Friday, May 11, 2012

Abismo de pasión #44 5/10/12: No Reservations Allowed for the Passion Pit Smorgasbord

Tonight we are serving up a veritable plethora of Passion Pit provender. Welcome to the party and let your server know if you need anything else. Tequila, beer and wine are already on the table. (Warning: the order of scenes have been moved around slightly to accommodate the kitchen staff.)

Leftovers: That part where Horacio and Flor do not end up in a mad clinch, but Enrique and Flor do. Damian discovers them and blows his stack.

Steamed Stud Muffin: Steam one Damian over a full boil until he can absorb no more lies.
“Pardon me for interrupting!” Damian lets Flor have it, he couldn’t believe he blamed himself for her accident. Enrique starts to stick up for her and Dam nearly pounds his face into the wall. “Not a word! Not from you either Florencia!” 

Flor follows Dam into the house as fast as her little spiked heels will carry her. She just wants to explain, Enrique forced himself upon her. Dam calls bull***t on her. He spoke to Kenia and knows Flor lied about everything. “WE are over for good. Now get out of my life!” Alfonsina and Guido catch this last bit, and when they ask what’s going on Dam just tells them to ask HER.

Now papa Guido’s all over Flor’s case. Where was her head? Flor admits everything is all her fault. Pops tells her not to count on him for help this time. Damian had every right to tell her to go to the devil. Sheesh! 

Full of Beans: Cover dried beans with water and simmer until tender. Add Epazote to avoid flatulence and hot air.
Over at Casa Chisme Enrique gripes to Sabrina that Flor will
never forgive him, not to mention he’s broke. Not necessarily, she observes, maybe now the door will be wide open for him. Speaking of doors Begoña comes through theirs, what are the niños doing at home? “My job at La Anita is over,” says Enrique, “Sit down mom. Damian’s going to fire me.”  Begoña freaks at her own family’s chisme. I wonder, will she get on the phone or give it a rest for once?

Braised Asshat: Place one Augusto in the slow-cooker with one plump tomato. (Habaneros optional.) Set to high and simmer until the saxophones play.
Well we sure didn’t have to wait long to see the Assgusto/Kenia connection. Gael proudly shows her the fields while Assgusto ogles nearby. She loves how Gael is so passionate about los campos and apologizes for what she did. She’d like to meet Elisa and apologize directly to her. Assgusto and his coco frío enter the scene. Kenia gives him a delightful introductory kiss and explains it’s all her fault that Gael is late. Assgusto is mesmerised but manages to introduce himself. When Kenia hears he is Elisa’s father she wrangles an invitation to dinner so she can meet Elisa. She mentions something about Ingrid his mama and then gives Assgusto another kiss and hug goodbye. See ya later! 

Assgusto asks Gael what was she talking about? Gael reveals that a couple of days ago he discovered his mother is alive. He asks Assgusto if he knows anything about Ingrid Navarro. Nope, the name doesn’t mean anything to him, but Gael can count on him for any help he needs. He’s glad that Gael and Kenia (drool) are coming over.

Alfonsina Omelette: Take one Fina and crack her into a bowl. Add the bitter truth and whisk. Pour into a hot pan and stir gently until her forehead is set.
Dam is in his room unpacking and cooling down. Fina comes in and demands to know what happened. Dam says he ran into Kenia (who’s back in town) who told him about Flor’s fake pregnancy plot, then he just found Flor mouth-kissing Enrique Tovar at the stables! He makes the connection and accuses Fina of being complicit in the pregnancy plot. “Are you saying you knew nothing about the fake pregnancy?” Mom can’t answer. “Fine, then I’ll assume you plotted with Florencia all this time.”

Fina tries to defend herself without actually lying but Dam will have none of it. He heard she sent Flor’s x-rays to Merida for analysis. Well sure, she says, and they said there was nothing physically wrong with her. But she didn’t want to get between Flor and Dam and she sure didn’t want to keep Dam from going to the DF. He asks her how many other things has she hidden from him? She can’t believe he’s blaming her for what happened with Flor. “I”m not blaming you mom, I just don’t trust you. I don’t trust anyone.” 

TranquiliTea: Place dried chamomile, mint and lemon balm in a teapot, pour hot water over and steep for three minutes. Sip and visualize all will be right with the world.
Ramona visits Padre to get the chisme about Ingrid. Padre says it’s true, Gael’s mother is back in town, “risen from the dead”. But he suspects there is something else bothering Ramona. He suspects she fears the same thing will happen to Paloma, that Gabino will decide to tell her he’s her father. He advises Ramona to talk to Paloma but Ramona asks how can she tell her nieta that her father is a bastard (malnacido). Padre says she’s got  a right to know and if Ramona doesn’t tell her Paloma will feel resentful. And believe him, he knows what he’s talking about. 

Turkey Surprise: Clean one turkey and dress it well. Place in oven and try to forget about it until dinner.
Later that evening Assgusto, acting practically normal, brings Gael home and instructs a delighted Lolita to set two more places. Elisa is also delighted, all those years of working for them and it’s the first time dad has invited Gael to dinner. (Gael’s face is priceless.)

Elisa and Gael talk about how he is dealing with Ingrid. Gael says she doesn’t mean anything to him. He thanks Padre Lupe for who he (Gael) is. He is grateful to Elisa for being able to share his problems with her. He admits that Damian told him he should fight for Elisa’s love. She doesn’t look exactly thrilled.

Big Fish to Fry Tacos: Take the last big fish and fry it. Add just enough information to be dangerous. Wrap in soft tortillas and serve to the Big Cheese. Wait for your tip but watch your back.
Over at the ProCeSaDora Maru tells Ingrid that Damian won’t be coming back to work, he’s returning to the DF. Didn’t Gabino tell her? Ingrid is annoyed, he didn’t tell her anything and this news affects her big plans. GABINO slides in and wants to walk her home but Ingrid will have none of it. She’s got somewhere to go. GABINO pouts. Maru gloats.

Ingrid heads over to Hacienda Harangue-O to see Dam and annoy Fina. Fina is even more annoyed to find out she works at La ProCesADora. Ingrid turns on the water works and tells Damian she needs to talk to him about her baby she abandoned many years ago in La Ermita. “Gael es mi hijo and you would be very surprised to learn who his father is.” Fina thinks she and Ingrid should take it offline. Nopis, Ingrid heard Damian is leaving and she needs to talk to him NOW. Fina steps in for one last, desperate lob, “Lady, rest assured we will do whatever we can to help you. Get it?”

Ingrid tells Dam that Gael knows she is his mother but wants to know nothing about her. That’s why she’s here to beg Damian to help her get close to Gael. “And Gael’s papa, do I know him?” Dam asks, “does he live here?” Ingrid says the father’s name is well-known and loved by all the people of La Ermita. She promised she would never identify him and it's better for everyone, especially Gael, if she keeps it zipped.

After Ingrid leaves Fina asks if she revealed who is Gael’s father. No, but why does Fina suddenly care about what happens to Gael? 

Toxic Citrus Punch: Squeeze one Tangel-Ho until she squeals. Squeeze some more.
Over at Casa Castration (thanks Pasofino!) the Blood Orange is on her muletas whining because Assgusto ignores her and doesn’t care that she is injured. She’s also annoyed that the orphan is invited to dinner. She thinks this dinner is all very odd. The last time they had guests was when Stef invited Rosendo and Alfonsina, remember? That was the night she told him his wife and Rosendo...eran amantes! (Holy crap, they haven’t had guests since then? Not even Lucio and Blanca?) Saved by the bell!

Enter Kenia. “And who is this?” demands Agent Orange. Assgusto introduces Kenia, Gael’s friend. Carmina snorts in anger, “I am Carmina, Assgusto’s bitchy, rude and orange wife.” She stomps her muletas for emphasis and refuses to shake Kenia’s hand. Assgusto literally drools as Kenia leaves the room to join Gael. Orangina knows! Sweet.

