Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #71 Wed 12/2/15 (Mex 100) Fifi fights for her obsession with marrying Vitto

Ciao, Muchacha Peeps.  Well, looks like I've gotten an episode interrupted by mayhem once again.  My heart goes out to every family affected by this madness.  About forty minutes of the episode was taken up by breaking news bulletins.  Here is what I was able to gather.  Please fill in the blanks if anyone is able to watch this tomorrow online:

 Gael and Roxi have launched their plan to pose as lovers to fake the family out and take them off the trail of her and Benni.  There is a scene where Osvaldo tells Sergio, Freddie and Sonia that Roxi and Gael are lovers and he apparently believes it.  Sonia is shocked and thinks it's wrong because they are related.  Freddie think it's no biggie because she's adopted.

Giana and Gael's little interlude in the garden is interrupted by Roxi and this is when the bulletin broke in.  Later in the episode Gigi is bummed out about the  fake romance between him and Roxi:  she's afraid a real boink is in the future.  Gael chills her out and warms her up at the same time with tender caresses and kisses.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #70 Tuesday 12/1/15 (Mex 99)

Recap by sneaky two shoes:

The Cards Know All *insert spooky music, and Tarot appropriate hand waving here*

(I got a good episode this time(at least I think so) its got suspense and intrigue and not too much of the annoying people or situations)

Ok, where were we, oh yeah; Alina is a huge hypocrite. Roxi throws a fit and Quina gives in as per usual

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Monday, November 30, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #69 Monday 11-30-15 (Mex 98) Three Bright Ideas on The Battlefield of Luuuurve!

Hola, Ciao and Hey, y'all!  Let's dive right in!  We begin in Vitto's office at La Dolce Vita.  Fiorella is shocked!  Luc is asking her not to marry Vittorio when just moments before he was all hunky-dorey with it!  Of course, Luc had to fake in front of his uncle but he wants her to swear that she won't marry Vittorio.  Vitto enters the room and smells the conspiratorial air.  Luc and Fiorella deny that anything is amiss.  Vitto doesn't seem to be convinced.  Fiorella is saved by a phone call from Gianna telling her of Benito's firing.  Fiorella leaves to talk to Gianna about this, Luc stays and Vitto sits him down for a man to man talk.

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #68 Fri 11/27/15 (Mex 97) Italian Stallion 2.0 to the Rescue?

Ciao, Muchacha Peeps!  Here's your Friday night and weekend offering.  Some scenes have been combined, hopefully for better flow and clarity.

Fiorella offers to go with Pedro and Sergio to the columbarium where lie the remains of Pilar, Pedro's Mother and Sergio's Wife.  Fidel helps the still disoriented Sergio and all three exit the foyer, Freddie has listened and spied on them.  

Helloisa fires Benito after reminding him how he has violated the cardinal rule of class separation and forgetting his place in the Angeles household.  Roxi rushes out and throws herself between Benni and Helloisa and begs for clemency.  It's all her fault!

At the columbarium Fiorella tells Pedro that thinking of his Mother makes her think of Tania and that it must be hard for him to know they had the same problem.  Pedro says Tania had the problem when he met her and he had hoped he could save her from herself but it was foolish because he couldn't even save his own Mother.  Fiorella steers the conversation to something more positive.  She thinks Pedro's Mother would want him to be happy.  She tries unsuccessfully to get him to promise that he will be happy for both of them.  Sher thinks he can be happy with Aitana.  He suggests she go back to the car, he wants to spend time with Sergio who is weeping piteously.

Assvaldo confronts Gael who is on his way out to meet Gianna.  Assvaldo's tone is bullying and arrogant as usual.  Gale lies that he's going to an appointment with Alina.  Ass boy insists on going with him.

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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #67 Thu 11/26/15 (Mex 96) Gobble, Gobble

As in: that's what my DVR did with this episode, so...gimme the goods!  What did I miss?


