Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #116 1/2/13: Will Santi Putrefy?

It occurs to me that I'm confused about what day it is. I was sure I was supposed to blog tonight, and I just did, but now I think it's Wednesday instead of Tuesday. Sorry everybody.

As I turned on the tv, Rebe was sending Onesimo away. Haven't we had this scene before? She looks a little worried this time. He chuckles as he leaves. Mimi watches suspiciously, recognizing him as the one who was spying on "Eva" back at the pension.

Helena and Eva, both wearing magenta, tell Lucia they don't have dates for their marriages. Neither seems very excited about getting married. Lucia tells them Renato is gay but it's a secret.

Helena feels guilty she hasn't told Lucia JC is alive. Eva reports: she caught Rebeca snooping in the computer system.

At the hospital in Puebla Renato is hugging his sister Claudia and asking why she never called him. "You said only call in emergencies."

The doctor tells Modesto there's nothing more to be done for Carmen. Modesto does not alter his customary dyspeptic look. Eugenia is there to be a comfort but she's very hurt when he says "I should have spent more time with Carmen taking care of her, loving her." Claudia snarls: "She's just here to make fun of us, she hates my mother and wishes she was dead. She should leave!" Renato thanks her, though, for caring, and for getting "Eva" to tell him to come see his mom the last time.

Eduardo's lawyer friend tells him "Silvia really means it about the divorce this time and you deserve it. If you want her you have to really try to reconquer her."

Mimi tells JC about seeing Onesima with Rebeca. He must be implicated in the fraud.

Looks like Fer is really trying to get a job. He walks with a guy down the hall, arrogantly talking about future advancement etc. He is crestfallen when shown to his tiny new office: he's now director of the dead documents department. (At Time, Life Inc. where my mom and aunt used to work, they called the library of old articles etc "the morgue.")

Carmen wakes up, she tells Renato: "I don't want to leave without asking your pardon, for so many things, for not having given you a father who would have been with you, for turning my back when you needed me. I understand now that you're different." Renato says HE apologizes for his pride and arrogance and self-absorption and for not coming to see her. They make up; she says, take care of your sister, she needs you, and fix up things with your dad. Modesto tells her he always loved her. She tells the kids she loves them and croaks. Modesto scratches his ear dyspeptically.

Mimi, a radio show consultant on beauty and romance, delivers a Public Service Announcement about women getting proper medical exams: She knows a woman who never got checked for HIV until she was pregnant, turns out she was positive, but because she got treated her baby was born healthy. Then they talk about old movie stars. A call comes in for Mimi from/about a guy who describes himself as a semi-famous guy who disappeared, a nortena. Turns out, it's Dagoberto Preciso calling. She is impactada. "We were artistic allies once," she yells "but one of us betrayed the other. Adios jerk!"

Eva to Rebeca: "How are the plans for the anniversary party? And by the way, who was that guy leaving your office? Is he a boyfriend?" Rebeca says "You're trying to get me fired but I will defend my employment like a lion." "You're more like a housecat," Eva purrs/smirks as she leaves. Rebecca tells Pluto that Eva is on to Onesimo the evil henchman. "You'd do better to re-ally yourself with me." He blows her off.

Helena does not want a kiss from Pluto, because she now knows he got Lalo to cheat at the Science Fair. She's also worried because the [fake] construction company [made by Pluto to defraud the company] FITSA is not getting anything done at the Playa. She says she'll solve it. She doesn't want to go to dinner with him, she doesn't want him at her house.

Adri is yelling at three of the blue dresses because Renato can't be found and they can't find his party documents. Modesto phones Adri: "We haven't seen each other much, but right now you're the only person I can tell what's happened to me. Carmen just died. Oh, you didn't know? I thought your fiancee would have told you since she's friends with Eugenia."

Santy is passed out on a bare mattress next to an empty bottle, his head on his shoes, not answering Lucia's call. Lucia tells Eva she's worried about "a friend" who lives alone. Eva doesn't assuage her worries: "Too bad when people are alone they DIE and people only find out by the smell of their PUTREFIED BODIES!"

Adri runs after Eva to yell at her: "Why don't you trust me, why don't you tell me things, what's going on?" To deflect his rage Eva announces: "As of today we are going to use "tu" with each other!" Adri wants to go to the funeral, Eva doesn't want him to go (he'd see Renato there) and forbids him to attend to the funeral, but he says he's going anyway.

Helena wonders why Lalo took so long to tell her about cheating. "Plutarco told me sometimes it's fine to cheat to get what you want." Helena says he should apologize to that girl he cheated, she'll come with him while he does it. His punishment will be two days without TV. "I want four days."

Eduardo says he's going to forbid the divorce and will try to win Silvia back. Silvia is worried about him but is moving forward, her new plan: her boss is retiring and she wants to buy the business. Helena says she can put up the money for her mom, they can be partners. (What her mom did for HER with the travel agency.)

JC goes to find his mom. Eugenia has locked her door and is seeing nobody. JC goes up with medicine, she lets him in and admits she's heartbroken that Modesto was so upset: "Your father really loved her, I felt so humiliated." JC jokes her out of her funk enough to take her medicine.

Mimi is sad at home. She pulls out a scrapbook of her early career as a singer in a cowboy hat, called Jilguerillo (some kind of bird). Dang, I was distracted when the headlines explaining the problem flashed by, but Dagoberto was Mimi's agent and at some point she went to jail. Anybody catch it?


Por ella soy Eva #115 1/1/13: JC/Eva Meets His/Her Brother; Loose Lips Sink Ships

Hey Y'all I am putting up another discussion post and if Melinama or Ezra put up a recap will take this one down. I didn't see the whole epi again, so whatever I didn't see, please fill in.

Claudia is all witchy to Eugenia about Carmen. She thinks that Eugenia purposely kept Carmen's illness from her. Eugenia is impatient and shakes Claudia into trying to listen, and tells her she is taking Claudia to Puebla cause her Mama Carmen is in a bad way. They go.

