives are saved today, Siete, Lenin, and Pablo edition

Sorry for this being so late. I didn't know until 5:30pm PST Friday that this show was being shown at 5:00pm PST instead of the usual 8:00pm PST because of the telethon. So, this recap consists of the first half hour being a synopsis of the show from Univision and the last half hour being what I was able to record, although without CC's because those weren't working last night either. What a night.

First half hour that I didn't see: (fill in more detail in the comments if you want)
Ana talks with León about his jealous behavior and it’s driving Fanny away.
Fanny and Lenin bring some of the kids from the shelter to the mobil cancer screening where the director of the shelter has gone and they suspect she has cancer.
Ana suspects something odd in Siete’s food, possibly rat poison, but not before he consumes some, and the family rushes him to the pet hospital. 
Meanwhile, Isabela is patting herself on the back for a poisoning well done.
Edith runs into Nando without all the goth makeup, I don’t know where since I missed this part, and tells him that she’s Elisa and he’s completely clueless about who she really is.
Isabela tries to hack into Fernando’s computer to do her dastardly deeds, but is unsuccessful so far.
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Friday, December 12, 2014

Mi Corazon: Smoothing Over Those Nasty Family Wrinkles

Isabela has sneaked around to Don Fernando’s computer and taken down the link to the info about Ana’s mother, looking for another way to screw over dear Ana.

Don Fernando has entered the kitchen to see what the row is about.  He finds Manuela has returned, much to everyone’s dietary relief.  She is now so submissive in speech, tone, and manner that even he has trouble understanding what she’s saying when she speaks (--and it's irritating as hell to Viewerville!)   He returns eventually to the library and Bela entices him with the baby’s movement.  (Dunno about the rest of Viewerville, but watching her comb her fingers through his hair as he puts his ear to her belly makes me cringe and retch!!)

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mi Corazon es tuyo #102 10 Dec 2014. Fernando asks kids (through Nando) for help to get Ana back. Edith has a plan to get with Nando. Manuela returns to the mansion. And Isa finds out Fernando is looking for Ana's mom.

Refritos: Edith/Nando …I have really fallen for Nando

Nando/Fanny … thank you for your declaration of love but I have a gf. … hashtag.. between the two of us… yes Fanny, I do like her. (Edith is jumping for joy in the hallway)

Alicia and Pablo…


Ana and Pablo/Alicia

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando tells Diego he dreams of the day Diego tells him he has finally forgiven him.

Natalia comes in with food. Fernando leaves.

Fanny surprised about Edith’s right to the point style. Nando did not expect this.

Alicia and Pablo… he adventures himself to hold her hand, she sighs in delight. They are caught by Fernando, but he is too busy looking for Ana.

In kitchen, Fernando catches up with Ana. He nags at her for leaving Alicia and Pablo alone. ‘don’t lose sight of them for a second’ / ‘how about I sit between the two of them?... did you ever have a gf as a teen?

Pablo and Alicia thank Ana for helping them get together… she does not realize Fernando is behind her and says ‘he sometimes has ideas… from last century.’ (Fernando nags at her some more after hearing that) don’t go get drinks, don’t go potty, don’t even blink…

Edith comes to Fanny and Nando. He feels he and Edith are sort of opposites (ever hear about opposites attract, boy?) She is a bit … extreme… and you are so normal?... ok I admit it we are both rare extremes. Edith is real smart. We have many subjects to talk about. But she is a bit punk style and that is far different from mine. (Fernando catches Edith eavesdropping on them so she has to walk away) Fernando comes in and tells them Edith seemed to be eavesdropping. Nando gets real nervous. Asks what did Edith say. Fanny runs to find Edith. Fernando can see something is odd.
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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #101 Life returns to normal at Lasc, Diego and Nico get welcome greeting, Lasc style. Fernando and Diego have heart to heart talk.

Lo Nuevo:

Ana wakes up, gets help from Siete to wake up the kids… She goes in kitchen and gets startled at Don Fernando who is making espresso coffee. He gives Ana a cup and she almost chokes on it since its strong.

Johnny is at the apartment with Edna… he does some of his usual skids of comedy… ff>>

Fernando is telling Ana about Manuela’s whereabouts or lack thereof.

Fanny joins them in kitchen. She tells them she broke it off with Leon. Tells them about Leon’s bout of jealousy with Lenin.

At school, Lenin meets with his friends and talks about Fanny with them. Here comes Leon having just heard Lenin say he likes Fanny. Leon punches him and threats him and Lenin returns the punch. Lenin mocks what Fanny saw in Leon to begin with and they begin to fight… (is this the only language Leon understands?)

Fanny and Edith at school are walking around somewhere else… They are talking about Nando’s virtues… Edith comes up with an idea but before she can expand on it they see the brawl crowd. Edith tells Fanny its Leon and Lenin. Fanny and Edith break it up. Fanny nags at Leon that this is not the way to fix things. Fanny walks away angry. She gets upset and tells Edith it can’t be like this.

At the house, Ana and Fernando also talk about Fanny and Lenin. Ana says maybe Fanny is not into him but he is not indifferent to her.

Somewhere in the fields there is a wooden cage where Manuela, with her face painted silver, is vowing to get away from mundane society. The leader is responding in prayer for Manuela. Bruno is nearby hearing it all and making faces like he is confused. He is telling himself this is a dream (of his?). Just before Manuela is to be turned over to the other spatial community… (what will Bruno do? Stay tuned)

In Lasc kitchen, we have subway PST, all kids except Fanny are eating subs and soda…

Diego and Nico are getting released from hospital. Jenn and Natalia and Fernando are with them. Nico says goodbye to Marlene his nurse. She will miss him.

Nico and Diego arrive to the house to a welcome greeting by Ana and the kids. All the kids have bright color wigs like clowns. They have wigs for Nico, Natalia, Jen and Diego too. Luz looks lovely with her orange curly wig. Ana asks how Diego is. He says ready to play ‘clare de lune’ here on the piano (he’s jk of course) Fernando with a Bozo clown wig tells them Bruno went to try to get Manuela back.
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Monday, December 08, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 12/8/14 ♥ #100 ♥

Capitulo 100: Notte de la Bella Luna

Lascuráin Mansion: Johnny Bugbuster told the family that they couldn't go back into the house because of the fumes. All the kids complained, each for their own reason; fortunately Siete was outside and safe, still in the costume the twins dressed him in. Ana finally approached the door. She suggested they camp outside on the grounds and have fun with it. Fernando didn't seem to have a lot of patience for this, but everyone did their share and they pitched tents and tiki torches for the night.
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