Sunday, December 07, 2014

Scandals and Seeing Stars; Some Double Lives In Jeapardy

As Pablo and Alicia continue to “spark” secretly at Isabela's under her maid's non-supervision Don Fernando checks in by cell with Ana to let her know that it's going to be a couple of weeks before they'll know definitely if the operation on Diego's hands was successful or not.  Apparently the docs found a great deal more damage than first thought when operating.  

Ana suspects Ali is sneaking around behind her and Don Ferd's backs, courtesy of Isabruja-ja's intervention, and mentions it to the kids.
Dana and Don Rot are at coitus interrupt-us please with an opportune call from Ana who Dana manages to pretend is another friend/cousin or such. Ana asks her if she knew that Don Rot owns the building Isa and Yo-Mama have moved into.  Yep.  Well, then try getting her the address, ok? Yep.

Bela heads to the street vendor's for rat poison.  (Bruja-ha-ha-ja-a-a-a-a-!)

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Friday, December 05, 2014

Mi Corazon es tuyo, #98, Thursday The three stages of dragging out a telenovela

 Diving straight into the new stuff…

Fernando and Isabloated are talking about Alicia wanting to spend some time with step-mommy dearest. Fer doesn’t agree, as he doesn’t like the way Isa has treated his kids while she was living at the house, she has proved to be a mala influencia on them. But Isa insists, why should Alicia be punished? They hit it off right from the start and they are such BFF’s now. Fer reluctantly agrees, but it was nice to see that he’s now fully aware of Isa’s bad influence in the house.
They go to see Diego and Isa is on her usual worst behavior, trying to shake his hand and then brushing it off like it’s no biggie. Fer is very worried for his brother’s future, it is Diego who ends up comforting him.

At school, Fanny and the class find out they need to prepare for an exam. Lenin stares at Fanny, like he usually does and Fanny talks to Edith about Leon’s jealousy. She thinks that Leon was kind of right to be mad, because she and Lenin were spotted in a rather close chat. Edith is going to the orphanage soon and asks if Fanny will join her.

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Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #97 The cuffs are off! the cockroach is in the kitchen, one father remembers better times while another wonders about fatherhood probably for 1st time.


YoMama and Ramona (remona)

Lion remembering moments and earlier drawings.

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando calls the cops to try to resolve the cuff situation by getting a key.

Ana has Fanny call a locksmith.

Fanny texts Ana to find out what the problem is. Ana texts back that InoDoro wants her at Chicago ASAP.

Diego at hosp thinks he has to get his hands working again.

Fernando, Ana and Fanny come downstairs. Leon greets them. Ana explains to Leon they are playing a game called ‘trapped by force’. Leon finds it amusing, just like Fanny did. Fanny explains the twins cuffed them. Kiss. Fanny apologizes for not answering, tells him about Edith taking her to the ‘Las Mercedes home’. Leon smiles at hearing her adventure. Another kiss. He is very proud of her.

Johnny and Edna at his place. She is using him as taste critic for her quesadillas. He is telling Edna what happened to Nico. InoDoro calls Johnny and he gets instantly nervous. InoDoro angrily asks about Ana. The fourth drawing is about the tacos, the improvised picnic, riding his motorbike, getting him wet… all the memories of their relationship. She can’t wait to see drawings 5, 6 and 7. He says lets do 5 and 6 together. He has to go to get Mau in bed… another kiss for good measure.

Ana and Fernando in kitchen… she is trying to pry the cuffs open with screwdrivers. Bruno is on phone trying to get a locksmith. Fernando is not quite getting why Ana is so anxious and nervous to get separated ASAP. Ana is now trying to use plyers but to no avail either. Johnny calls Ana and gets her even more nervous, and gets Fernando even more curious. She pulls away and hurts Fernando’s hand. Johnny tells Ana that Inodoro said if she does not show up at Chicago right now he will tell all to Fernando.
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Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #96 12.2.2014 Being cuffed can be a good thing, after all. and Isa keeps scheeming using Alicia. Diego continues to come to his senses.


Diego/Ana scene.


Twins show Alicia the cuffs.

Fernando bans Alicia and Pablo from seeing each other. Ana thinks it is a bit extreme. Alicia begs. But Fernando says they lied… things did not start right between you. Sorry but you must think about what you did. Next time be responsible and honest.

Lo Nuevo:

Fernando offers Pablo a ride with the driver. Ana tells Alicia/Pablo that they need to wait for the waters to calm down and then she will talk to him. Both Alicia and Pablo smile grateful.

