Thursday, April 05, 2012

Abismo de pasión #18 4/4/12: Poor Damian, everyone treats him as hostile witness; a match made in heaven? ... NOT! he loves EL CAMPO life... Princess poop... not so much.

 Recap by Marta Ivett

 Lucio tell Blanca he will protect Damian if he stays, just like he has protected Elisa…
Damian and Cinderella stroll..
Dam:… look at me, who would have said I would end up falling for a girl friend I have known since we were kids… well, we are here already… lets go in, my mom owes you an appology… (she is reluctant/afraid to go in but he convinces her to go in, they hold hands…)
Surprise Surprise!!
Flo: Hello my love!
(Elisa might as well have fallen through a hole right into a hot furnace… somehow she keeps herself together enough to manage a quiet exit behind Dam…  he is totally taken aback and totally uncomfortable, even gets teary eyed… (wait, wasn’t this the guy who just brought her right into the lioness cage? Why is he surprised things did not go so smooth?)
Flo: oh I think your friend … left… (Naah! She just went to use the potty… she will be right back to slap you silly… Elisa style)
Dam is totally unsettled… lying through his nostrils about being so happy to see Flo here.
Out on the streets of La Ermita, Paolo and Elisa literally bump into each other, Elisa is still upset/unsettled about Flo, while Paolo is instantly smitten by Elisa’s looks… but she does not give him time to even blink… she is gone and someone could blow on him and he would fall down…
Back inside Hacienda haranguo
BotoxQueen: How did you like the surprise, my son? (come on Dam, be honest! Stte of: well, mom, let me count the ways in which you continue to make my life a living hell)
Dam finds out Paolo came along with Flo… yup, Dam, Uncle McBratt is here too.
Back at Castanon manor, Lolita ( I want that blouse! It is so cute! With flower and butterflies detail and the scoop edge trim..)  finds a very upset Elisa… Elisa just found out Dam has a girlfriend and she arrived from MexCity today…  its as if Damian did not want to tell he had a girlfriend, as if he wanted to hide that little detail (Give the girl a golden star!!)  Lolita gives Dam the benefit of the doubt (no way he could tell you all about his life in two short meetings…  or maybe his girlfriend is not so important… Elisa says it is if they are about to marry… and the way they kissed…Elisa remembers his line ‘fell for a girl I know since we were kids’ and thinks he referred to Flo, not to her.  Elisa calls herself dumb for having accepted going to Fina’s hacienda (well, there you are right, sherlock!) (Lolita certainly knows her niña, she can read her like a book)… Elisa wants to go to bed… Lolita keeps encouraging her…
Once Lolita leaves Elisa rips her necklace off… then looks at it and cries…
Back to Hacienda Huarango… BotoxQueen and Princess Poop talk very leisurely while Dam, sitting behind Princess, is totally lost in his own thoughts (of Cinderella? of how he misses the smell of horse poop?)… The women talk about Guido being a workaholic… Princess holds Dam’s hands, like claiming territory.
Tio Paolo comes in and sits right beside BotoxQueen, seems he is not wasting time to begin his courting plan… but then mentions ‘this girl’ he ran into… (oopsie, don’t go there McBratt, that is taboo at BQ’s house) BotoxQueen says there are no girls in this town that are anywhere as pretty and worthy as the girls in Italy…
Back to Castanon manor… Orangina is in purple nightie ready to give ToadHead a night to remember… she begins to slurp him all over… he is not in the mood…  know I am a woman? Still young and still needing a man… do you need a woman every now and then? … No, I don’t need anything… with Estefania you would not be in this mood… well, too bad she is not here to find out…   Medusa is all over the poor imbecile… he looks like a Mummy… Medusa changes strategy, proposes he closes his eyes and imagine he is with Este… ALMOST… but no cigar, Medusa… he started to respond but you went too fast and he woke up from the nightmare… ‘I can’t imagine you being Estefania… if I did, I would probably kill you’. Toadhead leaves Medusa hot and messy screaming she will never forgive him..
BotoxQueen keeps giving Princess Flo the red carpet treatment… she is happy Flo came to town so the whole town sees that my son is engaged to you…  Princess Flo tells BQ that when Dam arrived from the street he came with a girl. After Flo describes the girl to BQ, she says surely it was a girl friend from his childhood years… you have nothing to worry about… (wanna bet??)
Paolo arrives at the stables in his latest toy, a motor bike, and Dam is not in the mood… Paolo says there are no horses, what is the problem with this ‘beauty’ to spend the night in the stables? … McBratt brags about the ‘chulada’ expensive bike, but that is what money is for, to fulfill your wishes. Dam would prefer to ride on a horse than on ‘this’.  Dam drops the bomb on McBratt, he and Flo are not planning to live here…  McBratt tells Dam Flo has never liked the idea of living in the fields… McBratt then changes the subject to ask Dam about the ‘mujeron/chulada’ he ran into today… and with each word he describes Elisa with, Dam turns a notch redder and madder… and the punch line… ‘if I am going to be in this town, at least I need someone to entertain myself with’… (and Dam has heard enough) Dam warns McBratt that women here are much more conservative than the women he is used to dealing with in Europe. You could tell these two have no love lost for each other… ‘ay, nephew, it shows that you do not care at all about the idea that I came along with my niece’
At Castanon manor, Elisa is trying to sleep, then gets up and puts the necklace back on after kissing it, back to bed to dream of the owner of the other one…
Back at Mex City Kenya is looking for Paolo and runs into a jogging Guido… Guido tells her Paolo left on a trip… Kenya is upset… she is only 17.. she is in a serious problem and only Paolo can help her… Guido can guess where this is going.. and so can we.
At Hac. Haranguo… again red carpet treatment for future daughter in law…  BQ wants to make a huge party to celebrate their engagement, all the ‘important folks’ in this town should attend… She will convince Guido to come for the event.  Workaholic…
At Castanon Manor, Elisa tries again to get ToadHead to share his feelings and his problems with her… this time the problems are financial…  about to deliver the last crop for Santa Maria folks… Elisa tries to bring back the subject of restarting the green house fields…ToadHead guesses right it was Gael who insists…  you don’t want to do it because they are in my mother’s name, and you have tried to destroy anything that has to do with her all these years!!... then I will give the lands to you so you can put them in your name!... ToadHead says you and your mother are the same… noone has to give me anything!!  (this MEMORABLE father/daughter chat is interrupted by door bell.. it is Damian…).
So we get a highschooler boy girl argument… he realizes she is upset and jealous of Flo … she is mad, does not admit to anything, no reason to be mad… (yeah right!)
They pull out the claims on not being fully open with each other about  ‘your novia’/ ‘your relationship with Gael’ ‘I have heard it around town’ ‘what else have you heard about me?’  (this new ENJOYABLE conversation is interrupted by ToadHead who, after learning who is talking to his daughter, joins the long list of hostile welcomers that Damian has had to face since arriving in town… ‘what are you doing in my house? What the heck do you want with Elisa? I don’t want you to ever look for her. I want you to leave my house for good! If your mother does not want anything to do with my family, I feel the same way!’ then ToadHead turns to Elisa and turns up the hostility, go to your room! You have forbidden any type of relationship with this man! .. GO!!
Dam: You don’t have to yell at her!
TH: I can treat my daughter as I please!
Dam: It was I who came looking for her. And nothing you or my mother can say or do to prevent your daughter and I from continuing our friendship.
