Friday, December 13, 2013

TN Schedule for Friday, December 13, 2013

Hola, all TN recappers and commenters. Corazon Indomable, Por Siempre Mi Amor, and Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, will be shown at their regularly scheduled times in the Eastern and Central Time Zones. Mentir Para Vivir will not be shown at all. Univision did this last year for the Telethon. For Peeps on the West Coast, check your cable grids to find out what time Univision will show the above TNs. Last year, Univision showed the TNs on the West Coast either Saturday evening or on Sunday.

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Mentir Para Vivir #48 Thu 12/12/13 Hablar para Aburrir

Oriana and Lina get settled in their room.  Lina likes Fidelia, but not as much as she likes her Granny.  She hopes God left Tito at Granny's house and Granny brings him with her when she comes to visit.  Ricardo calls Oriana and she tells him the house is great and his aunt's super nice and even asked Lina to call her "Tía."  When Lina finds out it's Ricardo on the phone, she wants Oriana to ask him if God brought Tito back already.  Ricardo asks to speak directly to Lina and tells her that Padre Plaid, who's way closer to God than any of them, because God works out at Padre Plaid's Gym of Penance regularly, said it will be a few days, but there's no estimated arrival date.  Lina gives the phone back to Oriana and Ricardo lets her know that Fabiola's been checking in with the vet, but he hasn't been to see Tito himself yet, since he doesn’t want to lead the investigator that JL has tailing him to the vet's office.  As soon as Ricardo can take care of a few things, he'll go visit.

Cesar visits his aunt, who asks him to come home already, and convince his stubborn mother to stay, too.  Cesar says he'll try, but he likes it where he's at and he really doesn't want to deal with his mother.  Fabiola says she'll stay and she's told her mother already.

Smoochy mushy talk from Ricardo and Oriana.  They postpone the good stuff until Lina isn't around to listen.

Nadia announces the arrival of Ricardo, so Paloma bids Cesar and Fabiola farewell.  She asks Fabiola to escort her brother to the executioner…digo, to his mother's room, so he can talk her into staying.
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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #47 Wed 12/11/13 Tito the Thespian Treats us to more Dynamic Doggie Drama

Frog Park
JL returns to the scene of the crime and has decided he's going to look for poor Tito.   Who should he bump into? Leonardo!! JL give him some bull about losing his daughter’s dog day before yesterday but he went away on a trip and couldn't come look for the little beast, er, pet.  It all sounds kinda fishy to Leo.  JL then asks if there are any predatory animals in the area. Nothing but squirrels (ardillas) and badgers (tejónes) replies Leo.  JL wonders about Leo's dobie but Leo assures him dogs don't eat other dogs- maybe the dog was found by someone or maybe he wandered off. JL gives up and leave.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #46 Tue 12/10/13 The Dog was Found Near the Frog, but Then the Rabbit Died

Casa Bonita Hotel: At the bar by the pool, Manolo asks Lucina if Raquel had a part in the cover up. Yeah, she had a small part. Lucina tells him to look for something to get them out of this mess. Manolo tells Lucina to get a lawyer; falsifying passports is a big time crime. Manolo might know how to help Oriana, but Lucina will have to tell him everything that she knows. Good luck with that Manny!

Aresti Mansion: Leonardo, the guy who found Tito, pulls up into the driveway and introduces himself to the Martin, the doorkeeper. Martin tells Leonardo to beat it. Paloma is sick and she's not receiving guests. Leonardo asks if Paloma has a mutt and describes Tito. The doorkeeper says, yeah, but Tito moved out a while back. Just then, Fabiola comes boppin' out and spots the hottie at the front gate. She immediately, begins to undress him with her eyes and so do I. Leonardo inhales deeply, he instantaneously feels the electricity between us them. Anyways, hottie tells Fabiola that Tito has a broken leg and he's been hit in the head. After speaking to the stranger for all of thirty seconds, once again, Fabiola displays her "good judgement" with men by hopping into the SUV with Ted Bundy. Her excuse is to accompany him to the veterinarian's office to check on Tito, of course. Luckily, for her, suspicious Martin decides to act as chaperon. Martin tells Jorge to take down Leonardo's license plate and then he jumps in the back seat with Neron, the man-eating doberman.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #45 Mon 12/9/13 Tito has nine lives – how will Jose Luis explain this new lie?

 The old – Jose Luis and Oriana are fighting, so Tito runs to her rescue. JL kicks him viciously, the dog screeches, Alina screams, Oriana is shocked.

The new – Alina runs to the dog, calling her dad a bad person. JL takes Tito and rushes out with him, saying he’s taking him to the vet; Oriana hugs Alina, who is crying her eyes out.