Isa and Freeky… he yells he has to be better than Fernando. Isa tells him Fernando right now has many issues on him. Freeky says its not enough. Isa tells Freeky that they both will keep Fernando/Ana apart. They have to relax to think things better. How about you take me to dinner while we think?

Sebas explains to Luz and the twins that they can use the cuffs to force two people to stay together… the twins have no idea where the key is though. The twins want to play cops and robbers… Luz says think bigger! Luz suggests use the cuffs to keep Ana and dad together. The boys love the idea. Fernando shows up so they have to hide the cuffs. They all head to homework room.
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Monday, December 01, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 12/1/14 ♥ #95 ♥

Capitulo 95: Partners in Crime

Hospital Room: Ana told Diego she felt guilty and he told her she was not at fault. There are things that are not within their control, including their feelings. Diego faced the truth, that Ana and Fernando were meant to be together. He cried.
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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #94, Forgiveness

Ana and Fernando are checking on the sleeping children before they turn in themselves. They open the door to Alicia and Luz’s room and see Alicia on the phone with Isabela talking about skipping school and meeting Pablo.

Fernando has a fit, rightfully so, and asks some questions. Alicia tells him that the boy turned out to be her own age. That doesn’t make things better for Alicia. She’s to have no phone, no tablet, and no internet, and no Briana since she’s her accomplice. Ana offers to make Fernando tea to help him sleep.

Natalia tells Diego that she loves him. He wants to know when that started. She tells him that she realized she loved him when she saw him when they were both back in Mexico, and after the accident, the thought of losing him confirmed it.
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Friday, November 28, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #93

I'm going to post this for today, I'm not sure if Jardinera is going to do the recap since we haven't heard from her. I sincerely hope all is well with her and she's just on a nice long vacation enjoying beautiful weather somewhere. I will take this down if she does post her recap.

Diego’s operation is successful, they stop the internal bleeding and he’s going to be fine. Except that both of his are damaged and need further operations to make them usable.

Nico learns about what happened to Diego.

Isa gets a housekeeper and is finally showing and doesn’t fit into her clothes. She’s very upset by this.

Ana needs a night off from her dancing job, Doroteo insists she work 4 days the next week without pay or he will tell Fernando about her job.

Edith is contemplating taking her makeup off.

Laura wants to be friends with Fanny again and told Fanny that she slept with an older guy to get him to pay for her tuition.

Enrique had León bring a report to him, looked at it, and slammed it down on the desk unhappily. He told León to go over it for inconsistencies. After León left, he swore that he had to succeed.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #92 Hankie-worthy ... Still can't tell if Diego wants Heaven to wait or not... And the news of Diego's accident spreads... and Ana and Fernando open their hearts and cry with each other


We left Fernando and Ana riding the ambulance with Diego, who had flat-lined and the paramedics were trying to revive him.

Lo Nuevo:

Alicia goes into the ladies room at a café to prepare (makeup, boob stuff) to meet Pablo.

At hospital Jenny tells Doctor that Nico has been anxious because he has been having a ‘bad gut feeling’.

At the cafetin Alicia asks for a strawberry shake. The waiter tells Alicia that she dropped one of her boob fillers.

Fanny, Edith and Natalia arrive to the hospital to ask for Diego. Nando arrives right away. The ambulance has not arrived (still in traffic?) … they all are worried they all got there before the ambulance.

In the ambulance Fernando continues praying, his hands are all bloody. He worries what he will tell Nico. Ana is begging Diego to please not leave them. She cries while Fernando kneels by Diego’s head. Ana comes and leans on Fernando, crying hard.

At Isa’s, Ino-Doro leaves, he has to go visit other tenants. YoMama calls him Pancho Villa and asks for his phone number. He gives her a business card, not being shy about showing her his wallet full of money. They flirt with each other… When Ino-Doro is gone, YoMama tells cupid he finally did her justice

At hospital, Natalia is really upset, tells Fanny that the men she has fallen for have died in her arms or at her care… Fanny tries to encourage her ‘everything will be alright’. Nando and Edith talk… Nando tells her he wants Ana with Fernando but he really loves his uncle Diego too, and appreciates Diego’s advice. Edith hugs him in support.

Isa returns home, rings bell and YoMama nags about having to open the door to her. Yomama says we need groceries… Isa wants HER to go to the super. Isa says ‘I got all this, you are just my gopher/second’. Meaning you are a parasite… living off another… and in this case, Me.(Isa). YoMama cuts Isa off and says go ahead and be hungry. Soon I will have someone to support me, so there!

