Friday, May 02, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #84, 02 May 2014... Ahole arrives unannounced at Fonda (yikes!). Salomon gets 'fresco' and receives a slapfest from AS. Emi 'meets' his dad.

Ahole gets call from Lupita. call ok will meet but we will see later about the surname, Ahole knows Isela and Mini are at table so he talks to Lupita with a lot of charm, as if she is his current girlfriend, and tells her his whole life are Emiliano and her. Ahole walks away after hanging up and Isela and Mini act offended, how dare he talk like that in front of US!. They start trying to remember the name of the boy’s mother… is it Mechaca, Muchaca, Isela even says Chewbacca, and Mini says no, that’s the hairy one!(these 2 really work well off each other in comedy)

Vilma comes out to living room, Adolfo has fixed her desayuno, she is shocked, no one cooked for her before. He notes every man should. When she sits down, she gets a call from Ahole summoning her to get there NOW!! She has to run out, won’t even take bread and butter on the go, poor Adolfo was stood up.

Lupe drops off Emiliano at school. Reminds him she will arrange the meeting to meet his dad. She tells him some things will change, like he will get his dad’s surname. He is glad now he will also have both his dad’s surname and his mom’s surname.

Carm and Lupe talk on phone, they realize Gwendy is again hearing from the other line, Carm comes in the bedroom and reprimands Gwendy. Lupe feels more pitiful for Gwendy, she is sad about Nepo not giving her even the time of day.

Lupe delivers chilaquiles at Mercado, apparently MA followed her to that stand from Nepo’s stand, Lupe and MA chat that Nepo already knows she is with an Angel RP. It was Gwendy who told him, she is incapable of holding a secret, so be very careful what you tell Gwendy. With this MA wants her to confirm she cares about him. He insists he can’t live without her and wants to tell everyone about their relationship. They are about to kiss but stop just short, realizing where they are. She leaves and again he is dancing for joy.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos: 5/1/14: Talk To The Hand!

Hola, Amiguis! I have been under the weather since last weekend but I am feeling a bit better.This recap will be short and bulleted so to speak. If I miss something, please add/correct. I have an earworm for you and it's especially for MA and Lupe, What About Love? Shall we begin?

Agt Jen Gomez (Agent Jennifer Gomez) is wanting to talk to Ahole (Alejo) she has some questions for him as both Ahole and Vilma sweat. Ahole is blaming everything on MA of course. Oh, and he went to Italia have they contacted Interpol into his whereabouts? Agt Jen thinks that the familia is living in a hotel in Italia. She'll get right on that, takes candy from Ahole's desk and ends up spilling most of it on his desk.
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Thursday, May 01, 2014

Qué Pobres Tan Ricos April 30: your blog mom gets her feet wet dipping back into the delicious waters of the surreal landscape of the telenovela world.

Hello friends, it's been what, two years since I watched a single episode of one of our shows? I got my son to show me how to record Que Pobres (because I can't stay up that late for recapping) and I'm going to try to come on board as your Wednesday recapper. I haven't watched a single episode of this show before but I think there was a lot of refrito in this episode so it was a good one to start with. Or (it just occurs to me) did somebody recap this yesterday? Oh well, here it is anyway.

Nepo is good at convincing Wendy, with a combination of bluster and puppy dog eyes, that she should tell him who Lupita's new admirer is. He thinks it is Don Alejo. She confidently swears it's not, but he realizes she knows the identity of the actual pretender to the throne. Not a very good prevaricator, she names an "Angeles Palacios." He wants to call the RP editorial offices but doesn't. "Get a gypsy to read the cards and tell you what you want to know." They take this discussion to the street. She reminds him he could find somebody else (perhaps herself) who would love him even though he's such a brute. Also PSA: the fact he loves Lupita does not give him any rights over her.

Alejo meets his son at school. I think he won't tell Maxi his name. The kid asks "Why did you never look for me before?" "Your mother never told me, she was jealous, it wasn't my fault. But now, you have to trust me. Here's your new cellphone, I am #1 on the speed dial, #1 is me, PAPA. Don't tell your mother."

