Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #259-260 Mon 5/21/12 Truth or Dare, Once More With Feeling

We pick up back at the disco club celebration of Ana and Freddy’s wedding.  Freddy hugs Violeta who is promising as his father’s new girlfriend to get to know him much better really soon.  Tomas gets the flash of memory that Violate-a looks just like the drawing they have been shopping around at la policia central.   Violate-a approaches an unfriendly Pepi and Moni while Vice approaches Ana looking most ridiculous in her bubblebutt dress.  Tomas brings Lupita up to date that Violate-a looks totally like the tall beauty thought to have killed the young hacker. 

Moni blows off Mommy Violate-a assuring her that José is the dearest person in her life and Mommy can take a flying leap if she thinks Moni will leave him.  Viol plays the sweet mommy tune to no effect.

Enzo, who usually dances better than anyone else, does a strange dance/arguing dance with Chela about Vice’s awfulness.  In a bad editing job, Ana dances with her father in her original wedding gown with the slanted, too short front and the draping long back.  Nothing is making sense.  Vice can’t get Freddy to lead his wild life with him so they hug and Vice disappears from the disco floor.  Tomas gets Lupita to guard the women’s bathroom door while he goes in to question tall elegant Violente-a.  He accuses her of the disappearance or assassination of 17-year old David the hacker.  (So we learn that he isn’t just 13 like we suspected.)  Violate-a makes more threats to Tomas, your days are counted she simpers as she slithers out the door.  She shoots a few more threatening words and looks at Moni and Pepi.  Then she stops to threaten Candi and they do a most amusing breast boing, boing replete with sound effects.  Pancho and Rebecca come to “bust up” the fight. 

Pina dressed distastefully in white (supposed to be the exclusive color of the bride, idiots) looking almost as Bjork-like as Ana.  So this is costume bonding I guess??? Pina confesses that she is glad she is with Freddy but there was a time when she and Vicente tried to interfere with the couple to break them up.  Ana and Freddy will leave in two hours for the honeymoon divino so Pina now considers her an hija and now has a hermoshA in her life.  Ana does a passable voice imitation of Pina as they share more laughs.  Both adoring Freddy gives them so much in common.

Back at the apartment, Viol and Vice fight out who is in charge.  He is having buyer’s remorse or what is left of a conscience that can feel guilty.  She threatens to include him in the blame for the death of Haackeer if he doesn’t stay with her and do what she wants.  His whiskey talks so that he doesn’t seem to care all that much.  He talks of loving her or at least obeying her as though he were ordering grilled shrimp from room service.

Pina shares with Freddy and Ana that Vice has threatened to kill her or Seba if she dares to marry him.  Pina is happy for the first time in years and Seba has given her so much pleasure and love already.  It certainly surpasses what measly love Vice ever gave her.  Pancho and Rebe come to share the goodbye kisses and well wishes for the bridal pair.  Then we get the obligatory bed of roses with a music cleg in the middle and succulent fruits in bowls with. Ana also gets a Professional Accordian product placed with perfection as a honeymoon night present to Ana.  With any luck, we won’t have to hear her sing the Pancho song to Freddy.  Instead we get only nice love scenes.  Thank you oh mighty writing gods!

Next morning Sebastian and Pina talk about how much Pina is missing her Hermosha Freddy so, but he distracts her asking her to come with him for a moment.

On the beach, Ana and Freddy get to act out romance at Bahia de Huatulcos, (Gotta write that down for a future visit.)  Oh, and next comes my favorite romance scene, the great double massage under a tree with the palms and seashore in sight.  We get beautiful moments in any language.  Ana is excited in seeing the sea for the first time since she was little and taking her first plane trip.  After her mother died there weren’t vacations.  Freddy thinks he is the most fortunate man in the world with the most incredible woman in his arms.

Threatening music wafts while Violate-a reloads her poison bearing ring.  Viol gets Tomas on the phone as he signals the office mates to pick up and listen on their phones.  She tells him she needs to make a confession but she must do it alone with only him. Won’t he come to her suite?

Back at Casa Lopez, Pancho does his burro laugh at Candi and all the family laugh at the sight of Candi in Nun’s Habit.   She has un-Nun but at least clear lip-gloss and lovely, almost subtle eye makeup so looks almost authentic. Chela and Lupita want to know why she will flee to nurse her heartbreak in a nunnery.  She is looking for peace and she will concentrate on reflecting to find piece and forgiveness of her errors.  Rebe thinks she should just get that Japanese treatment for relieving stress instead.  Temoc has his hair combed nicely again, I am searching for little pleasures here, believe me.  To show them they are making fun of her she has the holy light shine on her while she prays looking up toward heaven for understanding, they are all amazed at the holy light so she repeats that she has come to say goodbye to all of them then she will be off to the convent.

Viol holds the poison ring high while she repeats her invitation to Tomas.  Tomas calls the Doctor Medina (resident police medical staff?) and hears again that young David was found at autopsy with a small pin prick in his neck where the toxic poison enter his body.

Pancho continues his lecture to Candi that they have never had a nun or priest in the family and she will have a hard time adjusting herself to the extreme life she is choosing so unlike the luxury she has had lately.  Candi begs him to understand, telling him how much she loves him.  There is another tearful round of good byes.

Enzo urges Vice to come to the office and do something useful.  He wants to stay alone and stay in his pajamas.  Enzo points out that he is in a suit not his pajamas but he insists it is his pj’s.  He wants to drink his whiskey which Enzo urges him to quit.  Then he says, well it was you who hired the hacker.  Yes of course, who else could have done such a magnificent job which Pancho the greengrocer so deserved.  Well then you killed the hacker?  NO, NO it was Violeta.  He’s not a killer.  It isn’t a far stretch for Enzo to grasp this new revelation about Viol.

Just then Tomas show up at the door of the seductress Violate-a she holds out her hand to Tom with the poison ring pointing below as he approaches to shake.  He suddenly pulls back and reveals his fellow officer.  Viol looks slightly put out but says okay.  Do the boys want anything to drink?  They turn down the offer but she drinks and they play about the ring.  She says the poison is intended for his girlfriend.

Chela and Candi say goodbye.  Chela says you aren’t going to die, but Candi says her life from before will end all the same.  She thanks her for being a friend and counsel all these years.  She leaves and Chela blesses her, the only one in the family that treats her choice with dignity.

Tomas keeps on about the strong poison that killed David and he wants to know where she could have gotten poison like that.  They seem constrained about arresting her since she isn’t really making a confession in front of both of them.  So the guys leave while Violate-a determines she must find out whom Tomas’ girlfriend is since he is connected somehow to Pancho like a son.

Enzo insists Vice tell him the truth.  The truth is that he hired David but Violeta got involved then killed him.  Vice doesn’t want to go to jail.  He would spend so much time in jail.  He asks Enzo if he will condemn him now that he knows.  NO, he won’t because Vice helped him at a time when he was most desperate in his own life. He wants Vice to at least give up the demon rum (er whiskey) and do the right thing.

Back to the Bahias de Huatulco, more romping and teasing even about he could have been there with Karina.  Ana mentions that he could, since she lost her baby.  Strange subjects to tease over but they settle the matter by giggles and handsful of sand and another dip in the sea.

