Saturday, February 23, 2013

Amor Bravío #132 (Uni 127) Fri 2/22/13 Bad Endings Begin

capítulo 132      

As we begin this evening’s dose of dolorous doings, Padre and Aaron learn that Vivian has applied to adopt Ramon; Lic. Osvaldo Becerra has told Camila that Comandante Juarez found proof that Padre Baldomero was actually murdered via suffocation and that Isadora is the main suspect; and at Amanda’s, Dan has just received bad news on the phone from Miriam’s doctor, who’s given him a fraudulent diagnosis that she’s suffering from a brain aneurysm as a result of the coma.  Any unexpected emotional trauma could cause the little bugger to blow, thus killing Miriam.

The doctor’s big whopper makes Dan feel trapped, that he has no choice but to stay with Miriam for her sake and for the good of his child.  He explodes with frustration in front of his friends.   He tells them that he doesn’t understand how the doctor could have told him one minute that everything was fine and then tell him the next that she’s got this dangerous brain aneurysm which any emotional upset could set off!!  It’s the general consensus that if it weren’t for bad luck, poor Dan wouldn’t have any luck at all.

In the learning center whee Aaron now works, Vivi admits to Aaron that she was afraid to tell Rafael about her plans.  She just didn’t know how to approach it, especially after living alone for so long.  Aaron and Anselmo scold her for not being more considerate of Rafa’s part in this since now they have a “formal relationship.”  (Oh, is that what priests call shacking up these days?)  Vivi can’t imagine why Rafa would ever object.  Aaron is like well, think again. There could be all sorts of reasons, just like with hers for refusing to marry Rafa.

Back at the B&B, Dan figures he’s got to see the doc in person and find out if there’s anything that could possibly be done for Miriam.  Dante offers to drive him.

Meanwhile, Osvaldo has arrived at La Malquerida to ask for Agustina’s assistance in finding some document with his fingerprints on it that could help back up Amanda’s claim that Dio married her once upon a time under the name of Hernando Gutierrez.  Gussie snottily defends her hubby’s honor as well as his one and only good name, telling Os that Amanda’s probably only saying this to cover up her past sin.  Osvaldo, with the patience of a saint, promises her that if they’re wrong then he and Amanda herself will come to offer their apologies to her personally.  Gussie adamantly refuses to go behind her husband’s back this way.  Os says alright, but can she do him the favor of not mentioning their little confab to him?  She agrees to, reluctantly, and says she’s only doing it to avoid upsetting Dionisio again over all this. 

Outside back of the kitchen, Doroteo and Piedad are sweeping around the outdoor oven (think BBQ pit en grande) when Doro comes across a half charred document.  She pulls it out and shows it to Piedad.  The two agree the picture is Sr. Dio at a much younger age and that they should hand it right over to Sra. Agustina.  (Good girls!)

At the B&B, Natalia and Amanda are discussing Dan’s Miriam predicament when Grand-Daddy Devil-Dude, aka, Dio, walks into the B&B sporting a brand new (OMG!!) Screaming Loud Lime Green stroller and tons of Screaming Loud Lime Green boxes and bows full of baby things.  Amanda frowns and remarks sarcastically, “--Is there anything left in the store? [¿Todavía tienen tela? = lit. Do they still have cloth?].    That’s an awful lot!”  

It’s only what his grandchild and daughter deserve, says Dio.  Nat gives him the news about Yago and Dio plays the role of pleasantly surprised papa to the hilt.  (Doesn’t fool his ex, tho’.)  He informs Nat afterward that he’s giving her a huge, fancy wedding.  Amanda says no, it’s going to be a simple one.  Right, Nat? (QTH?? Amanda!  What girl with half a brain is going to turn down a bodacious boda!)  Dio gives Amanda the evil eye and puts his new-found fatherly foot down.  “—The wedding is always paid for by the father and you cannot oppose me giving her a princesses’ wedding like she deserves!”  Amanda realizes she’s spitting into the wind anyway on this one and gives in.

Dio has another surprise in store for Nat but she’s got to come with him to see it.  While she’s off looking for her purse Amanda accuses Dio of already knowing that Yago and Nat had gotten back together.  Dio gives her a guileful grin and says he “had faith” that the young man would come around, since it wouldn’t be wise to dis a Ferrer.  “--Oh, but she isn’t a Ferrer, she’s a Gutierrez!  Or don’t you remember you married me and registered her with the name Gutierrez?”  His face turns dark.  “--She’s a Ferrer!  And that’s how she’s going to live from now on—how it would have been had you not run off!”  Hmmm, he ponders aloud. “--Could it be that you’d like to begin again where we left off?”  She sniffs in disgust at his impudent tone. “Not ever!  You stopped mattering to me a very l-o-o-o-ng time ago!”   

At the same time Cam stops over at La Buenaventura to invite Ana along while she picks out the furniture for Mariano’s new digs.  (Ruh-roh!  Teresa is not going to be a happy camper when she hears about this!)  They decide to drop Refugio off at the hospital on their way to the mall. 

Both Pablo and Mariano are at the hospital discussing their mother’s being sent home day after tomorrow.  Mar’s worried what to do since his house still isn’t finished.  Pablo says not to worry since he and Luzma decided to keep her with them and she’ll help nurse her back to health along with Refu.  What a swell bro!  What a sweller wife!!    Mar adds that he will pay all Mama’s expenses to do his part, especially since Yago is so unreliable.  Pablo doesn’t disagree or refuse the remunerative favorcito. 

Talk changes to Yago’s agreeing to make an honest woman out of Natalia and then to Pappy Cayetonto’s going on a wedding cruise with Isadora, who he mentions is now the prime suspect in the murder of Padre Baldomero.  (Still incognito? Didn’t bother to tell a soul who, what, when, or where he went?  Now, honestly, how hard could it be to hit up the nearest travel agency or credit card company for a look-see at their records to see if Ol’ Yippee Ai Cayó’s name appears on some billing?)  Pobre de Pablo Ingenuo is saucer-eyed impactado to hear that little tidbit. 

Speaking of geriatric jerks, El Cayó is off in the john now which allows Issa to doctor his drink with her locoweed juice.  He comes back and sits down with her.  She offers him his drink.  He tells her he’s anxious to get there already.  She answers with a huge grin and tells him it’s going to be an unforgettable trip, then thinks slyly to herself that the best wedding gift she could get would be for him to drop dead one of these days!!

At the doctor’s office, Dan listens to Dr. V’s crazy-ass explanation about how and why he didn’t see this coming and what a touchy situation Mir is facing.  The doctor specifically asks for Daniel to avoid unpleasant situations, quarrels, and/or emotional shocks for Miriam since the results could be fatal. (Might as well lock her away in a china cabinet for the next sixty years!)   There’s nothing much more to be done for it except to keep her calm and medicated for the rest of her life, in hopes of keeping that aneurysm from growing and/or bursting. (Two words, Dan: “second opinion”.)  Dan’s head starts spinning.    

Back outside Rocio’s room, Refu appears with Cam and Ana.  Mario and Pablo are glad to see her, thinking that it will do their mama good to have Refu there since all she’s done is cry since Padre Anselmo spoke with her.

Refu enters and has (what might as well be) a one-way conversation.  She prattles on about it being good to hear that Rocio’s given in and that now she can heal much sooner.  Rocio garbles something back to Refu in between moans and groans.  FF>>

Cam and Ana spend a few hours at the mall having a great time together.  FF>>

Across town, Dio shows Nat a house he wants to buy for her and the baby as a wedding present.  It’s only what she deserves and he’d be so offended if she refuses.  How could any girl turn that down?  Of course she’ll accept it then!  Dio also suggests to Nat that she and her baby legally take his last name, Ferrer, and she agrees.

Back at the BV, Yago is partying before the sun is over the yardarm, slugging down a few tragos of Pappy’s good stuff, when in walks Little Mary Sunshine to rain on his parade.  “—Never saw you drinking this early in the day before, let alone on a weekday [entre semana=during the week/weekdays].”  “—Always a first time for everything.”  “—Yeah, but you’ve got no reason to celebrate.  What’s up?”  Yago says that he has plenty of reason cuz he’s getting married.  “--Oh, with that little house maid [gata/o=can be a pejorative for servants]?”  “--Yep, it’ll be the best little bit of business of my life.  No different from what you were planning to do by trapping an Alberrán.  Only it didn’t work out that way for you. ” For him though, it just fell into his lap, he smirks (nanny-nanny-boo-boo!).  And it won’t be difficult work for him either, he admits with a greedy grin. 

Yago shows Illy the watch Daddy-in-law Dio gave him to seal the deal.  (Arncha jus’ dyin’ to know if it’s a fake Rolodex some of Dio’s pimps hawk on the streets to unsuspecting tourists?  I mean, seriously, Daddy Dude, who keeps a watch in the desk boxed up  like that?) 