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Qué Pobres, Weds 4/30/14 (#82): Daddy Issues. The Big Book. Blind Man's Bluff.

Miguel Angelo (MA) and Saul and Tomás
MA meets with Saul at their new hangout, the Popular Café. Saul has the paperwork for the house, as well as the "proof" Mini found earlier on Ahole. MA explains that he's giving the house to the Menchacas because it was his mother who stole the 300 thousand pesos. (He didn't tell Saul that before?)

MA tells Saul he's sure that Bambi hasn't incriminated him. Bambi wasn't even sure who he was. Ah, here comes Tomás. Saul is miffed to have been replaced by what he assumes is a backward, inexperienced youngster and tries to intimidate him: not all of these documents are in Spanish, so you won't understand them. Some of the files are encrypted. Etc. Tom says that's no problem. He's got resources, all kinds of people to help him, including a really good hacker. Ha!

Saul warns MA that once the Menchacas get the deed to the house, they'll kick the rest of the RPs out.
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Que pobres tan ricos #81 Tue 29 Apr 2014 Of different ways men try to get attention from 'their' women

Nina fresa tv reporter (Valeria) leaves Bambi a voice mail saying farewell, thanks for everything… bye!!

Outside, MA has to deal with the police, during the pursuit the girl cop gets a good look at MA. They all are driving on reverse LOL!

At fonda, Leo and AS… she is in la-la land, he would pay 64K pennies for her thoughts. Frida comments that AS has not spoken for quite a while. Leo makes a snarty comment to Frida, and Mati rants at him about enjoying offending others. Leo defends himself, his only vice is art… AS has had enough arguments around her, can’t think with cold head. Mati adds ‘sonar no cuesta nada’ (dreams don’t cost a thing)… instead of thinking of something useful, you are delirious. Mati wonders where MA is… AS has no clue but she is glad he is away from Lupe. Mati gets irritated and leaves her.

The cops lost trace of MA. They argue among themselves. Anyone could be Bambi’s accomplice by now.

Alejo faces the board again… They say: ‘time is running and you have not fulfilled the clause of Don Aureliano. Maybe MA has been busy doing something to that effect and we don’t know it. Even if he is out of the country, he is still in the race.’ Alejo reminds them MA is a runaway from police. If he were expecting a child it would take months. You all don’t have to worry about it. Very soon you will get great news, which will convince you all that I will be the next great president of Editorial RP.

MA returns the car to Tomas. Thank you. I lost another chance to prove my innocence. Tomas is more worried that the cops recognized him. MA is confident they could not with his hat and sunglasses. Tomas still worried. Tomas says keep poking Saul about the Menchaca’s deed papers.

Bambi and his aunt get arrested. They argue with each other as they are put in different cop cars. He would rather go to jail than continue living with her. The couple cops come to question Bambi, but he just yells at them that he has no clue what they are asking, this is just a no-good guy he hired to be his driver.

Carm and Lupe, all Carm heard was that the nephew was a thug and they all got arrested. Lupe is glad that MA was not involved. Carm says MA is no thug, the one they arrested was. Lupe concerned that all the cops in the neighborhood will recognize MA and take him away. Lupe catches herself worrying about MA and says ‘whatever happens to him is not my business’. Carm says go preach that to someone who does not know you better. Lupe leaves to go pick up Emiliano.
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Monday, April 28, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 4/28/14 (#80): Bambi and the Bimbo

I've been out of the loop for about a week, and am behind on reading recaps and comments, so please forgive me if some of this is a rerun:

Alejo (Ahole) wants to give Emiliano his name. He reminds Lupita that he has every right to be in Emil's life. Lupita asks him to give her some time. ("I need some time" appears to be the only strategy in her repertoire for dealing with difficult situations. Not that I have a better suggestion.) She asks Ahole to give her and Emiliano some space while she comes to terms with this.

