Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #40 on Monday, March 16th, 2015.

Tell Me That You Love Her
Renata has asked Mateo why he didn't have breakfast with them. Apparently, he went out for a jog very early (we can't deny Mateo is a very healthy man as well as bland to an extent.) Ren says she hasn't seen Abi and then Mat says he caught her deep in the hacienda crying about him. He feels awful and had never had it occur to him that this would be so. Ren tells Mat not to blame himself; Abi's always loved him. She asks him what he feels for her (god)daughter in which he excuses himself to shower because, "esta muy sudado."

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Que te perdone dios #39 Discuss

Sorry folks, I'm having major issues at work and am unable to do a recap, please discuss and catch each other up!


Friday, March 13, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 38 - Demons don"t be zombies -Recap Full Recap

Previously (Merged scenes) 

Diana is reminscing on her talk with Fausto who told her that he could possibly not betray Door-Mat who is loves almost almost almost as a spawn. Diana wonders what he means and Fausto breaks it down for her: He still admires her beauty but as a woman you now not count for me anymore. Diana now in the present speaks to herself " Are you sure i am not of your interest anymore,  Diablo? We"ll see! " 

Despicable Fausto aka Diablo is still begging Abi to forgive him cause he wants to change so bad but for that he needs to start anew. Could you possibly forgive me? (No Abi dont dare it says the screaming Patio from the shadows!)  Abi replies that she has nothing to forgive and will accept his good intentions until he doesnt hurt poor Ren once more .  Diablo agrees ,may not the words but actions guide her to make her choice,you shall surely not repent! 

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #37: Aww, Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones

Crazy Connie has been brought home to Angels Ranch by Dr. Patricio to be by her daughter's side.  She sees Fausto and immediately calls him out on his attempt on her life and everyone tries convincing her that it was really "the attempt on Renata's life"--er--her "so carelessly" tripping over a chair left too near the circular stairway.  Give it up, Granny.  Nobody cares.

Abigail runs into Teodora in town and asks her what gives and where she went the other night.   Teo makes the excuse that she had to leave early to turn on the lights or some such for Mia.

At Mad Max’s auntie’s manse, the money-grubbing Ximena is eagerly making funeral plans.  Max is sickened by this and it’s good to know that he has his father’s sense of right and wrong.  He tells her not to go counting her chickens before they’re hatched.  Well, his uncle going to be a cripple and his face will probably be hideously deformed despite all the numerous surgeries.  (That should be reason enough for a divorce, right?)  Max brings up her past.  She lies and says she is an only child.

At the same time, Sweet Twin Sister is told that she's well enough she'll be getting out of the nut house in a few days.

Back at Renata’s Rancho de los Angeles, Fausto the demon is back and insulting neurologist Dr. Patricio’s surgical skills for having blown the operation with his wife’s sight.  So much for the white knight in shining armor.  He  invites Pats into his office for a little verbal sparring over Patricio’s play for his wife.  Pats says he is in love with Renata and was forward in saying so because it was so painfully obvious that Feisty didn’t love her.  Well, tough tootsie nails, replies Fausto, cuz the woman is mine till they carry me out of here feet first!  (Oh.  Well,  we can always dream, can't we.)

Back in town, Lucio stalks Teo and warns her against opening her mouth to anybody.  Luckly for Teo, Benito and Diego show up and stop the manhandling.  Teo races off and tells her gal pals, including Abi, that she cannot keep her mouth shut any longer.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 36 Joker on Wheels (Discussion) Full Recap

After the latest most hideous episode,its time for us to venture into the unfortunate Faustville once again as i begin to wonder how much do they pay you  Sergio Goyri  for the portrayal of the Mexican Diablo and will you ever grow horns?    On the recap:


Slimy Mac is reminding Ren  that Abi is also HER daughter cause she gave up her life for her  (Cause the Brujo of Oz didnt give two frijoles for Abi) so Mac is quite happy to have her here.  Dumb Ren is thanking Mac cause she"s like in the best hands ever ,we raised her together a fine gal!  Mac wants to know if Ren really wants Abi to stay with her and she says yes. Mac slimes over her and replies that she cannot deny Ren anything ,she will try to convince Abi ( Hopefully she wont begin to feign epilepsy 3 episodes later just to screw over AGR -Always Gullible Ren !) 