TH:  Elisa does not need your friendship. And I don’t want you to look for her again. IF you do, I assure you you will regret it.
(Dam leaves quietly but giving killer looks at TH)
Lolita is at the fresh produce market buying some stuff and Horacio approaches her, tells Lolita he is looking for a job… She gives him an apple after he says has no money and he happily carries her purchases…
Guido calls Paolo to berate him about Kenya… Since Paolo is with Flo and BQ, he fakes it… BQ gets on the call and tells Guido about the party she is planning to announce the engagement. Guido will come… BQ: Do you have an issue with your brother, Paolo? (nooooo! Everything is honky dory!)
Elisa and ToadHead argue about his attitude toward Dam… did not have to be aggressive… Now it seems I should have rolled the red carpet for him!... you who have always criticized Alfo Haranguo, you are acting just like her!!... I will just tell you that If you keep seeing that boy I will have to take stronger measures you won’t like!...
In town, Lolita keeps building friendship with Horacio… Braulio and Tonia run into them and Braulio is curious beyond reasonable about Horacio… Tonia is upset that Braulio cares so much.. about time la Lola found a boyfriend, don’t you think?
ToadHead appologizes to Medusa about last night… understand there are times you can’t force it (well, it doesn’t matter if you use force or not, it is hopeless, I think. Even his face is paralized)..  Medusa insinuates that it is sad that there are others who do value and love her … this gets ToadHead’s attention… noone in particular, but there are many men who would want her as a woman… I don’t doubt it… (and you could care less, right?)
BQ continues talking to Princess Flo about the guests to the party… what about the infancy friends of Dam? (… BQ changes the subject instantly…) .. you will get along well with Sabrina, my friend Begona’s daughter… whom you can spend time with when Damian is not here… no, BQ, forgive me, but if we are getting married, Dam will have to get used to be with me.. not the other way around (wanna bet, porcelain princess?)
Dam arrives… they tell him about the engagement party… BQ will take care of it all… don’t say anything.. (this is a dictatorship, don’t you remember, Damian?  … man, Damian’s facial expression is priceless!!)  .. you have to take Flo around town, you have been neglecting her… sure…
Elisa comes to Blanca’s shop, Blanca is worried, Lucio went to turn in the recommendation letter… and she is worried about what he will hear…
Gael catches Elisa at Blanca’s shop and Elisa tells him that she found out the lands are still in her name. But forget it. I tried again with my dad and there is no way to convince him.  Gael insists… comes up with an idea… come with me, I will show you.
Just as we were afraid of, at Santa Maria Processadora, Lucio gets the turn down and gets angry. He does not like being tricked and given the run arounds… Should not have made me waste my time!.
At Procesadora, BQ arrives and Gabino tries to give her his side of the incident with Damian and Lucio… BQ is glad that Damian was so authoritative.. but you can rest easy, my son has other plans, not to stay at the head of the procesadora… for now!...
Gael is showing Elisa the remains of the greenhouse.. All the lands around are being farmed, put to good use.. except these… Elisa says its no use with her dad. Gael says we have to find the way… She closes her eyes and remembers her mother saying she would love to see the habaneros shipped around the world… Elisa tells Gael she will make it work!... Now Gael is the pessimist.. need money and you need to know about growing habaneros! Elisa tells Gael he can teach her.. he is positively amused at her excitement with the project but brings her feet down to earth… Elisa says they can ask for a loan, have to try at least.. my mom had many dreams about these lands, and I want to make them a reality.
Elsewhere in fields another optimist soul, Dam, is showing Flo the crops and telling Flo about the fields, about their procesadora shipping the habaneros around the world. She does not get why so much emotion in his words (why he is so excited about the subject) HE says he always loved to see the lands farmed…
Dam: know what? When we were kids my friends and I used to play and run around these fields.
She is totally unamused and is feeling hot, so she wants to go now…
Too bad, Princess poop, the truck won’t start… they will have to wait or walk to the road to get a ride…
In town, in front of her business ‘un toque de amor’… Sabrina is talking to another girl, Paolo arrives in his motorbike and the girls drool about him… he introduces himself to both girls… just arrived… my niece is Damian’s fiancee… he is finding a place to eat… Sabrina gets on the back of his bike…  they leave the other girl behind alone… DUH!
At Dr Inmundo’s office… Medusa arrives… Paloma asks what is wrong, she has been sick a bit often lately… Bright white teeth face Dr Inmundo as he walks out a patient… and Medusa goes in his office… Paloma bites her teeth…
Princess Poop and Dam are walking down the dirt road.. Gael and Elisa come riding horses…
Dam asks Gael if he and Elisa can give them a ride to town.. Both Elisa and especially Gael seem miffed about the idea… Princess Poop walks forward and introduces herself as Damian’s girlfriend.. no, fiancee… Gael is instantly amused. Elisa rolls her eyes looking away. Princess Poop claims territory by grabbing Damian’s hand…
Damian introduces Gael and Elisa as his childhood friends ‘even if they don’t consider me as such’… Princess recalls the name Elisa as the girl who was with Dam when he arrived home last night.
Dam asks Elisa if he can ride along on her horse. Flo can go with Gael..
El: The horse is not mine. Why don’t you ask Gael? (Gael nods in approval)
Dam: Since I arrived in town, I have been dying to ride a horse… you don’t mind, right Gael?
Ga: As a matter of fact, I do… see, Conejo gets uneasy with strangers but he knows Elisa well. (Dam’s face is priceless!!)
Prin: Is he wild/dangerous? will he throw me?
Dam tries to help Flo get on Gael’s horse.. Gael won’t let it happen.
Dam suggests he will ride with Elisa and Flo with Gael… Gael has other ideas… Flo his fiancee will ride with Elisa, and Dam will get on Gael’s horse.. (Lic’   … is that short for Licenciado? Or is there another meaning for ‘lic’? I remember Gael calling Dam ‘mi lic’ at their first meeting as adults)
(the whole facial expressions and body language between Gael(dealer/daring), Damian(not amused in the least) and Elisa(not a happy camper, shooting daggers from her eyes toward Princess Poop) is priceless in this scene. It was funny how Gael, being the owner of the horses, knew he had control of the stare/dare game and acted on it.)
Sabrina arrives home to tell Gossip girl all about her meeting with the most gorgeous guy Paolo.  And tells her about the party BQ is planning… But of course we will be invited! I have VIP frequent-fly-on-the-wall status with Alfonsina! (don’t know if you should be bragging about that, Gossip queen)
At Dr Inmundo’s office Medusa is putting up a whole shakespeare tragedy act about being so unhappy, her marriage is falling apart… lies saying last night when ToadHead learned she talked to the doc, he got mad and violent with her…  Dr Inmundo tries to calm her down… she turns to step 2 of her plan… they end up smooching… even if he resisted at first.
Dam: Too bad things are not as they used to be.
Sabrina to PP: Elisa was Damian’s girlfriend when they were kids. They even ran away together one day, that is why his mother took him away to Italy.
PP to Dam: How come you did not tell me Elisa and you were an item? (really, PP?  they were just KIDS!) how could you introduce us as if nothing had ever happened between you 2? (he stares at her as in disbelief she is asking that… and I would be in disbelief too!)
Alright! I have a complaint to make!! I WANT MY PADRE LUPE FIX!!! he did not show up in the entire episode!!


Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #193-194 Wed 4/4/12 when you need to pad your episodes, have a party!

I'm too tired to proof this, I've fallen asleep three times trying to watch the two hours!

Lupe wants to figure out what's the problem with the esquincle's dad.

Arnold will go to the Hallowe'en party at Pancho's since he is leaving Candy plantado at the restaurant to rush to Pina's side.

Pina can't believe she forgave Vince so many times. I've been in that situation and I hated myself just as much.

Vince gets Celeste to come over.

The tiny girl doesn't have a costume. Temo will have the chauffeur come for her.

Women have a sixth sense - Moni tells her dad Pepe sounded weird on the phone. He almost told her about Pepe mashing on Frida.

Pepe talks to his computer rather than writing that email to Moni. Finally sends it.

Cuernavaca cancelled, Ana can go home. Happy meeting with Freddy.

Freddy finds out Moms threw Pops out of the house and won't talk about it.

Vince calls Celeste Candy in the sleepy morning then hides his head under the sheets.

Enzo is mad that Pepe wrote an email rather than call Moni. "what exactly is your relationship with that girl, Pepe?"

Frida's mad Pepe doesn't invite her to the Halloween party. Moni calls but says nothing. She is crying and says they should break up and hangs up. Why do they show us only two inches of her face?

Temo says he's not like Pepe, he is faithful to Melly even though the little one has appeared.

These are serious masks! People can't recognize even their brothers/sisters/sweethearts! Arnold is there.

Fernanda says, let's have a pact of love, of being together always. Kiss to Agustin Lara.

Vince is there!

Kari comes to see Freddy, but only Pina and Adoracion are home. Kari is not happy to hear that Freddy is off with his little flea at the Halloween party.

Kari and Pina go to the party. Maybe they can ruin the party! Pancho lip-synchs to somebody else singing a peculiar song.

He names everybody and they take off their masks. Then, "I smell sulphur" and he unmasks Vince and throws a pie at him, it hits Pina, and a pie fight commences. Kari and Ana hit each other and it's just a big big mess everywhere, who has to clean this up?

Pina seems to have a hangover. Freddy avoids Kari on the way out. Vince hates his breakfast and yells for Candy.

Ultrasound time. Chela and Enzo have the usual fight, should they know the sex of the baby or not? Moni calls crying, her dad recommends she come home and see what's going on and how she feels. Enzo tells her Pepe loves her and she should come back and fight for him. Enzo sees - he says it's a guy.

Pepe has a plane ticket to go to France!

Rebe's parents arrive! The mom is very gusty and admiring, they get along immediately. The dad growls in the background as the mom and Pancho make bad jokes about in-laws.

Adrian calls Ana; he's come to town and wants to take her to dinner. She turns him down - Freddy hears. She tells him everything, which luckily isn't much.

Moni calls Pepe and says she's coming home next day.

The lawyer comes to Avon to see Vince. He gropes Celeste when she comes to announce him, he's got a restraining order and re-initiating of divorce. She's keeping all the houses and the stocks.

Pina can only think of revenge, Arnold wants her to come up with some positive ideas and leave her son in peace. He says she is co-dependent with Vince AND Freddy.

Ana brings sulky Freddy to lunch with Adrian. It doesn't go well. Adrian pays and leaves. Freddy is unattractively jealous. He yells at her.

Frida's car is located, but it's covered with graffiti and has no tires. They bond (and hug) and plan to fix it up at the shop.

Enzo and Candy are planning Pancho's bachelor party.

Lupe has gotten all her permits etc. and the guarderia is ready to open.

Nayeli has burns on her arm.

A famous successful tv guy comes to the party - he could help Candy with her radio show.

Freddy tries to get Kari to go after Adrian.

Pina is going to sell the house.

Vince has a moment of clarity and admits to Celeste (in a negligee) that he's still thinking about Candy.

Tomorrow: Napoleon returns


El Talismán #46 Wed 4/4/12 El Viral learns the truth, Rennie is grilled, and there is a sighting...

...and a possible return of a good character.  Squeeeeee!!! Mariana sighting? Gotta watch to find out.

Props again to Madelaine for today's title. And here is Madelaine's mini-recap that I lifted from the comments:

Now the Chief Investigator is doing a great job. Pedro tried to throttle Rennie, but the Investigator made him leave, along with Cameela and Tony. He grills Rennie about the check and how does he know Pigorio? The Investigator knows that Rennie is a scam artist and all this time Rita is hiding in the other room listening in. When she makes her appearance the cop says Oh, I know who you are another scammer!

Margarito, remember him, is now clean and sober and working as a mover, I am assuming in LA. He is thinking about contacting Claudio and maybe Pedro, but isn't sure. His coworker is trying to talk him into it, when guess who he thinks he sees? That's right Mariana on a cell phone outside an SUV. Margarito calls her name and chases after her, but she is already in the SUV and driving away and doesn't hear him. His coworker thinks he is crazy, but Margarito swears she looks like the pic that Pedro had of her.

Army gets a phone call from Tia Marina. She is El Viral's sister. She says she is coming to Fresno with her kid, don't know if it is a boy or a girl. Army asks for advice about Fabi.

El Viral finally finds out from Cameela that Pedro wrote a check all those years ago, when El Viral didn't believe him. She is stunned to find out Pedro told her the truth. But she has a hard time figuring out why Rento had it. Cameela tells her Mom he never had money, he is broke and it aint no joke. Of course El Viral doesn't believe her, but Tony interjects and says something like, "Didn't you ever think he married you for that check? Think about it"

Lookcrazy is still in that hideous outfit, that is skin matching leather,with black front looking chaps. What a fashion statement, not.

Pedro has flashbacks of Cameela and all the fun times.

Valentin and Pigorio are talking about Mariana. Pigorio insists she is dead, but Valentin lets him know she is indeed alive. So Piogorio sends him on a mission, I think to make sure she dies. If this is wrong please correct.


Abismo de pasión #17 4/3/12: Mamma Mia, Thatsa Lotsa Plotsa

Productplacementadora La Anita:

After Damián interrupts the mutual choke-fest, Lucio tells him that he just came by to get a job recommendation. Damián says he’ll write it himself – by which he means he’ll get Maru to write it, and he’ll sign it. Maru is waaaay more than happy to do so. Better check that rec, Lucio, and make sure it doesn’t extol any non-work related virtues.

Damián strolls into the presidente’s office and sits down in Papi’s old chair. Spooky hummy magic-cenote music: ah, the memories. Hmmm…doesn’t he have any memories of that pivotal credenza in the corner? Wait! We like this show! DAMIAN, STAY AWAY FROM THE CREDENZA.

In pops Maru with the rec. Wow, that was quick: she must have had an old love letter on file. Damián is a little shocked to see that she has written “President of La Anita” under his name. Well, she couldn’t very well write “son of the last old dead president of La Anita,” could she? OK, but just so they both know, he’s not staying – yeah, yeah, yeah. (What do you call it when someone keeps insisting on something you know is not going to happen? An anti-anvil?)

Out on the packing floor, Gabino confronts Braulio – why didn’t you tell me the boss’s son was back? Braulio stands up to him: I don’t have to tell you everything. And anyway, just as you always said, the young folks are always waiting around to swap out the old folks, aren’t they? Jejé.

La Iglesia:

Damián drops in on the Padre and asks him about all those rumors about Eliza. Not true, says Guadalupe – she’s a good girl. People are just vicious gossips, especially, I’m sorry to say, yo’ mama. In fact, and God forgive me in advance for being such a loose-lips (boquiflojo), but Mommy Dearest has already gone over and smacked that poor girl upside the head.

Alfie, who’s been loitering over in the make-up department getting a busted lip put on, marches in when she hears her name. Thanks a lot, bro! Lots of bickering ensues and ends up with Damián telling his Mom she’s not the boss of him and he can pick his own playmates. Dude, I think you’re going to need to say that more than once.

Casa Castañon:

The Doc stops by to see his old friend Augusto, with whom he remains old friends since the days of old, even though they haven’t been in the same frame together for fifteen years. Greetings, old friend!

Augie is sober for once, although he still shambles around like Frankenstein. (I don’t remember that from before, but maybe in the old days he had less reason to lurch.) They natter about problems in the fields, and stress, and problems at home, and stress, and what old friends they are and all. Actually, Augie says, you’re the only friend I have left. In an amazingly smooth conversational transition, Doc pops out with, “You don’t really love your wife, do you?”

