Saturday, September 29, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #123 Fri 9/28/12 Watch out Aldo and Vicky, Dr Lechter is on the loose... Rod wants to cut loose and escape his Dungeon but will the door remain open with Luci?

Lo refrito:
  • Revue of Max laughing at RE’s suggestion that his famous mistress ‘V’ is Violeta.
  • The real ‘V’ arrives with Aldo. They spot Max and RE. V wants to go greet them, Aldo’s idea is rather to disappear ASAP, about to ‘P’ his pants.
  • Ofelia tells Fabi about Lastra’s insisting in a relationship!! Fabi says Lastra is being seized by police. Ofelia scared out of sending the police to him. Fabi says careful.
  • At police, Marcial tells boss that Aldo could lead them to the owner of NFERNO.
  • ‘V’ makes smalltalk with RE as ‘buddy’. Max with a forced smile and gentleman-ism. ‘V’ tells them Aldo is her ‘boyfriend’. Max is less than amused but forces a smile.

Lo Nuevo:
Vio and Lore having tacos(YUM!)… Vio guesses right, Lore did not go with the Melissa party because Janah was not allowed to come along. Vio says can’t hide money or love. Lore has no choice, admits he likes Janah but he realizes Janah is too ‘high’ for him. Vio warns him, remember what happened to Luci with that TL family. Lore knows it’s no use having hopes.

At dinner party 1,
Rod is put on the spot by Connie to do the first toast. After normalizing his testosterone level, Rod toasts for Melissa ‘to fight for what you love, and to appreciate it when you have it, don’t allow anyone, anyone to get in the way and take away your happiness.’ Luci is smiles with Pato, helps him sip the wine, Rod watches a bit disconcerted.

Back to the Sr TL dinner party 2,
Max asks Aldo why did not go with Melissa’s party. Aldo says already had a commitment with ‘V’. RE says ‘V’ and Aldo surely want to sit alone to ‘talk’. ‘V’ uses that to really rub it into RE, even tells RE in front of Max that with Aldo she feels more ‘fulfilled/woman/happy than ever before… you know what I mean, right?’…
Max is biting his teeth, RE and Aldo can’t hide a bit of fear even after delivering the blow.

Back to DP1,
Melissa dedicates a copy of her thesis to Claudio with a moving dedication. He has been a lesson for her of honesty and a man who is not shy of sharing what he is and what he knows… CL says it has been an honor. He toasts for her. Rod keeps watching Luci/Pato with an angst face. Luci looks at Rod, Pato looks at both with concerned look.

At Het Het,
Teofilo visits Procopio at funeral home. Teo not happy with arrangement of alternating night shifts. Teofilo still scared of the ‘ghost’. Procopio not so convinced. Teo tells him they say it carries a ‘garden pick’ and drags one foot. Procopio kicks him out with the Aquiles yell ‘Errrriah!!!’ (LOL!) Procopio starts eating some bread, has a plate on desk.

At DP 2,
RE looks over her shoulder to Aldo/V’s table (of course she is outraged), turns to Max, ‘look at your nephew!, SO happy dating a ‘manicurist’ and enjoying it!. Max takes a hard bite off a biscuit/roll, probably hoping the biscuit could be Vicky’s tongue.
At another table, Aldo and V are commenting Max must be having internal combustion or at least an indigestion for the anger. Vicky says good! So he can feel the humilliations I had to go through. If he does not give her lots of moolah for her estetica, she won’t go back with him. Aldo says Max will look for V in no time. V doubts it, says RE is very pretty, gorgeous eyes. Aldo says hers are great too. Uncle will be at your door sooner than you think.
Back to TL table, RE says V is vulgar, ordinary. RE reminds Max she had heard V was dating a much older, powerful man. And look at her. Showing off! Can’t imagine if that powerful man finds out about Aldo, his life could be in danger. Max says ‘surely’, with a smirk, looking at Vicky and Aldo as if he means to fulfill that prophecy.

Back to DP 1.
Oscar asks Connie about Aldo. Had a date with girlfriend. Oscar not too hopeful about Aldo. Connie says Aldo is like that. Probably got through high school by pitching himself well to the teacher. She is worried about him not finishing college. Oscar offers to mentor him. Connie is very thankful. Says Aldo wants to follow his uncle’s footsteps. Oscar will use that inspiration.

Back to DP 2,
Max wants RE to stop criticizing Aldo/V and others for what they do/are.
RE: You are not exactly free of sin, dating a ho yourself. But your standards are higher than a vulgar woman like Vicky. You should worry about your nephew’s safety, Vicky’s other man could put Aldo in danger. You are losing power, Max. You asked Aldo to stay with Melissa but he didn’t. And right now Rod, Pato and even your inconditional Oscar are enjoying a nice evening with your enemy CL.’ (RE is done spreading venom/amu, ready to leave)
Max keeps sending laser daggers to Vicky, making her nervous, she makes Aldo nervous.

At TL manor,
Janah and Mati are chatting in Janah’s room. Janah ‘pages’ Frigida to come get the tray… Janah asks Mati if RE has been so prejudiced on social classes since she was little. Mati asks why ask. Janah ends up admitting Lore is nice… VERY nice, I like him… a little bit! (LOL!) Frigida has come to the door in time to hear this very last juicy piece of gossip.

Back to DP 1
They are also talking Lorenzo. Pato says he will go far, has the drive to get what he wants. Luci says he wants to do it alone, not with her help. Pato says surely he will get it. Rod jumps in and says Luci is same, always wanting to help others, even now. Pato says she always has (even before she had many resources). Luci cuts that line of convo saying Aldo is Lore and Fabi’s associate, he wants them to start a taco place. Connie and Oscar surprised.

