Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mundo de Fieras, Thursday, Feb 1

We begin tonight’s episode with a quick recap of last night’s whinging…Demian is whining about being accused by Nic & Dolores, Tiberio is belly-aching to the police officer about his business being closed (um…a bribe might work better) and Mariangela is ruining her walk on the catwalk by CONSTANTLY looking over poutily at Joselyn who is working it!! Go Jos. (I was trying to remember where I’d seen the emcee of the fashion show…he hosts Vas o No Vas—Deal or No Deal).

Otilia wins and before Miriam slinks backstage to sharpen her claws she delivers the thank you speech. Otilia gives it right back, congratulating her on coming in second place and telling the audience that she admires her because she’s a woman who know how to lose, particularly since she’s never won. Cat fight! The parade of thank yous, etc. continues until Otilia calls out MA and announces that the name of the dress is Joselyn because it reflects capriciousness, vanity and ambition.

At the after party Regina (who’s wearing enough dead animals to keep a small Eskimo village warm---where’s PETA when you need ‘em?) gets in Dolores’ face about accusing Demian of trying to blow up Gabe.

Speaking of Gabe, he runs after MA to try and explain away Joselyn’s mid-fashion show kiss. He says it was a surprise. She retorts, of course, that’s the game. She surprises you and you let yourself be surprised. He invites her to dinner, she says no. Like a very old, but crafty and lecherous spider, he invites her to his web, saying he’ll cook dinner in his apartment and wait for her. She says don’t wait for me, I won’t come. He says I’ll be waiting.

The nacos are chatting about the fashion show. Silvestre says yeah yeah yeah, enough about them, let’s talk about us. He gets down on one knee and proposes to Elsa. You would have thought he asked Leo to get married because he’s over the moon. Elsa is grimacing but after some heavy arm-twisting by Silvestre and her family she says…yes.

Paulina (wearing the Easter bunny) and JC come home giddy in love. JC rubs Paulina’s belly and scares her by talking about death (again). Later, they are preparing their bags for their trip and JC passes out. Paulina is like, what do I do? While JC’s eyes are rolling back in his head.

Otilia and her gal pals are going to celebrate their win.

At the big house, the coven is meeting in Joselyn’s bedroom and moaning about their loss. Karen goes off to bed, and the other two speculate about her recent behavior.

Gabe puts the finishing touches on his fancypants dinner. The candles burn down to help us figure out that he’s waiting a long, long, long time. MA is outside the door wondering what to do. Gabe tells himself he can’t let her rejections bother him.

Regina & Demian are discussing Nic & Lola (Dolores is just too long to type for such a secondary character). D says to be severe with her, because this accusation is really disrespectful. Regina’s like yeah, but I have to forgive her because she’s a really good friend and Tiberio’s mom. I’m sure she didn’t mean anything bad.

Meanwhile, Nic & Lola are discussing the very same thing. They don’t believe D’s claim that it was used in some old construction project but Lola’s worried that Tiberio was involved.

Back at home and back on the bed with Luis David, MA is telling him all sorts of stuff he really doesn’t care about. He’s just trying to eat his book…probably because he’s used to shoving lollipops and other candy in his mouth whenever he’s on camera…actually they probably just glued some candy inside the book. She kisses him and he pushes her away (probably not scripted). Gabe calls, he wants to talk right away. They meet downstairs in the study (with the candlestick and Colonel Mustard). They have a little argument…that sounds exactly like every other argument they’ve had since MA came back from Europe (just look at the old recaps if you want a refresher). At the end that she does admit that she loves him, but that she wouldn’t be able to fulfill her desire for vengeance if she were with him.

At Cande’s house everyone’s psyched about the wedding….everyone except for Elsa. She looks like death warmed over. Everyone finally leaves and Cande goes off to bed. Elsa takes her little bottle out of her bag for a swig, when a loud knock at the door interrupts her…it’s pesky Silvestre telling her good night and how happy he is she said yes.

Paulina finally figured out to take JC to the hospital. Leo helps her. Later, he calls D’s house looking for Lola, but Regina answers and gets a bad feeling. JC is stable but weak. He asks Leo to keep lying to everyone. He also asks if he’s going to live to see his baby. Leo doesn’t really give a straight answer.

Employing the always economical flashback (twice the show, half the work!) we see MA and Gabe mulling over their earlier chit chat.

Karen’s leaving for the hospital and Joselyn, getting drunk on the couch, asks where she’s going and why she’s been so damn moody lately. Karen asks Jos if she loved Edgar, her father. Jos says, in the beginning yes, but then he just became a nuisance.

Leonardo finishes up with his second patient (JC) of the day by tucking him into bed…in his own house. He tells him to rest and that they probably shouldn’t go on that second honeymoon.

Regina was waiting up to apologize to Dolores. They make up and they’re friends again. Regina tells Lola that Leo called and then Pau calls to tell her they won’t be going because JC was in the hospital and has to wait. Regina, slowly starting to put two and two together, asks Lola why Leo called her.

Karen shows up at the apartment of love. Pau is like how did you know JC was sick? Oh, Leo told me. Pau tries to put two and two together but she only comes up with one and a half. She goes to answer the door, leaving Karen and JC alone in the bedroom. JC tells her how awful things are and Karen tells him that Paulina really loves him and actually seems to be sincere in her answers.


Mundo, Wed 1/31 Where bad guys might be turning good...

So we start out with Rog breaking the news to Gab that Joz drugged him (Gab) and it was all planned so she could seduce him.

Otilia gathers together her everyday models & friends for a night-long-sewing-fiesta to replace all the clothes that were stolen.

Gab invites MA over to his place to tell her the awesome news! He didn’t cheat on her; he now knows what happened that night and wants to tell her all about it. She says, “no thanks, don’t wanna hear about your sordid “night” with Joz.“ he stops her so she can’t leave… he tells her he was drugged, Rog just told him, Rog’d been keeping it secret and that’s why he couldn’t remember anything that happened. He seems very relieved and happy… now they can go back to the way it was before all this happened and be together and everything. MA is impactada, drugged? In her confusion she lets him steal a passionate (so to speak) kiss. She stops things, what about the babies? She worries about him abandoning Alex, he shouldn’t trust him to Joz, he says he’ll never abandon his kids. She starts to leave, teary, saying she has to think about it, he tells her to think all she wants but follow what her heart dictates, she leaves…

Dolores remembers her conversation with Karen; how Karen doesn’t believe her willingness to care for her and love her w/o anything in return. Dol, speaking to herself, promises to help Karen learn to love and be a better person. Karen, at the mansion, remembers the conversation, simultaneously. She cries and, speaking to herself, says she doesn’t know if she will give Dol the opportunity to show her love, she is not sure she can trust her.

Joz is perched on the side of her bed looking at a magazine when MA bursts into her room. MA tells Joz she knows everything about how Joz drugged Gab, Joz doesn’t deny it but says, how dare she accuse her of that. MA says there is nothing too low for Joz to do and the worst thing is she feels sorry for Alex. MA says Joz is a threat to her own child. Joz grabs her, pushing her in front of the mirror and says she’s nothing more than a poor nothing of a person dressed-up rich. Miriam hurries in wondering -- what the he!!. MA says she knows Joz drugged Gab to get him into bed with her. Then, coming from a mile away, winding up the whole time, is Joz who slaps MA (who really should have been able to stop that slap or at least duck or something) MA slaps her back, ferociously, Joz looks impactada! MA warns her she’s gonna watch her to make sure she doesn’t hurt Alex. Joz screams, Perra!, at her a few times as MA takes off. Joz is enraged, Mir give her hand signals to calm down.

Rog is telling Gab he’s sorry and admits to being Joz’s accomplice in the drugging (is this bad editing? Isn’t this an extension of the conversation they had earlier when Rog told him about being drugged, aw well, suspension of disbelief kicking into overdrive, or at least getting a shot of adrenaline cuz I think it’s already in overdrive) Gab is impactado. How could you? he asks and adds that he hopes God will forgive him. Rog looks almost regretful (He couldn't be turning to the good side could he???).

Mir & Joz run over the same ol’ dialog – will MA & Gab get back together? And Mir reminds her of the same ol’ thing – Alex is the tie to Gab – Gab will never leave Alex – they deduce that Rog told MA and Gab for revenge for putting him in the big house.

MA is tempted to return to Gab and wonders why she feels maternal toward Joz’s baby.

Joz is calmly looking at her magazine on the couch at the mansion when Gab burst in. He says, how could you do something so contemptible. She says, he lefts her no other choice (WHAT, a confession!!!) they argue about it and he says he and MA are gonna get back together; she says she’ll never allow that. He tells her it’s gonna happen and they are gonna be happy just like they planned all along and she can’t stop it.

At that moment MA comes down the stairs with both boys (Alex and LD). Joz asks what they are dong with her son? Gab says he’s taking them out so they will know they’re brothers. He thanks MA for letting him take LD for a while. MA says she’s sorry she couldn’t go but somebody (and she looks pointedly at Joz) robbed all of Otilias clothes for the fashion show! Gab looks impactado – Joz looks fake impactada. MA goes on to say that Mir is the one who would benefit from such a robbery. Joz tells her she’ll have to talk to Mir about that and then jets (slowly so everyone can see her sway her hips) upstairs.

Pau and JC have just broken the happy news to Dam and Reg about the pregnancy. (I don’t know why they are telling everyone NOW! You’d think after their last pregnancy experience they’d wait for a little while to make sure everything was ok, wait this is a novela, that explains everything of course.) Pau says she’s gonna take care of herself in this pregnancy and hopes the days go by fast. Pau says they’re gong to be happy, happy forever and hugs Dam and Reg… JC sways back and forth in slow motion looking a little sad.

Joz tells Mir that MA is accusing them of having something to do with the robbery – Mir says she can’t prove it. Joz thinks it’s weird that Otilia hasn’t cancelled her participation in the fashion show, Mir says there is no one on earth that can help Otil now! Mir looks forward to being 1st place in the fashion world like always – Joz just wants to see MA ruined.

** Various scenes of Gab playing with the boys. A maid is with him, maybe one of the kids' real mom? Some other lady is there, maybe the daycare/play area director (or the other kids real mom?) She does some weird thing with LD’s legs which looks like physical therapy. Then a bunch of other cute little kids come in and they all play.**

The scene segues into him talking with Nic in the office saying he’s going to raise the boys together, not separate like him and Dam which caused resentment on Dam’s part. Nic agrees it’s a good idea. Nic tells him about Dol finding the remote control detonator in Dam’s home office – he wants the authorities to look into it. Gab wants to know what he suspects Dam of doing (DUH!) but before Nic can tell him Pau and JC come in to give them the happy pregnancy news. Gab is happy.