Kenia joins Gael and Elisa. Elisa blasts Kenia for her role in Flor’s fake pregnancy. Kenia immediately owns up and apologizes. She didn’t know Elisa and believed what everyone says. “Good that you admit the truth,” snaps Elisa, “but I don’t want you in my house and we’re not going to be friends.”  Kenia wants to talk to Elisa alone. She convinces Elisa that Flor and her uncle are a couple of manipulators and they completely hoodwinked Kenia. The most important thing is that Damian knows the truth and it would be logical for him to dump Florencia.

Refritos: Take those beans from earlier, fry and mash like crazy until its too late.
Doc Tovar and Begoña are arguing really loudly in his office about Enrique. Paloma doesn’t even need to press her ear to the door. Begoña tells him what happened with Flor and Enriquito. I think she is more worried about her friendship with Alfonsina than Enrique’s job or anything else. Doc says it’s half Flor’s fault and this sets Begoña to shrieking again.

Doc visits Enrique in his room to get the chisme straight from the horse’s mouth. He tells his son he doesn’t think this girl is worth the trouble. Enrique is confused and he feels bad for making problems for Flor. Dad advises that maybe he did Damian a favor. Sometimes women take advantage and the worst of it is men find out too late. He speaks from experience. 

Habanero Salsa de la Casa: Take one plump, luscious tomato, add one young habanera pepper and one faithful clove of garlic, then add the grated, dried up old rind of one orange; grind in a molcajete until the orange disappears. Add fresh herbs before serving.
Elisa has forgiven Kenia and they are all seated for what promises to be a very interesting meal. Elisa is amazed by Assgusto’s good manners. Kenia asks for more salsa and Orangina just glares at her. Assgusto grabs the salsa and spoons it onto Kenia’s plate for her. Orangina is clearly annoyed and Elisa is clearly amused. Elisa and Gael talk about their plans for Las Tierras but they need lots of money. Kenia is interested. Orangina is annoyed. Saved by the bell!

It’s Paloma who needs to talk to Elisa in private. Assgusto notes they are just about done with dinner (doesn’t look like it to me) but Paloma is welcome to join them for coffee. “No!” interjects Orangina. “Yes!” interjects Elisa reveling in Orangina’s discomfort, “Join us.” Orangina is miffed and excuses herself, the meal doesn’t agree with her. Paloma asks Elisa what’s going on? Assgusto and Kenia make eyes at each other and Elisa whispers she’ll tell Paloma later.

Hot Mess Coleslaw: Grate cabbage and habaneros. Squeeze fresh lime over. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve with everything.
Flor begs Fina to help her. Fina scoffs, she told Flor to behave better than Elisa and now look at her, she’s worse than Elisa. She understands exactly why Dam told Flor to go to the devil and the best thing would be for Florencia to return to Mexico City. Fina kicks Flor out, she’s got her own problems to deal with.

Dam visits Padre to report he knows about Ingrid. Padre doesn’t understand why Ingrid approached Damian. Dam asks does Padre know who Gael’s father is? Padre says as a priest he cannot reveal this information. Dam also reports Flor is not the woman he thought and he’s decided to stay in La Ermita. Padre is excited to hear that Dam plans to look for Elisa tomorrow.

Taza de Chocolate: Add one tablet Mexican chocolate to 3 cups milk (or almond milk). Heat and whisk with molinillo until frothy. Add dash of Kahlua. Pour into two mugs and top with whipped cream for Lolita and Elisa to enjoy. Now leave them alone.
The young people say goodbye without Paloma getting to tell Elisa why she stopped by. It’s late so Gael agrees to walk Paloma home. Paloma admits Elisa told her about Ingrid. 

Elisa smiles and watches from her window as they ride away on Gael’s horse. Such a handsome couple, she tells Lolita. Elisa assures Lolita that she loves Gael like a brother. She asks Lolita if Kenia is interested in Gael. Lolita didn’t see any flirting, there was something else between them. Elisa reports that it was Kenia who helped Flor, and she apologized to Elisa. They giggle at how pithed off Tia Orangina was with all Elisa’s friends at dinner. And there was something else going on with her too.

GERD: Eat one delicious meal prepared by Lolita. Go to bed and look at Carmina.
Assgusto tells Carmina she was pretty obvious at dinner. Orangina hisses it was Elisa’s low-class friends. It’s too bad she can’t find friends of her own ilk. Assgusto tells her not to be such a snob. Estefania was never like that. (Man, these two really know how to push each other’s buttons!) Orangina explodes, of course not, she is very different from Stef! She doesn’t jump on the first man who comes into their house. (Erm, yes you do.) She accuses him of making eyes at Kenia. It was because of her that he invited them to dinner, right? How many years has it been since he dressed for dinner? He said Gael is going through difficulties and that’s why they were invited to dinner. She hobbles out in a fury to sleep in the spare room. 

Breakfast Humble Pie: Take the heart and manly bits of one hot stallion, add one Damian and fry in a pan until the stallion parts are shriveled. Top with pastry and bake until the workers cheer. Serve with scrambled huevos and a smile.
Gabino strides into work, at last things will be back to normal! “Not so fast,” smirks Maru. Damian strides in behind and wishes them good morning. Maru tells him Don Lucio is waiting in his office.

Lucio says he was surprised to hear Dam is staying. Dam says he called Lucio because he is ready to put together a contract between Los Arango and Elisa. Lucio isn’t sure that Elisa will agree to it. Dam is sure he can convince Elisa.

Holy Guacamole: Mix one roasted habanera with four avocados. Stand back.
Gael is at Casa Castration to meet Elisa. Lolita tells him she was waiting for Don Lucio but when he didn’t show up she left sola. Just then Elisa arrives home and is in a state because again no loans and she is ready to plant las tierras NOW. 

Elisa and Gael ride together to las tierras. She stomps around the fields ripping out old habaneros and crying that she wants to plant. Gael grabs her and promises to help. Everything will turn out, she’ll see. She cries on his shoulder and I swear I hear a bird of prey screeching in the background. Yikes! Up rides Damian and he glares at what he sees. Dude, it’s your own fault for jerking Elisa around and telling Gael to go for it. 

Avances: Paloma tells Elisa about Flor and Enrique. Damian tells Padre he’s making a play for Elisa. Gael and Damian butt heads.


Una Familia Con Suerte #245-246 Thu 5/10/12 Fernanda sings her swan song, dressed as a flamingo.

Happy fun repeat of wedding dancing and horsetacular departure.

Lo nuevo:

Alone, in a quiet room…
Moni: I still love you and always will. Say, nice jewelry. I sincerely hope you will end up very happy with Frida even though you’re only marrying her out of spite.
Pepe: That is totally not how it is (and if I say it enough, maybe I can convince myself).
Moni: If you say so. Lemme give you a kiss goodbye. SWAK! Aha! You do still love me! Good luck with Frida.
Pepe: Crap, now what?

Fernanda: What sweet babies you are! Abue loves you, although your parents seem a little indifferent, what with their not bothering to think up names for you and all. Say, why did those nutjobs make the nursery spin?
Pancho, RebeJr, RebeSr: Oh noes! Fernanda is sick!

Da hood…
Pep boy: Well, that was a lovely time, even though my sisters had to break up your stupid fight.
Frida: Love ya.
Pepe: I love you, too.
Frida: Thanks, liar.
Pepe: Crap, now what?

Honeymoon heaven…
Enzo: I have a secret, and I’m not going to tell you!
Chela: Whatever. Paquito needs a sister. Let’s get to it, bombon.