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Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #66 Wed 11/25/15 (Mex 95) Uomo Italiano viene a buscar a su hija

Fi instantly bonds with Santino over being Italian and he…has a moment.  Her face…have they met in Italy?  Well, he's in Florence and Fi's from Maratea the south.  Santino had no idea there was a party going on and Dante's furious he was allowed to enter the house without being on the guest list.  He insists he's there "with" Julieta.

Meanwhile, just to make it, like, super obvi…Diana reads the letter AGAIN up to the SAME point where she stopped last time and adds "Are her real parents still alive?!"

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #65 Tue 11/24/15 (Mex 94) The Italian Girl Who Came To Get Married...In Which the Men Stand Up For Themselves...Some of Them Anyway

Recap by sneaky two shoes:

Aitana want Pietro to come to her dress fitting, the dress will look just like his mom’s wedding dress. Pietro is touched, but when she asks if he misses her, meaning his mom, he thinks of Fiorella, and tells her he knows he is marrying the woman who can make him forget (blech)

Quina thinks Fidel doesn’t respect her after her confession, Fidel is cool with her but has lost respect for Max even though he already knew he cheated. Quina tells the whole story; she was young and impressionable, he was powerful and horny, and whoosh Roxi came along, at first he wanted to give her money to go away and he would keep the kid but she didn’t want to separate from her daughter so he handled things his way and she came to work on the day Roxi was adopted, look how well that turned out.

In true telenovela fashion Quina doesn’t want to tell Roxi what she should know because it would make her unhappy (show of hands, anybody who doesn’t think Roxi would be better off, and less annoying, knowing Joaquina is her real mommy --  yeah I thought not)

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Monday, November 23, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #64 Mon 11/23/15 (Mex 93) Two Revelations and a Tease

Ciao a tutti! Hey, y'all! Here's the low down on tonight's show: down, dirty, and not necessarily in order of broadcast!

Diana finds a letter addressed to Fiorella from Fiorella's late Father, Mario, in Vitto's safe. She opens it and we only get a few tantalizing words: "My dearest Fiorella, in these, my dying moments, I must tell you a truth that I cannot take to my grave. You need to know that. . . ." Diana gasps and smiles and we don't get to hear the rest. She puts the letter back in its envelope.

Roxi and Benni have dinner. She thanks him for calling off Quina: she's always on Roxi's case. Well, Quina is her Nana, it's to be expected. Nanna, yes, Mama, no! We have a few interchanges in which Benni shows he's a poor, ignorant hick. Roxi thinks Benni is a diamond in the rough and hires a personal coach to remove all the crud and shine up all the facets of his sparkling personality.
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Friday, November 20, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #63 Fri 11/20/15 (Mex 91-92) You Make Your Bed with a Cold, Pale, Wrinkled Bag of Bones; You Lay in It!

Ciao, Muchacha Peeps!  Let's jump right in.  Scenes have been combined and are not necessarily in the order of broadcast.

Remember that Sergio was telling Pedro that whenever Granny says so, they have to assume the position so he'd better make it to the chapel on time with Aitana. . .who bursts into the office with Julieta.  She ignores Pete's anger at the lack of respect and insistence that he's got work to do.  Petey darts out to take a call from Fiorella:  He wants to run away with her, she says destiny is separating them again.   She throws the phone and says it would've been best if they never met. All three convince Petey to adjust his priorities and the ladies herd Petey off to pick out rings and the wedding cake and other matrimonial frou frou, leaving Sergio in the office.