Dol and Karen meet – Karen is upset because they’re meeting secretly. Dol says she’s her Dad’s sister and would never hurt her – her Dad was a great man. Karen asks/says – then she’s nothing like him… Dol reassures her she’s a good person and if her Dad could have been around she would be more like him.

Rog goes to see Coyote in jail and is pleased with the info Coy has given him. Coy tells him that’s barely any of what his uncle has done. There is a ton more and if Rog brings him more money he’ll give more info. Rog looks very pleased.

Otilia oversees her ladies as they re-sew all the clothes that were stolen – they are finally done and MA, Otil & Candy chat about working all night and they can’t wait for the fashion show.

Mir is in the back checking things out at the fashion show and bumps into Otilia. Otilia says Mir just won’t believe what happened to her! Some dirty stinking rats (I swear Otilia makes this show worth watching) broke into her casa de modas and stole all her clothes for the fashion show! But her and her pals worked like crazy and have an even better set of styles than before – Mir - looks a little sick but wishes her all the luck cuz she's gonna need it. Otilia tells her luck and clients is what she’s drowning in… oooh, take that Mir!

Meanwhile, a man has come to Dam’s house with some paperwork and lets him know that he’s suspected of the attempt on Gabs life and he has to come down to the police station to submit a statement.

Silvestre, dressed in a suit, comes to tell Leo that they’ve won the lotto! (Good grief and a groan, but anyway...) They are both impactados. Silvestre says with that money he can marry Elsa. Leo’s gonna give it to a good cause (ok, I love Leo, sorta, but he's so syrupy that he makes me wanna barf). They run to go find Candy (another thing that makes me wanna barf).

Karen and JC bump into each other at the fashion show. He tells her the good news about the baby saying it’s something for him to cling to. She tells him about her chat w/Dol and that she’s not sure about changing her ways. He tells her to follow her heart and they hug. (Yikes, is Karen changing to a good guy, too? The show must be ending soon then, right?)

Rogelio goes to Tib at the strip-club to do the obvious novela thing, inform him that he’s going to turn him in. He tells Tib that he has to pay him back for everything he took from him. Tib gives him the evil novel-guy routine of: you’re not going to say anything cuz I’ve got too much on you and you’re Dad will take away all your money, evil smirk. He tells him all of that as he’s making out with a stripper. Then, Rog starts his Rog-revenge and tells him, oh, btw, Coyote says hi. Tib stops in mid-makeout and says, Who? He then pushes away the stripper. Tib straightens his hair, carefully not to touch his toupee, and Rog says, yeah, Coyote told me some interesting stuff in the big house, now we’ll see who laughs last. Tib starts hyperventilating.

The fashion show commences. They had a presenter, Hector Sandarti – he introduces the judges for the show, Armando something, Dauria (sp?) Moreno and Luis Ignacio Macias (are these presenters/fashion people in the real world?). He then introduces Mir and Otil who come out onto the stage. He wishes them both luck and the competition officially begins. There are various scenes of the models, Candy and Mayaya strutting their stuff on the catwalk while Leo goes crazy from the sidelines.

Elsa backstage sees someone with a glass of wine and can’t help herself – she grabs a glass and gulps it down. Mayaya catches her and grabs the empty glass. Elsa wipes her mouth as Candy comes around the corner then wipes her hands over her hair – no one will smell it on her now (ugh!) – she gets Candy her next outfit, Candy rushes off (in an elderly lady way) and Mayaya lays into Elsa for drinking. Elsa makes some lame excuse about being tired… then looks guilty. Mayaya warns that she’ll be watching her.

Meanwhile, Dam is at the police station, (sin abogado!), and they quiz him about the remote. He says he only uses it for work at the constructoria, videos and stuff like that, he can prove it – they want to see that proof. He asks who denounced him – and they TELL HIM (!!!) Dol & Nic (Dam gives an evil look). The detectives bring out another denunciation, this one anonymous saying something about the table dance place – I didn’t catch exactly what or if they thought Dam had to do with it.

Back at the fashion show Pau models a high fashion dress.

The police raid the strip club then shut it down – Tib’s impactado.

Dam shows up at the fashion show and tells Reg about Dol and Nic denouncing him – Reg is impactada… (I guess the table dance denunciation doesn’t have anything to do with Dam at this point)

At the strip club, again, Tib is furious they’ve shut the place down. They tell him to let them do their job… they’re posting a notice on the door “Clausuar”

In the big fashion showdown, MA & Joz strut their designs on the cat walk… MA wearing a low plunging v-neckline (if that’s what you can call it) in hot pink and Joz wearing a bustier type dress (not really unusual for her) with a train and stripes. They come out again, this time Joz looks like the Ice Queen in a white fir necklined/Cinderella-like dress (sorry, I’m not a fashionista in the least so I have no idea what these particular types of dresses and accessories are really called) and MA is wearing a more moderate but stylish black/red form fitting dress. Joz gets off the stage, walks past the judges, around the crowd, (who are on their feet just bedazzled over the whole show) grabs Gab and starts kissing him furiously… MA is impactada…


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - Jan. 30, 2007

* Coyote and Rogelio meet in prison to discuss Demian, Jossie and Miriam (they plot against the dangerous threesome).

* "Fiera" meeting in Miriam's home office on stealing Otilia's designs before style show. Karen mentions still having the key to Otilia's studio. Jossie laughs.

* Gabriel talks with MA in her office about his thoughts and feelings. He apologizes to her for hurting her, unintentionally of course, and his apology is sincere and profound. She is surprised and can't accept it because the hurt and disillusionment runs too deep. She tries to leave - Gabriel stops her, pulls her close to him and continues to try and convince her to give him another chance - she pulls away and can't. He continues to plead his case - she listens and starts to cry - he leaves her to think.

* Miriam meets with Ingrid about the style show duel with Otilia - they laugh about beating Otilia and MA in the head to head competition.

* Tiberio reports back to Demian in his office about his visit with Rogelio in prison. Demian tells Tiberio good work, and that all business decisions will stay between him and Tiberio.

* Gabriel visits his son in prision. Rogelio promises his father that he has changed and he will prove it - Gabriel can't believe in his sincerity - Rogelio explains that prison has taught him so many valuable lessons (he's grown up a lot).

* Jossie and Tiberio meet and discuss a plot - Karen enters and interrupts - Tiberio leaves - Karen slides the key into Jossie's hands.

* Tiberio finds MA waiting in Demian's office and is offended by her sight - MA stands her ground as being in total control of the company as president. Demian enters and stops the argument. MA leaves. Tiberio tells Demian his outrage about taking orders from MA - Demian explains how, why MA is president and his secret plan to manipulate her.

* Rogelio meets with Coyote again and tells Coyote of his secret vengeance plan against Demian, Jossie and Miriam (how he will play the silent partner and then strike back without them suspecting anything).

* JC meets with Karen in his office - JC confides to her about his depression over his illness that will take him away from Pau and his mom. Karen tries to pick up his spirits - he is unfazed and decides he has to keep up the strong fake front for Pau and his mom; he doesn't want them to suffer with the truth. Karen apologizes to him and promises to support him always - he thanks her - they hug; she is content as a fiera tiger.

* Jossie meets with Demian in his office. She wants to strike now against MA; he wants her to have patience and wait, and don't try to manipulate him. She's impatient to be rid of MA. Demian sits Jossie down and convinces her that his plan will work - he will manipulate MA into becoming Gabriel's worst enemy.

* MA cries in her office as she recalls Gabriel's apology. Tiberio walks in and slaps the report she ordered on her desk - she is brusk and authoritative to him.

* Gabriel and Nick meet in Gabriel's office - Gabriel vents his outrage and frustration with Miriam over extorting money from him in order to get her to recant her statement and have Rogelio released from prison. Then they discuss the situation with MA - Gabriel loves her and will continue to pursue to get her back.

* Rogelio returns to work and takes his bouncing red ball out of his desk drawer. MA enters to welcome him back to work. Rogelio tells her that Gabriel offered him a room in his condo but Rogelio turned him down, so he's staying at a hotel. MA offers Rogelio to return to the palace to live - Rogelio reminds her about Miriam - MA says don't worry about that; she's sure that Gabriel will be happy that he's living there; Rogelio is surprised by the offer and wonders if she's in love with his father - she says yes she is, but that she's too hurt to take him back and leaves.

* Karen in the palace office, thinking about her conversation with JC - Dolores enters and tries to convince Karen to stop pursuing a relationship with JC - Karen is offended - Dolores explains how much she cares and is concerned for Karen's well-being - Karen breaks down and tells Dolores about her thoughts of JC, his illness and his sacrificing everything in a cover-up for Pau and his mom. She's upset that no one has ever sacrificed themselves like that for her, not even her grandmother or mother. Dolores listens and asks Karen to let her console, hug and love her. Karen is scared to trust Dolores - Dolores asks her to give her a chance - they hug as Karen cries on Dolores' shoulder.

* Rogelio working on papers in his office - Jossie enters and starts to confront him about how upset and angry she is with his stealing their jewelry. She starts to threaten him - Rogelio stands up to her and makes his own threat (if she comes after him, she will royally regret it) - she's not scared of him and tells him that "to play with fieras, he will get burned."

* Regina, JC and Pau at work in the office - Pau feels faint but says nothing's wrong.

* Jossie informs Miriam about Rogelio.

* Candy visits with MA and LD. As Pau enters, Candy leaves. Pau holds LD as she and MA discuss Candy's participation in the style show. MA convinces Pau (more like twists her arm behind her back) to be in the show also. Pau is happy holding LD and wants to be a mommy so badly.

* Dr. Leo walks a patient to the car on the street. He then talks with Sylvester about Candy modeling in tomorrow's style show. They read an advertisement in the paper - and a light bulb clicks on in their heads.

* MA sits with LD in the office - Gabriel enters and LD calls him "Papa" - Gabriel picks him up and holds him as Jossie enters to try and interrupt the moment - MA tells her to back off and go home to Alex - Jossie is offended and leaves.

* Pau meets with Dr. Fuentes - he tells her that SHE'S PREGNANT!

* Otilia meets with Soraya, Di, Candy and Elsa to go over final preparations for the style show. They also discuss how horrible and cold Miriam is. Sylvester enters and walks over to Elsa - Otilia turns the discussion to include Sylvester, and something about ticket sales for the style show.

* Rogelio returns to the palace wheeling his little suitcase in the door behind him. Miriam sees him enter and is mortified that he's back; she wants him to leave. Rogelio refuses and MA appears on the balcony and says that she invited him back to live and asks Rogelio to come upstairs - she'll show him to his old room.