Candi is shown to her rather luxurious room at the convent by the mother superior or some senior nun.  Doesn’t seem likely that there will be vows of poverty here but no TV or internet either.

Pancho is sad that Candi went off when she could have returned to the Lopez compound.  Pancho gets a phone call that is all slang all the time.  I am not even sure who it was but nothing much was said.

Seba and Pina are in the garage with Arnold and a fancy heart covered car is driven up.   Pina wonders if it is for her but Arnold is the recipient of this magnanimous gift while his secret admirer, Raymundo (thanks Madelaine), hides behind a pillar.  Barb show up and Arnold assumes she gave him the car.  She assures him she did not while Raymundo  suffers behind the post.  Suddenly, Barb has come to say she isn’t going to go with him any longer since she met the love of her life on her recent trip to Miami.  Pina is staggered by the news, Raymundo feels like he isn’t going to get proper credit for sure.  Arnold can’t believe the rejections either.  Sebastian gives a shrug of disinterest.  In effect, lots of loose ends are wrapped up in this garage with some big last minute shifts in the 5th hour from the end of this endless story add to the atmosphere of confusion.

Arnold can’t believe he is being dropped so summarily.  Why is she leaving,  is this mystery man younger, handsomer, more what! than I am?  No one can believe Barbara’s sudden turn of mind but the delicious guapetón shows up and he looks like David Beckham.  So, even Pina says she gets it.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, except Sebastian, in the garage swoons in unison for this handsome galan standing before them.

Pancho and Rebe talk mindlessly with twins in the mix.  Meanwhile, Pina tries to get to the bottom of the mystery of the elegant red convertible and wonders who could have gifted Arnold.  Maybe the same person that gave him the hunky chunky chronometer on his wrist.  Raymundo swoons that now he can see why so much confusion came from his surprise present(s).

Tomas warns Lupita that she is in danger even though Vile-etta doesn’t know for sure who she is.  They have one of their endlessly boring arguments about how afraid she is and how much he needs to do his exciting work.  She should have gone for a janitor perhaps?  Ho Hum…

Mr. Jimenez shows up at Vile’s door.  She offers him tequila and strokes his lap with her sparkly high heel then soon with her bare foot almost in his mouth saying he needs to do a job for her with Tomas.  Tomas a policeman is not his cup of tea.  She flashes him most seductively while over at Enzo’s he confesses to Chela that he has had an admission from Vice.  Then he adds he isn’t going to condemn him.  Chela goes postal that Vice is getting away with murder and fraud and caused Pancho to go to jail.   Enzo will tell Pancho, but not the police.  Chela and Enzo part on bad terms.  Enzo says he can’t talk with her.  Well, should she be tolerant of his protecting Vice?  Can’t we vote on this?

Lupita arrives in Pancho’s office to update him on the Vice – David – Viol debacle and that Tomas insists she is now in danger too.  Talk about pussy-whipped!  Violenta has them all twisted in their shorts and is still wreaking havoc at liberty.

More dialog-free beach time, thank you writer gods, Freddy and Ana make up a song to each other and enjoy the sea and love more.

Tomas explains to Pancho that Violeta probably killed David with a strong poison only available in Europe that she could have managed to buy while in France.  So why is she now threatening Lupita?  Tomas thinks she is crazy enough to be a deadly threat to anyone.  Meanwhile Vile-etta talks with Jimenez and he produces a picture of Lupita daughter of Pancho.  Is this who you want to do in?

In the garage, Pina and Seba get into lesser cars while  Vice lurks now behind the pillar sipping from his hip flask and looking more demented than evil.  Pina is in a car serviced by Pepe? I lost a few of the details here but I don’t care.

Enzo and Pancho and Tomas compare notes that Vice is running scared (and pretty drunk most of the time) and taking orders form Vjioleta who has taken over the crimes scene and killed David but now intending to kill Lupita and who knows how many more.  Her motive is to get back at Pepe I guess.  Maybe because she is just plain bonkers.

Meanwhile Pepe holds a puppy almost as cute as he is in the apartment while  Moni says she is now very certain with that whine she often uses.  Very certain of what?? Asks an innocent Pepe.  Very certain that she is pregnant!  Pepe risks a happy little grin while Moni sounds like she is delivering disastrous news.  Pepe gives her a big excited hug, but Moni says she doesn’t know what to think.  She goes off to the bedroom in a sulk.

Pancho gets the picture and thanks Enzo for being the best of friends who helped him, gave up his dream job and returned to Avon to help him.   Enzo feels guilty at his split loyalties but Pancho is not at all bothered.

Violeta gives Jimenez money and seals the deal (not sure I care exactly what he is to do to Lupita but we will find out tomorrow) when she starts to see blurry and hear voices telling her to kill the doctor.  Jimenez thinks she is sick, me too.  The voices get louder and louder.

Rebes junior and senior share love and admiration for each other with twins in arms.

Candi comes into her room with a young nun who seems troubled.  She leaves and Candi looks a bit lost.  Like I said, there is no TV, nor internet.

Chela is playing with her baby when Enzo shows up with flowers.  Chela gives him the cold shoulder.  She can’t stand his defending Vice when he knows how she feels about Vice and all he has done to her family.  But Enzo defends that he has confessed all to Pancho who understands his loyalty.  He delivers the rest of his message with shoulder kisses so seductively that Chela can’t stay angry.  Another passion scene.   Enzo wins my vote of sexiest galan of the whole TN.  In the midst of the pleasant seduction, Enzo begins to grasp his manly chest and grimace in pain.

Candi finds a doll in the bed, her only companion.  Her name is...  You have to be strong Candelaria, she says to herself, you have to be strong.

Chela is so scared she blames sex on Enzo’s condition.  Too bad, but she quickly switches into mothering mode.

Vicente steals into Candi’s virginal room in the night and jumps into bed with her climbing at once under the covers.  Candi doesn’t protest long then comes out from under the sheets and realizes she was dreaming so she asks the Virgin for forgiveness.

Pepe and Moni discuss the dilemma.  This was so unplanned.  Pepe thought they were being really careful but she reminds him that the one time when he came back from his tryst with Frida they played makeup and they weren’t careful.  She isn’t ready for the responsibility of marriage let alone of raising a child with the burden of educating and caring for a human being.  He reminds her that this baby is a product of their love and not like what happened to Karina or others or like her mother.

Lupe and Tomas fight over his danger and her fears, ad nauseum.

Pepe and Moni talk aobut the surprise and burden of an uplanned pregnancy.  In fact she remembers that her mother wanted to abort her. 

Pancho leaves Rebe and Babies to face what he has to do.  Rebe wishes him well.

Tomas and his partner show up at Viol’s door with a search warrant this time to look for the poison.  Has she hidden it well?

Back we go to the beach for more kisses.  Whew!

Back to the assassin’s apartment with searching going on.  Tomas finds a strongbox which Violeta looks scared to open.  I am out of breath with all the quick step changes.

