Monday, February 19, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 02/19/07 Juan Cristobal esta muy grave

Juan Cristobel esta muy grave!!!!! I have been waiting to say that since my trip to Mexico. It became the code word when I was stuck on the ranch with no television; all my in-laws would say "Juan Cristobel esta muy grave"; knowing that I was seriously jonesing for a media fix.

Our tale begins with the gang at Otillas talking to a guy about clothing totally designed in Mexico with I assume Mexican fabrics...This is the last we hear of this, but I am throwing it in as a "Hey wouldn't it be great if Otilla hooked-up with the Comida Expo down the street at Conceptos?" Oh wait a minute then Aldo would not be the total center of attention....ooooppsss my bad

Meanwhile back at JC & Paulina's the cat is outta the bag....JC knows she knows about his dire health. JC gets wobbly, he has a sheen of fine sweat on his pale yet burnished skin. Paulina has him sit down, but no of course not, he must stand. He promptly slides to the floor, careful not to damage his fine facial bone structure. Paulina calls 911.

Nic the Narc is on the phone, talking to an agent, plans are proceeding.

JC is being wheeled down the hall at the hospital with Paulina at his side, he is taken back to a room. Regina & Delores arrive and start getting the details from Paulina. Leo arrives JC esta muy grave, meaning without an immediate transplant his time is up.

(Seriously I don't know how the Dude's spleen hasn't exploded, but apparently that little side effect has been overlooked).

Regina is all ready to give up her marrow. JC can not know she is the donor or he will refuse the transplant. JC believes it is an anonymous donor. It seems Regina is a some risk, due to her earlier heart problems, suffered after Demian shoved her down the steps, but being the devoted Mother and all round good person, Regina will donate despite the risks.

Regina goes in to talk to JC. He is shocked she is aware of his condition. They have a good Mother/Son crying jag, where both ask for forgiveness from the other, both swear the other is the best mother/son in the world. etc... etc... etc..., actually it probably would have been a pretty good tear jerker scene, but I am no longer enamored with these people.

The cops come to Demian's house of evil and accuse him of shoddy work practices and bad construction. They take Demian down to the station....the phone rings...but alas no one answers.

Gabe arrives at the hospital & he looking his normal confused self. I guess he is trying to be the calming voice of reason.

Nic arrives at the police station and evil looks are exchanged between he and Demian...Demian is thought bubbling exactly where he would like to put the next stick of shoddy dynamite. Demian's cell phone is Delores, informing him that JC is muy grave. The police let him go to the hospital.

Delores calls Tiberio, to tell him about JC, she is sorry she won't be able to celebrate his 47th birthday with him. Ti acts all okay with it, but really he is hurt.

Paulina, Delores & Gabe all go to the chapel, to pray to the Virgin Mary to save JC & Regina.

MA arrives back at the manse with lil Luis David, I must say I liked MA turtleneck sweater, she was looking rather Breck Girl circa 1970. Joselyn came in to spred her nastiness and carried on a semi-conversation with MA. It was a semi-conversation cause mostly she looked at herself in the mirror and twirled her extensions. She told MA, too late, Gabe is mine. MA is all like, you are one nasty mujer, whatever.

MA takes off and goes to see Candleabra, Candy is all pleased to see her, when the phone rings....It is Delores (Delores is an all round great gal, if I ever have an emergency I want her right there by my side). Candy & MA take off for the hospital.

Demian arrives at the hospital and enters JC's room; JC is not in there and a nurse is making up the bed. Demian totally berates the nurse and then moves on to spread his venom elsewhere. The nurse rolls her eyes, haaaa wait till she meets Joselyn.

Demian finds Regina who is lying in a hospital bed. He is all concerned, but she tells him she is fine, but JC has Leukemia....Demian es muy impacted....
Regina tells him she will give JC a marrow transplant. Demian is like no way woman I forbid it. Regina is like JC is our son and I love him and I will sacrifice anything for him. No woman I forbid are my life...I can't lose you.
Alas Demian's little tirade is for naught. Regina stands firm, she will donate marrow and there is nothing Demian can do about it. Well she does tell Demian she loves him, but she is a mother.

JC is in the operating room and trying all kinds of ways to find out who the donor is, but Leo won't give up Regina. Actually I think JC must have been pretty groggy cause one look at Leo's face woulda told the secret. JC is given some happy gas, well happy for him, not so happy for us. We are force to hear the JC/Paulina happy song at full volume...& relive happy heart hands, weddings, & every other "Gay", not in a homosexual way, but in a corny way, moment the happy couple ever shared. More cheap filler time. **** I had my appendix out two years ago & once they put the happy gas on you, that's it, until they rudely wake you up to ask how you feel, AssHats****by the by, the morphine was seriously the best part.

Regina gets wheeled in to the operating room, she and JC are side by side. She says she is ready and holds his hand. Regina gets happy gas & Leo makes the sign of the cross not once, but twice. The operation begins...

Demian comes in and talks to Gabe and goes into a full blown temper dare Regina give her marrow...Regina is his life, without her he has no direction. Demian loves only Regina. Should anything happen...Demian will make everyone pay for it. Gabe tries to reason with Demian, but to no avail. I can understand Demian's dismay, Gabe would be the last person I would want advise from, under the best of circumstances the guy rambles on and on and a crisis he is even more lame than normal...lame as in not helpful, not lame as in bad leg Demian.
Gabe & Paulina take off for the Cafeteria.

Karen arrives at the hospital, she is greeted by all. Candy makes the observation that Karen has changed that she isn't a fiera like her mother and grandmother...Candy mentions a benediction, but to my disappointment she doesn't do one of her patent benedictions. ****I must insert at this point the eyeliner on Karen's right eye, bottom lid was doing this funky thing where the line just went off the corner down her cheek...maybe this was supposed to make us think the suddeness of the muy grave news took her by surprise as she was applying her eyeliner****

Flash over to the Evil Mansion...Tiberio is making paper airplanes and launching them from behind Demian's desk. He is thinking, how if JC croaks, he will be the sole heir to Demian's fortune. He is all shades of happy about that, but wait he thinks of Delores and it looks like he may have a little remorse.

In the operating room...Regina suddenly has an irregular heartbeat....OH NO...the doctor gets it back under control. ****Neither Regina nor JC have happy gas on their faces, aren't people supposed to be like sedated while being operated on? For the Love of God, don't these people watch Grey's Anatomy? No wonder Leo never gets any, McDimbulb****

Demian walks into the chapel, he looks at the Virgin Mary, I'm thinking time to humble yourself Demian, but no he just strolls on through...Demian I have watched enough TeleNovelas to know, that was a Big Mistake.

Leo comes out into the waiting room to tell everyone that the operation was a success..JC & Paulina are doing fine. Actually in real life, while I believe they are both stable, I believe pronouncing the operation a success maybe a bit premature. I think surely there must be some follow up tests that will have to be run to ensure the new marrow is working...but what do I know?

And so we end on this happy if somewhat vague medical miracle.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mundo de Fieras: 2/16/07 "...Of Madmen, Mad Men, Saints, and the Sane"

Gabe is about to cross the street. El Mastin is waiting, it seems, to run him down in a hotrod blue Mustang. Nic and Dolores are walking toward the same intersection from a different direction. Pau is waiting in the car and sees things from a 3rd direction. Gabe begins to cross the street and enters the crosswalk. At the last moment El Mastin peels rubber, but just before El Mastin is able to knock Gabe into the Great Beyond, Jos comes rushng towards him like an NFL line backer and goes in for the tackle (all high-heeled 5'2", 110 pounds of her).

Gabe falls down with Jos on top of him, just out of the way of the car. Jos pretends to be hit. Pau runs up to them and starts screaming like a rock groupie to Gabe that Joselyn offered her life to save his. Gabe gets up and then helps Jos up. He is stunned and in complete shock!! Why, she has saved his life!!! "Why did you do it?" She blushes and says with a girlish grin, " I didn't think. It was impulse. I--I did it because I love you."

Nic and Dolores see the whole thing from a different angle. When they approach they tell Jos to stop faking it because they saw the whole thing and know the car didn't touch her. “Gabe, she's pretending to be hurt but the car never even touched her!” Pau is screaming back at Nic and Dolores that she saw it all and Jos did too save her daddy's life! Jos hams it up and screams back at Nic and Dolores in between her crocodile tears, "How dare you? How dare you!” Sniff, sniff. “Oh, Gabriel! I just can't take it anymore.......I should go."

Gabe continues to look from Jos to the three of them. It's obvious he is again completely bewildered by the whole thing. (This guy is a captain of industry?) He thanks her and gallantly offers to take her to the hospital to have the doctor look her over, but she says she'll go herself. So, grateful, gullible Gabe takes the word of his scheming, suicidal and certifiable, devious ex over either that of his trustworthy lawyer bud or the wrongly accused, legally exonerated, Dolores. (We wouldn't have expected any less -nor any more- of Gabe, now would we?)

Gabe ends this. "We'll talk later more calmly. Now I have to take Paulina and meet Regina at the hospital." He leaves.

Once they all have arrived at the hospital, Leo waits with Reggie, Gabe and Pau for the specialist to inform them about the results of the studies. They will find out who will be the best possible donor of bone marrow for JC's transplant operation. Pau takes a minute to ask Gabe if he is sure he is all right. He says of course since it was Joselyn who took the hit from the car. Reggie gets a puzzling look on her face as she listens to them.

Back at Demian's place, Dem is agitated and griping to himself that he probably wrecked the construction merger and his chance to run the whole shebang, along with the love of his wife, for agreeing to play along with Jos by pretending to be a cheating, scheming version of his twin. "I didn't think of the consequences. I was an idiot! Damn it all! All of this was her fault!" (Uh-huh. The devil made him do it.......)