* El Magnate (pimp daddy) breaks into Otilia's design studio and steals the wardrobe right off the mannequins.

* Otilia, Di and Soraya are out at the restaurant celebrating and toasting their new line and success at tomorrow's show. Soraya remembers that she left some letters and papers at the studio - Otilia says they'll go back and get them right away.

* JC at the apartment alone, feeling sick and woozy - Pau enters with a smile - they hug - she tells him the excellent news, SHE'S PREGNANT! They're going to parents again. He puts on his best fake smile and enthusiasm - they hug - he's half-happy and half-depressed.

* Jossie meets with Miriam about their plot against Otilia and MA.

* Otilia, Di and Soraya arrive back at their studio for the papers - they turn on the lights and are shocked because all their designs and outfits have vanished. They panic (whatever will they do? whatever will they do?)

* Rogelio comes to the strip club and the security won't let him enter - Tiberio comes out and explains that he no longer is co-owner, Tiberio is sole owner of the club - Rogelio is angry and tries to strangle Tiberio.

* JC and Pau in bed - JC can't sleep, prays to himself as he watches Pau sleep.

* Rogelio visits Gabriel and tells Gabriel the shocking truth about how Jossie got pregnant; that she drugged him and seduced him in order to break him and MA up permanently.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 01/29/07 "Demian Two Jewels in the Triple Crown"

**********Hottie Disclaimer*********
In the on going "Battle of the Buffs", I gotta throw in a claim for Demian...granted he is not as aesthetically pleasing as the LFMB boys, but he brings a certain life experience with him....Besides he has that "one hit wonder" 80's haircut & I am so taken back to the days of my mis-spent youth. Instead of "when a man loves a woman"...our song could be "I Think We Are Alone Now". JC, I will address your burning hawtness later. PS. Omar & Fernando don't hate me, but I gotta root for the home team.

Well we open with a rehash of Dolores trying to convince Regina that all is well with JC. Dolores is well aware that JC has leukemia and she does not want to out him, therefore she feels quite dismayed lying to his mother, her best friend. Well Dolores this is a bit of a moral dilemma, I have no advice, since you are not getting a thirteen year old birth-control (that was in Dear Abby this past weekend, but actually she was seventeen)...

Now Miriam, Gabe and Nic go to try and spring Rog...too late he will have to spend the nite in prison...Egads, Rog has a suck personality under the best of conditions...I just don't see him hangin with the homies in OZ.

MA is visiting Otilla, who is all complementary and wants a Flacita MA to model in her show. MA is keen on the idea, realizes how badly it will upset her housemates.
Now to Miriam, Joselyn & Karen...I always get this "Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble" when I see the three "Weird Sisters" together. They are looking at some fashion drawings of Karen's. Ahh they are bellisima fashions for "Skanks R US". They decide to sabotage Otilla's fashion show...Now much hair twirling and cackling.

Gabe goes to see MA, she is a traitor cause she voted with Demian to merge the LOS DOS CONSTRUCTIONES. Gabe picks this as perfect opportunity to once again tell her how much he loves her. "You are my world" now flip the words around "My world is you" Nope MA is not having any of this nonsense, he hurt her and she will never forgive him. Once again her lips are saying NO...but damn everything else is saying yes, yes, yes..Nope Nada Nothing...He is all, you know you love his best "Barry White Baritone". Almost a kiss...lips so close, they were actually splitting oxygen atoms. Nope she pulls back..(MA, in HS, girls like that got the reputation of being a tease). With tears streaming down her seamless make-up, MA tells Jack to hit the road.

Things are not going well for Rog in the Big House, he is being bullied by some toughs..yep there is Coyote...actually he is looking kinda hawt, in a prison be my pen pal kind of way. The boys start in Rog, for being a rich kid, they shove a cigarette in his mouth..I expect at any moment some huge guy to say "Boy, you got a real pretty mouth", in an Alabama accent.

Okay Okay, I can't hold out any longer...time to cut to the world's happiest couple...***Gawd am I the only person, who hates, yes seriously hates, their theme song and must it be played so loud that all the cheesy little figurines on my entertainment center do the hustle everytime it comes on***
It is our beloved's second anniversary, just typing that makes me feel like yes Spring is coming. JC covers up the fact that he is ill, by making the usual mindless banter with Paulina. Yes they are so in love, let's go to the beach and start our new lives.

*****JC commentary*****
He is clean shaven...maybe he was before and I didn't notice or maybe it is the chemo. JC is so pretty he is ethereal; like maybe his father was really Apollo, which could explain that burnished skin. I think the Greeks believed and I also read this in the "Thornbirds" years ago, that if a human is too pretty and too happy the Gods will rip it all away from jealousy. So try as you may Leo; JC's oracle may have already been Delphi'd.

That takes us to Leo who is guess what? Yes nailing a picture of the "Virgin Mary", to the wall at his Naco Health Clinic. Another guy comes in and the talk turns to love...***Yes I am well aware that in the secret world of Men, that is all they ever talk about, deep heart felt love, hair, fashion and if Angelina & Brad will marry***
Anyway Leo yammers on about MA...I'm sorry I couldn't follow this cause it is always the same lament...

Now let's go to Candelabra's house of Nacaness...MA is there with Luis David...Candelabra is talking how they are MA's familia; she needs to forget Gabe.
Leo comes in flashin his bedazzeled jacket... he decides to get everything out on the table. Leo tells MA that her heart is with Gabe and that she loves him and that she should try and work it out with Gabe. MA scoffs this in the beginning, but Leo persists and there is not a dry eye in the departmento.

Meanwhile, Dolores & Nic Nye the science guy are having a discussion about the merits of remote contols...Ahhh Demian Nic is on to you. Nic wants Dolores to go the police, but alas she can not until she makes sure Tiberto is not involved.

Demian is sittin around the Evil Mansion, in his study. He is running his finger around the top of a brandy sniffer, making the glass sing in a disturbing high pitch whine...Dogs thru out Mexico DF must be howling. As if summoning Tiberto, he appears, I'm expecting "you rang master?".

Demain tells Tiberto he must go see young Rog down in juvie hall the next day and express Demian's displeasure with Rog voting against the merger. Demian then says that he is going out. Tiberto is like "At this hour? Where are you going?" Poor Tiberto, I guess that Father & Son soapbox derby car is gonna have to be put off for another time. Demian answers he is just going out and tell Regina he had to go do some work. Demian leaves and Tiberto takes the glass and begins to make the sing..Ahhh Tiberto looks happy.

Demian is having dinner with her I mean cloying skanky Joselyn...yuck...she acting all breathless and sexy drinking her wine and Demian is seriously chomping at the bit...if he was any more excited that eyepatch woulda snapped like a sling-shot and possibly killed Joselyn across the table.

Nic & Dolores come into the Evil House and Regina comes down to greet them, alas the wife is always the last to know.

Gabe is at his apartment re-playing the office scene between he and MA for the thirty-fifth time in his head...He loves her...She will be his, oh yes she will be his. Then he thinks back on "Noche de Passion", ewwww not again, that whole thing just creeps me out, he is all sprawled on the bed. the Joselyn/MA interchanging....shut-up and stop wondering, some guys go their whole life waiting for something like that....No seriously, don't you think he should put the pieces together...Lord man, you can't remember anything, you are not an alcoholic nor a drug user...figure it out...for the Love of God, why can't Nic Nye Science Guy figure this out, he knows the details as Gabe will tell anyone who will listen.

Now in a hotel room Demian is buttoning up his shirt, skank Joselyn is sitting at the table. I know Demian does not look drugged, but I can't believe my Demian would do something like that. I have faith in you Demian, I know Joselyn led you astray.

Meanwhile MA is at the Good Mansion in bed with Luis David, she is yammering on and on to the kid about the whole Dad thing...for the love of Gawd the kid has enough to worry about with the bad heart.

The maid is down the hall with Joselyn's kid, who apparently never sleeps and cries like 24-7, MA comes in to see what's up. She takes the baby from the maid & profoundly states the baby has a fever, rushes out for meds and in the next scene the kid is sleeping like a little angel. That kid is some actor. MA feels a strange bond to the kid. She remarks on what a fine little kid he is.

JC & Paulina are celebrating their anniversary, by riding in a double decker tour bus thru Mexico DF...yeah whatever. Oh look there is the angel statue. That is the angel of Independence, right on the main drag Reforma, I got some awesome shots of the statue when we were stuck in endless traffic earlier this month. It appears to be pretty cold, but our lovebirds are sitting right up on top, not talking cause yes my figurines are crazy dancing again to the love song. So since they couldn't talk over the music, JC & Paulina just kiss alot. I am totally glad that the God's did not decide to make the statue fall on them.

Joselyn returns home, Miriam tries to talk to her, but she rushes upstairs...Oh no I just remember, Demian now has two jewels in the triple crown....if he nails Karen he has a trifecta.

Next day...Tiberio is talking to Rog at the prison. He tells him Demian is most displeased with Rog, then Tiberto is like "Have a Nice Day" snicker snicker.
He leaves and Coyote grabs Rog....Oh yeah Coyote wants to know about the Demian connection, cause Miriam, Joselyn & Demian have left him to rot in jail....Vengence, he is gonna tell all to Rog.

Once again at the office, Gabe is talking about how his kids are his primary concern. MA is a bit skittish, but I believe he is wearing her down. I believe he may wear her down as long as he doesn't bring up a threesome with Joselyn.

Now finally the Weird Sisters are gathered and cackling over a key to Otillas.


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 01/26/07: Payback is a B-tch Named Miriam

Gabe and Mariangela continue their spat. She's spatting and he's alternately listening and trying to reason with her. He's telling her she needs to chuck the hard, cruel act 'cause it just doesn't work with him. She plays the angry liberated woman who resents being called harsh when the same strength in men is considered a virtue. blah blah blah. Gabe tells her she is wrong to continue to punish him for something he cannot remember and doesn't believe he did knowingly (jumping in the sack with Joselyn and making babies, when he could hardly stand to be in the same room with her). He betrayed her and she will never forgive or forget. She thinks she's going to hit him hard with another sucker punch about the truth: "Ok. I was going to keep this to myself, but so that you can realize the depth of my pain...... Luis David is your son, but I will not allow you to have any control over him. I had him alone and I raised him alone." "Ah, so he is my son! I knew it!" He says he knows her too well and she knows he loves her and she loves him. He dares her to tell him that she still loves him. As they stare into each other's eyes she begins to weaken but the moment is lost when the doorbell rings and a gigantic bouquet of flowers arrives from......Demian. Gabe frowns as she reads the name on the card; at the same time Demian is smiling to himself that now the real destruction of his brother begins.

