Thursday, August 16, 2012

Abismo de pasion #109 8/15/12: Ramona said it best: I cannot tell the future, but can tell you this, right now things are all backwards.‏


Lo refrito:
Sabrina in denyal that Paolo is planning to abandon her. Chente gets rough, gets slapped, then tells her she is same or worse than Elisa. She slaps him again and then gets the ‘possible miscarriage’ pains.  Why does he put his hand bandana on her arm is a mystery… tbd…  anyone have any ideas?

Lo Nuevo:
Paloma and Ramona… Paloma seems to have lost her appetite… Ramona sits her down.  How did you know what herbs to drink? Watched you prepare them since I was a kid, know which ones are for headaches and which ones can hurt people. I am sorry Abuela.  Ramona puts her arm around her. Being an expert about herbs is a big responsibility.  People can easily hurt themselves if they don’t know what they are doing with the herbs. Paloma wanted them to dine together to appoligize, not to get another lecture. Ramona tells her about when she fixed her breakfast at Tovars, remembers seeing some herbs there, gets alarmed face. 

At said Tovar household, BegoneYa is using the herbs again. DrT tells her not to use them. BegoneYa confesses she had seen Sabrina eat more than usual and was gaining weight, so she was giving Sabrina the herb teas. DrT cannot believe his ears (or how dumb the woman he married is). He grabs the huge bag of herbs.  BegoneYa did not know what she was giving Sabrina. They blame each other about Sabrina gone. DrT realizes he has to find her ASAP.

Sabrina is still with Chente, she wants him to go get her dad, He hesitates but finally leaves.

Damian arrives at Ramona’s, need to talk to Paloma. She is not in mood for visitors. Do you really want to see her, or me? I have a feeling you are here to find out if Elisa will really marry Gael. Have told you many times I cannot tell the future, but can tell you this, right now things are all backwards. Elisa does not love Gael and you don’t love Flo, and Flo doesn’t love you. What do you know about her? Almost nothing. IT’s Just an instinct. Women get obsessed with men without really being in love. 

Gael and Braulio at coffee shop… Gael offers him the job at the greenhouse. Braulio says he knows about the processing plant machines, not fields.  Just like Lucio, says Gael. Braulio says not as much. Gael: That is exactly what we need, if we do well, we all win. Welcome to the alternate procesadora team?

Lucio and Elisa elsewhere (there is ACTUALLY another cafetin in town?)  Lucio says Carmina only wants to harm Elisa. Elisa doesn’t want to keep her in the dark longer. They go back and forth in this a few times. Elisa: I know what we will do with the rest of the money,  open a new procesadora with Gael!!.  Lucio reluctant. But knows how stubborn she can be. Just look at the greenhouse. Elisa says need you with us. Lucio reluctant, says too old for this. Elisa says just like he is taking a chance with Maru, why not take a chance again with working at the new procesadora. That does the trick, SOLD!!!

Gabino and Carmina still at it. Will I see you again? Nope, I signed a ‘no sequel’ clause. I did my part of the deal.   No, chula. The deal was: I burn the contract and you become my woman. … Nope, consider it paid in full.   No chula, i waited many years to get my prize and this is too little.   Well, it depends on you for us both to do well in the deal. Will Alfie get mad when she finds out you work for me?   If I work WITH you, we are going half and half. And about Alfie, don’t worry, I no longer work at procesadora.  He wants more of what they just did, she responds ‘dream on’.  He swears she will want to have these meetings often in the future. (is there something about Carmina wearing a white sundress everytime she is going to roll in the hay with anyone? She did with Rosie in the blue house. She did when she married Augie… and now she knew what she came for and wears it again)

Dam on horse goes to see Elisa at Quinta, meets her outside.. What did you come for? You congratulated me for my wedding with Flo, I came to do same for yours with Gael. News fly around this town. My mom said you paid her what you owed her. She did not want to take it but my lawyers were able to make her. I know Gabino gave Augusto an advance payment for the lands. Elisa, we need to talk.. No, I am tired. I will beg you not to look for me anymore. Hasta nunca, Damian. (ok, we are at the 234th time she sends him packing and he keeps coming back… maybe by the 667th he’ll get it.)

At hacienda, Flo smiling remembering the forced kiss with Quique(liked it more than she admits to). Alfie comes to get her for dinner. Know if Sabrina showed up? No.  Here, have my fan. You look hot. I am not surprised that girl got pregnant with Paolo. But something is odd to me. Sabrina and you got pregnant at same time. BegoneYa commented that Sabrina was showing, but you are not.   There are some outfits that are tight.   True. All pregnancies are different.  Alfie, sorry I am tired.  Sure. Tomorrow the invitations arrive and you will help me label/address them, right? Get some rest.

At blue house, II yells at Gabino for his shoving her out of the house. What did you talk to Carmina about? You better tell me or I will make my own conclusions. You know what I mean.   I like when you get mad, relax.   What was that woman here for??   Remember I was dealing with Augie for buying some lands from him? She came to talk about that, that’s all.  That’s why she left so happy? We will split everything half and half. Are you jealous? .. jaja no Gabino, I am not jealous. I have many ways to make you pay ... 

(Chente knocks hard on door, calling Gabino Papa.. II impactada)
Gab comes out and puts a wrestling hold on Chente.  II comes out and concludes correctly this is the ‘mocoso’ he fathered.  Chente finally tells Gab he took Sabrina to the hacienda and she is hurting bad. Gab says we will go right now get her out of there, if she dies she dies away from the hacienda.

Tona brings the merienda to Alfie. Alfie is looking at the ultrasound that was done to Flo. What I have to do is go with Flo when she goes to the OBGyn.  This grandchild is very important to me.  Tona says Alfie had such a different reaction than BegoneYa about soon becoming a grandma. Not the same, my son married by civil law. Elisa Castanon is finally just history.  

Tona gets irritated when she realizes Chente escaped.

Paolo calls asking for the shipment he ordered this morning. But he tells Guido he was calling Tovar  house to find out about Sabrina. Guido does not bite the bait. Paolo insists he loves Sabrina and was planning to escape with her. Guido says DrT was forced to accept that marriage, but you better realize I will be breathing on your ear to make you follow through. Paolo insist will show Guido he means it.

At quinta, Carmina finds flowers in her room, no card on them. Lolita fights with Carmina, Lolita had taken the card away since the flowers could be for any of them three. Carmina mocks her a bit. These flowers were sent by that guy Paolo (ah! So this is what Paolo was ordering!) with thorns and all (LOL! Nicely done, Lolita!). I did enough to bring them to your room. Why do you fake being such puritan? If that ‘tipo’ sends you flowers it must mean you certainly give him reason to. You should respect the memory of your husband a bit. But we all know you are one of those who don’t waste time forgetting the dead and moving on to the next one. ‘Del muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo’. You are going ‘de mal en peor, y si sigue asi, quien sabe en donde acabe, quien sabe!’.

Gab and Chente arrive at the hacienda. Gab tells CHente to get lost, he will take care of it. Gab tells him she needs a doctor. They need to take her to the centro de salud on the double!.
Braulio yells at Tona about letting Chente escape. She shouts back, you decided to abandon us. I was busy tending to the Tovars. Braulio suspects Chente is at Gab’s house. Yes I know where he lives, he lives with a woman outside town. (Alfie was hearing this last statement before Braulio left). Alfie questions Tona on who lives with Gabino.