The specialist returns and advises the group that Reggie is the only one who can donate the bone marrow to JC in order to save his life. Leo doesn't think there will be much trouble from her earlier heart problems. Reggie again demands they keep her name out of it for fear JC willl refuse the transplant if he finds out what she's planning. Leo assures them all that "Discrete" is his middle name and his lips are sealed.

In another part of town while having coffee that evening, Dolores tells Nic that Gabe can say whatever he wants, but that car incident was a total set-up. Nic agrees and wonders along with her just what Jos has in mind. Dolores also mentions to Nic that earlier Gabe had told her how Mariangela had left in a hurry and hadn't bothered to tell him she was going. In fact, she'd left him a puzzling letter telling him how disappointed she was in him and that she would talk to him about it after she returned but didn't bother to explain further. Dolores said she read it but couldn't understand what was behind it either. She tells Nic that she feels like Jos may have had something to do with it.

Gabe comes by the manse after leaving the hospital to check on Jos. She's upstairs in something that looks like a skier's long-johns, reading a magazine in bed. Not a hair is out of place and the day's make-up is still perfect. She hides the magazine under the pillow when she hears him approach. "How are your feeling?" "Oh, fine," she manages to squeek out. -"What did the doctor say?" (Jos didn't see any doctor, of course.) "Oh, just to get some rest." (Weak, kindly smile here.) Just then Miriam rushes in, hears what happened from Gabe and exclaims, "Daughter!”

Miriam turns to Gabe. “Well, Joselyn may have all the defects you want, but you cannot deny she still loves you!" Gabe tells Jos he doesn't understand her, and never will. He says he simply came to make sure she was fine and to thank her. He excuses himself and leaves. Miriam waits till he's gone and says, okay, now tell her the real dirt. Jos gives her the juicy details and says she's not certain she's won his trust back, but she's smoothed things over now. She smiles to herself.

Miriam asks Jos what would she have felt if he'd really been turned into road-kill. Jos answers in her sociopathic way that it would have wrecked her plans, but then Mariangela would have lost Gabe forever also. So then Miriam offers her some árnica (leopard's bane) tea. They giggle at that. (Hmm. Note: The tincture from the leaves is used for sprains and bruises. In the RAE under árnica is a reference to “asking for compassion” when somebody feels inferior either because of actions or ideas. Ok. Now I get it.......)

Rogelio ponders what he learned from Coyote: Miriam and Jos were the ones who got Rog falsely accused of drug possession and put into jail. Miriam and Jos also put the poisoned snake in Reggie's van. He thinks to himself about how he'll find more money so El Coyote will let go of more details about the rest of those dastardly dame's deadly dangerous deeds......

Pau fixes JC his favorite meal for supper and he continues to stare at her with love in his red-rimmed eyes while she serves him dinner and mothers him.

Leo and the specialist agree there is no reason to keep JC waiting for his transplant. They agree to keep “the donor” anonymous. The specialist then asks Leo to assist him during the operation as he admires Leo tremendously. (You knew this was coming, didn't you?)

Reggie tells Dolores later that evening at home about now being cleared to give bone marrow to her son in order to save his life. Dolores worries about her heart, but Regina fudges a bit about that possibility and says now her son will be able to realize his life's dreams. Demian walks in on the two of them and asks his wife where she's been until now.

Regina tells Demian she's been to see the doctor and he worries about her health. She assures him she's fine, but he insists that he would go crazy if anything happened to her. He says he wishes he could turn back time and make up for all the nastiness of the past. Reggie assures him that she's forgotten all of it and loves him whole-heartedly. They hug and she thinks to herself, "If he only knew what I am planning to do......."

The next morning, Paulina fixes JC his favorite breakfast. They kiss and hug again.

Gabe comes back in to the Manse with Luis Gabriel as Jos immediately gets into character and limps a bit coming down the stairs. He asks her why she doesn't just stay up there and rest. She feins a need to take care of her son as "he comes before all else." (Even Mother Theresa can't compare with this Joselyn.) Mayeya rolls her eyes as she listens to the line the Señora Cervantes Bravo is feeding her ex and thinks to herself, "If he only knew it's an absolute lie! When he's not around she totally ignores the little boy!"

Tiberio can't find his briefcase again and Dolores hands it to him. She wishes him a happy birthday. He's surprised and says "Thanks. Only you remembered it." She explains how every year in jail she celebrated the day and prayed he would have the best. He says he's uncomfortable hearing all this. She tells him it's about time he gets used to accepting a mother's love. He tries to hug her but gives up and leaves feeling and acting as awkward as any teenager (blech).

Leo comes by especially to tell JC that they have an anonymous donor for him now. Leo says his operaation can take place in a few days and then JC will finally be certain to get to know his son. JC is elated. He asks God to bless the donor.

Demian really got out of the bed on the wrong side this morning and Tiberio is acting like an awkward, fumbling teen around him, too. Demian yells and screams at Ti at the top of his lungs about everything and anything. He is especially mean when Ti mentions to him it's his birthday. Demian kicks him out of his office and screams at him to let him work in peace. "What does he want? A cake and a piñata?" (I guess Miriam's little scolding the day before really got to him.)

Gabe and Regina chat about the upcoming transplant and then about Mariangela's continuing silence. He mentions that Dolores thinks Jos has done something to cause it, but adds he doubts that now after her saving his life the other night. Regina has no other advice but for him to fight for Mariangela's love. He'd like to but asks her what is he supposed to do if she won't talk to him?

JC and Regina wish Ti a happy birthday. Ti has a sad and sudden realization that his daddy really doesn't care a whit for him. Only JC and his mother remembered and bothered to congratulate him.

Back in Demian's office he and Jos are snipping at each other about her idiotic tricks. She tells him he can say what he likes, but they've been working. He laughs and says he can't understand why. Then he shows her Mariangela's picture on the front of a prestigious women-in-industry magazine. He tells her that if she really wants Gabe to respect her as a capable business woman she will have to conduct herself on that level. She says she can and he asks how. She smiles and says "You'll find out!"

JC tells Karen about the anonymous donor. He says he won't tell anybody about his problem until he's tried this last treatment. Later Paulina fakes anger over Karen and stomps out of JC's office. Ti (another master of the obvious) reminds JC that those two can't stand one another.

Jos goes in to see Gabe and tells him he'll be happy to know she's won a valuable contract for the construction company. He looks at it, seemingly impressed, and asks how she was able to get it. Just then Regina interrupts and says they're going to be late for the ribbon-cutting ceremonies for the public housing project, Casa Sara. He tells Jos he'll continue with her later about the contract's conditions and leaves with Reggie, Pau and her.

At the same time Demian is going nuts trying to find a contract he thinks he has misplaced. It seems this is the very same one that Jos has told Gabe is hers. (Yep. She stole it out of Demian's office while he wasn't looking.) Jos smiles to herself saying that by the time Demian finds out it will be too late. She then calls the client and tells them that she is now their contact at the construction company and will handle his account and the contract from here on, per Demian's instructions.

We go back to Miriam's design studio. Miriam has gotten the exclusive contract to use European fabrics as an exclusive in her designs. She has Ingrid rush to call all Otilia's clients to grab her business from them. She says by the time Otilia finally has found a willing distrubutor she'll be too far behind to get new clients and catch up to her.

Otilia has had Diana and Soraya invite over the best designer in all of Mexico. They explain how Miriam has played this last dirty trick on them. He agrees that colleagues must remain ethical in their dealings with each other. They tell him Otilia's idea about using Mexican products and artistry for their design collection instead of copying Miriam's pro-European product line and designs. He agrees and begins advising them.

At Candy and Leo's house, Mayeya's parents listen to Cortito stumbling through stage fright to finally ask for their daughter's hand in marriage. Tee-hee, tee-hee. Budda-boom. Budda-boom.(Reynaldo Rossaro does have great timing, but even he cannot help the plotline, the script, or the actress he's had to play opposite.) FF > >

Rog visits El Coyote, who is looking and acting more like a Charles Manson wanna-be every trip back. He tells Rog that for such a miserly little sum he will only give him a tiny bit of information. Rog gets upset because he thought it was actually quite a bundle. (I'm wondering who Rog swindled this time to get it.)

Crazed Coyote gives a maniacal, Manson-like laugh and hints that Rog should look into who had his dead mistress killed, the one he used to share, because he'll be in for a great big surprise! Rog (no doubt blinking at the bad breath escaping through those little audio holes in the bulle-proof glass, and figuring with all the cash Coyote's squeezed out of him he could at least have bought a case or two of Altoids) starts to consider El Coyote's riddle.

Paulina invites Karen to have lunch with her and Gabe. They sneak out of the office at different times because it is important that JC still think she's jealous, so he doesn't realize they're both aware of his illness and have become friends.

Gabe is surprised to see his daughter arrive with Karen at the restaurant. Paulina and Karen explain how Karen has had a change of heart and is trying to succeed in turning her life around. Pau tells her father how Karen had given emotional support to Juan Cristobal before anyone else was aware he was sick. Gabe is glad to hear it and offers her all the support she might need.

Later, back at the apartment, Paulina gets worried about JC's sudden weakness and coughing. She forgets herself and gets carried away while pressuring him to see Leo for a check-up. He refuses and she warns him that they cannot continue living like this. He says that's why he asked her to go away before. She gets angry and accidentally slips up when screaming back at him about expecting her to just leave so that he's all alone when he gets another attack. He realizes Paulina now knows the truth and she has to admit it. She runs to him and hugs him. He is visibly upset, though, and his eyes are darting everywhere. --Roll Credits.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mundo de Fieras, Thursday February 15th--In which Gabe is befuddled (of course that describes most episodes)

Not off to a good start this episode, everyone is busy weeping over JC & Pau’s doomed romance. JC is content to suffer alone, weeping and looking all the more pathetic and pale in his stupid yellow sweater (ugh). Gabe is comforting Paulina, when Regina shows up with the big news…JC is sick. Paulina falls apart. Regina tells the whole story about JC’s great plot o’ secrecy and ends with, the only thing that can save him is a marrow transplant, Paulina jumps up ready to donate hers right away. Gabe, ever the voice of reason (who knew?) says, calm down girlie, it’s not quite that easy. Duh. They start on their own little Operation Big Secret (from this point forward, referred to as Operation BS), and decide to help JC without telling him. This sounds like a really dumb idea. Group hug.