Freddie enters the office where Sergio has made himself comfy with a cigar and more than a shot of liquor.  She pumps him for information about the relationship between her Father, Gabriel, and his Father, Maximo.  It was bad, they were like water and oil and fought all the time; one would never know they were brothers!  Once their Father died and the business was left to the two of them, they argued more than ever, especially about how to manage the business.  Maximo ended up being the head hancho Freddie says, baiting Sergio, because he was brighter and more fit.  Oh no, goes Sergio, your Father was very capable and talented; it was such a shame that he died.  Yes, she adds, under suspicious circumstances; but she was very young and it was never clear to her what happened.  Sergio thinks such rivalries are common:  he had one between himself and his brother (the late) Osvaldo, Sr., and Gael and Osvaldo Jr. have the same rivalry.  Sergio observes that he was never serious competition for his brother as far as the business was concerned, being the fun-loving type and all.  [I feel like there should be some kind of alert here, but I'm not sure exactly about what.  Any ideas?]  Anyway, Sergio insists such rivalries are normal, yah, Freddie thinks it's all fun and games until somebody dies and it must've been hard for him when his brother died like it was when her Father died.  We can hear the wheels in Freddie's head creaking down the same old rutted road.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #62 Wed 11/18/15 (Mex 90) Here we go again

I almost thought Vitto had overplayed his hand when Fi said it was all too much, between Gianna being sick and her dad having just died and she might actually take of running because she couldn't handle being around any more sickness/death right now, but nooooooooo…she ended up promising never to leave him, as overheard by Diana.  Oh, what's he dying of?  They don't know yet.  They're still running tests.  But he's totes dying.  *roll eyes*  Well, what the hell, it's not like we love Fi for her critical thinking skills.

She called Pedro, in the midst of Vitto's fake "I'm dying" speech and told him NOT to call things off, and then later had a big cry-fest with him in the garden because she can't possibly leave a dying man, blah, blah, blah.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #61 Tue 11/17/15 (Mex 89) Buncha lying liars

Benito can try to fake it all he wants, but Pedro heard what he heard.

Gael confides in Roxi about Osvaldo's threat.  She knows Osvaldo's capable of some truly assy behavior, but she doesn't think he'd come at Gi after everything Pedro has done.  She even apologizes for exposing them to Eloisa.  She half-jokingly says if he's going to break up with Gi, he'd better not kill her in the process!

Pedro goes to Gianna's room looking for Fi.  She's playing with her balloons, which unfortunately does not include inhaling the helium and inviting Pedro to do the same.  She's looking for Gael, but he won't answer his phone.

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Monday, November 16, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #60 Mon 11/16/15 (Mex 87-88) Los ricos también sufren. . .de la estupidez!

Ciao, Peeps!  Well, here's tonight's action and, in true Patio fashion, y'all should feel free to fill in because there was a lot of business talk tonight and I'm kinda wobbly on that stuff.  Anywho, here goes.  There was some jumping around so I have combined scenes and hope it's coherent.  Freddie hears Fiorella tell Simoneta that while she doesn't want to return to Pedro, because he's engaged, she is not sure she wants to marry Vittorio either.

Julieta tells Sergio she's going to Italy, Rome to be exact, with Santino Orsini.  Sergio is immediately jealous and thinks he should go with her but Julieta nixes the idea.

Freddie reports back to Dante about Fiorella and Gianna moving back into El Rancho.  She directs this little plotting session:  the goal is to keep Pedro away from Aitana AND Fiorella so that he can suffer the way she suffered when her Father died (kinda of an "off" comparison, but this is Freddie), and she wants to make sure Fifi marries Vitto so as to be rid of the opportunistic Italian heffa!  The first step is Dante's telling Eloisa about the hospital room Pedro has set up.  He trots off like a dutiful bull dog.

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #59 Fri 11/13/15 (Mex 85-86) Gianna's Illness provides Fiorella an Escape from Hell Resort AND Free Both from The Dragon's Lair!

Ciao, il mio bella gente!  Andiamo, eh!  Tonight is all about getting Fiorella and Gianna back to El Rancho Angeles, along with a few other developments.  To summarize:

Freddie snoops in Pedro's office, finds documents related to the swindle of Maximo's brother and Freddie's Father, Gabriel Angeles.  She is convinced, therefore, that Pedro is not only fully aware of the swindle, but an accomplice!  Dante vigorously disagrees with her but Freddie is convinced Granny brought him up to speed and now he's covering for her.  Freddie vows that Pedro and any other Angeles involved MUST PAY!