Eva is calling Luis' cell phone and Renato's phone rings. Renato wants to know why Eva is calling him since he is standing right there. Eva instead asks if his name is Luis? Well, yeah he says, my first name is Luis, but I am using my middle name Renato. Eva explains that a friend of hers has been trying to find him. He wants to know what friend, uh, Eugenia Mistrail of course. Seems his Mama Carmen ain't doing well and they have been trying to find him, to tell him of course. Well, Renato says that he is dead to his mother, and Eva shakes him and tells him to go to Puebla to see his Mama cause she is badly off and may not make it, doncha know. He is rattled and doesn't know what is what, Eva says she will tell Adri, she tells him to git already, so he goes. Eva does go to Adri and tells him that Carmen isn't doing well and Renato has gone to Puebla. Adri is ok with that, and is sad for Renato as is Eva. When Eva is alone in her office, she goes to JC mode and he says that Renato is my brother.  Mimi comes by and Eva in JC mode tells her about Renato being his brother.
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Friday, December 28, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #114 12/28/12: Day of the Innocents

Or: Day of the Lippy, Cheating Children

Mexico, Spain, and many other countries commemorate a very grisly event on December 28. The Day of the Innocents, as it is known, is a day of pranks and practical jokes, not unlike April Fools' Day.

This episode could not have aired on a more appropriate day.
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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #113 12/27/12: Helena rechaza el regalo

I am away in a strange land (Connecticut) where Univision apparently doesn't believe in closed captions, and so this is a translation of Televisa's synopsis of this capitulo...

The employees that have been rehired thank Eva for all she has done for them.  Helena looks at Eva with admiration and congratulates her.  Eva says that she only did what anyone would have done in her position. 

Rebeca complains to see the sad faces of Jennifer and Kevin and tells them the one thing they can't do is accuse her to their parents because she is telling them the truth (her version, always skewered in her favor).  Jennifer assures her they will say nothing and thanks her for telling them the truth.

The employees comment that not only have they returned to work, but also programs have been implemented to help single mothers and to train older people.  Helena is much surprised to learn all Eva did.  Eva gets embarrassed and says it's only part of a plan that Grupo Imperio is going to implement.
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #112 12/26/12: More Lies, Rumble at the Sports Bar, Is There a Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde in our Midst?

Happy Holidays to all

At Grupo Imperio- Gi- the vulture Pluti is in Helena’s office and Helena is telling Pluti that we can be married forever or that stuff happens.  Nothing is for sure.  Look at her parents after 30 years of marriage they are going to divorce.  Pluti wasn’t in the loop for this and he loves her parents like they were his own family. (Eye rolling time!)  Helena apologizes for not telling him about her parent’s private lives.  Pluti throws a little tantrum, Eva knew about this, then him.  Why is he not in loop for these type of things.  Anything going on with her interests him and she is the most important thing in his life. (Eye rolling time again)

Eva tells Fernando that he needs to clarify with Marsela the real reason that he got fired and she needs to know Rebeca’s true involvement.  Stupid Fernando says that  has  a good recommendation and secured a good job.  Eva breaks it down slowly to him-you don’t know how to lie.  Fernando continues to babble about his job and Eva has had enough.  Marsela is aware of the fact that you don’t have a job and you are lying about doing the housework.  Eva warns Fernando that when Marsela gets home tonight she is going to call him on the lies and he better fess up.

News Flash- Sorry Pluti- but you are not the most important person in Helena’s world. (Time to raise my eyebrows)  Lalito trumps everyone! Oh well, Pluti loves him like a son and when they become a family Lalito will have siblings.  Helena looked very uncomfortable at the mention of more children (or the fact that she would have to have sex with Pluti) She said that they hadn’t even spoken about children and they are not married yet, Pluti apologizes for speaking out of turn, and it won’t happen again. (As if!!!!)

Stupid Fernando wants to know why is Eva telling him this because she is Marsela’s friend.  Eva never thought about Fernando (and why would she?)  Fernando tries to sell himself as a passionate man and asks Eva for a kiss (I can’t wait for the day when everyone finds out who Eva really is.  All of these male chauvinists will turn 50 shades of red) Eva snatches him up.  Eva wants to be friends with Fernando.  Fernando apologizes for insulting Eva.  Eva asks Fernando for a hug, they hug and then Fernando asks her for a tongue kiss- ewww! He is a brut, but Eva likes him. (He is a likeable fool!)

Avon commercial- Mimi gives nephew Cristian some products to deliver.  Fernando explains that he is not justifying what he did, but he was jealous of Marsela’s success. He is a sincere brut!  They share a beer.  Fernando tries to prove a point about men being the head of the family, it’s tiring.  Women are victims of machismo.  Fernando- men have to protect women.  The doorbell rings and it’s an idiot party!! Santi arrives (Who is at work???)

Renato is happy because he can leave early from work today.  (The only working person) Since he is getting off early, he and Lucia can hang out at her house.  She will cook dinner and they can watch movies.  She makes a sad puppy face and Renato caves in but only as a friend.

Santi tells Eva his tales of divorce woes with Angelica.  Santi and Fernando are going to a sports bar to watch the Pumas soccer team.  Eva chugs down her beer and says her heart is blue and her skin is golden.  Fernando says that it’s not a place for women.  They all head out to the game.  At the sports bar (I’m not sure how anyone can see the game with that gigantic Puma flag) The Pumas score!!!!  Ferni and Santi can’t believe how much Eva knows about soccer.  A man (heckler)  asks Eva to sit down; he can see the screens and proceeds to call the Pumas- loser. (Those are fighting words!!)

Eugenia is discussing the new possible (Claudia scam) part with her agent, Mr. Becker.  The agent knows nothing about the production.  Mean Claudia listens and gloats.