Pancho shows up at Vice’s greeting his cousin and sniffing the scents of Cheta (Violeta?)  Pancho let him know that he knows that Vice is responsible for the hacker and fraud and sending him to jail.  Vice says so are you going to condemn me??  No, Pancho says, he has come to support him and TO FORGIVE HIM!  Ahh, Pancho may be an ass at times but he sure comes on with the noble gestures in the clinches. 

Okay, then this is where I jump off the bus, dear friends.  It has been a long and interesting ride.  Next, we have many things to resolve in two more nights or four hours.  These bastardos better not kill Pina!  I’m just saying.  We would be better off with two or three more wedding ceremonies, a few baptisms and more beach time and more luscious food. Adios...  


Monday, May 21, 2012

El Talismán #79 Mon 5/21/12 Yes, We Have No Avacadoes, We Have No Avacadoes Today!

Today on El Talsiman:

Cameela has come to El Alcatrash to tell the Beltbuckle she isn't marrying him, punto. Beltbuckle continues with the threat of sending her Gasbag, er her Mama to the carcel. She tells the Beltbuckle to go ahead and call the popos she will just have to make a call on her own and tell them about his blackmail and threats, so there take that, ya Beltbuckle! She leaves the Beltbuckle fuming, and runs into Doris. So are ya marrying the Beltbuckle or not, she asks Cameela. Cameela tells her hey sister, ain't doin' it no how, no way. She tells Doris I am marrying Mi Pedro. She tells Doris don't worry you will still be the duenna of this casa. Cameela leaves.

Pedro is thought bubbling about his wedding to Cameela and their song plays, "Dios Mio Que Mujer".

Gabe and Sarita are talking about the same old, same old. I want to marry but can't, not prepared for it, yada, yada, blah, blah, blah. Sarita is getting madder by the minute, and Gabe is all talked out. Sarita is yelling at Gabe and interrupts Pedro's daydreaming. He goes in to see what the fuss is about. Sarita is saying the same old thing. She tells Pedro, Gabe won't talk to her, and Pedro tells her Gabe is very confused right now. (Note to Gabe: just tell her the same thing you've been telling her, maybe she will open her ears long enough to hear, jus' sayin'). Gabe took my advice, but it didn't work yet again. He threatens to get a job elsewhere. Sarita is so not down with that. Pedro tells her to stop pressuring Gabe. Gabe tells Sarita he truly loves her, but he isn't ready for marriage. Gabe leaves. Pedro tells Sarita, he's not marrying Cameela either. He doesn't understand, and told Mariana about it. Sarita and Pedro commiserate with each other.

Tonio is looking for Valentin. Valentin finally comes in and the Beltbuckle sends him on a misson. I didn't quite get what it was, so someone please fill in.

Tracy and Alberta are talking about Fabi leaving today. They are having a little chisme when Alberta lets slip that Cameela ain't marrying the Beltbuckle. Tracy is like, ya don't say. I have to talk to her.

Margarito and the Padre are talking about Cameela's about face, and not marrying Pedro.

Army has managed to scale the walls, so to speak, of Alcatrash again. He has come to tell Fabi adios. He tells her this is only temporary. He is finding a job, and once he has enough dinero, he will come to Canada to be with her. They swear undying love for each other, and promise each other they will be together soon.

Maria and the Gasbag, er, El Viral have come home. Maria wanted to bring El Viral back to the apartmento to get the full story why she is soooo upset. Maria tells her to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. (Note to Maria: When has that ever happened?).El Viral says it is a disaster. Maria tells her to be calm (yeah like that is ever gonna happen) and asks if this is about the kids? El Viral tells her it is about Pigorio. She tells Maria she helped Tonio try to kill Pigorio and now she is in the heap of pig droppings. Maria is shocked, I tell you shocked, to hear this. She tells Maria that unless Cameela marries Tonio she is going to the carcel! (Note to Maria: Please lock her up in the manicomio now. Don't wait, she is the Titanic crashing into the iceberg right now. There is no redemption for her.). She tells Maria that, wait for it, THE BELTBUCKLE MADE ME DO IT!!!! (Note to the Gasbag: Is this the same thing as the Devil made me do it? Cause ya know that excuse never works, jus' sayin'). Just about this time, Cameela has come back from that meeting with the Beltbuckle, and tells her Gasbag of a mama, guess what, not marrying that asshat. Cameela tells the Gasbag she will find her a lawyer tomorrow, and take it from there. (Note to Cameela: You got some guts girl, cause that gas is building, jus' sayin', and the headband is getting tighter by the millisecond). Maria tells her Gasbag of a sister to, wait for it, WOMAN up and accept responsiblity for your OWN actions!!!! (Note to Maria: You go!!! But I don't think that is working for her). The Gasbag tries to turn this on Cameela and tells her, I am going to the carcel and it's YOUR fault. Maria and Cameela are looking at her like she should have been in the Manicomio a long time ago. And on top of all her other sins, tells Cameela, well ya know, I already told Pedro you are marrying Tonio. Cameela and Maria are pithed. The Gasbag is thrusting the knife deeper and tells Cameela, that if she marries the Beltbuckle all this goes away, as if. Cameela is so not down with that. Maria says you have no conscience as far as your children go, enough already. Course the Gasbag's brain is full of gas and she storms out of the room. Army comes in and asks Cameela if she is ok? Cameela tells him Tonio threatened to go to the policia about the Gasbag. Maria tells Cameela, well she is an accomplice after all, get her a good lawyer, and above all please, call Pedro, the amor di tu vida, and explain just what the heck is going on. Cameela calls Pedro for a meet. He is confused, but will meet with her. Maria is going to work, and tells Cameela if you need anything call me. Cameela tells the Gasbag that she has called a lawyer that will meet with her in two hours.

Fake Doc/Major Domo examines Pigorio and tells him he is just fine! Well Pigorio, who is lying in the bed, isn't taking this lying down, so to speak. He tells the fake doc, then why am I feeling worse everyday? He tells fake doc he is not beleiving his so-called miraculous recovery. He asks fake doc/major domo if he has talked to Tonio. Of course he has. Pigorio then tells him, I don't like you, I want MIO DOCTOROCITO Valdez, and not you. Fake doc/major domo looks like he has swallowed several avacadoes whole, and tells Pigorio to be calm, don't upset yourself. He leaves. Doris confronts fake doc/major domo and asks how Pigorio is? He tells her he is fine. Doris doesn't beleive fake doc/major domo either. Tonio talks to the fake doc/major domo and isn't liking what he is hearing.

Lulu and the Beltbuckle are in the cabana, and Tonio tells her all about what Cameela said about going to the popos on her own and telling them what she knows of the Beltbuckle. But he tells Lulu that his planes are still at the go stage and Cameela es Mio. He tells Lulu he is siccing the police on El Viral as we speak, and that's why Cameela es Mio. Lulu laments to the Beltbuckle that this is a bad time for her to be dead. (Ya think). He keeps telling Lulu that she will have to remain dead for awhile, but he won't let her down. She'll get Pedro es Mio as soon as things settle down. She tells the Beltbuckle, Pedro is my ultimate goal. He tells her Fabi is leaving. She can't beleive it, she isn't down with that.