Gael visits Paloma. She is hurt, did you come to hear me congrat you on your wedding with Elisa?. Believe it or not, I understand. Finally you got her to consider you. And after so many years of being faithful to her, you get your prize.  You and I know I was not faithful to her.   If you mean what happened between us, forget it, make believe it never happened (he nods like he does not want to do that). Besides, I can assure you that that time with me you were thinking of her.  That is not true, that moment was very important for me! .. you were feeling the same! A few days after that you were kissing the son of your boss!... You are so dumb!! Don’t you see I did that to call your attention?? But it was useless!. But don’t worry about what happened between us, I won’t tell Elisa. I know if I told her about it it would be enough to cancel your wedding, but I don’t have the dirty soul to do it… Just like you faced your loss to Damian with honor, I will lose with honor too.. but I won’t leave town. I will stay here and will move on. Now leave. Grandma won’t like finding you here. (as he leaves she hopes he can make Elisa very happy)(ok at least Gael did not have a straw hat in his hands in this scene because Paloma would have driven me insane by now if I were him… yes I love you; no go with her).

Gab puts Sabrina down on sidewalk while Chente runs to get help at the centro. Nurse immediately recognizes her as the daughter of DocT. At Tovars, DrT gets the call. DrT ironically congrats BeGoneYa:  since thanks to her teas Sabrina had a miscarriage and is in danger of losing her life too.

Braulio goes to Gab’s to find Chente, II tells him he left with Gabino and has not returned yet.
Ramona looking at Elisa’s amulet at home and looks worried.
ALfie is looking at Dam’s amulet and hides it in a can…

Dam gets home. At the horse stable, remembers his meeting and kiss with Elisa there and their talk about their amulets.

Elisa at home in her bed, munbles to herself that every day, every hour, every minute, going to try to fall for Gael, and little by little will rip you(Dam) out of my heart and of my soul.
At La Ermita health central, DrT arrives all worried. They are attending to Sabrina, she had a miscarriage and they can’t control the bleeding. DrT is frozen at hearing their diagnosis. He approaches Sabrinas’ face and begins crying with Sabrina. I will take care of you. (As they roll her away to surgery, DrT prays for help from God, he is crying, obviously not that optimistic knowing about the herbs) The other doctor has to bring him out of his slump. DrT goes to tend to her personally.

Chente is in waiting room, crying. Braulio comes over and wants to know what is wrong with him. Chente tells Braulio about Sabrina. Seems they will operate on her. Don’t want anything bad to happen to her. It was my fault. I was with her. I did not want Paolo to take her from La Ermita. She began to feel ill and I did not know what to do!  Take it easy. I am with you, son. (supporting hug)

Flo brings the invitations for Dam to look at. She only gets a ‘nice’ reaction. Flo surprised at reading the date of the wedding is 6 mos away. Dam says it is not a mistake, THAT is our wedding date. Flo is afraid she will be far along with a big belly. Dam says you have time to adjust your dress or get a new one ordered. You will look great pregnant. At least you get the celebration you dreamed of. Flo fakes saying she was dreaming of the church wedding and swearing ‘amor eterno’ at the altar(somehow I don’t think they know the lyrics of ‘amor eterno’ by Juan Gabriel). Dam will try to come home early from procesadora to go distribute the invitations together. Flo says she is happy he is pampering her again. Dam asks her for news about Sabrina. Flo does not know but will tell him if she learns anything.
Elisa remembers her conversation with II ‘we have to talk about Carmina. /What do you know about Carmina?/ I know all the secrets Gabino has been keeping for her for years.’

Prev: voiceover hints Elisa will find out that Carmina was Rosie’s lover.
Alfie slaps Flo, accuses her of locking herself with Quique, Dam is watching/hearing this.
Seems Dam questions Flo on it, in comes Paolo willing to give him the juicy details.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Amor Bravío #5-6 (Uni 3) Wed 8/15/12

Capitulos 5 & 6 (Mexican Broadcast Sequence): Let Us Prey


None, but the promos are giving away too much.

Lo de Nuevo

Hotel Boardwalk: Camila is questioning her decision to marry Alonso because of his insecurity, lack of self-control, jealousy, and violent streak. He tries to intimidate her but does not find this as easy as he hoped.  and finally sounds pathetic.  She realizes she didn't know him remotely as well as she thought she did. He grabs her and violently attempts to kiss her, but she pushes him away and decides to return home. She picks up her bag and exits, leaving him staring angrily after her. The music takes on a suspenseful tone.

Alonso's Office: Don Daniel sees that Alonso is a traitor. He prints some documents, writes a few things down, then has a chest pain. The Tell-Tale Heart is heard along with some horror-film music in a minor key. He calls for Natalia and tells her not to tell Alonso that he had been in the office.

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Amor Bravío #3-4 (Uni 2) Tue 8/14/12 GREAT EXPECTATIONS

Alonso continues to pressure Camila for an answer to his proposal and goes so far as to nuzzle her playfully.  She is sooo not into him!  She throws her head back in exasperation and he takes that to mean yes and showers her with kisses.

At the main house, Don Daniel tells Agustina he doesn’t have to explain his actions (about Agatha).  In other words, MYOB!  She leaves in a huff and Don Daniel wonders how she can react this way after so many years.  Padre Baldomero supposes this is how women behave when they’re in lurve.   Daniel scoffs at the idea that Agustina could possibly be in love with him.  She’s his late brother’s wife!  No matter, says the Padre.  She’s been a widow for almost 25 years now.  She was a good wife but fell in love with Daniel after her husband died.  Daniel says she fell in love alright, with that botarate (idiot, madcap), Ximena’s father.  She married him and he made her life miserable and left her in ruins.  Padre can only agree but reminds him that back then Daniel was married to Amparo.  But since Agustina’s divorce and Amparo’s death, Agustina has fallen in love with him. 

Santiago, Chile
Miriam finds Daniel going over those photos of his mother with a man he doesn’t recognize.  Miriam remarks that his mother looks very happy.  As happy as he’ll be with the news she’s about to give him.  Daniel is despondent and doesn’t think anything will make him happy.  She’s not too sure about that and whips out the pregnancy test, telling him they’re expecting!!  He’s overjoyed at the news.

Rancho Malquerida
Camila breaks the news to her mother that Alonso wants to marry her.  Agustina considers this happy news.  Alonso es un gran partido (great match), quapo, hard worker, and trustworthy.  After all, there’s a reason he’s the ranch manager, not to mention her tío’s personal dealings.  Camila is clearly not happy.  She agrees about Alonzo’s good points but she wonders if she’s ready to get married.  Agustina feels she’s ready and has a right to happiness.  Camila’s not so sure about that.  She still blames herself for Luis’ death.   This ranch and the passage of time may have helped her some, but she cannot forget the accident was her fault.  Agustina tells her she shouldn’t continue to punish herself.  What happened was God’s will and it is now His will that she be happy.  And that’s why He sent Alonso, a man who loves her and patiently waited until she was ready to be by his side. 

While Agustina is praising Alonso’s qualities, he is on the phone with his mother telling her everything is going according to plan.  Mamá, who is shown at an angle so we don’t see her evil face, is glad this marriage will finally take place and will benefit them greatly.  BWAHAHA!!!!

Back at the ranch, Camila wonders if she’ll ever be the same girl she once was.  Of course, says Mamá.  She wants Camila to promise to give it a chance with Alonso, he’s worth the risk.  She urges her to marry him.  Camila admits she’s already said yes.  They both laugh at this while Camila tells her he’s coming Friday with his mother to ask for her hand.  Agustina congratulates her daughter but we can see that Camila may still not be convinced. 

Agustina later calls Ximena to give her the good news.  Ximena could care less and says she may not be in Mexico in time for the wedding.  During this conversation Ximena meanly points out that Camila is only her sister by her mother, but not her father.  Agustina is understandably upset by this and asks her not to mention her father.  Thanks to him, they’ve had to live on the charity of Tío Daniel.  Ximena doesn’t feel her father’s to blame.  Agustina’s living at Daniel’s by her choice.  Aside from not being in Mexico, she may not attend the wedding anyway because weddings bore her – as much as the ranch.  Agustina is certain Camila will be happy now.  Ximena reminds her that she’s said many times that happiness doesn’t exist, only happy moments.  So don’t come telling her that Camila has found happiness with that Don Nadie (Mr. Nobody).  That does it.  Agustina’s angry now and tells her she has to cancel everything in order to be at Camila’s wedding, or else. 