At the sports bar- the heckler tells Eva not to sing victory just yet and then says he doesn’t know why they let older women like her into this bar. Ferni asks if he wants to fix the problem, and with whom?  He throws Santi and his jester hat (repping the Pumas) under the bus) Eva can take care of herself. Eva says- What they shouldn’t allow in the bar are misogynistic man who take advantage of weaknesses of fragile women like herself.  She is poking him as she is speaking to him.  Eva continues to lead the bar in a P-U-M-A cheer.

At Helena’s=Helena lets Silvia know that tomorrow the lawyer will begin the divorce proceedings.  Silvia thanks Helena for her support.  Silvia is very upbeat and asks Helena about the progress of her wedding. Helena confesses that Pluti makes her restless, he scares her a little.  He looks at her as if she was his object. (Well Hello!)  Silvia remembers that when Helena and Lalito went to Playa Mayagua and didn’t tell Pluti, he flew into a rage.  Helena wanted to now if he disrespected Silvia but he didn’t.  That discussion left Helena wide-eyed impactada.

Eva thanks them for inviting her and that she loves soccer and goes to the ladies room.  She is stopped by the heckler- who calls her a lesbian, she doesn’t belong there, insults her about being a lady of high society and Eva tells him that she is not going to waste time explaining anything to him because it would take at least 2 centuries. She is a beautiful woman and he is a misogynist.  The heckler calls her a fool and all of the Puma fans are fools.  Santi and Ferni get up and the heckler says- oh you have to have one of your flunkies to defend you.  Fern stands up to him.  Eva tells him to never mind.  He calls Santi a pollon and the punches fly.  The heckler tries to leave and Ferni punches him- no one punches my friend.  Everyone is fighting.

Helena is very worried about what her mother is telling her.  She always sees him (Pluti) is so loving, but Silvia wants to alert Helena to the fact that he can be a Dr Jekyll. / Mr. Hyde.  Helena tires to convince herself that Pluti is a good man.

Back at the rumble- the owner says that no one leaves until they pay for the damage.  The police arrive, the fighting stops.  Eva says that the heckler started and the heckler says that Eva started.  Eva is a beautiful woman and the heckler disagrees.  She acts like a man (why is he the only one to notice?)  The owner shouts again that no one leaves- Eva tells him to calm down and stop shouting, everyone pays up.

Rebeca is frustrating herself by looking at the emails on the cd. She figures that there must be another email account.   She doesn’t recognize any of the names, they are all business related.  Again she bothers the Virgencita to help her find the email account.

Marsela comes home and finds Kevin and Jennifer texting and without dinner. A beer can is left open and Fernando is not at home.  No one has seen him. An annoyed Marsela prepares a quick dinner and the kids have to help.  Marsela is fuming.

Santi and Fernando are happy that Eva came.  They had a good time but they miss Juan Carlos.

Eva brings Fernando home after the soccer game and explains all to Marsela, who is still steaming. They just went to see a friendly, educated game of soccer. Eva is willing to take the blame.

Renato doesn’t like romantic movies.  Lucia has an idea to add to their romance theater- let’s add some romantic photos to our Face book page.

Eva left and Fernando looked like a little boy that was going to be scolded by Marsela. Fernando again lies about his involvement with Rebeca, he used her, took advantage of her, and of course Marsela doesn’t believe his cock and bull story.  Rebeca did it to involve him.  He needs to use his head, think.  Marsela has more important things to discuss.  Why are you taking me for a fool with this badge?

Lucia thinks that she can change Renato from gay to straight.  Renato realizes that she in love with him but he is still gay.

Fernando tells Marsela about Dona Eva and the fun that they had. 
Marsela wants to know why is Fernando lying and shows him his “work” badge.

Lucia admits that she is in love with Renato.
Juan Carlos misses being with his friends.  He realizes that Fernando is an imbecile even though he is his friend.   Juan can’t imagine Helena having relations with the vulture, Pluti.

Fernando admits that he lied because what man cleans his house.  It’s not masculine.  He did id for Kevin’s sake. Marsela says that she has been doing it for years and she does it with love.  He has two weeks to find a job, whatever it may be or he has to hit the road and forget about Marsela and the kids.

Renato and Lucia are crying over her feelings.  Renato apologizes  to Lucia for leading her on.  He loves her as a friend and not a friend with benefits.  They won’t hang out with each other anymore.

Kevin and Jennifer discuss the fact that their parents are arguing over their dad losing his job but they don’t understand why he lost his job.  Neither of the kids understand exactly what is going on. Kevin blames Marsela and Jennifer says that they shouldn’t argue about it.

Juan Carlos feels that he is a fool if he thinks that Helena loves him while sleeping with Pluti.  (If he only knew)  Mimi- tells him that it may hurt but she is engaged to someone else and he has to respect it.  Juan Carlos feels that when he sees Helena that she still loves him.  Whatever it costs, he is going to reconquer her.

Juan is going to check on Rebeca and the cd and then give Helena some information that has some proof about Juan Carlos’ innocence.

Mimi reminisces how Juan Carlos can put on his own make up and get dressed by himself.  He has come a long way.

Kevin asks Fernando what happened at Grupo Imperio he doesn’t understand.  Ferni blames it on the executives and starts talking about a first girlfriend.

Kevin and Jennifer are waiting outside of Gi and Rebeca accosts them.  Kevin asks Rebeca why was his father fired.  Rebeca says that it’s private.  The kids beg her to tell them and she says because he was a thief.

Coming attractions: Everyone is cheering Eva at the office and Helena tells Eva that she has become her teacher
Juan Carlos tells Helena- Pluti can never love you the way that I love you

See you next year!!!


Por ella soy Eva #111 & 110 12/24/12 & 12/25/12: Highlights of Both Epi's

I am putting up this discussion post for both epi's. If Ezra or Melinama puts up a full recap I will take
this one down. I only saw parts of both these epi's and will put down what I remember. This will not be in order.