The room of doom…
Pancho: Let’s go to the hospital!
Fernanda: No! I want to die here! I’m sick of the hospital set! Gather the family round and promise you won’t run Avon into the ground!
Doc Oc: It’s been wonderful, mi amor.
Fernanda: I’m so sorry I’m leaving you alone.

Enzo: Salud, mi amor! Do not answer that phone!
Chela: They know we’re on our honeymoon; they wouldn’t call if it weren’t important… Egad! Doña Fer is dying!

Big house…
Vile Vice, alone: ‘Bout time you croaked, old thing.
Rest of family: Sob! Don’t die!

Pina’s place…
Pina and Sebastián: slurp smack swak slobber
Ado: Wooo-hoooo!!!
Pina: Good NIGHT, Voyeuración.
Ado: Looks like you’ll be having a BETTER night.
Pina: Good idea. Off we go, Sebas.

She isn’t resting in peace yet; she’s still smelling the sulfur…
Vice: How dare you not give me everything I ever wanted and don’t deserve, you mean old witch! You’re lucky you won’t live to see me ruin that upstart Pancho!
Fernanda: I will not allow it! All your problems are your own fault, you selfish greedy loveless ingrate! Okay, enough of you. Bring back the people who actually love me so I can say goodbye.

Fernanda says sweet things to everyone individually…well, she doesn’t get to Chela, Enzo, Candy, or MamaRebe, but maybe she didn’t have anything to say to them…and then that’s that. Everyone sobs. Long scene of Doc Oc saying goodbye, in which you can totally see Fernanda breathing. She moves her eyes a little, too. I know, I should pretend I don’t see it, but I don’t want to dwell on the dying. Rebe comes and reassures Doc Oc that they are his family and he isn’t left alone.

Vile Vice: Now’s my chance, while he’s all weak and vulnerable, bwahahahaha!!!

Next day…funeral home…everyone in black and looking blue…
Pancho gives a short tribute which is nice and yet somehow manages to be more about him than about Fernanda.
Frida doesn’t let the circumstances stop her from being nasty and jealous of Moni, although they do refrain from brawling on the coffin. Moni hugs Pepe longer than Frida finds necessary and reminds Pepe that she loves him.
Freddy also hugs Ana, but for once Adrián isn’t hanging on her like a barnacle and snarling at Freddy.

Vice’s Avon lair…
Señor Don David: Dude, I can walk through the lobby and corridors of Avon with a cartoon face and not be stopped. Disabling the security cameras and using the distraction of a fire alarm to shuffle millions of monies into an offshore account and make it look like Pancho did it is a piece of cake.
Vice: Awesome. Now let’s just stroll out, whistling and looking all nonchalant and totally innocent.
So the lights are flashing and the alarms sounding and the sprinklers soaking everything, and Vice and Señor Don David are in the server room working the black magic. Yeah, no one will be suspect Vice, even though pretty much everyone else is at the funeral. Cartoonface takes the opportunity to shake more money out of Vice. Too bad Tomás isn’t on security detail now!

Back at the house…
Fernanda joins Laurita in the family shrine. It’s handy how the shrine is right next to the bar. Also, that is a freakishly nonreflective mirror behind the bar. What is that supposed to be?

Casa ChelaEnzo…
Enzo: I still have a surprise for you! But I’m still not telling you! It’s in Monterrey.
Chela: Okay, I’ll go find out tomorrow.

Freddy: Bad form not to go to the funeral, Dads.
Vice: I hate dead people. Plus, los Lopez. Yuck.
Freddy: Enough. Boo, Ana is marrying that barnacle.
Vice: Bummer, dude. What’s the scene with Karina?
Freddy: Baby went buh-bye. So that’s that.
Vice: No baby! Hello, Ana! Go for it!

Casa Pina…
Ado: Soooo, Sebas…how was it?!?!
Sebas: None of your beeswax, you adorable weirdo.
Pina: Get lost, Ado dear.

Freddy: How is it you were so desperate to be with Candy, and then it’s over, just like that?
Vice: When the chase is over, the thrill is gone. Gotta find fresh meat.
Freddy: Ew. So you’ve found new prey?
Vice: Nah, just a little snack of roadkill here and there.
Freddy: So why are you so giddy?
Vice: Bwahahahahaha!!! Er, I mean, no reason.

Lovey dovey supportive Pancho and Rebe scene. Those babies are so cute.

Avon…where somehow everything is not soaked…
And we learn that the property Pancho bought actually has four separate homes. One is Lupita’s guardería (has anyone been working there lately?), one is Chacho’s place, one is Tomas’s, and one is empty. He offers it to Pina for the Pipa foundation.

Enzo presents to Chela the beautiful and huge palace he has bought for them. It even seems to come with pets! She does not seem sufficiently thrilled. I’ll take it and you, Enzo.

Casa Lopez…
Ana: Get lost, corn hair! I’m not interested in anything you have to say!
Kari: I just want Freddy to be happy. He loves you.
Ana: Well, that train has left the station!
Kari: I lost the baby!
Ana: Oh, no! What happened? That’s so sad! Why did you tell me this?
Kari: Truly, I want Freddy to be happy.

Building K…
Pepe: This episode needs some perking up, so here I am answering the door in a towel.
Moni: Now that is a view I can appreciate! Oopsie, dropped my keys down there by my shapely gams. Be a dear and pick them up? I brought breakfast.
Peppy: I’ll run get dressed.
Moni: No need.

Lamberto: There’s been a fraud!
Pancho: Gasp!
Lamby: Yep, lots o’dough, off to vacation in the Caymans. And it looks like you did it.
Pancho: That’s ridiculous! Why would I steal from myself? Wait a minute…Iracheta!

Monterrey mansion…
Chela: Ummm…it’s nice and all, but who said I wanted to move to Monterrey?
Enzo: I’ve missed you so much! And I really like the job here. I don’t have to spend the whole day listening to Vice whine.
Chela: But we should make big decisions like this together!
Enzo: Fine, I’ll just sell the house then. Pout.

Ana: Freddy, I can’t believe you sent corn hair to tell me about the baby!
Freddy: I did no such thing! Hello?!

Pancho: How dare you!
Vice: Who, me? I am so sweet and innocent!
Pancho: You are not fooling anyone! Look at this!
Vice: Wow! You stole a lot of money!

Building K…
Moni: You’re so much like your father, which I am contractually obligated to say because Pancho Lopez is the source of all goodness and must be praised at every opportunity. Yet fortunately you are not that much like him, so I love you and find you attractive.
Pepe: Fab. So, why are you here?
Moni: Just want to see how you’re holding up. So, are you really going to marry Frida? Do you love her?
Pepe: Of course!
Moni: You’re a terrible liar. Let me feel you up whilst reminding you that you love me me me.
Pepe: What are you doing?
Moni: Seducing you. Is it working?
Pepe: Yep.

PIPA headquarters/guardería…
Sebas: Great place, but stupid name for your charity.
Pina: Whatever. It’s going to be awesome.
Sebas: We gotta go. Avon emergency.
Pina: Well, the mascara will have to clump a minute longer. Ana, are you really going to marry that barnacle? Freddy loves you. Give him another chance.

Rebe Sr: I really like Pablo, but I’m suspicious. Why is a young guy into an old thing like me?
Rebe Jr: I want to meet him.
Rebe Sr: Hey, babies! Want to meet your new stepgrandpa?

Monterrey, telecom office…
Enzo: Why are you still talking? I’ll sell the house. Grr. But I’m too busy to talk about it.
Chela: I’m not mad about the house; I’m annoyed that you made the decision without talking to me!
Enzo: I said I’d sell it! I’m busy!
Chela: You’re not listening to me! We’ll move here! It’s horrible being separated!
Enzo: Yay!