Dr. Bedazzler (Leo—today draped in full bedazzled glory) is worried about JC and has realized how thankful he is for life and blah blah blah. He and his mom weep together and hug.

Paulina goes back home and tries to do her best b*tch act…which, of course, is not very good, maybe she should sign up for a basic course at Jocelyn’s College of BadA** B*tches. She’s decided to fight for their love and asks to show him the power of her love, yada yada yada.

Otilia and her coven are cackling over her plan to conquer the pre-hispanic clothing market.

Regina confesses to Lola that she told Paulina & Gabe. Lola asks if she’s going to tell the big D. Regina’s not sure. Lola tells her that Karen knows too and Regina’s like, oops I treated her like a little hussy because I thought she was nosing in on my son’s marriage. Oh no, she’s not a hussy anymore Lola says, she’s changing.

As we speak the hussy Karen is out with JC and telling him that Paulina is doing the right thing. Awww…the doctor is in.

Jos & Miriam are scratching each other’s eyes out with worry that their evil plans are all falling apart.

Gabe sends up a silent prayer for JC when Nicolas comes in talking business about investigating the big D’s business affairs. Gabe says that’s fine, just be discreet. Nic asks if he’s heard from MA. Nope….it’s a big fat mystery. How weird!

Silvestre & Elsita are arguing about her drinkin’ ways. She says I promise I won’t drink anymore, just don’t tell my mom or my irritatingly perfect, holy roller brother ‘cause I won’t never hear the end of it!

Jos confronts Gabe about MA’s mystery vacation. Joselyn herself looks like she’s got a nightjob as an Everest sherpa, but couldn’t afford the good gear so she just killed a muppet and made a coat out of its pelt.

Regina, Paulina sit down with Karen to apologize for thinking she was a total hussy. They clue her into Operation BS. They all spit on their hands, shake hands and call it good. They’re BFFs.

JC is pondering what a total idiot he is and thinking of new ways to be an even bigger one.

D is asking Regina what’s been bothering her lately. She says she’s just tired. He guesses it’s about JC. He’s going to man up and go talk to him but really he’s just peeved that she didn’t tell him every little thing on her mind.

Paulina is busy demonstrating her love by sweeping off eraser dust from JC’s design, picking up dropped pencils and otherwise being an insufferable nag. D bursts in and confronts him about his crappy attitude of late. JC goes to chat with his mom and gets all dizzy—she freaks out and almost blows her cover. They end up crying, hugging and telling one another how much they love each other. Awwwww…

Elsa and Silvestre are home and greeted by Dr. Bedazzler and Cande. Elsa beats a hasty retreat and everyone gives each other a look of discomfort.

Gabe wants to call off Operation BS, but Pau, with her keen logical mind, convinces him otherwise.

Nicolas confronts Tiberio about some project or other and wants to know if there are any of Demian’s special little surprises in store. Tiberio, says, no, everything is in order, but Nico isn’t convinced and lets him in on a little secret…he wants to know how involved Ty is in D’s dirty work. Tiberio is totally confused. I say it every week but this plot line could really be underwritten by the National Mexican Alliance of Mental Health Care Professionals if Tiberio would just go and talk to someone about all these conflicting feelings.

Gabe confesses to Lola that something happened between MA and him. He gives her a letter, to see if she can make head or tails of it. She can’t. Lola suggests that maybe Jos has something to do with all this, since she’s the one who wants them separated. Hmmmm….Gabe’s got something to think about.

Regina goes to Joselyn and rubs MA’s magazine cover and her big projects in her face. Jos goes nutsy and tears the magazine to bits. Enter Demian and they start arguing about the plan and threaten each other, blah blah blah.

Dr. Bedazzler, as usual without any patients, calls Gabe about running the tests to be a marrow donor for JC. They’ll do them that evening. Silvestre stops by with the magazine about MA. Leo wishes there was a centerfold, but will settle for the little old article about her professional life.

Elsita is drinking alone again.

Karen delivers her designs to Miriam with a cheery disposition and Miriam is like, that’s enough of that silly attitude, what’s up? Karen says she just wants to be a better person. Miriam tells her she’s just becoming a stupider person every day acting like that. Karen’s all whatever, you guys sure as hell aren’t happy so I’m going to try it this way instead.

Nicolas tells Lola that Tiberio didn’t spill any beans about how wrapped up he is with Demian’s shady business deals. Lola’s worried and so he offers to take her out for coffee.

Miriam is going off on Demian about his little ruse with Jos. She says that there are going to be some pretty serious consequences when Gabe finds out, because he’s certainly going to make a big stink about it, and then Regina will find out. She calls him a real imbecile.

Gabe’s on his way to the hospital, when Jos comes down the hallway, telling that guy that he’s leaving the building. Oh god, how corny. She has set it up so the car almost hits Gabe, but she saves the day, but then will need to be taken to the hospital by Gabe where they can fall in love all over again. But…Nic & Lola (on their way for coffee) are like, no way, there’s nothing wrong with that little faker. Joselyn, however, has a PhD from Joselyn’s College of BadA** B*tches, so she keeps up with the ruse. Gabe is befuddled, as usual.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 2/14 - what a lousy Valentine: buckets of tears

It's Ruth's daughter's birthday today, so I'm subbing for her. It was no pleasure: this episode was so down I can't even crack jokes about it.

1. The Gabriel and Mariangela problem.

Gabriel is straining his last brain cell trying to keep up with the plot. He keeps creasing his face, trying to understand. Mariangela? Hasn't been answering her cellphone? Is gone? Took the baby? Throughout this episode he will be saying he doesn't understand.

He goes to Candelaria and says he doesn't understand. She says she isn't allowed to tell him anything except that MA has gone to represent Regina in some conference out of the country - then she hands him MA's note, which he reads in the same stupor of incomprehension. "I have to leave, for work. After what I heard and saw, there is nothing remaining between you and me. I feel profoundly deceived. We'll talk when I return." He repeats her words many times in befuddlement. He goes to Nicolas and repeats everything. Nic says, be patient.

Joselyn is impatient to find out if her cuddles with Demian-masquerading-as-his-dumb-brother had the desired effect on Mariangela; she is exasperated to hear MA has left town and the showdown must wait till her return.

Jos goes to mommy to complain; Miriam says once again that the whole scheme was a big mistake and will result in disaster for both Jos and Demian, and that now Gabe will never trust her and she will lose everything. Jos says, "that's not what I wanted to hear from my mother."

2. The newly-weds on their honeymoon.

Elsa is drinking in bed. When Sil comes in she quickly hides her bottle under the pillow. At long last he notices the alcohol on her breath and after a brief struggle finds her bottle. "I can't let you destroy yourself," he declares, "I'll take charge now."

3. The JC problem.

Regina read the letters her son has been writing to his future child and hiding under his blotter. "Son, I'll miss seeing you smile, your mischief, your first steps, I'll miss having you sleep in my arms. Know that I left your mother still loving her with all my heart. I had a mortal illless - but I always loved your mother ..." Regina breaks down.

Dolores and Leo are in his hospital, agreeing JC has gone too far in deceiving his mother and wife, when said mother bursts in and shouts: "Stop lying, is my son really going to die?" Their somber expressions tell the tale.

Regina yells at Dolores for deceiving her - "you're a mother, you should understand I needed to know" - but eventually forgives her, knowing JC orchestrated the deceit.

She finds out she might be able to give her son a bone marrow transplant, but JC has refused it because the operation would be dangerous for her. All fear for her heart; she insists on the operation and goes to see the specialist who will determine if her marrow is compatible. Then she makes the exact same mistake JC made: "We must do this transplant without his knowing." (I've heard about this on the internet, in reverse: you wake up in a bathtub full of ice and discover somebody has harvested your kidney.)

JC is determined to leave Mexico, though his ex-boss Manuel says this is all a mistake.

Paulina is sobbing over JC's pictures when Karen comes to visit. Paulina upbrades Karen for trying to steal JC - Karen is about to explain everything, I think, but Paulina shoves her out the door and slams it behind her.

Regina sobs, thought-bubbling about a Mother's Love and how she's been scolding JC when he really needed her support. She goes to him and promises him her unconditional love - but he mustn't leave, he must stay with her. As they hug, he thought-bubbles: "I will never leave her until death takes me," and she: "Son, I'm afraid this will be our last embrace."

Dolores is also thought-bubbling about a Mother's Love and crying when Tiberio comes in. He is surprised to see her crying, saying she has always been so strong. He even gives her a hanky. Is he getting rehabilitated?

Pau tells Daddy that JC is leaving her, so Demian goes and yells at JC. There's a showdown at the apartment. Gabe says JC doesn't deserve Pau and suggests she leave with him.

She says, "You taught me to fight for what I want, I'm going to stay and talk to my husband." She tells JC his eyes are telling her his cruel words are a lie. "Why not lie by my side and be with me when our child is born? How can you think I could be happy with another man?" He says she'll find consolation in the child. She says: "I'll always miss you, I'll remember your voice, carry in my heart the memory of your embrace and the warmth of your skin. We're at the moment of deciding our future..."

She demands he look into her eyes and say he doesn't love her. He manages to do it. She leaves, in tears; he breaks down sobbing after she leaves, soliloquizing: "Forgive me for breaking your heart - I'll die with your name on my lips. In the days that remain to me I'll think of you every moment."

Paulina rushes back home, and she Gabe are rehashing in shock together - he says he'll take care of her and her child, and she will just have to live for her son - when Regina arrives and tells them that JC is dying. The cheery goodbye music strikes up.

desahuciado: terminally ill


Mundo de Fieras - Feb. 13, 2007


* MA is in her office, crying in disbelief after spying on Jossie and Demian's acting job against her and Gabriel.