Pablo is standing behind Alicia… does not want her to see him until he talks to her. He says she is different than the picture but she looks better in real life. Fanny turns around and is disappointed at seeing him. She nags at him that he does not look like the picture. No muscles and much younger than she thought. She is upset enough she wants to leave. He begs her not to go. She drops her bag when she gets up mad and he sees her school emblem on her sweater so he starts laughing at her trying to simulate she was 18 when this school only has elementary and secondary school. So she can barely be 15.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #91 Is this the last we see of Diego?? At his experiencia religiosa, will Diego say 'heaven can wait' or become an angel?


Fernando tells Ana he spoke to Diego but could not reconcile with him. Ana keeps hoping they will be able to forgive each other soon. Fernando tells her Diego is in bad shape, has been drinking for several days now. Looks real bad. Seems he is on auto-destruct mode.

Lo Nuevo:

Isa still at Freeky’s. Isa seems to want to rekindle the flame she once had with Freeky. He agrees she is very attractive, but she turns it on him and says from here on out, we are only related by business.

Laura rings Freeky’s bell. He won’t let her in, sends her away ‘non-ya-bidness’ who I’m with. Laura breaks down and cries in hallway ‘what have you done, Laura??’ Natalia sees her but Laura denies needing help.

At Lasc kitchen, Johnny and Bruno are having a good time, Johnny swears he is the best cook now. Even puts on a ‘show’ for Bruno. He tries to show how to crack an egg without making a mess. Bruno laughs hard (feet up in the air) when he fails and Bruno starts telling jokes. FF>>

At Diego’s, Natalia comes in the apt. Diego gets mad at her because she threw away his booze. He takes the keys and runs out.

Ana is calling Diego’s cel, but he won’t answer. Fernando says he and Diego have always parted ways but this time its gone too far. He won’t let Ana feel guilty. Both he and Diego have made mistakes. Fer tells Ana what Diego said, that if Fer wanted Diego to forgive him, he would have to walk away from Ana. But Fer would not. Ana says they (Fer and Diego) are both men with great values/virtues, 'but the only difference here is that I… '
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Monday, November 24, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 11/24/14 ♥ #90 ♥

Capitulo 90: Don Juan in Hell

La Costeña: Hissabela complained to Enrique that the apartment Fernando gave her is smaller than a horse stall. He said he didn't believe her and told her to calm down because this wasn't good for the baby.
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Sunday, November 23, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Viernes 11/21/14 ♥ #89 ♥

Was there no program on Friday night?  If not I will delete.  If so, let's discuss.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo, 11/21/2014, No show doesn't mean that we don't get to chat

First of all: I apologize for my lack of presence on the boards. I just started a new job that is killing me softly. It's a completely new field of work for me, one that I'm not completely sure that I even like but I absolutely have to make work; so I'm constantly exhausted and I'm behind on all my TV watching.
Having said that and since there was no show yesterday, I figured we could do something else for today's post.

How about if we take advantage of the mini-break to explore some of the moral themes of the story, some of the situations that have been discussed before, but never at length because there was always something else to comment on.
  •  Ana has no real skills, other than dancing on the pole and making bad business decisions. She has a huge heart and she loves the kids just like a mother would, but what has she really accomplished so far, except surviving?
  • Fernando decided to marry the mother of his presumed 8th child, even if there was no connection between him and the mother to be and he was in love with another woman. Is this type of situation still acceptable in 2014?
  • Nico married a much younger woman, but failed to realize that she will want to be there for him no matter what and fixing her up with another man is not OK. For better and for worse, right?
  • Diego, an adventurer at heart, decided to give up on his entire life for a woman that only feels gratitude for him. Even if he had Ana's love, would a life of domesticity be enough for him?
  • Fanny, a barely 20 year-old, who is still struggling with finding out who she is and what she wants out of life, committed to a guy with a young child to take care of. Seen from this point of view, isn't Lenin - the care-free student boy, a more appropriate match?
  • Manuela wanted to be the surrogate for her employer and she would have probably done it if not for Nico's health problems.
  • Alicia accused Fernando of not respecting her privacy; but she's 15, still living in her father's house and cyber-dating is almost never safe.
  • And the big elephant in the room, that hasn't even been addressed yet: when Fernando finds out about Ana's real job and lying to him for so many months, won't he have the right to be upset? Ana's presence in his house exposed all of his children to the likes of Doroteo (and even Johnny), so should we blame him too much when he jumps through the roof upon finding out the truth (because I believe that he will)
 If anything else pops into your heads, feel free to discuss.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mi Corazon es Tuyo #88 Isa going... going... gone!!! Fernando finds out about Alicia's internet boyfriend and does not like it one bit