Drunker than ever, AS assures MA she'll pay back the money she stole from the Menchacas. She tells Chuy she'll pay every cent after Leo gets married. She doesn't go so far as to reveal that it was actually she and not MA who stole the money, though, and she has to endure some "supportive" comments from Chuy about parents who are disgraced by their children's behavior.

Bambi's bimbo reporter hassles the married police detectives about some "rumors," but I miss most of this scene.

MA agrees to let Tomas handle his case, though he has second thoughts when he finally accepts Tom's "card" and see's that it's handwritten. But the partnership quickly pays off in an unexpected way: MA needs to borrow a car for the chauffeuring gig with Bambi's aunt, and Tomas is able to hook him up. One of his divorce clients got a car from his wife as part of his settlement, and he owes Tomas a favor. Wow! Tomas must be really good. Someday he will be able to buy a suit that fits him.
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Friday, April 25, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #79, Apr 25 2014; The S hits the F... and MA could have taken an overdose of nobility and honesty first thing, maybe he could bottle it '5 hr nobility/honesty'

Mini insults Saul (no tienes familia ni perro que les ladre) and then asks if he remembers the date of Aureliano’s death… Saul responds even if he has no family or dog to bark at him or cat to meow at him, he won’t get in her personal issues. Quedo de Usted, atentamente, Saul Ballesteros.

MA and Frida are still trying to make AS come to her senses… Lupe knocks on window and gets MA to follow her down. Leo asks ‘in what moment our nice dolce vita turned into a horror movie?

Lupe: You knew what that money meant to us! Know how we indebted outselves to get it! You swore to me that you and your family had nothing to do!

(MA tries to get her to understand when he made that swearing statement he had no clue).

Mati asks MA to let Lupe go and wait a while… you might think it is ‘cosas de vieja’ but I know my story.

Bambi and the reporter on phone again. They are dying to see each other but she is still reluctant to meet with him. HE demands they meet. Have you heard about Giron? Nothing but I am still working on it. Alright, talk to you later.. kisses.

MA and Mati, he swears he does not want to harm Lupe. On the contrary, he loves her. Mati says the years she has lived have served her to get to know people. When someone is as angry as Lupita, give them time and space. Aureliano and I did have our arguments from time to time. We learned to get to know each other, we knew when the other was happy or angry. And when it was time to talk or time to be quiet. Our arguments were never public but we were always honest with each other. The private reconcilations were the best!!

Lupe and Carm… Lupe is trying for Nepo to answer her. Phone rings at the platanera stand… Trofeo answers. Lupe asks for Nepo. He is… he is really wasted in alcohol! Do you want to leave a message?
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #78: 4/24/14: You Dropped A Bomb On Me!

Hola Amiguis! Yes, it's me again! I will try to make this one short and tidy and I have another earworm for you. This one is for MA and Lupe: Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid.

I am skipping the old and starting with the new. Shall we begin? Dona Q and Trofeo are at the market and Trofeo is talking up Mi Mike for that chofer's job, he is a man that can be trusted, take his word for it, Dona Q still isn't quite sure.

AS and Don Chuy are still speaking at this point and he wants her to explain exactly what she meant when she said the Menchaca were "different"? Well she meant they are traditional folks, yeah that's the ticket that was what she meant! Don Chuy tells AS the hoity toity one that he told MA to stay away from his good daughter Lupe and AS says Lupe doesn't know her place! Don Chuy tells AS this works both ways she has to tell MA to stay away from his Lupe who is a good girl, while MA is in trouble with the law, and he's a deliquent! AS tries to say that MA is innocent and didn't do it, and walks away just as pithed as Don Chuy is.

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #77: 4/23/14: Don't Stop Believing!

Hola Mis Amiguis! I am subbing for our very busy Julie. I will make this brief and you can let me know any additions/corrections as usual. I have a little earworm for Y'all for this epi, take a listen: Barracuda! This song is dedicated to AS.

I am skipping the old and beginning with the new. MA tells Frida he is exiting stage left, cause of Don Chuy. Frida wants to know what is gonna happen when their Mom's finds out? MA tells Frida if Don Chuy didn't kill him over this, AS won't either.