Well, um, no, actually. It was a mistake to marry her. The Doc tells him that even so, she has stuck by him all these years, and he should treat her better. Augie says Carmina’s not the shrinking violet you think she is – she can take care of herself.

Meanwhile, the Tropic Under Discussion is, of course, listening at the door. Eliza catches her and they have a little spit-spat about how badly behaved each finds the other. Eliza flounces off to the kitchen just as the doorbell rings. It’s Damián, asking after Eliza. Tropicana tells him she’s out running around as usual; who knows where or with whom. You know how those trashy girls are. Yeah, sure, I’ll tell her you stopped by, coz I have such superb social skills. I gotta go now and slather on a bunch of lip gloss to plant on the doctor on his way out.

Casa Tovar:

Bony Begony is giving her son a hard time for working so hard at the factory that he didn’t even bring home any gossip. What you should be doing, she says, is cozying up to the Prodigal Son – he’s the real dueño, and why shouldn’t he sack Gabino and give you the foreman’s job? Enrique’s eyes light up – really, Ma? Ya think?

The Doc comes back, and Begoña snarls that he’s not to worry, they ate without him. And where were you, anyway? Why, I stopped by to pay an old-friend visit to my old friend Augusto, like old friends do. She doesn’t much care for his choice of friends. Well, he doesn’t much care for hers – why doesn’t she dump that Arango harpy and hang out with nice women – like sweet, simple Carmina Bouvier, for instance? She looks at him like he’s the biggest idiot in the world, which he is. Yeah, you’ve got great taste in women – between crazy Carmina and that incompetent secretary, you’re 0 for 2. He flounces out, leaving her “con la palabra en la boca” (still talking.) Hard not to, really.

About Town:

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to us, Gabino has been running a Yucatán-wide talent search for someone smarmier than himself, and the lucky winner has fetched up at the cantina wearing a lean and hungry look and some kind of ratty straw man-purse. In between wild paranoid glances in all directions from under his scraggly bangs, he tells Gab that he needs to hide out for a while (presumably from the fashion police.) Gab marches him off to a hotel, makes him take a shower, and gives him a passing grade on his first exercise in gratuitous shirtlessness. He cleans up pretty good for a jumpy psycho felon. Maybe tomorrow he’ll get ponytail lessons.

“So what about that job you promised me?” “Chill out, pal, it won’t be long. My enemies are catching up with me, and I need you to watch my back.” Talk about job security – he won’t run out of work anytime soon.

In, Around & Between Casas Castañon y Arango:

Eliza and Lolita are reminiscing in the kitchen and Eliza asks her why she never married. She replies that there was someone, once…Eliza remembers: Braulio! That’s right! You were really in love with him, weren’t you? Lolita’s misty smile says it all, especially after Eliza remarks that he is always asking after her with Don Lucio. So, are you still in love with him? Whoops, we’re out of bread – here, you stir the soup while I run off to change the subject.

In the driveway, Lola runs into Damián, who asks if Eliza is back yet. Back from where? She hasn’t been anywhere. Oh, don’t believe anything her tía says – she’s just trying to keep you two apart. Here, let me drag you into the house and throw you at her.

Damián tells Eliza he knows all about the slapfest and now he understands why she was so cool to him. But we can’t let our parents run our lives – we have to confront them right now, starting with your Dad. Bad idea, Dam, he’s in his study, drink – um, thinking. All right then, come-onna my house, and we’ll straighten my mother out once and for all. (Gee, great idea, Damián! Shove Eliza up your Mom’s nose and then leave town. Way to make life easier for your homies. Clearly your grad degree isn’t in Psychology.)

While they’re strolling the 16 feet between mansions, Damián expresses surprise that Eliza’s never had a novio. I expect love to happen all of a sudden, she says, out of the blue. Dam-dam goes on to muse dreamily that he never would have suspected that he’d fall in love with a girl he’s known since they were children. Naturally Eliza thinks he means her and goes all Cinderella-at-the-ball. (Clearly his grad degree isn’t in Communication, either.) Fortunately that little anvil isn’t long in falling – about 6 seconds, actually. They go through the front door of Casa Arango hand-in-hand, and who should they meet but…

“¡Mi amor!”

…Florencia, who trip-traps across the floor as quickly as her blinding white ace bandage dress will allow and hangs herself around Dam’s neck like an Italian Medallion.

Well, looky there: Eliza can do that boiled-egg thing with her eyes, too. She doesn’t look as deranged as auntie, but give her time.


La Que No Podía Amar #70 Tuesday 4/3/12 Lots of bombshells dropped, while a certain douchebag is conspicuous in his absence.

LQNPA La que no podía amar Capitulo 70 April 3, 2012

Lots of bombshells dropped, while a certain douchebag is conspicuous in his absence.

I'll be working on it as soon as my video capture of the episode processes. This time I had to record it in SD (not HD) but eh, it's watchable.

No screencaps from tonight's episode yet, since the capture is still processing. But I will post a gratuitous screenshot from Friday's episode of Rohell, for all of us Jorge Salinas fangirls.

FROM EPISODE 68: Gratuitous Jorge Salinas Screenshot—Rohell enjoys teasing Cupcake by asking her if she can help him take a bath.

Okay, now a brief summary of what happened tonight (events may not be listed in order):

* It turns out that Maripaz is dead, when Mersnotty, Gus, et al find her body, she's been dead for several hours.

Gus carries Maripaz's body as the three brujas look on.

Bruno's reaction when he overhears that Maripaz's body has been found. Viewerville strongly suspects that Bruno knew about her death before the police did.

*Maripaz is clutching something in her hand, but Mersnotty tells everyone not to take it; as it might be considered evidence for the police to deal with.
* The Police Chief connects the dots between Rogelio's drunken brother-in-law and Maripaz, since Miguel (the aforementioned drunken brother-in-law) was the last person to see Maripaz alive. Off to jail Miguel goes. Police Chief and Bruno both know that Mr. Big Shot (Rohell) won't be happy when he hears about this.
* Miguel, of course, has no memory of what happened the night before, since he was busily engaged in embracing his drunken lifestyle. He remains a sad-sack throughout the entire episode, lurching around in a half-stupor at first, and then whining and afraid for the remaining part of the episode.

Miguel (at the police station), is oblivious to what is going on, and is recovering from a busy night of embracing his drunken lifestyle.

* Ulysses and Macaria are beside themselves with worry over where Maripaz is. When Dani unwittingly visits the store, they light into her, assuming that Miguel is somehow involved in Maripaz's disappearance. They have the nerve to accuse her of being pregnant, not even pretending to be discreet about Dani buying a pregnancy test earlier. Dani tells them that she doesn't have to explain anything to them. (Good for her! I know that they are under a lot of duress, but they have no idea of what "privacy" means. Who would want to buy anything from them if they are that nosy and indiscreet?)

Ulysses and Macaria, worried about Maripaz, blab in front of everyone that Dani is "supposedly" pregnant by Miguel. Dani is pretty annoyed by their indiscretion and their jumping to all the wrong conclusions.

* Bruno seems to want for Miguel to be guilty, acting like it's a foregone conclusion that he is. He goes so far as to tell Miguel, "You killed Maripaz!" as poor Miguel is shocked and trying to digest the news of her death. Bruno pretends to want to "help" Miguel, saying that Miguel must confess all to him, his lawyer, so Bruno can help defend him. All Miguel does is continue to freak out and be distressed over the news that a friend has died.

Bruno works hard to try to convince a sad-sack Miguel that he killed Maripaz.