While Cam and Ana are picking out matching headbands and shirts at the mall, Dan and Dante are having a serious chat over cokes in the food court.  Dan says no way he can have his daughter blame him for her mama’s death and he doesn’t want Mir to suffer through half a life either.  The guilt would be too much to bear.  What to do?  What to do?  He admits feeling totally powerless and so frustrated.   

Dante listens sympathetically.  Dan adds that he refuses to believe this is her reality.  “--There’s got to be another option!”  He plans to look for another doctor, one in Mexico City. (Just don’t let Dio get word when you do!)  The best there is!  He can tell him what solution if any there might still be for Miriam.  (Keep that thought!  We can’t get you to M.C. soon enough, dude!) 

Dante is all for that, but he also wants to know what Dan plans to do about Camila.  Dan says he’s got to tell her even though he’s not looking forward to it.  He’s scared to.

On the other side of the mall at the same time, Ana tells Cam that it’s been just like going shopping with her mother.  Cam gives her a big hug.  FF>>

Piedad now hands over the charred passport of Dio’s to Gussie and points out that it certainly seems to be Sr. Dionisio as a young man, from what I can make out, but it lists a different name: Hector Gutierrez.  (Duhn-duhn-duhn-n-n-n!!!)  Why doesn’t it say Dionisio Ferrer?  Gussie is knock-me-off-my-high-horse-with-a-feather impactada.  She remembers the day she confronted him with Amanda’s claim and the way he denied it, asking her if she’d take the word of a woman who’s lied all her life and is now only using this to cover up her lie.  Suddenly Gussie swoons.  Piedad goes for a glass of water.  Gussie’s frown-to-the-ground, hang-dog expression says it all: Dio done duped her and she’s 0 for 2.

Cam, Ana, Dante and Dan eventually run into each other at the mall.  Cami sends Ana off for ice cream with Dante so she and Dan can catch up on the news re: the Miriam dilemma.   All things considered, he says, there’s no way now that he can abandon her.  They must forgo their relationship.  He’s sorry.  Camila face turns to stone.

Amanda shows up with groceries for Mir.  Mir learns from Amanda that she and Dan’s mother were the best of friends until the day she died.  Mir says great to know cuz she feels like she needs to feel like there’s a bit of family around while she’s here.

Cam can’t believe Mir’s health is so delicate as that.  Well, the doc says it is cuz she could live for years or with some little bit of stress the bubble in her brain can just pop and she’ll die.  Yes, says Cam.  He says he can’t believe she’d come through months in a coma just to suffer through a lifetime with this uncertainty.  Life just isn’t fair, they both agree.  Cami tells him how sorry she is for him.  He tells Cam then that he’s not giving up, that he intends to get another doctor to look at her and see if there isn’t something more they can do for Mir.  Besides, he’s stuck because anything he might say about their true relationship could send her over the edge and into the Great Beyond.  Cam tells him that she understands and that she’d have done the same thing.  They agree that neither of them wants this, that they still love each other very much and that it’s just so unfair that the two of them must stay apart because of all of this. It’s breaking her heart, tho’, she finally breaks and starts sobbing.

Dan says then that he just couldn’t bear the burden of Miriam’s death or that of his daughter blaming him for it all because he told Miriam the truth about his feelings for Cam. So, the only choice he has is to stick it out with Mir.  Cam sobs and says she always believed that love could conquer all, but he’s letting her go and it just shows that that’s not true. 

Back at the M.Q., Gussie quickly calls the church to make an appointment to see Padre Anselmo later that day.  Pie comes back with the water.  She asks Pie not to tells a soul about this and then mentions she’s going out for the afternoon.

Later at the B&B, Os has returned to relay the results of his futile attempt to persuade Cam’s mama to do the right thing.  Her refusal won’t stop him though, he assures Amanda.  Maybe even Cam can help her see the light.  Talk turns to Mir’s poor health and the details they hope Dan will fill them in on once he gets back.  Then Os notices the baby stuff on the other table and asks if Yago brought all of that to Nat.  (Not a chance!)  No, she says, it was Hector…er…I mean Dionisio.  Os has a bad taste in his mouth. “--He’s trying to buy Natalia in any way possible.”  Just then they hear Nat and Dio walking into the B&B. 

Amanda tells her she can see she’s in a good mood.  Os asks her what’s the reason.  Nat tells them that her daddy just bought her and Yago a house for once they’re married, and that she’s going to let him give her and the baby his last name.  “—Soon I will be Natalia Ferrer!” Amanda’s expression’s all Isn’t that Just peachy--not!  

Back at the mall, Dante and Ana return.  Ana notices Cam’s tears but Cam won’t discuss it.  They’ve got to go now, she says.  Dan says they still have things to talk about.  NO, says Cam.  We’ve got nothing left to discuss.  Excuse us, please!  She struts angrily away with Ana.

Dio now is on the phone with Omar wanting to know if Omar understands how to put the virus into the bulls’ drinking troughs.  No problem, says Omar.  He’s hired a couple of apprentice bullfighters to distract the animals while he and the other men do the disastrous deed; the apprentices won't know what's what because they are being told it’s vitamins.  When Dio hangs up he’s so pleased with himself.  He sits down at his desk and muses gleefully.  “—Now starts the beginning of the end for La Malquerida’s stock breeding.  Not a bull will remain alive in this place!”  

At the same time, Gussie is meeting with Anselmo.  She is confused because she’s certain it isn’t right to mistrust one’s husband.  What should she do?  The Padre counsels her that the only way she’s going to find peace with herself is to cooperate with Os and Amanda if she really has nothing to hide. 

That evening, Dan returns home to a romantic dinner that Mir has made especially for the two of them.  She asks where he’s been.  He says something unexpected came up he had to handle, but that he’d rather not go into it just now.  No, says Mir.  She knows him and she can see pain in his eyes. “--Sit down.  Tell me what’s happening.”  It’s just he doesn’t want anything to happen to her.  Oh, nothing’s going to happen to me, says Miriam.  Why do you say such things?  He hugs her.  “--No, no, you’re here now.”  ‘—Yes, Love, I am here for good now.  For forever and always.”   (Oh vey!)      


Friday, February 22, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #152 2/22/13: The Grupo Imperio Diaries

Greetings! This weekend we have a group of esteemed guest recappers including Rebeca Oropeza, Helena Moreno, a fly on the wall Adriano Reyes, and Plutarco Ramos!

Mimi de la Rosa
Well, I finally found out why I've been so moody and having so many precognitions lately. I thought it was just my ESP acting up, but it turns out I'm PREGNANT! (It's Adriano's, of course!) I left Sinaloa and came back to the city and called Juan Carlos right away. He wanted to tell Adriano, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself. Besides, we didn't want there to be a big mixup with everyone thinking Eva was pregnant! We agreed to keep it quiet.

After talking to JC, I felt a little down, even though I was surrounded by all my exciting Avon wares. I went for a walk to clear my head. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

Here's where it gets complicated: I guess Rebeca overheard part of our conversation, because she went and told Adriano that Eva is pregnant. (I hope Helena forgets that Eva said she was menopausal!) Adriano was overjoyed, and now the whole world knows about it!

When JC told me how happy Adriano was about "Eva's" baby, I felt so sad. JC means well, but he doesn't realize how insensitive he is sometimes. Anyway, he wants Adri to know it's not Eva, that it's really me, and end all the lies. But how can we possibly tell him? The shock could put him back in the hospital!

Juan was insistent, but I just don't see the use. Adriano is in love with Eva, not me.

And I keep worrying that this could be a high-risk pregnancy because of my age. JC says "If the doctor isn't worried, then there's nothing to worry about." JC has learned a lot about women since he started dressing up as Eva, and I know I can count on him; but there are some things a man can't understand just by wearing pantyhose.
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Telemundo y más - Week of February 25 - Discuss among yourselves

¡Hola a todos! I just got back from a great trip to Mexico. I was part of a group that was looking at birds, butterflies and plants in the Mexican states of Colima, Jalisco, Michoacán and Mexico.

For fans of Corazón Valiente, we spent a couple of days outside Valle de Bravo, where some of the action in that novela took place. It's a popular vacation spot for the wealthy. Here are some pictures of the town, the church and the reservoir.

We also went to two of the reserves where the Monarch butterflies winter. This was really amazing. There were literally millions of butterflies in the trees. Here are some pictures of the Monarch reserves.

I'm not actually watching any of the novelas right now so over to you.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Weekend Discussion: Primer Actor; Our Senior Caballeros

A comment made the other day prompted me to wonder at the past roles of some of the splendid senior actors Televisa has given us over the years.   This photo gallery is only a tease; it would involve more time than any of us have to do proper justice to this topic.  However, it will be fun to see how some of these more senior actors looked in their younger days.  We'll start with the youngest one first and age them in reverse.