Otilia takes her average housewife models for their photo shoot.

Jos preens in front of the mirror and tells her mom she was right to throw Rogelio out on his ear for having robbed her. (Echh!! For once you really have to agree with these two. Disgusting, isn't it?)

Karen is worried that the designer's challenge date is nearing. Miriam says she has everything planned out. She says that she will get paid back what she's owed either from Rogelio or from Gabe, and nobody --but nobody-- plays around with her!

Later that day the two sets of member stockholders vote regarding the merging of their two construction companies. Nic takes the count and it is tied. Gabe has voted against it along with Rog and Jos and Pau.

At Demian's home dutifully diligent Dolores dusts the shelves in his office and she comes across something that looks like a giant television remote control taped behind a secret drawer. "Hmm. What's this?" (Apparently it's the remote control device that Demian used earlier to set off the explosions.....) She takes it with her it.

Mariangela must make the determining vote. She votes for the merger along with Demian, Regina, JC and Ti. Gabe seems to have expected as much. They all leave the board room and are accosted in the lobby by numbers of reporters all asking dopey questions. Right then the police show up with an arrest warrant for Rogelio for the charge of grand larceny. Gabe of course believes the charge is a mistake and there is no proof of this. So Gabe is impactado when he finds out the charge of stealing jewelry is from Miriam. "Joselyn, what is the meaning of this?" Her Oscar-worthy reply is, "I don't know, Gabe. Why, I am as surprised as you!" During the fray Juan Cristobal has a bout of nausea and weakness and asks Dolores - who just came out of the elevator-- to sneak him off to the hospital to see Leo in the ER and Leo immediately races him off to see the oncologist for a consultation. At the same time, Gabe and Nic follow the police out as Rog, screaming "Dad! Don't let them take me!" gets a free ride to jail from the Mexico City taxpayers. Mariangela has a momentary change of heart and stops Gabe on his way out to say that she will support him during this troublesome time. The gentleman in him says, "Thanks", but you just know he really wants to shove his fist in her mouth.

They arrive at the jail and Rogelio yells again to his daddy, "Don't let them lock me up!" Gabe is beside himself with worry. (No cable t.v. in Mexican prisons.) Nic says this is going to kick up a real scandal with the press having been there at the business ready and waiting. They figure Demian called them because somehow he knew ahead of time he'd win the vote. Finally Gabe gets to go in to speak with Rogelio. Rog, when asked about his side of the story, simply looks sheepishly at his feet while his father wastes time asking him to tell him the truth. It is obvious here from the way Rog looks down at his Gucci's what the truth is. Gabe loses his temper and yells at Rogelio: "What am I going to do with you? Is this the example I gave you? Is this the example I gave you????" (What? Gabe is shocked that his grown son is now a spoiled-rotten, rich, male-chauvinist playboy with a former stripper for an ex-wife and a gambling habit, with most all his shares in the business taken completely away from him and given over to her which resulted in his need for revenge and independence at all cost with the complete knowledge that his daddy's sense of honor and his big, fat fortune, would always buy him a way out of any jam? Hmm. --What? Gabe is still shocked? Oh, Gabe doesn't remember Rog's exemplar daddy having an ex-bitch-slut-trophy wife as well as a naive, ex-girlfriend his daughter's age, or each of their illegitimate kids he fathered, whom he's happy to "recognize" and to support while he treats his oldest son like his youngest? All this and Gabe is still shocked?) True to form, Rog has a gleem in his eye and a look on his face that shows he is silently waiting for his blind, deaf, and dumb father to chill out, put a plug in it, and pull out his damned wallet, which is eventually what happens. "But, you are my son so I'll take care of this, though you do not deserve it....." (Parents' famous last words!)

Nic tells Gabe afterward that there is nothing they can do except to get Miriam to recind the warrent and withdraw the charges. However, Miriam hasn't answered her phone at all. (You mean she still doesn't have call waiting on her phone down there? As rich as she is? Is Mextel that behind the times?) Gabe is really flustered now and yells that he's been trying to reach her by phone also and she isn't answering; he's going to look for her to speak with her in person.

Miriam gets another call from Jos who tells her to be prepared for Gabe's arguments since they came for his son and took him off to jail.

Mariangela is wise to Demian's flowers and dinner bribe. She shocks him by telling him in so many words she's knows what he's up to and that before she agrees to sign any of the merger documents she wants a thorough audit and examination of his company's books. It will avoid any nasty and unpleasant surprises. Now it's Demian's turn to be impactado. (None of us knew little Mariangela had it in her!)

Paulina notices that JC is missing and she and Regina look but don't find him anywhere. They find he has left his cell phone on his desk but has vanished from the office and the building. At the hospital, the oncologist explains to JC that what happened to him was normal and to be expected after taking radiology treatments. (PSA # 305. So do they get tax breaks every time they put one of those into the script?) The two women go to lend Gabe support at the jail. While there, Regina tries to cheer up Paulina by telling her that Demian and she have decided to give JC and her a second honeymoon trip as a 2nd anniversary present. (That seems to do the trick.) Pau starts jumping for joy.

Gabe goes over to see Miriam to clear things up. Miriam has a great time letting Gabe twist in the wind while she angrily tells him how Rog purposely set about stealing her jewels and replacing them all with fakes. She demands he reimburse her every centavo or his son will spend the rest of his days behind bars and the family's good name will suffer. Of course he offers her payment for the jewels if she revokes the warrant. She says to give her the check first and once she deposits it she'll get him released. He has no choice.

Jos and Miriam are back on the phone and Miriam says she'll get every cent back from Gabe, and will make Rog suffer in the meantime and for as long as she possibly can.

Afterward, Jos goes into Mariangela's office and complains to her about not loving Gabe after all since she voted against him in the stockholders' meeting. Mariangela yells at her and says pretty much, "Back off! I don't love him anymore. Duh, it's yesterday's news!"

Then Jos goes in to see Demian. They both gloat over their success in out-voting Gabe. Jos says everything went according to plan. Then she flirts with him and promises him some real action if he has an intimate celebration dinner with her that night. Demian gets so excited he cracks his pencil........

Back again at the office, Dolores and a stoic JC lie to Paulina and his mother saying that he took Dolores to the ER when she started to feel dizzy, something to do with low blood pressure. Pau changes the subject and tells JC about the anniversary gift of the second honeymoon. He thanks Regina.

Later in Mariangela's office, Mariangela tells Regina that she finally admitted to Gabe that Luis David is his, but she does not want him to get anywhere near him. She is very bitter about his betrayal with Jos. Regina is upset and tells her that Gabe couldn't have done something like that to her purposely. Mariangela answers back, "He did, though, and that is what counts, Regina! That is what counts!"

Tiberio complains to Dolores that he's seen her hugging on JC again. She tells him that she and JC have developed a caring relationship. She has open arms for him, too, any time he's ready to turn to her for support. He gets uncomfortable as she walks away.

Nic advises Gabe that Rogelio was transferred to the prison, where they will continue the procedings. Gabe says that cannot be because he has already paid Miriam what she wanted and she was supposed to withdraw the charges against him. So he rushes back over to Miriam's office to see what the problem was. Apparently she's just spent it on all the preparations for the designers' challenge with Otilia's group. Gabe comes rushing in and screams at her about why she didn't keep her end of the bargain. She says Rog is getting exactly what he deserves. He threatens to cancel the check and she says, unfortunately she already has cashed it. Then she gives in and goes with Gabe to the police station to withdraw the charges and gripes about it all as they leave.

Mariangela enters Tiberio's office and they argue about his not showing respect and getting up when a lady enters. He says she is still an employee to him. She answers that she is a voting member (and part-owner). She tells him she is having a full audit of their business done before signing the merger documents and she wants his report right away. If he doesn't understand then tell her and she'll talk to Demian about it.

Before Dolores leaves the office Regina tells her that she is worried about the way Paulina reacted when she couldn't find JC. "It's as if she suspects something is wrong with him." Dolores lies to her and says he is just fine. Regina says she believes it only because she is her friend and is saying this. She knows how much she loves her son and how she would not be able to stand it if anything happened to him. Dolores assures her that whatever happens she can count on her and her friendship.

JC and Pau return home. She says she was worried when he disappeared. He says he didn't feel like sticking around and Dolores asked him for help. They become very emotional about their love and life together when she asks where they should go for their second honeymoon. They think about returning to the same place they went the first time. He talks about the place where they began to share their life together. She wipes away his tears. "Tears of happiness" she tells him and the two kiss blissfully. Roll credits.......


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thursday, 1/25--Mundo de Fieras: Forget McSteamy, McDreamy and even McClueless. Meet MacJoselyn!

Gabe makes Rogelio quite a sweet little deal—he’ll help Rog out and return his shares—as long as he gives up the strip club business. The deal is tempting to Rogelio, although you can see his little thought bubble with free T & A on one side of the scale and shares in his boring day job on the other. A tough choice.

Leonardo guides JC into his treatment. Obviously Leo doesn’t work for an HMO since he only sees like 3 patients a day.

The big D and MacJoselyn (nice skin-hugging kilt) have a little back and forth (words and kisses) in the office. Demian pries himself free and tells her that she won’t manipulate him. The kiss was meaningless to him and, he says, to her.

Nicolas asks MA how work is going, she thanks him for some boring business books he loaned her and finally they get to the point of the damn scene…he asks about Gabriel and she continues the same song and dance that she doesn’t want to get between Gabe and his other son, who really needs him and that her son is fine just with her. Nicolas reminds her how happy she was when she met Clemente and that her son might benefit from having a relationship with his father as well (awwwww…..).

Rogelio goes to Joselyn’s office and tries to ask for help. When that doesn’t work he resorts to semi-blackmail (hey I know a lot about all your dirty deeds). She’s having none of it.

Love blooms between Cortito & Mayeya—he steals a kiss. Then as he’s dusting maniacally, he finds an envelope hidden under a drawer (Clemente’s will) and starts reading it. Mayeya tells him to re-hide it.

MA arrives home and hears Alex screaming his head off (which he’s really doing and seems kind of like illegal and icky in terms of child labor). She picks him up and he quiets right down.

Dolores & JC are at the office. She tells him he should have rested more at the hospital. He says he can’t or people will find out. She reiterates that Paulina & Regina would prefer to know the truth. He says no, they can’t know that he has leukemia. The long-lost Karen is at the door and hears the news. He asks her to keep it a secret…she promises and tells him to count on her for whatever he needs.