Pluti and Rebe, the snakes, are done with their entwining, Rebe trying to get Pluti back thru this deed, but nah, not so much. Pluti basically tells her not only no, but hell no. He also threatens her to not ever say anything about this or any of his other secrets.

Angie is trying to soak Santi for everything he's got. His parents are rich after all. What she doesn't understand is, his parents hate her and would never give Santi the money to support her. She tells Santi she will be a famous model one day and he can eat his hat, take that Santi! Well, he goes to Lucia for advice and she says something to him about Angie can't do this in Mexico, he was married in Mexico, right???right????, he has to confess he got married in Vegas, so what happened in Vegas is about to flood him in Mexico, Lucia can't beleive he was so dumb. Later, Eva talks to Santi and she says you were drunk right, when you got married? He says yeah, and he misses his friend JC. Eva wants him to spill his problems to her, but he won't. After he walks away, Eva in her true JC voice, says he misses his brother too.
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #109 12/21/12: Fire..When You're Hot, Your Hot, You're Dynamite or Jealous Lover

Sorry this recap is late. Title courtesy of The Ohio Players, Fire; and also the big hair 80's group Rainbow, Jealous Lover

We begin this epi with Angie leaving Santi.

Next we are in Ixtapa with Helena and Pluti at the pool. Pluti has got a shiny shirt on even at the beach, who knew, when they are suprised by Rebe, who knew they were there, she can't beleive it, liar, liar pants on fire, jus' sayin'.Now she tells them about the anniversary party for G.I and then she has something to say about Pluti in front of Helena, what you ask? I'll tell you, seems Rebe is going with the flow and remarks to Helena that Pluti is a great guy, big heart and Helena is lucky to be marrying the snake, er , nice guy. Pluti tries to play it off by being modest, hand kissing and hand holding ensue as Rebe continues to spew this soup. Rebe congrats them both on the up coming nuptials and goes.

Now we are at Fern's and Marcela's where Daniel has taken Jennifer and Kevin home. Kevin goes in the house giving alone time to Jennifer and Daniel. Jennifer is still pithed at Daniel as he tries to talk her into not telling anyone what happened between them, in other words, the hurtful things he said. He begs for forgiveness from Jennifer. He is really laying it on thick, she doesn't seem to be caving, and is about to go in, when he stops her and begs her once again. She thinks what he did was not nice at all. Yay, she didn't cave and he is pithed. She goes in her house.
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Friday, December 21, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #108 12/20/12: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Renato tells Lucia that no matter what he does it doesn't help because he's gay.  She looks shocked.

Helena and Plutarco are meeting lawyer Mendoza at a resort in Ixtapa.  Pluto reminds her that she wanted to know who he was implicating in the phone call she overheard, and it is her.  When the Playa Majagua project is finished she will end her job at GI.  She acknowledges this and is feeling uncomfortable.  But... Pluto has arranged with Mendoza to reinstate Moreno Travel for her when that happens.  "All this time with the mystery, you have been thinking of me?  Planning for my future?" she asks gratefully.   Boy, is he slick.  Just then JC passes, disguised as Juan Perez with that ridiculous mustache and a paunch.  He is dressed as a bellhop and carrying a load of towels, and he motions to her with is head.  Helena excuses herself and goes after him.  "What are you doing here?" she demands.  He says he followed Rebeca here, and Helena says don't be ridiculous, she's in Acapulco.  "Now go, before someone recognizes you in that terrible disguise."  He complains about Pluto, imitating a vulture, and Helena says he sounds like Eva.  "Pluto has nothing to hide.  He's only thinking of me."   They fight with a chemistry she never has with the Putz.  Can't she see that?

Renato tells Lucia he's had to pretend to be something he's not because of prejudice, especially in this homophobic agency.  He's sorry to have hurt her.  He says she's perfect and marvelous.  She says sadly that the only man to find her perfect and marvelous is... gay.  With tears in his eyes he begs her not to tell anyone.  She asks him to leave her alone.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #107 12/19/12: Eugenia vs. A Mega Actress; Renato Comes Out of the Closet


Pluti is in Helena’s office talking about the fraud file that he looked at on her desk yesterday and how Eva is in the middle of everything.  He doesn’t’ trust her, but Helena says that Eva is the only person that she trusts.  Pluti (for once) shuts up about Eva because she is Helena’s friend.
Pluti is on the phone with Raul Mendoza who is already at Ixtapa.  He will see him soon with his fiancée.  Raul is poolside, rubbing some unknown young lady.

Eugenia is saying her role but she is not too happy with the other actress, who is the protagonist.

Renato is telling Helena that Rebeca is planning a 25th anniversary celebration for G.I.  That is why she went to Acapulco.  Renato shares with Helena- Between you and I she works hard but she is a pest.  Helena changes the subject- I don’t’ want to be a busybody BUT what’s happening with my best friend, Lucia.  She is a wonderful girl, you won’t find anyone better but she seems to be a jerk magnet.

Lucia asks Eva, what type of woman is Renato attracted to? Someone like Rebeca.  Lucia and Renato have not shared any nookie and Eva tells Lucia in a roundabout way that she is not the problem.  Speak of the devil- he comes Renato.  Eva’s cell phone rings.  Renato will have a long talk with Lucia later.

Eva runs into the bathroom to answer her phone. It’s Helena.  She wants to meet in their usual place.
Helena shares with Juan that she is confused and that she suspects everyone.  Juan is happy that she is recouping the confidence that she had in him.  She doesn’t want him to misinterpret what is going on, (but let’s read between the lines).  If it wasn’t for Eva, she wouldn’t be doing this.  Eva is like her guardian angel, who will never deceive her.