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Amor Bravío #131 (Uni 126) Wed 2/20/13 “Patan Parenthood, Pasion Prohibida, Perplexed Partners en el Pueblo and Premeditated Proposal Prevails (Nooooooo!)”

Past News del Pueblo:

Viv and Rafa’s Place:  Viv says goodbye to Rafa as he leaves to visit his editor in DF and tells him that she loves him.  Rafa answers that she needs one thing, he needs another and they just need time, nothing more. Rafa leaves and Viv ponders perplexed.

Outside LaMQ Office:  Dio steps out of the ranch office and takes the opportunity to needle Dan as he passes by about leaving La MQ (and Camila, of course).  Dan tells Dio to stay away from Camila but Dio responds that he will not need to go to her, but that it will be Camila that comes to Daddy Dio (blehhh!).  Miriam calls from upstairs for Dan and he leaves – but not without pausing to glare while Dio gives Miriam a cheery greeting.  Dio and Dan continue to glare at one another as Dan climbs the stairs!

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #151 2/20/13: The Atomic Bomb Meeting That Fizzled Into a Firecracker and is Pluti's Anvil Slowly Starting to Descend to Earth?

Pluti doesn’t’ know what to do with Rebeca, even after Oneismo’s “warning” she is still trying to reach Adriano.  Oneismo tells Pluti to never mind, she will get tired, but Pluti has other thoughts.  He may have to make her disappear himself.  Oneismo doesn’t look too pleased.  He looks terrified.

We are at the board meeting, Renato introduces, the legal representative of FITSA and Pluti (sans a shiny suit)is the interim President in place of Don Adriano.  Mendoza the legal representative of Grupo Imperio begins the meeting- Mendoza was going on about nothing and Eva cut him off and told him to get to the nitty gritty.  The Councilman from Playa Mayagua was in agreement with Eva and wants to know if the construction company will complete the development of the tourist project and respect to ecology of the area. The legal rep from Fitsa was going to comment and Mendoza cut him off. (That background music made me think about the killer hiding
behind the curtains or in the closet)  Mendoza said that  in front of everyone, he added a revision to the contract guaranteeing that Grupo is not responsible for FITSA  not completing the  Playa Mayagua project. WHAT??????  Helena said that only 3 people signed that agreement.  The Playa Mayagua Councilman (PMC)  wanted to know if Helena knew about the FITSA issue.

The new and improved Claudia is happy with the school choice that Eugenia has made and doesn’t want to lose any more time not attending school.  Claudia wants to take acting classes but because she was such a defiant  little bitch and knew how much Eugenia loved acting so she didn’t pursue her dream.  Eugenia believes that art in some way, shape or form is of a therapeutic value. Acting is fun and takes away your fears and inhibitions.  Chepina runs in to tell Eugenia that the producer who filmed the movie at the house is on the phone.

Back to the meeting- Mendoza says that when Fitsa was contracted legally it’s the problem of the construction company and not Grupo. The PMC can’t believe that Grupo is washing their hands of their involvement and Mendoza has the documents to prove it.  The legal rep says that he NEVER signed any agreement that the construction company would adhere to the locals plans.  (The music gets more sinister- Pluti is gloating and Helena looks worried)  They went according to regulations and he too has documents to support it. How can that be?? Papers were meticulously drawn up to protect  the community and ecology of Playa Mayagua.  Pluti is only one who remembers that when they were competing for the project there was governmental support that backed Grupo but he had to cancel it.  Helena is livid at this point.  Without that support the development of the project is at risk (I am ready to slap Pluti into next week!!)  Since they can’t use Fitsa, lets go with another company. The Fitsa man says that Grupo will have to pay a fine for cancelling the contract.  Pluti chimes in that the fine is sizeable and Helena is willing to take the consequence in order to right the wrong.  Why can’t Fitsa be fined for not completing their end of the agreement.  Pluti gives a flip-no, I don’t think so. Suddenly Pluti asks for Renato’s opinion (where is Teresa from The Real Housewives of NJ- to flip the table over when you need her??)  Renato asks- Helena- what type of relationship does she really have with FITSA??  What are you talking about scarfed man??  It seems to him that she has secret agreements with the PMC and FITSA. (Renato, listen to yourself, you sound stupid!!)  Agreements that benefit her.  Eva, interrupts him- Copete, how dare you accuse, Helena.  He continues that Helena has hidden business from Grupo and I too have documents to prove it.  So Renato, you are saying that I did some underhanded negotiating with these two men.  Yes, that is what I’m saying.  The PMC was offended. Renato shows Eva and Helena the documents.  Helena is appalled!!  A smug Pluti wants an explanation.

The producer wants to offer Claudia a role in his next movie project.  Claudia declines.

Helena has no idea where those documents came from and Pluti feels deceived, he would have believed this from anyone other than her.  Helena wants to know where did Renato get this paperwork.  Of course he found it in her office.  Funny, she has never seen it before.  Helena thought bubbles back to when she discovered Mendoza at her desk.

Eva says that anyone could have placed that in her office and it does not have a signature, so it is not proof enough.  Renato goes on to say that there are emails between Helena and the PMC discussing underhanded Playa Mayagua business.  Helena looks uncomfortable, Eva looks confused, the PMC is mad and Pluti looks like the cat that swallowed the canary.
Claudia would have liked the part but she doesn’t feel prepared.  She wants to be a professional like Dona Eugenia.   She wants to take it little by little and she will have Eugenia’s support.
Santi bursts into Lucia’s office to find out why she left last night without saying goodbye.  She figured that since anti saw his ideal woman, she needed to leave.  Santi left.

Not only is Helena involved in this but PMC is implicated too.  Eva pins Renato in being more detailed. All he can say is that they agreed to meet outside of Grupo.  Renato goes on that they were discussing  caring for the interests of Playa Mayagua and Eva says yes stupid that is what they should do. (Really, Renato, listen to yourself) make sure that the contract conforms to their wished.  Since Renato was bating 1000, Mendoza was asked to review the proof that Renato had.  Since it wasn’t substantiated he wants a further investigation, therefore the project has to stop.

Claudia brings Eugenia some tea in order to cheer up Eugenia..  Eugenia feels that her acing is a thing of the past.  Modesto was right.  She has to forget about her career..  Claudia asks Eugenia, after everything that my father has done, how can you stay with him??? 

Oneismo surprises Rebeca at her condo.  Are you coming with me or what?  Rebeca says- show me the money!!!!  He has the money but he can’t walk around in the street with it (as he makes himself very comfortable)  Why didn’t he just leave?? He is protecting her from Pluti, who wants to send her to her next life.  He loves her!!!

Eugenia explains to Claudia her relationship with Modesto.  It’s more maternal than a partnership.

The fee can’t be paid until the conclusion of the investigation.  Eva asks for Adriano’s input as the owner of the company.  Everyone is to be discreet  and not discuss what has transpired at the board meeting,  Eva wants to speak to Pluti alone.

Helena apologizes to the PMC and he believes that this is all made up and t in time the problem will be resolved and he supports her.  He knows the type of person that she is and they will keep in touch.
Eva says that she knows Pluti provoked all of this.
Pluti accuses Helena of being an accomplice of Juan Carlos in the fraud since the beginning and wants to fire her.  Grupo Imperio will be in financial trouble and Eva asks, do you want to fire me too, no he wants to go after the women that she rehired and her position could change and he grabs the water bottle.  He is so immature and demented.

Oneismo tells Rebeca that he loves her and can’t hurt her. Rebeca laughs in his face. He wants to flee the city with her, buy her jewels, Rebeca wants revenge for the 10 lost years as being Pluti’s jump off and she wants it in the worst way.

Eva leaves Adriano a message- she doesn’t want to  bother him but  he needs to return  immediately because some serious stuff needs his attention at Grupo.

Helena is sure the Uncle Fester (Mendoza) left the discriminating evidence in her office.  She still has some insecurities and doesn’t know who to believe. Eva supports Helena and Helena couldn’t get through this time without the love of Juan and Eva’s friendship. Helena was surprised at Renato’s attitude.
Pluti tries to rip Mendoza a new one and wants to know why he didn’t support him at the meeting.  Mendoza doesn’t trust Pluti ,you cheated on your wife, used Rebeca, trying to wreck the woman that you still love, so how do I know that you won’t deceive me. Pluti’s offer, the 5% and the combination to his safe that has the $3 million dollars or so he thinks.  Mendoza is not buying it.  What if I open it and a bomb explodes???  There goes the duh uh look!!

Eva catches Renato in the hall and asks him what’s up with trying to accuse Helena.  He only wanted to clear up the Fitsa business. Eva figures out that Renato used the cd against Helena. Renato is not a good liar. Eva lets Renato know that he is not honest all around and doesn’t even have time for his sister,  He is supposed to be Adriano’s right hand man.  If he doesn’t want to tangle with Eva, give her the cd.