* Maripaz's parents (Ulysses and Macaria) are of course heartbroken when they hear the news of Maripaz's death. Ulysses especially is out for blood, wanting to hang Miguel right then and there.

Horribly shocked at the news of their only child's death.

* Rohell is still AWOL, as is Ernesto. No one knows anything about their whereabouts. Now, unless both guys have been abducted by aliens or something, I think it's very inconsiderate for them to not have left a note or SOMETHING. Come on. Poor Maria is beside herself with worry, as is Cupcake. (I feel worse about Maria feeling worried than anyone! You just don't worry your Nana like that. I'm just saying.)

Maria is in tears and sick with worry, having heard nothing of Rohell's whereabouts.

* Cupcake is all worried about Rohell, while (predictably) Tia is all about what's in it for her. She actually likes the idea of Rohell never coming back, because that means that everything is Cupcake's! Whoa, lady, you have no soul.
* Vainessa plays the devoted, sympathetic sister to Cupcake and comes by to console her. In actuality, she and the rest of the Evil Team are pleased to hear that Miguel has been accused of murder.

Vainessa feigns sisterly concern and visits Cupcake, pretending to give a damn. In reality she's just gloating.  The Gustavito isn't buying her act for a minute.

* The Evil Team don't know where Rohell is either, but are still plotting and planning and figure they can take advantage of Rohell's current absence, as it'll give them more time to dam up the river that feeds water to Rohell's Hacidenda.
* The Sad Sack Miguel has to be held in jail for at least 72 hours while they investigate. Poor Dani, Cupcake and everyone else (except for Tia, of course) are worried about him, while he wallows in self-pity and Sad-sackiness.

The Gustavito tells Miguel that he has to straighten out and no longer embrace his drunken lifestyle.

* Some crap with Mersnotty and her relationship with Ernesto. She hasn't heard anything from Ernesto either.
* Tia visits Miguel in jail and lights into him, blaming him for everything and also assuming he must be guilty. Yeah, like Miguel needs to hear that kind of crap right now.
* There is a funeral for Maripaz, but neither Cupcake nor Rohell attend. Maria apologizes to the grieving parents, saying that Cupcake is ill and Rohell is "abroad." Ulysses wants justice for Maripaz and is worried that since Miguel is the brother-in-law of Mr. Big Shot (Rohell) that he'll not face proper punishment. But Sinthia soberly says that no one is above the law and that justice will be served.
* The Gustavito is being strong and supportive for Cupcake and actually being useful. But unfortunately, during one of their indiscreet conversations at the hacienda (you know, the kind they have where they discuss private matters in public and in not-lowered voices), Sinthia overhears. She comes in just as Gustavito tells Cupcake that he "loves her."  (To her credit, Cupcake was not all rainbows and flowers with Gus, and was more concerned about what Rohell and Sin would think about Gus being her ex-novio.) Well, Sin blows a gasket at hearing all of this, as predicted.

Suspicious Sin listens in.

"Es el colmo!" (It's the limit!) Sin has a freakout. She slaps Gustavito across the face, too, before storming off to tattle to her bro. Who of course is nowhere to be found.

* Sin is all bent to tell Rohell about Cupcake's and Gustavito's "betrayal." She assumes that Gus only got close to her to get to Cupcake.
* In an attempt to reason with Sin, Gus tells her everything. How he and Cupcake were an item, his beating, blah blah blah. But also as important, he spills the beans about Rohell's and Cupcake's marriage contract. Now Sin knows that the marriage is not for "real." I don't like the sound of this at all.

The Gustavito tries to reason with an unreasonable Sin.

* When Sin has her freakout and swears she's gonna tattle to Rohell, the Cupcake is actually quite worried, not just for herself and not for Gus's welfare, but because she hates the idea of Rohell thinking badly of her. She can't bear the idea of this. Tia looks very pleased about this development. Cupcake also just wants things out in the open. She's sick of the worry and dread.

Cupcake is sick with worry about how Rohell will react when he finds out the whole truth.

* Maria warns the Gustavito to not hurt her baby chick, Sinthia. "Better that you leave if you will end up hurting her!" is what Maria sternly says to the Gustavito.
* Efrian bursts through Sin's bedroom window (as is his wont) but a grieved and betrayed Sin welcomes his advances quite enthusiastically this time, using him for comfort. She feels he's the only guy who truly needs her and understands her. Efrian just goes with the flow.

Efrain doesn't hesitate to hop into the sack with Sin, but knows that something is up with her.

* Poor little Margarito is worried about what will happen to him. He's still stuck in his bed with the neck brace on. Cupcake hints that she may be kicked out by Rohell when the sh*t completely hits the fan, but assures Margarito that she'll keep seeing him and looking after him.
* Sin tries and tries to get in contact with Rohell, but nobody knows anything. She tells Gustavito that she won't tell Rohell (not revealing that it's because she can't reach Rohell!) and has a "deal" to offer him instead. END OF EPISODE!! What is this "deal" that Sin has cooked up?

AVANCES: I can't recall off the top of my head, but no previews show Rohell! So he must be still AWOL.

 PUT A FORK IN IT, IT IS DONE. SCREENCAPS ARE ALL UP. If you have trouble seeing them all, refresh your browser.


Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #192 Tue 4/3/12 FINALLY Pina gets wise!

Pancho is shopping for a suit, with Rebe, just being boring and stuff. There's a weird musical interlude where Pancho imagines himself conducting Beethoven's 5th.

Ana plays a gig for some rich kids... at least she dispensed with those awful "sexy Ana" outfits, and is wearing what looks like the smoking jacket Pancho just rejected.

Now a boring scene with Fers and Doc Oc talking about their relationship in front of a green-screened woodsy background. She wants him to lighten up a bit and enjoy the fake park.

Ugh, more wedding stuff, there's a nice toast with Chela, Enzo, Rebe and Pancho. They review the invitations. They make another toast, this one to forgiveness.

Ana does another show for the rich guy (maybe what I saw last was the dress rehearsal).

Vins tries his luck with Celeste, but as they sit down at their table, Candy walks in with... Arnold! Vins calls out "CandI" like he normally does, but it's clear he's not weaseling his way out of this one. But I look forwards to watching him try.

Pepe tries to console Frida over the theft of the "Panther," but very swiftly finds himself smooching her. Things always move so fast in this show, like when Tomas went from prisoner to cop in about a month.

Vins pulls Arnold aside to yell at him, and give the girls a chance to exchange harsh words. The boys agree to not tell Pina. Vins emotes about how hard it is to be him, with such a need for new sensations, etc. They rejoin with the girls, and Vins tries to snag a kiss as he leaves. Candi socks him one on the nose.

Kari is really cute trying to make fred and pina meditate. Pina: oms, oms, oms. It's a total riot. Ado gets in on the fun, but swiftly falls asleep as Cari whispers in Fred's ear that she still loves him.

Another boring mushy scene with Pancho and Rebe, but for this one they're in their clothes in a sleeping bag by a fire (I guess it's a firepit, but it looks an awful lot like a garbage-can fire), with warehouse-looking stuff in the background.

Ana is eating dinner with the rich dude, prying about his dead wife. Apparently she died of breast cancer because she didn't do proper self-examinations. Ana makes some eyes at him.

Vins gets caught sneaking into his house at night. Pina realizes that he was with someone new ("cheap perfume but not Candi's? You've got a new one")

Rebe's mom calls up and bugs her. That's all.

Chela comes to visit and Frida welcomes her in. There'll be shit to pay. She lets Pepe have it. He's already under fire when Enzo walks in and Frida steps out of the shower wearing some of Pepe's plaid, asking if he wants her to wash his.... Uh-Oh. Enzo: "do all of your amigas bathe here?" Enzo REALLY lets him have it, using some of that slick-lawyer-menace that was put to such ill use earlier in the series.