Fabi is packing for her trip to Canada and Doris comes in. She tells her Mama Doris that she will be better off in Canada and away from Alcatrash.

Padre, Margarito, and Pedro are together and Pedro tells them Cameela called him. He has no idea why she wants to talk to him.

There is a knock on the door and it is, wait for it, the police looking for, you guessed it, The Gasbag. They have some questions for her. Meanwhile the Gasbag has hotfooted it into the boys' room. (I guess she has no avacadoes. Her hideous pink outfit is so bright with matching headband, the police couldn't miss her, jus' sayin'). The police tell Cameela that this is very serious and they need to talk to her right away. Cameela is rolling her eyes. Meanwhile the Gasbag has run into the boys' room, and wait for it, does a slow *marmot screech* about the popos have come for her. Meanwhile at the door, Cameela tells the police that her Mama is meeting a lawyer, in like, two hours if they want to wait. And in the boys' room, the Gasbag, THAR SHE BLOWS AGAIN, for like the millionth time. She claims, wait for it, SHE WANTS TO DIE, Army and Angel are both there, trying to calm her down. She is hyperventilating and hysterical. They tell her to stop crying and that Cameela will get her a lawyer. Army decides to go join Cameela, which leaves poor Angel to cope with El Viral (Note to Angel: You are truly an Angel to put up with this crap, just fix her a huge mug of sleepytime tea and you'll finally have some peace). Meanwhile Army goes out to see what is going on, gets the scoop and rolls his eyes too. (Did you notice one of the policeman was rolling his eyes too? It was too funny). El Viral is still ranting and raving to Angel that her new home will be the CARCEL (yeah, if only. She needs to go there ASAP). And on top of that she is crying hysterically. Angel looks like he wants to hurl. The police meanwhile are still trying to convince Cameela they need to talk to the Gasbag and here is the paperwork by the way. They leave and Cameela tells Army that the Beltbuckle called the cops on mama. Cameela tells Army well I guess I will have to marry the Beltbuckle after all, to stop this crazy train. Army begs her not too. So without waiting any further, she picks up the phone and , wait for it, calls the Beltbuckle. She tells him I know you sicced the police on my sainted (just kidding) mama and are you ready for it, ya sure???? Ok, on the count of three, She will marry his asshattedness. Oh, saints perserve us, please, Oh Dios Mio, not again.

Tracy, Alberta and Fabi have gathered together to say goodbye. Fabi tells both of them she will miss them, and to please look after Flor. All three are crying and they have a big group hug. After this, Fabi goes to her room and talks to Flor. Flor is crying. She doesn't want Fabi to go, but Fabi tells her it is best and that Tracy and Alberta will always be there for her. Fabi and Flor both agree they don't want to be seperated, but this is how it is now. Flor accompanies Fabi to the foyer, and there is the Beltbuckle. They give him heck about being seperated and all he cares about is Cameela. He tells them he cares about them, but they know it is empty words. (Note to Beltbuckle: you are an asshat of the lowest grade, to give up your daughter for a woman that hates your guts, jus' sayin').

Mariana has come to El Tal and is talking to Margarito. Mariana says she wants to talk to Cameela on Pedro's behalf to find out what is going on with this Beltbuckle business. Margarito asks if she has any memory back yet? Mariana tells Margo that Manuel is trying to help her find her past, but so far she really hasn't remembered anything .

Pigorio is up out of the bed and is dressed, looking more chipper and healthier. Doris compliments him on his looks. They are talking about his pills. I think Pigorio said he has stopped taking them and is going to see his own doctor. ( I just have to say here, Pigorio is smarter than we thought. I think he knows those pills are poisoned). Doris informs Pigorio that Fabi is leaving for Canada, and Pigorio says well the Beltbuckle knows best, he loves his daughters. Doris doesn't agree. She doesn't want Fabi to go. Pigorio tells her Fabi is her daughter too. He said something else to her I didn't get. He leaves.

Padre and Pedro go to see Liliana the social worker about Santiago again. She tells Pedro, sorry not gonna happen, can't adopt him. Padre tells her that he is getting some kind of letter from Santi's mama in Mexico. She is skeptical, but says ok. But Pedro still can't adopt him. She tells Padre he has character.

Now for the best part of the recap. We have Rita and fake doc/major domo talking together. Rita wants to know what he has been up to? He tells Rita he is doing a job for the Beltbuckle. Oh, Rita is swooning, she just lurvvvves the Beltbuckle. Rennie comes in the room and tells Rita that the Beltbuckle is muy peligroso. Fake doc/major domo tells Rennie that the Beltbuckle has taken El Viral in hand. Rennie is like say what? Rita and Rennie want the chisme like yesterday. So fake doc/major domo tells them that, wait for it, El Viral is a killer! Rennie can't beleive it, but Rita is sooo down with that. Fake doc/ major domo tells them that is what Tonio told him. Rennie's wheels in his brains start turning and he says so, just a better grounds for divorce. (Yeah ok Rennie, you go with that, until the anvil comes to bite you too).

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Pedro confronts Cameela and Tonio at Alcatrash!


Abismo de pasión #51 5/21/12: Trysting the Night Away

Alternate Titles:
Fools Rush In
You Go To My Head (And I Drop Like a Ton of Lead)
Wait a Minute Mr. Gross Man
I did a little combining of scenes to avoid a long list of bullets. I hope it's not too confusing.

