Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #52 Wed 11/4/15 (Mex 75) Nothing Good

Hm, well, some stuff happened and I figured you might want to know about it.

The Fed Bureau of Investigations: Fed's upping her game with some incense and garudasana arms (Eagle Pose in yoga).  Dante lies about his whereabouts.  Fed reminds us all that the cards never lie.  She kept drawing The Moon and sure enough, Aitana, that two-faced woman, was skulking around in Pedro's office.  I notice the bottom of Fed's long, trailing sleeves aren't actually trailing, but attached to the hem of her blouse.  Interesting.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #51 Tue 11/3/15 (Mex 73-74) Not the Virgen I was looking for

Fi witnessed Vito and Diana's spit swapping, but never mentioned it again.  In fact, it's Diana who later threatens to expose Fi for a gold digging liar.

Sergio witnessed Belinda's birthday suit, and while she's right, he is eeeeeasy and never turns down a woman's advances…there's a first time for everything.  Take a hike, Belinda.

Vitto continues his relentless campaign to control EVERYTHING and vows to pay for both Gianna's tuition and find her a new doctor.  To this end, he and Fi visit Pedro's office to tell him so.  They behave like small children fighting over a toy (i.e., Fi).  Fi even says as much.  And tells them this isn't about who has the bigger…bank account.  And it STILL doesn't get her to call things off.

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Monday, November 02, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #50 Mon 11/2/15 (Mex 70-72) Petey peters out

Ciao, amici del Patio!  Here's what I can make out from what they showed us.

Showdown between Granny and Petey ends predictably:  He will damn well do what's good for the family and the business and whatever else SHE tells him.  They trade charges of disrespect.

Roxi interrupts Gael and Gigi's tender goodbye.  She sucks up the tears and turns the bitch-o-meter on high.

Granny wins and Fiorella and Gigi move out.  There is a scene of them, Fidel, Simoneta, Quina and gardener dude crying together and pledging to stay in touch.  Aitana comes to eff with Fiorella as she packs in her room.  Fifi gives us a welcome but short flash of sass as she tells Aitana she'd better back down before she get's smacked down.  It's dark when the girls leave.  Freddie, Sonia and Roxi stand outside to watch and mock.  Fifi and Petey have a few minutes for more plaintive, empty phrases of hope for their love.  Fifi gives Pedro a small wad of tissue.  Vitto interrupts them and collects Fiorella.  Pedro mouths a wimpy, "take care of her."  Pedro opens the tissue.  It's the diamond ring he gave her that day on the rickety, rocky boat of love ride.

Suddenly Vitto, Fifi and Gigi are in his living room where we are reminded what Italian bumpkins they are when Gigi picks up an expensive vase and almost drops it.  Next they are in the room the girls will share.  GAG ALERT:  Vitto tells Fifi he is ready to receive her in their room when she is ready.

Osvaldo presents Aitana as an executive assistant in what I guess is a board meeting.  Pedro has cara de WTF and Freddie gives him an "in yo' face" glare.

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Friday, October 30, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #49 Fri 10/30/15 (Mex 69) "You're Fired!" or Granny Trumps Petey's Ultimatum!

Ciao a tutti e mille grazie per essere venuti!  Muchisimas gracias a todos y gracias por venir!  Yes, I think at this point we need to thank all of YOU for watching and hanging out on the Patio with us!  Mille grazie to all my Peeps for your kind words and witty observations on Monday!  Well, folks, today's horror/dramedy installment is quite simple and scenes will be combined and not necessarily in order of broadcast.

Granny dresses Fifi down real good but, considering the reviews we've gotten on her uniform and pigtails, this was accomplished weeks ago.  Anyway, Granny rips Fifi another one!  She wants Fifi and Gigi out TONIGHT and Fifi's begging on bended knee does not move her!  She is to get a limited severance check, pack her rags and git!  Back with this later.