Oneismo pleads his case to Rebeca, let’s go away with the money. If she talks t Adriano, he might not believe her. Rebeca is still harping on the 10 years. She will go with him but first he has a favor to do for her .  Anything, anything!! She  wants Oneismo to investigate someone at Grupo Imperio.  She gives him a little kiss- Yuck!!!

Eva catches up with Mendoza in the hallway . Mendoza says that with all the confusion an investigation is the only alternative. How lucky Adriano is to have her.   Things are different between them.
Mendoza asks Eva if there is trouble in paradise.  They move to her office for more privacy

Renato apologizes to Pluti  for the  accusations at the meeting and says that what Pluti told him the day before, he it took it literally,  If Renato continues to be loyal to Pluti perhaps he can become Vice President.  Renato reminds Pluti of himself when he his age.  Renato looked confused.

In Eva’s  office-Eva speaks to Mendoza about Adriano and Pluti overcoming Antonia’s death and Mendoza makes a sarcastic remark.  Eva picks up on it.  Eva tells Mendoza that he can count on her silence and he bursts out laughing.  She suspects that Pluti had a lover and she needs to confirm it.  It was someone who works at Grupo, Eva swears that it wasn’t her and Mendoza drops the bomb- Rebeca was Pluti’s lover.

Renato is dreaming about Pluti being the President and he being the Vice President of Operations. (The ominous theme song of the motive “The Car’ is playing in the background- anvils are swinging) Lucia  meets Renato in the hallway and she needs advice. She is confused Renato cuts to the chase and says, I saw you with Santi last night. You want to marry and have a family, look for someone who wants the same thing don’t look my way for that type of life.  For me love is over rated.

Eva tells Helena that Rebeca and Pluti were lovers.
Eva thought bubbles back to the night that Antonia died and that Pluti was shirtless and Rebeca ran into the  house.  The  night was too chilly to be shirtless.  She concludes that Antonia may have walked in on Pluti.  Rebeca is the only one to clear things up.  Claudia calls Eva.

Pluti wants to speak to Helena .  He doesn’t believe that she would deceive Grupo.  Helena calls hi on t- don’t be a hypocrite, you are enjoying this.-jerk!  Helena knows that he planned this all.   The project is halted and Helena has no reason to be afraid.  Helena lets him know that she is not Rebeca and you were accustomed to treating her any which way.  You will not treat me like her!!!

Adriano returns home and listens to Eva’s message.  He is upset that it is work related.  Sadly, he has to forget Eva.  Where is Mimi when we need her?  Poor Adriano.

Helena won’t leave until the Project is completed.  Right now the project is halted.  Pluti asks if she still believes that her work was plagiarized.  Yep! Let’s wait for Adriano to return.  Sick Pluti brings up that they were lovers.

Eva and Eugenia talk about Claudia, the producers and that Eugenia is a little down.  Where did Juan Carlos bring her?? Eva giggles and Eugenia looks happy.

Helena lets Pluti know that she NEVER loved him.  She had affection for him and they were  friends, nothing else. His is a  worst hypocrite that she knows, he hid things form her, deceived her   and according to him, he only did it for love.  Deceiving is not love!  Pluti isn’t sure where this is coming from.
Helena has nothing to be afraid of and doesn’t need his support.  She is doubting his love.
Pluti tells her that she is the only one at fault.

Coming attractions:
Is Eva pregnant?? No puede ser?? Adriano is back at the company and Eva has an announcement.  Why is Rebeca there???


Amores Verdaderos #73 Wed 2/20/13 Skinnier, you couldn't be!

Some of our novela characters have been approaching the Patio with concerns about the cognitive dissonance* they are experiencing in their roles.  Today someone who prefers to be known only as "Big Joe" writes as follows:

[*cognitive dissonance:  psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously.]

Dear NovelaMaven:

I am a good character.  Really, I am.  I love my wife and I would never be unfaithful to her.  It would break her fictional heart -- and my imaginary daughter's too.  But the writers are throwing me at another woman and I don't know what to do.  She's a very nice woman, it's true.  Sometimes we have a blast together -- you should have seen us at the bowling alley.  But how can she be my soul mate when that position was filled some twenty years ago?  Please help, my dear Maven.  Don't let them Nelsonate me! I refuse to be Anibalified!  But frankly, I need the work.  So what do I do?

Yours in desperation,
Big Joe

Dear Big Joe:

Have faith in the writers.  The anvils are in their hands and they will drop them when the time is right.  Your problems will be solved before you can say "¡Yo no soy bígamo!"  (If you doubt the power of writers to solve the insoluble, you haven't been keeping up with Downton Abbey.)  Suck it up, Big Boy.


Now let's get back to the godawful surprise party.
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Amores Verdaderos #72 Tue 2/19/13 Happy Birthday to you . . . well not so much

Amores Verdaderos Cap 72—2/19/13 Happy Birthday to you . . . well not so much

"Come on, Angelito, when are you going to put out?" "SOMEONE, PLEASE SAVE ME!!!!" This is when we need a super-jealous Christina to show up and put Jocelyn in her place! 

Recap is finished and all screencaps are up!

OVERVIEW: (some details may be condensed and events may not be listed in order)

REFRIED: Big Angel ain't having none of his mujer working for that zorra Kendra-Ho. He drags her to another room to chat. Meanwhile, Salsa-Dude asks Kendra-ho what her plan is. It's to drive a wedge between Big Angel and his wife, thus speeding up Big Angel's and Vicki's inevitable (in Kendra-ho's opinion) affair. Salsa-Dude looks dubious.

Adriana confronting doctor who is in Anibal's pocket. He just repeats the party line, her baby is dead. She doesn't believe him.


* Poor Big Angel cannot stop his wife from working for the scheming ho, Kendra. She doesn't get what is so bad with Kendra-Ho, if she was a co-star on the ad. Big Angel sputters and hesitates telling Chris the truth—that Kendra-Ho is boinking the Furry Fornicator. Chris continues to argue, and brings up how it's somehow okay for Big Angel to be cheek-to-jowl with Vicki everyday! Unfortunately Big Angel doesn't get to explain his true objections to Kendra, because Vicki wanders in to screw everything up. Then Kendra comes in to screw things up even more, by repeating her job offer. Oblivious Vicki thinks it's a 'great idea'! Woo hoo. Big Angel quietly glowers.

The BIGGEST lipstick smacky mark I've ever seen on a man's cheek.

Chris dressed as Elvira. (No, not me! Elvira the Mistress of the Dark.)

* Adriana gets all in-your-face with the bribed doctor, and threatens to "out" him in court for separating her from her baby. He looks scared.

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Amor Bravío #130 (Uni 125) Tue 2/19/13 Dr Phil Visits Aculco

Girl Talk
Teresa puts Camila on notice to stay away from her man!  It isn’t seemly that Camila should be using Mariano as her 2nd fiddle (plato de segunda mesa) while she, Teresa, really does love Mariano and can give him the love and affection he deserves.  Camila’s puzzled by this.  First of all, she’s not treating Mariano as her 2nd fiddle and secondly she has no romantic feelings toward him.  But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be here to support him and be here for him if he needs me, right?  Teresa:  “Well, that’s why I’m here.  And you’re just opening a door because you know that he’s in love with you.”  Camila denies this and starts to explain then just tells Teresa she’s imagining things.  Teresa makes sure Camila knows her history with Mariano.  They were once a couple but she let him go, he got married, she regrets it and now wants to win him back.  Camila thinks that is a capital idea.  Mariano is a tipazo, and thinks it’s great that Teresa wants to fight for him.  However, Camila sets her straight that she’s not trying to give Mariano any signals.  She’s only there as his friend, just as he has been with her.  Teresa tells it like it is, “Perhaps you haven’t realized this, but with everything you’re going through with Daniel you need someone else to lean on.  You’re latching on to Mariano – and that’s not right.”  Ooooh , right between the eyes. 

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #150 2/19/13: Daniel's future takes an unplanned turn

Update: Thanks for pointing out that Oropeza is Rebeca's last name, and Mendoza is Pluto's evil buddy with the bad facelift. I've corrected my errors!

Santi and Luci stammer and wriggle. Helena, saying she doesn't want to meddle, barges in with both feet and tries to convince them both to give love a chance.

Santi proposes to Luci that they go to a bar and throw a few back while "clarifying" things. While Luci is stammering and backing up she backs into Renato, who says sweetly he misses their friendship. "Friends, friends, what about LOVE?" she angrily asks the ceiling.

Will Jennifer be spared an unwelcome deflowering? Claudia has reformed (we know because she took off her angry headband) (but she's unconvincing as a good girl) and warns Marce and Eva that the virgin-despoiler Daniel is after Jennifer.