Assvaldo and Sonia meet with Fabio in a restaurant to recruit him to join with them in their "bring down Pedro" scheme.  He doesn't even need to fully hear them out and asks them if the whole thing is a joke or if the conversation is being recorded.  Fabio flatly refuses:  he WILL NOT be involved in sinking Pedro nor allying himself with the likes of them!  Fabio looks like he wants to laugh right in their faces and doesn't look the least bit intimidated when they threaten to tell his wife and send some of the "hundreds" of damning photos of him and Sonia to his wife.  We'll have to find out how this one turned out later!

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #58 Thu 11/12/15 (Mex 84) Parallel lines ... who meet, side by side, by side.*

I've been trapped in a massage cabin at the Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort.  What?  No, don't send help!  Just send room service.

Alas, the massage cabins have neither cable nor Internet, so I do not have a recap prepared for you.

When last I saw sneaky two shoes, she was hopping on the back of an ATV with a mysterious stranger.  As they drove away she called back to me "I don't know if I'll be back in time to recaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." So we're just going to have to play it by ear.

In the meantime, grab a frozen drink with a little umbrella in it (assuming Benito hasn't drunk them all) and discuss away!

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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, 2nd Edition

It is my information from colleagues (including the late Richard Blackwell) that fashion felonies are the cocktail enjoyed prior to the aperitif of society peccadilloes and the entrée of scandal and murder. It is always satisfying to know that the moneyed classes are as human – or inhuman – as anyone else in their roles in their own downfalls. To this end, the paparazzi at Vanidades have provided me with these sometimes hilarious and otherwise frightening examples of questionable taste. My colleague, fashion critic Soledad Romero-Vargas, provides the captions.

Enjoy and provide your comments. And please, if you have any excellent candids for a future edition send me an e-mail with the files attached. I do protect my sources. – D.D.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #57 Wed 11/11/15 (Mex 83) Of all the massage cabins in all the world….

[I took some major liberties with the order of scenes here, but still, this was a good one to actually watch if you haven't been watching lately.]

The masseuse goes off to get backup while Pedro and Fi contemplate their fate.  Fi admits she's having a crappy time and she finds the whole place weird…with the tables and strangers touching you.  Pedro claims it's about spa-ing with the right person.  When the masseuses show up, Pedro keeps up the pretense that they're married and tells the story of how they met.  Fi accuses him of exaggerating the bike accident.  Fi really freaks out when she hears that part of a couple's massage is teaching her how to give her "husband" a massage and get the cranky expression off his face.  Yes, Fi…oil on the hands...hands on his chest…circular motions….  Neither one of them can quit grinning.

Fi gets to keep her robe and skip her massage, just like she wanted.  *sigh*  She actually asks Pedro not to tell Eloisa that she's now had some massage training…or else Eloisa will be asking for massages all the time.  No, she's serious about that.  The masseuse tells them the "temazcal" is available (this is both a purifying sweat ritual and the structure where it takes place) and there's nothing like it, especially when you experience it with the one you love.  Pedro talks her into it.

10 minutes later, they're outside the temazcal in swimsuits watching a "temazcalero" (person who facilitates the temazcal ritual; in Kat-speak the "-ero" suffix amounts to adding "dude" after whatever the noun is, so the temazcalero is "the temazcal dude") go through a ritual before he ushers them inside a small, domed stone hut.  Inside, the temazcalero continues the ritual, pouring water over hot rocks.  Fi and Pedro join in on chanting and drumming.  Afterwards, they rush off to take a shower that's bound to feel cold no matter the actual temperature!

And thus ends our romantic interlude at the Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort.  Alas, other people exist and other events happened outside the cozy little Pedro-Fi bubble.  If you really want to know, read on….
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #56 Tue 11/10/15 (Mex 81-82) Oh would you just vacay already!