Pancho: It had to have been Vice! He’s out to get me!
Sebas: But how did he get into the account? It isn’t easy to do. And it’s a lot of money, more than anyone would expect to steal without it being noticed.
Pancho: We need an auditor to look into it.
Sebas: We have to move fast, before someone accuses you of embezzling it.

Building K, lovey dovey afterglow…
Moni: Ahhhh. We cannot be separated.
Doorbell: Ring!
Moni: Do not answer that!
Peppy: I have never seen a telenovela, so I think it’s probably a neighbor.
Frida: Dartañan! SMOOCH!
Pepe: Gulp.
Frida: Breakfast for two… a purse… AHA! I accuse La Francesa, in the bedroom, with the…lead pipe, let’s say.
Pepe: Calm down, okay?
Frida: Have you met me?
Moni: Whoa there, Tasmanian devil. I will just wrap myself in the sheet and step aside whilst my lover and his fiancée wrestle in my bed.

Casa Lopez…
Rebe: Hola, Pablo. What exactly are your intentions? My mother is very enthusiastic about your relationship.
Pablo: Me, too.
Rebe: I doubt it.

Building K…
Pepe’s forehead is bleeding and he’s got Frida in a headlock, with his legs wrapped around her. Moni leaves them alone for a chat.
Frida: Do you even remember that we are engaged? You just run right over here to fall in bed with her?
Pepe: I’m really sorry for hurting you.
Frida: I am heartbroken!
In the sala, on phone…
Moni: Daddy, that’s great that Chela and the baby are moving into the royal palace in Monterrey! What’s also great is that we are not on videophone!
Enzo: Yay, we will all live together!
Moni: Er, I am not going to be moving to Monterrey. It would make my renewed boinkage with Pepe so much less convenient.

Guardería garden…oh good, Lupita seems to have other adults working there…
Lupita: What’s wrong, Ana?
Ana: I don’t know what to do! Kari told me the baby is difunto!

Building K…
Frida: This is all my fault. I knew you were only with me to spite la francesa. Do not try to comfort me! Goodbye! This is not over! Slam!
Pepe: Well, that was a disaster. I should probably be less impulsive. Moni, will you forgive me for how I treated you?
Moni: You’ll have to work really hard for it.
Pepe: Getting started right now, smooch.

Avances: Vice is vile, yet Candy kisses him. Pancho is arrested.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

El Talismán #72 Thu 5/10/12 Friqueando en Fresno

El Tal: Friqui Camila, Friqui Sarita

Pedro is detailing to Camila his alternate Plan B for everybody’s life, in which he and Mariana adopt Santiago, which gives Camila another chance to say “¿¿QUÉ??” really loud. She tells him this is not the brightest idea he has ever had, which is saying a lot.

Out on the lawn, Sarita is screeching to the Padre about Gabriel’s lack of enthusiasm for her Barbie Dream House Wedding. Margarito tries to interrupt, but Sarita is totally plotzing and won’t let him leave. Finally the Padre disentangles himself by promising to speak very firmly to Gab, and Margarito drags him off to intervene in the latest Pedro-Camila dustup.

Gabriel has a bro-talk with Juancho over a manly wheelbarrow full of stuff. He confesses that he’s feeling pressured to marry Sarita. Juancho asks if she’s preggers -- well, no. Then what’s the big deal? Gab explains that the Padre was like a father to both of them at the orphanage, which makes the whole thing sound kind of incestuous, but anyway, his opinion counts big and he doesn’t think he can go against it. Juancho observes that he’s in a world of hurt, then, isn’t he?

Apartamento Bermudez: Friqui Mariana, Friqui Elvira

Manuel has pulled out his Headshrinking Your Pretend Daughter handbook and is leading Mariana through some kind of senseless visualization exercise. He walks her through opening the little suitcase…seeing the baby clothes…taking them out…then he asks her if she “senses a living being near her.” Dude, that’s not a therapy session; it’s a séance. Apparently Mariana thinks so too, and she jumps up off the couch chittering that she doesn’t want to remember, doesn’t want to know, doesn’t care who she was before – Daddy, can’t we just go back to LA? I want to be Magaly again! Maybe he skipped to the past-life regression chapter.  

Next he tries to get her into some art therapy, but all she comes up with is a piece of typing paper covered with squiggles in number-two pencil. He could at least have given her some crayons, jeez. Her disappointing artwork gets her so overwrought that he has to sedate her. Then he bops off to his real job and leaves her alone, virtually guaranteeing that someone crazy will come knockin’.

Sure enough, ding-dong: it’s Elvira! She starts off only half-crazed and manages to squeak out a coherent sentence or two about how Mariana owes her money, but Mariana isn’t buying it. I don’t even know who *I* am, she says, so how am I supposed to know who *you* are? Elvira starts panting and rolling her eyes. I’m your adoptive father’s ex-girlfriend, she says – at least I was until my ratty sister broke us up! I thought it was the other way around, Mariana replies calmly. That sedative is really working for her. Elvira cycles through a colorful series of marmot-calls before Mariana finally tells her to leave or she will call the police.

Abogados de los Negrete: Non-Friqui Lucrezia, Which Is Friqui in Itself

The lawyer asks Lucrezia a lot of pointed questions about whether she is signing over her portion of El Traz of her own free will, whether she is under any compulsion, etc. Amazingly she appears dramatically less crazy than usual, so the lawyer has no choice but to approve the transfer. Tonio is pleased.

Lucrezia reminds her brother that his part of this deal is to separate Pedro from “those two witches.” Hmm, let’s see: when Tonio started “helping” her Pedro had less than one actual 3-D wife, and now he has two. Not only are things not resolved, but they don’t even seem to be moving in the right direction. Think, girl.

El Traz: Friqui Pig

Pigorio’s been popping the poison pills at an even higher frequency than usual, and it’s not going well. He topples sideways on the bed and sends Val for a doctor, but Val goes right to Tonio, who says that no doctor crosses the threshold without his express approval.

Meanwhile, Doris flaps into her daughters’ room and makes some vague maternal noises. Fabi tells her Tonio threatened to send her away, and Doris points out that she is menor de edad and can’t be sent anywhere without her mother’s approval. The girls say they want to come and live with Doris, but she makes excuses and flaps away again. Fabi tells Flo that clearly Mom is not an option; they’ll have to make other plans.

Police Station: Friqui Santiago

The social worker tells Santi that they are working on finding him some nice foster parents who actually know how many people they are married to. Santi is hysterical, and not in a good way. Hell no, he won’t go! He only wants Pedro and Margarito! Remind me: why does anybody want to adopt this kid? He appears to have no personality whatsoever and he makes a lot of noise.

Oficina Star-Crossed: Friqui María

Manuel sidles up to María – well, frontals up, actually – and plants a nice hot kiss on her. She doesn’t exactly kiss him back, but she doesn’t exactly resist either. I still love you, he tells her, as much as I did the first time I saw you – and don’t deny it, you love me, too! She says she doesn’t deny it, but she doesn’t want to talk about love. She made a promise to her sister. What promise? She breaks away and runs out the door. Then they both wander around for a while talking out loud to themselves, which is a great advertisement for the psychiatric services at The Only Hospital in Fresno.

Manuel’s maunderings are interrupted by Raúl, who dashes in to have a quick conversation about how cute it is that Manuel’s trying to win María back and oh, by the way, I’m Mariana’s godfather and Pigorio killed her baby. (Now was that so hard? We couldn’t have done this a little sooner, maybe?) Then my captions say [SONIDO DE BIPPER] and he runs off.


Lucrezia is threatening to kill Camila, but for which of the many available reasons is not clear. [Yawn.]


Abismo de pasión #43 5/9/12: Villains celebrate victory but... it is getting HOT.. HOT.. .HOT... at La Ermita, and the heat is making some pranks backfire...