Marce and Eva go to find Fer, he's in his undershorts at Santi's. He gloats thinking Marcela wants him back, but really she wants him to call Daniel's parents (his former employers).

In the woods Jennifer reads her mother's note:
I understand why you're angry at what I've put up with, but for love I did stupid things. My love for him was greater than my love for myself. There's nothing wrong with love, but don't let your life rotate around somebody else. Never feel obligated to do 'things' or someday you'll lament losing yourself, you'll lament not having been able to say "I disagree."
Jennifer cries.

Meanwhile Marce is dumbfounded: Daniel's father knows all about his propensities! Turns out Daniel was expelled from school for abusing a girl -- "but he told us she asked for it," the father says -- "our poor son is a victim, too! Aren't you judging him harshly? And if you make a scandal everyone loses."

Fer begs Eva for the car - Eva says she's going along - Fer says he has to drive because women can't drive. Eva ignores him and they leave for the forest where the camping trip is going on and...

... where, alone together, Daniel and Jennifer prepare for her "first time" - i.e. he pushes her down on a towel in the grass. She pushes him off and says "not here, not now, let's wait till I'm of age." He grabs her and yells "You can't leave me like this" (the blue balls ploy). He throws her down. She runs away.

Fer and Eva arrive. Nobody knows where Jennifer is.

Meanwhile she is running as if she were on the set of "LOST." Daniel is in hot pursuit. She yells for her mom.

In typical novela fashion - just as Daniel closes in for the kill, Fer and Eva run up. Eva pounds Daniel. He yelps: "Why are you so strong, you freak?" Back at base camp, Daniel's father says: "If you denounce my son, Fernando, I'll have you in jail for fraud."

At home, Daniel's father yells at him: "This is the last time last time I protect you. You're going to military school." Daniel pokes at his cellphone, presumably punishing Jennifer by releasing his raunchy pictures of her onto the internet.

Home safe, Jennifer can't believe he was going to force her. Her mom consoles her: "He fooled us all." "I don't trust guys any more." "Don't be bitter, just be more careful: if a guy doesn't respect you, he isn't worth it."

Juan goes back to tell Eugenia and Claudia of the successful rescue. Claudia asks Eugenia to forgive her for everything. They embrace.

Mendoza is courted by two suitors. First Rebeca calls him, demanding his help in bringing down Pluto. "Stop getting me in plots," he says. "Yes, I could bring Pluto down, but what can YOU give ME?"

Then Pluto asks Mendoza to make sure Rebeca gets blamed for giving info to the competition. Mendoza counters: "Give me a lot of dough for what I've done already, for the corrupt FITSA fiddle and everything else."

Pluto offers 5% of his GI shares. However, Mendoza knows Pluto's planning to make those shares worthless. "FITSA is so risky, 5% is far too little, I've risked a lot." "No, 5% is very magnanimous."

Silvia has one cute suitor: he buys a plant and wants to have coffee with her. "I am just getting divorced, I'm not interested in dating, I enjoy being alone." "OK, but some day I'll be back to get another plant to keep this one company."

Will it be poor Renato who brings Helena down into the dust? While Mendoza and Pluto are bickering about payment, Renato comes in to talk about the upcoming meeting. "I have found irregularities, Helena seems implicated." "Denounce her at the meeting, you have my support." The villains laugh after Renato leaves. "The meeting will be an atomic bomb!"

Juan's gastritis is killing him. "Don't leave me, Mimi" he groans. Helena calls and invites him to join her at the pension. Amid embraces, Juan tries to face the awful Eva anvil but when Helena says "I'm so worried about the meeting tomorrow and Eva's the only support I've got," he chickens out again. [Which recapper is going to have the pleasure of this ghastly reveal?]

Luci and Santi meet at the bar. She: "I always have bad luck with guys because I choose the wrong ones." "It's been the same for me. First, I wanted the perfect wife that would impress my parents. Then I chose one that was the exact opposite."

In typical telenovela style, Santi's first fiancee Patty (the parent-approved upper-class blond) shows up JUST THEN! She hugs Santi, he looks confused, Lucia looks mortified and slips out. Santi seems to think ... but Panty introduces her HUSBAND, who is very cute. "Whoah, Patty, he is artistic, liberal, bohemian!?!?!"

"You helped me break away from seeking the ideal husband. My parents shouted about this match, but now they love him, he's a hard worker and he makes me laugh. We don't live in the big house I expected but..." "Patty, would you and I have been happy together?" "No, we weren't in love, we weren't even friends." After she leaves he looks happy. Plot breakthrough.

Pluto wants Onesimo to kill Rebeca. Or maybe he'll do it with his own hands.


Amores Verdaderos #71 Mon 2/18/13 This Is Not the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

* Private Investigator Adriana de las Scarves spends the whole episode looking for the doctor who delivered her daughter. At first she goes to a hospital but a nurse informs her that doctor Montaño doesn’t work there anymore. And no, she won’t give Adri his number.

* Kendra shows Odiodette the shiny ring Nelson gave her. Darth Odiosa belittles the present (“Richard Burton gave a more expensive jewel to Elizabeth Taylor!”), and she thinks that Kendho’s quest for the title Mrs. Brizz is hopeless and she shouldn’t be so sure of herself. Nelson is organizing a birthday party for Victoria, and he obviously wants to win his wife back. The frustrated Barbie basically kicks Odette out of her apartment.
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Monday, February 18, 2013

Amor Bravío #129 (Uni 124) Mon 2/18/13

Capitulo #129: Las Mujeres Se Mandan

Lo del pasado

El Diablo calls Natalia to check up on whether Iagho called her, after which he tells Omar to listen well to his next orders.  Iagho doesn't want Bratgirl's company or her sexual services.  Amanda is perplexed at El Diablo's attitude about Natalia's pregnancy.  Refugio tells Marianno about what she saw in the hotel corridor in Metepec.  Daniel and Camila talk when he returns from the airport and he tells her he will be leaving the ranch for a rented house in Aculco until they know the final medical report.

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Por ella soy Eva #149 2/18/13: Hailing Frequencies Open - Daniel Is a Twit!

 Helena cancels a meeting w/ Juan - her Dad called and sounded like he actually wanted to see her, so off she goes.

Eugenia continues trying to be nice to the vile Claudia, who is now moping in bed. Eugenia asks if some of the misery the girl is feeling has to do with losing her virginity (huh?). Oh. It was that greaseball (Daniel, duh). . . who, big surprise, was remarkably inconsiderate. Eugenia lets her know that every human has their own value, which has nothing to do with what others think. I think it's a good sign that the girl got rid of the grotesque headband(s). She accepts a hug from Eugenia.

At Helena's meeting with Dad. He says the only thing they have in common is his grandson. He wants to schedule days for visitation. He browses through his calendar as Helena looks puzzled. Once that's wrapped up, he moves on to his real agenda - is his ex-wife seeing anybody? But he'll get no such pleasure from his daughter. This was a mostly useless interchange, but he gets some emotional music anyway.

Awww... Lucia misses another chance with Santi. But he wants to thank her from the bottom of his heart. She starts babbling about how they helped each other, but he moves in closer and kisses her on the cheek. She kisses him back on the cheek, and the two of them stumble around awkwardly. Whoops.

Santi has clearly switched over to the team of good-guys. He is now counseling Ferni on valuing his family and not necessarily being so desperate to get a job and get out of the house. Ferni isn't doing such a good job at listening, though, and wants to move in with Santi - he proposes alternating nights on the bed with Santi (I'll sleep on the bed one night and on the sofa the next).

Then, just as Santi is admitting to Ferni that he's got some real feelings for Santi, they see Sebastian (?), Lucia's Ex, with another girl. Santi moves in and punches him!

Marcela has stayed up late to lecture Jenni when she gets in. Jenni is unapologetic, and pulls the my-dad-is-a-bad-role-model card. She doesn't know whose side to take.

Santi gets a hilarious shock when he wakes up to find a snoring Ferni in his bed! he sadly moves to the tiny couch. OMG - what a nightmare - Ferni is a disaster as a houseguest. . . he's going to sleep all day and asks for money.

Ferni fails to impress Marcela when he yells at her for bringing up divorce. He storms out. Stupidly, she wakes up and cries when she finds him gone.

Why is Mimi leaving? She is super sad about it? Juan lets her know that she'll have a friend waiting for her, and very sweetly tells her to hurry back.

Oh no - Jenni is going camping with Daniel. Good lord, how can she be so blind. He is broadcasting CREEPAZOID on broad-spectrum, all channels. He says he wants to make her his. She agrees.

Santi is hilaaaariously awkward with Lucia when they meet at G.I., feeding the flames of blue-skirt gossip.

