Friday, May 30, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #103: 5/29/14: If I Had a Million Dollars!

Hola Amiguis! Mr. Mads and I took a mini vacay, I have caught up with all the recaps and am now raring to go! Shall we begin with an earworm? It's especially for AS: Keep On Smilin'

Mati is calming knitting as Leo is talking about the ship sinking and the pirates are boarding. Sucks to be Leo.

MA goes upstairs and checks on AS, who of course, is passed out from all that hooch she's been guzzling. AS finally wakes up and cries about the wedding being her salvation and last hope. Her birthday is coming up and she's poor, porca miseria! She's lost her society friends, I'd think she'd think of them as frenemies, she vants to be alone. The family leaves her thus.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Que Pobres, 5/28: POBRESUQUI!

So here we have the final segment of the disastrous wedding!

But before we get to that, we have a little blowback from Emiliano's little romp with his dad. Lupe wants to punish her son for scaring her. Mike first tries to console her, then goes for a heart-to-heart with the kid. He makes a speech about how the kid should respect and live with his mom for everything she's done for him. But the kid would rather play the video game Alejo bought him.

Consolation and hugs with Lupe.

Now on to the fun: The guests are rumbling and furious about the thefts. The king of sumatra (I can't remember his name) comes out with his chef hat and tries to distract them with talk of dessert. It doesn't fly. That  woman in black (chief of Ana Sofia's frenemies) says it must have been the servants who stole the stuff: "all of us here are so rich and good."That's a disturbing development, but people are mostly just mad at the Ruiz-Palacios. They begin taking back the gifts! The ringleader of the frenemies continues to accuse the Menchacas and says "enough with this 'honorable poor' crap," poor people will always steal."

The detective arrives and asks if all of the guests are still present. Somehow nobody has noticed that the parents of the bride are missing.

Vilma brings Alejo a document (pertaining to custody of the kid, I think) and wants to go with him to talk to Lupe. She wants to be an intimidating presence at the meeting.

Mike suspects Alejo might be merely taking advantage of the kid.

Back at the wedding, Ana Sofia gets more and more sour. The ringleader of frenemies pronounces that the Ruiz-Palacios are broken. Leo mentions that this is going worse than a greek tragedy! The guests want the RP to pay for the stolen stuff. They're going to be pobresuiquis!

Saul the lawyer suspects Minerva may have some info to prove Mike's innocence and suggests Mike use his famed seduction skills to get the info out of her. Mike balks, and Saul is confused why he would have any hangups. "Sure, Lupe's a nice and cute girl, but Minerva is... Minerva." I think Saul has a thing for her.

At the wedding again, the detective reveals that Maca is no royalty. The shit hits the fan. AS comes down on Maca with a shaking fury, the girl admits that her "parents" were merely unemployed actors. AS is crushed and deflated and Leo yelps about not being a count.

Vilma reveals that Alejo may have some property rights over the Menchaca house through the grandma. Will he try to use it as leverage to get Lupe to marry him? Anyway, he asks her to stay behind as he goes in to talk to Lupe. He shows her the custody form and suggests it would be so much easier if they just all lived together. She isn't even remotely convinced.

Ana Sofia is in catastrophe. The ringleader notices that her dress is made of the same fabric as the curtains. This is the humiliation of her life. She begs Jesus for help. King of Sumatra hands her a bottle of booze (yikes! she's an alcoholic! does he think he's helping?). She says "thank you, don jesus."

Maca offers Leo a solution: why don't we just run off and live off of your family's fortune. Uhhhh that's a non-starter. They start to let loose on each other. Leo: "we don't have any money. You're a witch and I'll never be a count!

The Prince of Bananas! He's moping in his room over Leo (god knows why he likes the guy). His dad comes in, assumes it's about a girl, and gives him a speech. See, women are like bees. They give you honey and then sting you. Prince says the venom is worse than bee - it's a scorpion. Later, when Guendy comes in and yaks about the wedding disaster, the prince is horrified to hear the wedding went through and maybe encouraged that such a disaster might mean the marriage is short.

Mike makes a date with a fawning Minerva.

The newlyweds are basically moving in with the Menchacas. The king of Sumatra comes in on the arguing pair and snarkily asks how the royalty is doing. At first they bark at him that "we're doing fine, our marriage will last forever," but they quickly get to fighting furiously. She outs him as gay and tromps off.  Once she's gone, an unphased Leo says "I'm not gay, I'm metrosexual." An utterly ruined and drunk Ana Sofia gives a "salud por el metro."

And that's basically it!