At Casa Bonita, Cesar and Ruben are talking about Raquel’s strange reaction after Manolo left. What was that all about and is it somehow related to Ines and her sudden departure from Paloma’s house? Cesar remembers his mother’s harsh words about Ines, but Ruben doesn’t think they should take her into consideration - she’s Madhilde, of course she’d say something bad. The talk turns to Cesar’s new job in the design department at the plant – Cesar is very happy, he’s finally found his calling.

Raquel and Lucina are fighting (what else is new?). Raquel is upset because Lucina gave Manolo the gun Alina had the day Gabe died, she thinks they shouldn’t trust him, because being a friend doesn’t mean that he’ll forget his cop duties. Lucina is sure Manolo won’t betray her confidence, but if that happens, they’ll deal with it when the time comes – all she knows now is that she had to help Oriana.
Raquel has had it with all the Oriana love fest, though, she thinks her so called best friend ruined her life. Lucina stresses that the one thing Manolo mustn’t know is how close Oriana and Alina really are; oh, yeah, Raquel agrees with this, if only Oriana could vanish forever…
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Saturday, December 07, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #44 Fri 12/6/13 Making An Offer He CAN Refuse

Capítulo 44

Lo De Antes:

Lila receives a phone call from Inspector Gadget telling her that baby brother Berto has bought it, and she breaks down.  (Berto may have been a lazy good-for-nothing, irresponsible slug of a brother, but he was blood and he was her lazy, good-for-nothing, irresponsible slug, and blood is blood.)  She’s due at the police station for questioning and to identify the body. 

Ricardo got Oriana’s new cell number from Paloma and called her at Fortress de los Falcón (OMG, Ft. Knox has nothing on this place!)  He wanted her to know there are new developments that he needs to discuss with her but that cannot be discussed over the phone; he suggested they meet at Mariano’s and not to worry about the PI since he’s gotten a different car as of that morning.  Unfortunately, Jose Luis’s showing up at her locked bedroom door wanting to speak with her has cut the call short. And, in an unusually demeaning and pathetic show of weakness, hunky hubby JL tearfully crawls up next to his frightened, cowering wife after swearing he’d never force her against her will to sleep with him, and begs her to allow him just one night by her side.
Lo De Despues:

Oriana shivers under her sheets, which she’s now pulled up to her neck, and refuses the hubster any kind of matrimonial mattress privileges.  (I’d say time to pull back out the old black book, amigo mío.)

At the same time, our Margaret-Keane-urchin-model-all-growed-up de Marilu visits with Ric to see what’s up since he’s not visited her and Fidelia for a while.  He gives her the lowdown on what’s been happening uptown: that among other things, Berto was shot to death in his hotel room for who knows what reason, that he’s got to see a judge the next day over Lila’s rightful demand to redivvy Daddy Gabe’s shares of Aresti Company stock, since publication of the news that Sebastian is not his Daddy’s bastard son after all, and that neither he nor Piero are either, tho’ he won’t go into why that is important at this point.  

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Friday, December 06, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #43 Thu 12/5/13 Entrar para Matar

Francisco gets a call from Eliseo in the middle of his meeting with Trejo Bonfil.  Eliseo tells him that he followed Berto last night and thinks he took the guns out of his sister's hotel in a briefcase and took them over to Casa Bonita.  Francisco ends the call abruptly and asks Trejo Bonfil for his answer. Trejo Bonfil agrees to the deal and agrees to allowing Francisco to place some of his own people in key positions.

After the ceremony, Lina gives her mom her certificate as a present.  While Lina goes to hit the dessert table and get her sugar high on, Mariano and Inés talk.  They joke about Inés saying she thought about becoming a nun.  Mariano offers her the job as the parish librarian, but it won't pay much and he's already told Paloma, who didn't like the idea.

Oriana, Alina, and Tito go to visit Paloma and show off Alina's diploma.  She got 1st place in math.  Alina starts complaining about how she regrets wheedling her mom into living with her dad, cause it turns out he's a Tito-hating jerk.  Made him sleep outside in the freezing cold last night and everything.  Paloma chides her, saying it doesn't get cold there.  She sends Alina to go say "hi" to the maids, et. al.

Francisco finally calls Eliseo back and tells him he agrees that the guns are at Casa Bonita.  Eliseo reports that he's found someone to spy on Oriana.  Francisco doesn't care how Eliseo gets the guns back, and he's not going to help him come up with a plan, but he forbids him to get himself a room at Casa Bonita to do it.
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Thursday, December 05, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #42 Wed 12/4/13 Do they make small anvils for Chihuahuas?