I love it when Eva uses her purse to beat up a chair to show Marcela how outraged she his about her caveman husband. She has many harsh words for the rascal.

Helena seems to have picked up on the Santi situation via blue-skirt-gram and she grills Luca, who doesn't reveal anything.

A wise Eugenia brings Claudia to warn Marcela and Helena about the sleazeball who just took her daughter into the woods. Marcela is very sweet - I'm as proud of you as if you were my own daughter! The four ladies decide to mount a search party! That's our cliff hanger for the day. See you next time.

Wow - a whole episode without Plutarco. Maybe he was on vacation?


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #70 Fri 2/15/13 Date Night, Elvis, And Furry Fornicator's Malfunction


Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, such a fun epi this evening. Elvis even enters the building, and leaves the building of course. We have a bowling date/s, and the Furry Fornicator has a major equipment malfunction. What else happened you asked?? Please read further to find out.

Birthday Cake and The Date is Set Up:

So Ms Vikki and the Angel nosh on the birthday cake and make a date, to a place of Ms Vikki's choosing. Hmmmm where could that be? But not with her bodyguard but she wants Angel to go as her companion! Is it a date? Yeah, it's a date.

Nikki and Guzmi Make a Date:

So Nikki and Guzmi are doing the tango, well not really, but Nikki wants to go on a date with him too, to a place of her choosing, Guzmi thinks it's a joke, but not it's a date, is he in??? Yeah, he's in.

Your Kiss In On My List, Of The Best Things in Life:

So now we have Dances and Betty at a table at the Salsa Club. Dances is leaning in for the kiss, when Betty pulls away, we in Viewerville sigh, a big collective sigh, and take a sip of our Baileys. So Betty tells him when they dance, things are fab, but as soon as the music stops, she can't help but think about what Kendho said about him, being peligroso (dangerous), yeah that's the ticket, and she doesn't know him well, and well, she doesn't want another one like Leo the Horrible in other words. Dances, without his sunglasses, naked eyes, no obfustication, tells her he completely understands. He tells her that yes, in the past he was not a good person, he has done some things that, if she knew, he wouldn't expect her to like him at all. He does have a past, he isn't proud of, he hasn't killed anyone. Santino Roco has this past, but since he met Betty, he wants to change, meeting Betty has helped him break the chains of his addiction, er bad to the bone actions with we all know with who, but Betty doesn't. He wants to break free of that now and wants a chance at deserving her lurvvvve.... and they are leaning and getting closer and then.....yes, we have contact, er a meeting of the lips and Yowsa, what a kiss I must say!!!!! There is cheering at the Betty table and the Bodyguard table is a little subdued. We'll get back to them.

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Por ella soy Eva #148: 2/15/13-Eva Goes For A Visit, Pluti's Mis Planes Continue, Mimi Makes a Decision


Breakfast at the Contreras:

Breakfast is served and Fern is reminded he has gotta go.

Lucia Goes for a Visit:

Lucia has gone for a little visit to Helena's. She has got to tell her what happened with Santi which she does. Helena is like Que Que What???? Lucia gushes that this is so different from her previous experiences with men, there was passion, such passion, doncha know. Lucia is gushing so much and Helena asks Lucia if maybe Santi didn't take advantage? Hush your mouth, says Lucia, it wasn't like that at all. Helena smiles at Lucia and asks her if maybe she has fallen in love with Santi, but before Lucia can answer, here comes Lalito and Lucia uses this to go on her way!
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Amor Bravío #128 (Uni 123) Fri 2/15/13 In Which Daddy Dio Makes His Move; Refu Relays the 411 on Dio ‘n Issa’s Rendezvous; Dan Decides to Dodge and Ditches La Malquerida; Turdy Tío Leo’s Still Delusional & Bound to Make Trouble

Capítulo 128  

Lo Del Pasado:

Rafael, now high on luhhhvvv as well as high above the pyramids of Teotihuacán, has just popped the question to Viviana and is now waiting for her answer; Miriam has woken up in an empty bed again but finds Daniel’s asleep in the baby’s room with Aggie (positioned adorably) in his arms and loving it. Obviously, Dan has dodged the bullet once more with Mir, who has mentioned now, Agustina’s strongly hinting that Dan and his  guests are beginning to take on the odoriferous likeness of three day-old fish.  Mir therefore--no dummy she--has suggested that it’s time they move off the hacienda and into a place of their own in town till he has finished the business of his inheritance.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Dan remembers his painful conversation the night before with Camila where they agreed it’s become too frustrating dealing with each other daily and unable to be intimate in any way.  Mir tells him she’s so anxious to have their privacy back and resume the close bonds they had back in Chile before all of this, despite the close ties he’s made since coming to Mexico.  He takes Miriam’s hand lovingly in his and says he remembers the good relationship they had.  She reminds them they still have [present tense] a great relationship.

We beam back to the balloon ride over Teotihuacán where Rafa is still waiting for an answer from Vivi…and waiting…and waiting. Vivi keeps hemming and hawing—not the same as oohing and ahhing--finally making the excuse that she’s just surprised and shocked—not that her world has been rocked, and a big bummer for Rafa.  She loves the beautiful ring and all. ”--But.  What?”  Rafa’s starting to sweat despite the frigid temps up in those clouds. 

Out in the bullshitter critters’ corral at La Malquerida, Cam is so distracted that she nearly lets a wounded bull out, almost getting gored.  She screams at the ranch hand, which Rodolfo realizes is something totally out of character for her.

Upstairs in Dionisio and Agustina’s bedroom, meanwhile, the two are both awake and chitchatting about Natalia and her preggers predicament.  Gussie asks if Nat’s getting married or wants to be a single mother.  Dio says of course she’ll get married.  Gussie can’t believe Yago actually has agreed to marry her.  “—Don’t you worry about that.  The wedding will take place. So, did you find out how it went for Miriam at the doctor’s appointment?”  Gussie says it went much better than they’d expected so she took advantage of the moment to let Miriam know, in no uncertain terms, that their being there was becoming a nuisance.  Since Dan wasn’t going to listen to her, maybe his wife would at least. Dio throws a disdainful slight—one of many we correctly assume--at her. “—Hah, you were actually thinking and all!”  They argue then about who will use the bathroom first.  While she goes first he uses the time alone to call a P.I. named Hugo to get the skinny on Dr. Valtierra, the doc who examined Mir the day before.

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Telemundo y más, week of 2/18/13

Here's a new page.  Enjoy!

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Amor Bravío #127 (Uni 122) Thu 2/14/13 Amor Propuesto

Feliz Dia de los Enamorados…let's see how all of our enamorados fare tonight….

Refugio prays to the Virgen to fix everything…Rocio, Cayetano, Yago, Pablo and Luzma…she knows it's a lot to ask, but this family sho'nuf needs it!

Pablo is trying to get Luzma to feel a little hope, and she'd love to leave everything behind.  She wonders if the baby forgives her for resenting it.  Pablo figures babies are just nice like that. Luzma says she really did end up loving the innocent little creature.  Of course, says Pablo, because she has a big heart.

Abraham and Dante walk Miriam to her door.  They head back downstairs and confab.  Abraham would like Dante's help keeping the Daniel-Camila relationship a secret from Miriam.  Abraham knows even though they're trying to hide it, it's only a matter of time before the whole thing blows up on them!  Dante tells him that if Daniel leaves Miriam for Camila, she'll find a new love.  Abraham disagrees.

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Amores Verdaderos #69 Thu 2/14/13 Happy belated Valentine's day! Moments of revelation, feelings are let loose ( Bea and Dances, Nikki and Frankie and Vicky and Angel)

Amores Feb 14:


At the Blonde Bimbo’s,

Dances has Kendra on a single-hand neck lock, yanks her around her apartment: Who do you think you are? Don’t mess with Texas (eh… ME!)!! (she brushes it off as no big deal, this only gets him angrier) … Remember I know all about you, the kind of ‘ho’ you are, the full list of who-s who in your bed, and I warn you, stay off my bidness, or I will give that info to Nil-Son in a heartbeat!! ‘Captas??’ (course he did not say that, he said ‘GOT THAT??!’)

Elsewhere in some park, Nikki is walking through rocks, Gorilita tailing her

G: how did the therapy session go?

N: (She keeps brushing off the subject) It ‘went well’. That psychologist (lady) is ‘super cool’. Don’t you see me ‘super cool’ now? (I want the name+ number of this Psychologist!)

G: Ok but you should keep up with the treatment, so you will get better. Also, you should tell your mother about your issue and the therapy.

N: Not now, will talk to her but now is not the right time. They (her parents) have enough with their own issues. I would love for them to get back together, it would hurt too much to lose my family.

G: I understand perfectly, I also hope it doesn’t happen. But in any case you need to get healing, no matter what happens with your parents.

N: (hesitating) yeah.