On the novella set- Eugenia cuts the scene again and the other actress has a hissy fit because she is the major star and no one should call cut when they feel like it.  The other "mega" actress according to Eugenia lacks talent and Eugenia excuses herself from the set.  Ms. "Mega" Actress has a million Twitter followers, so she is the real star, not the crazy, old woman with an attitude, next!

Helena still doesn’t think that Pluti is involved.  Juan lets her know that for ambition and power he is capable.  Helena throws it back to Juan, that a man can deceive a woman and her family for ambition. (She should listen carefully to her own words)  Juan says that love transformed him and he will prove it to her.

Tomorrow Pluti is going on a business trip, he can’t give Helena any details but he wants her to accompany him.  Pluti arranges for Helena to get time off.

Helena explains to Eva that she is going to Ixtapa with Pluti.  She has a doubt in her mind about his involvement and she is checking it out.  Eva is not to tell Juan- LOL.  Please be discreet, Eva.

Eva wants to go, but since this is a secret trip, her appearance at the beach wouldn’t be wise.
Eva gives Helena a list of recommendations:
1.    No sleeping together
                      2. Go to separate rooms
                                3. No stowing away

Mimi volunteers to keep Adriano busy in Eva’s absence because he will die without her.  

Helena tells Lalito that she will leave early tomorrow for Ixtapa.  He will stay with Silvia.  He is sad that Mad Dad lives alone, but Silvia says that he will be fine.

Mimi shows up at Adriano’s house, because Eva sent her.  Adriano doesn’t like this one bit.  Eva calls him dressed up as Juan (cowboy, big moustache).  Her aunt choked on a chimchanga and died.  The man behind Juan is watching the whole conversation in disbelief.  Adriano wants to be with her, but she is boarding and it's too late.

Silvia is still a little hurt from Mad Dad's rejection but she is feeling strong and will proceed with her divorce.  Helena is going to support her.

Eugenia is very upset about what went on at the TV series. The protagonist is not an actress. She was terrible.  She wants to talk to the producer.  The protagonist is only a pretty face. The role of Minerva is not for her.  She’s been fired.  They would rather have an inept actress than an international star. The brat girl is eavesdropping and laughing.

In Ixtapa at the hotel Juan tries to get info at the front desk but is sent to the employee’s entrance and should pick up his work uniform.  Rebeca comes up to the counter and inquires about the arrivals of Mendoza and Pluti. Juan (the cowboy) bumps into a French girl who was the same girl getting rubbed down by Raul Mendoza at the pool. She requests a room near to Pluti's because they are such good friends.  Rebeca starts bad mouthing Helena.

Eugenia’s agent tells her to be patient that acting has changed since she was in her prime and that other roles will come forth  or not.

Silvia and Lalito share a public announcement for milk.  They compliment each other and share milk and cookies.

Mimi is at Adriano’s house feeding him dinner.  He asks if Eva cooks as well. Mimi tells him, no.  Since Eva can’t cook, maybe Mimi can teach her.  Mimi suggests that he learn how to cook or is he too macho to do so.

At the Escudero’s apartment- Angelica is painting herself to go out.  She thought that Santi was going to work late.  He tried to trick her and ask her if she was going out with her BF Rebeca, but Angelica tells him that Rebeca is away, he should know that, so will be going out with her male friend from “work”.  He is not to talk to her in that tone. Is Santi jealous?

Mimi has a play with words with Adriano, on whether she should stay or go home.  Adriano hugged Mimi and had a strange feeling. (a woody-hmm??)

At Grupo Imperio-Lucia is whining about going out to eat or even going out for a coffee.  Renato rips her a new one and lets her know that work is his priority and he has made sacrifices to get where he is.  He is saying it with tears and fire in his eyes.  Lucia tells Renato that she gets it.  His priority is work, hers is love.  She goes on about life being empty without love.  Renato apologizes and says that tomorrow they can go wherever she wants.  She leaves him.

Mimi tells JC that she is making strides with Adriano and Juan wants her to focus on what he is telling her.  First he arrives in Ixtapa and then Rebeca arrives, she is supposed to be in Acapulco.  The Mendoza arrives.  Why is Rebeca there?  Is she involved?

At The Contrera’s house- Fernando is going to wash the dishes before he goes to work.  Huh??  Just as I thought, he doesn’t have a job.  He too bothers the Virgencita to help him find a job.  

Lucia asks Santi if he has straightened out things with his wife.  He confesses to Lucia that he is not happy.  Santi is not lucky with women because he goes for the easy ones.  Santi asks Lucia about Renato and she says that they are going to have dinner and talk and she is going to make him a very romantic, Hollywood type dinner with candles and the works.

Ixtapa- Pluti and Helena arrive.  Surprise, surprise, there is only one room, Pluti blames the secretary or the mix up.  Helena isn’t too happy and hopes that Pluti isn’t tricking her into a night of the horizontal mambo of course not, so they sign into two rooms. (It’s eye-rolling time for me)

Santi is sitting at the computer supposedly working and Renato comes up and asks about Angelica.  Renato tries the – hey we’re boys and you can tell me anything, but Santi isn’t feeling Renato.  He is still bitter about the way that he broke up with Lucia.  He tells Renato that Lucia is wonderful and he treasures her.  Does Renato feel the same?
Ixtapa- Rebeca calls Angelica to give her the 411 on her trip and Helena, they basically talk about nothing and Angelica hangs up on Rebeca because she is soooo busy.  Rebeca needs to find a better type of friends.

Renato comes into Helena’s office where Lucia is actually working, but Renato needs to speak to her and he doesn’t know where to begin.

A frustrated Santi calls Angelica and she tells him about another assignment that she has.  She better be at home when he gets there and she better be awake.   She tells him goodbye and laughs and it sounds like someone else is laughing in the room with her.  Does she have a jump off???  Uh oh- Santi is going home.

Lucia thinks that Renato has another woman.  She wants to know, who is she???  What does she lack?? Breasts, change her hair color?? You are perfect but it doesn’t move me because I am gay!!!!!