  • Fina's dear fiend [sic] Begonia tells some stupid story about the day Assgusto dragged Elisa to the health center. According to Be Gone Ya, Doc came home depressed/down (apesadumbrado-sad;glum) that day because Elisa had begged Doc Whipped to tell her dad she was a virgin and together they hid the fact that Elisa was sleeping around. Fina even suggests that Elisa was running around with Gael. Dam declares he doesn't have time for their cheap gossip and leaves. After he's gone Fina declares that though he might not have fallen for the story, the seeds of doubt have been sown. Hags. 
  • Carmina visits Paolo in a  ridiculous disguise. They talk about Paolo now having to marry Elisa. He's not to keen on the idea. Carmina says it's important that Damian believe the bunk and that Elisa is lying to him. Later they get slobbery and smoochy. I swear Carmina sucked on his knees. After they do the deed they yammer. Paolo, poor sap, he really sounds sincere as he declares his love for Carmina. Carmina claims Assgusto is the love of her life and kindly asks Paolo not to mention him again. Sometimes Paolo thinks hurting Elisa is more important to Carmina than their relationship (Paolo and Carmina). Ya think? He wonders what she thought of the letter. They get slobbery and loud smoochy again.
  • Dam goes to look for Elisa and finds out she's looking for Gael. He goes to look for her. Meanwhile, Elisa talks with Gael. He's leaving 'cause he doesn't want to see her and Dam together. Elisa says his departure will hurt her and hurt Paloma even more. Gael is sure Paloma will find the right guy. Before he leaves he wants to kiss the woman he loves. GRAB! SMOOCH! (weird music reminiscent of the Exorcist? QTH?) Of course, Dam walks in and he.is.pithed. He yells at Elisa. Dam doesn't know what to think. There are rumors all over town and she should clear things up for him. She goes OFF on the both of them. She tells Dam he can think whatever the heck he wants about her, the simple fact that he doubts her means she doesn't want to see him anymore. Then she tells Gael it's a good thing he's leaving 'cause she doesn't want to see him again either. After she leaves the boys manhandle each other until Padre Lupe reminds them they are in a house of God. Gael runs out after Elisa. Gael lines, Elisa lines. She's mad at him for kissing her. She was a fool for thinking Dam loved her. She doesn't trust Dam or Gael. She doesn't trust anyone. She goes home and...you know CRIES because everyone believes the worst of her and now Damian, too! 
  • Padre Lupe tries to explain to Dam that Elisa is a good girl. Lupe is not pleased that Dam has so little faith in Elisa and believes whatever anyone tells him...including Fina (maledicencia=gossip.) It seems mom is winning the battle and Padre says Dam doesn't DESERVE Elisa's love. Dam says he is dying of jealousy thinking she may have been with other men. What.a.twit. Gael comes and tries to explain, too...but Dam is too stubborn to listen. Dam goes home and tells mom she's trying to poison him against Elisa.
  • Ingrid tells Kenia not to gab to Gab about Gael. Kenia tells her to give her the check back. Ingrid says no. A struggle ensues. When Kenia tries to leave (after telling Mommy Dearest she would rather have been an orphan) Ingrid whacks her on the head with a heavy statuette. Gab and Ingrid panic over Kenia's prostrate body. (turulato-a=stunned; dazed) Gab asks what kind of mother is she. He knows what kind of mother she is...the kind to abandon a child she had with Rosendo Arango. Gab is going to be there when Kenia awakes and will ask her who Ingrid's son is.  Gab carries Kenia to the health center/hospital and leaves her on a bench. He goes to look for a nurse and when he returns Kenia is gone (she made her escape and is running through the town plaza.) Gab goes back to the blue house and tells Ingrid Kenia escaped.
  • Doc Whipped and Assgusto share a few shots at the cantina. Main points: Assgusto confesses he's been obsessing over another woman. Doc W tells Assgusto he's paying the price for marrying "por despecho" (for spite.) Assgusto whines about not being able to betray Carmina and making her miserable. More whining about not being able to control Elisa. Doc W tells him he hasn't paid attention to Elisa since Steffie died, but it's not too late to fix his relationship with his daughter. Guess who Assgusto runs into on his way home from the cantina...yup: Kenia. She asks for help and promptly faints. He catches her and his hand comes away stained with blood. (An aside: do drunk driving laws count when you are on a horse?)
  • At Hacienda Arango, Dam flashes back: Elisa's near rape, his convo with Tonia about who called the house, his beat down of Enrique, Gael kissing Elisa. Meanwhile, at Casa Castañon,  Elisa flashes back to the first time she saw adult Dam; their kiss in the stables; their kiss in the foyer; and Dam telling her that together they can face anything. She tells herself it was all a lie.
  • Padre is mad at Gael for kissing Elisa and causing problems with her and Dam. Gael thinks that if Dam's love were so great, he wouldn't believe the gossip over Elisa. Padre tells Gael the he made Dam doubt. Padre thinks Gael was purposely trying to cause problems; Gael denies it. Padre thinks Gael owes it to Dam and Elisa to fix things. Padre also tells Gael he can't leave without solving the issue with his mom. Padre thinks he should ask Gabino. Gael says he knows someone else he can ask.
  • Assgusto took Kenia home. Kenia tells Assgusto she went for a walk and got hit and started running. Oh thank the heavens. Kenia tells Assgusto not to let Elisa marry Paolo. Then she asks him not to leave and turns on the puppy dog eyes. He will stay in the living room.
  • Lola catches Nem-ho sneaking in after her tryst. Hee hee. Lola informs the Orange Tart that she's lucky she won't have to explain her late arrival. Assgusto isn't home yet either. Lola kicks ass and takes names. She tells Nem-ho she isn't afraid of her and she'll stay out of Carmina's bidnez if Carmina stays out of Elisa's bidnez.
  • Dam forces Paolo to admit that nothing happened between he and Elisa. Dam threatens to put Paolo in jail for attempted rape. 
  • Assgusto tucks in a sleeping Kenia. Carmina waits for her wayward husband. 
  • Lola wakes Elisa up. She's going to spoil and pamper her (apapachar=to pamper) and make papadzules (all hail Cap'n Sylvia for figuring this out for me.) Lola fusses at Elisa for crying into her pillow all night. She wants the girl to get up and stop wallowing. Dam doesn't deserve her. Cheat-ho barges in and says Assgusto did not spend the night at home. (He's with Kenia getting coffee and trying to convince her to go to the health center. A request she refuses.)
  • Padre continues to nag Gael about making up with Damian. Gael refuses to because he thinks Dam should trust more in Elisa. Padre thinks Gael should at least apologize to Elisa. Subject changes to Ingrid. Gael spills the "Kenia is her daughter beans."


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #257-258 Fri 5/18/12 Vice's Vices Take Their Toll

Part One: The Bachelorette, Toluca Edition

Scenes consolidated for narrative convenience.

Ana awaits the two finalists in this year's tiresome edition of "The Bachelorette: Toluca." Lupita, our host, explains that she told each of the guys to give it their best shot because it never, ever occurs to anyone on these shows to say "Hey, this is making me miserable, I think rather than honor some arbitrary and imaginary deadline I just won't pick anyone for now."

Fred and Adrián have a calm conversation outside with no punching. No new information. They agree to let Ana decide.

Fred will go first. Chucha excitedly announces his arrival. (Ana fusses over her appearance, which strikes me funny. I think she should frump herself up as much as possible and see how they react. Fred already loved her when she was still in dungarees. Adrián didn't meet her till later. But anyway.) Fred accepts her reason for deceiving him to get her dad out of jail. He reviews all the ways in which he's changed. He loves her and he's ready to be with her for the rest of his life and have a family with her. He leaves the house looking uncertain, and with no rose. Next!

Adrián opens with "How'd it go with Fred?" BZZZZZT FAIL!! Ana asks if that's what he wants to talk about. No, he wants to talk about how great she is and how much better his life is with her in it. He loves her and he's ready to be with her for the rest of his life and have kids with her. He leaves the house looking pleased with himself, but with no rose.

Ana agonizes over her choice with Lupita. Yawn. Lupita is the most incredible trouper. I would have told Ana to find a new rehash buddy a long time ago.

Vice is feeling sorry for himself. Enzo wants him to get his head out of the oven. He tries to get Vice to stop drinking. Vice is stubborn. He blurts that Violeta is a killer. Then he backpedals and says no, she didn't kill, it's just that she's crazy and she could kill. Enzo wants to know WHO could she kill? "That's not the problem," Vice protests, and changes the subject. The problem is that he's alone and his life is a disaster. Enzo tells him he's not alone; Vice kicks him out and continues drinking.

Enzo goes home to Chela. She doesn't want to hear about Vice. She worries about his health. He nicely asks her to stop acting like she's his mom.

Enzo meets with Fred to tell him about his talk with Vice, killer comments and all. Vice said Fred was the only light in his life; maybe Fred can help.