Camila and Tío Daniel are walking around the pasture (the bulls are safely behind a fence).  He understands her reluctance to fall in love, based on what’s happened to her.  But she shouldn’t hang on to the past.  He remembers her depression when she first arrived, her low self esteem.  Slowly she recovered and look at her now!  Taking the reins of her life.  She notices that he seems to like Alonso a lot.  He admits that yes, Alonso’s a nice man.  He’s very grateful because thanks to him, she’s smiling again.  She tells him she doesn’t owe her happiness to Alonso.  She owes her happiness to Tío Daniel.  Thanks to his affection and love.  Most of all she credits his intelligence in offering her the position of veterinarian as her motivation  He points out that she did it mostly because she loves animals as much as he does.  She tells him she’s proud he was successful in creating this breed of bulls and happy she was able to contribute her part in fulfilling his dreams.  He tells her nothing would have been the same without her presence in his life or at this ranch.  He truly loves her.  She jokes with him and tells him she respects him.  They laugh and she tells him of course she adores him.  He’s like a father to her and she’s grateful for everything he’s given her.  He feels the same for her.  She’s the daughter he never had.  They embrace in a bear hug.  Awwww.

Elsewhere, Alonso and his mother, Isadora, are sharing in an embrace of their own. * We get our first glimpse of Leticia Calderon.  My, but she plays the villain so well. *  She’s so proud of her son.  Alonso says it was 2 years of hard work.  Camila may seem easy, but it was difficult to convince her.  Mommie Dearest thinks Camila is an insignificant drama queen.  No matter, after they get what they want he can divorce her.  Alonso tells her that may not be necessary.  It was difficult, yes, but romancing Camila was no sacrifice for him.  She warns him  to be careful.  Love can make him vulnerable and he can’t afford to lose his objectivity.  Camila is only the means to justify the ends (el medio para llegar a nuestro fin) and he’d best not forget that.

Dias Despues (at Rancho Malquerida)

The two families gather for La Pedida de Mano.  Agustina flatters Isadora, saying she looks so young.  Isadora, dressed a bit too provocatively, laps it up, sharing that her husband was always offended when people would ask if she were his daughter.  Polite laughter ensues.  Isadora goes on to say she’s only met Camila a few times and only knew them, Don Daniel and Agustina, from what Alonso told her.  She’s happy to finally meet them in person.  Let the games begin:  Alonso formally proposes to Camila by offering her a ring on bended knee.  She says yes.  *darn!*  Daniel notices the ring is an antique.  Isadora explains it once belonged to Alonso’s grandmother and is traditionally used as the engagement ring in their family. 

Chile (días despues)

Daniel and Miriam are jogging through a park as someone secretly takes photos.  Miriam is having a hard time keeping up with Daniel and he eventually leaves her behind to rest.  She confronts the “paparazzo” and struggles for the camera.  Daniel comes back to defend his wife and eventually wrestles the camera away and lets the paparazzo escape.  She doesn’t think he’s from around here, he had a Mexican accent. 


Wow, 2 weddings in two days.  Camila and Alonso are kneeling at the altar with Padre Baldomar officiating.  We go through the motions.  Camila looks happy, Momma looks happy, Tío Daniel looks  happy.  Alonso looks like the smarmy snake that he is and Isadora looks, well, EVIL!!  Outside the church, Camila tells her mom she’s very happy but disappointed that Ximena didn’t make it to her wedding.  Tío Daniel tells her she’s the apple of his eye and they again tell each other how much they adore each other.  As Isadora is greeting the bride, Cesar Evora makes his appearance playing Dionisio.  Alonso’s surprised to see him at his wedding.  He introduces him to Camila.  Isadora and Dionisio make a big show of not knowing each other beforehand (I’ll bet my beanie they do!) and they introduce themselves.  Isadora introduces him to Agustina and Don Daniel, who seems to think they’ve met before.  Dionisio assures him they’ve never met. 

Later Somewhere in a Bar,

Dionisio meets with Isadora.  He tells her it’s always a pleasure to see her ( I get to keep my beanie!).  Dion knows the three of them, Dion, Isadora, and Alonso, will make great partners and Isadora can only agree.  Of course for that to happen they’ll need Alonso to quickly get his hands on Rancho Malquerida by of his wife’s inheritance from Don Daniel.  They both know Camila will eventually inherit everything since Don Daniel adores her unconditionally and he has no other heirs.  Isadora’s heard tell that Don Daniel is not in the best of health.  Dion can only hope that’s true because they’ve already invested a lot of money on this project.  He toasts to their partnership and to her beauty. 

Rancho Malquerida

Don Daniel takes a call from the photographer in Chile who tells him of his failed attempt to get photos of Daniel.  It turns out he was able to get one shot of him with his cell phone and he’ll send that to Don Daniel. 


Kisses and smooches.  Camila thanks Alonso profusely for his understanding, patience, and his love.  He thanks her too and the canoodling commences……

Uh, oh – trouble in paradise already.  We come back later to the honeymooners and find that Alonso was unsuccessful in the canoodling business, if ya know what I mean.  He can’t stand the way she’s looking at him.  He knows she’s comparing him to that dead fiancé of hers!??!!  Oh no, it gets better.  Now he accuses our little darling of not being a virgin and sleeping with “el muertito”!  She refuses to answer him when he’s talking to her in this manner.  Alonso:  “This has never happened to me with another woman, NUNCA!  So save yourself the false humility.  Don’t you dare think you are better than me.  Never assume you are superior to me.  Maybe you should worry that you were unable to awaken the man in me.”  QTH? And poof!  Just like that, he leaves Camila bewildered and impactada.   Camila follows Alonso outside.  He refuses to talk about it and leaves her standing there. 

We later see Camila alone in her room in bed and she begins to cry.  Meanwhile Alonso is in the bar and flashes back to his attempt to make love to his wife and he gets angry again.  A young cutie comes by and asks if he’ll buy her a drink.  Ruh roh!


Daniel and Miriam return from shopping for baby things.  She’s still worried about that photographer and he tells her it was nothing.  He might’ve been one of those guys who likes to take candid  photos, whatever, subject closed.  The only important thing now is their baby that has come to help him overcome the sadness he’s felt since the loss of his mother.  Miriam consoles him and leaves to make some tea.  As she walks away we see there’s blood on her pants.  He tells her and she begins to cry as he tries unsuccessfully to console her.   So, so sad.