In Ixtapa- Pluti introduces Helena to Mendoza.  He is going to help her restart her agency- Moreno Travel.  Juan with the moustache passes by and wants to see Helena. 

Coming attractions-
Pluti discovers that Rebeca is in Ixtapa and Juan gets caught with the french girl being in his personal space


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #106 12/18/12: Fernando Does Not Do the Dishes.

We rerun Silvia's most recent kiss-off of Eduardo. I just hope she can stick to it this time. "Goodbye forever," her note says. He looks surprised and maybe even a bit regretful. Idiot. Silvia goes back to Helena's apartment and says: "You were right, men like him never change."

Renato wants Jackie to spread rumors that he's squeezing Rebeca, even though Rebeca reminds us she doesn't put out for salaried plebes. She prays to the Virgincita to save her from nacos.

Santiago calls Lucia - he's drunk, she's sleepy. She boasts: "Renato has come back to me." He, on the other hand, feels Angelica is putting the horns on him. Also, they're of different classes, she threatened to incinerate him, they're oil and water. The phonecall ends when Angelica comes home. Santi yells at her, she points out he's drunk, he makes a pass at her, she turns him down.

As Silvia cries on Helena's shoulder the doorbell rings. It's Eduardo. Helena tells him to leave but Silvia goes out in the hallway with him to say she wants a divorce. They've had this exact conversation before FF>>

New day. Wait, what is this? Is Fernando actually going to do some cleaning up? The house is an amazing mess. Marcela gives him housecleaning tasks, he doesn't even complain, he's obviously eating humble pie. He's as pathetic at housework as you might imagine, and even hurts his back picking up a hankie. Uh oh, better not strain himself, he thinks...

At work, Lucia greets a hungover Santi. He says the fact Angelica isn't drinking any more proves she has a lover! Lucia says, you have no proof of anything.

Angelica asks Rebe to give her an alibi.

Helena tells Juan/Eva: "We must not suspect Eva - Juan's mother has cleared her." I think this is the most idiotic plot retardant ever. JC hasn't told Helena he's Eva? Give me a #^$%# break.

Helena then tells Juan/Eva: "I'm beginning to believe you're not guilty but don't call me 'my love,' and further, I have no reason to suspect Pluto of anything."

Rebe tells Adri they should have a big party for the 25th anniversary of GI. Adri isn't really listening but when Renato says it's a good idea, she gets an ok, and permission to go to Acapulco to scout out possibilities.

Rebe tells Santi: "I was with Angelica in a bar last night." But Santi hears Jackie tell Lucia: "Rebe was here at work VERY LATE with Renato last night." So Angelica was lying! Santi and Lucia yell at each other that they're going to find proof that their sweeties are unfaithful!

Lucia confronts Rebe (for stealing her man). Rebe: "Renato is not what he appears..." Eva hustles Lucia away before Rebe can say "he's gay."

Helena tells Eva: "I've talked to Juan." !! Whoever did the fraud is very clever. It's Raul Mendoza they must seek, but he's on a long trip... Pluto enters. His mouth drops open when Eva asks him what he knows about Mendoza, but he gets the whole commercial break to come up with an answer. "Yes, I know him, but these 'work friendships' aren't much. Why do you mention him?" Eva: "I need a lawyer for some business concerning my aunt Maria Ingrata (heheh)." "Is she about to die?" Why do you always hope for the worst? No, it's that vultures are after my aunt's little nest egg... that's why we were talking about him. ... but you look kind of pale..."

Daniel is going to take Jennifer to Acapulco, they'll be alone...

Marcela pays back the money Fer ripped off. Adri can't understand why she doesn't dump the loser. She says Fer's an idiot but not a bad person. "And you love him." "Sometimes I doubt I'm doing right, but he's my life, I chose him and promised before God to stay with him. Yes, I love him." "Without love, we can't live," Adri hums a little song.

End of the day, Fernando's family comes home, the house is worse than when they left. Marcela yells. Fer says, "This kind of work is for women. I got a job, so now things can be as they used to be."

Jenny takes advantage of Fer's good mood to say she wants to spend the weekend with some friends to 'study.' "I, as head of the family, give you permission," says Fer, though Marcela wanted phone number, names, addresses.

Pluto gives Helena the snake eye for mistrusting him.

Tomorrow: Pluti and Helena go to Acapulco, followed by Juan in his dreadful moustache and cowboy hat. Also Rebeca. Also, I assume, Jennifer and Daniel. Pool party!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #105 12/17/12

Juan's mom pulls his butt out of the fire with Helena, verifying that Eva is her lifelong friend who never met Juan but fights for his justice . Afterwards, Juan and his mom have an incredibly cute chat about truth and the danger of getting too stuck in your role.

Helena apologizes to Eva for doubting her... Eva: forget about it, our friendship is bulletproof!

Later, at Helena's place, Helena and Eva are talking about Lalo's granddad... and... speaking of second chances, says Eva, don't you think Juan Carlos deserves another one of those? Helena gets a little misty. She mentions that she had put the Juan thing behind her and she thought it would be better to be with a steady man who loved her. (but she doesn't say that she loves Pluti). Speaking of the Devil, here he is at the door! Eva scowls as they smooch.

Marcela's clever daughter wonders why she continues to support the awful Fernie, despite his terrible behavior.

Eduardo's brother (I think) calls Helena's mom to assure her that Eduardo was depressed without her, and that they make a great pair (is he stupid? The only thing that Eduardo makes a good pair with is a kick in the pants!).

Oooh, Juan's mom has some biting words for her husband - now she realizes that he was trying to hold her back, to keep her down because she was too much woman for him. He is of the common people, the simple people with simple lives who just want to keep everyone down to their vulgar level!