Lupe is feeding Emi and telling him MA is leaving. He isn't hungry and Lupe advises him to eat and be healthy and strong. Don Chuy comes in and won't talk to Lupe. He is talking around her to Emi. She rolls her eyes at him. Oh, and he's going to the gym. Lupe tells Emi she doesn't know why MA is leaving.
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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #76 22 Apr 2014. The band is a hit, Perla hits DA with a kiss, and Don Chuy goes beserk with the news that Lupe and MA are a couple..Subtitle: Al que no quiere caldo... le dan dos tazas

Lupita happy, tells Chuy it is true, she is in love with someone.

At Mercado, MA is handing Dona Queta a banana. She tells him she wants someone to drive her around the next week to do some errands. He offers his services. Trust me. She is speechless, eating the banana.

Back to the Fonda. Chuy grabs Lupe's hand and swears he would never put walls between Lupe and whoever she wants to be with. He wants to meet the guy. Lupe says you know him… (is it that old guy who lives with his mom around the corner?) Lupe tells him he lives here in the barrio, as a matter of fact, he is here in the house. Who is it? MA… (Chuy takes his hand back, stands up… )

L: What are you going to do?

C: I am going after that guy, going to put the cards on the table… I did not help you make it and watch you get your life back together… only for that guy to come and… Can’t believe you fell on the trap again…

L: No, it is not a trap. Noone is deceiving me. MA is not Alejo.

C: They are same family, same genes, same family tree, share the same bathroom, the same jocks (ok, i am going overboard here, you get the drift), … He is a criminal!.

L: He is no criminal!.

C: Now I get why you defended him so much. But I am going to find him right now and speak to that miserable guy…

L: You are not going anywhere, papa! And please forgive me for speaking to you in this tone!

Trofeo arrives at Lupe’s house, Mati opens the door. "Lupe is not here, went who knows where, with who knows who? And who knows what time she will be back." (Trofeo leaves the envelope with Mati). "What do I do with this letter now?"

Back to Chuy and Lupe...
L: I don’t want to argue with you. I want you to understand me. I want you to tell me the nice things you just did tell me a while ago.

C: I wish I could. But I just remember the day you came home crying desperately because that guy had deceived you. And I won’t let it happen again to you.

L: It won’t happen.

C: Know what? I can’t talk to you right now.

(he leaves, she cries)
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #75: 4/21/14: The "Elixir" Helps Nepo and AS Cope!

Hola, Mis Amiguis! I will try to make this recap brief. Please let me know if I left anything out/corrections. Shall we start with an earworm? This is especially dedicated to Nepo: If I Can't Have You!

 Lupe has gotten an earful from Ahole about Nepo showing up at El Editorial. Lupe is pithed.

Meanwhile Nepo is in his office at the market and is being tended to by Trofeo. Nepo's face is a hot mess of a bruise and Trofeo puts an ice pack on it. MA has come in too and Nepo tells him thanks for nothin' for protecting him from Ahole. Pobrecito! MA that is not Nepo.

Lupe calls up Nepo and wants a chat, not later, now, now, now! Toute Suite!
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos! #74 Los tres matamoscas llegan en el platano amarillo (the three fly squatters arrive in the yellow plantain!)..

Chuy tells Lupe Nepo is talking to MA. Lupe goes over there.

AS and Mati watching tv. Leo runs out of patience. He leaves to find out if Alejo left already. AS also runs out of patience and goes after him. Mati keeps wondering if Aureliano will ever get home to pull Alejo’s ears out.

Nepo is still trying to get info from MA as to who Lupe's interest is that is sending her flowers, Lupe arrives and tells Nepo Alejo is Emi’s dad… Nepo goes beserk insisting Alejo is after her. Lupe yells at him that she and him are not a couple. Nada de nada de nada de NADA!! MA has to stop Nepo from following Lupe. Nepo insists to MA that Alejo is also after Lupe (la vaca, not just the becerro [whoever is after the cow, not just the calf]). Chuy comes over, Nepo tells him Lupe told him about Alejo and Emi. Chuy also rants at Nepo, trusts Nepo will understand after he tells Nepo what happened (between Lupe and A-hole) years ago. They stare at MA, he gets the sign and leaves.