Leon and Fanny in a romantic moment… he tells her what he loves about her and their relationship… followed by kisses…

Ana with a picture of Eliz Taylor as her mom… (or who is that?)… Ana is crying with the boys in the room, Fernando overhears out the door. One of the twins goes out to get him… Luz is also there. Some guy (sorry haven’t seen the last 4 eps) sent Ana a pic of her mom… Fernando asks to see it, then says he is happy that Ana can see what her mom looks like, says she is beautiful like Ana (with the song… yeah that one!... in the background, sung by the old woman)… The boys and Luz are hugging Ana… The boys are all smiling and this seems to move Fernando even more.

Lo Nuevo:

Bruno comes to library to see Fer. Bruno asks Fer if he is feeling alright. The tragedies have not come alone but quitting the company… Fernando is honest with Bruno, and acknowledges Bruno’s important role in their family… Bruno notes that when Fernando started working there he looked like a little boy in his first day of classes… Fernando acknowledges the company was his life… his family. A great family, like the Lasc are for Bruno. Fernando knows the value of not only the company but the people who work there. He quit because the company does not need the scandal. It is a dream of many families.

Nando and Edith in his room… they are arguing about exact sciences, theory of relativity, scientific explanations and exactitude, subatomic particles, (and these two are on each other’s face…) quantum space and space time… He acknowledges she is real smart to have so many tattoos.

Nico and Jen. Nico tells Jen the Doctor said he would need special care… Jen offers herself. Nico does not want to be a burden on Jen.(Fernando heard this on his way in the room).

Ana calls Diego, Natalia gets the phone. She tells Diego its Ana. But Diego does not want to talk to her. Ana texts Diego she wanted to say thank you… about finding facts about her mom… appoligizes for what happened but says she was always sincere… and again, thank you.

Back to Nico, Jen and Fer. Jen argues that her dream was to be with him, he thanks her but… will you be happy with no kids? Aren’t you better off with a young man and not having to care for an old hag? Fernando cuts him short, not the time to talk about this. Jen is crying. Nico says he loves her so much he wishes her to find a guy closer to her age… (Fernando is hugging Jen, who is very upset)

Isa and Yomama, Isa is carrying a suitcase… Yomama says you have to help me with my suitcase. Isa nags. Suddenly Fanny and the boys are all throwing stuff at Isa and YoMama and the twins are shooting with their water guns… a battle ensues, Isa slips at the door trying to run out. (Carmen Salinas can’t help but laugh on her way out)…

Ana and Fer come out of the library… Ana says finally the arachnidas are out of here…! Fernando says ‘perfect! Now finally we can be happy…’ and they kiss (WHOA!!! what did I Miss???? I have to watch these recordings… someone changed the game on me!!)… nah… it was just a nightmare of Isa’s… (Phew!! I thought I had missed volumes!!)
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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #87, Discussion Page

Marta isn't able to recap because she's on a trip or something, so I am putting this up so we can talk about the episode, and if anyone wants to add recap information in the comments, I'm sure it would be appreciated.


Monday, November 17, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 11/17/14 ♥ #86 ♥

Capitulo 86: En el sueño es verdad
Hospital Room: Enrique, disguised in scrubs complete with mask, rubber gloves, and matching biohazard booties to prevent footprints, sneaked into Nicolás' room. He remembered his father's death. He leaned over the bed whispering, “Your son killed my father. Now you will die.”
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo, #85 A Busy Day at the Hospital Waiting Room

This recap seems to read like bulletpoints, but the scenes were actually just short and to the point throughout the episode.

We begin with Ana praying with the children that Don Nico will be alright. And under TN rules, when something is prayed for, it will be so. So there you have it. We know that Nico will pull through. Phhew!

Ximena is on her way out the door, when her mama stops her asks her if she thought about what they talked about. Xi wants to talk about it later, that is, if mama is still going to be around. Mama (don’t know her name) says she will be there for as long as she needs her. Xi pulls away suddenly and says ‘who are you and what have you done with my selfish and egocentric mother?’ Did Xi pray for her mother to change her attitude? If so, then that will explain the new improved attitude.
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Friday, November 14, 2014


Ana’s answer to The Big Question is another question: why didn’t Don Fernando fight for their love?  Because I was an idiot!  No, she reasons, it was because he didn’t love her enough.