Mat is still having bad luck with gals cause he is trying to make Abi not feel "annoyed " ,i mean just calm down LOL  .  Abi muses  to AIM - Always Irrelevant Mat that even if she could she cant cause she loves him!  She leaves him much to his pointless dismay !  (Has  Mat  lost his Balls to Benjamin Almonte  while he was sleeping?!) 

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #35 on Monday, March 9th, 2015.

Mia and Effie, who (has sucked up all the lemons on the earth to have such a sour expression outside of her acting) is clearly annoyed, raise a glass.

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Saturday, March 07, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #34 It's a party but not for everyone 03/06/2015

Ok, here we go! My video cut off at the 29 minute mark so I'll have that last half up an ready as soon as I can finish the episode:

The two sisters bicker, Efigenia is angry and she tells her sister that the mechanic only visits her out of obligation because she paid off his bail, these two are having a good old cat fight over hurt feelings and I can't be bothered to care, next!

Mateo has returned to town and everyone is there to greet him,in fact they have planned a party to celebrate his return. Mateo blows everyone out of the water when he announces that he also has a surprise for them, he has returned a married man! And who did he marry? Slutty Diana. The idiot is totally unaware of how angry Fausto is and Abigail is left in tears. Mateo just stands there with a stupid grin on his face, no one notices that Abi has left to lick her wounds. Side note: Renata looks hot.
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Friday, March 06, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 33 -Dun Dun Dun! Full Recap

We are back again and it seems like a pretty darn good utopia where  Sim won  the elections  ,there is some order in town,the now fat turned Marc is probably still begging for drinks and Satan has nothing but bad days ahead! But as always the tides always shift,sometimes not in our favour :(

Recap (Part 1)

Previously (Some scenes were merged) 

Max is trying to get Abi to forgive him for his years old misconduct aka Jose Luis Syndrome,he acted like such a spoiled brat. To illuminate the situation he  asks how are things in school and she says great but i have this temper. Max replies that he likes her because of that same thing and you slap pretty well! 

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Thursday, March 05, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #32: Simona Wins, DeeDee Ducks and Trucks, Dr. Pats' Luck Sucks

 I don't have the latest video from Hulu yet (aaaaa-gain) so this is what I remember for now:

Mateo informs the feist-meister of his plans to marry Diana and leave for Spain with his new wife (por lo civil) in tow.  Feisty fakes a congrats and here's my blessing.  Mat tries scolding his "uncle" over his womanizing and suggests if he wants Renata to move back to the hacienda he'll have to give her some time and to mend his ways.  (Snore.....)

Simona keeps on truckin'.  No way she's outta this race.  Now more than ever, Freddy from on high will be her motivation.  And...when the results are in, she wins--and puts Marcelino's wife in as her assistant!  Marc sits around in his dirty undershirt sucking down beers all day long and kvetching about it.  (Talk to the hand, dirt bag!)

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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 31 - Recap - Lucifer there"s no Heavens for Ya

I must say i was quite disturbed by this episode ,it is like tragedy tragedy and another tragedy at once! And we looked forward to a honest female politician for so much,now all we are getting is dictatorship and Fear Factor! 

Part 1 

Previously in Helltown

Mac gets informed by Amanda that Ren is finally at the surgery ,to regain her sight!

Benito gifts Not So Mad Connie some gift and Connie compliments his feverish loyalty ever since Bruto gave him the job. She sits him and begins drilling for the woman that Bruto was having an affair with that bare him a Spawn,he must have known who she was since he was very young.  She also reminds him of Pablo RIP and Ben says he was like a brother to him,.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #30 on Monday, March 2nd, 2015.