Aresti Breton
Ricky, Piero, and Manriquez meet .  Ricky hands Manriquez the summons (citatorio). Manriquez asks who or how they're planning to get a sample of Sebastian's DNA.  Piero explains the DNA tests for Ricky and him should be completed within 2 days.  He also explains to Manriquez that he may not be Sebastian's father.  Manriquez then informs Ricky he may not need to present himself in person in response to the summons because so much time has passed and the statute of limitations has passed.  Manriquez can attend to those matters as his representative unless it's necessary for him to attend....or whoever turns out to be Seba's daddy.

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Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #41 Tue 12/3/13 Now Is Not the Time For Snacking, Berto! Focus!

Blue Bungalow Kitchen: At the refrigerator, Berto grabs Celio from behind and slams his head into the wall. Celio lands face down on the floor, but Berto flips him over so that Celio can easily identify his blue-eyed perpetrator in the possible police line . Anyways, terrified Celio lies helplessly, staring vacantly into Berto's face and sh*tting cement blocks. Understandably, throttling butlers can burn a lot of energy, and since the refrigerator door is wide open, Berto reviews his snack options. He spies a paper bag filled with what could to be some delicious Bolo Bar leftovers, but instead of ribs and slaw, he discovers the guns. He runs away, leaving Celio lying in a halo of his blood.

Apparently, a grown man, sprinting down the street and across a parking lot, in the dark, dressed in all black and wearing black gloves is not an oddity in Mexico. Berto runs to a dumpster and tosses his gloves, but keeps the mask since it's hiding the bag. He calls Jose Luis and lets him know that he’s got the guns. Jose Luis tells him to bring them to the Platina Hotel. They'll meet up later. Berto wants to return to the Casa Bonita, shower and change into something more comfortable and less IJustMuggedSomeOne-ish looking.

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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #40 Mon 12/2/13 The more things change, the more Paloma wants them to stay the same

Sorry for being a little late with the recap, but they talk sooo much and sooo fast!!!

We start with a repeat of Friday’s fight between Stallone and Van Damme. And the winner is… Chuck Norris, of course!
NOPE, different show…

Allow me start over. Since Jardinera’s description of the scene was stellar, I’m going to concentrate less on the actual fight and more on whatever goes through my head whenever I see handsome men fighting.
So, Ricardo and Jose Luis get into it over who has more rights over Oriana (basically). The shirts don’t come off, which is a bad direction choice (in my humble, neutral opinion), but their soaked, glistening upper pecks make the scene quite captivating all the same. On the downside, whenever one of them gets punched, no blood comes out, but a sort of watery, milk like liquid, that is kind of disgusting.
So Ric pushes JL in the pool and JL comes out of it with his gun pointing at Ric, looking drenched and scorching hot at the same time.
Oriana doesn’t seem impressed with his hunkiness, though (if this won’t convince her, nothing will). She intervenes to stop the fight, and so does Lucina. JL gets out of the pool and I notice he hasn’t even lost a button, his shirt is wet, but still looks impeccable – has Ric lost his ascot at the very least? Lame fight, you guys!
Everyone seems terrified by the gun JL is carrying, they ask him to leave immediately. He goes, but not before warning Oriana to remember their talk. As Ric is being taken inside, Lucina frowns at JL, while holding onto a baseball bat, but then she sees that Raquel has observed the entire fight from afar and didn’t intervene. Lucina is upset, but I kind of understand Raquel: she was enjoying the show too much… Two men fighting in the rain is like two women wrestling in chocolate, right?

Paloma and Padre Mariano talk about Tru-nes. The old lady wants to know where she was buried and Padre promises to get the information. Then Paloma finds out that Oriana and Lina are gone and she’s upset because they didn’t even say goodbye. Padre tries to explain that Oriana feels too much shame right now; when she decided to impersonate Ines she was very scared, she was forced to do it by circumstances; that’s why she even wanted to leave that time when she was gone for half a night. And she never surrendered to the police because of her daughter. Paloma now understands everything much better, but she still wonders why Oriana didn’t trust her with the truth.
She realizes that the fear she had for her husband made it impossible for her to find her nieta in time, but she now loves Oriana and Lina so much, they gave her back her happiness, brightened her days. Now she also understands why Oriana never accepted her presents, too, but she wants her back in the house because she loves her very much and she can’t abandon her. Padre explains that Oriana has a lot of problems and she doesn’t want Paloma involved, but Paloma insists that she wants to help out. Also, has Ric abandoned Oriana??  Padre doesn’t know what to answer to that.
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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #39 Fri 11/29/13 The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Trut AND Its Consequences

Capítulo 39

Lo Del Pasado:

Cesar has returned from the seminary to Lucina’s B&B, ignoring Raquel’s “I told you so” remarks, to right things with Mama. Now that his dad’s living there as well, Ruben has managed to confess to his son about his past--the why and how of his years ago succumbing to Mathilde’s charms and her expected inheritance, and thus leaving Fidelia to fend for herself. (Not exactly what Viewerville would deem true love on either account. What a frickin’ waste, Fi! You could have done so much better!)