* MA returns to Gabe's office and just outside the door, she overhears through the door the private conversation between Jossie and Demian (pretending to be Gabe). MA is hurt even more.

* Nick and Dolores have dinner together - they discuss the investigation and Dolores has misgivings because her son is involved.

* Jossie and Demian laugh about how well the scheme went with MA. Jossie leaves just as Tiberio enters. Tiberio asks Demian about Jossie.

* MA cries outside the building and thinks about the conversation she just overheard between Jossie and "Gabe".

* Demian and Tiberio discuss Jossie's presence in the office - Tiberio wants details, Demian refuses to give any and gets back to work.

* Pau storms into JC's office and demands that JC explain why he is treating her so horribly, she doesn't understand. JC tries to brush it off but she demands an explanation so he gives her a doozy of one - he is confused and wants to separate from her immediately. She is shocked - he claims that he isn't sure he ever wanted to be a father - she is upset and cries - he wants her to find someone else to love her and be a father to the baby - she can't believe what he is asking her to do and screams her hurt and anger at him - he says it is true - she is so hurt and angry she storms out of the office. JC sits in his chair and takes a deep breath and prays.

* Gabriel is in his office trying to contact MA by cell phone but she's not answering.

* MA is sitting in church, crying and praying for help.

* At the palace office, Jossie tells her mom about the scheme she and Demian just pulled off on MA to try and break her and Gabriel up. Miriam warns Jossie that it could blow-up big time in their faces.

* Tiberio is at the computer working as he remembers seeing Demian and Jossie making out in the office. JC enters frazzled as he sits down at the drawing table. Tiberio asks what's the matter? JC doesn't answer him and only wants to focus on work.

* Demian visits Gabriel in his office about a big business meeting. Gabriel is distracted and doesn't want to talk. Demian leaves. Gabriel tries again to call MA - he's concerned about her disappearance.

* MA still in church, crying and praying and trying to make sense of what she just overheard and saw. She tells herself all that's important now is her and her son.

* Nina and the other nanny are playing with LD and LG in the nursery. Jossie enters and the nanny puts LD in the crib. Jossie shocks the nannies when she picks LD up and plays with him.

* Tiberio leaves JC alone in the office. JC writes another letter to his unborn son.

* Pau in the office, thinking about her confrontation with JC. She's still in disbelief and calls Manuel to meet her for coffee. Tiberio enters the office and listens.

* Nick visits Regina at her home. She asks him about JC's sudden change in attitude. Nick is surprised. She asks for his help in finding out what happened to cause it. Nick agrees to talk with JC.

* Tiberio sits at his desk. JC enters and asks about Pau - Tiberio says she went out for coffee with Manuel, and then asks who Manuel is? JC stares at Tiberio.

* Pau cries to Manuel about JC's harsh attitude towards her and their baby. He tells her to be patient. She's hurt and disillusioned.

* Tiberio continues to question JC about Manuel and Pau - JC tells him point blank to butt-out of his marital affairs. Regina enters and Tiberio tells her that JC is trying to push Manuel and Pau together - Regina is shocked. JC sits at his desk. Regina glares at him. Tiberio excuses himself and leaves the office. Regina starts to yell at JC for his harsh, cold attitude towards Pau. JC claims he made a grave mistake marrying Pau. Regina is shocked and scolds him some more. JC says he is positive about not loving Pau and wanting to separate from her. Regina reminds him about the baby they are expecting. JC doesn't have a rebuttal. Regina scolds him for being so irresponsible.

* Nick and Dolores meet in the living room of Demian's mansion. They discuss Nick's investigation of Demian and Tiberio. Nick tells Dolores that Regina asked him for help with JC. Dolores is surprised.

* MA returns to the palace. Miriam stops her in the living room. MA is in no mood to talk. Miriam presses her about separating permanently from them and leaving the palace forever. MA, still depressed, agrees that she wants to never see them ever again and agrees to Miriam's offer to buy her out.

* MA enters the nursery and sees Jossie singing to the boys. MA, without saying anything, picks up LD and leaves. Jossie continues to hold LG and sing to him.

* In her bedroom, MA puts LD down and cries as she thinks that selling out maybe best for both of them.

* Gabriel and Demian meet outside the restaurant with the important business clients. The clients enter the restaurant - Demian stands outside as Gabriel calls MA again on his cell phone (MA hears her cell phone ring, knows it's Gabriel and doesn't answer). Demian asks who Gabriel is calling - Gabriel says it's personal and enters the restaurant.

* Leo serves Candy lunch at home. They discuss Candy's worries about MA. Just then the phone rings, Leo answers. It's Sylvester - happily reporting in from the honeymoon suite at "chez pobre" hotel. Elsa sits on the bed beside him, bored and reading a book. Candy is so excited with Sylvester's call that she asks to speak with Elsa - Elsa rolls her eyes at Sylvester as he hands her the phone. Elsa is uninterested in talking with her mom, makes the conversation very brief and hangs up. Sylvester doesn't look happy. Candy is now worried about Elsa. Leo quickly comforts her and then rushes off to work.

* Karen finds JC walking in the parking garage. She notices he looks frazzled and frustrated. She gives him a friendly hug. Pau sees the hug and runs off crying.

* Regina is working in her office. Pau runs in crying, she can't take anymore of JC's games. Pau tells Regina about seeing Karen and JC hugging in the parking garage and thinks her marriage is really "on the rocks." Pau also informs Regina about Manuel.

* Karen and JC continue their discussion of his plan and his terminal illness.

* Regina consoles Pau and tells her that she will do what she can to help.

* In the palace office, Miriam hands MA the check. MA has changed her mind and rejects it. Miriam is shocked, takes the check back, and hopes MA doesn't regret it.

* Leo and Dr. V discuss the possible experimental treatment that JC is no longer eligible for. They discuss the only option left is his mom, of which JC is still adamant about not telling his family anything about his condition, especially his mom.

* Nick and Regina meet in the office - he asks her to attend a highly visible event for the business. Regina is hesitant. Nick hopes she reconsiders and leaves. Regina makes an urgent phone call to MA for a favor.

* Gabriel and Demian are still at the business meeting. Demian is doing most of the talking with the clients. Gabriel is nervous and preoccupied.

* Regina is in JC's office. She is desperately searching for something, anything to explain JC's sudden behavior change. Karen enters. Regina jumps all over her for her interference in JC and Pau's marriage. Karen sputters to try and explain, but Regina slaps her and doesn't want to hear any of it. Karen walks out in disgust.

* Leo meets with JC and Dolores to tell them JC isn't eligible for the experimental treatment - his only option is for Regina to help. JC is adamant about not involving or telling her or Pau anything. Dolores and Leo try to explain but he doesn't want to hear it and leaves.

* Regina continues to sift through JC's files at his desk. She searches through his computer files and then picks up his portfolio and other papers on his desk. There she finds the letters he wrote to his unborn son. She sits down, starts to read them and starts to cry. When she reads the words about his terminal illness - she is heartbroken, in disbelief and devastated. She can't believe that her son is dying. She hugs the letters tightly to her chest and cries.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Mundo de Fieras....02/12/2007 Sucked into the Black Hole of Conceptos

I will not be getting Mundo de Fieras apparently Univison has decided that the LaFea saga of the "The Day the Earth Stood Still", is way more important...Damn you another day JC must linger with no new marrow...Jos & Demian remain lip-locked & with the eyeless socket exposed...Poor Elsa must spend an extra day of her unfun honeymoon with Sylvester...

Oh the injustice of it all....Demian should just go to Conceptos & blow up all those Ugly Folk.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 2/9/07: A Tale of Two.....Brothers or "Las dos caras de" Juan Cristóbal, Elsa and Demián

Juan Cristobal sees Paulina taking solace in the arms of the now, "other man", Manuel something-or-other. The jealousy wells up in JC and he goes back into his bedroom and prays for the strength to withstand the self-sacrifice of pushing his wife into the arms of another while he accepts his self-imposed death sentence from the leukemia that is secretly killing him, and he collapses onto the floor. (Man, that navy blue leather bomber and grey turtleneck he's wearing is to die for --pardon the pun. What a feast for these weary eyes you are, Sebastian.)

The next day, in the "neighborhood" we see that Elsa and Sylvestre's wedding ceremony is ended and everyone is coming out of the church. It is time for some comic relief. Cortito and Mayeya appear on the stairs to discuss their getting off from work to attend the wedding, the flavor of the wedding cake and Cortito's desire to go to her hometown to formally ask Mayeya's daddy for her hand in marriage. He gets frisky and suggestive and she objects, but only just a little. (Teehee. Slap! Teehee. Slap!)

Sometime later, at the construction company offices, JC explains his plan to Karen and what has happened so far. He tells her he feels Manuel (Gawd, what rock did he crawl out from under?) would be the perfect man to take care of Paulina. (Just like a man, never allowing a woman to think or to choose for herself.)

Karen tells him this is crazy and she doesn't want to play this silly game with him but he begs her to stick with him and to help him with the ruse. Karen refuses and says she feels his wife and baby deserve more from him and that Pau has a right to know the truth. (She's right, but it's a bit of a bore coming from Karen. In fact, this whole Manuel thing is a snore.) Paulina comes in and doesn't quite know what to think when she sees the two of them chatting together.

Paulina says she's made reservations to eat at JC's favorite restaurant and she wants him to come eat there with her. JC says he and Karen will catch up to her later. Karen says that isn't necessary they should go together. He stalls and says he'll call up Manuel to join them. Pau says she would rather they go alone, but he says no, they'll have a better time with him along. (Says who?)

Otilia, Soraya and Diana come to Elsa's wedding reception. Otilia tells a couple of humorless jokes to Candy, Leo and the priest and then goes to shake her "bot-e" with one of the taxi drivers. Elsa and Sylvestre (the guy with the "kick me" sign on his rump) finally enter the reception after having their photos taken. Elsa is actually all smiles. The two kiss and she seems to be happy and at peace with herself.