Nando takes Edith Munster home after their miraculous drowning rescue of Xi from the pool.  (Makes me curious if Edith-Death-Becomes-Her instead of St. Peter was the first thing Xi saw when regaining consciousness, did Xi think she’d succeeded in her suicide attempt?)

Ana finally sleeps on the rough jail cell bench and dreams a combo of Cinderella and Ice with a type of competition for her two contending Prince Charmings and two slippers, neither of which fits. It turns into a nightmare.  (Kiddie fare. FF>>)
Bruno’s still a mental case.

The next morning the airing of the family laundry is pretty rank as Ana and Don Fernando return to a pacing and very angry and accusative Diego.  Don Nicolas tells him he’s past the line.  Why?  He reproaches Ana for cheating on him with his big brother.  What?  How?...Why????  “—My heart is yours????”  that’s why.  He saw the whole thing—practically—on tape, especially that kiss.  Ruh-roh.  Doesn’t matter that Ana tries to defend her defending him.  He saw what he saw.  Doesn’t matter that Estefania left him because of his footloose and fancy-free life-style, not to mention any number of infidelities before Don Fernando and she became an item., and yadda, yadda.  Ana reminds all three men that she was very clear about her confusion and her feelings towards DF from the very beginning.

Meanwhile, Nando prepares Xi-I want-it–painted-black for her mother’s return to take responsibility finally for her daughter’s condition.

Bety learns over at the company offices that Enrique has been named the interim president.  She’ll continue as the prez’s sexratary BTW.  Celebration time.  They enter the office.  He tells her to box up DF’s stuff.  He barks at her over DF’s unsigned letter of resignation.

Leon gets another bill for Tamara’s unpaid funeral expenses along with a threat he’ll be sued if the bill isn’t paid ASAP.  (Don’t these people ever think ahead and just go with what they can afford?)  Yawn.

Alicia and BFF continue with their computerized femme fatale fiction.  FF>>
The argument spins out—“And if I did approach Ana, so what?  You gonna come after me?”  It ends in a slug fest till Don Nico drops over from a heart attack due to the anxiety and upset.  Isabrooda blames Ana, natch, but Ana tells her to stuff it.

The family ends up at the hospital where Don Nico dreams about the happy times with his grand kids.

Reeky finds out from Bety, while surfing the net or something else equally as productive…. that Don Nico’s in the hospital with serious heart problems.  He’s smiling from ear to ear as she walks out of the room.  His  culminating act of venganza papa for papa cannot be very far off now.  He tells Isa later that his plan is to insure that DF continues to believe they’re closest of friends.

The doctor comes out to tell Jennifer that he’ll need open heart surgery.  50-50 chance of survival.

Xi’s momma returns and offers a solution: go to a therapeutic ranch in the U.S. where they treat people specifically afflicted with Bi-Polar disease.  “--Do it for your boyfriend, at least?”  Xi looks like she might agree with her for once.

Ana returns home to tell the kids about their granddad when they arrive home from school.  In the meanwhile she saves Bruno, still a memory-less mental case, from being harassed and abused by Yo-low Yolanda as she tries undressing him in her bedroom after claiming they’ve been lovers this whole time.  FF>>FF>>

Reeky arrives at the hospital to give his respects to DF and family as they wait for the results of the surgery.  DF suggests it was Linda who planned the scandal.  Reeky quickly agrees it had to have been.

Isa shows up next and gives her emotional support—as a friend.  He falls for it.  He’s too blinded by the pain and guilt of all that’s transpired to be thinking clearly.

Once the kids arrive home, Ana explains the situation about Don Nico and the group of them begin praying for his recovery.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo.. #83 Nov 12 2014... If Fer could turn back time... but Ana says not so fast, i was door no. 2 but you dont get to pick me after you chose door no.1 and didn't like what was there


Nando spooked by Edith, he would want to rip her pierced earring off her nose but is afraid he will end up with snot in his hands… she warns he would die trying. Rosita calls Nando and he runs out on everyone.

Ana reminds Fernando that Diego is also a player in this script. Fernando insists that Ana should not stay with Diego if she doesn’t love him. Ana asks ‘what do you know about what I feel?’

F: So you love him? Tell me! You love him?

Lo Nuevo:

A: it doesn’t matter what I feel for Diego. You broke my heart! You!