Oriana has set up Jose Luis to meet with Dona Paloma the next morning, per Paloma’s request. She’s also agreed, per Ric’s request, to counsel Fabiola regarding the need for birth control since self-control effectively dissolved into stardust and Sebastardo’s male lust. Ric has also emphasized to Oriana that if she goes back with her husband, there won’t be any “negotiated” terms on JL’s part; that a guy like Jose Luis simply takes what he wants.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Ric and Padre Mariano have now decided that it’s time to tell Paloma the truth so that Jose Luis won’t catch the old woman off her guard during their heart-to-heart, possibly killing her from the shock of the surprise. He calls Oriana over to the rectory for a meet with Lucina and them later that day.

Lina cajoles her “abuela” to invite her daddy over to live with them in the big mansion, one big happy family! (This is when Viewerville thinks "cute" needs to take a hike and manners needs a major leg up to the table.) 2nes tries talking Lina out of the idea, but the little girl is a litigation marvel, a natural, and she wins the argument with her mommy. 2nes exits the bedroom and calls Jose Luis. He’s at the Twenty-Four/ Seven Lounge with Berto and takes her call on his cell. “—We have to move the appointment with Paloma to later tomorrow. She’s too tired. Oh, and BTW, I lied when I said she knew I wasn’t Ines.” No problema, replies JL amorously. “--I wouldn’t ever betray you, mi vida. Besos.” Berto claps at the “act”, obnoxious as ever. The two men continue their discussion about Lila wanting to legally contest the will now that the do-do has hit the wind-manufacturing apparatus. JL says let her. What does he care, anyway?

Berto points out that the scandal may be so great for the company that he chooses to relinquish his stock in the company, selling off to the old lady who’d then be ripe for the picking since she’d need a strong man running things there. JL ignores that to ask if he has found the pistol Rick took from him. The house is so large, complains Berto, that he’d have to go through it room by room and there are dozens of rooms! That’s a pile of crap, says JL to the butt-faced one. “--Get it done and I don’t care how you do it. Got that?” Just then Joaquin arrives, gives Bertie the brush off, and then takes his place of pompi-pomp-assed priority on the cushioned purple couch. JL tells him Berto is a useless idiot that he now finds more of a pain than an asset. So, in the old days, offers Joaquin, we used to make those kinds of guys disappear. Problem solved.

Joaquin orders a drink and informs JL that in a day or so he’ll have the signatory problem with the bank account in Colombia solved for his wife. JL is relieved, but Joaquin tells him not so fast. He owes him another one now for this additional favorcito. “—I can’t understand why you want to retire from the business. You look like one of the upper crust and fit in perfectly. You can talk rings around them and stand to earn a huge amount of money at this.” “—My wife would never accept it.” Joqi guffaws and suggests JL shower her with gifts. Works for him. “--Not all women are alike.”

Meanwhile, Berto figures he’ll hit on Marilu for skinny on Ric. He hits her with a sob story and asks her out for happy hour and pumps her hard. Marilu unwittingly gives him the hours Ric keeps, tells him that Ric’s living in the bungalow attached to the side of the main manse and that his manservant leaves every evening and returns first thing in the morning. No, he doesn’t throw parties and his old maid auntie doesn’t either. They’re both pretty much sticks in the mud who do very little entertaining.

That evening Oriana arrives at the rectory and sees Lucina there with Padre Mariano and Ricardo. Ric explains that the time’s come to tell Paloma that she’s not really Ines Valdivia. Oriana realizes that she cannot continue lying to Paloma any longer. “—Yes, I’ve put it off too long already.” Ric is certain that Paloma won’t turn her into the police. Mariano and he advise her to move in with Lucina for a while. As for the three million pesos Lucina and Raqi owe Paloma, he’ll be happy to hand that amount over to Lucina so she can repay it to Paloma in full. She shouldn’t have to feel obligated to go back with Jose Luis, either, they opine, just because she is still married to him.

Oriana has second thoughts about causing the old woman another heart attack. She cares a great deal for Paloma and that’s the last thing she’d want to have happen, she tells them anxiously. Ric reminds Oriana that at some most inopportune moment, Jose Luis could let the cat out of the bag accidentally on purrrr-pose. Or, Lucina adds, if he wants to have sex he’d be able to hold that over her head, demanding his rights like men do. “--JL may sweet talk you by saying he’d always respect you, but men never do,” let alone the malevolent, self-seeking Mafioso type Jose Luis is now. Lucinda adds that if her hubby does get those charges dropped and has a document to prove it, then Oriana can get a divorce finally and be free of him. Mariano seconds that, saying the Church will also allow a separation if the husband becomes involved in criminal activities.