Oh, no. Helena's mom has prepared a romantic evening for Eduardo. She lights candles pours some wine, lets her hair down, and arranges her robe seductively. I doubt this will end well. And it doesn't. He takes a half-sip of wine, gets up, and mocks her for looking ridiculous and acting silly. He just thought they were going back to normal. Gross. She cries herself to sleep.

Aaaah, Helena confronts pluto about that "implication" business. He makes an excuse too lame to write down. Then he goes out and returns the text to Mendoza, his mysterious man.

Rebeca gets Pluti's email  by shaking her maracas... she groans, you're just as boring in your emails as you are in bed... But she finds something! As Pluto is writing to Mendoza about a plan to meet in Ixtapa, Rebe is noticing a lot of emails about the same guy. Interesting!

Helena is awake late trying to decide whether to call Juan, when her mom walks in (hair back up), finally trying to escape from Eduardo.

In fact, the same bastard is this very moment reading the note she left. She had been so excited to meet the man she loved for thirty years, but the jerk met her with the same old insults. She can no longer keep alive the last drop of their love. He scowls some more.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Por Ella Soy Eva #104, Thurs 12-13: It's Adam and Eva, not Adam and Steve.

Helena is interrogating Eva in her office, and Lucero is trying to mask her own laughter at Camil's responses.  Eva has a boyfriend named Juan Carlos.  Helena says there are things Eva has hid in her personal life that affect Juan, and Eva asks "Which?  Yours or mine?"  Mine, Helena says, no, he's not mine, Juan Carlos Caballero (reminds me of the Ana Paula thing in LQNPA).  Helena wants to know why Eva has so much interest in Juan's fraud.  "Por que?  Por que?" she demands.  Eva asks "Que?" and Helena yells at her not to start with the "Que" thing that she does.  Que?  Adriano interrupts the confusion and Helena leaves, but she stops to listen just outside the door.  Adri asks Eva where she's been and Eva tells him she went with dona Eugenia to her audition.  The wheels turn in Helena's mind.

In the hallway Santi scolds Renato for the abrupt way he broke up with Lucia.  Lucia is crying in Helena's office and Renato comes in with his tail between his legs.  She tells him she's crying because of the smog... or maybe it's conjunctivitis.  He's all puppy dog eyes and apologizes for having behaved like a patan.  He starts to say, "I want to ask you..."  Lucia leaps in the air and gloms onto him like an octopus with a tasty fish.  "Yes! Yes!" she shouts, "I'll be your girlfriend again!"  He makes a face like a fish gasping for air as she squeezes the life out of him.

Adriano is telling Eva he doesn't think Modesto likes the idea of Eugenia returning to acting.  Now Eva is out for bear.  She asks, just by coincidence, if Adriano knew Modesto had a second family.  He says no, but she continues to berate him not to lie to her.  He finally admits that he knew something of it but he never met Carmen... oops, well, that was the name of Modesto's second woman.  Adri knew about it but never told Juan Carlos.  Adri defends Modesto, saying that as a man he took care of two families- he didn't abandon either.  "As a man he shouldn't have two families, Neanderthal," Eva screams at him.  Eva gets on her soapbox about how men treat women, ending with her refrain that "We are all Mexicans."  She asks Adri if she's turned him off and no, quite the contrary, he gets turned on by her words when she's fighting for her ideals.  To her chagrin he loves her more than ever.  He gets on his soapbox and Eva glances around to see who in the world he's talking to.
Read more »


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #103 12/12/12 Cries, Lies, I Got the Part and a Kiss on the Cheek


¡Buenas noches a todos and Happy Triple Twelve Day!!!

We begin with Lucia rambling on about how Santi can advise her about what a man wants in a woman. (How about, he’s just not that into you, Lucia?)  She begs Helena to give her a file, a paper, or something to take to him.  Helena agrees with Santi, let him look for you. (Two things- this scene is painful to watch because it reminds me of my junior high school awkward days with boys and does Helena have another pair of shoes, because she has been rocking those cream colored shoes for a few episodes-just sayin’?)

Helena asks Renato to help her to find any information about the fraud.  Don Adriano asks- did something happen?

At The Contreras’ house- Jennifer asks if Ferni has resolved his problem at work and he lied and said today it would be resolved. (Why are they lying to the children?) The telephone rings and Ferni answers- if the cable bill isn’t paid today, the service will be cut.  Ferni pretends that it’s a job offer. (Everyone is lying!)  Marsela smells a rat.

Helena asks Adriano about the recent embezzlement with Fernando and how she feels that maybe Juan Carlos is innocent and was blamed for some shady doings.  Adriano is sorry but in Juan’s case his participation was verified.  Adriano has doubts and he has Renato checking into it.  Adriano misses Juan and loved him like a son.  It’s ironic that Juan is still on Helena’s and his mind. Adriano mentions that Eva is interested in the same information and a light goes off in Helena’s mind.  (Is Eva involved??)

Marsela runs back into the house because she forgets her wallet, the phone rings.  The cable company calls back because the man who answered confused her with someone else, wow, how efficient!!
Marsela will personally pay the bill and realizes that Fernando lied to her about the interview. (Wait, they are all lying!! Someone needs to stop the madness)

Eugenia has an audition and she is thrilled.  The brat enters and asks her – where is she going and apologizes for not knocking before entering the room.  Claudia with her rude self- throws a wrench into Eugenia’s happiness by letting her know that there will be other actresses at the audition, so she will have competition.  Eugenia doesn’t visibly fall for her foolishness and lets Claudia know.  Sarcastically the brat wishes her luck.

Eugenia calls Eva/Juan as she steps off of the elevator for a pep talk about her audition.  She is having a mini panic attack.  She wants Eva to accompany her for support.  Eva leaves the empresa.

Helena is thinking about why the name, Maximilian Montes sounds familiar to her.  She looks up his former agency, Taurus Travel- and the blue dress remembers that that was the same name as Eva’s old boyfriend.  Helena thought bubbles about how Pluti gave Eva info about Max.  Is Eva behind the fraud??  It can’t be.