So Fred goes to Vice and says he's worried and that Vice shouldn't drink so much. Vice says he's fine and Violeta isn't a killer, she's just loca. He tells Fred he's divorcing Candy because of Violeta. He can't ever seem to have just one woman in his life. He needs the adrenaline of a fling. Honestly, he loved Candy, but he's never loved anyone as much as he loved Pina. And why'd he leave her? Because he's an imbécil. Fred asks if he wants Pina back.

Pina is whisked away by Sebastián on a magical mystery tour to the countryside. He asks if she's afraid of heights. She's getting antsy about all the secrecy.

There's a hot air balloon that says "PINA TE AMO" on the side. Hmmm, whatever could be happening? She's nervous about going up, but the scenery is beautiful. Seb has thought of everything: music, champagne, and a nice sparkly ring. Yes, this is what he's been hiding from her. CAREFUL DON'T DROP THE RING!! She's amused that everyone else was in on the secret. YES to Sebastián's proposal, and let's get down from here NOW!!

As they're arriving home, she tells him the whole scheme was way more than necessary. Ado asks some coy questions. Pina pretends to be angry with her for keeping the secret. Finally she reveals that she did say yes to the proposal. Ado hits her head on a lamp and passes out. Seb revives her. She hugs both of them. (Maybe she enjoys Sebastián's embrace a little too much.)

Mónica and Pepe look at a new apartment. He agrees to hire a "girl" so they won't have the trouble they did last time. (Wait, wasn't he just fired? How can he afford a nice apartment AND a maid?) But he wants a dog.

Pancho and Rebeca have arrived in New York. Pancho is overwhelmed... and cold.

It turns out they're not at Avon World HQ, which is in Manhattan. They're at Avon Global Research & Development, in Suffern, NY. Nervous Pancho makes random comments in English to their guide, Sofía, who clearly isn't used to such goofiness. The executives at the meeting are a bit confused by him too, but try to be charmed. Then this Wilson guy shows up to start the meeting. Rebeca helps Pancho with his manners. I don't think Pancho likes the looks of this Wilson fellow, who apparently doesn't speak Spanish. Wilson presents them with their Flame award of excellence for Avon Mexico. Funny, it looks like a plaque to me. When he gathers Pancho into a congratulatory embrace, Pancho hisses to him in Spanish that Rebeca is HIS hot wife.

They tour a factory and Pancho wants to get frisky with Rebeca right there. Then the two take in the sights of New York; but really, all they see is each other.

Candy tells the Mother Superior that she's given it a lot of thought and she really wants to be a nun. Mother S tells her you don't join (or wear) an outfit like the clergy just to hide from your worldly problems. You need to have the calling. It's a long process. You have to give up worldly goods. "Where do I sign?" Candy replies.

Tomás and his partner are at the bar where young hacker Don David was last seen. (So Tom is now a homicide detective in addition to SWAT? Or did he transfer?) The bartender knew the kid and is shocked to hear that he was killed. Yes, he remembers the woman he left with. She had everyone's attention as soon as she came into the room. (Not only is she hard to miss on account of being so tall, but she was wearing a bright pink dress besides. Does she think her magic earrings make her invisible?) She went right up to the kid and they left soon afterwards. The bartender agrees to go to the police station as soon as he gets off work.

Next day.

Ana wakes Lupita. (Ana didn't sleep all night, so why should anyone else get their rest either?) She's decided. Whoopiee. Ana calls Pancho and Rebe (who are enjoying a hansom cab ride in Central Park) to tell them her choice. We don't get to hear who it is. Pancho and Rebe are coming home tonight.

Adrián tells himself that he'll be the lucky guy. (He's wearing a suit just to stand around in his hotel room.) He calls his daughters and tells them he's still waiting but he's the happiest guy in the world.

Pina tells Fred (who told himself in the hallway that he'll be the lucky guy) that she's marrying Sebastián before he has a chance to hint around about Vice wanting her back. He tells her that Vice is a mess, he's divorcing Candy, and there are things that he's hiding from Fred. Pina doesn't want Vice dragging Fred down. Fred finds it hard to believe he's the child of a broken home. When he gets married, he'll fight to make sure it's for life. (Maybe he shouldn't marry a flake, then.) Pina is proud of him. Fred promises he won't get in the way of her marrying Sebastián.

Pancho and Rebeca talk about the twins' baptism. To avoid fighting over it, he'll pick Julio's and she'll pick Ana-G's. They pause to admire the Statue of Liberty, then go back to smooching.

The bartender works with the sketch artist to come up with drawing that is so vague, it could be Mónica or any other person with a chin-length bob as well as Violeta. But I guess the fact that the bartender already said she's six feet tall ought to narrow it down a bit too.

Part Two: Magical Mystery Wedding

Considerably less consolidated due to faster action!

Vice receives a visit from Violeta in his office. "I'm doing okay, considering I'm in a relationship with a murderer!" Violeta complains that Pepe's still nosing around her daughter. Moni deserves better. Violeta will have to intervene!

Ana calls Fred. "Let's meet." She doesn't want to do this over the phone. Pancho and Rebeca come back from New York and go straight to the nursery. Ana stays behind to call Adrián.

Pancho shows off his Flame which still looks like a plaque to me. Temo asks, "What did you bring me?" He's old enough to have better manners. Pancho pretends he didn't bring anything, but no, he brought lots of stuff. Ha ha ha. Ana returns from her phone calls and assures Pancho she's sure of her decision. He's sad she'll leave him, but gives his blessing.

Pepe and Moni have been summoned downstairs to see Vice. In short:

Vice: Violeta is dangerous.
Moni: Naw, she's just sick.
Vice: Pepe is in danger.
Moni: You're exaggerating.
Vice: He could die.
Moni: Are you sure?
Vice: I've done my duty. Do what you like. I just don't want any more deaths.
Moni: Wut? That's crazy!
Vice: I can't say any more. Don't take any wooden nickels, kids!

Pepe and Moni tell Pancho and Rebeca. Nobody is 100% sure that Vice is wrong about Violeta. Moni considers calling her mother, but is dissuaded. But Violeta wouldn't hurt her too... or would she?

Vice goes to Enzo and Chela's. Chela was just telling Enzo this pregnancy hasn't been so bad. Less nausea. Vice's arrival kinda spoils her good mood. She reads him the riot act for putting Pancho in jail and kicks him out. Enzo agrees to take Vice outside. Chela tells Concepción not to let him in ever again.

Vice, increasingly unhinged, babbles. Terror and alcohol have rendered him somewhat incoherent. He can't turn Violeta in. He won't explain why, but says he's "involved" regardless. She "knows things." Enzo tries to understand. Vice freaks out and wants to leave.

Next day.

Candy is all nunned up. Mother Superior is surprised she hasn't yet told her family of her plan to join the clergy. They're going to find out sooner or later and she won't be able to get out much.

Ana and Lupita plan the wedding and visit the church. They wonder where Candy is. She's supposed to be Ana's maid of honor and such.