Oriana asks how she’s supposed to fix the assumed identity problem. Lucina suggests telling their whole story to Manolo, her cop buddy from San Carlos. He’s as much a friend as a cop to Lucina and will be able to suggest something that makes sense she believes. Oriana tells them that Lina wants her daddy to move into Paloma’s house, which is another headache to consider. Ric jealously says they’ve already discussed that and it’s not doable. Lucina is totally against that idea also, but for more sensible reasons. “—You can’t do everything your child wants you to. Lina is only a little girl and you need to live your own life, unless you want to end up a bitter old woman, or worse yet, a nun!” (Hive Fiver to Lucina!) Mariano suggests taking Lina to a child psychiatrist for therapy to help her understand their situation better.

After much persuasion from Lucinda, Oriana agrees that she’ll join the others to make a clean breast of it all, but only if Paloma’s cardiologist is there in case the old lady’s heart palpitations get the best of her, She then calls Jose Luis, who is now boored stiff while “partying” with Joaquin and a stable of dancing doxies, to change the appointment with Paloma till the next afternoon. She lies and says it’s because the cardiologist is coming for a routine follow up in the morning. JL sees no problem and agrees.

The next morning everyone sits in Paloma’s office area of Paloma’s bedroom waiting for her arrival so they can begin the whole miserably embarrassing, wretched story. Lucina gives Paloma the “once upon a time” version. Paloma soon realizes she’s hearing 2nes’s past and that it means 2nes is not True-nes Valdivia after all. Paloma, now tired and saddened by the realization, wants to know why they tricked her. Ric explains gently that Oriana had no choice if she was going to protect her daughter; but he emphasizes quickly that she also was worried about Paloma’s health because she truly loves her and wanted no harm to come to her. “--Then where is my granddaughter? Where is Ines?” Mariano slickly remarks that she’s joined her mother in heaven. Lucina relates how Ines came to her hotel and the next day died from an overdose of drugs while swimming in the ocean, and without any I.D. on her. Lucina clarifies that because she was unidentified, she was eventually cremated with all the other unidentified bodies the police find. She hands Paloma the only thing of value that was left in her hotel room. Paloma recognizes it as the gold locket she’d given her daughter before she was run off by her father. Lucina wipes away her tears. “—If you want to blame anybody, blame me. I was the one who planned and caused this whole mess. I thought falsifying the documents and the passport would be the best way to insure Oriana could keep hold of her daughter.”

Just about that time, Mathilde comes sniffing around and enters the room, wanting to know what the gang is talking about that’s got her aunt so disturbed. Ric walks her back into the hallway. He tells her this doesn’t concern her and to let them finish up. Wouldn’t you know it, though! A minute later, Mad Hilde opens the door, in demand stance again. Ric, very perturbed, leaves with her and tells her it’s undignified for a “lady” like herself to be eavesdropping through a closed door the way she’s been. “--Be kind enough not to do this!” He has to warn her twice, second time not as nice.

Oriana now leaves to pack her and Lina’s things. She’s moving out. Ric begs her to stay a bit longer and to give her own version, to then ask for forgiveness and perhaps offer to leave after that—but not like this! Not like a thief in the night! Oriana, though, is certain the old lady will call the police down on her, though Ric says he doesn’t believe that will happen. Well, if nothing else she is certain she will never want to speak to her again in this lifetime or the next. As far as she is concerned, she is a thief. She’s stolen the old woman’s affections and she’s stolen her granddaughter’s identity!

Mad Hilde walks into the anteroom where Oriana’s left her bags. Whose are those, she asks? Ric and Lucinda explain they’re Ines’s. “--She’s going on vacation.” “—Oh, don’t tell me she’s really a whore?” Ric tells her to can the trash talk.

Outside, a few minutes later, Lina returns from school and sees the bags and the dog on the lawn. They’re leaving to stay at Lucina’s, says Oriana. They pack up and Oriana stops to cancel JL’s afternoon appointment. He doesn’t understand and doesn’t believe the excuse. Oriana clicks off without any further explanation. Mad Hilde show up on the lawn a minute later and demands the older maid tell her what’s going on. The old gal stutters out that she believes 2nes is going to live with her husband now. Maddy is pleased with herself and the news and jingles her collar bells with deliciously malicious delight. (Me-owwwwww!)

The doctor has needed to give Paloma some knock-out drops. Mariano wants to assure he’ll stay mum on the things he heard there this morning. The doctor says he’s just like a priest at confession when it comes to a patient’s personal life.

Once Oriana’s settled in at the B&B, she and Lucinda discuss whether she’ll be going back with her hubby or not. Oriana’s still not sure. She needs a job again, but she knows Lucinda can’t really offer her one. (As it is, she’s already getting free room and board.) The topic changes and Lucinda feels that having JL there will be too uncomfortable for Oriana (not to mention Raqi who is sharing his bed), so she’s going to ask him to find another hotel.