Julia - I also liked the sailor-knot crack!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos - wedding anvils R us.

Wow, tonight we got to see the mighty deception begin to crumble - the cracks are widening and water is spurting through, but the dam will break tomorrow!

Ana Sofia's refrains tonight: "Why does this happen to me?" (The way Scarlett O'Hara regarded the Civil War - such an impediment to her happiness!) and "Just keep dancing! There's nothing to see here!"

Isela is drunk. Perla faints. Minerva, enraged at the sight of Mike and Lupita macking, throws a pebble at them.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 5/26/14 (#100): A Sea of Porca Miseria

Wowie wow wow. Hold onto your sombreros!

Ana Sofia takes one look at the decorations (balloons) for the wedding and complains that they are a monument to poor taste. (It takes one to know one!) That and more verbal abuse from AS induces Lupe to quit "Until you apologize."

Miguel Angel happens by and tries to get his mother to apologize. Even Leo, unsure as he is about this wedding, begs her to make nice. AS says it is humiliating, but she will do it for her children: she averts her eyes, gazes skyward, and utters a feeble "Sorry."

Over MA's protests ("Apologize to Lupe, not to the birds, air, and trees!"), Lupe accepts the weak gesture of contrition but reminds AS to respect the rest of the Menchacas as well.

Carmela leaves Emiliano at Paco's house and tells Paco's mother that Lupe will come for him this evening.

Mini and Isela prepare to crash the wedding.

AS tries to get Perla to lose the flower in her hair, but Lupe intervenes. The flower can stay! Perla offers to get one for AS. (Declined!) Later, AS bad-mouths the indoor decorations with Leo when the Menchacas approach... she quickly changes her tune, says everything looks great, and even thanks them. (Briefly.)

Confidentially, Leo asks the Menchacas of the decorations: "I have just one question: Why the Styrofoam?"
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Friday, May 23, 2014

Que pobres tan Ricos #99 May 23, 2014... pre-wedding jitters... One nervous groom, one proud mama, one miffed bride, two fake in-law thieves and two suspicous siblings, stir it all together, pour in baking pan and bake until Monday

We get some pretty good sight-seeing seconds (are they near Guadalajara?, that is west coast about center of mex... near Guanajuato and Puerto Vallarta, right?)…

School playground, Emi spots A-hole and runs to him. A-hole fakes happy to see him. Says Emi’s new shoes are ugly. Offers to buy him whatever tennis shoes he wants. Lupe not amused. That’s not how it is. A-hole argues his case. What’s the problem? Lupe says won’t allow him to buy expensive shoes for Emi. She lets Emi walk away with A-hole. A-hole takes jacket off to play with him. He is obviously not enjoying himself when Lupe is not looking.

Hacienda: AS, Leo and Frida arrive, the employee leads them around. MA arrives. Leo is eager to introduce MA to his new in-laws. AS and DaVinci are still wearing the matching gray outfits. AS criticizes MA’s outfit, even though he looks good. He says he has not much money, he bought the best he found at a second hand store. Frida says it might not look the best but they might not notice it. AS says our future depends on it. It is the end of one ‘world’ and the beginning of another.

Lupe says we gotta go. Emi asks A-hole when will see him again. A-hole says don’t get your mommy mad at you. Whenever you need you can call me. Emi says Lupe took his phone away. A-hole gives him a card to use to call him. Emi and A-hole walk back to Lupe. A-hole has a last gift for Emi. It is a playstation Vita.

At hacienda, the condes have arrived, AS says it is ‘our’ hacienda ‘our house is your house’. Maca introduces the ‘parents’ the ‘condes’. AS introduces her family. The bowing is significantly overdone by MA who almost puts his head on his knees. The ‘countess’ clarifies they should keep referring to them as ‘the countess’ . The count is not so demanding. Salomon interferes and gives the condes his business card ‘for whatever you might need’. They all go inside except AS and Salomon.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #98: 5/22/14: Hasta Nunca Porca Miseria!

Hola Amiguis! What an episode this evening! We start with an earworm. This one is dedicated to Leo from Diego. Let's hope Leo gets the message: Take A Chance On Me

We begin with MA and Lupe in the afterglow of their time together and Mini has continued to call. Lupe insists that MA call Mini back to find out what the heck she wants, it could be important. So MA answers the phone. Mini has called MA to let him know that Ahole suspects MA is in Mexico and to be careful, cause Ahole is dangerous, Mini just called to warn him. Mini hears a noise and suspects MA is not alone, so she asks him. He tells Mini his private life is private and click, hangs up! Mini is beyond pithed that MA is with that woman. Throughout the next five minutes or so, MA asks Lupe if she is jealous of Mini, she denies, he asks and he ends up hitting her with a pillow as she does him. MA assures Lupe he is only talking to Mini to help him prove his innocence and nothing else. He'll be with Lupe foreva and eva. Do you see the little mini piecart that is hanging about? They sure don't.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos Wednesday: tableclothes, diet pills, Ave Maria, and smooching to the sound of a banshee vocalist.