Ana is expecting flowers from her Pollis, and finds a huge mountain of them. Unfortunately for Fred, they're from Adrian (her rich patron).

Why do you think we got such dramatic music for Tomas/Lupita giving breakfast for a poor girl? [added later] It's pretty clear that she's been abused, judging by the way she shies away from Pepe and talks about her dad. That's grim.

Pina walks in on Celeste wiggling in Vins' lap. I'm reminded of that line from Iron Man... "let's face it, this isn't even remotely the most embarrassing thing you've caught me doing." Anyway, poor Pina.

Adrian calls while Ana's on the phone with Fred, and I think it finally dawns on her that his attentions are somewhat less than appropriate. It's extra creepy when he wishes her "sweet dreams." Freddy does notice that something is amiss, and complains to Kari.

Candi wants to open a shop with the chorro of cash she got from Napoleon. Also, Arnold has been throwing dogs at her (one of my favorite recurring slangisms from this show).

Now Pancho opens fire on Pepe, who brings up Pancho's two-girl situation with Rebe and Chela, but Pancho actually makes a lot of sense in his argument: you have to tell Monica the truth - what if the tables were turned and Moni had some secret Frenchman, wouldn't you deserve to know?

YAY! Pina changed the locks! "If you're looking for your things, look in the garden..." Hilariously, Vins looks to the sky and asks "why, why?" when it's so obvious why. He grovels fruitlessly, and she goes upstairs to fling his fragile belongings into the yard one by one. My favorite moment in this show ever thus far.

Adrian shows up ahead of Ana's next gig, and she lets him know that shee has a boyfriend. He leaves, politely.

Pepe struggles in his attempts to write Moni an email. Frida calls up and thanks him for saving her from jumping off a bridge (I guess it runs in the family) after losing her car.


Una Familia Con Suerte #191 Tue 4/3/12 (first half hour)

I covered for Ez while he got home.

Vince's hormones are on another infantile rampage and Pina knows it. "Where were you last night, Chento?" "With clients." "Again with the lies as before? By the way I told Pancho I don't want to be president any more, things are going back as they were before. Have you retired your complaint against him? "You seem different." "The novelty, the honeymoon, it's over!"

Candy the grieving widow is surprised to get a giant smacker of a kiss from Arnold. Arnold uses his deepest voice to come on to her, she's surprised. "Arnold, you'll have to choose between me and Pina."

Ana's band has a private party to do in Guadalajara for millionaire Adrian Uriastigui, I think he has a shoe business. She surmises he will be "panzon i pelon" (fat and hairy) and he hears that and teases her. He's actually normal looking and flirts with her. He's hired her because his kids like the band. He's a widower.

Freddie tells Kari he's worried about his depressed mom: "She said the enchantment is over, she's having an identity crisis." Kari comes over but she is too young and vapid to be any help.

The few brain cells rattling around noisily inside Vince's empty head are distracting him. Celeste is ready to join the parade of his sacrificial bimbos. He flirts with her, grabs her, dances his flamenco of moronic delight.

Pancho and Rebe continue their incredibly boring tour of wedding vendors.

Pepe makes it back to work. Moni (if it's really Moni and not some robot) calls him and asks why he hasn't been calling. What, is that a cassette in her hand? All will be revealed at some other time. She says she'll be back for the wedding. She's acting very oddly. Pepe rehashes recent events, leaving out his crush on his fellow mechanic. Frida walks by and distracts him.

Now Frida is crying sitting on a tire. I thought it was for love, but no, somebody stole her car! It was (as she has told us many times) all she had to remember her grandparents by!

OK, Pancho doesn't want to wear tie and tails, he imagines conducting an orchestra in front of a lot of tiny cutouts of fake audience members. The smoking jacket makes him feel like a waiter. He wants to get married in his tennies.

Ana and the atta-boys give a private concert for the rich guy's kids. Over to you, Ezra!


El Talismán #45 Tue 4/3/12 Army grows a brain, same with Pedro (for some things)Tony steps in for a minute, and Rennie is in big trouble

Rumor has it that Tuesday's episode is a good one. Madelaine, I stole a portion of your comment for today's title. I'm actually looking forward to watching this episode!


Monday, April 02, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #69 Lunes 4/2/12 Sudden Sex, Planned Lies, and No Videotape