In other developments, Sergio is released from the hospital and the jailhouse.  Julieta and Pedro flank him on either side and the Lawyer is there as well assuring them that the investigation into Anibal's henchman's involvement in the arson and the attack on Sergio will continue.  A not so cleverly concealed Anibal, wearing a demon hoodie, stands behind a skinny tree and watches the group leave.  Later, once the group arrive at El Rancho, Julieta and Sergio warmly and sincerely thank Fiorella for all her help.  She graciously accepts their thanks and welcomes Sergio home.  Much later Julieta leads Sergio in some breathing exercises to relax him but the knife attack in the jail comes flooding back in vivid detail.  He shakes as he realizes he could have been killed!  Julieta holds and comforts him.  Pobrecito!

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #48 Thu 10/29/15 (Mex 68) A story of a sauna

Welcome again, Special Guest Recapper sneaky two shoes!

Sonia has locked Pietro and Fiorella in the turned on sauna, but she doesn't know they are both in there. Silly Sonia thinks Fi is talking to herself

Pietro pulls out the old 'tell me you don't love me, tell me you never want to see me again and I'll go'

Fi hems and haws and can't stand the heat of Pietro's prescence or maybe its the sauna, either way she wants out but oh no! The door is locked, Pietro you scoundrel how could you? He protests his innocence

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #47 Wed 10/28/15 (Mex 66-67) The Creature from La Dolce Vita

After a few last smoochies, Pedro totally kills MY mood by asking if Fi has ever thought about having babies with Vile Vitto.  Gross, dude.  Fi gives him a "hell no" and a few more kisses into the bargain.  Besides, everyone knows the undead can't reproduce.

I'm iffy about the neckline on Fed's dress, but other than that I think I really like it.  The argument with Dante is the same one they had yesterday, about offing Eloisa.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #46 Tue 10/27/15 (Mex 65) Much Boo Hoo about Nothing

If you haven't watched the episode yet, you can FF>> up to about 3 1/2 minutes in and avoid all the refrito.

New stuff starts with Pedro, Sonia, and the faked DNA results that so far, Pedro doesn't believe.  Until Sonia says Fi must have mis-heard.  And that's all it takes for Pedro.  Though, he doesn't care for Sonia's plan, to wait and tell Osvaldo the truth later.  The ass in question comes home and Belinda runs interference.  Meanwhile, Sonia keeps arguing and lets her very real pain over the loss of her last baby add a touch of authenticity to her pleas not to risk the life of this one.  As Os walks in and Pedro starts to spill the beans, Pedro gets the call...

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Monday, October 26, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #45 Mon 10/26/15 (Mex 62-64) Gianna has Two Angels on her shoulder and Sergio a devil on his back!

Buona sera, Muchacha Patio Peeps!  Scenes have been combined and may not be in the order of broadcast. 

Well.  We have to pick up where we left of on Friday but we'll make it quick!  Vitto pulls away from Fiorella's lips and is absolutely enchanted!  Oh, what a sweet kiss!  It's proof that she loves him!  Fiorella looks like she's waking up from a dental procedure, NOT the afterglow that Vitto seems to be in.  They proceed to their table where he continues carrying on about the kiss.  He stands and presents her to all the patrons of the restaurant as his beloved fiance and invites them all to applaud and buys every table a bottle of champagne.  Well somewhere along the way Fifi wanted to go to somewhere more peaceful after being put on blast in the restaurant so. . . .he takes her to his home.  He shows her some artwork and within minutes has decided to show her something more personal.  He takes her to his bedroom all alight with flower petals and candles.  Fiorella is really looking stunned now.  He thought it's what she meant by something more tranquil.  No.  She doesn't want to get to know him better.  She wants to go back to El Rancho.  Now.  In a cab.  He agrees to call one.

In the offices of La Dolce Vita, Diana presents Vitto with the results of her "investigation."  She hates to disillusion him because she knows how excited he is about the wedding but. . . .Fiorella swindled a guy in Italy!  Vitto has heard this charge before and is not impressed.

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Friday, October 23, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #44 Fri 10/23/15 (Mex 61) Eh! Your Granny Wears Army Boots!