Rogelio and Ingrid are sitting at some intimate table and having drinks at a restaurant when Miriam walks in and sees them. "This is a fine thing to for me to find out about!" "So this is the friend who called you at the shop? You come back with me and hand in your resignation right now." Ingrid begs her not to say that and tries to convince her she has done nothing wrong, and that the two are just friends.

Miriam refuses to believe Ingrid and Rogelio tells Miriam not to be so unjust. She tells him to be quiet and tells Ingrid she's only being used for the information he can draw out of her. Rog asks her how she can say that and Miriam, not one to beat around the bush, answers that the only two things he cares about are money and power, neither of which Ingrid has. Ingrid wilts. Miriam walks out and drags Ingrid back with her. So, the jig is up and Rogelio will have to start from square one again.

Mariangela arrives with Gabe at the reception . Gabe tells Leo he ordered them a Mariachi band as part of a wedding present. The mariachis play while Sylvestre (poster boy for Gluttons for Punishment Are Us) sings to his new and literally blushing bride for the guests. A bit later, Elsa is still blushing (probably from all that happy juice she's been sneaking). She asks Mariangela to forgive her for the way she had acted towards her in the past. The two hug, make their peace, and become friends.

Elsa admits to Mariangela during their chat that she is not in love with her husband though she does feel affection for him. Mariangela tells her to give it time and it will eventually happen.

Manuel and Paulina get stood up at lunch while JC argues with Karen about his deceiving Pauina and his trying to push her off onto another man. Karen admits, though, that she does admire his always thinking of others before himself. She wishes aloud that she finds a loving man just like him.

At the restaurant Pau complains about JC probably still being with Karen so, Manuel learns there is a Karen. "Who is Karen?" (Will we be treated to another May-December romance before this story ends?)

Back at the wedding reception Leo corners Gabe and offers his best wishes to him and Mariangela. For him it is more important she be happy and at peace. Gabe tells Leo he's come to respect and appreciate him now and feels very few men are as much a gentleman as Leo. At that moment Gabe's right eye starts to hurt again. Leo offers to examine him, but Gabe refuses, saying it's nothing major.

Miriam scolds Ingrid for tramping around with the likes of Rogelio. "Ingrid, you are old enough to be his mother!" (Don't you just hate it when you end up agreeing with this woman?) Ingrid begs Miriam to let her keep her job because nobody else will hire her. (Ever think of going over to the competition, girlfriend? Otilia might love some of the dirt on Miriam.) So, Miriam, taking full advantage of the situation, agrees finally to let her stay, but only on the condition that Ingrid takes a 50% pay cut! (Things are ripe for a little bit of industrial espionage about now for Ingrid.)

Paulina comes back from lunch and storms into JC's office and complains about having been stood up at the restaurant. He reacts coldly, saying he was enjoying himself with Karen and lost track of time. She says she doesn't know who he is anymore, he has changed completely. Why, she asks, won't he just tell her what has happened to make him distance himself from her like this. He says she's just exaggerating. Pau cries and leaves his office, exasperated with the whole situation.

That evening Jos and Demian share a couple of drinks during Happy Hour and discuss the trap they're setting for Mariangela and Gabe. "Starting tomorrow all their grief and problems begin," he says. "I cannot hardly wait!" she answers. They toast.

Gabe and Mariangela spend the night making love at a grand hotel. (We are spared an agonizing repeat of grins and roses.) She says the obligatory, "I feel so safe in your arms" and he says the obligatory,"Our love alone can withstand all tests. Nothing will defeat us." (Where do they get this stuff? --What ever happened to a guy lighting up that Camel or that Lucky Strike afterwards and asking, "Was it good for you, too?")

Jos remarks to Nina, the maid, that it's very late and Mariangela hasn't returned and isn't in her room. The maid mumbles about her being out with Gabe. By herself in her room, Jos frowns and swears vengeance is coming soon.

Sylvestre and Else are leaving for their honeymoon but Candy first gives them both her maternal advice regarding a happy marriage and a happy homelife. She gives them both her blessing. Then Elsa, whose smile has finally cracked, rudely walks out the door while Sylvestre is still thanking Leo for being his best friend and, now, his brother. Syl leaves and Candy and Leo shake their heads expecting the worst while hoping for the best.

The next morning Jos is coming downstairs as Mariangela arrives home and enters all smiles. When Jos asks her where she's been Mariangela simply laughs and says that if she tells her it will enrage her and she walks off. Jos smiles to herself, though, as well.

In their honeymoon hotel room in Querétaro, Sylvestre (still wearing that "kick me" sign) returns to the room to take Elsa to breakfast. (Uh-oh, it's Jekyll with Mrs. Hyde.) She wants to order in from room service. He cheerfully offers her the room service menu. However, Elsa's alter ego has resurfaced. She gripes at Sylvestre about the crummy menu and hotel they're forced to spend their honeymoon in. (How quickly she forgets the cockroach infested pigsty she shared with El Coyote for a year.)

Sylvestre tries to politely remind her that, hey, it was a wedding present from her brother and was a package deal (Hint. Hint. So since they didn't pay a dime for the honeymoon she shouldn't complain). She gripes again and says, "Well, well! Hmmph! I'd rather go back to sleep again so I don't have to think about the rotten life I'm condemned to live now. Syl is still smiling, but a close up shot would probalby have shown that his two front teeth are now missing.

Gabe comes to the manse all smiles, wearing his new Ray Bans, after last night's score with trophy-wife-to-be #2. He tells Jos he won't be able to take the boys with him today since he has an appointment with an eye-specialist (the real reason for the new shades). Jos fakes concern and offers to take him. Then Mariangela comes down to greet him and he explains again, kissee-kissee (damn-oh-damn-what-a-stud-I-am) to her, kissee-kissee (Viagra? What Viagra?) and then leaves.

Mariangela goes back upstairs and Jos calls Demian to tell him the time is right. Luck is on their side and it's time for everything to begin. She heads off to the office to tell him about Gabe's plans and his new look.

From the car Gabe calls Mariangela and tells her the eye appointment went fine, but he'll be late coming back to the office and needs her to do something for him. He has his chauffer drive him then to the family vault and he leaves flowers for Luisito. He spends time there telling his dead son (yeah, the dead son who was also named Luis) how much he misses him.

At the construction company Jos and Demian are waiting in Gabe's office for Mariangela to arrive. She is dressed like a vamp. He's dressed like Gabe. He combs his hair like Gabe, removes the eyepatch and replaces it with dark glasses very similar to Gabe's. (Is it real or is it Memorex?) As soon as they hear Mariangela open the door to walk by, Jos and Demian begin kissing and speaking just loud enough for her to hear. She peeks inside the open door from the hallway.
Demian: "I told you not to worry about it. I already told you why I did it."

Jos (barely audible, whispering) "I am getting tired of this. How long do we have to keep up this lie?"

Demian: "You have to continue to be patient. I won't deny that Mariangela is very beautiful and I like her......"

Jos (More barely audible whispering): "Don't make me angry!"

Demian: "Calm down. Calm down."

Jos (More barely audible whispering, so by now I'm guessing the sound techs were still out taking a toke somewhere): "When is this going to end?"

Demian: "You know very well that I did this to protect our interests."

Jos: "--But you promised me..."

Dem: "--I know what I promised you and I told you to continue being patient or the plan won't work."

Jos walks over and jumps full frontal onto his lap, bends over and kisses him, really hamming it up here. "I will not forgive you if you're using both of us. You have to decide for yourself between Mariangela and me --now." Jos then takes off Demian's sunglasses and stares at Demian's empty eye-socket. (Gross, gross, gross......) This aparrently gets Jos very turned on (what else would we expect?) and they kiss some more.

Mariangela sucks in a big sob and tells herself, "I can't believe it. It can't be!" She sucks in another big sob and runs back down the hall to her own office. Demian and Jos hear her run away and have a big laugh, hoping that she has taken the bate and fallen into their trap.

Mariangela returns to her office and cries. She cannot believe what she has just seen and heard. She tells herself over and over that, "It isn't true. It isn't him. Gabriel wouldn't betray me in this way."

Flash to the mausoleum where Gabe is still crying over the memory of his dead-son-also-named-Luis. He is now telling Luis #1 how he is beginning a new stage in his life, full of hope and blessings, although none of his happiness is ever complete, because Luis #1 is no longer there with them.

Demian warns Jos not to take Mariangela for granted because she has shown herself to be very smart and able. Jos says it will be their job to make sure she believes the two of them. Jos runs to the door when she hears Mariangela coming back out of hers again. They come close to the door and Jos says: "Gabriel, how long must we pretend that we don't get along together?"

Demian: "Pretend? For as long as it is advisable. For as long as necessary to get hold of everything that Clemente left her."

Jos: "Kiss me Gabriel!"

Mariangela almost chokes from the shock of it all.


Friday, February 09, 2007

Mundo de Fieras--February 9th

Joselyn & Miriam decide that Gabe & MA’s wedding day is never going to arrive.

Dolores is all worried about stupid Tiberio. She wants Nicolas to drop his investigation so that Tiberio doesn’t go down with the big D. Nic says, well if the glove fits I can’t quit--that is to say if baby boy Tiberio is guilty then he should be brought to justice.

Jos is working on her happy mom routine, feeding LG and talking to him in a sickly sweet voice. Frankly, I’m too worried about the kid grabbing her chandelier-sized earring and yanking it out to pay much attention to the scene. As soon as Gabe & LG leave, Jos throws a little fit.

JC is writing another letter to his son. He tells him to be sure to love his mother because a mother’s love is so great, yada yada yada. In walks Paulina and goes from zero to jealous hissy fit in two seconds when she sees him hide the letter. JC continues with his jerk act.