That which has passed
Sir Gustavo and Lady Chatterley kiss and he is overcome by her need and his own. A new song ushers in their ill-advised lovemaking.
Current Happenings
San Gabriel: Maripaz, clad in an ashes of roses dress, cuts her decorated cake as the guests sing a song that sounds more sad than congratulatory.
Later as the decorations are removed from the party site, Skelator is one of the last guests to leave. He sees Miguel sitting next to the fence, drinking tequila straight from the bottle. He grins in malevolent delight.
Lord Rogelio's Bedchamber: To the sound of ominous music, he dreams of Lady Ana Paula dying in his arms and then awakens in a panic. Their love theme comes in as he touches her face gently. He turns to his right to find her asleep on the bed beside him (though on top of the blankets that cover him with another blanket over herself). With much effort he turns over on his side toward her and takes her hand in his.
San Gabriel: Maripaz puts out the last of the garbage and finds Miguel drunk. She is not pleased that he broke his promise to not drink. He finally remembers the gift he meant to give her earlier and takes the two wood pinetas out of their wrapping. Ulisses appears and we know that this will lead to a new confrontation.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: The deed done, she speaks of how much she loved being in his arms, then claims to be cold. He watches as she puts on her red silk robe and closes the window. Upon returning to bed she removes her robe and stands nude before Sir Gustavo, with the clear (and successful) intention of initiating a second round of amorous activity.
San Gabriel: Ulisses tells Miguel to take himself off and he does, taking the near-empty bottle with him. Ulisses tells Maripaz to stay away from him and that Lady Daniela – his fiancee – purchased a pregnancy test. Macaria calls him inside and Maripaz runs after Miguel.
Corridor outside His Lordship's Bedchamber: Lady Ana Paula rises, steps out into the corridor, and leans against the sideboard as she thinks of her last kiss from Sir Gustavo, Tia MentiRosa's outburst, and Lord Rogelio's declaration of happiness to the tune of The Indecision Tango. Maria, Lady Sneerwell, and Dr Ernesto return talking about how much fun they had at the party. Lord Rogelio sits up in bed and thinks about a previous conversation with Lady Ana Paula where she told him not to wait for what she cannot give him. Maria goes in to see him. Lady Sneerwell once again indicates her contempt for Lady Ana Paula, accusing her of multiple varieties of greed in taking advantage of both His Lordship and Sir Gustavo. Lady Ana Paula will have none of this and excuses herself to retire to her own bedchamber. Dr Ernesto is not pleased with Lady Sneerwell's behavior, telling her that she is not to precipitate another crisis for Lady Ana Paula. He reminds her they should just enjoy themselves and she sings a refrain of the old song about how Marcela does not accept her and that she resents his defense of Lady Ana Paula. We require no further reminder of this.
Ulisses' Café: Having removed his jacket, Ulisses sweeps the tiled floor. Macaria enters, enquiring the whereabouts of Maripaz. He realizes she had not returned from taking out the rubbish, and they both exit to search for her.
Corridor: Lady Sneerwell and Dr. Ernesto continue to disagree regarding both his daughter and Lady Ana Paula. She does not believe that Lady Ana Paula is sick. She finally tells him they will no longer keep company and exits to retire to her chamber. Maria comes out of His Lordship's chamber to tell Dr. Ernesto that His Lordship wishes to see him.
His Lordship's Bedchamber: Lord Rogelio appears anxious as Dr Ernesto enters.
Ulisses' Café: Dawn has come and Maripaz has not been found. As Ulisses exits to go to the constabulary, Macaria prays that her daughter is safe.
Montero Manor, Kitchen: Maria drinks some milk as Tia MentiRosa enters, demanding coffee. She tells Tia MentiRosa that she is expected to prepare the day's meals. They disagree once more to amusing effect for us, ending with Tia MentiRosa exiting as delusional as before regarding the family's and their guests' opinion of her cooking. Maria is unfazed, even amused.
Ulisses' Café: Maripaz remains missing, her parents remain worried. Neither of them knows about Rutilio. Ulisses leaves for the constabulary.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa charges in with the stolen pregnancy test kit, which she brusquely hands to Lady Ana Paula, ordering her to use it. She does not stop to consider whether Margarito may be awake and able to hear this exchange. Suspense music ends this scene snippet.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Sir Gustavo dresses for the day. He kisses her hand as he informs Lady Chatterley that he needs to go down to the river to take the photos he discussed with His Lordship. He reminds her of their importance to both her brother and herself. He kisses her lips before departing. She appears fearful, regretful, or something else but most definitely neither content nor happy. A discordant note sounds as she looks toward the window.
Lady Ana Paula's Bedchamber: Tia MentiRosa is being as controlling as ever.
Rosaura: What are you waiting for? Do the test! It's very important to do this now and remove all doubt.
Ana Paula: No, Aunt. I told you I will do this at my own convenience.
Rosaura: Ana Paula, I don't understand your attitude. I only want to help you.
Ana Paula: By upsetting me you aren't helping with anything.
Rosaura: Shut up! Understand your life changes forever if there is a baby on the way.
Ana Paula: Enough! I don't want to talk any more about this. I'll do the test. (Margarito wakes up, so she puts test kit in a decorative box on the dresser)
Margarito: Ana Paula, why are you angry?
Ana Paula (coming to his bedside): Hi, love. How are you? How do you feel?
Margarito: Well, but I don't want to be in bed.
Ana Paula: Love, you know that for now that doesn't change.
Rosaura: Ana Paula, come, please. Ana Paula, we haven't stopped talking.
Ana Paula: Yes, but not here. (to Margarito) I'll be right back. I won't be long.
Margarito: OK. (Ana Paula and Rosaura exit and close the door)
Kitchen: Maria speaks on the telephone with Ulisses, who informs her of Maripaz's disappearance and the fact that he last saw her with a drunken Miguel. She tells him she will search for Miguel and call when she knows something. He closes with threatening Miguel if anything has happened to Maripaz.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Her Ladyship and Tia MentiRosa enter and close the door.
Rosaura (with cultivated tears): You are such an ingrate. How quickly you forget everything I've done for you! But I'm telling you now that if I end up as a servant I will kill myself! To all intent and purposes that's what is happening here and my heart can't take any more!
Ana Paula (impatient): Ay, Aunt, please do not change the subject! This idea [fandullo] of me being pregnant and the baby not being born concerns me greatly.
Rosaura: Very well. We'll forget what I said. Help me in one way: Tell me first if you are pregnant. Rogelio should not know if you are pregnant by your lover.
Ana Paula: Aunt, don't talk to me like that.
Rosaura (vicious): I see it hurts you that everyone here will soon see you have a lover that made you pregnant. (exits)
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: A persistent knock on the window draws the lascivious lady's attention as she returns from the bathing chamber. She unlocks it and lo and behold, the libidinous foreman enters in his accustomed manner. He removes his straw hat as he looks around the chamber.
Efrain: What's going on? Why was the window locked?
Sinthia (hesitating at first): So nobody would catch us. Efrain, we can't be seen together.
Efrain: Are you sure it's that or to keep me away from the engineer?
Sinthia: Of course not. Of course not.
Efrain: Because you are mine. Mine. Mine and nobody else's. (He nuzzles her hand, then her cheek, then her neck as a cat scent-marks his human servant)
Sinthia: Yes, yes, yes. I am yours. But remember that I have to marry Gustavo to get my inheritance.
Efrain: Yes, but in the meantime I'm the cat who lives in the butcher shop. He's come home and wants to eat. (continues kissing her hand. Her expression is of annoyance and some suspicion.)
Miguel's Bedchamber: Lady Ana Paula and Lady Daniela speak.
Daniela: Therefore, you haven't done the test?
Ana Paula: No. To listen to my aunt you would think the test was positive. However everything seems to point to me being pregnant.
Daniela: You know what? Don't pay attention to her.
Ana Paula: My aunt is making me more nervous than I am. But the only thing I know is that if it's true and I am pregnant my child will be born in spite of my aunt, Rogelio, Gustavo, and will always be with me. (as Daniela tries to answer this, Maria enters)
Maria: Where is Miguel?
Daniela: He didn't sleep here.
Ana Paula: Did you see him after the party?
Daniela: No. I came back here with Hugo.
Maria: I don't know what happened, but Ulisses told me he was drinking.
Ana Paula: What?
Daniela: Ay, no, no. no; it cannot be.
Ana Paula: We have to look for him. Let's go!
Maria: No, no. That's not all, Paula. The worst is that Maripaz hasn't appeared either. Ulisses is desperate.

Their Ladyships look at each other in shock. Lady Ana Paula looks tired.
Street: A thoroughly drunk Miguel slumps in a corner near some locked garage doors.

River: Lord ShadyDeal is demanding that the work be completed by nightfall. The peasant workers move to obey him.

Montero Manor: Lady Chatterley and Lady Sneerwell talk like schoolgirls out of their chaperones' presence.
Sinthia: You don't know how enchanted I am with your brother.
Mercedes: I'm happy for you.
Sinthia: Can I tell you something? We spent the night together.
Mercedes: Seriously?
Sinthia: Yes, yes, yes! With this my relationship with your brother is solid.
Mercedes: That pleases me very much. I hope you get married soon and get my brother away from Ana.
Sinthia: You don't know how much I want that.
Mercedes: You don't know how happy I am to see you like this. (suddenly serious) On the other hand, I broke up with Ernesto again.
Sinthia: Why? What happened?
Mercedes: Would you believe it's all Ana's fault?
Sinthia: No, of course I believe you, but don't fall into her game, Mercedes. Take advantage that Ernesto is here and without his daughter.
Mercedes: I've thought about that, but...
Lord Rogelio's Bedchamber: Her Ladyship enters, but His Lordship is not abed. As she checks the bathing chamber Maria enters. They speculate on whether His Lordship knows anything about what happened with Miguel the evening before, then exit to continue the search.
Parlour: Sir Gustavo enters only to be ambushed by Lady Chatterley. She speaks of formalizing their relationship after what had passed between them in the night. He appears far less than enthused and unwilling to .
Study: Lady Ana Paula speaks with Skelator on the telephone, asking whether he knows of Rogelio's whereabouts. He pleads ignorance, pointing out that His Lordship is unable to leave the estate alone. This is puzzling because Hugo is on the property and hadn't seen him either. Skelator also knows not where Maripaz might be. He promises to call if he hears or sees anything. Lady Ana Paula cries and paces while Maria leaves the study to get the peasants involved with the search.

Parlour: Sir Gustavo and Lady Chatterley are about to have the conversation no lady wants.
Gustavo: Sinthia, we need to talk calmly. We can't think about a wedding now.
Sinthia: Is this about me or are you still in love with your ex or what? What I think is that you have unfinished business with her you haven't talked about and that's keeping you from being happy.
Gustavo (not looking into her eyes): Something like that.
Sinthia: What we need to do is see her and put it all out in the open. Without that you can't be happy with me or anyone else.
Gustavo: It would please me if you could understand that I am not ready for a serious commitment.
Sinthia: Very well. I understand, but that doesn't mean we can't be together. Truly? I'll see if your sister is ready to go down to the river. (exits, leaving him ill at ease)
Study: Peasant worker Marcial enters, also seeking Lord Rogelio. He is followed by Lord ShadyDeal. Her Ladyship says she will deal with him and Marcial exits.