I enjoyed the rerun of yesterday's last Alejo-Minerva squabble: "You're no guru of sex, you 3-minute wonder, you're a fiasco in bed, MIKE is who I like!" Alejo flushes murderously and bellows: "He's not in Italy, where is he?" He starts to strangle her but she brains him with a vase. Her mom, for once, runs in too late to join in the fun. The mom wants Minerva to tell Alejo where Mike is in exchange for getting absolutely everything she wants in the divorce settlement, but no, Minerva says she never will - and forbids her mom to interfere.

It's the day before the wedding. The Menchacas are eating breakfast when Ana Sofia hustles in and wants them to commence packing. Lupita is going to take a load of stuff to the hacienda, AS says she's coming along "so you don't break my Limoges."

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Que pobres tan ricos: the lower classes may be about to revolt.

I think this was the start of the episode, at any rate it's where my recording started: Ana Sofia is ecstatically looking forward to getting her luxurious life back when her son marries the Countess (should we write "Countess" now that we know she's a fraud?). "We'll be nobility." Leo does not look happy. He says it's because deceiving his Countess is below him - but it's also, no doubt, because he feels some yearning for the Prince of Bananas. (The Prince is, come to think of it, nobility as well.) AS says it's too late for regrets and, pouting, goes off to fuss over the invitations.

I've missed a week of the show (being in New Jersey where I did not have Univision). So I don't know who this old lady in black is who says she's living an inferno, she has some problem with Bambi and is having to sell everything she has left. Mike pulls out a few pesos for her.

Frida shows a very unpleasant side of her personality tonight. Some guy in a really stupid two-toned outfit, a friend from the old days, sees her and invites her to hang out. She goes to some preppy watering hole with him and talks entitled-rich-kid-talk with her fresa friends. Perla's old friends grill her: Is it true you're broke? "My brother is marrying a contessa and we'll go to Spain."
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Monday, May 19, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 5/19/14 (#95): Three! Three Grifters! Bwahahahaha!!!

Would you like to see three Counts this evening?

Would you settle for one Count, three times?

Beat the Time

Count Sheep

Counting Service

Bonus en Español

Those are all the Counts you will see tonight!
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Friday, May 16, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #94 Several characters are (or fake being) lost in translation... MA finally spills the beans to Nepo, who has a double-edged reaction

CHuy tells Lupe the payment would be that the RPs leave the house for-eva. AS would take them to Spain.

MA tells Frida and Leo and AS that they all will be kicked out of the Menchaca house. AS doubts it, in any case they would be moving to Spain soon. Leo swings his arms with the options. Frida mocks them on that plan. AS calls MA over to tell him that Frida is mocking her. She calls him again to tell him she will borrow money from Solomon. She calls him over again to remind him that Solomon is NOT her novio. She has to deal with such a disgusting and materialistic man. See what your ma-ma is capable of doing, your ma-ma, the being that gave you life. Leo reminds them that the parents of the bride would end up paying for the wedding in the end. Everyone knows that. Lupe knocks the door to let them know the Menchacas have arrived at a sentence (ehem… decision regarding whether to help them with the wedding).

Gwendy and Saul make plans for the night. Gwendy tells him that El Mike and Carm went out. She ends up giving him a free facial massage…

The RPs have come down and Lupe tells them the Menchacas will help them… AS assumes they agreed to her terms. But Lupe tells them 25,000 pesos (double what AS had offered). MA agrees on that. Tizoc will take care of the music at the church and the party. AS warns that the archbishop is pretty strict about how the wedding march and Ave Maria should sound like. Chuy tells them he is heading to the market to get the supplies for the food. AS is disgusted… to the m a r k e t ?? … The families great each other as two sports teams do at the end o the game… The Menchacas cheer as team and MA is among them (not with the RPs)…
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #93: 5/15/14: There is Option A and Option B! There is no Option C!

Hola Amiguis! What a fast paced epi. I will give it my very best shot. If I missed something, as usual please let me know. Shall we begin?