Mille Grazie once again to Sneaky 2 Shoes for Thursday's recap!  YAAAAAY!

Oh, beloved, and long-suffering Muchacha Patio Peeps, tonight will be no exception so come, let us hunker down, grit our teeth, scare the cats, whatever we have to do and get through this!

Diana vows to her Mom that Vitto will be hers!  She's not going to let that Italian heffa dash the plans and dreams she has for her life with Mr. Got Rocks!  Fifi must have a secret and she's going to find it!

Fiorella runs from Assvaldo and initially puts up a defiant front, threatening to tell Sonia what she saw but Ass boy catches her alone and effectively silences her by threatening to throw her sick sister out in the street!

Benny continues pressing Gianna for what her Dr. told her.

The Private Investigator or Policeman on the phone with Julieta tells her that Sergio's identification was found amidst the ruins of her burnt apartment.  Sergio enters the room as she concludes the call and she begins to question him as to the logic, or lack thereof, of Anibal burning down her house.  This scene is cringe worthy because Sergio had some yummy cake that Julieta took from him to ask these asinine questions!  Sergio gets a phone call from the lawyer handling the Angeles estate, he excuses himself to take the call. 

Down the hall, Gael is in session with Alina but he might as well be talking to a blow-up doll:  that's how attentive Alina is.  Alina apologizes and says she's tired.  The tables turn as Gael asks if she is physically or emotionally tired.  Gael sits next to Alina and gently offers that listening to so many troubled people can certainly be exhausting.  He acknowledges that he realizes she has a personal life, a social life, a love life.  Is that what is troubling her?   Alina openly cries.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #43 Thu 10/22/15 (Mex 59-60)

Peeps, please welcome Mystery Special Guest Recapper sneaky two shoes!

Hi folks! I'm sneaky two shoes and I will be your temporary fill in recapper for today. You may know me from commenting once on a Muchacha recap in the first week and then disappearing for the next few weeks? months? I've lost track. Life stuff happened and I got behind but I planned to comment when I'd caught up and actually knew what was going on. Well I've just caught up and now I'm doing a recap, so, that's something.

So jumping right in, Sonia's mom is in her bedroom advising her at the top of her voice to switch the DNA test results if necessary, when Os comes in, presumably from exercising, since he is in workout clothes, and wants to know what they are talkin'  'bout  huh? huh?

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #42 Wed 10/21/15 (Mex 57-58) Mariachi is clearly not the answer

Hi peeps!  We could use some more help on this show.  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are all open.  Email me if you're interested.

Hm, Pedro wants a chance?  And he'll do anything for it?  Anything?  Oh, he's willing to rope the moon, change Mexico to the shape of a boot, sing a serenata.  I notice "Run to Las Vegas right the hell now and marry you" isn't on the list.

Suddenly it's day.  *sigh* And Gianna is breaking up with Gael all over again, because lips that touch Roxana's shall never touch Gianna's.  And she bets his friends all know about Rox, too.  Gael considers some pills.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #41 Tue 10/20/15 (Mex 55-56) Let's call the whole thing off?

Post-bad-coital.  Osvaldo pretends to care about how very "wrong" what he and Alina just did was, but really it's more like he gets off on how wrong it was.

Gianna overhears Dante and Fed stupidly arguing in the employees' kitchen about whether or not Fi saw them kissing.  Federica wants Fi GONE…from the house, from her life.  And also Fidel!  He knows about them!

Anibal meets with his henches and postures.  Juli will pay!  Blah, blah, blah.

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #40 Mon 10/19/15 (Mex 54) Of Course You Love Me, I Suck-a Yo' Face!

When last we were at the Angeles ranch, Granny Eloisa heard Pedro telling Aitana about having awakened nekkid and nose to nose with Sonia in his bedroom.  "Get in here RIGHT NOW, Petey!"  Granny barks!  There were several scenes prior to the resolution of this little snafu but here's the deal.  Petey deftly questions Granny about what she heard and spins each piece as she reveals it:  He had a few whiskeys at El Corporativo to unwind after a rough day at the office and treated Sonia badly.  He gets away with an admonition not to get liquored up at the office and to offer Sonia an apology.  Granny directs her irritation at the intercom repair dude:  Fix it now or get fired!