Down in the dining area, Ruben, Cesar and Raquel are chatting when Fakecisco shows up and greets them. He learns Cesar’s Ruben’s son and that he’s left the seminary to deal with his mother. Raqi mentions then that Paloma’s “granddaughter and great-granddaughter” are now living at the B&B. Lucina arrives and takes Fakecisco into her office to discuss her need for him to leave to find another hotel. He demands to know what room they’re in. “—I’m her husband and it’s migh right!” “—No, no! You’re “rights” come only as far as she wants them to. So many people know the truth about her past now that if we haven’t all gone to the police yet about you, it’s been to protect her and Lina. So, we need to ask you to find lodging somewhere else.” “Fine. Prepare my bill then!”

Raqi follows him to his room, staking out her territory with JL, and learns he’s leaving thanks to Lucina. No problem, though. He’s thinking to rent out a house and bring his family to live with him there. Raqi wonders what about her. Her? JL and she swap tongues and then he tells her that she’s been nothing more than a pleasant diversion. She slaps him and fights a second kiss, but the two of them enjoy the rough foreplay it seems. (Ehh! They’ll be seeing each other again if Raquel has anything more to say about it--and she’ll make sure she does, natch.)

Ric, meanwhile, mopes around his house in the dark. Oriana refuses to answer his calls. Raqi calls to rile him with the lie that the two turtledoves are back together again. He hangs up and races over to the B&B to find out for himself.

At the same time, Jose Luis bribes Felipe with a wad of bills to find out what room his wife’s in. He enters and gives her the news that Lucina has thrown him out but that he’s going to rent a house for them to live in instead. He threatens her, warning that if she doesn’t come live with him then he’ll see that the charges against her in Colombia are not dropped after all!

Ric gets to the B&B just as Jose Luis is schlepping his bags onto the courtyard. They stare maliciously at each other. Thunder booms and lightning crackles above. The rain starts to fall. Ric looks squarely at his rival and speaks first. “--So, Oriana came here because you were staying here?” JL laughs at him. “—Well, of course!” Ric tells him he doesn’t believe it. “—Ask her yourself.” “—You’re pressuring her, forcing her!” “—Get this straight: Oriana is my wife!” Ric immediately corrects him. “—No, she was your wife while she thought you were a decent man; but now Oriana is mine!” The two start circling and suddenly we’ve got major fisticuffs in the middle of the falling rain in the middle of the courtyard. Eventually it looks like JL has gotten the better of Ric and he knocks him down with a solid right hook to the jaw.

Ric gets it together again though, and jumps back on his feet. With the entire staff and guests looking on by now, Ric manages his own right hook to Jose Luis’s jaw, then does a quick kung-fu double legged jump-kick to the belly number on JL. This causes JL to fall flat on his back into the swimming pool. He sinks to the bottom. Oriana is drop-kick-me impactada when she sees her hubby rise back up to the top with a large pistol in his hand—and he is aiming it straight at Ric, his finger on the trigger…..


Friday, November 29, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #38 Thu 11/28/13 Preparar para Desmentir

Antonio reports to Francisco that he has the financial info from Trejo Bonfil to hand over.  Francisco asks if Ricardo went to visit Trejo Bonfil, but Antonio doesn't know.  Antonio asks about his salary.

Eliseo phones the big boss man in the DR to report that things are rotten in Hermosillo.  He explains that JL, er, "El Zorro" (The Fox)  is mixing business and pleasure.  As is the big boss man with his secretary, it appears.

Fabiola, shrouded in Piero's coat, walks into his apartment, sobbing.  Piero offers her some water and gets her to sit down.  He encourages her to tell him what happened.  She disputes him calling her "innocent" and says she isn't anymore.  Piero tells her that what's done is done and we have to learn to deal with it.  Fabi says she feels dirty. Piero babbles about youthful mistakes made in the heat of the moment and tells her not to be so hard on herself.  "I didn't want to.  I couldn't stop him," Fabi sobs.  She says Sebastian was like a beast and she can't tell her mother or her mom will kill her.  "I don't have anyone."  Piero hugs her, but Fabi asks to use his bathroom to clean up so she can go home.  She gets him to agree to drop her off close to home, but not at her house.  She asks if it's true that Sebastian's mom is…"sick?  Yes."

Lucina, Raquel, and Ruben share some drinks to celebrate Ruben's new job with a friend who just got a big contract.  It won't be a lot, but he'll be comfortable.
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #37 Wed 11/27/13 A mime in front of a children's school, really?

Straight to el Nuevo, cuz I got a turkey to cook in the morning!

Ricky’s Place
Ricky is ambushed by the paparazzi at his door.