In Emi's bedroom, Lupe spies the phone that Emi got from Ahole, she figures this out and confronts Emi about it. When did he get it precisely, Lupe wants to know? Emi finally tells her the truth about Ahole's visit to the school. Lupe is very upset that Emi has lied to her. Well, she made Emi lie by saying that MA was his primo, how about that lie? It's not the same thing, it's about an adult thing. He wants his phone back, Lupe won't give it to him and she tells him no. He thinks it is unfair. Off to school they go.

At their usual outdoor cafe, MA is taking a meeting with Tomas and Saul, those hard working lawyers. It seems they have divvied up the tasks to prove MA's innocence, but there is a jam in the greasy wheeled wheel, so to speak, because now Adolfo is dead. What to do, he was going to help MA out until that confrontation. Well, what about Bambi? True he hasn't squealed, but there is always a first time. MA is very vulernable right now, opines Saul. Saul thinks Ahole is gonna do some more evil. MA fesses up about that gun of Nepo's he had with him at the meet with Adolfo and it was at the crime scene last time he saw it!
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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #92 : 5/14/14: Discussion Post

Hola everyone! I don't know what happened to Cerebrez, so I am putting a discussion post up for Y'all to comment. If Cerebrez posts a recap, I will take this discussion post down. Talk away.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Qué Pobres, Martes 5/13/14 (#91): Oh my God! They killed Adolfo! You bastards!!

Alt title: A Tale of Two Guns

Oops. I screwed up a little bit. I agreed to switch nights with Jane. She asked me on Monday to do the recap "tomorrow," which of course was today, but my brain interpreted that as "Wednesday." I did see tonight's episode, but I didn't record it or take any notes.

Yeah, Adolfo is dead. Between one gun and the other we have the fingerprints of, I think, Nepo, MA, and maybe Trofeo... but not the killer, who doesn't like to get his hands that dirty.

Heh heh, it's a funny story, really. Let's go back in time...
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Monday, May 12, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos: Adolfo loses his starch, Leo gets a love poem, they'll be serving more vegetables at the cafe.

Greetings friends, thanks to Julie for switching with me so I can get up at 5 am and leave town.
Adolfo Giron continues to put the moves on Vilma and she finally likes it. He does have a very sexy voice. She's learning to smile and sashay when she walks. She goes to get groceries for the delicious dinner he'll make and purrs: "You don't need to call me licenciada any more, but we are not going to say tu, the formal is more exciting."

Saul has staked out Vilma's house. MA sneaks up (disguised in - A HAT). Hearing that the police have been hunting for MA in the barrio, Saul offers his own house as a hideout, but MA doesn't want to leave Alejo a free field with Lupe.

They watch Wilma leave. Saul: "Look she is smiling, I haven't seen that in years!" MA pretends to be a delivery guy (in his HAT) and convinces a neighbor to let him through the gate. He sneaks upstairs and pushes his phone number under the door. He tells Giron: "We're in the same boat, you're a fugitive too, we have a mutual enemy. And you KNOW I'm innocent." "Yes, but it's my neck. I can't help you." MA is disappointed and leaves.

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Friday, May 09, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos, #89 09 May 2014 MA, Adolfo and even Tizoc have a moment to remember

We return to Lupe picking up Emiliano and MA finding them there… Lupe goes back in the school for a moment and MA uses the opportunity to ask Emiliano why he is lying to his mother. Emiliano says he is just finding it fun to keep the secret with A-hole. Emi asks MA not to tell Lupe. MA says no I won’t tell her, but you will, because you know it is not right to keep that information from her. I will wait until you tell her yourself.

Cop Jennifer is in car asking around La Nopalera with a drawn picture of MA if anyone has seen him. First she asks a girl dressed as clown, then she asks Tomas… Tomas fakes not knowing him and even confusing him with a novella star (again the reference to novellas).

A-hole is giving Vilma some orders, notices she is not really focused on what they are doing, Vilma receives a cell phone call, its Adolfo. She won’t answer in front of A-hole, Ahole notes that she seems to have her mind elsewhere. She comes up with the excuse of her moon/venus/planets lining up in her favor. She steps out to call Adolfo back. As Vilma is talking to Adolfo and he is asking her to stop by the grocery store to get him razor and shaving crème, Mini overhears Vilma on phone, finds out Adolfo Giron is staying at Vilma’s. Later Mini discusses with Isela whether or not she should tell MA about Adolfo’s whereabouts.
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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #88: 5/8/14: The Commenters Recap

 Hola Amiguis! I am unable to do my  usual Thursday recap because Mr. Mads if having knee surgery at 6:00AM on Friday morning and I couldn't stay up to watch the episode. So I came up with a novel idea. Just as Julie did a whole team recap a couple three weeks ago, I thought I'd do a all commenters recap. This way the commenters can chip in and tell me what you saw. I will be back next Thursday, for my  usual recap. Thank  you so much for helping me out and hey, I have an earworm for you, I couldn't leave you without one ; ) The Best Is Yet To Come!  