David: In reality, I'm not interested in talking to you. I came to see Rogelio.
Ana Paula: But Rogelio is not here. After all that has happened I don't see him looking for you.
David: Evidently no, which is why I'm here. Tell me something, do you know more or less when he's coming back?
Ana Paula: I don't know. I have no idea where he is.
David: He's probably with Vanessa. Because business is going very well.
Ana Paula: Of course not. He would have told me.
David (gloating): But he didn't.
Ana Paula: I am worried about him. I hope you had nothing to do with this because you are capable of anything.
David: That's absurd. I better come later. (turns to exit)
Ana Paula: No, no, no. If you have anything to say with respect to the estate, say it to me.
Ulisses' Shop: Macaria prays to the Virgen for the safe return of her daughter and releases her anxiety to the understanding ears of Consuelo. Consuelo tries to be optimistic and comforting, but Macaria is frustrated at being physically unable to do anything because of her injury. The door opens and Rutilio appears, saying “Good morning. Are you open?”

Study: Lord ShadyDeal is providing the best possible proof that he is not a gentleman.
David (laughing): Please, don't make me laugh. You don't know anything about this place.
Ana Paula: I have the authority to make the decisions when my husband is not here. Tell me why you've come here.
David: You really think you can make important decisions about Montero Manor?
Ana Paula: Yes. You are better off knowing you will deal with me. Whether you like it or not.
David: Well, you can do business with me over the water?
Ana Paula: Yes. The San Gabriel River runs through your property but ends up here. And you can't impede that.
David (condescendingly): And how do you expect to prevent me? Tell me. Please.
Ana Paula: David, now you are making fun of me, but the day will come when you will eat your words.
David: Ay, be grateful you're a woman because if not –
Ana Paula: If not, what? What?
Gustavo (entering): Don't touch her. You touch her and I will kill you.
The two stare at each other and we are relieved neither is carrying a weapon.
Ulisses' Shop: Macaria informs Rutilio that they are not open for business at the moment. At his question, Consuelo says that there is a family emergency; the owner's daughter is missing. There are other stores on the opposite corner he can go to. He looks at her in a disconcerting manner, thanks her while addressing her as “Preciosa,” and mutters something to himself as he exits which leads us to believe that this visit is a pretense. Consuelo stares after him with suspicion as she slowly closes the doors.
Study: Two bulls in rut could not be more hostile to each other.

David: Well, well, well; now we know who in this family really interests you.
Gustavo (charging across half the room and shoving him back onto the desk): Get out! Get out of here!
Ana Paula: Get out of here and never come back!
Gustavo: Do you hear that?
David: Get off me. (pushes Gustavo back and stands) This is not your house.
Gustavo: I will not permit you to show disrespect to this lady. (looks back at Ana Paula)
David: We have nothing to say to each other. I will be back. (exits)
Gustavo: Are you alright?
Ana Paula: Yes.
Gustavo: Rogelio; where is he?
Ana Paula: I don't know. I'm very worried because I haven't seen him today.
Gustavo: Me neither since last night when we discussed the problem with the water. And you.
Ana Paula: Yes, he told me.
Gustavo: Did that bother you?
Ana Paula: Gustavo –
Sinthias (entering): My love? (seeing Ana Paula) Here you are. And what are you two doing here without my brother? You know Rogelio doesn't like other people in his study?
Ana Paula: Yes, I know.
Sinthia: And therefore –
Ana Paula: We don't know where he is. Do you?
Sinthia: No. No. (afterthought) But surely he's out so he doesn't have to be near you.
Gustavo (annoyed): Sinthia... It's better to see what happened.
Sinthia (putting her arms around him): My love, do you think I'd leave you alone in the manor? (pointedly looking at Ana Paula) Especially like this? Let's go. (She leads him out as the ominous bass notes mark his looking back at Ana Paula).

River: Lord ShadyDeal desperately shouts to the peasants to finish building the dam. Vainessa arrives to warn him about Sir Gustavo taking photos of his actions. She promises to make them stop in a specific area and send him a message when that is accomplished.

Street: A constable explains the rules of missing person reporting to Ulisses who is not accepting it. He is relentless in insisting on an investigation. They see Miguel in his falling-down drunk state and Ulisses seizes him by the shirtfront, interrogating him. Miguel has no memory of the previous day.
River: Lady Chatterley attempts to cheer up Lady Sneerwell as Sir Gustavo walks behind them with the picnic baskets. He puts them down and takes out the red and white picnic cloth. Vainessa arrives and begins talking with Lady Chatterley as Lady Sneerwell asks Sir Gustavo if he had seen or spoken to Dr Ernesto. He replies in the negative, adding that no one has seen His Lordship either and that they are possibly attempting to help Margarito. She then rants to Sir Gustavo about Lady Ana Paula. He is weary of her irrational hatred, insisting that Lady Ana Paula had nothing to do with what is wrong between her and Dr Ernesto. Lady Sneerwell prevents Sir Gustavo from departing with his camera, insisting that he take the photos later. She finally takes it away from him and insists they take some group photos.
Street: Ulisses desperately attempts to get Miguel to remember his lost evening, but the constable insists that Miguel accompany him to the station.
River: Lady Chatterley insists to Vainessa that her brother must be out because he is bored with Lady Ana Paula. They enjoy a laugh over this bit of nastiness. Vainessa asks about Lord Rogelio, but Lady Chatterley replies that she has no idea where he is, then sets the others up for a photo. Between running interference with Sir Gustavo, Lady Chatterley comments that her brother always does as he pleases. When Sir Gustavo finally reclaims his camera Lady Chatterley attempts to hold him back, putting him off balance. He falls into the river with the camera and both are thoroughly drenched. He is justifiably not amused.
Constabulary: Skelator speaks with the constable who arrested Miguel for public intoxication. He will be putting him in the drunk tank. Ulisses wants to use physical force, but Skelator restrains him. He throws a pitcher of water in Miguel's face as Ulisses pleads to know what happened to his daughter. Miguel, as usual, knows nothing.
River: Sir Gustavo gets out of the river, annoyed. Vainessa gives him what passes (to him) for an apology, but he removes his shirt and exits, frustrated and angry at the ruin of his day's task. Vainessa comments “Que character!” Who should know this better than she?
Kitchen: Tia MentiRosa struggles with her self-imposed duties to Maria's amusement. She finally relinquishes the apron and the ring of keys back to Maria, complaining she has enough to deal with because of Miguel. Lady Ana Paula enters with a pained expression, announcing that the missing Miguel and Maripaz are more than enough to contend with; she will not put up with petty arguments in the kitchen. Tia MentiRosa is to relinquish the keys and authority to Maria and then to help her in whatever way necessary.
River: Just as Vainessa secretly gloats over the damage to Sir Gustavo's camera, he sees something downstream that catches all their attention. It is a woman in an ashes of roses dress hugging a large rock. He swims downstream.
Chapel: Lady Ana Paula enters the chapel alone to pray to Jesus for the safety of her loved ones. And for the strength to face what she must. Lady Daniela runs in to tell her that Skelator has called to report Miguel's arrest.
River: Sir Gustavo carries the woman to the riverbank and she is revealed to be Maripaz. Ominous music closes the episode.

Preview of things to come:
Maripaz is dead, Lady Ana Paula worries that Miguel will be accused, and Lady Chatterley is as petulant as ever.


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