Back to V and Aldo’s table…
Aldo wants V to tell him why she says Max is really capable of violence. She tells him about the time Aldo took her to NFERNO, next day Max took her to a far away place in the woods, put something in her drink and left. When she woke up she was cuffed to the bed. She was scared she was left to die there but many hours later Max came back saying it was a game, like life itself. That Max told her he had done it for her to see what he was capable of. Aldo gets really nervous, gobbles his wine, maybe regrets playing along with Vicky on her script with RE/Max.

Back to DP 1:
they are still talking about Aldo’s drive for future… CL says you always try and associations are good in the beginning, but sometimes your associations could lead you to failure as in my case.  Oscar immediately changes the subject. Says Violeta is really nice. Luci says yes she has been her friend for many years. She came to city many years ago from SFEA. Connie asks what she works at. Luci finds herself at a bind, a bind Rod jumps in to help her out of, saying she was waitress and very good singer at a bar(very generic). Luci gives him a thankful stare. CL says now Vio will help Luci until she returns back to SFEA. Melissa says Pato used to sing at the family gatherings. Pato says ‘who, me?’… finally admits to it. Luci says he surely sings well. Pato turns to her ‘te canto!’ everyone freezes, Rod stares. Luci feels awckward: ‘aq…ui?’. Pato smiles/giggles ‘no, better some other day. Don’t want to steal the camera (spotlight). Tonight belongs to Melissa.’. Rod continues to stare, sad.

At Het Het,
Procopio has fallen asleep at desk. Door opens… and a shadow very similar to what the Hunchback of NotreDame carring a garden pick on shoulder is seen walking over and reaching for something.

Back to DP 1
Everyone is heading home. They all want the enjoyable evening to happen again. Luci says goodbye to Pato, will see you at office tomorrow. She again finds herself standing in front of Rod, him saying ‘Luciana!’,(these two are playing game of how close can you be nose to nose, chin to chin without really touching, you could tell they both would rather be kissing). Luci heads out. Rod is breathing hard…

Back at Janah’s room…
Janah tells Mati ‘was just kiddin’. Mati warns her not to repeat with Lore the story that this house had with Luci. Just focus on your studies. Janah tells Mati she broke up with Boris for Lore. Frigida comes in, then argues with Mati about taking down the tray. Mati warns Janah that Frigida heard them and will tell RE. If you really like Lore, keep him far away from here and from you, for your own good and his.

At Het Het Procopio wakes up. Gets scared when sees door is open, goes to close it. Then sees the empty plate and gets confused, his bread is gone. 

At ‘The Dungeon in the Sky(Thanks, Anita!),
Rod is struggling with his desire to call Luci. Breathing even harder than when he had her standing in his face at restaurant. His ‘love’ wins and he calls Luci.  She takes the phone but does not say anything when she realizes it is Rod. ‘Don’t hang up. If you don’t want to talk, don’t. Just listen. I feel so sad. I feel so bad with you, for allowing them to separate us. I don’t know what happened. For having failed once, do I have to pay for that error the rest of my life…’ (Gala rips the phone off his hand and is yelling so loud Luci is hearing everything as if Gala had a mike on. ‘What error, Rod?? Let go of me! I can’t believe you are such cynic that you betray me in my own house!! With that Domestica!! I warn you! If something happens to me and my child it will be your fault and the fault of la Domestica esa!! (shut up!! I can’t stand you!!) Neither can I!! know what?? I am leaving because I don’t want to listen to you!! I am fed up with everything!! I hope to die myself and your child too!! And you will be the only one to blame!!’ (she leaves in a huff, no purse, no keys, nothing!!) Rod grabs the phone but Luci hangs up on him. Rod runs after Gala. She takes off in the car.

At TL manor,
Aldo arrives. Max welcomes him with a choke hold from behind ‘you think you are so smart, no?? Aldito…’ Aldo looks really worried he took his last breath. Connie comes to save Aldito. Max says ‘I can stand everything EXCEPT betrayal!’ and leaves. Connie demands Aldo tell her what betrayal Max was talking about. Aldo nervously says it is about him socializing with Claudio. Max is feeling betrayed by both Melissa and I. Connie says don’t provoke Max. Aldo agrees will have to stop socializing with Linares. But I am not a traitor as my uncle says.

At Luci’s hotel,
Vio arrives, Luci so happy to see her. Tells her about Rod’s call. Vio says Rod has to leave Gala, she is crazy! Luci says Gala is having his son. Vio says yeah but she is crazy and is harassing him and you constantly. Luci says Rod has to stop stalking ME! VIo has to agree with that too. Vio tells Luci what Gala does is not her fault. That woman gets like that just because she knows Luci exists. You have enough problems of your own to get anguished for ‘esa’.

Gala’s loft,
Rod comes to see if Gala is there. Julie bashes at Rod for Gala’s behavior. Where could she be? I don’t know, me either!... Julie keeps bashing him that his wife is his responsibility. My daughter is out on the street and you ruined my night sleep! If something happens to her or the baby, you will be to blame. (ok I am getting tired of this line, could we find an abbreviation for it? Like ‘MeOrBabyHurtYourFault’ and we will all know what that means. Julie sends him back to the apt in case Gala returns.
He returns but no Gala. Worries about her.
Later he calls Julie asking for her, Julie yells at him that he and Gala better stop behaving like shallow headed teenagers. They are man and wife, can you behave as such? (Julie hangs up, says now Gala is going too far, didn’t even tell me ahead) Rod at his gym throwing things around.

At a bar,
Gala is drinking her butt off. Gala remembers Rod’s speech at their original engagement party. When Rod seemed so eager to marry her and be with her for life… then remembers when she told him she was expecting his child, and when he yelled at her he wanted to divorce her. She talks to herself that she will never give him the divorce. Since she has no money or purse, she pays with her earrings. Waiter concerned for her, does not want her to drive in her ‘estado’. She ironically states ‘noone cares about my ‘estado’. She leaves on foot, although barely able to stand.