Double Jerks and Tono leave in a huff while Lucio and Mac gloat smarmily.

Marxelino and Fausto tho. Those 2 are tighter than Kelly Ripa's face after botox injections.

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #29 02/27/2015

I'm having a super hard time trying to get a hold of this episode, as soon as I can watch it I'll be back with a proper recap.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 28 - Better brains are necessary ASAP , Bitcoin accepted Full Recap


Previously on Snortville

Part 1 

The Men in Blue could not  see any Game of Thrones pirates in the small village so they decided to take Motor away for supposedly provoking the accident of our Dear Padre instead.  Our Pirate Faust Sparrow is still at large and his most  nicest GOT character is Joffrey !
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios, Cap #27: What Was Lost Is Found

Cap #27

At the rancho de Angeles, aka, Renata’s crib, aka Fausto’s Rack ‘n Roll ‘Em, Macaria pulls a fast one on both Com. Efrain Barragan and Fausto by handing over to the old cop the gun that was used to cap Pablo Ramos in the forehead all those many years ago—and what more secure and more ironic a place than right under the old cop's nose?  It’s for taking the effort and time to dig into Pablo’s years’ old case, she proffers.  (Viewerville is taking bets on how long it takes the old coot to get the itch to check the gun against the bullet pulled out of Pablo’s skull—if he accepts it.)  She tells him that Feisty Fisty-cuffs gave it to her out of the goodness of his heart as a means of protection right after she came home with her darling little baby girl.  It is from his rare pistol collection. 

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 26 - The Pandora Box is Here

Call me officially disgusted ,i really hope they take This Hatsy of the Devil away  cause the Vierverville shall stand him no more!
I think the true reason why we have so many less comments is because Fausto"s level of violence would amount to million worth insults and Death Threats , I think i am going to puke! If Pedo Medina was the Joker fiigure, Fausto Lopez Guerra is Satan himself,i am telling you the truth!

The Nastiness aka Recap :

Lucio the Vapid Loser is still begging the He-Devil for a second chance,he promises to get the Ramada back in The Dark Lord"s  hands as his unfortunate, bully son Max lurks behind a Wall .  Fausto replies that he is tired of his begging around ,he needs a Man ,not someone who gets himself manipulated by the Stupid Benito and the Other Stupid Fofito ( Oops ,Diego!) .  He gives Loserio a second chance and leaves ,only to find the Viperish Mac trying to pester him with her babbling. He replies that he had had a terrible day enough but Mac stops him that he needs to listen.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #25 on Monday, February 24th, 2015.

Macaria and Lucio talk their usual evil talk.

Max gets a kiss-o-graph from Tia Mia.

Helena and Renata have a girl chat with Fausto present. He leaves and then Helena apologizes for her folly and promises not to repeat a word that was confessed. Patricio then crutches in.

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #24 Lucio and Macaira have "issues"

Sorry for the late recap but my day got busy! If I miss anything or get something wrong please correct me in the comments section.

Here we go! Warning: Events are not in order

Everyone is devastated by the death of Padre Francisco, especially Renata, he was the person she could confide in and now she has no one, Patricio comforts her and tells her that she has him to lean on and expresses that he loves her, she tells him to stop, as it is not appropriate for them to be talking about their feelings when the Padre has just died.

They all prepare for the funeral, the whole town is there to say goodbye to the poor Padre, I never knew how dangerous being a priest was! Fausto joins the mourners as they are making their way to the cemetery, he has been trying to get everyone to believe that the priest died in a car accident, however one person stands in his way: Detective Barragan. You see, Barragan does not for a second believe that what happened was an accident, and he is asking questions and Fausto is getting worried. He tries to get the current mayor to call off Barragan but he is told that the guy is just doing his job. Barragan for his part continues his investigation into the deaths of the priest and of Pablo.
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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #23: Death and Doubts

Padre has not died immediately on the side of the highway.   