Leo and AS gossiping about Ahole being Emi’s dad. MA demands AS be discrete… AS says how can I keep quiet facing the gossip of the year?? Lupe was ambitious, otherwise why would she roll with him? Leo notices that Emi is his nephew… MA reminds them that Lupe was the one that lent them a hand when they had lost everything. Did any of your friends help us?? No, right? So you will respect Guadaluuupe Menchaaaca and that’s all!!
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #73: 4/17/14 : Suelta La Sopa, Por Favor!

Hola Mis Amguis! This recap is on the fly, so please fill in anything I missed/got wrong. I have an earworm that is perfecto for Ahole. Have a listen: You're So Vain!

Shall we begin? Lupe is cleaning the house and talking to MA. She keeps making him move so she can get the floor under his feet and he even adds more cleaner to her bucket. They are discussing when they should tell their families about them being an item, of course, and also Nepo. Well, MA wants to do it sooner rather than later, but Lupe wants him to wait some, cause of the fraud accusation and other things. Knocky, Knocky on the door and who is it? Special Delivery, of flowers, and what a nice arrangement it is too! Lupe accepts them and is so very happy MA got them for her, that she gives him lots of sugar, but the problem is MA didn't send her those flowers. Lupe thinks maybe Nepo sent them, and of course MA isn't happy over that, even though earlier he said Nepo was a nice guy.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Qué Pobres, Weds 4/16/14 (#72): He Hugged a Boy and He Liked It

Oh, man. This is painful. So much awesomeness to report; so little time. Most of this is from memory and I am paraphrasing like mad, so please don't hesitate to correct errors/omissions.
Diego calls Leo about his next art lesson. Leo hesitates. Diego suggests having the lesson at his place. Leo is afraid to go out on the street, but Diego offers to pick him up. Leo agrees; the things he'll do for the sake of art!

Leo comments on the decor at Diego & Nepo's house. (Sometimes a banana is just a banana, right? Right??) It's still super-naco, Leo says; just as tasteless as at the Menchacas', but he also observes that it's a better neighborhood and a nicer grade of hyper-naco stuff. Diego gets a kick out of the way Leo speaks, with everything being -uki and little sprinkles of English.

AS gives Perla an etiquette lesson. The topic: fancy dinners. Perla faces a dizzying array of plates, glasses, and cutlery. Everything she says and does is wrong, according to AS. Perla is overwhelmed, but motivated. AS thinks Perla also could use some lessons in "diction" because of the vulgar, common way she speaks. She urges Perla to encourage the rest of her family to take the lessons too, because (she's said this before to Carmelita) they could transform this greasy spoon restaurant into a fine dining destination. (Does AS really believe this transformation is possible, or is she just trying to entice them with something she thinks would interest them?)
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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #71 15 Apr 2014... The secrets are out!! And MA is confronted again on his vision for the future.

Ahole at cloob… Chabela and Geno comment about his ‘accident’. He tries to deny deny… assures them Isela and Mini made up the story. The ladies won’t buy what he’s selling, and leave.

Lupe and Perla at kitchen in Fonda, Perla ruins the potatoes with too much adobo (seasoned salt). Mati offers to help. Lupe has Mati, Perla, Tizoc and Frida in kitchen, and they all look mighty busy. Chuy comes down, is heading out. Lupe sends him with some deliveries. MA and Nepo come in. MA announces that Nepo will pay for some medical tests Mati needs. Lupe thanks Nepo. Lupe looks very worried and MA notices it.

Later, at hospital or Dr office, MA thanks Nepo more in private. Nepo again brings up the Lupe deal. Nepo tells MA he appreciates Mati… and him(MA) too. Dr and Mati come out. Dr summons MA to his office.