Demian is chastising MA and her attitude. She tells him, I’m not aligned with anyone and your threats don’t scare me. They go back and forth a little.

Paulina has run off to her mother-in-law to cry and complain about JC’s behavior. She feels alone, isolated, etc. Regina has also noticed the change, but she talked to Leo & Lola and they told her they don’t know what’s wrong with him.

Jos & D decide to break MA. Jos says they have to plan carefully so that in one strike, MA will never again be happy.

Gabe visits MA and they’re kissing when Regina walks in. Cat’s out of the bag! They share the happy news about their engagement and Regina says she knew that love would conquer all. She tells Gabe that Paulina & JC are in trouble. Later she also tells Demian that the kids are in trouble and could he please stick his nose into their business as well.

Ingrid is scared to death that Miriam will find out about her and Rogelio. Rogelio tells her not to be scared and that she needs to break free of Miriam and that he’ll help her. Ingrid wants to know why he would help her and he answers (honestly!) that nothing would make him happier than to get some revenge on Miriam.

Gabe goes to talk to JC, who tells him that their marriage is really none of the old fart’s business. Gabe says, yeah, but be careful because life is a game and you only get one chance to win and since he already won Paulina’s love, he should be careful not to throw it away with his attitude. JC’s little thought bubble says, well actually that’s exactly what I want to happen you nosy old fart.

Paulina’s crying in the parking garage, is comforted by Manuel and JC sees it. Paulina tells him what’s up and Manuel invites her for coffee. (Who the heck is Manuel anyway?) At coffee, Paulina keeps whining about how she doesn’t understand JC’s attitude change. JC spies them from afar and decides that Manuel will be her rebound man. When Paulina goes to ‘fix her face’ in the bathroom, JC rushes in and tells Manuel that he’s condemned to death (which is more than he’s told his mom or wife), but can’t tell him anymore because Paulina returns. JC leaves and Paulina says see…see how cold he is? She says he must be seeing someone else, he tries to suggest that it could be something else and then offers to be a shoulder to cry on.

Ingrid delivers a fax to Miriam from an exclusive consortium that will distribute their clothes. Miriam’s psyched because it’ll make Otilia crazy with jealousy. Miriam is also telling Ingrid that she needs to make some more plans to completely destroy Rogelio. Ingrid looks scared.

Otilia gets the same news over at her house of ‘style’. She’s not pleased, but she is confident she can get out of this problem. MA picks up Elsa’s wedding dress.

Jos is going through Gabe’s stuff and sees LD’s birth certificate—with Gabe as the father. Jos goes to Demian and demands that they take care of MA right away. They kiss and who should be lurking by the door…Tiberio…that poor kid is always catching one or another of his parents making out—more therapy! Tiberio goes back and tries to figure out what their intentions are with one another (in the sense of conspiratorial intentions, not birds & the bees intentions).

Gabe suggests that they get married legally right away and they can have the church wedding later (smart guy…he’s seen how quickly she can change her mind!). MA says, let’s just wait.

JC is staring at his screensaver (obviously entered by Paulina—it says I love you) and thinking how much he loves her too when she and Manuel return. In an effort to set his wife up with a new healthy man (if he was really cared about Paulina, he would ask Manuel for a health history and a physical exam—just to make sure he wouldn’t get sick on her at some point) he invites Manuel to dinner. JC walks Manny down to his car to fill him in on the rest of his master plan. Wisely, Manny tells JC to just tell her the truth but JC refuses once again. What a stubborn, stupid ass.

Back in the ‘hood, Elsa (looking more and more wrecked) gets her wedding dress. As always, everyone else is way happier than she is. Down in the courtyard the guys are decorating. Silvestre is saying that he can’t sleep because he’s so excited to get married. Shorty says uh-oh hopefully you won’t fall asleep during the wedding mass…or even worse, your wedding night! Ja ja ja. Back upstairs, Elsa is looking at her dress and thinking she doesn’t want to get married. She pulls out her bottle and takes a swig.

Dolores gives Tiberio a gift (some lotion) and tries to give him a hug, but he gets all formal and weird and leaves.

Gabe, MA and the boys are playing on the bed (because the house is really small, and there’s just no where else for them to go). Jos tells Miriam that she isn’t going to attack them openly anymore, she and D have a secret plan.

At dinner, Paulina continues whining about JC’s attitude…that everything comes before her. She’s convinced that he doesn’t love her. JC gives himself a little pep speech in the bedroom to stay the course and make Paulina leave him for Manny. (This must be very awkward for poor Manny.)


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - Feb. 6, 2007

* Jossie confronts MA about her recent run of good luck - Gabriel thinks Jossie is making a threat - Jossie says take it as you want to and walks out.

* Karen tells grandma Miriam about her argument with her mom at the store. Ingrid interrupts to tell Miriam about the new distribution house that is interested in her designs. Miriam is on cloud nine.

* Rogelio gives MA advice about Jossie and Miriam and how to attack them (from behind the back when they least expect it).

* Jossie is in her office alone - planning a surprise attack of her own against MA.

* Dolores and Gabriel share a tender moment as Gabriel shows Dolores his engagement ring for MA - Dolores is very happy and excited for him - he wishes that she and Nick will have a happy ending also. Dolores then brings up Luisito's death - she tells Gabriel she was in the room with him as he lay in a coma and that his heart raced at the moment of Luisito's death, almost like he knew about it even though he was in a coma. Gabriel is shocked and cries with the memory of his late son.

* Pau and JC are working in the office - JC is thinking to himself that he should find someone to take his place in Pau's life and will be a father to his child.

* Gabriel visits MA and LD at her apartment. He wants to make it official and give LD his last name.

* JC and Dolores meet with Leo in the hospital hallway - Leo escorts them to the consultation office for the test results and bad news.

* Gabriel, Candy, MA and LD meet with the judge in his chambers. Judge reads the official ruling that makes LD - Luis David Cervantes Bravo. Luis David, with prompting from Gabriel, shouts "Papa! Papa!"

* Leo sits JC and Dolores around the desk as they meet with Dr. V. Leo and Dr. V explain the bad news - that JC is terminal and will die soon. :( As JC asks Dr. V some questions, a nurse walks in and interrupts. Dr. V leaves with the nurse. Leo, Dolores and JC stay there - Leo tries to convince JC of the seriousness of the situation - JC realizes it and is convinced that he wishes to die with dignity and not let his mom and Pau suffer by watching him die. Leo is frustrated - Dolores chimes in trying to convince JC to tell Pau and his mom. JC cries and explains his decision. Leo and Dolores listen. Leo walks over to JC and gives him support and advice. Dolores says she understands and gives her opinion. JC is still adamant. Dolores cries and tries to make him understand the difficult position she is in with Regina - she ends up promising to keep the secret.

* Gabriel, MA, LD and Candy are still celebrating becoming a family.

* Leo walks JC outside. They talk - Leo gives JC some friendly advice. JC listens and thanks Leo for his support and help. They hug.

* Pau is aggravated as Karen enters the office. Pau confronts Karen and wants to know what is going on between Karen and JC. Karen covers up the truth. Pau doesn't trust Karen's intentions as being sincere. Karen does her best to convince Pau that she has changed, and then asks Pau if they could be friends. Pau isn't at all convinced. Karen still tries and gives Pau a hug. Karen leaves Pau in shock and disbelief.

* Jossie and Miriam are folding clothes at a display in the store. They discuss Karen's sudden change in attitude. Miriam wonders if Dolores had something to do with it.

* Dolores is at home, rethinking the meeting with JC and Leo about JC's diagnosis.

* Pau at her desk working. JC enters. Pau is excited to see him and pulls him over to the desk to see the special surprise she made for him on the computer. He takes one look at it, and isn't interested or excited to see it. He just wants to get back to work. Pau is hurt and frustrated by his lack of enthusiasm and questions him about it - he acts cold and heartless, says that her pregnancy hormones are clouding her judgement and to let him get back to his job. She's hurt, tells him off and then leaves.

* At Candy's apartment, Gabriel and MA make future plans for their wedding. Candy holds LD - Gabriel prompts LD to say "Papa!" again.

* Dolores stops by the shop to see Miriam. They get into a heated discussion - first about Dolores' interference in Karen's new attitude against her own mother and grandmother. Dolores says that she's just trying to get to know her own niece and show her the love and affection her mother and grandmother never gave her. Miriam orders Dolores to stay away from Karen - Dolores stands up and refuses. They argue about Dolores and Edgar - Dolores makes threats about revealing Miriam and Jossie's dark secrets if they try to keep Dolores away from Karen. Miriam is shocked.

* At the palace, MA descends the stairs to the main living area - Jossie shouts from the second floor balcony to ask where she's going - MA laughs and refuses to say. MA leaves. Jossie is curious.

* Candy, Elsa and Leo get table ready for dinner as they discuss their day. Leo talks about his patient's case; Elsa tells about her work at Otilia's store; Candy tells them both about Gabriel making LD his legal son. Leo is still heartbroken about MA even though he says he's happy for them. Elsa tells him to get over it already. Candy tells her to be more supportive of her brother. Leo changes the subject and tells Elsa about his honeymoon trip for her and Sylvester - Elsa isn't happy about it. Leo leaves to see Sylvester and the guys.

* Jossie enters MA's bedroom to visit LD and asks the nanny where MA went to - nanny nervously hesitates before saying the MA went to dinner with Gabriel. Jossie looks up with a disgusted shocked look on her face.

* Gabriel and MA are sitting at a fancy restaurant - Gabriel pulls out the ring box, shows MA the ring inside, she's very surprised, he takes her hand and asks her to marry him, she excited says "Acepto!" They kiss. (UGH!)

* Tweet, Sylvester and Gabino are at the bar having a three-person bachelor party and discussing Elsa and Mayeya. Leo joins them. Sylvester holds his beer glass up and promises the guys that this will be the last night he will drink alcohol, because of Elsa. Leo thanks him for making that promise.