Recap by Marta Ivett
Old beans:
Elisa tells Lolita her dad keeps distrusting her. Lola says that is because of all the gossip about your momma. Elisa tells her about Ramona saying that some day the truth will be revealed. Lola says if Ramona says so, it must be true. Elisa senses Ramona knows something else but won’t tell her about it.
Ramona and Paloma talk about Gael and what it must feel like not having a family and suddenly your parent shows up out of nowhere after you believed they were dead.
Ramona asks Paloma what would she feel like to learn your parents are not dead but alive. Just asking…
Paloma says she would never accept them and would NEVER forgive Ramona. Just answering…
Alfie breaks the glassware off her vanity, Damian asks her what is wrong… same ol blood pressure story.  Yes, she already knows Flo can walk. Dam says it was a big weight lifted off his shoulders. But he still will take her with Guido to Mex to get her looked at. Alfie agrees with that plan. Dam is very surprised she is in agreement. He thought she did not want him to leave La Ermita… Alfie says the most important thing is your girlfriend’s health… Dam is a bit confused/miffed… he just says good nite and walks out.
Ingrid calls mommy dearest… and brags about staying at a luxury hotel in Merida enjoying Alfie’s money while Ingrid sleeps on a spring mattress in the one INN in town… Ingrid tells her her situation will also change soon, you will see. Kenya says she heard things got complicated for her, Gael knows her little secret… She just talked to him on phone, he needed to tell someone his woes… Ingrid asks what did he say? That he distrusts you, that he can’t stand you. I would also have wanted another mom, anyone better than you! Ingrid warns Kenya not to call her again. Kenya says now that her half brother knows the truth, she feels like returning to La Ermita, maybe he will accept me when he hears that you don’t care about me either. Besides, I want to get to know him, I do want to feel like I have a family.
Ingrid is very angry. Threats Kenya that if she comes back to town, she will regret it for the rest of her life.
At Cast-allon, Assusto is drinking his woes away… Oroach-Ho is poking him that he should go to the town bar, instead of drinking his guts away in his studio… (I guess she wants him to leave so she can move freely). After Assusto leaves, phone rings. It is UnkaHunk. She does not feel safe to talk normal tone but she gives him the address of the ‘cabana’ to meet tomorrow. As she is about to hang up Elisa comes over and questions her talking in whisper on phone… no was not spying on you but I do find it strange… Oroach-Ho tells her that the call was from Paolo and that she was whispering because she just did not want DeadBrain to find out he called.
Did you know he is drinking again? … and of course it is your fault. (Elisa swallows a sour pill again)
UnkaHunk arrives at the ‘cita’ on time… and is thrilled at seeing Oroach-Ho so well put together. You are the reason I am staying at La Ermita… let me show you what I had in mind… (ok this is disgusting).
At town bar, Assusto spent the night there… the bartender sends him home, he does not feel like going home. He is fed up with Carmina and Elisa… he can barely walk, definitely not in a straight line…
Out on the road, Kenya is listening to music in car (well, hopefully she has a real good alkaline battery, but I don’t see the energizer pink bunny, he must still be in Sabrina’s VERY pink room).. Our favorite mule taxi ride has arrived… Ramona recognizes her as the girl that she helped the other day. The one Gael took to the clinic. Kenya says good that you know Gael. Can you please tell him to come help me? Ramona comments that Kenya suffers so many incidents/accidents that she might be better off traveling on foot… Ramona offers to give her a ride back to town, it is very hot out here… Kenya says just tell Gael to come help me… the car has A/C so I can wait for him here… Ramona tells her that less than 5 minute walk down that way there is a cenote there in case you want to cool off a bit. Of course 3 seconds after Ramona moves on, the car dies (ok Kenya, car 101 … batteries don’t last long on a car that is not turned on and has the A/C in full blast with the radio on…). Kenya is shocked… DUH!!
Quique asks Sabrina please to go see Flo and ask her to agree to a goodbye meeting with Quique…
“Help me Obi-Wan, you are my only hope.” Sabrina reluctant, but will try. But if Flo won’t, don’t blame me!
Tonita asks Alfie if she feels bad. Alfie is anxious to have Dam go to Mex with Flo. Tonita is surprised she wants Dam to leave. Alfie says of course not, but that is for the best for now. His girlfriend needs medical assistance. Flo and Guido come over. Guido excuses himself to make a call. Flo thanks Alfie for her support with Damian regarding the trip. Alfie says you were right, it is best he is away instead of here within Elisa’s reach… I am going to warn you about something. I want you two to come back here once you are married. I hope the ISSUE is solved by then. Flo is not so sure. Even if they are married, Elisa will always be a danger for her.  Alfie says not if you begin to behave smartly. Flo says by the way, I want to go say my goodbye to one particular person. You know who. Alfie nods yes. 
On phone, Guido, very nervous, is not so sure he can get together such a huge amount. Ok, will try.
Lucio and Elisa discuss the option of putting her lands on lien for the loan… there are other alternatives… Elisa still adamant to keep trying with banks… Lucio tells her about his visit to Damian, that Damian was willing to help them except that he is leaving town… Elisa mad at Lucio for having even tried that, she had told him she did not want anything to do with Damian. Lucio says he made it clear he was on his own initiative only.  Elisa confesses to Lucio she is deeply in love with Damian… Lucio even more confused she does not want Damian to help her out. Elisa thinks the less contact with Damian, the sooner she will forget him.. Lucio tells her a famous phrase Nina used to say ‘that which is forbidden is most attractive’.
Elisa definitely wants to keep trying with banks and off they go.
Out on the road in middle of nowhere outside of town, Kenya is really hot, fanning herself with hands. She gets an idea, grabs towel and lightweight dress out of the trunk of the car and walks away happily.
Another one who is feeling Ermita Habanero-heat stroke is UnkaHunk (shirtless! I was missing that feature of this novela already)… he and Roach-HO are playing around at the little blue house that used to be her meeting place with Rosie.  UnkaHunk says her husband (ToadBrain of course!) was right to tell him to stop going after young ‘uns… what the idiot didn’t know was that he was pushing me right into your claws…  how did you get this hanky-panky place?... well, lets say it is sort of an inheritance… some of us are fortunate to have a pow-wow place like this, right? … you better not say anything about our meeting… don’t worry, I am a gentleman… you go first… what is the problem? We are far from town.. but we can’t take a chance… will I see you again soon? … VERY soon.. (wide smile in mirror by Oroach-Ho).
Out by the fields, or maybe by the road going by the cenote, is ToadBrain riding his horse… he is sweating (you know, the heat stroke thing), so he seems to have same idea as Kenya… at cenote Kenya is bathing (in her underwear?) … BrainDead can’t help but peek through the trees… he must like what he sees,  as she is putting the dress on, he walks away but makes noise with the branches and she looks up but doesn’t see anyone.
Gabino barges into the ‘cabin’ and is yelling at Roach-Ho, he is jealous, if you were looking for a guy, why did you not think of me? (slap!!)… he charges her saying he will collect on all her pending debt but as soon as he puts some weight on her, she twists her ankle… suddenly we see a CARING side of Gabino? Are we still watching the same novela?...
At Dr Whipped’s consultorio, Damian comes over to appologize to Edmundo (I have taken back the nickname Inmundo since the guy has been doing good deeds lately) for doubting his diagnosis and questioning his expertise… Damian has it clear now that PP was never pregnant… Edmundo assures Damian there is no need for any other doctor to see her… he tells Damian he had given Alfie the name and contact info for a specialist in Merida (I remember Alfie told PP that she went to Merida and showed the x rays of PP to him and he assured her there was no reason for her not to be able to walk)… Damian is really impactado when Edmundo  says he had told Alfie all of this, and suggested that she go show the other Doctor the x rays of PP to analyze… Damian says Alfie never mentioned any of this to him.