At A-hole’s, Mini still is trying to open the door to get in closet. Isela says they still don’t remember the date of Aureliano’s death. Mini is cursing. Isela mocks Mini that she did not ask MA for the date Isela suggests Mini ask MA for the date. Mini says not until I can get something really valuable for whatever I find in the safe. Isela keeps whining that she can’t live without a plastic card… without spending money!

At Fonda, everyone is trying to help out. Lupe is in kitchen and Perla and Tizoc are serving. Perla stops by AS, who is sitting at a table on her own… AS keeps suggesting to Perla to take the etiquette class… Perla tells her what she wants is to be a model… AS says then her class would be even more useful. Perla suggests instead of paying AS with money, what about discouting the class fee from their food tab.
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Monday, April 14, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 4/14/14 (#70): You'll Never Get Rich

I apologize; my Spanish is broken tonight and there were several scenes that sounded one way at first and then different when I replayed them... so there may be a lot of mistakes here.

Ahole offers Lupita a laughable sum for hitting her bike (which is AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT on Bingo Card #5, by the way, although in Ahole's mind it probably qualifies as sex... he did "bang" her, after all...). She tears up the money and throws it in his face (woo! more sex!).

Emiliano is calling for his mami. She tries not to react until Ahole drives away.

Vilma warns Saul that if he doesn't stop defending MA, he'll sink with him.

At home, Emiliano wants to know why Lupita was so angry with that man. He's not completely happy with her explanation that "he hit my bike," and she becomes impatient. He backs down, and she apologizes. It's just that he's never seen his mother so angry before.
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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #69 Some revelations... Some direct accusations... Nepo's new associate... and Lupe's biggest secret might not be a secret anymore...

At penthouse MA sees the news report of Bambi on the tv and goes beserk when he makes the connection of Bambi on TV with the Bambi picture at Dona Queta’s stand. He starts moving crazy telling his family about Bambi. They don’t really understand what he is saying.

Lupita argues with Chuy, he won’t admit that Carm leaving was his fault, she did not respect AS & fam. Lupe rants at him that his asking Carm to stay behind and care for the RP was not right at all. Lupe won’t let Carmelita leave because of THAT WOMAN (AS).

MA and Saul in car, MA hopes police will catch Bambi soon, tells Saul about Bambi being Queta’s nephew. MA tells Saul he is thinking of using Bambi to take down A-hole. Saul says you are crazy if you trust Bambi, it would be like playing Russian roulette with a gun FULL of bullets. MA tells Saul he felt like being in a spy movie at his last meeting with Mini, even had to escape out the back door! If it wasn’t for Lupe… Saul asks MA what’s up with Lupita. Did you do the deed with her?? ‘Home-run at la Nopalera!!’ MA nags at him to not mock Lupe. Having no money does not mean MA can use Lupe. MA admits he is in love with Lupe. Have never felt before what he feels for her. Saul is in disbelief. MA calls him ‘insensible’. MA leave. Saul tells self ‘thanks for asking about MY issues! You worry about me so much!’

At her house, Dona Queta argues with Bambi about the news report she saw. Is he still doing #$)#$*?? Bambi denies still being involved in that stuff. She does not want to be dirtied in his pig pen lifestyle.

At market, MA arrives, asks Nepo AGAIN for his job back. Nepo AGAIN gives it back to him with not much resistance.

A-hole keeps looking at the photos of Lupita.. ‘more beautiful than ever’. Vilma comes in, she gets miffed at A-hole paying so much attention to Mrs Menchaaaaca. Vilma says she will find where Lupe is. A-hole says don’t bother.. I am soooo much smarter than you… all you have to do is investigate the licence tags of the motorbike. Vilma offers to go find out. A-hole says no, I will do it myself. Vilma insists in doing it only to get shoo-ed again by A-hole.

Now Tizoc is helping Lupe at Fonda. AS comes downstairs. Lupe immediately confronts her about Carm leaving. AS acts all the entitled ‘victim’. Carm, the ‘employee’, had an issue with her, not the other way around. Lupe says Carm is NO employee. They continue arguing about who knows the true meaning of ‘respect’.