MA visits the novela priest and describes the feeling she has when she hears and holds Alex…He says it’s just because Alex is the same age as Luis David. Then he asks about Gabe…she admits that she still loves him but has decided to give him up.

Paulina visits JC, notices something’s not right, but believes his stupid excuse. He has his typical voice over that he loves her so much and doesn’t want her to suffer blah blah blah.

Rogelio is now whining at Tiberio about the deal that Gabe offered him. Apparently the free T & A won, because he asks Tiberio to just make it seem like he gave up the business. Miriam calls like a pesky bill collector and demands her money.

Gabe confronts D about Rog & Tib’s little strip club. D tells him to pipe down, they’re not kids and it’s a business. Gabe asks for D’s support to tell them to close it down. D refuses, saying that he’s not as morally inclined as Gabe. Enter Regina who, when hearing the situation agrees with Gabe, but realizes that since Tiberio isn’t her kid she can’t really stop him. Then D drops the J-E bomb (junta extraordinaria—emergency meeting) and explains his reasoning to Gabe who isn’t all too keen on the idea of merging the two companies. D tries to sweet talk him but Gabe’s jaw looks pretty locked.

MacJoselyn is in her office hitting the rewind button (over and over and over) on her and Demian’s kiss. She says to herself that Demain knows how to treat a passionate woman like herself.

Tiberio’s whining at Dolores that he saw her hugging JC. There is a therapist somewhere in Mexico City who could be making a lot of money on him. Later he’s trapped in the same room with JC and Paulina making out….ugh….but that could be three more billable sessions right there! Cha-ching!

Demian calls Joselyn into his office and they discuss Operation Unite and Conquer. If Gabe doesn’t go along with it, they’ll have to vote at the meeting. D’s not too worried, since he already has several votes including stupid Rogelio’s. Jos says, don’t trust that dummy. Then D wins the best line of the night award with, “I don’t trust anybody.”

Tiberio and Rogelio take their show on the road and are in Gabe’s office trying to convince him that Rog isn’t in the biz anymore. It works.

D invites MA out to dinner to discuss the benefits of the merge. She’s not into talking about business outside the office, but he persists.

MacJoselyn plays her part and goes to Gabe, telling him that she doesn’t trust D’s intentions in the merging of the companies.

Silvestre picks up a (finally) smiling Elsa from work at Otilia’s. They go out to a little restaurant and Silvestre tells her AGAIN that he loves her and wants her to be his girlfriend. She accepts, but with the condition that she might not love him. He’s psyched!

Miriam kicks Rogelio out of the house.

In the strangest anniversary dinner in the history of marriage, Regina and Gabe take Paulina and JC out to dinner and are joined by MA and Demian. Good times. Well no, actually awkward times. Later JC & Pau are kissing back at home and JC runs off…he’s forgotten something…oh, he’s forgotten the mariachis. How sweet.

Back at Gabe’s bachelorpad, Gabe’s feeling sorry for himself and remembering his artful seduction of the once innocent MA. Back at the big house, Mariangela is remembering the same scene and telling herself that it can only be a distant memory.

The next morning, Gabe arrives at the big house and he and Mariangela do their usual verbal sparring. He’s remembering the woman he once knew, she tells him that she doesn’t exist, he says I don’t believe you. He asks why she’s speaking so harshly. She answers that it’s weird that if a man speaks like that it’s a sign of strength but when a woman does it’s a defect. Anyway, she’s doing it for her son’s and her own survivial. He says, don’t worry, I’ll always protect you guys. Mariangela says pshaw, do you really think I’ll trust you again, after you broke my heart and betrayed me—I’ll never let that happen again. Then she says, see, you don’t really know me and what I’m capable of. He’s bemused—which is probably not the effect she was going for.


Mundo -- Wednesday, January 25

>> Ok, so we last left JC getting the horrible, but somewhat predictable news, that he has Leukemia. He is in shock… and as a side note, he actually does a pretty good acting job in this episode… all his scenes deal in some way with this ailment and for a novela actor he does a really good bit of acting, imho… anyway, I digress…

>>Rogelio’s Office<<

>> Tiberio, from here on out known as Tib, want’s to know where Rog got his money for the stocks he’s buying from Dam… He gives Tib some excuse about his salary, which Tib doesn’t buy and then says he’s got his secrets.

>> Desperate for money, Miriam tries sell off some more of her jewelry but to her shock and horror they are also fakes! The jeweler is p-o’d that she has come to him again with worthless junk… she just can’t believe it and is incredulous.

> JC cries, Dolores comforts him, he literally balls. He tells Dol and Leo that he doesn’t want his mom and Pau to find out about his illness. Leo says it’s better if they know but he won’t spill… Leo says a “medula” (bone marrow, I think) transplant from his mom is what JC needs but with her heart condition he thinks there would be complications. (I don’t know why they ruled out his Dad, Dam… I don’t even remember them bringing him up… anyway,) JC says NO WAY, he won’t let his mom risk her life for measly him

>> Joz, dressed in a school-girl getup (red-plaid skirt, white blouse with black fluffy tie) waltzes into Dam’s office and compliments him on his steps to making the company into one enterprise… apparently he must have a “plan,” I’m guessing to take over or something, wink-wink, just a guess… he laments about MA having to sign off on anything like that, Joz suggests running the idea by goody-goody Regina… he smiles, she smiles and they make evil-lusty goo-goo eyes at each other…

>> Dolores wipes off tears before she walks into MA & LD’s room in the mansion. MA notices Dol is teary and asks her about it… oh, nothing, you get to work and leave the little munchkin to me, she basically tells her… MA heads out… Dol thinks - what Regina will do when she finds out about JC’s Leukemia?

>> Meanwhile, JC is lying to Pau about his condition being anemia…. They hug and kiss in slow motion and he looks mournful.

>> Back at the office <<

>> Dam comes into MA’s office, he wants a cordial relationship, and she looks suspicious. He asks about little LD’s health… She is short with him, he says he just came by to give her a little visit, then he skeedattles. She thinks to herself that he’s up to more than just saying “hey.”

>> JC ruminates about his will to fight for his and Pau’s love as he watches her work. Leo calls – interrupting JC's thoughts- to tell him they want to start the radiation (?) treatment. He can’t talk, because Pau is there, but agrees quietly to meet him.

>> Gab remembers his last conversation with MA – she refusing to admit his paternity of LD… MA, in her office, also is remembering their conversation, que coinkidink…

>> Regina goes to see Dam – he shows Reg his “balance sheet” she says it looks good… He says he’d like to make the two constructoria’s into one big happy family constructoria… she loves the idea of a peaceful harmonious family business… (We’ll see about that!)

>> MA, Joz & Gab meet in his office. He says if they can talk some investors into financing the company they can be the leaders in their industry – he’s very happy and all excited. He wants all of them to meet with the prospective investors for a lunch meeting that afternoon. MA says she can’t possibly, he lecturers her about her responsibility working there… Joz says he shouldn’t make her… MA says she’ll go.

>> Silvestre goes to see Leo and tell him he and Elsa kissed and she didn’t reject him. Leo says she’s gonna work for Otilia, Silvestre thinks Gods been listening. They are all happy and smiley.

>> That was a nice segue so now we’re in Otilia’s office where she tells Elsa that, thanks to Candy, she has a job there… she’s very stern with her and sends her off to go learn her job.

>> MA thanks Candy (por telefono) for watching LD while she goes to this luncheon. Candy is happy to do it. After the phone call, MA does some thinking but I can’t read my notes, so I’m not sure what she was thinking about… maybe Dam letting her have it about her job responsibilities. Anyhoo…

>> Regina goes to see JC in his office, he gives her the lie that he has anemia. Some sort of sexto-sentido is going on and she can tell something more is up and lets him know she would do anything for him, even die. He tells her not to worry… she thanks God that she has him as a son. He has a pinched look on his face as they embrace.

>> Meanwhile, Miriam is fuming about her fake jewelry and has her four servants lined up. She tells them she’s been robbed, she thinks it’s them and she’s gonna have them sent to the big house for the rest of their lives. Some of them start crying… Mayaya steps up and says she saw Rogelio in Miriam’s bedroom getting jewelry out of her safe but she didn’t want to overstep her bounds and cause trouble by telling anyone… Chappito(she skinny boyfriend) steps up and says it’s true, Mayaya told him about it too… Miriam paces back and forth thinking, Rog is gonna PAY!!!

>> In the meanwhile, Rogelio is collecting his shares that he’s just bought from Dam with the money he collected from stealing and selling Miriams jewels. Dam hands them to him and he’s astonished to see how few all that money bought him. Dam reminds him that his stock is expensive, plus they’re rivals, and anyway, doesn’t Rog remember Raquel, that chick they were both having affairs with back at the beginning of the show. Dam’s mad that Rog was with his girl (which Dam had whacked btw, but he doesn’t mention that) Rog thinks they should just forget about that, it was a long time ago. Dam says “never.” Dolores just happens to walk up to the half open door to hear Dam let Rog know that no one messes with him, (Dam,) and if they do they pay a high price. Dolores scoots off realizing Dam is the same evil guy as ever. JC asks Dol to take him to his radiation therapy later. They hug just as Tib comes around the corner, still out of their sight but can see them embrace. He stomps off looking upset.

>> Miriam paces back and forth thinking about how Rog is gonna pay for stealing her jewels. She picks up the phone to call someone.

>> Rog has just told Tib about how little stock shares he got from Dam. Tib reminds him to forget about it and not mess with his dad (Dam) when Rog’s phone rings… it’s Miriam.

>> Dolores goes to Nick with the news that Dam is the same ol’ evil thing he always was; He says he knows it. Dam just appears to have changed his ways but his evilness knows no limit. Dol says same with Miriam and Joz and postulates that, hey, maybe they’re all in these unexplainable evil deeds together! Nick looks pensive.

>> JC has set up a romantic dinner for Pau, she’s thrilled and they make goo-goo eyes at each other. She says she hopes that life never separates them and he says that her love will give him the strength to confront anything life throws at him. The seriousness of his words worries Pau… He gets a little teary and says nothing is wrong, he just lives for her and she gives him life. They make out.

>> Miriam is sitting at her desk drinking when Rog comes in… Bouncing in merrily he butters her up by asking her what he can do for her? She looks so nice today… blah, blah. She just smiles fiera-like and heads toward him, her face changes to anger and tells him to knock it off, she knows him too well. Then she lays it on him that she knows it was him that stoll her jewels and replaced them with fakes… he’s stunned, she slaps him TWICE – bam, bam… he’s shocked and sore.