Vice goes to Pina's office and invites her to dinner. He wants to talk. Not about work, but about "us." Pina takes great pains to assure him that they are DONE and there is no "us." She's moved on. Vice whines about Sebastián. Pina says, in short, "Fred told me you were a wreck, but ye gods!" "You're all I have left in my life," Vice pleads. Pina shows off her ring to drive the point home. She says, in far more words, "you suck, please go away." He gets handsy with her.

Pancho shows up just in time and tells Vice to pick on someone his own size. He reminds Vice that he hasn't forgotten his week in the joint, then kicks him out.

Pina explains that Vice is upset she's getting married; he had told her she's the most important thing in his life. Suddenly, they both realize that Sebastián is probably in trouble.

Oh yes he is. Pina calls Security. (Just think, Tom could have had a slightly interesting day at Avon.) Vice is shaking Sebastián. S is brave, but Vice is loco. Pancho comes in and tells Vice he's lost Pina forever. He won't calm down.

Security arrives. Pancho tells them not to be rough with this executive. Vice makes defiant noises and gestures, but lets them escort him out. Pancho comments that he doesn't smell the sulfur.


How many weddings is this, now?

Ana shows off her wedding gown to Pancho and the Rebecas. (Doña Rebe says she looks so great she'll give the groom a heart attack; no one even blinks at this, but I'm glad Lupita didn't hear it.) Pancho gets teary-eyed. Ana hints that she's pregnant. Ha ha! Just kidding! Man, that joke never gets old! He tears up some more, offers his own blessing and that of her mother and grandmother, and calls up the family to go the church.

Adrián is putting on formal wedding attire. Fred is still in his robe and his combing his hair slowly and deliberately. Neither looks very happy. Nervous? Angry? Sad?

Pancho and Ana are at the church. Where's La Burra? And where's Ana's HEMLINE?? Doesn't this church have a dress code? Like, requiring the bride to wear something? Anyway, Pancho is remembering the day Lupita got married, and he wanted to run far away with her and leave everyone behind. He feels the same way now. (Again, I can't believe he's talking about Lupita's wedding. That's the last thing Ana needs to have on her mind.) They cry. He tells her it's the happiest day of her life. The bells are ringing. Time to go in!

Everyone is watches as Pancho leads Ana to the altar and hands her off to the groom. (Candy is there in an orange dress with a moderate cleavage display and less jewelry than usual.)

At first, all we see of the groom is his hand, then Ana's smiling face. Finally we pan back to his face, and it's Freddy. Phew!

Then Adrián comes in and stands there, halfway down the aisle, for a long time. Then he takes a seat, followed by his daughters. Fred turns around a moment later, wondering where his father is.

Except for the long, boring flashbacks to Ana's breakup with Adrián, this ceremony goes off without a hitch (besides the marital hitching, of course).

So, about the flashback to the breakup. She tells him he's a great guy, but. That's enough for Adrián. He doesn't want to hear any more, but she insists. She acknowledges that he's never let her down and this is really going to hurt; but she's marrying Freddie. He wants to know why. Basically, it's that Fred got to her first and he's the love of her life. He was a jackass for a while, but it turned out okay.

All Adrián wants to know is if it's because of his daughters. She says no. It's just that the heart doesn't take orders. They're going in different directions and she doesn't want to make a decision she'll regret later. He weeps manfully and wishes Ana and Fred well.

So, back to the ceremony. I think the priest had better hurry up because they're already rubbing noses and I don't how much longer they can wait for the kiss. Here it comes: They kiss. Nobody has a sudden attack of rigor mortis.

Speaking of which, Vice is at home with Violeta. He finishes his drink while she fixes his tie. Today's earrings remind me of Eeyore's tail. She drags him out of the room. Vice flings his whiskey glass over his shoulder and it shatters on the floor. We get a close-up of the broken glass. (Good thinking, Vice! Make it look like you put up a struggle!)

Outside the church, Pina and Pancho greet one another as co-in-laws. The newlyweds emerge to great applause. Doc Oc offers his lucid congratulations and advises them never to let any third parties break them up. Fred sadly observes that his father never showed up.

I don't know this band that's playing at the reception, but they're good. I like the accordion. Could do without all the bubbles, though - reminds me of the Lawrence Welk show.

Ana does a song. She's now wearing a puffy thing along the bottom of her dress, I guess so she doesn't flash everyone when she goes up on the stage. She sings that song she always does. A new song would have been nice for this occasion, but I guess she didn't have time to write one!

Violeta and Vice show up just after Ana finishes her song. Vice has already obtained a new drink. Violeta is complaining that only a Lopez would have the poor taste to hold a wedding reception at a disco. Pancho notices the smell of sulfur. Candy sees Vice and becomes agitated. Pancho and Rebe try to keep her from making a scene.

Vice makes a lame excuse to Fred for missing the ceremony. He feels God has forgotten him anyway.

Moni and Pepe notice Violeta. Pina asks Sebastián not to let Vice provoke him.

Violeta congratulates Fred and tells him that that soon she'll be related to him, too. She'll be like hismother.

Tom comes back from a phone call somewhere and stares bug-eyed at Violeta. "Who is that?" he asks, recalling the incredible likeness produced by the police sketch artist. Moni identifies her as her mother - Vicente's lover.

Next time:
Wild guess: Violeta acts like a jerk.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo - Discuss among yourselves: Week of May 21

Hello from scenic Clinton, NY where I am attending my nephew's graduation from Hamilton College. Over to you.

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Abismo de pasión #50 5/18/12: Shotgun Wedding Bells are Ringing

Casa de Castanon-Home Office

Giddy Carmina is sitting in Agosto’s office, reading a very steamy love letter, by candlelight.  It’s from Paolo, her Italian lover.  She hears the front door close and quickly hides the letter behind her back.  Agosto, who is sporting a very dapper straw hat high on his head, marches in and sees the frightened look on Carmina’s face.  He asks what she’s doing.  Nada, she answers nervously.  Why are you hiding what you are reading?   She tries to resist.  Let me have it!  What are you reading?  Let me see it!  He quickly overpowers her and tears the flimsy paper from her grasp.  His angry lips twitch as he turns away from her to read.  Carmina watches and looks sick.  Furiously, he turns back to face his wife.  What in the devil is this?  He demands to know who sent the letter!  He’s waiting for an explanation.  She stalls by rubbing her shoulder and wincing.  She will have to think quick!  She’ll need something original!  It’s not hers, she says.  The letter belongs to Elisa. ORIGINAL!  I stressed ORIGINAL!  She goes on to say that a strange man delivered the envelope.  She thinks Paolo sent the letter.  Agosto doubts it (Shhhhhh everyone…Agosto is thinking).  Elisa’s not interested in Paolo.  Elisa has told me many times that that she’s not interested in him (Just a little more thinking, Agosto.  You can do it!  Look at the obvious!)  Oh yeah!  Carmina says, it totally slipped my mind!  It could be from Damien.  They have been seeing each other lately. Where’s Elisa?  She went to see Lucio.  Agosto marches out of the house to find his daughter.  Carmina exhales and sinks her forehead into her hand.   
Casa de Kenia