On his way out, Damian sees Paloma again… she asks him if this is it, they won’t see him for long again. He supposes so… Paloma assures to Damian that Elisa will be one who suffers his leaving again the most, and that Elisa is deeply in love with him. Damian doubts that, he is still resenting Elisa’s rejecting him and pushing him away.  Paloma says it is logical, Elisa thought PP was pregnant so Elisa stepped aside… Damian says Elisa knows that already, and he was very hurt when Elisa told him she was not sure of loving him.  Paloma reprimands him for being so proud and playing dumb. Elisa can’t disguise the love she feels for him. Paloma says this might get her in trouble with Elisa but she will say it anyway, Paloma believes his girlfriend PP was faking not being able to walk so that he would feel guilty and he would not leave. PP is not stupid, she knew she was losing you and she would do anything to keep you, even lying about being pregnant. Damian says the test kit just showed a false result. Paloma says heck no, those tests are VERY accurate… and if it shows a bun baking, you better put on the oven mitts to get it.  Damian is still in disbelief.  Paloma paints it to him another way.. why did she go take the test precisely in front of Elisa? Don’t you think that was pre-planned? Damian is interested in the rest of her theory. She mentions pregnant Kenya’s arrival in town, PP managed to get the test show positive using Kenya.
At Cast-ellion, Elisa receives a not so welcome visit…
PP: Hi, Elisa… I came to say goodbye, I will leave for Mex in a bit … with Dam.
El: Good for you. I had heard you were ill. I am glad you are better now.
PP: Well, the best medicine for me has been Dam’s love.
El: I also heard you were never pregnant..
PP: what can I say? Surely the pregnancy test was defective. But it is a non-issue anymore. I will marry Dam as I planned and we can order our first bundle in the honeymoon.
El: I hope you are very happy.
PP: Know something? I am so glad we had the accident, because it made Dam realize how crazy he is for me. You don’t know how charming and caring he was with me while I was ill. He is really desperate to marry me.
El: Oh goody. I am glad you realized there was no reason to worry about your relationship with him.
PP: Yup, you are so right. And now that you mention it, I was so dumb to doubt Dam’s love. Even after the fall from the horsie, I thought he would stay with me for pity, but I know now that his love is sincere.
El: He has always been very honest. If he did not love you, he would have told you.
PP: I don’t know why I came the other night to ask you to get out of our way. I was out of my mind. Now I see how he sees you… just like any … like any friend.
El: I am sure of it.
PP: Well, I will leave now.. as you can understand I have a lot to do. In any case, thank you Elisa.
Gabino has taken Oroach-Ho to Dr Edmundo’s exam room… Edmundo walks in, Gabino makes his exit, Edmundo checks her ankle, seemingly roughing her a bit… he finds it strange to find her with Gabino (the ankle is getting the worst part of this irony-charged discussion)… he tells her she will not be able to put weight on the foot for a while, she will have to use crutches. These injuries take a while to heal.
Damian has made it to the rectory to visit Gael… Happy greetings. Gael is surprised that Damian took time to come visit him if he should be packing his bags… Damian asks Gael if he has any contact info for Kenya, need to talk to her asap… Gael asks Dam why his interest in her.. but Damian has no time to answer, Ramona comes in to tell Gael that Kenya had a flat tire at the road near town and asked her to get Gael to help her.
At Arango house, the phone rings, Alfie answers but the other party hung up. Alfie is visibly nervous and jumps when Guido comes in… Alfie still speaks in favor of Flo when she tells Guido PP went to visit someone… Alfie notices Guido is very anxious… and asks him what is wrong. He confesses it is about his business… she pulls out the checkbook.. he is reluctant, it is a large amount, but he takes it as a loan.
At pro-ce-sa-do-ra, Gabino is surprised to see UnkaHunk there still, he thought he was leaving with Flo. UnkaHunk says now there is a new interest for him in town… Gabino is not interested enough to keep digging him so he leaves UnkaHunk with a wide smile on his face..
Elisa sees Oroach-Ho arrive home in her crutches. Elisa asks her what happened… Oroach-Ho is rather rude to Elisa …  Elisa notes that Oroach-Ho is very put together, a bit too much to just go for a walk… Elisa also notes that something that she has always found strange in Oroach-Ho is that she does not have ‘girl’ friends to talk to or hang out with. Being locked in here must be fairly boring. Oroach-Ho says she prefers to be alone than to have friends like Elisa’s… they are not ‘my class’, and you might not admit to it but they are not ‘your class’ either. I don’t know why my dad ever wanted to leave Europe to come live in this low-life town. Elisa says ‘with that frame of mind, it is not so strange that you are alone and that things ‘happen’ to you’.
Sabrina comes to Arango house to see Flo… to say goodbye, my brother also wants to see you before you leave… he feels shy to come here… but he is desperate to see you… (Flo looks away and smiles).
Dam and Gael arrive to the car where Kenya is…She had no idea how to fix the flat. Gael goes right to fixing the flat tire…
G: what are you doing here? I thought you would be in Mex by now.
K: I cancelled my flight when we talked on phone and heard you so anguished. It was least I could do after you saved my life.
D: I am glad you are here, Kenya. I want you to explain to me if you helped Flo to use a pregnancy test of yours to make everyone believe she was pregnant with my child.
(K is shocked)
G: How could you do something like that??
K: Well, Flo told me a bad girl was after you, a girl who pushes herself on every guy in town, some girl named Elisa!
(wrong answer to give these two hunks, girl!)
G: Whoaaaa.. whoaaaa … whoa!  Both Damian and Elisa are my best friends since were were little, and I won’t allow you to speak ill of them!
K: Forgive me Gael, but I had no reason to doubt Flo’s word. Even less when she was crying desperately, she said she was capable of doing anything to not lose you.
D: I demand you tell me the exact details of how you helped her with that prank.
K: Alright, but I assure you it was all her idea!
Lolita tells Elisa that Flo was limping inside the house but once she got out she was not limping anymore. Elisa says it was good for Flo to come. Ok Elisa is having a stupid moment, believes every word out of Flo’s mouth but does not believe anything from Damian. In any case, Damian is going back to Mex with her!   Lola says she knows Elisa, when she gets in these stubborn moments, she is unshakable. But know what? It is not fair you compare Dam with that jerk UnkaHunk. Elisa says they are both the same. The only man who has treated her right and given her her place has been Gael. Maybe she should look at him with a different viewpoint. Lola likes the idea.
Gael is done changing the tire, he is visibly miffed at Kenya and Dam is gone… Gael tells her that the tire is fixed, but now the battery is dead so they will have to go back to town and bring Don Lucio’s truck to jump start the battery. Kenya thanks him.  But she notices his change in demeanor with her. She asks him about it. He admits he is mad at her. He thought she was different. How could she lend herself to that silly pregnancy ‘game’? Kenya barks that how could she know his friend was not as Flo said? Gael barks back that people can say million things about Elisa, but it is all lies! IF you get a chance to get to know her you will see what a beautiful person she is. Kenya tells him that from the way he talks about Elisa it shows he loves her very much, and so does Damian. Gael gets mad again, says she is wrong there too, Dam told him to fight for Elisa, not to give up on her. If Dam was in love with her, as my friend that he is, he would have told me. Kenya says I hope she chooses the best man, you.
At Arango horse stables, Flo sends Horacio away… meets there with Quikie… She is very concerned about no one having seen him come here… they both say they wanted to see each other… he asks her if she cares for him, why does she leave… she has to, and also she had told him from the beginning she loves Dam.. he says that does not mean it does not hurt to see you leave… she likes to hear that, so much that she gives him a good-bye present: XXX. Here comes Damian with his horse…  FLORENCIA!!
The betrayal of Flo is revealed to Damian.. and the scandal spreads tomorrow.
Dam kicks Flo out of the house… you won’t keep on mocking me! We are through! And of course you are leaving today!! … don’t’ want to see you ever again in my life!!


Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #243-244 Wed 5/9/12 Get me to the church on time!

Last night's cliff-hanger (Fred begging Ana not to marry his rival) is swiftly resolved. She shuts him down.

Chacho is still freaking out about the urologist (who he calls "the violator"). Nice to see a case of *male* infertility in the media for a change.

Boy, does Vins look sleazy. He's scheming with his boy hacker via a webcam in a public internet cafe, planning crime and destruction while bored-looking Mexicans check Facebook on either side of him. He's silly in his hat and sunglasses.

Rebe's dad glowers menacingly when he finds out that his ex was out with a younger man, but nothing comes of it. In fact, forget I wrote anything.

Pina lets Kari know that, even though the girl has her support in most things, amor hermoso belongs with Ana. Kari is unconvinced.

I am quite surprised at how little input Enzo is given in his own wedding. He doesn't even know what he'll be wearing, let alone what day the wedding will be. There's a storm in Monterrey, and all the flights have been cancelled. Chela gets really mad, which I could possibly understand if they hadn't thrown this wedding together the day before yesterday! I mean, was she really in such a bridal haze that she did not conceive of scheduling mixups like this? She flips out, and the girls (Candi and Lupita) kind of fall into a sort of a sympathetic freakout. Finally, once he realizes there's no other option, he decides he will drive. I'm somewhat confused at how horrified everyone is by this concept. They all gasp. Drive? Who could conceive of such a barbarity?!

Meanwhile, Frida is asking her boss for some extra money so she can look really good and make Monica jealous. The word she uses is "tupirla," meaning to squeeze or compact. Ew.

In another Pancho-Rebe baby scene, they change diapers and give a rather egregious product placement for some "pure, natural" nappies. Shameless. I guess they're trying to pack 'em in before the show stops, and they couldn't think of anything more subtle.

Kari makes yet another appearance at Fred's house. It's the baby, she says, skip the wedding and come to the doctor with me - I feel weird.

Predictably (I guess Chela saw it coming too), Enzo's car breaks down. He calls her to tell her what happens, but only gets as far as "I've got some bad news" before the cell signal is lost, leaving all the girls back in D.F. in utter hysterics. If only they had brought Pepe with them, Moni whines. Enzo decides to hitchhike, and after some trouble picking up a ride, Enzo employs the nuclear option from the hitchhiker's playbook - doing yoga in front of an oncoming produce truck (personally, I would choose a smaller car to step in front of, on account of its shorter stopping distance). He succeeds, and he and his daughter nestle into the back of the pickup truck, surrounded by luggage and fresh fruit!

Rebe's mom is trying to keep her promise and stay with the babies, but she keeps thinking about her youthful galan. She dumps the kids on Chucha and goes to make mushy eyes at him. He is very sweet to the cougar.

Chela really needs to get a grip. She's going crazy, and even wishes for death (seriously). While Chela bawls, Enzo and daughter get dropped off at the edge of some market somewhere. They get directions and Enzo pays the truck driver to defray his gas costs. Overjoyed, the driver gives a papaya as his mark of esteem. Then the weary travelers (Moni is whinging about the smell of the market) hop on some bicycles, ask for directions, and are on their merry way.

At the hospital (man, this show has really been monopolizing the studio's hospital set this past week or two - maybe shows in their final chapters get priority), Kari comes out of the doc's office in tears. There's been a terrible accident and the baby has been lost. Fred gives her a grudging hug, thinking that he'd rather be at the wedding fuming at Adrian. Either there was really a tragic failure of the pregnancy, or this is Kari's most brazen ploy to date.

The weary cyclists make it up the final hill, and a gasping Enzo thrusts the papaya into Pancho's hands. Someone informs the girls and then the priest, who had been in the process of informing the altar boy and the gilded crucified jesus statue that this wedding was not going to happen (no man, no marriage, right senor?). Enzo and Chela hurry to get dressed in their "traditional" Mexican attire (skin-tight mariachi for him, and I-forget-what-it's-called for her).

The ceremony goes off quite smoothly, except for a brief instant of panic over whether Vins, one of the designated witnesses, would show up. Eventually he does, evincing a foul mood and a ready sneer.

At the reception, though, things get real between Frida and Monica. They lock themselves in the bathroom and have a bit of a scuffle. Ana and Lupita bust down the door (sweet) and break up the fight. I bet Pepe will never hear the end of this from his two sisters.

The bride and groom do a -how can I put this in a culturally sensitive way- goofy dance to "la cucaracha," and everything is wrapped up for today. Tomorrow though, it looks like Fernanda might begin her deathward spiral. Back to the hospital set!


El Talismán #71 Wed 5/9/12 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back


Today on El Talisman:

There were no refrito today, they started right in. Mariana, Cameela and Pedro are still at El Talisman. Mariana is assuring them she will give Pedro the divorce, and Cameela and Pedro thank her. They say they hope Mariana finds love with a new man. Pedro tells her again that she is like a sister to him, and he married her because he promised her Papa he would protect her and look after her. Mariana is like, wait a minute, you don't want to be with me because of Camilla? They tell Mariana she is contradicting herself. They just want Mariana to be happy to find love with another guy. Pedro assures her once again, he has always loved Cameela, never wanted Mariana's money and they only want her to get her memory back so she can see that what they have been telling her has been right all along. Mariana assures them she wants her memory back. Mariana leaves El Talisman and Pedro asks Cameela if she thinks Mariana remembered anything. Cameela doesn't think so. Cameela and Pedro are talking about Mariana not having her memory back and Cameela is jealous, Pedro reminds her he loves her and only her. Liliana, the social worker, has called Pedro and wants him to come to her office, she has something to discuss with him that can't be done over the phone. Pedro and Cameela go to the Social Services.

Domitilla and Tracy are taking a break and are talking about Pedro, Mariana and Cameela. Domi tells Tracy that Mariana isn't well and doesn't remember anything. Tracy says OMG you are so right, she doesn't have her memory back, but Pedro and Cameela should be together, as it was meant to be.

Valentin and Tonio have that gun and Valentin wants to know what Tonio is going to do to Pigorio. Now some of this I didn't get, so please fill in. Tonio asks Valentin if he knows where Lucrazy is. Valentin doesn't know. Valentin is more worried about Mariana. Tonio tells him not to worry about Mariana she won't say anything, because she has no memory of what happened. Tonio says something about a Dr. I didn't quite get, I think it had to do with Lucrazy.

Pigorio and Doris are in the hallway and she tells Pigorio she has come to see her girls. He is yelling at Doris and telling her that if she really loved her girls she wouldn't have left them. She gives it back to him and says what kind of class of Grandpa are you with your morals and something again about pantalones, is it the same as the other day? Please clarify. He tells her she doesn't know anything. He pulls Doris into his office and Doris says the only thing you love is Alcatrash. She says she loves her girls but she won't live there. All of a sudden, not really, but Pigorio grabs her face, and I swear he has got his tongue down her throat, but she is recipircating so at least she is breathing, (this is a big yuck factor for me, jus' saying), anyhoo, Doris breaks the kiss. She looks Pigorio straight in the eye and says she'll stay at Alcatrash only if Pigorio, wait for it, marries her! Pigorio calls her crazy and it will never happen. She can never be the duena of Alcatrash and besides she is a, wait for it *ho*, (now who is calling the kettle black , jus' sayin') She gives it right back to him and says you sure liked the way I kissed you and caressed you, non? He tells her to callate. She tells him the only way she will stay at Alcatrash if he marries her, punto. He offers her money, she wants to know how much. Pigorio says see I knew you didn't love those girls! Doris tells Pigorio she doesn't want the money, only to marry him. He tells her to leave and never come back. Pigorio wants Doris to accept the money. She asks him if this is his last word? He says yes. She says *her* last word is marry me. She kisses him and leaves. He throws his drinks glass against the door and it shatters.