At ‘The Dungeon in the Sky
Gala arrives escorted by police. Rod bashes Gala a bit about her drunken state. Rod says going to call Julieta.. Gala responds ‘call Julieta, Romeo!... but know what? They are dead already! JAJAJA!!... ‘ and drops on bed… Rod calls Julie to let her know Gala is home and is ok, not to worry.
Rod tucks in Gala and then looks up like not happy at the vision of the future in his head.

Next morning at TL offices, in Rod’s office
Pato trying to talk to Rod… Rod’s body is there, but his mind is in another galaxy…
Pato: Rodrigo!
Rod: I asked Gala for divorce. (Pato is taken aback) Cant’ stand her, she can’t stand me. You can’t imagine what intimacy is like.
Pato: and that is new for you?
Rod: yes, I knew it would be difficult but never imagined how it would be. Our marriage was a contract and I had planned to live it that way, but Gala is truly impossible to live with.
Pato: What does Gala say?
Rod: You can imagine, she would rather die than give me the divorce.
Pato: What do you want divorce her for?
Rod: To end this disaster of a relationship.
Pato: To get back with Luci? You think she will greet you with open arms after all that happened?
Rod: No, one thing is to go on interacting with Gala, for my son and for the company, but it is not the same that I continue bound to a woman like Gala.
Pato: and you think that would be a solution? IF you divorce Gala, you will push Luci further away. Luci will never accept you getting divorced to get close to her.

Previews: Rosa visits Luci at work, we have a pending convo, then puts on a ‘sick pitiful me’ play. Max yells at Aldo ‘Vicky is forbidden for you!’ Aldo: Vicky does not want him anymore… Julie begins her plan on Claudio.  


Por Ella #53 9/28/12: Two Dumb Bunnies and Pluti's Got Muscle

Hi y'all , this recap will not be in order and I am going to try to keep it short and sweet. I didn't take notes and watched in real time, so if I missed something, please comment.

We start with Mimi and Eva going down to the detention center in answer to Marcela's call. They get her out. They joke with her and she is kinda down, after being thought a prostitute and just wants to go home, which Eva and Mimi do for her. Marcela gets home and has cleaned up all the little objects of lurrrvvvee she sprinkled all over and even has gotten rid of that sexy outfit. She is now in the kitchen wearing her jammies fixing herself a cup of tea and she seems to be inwardly berating herself. Fern comes home and tries to talk to her, but Marcela so doesn't want to talk and tells Fern she is tired and going to bed.

Pluti and Helena are gathered at Helena's parents' house and I think that Eduardo is mad cause Helena is allowing Mario to visit Lalito in his own home. I think Helena says he has a right to visit and Mario and Lalito go up to Lalito's room. They find they have something in common like foosball and play a game. Mario and Lalito are getting along very well. Meanwhile downstairs, Pluti is about to sit down and have a cafe with Helena and her family when Eva comes to call. Helena isn't happy to see Eva, but Eva has come on an important mission. Helena isn't happy but allows Eva to get on with it. It is the pics on the phone JC took of Pluti giving Mario money. Now Pluti has to explain himself and he ain't happy. The hamster wheel in his head is turning and of course he says he did it for Mario to go away already. Eva does a moue with her mouth, and Helena rips into her and tells her to stop talking bad about Pluti and to leave now and they'll talk tomorrow. Eva goes but isn't happy. She goes outside and makes a phone call to Mimi I think.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo, week of October 1: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Hola amigos!  Here's a fresh page for the coming week.


Novelera's splendid recap of Corazón valiente is now posted in the comments below.  

And Hombre de Misterio covers Thursday and Friday of Pablo Escobar with his usual talent for getting to the essentials while keeping us on track with the details.


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Weekend Discussion: Photo Essay; Separated at Birth (or just close relatives)?

When watching telenovelas or describing them to non-viewing friends, do you ever end up saying anything like "He would remind you of Brad Pitt!" (or whoever)?  The more I watch, the more I see this happening.

It never stops amazing me how modern communications makes for a homogenization of standards, especially with regard to looks and the decisions that can lead to as to who gets famous.  Movies and television are now so international that most of the following pairs don't seem accidental to me:

William Levy and James Dean:

Sebastian  Rulli and Brad Pitt:

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Amor Bravío #34 (Uni 29) Thu 9/27/12 Amor Enfermo

Rafael is furious that D'Andres (yeah, I'm totally stealing that…remind me who I owe the credit to) is now demanding that his brother show up.  He reminds D'Andres that he swore he'd turn himself in before he'd let Raf's brother be put in danger.  Vivi says D'Andres is right…he can't turn himself in!  They killed a priest!  D'Andres thinks they need to warn him about what's going on and then ask if he'll join in on the plot.  Not that D'Andres is willing to elaborate on the plot just yet.  Rafa says there's not even any way to get hold of him.  Viv offers to go find him out there in the jungle where he has no means of contact with the outside world.

Camila hangs out in bed remembering the infamous kiss…in the rain…with the leather coat…and the wet hair.  Yeah, Camila, I agree, that was hawt!

D'Andres gets back to his room and doesn't unbutton nearly enough buttons on his shirt as he remembers the steaminess in the rain.  Come on, man, throw us a bone! 

Rafa gets back to Viv's later with the address and a map.  Rafa's worried about his brother, and D'Andres, and with what he's going to try with Cam tomorrrow.  Rafa's worried about keeping to the golden rule…bros before totally hawt married chicks who might already be in love with their cousins.  Viv tells him to finish up with the plan with D'Andres and then get to confessin' his luuuuurve already.

Camila really wants to find her cousin.  The detective says it could be complicated.  Alonso insists he's there…not that he has any evidence…just that it would make sense.  Camila wants the detective's help to make sure Daniel knows that she's not interested in turning him in.

Isadora goes snooping in Camila's cabin.  She's rude to Maja.  I'm not even a dog person and I'm not ok with that.  She steals Camila's ID.

Rafa drives up as the detective is taking his leave.  Camila introduces them.  Isadora gives a too-loud hello to Rafa and Cam on her way back into the house.  Rafa's a bit skeeved by that.  He and Cam go to the cabin for coffee.