Fibrizio, fake shrink, is doing some spinning of his own to try to get Fiorella to say whether she saw Dante and Freddie kissing.  Isn't there something she's suppressing?  Fifi flashes back the five and half minutes of romance we've had in this little tale and after much back and forth babbling comes to the conclusion that it's thoughts of Pedro she's suppressing and she must not!  She must postpone her wedding!  She hugs the confused Fibrizio and breezes out of the kitchen!

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #39 Fri 10/16/15 (Mex 53) Fiorella and the Three Stooges

Ciao, Muchachita Patio Peeps!  I'll pick up in Benito's room where Fifi has had a justified little meltdown in response to Vitto, Pedro and Benito all arguing about her as if she weren't there.  Adela suggests she gets some fresh air and Fiorella agrees and they leave together.  The three stooges pick up where they left off, blaming each other for Fifi's fit; Reynaldo ushers them all out the door:  Benny is still recuperating!

Thugs finish Sergio's beat down with a warning and knock him out for good measure.  Julieta finds him on the sidewalk, a passing couple answer her cries for help and call an ambulance.

You know what?  There is no other thing to call this man except Assvaldo.  RPC on the jerk trying to rap to  Alina, the Psychologist at her office, showing up unannounced and absolutely disrespecting her professional and personal space.  He even comes back later with a present.  My pissivity at her is almost as much as that I have for him. She doesn't seem stern enough and while she does unsmilingly close the door in his stupid face, on the other side she seems to smile subtly and look wistful.  He's a butt hole!  What are you looking wistful about?

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #38 Thu 10/15/15 (Mex 50-52)

1. The MIVAC team needs a Thursday recapper. E-mail Kat if you're interested.

2. I haven't watched an episode since last Thursday. Many thanks to Lila and Kat for keeping me up to date.

3. Tonight's episode was the worst hack job editing I've seen. Either it was on crack or I was.

4. Since I may have been on crack, this recap will make little to no sense. Seriously, I can't even remember what happened now. So yeah...feel free to add actual, coherent details in the comments.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #37 Wed 10/14/15 (Mex 49) Them's the brakes

Hey, life happens, so…better late than never.  This is very condensed and organized semi-topically

Aitana's parents showed up for dinner surprisingly early in the episode.  They seem…ok.  Aitana's dad, at her request, has prepared a plan for how to improve the Monterrey plant.  Why Pedro doesn't throw a fit about how he's got it under control is beyond me.  Pedro and Eloisa spend most of the dinner praising Aitana and making Fi incredibly uncomfortable. She finally runs out of the dining room.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #36 Tue 10/13/15 (Mex 48) Baby drama

Sorry, Pedro, but the Angeles Empire is more important than you are.  Eloisa's just protecting the fortune.  You might be the "favorite," but that just means you have more responsibility.  If Max could leave his "love" behind for the good of the family, she expects no less from Pedro.  The "right" woman for him is Aitana.

Pedro's still resisting accepting his fate and opts to have Fidel drive him into the city, but not to work.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #35 Mon 10/12/15 (Mex 47) You Got Balls? I Got a Ball Buster! or Granny Throws Down the Gauntlet!

Ciao, Muchacha Patio Peeps.  Let's see what's up with the Mighty Angeles Clan!

Remember Vitto bounching little Beto, Diana's baby, on his knee?  Well, Diana's mom did NOT spill the beans but kept up with the cover story that Beto is Diana's sick sister's baby.  Vitto flashes back to Adela telling him the sister story is a farce.  He asks her name and they both say different names but recover that she prefers one name to the other.  The sister is in the hospital and Diana's mom wants to go visit her and has nobody else to watch little Betto.  Vitto is fine with that, Diana gulps like a guppy.  Diana's mom leaves!