Rancho Malquerida

Agustina talks to Don Daniel about wedding photos as she gives him some meds.  He tells her that between the wedding and the good news he’s just had, he’s very happy.  He’s not ready to tell her his good news yet.  They talk about Ximena not coming to the wedding.  Agustina hasn’t spoken to her yet.  He’s disappointed she couldn’t make an effort to attend her sister’s wedding.  She’s a bad seed, just like her father.  It’s as though she takes pleasure seeing Agustina suffer.  Agustina doesn’t wish to compare Ximena to her father.  Ximena will soon suffer the consequences of not attending the wedding.  For now, she will not get next month’s allowance (ouch, tough love).  Don Daniel read my mind saying he’s sure she’ll continue the monthly allowance next month and every month thereafter, enabling her behavior.  He doesn’t understand why Agustina feels she’s to blame for Ximena.  He finally gives up the discussion and looks at the wedding photos.  He comes across a photo of Dionisio and again mentions he thinks he knows him.  Agustina finds him enchanting and Don Daniel isn’t so taken with him.  She accuses him of finding fault in everyone.  He disagrees.  When he gets a bad feeling about someone, there’s usually a very good reason and no one knows that better than her!  When she decided to marry that tipo, he warned her that he was only after the money his brother Humberto left her.  And that’s exactly what happened.  Agustina admits it’s true and he never tires of repeating it.  She’s very regretful she didn’t heed his advice but there’s no sense in looking back.  He tells her she should learn from her mistakes instead of avoiding them.  For example, he feels Agustina would rather be here than with Ximena and reining her in.  Agustina gets angry and asks if he’s truly concerned about Ximena or is he saying she’s no longer wanted in his house.  If that’s the case, then she’ll leave now – para siempre!  Don Daniel tells her to calm down and not be such a drama queen -- she knows this is her casa.  She disagrees, saying she’s just an arrimada (freeloader).  Therefore, when Camila returns from her honeymoon, Agutina plans to move in with Ximena in Monterrey.  *I’ll bet Ximena will be pleased as punch to hear that*  Don Daniel tells her he has a lot to thank her for – she’s taken charge of the house for many years, she’s become part of his family, and if he says anything about Ximena it’s just that he feels she’s making a mistake with her.  She reminds him Ximena isn’t like Camila.  She doesn’t take advice from anyone.  That’s why Agustina came to live on the ranch with him and Camila, but if he no longer wants her here, or doesn’t need her, she’ll understand.  He tells her of course he still needs her.  He tells her he cares for her as a sister, as his brother’s widow, as Camila’s mother (notice he doesn’t mention Ximena).  She cries that this isn’t enough for her!  She always hoped one day he’d see her as a woman!  Daniel is dumbfounded.  He doesn’t understand how she came to have these expectations of him.  He doesn’t believe he’s given her reason to believe he could fall in love with her but he’s very sorry if that’s the case.  She feels she’s been very stupid to have ever believed he’d ever forget that woman who stole his heart and make her his woman!  Yes, she is truly stupid (her words, not mine).  She walks off crying and Don Daniel sits there shaking his head.  


Good news!  Ultrasound shows the baby has a strong heart beat and everything seems to be fine.  Doctor recommends she take it easy but there shouldn’t be any problem going forward.  Yay! 

Luna de Miel Amarga

Alonso finally returns.  Camila doesn’t respond when he calls her name.  He climbs, no slithers, into bed next to her and asks for her forgiveness.  She pushes him away asking how he expects her to feel after the way he treated her.  He tries to explain how badly he felt about what happened (or didn’t happen).  She tells him that doesn’t justify everything he said to her.  He begs her forgiveness and repeats that this had never happened to him.  She believes him.  He starts to act crazy, saying he had so looked forward to this night, to making her happy.  She cries and asks him to stop.  He thinks this means she hasn’t forgiven him.  She assures him she has and suggests maybe he just embrace her for now.  He nibbles on her shoulder and he still has that crazy look in his eyes.  Really creepy scene.


Padre Baldomero is surprised  to see Don Daniel so early at 8:00 mass.  Don Daniel has come to learn more about Agatha.  Padre fills him in on what Amanda has told him  (we still haven’t met Amanda).  It turns out that Agatha only remained with her husband a few months after leaving.  In fact, he wasn’t even by her side at her son’s birth.  Don Daniel assumes this proves this is his son.  Padrecito tells him not to jump to conclusions.  The only proof will come with a paternity test.  *hey, padrecito’s on the ball*  He also heard Daniel turned out pretty good.  He was a good son, has been married now for 2-3 years, and is an expert in computer technology.  Unfortunately, he’s now suffering financially because Agatha’s illness cleared out his savings.  Amanda also told el Padrecito that Amanda never stopped loving Don Daniel.  After so many years, no man could take his place.  Don Daniel concludes that neither the distance or death can erase one’s love.  He knows because the same thing happened with his love for Agatha.  Padre Baldomero is beginning to regret having told him anything.  On the contrary, says Don Daniel, this news has moved him to make a decision, one that will change everything for everyone, for young Daniel, and even his beloved Camila.   Don Daniel is determined to have young Daniel undergo a DNA test.  Padre warns him that young Daniel may not even be aware of the relationship between his mother and Don Daniel, saying he even carries Agatha’s husband’s surname.  This could ruin his life.  Don Daniel disagrees.  He plans to offer him such a good job that he won’t hesitate to hear him out.  Once he’s here, he’ll fix it so he can determine whether or not young Daniel is his son. 


Abraham, Miriam’s brother, has come to congratulate them on the baby.  Daniel is on his way out for a job interview – he’s got to improve their financial status for the baby’s sake.  Both he and Abraham leave.  Once alone, Miriam calls Dante asking him to help her set up life insurance policy with Daniel and the baby as beneficiaries (ruh-roh).  She makes him promise not to mention this to Daniel.  He’s the type of guy that insists of taking care of everything himself.

Luna de Miel Amargo

Camila and Alonssssso arrive poolside.  Alonso accuses a young hunkalicious guy of eyeing his woman.  He pushes the offending hunk into the pool and creates a scene.  A bouncer shows up and eventually everyone calms down.  Everyone but Alonso.  Camila can’t believe what’s happening and tells him the guy wasn’t even looking at her.  He accuses her of defending the hunk, then turns around and accuses her of flirting with the guy.  She’s fed up and leaves him standing there shouting after her. 

Local Restaurant

Don Daniel visits the local restaurant and asks Natalia for help him open his e-mails (he fractures the word “mail” – so cute). 

Showdown in Monterrey

Ximena is predictably outraged her mother is expecting to move in on her in Monterrey.  Agustina reminds she’s the owner of that there apartment and Ximena best understand that while mommy’s paying the bills, she better follow her rules.  “Uh-uh, no way” says Ximena.  “It’s too late to come telling me about your rules.  Need I remind you that you abandoned me to run after Don Daniel? If your plan failed, that’s your problems.  As for me, you’ve already lost me!” Bam – she hangs up on her mother!

Don Daniel’s offices

I’m assuming this is his office in town.  He mentions that with Camila and Alonso both gone, there’s no one to help him and he’s lost with all this computer gibberish.  We also learn he rarely comes to the office and Alonso takes care of everything.  *hissssssss* Natalia has a problem booting up the computer so they have to use Alonso’s laptop which he’s conveniently left on top of his desk.  She fires it up and successfully opens up Don Daniel’s e-mail.  She leaves him alone to review his e-mail.

He settles in but notices a file entitled “Desarrolo Turístico Dionisio Ferrer” ( a tourist development under Dion’s name!).  He realizes Alonso’s a traitor who’s aligned himself with Dion to take everything from Camila.  Well, he will not permit it! 

Luna de Miel Amargo

Camila is looking over a balcony down to the waves hitting the rocks below.  Is she thinking of jumping?  Alonssso suddenly appears, chastising her for leaving him talking to himself.  She tells him not to cause a scene like that again.  Alonsso responds, “or what?” (yeah, real smooth).  She tells him she doesn’t know what’s going on but she doesn’t like this side of him that’s she’s never known before.  He tells he if she hadn’t provoked him, everything would be fine.  She denies provoking him and says his attitude is making things worse.  He takes that as her way of throwing it in his face for what happened last night (or didn’t happen).   Suddenly he begins to manhandle her, telling her he’s asked her a question!!  She tells him that if he can’t get over what happened (or didn’t happen) last night, then maybe they should just cut the honeymoon short and return to the ranch.  He pulls her back sharply and they stare into each other’s eyes.  She looks very scared as Chente croons, “Porque estoy anamorado………”


Oh no!  Don Daniel has a heart attack!  But not before penning a new will, leaving everything to Daniel Diaz Acosta! 


Abismo de pasión #108 8/14/12: Chente, get help!


The old:  An encore performance of Begoña's heel-wobbling mad walk down the path to Hacienda Harango.   Dam Stoopid is among the last people to hear that Gael and Elisa are getting married.

The new:  At that very moment, the winsome pair ride up on horseback to the invernadero, she in her short shorts, he clutching a sheaf of documents and a tube of Gold Bond ointment.  They enter and rejoice over all their bouncing baby habaneros -- and best of all is Gael's news:  the lawyers have done their magic and now Elisa owns the greenhouse and its harvest free and clear. 