Vivi hops into a taxi, observed by Bruno (was that the ex's name?).  He misses his chance to follow the cab.

Rafa tells Cam that Vivi went out of town on personal business.  Camila feels bad that her relationship with Viv lately has been all about her own problems, and here Viv has stuff going on and she hasn't even asked about it.  Rafa confesses to Camila that Vivi accidentally let slip that the ranch isn't hers.

Ximena calls Alonso on not telling her that his marriage was failing.  She reminds him that yesterday he gave her the usual line married guys give about there being nothing going on between him and his wife.  "You should have also warned me that your wife is a witch!"  Ximena goes on to tell him that Camila is a horrible, manipulative person who hides behind her angelic face.  Alonso is relieved to find someone else who sees her that way.

Rafael asks about Daniel and wants to know what Camila really thinks of him.  Raf can imagine someone getting thrown into jail who didn't actually do anything wrong.  Camila has a hard time believing that her uncle's son is some kind of a villain.  Rafa pretends to put 2 and 2 together, saying he happens to know a Daniel Diaz in Chile, but he doesn't know if the last name is Acosta.  When he met him, his mother was sick, he's in his 30's…Camila says it could be the same guy.  The go to look at the picture Alonso has of "Daniel."

Agustina tells D'Andres that she heard he was going to be kind of a bodyguard in addition to a driver.  D'Andres is glad she feels safer with him.  Dionisio also told Agustina that D'Andres would be learning to shoot and she heartily approves and wants him to practice every day.  She sends him off to Dionisio's house, since Dionisio asked to see him.

Rafael looks at the picture of "Daniel" and says he knows the guy and he's an excellent guy, not a murderer.

Bruno breaks into Viviana's house (ugh!).

Rafa says three years ago he was writing a book about social networks.  He met him in Chile.  Alonso is surprised Rafael would trust him so much.  Rafa says that he and Daniel worked together to gather information to shut down a sex trafficking operation and when Rafa's life was threatened, Daniel stuck by him the entire time.  Camila is thrilled--this is exactly the sort of guy she was sure her cousin would be. Alonso tries to argue that people can change.

Bruno is making himself at home at Vivi's.  Pouring himself some win and sniffing her pillows.  Ew…and clothes!  He finds a box with baby toys.

Rafa remembers Daniel converting to Judaism for his wife because he loved her so much.  "Her family didn't like him because he was poor, but he refused to take any money from them to prove that he wasn't after her money."  Alonso tries to say he must have killed his wife for his money.  "Oh, right…except that not all men are after their wives' money.  Some of them marry for love."  Camila: 1, Dumbass: 0.  Rafa agrees some people will do anything for money, but he wonders if it wasn't Daniel who was the victim…someone wanted him out of the way to steal his inheritance.

D'Andres gets a call from Amanda about the pills she found on the floor.  He agrees it's strange and makes plans to see her later.

Alonso accuses Rafa of accusing Camila.  Camila says Padre Baldy suspected the same thing.  Rafa supposes if two people can come to the same conclusion, maybe it's possible.  Yeah, Alonso doesn't look guilty at all, with his ratty little face half hidden behind his hand as he chews his fingernails off.

Dionisio's henchman gets paid a fat wad of cash for his assist on the murder of the Padre.  He actually tries to turn it down, saying he didn't do anything, but Dionisio believes in rewarding those who stick with him.  Dionisio promises an even fatter wad of cash if he gets Daniel this time.  The dude's so pissed about Daniel getting away from him in Chile, he's taking this one personally.  Dionisio orders him to go stay at Amanda's and keeps his eyes and ears open.

Camila isn't offended by Rafael's suggestion, but Alonso is.  Camila wonders if maybe Daniel also thinks the same thing--that she was trying to get him out of the game.  Alonso is salivating at the idea that Rafael might be able to get hold of Daniel.  Natalia's pulling all kinds of faces behind Alonso at the idea.  Rafael figures that if he sends Daniel an email, him being a computer expert and all, he'll be able to get it wherever he is.

Bruno's making out with Vivi's picture while he has carnal relations with her clothes.  Eww!  Eww!  Eww!

Camila gives Rafa a big fat hug for sending that email.  She feels stupid for not telling him earlier.  Rafa and Camila leave and Alonso kicks Natalia out.  Heh.

Rafa walks himself out as Piedad tells Camila that Mariano is calling from next door.  Mariano says they only have 3 infected bulls and one death, but it's contained.  Camila didn't find an outbreak in her bulls, so it's all good.

Agustina is pissed that Rafael knows Daniel.  Isadora's not too happy about it either.  Ximena wants an update.  Camila says Daniel is a friend of someone she knows.  Ximena is firmly on team "Sell the Ranch" and as proof of their team's right-ness points out that Camila's the only one not on the team.  "We can't all be wrong while you're the only one who's right!"  Camila goes back to doing some actual work while the rest of them, mostly Ximena, complain about how horrible she is.

Natalia runs into Rodolfo in Camila's cabin.  She's looking for Andres and asks Rodolfo to let him know she's looking for him.  She insists he's not the guy for her and she knows it, so Rodolfo asks "what if" he (Rodolfo) were to ask her out?  Natalia gets flustered and says she can't even think about that with all the craziness at the ranch.  She goes on muttering as she leaves the cabin.  1: If you want to ask her out, just ask her out!  Don't ask her what would happen if you did, you dumbass!  2: In about a half hour it's going to hit her that he was more-or-less asking her out and she's going to feel stupid for answering the way she did and spend way too long agonizing over how to get him to ask her out again.

Rafael lets D'Andres know that their plan worked perfectly.  He figures soon Dionisio will be asking D'Andres to keep an eye on him (Rafael) too, as a way of getting to Daniel.  He's glad that he gets to spend more time with Camila and convince her that Daniel is a good guy.  But he warns him that they have to watch out for the PI Camila hired.