Back at Bimbo’s apt(like NM said, round two), things get even more violent. BB: you would not DARE!!

Dan: Go ahead, Put me to the test!! I can tell the cops that you had Arriaga’s house burned, and you were the lead in several kidnappings.

BB: You are no angel of mercy either (blanca paloma).

Dan: You better not to mess in MY bidness again!!…

BB: Alright!! But you won’t get rid of me so easily, you and I are accomplices, and you can’t change that.

Dan: From now on, we talk ONLY BIDNESS!! As ‘Hembra’ , I don’t want you anymore! And I warn you (for the 23th time!) don’t mess with the woman I love, because if you do you will regret having been born!!

Lo Nuevo:
Elsewhere, in Alamos, Candelaria is praying to the virgin: Could it be worth it? What good it would do to her to be a Balbanera if her father rejects her?? Forgive me for not telling the truth to my daughter, but I am doing it so she won’t suffer, so I have no choice but to take my secret to death with me.

In some restaurant in MexCity, Anibal is staring at a pink rose in centerpiece.

A: I ended up owing so much to Cande, I would have loved to spend much more time with her, give her the life style she deserved and never wanted.

Antonio: She was so tender/sweet, so proud of her origin.

A: Yes, she always rejected my money. Candelaria Corona is the only woman who ever loved me and was not after my money.

Antonio: No, you are wrong. Pilar also loved you deeply too. And if we are totally honest, she put up a great portion of her fortune so you would become a successful business man. Even if you get angry, it is the truth. Without your wife’s support, you would not be where you are.

A: But Candy… Candy… was the love of my life.

Antonio: Yes, but one day she disappeared.

A: She only left me a letter where she said we could not be. Because she found out I was married with family.

Antonio: Whatever, she abandoned you. Pilar on the other hand, always supported you unconditionally. She gave you two wonderful daughters.

A: One, only one.

Antonio: What do you mean?

A: One of my daughters, Vicky, is wonderful. The other one is a calamity. She only returned to bug me with the story that her daughter is alive and she wants to find her. She even went to talk to Paula about it.

Antonio: Adri is right to do that. Go talk to her! Tell her the truth!

A: Don’t bug me with unsolicited advice. I will deal with that issue my way.

Antonio: Think about it, my friend. Because sooner or later, your big lie will come out to the surface.

A: Never!

At the apartment, Angel is complimenting Cris while he seems to be fixing the blender (how much does a new blender cost nowadays? $29?)

They look very happy, he is saying Jean Marie is a great cook, but she is the BEST!! But his style of cooking is the food they are used to. Not ours like the mole, the refried beans, noodle soups… (definitely in the case of these 2, ‘el amor entra por la cocina’, they seem most passionate when they talk about her cooking and food: ‘I have to cook… / can I help you with ‘anything’?’)

Then she spoils the moment of lust (scratching record sound) by asking him to turn the tv on so she can watch her telenovela. (LOL!) Novela?? Is that all you care about? You prefer that to talking with me?? I can’t believe it!! SMUACK!! / you are the most important in my life. I thank the virgin everyday for having met you. For being your ‘woman’. And for being the father of my daughter. / And you… ‘what a mother!’… SMUACK!!!

At Balbanera, Vicky is in her study, Jocelyn came to visit. She came tell-all to Vicky that her bodyguard gave her the ‘olympic turn down’.(Vicky surprised)

Back at the park and the rocks…

Nikki tells Gorilita he should also take the therapy with the doctor. He would be less sealed shut. He never talks about himself. He knows all about her, and she knows almost nothing about him. Tell me about your marriage. (he loses his ‘nice’ face). Alright. I will tell you. In a nutshell: I met my wife in U.S., I fell in love and we married… / And why don’t you two live together? / Things didn’t work out, I suffered a lot and we split. From that point I swore to myself to not fall in love again so I would not suffer again… / With no one? Neta?/ Right, with no one… not even you. / (she takes it the wrong way and he has to grab her and justify himself. She turns the focus on herself, she ‘accepts that’ he is not attracted to her, saying she has many defects, she is worthless, according to her parents, and all they expect of her is to marry and give them grandchildren, but as things look now, she won’t even please them with that so her life is an ‘ASCO’ (she is worth SH___)

Gorilita has to admit ‘one thing is that I don’t WANT to fall in love with you and another is that I was able to stop myself from it.’ (she is shocked, she babbles asking if he is truly interested in her. He responds ‘how can you ask me that question [looking at me] with those pretty eyes?’)

Frankie confesses to her that he and Polita never had anything going. Nikki (who is now devouring the biggest cotton candy blob I have ever seen, this girl definitely has problems) questions why did Polita sleep in your bed. He says that is true but that does not mean I slept with her. He explains about that night. He slept in living room. After this story, I hope you treat Polita with respect. She is nice, a bit naïve, so she lives in fantasyland. Nikki confesses she felt ‘itch’ to think of them together. He says it is now your turn. Which one of your boyfriends is the one you remember fondly. She tells him the first one, they became ‘novios’ when she turned 15. Frankie shows some of his Neanderthal jealous side as Nikki tells him ‘Roy’ is now a pro tennis player. Frankie tells her he can see that talking about ‘Roy’ puts a smile on her face (I thought the childish one was Nikki). The ‘boyfriends’ she had later were ‘nefastos’ (no good). She has heard about ‘Roy’ via his mother, knows he is still single and, honestly, she would like to see him again. Neanderthal asks if she thinks something could re-vive between them. (Frankie puts on the Neand sour puss smirk) Nikki catches on this and plays along ‘ if he asks me to get back together… why not?’

Back at B house: Vicky is still in disbelief when Jocelyn tells her the story and that Arriaga got angry at her ‘indecent proposal’. ‘For the first time in my life I was turned down!’. Vicky says she can’t see herself doing something like that. Jocelyn says time flies, you should follow my motto. To free yourself of prejudices and listen to the voice of your body. Even if your bodyguard rejected me, I am completely certain he would agree to do it with you. (Vicky again shocked). Hours later, Vicky asks her why she said that, Jocelyn backpedals a bit and says I just said it because he watches after you so intently, and because I want you to put a bit of salt (spice) in your life.

Vicky keeps saying she is a married woman. Jocelyn says but ever since you discovered your husband’s betrayal, you kicked him out. Vicky says I am not going to act the same way. Jocelyn insists she spends lots of time with Arriaga. Vicky says what she likes about Arr is he is a serious man, has a daughter and loves his family. Jocelyn says if something happened with Arr, Nil-Son could not complain because she would just be returning his ‘deed’.

At a casino somewhere, Felipe is really struggling with himself… looks around nervously… fighting his own demons…

Back at the apartment, as Cris is making some green sauce on blender, Angel makes the signal of the cross on himself, gets her attention and asks her not to get her typical over-reaction (no te vayas a enchilar) before telling her about Jocelyn’s ‘indecent proposal’. Of course we get the TYPICAL reaction from Cris, wanting to go meet that ‘tipeja’ to stuff her in the blender with her ‘green sauce’ for having just even attempted to mess with MY MAN.

Angel tries to calm her down saying he got angry at the woman and turned her down. Cris is a bit calmer but still fuming inside, saying ‘it better be that way because if not… (poor giant white onion lands on floor hard)…

Angel asks ‘where did you get that temper? (character) Not from your mother because she is a sweet bread… ’ Cris says that even if she did not meet him, surely it was my dad’s…

Said ‘padre’ is meeting with Dr Montano (the Dr who assisted Adri way back when). Arrogant Anibal begins the conversation with ‘I suppose you remember me / how could I forget you Mr B? / That happens to my friends and enemies, Dr M.. Especially someone like you, who I helped so much. I got you out of a small town clinic and put your career on a catapult and turned you into one of the most prestigious doctors in the country, with international awards and a very fine financial record, all thanks to ME. / I would never forget your generosity. / Let’s see if it is true, Dr M. Because I will test your loyalty.

At his room in Felipe’s apt, Guillo is very distant and a bit cold with his mother Bea, she wants to pray with him, he prays alone. She offers to tell him a story, he says he is sleepy already. She is crying sad as she sits on his bed while he falls asleep.

At the other apartment, Angel is watching the ending credits of Amores Verdaderos (LOL!) on tv and Cris offers to put egg on his chilaquiles. He turns her offer down, and she asks what is up with you? And he jokes about her wanting to see him with making him look like a washing machine instead of washboard (six-twelve pack).

Suddenly the commercial that he and Kendrat recorded comes up and both Cris and Lilliana go beserk and after the commercial is over, they attack him at unison… then it all ends up a family joke moment with ‘trajes Altur’

At Kendrat's dungeon, she and Nil-Son talk about her working with Angel on the commercial. Nilson of course compliments her but says Vicky must have been out of her mind to use Arriaga as model. Kendrat says it was denigrating working with a rookie and thank goodness Vicky cut off the ‘kiss’ part. Imagine me kissing Arriaga, worse than chewing ‘zacate’ (no idea what that is, but I can imagine some things to fill the blank with).