She won't need the Arangos --  she and Gael will set up a competing procesadora and she'll send her magical chiles all around the world, exploiting their chemical and pharmaceutical properties.  They can use the money from her share of the sale of Cielo Abierto as start up funds.  And with Lucio and Braulio on their team, how can they fail?  Elisa is so overjoyed she jumps into Gael's arms and straddles him with her chapped legs.

He's Lame and she's on the Lam
Chente finally shows up at Hacienda Beltran all excited because he's got food.  (What now?  Artichokes?  Snails?)  But all Sabrina wants is Paolo.  She wails when Chente tells her everyone knows she left home and that she's knocked up.

O tempora!  O mores!
The Tovars fill Hacienda Harango with their ... um ... harangues.  Alfie tries to shoo them out but they are oddly unsympathetic to her headache.  Dam obsesses about Elisa and Gael.  Flor warns Dam to keep an eye on Paolo -- he HAS TO marry Sabrina.

Begoña is not comforted by Gweedo's appeal to reason or Paolo's vow to marry her daughter.  Sabrina's honor has been compromised -- though the Landuccis, city folk that they are, may not understand the moral standard of the country.  Edmundo doesn't think it's a city mouse/country mouse thing:
"Las madres alcahuetas y los patanes abusivos existen en todas partes."
(Mothers who cover up/pimp out [their daughters] and abusives cads can be found everywhere.)

Enrique slips out and finds Flor in her bedroom.  She is crying because her steal-a-baby plan is in flames.  They taunt each other about Dam and Paloma and end up in a passionate embrace.  Dam, who has noticed Enrique's absence and followed him down the hall, is about to burst in on the scene when Begoña calls out, thus warning the two inside.  Dam opens the door and Flor is apparently alone, leafing through a magazine.  When Dam leaves,  Enrique comes out of the closet.  But when he emerges from Flor's room, his mother is waiting to pounce:  "Why can't my children control their impulses?" she shrills as she literally pulls him by the ear and away from the poison Flor.

And really.  The Landucci escutcheon has seen better days
Now Paolo joins Flor.  He's glad to see she has Enrique lined up as Plan B for when Dam dumps her.

When Dam sees Enrique in the hallway, Paolo covers for him by saying "That's the last time you barge into my room!"  Dam storms away in disgust.

No more Mr. Nice Guy!
Gabs pops in to see Alfie.  He defies her demand that he return her anticipo or hand over Cielo Abierto.  He has worked for her, been her perro fiel, for many years and now he wants the lands for himself.  Alfie is appalled -- Gabs knew he was just a prestanombres (prestar+nombre, frontman) for her.  Those lands belong to her!

"How about I keep your money and the land?" proposes Gabino.  "Your son fired me and you didn't lift a finger to help me.  Now I'll grow my own habaneros!"

"Your habaneros will rot" scoffs Alfabitch.  "I won't buy them -- no one will!"  She tries to threaten him:  "Walk out that door now and you're my enemy."

Gabino spits out the cud he's been chewing for so very long:  "The problem isn't me.  The problem is you.  No one can stand you.  That's why all your men leave."

Alfie dismisses him with a series of finger snaps.  Once he is gone, she fans herself furiously.

Something stinks in the kitchen
Paolo is taunting Toña in the kitchen.  It looks like so much fun that Gabino joins in.  When Toña shows some sympathy for Sabrina, Gabino throws it back in her face:  If anyone knows how it feels to be facilota y buscona (a pushover, someone looking for it), it's Toña. 

Toña wisely clears out and Gabino plops down at the table where a huge bowl of very portable fruit is sitting (no knives needed).  "So you knocked up the kid? (la escuincla)" asks Gabino amiably.

Chente is lurking and hears Paolo say he needs to get away -- and Gabino will help, right?

Paolo leaves and Chente approaches his sperm donor for help.  Gabino isn't doing the father thing, sorry kid.  But he does peel off a wad of bills for his rotten issue and then he leaves too.

Enter Braulio.  Chente tells him he's fine but he's in a hurry -- he has girls to torture, kidney transplants to mess up.

An indecent proposal
Carmina appears at the Blue House of Shame in a white dress (weddings are in the air, I guess); she is looking for her man Gabino.  It is Ingrid who opens the door, but she of the sad coif is dismissed quickly.  Gab grabs her from behind (death grip à la Beltran) and orders her to wait outside.  He and Killer Citrus have business to discuss.

With Ingrid out of the way, Orange says "Platícame una cosa" (tell me something) -- "Do I still turn you on?  Then show me!  Burn the contract Augusto signed and all this orangitude is yours!"  Orange sweetens the deal:  he will get to administer all of Cielo Abierto when the House of Orange reigns.

He takes out a paper and holds a lighter flame to it.  Carmina grabs it -- trust but verify, she mumbles.  Yup.  Burn it!  Now she opens her mouth, he loosens his belt buckle and she jumps into his arms, straddling him in a nasty echo of the earlier Elisa-Gael straddle jump.

A poor horse waits outside with only Ingrid, pacing, pacing, to keep him company.

Things are getting worse at Hacienda Beltran
Chente returns to find Sabrina crouched on the floor, clutching her belly.  He seems surprised that she has no use for the money he waves at her.  Where is Paolo?  That's all she wants to know. Chente blurts what he heard, that Doc Tovar wants Paolo to marry her but Paolo wants to run away.  He's just been playing her.

Casa Castigo is, if only for tonight, a fool's paradise.
The tía is gone and Dolores and Elisa can talk freely.  Elisa is glad about getting the greenhouse back, sad at losing Paloma's friendship.  Give it time, says Lolita.  Elisa mentions bumping into Ingrid outside the church but chooses not to repeat her conversation (perhaps because it concerned a third party and not herself).  She also tells Dolores that she won't be moving to Lucio's place because she wants to give him and Maru some space.

Donde Padre Lupe -- Save the last mass for me
Alfabitch has him on the phone.  She  snares his last mass in La Ermita for Dam and Flor's wedding.  (She knew if she kept them in the cage together, sooner or later they would mate.)

Oooh Gael.  Lousy timing.  He gets home and asks  Papa Padre to save the last mass for his wedding; and Lupe says that he and Elisa will have to choose another date, perhaps a week or two earlier.  That's unacceptable to Gael -- why should Dam's wedding get priority over his?

Outside the stables at Hacienda Harango...
... Braulio and Dam speak briefly.  Braulio admits he has his own tsuris but isn't anxious to talk about it.  He does have some advice for Dam who is obviously in a snit over the news of Elisa's wedding:  "Vas a tener que aguantarte." (You're gonna have to calm down/suck it up.)

That's why you have that thing on your hand
Back at Hacienda Beltrán, Sabrina refuses to believe what Chente says about Paolo.  She knows he loves her and he is thrilled about their baby.  Chente tells her he loves her and then shows his love by grabbing her roughly in a feeble attempt at assault.  She rebuffs him, calls him stupid, tells him to go to hell and slaps him hard enough to make him fall down.  Then she suddenly sinks to the floor, doubled over with pain.  "Ayúdame!" she implores.

Chente unwraps the bandana from his wrist and drapes the thin cloth over her shoulders.

Avances:  Dam is still a hunk a hunk of burnin' love for Elisa.



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #21 8/14/12: Juan Querendon arrives and he's a babe magnet!

We open with Eva sneaking out of Pluto's office (with a cd of espionage stolen from the computer). She bumps into Helena the same way s/he did when they first met as man and woman. Mutt and Jeff stare at Eva curiously but "plot armor" preserves her disguise, as it will for months to come.

All are a-flutter about the arrival of Diego Fonticoda, who owns an airline; Helena plans to convince him to have his planes stop at Playa Majagua. She doesn't invite M & J so they plot against her behind her back.