* Elsa meanwhile sneaks a drink from her little whiskey bottle and then quickly hides it under the kitchen towels as Candy returns to the room. Elsa tells her to sit down at the table and she will serve dinner.

* Jossie escorts Karen into the palace office to have a private mother-daughter chat about Karen's new found friendship with Aunt Dolores. Jossie is jealous and hurt. Karen won't give up her relationship with her aunt and tells her mom off. Jossie raises her hand up - Karen says if she dares slap her, she will leave forever. Jossie switches tactics immediately. Karen asks Jossie to become a real loving, caring mom to her. Jossie tries to convince Karen of the reality through Jossie's eyes. Karen doesn't buy it and cries - Jossie warns her that the changes she wants will come with lots of suffering - Karen says she's already suffered a lot, and leaves.

* JC is trying to sleep. Pau wants to cuddle and tries to put her arms around JC. JC gets angry and pushing Pau away. Pau is hurt, gets out of bed and leaves the bedroom.

* MA and Gabriel return to the palace, totally enchanted by each other and their engagement. They are all kissy-kissy-smoochy-smoochy (yuck! disgusting!) as Jossie spies from the upstairs balcony. Gabriel leaves. MA smiles and then goes upstairs. Jossie stops MA in the hallway and confronts her about the engagement - MA says that there is no way Jossie can ever separate her from Gabriel. MA walks away. Jossie scowls.

* Nick and Dolores talk at their favorite restaurant.

* Jossie goes to talk with Miriam in the bedroom about MA sporting an engagement ring - Jossie's disgusted and offended. Miriam asks her if she will permit the wedding to take place. Jossie vows that she will never let that happen.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 02/05/2007 Gabe Gets it on Bangs a Gong

This was indeed a pretty boring episode, mucho yammering, not much action.

Gabe shoots he scores........Gabe has sex for the third time in probably like a decade...of which he can remember two of those times. No need to rehash the ugly details, needless to say, Get it on bang a gong, do a little dance make a little noise, every freakin bad cliche you can think of...& I can think of a lot, but time is precious. Summary...yadda yadda one exist but you & me....I love you with all my heart & soul...yeah me too. ****Note to self...invest in Pfizer, I believe there may be a run on Viagra****

MA arrives back at the Mansion...she is all happy & looks like she could break into a "Audrey Hepburn" dance at any moment....Miriam comes in givin MA the ol', "Why in the Hell do look so happy" eye. She wants to talk. Miriam offers to buy out MA share of said mansion, but MA is all, Nope, I ain't sellin. Ewww Miriam twarted again.

The next morning Leo is visiting the local priest....he takes the priest lots of drugs...Yeah don't I wish this was at least something to liven Leo up, but no they are legal drugs, medications, vaccines, supplies. He & the Padre chit-chat about how thrilled they are that Elsa & Sylvester are tying the knot. If I ever have a garage sale I want Sylvester to come, cause apparently this guy will buy anything. Leo is all thrilled about the boda, yet I am sad to say, his own heart is breaking. He would like to get far away to forget his broken heart & MA...
****Leo check into some Mother & Son'll do wonders for you****

MA & at Naco Arms talking with Candleabra...& Candy always quick on the uptake notices that healthy glow on MA face....Whisker burn? Anyway MA is just bursting at the seams to tell someone her "Good News". She tells Candy all about she & Gabe giving it another shot. Oh No Leo is evesdropping, oh he tries to act brave, but he is one kind word away from a major crying jag. He tell MA that while he is sad for himself, he is all shades of happy about her...Yeah whatever Dude, I am far more shallow. He tells MA she must get to work & after she leaves, he breaks down.

Now over at Happy Acres, Paulina has just fixed JC his favorite breakfast, which of course he won't eat, he won't talk to her...he is busy with work....You can see major thought bubbles above her head....Am I not pretty enough? Did I make the Smiley Face on his Pancakes Wrong...Oh please Virgen Mary make me a better wife.

Gabe arrives a la Mansion to pick up Luis Gabe, I guess it is Daddies day...Joselyn appears; she must be more drugged out than normal cause she is wearing a black dress with a very plunging v-neck & I believe she may have forgotten her ropa de interior. Joselyn wants to tag along. Gabe says okay dokey, but we are gonna hang with Luis David. Joselyn says this is swell with her as she is trying to be a good Mom.****Off to Never Neverland****

Elsa is sitting at the table in Naco Arms, she is digging in her really tiny bedazzeled purse, maybe it was a present from Leo. She has a bottle of booze & sucks down a swig. Seriously I can not fault Elsa in the least, living there must be like some Twilight Zone episode, she keeps trying to get away, but each day she keeps waking up in the Naco version of PleasantVille.
Candy comes in and starts talking about the big special can tell if Elsa had a pistol she'd put it to her own temple.

MA is sitting in her office, Demian comes in....She looks uncomfortable, yeah MA, stop wondering how identical they really are! Anyway Demian quizzes her about who she favors for taking the Presidency of Los Dos Hermanos Construcciones? MA answered she is still thinking it over, but if she had to vote right now, Gabe would get her vote.
I believe this would be a perfecto time for Demian to offer to show her his leadership qualities, but alas, nothing.

Regina stops by to talk to JC, trying to be a good Mom, she is trying to get him to open up, but nope nada. JC is a brave soul who will bare this burden alone, except for Karen, Dolores & Leo.

Once again Paulina comes in and is trying to talk to JC about their work projects, but no, he tells her to worry about her work and he'll worry about his. Paulina leaves and Karen comes in to find out how JC is doing, Paulina walks up and listens at the door, JC asks Karen to lunch...he is trying to distance himself from Paulina, to save her later suffering. Yeah that is an awesome plan, just let her think you are hot for her stepsister. Awwww the nobility of it all.

Later Karen meets up with Dolores and tells her of the plan to make Paulina jealous, Karen wants no part of this. I don't know if Karen is tearing up, or if some giant fly has attached itself to her lower right eye or if the make-up department was on crack, but there is some huge black spot on the lower rim of her eye. Maybe it was a raven, but anyway it was quite distracting and it's not like I'm not already having enough trouble with this fireball episode. Well Dolores and Karen plan on speaking to JC about his stubborness & sucky attitude.

At some point Leo was speaking with a Doctor who is holding lab results....the news is not good.
They call JC to come in & talk, he realizes the news must be bad.
***********I can't stand it, seriously if this was me, I would be holding down Gabe, Demian, Regina, the two ninos, Tiberto & possibly Paulina (just in the event we were related) & doing the test on all of them, damn I'd be seriously scorin me some marrow.***********
See this is my complaint...JC is pretty, but damn he is dumb. Dude nobility is fleeting, dead is forever.

On the upside Ingrid & Miriam are in the business discussing how things are looking up. Personally I am just pleased that Ingrid the ever abused employee is still alive. Ingrid gets a flirty lil phone call from Rog, she doesn't tell Miriam who it is. Miriam is all like, right you could have a guy calling you? Ha Ha Ha...Buzz Kill, well I guess Miriam was too busy to smack the crap outta Ingrid & just had to settle for a little verbal abuse. Ingrid has that just you want & see smarty pants look.

We see the inside of what I believe is the church, well it has been a while, Elsa is probably going to get her preBoda lessons, but she sneaks in the bathroom & pulls out the bottle & has quite a snort.

Karen & Joselyn get into over Gabe & the boys etc....Karen is pretty disgusted by being one of the Fieras, even though it is family tradition. I must insert here, the giant Raven is off her eye and she has been sporting a MacBeth red plaid bubble mini skirt. In keeping with the Weird Sister theme. She tells her mom she is done with the whole vengence thing. Joselyn is like are you insane? (another family tradition), she must have vengence on her sister (MA), & Gabe...Karen wants no part of this. Well little missy how will you get the important things in life; like money, jewelry...then she smacks Karen. Karen is totally disgusted with the Fieras.

Gabe shares his "I got laid", news with Nic, who didn't get laid. Well at least he acts happy for Gabe, but tells him, Gabe needs to be discreet cause this could cause some serious problems...You think considering half the characters are seriously BSC?
Gabe gives Nic the "Hey maybe Dolores would lay you", not really it just sounds better than when men have those heart to heart talks. Seriously men in TeleNovelas are always having those talks about love with each other....I mean talk to each other, not love with each other, my husband laughs everytime, really guys don't talk like that to other guys. I checked it out with my friend at just the thought he was horrified. That is why Demian is so awesome, he would never do that, he'd just blow something up.

Well I think this just about covers most of what happened.

Now tomorrow, Gabe is slipping a 27 carat ring on MA finger, talk about discreet, I bet Joselyn will never notice that.

Joselyn looks like she is going BSC more than usual


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Mundo de Fieras: 2/2/07

Regina and Dolores are the best of friends again despite Dolores' making a statement to the police about the remote control being a detonator and claiming Demian used it in an attempt on Gabe's life (the one that blew up Gabe's chauffer instead). --Man, how hard up for friends can Regina be that she thinks she has to apologize for telling off Dolores about getting her husband in trouble with the police and accusing him of attempted murder? --Regina then gets a call from Pau that because JC must've gotten a serious case of food poisoning, Leo has suggested they cancel the trip. That call reminds Regina that Leo called a few minutes earlier looking for Dolores, but that he hadn't mentioned JC's being sick to her at the time. She says that she thinks it was strange and asks what he wanted with Dolores. Dolores says she has no idea and rushes out.

Karen comes over late to see J.C. to lend him emotional support. Of course, she totally forgets that Paulina, in her bathrobe, will be more than a bit "surprised" to see her there that late at night. Pau seems to accept the stupid excuse that Leo called her and told her JC was ill and leaves the two of them alone in the bedroom to chat while she goes to answer the doorbell for the medicine delivery. Karen says the obvious to JC, that Pau still doesn't suspect anything. JC says he's to the point of alienating his wife so that she'll turn to some other man for emotional support, one who will turn out to be a great father once he's pushing up daisies. Karen, who has seemingly turned over a new leaf, tells him that is not the way to handle things because it will only make his wife suffer more. (This Karen is definitely a bore now. She was a heck of a lot more fun when she was a diddling, drunk-as-a-skunk devil in Prada.)