Alonso does, in fact, tell Dioniso about Rafael right away.  Dionisio plans to use Rafael to track down Daniel, although he agrees with Isadora that maybe Rafael was sent by Daniel as a spy (well, sure, but not in the way you think).  He finds it suspicious that he went from writing a book on social networks to a book about bulls.  After they hang up, Alonso complains to Isadora that there are too many people they're having to watch out for…first Leoncio and now Rafael.  Isadora adds Ximena to the list.  She's seen the looks and she knows something's going on between her nail-biting progeny and his sister-in-law.  She warns him not to try to hide things from her.

Leoncio's doing a crappy job this morning, and he's in a bad mood.  So, what else is new?  He complains that he's feeling sick and Rodolfo says, "Well, sure, we all are!  We're tired, but we've got to keep going, so suck it up!"  Leoncio turns on him saying he'd better remember that only Leoncio knows how to run things around here.  I highly doubt that.  He asks Camila, since she's the doctor, what he's sick with.  This, completely inexplicably, triggers a reverie about D'Andres and their steamy moments.  She sticks herself with a needle and ends her daydreaming telling the guys it was nothing and get back to work.

Isadora and Alonso ask Natalia to find out how long Rafael and Vivana have been in town. They tell her it's because they want to protect Camila from these new friends, in case they're not good for her. Natalia pretends to go along with this explanation (at least I hope that enthusiasm was faked) and leaves.  Isadora warns Alonso that Ximena could turn out to be a useful ally, but he has to keep his eyes on the prize…La Malquerida.  Alonso, as obvious as a grade-schooler with a face full of crumbs, says Ximena's ok, but, pfft, whatever…he's not interested.  I don't think Mama's buying that load of bull either.

Dionisio presents D'Andres with the gun he's supposed to shoot himself with, if he catches himself trespassing on La Malquerida.  D'Andres vows that if he sees himself on the grounds, he'll be sorry.  Dionisio gives him an advance for the anticipated assasination.

Ximena fantasizes to her mother about Daniel showing up, falling in love with her, and her becoming the owner of La Malquerida.  She thinks it's perfectly fair that Camila should end up the poor veterinarian while Ximena gets to be the lady of the hacienda (at least Camila would be able to get a job to support herself, you worthless twit).  She figures it's about time she enjoyed some of Daniel Sr.'s wealth, since he's the man her mother abandoned her for.  Say what?

Camila starts wondering where D'Andres is.  Rodolfo says Agustina sent him on an errand.  Leoncio starts to complain that all D'Andres does is "women's stuff" and he's never around to do his actual job, therefore he should be fired and his salary given to the other two guys there who are picking up the slack.  Ok, first of all, "women's stuff?"  Let me just add that to the list of reasons I'll be cheering when this dumbass dies a prolonged and messy death.  Second, it's not his job and Camila didn't even want him doing it in the first place.  How stupid is this guy?  Are there no depths to his stupidity?  Why wasn't he fired years ago?  Why did Daniel Sr., who by all accounts was a decent guy, never notice that his ranch foreman was a drunken blowhard who beats his sister and niece when he's not busy demanding his niece scrub floors (and don't even try to tell me that wasn't about him wanting to watch)?  Camila takes issue with "women's stuff" as well and tells Leoncio it's too damn bad he doesn't like D'Andres, because D'Andres isn't going anywhere.

Viviana makes it to the village in Chiapas where the potential love of her life is living.  Only I think Aaron looks about 12 years old, so I'm having a little trouble with that.  He seems willing to help…her…or his brother…or whoever.  Not that he knows what's going on yet.

Amanda has filled D'Andres in about the pills, which he agrees is suspicious since the Padre couldn't have knocked them over himself.  However, since she swears no one went in or out until Camila found him dead….  Dionisio's hench rings the bell on the desk.  As he's pondering how long he plans to stay, we get an excellent view of the tattoo on his neck.  He tells Amanda he's staying indefinitely and at the full-service rate.

Aaron remembers when Rafael met Daniel.  He figures if Daniel needed to use his picture, he must have needed to.  Vivi thinks what they're asking of him is nuts.  Aaron says he came to Chiapas to live in peace.  He can't be away form there for too long. Plus someone has to stay there in his place if he leaves.

Isadora visits some guy named Salomon.  She asks him to draft her daughter-in-law's will, but without her knowing that she's made a will.  She's going to fake Camila's signature on a will granting everything to Alonso.  "Why are you so surprised?  You're an expert at that, aren't you?"  Salomon looks uncomfortable.

D'Andres catches sight of the tattoed guy from across the dining room and flashes back to the night Miriam was killed.  Dun, dun, dun!

Tomorrow: D'Andres tells Natalia he saw the guy who killed his wife; Isadora screams at Salomon that she's not Alonso's mother (doh!); D'Andres and Camila breathe on each other.


Abismo de pasión #139 9/27/12: If anyone says she “gave herself” to a man one more time I’m going to scream!

Prologue: Ladies, it's no wonder that the guys treat you like prize pigs when you keep saying things like you "gave yourself" to them. Rant over.

Leftovers: Paloma instructs Gael to tell Elisa he “betrayed” her or Paloma will tell all. Padre, looking dapper in street clothes, tells Carmina what to do with her threats. They quietly threaten each other and take turns glaring. (I would love to see the outtakes from this scene.)

Lo Nuevo: Gael is afraid he’ll lose Elisa over a “stupid mistake”, because he couldn’t control an “animal instinct”. (Dude, shut up now.) Hey, he likes Paloma but she knows darn well he’s never been able to get Elisa out of his head, at least the one sitting on his shoulders. Paloma’s not happy to hear (again) that she is sloppy seconds. She gave herself to him because she loves him, not because of an animal instinct. “Gael if you don’t tell her then I will because I won’t stay silent about this.” (Ha, told you to shut up Gael.)