Pobres, 5/7: my first one!

Hi guys! This is my first time watching this show, so please forgive any mistakes I've made!

We open on Wilma and Alejo - Alejo gloats about how his son loves luxury (just like his dad) and will be easily won. Wilma favors a legal battle, but Alejo prefers his current plan.

Lupita attempts to convince MA that she wasn't involved in the hair pulling fight. She wasn't even there. Alibi - she's been with Alejo! He doesn't love that..

Money launderer guy (Adolfo) has made a nice dinner for Vilma. Alejo imperiously demands that Vilma bring him wine. Adolfo helps in a very friendly hands-on way, and Alejo snaps a pic with an evil look on his face and hiding his phone sneakily.

Flashback/dream for the kid of the amazing rich-kid room he'll have with his Dad. He shows off the expensive school photos to tizoc, with some easy commentary on the difference b/w rich and poor. How swiftly the boy has decided to be spoiled and obnoxious.

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Qué Pobres Tan Ricos recap for Wednesday night is on its way! Talk among yourselves.

Hi, this is your blog mom. Brand-new Wednesday night recapper, my son Cerberez, is working but will be back and on the job soon - recap ready by 4 pm - in the mean time, have at it!


Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #86 6 May 2014. The chairs, tables and hair extensions bout... and AS has a way to train the Menchacas for a job without their knowing about it.

Chilaquiles talking to Carm. And we see her reaction again…

Gwendy vs Mini/Isela… if you pretend to get my hubby, my home and my moolah you got one comin!

Gwendy calls Isela chiflada, then tells them to move and Mini confronts her… now you will see! (slap!)

Gwendy’s turn! I will break your….

(head butt to get Isela out of the way, the girls get tangled by the tresses… Isela screaming for help.

MA gets a visit from his little sister… Frida gets a kick out of a sign about highlites special 2x1 and about a particular photo of a 'quinceanera' with an updo. MA tells Frida that if Ahole had told anything to the police, they would have cops all around the Nopalera.

Back to the Editorial, now Isela is part of the lady tresses web… Gwendy clears up that she is not Lupe. Mini wonders who Gwendy is, but Gwendy warns her not to go after Lupe or they will get to know her for real. Momma/Mini end up on floor… Gwendy runs out… The ladies stand up with their hair looking like beehives.

At fonda, AS wants to retake the etiquette classes with Perla. AS offers Perla to give her the classes for free. (nothing is free, Perla! She is up to something!)

Gwendy returns to the banana truck and Nepo realizes she was involved in some physical engagement. Gwendy tells Nepo what happened with Mini and mommy. Nepo in disbelief that Lupita would get involved with a married man… Gwendy says one ends up falling for the wrong ones… They see that Lupe arrives in taxi with Emiliano. Gwendy wants to go back in, but Nepo drives her away.
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Monday, May 05, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 5/5/14 (#85): Taste and the Tasteless

Ana Sofia (AS) gets to her friend Chabelita's hacienda (it looks VERY familiar) and tells the loan shark to wait outside. This does not discourage him in the least.

At home, after school, Lupe introduces Emiliano to his father. Alejo (Ahole) puts on an impressive display. Emiliano maintains a poker face. Lupita's face is moist.

Ahole has a gift for Emiliano. He hugs the overwhelmed boy and pressures Lupe about the name change. While the grownups step outside to talk, Emil looks really pleased with his gift but I don't think we see what it is. Or maybe he's just happy that he thinks he won't have to sneak around any more.

Lupe warns Ahole not to take advantage of Emiliano. She'll be watching him, and he'd better be careful.

At the Cafe Popular, Mini comments on Miguel Angelo (MA)'s non-designer clothing. Mini says she's found no evidence to help him yet, but she happens to know that Ahole has a son! Mini is personally offended that he went and had a kid with someone behind her back. The tramp's name is Menchaca, she says. MA doesn't try very hard to look surprised. She tries to find out who he's been seeing. He tells her they'd better not keep meeting if she's hoping to get back with him. He especially doesn't want her to make Ahole suspicious. Most of all, he really values their new "friendship"!
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