Eva is in her/his old office (now Helena's office) looking at pics of Helena and Lalo. S/he steals one romantically just as Helena arrives looking very suspicious. Helena's four rules: "No gossip, be punctual, keep your mouth shut -- and don't mess in my private life. I trusted somebody who betrayed me and it won't happen again. And call me Licenciada."

Eva absentmindedly goes into the men's bathroom and there is a whole lineup of outraged guys with their penises out (one assumes). She says: "Up north where I come from it isn't Hombres and Mujeres, it's Hembros and Machos, of course I was confused." Eva then goes to the ladies' and meets a flotilla of bonbons in there, gossipping about the very sexy Diego. Turns out he and JC were big friends. The babes remind each other, "Fonticoda will do anything to get what he wants and he doesn't respect anyone in skirts."

Looking over Helena's presentation, Eva finds ... a mistake! He can't believe it! He shows Helena her little mistake. It would have cost her a lot in dealing with Diego. He says he'll fix it.

OK coming out of the elevator, wait, wait, ... oh hurrah, it's JUAN QUERENDON!!!!! I love him. He's all over the receptionist Marcela - turns out they were somehow involved long ago. He kisses her hand and compliments her while her husband looks on wrathfully. Then Diego turns to Rebe, she gets kisses and compliments too. Diego's assistant is Ignacio Betancourt.

Helena arrives. Diego calls her Venus, he kisses her and invites her out for a drink, he escalates and says "You're a goddess, I'll call you Aphrodite." "No, call me Helena." "Ahh, like Helen of Troy."

They go to the conference room and Diego wants the presentation immediately but Eva hasn't arrived with the corrected version. Helena kills time with talk. Meanwhile, Eva has finished the corrections and rushes toward the meeting -- but she gets stopped by Adriano, who says she is not dressed well enough and he insists she be taken off immediately to get a uniform (if they have one in her/his size). She manages to squeeze into a turquoise dress and explain to all the girls that she hasn't let anybody see her nude but her dead husband (sobs into kleenex).

Helena has been talking away and Diego's ready to sign, but since Eva doesn't show up, he says "you missed your chance" and leaves. Rebe gloats. "You're useless," she croons as she goes off to rejoice with Mutt and Jeff.

Diego asks Marcela's husband for her phone number, that's rubbing it in! He calls him zambo (knock-kneed). It takes Marcela all her charms to soothe her jealous husband's feathers.

[At home: the mean dad yells at his wife. She's sad he threw Helena out. He plans to get custody of Lalo. At school kids mock Lalo for having said he'd have a dad - "but he died" Lalo protests - they push him around.]

When Eva (who's been in the bathroom trying to fix her wig) finds out Diego left without signing, he borrows Marcela's phone and calls Diego, who had been his brother in bad behavior in his former life. "Diego, this is Eva, the assistant that didn't show up." "How do you have my private number?" "Diego, we need a meeting so you can sign." "Tell your boss she missed her chance." "Hey Diego, I know you like a few cups - you choose the bar, Helena will come. Consult your horoscope, you'll see the stars are lined up for good business. Check the runes, the tarot..." "OK. Tell Helena I'll come for her."

Pluto is reaming Helena out for losing the deal when Eva comes in and says she's set up the meeting. "You are all so tense," she whispers in her feminine accent. "Lighten up, life is a carnival."

Eva wants to come to the meeting but Helena says no, it's just going to be Rebe and me. Eva: "Can I give you a little tip? He's a skirt chaser, he's very superstitious, he likes the good life. Look fabulous."

Lalo is sad at the dining table. "My friends are going to talk about the work their dads do tomorrow." The mean dad overhears Helena telling her mom she has to go to a bar to sign a contract, and she names the bar ("The Rumba").

Eva sneaks back to the office to look over the material he stole from Pluto's computer. He throws off his shoes ("Who'd wear these high heels of their own free will?") He gets comfy and then realizes he has the wrong cd, this one has the Playa Majagua projecton it. That means he has to go switch cds at the bar!

Walking home talking about their teenage hanky-panky way back when, Marcela and Mutt spy a couple macking behind a tree. Turns out this is their daughter. The boy runs away.

Helena arrives at the bar, wearing an awful dress, she will drink only mineral water. Diego wants to party. Here comes EVA! Helena slips off to see why Eva has arrived. They switch cds and Eva gives lots of advice: "Don't be alone with that Cosanova. He has xray eyes, he's a satyr, a pervert." Helena says she can take care of herself. "Well, some advice: Diego is superstition, he believes the dead can communicate. Call me when you get home." Rebe thinks Helena is trying to seduce Diego. There are words and Rebeca flounces out....

... And in comes Helena's awful father. He hears Diego boasting about Helena: "She'll do anything she has to," he opines. His friend: "Yes, she's liberal and modern." There is talk of flitting from bed to bed. Dad glowers.


Refugio Para el Amor #92 Tue 8/14/12 It Serves Me Right For Putting All My Eggs In One Bastard*

Yes, tonight our worst nightmares are being further confirmed. Super studly Sperm Donor Rodrigo has managed to impregnate two women. Gala he knows about. Luciana, no. And he's still thrashing with the belief that the latter is involved in a new romance with Linares. Not just a bastard is our Rodrigo. But a dumb bastard.

For now, he may sputter and hold back on marriage to the conniving Gala, but we have the sick certitude he'll cave before too long. Hold your breath, Viewerville, we're about to be dragged underwater for a long long time.

[ Some scenes are combined and condensed for narrative flow.]

As always, the writers hammer home the contrasts between the two worlds of Luciana and Rodrigo. Hers is a sun-washed blue-skied village. The colors are warm and earthy. In fact she's a potter, forming and creating beauty out of the warm, yielding earth. Her work's connection with the Biblical image of God, the master potter forming us with his love and grace is symbolic. Luciana represents everything that is right about human love....”un amor limpio” as warm and yielding as the clay she fashions.

And Gala, as part of the cold gray stone and steel big city world of Rodrigo represents “un amor sucio”....self-interested, scheming, materialistic and ultimately destructive. She moves in the wold of gossip and ambition, frivolity, empty fashion and money. There's little lying behind her hardened eyes but cold calculation and covert envy. She's a perfect daughter-in-law for the strangely empty-hearted Roselena.

But let's lift our eyes from this dreary picture for a moment and look at what else happened tonight.
Lorenzo is struggling with the idea that Luciana is not his sister, but rather the daughter of Linares and Aurora. He can't wrap his mind around that anymore than he can believe anyone could be so “desalmada” (fiendish) as to give away a newborn baby. Paz comforts and explains why the secret was kept for so long....the solemn vow she and Galdino made to Roselena. And yet somehow God brought their paths to cross again, so that each person in this tangled web of lies and betrayal would meet their own Destiny. Furthermore, Luciana and he will always be brother and sister, bound by family love, not blood. And Paz will always be their mother for the same reason.


Back in Mexico City, Gala is pitching soft balls and gradually winding up for the blazing speedball that will get Rodrigo back to the altar. Wanted to meet you here for breakfast where we've had so many warm memories, she begins. Because I have something to tell you. Soft and easy pitch......wait for it.....and swing! She's pregnant. Not planned. After they broke up she quit using birth control because she certainly wasn't going to get involved with anybody else. But they had that one night of drunken passion. And now there is a baby. Yes, it's true, she never wanted a child. And she plans to hire a nanny and full-time nurse once the child is born so she can go back to work. No pressure on you, Rod. Just wanted you to know sweetheart. How do you feel?

He's all over the place. Walking away. Turning his back. Withdrawing his hand when she touches it. Babbling about problems at work and his need to go to Canada. A more reluctant papa you could never find. But she's patient. And calculating. And she knows she's got Roselena back there with a catcher's mitt, ready to put the play away at home plate when it's time. Nice and easy. Take it slow. Piece of cake. He's a chump and he's ready to fall.