Elisa, looking like a lady for a change, sips tea and recalls Carmina telling her that Stef left her love shack to Carmina so that Carmina would always have a place. Lucio joins her and they decide to go to Merida in the morning to see if the blue house ever belonged to Stef. Elisa also wants to fight for Augusto’s property since he and Carmina were about to divorce. Lucio says he’ll help but a fight like that is long and exhausting. Elisa doesn’t care because she needs something to fight for and she has a bunch of free time because she never goes to work anyway. I thought we might have a tear-free scene but at the very end Little Elisa’s lip quivers and a big, glycerin tear rolls down her face.

Now we have a short promo for the Aeropuerto Internacional de Chichen Itza. Sabrina is SO glad they have their very own wonderful airport. Doc T and Begona remind her several times she has to change planes in Mexico City. (What? No direct flights from Valladolid to Africa?) Begona is only slightly annoying as the loud farewell music obliterates the dialogue. Doc T reassures Begona that maybe Sabrina needs to find herself and learn to love again. (The patio gives a loud hoot. We start betting drinks on which country in Africa Sabrina will find her husband.)

Meanwhile Chente is over at Hacienda Arango moping because Sabrina hasn’t even made an attempt to say hello to him. That little dude is definitely in his own clueless world. Daddy Gabino bustles in, ignores Chente, and demands to see Alfonsina. Tonia tells him Dam took her to Merida for delicate open heart surgery. She could die.

Cut to Merida where Alfonsina is about to go into delicate open heart surgery. She cries and gasps to Dam that if she dies, IF SHE DIES...she wants him to always keep in mind that Elisa caused her death. (Recapper rolls eyes.) She can’t go into delicate open heart surgery until Dam promises to forgive her for all the crap she has pulled. Plus he has to tell her he loves her. “Of course I love you, you’re my mother and I have to or I’ll go to hell.” Now he has something to ask, he wants Alfie to forgive dad, Stef and Elisa. Ooh, nice one Dam, but Fina just sobs and is saved by the orderlies who wheel her away.

Speaking of sobbing, Paloma’s at the cenote. Sobbing.

Gael is at the church telling God he’s a coward. He doesn’t want to hurt Paloma but he’s afraid of losing Elisa if he tells her the truth. Yawn.

Soon-to-be-Ex-Padre visits the Bishop and admits he broke canon law and blabbed a confessional secret. Bishop fires Lupe but Lupe says nope, he quits. But that law he broke? He’s going to tell another secret of confession and he hopes God forgives him. Bishop says no can do, Lupe will doom his soul. Lupe says he has to tell the secret in order to defeat the evil that rules over his village.

Elisa sees Gael pouting in the plaza. Gael asks Elisa if she’s sad that Dam dumped her. Nope, because she was going to dump him first. Gael wants to know if Elisa is still cool with marrying him. Elisa’s pretty sure that Gael will never forgive her for boinking Dam. She reminds Gael that betrayals can’t be forgotten, especially by overly jealous jerks like him. Gael is really squirming now, he swears he loves her deeply and hey, he can forgive anything, heh. Oh, and since there are no secrets between them he shagged someone a couple of weeks before their wedding. Now about them getting married... “QUE????” demands Elisa, “You were taking me to the altar while hiding that lie? If Dam hadn’t stolen me I’d be married to you and YOUR LIE. And you and YOUR LIE had some nerve giving me a hard time when I got back to La Ermita. You and YOUR LIE don’t love me!” Elisa calls him a coward and demands to know who was the woman.

Gael couldn’t think of anything during the commercial break. Clearly thinking isn’t one of his strong suits. He says the Other Woman doesn’t exist. He only loves Elisa. Elisa snorts and tells him to shut up. Gael sees that contrition and preemptive forgiveness didn’t work so he goes on the offensive. He says Elisa did the same thing he did so they’re even. (Recapper rolls eyes again.) Elisa informs him she gave herself (aaargh!!!) to Damian in an act of love. If Gael went with his animal instincts then she only feels pity for him. Gael doesn’t want to let Elisa go until she forgives him and tells him she loves him.
E: That would be a lie.
G: Dam dumped you. You have nobody.
E: I have myself. I don’t want Dam, or you, or any dam Arango.
And thus Gael is schooled in what not to say to a woman.

Paloma and Flor are in the office not working. They update each other on their rotten love lives and give moral support. Paloma fears she won’t be able to keep her pregnancy a secret much longer.

Carmina drinks alone and recalls Lupe’s words that wherever Carmina plants evil he will plant truth. She smashes her glass on the floor before she remembers she has no servant to clean up.

Begona and Doc T are in an outdoor cafe enjoying some wine and talking about Sabrina’s exciting future. Begona curses Paolo and loudly states if she could she would send someone to kill him, KILL HIM, got that? Doc tells her to stop the crazy talk. She gets all sweet and tries to butter him up, saying that because their kids are so great they did something well together. (Well...together.)

Elisa goes home to Lolita and curses the Arango men. Dam claimed he loved her but boinked Flor. Dam only stole her so he could get to her before Gael did and now that he found out Gael’s his brother he wants to give Elisa back. (I’m actually embarrassed to be reporting this ludicrous dialogue so I’m stopping now.)

Lolita tells Elisa she’s crazy; Dam truly loves her.

Elisa goes off on a rant that Gael, with his smothering jealousy, is worse than Dam. And news flash, Gael claimed he loved her but had hot animal sex with someone else right before the wedding. Dam can stay with his doubts and Gael can stay with his lies because she doesn’t want either of them and she’ll never forgive them!

Paloma shows up and Lolita gives her the 411. Elisa’s pithed because Gael had another woman before the wedding. Paloma asks if Gael told them with whom he cheated. Elisa says no, but he assured Elisa he didn’t care at all about that woman. Not a bit. Not one iota. Lolita pipes up that it must have been one of those crazy, loose chicks who never think about the consequences of their actions. Paloma looks so stricken that even our self-centered Elisa starts to figure out what went down. She says maybe it was a woman who loved Gael so much that she was suffering because Gael was going to marry Elisa instead of her. Does Paloma know the woman? Oh hell yes she does, “I am the woman.”