Eugenia meets the producer- Gabriel Rodriguez.  He was honored to meet her.  Eva mentions many of Eugenia’s old plays.

Helena calls the agency and Senor Montes worked there more than 40 years ago.  (I wonder how the secretary knew that so quickly?)

Eugenia is auditioning for a part of a woman who has a child that she didn’t give birth to but loves as her own. (How art imitates life) She has to memorize the part.  Eugenia is a nervous wreck.

Eva has some fun as a lion in front of the camera.

Adriano as usual is looking for Eva.  He asks Helena, how well do you know her?  He asks Helena to be honest with him- does Eva have another man in her life??  Helena’s eyes are like saucers- ¡Que impactada!!!

Santi and Lucia are comparing notes on how sad and lonely their Sunday was. And Rebeca sans animal print hands them some work and is looking for Renato and starts her insinuations about Renato.  Santi holds Lucia back.  (Rebeca needs a good slap).

Helena reassured Adriano that Eva is not cheating on him.  He says that from time to time Eva tells him that she is not the woman for him.  Poor Adriano, he is so whipped.  This is his first mature relationship with a woman. He had tears in his eyes.

We are at the audition of the series- “A Shadow of a Doubt” with Eugenia Mistrial.  Eugenia starts out memorizing the audition and then improvises the part and relates it to her own life, naming Juan Carlos and Modesto.  She realizes what she has done and abruptly leaves the set.

Daniel and Jennifer are planning their weekend trip, more lies. Jennifer is now feeling uncomfortable about lying.  Daniel wants her to “prove” her love for him.  He convinces her to let the lies continue.

Eugenia is upset that she mixed up reality with the play.  She is afraid that her dreams of returning to acting will turn into nightmares.  Juan/Eva convinces her not to give up.  Eugenia got the part!! Everyone loved the improv!!!!

Santi asks Marsela about Ferni’s interview and she tells him that he is lying and is too proud to take the job that she had suggested.

Lucia convinces Cindy to give her some time alone with Renato and go to Human Resources for some gossip.

Helena calls Eva/Juan as she steps off of the elevator. Helena wants to see Juan in the place that they met before.  Eva leaves the empresa again.

Lucia makes a fool of herself in front of Renato, asking him if he is okay.  Renato turns it around and tells Lucia that she is in rare form and that they should break up.

Juan meets up with Helena.  Helena suspects that Eva is involved in the fraud.

Lucia mockingly thanks and blames Santi for her break up with Renato.  (I may have to change her name to Estupida)  She would rather be a widow than an old maid.  He is never to advise her again.

Juan can’t understand why Helena is blaming Eva.  Helena tells him about her supposed “jump off”, a young Brazilian man, younger than her had left her place at the same time that she was looking for Eva.  Hmm, maybe Mimi is involved (Helena, really?? This sounds, silly!!) Juan tries to convince Helena that there is no clear evidence, just mistaken conclusions.  Helena starts from the beginning, Eva wasn’t a candidate to work at the empresa but thanks to Antonia she got the job.  Then when Antonia died she left her shares in the company. She lives in that little rooming house isn’t that strange?  (Again, Helena, really??)

Oneismo wants to know why Rebeca wasn’t fired. Pluti is keeping her close, because he is sure that she is plotting something.  She is flirting with Pluti and Oneismo is not too happy.  She thinks that she can get everything with sex.

Helena feels bad because she finally believes Juan.  Hmmm, she is describing Eva, and his eyes are similar, she is tall, peculiar, wavy hair with glasses, you will know her when you see her (Oh come on!!!)  She is going to continue to find out what Eva knows.

Fernando the loser, leaves his resumes that are either rejected or filed in the circular file at several agencies. I guess he has another night on the couch. After all of that looking for work he needs a rest and dry pants legs.

Helena has to return back to work.
Juan thanked Helena for believing in that he is innocent. She doesn’t want to hear anything about Pluti being involved, but kissed Juan goodbye on the cheek.

Santi convinces Cindy to pass by Human Resources, there is some more gossip and Cindy falls for it again/

For the third time Eva gets off of the elevator and her phone rings, this time it’s Adriano.  He hasn’t seen or heard from her and he was worried.
Her phone rings again and Helena wants to talk to Eva.

Santi and Renato discussed the fact that Renato broke off with Lucia and she is crying.   Renato said he broke up with her because she was cold, being self-sufficient adhering to Santi’s advice unbeknownst to him to awaken his interest in Lucia. He thanked Santi.  Adriano asked Renato about breaking Lucia’s heart.

Helena and Eva have a discussion about Eva deceiving Adriano with her “nephew”.  They thought bubble to the time when Helena went to Eva’s apartment and a half dressed Eva answered the door because she supposedly had someone in her room. (A Brazilian man)
It’s paining Helena that Eva is deceiving Adriano, who is too good of a man to be treated like that.  (I’m not sure why Adriano had to be fed his drink, by Cindy Blue Dress,) but he started scolding Renato about being in love and going after the woman he loves.  For the third time Cindy is sent back to Human Resources.

Eva threw back Helena’s words and said that she doesn’t owe her an answer because she is invading into her private life even though they are friends.  Eva makes it clear that there is nothing between she and the young man. Helena brings up other things that Eva is hiding about her personal life that affect Juan.  Why are you so interested in the fraud? 
Santi has never seen Don Adriano react like he did; it’s probably because of Eva and if Renato is going to break up with Lucia do it like a gentleman.  (How do you do that?)  I felt like Renato- huh???

Helena doesn’t want to hear Que??

Don Adriano wants to know what is he interrupting.  Adriano wants to know why she was late.  Eva went to see Eugenia and Helena is eavesdropping

Coming attractions: Helena is doubting Pluti according to Rebeca and is Helena going to find out about Eva??


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