Amidst the chaos caused by Fausto, who’d figured he’d go for broke and throw his mother-in-law over the balcony stairs to her death as well, Abigail arrives.  

Mateo offers to take Dr. Patricio back to the hacienda for another visit, but he refuses the offer, telling himself that it’s for that best that he never returns to see Renata again.   

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 22 " The Nasty Are Kaput Not Yet"

We are back in this town of the Devil where stupidity is virtue
Nothing is modern
Its the 17th Century 
Where Helltown lies
God forbid us from affording Nokia
But yet we have a Mac and BeanPhones
Less no ,its a Snake
There is cure to anything but stupidity
Says the wise Crack

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, February 16, 2015.

Helena blesses Pat and Mat. In the time they're gone, Nieves will work for her. She has the hots for Mateo.

Ren and Abi cuddle while talking about love.

Panfilo Raisin calls Fartso over.

Fartso blasts his way in and Simona has been given the boot.

Mia is crying because Di won't help her and because of Fausto.

Fartso butters up the boss when Simona comes in justifiably mad. Fartso is told to watch his back for Simona

-PanfiloRaisin and Mel-
They talk about Gerardo and Lucio. There's a flashback to Helena confessing her witnessing of Gerry's death to PR.

-Patricio and Renata-
She smiles as as she remembers Pat's declaration of love when Fausto comes in. He pulls her in and they literally have a roll in the hay; the rat bastard smacks her around and is about to rape her so she can bear him a kid!

Mat tells Pat about his relationship with Diana. Pat says that if Diana really loves him, she will wait.

-PR and Mel-
Mel is steering PR towards getting his car fixed. PR is very touch and go for a second but is convinced. Mel lets him know also that Lucio's remedy is the only thing that helps him sleep.

-Fausto and Renata-
Lucio shows subtle disappointment outside while Fausto is tucking it back in his pants. Ren is pissed and says she will never forget this horror. MACgiftcard is askew of moods because she can't find Fausto and impeded by Lucio from finding Fausto and Renata any sooner. Fausto is on his way to the cantina with Lucio and out of MACgiftcard's way. She goes into the stable and finds Ren in the hay. He raped her and MACgiftcard helps her up and out.

While Renata is showering and sliding down the wall, Fausto is at the cantina remembering everything she yelled at him. She's in her pink robe when MACgiftcard comes in. MAC then begins with the whole, "You Provoked Him, Didn't You?" thing and Ren defends herself; MAC then says Fausto will never put a hand on Ren again, she promises.

Mel and Renata-
Mel is praying at a very special grave to forbid Fausto's impregnation of her. Mel then walks heraway kindly.

Abigail and MACgiftcard-
MAC tells Abi if she sees Fausto later, let her know because she has to talk with him. Abi asks about what and MAC says that's none of Abi's business.

Mel and Renata-
Mel has given Ren some brew that will clean her spirit.

Fausto and Diana-
Fausto gently accosts Di sexually when PR drives up and catches him. Fausto is in deep doo-doo. PR digs into Diana for being over-privileged by Mia.

-Mel and Renata-
They talk about Pablo.

Efrain wants to do something about Pablo's death.

Diego has come to see Abi with a document and they're about to kiss but resist.

MAC bitches at Fausto but not for having raped Ren. It's for having done something sexual with Ren and leaving her high and dry for years!

Efrain cries to a picture that he has found Pablo.

Mat is on the phone with Helena; he says he's headed to Spain with Diana and Nieves is let down at the news that   he has a girlfriend. Helena who is pro-AbiTeo is sad that he is leaving again.

MAC bitches at Fausto for not having asked her to bear him a child.

(End of Capitulo)

Avance- Fausti and Diana are caught in the act by PR and Fartso orders for his death a la Lucio.


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