Lupe arrives at the hospital in Merida. He tells Dam that he’s sticking around La Ermita, not as a priest but as a man with a mission. He wants to stay with his family,  protect those he loves, and gambol under a sky full of anvils that have his name on them. They shut their eyes and pray for Alfonsina as Gabino creeps around the corner.

Paloma says that just as Elisa gave herself to Dam for love, Paloma did the same with Gael. She loves him with all her strength even if he doesn’t deserve it. Paloma couldn’t tell Elisa because she was too ashamed from throwing herself at Gael. Elisa points out it’s Gael’s fault too, but Paloma insists she stupidly thought if she gave herself to Gael completely then he would find a feeling that didn’t exist. But now she realizes he’ll never love her.

Elisa figures that’s why Paloma wants to leave town, but take it from her that’s not the solution. The girls hug and cry. Paloma says she has to leave, no way can she stand being close to Gael.

Meanwhile Lolita has been taking all this in and her hamsters are wheel-running overtime. Paloma rushes out the door and Lolita suggests to Elisa that Paloma hasn’t told them the entire truth. She thinks Paloma is, wait for it, hiding something.

Avances: Elisa slaps Gael. Gael overhears Flor and Enrique and angrily assumes Paloma is expecting a baby by “ese tipo” (Enrique). Gael punches Enrique.


Por ella soy Eva #52 9/27/12: And the Cat's in the Cradle and the Silver Spoon.

Lalito's father, Mario, has shown up at the home of Helena's parents and he wants to see his son.  Helena goes upstairs to tell Lalo about his dad, and tells Lalo to think about what he wants to do.  Lalo replies matter-of-factly that he'd like to see his father.  In fact, he wants Mario to take him to the fair like other fathers do with their sons.  Helena returns downstairs to tell this, and Mad Dad has a cow and says Mario can damned well visit Lalo right there in front of him.  Helena says she's agreeing to the visit for Lalo's sake.  Mario says that this Pluto guy looks like a respectable type [oh, he is, he is] and he can accompany them to supervise the visit.  Ed glowers.  Helena helplessly shrugs.  Pluto looks smug.

Marcela is sending the kids to their grandparent's house to spend the night.  Jennifer wants to know what's up, but Marcela is playing it coy.  Later, Marcela is seen shopping in a lingerie store.  She has Mimi's list of things to jump start love and she wants something sensual but not vulgar.

Eva is telling Lucia that it's a strange coincidence that Mario appears just as Helena is about to bring Lalo home with her.  Eva's female intuition is telling her that something is wrong.  Helena calls Lucia and wants to know if she is alone.  Eva shushes her up and eavesdrops on the conversation.  Helena complains about Eva's interference when she's been repeatedly told not to meddle in Helena's personal life.  Helena tells of the plan for Mario to take Lalo to the fair and Eva gasps.  When Helena has hung up, Eva coerces Lucia to tell her where- Chapultepec Park.  Lucia says not to worry,  don Pluti is going with them.  Eva heads right out, apparently suffering from amnesia about the first part of the conversation.  Later, Lucia calls Helena to embarrassedly stutter that Eva is on her way to the park.  Girl can't keep a secret.

Lalo and Mario are at the fair talking, while a short distance away Helena and the Putz are watching.  Helena is nervous and Plutarco is calm as a cucumber.  Mario is encouraging a rapport between him and Lalo by finding out that he and Lalo both like soccer and cars.  Lalo cuts to the chase and asks why Mario abandoned him.  Why other kids had fathers and he did not.  Lalo runs away, and Mario catches up with him as Eva spots them.  Mario gives the boy what appears to be a heartfelt answer to his question.  Lalo has every right to be angry.  Mario had been afraid, afraid that his life was not going as he has planned, afraid of the responsibility, afraid of so many things.  He asks Lalo what he does when he's afraid, and Lalo replies that he starts to run.  Well, that's what I did, but it was wrong because I wasn't a child.  I should have stayed and now I am paying for having been a coward.  I've missed out on your growing up and all those things your mother did with you alone.  Lalo agrees to see Mario again and surprises Mario by asking for a hug.  Eva looks on wistfully.

Kevin is anxiously asking his father where he is taking him, under the pretext of playing pool.  Fernando is talking over him, like he does with all his family, and they arrive at the house of a prostitute.  She answers the door, and Ferni tells Kevin that Candy Sweet is a professional and she will show him how to be a total man, a true man.  Candy looks skeptical.

Helena is scolding Mario for disappearing with Lalo and, all wistfulness aside, Eva appears and begins to tear into Mario as well.  Helena is angry.  "What are you doing here?  Didn't I tell you a thousand times not to interfere?  You have nothing to do here."  Eva says she was trying to protect them from this crazy person (energumeno) but Helena sends her away.  Pluto is beside himself trying not to laugh out loud he's so pleased.  Mario wants to talk to Helena about what's happening.  Pluto offers to accompany them but Mario says no.  Pluto doesn't look happy anymore as he realizes his stooge isn't following the script.  [it's so hard to find good help]

Meanwhile, the hooker is telling Fernando that she doesn't have sex with underage persons, that she has principles.  He wants to know what principles she has and he persists.  She gets angry at Fernando and tells Kevin to come back when he's old enough to vote- it'll be on the house.  Fernando tells Kevin not to say a word of this to his mother.  Kevin says, "Do you really think my first time ought to be with a woman you got for me and that I never met?"  He storms off, leaving Fernando impactada. [is that Spanish for clueless?]

JC is telling Mimi that when he saw Lalo with Mario, he understood how much Lalo needs a father.  She says that is no reason to react like a typical violent macho; apparently he's learned nothing in Eva's heels.  JC looks contrite as Mimi tells him that men have to stop being macho to become true men.  JC is tired of makeup and heels and he needs to think.  He's going out.