>> Gab, Joz, MA and the two investors are at their luncheon. Joz (still wearing her school girl outfit) brings up the health of little LD, a very business like thing to do, they talk about MA being a single mom. Just so happens that the cute investor’s mother was a single mom, too, and he’s got a ton of respect for MA going it alone. He didn’t have a father and a father doesn’t equal love. He can tell from her resilience that she’s gonna do great raising her son alone. Joz can’t stop herself and rubs it in that “her” son is healthy and has nothing in common whatsoever with MA’s son. They all toast, clinking glasses and MA looks upset.

>> Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Rogelio is panicking – Miriam wants her jewels back, PRONTO! She threatens him with prison for the rest of his life if he doesn’t cough them up right away!

>> Back at the restaurant with MA & everyone… The investors are about take off, the cute one with the single mom, heaps compliments on MA for taking on the responsibility of being a single mom. The investors leave then Joz rubs MA's single mother status in a bit more… MA says she accepts the compliment for single mothers everywhere and takes off. Gab watches her go looking admiringly… then he and Joz take off, too.

>> Rogelio barges into Dam’s office wanting his money back for the shares he just bought. Dam says no-way, that’s not how business words. He offers his part in the business he shares with Tibero just as Gab walks in, who promptly demands, “What business with Tiberio?” Rog looks lide he’s about to collapse from the stress of it all… the cat has got Rog’s toung so Gab tells Dam he just came to let him know how the meeting with the investors went and then orders Rog to the principles office, I mean, to his office… and takes off without telling Dam anything about the investor meeting. Rog sulks out of Dam’s office and Dam looks evilly pleased.

>> Miriam has just told Joz about Rog’s betrayal – Joz starts pacing and damning him because of him Miriam had to sell her, Joz’s jewels, she starts to head off to rip him a new you-know-what but Miriam stops her, says she has a plan. She wants to blackmail Gab by threatenng to put Rog in prison for the rest of his life unless Gab give them what they want. Joz smiles evilly.

>> In Gab’s office, Rog tells Gab that he and Tib have “un antro,” the best translation I could find for that is a whole in the wall… so a hole in the wall "what" I don’t know. So I’m not sure if Rog lied about the kind of business they had or not. I think so because usually they call it a “table dance” business. So if anyone knows I would love to find out what that means… but Gab tells him that he’ll give him, Rog, back all his shares if he gets rid of this business… Rog salivates.

>> Leo and JC go into the room where JC is getting his treatment… there are a lot of shots of JC getting his treatment.

>> [sexy music plays] Joz comes into Dam’s office. He looks “hungrily” at her. She has the same hungry fiera look. She asks if he’s talked with Regina (which you would think would sober him up, but doesn't) – he says she loved the idea of consolidating the two constructorias into one (hmmm metaphor here?) Anyway, they move close to each other – she circles him then grabs him… they kiss fiercely… she asks him if he likes her kisses, he grows (or groans or grunts, one of those) then pushes her down and they start kissing furiously, intimating that they… you know…

>> fin -- hasta mañana


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - Jan. 23, 2007

* Tiberio is in his office remembering his temper tantrum at the home office and Dolores handing him the report she found in the trash. He looks at the report in his hands as he remembers that she waited to have dinner with him. He wonders if she really does love him.

* Jossie visits Gabriel in his office. He tells her that LD was rushed to the hospital last night, and that he stayed with MA the whole time. Jossie is shocked about LD, and reminds him that MA doesn't want anything to do with him and has said repeatedly that LD isn't his. She says that he is dreaming of something that will never happen. Jossie leaves. Gabriel starts to remember all the times MA had said that LD wasn't his son and wonders if it's true.

* Otilia works on Candy's fitting for the style show as Di and Soraya help with the other models. Otilia and Candy talk about MA and LD's health scare last night; then they discuss the show and the publicity. Candy is excited. In the middle of the conversation, Otilia sticks Candy with a pin (accidentally of course).

* Miriam thinks about Jossie's stern warning about not selling anymore of her jewelry to save the design house. Ingrid enters to tell her about Otilia's style show. Miriam can't believe the luck Otilia is having.

* MA talks on the phone with Leo as LD plays in his crib. MA hangs up as Candy stops by to visit. Candy plays tug-o-war with LD.

* Rogelio enters the palace and sprints upstairs. Mayeya hears his footsteps and follows him upstairs. Rogelio goes straight into Miriam's bedroom and to the safe box. Mayeya spies on Rogelio through the door. She is shocked and leaves. When he has what he came in for, he closes the safe and leaves.

* Tweet sits in the kitchen as Mayeya enters. She sits down and tells Tweet that she just saw Rogelio in Miriam's safe box again. Tweet thinks they should just leave it alone, it isn't their problem.

* Rogelio smiles and is pleased with himself as he leaves the palace.

* Tweet changes the subject and jokes around with Mayeya about her appearance in the style show.

* On the stairs, MA and Candy talk about her fitting for the style show. Miriam enters the palace and isn't in a very good mood. Candy antagonizes her with mention of being a model in Otilia's style show. Miriam insults Candy - Candy argues back - Miriam goes upstairs still throwing insults at Candy. When Miriam has disappeared from view, Candy talks with MA about knowing more than enough about Miriam's cold heart. Candy confides in MA that Miriam is Leo's real mother. MA is shocked. (Candy you are such a blabber mouth.) MA hugs Candy and is in disbelief about Miriam and Leo. Candy says it's true and they both wonder about what Leo's reaction may be when and if he finds this out. Candy leaves as soon as Gabriel enters. MA says Jossie isn't there. Gabriel wants to have a paternity test on LD to determine once and for all if he is the father.

* Regina visits JC in his office. She sees that he doesn't look well and asks him. He says not to worry, he's just tired that's all. She smiles, kisses his forehead and leaves. JC has another dizzy spell.

* Gabriel asks again for a paternity test. MA is offended and refuses to permit it. Gabriel continues to press for it. She is adamantly opposed to his having anything to do with her and her son. He thinks all this animosity is a front for her true feelings. He loves her and he thinks she still loves him. She stays silent as he leaves. She prays for strength not to melt into Gabriel's arms.

* Rogelio meets with Uncle Demian about buying his shares in the company. Demian is busy now but if Rogelio is serious he can stop by the mansion and discuss with tonight with him and Tiberio. Rogelio is unsure of Gabriel's reaction to this deal. Demian assures him. He agrees. Before Rogelio leaves, Demian asks where he is getting the money - Rogelio isn't specific.

* Candy prays to her home altar. Leo comes out asking for help choosing a tie. He reminds her to scoot outside - for wardrobe and make-up preparations. He gives her a blessing. Before she leaves, he jokes around and puts a book on her head. She takes it off and leaves. Leo laughs, then he shakes his head and says, "Ay, Mamacita."

* Elsa is frustrated by her job search, and stops by a liquor store. She stands at the door and thinks about taking just one drink. Sylvester finds her and talks her out of it. He gives her a pep talk to stay strong and clean. He wants her to feel like she can lean on him for support. She tells him to stop it. He loves her too much to stop and leans in to kiss her - she turns her head to refuse.

* Otilia, Di and Soraya supervise the final preparations before the style show. Otilia is nervous and Di and Soraya give her a pep talk. (The style show location is the De Lara apartment complex courtyard.)

* When the mariachi band stops playing, Otilia takes the stage to give her introduction speech for the style show. During the show, Leo, Tweet and Sylvester give catcalls and commentaries from the audience to the ladies and the fashions. Mayeya appears twice: once in a red sundress, then in a black elegant evening gown. Candy appears at the end in a black evening top and skirt. Leo hands her a yellow carnation from one of the flower arrangements on the side of the stage. Ingrid spies on the show from behind a column.

* After the show, Leo, Candy, Otilia, Tweet, Mayeya, Di and Soraya laugh and celebrate the style show's success. Leo leads Candy to the dance floor, Tweet and Mayeya follow them. Everyone dances to the mariachi band (it's party time).

* At the palace, MA talks with LD. Dolores will be there soon to take care of him. She leaves the room. Gabriel sneaks in and starts talking to LD saying he's his "Papa". Gabriel picks LD up from the crib and hugs and kisses the child. MA returns and is upset by Gabriel holding LD. Gabriel says that he knows without a doubt that LD is their son, his and MA's. She is still upset. MA pulls LD from Gabriel's arms and puts him back in the crib. Gabriel still thinks he's right. MA again explains that he is totally and completely wrong and has overstepped his bounds again. LD is her son, her's alone and her son doesn't need a father figure in his life. Gabriel can't believe she has changed at all - she goes into her lecture about how she did change due to all the circumstances and events she's had to deal with in her life. Gabriel tries to seduce her. She continues to stand her ground against him. She then reminds him about Jossie and their child together. Gabriel claims to not remember anything. She is still hurt and refuses to buy it as an excuse. She tells him to leave - he does so.

* Gabriel visits CB in his crib. Jossie enters the room and scolds him about his continued interest in MA and LD. He claims the children are brothers. She is offended by Gabriel's comments, picks CB up and carries him out of the room.

* Ingrid is livid as she returns to Miriam's office to report about the style show and shows Miriam all the rave reviews Otilia is receiving. As Miriam reads the articles, Ingrid pressures her to produce an equally successful style show or they will go out of business. Miriam rips up the newspapers.

* In the office, Otilia and Candy discuss Candy's image as a model. Candy loves her rich mexican food too much to diet and give them up.

* Sylvester continues to ask Elsa to give him a chance. She continues to refuse and walk away from him.

* JC and Dolores sit in Leo's office talking as they wait for the exam results. Leo enters with a worried look on his face. They ask if he's received the results. Leo sits down at the desk and prepares them for the news.

* Miriam looks at the remaining jewelry and hopes it will be sufficient for her to mount a challenge to Otilia's style show.

* Rogelio and Demian are in a meeting in Demian's office about Rogelio's share purchase. Rogelio laughs at the thought of Gabriel's reaction.

* Leo tells JC and Dolores the shocking results - JC has leukemia.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Mundo de Fieras 01/22/07 Grey's Anatomy only without McDreamy, McSteamy, but with McClueless

Well this episode was full of drama, angst and medical problems... It was kinda like Grey's Anatomy only non of the medical staff was hawt and I did not see a single one groping either a patient or another medical personal.

Now on with our story....we begin with a refresher on Regina whining to Gabe, who then barges in to Demian's office right in the middle of a Turf War between Demian and Joselyn. Gabe starts yelling at Demian (yeah like that is gonna work), about how Gabe just can't allow Demian to abuse (I guess verbally) Regina over Demian's insane jealousy of his somewhat more physically fit, but mentally stunted twin brother. Joselyn has retired to a chair and looks like she could use some popcorn and a coke, she is all into the drama. Demain punches Gabe who counters with a body blow...nearly knocking Demian off his remaining good leg....Regina comes rushing in, she will divorce Demian if this crazy jealousy doesn't stop. Gabe declares he loves only one woman and that of course is sweet lil MA. Regina wants to talk to Demian, so Gabe excuses himself (of course there is more male posturing and chest puffing) and Regina tells Joselyn to hit the road.