Julie, the optimist, thinks Gala has probably nailed him down to a wedding date at the very first breakfast meeting, but it's not to be. And Valentina, the wise but always inappropriate buddy, mentions that Rod's only in love with one baby mama and it ain't Gala.
Read more »


Monday, August 13, 2012

Abismo de pasión #107 8/13/12: Pregnancies, Pineapples, Percentages and a Horse's Patootie

El Refrito
In the words of Cap'n Sylvia:
E: “Ok, if you demand that I not marry Gael then I won’t, I swear on my mama’s memory. Well, tell me if you want me to dump Gael!”

Lo Nuevo

Paloma responds: I don't have to ask you that. Do what you think is right and I wish you both the best. *sob*

La Iglesia

Padre has changed his mind and will marry Gael and Elisa and give them his blessing. A friend convinced him to change his mind. Gael is overjoyed. Padre changes the subject to the fainting ING.

Harangue-o Parte I (I did some combining. We were all over La Ermita tonight.)

Dam had a lobotomy since the last time I watched (last Tuesday) and he's slurpy smoochy with Flor. Ick. Creepy Mom is creepy and stares at all this and smiles her creepy mom smile. Thank heaven Gweedo and Doc show up to put an end to it. Paolo knocked up Sabrina, she's gone and they're pithed! Fina is shocked!

Fina asks Flor if she knew Sabrina was pregnant. Flor is indignant and I hope Fina is suspicious. Meanwhile, the three protectors gang up on Paolo. Paolo swears he's in love with Sabrina. They don't believe him. He's been too sketchy and now Sabrina is missing.

Witch Mountain Interlude

Paloma snivels. Ramona tells her she'll survive and that Gael and Elisa were not meant for each other either and that destiny changes. Ramona asks her not to do anything stupid like drink sleepy death death herbs. 

The Former Hacienda of the now defunct Viuda Beltrán 
Chente breaks the lock and ushers the suspicious Sabrina in. He explains it belongs to his dad and she can hide there. Chente proudly explains who his real daddy is and how he was able to buy the hacienda with his awesome Pro Ce earnings. Suspicious Sabrina wonders when Paolo will arrive. Chente blathers on about Toña being Gab's girlfriend back in the day but he had to dump her 'cause she was a mere servant. Chente has a rich fantasy life and thinks he will inherit the Hacienda one day. When Sabrina starts to worry, Chente offers to go check on Paolo and find out if her family has figured out she left yet. When he gets to Harangue-o Toña tells him about all the goings on and Sabrina's pregnancy. Chente grabs a bag and a pineapple 'cause that's an easy food to prepare when you're on the lam. (QTH?)

La Quinta de la Naranja

Gab has arrived with another check and the contract. Guppy Lip's eyes begin to sparkle at the idea of a check. Then she sees the check and she finds the amount to be ridiculous. She wants to talk to the lawyer and tells him to come back later. Gab makes his move. He tells Guppy she could have all of the land if she stayed with him. She scoffs. He tells her he has his own properties and can give her all the luxuries she wants.  She throws him and his damn contract out. Gab likes it when she gets mad.

Blue House Interlude
Gael comes to call and asks why the hell ING hasn't left Gab yet. This is the third time he's tried to help. He offers to get her a house and help her pay. He tells her to get her stuff and let's go. Otherwise, he's not helping her. 

Iglesia Interlude

The archbishop approved Padre's request to let him stay for 6 more months. Elisa visits. She cries and repeats her list of woes. (We've heard it all before.) She's thrilled the Padre will marry them.

Lucio's House Parte I

He hands over el pagaré (promissory note) to Gael and tells him to give it to Elisa. He asks Gael not to tell Carmina. Lucio tells him to treat Elisa right.

Harngue-o Parte II
Flor gives Paolo hell and Gweedo backs her up. Doc is desperate to know where Sabrina is. Paolo swears he doesn't know. All he knows is she called early that morning, but Toña didn't want to wake him. Fina suggests that Doc call home.

Over at Doc's house Be-gone-ya is busy accusing Paloma and Ramona of stealing half of Sabrina's stuff. She is interrupted by Doc's call. When she explains about the "theft" Doc asks how she can be so stupid and tells her she's blind. Sabrina is pregnant and planned to run off with Paolo. Awesome scene!

Elisa and Curly Face off
It starts off nice enough. They both offer each other condolences for their recent loss. Then things get ugly. ING offers to give Elisa info about Carmina. Info Gab has been hiding for years. This reminds Elisa that Curly has been boinking Gab for a while and the girl gets rude. Curly tell Elisa she's missing a golden opportunity. Elisa tells her that to sleep with Gab, Curly must be cold-hearted and part snake herself. Curly leaves with the threat she might not be so forthcoming with info next time.

Lucio's House Parte II

Carmina visits Lucio, too. She had no one to turn to (acudir) She needs advice about the crappy price Augusto put on  Cielo Abierto. Though she understands that as his widow, she has to continue with the contract, she's not willing to sell it at that price. Lucio agrees it's a ridiculous price. Carmina hopes Augusto maybe mentioned to Lucio the price he wanted to sell for. Lucio tells her no. You know this beech is fishing for info because she starts yammering about how Elisa is all calm and hasn't even looked for the check. Carmina asks for his help, but he refuses. She's got to figure this out on her own. Carmina tells Lucio that she heard he went to see Gab about the situation. Lucio says he went on behalf of his god-daughter (ahijada.) He doesn't think it's fair what Carmina is doing to Elisa. Carmina says she's entitled to her percentage and Lucio thinks Elisa should at least fight for a fairer percentage. Lucio says Elisa can say that Carmina and Augusto were getting a divorce. Carmina tells him that didn't happen and she leaves in a snit. She wants her porcentaje, dammit!

La Quinta Interlude

Gael arrives with his little blue folder of joy for Elisa. Lolita tells him to take care of Elisa, too. Carmina arrives to dump water on everyone. She tells Gael to beware. A dream can quickly become a nightmare. One day you wake up and realize your mate is thinking of another. Gael says she must know this from experience.

Harangue-o Parte III

Paolo continues to insist he has no idea where Sabrina is. Fina butts in and tells him to at least (and I quote the CCs) "have the nuts" to tell the truth. He assured her he was going to run off with Sabrina. Doc flips: "You knew?!" Dam asks why she didn't say anything. Fina turns the blame on Doc and Be-gone-ya. Gweedo calms everyone down. Doc tells Paolo that as soon as Sabrina shows up, he's dragging her to the registro civil and there's gonna be a shot-gun wedding!!

Oh, this does not sit well with Paolo. He and Flor have a pow wow in la cocina and he tells her she better fake losin' that baby, 'cause honey...he ain't marryin' that estúpida.

Whining at La Quinta

Elisa whines about Paloma. She asks Gael if he did or said anything that would make Pal think they would be together forever. Gael says no and besides, he saw her kissing Enrique. Gael is stoopid. The most important part of this conversation is that Gael and Elisa now plan for Padre's last mass to be their wedding. Methinks there is a conflict.

The Cliffhanger

Be-gone-ya arrives at Casa Harangue-o and she is pithed. She goes straight to the house, but Enrique stays behind so she can yell at Dam about Paolo knocking up his sister. He also tells Dam he's no better since he knocked up Flor and had to marry her quick. Oh, and Elisa is marrying Gael.


Amor Bravío #1-2 (Uni 1) Mon 8/13/12 (Untamed Love) Series Premiere

Capitulos 1 & 2 (Mexican Broadcast Sequence): Nightmares Come True

Location Unknown: We see a beautiful bride running through a wood with blood on her gown and a handsome groom with blood on his vest running also through a wood. They appear to meet, as flamenco music plays in the background. Then they both wake and we realize that they are miles apart and were both having the same nightmare.
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Refugio Para el Amor #91 Mon 8/13/12 Of bad mothers continuing to try to control their children, of parallel and opposite scenes in different locations, and of young hunks singing 'you dropped a bomb on me'


Some young hunks in this show would prefer to be in Pearl Harbor Dec 1941 than in this novela tonight.