Mad Dad is criticizing Helena and says that while all this is going on she ought to leave Lalo with them.  Helena says that for tonight she'll stay there with him, but MD says, "No. This is not your house."  Silvia tries to smooth things over but MD pouts and says fine, do what you want, you always have.  Lalo overhears Helena expressing her fears to Silvia.

Marcela has her list of love to woo back the Three Minute Man.  She's in her negligee and has spread flower petals all over the bedroom.  So many dead flowers.  She struggles to find the correct saint to pray to for a night of good lovin', and decides to pray to Mary Magdalene.  She continues to spread flower petals out the front door and, OMG, the wind blows the door shut.  She is without keys or a phone.

JC follows Helena and Mario to a restaurant but isn't close enough to hear them.  Helena is telling Mario he hasn't done any of his fatherly obligations, and Mario is saying Lalo is growing and needs his father.  She says he left her indebted to her father and she never told Lalo that he was a thief.  He says he's now a U.S. citizen and he wants to bring Lalo with him.  Helena loses it and slaps him.  Hard.  He says he has rights and will have custody.  She tells him she's not afraid, that he has no idea of what she's capable of doing to protect her son.  If he wants a legal battle, he's got one.  Pluto comes and pulls Mario from the table while Helena's away.  JC follows them into a garage.  Pluto yells at Mario for not following the plan- Pluto is supposed to be the hero.  Pluto presses more money on Mario, while JC takes pictures with his phone, but Mario doesn't want money- he wants his son.  He lost a baby with a woman he adored and now he's seen Lalo.  "Save your telenovela.  I don't have time to hear it." replies Pluto.  Mario has reneged on the plan, and Pluto swears he's going to regret it.

Helena tries to explain what the legalities of Mario's return means to Lalo, but Lalo throws back at her that she said she wished his father had never returned.

Poor Marcela.  Locked out of the house in her negligee, she tries to borrow a phone from a passing neighbor wearing curlers in her hair.  But the neighbor is full of Marcela's husband's shouting and her family of degenerates.  This is a neighborhood of decent people.  Marcela is protesting that they are decent people, but a police car turns the corner and the cops accuse her of working outside of the "zone of tolerance."  They cart Marcela off to jail as she protests that she's not a prostitute.  JC is telling Mimi that Plutarco is behind the mysterious appearance of Lalo's father when the call comes in from Marcela.  She's been arrested!

Avances:  Eva shows Helena the photo of Pluto offering Mario money... but I'm guessing he'll talk his way around it.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #122 Thu 9/27/12 The Looks of Love; Melissa's Professional Exam; Guess Who Dropped In For Dinner?


Torreslanda Bidness, Rod's Office

Rosa interrupts Rod and Oscar doing bidness and wants to know where her hubby Max is. She came here looking for him, he isn't here, called his cell no answer, what, is he with his lover? Rod is tired of this and says he's doing bidness and she rounds on Oscar saying the same thing. Oscar avoids answering her. She tells them both, when Max comes back from whereva to let him know she was looking for him, and she haughtily leaves the room. Rod goes right back to bidness and Oscar is all flummoxed.

Afternoon Delight Suite of Vicky and Max

Max has left that cheque on the table and Vicky is putting her earrings back in. She is pithed and Max comes out of the bathroom. Max tells Vicky there's the cheque, don't forget it. Vicky says Oh, Osito, the cheque and she takes it, rips it up and places it in his suit jacket pocket and says oh, here's your cheque! Max wants to know why she ripped up the cheque. She tells Max she wanted his help. She tells him not to come looking for her anymore and he says he won't. She says Adios, and goes. Max smirks.

Hanna's Prepa

Lula is giving Hanna heck about Boris again. (Note to Lula: STFU and get him for yourself, jus' sayin'). Boris comes to the table where Lula and Hanna are having what looks like fries or fried jicama and then passes by and sits at another table. Lula says oh, looky here, Boris has a broken heart and she reaches for Hanna's fries, which Hanna will not share and Hanna could care less about what Boris does either.

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Amor Bravío #33 (Uni 28) Wed 9/26/12 The Plague at Malquerida (and it is not tuberculosis!)

Sorry for the delay folks, but I just got back into town and into wireless range. What did reporters do before the internet?

We begin tonight’s capitulo at Amanda’s Hotel with Natalia and Amanda cleaning up the now deceased Padre’s room. Amanda sees some loose pills on the floor and wonders aloud how they got there. She reasons that Padre was immobile, so he could not have reached for and spilled them. Also, Amanda knows she was busy downstairs with a potential guest (bad guy) and thus did not touch the meds. How did these pills get there? Natalia shivers aloud and says something is amiss and she worries that Amanda could be in danger.

Elsewhere in the fields of Malquerida, Camila is barking orders (vet joke) to Rodolfo to go find Tio Leo. Dandres stands by the wayside and steps in offering to help. Camila, of course, refuses and Dandres chews her out (another vet joke) about her pride. They bullheadedly stomp off towards the bull pens to work to prevent an outbreak of disease among the bulls (ok, last vet joke I will actively point out).

Back at Tio Leo’s den, Tio is stretched out on the bed after slamming back a few drinks. There is a knock at the door, then another and another….Tio Leo growls “VVVVooyyyyy” (much like I have been known to do on a Sunday morning when the church people start knocking). Rodolfo tells him he is needed to help vaccinate the herd. Tio snorts and growls at Rodolfo about ordering him around and Rodolfo clarifies it is La Patrona’s orders, not his. Not to be ordered around, Tio tells him he will respond” cuando se de la gana” (when he feels like it). Sensing Tio Leo is sh**faced, Rodolfo chastises him for “chupando” (sucking) the bottle so early in the day. Not in the mood for constructive criticism, Tio Leo growls some threats at Rodolfo and boots him out.
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