At market, MA questions Trofeo about Dona Queta. Dona Queta comes in and gets to her stand and hides the framed photo of Bambi. Trofeo tells MA that in the news they are saying that the police is after Bambi because of money laundering. MA looks to Dona Queta’s spot, and is worried/concerned.
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Friday, April 11, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #68: 4/10/14: Amor de Microbus!

Hola, Mis Peeps! I'm doing an on the fly recap again. Not too many details. I had some trouble with the convo between Frida and Mau and also some with Tizoc and his band. Please feel free to let me know what it is that I missed. I learn so much from Y'all : ) I am skipping the refried and getting right to the new.

Shall we begin with an earworm? I have selected one for Lupe from her past so to speak with Ahole,  Love On A Two Way Street!

Vilma asks Ahole if maybe there wasn't a past ahem, woman he could have had a child with. I think he insults these women as low class and wouldn't want a child of theirs. He thinks about it for a hawt second and then decides, impossible, absurd! He is and I quote 100% sure that no such child exists.

Tizoc and Don Chuy are just about done cleaning up the kitchen from that fire. Don Chuy feels like a little man for the way he reacted to Carmelita. He looks like he's crying, but he tells Tizoc he's got something in his eye, yeah, right!

AS is at some salon complaining about the quality of their lotions, not like the ones in France or whereva when her former friends show up. They want to know why she is still in Mexico and not in Italia. AS claims it's for the wedding and the stuff she bought has to do with it, when they ask her of course. When is the wedding? Don't know yet, cause it depends on the Count and Countess, but will be sure to invite them.
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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Qué Pobres, Weds 4/9/14 (#67): After the Fire

- Nepo tells Gwendy that it's best if they don't see one another for a while. She bravely pretends to agree, but goes home distraught. Carmelita says that if Nepo needs to stay away from Gwendy, it's because he has feelings for her.

- Macarena calls. AS suggests moving up the wedding another month (or having it in a month) and asks Mac to have her parents send them the money to set it up. Mac says her parents are still in Siberia and won't have access to their bank accounts. AS agrees to go ahead and plan the wedding now and wait for Mac's parents to pay her back. Leo is nervous about this, but AS is sure she knows what's she's doing.
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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #66, 08 April 2014... Fire at the Fonda!! at Chalma, MA and Lupe get hot and steamy too

Emi by pool asks MA if he would like to have wife and kids… MA says it would be really nice, but have to fix some issues of mine first.

At Fonda, Trofeo and Chilaquiles ask Frida what is there to eat. Leo is freaked out, says  customers are bottomless barrels… AS says fix them some tortillas… Frida and Leo convince AS to cook something. She goes to kitchen but not leaving her bottle behind.

Lupe asks Emi to go back to room. MA and Lupe are by poolside. They have another cute argument. He says she has not given him a chance to admire her looks(she is in swimsuit). MA wants to invite her to eat some tacos.

Back at fonda, AS is drinking her martini while cutting potatoes (for Spanish tortilla?) Frida keeps waiting on customers. Leo comes in, says customers want to eat something heavier like panzita. AS is wabbling… she throws stuff on pot… they will love this delicious dish! (LOL!) Mati says see? When you make up your mind, you actually can do something productive. AS says she could care less about her comments, like a fly flew by. Leo says can’t help AS because it is super-complicated. AS says use your head. If anyone poor can use it, you, who have traveled so much should too.

At Chalma room, Chuy tells Nepo about his ‘beatings’ when he was a wrestler. This is nothing, compared to that. Nepo is thankful to them for their hospitality. Nepo lets Chuy use the truck to go back home to get some things.

At Fonda, Leo is having trouble lighting the stove. The room is filling with gas. Then he lites a match… drops it, lites another one and the whole stove goes up in flames… he tries to blow (LOL!) he calls for his mami… AS shouts ‘ay santa maddona!!’ Mati is not much help either blowing from where she is sitting.
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