Max and Oscar: Max drops bomb on Oscar, Luci IS CL’s daughter.
Max changes subject and says he wants to see the videos from the German bank right away.

Lorenzo calls Luci, both have mixed feelings about her pregnancy but all in all, it’s a blessing. Lorenzo offers to come over if she needs anything. She needs him to come to the Pueblo, have something important to talk about.

CL sees the video with Barrera and…
At same time Max and Oscar are watching same video.

Rod and Gala arrive at event and are bombarded by photographers, the press asks Gala if this is a reconciliation, she won’t answer, Rod and Gala walk away. Rod seems happy/content with her… they toast to their friendship, but when she grabs sips champagne and takes a bite of the or’deur, she gags on it, Rod: R U ok? She feels sick. He notes she is pale. Promises they will leave if she feels more sick.

At SFeA, Luci at home reviewing her sketches. Paz pampers her cooking her cravings for her as a good mother should…

After eating, Luci still worried how Lorenzo will react (to the news of them not siblings). Paz says he will be confused at first but he won’t mind in the end. He will ask questions but what matters is that they are siblings. Galdino and Paz raised them both equally with the same love. Luci agrees. But for her, her a’pa is still Galdino. Her heart is with them, CL will understand. Paz gives her a grateful hug.

Lorenzo and Fabian… Lorenzo feels bad to leave Fabian alone with the business, have to go to SFeA. He wants to see Luci and family, even if have to travel all night, they do want to talk to him.

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Por ella soy Eva #20 8/13/12: WOW!

Haha, the big bos says I don't need your help, I enjoy the process of interviewing.

Juan flirts it up hilariously, get's his attention! You don't have the "profile" we're looking for. In comes his underage girlfriend, and Juan proceeds to show off his tourism knowledge! To no avail! Juan cries descrimination, has a little showdown! Eventually he gets thrown out, but he's still trying. Leopard-print bimbo keeps trying to throw him out, but he keeps fighting... he proves he knows more than all those bimbo "preciousnesses." The boss' fat sister happens by, prompting Juan to launch into another tirade, which this time reaches sympathetic ears! She thinks he should have a fair chance, and he rallies the ladies (igualdad, igualdad!)... As leopard-print bimbo looks on in horror.

Paty baby isn't helping Santiago.

Something happened to Lalito at school! Santiago teases her for leaving and being responsible. She should have called her mom! But Plutarco takes an interest, but is he sincerely concerned! Plutarco lets her use the chauffer! Turns out it was head lice. Gad, talk about fuss over nothing. The grumpy dad gave Plutarco an ugly look through the window.

Big boss makes out with Paola (his bimbo)... He wants to interview more girls, but there's a knock on the door! Juan pokes his head in first and gives him a quiet warning to clean off the lipstick on his fate. Sis follows, and Juan cleaves  to her for safety as he demands fair interviews! Something about the idea of having all the girls come in together to compare their genuine credentials scares the crap out of the boss and he slams the door shut to let Juan skip the line!

Helena's mean dad calls her a cualquiera, and basically wants her out of Lalito's life! He's got some serious bug of evil up his butt!

Eva impresses with her knowledge on ecotourism! The interview scene is the funniest thing I've seen on Univision! Eva finally gets the job by saying "I'm willing do do whatever is necessary to be a success at this job!" with a mischievous wink. I think the boss is a little smitten!

Juan celebrates the victory with his makeup buddy, and does admit that the machismo he was part of is a problem. He gets a quick lecture and then decides to do his own make up and hit the town to beat up some chauvinists!

Paty baby has foolishly given Santiago another chance. She makes him propose again!

Plutarco's wife, sitting on a vibrating platform (crazy weight loss solution?) and sweating a lot, tells Plutarco about Eva. He resumes trying to kill her with fatty foods. He orders 4 pizzas, despite her protesting! This is a rather grotesque turn of events!

Eva appears to be spying on Lalito... While still in character. He sees Grandpa bringing Lalito home right before Helena. Has gramps been making the boy work?

Haha, Juan is getting better at his makeup. He's doing it like a pro, now!

Making whoopie with his leopard-print bimbo in the closet, Plutarcho drops some plot points about Diego, a social climber and seducer who will soon come to Grupo Imperial.

Juan wastes no time in sneaking into Plutarco's office, rummaging around in the audit information. He shows us what boxers under panty hose looks like and getting a high heel stuck in his skirt! On his way out, he bumps heads (several times) with Helena, just like their first meeting, and they lock eyes significantly!


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #84-88 Aug. 13-17

Today I head back to work full-time (*sob*) so I won't be able to get the recap done until much later this evening. Since the prime time recaps will probably already be up by that time, I'm scheduling this post to publish at it's usual time so as not to take up any homepage space later. I'll put today's recap in the comments.

Feel free to discuss today's happenings. (In other words: forewarn me if EWM and Horny do something awful.)

If anyone wants to give recapping a try let me know. This is a good show to get your feet wet as we are a smaller group. Blue Lass describes it perfectly: All we really need are pithy bullets. :-)

I will probably be limiting my vocabulary additions to the week-ends, but I love when y'all add your words to the comments. I'll add them to the list.

I'll leave you with some new compounds I picked up this week-end:

  • el/la mandamás : bigwig; big boss
  • el santocampo: cemetery
  • contrarreloj: timed 
  • a contrarreloj: against the clock


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wed. Recapping Spot Still Open for Amor Bravio

Please let Melinama or me know if you're interested in giving it a shot!  Thanks!

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #90 Fri 8/10/12 The Jury’s Still Out…Is It a Colombian Bug or a Torreslanda Bun That Gala’s Got in Her Oven?

Luci Comes to Terms with Being a Mama and Having Two Mamas
-Pretty in pink mama-to-be Luci, holds the little pink outfit her Mama Aurora picked out for her before she died. Luci asks her Ama Paz what her Mama Aurora was like (como era ella?). Was she as pretty as she is in the photo? Paz says she was even more so—she was lovely, with fair skin, black hair like Luci’s, and huge eyes like Luci’s. She was good and lovely, just like Luci. This makes Luci smile and she gives her Ama a big hug.
-Luci goes to her room and talks to God, while caressing her baby clothes. The baby news has sunk in and she’s both crying and smiling as she rubs her belly and says this baby is the product of her and Rod’s love—a love they never thought would end. She speaks to the baby directly, looking at the little pink top, saying s/he will be the proof of that great love which will never die within her. Her/his papa was the greatest gift life has given her. Her mushashon. She’s going to dedicate herself to her baby and making him/her happy and safe. The baby will be her life’s meaning (el motor de mi vida).
-Later, she sits in the living room looking content. Now that she’s come to terms with being knocked up, she’s floating on Cloud 9 and now has no problem with the workers Don Aquiles sent over, who are busily patching and painting the walls.
-That afternoon, Luci, Paz and Magda are on their way back from buying ceramics supplies, when Ariche comes to greet them. He left school as soon as he could to help them with the house. Luci tells him she has some good news to tell him (I’m thinking he’ll be an excellent babysitter), but heads to Don Serapio’s with Paz to call Lorenzo first. Luci is stand up impactada when Estelita tells her CL told her AND Mati that she might be pregnant. (That’s not exactly the way it happened…but ok.) Luci begs her not to tell Lorenzo (oops!), and to have him call them back. Estelita knows she messed up big time. Luci tells Paz that Mati knows, which surely means that Rosa knows! Duhn, duhn, duhn!!!

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Weekend Discussion: Fabulous Novela Weddings, continued

The Wedding Album, Volume II

Oh, how I sometimes wish we could go back to some true golden oldies, but it seems that in recent television seasons each wedding planner at Televisa or Telemundo (i.e., wardrobe consultant and production designer) tries to outdo the last production. I'd love to know whether novela weddings set the style for the brides of the following year. We start with three family affair weddings:
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