Time for tears and cue up Percy "Whennnnnn a man", you know the rest. What about the happy times they have built? Demian is destroying this, Regina only loves Gabe as a brother.
Tears.....Demian has to get a grip....Regina leaves..

Like five seconds later, Gabe is all chuckles in MA's office. He's like Babe we need to talk...She's like I got nothin to say to you. He is all into discussing the groping kiss of the last episode. She tells him she does not love him. Ahhhhhh your "Boca" is saying no....but your "Ojos" are saying yes yes yes. He loves her and only her. MA wants him to just leave her in Peace....Personally I am having a little problem with have a guy's kid, you believe he was also boinking his crazy wife, you want everyone to believe he's not the let me see, you move back into his wife's house and work at his company....Ahhhhh this plan is so subtle it's flawless.

Meanwhile Paulina & JC are in his office, getting their daily exercise patting themselves and each other on the back over what fine architects or whatever they are. Now JC has this special evening planned for them...and only them at their favorite eatery...Hugs, kisses, mi amors everywhere.

I forgot, but at the beginning Nic was telling MA about Dolores, it seems he is enamored with Dolores, yet has not acted on his feeling because of Tiberto. ****Yes Nic I've seen this many times on Dr. Phil, you just have to bide your time until Tiberto finishes school....Wait a minute Tibero is like 57 years old, he's is seriously like seventeen years older than his mother****
Anyhow, MA thinks Dolores is a swell Mom and all round great gal.

Now on to Dolores and Nic, he is re-enforcing good karma and telling Dolores that Tiberto will come around.

Later Dolores is just hanging around the dark mansion when Tiberto comes home. "How was school today Son?" "Grrrrr," Tiberto counters. "Well hows bout some good healthy food?" Dolores queries "We could have dinner together, like we could of over the past 20 years, if you would of ever come to see me in the Big House." Okay Okay she didn't mention the Big House. In a true Hallmark moment Tiberto has a change of heart and agrees to eat with Dolores.

Okay now we see Leo is babysitting the kid, MA's kid. "Oh you are not my son by blood, but I am your father in ever other way." ****I swear I want to patent this guy and sell him****, would a Leo not just be the perfect introductory gift for joining the Otilla man-eaters club? Just think he babysits, he cleans, he bedazzels... Fast forward to Leo conked out on the couch and one of those kid's talking books droning on and on....I guess he feel asleep while reading it himself cause the kid is off sleeping in the bedroom. MA comes by to pick up the kid and Leo makes subtle remarks about their relationship, which MA getting free babysitting chooses to ignore.

Cut to Candleabra & Leo doing runway walks thru the living room...Elsa slips in just before Leo goes into a full "Queer Eye for the Straight Mom" routine. Elsa is disheartened she could find no work. So Leo pulls out this paper and alcoholic gave is the "Lord help me change" thing.
There isn't a dry eye in the apartment. Candy asks for a copy.

Now we go to the eatery, Paulina & JC are the only customers, a man is playing a violin, ****they are so happy, it makes me realize how grey and dismal my own violin free life is****Now they are into some deep kissing, while the band plays on...I gotta insert here that I admire those guys for being about to play while some Chatty Cathy's are sitting there rambling on and on and still on about all this personal stuff and making out like the violin guy isn't even there...Personally I couldn't do it there is just way too much mockability there. Now we cut to the happy couple in bed, candles, blah, blah, blah...their annoying theme song sounding...apparently this is like a freaking marathon..and the band plays on.

Cut to Gabe sitting alone in his apartment...he is all depressed having lost the endorpins from playing tonsil hockey earlier with MA...he rethinks the whole I love you, that's my kid thing, Gabe decides to leave and gathers up his coat and keys and takes off.

Joselyn is trying to get her "son" to knock it off and get some sleep, she mentions it is the 5th nite in a row. What are they paying that chubby chick for? I say get better help, the kid starts in with what appears to be a long night of whining and crying.

MA awakens startled from a sound sleep, she approaches the crib, OH NO....the baby is Blue.....She picks the kid up.

MA is carrying the kid and running down the street, she stops a car...OMG it's Gabe NO, Yes I am not kidding, what are the odds, why something like one in 20 million.
They take off for the hospital.

MA & Gabe hit the hospital, MA is in hysterics, the doctor takes the baby and MA & Gabe go off to pray to the Virgen Mary to help lil Luis David out.

Joselyn now appears in MA room, hmmmmm no one is home, she picks up the baby blanket and takes a deep sniff...subtle, yeah we get it, the blanket belongs to her genetic kid and that other brat won't shut-up and go to sleep.

Meanwhile back at the hospital, it seems there is something wrong with the circulation in the baby's heart and he will always have to struggle to survive.
MA & Gabe go back and watch over the baby who is in a crib with an oxygen tent over it...Kudos, to lil Luis David cause he gave a huge hacking cough at this point...fine acting son.
Gabe keeps talking about how it is their kid.

JC wakes up in a sweat, he is weak...Paulina Paulina...JC is muy mal.

Next morning the baby is better...MA thanks Gabe for supporting her during this crisis, but affirms yet again, it is not his son.

Joselyn comes in and she and Demian plan a scheme, she then gives Demian a kiss....
She leaves and Demian laughs saying, "Ah Joselyn you are very dangerous, but I am more dangerous." ***anvil***

JC is leaving for work and Paulina is floating around in the afterglow of their marvelous night of lovemaking, perhaps they made a baby....JC must leave and Paulina pouts no no no...once he is gone she places her hands on her abdomen, dreaming of a baby.

Oh No JC hasn't gone to work, he has gone to the hospital, where ever Leo is running a serious of tests...this can't be good...***anvil***

This episode ends with Joselyn mentioning to Gabe that MA & the baby were not at the house...knowing fully well they were in the hospital. Gabe tells her the baby was critical and was in the hospital and he spent the night there. Joselyn berates him and tells him once again...."You are so not the Daddy." "You have a perfectly good kid with me"

Poor Gabe....the look of confusion.
Ahhhh McClueless


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mundo de Fieras - Jan. 19, 2007 let the battles begin


* MA brings Otilia into the living room of the palace - everyone looks at them as Otilia starts to talk non-stop first to MA, then she says hello to Miriam and Karen, Miriam seems less than thrilled to see her. Gabriel tells Jossie that he would like to visit with their son before dinner and Jossie happily escorts him upstairs. MA looks disappointed and upset.

* In the bedroom nursery, Gabe hugs and kisses CB (for the sake of my own notetaking, I am naming the little lad "CB", abbreviation of his last name Cervantes Bravo). Jossie is all smiles and giggles as she watches the two together.

* Rogelio and Tiberio are drinking at their strip club, Rogelio brings up Dolores being in love with Nick - Tiberio hates that idea.

* Otilia expounds about her trips and the chefs who cooked such delicious meals - Miriam is bored and tells her politely to shut up about the past, she would rather live in the present. Jossie seconds the thought. Otilia changes the subject of her sermon to the competing design houses, and she makes the grand gesture of having a joint style show and Miriam can be the head designer. Miriam is unsure (hates the idea of working with Otilia) however Karen insists that it is a great idea and convinces her grandmother to agree to it. Once Miriam says okay, Otilia starts planning - Dolores gives her opinions - MA and Jossie roll their eyes at the same time.

* At MA's apartment, MA thanks Candy for agreeing to babysit LD for her. Candy leaves to get something from her apartment. MA walks into the other room for a minute. Just long enough for Gabriel to stroll in and start playing with LD. MA returns and is shocked and mortified to see Gabriel there - she asks what he is doing; he says playing with his son; she picks up LD and says he isn't your son and asks him to leave; Gabriel is focused, determined and stubborn and refuses to leave.

* JC and Pau are eating breakfast at their apartment. JC starts to stand up to finish getting ready for work and has a major dizzy spell.

* MA and Gabriel argue about whether Gabe is the father or not - Leo enters and overhears the argument - Leo sides with MA says that he is the father not Gabriel. Gabriel doesn't buy it and asks to speak with Leo alone. MA leaves with LD. Gabriel thanks Leo for all he had done for him and Luisito. Leo says you're welcome but it isn't necessary, he was doing his job. Gabriel brings the conversation back to the subject of LD's paternity - Leo says it is true he is the father - Gabriel doesn't believe Leo and thinks that he is covering in order to protect MA.

* Pau tries to convince her hubby JC to go to the hospital or Leo's clinic for an exam. JC kisses Pau and says he will be fine - he doesn't need to see a doctor.

* Soraya and Di are laughing as Otilia tells them about the dinner party last night at the palace, and the joint style show idea she got Miriam to agree to. They also discuss how MA is doing with her work and her son LD.

* In Candy's apartment, MA is venting her worries to Candy about the conversation Leo and Gabriel are having in her apartment as they watch LD play on the sofa.

* In MA's apartment, Leo and Gabriel are still deep in their conversation about why Leo feels the need to cover and protect for MA and LD. Leo tells Gabriel to go home and worry about Jossie and his son CB, and to give CB his last name. Gabriel tells Leo that he only loves one woman and that is MA, and then Gabriel leaves.

* Miriam and Ingrid are in the office talking about Otilia's style show idea.

* Otilia is back on-line blogging her advice column. Soraya interrupts her session to show her some new designs which gets Otilia thinking about the big style show again.

* In Candy's apartment, Candy and Elsa sit at the table - Elsa is frustrated about her poor luck in finding employment - Candy gives her support and blessing before Elsa leaves to try again. After Elsa leaves, the phone rings - it's Soraya.

* MA brings LD back to her apartment. As MA and Leo play with LD on the sofa, Leo informs MA about his conversation with Gabriel. They exchange worried serious looks.

* Gabriel is in his office thinking about what Leo just told him. Jossie and Karen enter - Jossie is so excited to start working at the construction company and asks if Karen can work there also - Karen explains that it will be part-time of course, and then tells Gabriel about her professors and her design classes in Paris. Gabriel agrees to the request. They happily leave the office.

* Candy visits MA and LD in MA's apartment. MA explains to Candy that she isn't about to give up her inheritance in anyway, and she will always keep the apartment as her own little refuge.

* Tiberio is in the home office working - he gets frustrated when he can't find something important and starts to yell and throw a fit. Dolores enters to try and calm him down and help - Tiberio yells at her to leave as he searches frantically for the important item. Finally he calms down when he finds it in the house complex model on the desk. Dolores smiles and then leaves.