At breakfast the next morning, Mayeya and the other maid, Nina, are feeding the two little boys together at the table at Gabe's request, so that they could grow up together as brothers should. Jos walks in and screams at them about feeding the boys breakfast together. She says she's the one who gives the orders there, tells them to separate the boys and has Nina take Luis Gabriel back up to his bedroom. She then finds herself fascinated by little Luis David. (So I guess one of these days they'll have to go by their middle names, right, 'cause this first name thing can get confusing in a hurry.) She picks the boy up and puts him into her lap. She has a tender moment with him and thinks to herself how he is her real son and she is pulled emotionally by him.

Regina comes by the apartment and is surprised to see her son going back to work so soon. JC tells his mother that he has a lot of work to do and couldn't stay home. She tells him she's worried for him and doesn't believe his excuses. He promises to take better care of himself.

Demian and Dolores are having words about the complaint she filed with the police over the remote control device. All the while as they talk, Demian is fiddling with a very sharp letter opener. Dolores mumbles that it was all Nic's idea, not hers, and that she thought they were doing the right thing. He threatens Dolores by saying that if something happens to him because of her and Nicolas' complaint to the police, Tiberio will not forgive her. He warns her that if he goes down Ti goes down with him. (I cannot believe she is still living under the same roof with them after this.)

Ti and El Mastin are certain that Rogelio had something to do with the nightclub's being shutdown.

Mariangela walks in to the dining room during breakfast, finds Jos holding Luis David, and asks just what she's doing with her son. Jos asks if she's afraid she'll harm him or something. Mariangela says if she even tries anything it will be the last move she ever makes. Not only is she ready to defend her own son from her but Jos's son as well. Jos taunts Mariangela about having finally turned into a true wild beast, and Mariangela says essentially, "You ain't seen nothin' yet! If you don't believe me just try something and find out!" Then she turns on her heel and walks out leaving Jos to think about having just held her real son in her arms.

Gabe tells Rog that he's pleased that his son has changed his attitude and he wants him to move into the apartment with him. He feels Miriam might try to do something against him as payback. Rog is all smiles and says Mariangela has become his protector there in the manse and he's glad to see she isn't as bad as he'd come to think.

Upstairs Jos gripes to Miriam about what just happened between her and Mariangela down in the dining room and how aggressive she's become, even over Luis Gabriel. Miriam says, well after all he really is Mariangela's, then asks Jos how she feels when she's near her real son and if there is any kind of pull.

El Mastin visits El Coyote at the jail and tells him about the club being shut down by the authorities. He says he is sure Rogelio had something to do with it. El Coyote chuckles and says he has no doubt he did. He tells Mastin that if he wants to stay buddies with the old Coyote-man, he will have to keep him up to date on all the things Ti and his daddy are planning. El Mastin tells him to count on it.

Demian yells at Tiberio about his careless management of the club and losing that cash cow. As if that weren't bad enough he gives him holy hell for being a major idiot by putting the remote control device somewhere it was certain his dopey dufus mother, Dolores, could find it. She nearly exposed him and all his dirty deeds. So Demian slaps the craps right outta him. (If ya' want a job done right ya' just got to do it yourself, Demian.....) Ti apologizes endlessly but Demian says he doesn't know whether to believe him or not. He thinks Ti wanted possibly to get him out of the way so he could be left with everything. Ti stammers that that wasn't it at all. So Demian warns him he never forgets nor forgives a betrayal, and he would not do it even for him, his own son.

Pau comes to the office to get JC to return home to rest. He refuses, saying he has quite a lot of work to catch up on. She finally gives in and leaves, but she is definitely confused and saddened by all of this.

Karen approaches the two maids, Mayeya and Nina, during playtime outside with with the idea of taking the two little boys for a while. (What?) Mayeya remarks to Karen she's surprised to see her take an interest. Karen takes both of the boys in her arms and has fun playing merry-go-round with the two of them.

Gabe and Mariangela are in his office again when he asks her to have dinner at his place that night. This time she accepts. He is in 7th heaven and wonders what he'll cook up for her tonight. I figured he must be thinking just what I was thinking: "Who cares? If she really does show up, it's a lead pipe cinch it won't be food that'll be cookin' in his apartment."

Ti accuses Rog of shutting down the club to get even with him for keeping the nightclub as his own. Rog tells him he's hallucinating and laughs at him. Tiberio says sooner or later he'll make him pay for that betrayal and he leaves disgusted. Rog smiles at himself and says he probably ought to find a way to get even with Miriam now that he's handled Tiberio so well. He'll need to find her weak spot, someone whom he can use to get information.

At Otilia's, she, Diana and Soraya are discussing how one of their clients heads the official women's help centers in the D. F. We get another P.S.A. for the abused/abandoned women's help centers that give legal, financial and emotional support to these women and we even get a phone number. Diana vouches for their worthwhile assistance. Right then Mariangela invites them for drinks at the manse.

Pau comes to get JC to join her for lunch but he refuses, saying he has somebody bringing him something and she better go without him. She again is disappointed and confused by his attitude.

Rog seeks out Ingrid at Miriam's fashion house and invites her to dinner. He starts putting on the moves and when she accepts, he mentally pats himself on the back for successfully drawing her in, hook, line and sinker.

Leo comes home and hands over to his momma the prize winnings he got from winning the lottery. (Now maybe he can fix that door handle that keeps coming off in his hands everytime he enters the set.) Well, we know that Mayeya and Cortito were discussing their wedding; they will not have a honeymoon as they can scarcely afford the tiny reception they're planning. He tells his mother that she should keep the money for all she has done for him, and says that he is also thinking of giving some of his money to Cortito for the wedding.

Later that afternoon, Jos and Miriam arrive home to find Mariangela, Diana, Soraya, and Otilia chatting and laughing while waiting for Candy and a few of her friends to arrive, that is, a few dozen of their closest "mujeres engañadas" (deceived women) from the D.F. The two of them stomp up to Jos's room. Jos says that they have to get Mariangela out of their house and quick. Miriam says eventually they'll figure out a way, but until then they have to go down and eat with them all. Jos refuses to socialize with the likes of that group. Her mother warns her if she doesn't change her attitude Jos is going to prove to Mariangela that Jos cannot handle as much garbage as Mariangela. So they will have to go down and swallow it. Miriam remarks how things have changed in that house since Mariangela has returned and begun to appropriate more and more of the house. She says it seems Jos is the one who tries to escape by taking refuge in her bedroom while Mariangela rules the roost. Miriam's observation makes Jos think about the irony of what she's just said.

Pau goes home to eat by herself and worries because JC is acting so differently towards her. At his desk JC writes a bitter-sweet letter of explanation to his future child about why he is leaving their lives. He breaks into tears. (Well, heck if I didn't cry right along with him. It was definitely a 3-hanky scene for me. This golden adonis has been the most sincere and the best interpreted male character throughout this whole goofy "production". Ugh! I think I even have to congratulate the writer of this scene, because the letter JC writes to his unborn child really struck a nerve ..........Naw, it must've been the 3 glasses of Pinot I had to drink beforehand just to get through this episode.)

Otilia thanks Miriam and Jos for deciding to join the simple folk a while. When they say they own the house and are not joining them, Otilia sweetly suggests they'd feel more comfortable taking their food up then to their rooms and letting the rest of them eat and drink and be merry in the living room. They snidely decline and have Mayeya set up two places in the dining room for a more formal meal for themselves.

A bit later Leo returns to his mom's place and takes great joy in presenting Mayeya and Cortito an envelope full of cash as a wedding present. Candy sits down and tells Leo how proud she is of what he's done and how she only wishes he could find a decent woman to love and marry him. (She had better be a nurse on roller skates is all I can say......) Leo bemoans the fact that he seems destined to remain single and loveless.

At an intimate dinner Rog tells Ingrid that now he's free, he can respond to the inner yearnings towards her that he previously had to hide. She (another lonely, insecure female of near middle-age) falls for his load of garbage and they start making out at the restaurant.

That night Mariangela does actually arrive at Gabe's. Over a bottle of champagne he tells her they deserve their happiness and they should begin again from where they left off. They shouldn't continue to fight or stay apart from one another for something he didn't knowingly do. (All I could think of at this point was that they had dyed handsome César's greying temples and eyebrows -even waxed them- in a painfully obvious and futile attempt to make him look 20 years younger.) Mariangela isn't sure she can really trust Gabe, but he promises her he'll never hurt her again. She gives in and they kiss. Gabe and Mariangela start undressing each other, their clothes falling to their feet, in a not-to-original scene that is very reminiscent of the one in La Madrastra. (Well, how many ways can you do a scene like this, anyway? --At least the female lead was much nearer César's age in that one...... Ay! César, how could you have let them humiliate you this way?) The two of them end up in bed and make love. It goes from grotesque to ridiculous here, with some fruit-cake direction that has them smiling broadly at each other while continually dragging the same red rose down each other's back. --All I could think of while I was wincing and watching this scene was: "Ooch! Ouch! Watch out for the thorns on that stem already!" and then, "That has to be a fake rose 'cause there is no way those petals could have stayed in place like that....." --Finally, mercifully, this fruit-cake fantasy ends and the two smile in each other's arms while I have gone for another glass of Pinot. I figured I could use a big drag on a cigarette about then, too, but not because that bed scene was anything to write home about..........

Paulina waits for JC to come to bed. When he crawls in he turns his back on her. She is again saddened and confused by his change in attitude and his coldness towards her.

Late that night Regina tells Dolores that she is feeling strange. She has a distinct impression that something very wrong is going on with her son. She is anxiety ridden at this point and fairly screams at Dolores that she is going to find out just exactly what that might be.


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