Kendrat is afraid Vicky liked the end product of the commercial, and will end up hiring Arriaga at MetaImagen. Nil-Son gets irritated ‘No way! I won’t allow it!’ KenDrat then moves to her next page, mentioning that Nikki hasn’t done commercial modeling in a while. Nil-son says they can’t find anything that Nikki won’t leave half-way. KenDrat uses that to say ‘you poor thing with so many things you take care of, you also have to watch after Nikki (while giving him a massage from behind). Nilson says you can’t imagine how exhausting it is to educate a child. Then KenDrat lies saying Nikki has told her that all she wants to do is get married and have children. Nil-Son says how can that be if she doesn’t even have a boyfriend. Kendrat suggests Nil-Son find her a good candidate. What if she ends up with a lowly man? Nil-Son says in that one subject he agrees with Anibal, a father cannot allow a daughter to wind up with a mediocre man with no fortune or surname.

Felipe arrives home, apparently from his facial expression at seeing the money in his wallet, he has lost most of his money in gambling … AGAIN.

Of course he lies to Bea when she asks where he was. She tells him about Guillo being mad at her. Felipe asks her to give it some time. Kids get a bit odd when parents are splitting. He will find out Leo has abused her for so long. Bea would rather prefer Guillo have a good image of his father. But how hard it is. This was not my day. Even Francisco called to yell at her because their mother is trying to get close to him. Felipe says Paula is only reaping what she sowed. Felipe wanted to help her but she is still with that man she abandoned us for. Bea doesn’t want to ‘go there’ again today, she has had enough, feels overwhelmed. Felipe suggests she forget her problems and go out dancing for a while. It will relax her. He’ll watch Guillo.

Dinner at Arriaga’s apt…

They talk about Bea. She is still suffering through nightmares with Leo. Leo is using their kid and making him mad at her. Cris tells Angel that Dances has become her good friend, they are dance partners. Angel is in disbelief.

Anibal is at Paula’s,

An: Adri must never find out the truth.

Paula is high on whinning,

Pau: Why did you tell me the story?

An: Because only you can understand me. I trust no one else, but you.

Pau: I would have rather not known.

An: Are you now more disappointed of me? I had no choice, I did what was the best for Adri.

Pau: No, Anibal. Try to talk to her, explain why you did it, she is an adult. Ani: I can’t. Adri repulsed me when I separated her from the guy who got her pregnant. Now it would be catastrophic (funesto) that she found out what I did. Besides, Vicky would never forgive me for it either.

Pau: That is all you care about. Not to lose the respect and love of your oldest daughter. You never cared about Adri.

An: You can’t judge me. In live, not all is good or bad. There are shades of gray and good justifications for everything.

Pau: No, that is excuses we come up with to justify hurting our loved ones.

An: It is already done. And I am willing to stand firm behind with ‘my truth’.

At Kendrat’s, Nil-Son tells her that tomorrow is Vicky’s birthday and he is arranging a surprise party for her (boy oh boy this will get good tomorrow).

Kendrat says surely Vicky will be happy with it and forgive his ‘pecadillo’ (little sin). Kendrat offers to go with him to pick a birthday present for Vicky. He buys/bites her good intentions ‘hook, line and sinker’.

Then we get a 5 minute wordless scene at the disco, a very pretty in red Bea arrives and hesitates going in, is about to head out and suddenly the song she and Dances like begins playing… Dances is at the bar, he turns around at hearing the song too… slowly they both meet right by the dance floor and smile a bit shyly at each other… (have to say the song lyrics are pretty seductive, adding to the scene very nicely … incl: ‘desire, passion, body, caress, hug me, squeeze me, the sea of your body… you get the drift)
[I have to say Susana Gonzalez did a marvelous job here in portraying all the feelings of Bea... fear, desire, attraction, relief, guilt, etc etc... i loved this scene.]
We come back from commercial break and they both have found their voice.

D: Bea, did not know you would come.

B: Neither did I. Did not think I would find you here. Maybe I should go.

D: (grabs her back) please, Bea, stay. You are my dance partner… (she smiles) and they are playing the song of when we met.

B: Yeah, I heard it. (slowly they begin dancing and enjoying themselves)

At B house, Vicky is writing in her studio... about a woman alone sitting at table, ‘the walls were cold, she was lonely, the silence that kills and the sadness of doors that don’t open… ‘ suddenly the door opens and in comes Arriaga singing ‘las mananitas’ carrying a small cake. They begin acting like small kids, he insists she has to have a wish before blowing the candle, she is in tears, all this is very moving to her. Then she blows the candle.

She tells him the first minute of her birthday she is celebrating with him.

He is only thankful to her for all she has done for him and his family. In these events you remember someone because they are special to one.

She thanks him again because she was sad and his words comforted her. She thanks him at least a dozen times, then asks him to turn off the lights when he leaves. He seems to look a bit deflated. She is halfway up the stairs when he calls her to ask her if she wants to go out (with him) tonight. (she looks kind of confused) Then he apologizes as something stupid he came up with. She says no… well, yes!... yes… she agrees to go out with him. They laugh happily… he is in disbelief but his smile says LETS GO NOW!!!

At Frankie’s room in B house, Nikki comes in. She asks to come in. She can’t sleep. Need to talk to someone. He says it is not right that she be in his room at this hour. She begs, can’t sleep and want to talk. He suggests she call one of her friends. She wants to spend time with him, and pulls him close to her.

Just as Victoria agreed to go out with Angel, Nikki is trying to convince Frankie to go out right now. She explains with ‘pears’ since he doesn’t get it with ‘apples’. She gets close to his ears and yells ‘LETS GO OUT!!’. Poor Frankie, hopefully his hearing does not suffer permanent damage from that.

At Arriaga apt, Lilliana and Cris are in bed together, Lilli tells Cris that Frankie confirmed he was married. Cris is sure he said that to get Polita off his back. Lilli agrees. Cris says she likes Frankie as Lilli’s man. Lilli likes him too, but he doesn’t see her as a woman, more like a younger sister. Cris says she will have countless prospects. Lilli says and my dad will be sweeping them all out the door. But he exercises heavy self-control and asks what she is thinking of ‘doing’. She has no clue, all she wants to do is have a good time (pasarla ‘hiper’) … together. He insists in finding out where they are going to set up a safe ‘route’. She wants him to leave the ‘bodyguard’ hat at home, just get dressed, hurry! Smile!... (as she leaves he can’t help but smile)_

Just at same time Nikki and Guzman are talking where to go, Vicky and Angel are kidding around and saying same things while she takes a big chump at the little birthday cake he brought her. Suddenly Vicky remembers a cool place she used to frequent with her daughter. Angel asks if men are allowed there. She says yes. But don’t go as my bodyguard, but as my ‘date’. He is a bit take offguard but then smiles.


Bea tells Dances she has decided. She accepts (being his girlfriend, I guess?). They seal it with a kiss.

Vicky is teaching Angel how to swing at a bowling alley, they have their arms on each other when Nikki and Frankie arrive… Surprised/questioning faces as Nikki asks ‘Mama?’


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #147 2/24/13: I'll Say Goodbye to Crazy Eva.

And though it's not the easy way, I guess I've always known I'd say goodbye to crazy Eva...

Two bruisers show up at the pension as crazy Eva holds our Eva and Mimi at gunpoint.  They are detectives and crazy Eva tells them to take away the large woman because she is Eva Maria Leon Jaramillo.  Mimi gets upset and asks them not to take her, and crazy Eva accuses them both of wanting to take her house.  But the detectives are not there for someone named Eva Maria, but rather for someone named Yadhira Rivers, also known as the terrible Itsy, Bitsy Spider.  Interpol is looking for her and they show a poster with her photo.  Crazy Eva tells them they are confused by the poster, and that our Eva is who they're looking for.  But one of the detectives goes through crazy Eva's handbag and finds a passport with the name Yadhira Rivers.

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Amor Bravío #126 (Uni 121) Wed 2/13/13 "Life Lost and Luzma Laments and an Albarran Adversary Arrives with Abundant Amenazas"

Hello friends and lurkers in Viewerville who await an update on tonight's capitulo.  I had an early Valentines Day Dinner with Mr Mena tonight and my alarm will sound in the wee hours of la manana for a conference call with folks from west to east coast. Sooo, I will be posting a little later than usual.  So while you are waiting, please discuss the fine points of telenovela psychology, law, medicine and religious life among yourselves. 

Back again for Part 1.  Allow me to fill in with Part 1 of our action packed capitulo. Pardon any goof-ups as this is a quick and dirty recap.

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