F: If you can swear to me right now that you can be completely happy with Diego, I will gladly step aside and give up on your love for the rest of my life. Go ahead!

A: Lets see.. He (Diego) has been the only one that has been by my side all the time… he has done for me things no one else has.

F: Ana, I know Diego too well. He has always run away from long term commitments. He has never dreamed of forming a family! Ana, what happened so many years ago with Fanny Sr was not my fault.

A: Lets see. Fanny Sr, RIP, was Diego’s GF. And you got in the middle there!

F: Ana, I did not get in the middle. Love does not end overnight. Of course there were reasons for her to stop loving him. They were not compatible. She ended their relationship!

(‘who was Mrs Estefania?’ ‘She was my brother’s wife’)

A: You got in the middle! They were a couple and he loved her!! Your brother loved her! And you went after your brother’s girl!

F: Lets see, I did not go after her! I did not get in the middle! She was free! She first ended it with Diego! And later, the love between us could not be hidden. We were together 20 years. We had 7 kids desired and loved! I don’t regret the relationship I had with Fanny Sr. I don’t regret it.

(‘was that true?’ ‘Yes!’)

F: Ana, the relationship was wearing out because their interests were not the same. My brother is not stable. He was a womanizer. Even while they were still dating, he was unfaithful to her. He swore he was madly in love and was unfaithful. That is why she ended it with him. That is why I did not get in the middle!

(‘ is that true too?’ ‘Yes!’)
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo #82 11/11/2014 Ana and Fernando have a rare heart to heart (or as close as they manage) talk, but they don't know Diego has seen and heard it all.


Ana and Fernando trying to convince the chief of police that the cop brought them over in a whim. Ana and Fernando have to argue that they have the right to make one call. Meanwhile Diego and Natalialll he would have wanted to be there to support her… she replies you can support me now.

Ana finally gets through to Diego and tells him she and Fernando are in jail. Diego impactado.

Lo Nuevo:

Johnny is watching TV about some contest of phone receipt/invoice with the highest number will win 1 Million pesos. Johnny gets excited… so is Sebastian when Johnny tells him about it.

Ana asks Diego to ask at the house about Bruno… who is at the hospital for having lost his memory.

Fernando keeps trying to convince the chief of police that he and Ana are not thugs. The cops keep stereotyping them as ‘los ricos’. Ana not appreciating being categorized along with Fernando.

Reeky tells Isa that things turned better than planned. Linda arrives at Reeky’s… she wants to continue celebrating. Reeky tells Linda that Isa is in the team as well. Fernando asked for divorce so she is in vengeance mode too. Surely you will put Reeky at the Prez spot. He will replace Fernando. However, Linda wants to keep a low profile. She is putting Reeky at the Prez spot, but so that he can watch for her interests. Glad to do business with you. Linda leaves. In comes Laura, and Linda gives her a snotty look. Reeky hides Isa. Laura comes in …

Fanny and Edith arrive at the house to the news about Bruno and that Fernando and Ana are missing in action. Luz impactada about Edith’s appearance (is she a vampire?... no, look a here, no fangs!)

Bruno calls Fanny to delegate to her to follow up with Bruno while he goes to the jail. He tells her Ana and Fer were arrested together. He will handle that.

Fanny gets a bit alarmed that Johnny has been delegated to watch the boys… they are playing water gun war in the boys room. They are mangling and watering down Johnny.

Nando arrives, a bit upset about XIme… FF>> Edith feels like playing a little scaring game with him. Nando not in the mood.

Diego leaves Natalia behind to deal with the jail issue. He only tells Natalia that the story about Fanny Sr is repeating itself with Ana. Natalia shocked that Diego left his brilliant and fun career behind for a woman like Ana, who has none of the same lifestyle as him. Natalia asks if Ana is willing to go with him and renounce to everything she has.. no, right? (Diego wants to go now…)

In jail cell Fernando is pacing around. Ana is upset, looking away. Chief of police is watching a video of them. He is amused that at first they could not shut up and now they are not saying a word.
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Monday, November 10, 2014

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 11/10/14 # ♥ 81 ♥

Capitulo 81:  House of Cards

La Costeña: Fernando accused Linda of using the altered photo as a pretext for forcing him out of the company. She tried to get on the moral high horse of “You are a blot on the company escutcheon” and turned to the two other men present at the meeting to ask for a reason why Fernando shouldn't be ridden out on a rail. However, he stood up and told her not to bother; he was resigning.
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