Celio and Fermin tell him they've been at it all day. Once he's gone - Celio and Fer get to talking. Celio's been there a long time. The only thing he knows for sure is that Benigno was a good for nothing drunk who always beat his daughter.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #36 Tue 11/26/13 Either Man Up or Take Some Midol, Ricky!

Alternative Title:  Pretty Ricky has an Ugly Day

Clinica Psiquiatrica de Sta Cruz:  Sebastian is desperately trying to convince his mother to say that Ricky is the only man that violated her at the infamous birthday party.  Maria says that it’s not true!  Sebastian knows, but tells her that Ricky is a very bad man.  He wants her to say that she had sex with Ricardo and no one else; she reluctantly agrees.  She makes him promise that he will get her out of there and he does.  She rubs her face against his hand.  Berniece watches the scene from across the lawn.

Trejo Bonfil Textiles/Hospital Lobby:  Oriana calls Jose Luis from the hospital.  She’s reschedules their meeting for the following day because Paloma has not been discharged yet.    After they hang up, Ruben approaches Oriana and tells her that Paloma ready to be discharged.  Oriana is concerned that Matilde will tell Paloma about the article.  Ruben says that he will kill Matilde if she does. 

The old owner of Trejo Bonfil Textiles returns his liquor to the desk drawer and stands to greet Francisco Castro.  He explains his sad history to the imposter.  His wife is ill.  Two of his children died in a crash and he ran out of money as Aresti Breton business flourished.  Francisco explains that he is part of a global investment company that made a few bad decisions; they are looking for something safe, something that will grow.  They have decided to do him a favor and sink dirty money in this company.  The man is thrilled.  He doesn’t want to see a one hundred year family enterprise go out of business. 
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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #35 Mon 11/25/13 Famoso empresario abuses retrasada mental and wears an ascot * while making love.

*a type of fancy scarf worn by rich metrosexual boys and galancetes of the telenovela variety

We start with a rehash of Friday’s conversation between Jose Luis and Oriana. She refuses to go back to him, so when Alina goes to say goodbye to her father, he asks her if she’d ever live with him without Oriana. Alina looks torn - this is a choice no kid should ever have to make.

Padre Reddish Plaid is visiting Paloma at the hospital. She’ll be let go the next day, but she’s not as happy as one would expect, because she wants to find out the truth about Ines.
Their talk goes something like this:

Paloma Cruise: “I want the truth!”
Padre Nicholson: “You can’t handle the truth!”

Padre worries that her heart might not be strong enough for this, but she insists that she has to know everything there is to know about Ines’ husband and she’s sure that he won’t lie to her, because he’s a priest.
Mariano isn’t very proud of his priesthood these days, but he does tell Paloma that Francisco Castro, the man who was interested to invest in Aresti Breton is none other than the mysterious husband. Cara de enferma impactada de Paloma (meaning she’s shocked, but her eyes are only moderately goggling upon hearing the big news).
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #34 Fri 11/22/13 From Hearts and Glowers To Mr. Might For Spite Makes Right With Raqi

{This may take a while to get up today as I've got holiday commitments sprouting up out of nowhere. I'll try to get it up by later this evening. You have the page to comment for now. --Jardinera654 }

~~Parte 1~~

Cap. #34

Lo del Pasado:

Viewerville, fighting to view the characters through the garish glare of Party Princess Pinks and Purples, has noted that Jose Luis, aka Francisco Castro, aka Fakecisco has just thrown a damper on the party by showing up and stealing all Ricardo’s step Papi glory by bringing the best present there could be for his little daughter: a brand new garishly pink and purple bicycle complete with pink training wheels and streamers. Ric and Oriana head directly over to tell Fakecisco to take his Daddy From the Dark Side presence and the training bike with him. Guard-dog de Guerrero de Eliseo makes to pull his gun out of the back of his belt at the insult, but is stopped with a single hand gesture from JL. Padre Mariano of the windowpane plaid padre-collared shirts comes over to second the request.

Lo del Nuevo:

As Viewerville successfully fights the urge to do a color check of its tv screens, Mariano follows JL out to the street and lets him know that he knows who Fakecisco really is and hopes the man won’t sacrifice his wife’s and little girl’s futures just to get his own way. “—Don’t be so naive, Padre!!” “—And you? Don’t be so sure, Son!” JL fights the urge to argue any further and forces himself to walk away.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #33 Wed 11/20/13 Not in front of the children!

Lo Refrito
Oriana blindly defends her lying, cheating, criminal, husband to Mariano and 
Ricky.  They discuss their options -- Ricky can marry Oriana, but that could make JL angry and accuse Oriana of bigamy, exposing them both and therefore sending them both to jail.  And what about Alina?  What to do, what to do.  Ricky promises to stand by her no matter what.  