Osvaldo and Pedro's shouting match ends…if we can call it that…with Eloisa telling the boys to shut up already.  They'd better settle their differences without hurting the family or the company (and presumably somewhere she doesn't have to hear it).  Os is taking over for the weekend, Pedro's going on vacation, and that's that.  Pedro out-maneuvers Os by telling him that if everyone finds out "the truth" he'll be the loser who got cheated on and granny won't actually let him run the company anyway.  He also tells Os he'd better "see to" his wife if he doesn't want her cheating on him, which…seriously?  No, man, if she chooses to cheat, that's on her.  I love how he's all macho when he's telling other people how to live their lives, but when it comes to his own, he's such a spineless twerp.  Not.

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Monday, November 09, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #55 Mon 11/9/15 (Mex 79-80) When Princesses get Pimped

Ciao, y'all!  Andiamo!  Fiorella has had it with Vitto and Petey!  She's got her savings, she's going home to pack!  They watch her leave.

Remember Granny overheard Dante say, "Federica was right!"  Dante tells her that Benecio knew what Maximo did.  They both agree that Federica cannot find out.  While Dante stepped away to talk to Eloisa, Simoneta threw away the handwritten letter from Gabriel as she tidied the table where he had been sitting.

Alina arrives to El Rancho for Gael's session and is accosted by a hissing and seething Sonia who literally gets right in Alina's face, calling her a hypocrite.  Assvaldo enters the living room and knows exactly what's going on.  Gael arrives moments later.  Assvaldo interrupts the face off, snatches Allina up from the sofa and pushes her in the direction of Gael.  He chews Sonia out but she doesn't back down.  She thinks Assy's days of telling her when and where to get off are OVER!

In the dragon's lair, Fiorella sadly tells Gianna she doesn't have enough money for even half of a ticket to Italy!  Pedro enters the room and offers to pay for both girls to return to Italy.  It pains him to know she will leave but her happiness is the most important thing for him:  what he feels for her is far above "all this."  Fiorella looks truly touched.  Pedro will even see that she has a job with ACorp partners in Italy.  Then Vitto enters the room repeating his lines about Fiorella being the most beautiful woman in the world and him being the most fortunate man.  Oh, what does she need to be more comfortable?

"To be freed of my promise to marry you so I may love and live happily ever after with Pedro Angeles!"

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Friday, November 06, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #54 Fri 11/6/15 (Mex 77-78) Life Ain't So Sweet in the Dragon's Lair

Ciao, Peeps!  We pick up in the dungeon, I mean house of Dragone where Vitto scolds Fiorella for not being at his beck and call.  What need does she have to go out when he has such a beautiful garden for her to enjoy?  He motions toward the glass enclosed atrium with the nude statue.  The symbolism is too easy.  Anyway, Fiorella wants to know if he intends to imprison her.  Vitto protests that Fiorella doesn't respect him or give the least sign of appreciation for all he's done.  Fiorella shouts no, because he's buying her!  Vitto says it's because he's old and she will never feel anything for him.  Gianna comes into the living room and demands to know what's going on.  Vitto just wants an explanation.  Gianna speaks the heart of the whole Patio when she tells Vitto that Fiorella owes him nothing.  She accepted his proposal and is he forgetting that he sent a picture of himself when he was much younger?  "You lied from the start.  She gave up everything for you and you took advantage of our not having any options and my needing medical attention.  You say you're a good man, then show it!  She's doing her best and you have no right to treat her this way!  We're here now and you're responsible for us both!"  Gianna begins to feel faint.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #53 Thu 11/5/15 (Mex 76) Death, Doom, Tragedy, and Eloisa thinks its all about her.

If you're reading this, the day got away from me.  I had a morning rehearsal scheduled for a concert this evening and I'm playing it all by ear.  ( schedule, not the music!)  I will post a recap as soon as possible.  In the meantime, discuss away!

And now we have another excellent recap by the one and only sneaky two shoes!  Take it away, sneaky!

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