At El Rancho, Osvaldo herds Sonia into their bedroom, pushes her onto the bed and digs her out about not telling him about the pregnancy.  He flings her coat at her.  They are going to a lab to get a DNA test NOW!  He growls again that he will kill her if the baby is Fabio's!

What's this?  Fiorella up on a horse this bright sunny morning?  Gigi begs her not to leave.  No!  Fifi needs to be alone.  Quina is watching the tearful scene.  Fifi asks Quina to take care of Gigi and Fifi rides away!

Aitana and Pedro on the sofa.  Pedro is huffing, sighing and frowing and not looking at Aitana.  She swears she had no idea of Eloisa's intention but would love it if they were together again.  She begs him, for the umpteenth time, to give her a chance.  Pedro stands up abruptly.  He doesn't have time for this, he tells her:  he's got to go talk to Granny!

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Friday, October 09, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #34 Fri 10/9/15 (Mex 46) ¡Qué estupidez!

Ciao, Muchacha Patio Peeps!  I'm sorry.  I just can't get all exuberant and jubilant or the least bit detailed and verbose about what went down tonight.  Write this down in the annals of Caray Caray!  A short recap by Lila.  I can't even. . .

Pedro and Fiorella reconcile and share kisses and promises in the precarious, flowered row boat of love and decide to announce their betrothal at a family gathering Pedro has called.  Roxi finds out, tells Aitana who tells Eloisa.  The family is all gathered:  Sergio, Sonia, Osvaldo, Freddie, Roxi, Julieta and decrepit Queen Bee insists Aitana come as well.  First, Freddie usurps the meeting to announce Sonia's pregnancy.  Congrats and joy all around.  Osvaldo has to be prompted to hug Sonia after admitting he didn't know.  Through  clenched teeth he whispers to Sonia he will kill her if the baby isn't his.  Pedro and Fiorella had tentatively entered the room but retreat to just outside the living room at this announcement and Fiorella asks Pedro if he thinks it's really Osvaldo's baby.  Pedro says he doesn't know and is thrown totally off whatever game he thought he had.  Sergio insists Pedro congratulate and hug his cousin, Sonia, and he does with his brow all knit and his eyes vacant.  Aitana insists he tells them why he's gathered the family together.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #33 Thu 10/8/15 (Mex 45)

Indulge me a moment: When I actually sit down and watch an episode from start to finish, it's not half bad. It's got good music, decent performances and costuming that I like or is perfect for making fun of. It's just not a show that I find myself making time for until I have to recap it.

Anyhoodle...the recap. It's not even half-assed today. It's quarter-assed.

The super-duper condensed, hellashelle-patented short version:
  • Fi cries about marrying Vito and about Pedro sleeping with Sonia and giving Aitana a ring.
  • Pedro tells Fi he loves her and will fight for their love. Then he asks Fi if she will, too. (Um. I'm having flashbacks of the repetitious Gata over here....)
The only slightly longer, out-of-order highlights version (with "highlights" being a term looser than Freddie, Roxy and Sonia's morals.)

Benito drives Fi to her funereal wedding dress fitting.

Vito is there waiting with Raymundo. Vito talks to Ray about Fi. Is not so sure Fi loves him. The fact that she has not arrived for the fitting speaks volumes. Vito is canceling the wedding and the fitting when Fi finally arrives. It's been almost 12 hours and I'm still shaking my head. Vito is thrilled. This would have been a perfect time for him to keel over from a massive heart attack because of the shock, but the writers didn't see it my way. Vito wants to stay for the fitting, but Fi and the designer convince him that's bad luck.

The back story? Benito spent a lot of time trying to convince Fi not to honor her ridiculous promise. Fi told Benito about seeing Pedro "give" that ring to Aitana. That's why she's marrying Vito. She was crazy to think she could have Pedro. hmmm. The way I'm remembering it, there's very little logic to what she said. I'm forgetting something important, I'm sure. Weigh in patio.

So Pedro asks Benito to do him a solid.

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