Margarito has left Mariana outside of Manuel's office. She tells the receptionist she is here to see Manuel. Mariana is not looking well and looks dizzy. The receptionist says she'll let Manuel know she is here.

Margarito has gone to see El Capitan and asks him how the investigation is going into his son's death? El Capitan tells him it is still ongoing and he asks Margarito if he thinks Pigorio did it? Margarito says yes. El Capitan tells him that he could be right, but to let them handle it.

Manuel and Maria are in Manuel's office. He gives Maria the file of a patient that is having dreams or trouble sleeping. The receptionist calls Manuel and tells him Magaly(Mariana) is there to see him. He says tell her to come on back. She comes into his office and he asks her if it was hard being with Cameela at El Tal today? Maria excuses herself. Mariana says she thinks she is going crazy. Manuel says lets go home. They go home and he tells Mariana to relax and have some water. Mariana is looking out the window and Manuel asks what she is looking for. She says Santiago. She explains who he is.

Lucrazy is on the border of Alcatrash and El Talisman, and she is having a *vision* of her dressed in what looks like a wedding gown. Tonio is there and tells her Pedro is waiting for her. She wants to know where, he says just there, don't you see him? She walks over, looks down and there is Pedro with a bullet in his head, and he is obviously dead. Lucrazy starts screaming for realz and she is really *screeching* here. Tomas and Geno hear her and ask her what is wrong with her? (Now you know everyone thinks she is crazy, jus' sayin'). She tells them to leave her alone. She doesn't trust Tonio. She actually, wait for it, prays to Dios please let not this vision come true. Tonio comes outside and asks her Que Haces Aqui? She says she is thinking. He is still insisting he is marrying Cameela.

El Capitan and The Investigator (since I don't know his name, this is what I am calling him) are in El Capitan's office. El Capitan tells The Investigator that Pedro told him that Lucrazy tried to kill him. The Investigator asks El Capitan if Pedro pressed charges against her, and if he didn't he should. El Capitan says he hasn't yet. The Investigator says that the Negretes are all murderous thugs (he didn't really say that, but you get the drift).

Margarito has given Mariana a ride to the hospital so she can meet up with Manuel. She says Margarito you knew me when I lived here in Fresno? He says of course he did. She asks him about what happened to her baby? Margarito looks uncomfortable and tells her it is difficult for him to talk about, since he recently lost his own son. She gives him her condolences. Margartio tells Mariana that the loss of her baby was due to Pigorio Negrete and that he used violence against her. Mariana is shocked, violence? She asks Margo if he knows the Pig, he says he does. Margo tells her that Pigorio is muy peligroso, and if you go to Alcatrash again, don't go alone. She tells him she won't go alone again. He also tells her that Pedro stayed with her during this horrible time and took care of her until she disappeared. He also tells Mariana that the only woman Pedro ever loved is Cameela.

Pedro and Cameela are at Social Services meeting with Liliana the social worker. She tells Pedro that Santiago is not an orphan, his mother was deported. He knows that and says he doesn't think Santi has any other relatives. He tells Liliana how he found Santi. Pedro says he and Cami want to adopt Santiago. Liliana says great, lets get the paperwork together, and we need your marriage liscense (Ruh Roh). Liliana tells them Santiago needs both a mother and father that are married to have a stable home. She asks if there is a problem, Pedro-no, Cami-yes. Liliana says aren't you getting married? What about a civil ceremony? Pedro fesses up that he is married to another woman. Liliana wants to know QTH is going on here? You told me you were getting married. They tell him it is a long story. She tells them both to forget about it. Pedro wants to tell her the whole story but Liliana isn't listening. She just says Santiago needs a stable home, punto, and that is that.

Both Margarito and Pedro, seperately, go to visit Santiago. He begs them both, please get me out of here. Both of them tell him, it is going to take some time, both care about him, and to be good and stay where he is at for now. They are doing everything they can to get him out of there.

Pedro and Cameela visit El Capitan and tell him about the problem with Liliana the social worker. Pedro is really pithed at her, for not bending the rules a bit. El Capitan says he will see what he can do, but Liliana is just doing her job. He asks Pedro if he is going to bring charges against Lucrazy for trying to kill him? Pedro says no, (What, then get that alarm system Pedro, jus' sayin'). El Capitan doesn't think that is a good idea, of no charges. Pedro tells Cameela I am marrying you , so no worries, yeah right, sure, sure.

Pigorio and Panchito are in the back forty somewhere, maybe El Talisman and Pigorio is, wait for it, digging a hole! Panchito asks him what is he doing? He tells Panchito stop asking me questions and leave me in peace to dig alone! He says she is mine and noone else's. He stops digging and starts for home. He is out of breath. Pigorio goes to his room and Panchito tells him to chill out and think of his health. Pigorio thinks Doris isn't coming back. Pigorio is coughing and he tells Panchito don't worry I'm not dying yet. Panchito tells Pigorio you really need a pill, so he gives him one from the bedside table (Ruh Roh). Panchito asks him if he is ok? Pigorio says he feels better, but he looks exhausted from all that digging. Pigorio tells Panchito he really needs Doris with him.

Doris runs into Tonio and he asks her Que Haces Aqui? She says she came to visit the girls. He tells her once he marries Cameela ( I have to say here Tonio, note to Tonio, what are you smokin' dude. You belong in the manicomio cause she is never marrying your butt, jus' sayin') Doris won't be able to come to Alcatrash. She tells him I wouldn't be too sure about that. Doris has gone into the girls room and Lucrazy runs into Tonio and he says Doris is here, she says she knows all the yelling and fighting. She tells Tonio to leave her in peace. She tells Tonio she has had enough of his drivel, he is not marrying Cameela, Cameela is marrying Pedro, she says she has had enough of his blithering and illusions to leave her in peace and to stop the insanity already!

There were alot of scenes of Fabi, Army, Angel,Flor about the possiblity of Tonio marrying Cameela which I will condense. Army has to tell Fabi again, it will never happen. Tonio has tried to break up Cameela and Pedro alot, but it hasn't worked, because both know what Tonio is really all about. Flor and Fabi are relying on what Tracy said, but have major doubts. Army tells Angel about Tonio and Lucrazy and the attempts they made to break up Cameela and Pedro. Fabi and Flor are talking about Cameela and Pedro, and Tonio comes upon them and tells them Ya Basta, I AM marrying Cameela, or my name isn't Antonio Negrete,punto, and if you don't like it, I think he threatened them with boarding school again. (Note to Tonio: as if dude, you've been smoking the whacky tabbacy again, huh).

Doris has gone into the girls' room and is talking to them. They want to come live with her, but she tells them she is living with a friend for the moment, and they can't come stay there, but hey you can call me all the time. Flor is afraid that Cameela is coming to live at Alcatrash as Mrs. Tonio Negrete, but Fabi reminds her that Cameela is in love with Pedro and it will never happen.

Cameela and Pedro are back at El Talisman and Cameela asks Pedro if he is ok? He says he is but is worried about Santiago. He wants Santiago to come live with them. The next thing he says is, hey I have this great idea! Why don't Mariana and I adopt Santiago. (Say what??? Now I wonder what Pedro is smoking, is this an epidemic or what?). Cameela looks at him like he's crazy.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Lucrazy signs over her half of Alcatrash to Tonio.

****For Thursday 's recap we have the return of Blue Lass for regular Thursday recaps. I am so glad she is joining me with recapping this *hot mess*.


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