Ugh, we had to see a repeat of Fabi's walk of shame.  Poor little lamb.  I hate Seba.   

Piero reports that the signature on Oriana's wedding certificate and the bank docs are one and the same.  Ricky asks Piero to verify if JL had signing authority on that account. He even says he's willing to sell all his shares to JL so that he'll leave Ori alone.  Peori warns him against making such a drastic move.  He'd end up giving up his inheritance and leaving Paloma in the hands of that desgraciado.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #32 Tue 11/19/13 Cynderella's Interpretation

Please forgive me!  I do not have cable.  Last night I was watching Me Vida Me Robo (Or whatever) and in the last ten minutes, the show was interrupted by a soccer game.  I waited to see if it was a mistake, but Mentir didn't come on and I fell asleep.  So, I don't know if it aired or not.  Anyways, I depend on the ccs to do recaps.  I didn't get to see the aired episode or have the recaps.  I watched it on line, and the following will be my interpretation of what happened.  It's made up!  If I would have written the episode, this is what would have happened based on what I saw and the things that I could understand. 

My version will be up shortly!  In the amongst yourselves and share what you know.  See my version below.  See Vivi's version in the comments for the TRUTH!   [I've included both parts following Cynderella's summary.  Thanks to both of you since the rescheduling really screwed all of us up!  I almost missed both telenovela episodios myself last night. --Jardinera654]
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #31 Mon 11/18/13 Take a chill pill, dude!

I'm looking at you, Ricardo Sanchez Breton

After a long struggle with my laptop this weekend, I managed to make it work enough time to get a recap ready. I only watched the episode once, but managed to take some notes; if I skipped/ forgot something, please help me out in the comments.

Channeling her best Rhoda Penmark impression EVER, Alina is staring somewhere outside the screen – she’s looking at her father, Jose Luis, who’s come to see her at school. She runs into his arms, screaming with joy, while Jorge, the driver, seems glued to the sidewalk.
Father and daughter have a happy reunion, filled with kisses and hugs. Alina wants her daddy to join her at abuela’s house, but he can’t come with her just yet – he did bring her back the teddy bear she’d left behind, in Colombia, though. With Jorge watching over (but, really, what can he do?) JL gets invited to Alina’s party on Saturday and tells his daughter that her mom already knows he’s in town. Then he takes her in his arms and wants to take her back to Jorge’s car – after a brief staring match, he reluctantly allows the driver to hold Alina, and leaves.
We can see how shaken up he is by the encounter, he has tears in his eyes; but then his face turns rigid and determined – dark thoughts are circling in his brain.

Paloma and Orines are at Aresti Breton. Orines is telling the older lady that her husband showed up (and yes, they were married, but Orines refuses to explain why Lina doesn’t have his last name).  Paloma tells the story of how she hated her husband for what he had done, but she never considered leaving him because they lived different times. So, what does Ines plan to do, does she still love him?
Orines doesn’t want to think about it just now, the whole situation is too much to handle.
As they chat, they leave the office in order to go shopping for Alina’s party, and they resume their talk on a park bench. But Paloma’s phone keeps ringing; it’s Ricardo who found out the ladies left alone and is in full stalker mode (insert recap's title here)
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #30 Fri 11/15/13 Pandora's Box: Dealing With The Aftermath

The really big news is that Tito finally got his break playing a near victim last night and made Lassie's heart go pitty-pat.  

~~Partes 1, 2 & 3

Cap 30

Lo del Pasado:

Jose Luis, aka Francisco Castro, now is death-grip impactado to hear from Berto (FYI the skin-headed, disgusting, redneckish, rich ex-boyfriend of Lucia in LFDD) who’s just told a whopper about defunct BIL, Gabriel, having been caught molesting six year old Alina when he saw Oriana/Ines take the gun and blow Gabe away at poolside.  “—Are you telling me that he molested my daughter?”  Ruh-roh!!

Lo del Nuevo:

Berto now accuses JL/Fakecisco of being Oriana’s husband and then JL appropriately throws Berto’s greasy, lying, stinking backside onto the bed.  “—How do you know?  Did you see it or what? “  Yeah!  I saw it all!  I saw the old man molest her and Oriana blow him away!  Pow!”  “--You’re a liar and I’m going to corroborate everything you’ve told me!  The Sra. didn’t own a gun; and anyway, that gun was probably Lucina or Raquel’s! Besides it was you who killed the old man! “  “—No, I told you it wasn’t me!”  JL either thinks pretty well on his feet, all things considered—or he had this story all lined up, which is probably more likely—and  explains, the fairytale familial relationships.  “--Yes, the little girl is mine but the Sra. Ines--or Oriana, since that’s what you’re calling her— she and I never got married!  And she never ever [jamas] married another man, especially not this smuggler like you say!!” 

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