* Demian and Regina are in Demian's business office talking. She is disgusted by his abusive jealousy and gives him an ultimatum. Demian changes into nice sweet Demian and apologizes. Regina smiles and accepts it. Demian asks Regina to lunch.

* Rogelio, alone in his office, thinks about Demian's offer and laughs to himself.

* Miriam, Jossie and Karen are gathered in Miriam's design office. Jossie and Karen talk about the plan against MA - Miriam isn't paying attention because she is more worried about her business. Jossie brings up Miriam's sale of her jewelry - Jossie and Karen both agree there will be no more jewelry sales to save the business. As they leave, Jossie frustrates her mom even more by mentioning that Otilia could just rise above her in business, and then she purrs.

* In her office, Otilia talks with Candy about modeling again for her big style show.

* Elsa is pounding the pavement and having no luck in finding work. She passes by a liquor store, stops to look at the bottles in the window, and then runs away fast.

* Dr. Leo is at his clinic examining a patient "Don Jose Luis." Leo listens to Don Jose Luis talk about his fears and need to get help in order to continue to work. Leo calms and comforts him, and then pulls out his cell phone to call AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) to make an appointment for Don Jose Luis.

* Dolores meets with Otilia, MA, Soraya and Di in Otilia's office. They agree to help MA become the best designer ever - MA happily accepts the assistance and says she also wants to rise above all her enemies.

* Jossie meets with Tiberio in Tib's office. Tiberio is still laughing and enchanted by the commotion of MA's return. Jossie changes his tune as she circles around him and convinces him and Rogelio to support her always.

* Rogelio wanders into Miriam's bedroom at the palace - he makes a bee-line straight for the wall safe. As he is opening the lock, Mayeya pokes her head in the doorway and spies on him taking more jewelry from the safe and putting it in his pockets. She sneaks away before he notices. He locks the safe and leaves hoping no one sees him.

* Jossie goes to meet with Demian in his office - she tells him her plan against MA and wants his support. He laughs and says he has to think about. Regina enters and interrupts. Demian wishes Jossie luck in her work at the company. Jossie leaves.

* In the kitchen at the palace, Mayeya (who can't keep a secret) tells Tweet what she just saw Rogelio doing in Miriam's bedroom. Mayeya is worried and asks Tweet for advice. Tweet says not to do anything at the moment and calms her down. She kisses him.

* MA meets with Gabriel in his office - MA thinks it is about work - he wants to discuss LD being his son - MA is frustrated and tells him to stop talking about it - Gabriel is determined and stubborn, he pulls her close, wraps his arms around her and as she tries to wriggle free, his lips overtake hers and she melts into kissing him. It only lasts briefly - MA breaks free and slaps Gabriel hard. She tells him never to try that again and flees from the office. She seeks privacy in her office to recollect herself and her strength.

* At the same time, Gabriel is sitting in his office, smiling, thinking MA does still love him. Jossie interrupts his thought bubble by bringing CB in for a visit. MA opens the door to the office and watches the happy family moment inside.

* MA returns to her office and thinks there is no way she will ever separate Gabriel from CB. Then she thinks about CB and starts to feel something strange in her gut instinct.

* Jossie and CB visit Karen in her office and Jossie tells her about their visit with Gabriel. Karen confides her thoughts about how her plan to get JC is progressing. Jossie and CB leave.

* Demian and Regina have a private lunch together at a restaurant. They kiss and then Regina's cell phone rings interrupting the moment. Regina just has to answer it. As soon as she says "Gabriel" and Gabriel starts to talk with her, Demian gets angry, hurt and jealous again. He yells for the check and says they will go back to the office because Gabriel is more important to her that he is. Demian storms out. Regina is in shock.

* JC has another dizzy spell in his office. As he braces himself on a desk, Karen enters to office. JC tries to recover his balance as he asks her what she's doing there. Pau enters at that moment - shocked to see Karen - and asks her the same question JC just asked. Karen explains how Gabriel agreed to let her have a part-time job there at the company.

* Nick meets with MA in her office - first they discuss business and her work then she brings up his love for Dolores - he says he declared his love for her but Tiberio is a huge road block for their relationship. MA explains Dolores' viewpoint as a mother.

* Regina cries as she enters Gabriel's office and tells him about Demian.

* Demian, in a foul mood, meets Jossie in his office. They exchange barbs and threats. As Jossie declares war between them, Gabriel bursts in and starts to attack Demian. Gabriel throws Demian out of the business and then he slugs his brother to the ground. As the fight starts to heat up, Regina enters to break it up.

PROGRAM NOTE: Univision Saturday movie for tomorrow, Jan. 20, is "Por La Libre", starring MLDB's Nandito Jr. and Alej Tomassi (Felipe, Alborada)


Friday, January 19, 2007

Mundo de Fieras--Thursday, 1/18/2007

Tiberio is being his usual creepy self as he tells Rogelio about Mariangela crashing the meeting. He says she’s no longer provincial or simple but a real hottie.

Mari and Gabe are arguing about the paternity of Luis David (oh, I get it). Jos comes in and butts in, telling him that Mari’s changed and that he should know she came back from that trip to Paris pregnant. Gabe won’t hear of it…sure she looks different (um, scarier) and acts different but she’s still the same wonderful person. Mari asks Gabe to leave so that she and Jos can chat. The girls get in each other’s fact and tell each other to bring it on (and on, and on, and on…)

Karen comes in and asks Paulina where her mom is. She tells her she’s in with Gabe & Mari. Karen commences massive eye-rolling. Then tells Paulina not to worry about her friendship with JC, because it is just that…a friendship, since he is the only person who understands her. Paulina suggests she see a priest or, even better, a shrink. Finally, Paulina gives her permission for Karen to ask JC for advice.

Rogelio is having a hissy fit in Demian’s office. He’s pissed that Mari’s there and he’s not getting a bigger piece of the company pie. He asks for some shares and kind of threatens Demian that he has to help him out. Sure, says D, I’ll sell you some, but it’ll cost a lot of money…do you have it? Heh heh heh.

Gabe and Nicolas (I can never remember that loser’s name!) are chatting about MA. Nicolas helped her out, and Gabe says continue to support her. Gabe continues on that he believes the child is his and will fight to be near him. Nic says it’s going to be a long fight, because she’s a wounded fiera. Gabe’s ready and knows their love will be as good as before…even better.

The blond raccoons are having lunch and chatting about Mari…how she’s changed and how to deal with her. They are going to have a dinner and work on manipulating stupid Gabe.

Regina is cooing over the kid (who is pretty darn cute) and asks if Gabe’s seen him. Mari’s like, um no he’s not the dad so why would he see him. Wise old Regina’s like, you can’t fool me, you can’t lie and you have a good heart. Mari says, nope…out with the old and in with the new. I’m a bitch now and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Mariangela & LD go to visit Candy. She tells her that she would have come sooner, but she was busy confronting Gabe & Jos. Apparently the new Mariangela doesn’t include a new apartment and she goes back to her old one, remembering all her happy (and some of the bad) memories there.

Jos initiates Operation Manipulate the Stupid Viejo and invites Gabe to dinner so he can spend time with his son (she does this as she kisses and fondles Luisito’s picture).

Nicolas gives Dolores the Mariangela update. They discuss Joselyn’s date with a destiny called justice. Gabe comes in and asks if Nic will go with him to dinner and protect him from Joselyn. Then Nicolas asks Dolores along too. Awww….

The reformed Elsa was looking for a job all day and couldn’t find one. Everyone offers to help, but she says no, she wants to do it herself. Okay, they say…we’ll support you. Then Candy remembers she forgot to tell everyone that Mari is back. Leonardo has a cardiac arrest and falls to the floor dead. No—not really, but he does act like a complete buffoon and runs off screaming to her apartment (um…dude, you won’t get the girl acting like that!). He sees her and after he picks his jaw off the floor tells her she looks very pretty and that he missed her.

Paulina continues complaining about Karen (shut up stupid!) to JC. Then they pledge their undying and eternal love to each other (cue the anvil).

Jos gets home and starts giving orders. She picks up the phone and starts to make a call when Mariangela walks in. Jos asks, What the hell are you doing here? Mari answers that she’s decided to return to her house, which is as much hers as Joselyn. Jos is surprised and asks, why do you want to be just like me so badly. Mari replies, silly rabbit, I don’t want to be like you, I want to be better. Jos tells her to get back to the neighborhood where she belongs. Mari answers, I’m going to live here like it or not, but if you bug me, then you should get the heck out, go ahead…go.

Mari, LD and Mayeya are chatting in the bedroom (well LD is just looking off stage, not really chatting). Mayeya says he’s so cute. Then she spills the beans that Jos is a crappy mom (big news there) and that if it weren’t for the maids, who knows what would happen to the baby.

Mari’s about to go in to the other kid’s room when Joselyn screeches STOP!!! They argue for a bit, Mari even does that little headshaking in your face thing and then confronts Jos about when she became so awful, was it after she killed her mother, Edgar or Federico. Jos manages to hold it together long enough for the cool response of, “I didn’t do all that because I hate you, you aren’t worth it.” Then enters the room and falls apart.

Elsa is out walking the streets…I mean looking for a job…and is accosted by her old boss, who offers her a potent potable and her old job. She refuses. Then she meets Silvestre who continues to profess his love for her, while she continues to profess that she isn’t good enough for him since she’s damaged goods. He insists that he loves her and she walks off.

Gabe, Nic & Dolores show up for dinner. Jos is all smiles, then we hear Mari calling her name sharply and making her entrance. Gabe and Nic are trying to muffle their wolf whistles and Dolores is smiling at the thought of how much this must bug Joselyn. Mari tells her to set an extra place for her guest as well. Jos tries to tell her it’s not her dinner to invite people too. Mari says, get used to it, we both live here unless you want to divide the house in half.

Leonardo is whining to his mommy that although Mari has a smoking hot body and is still the same kind wonderful person as before, her eyes seemed harder and not like the Mari of before. Can’t have everything Leo, there's no Really Good Personality Barbie.

The dinner guests are having cocktails and Mari, Nic & Dolores are chatting about their little plan. Nic cautions Mari that Jos is super dangerous and she should be careful. Just as Jos starts complaining that if Mari’s going to invite guests for dinner without telling her, they should at least be on time, the doorbell rings and it’s….Otilia. Clearly Mariangela went through her little black book and thought, now who would irritate the hell out of the blond raccoons. Jos gets a little jab in at the end as she takes Gabe up to see “our son”.


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