Kenia pleads with Gael to forgive her.  She grabs his hand as he turns to leave and pulls him back. I’m your sister!  I’m your sister! I lied because of Ingrid! Gael looks both hurt and confused. She made me promised not to reveal myself so that she can watch your movements.  He asks why. She doesn’t regret abandoning you.  She wants to take advantage of you!  That story makes no sense.  I’m just a poor devil. How can she take advantage of someone with nothing?  She tells him that he has her.  She repeats that she’s his sister and touches his face.  Quien es mi sperm donor?  Who is my father?  Do you know who my father is?  Tell me!  She says she doesn’t know his name.  Your father is Forest Lawn fertilizer, like mine!  Forget about me Kenia.  I’m getting the hell out of this town.  Gael storms out!  She runs after him!  As she hurries past her furniture, I find myself coveting her apartment.  IKEA?  Pier One?  Back to the story!  She’s begging him to listen to her!   Gael ignores his distraught sister, unties his horse and rides off into the night.  Kenia, while screaming after Gael, does not notice that Gabby has been observing this tragic scene from a distance.  He slowly saunters up the street.  I found you, he says to himself.  She runs back into the house and slams the door!   Looks like it’s gonna be a romantic night for Gabby, he’s carrying wine and a rolled up take-out bag under his armpit.

Snack Cart

Horacio is buying some snacks when his stalker (I mean Lolita) surprises him.  “Hola Horacio,” she says.   Horacio, wearing a dirty wife-beater, munches on a churro.  More food makes it on his shirt than in his mouth.  He has no manners and eats like a pig. Gosh, after watching this scene, it’s easy to see why she’s so attracted to him.  She asks if he’d like to walk with her.  Maybe next week?  She thought that he’d want to carry her bag of milk. What the hell is that code for?  That was mighty forward of her.  What a tramp!  Oh!…you want me to carry you milk (wink wink).  He tries to grab the bag.  If I have to tell you to carry my milk, I don’t want you to feel obligated.  I’m not desperate.  She is such a tease.  He rolls his eyes.  Women!  He heads off in the opposite direction.  Elisa sees Lolita and asks who she was talking to.  Lolita tells her it’s her friend, Horacio. I was trying to get him to carry my milk, but he didn’t get the hint.  I haven’t had my milk carried since Braulio carried it.  You have to be very direct with men.  Next time put your boobies in his face, says Elisa, who was still walking on clouds from kissing Dam Fine.  People in love make me sick.  I want to punch her.  They walk off arm and arm together. 
Casa de Arango-Dinner Table

Tonia tells Paolo that he has a telephone call.  He hurries from the table and into the office.  Alfonsina asks who’s on the phone.  Tonia tells her that it’s the same woman that calls a lot and won’t leave her name. 
Casa de Arango-Home Office

Paolo asks Carmina if she got his letter.  Yeppers, she says, but if anyone asks, you wrote it to Elisa, OK?  Yes, but why Elisa?  If you don’t say the letter was meant for Elisa, you’ll lose me.  She says that she will explain later and hangs up.  He does not see Alfonsina waiting at the door.  Alfonsina enters the room and wants to know who was on the phone.  He says it was Sabrina.  Estas seguro?  Of course I’m sure.  He dashes out of the room. 

Casa de Don Lucio

Lucio opens the door.  Agosto, still wearing his dapper straw fedora hat barges in! I’m looking for Elisa!  She’s not here!  Agosto is freaking out.  She invented that story to go out with someone!  Lucio tells him to relax.  She didn’t lie.  She was there, but she left.  Lucio asks Agosto what’s up?  What’s bothering you? Agosto gives him the letter.  Lucio reads the letter.  Agosto tells him that Elisa’s following in her mother’s steps. She can’t help it, it’s in her blood.  Don Lucio tells him not to talk about Elisa in that manner in front of him.  She’s not the women that you think she is.  Open your eyes!  Agosto charges out of the door.  Lucio looks shocked. 
Casa de Mickey and Mallory

Standing at the dinner table, Ingrid is lighting candles in preparation for her romantic dinner with Gabby.  She’s wearing the lovely necklace Gabby gave her.  Gabby strolls in, carrying a completely different take-out bag, and kicks the door closed.  He tells Ingrid that he just saw her daughter, the thief.  She’s still in La Ermita.  Ingrid looks pleased (there will definitely be no big blue NERF balls for him tonight). 

Casa de Arango-Foyer

Maru and Damien are standing in the foyer, discussing Ingrid by candlelight.  Maru tells Damien that the secretary has been absent from work for two days.  They can’t find some urgent paperwork that Ingrid was working on.  Damien tells her that when Ingrid returns, they will ask her where she put it.  Maru says that she went to Ingrid’s hotel and she left a few days ago.  No one knows where she is or when she will return.  After Maru leaves, Alfonsina enters the room and asks why Maru stopped by.  He tells her that Ingrid has been AWOL from work for two day.  They can’t find some paperwork.  Alfonsina acts as if she’s vaguely familiar with Ingrid.  Was that the woman who came to see you the other day?  She calls her irresponsible for leaving and not telling anyone.   Why are you so worried about a secretary?  Damien tells his mother that Ingrid is more than a secretary. 
Casa de Castanon-Foyer

Carmina is nonchalantly sitting on a couch, rubbing her feet in the foyer, when Agosto returns.  She asks where he’s been.  Searching for Elisa.  He tells her that he went to Don Lucio’s house.  Carmina tells him that Elisa came home with Lolita a while ago.  He starts to go find her.  Carmina tells him to find out who wrote the letter first.  For one millisecond, a suspicious look flashes across his face.  But, alas, it was only fleeting.  Carmina says that if he goes to her now, Elisa will only lie about it.  They’ll wait until the morning to investigate this. He agrees.  


Damien tells Lupe that Ingrid has disappeared and no one has seen her.  He’s suspicious because she wanted to get closer to Gael.  It’s just strange that she’s been missing for two days.  Why do you care so much about her?  She’s Gael’s mother.  Gael walks in.  Akward!  Damien greets Gael and backs out of the room (he doesn’t want to get shanked in the back at the church).  Gael wants to know why Damien was there.  Lupe tells Gael that his mother is missing and Damien is worried about her.  Don’t you care that your mother is missing?  No.  Gael rubs his pretty hair into a strange page boy, bobbish-like do and walks towards the door.  He’s tired.  He has to give Agosto his notice.  So you’re still gonna leave?  Yeppers.  Padre wants to speak to Kenia.  Gael tells him not to worry.  He’s leaving town alone.  Kenia is just as much of a liar as Ingrid. 
Unknown Area

Gabby slams Kenia, by the neck, into a wall.  She yells, “Sueltame”!  One more time, where is the money that you stole from your mother?  She’s terrified.  Hablar! He is turning out to be the best novio EVER!  Commercial.
Casa de Arango

Agosto shows his arch enemy the letter.  Does Alfonsina recognize the handwriting?   Which Arango should he shoot?  Damien? Paolo? Scruffy the dog?  Help a brotha out!  She tells him that Damien didn’t write the letter.   It’s not her son’s handwriting.  Damn it!  Agosto looks disappointed.  “I’ve been fanaticizing about shooting that pretty boy!  Are you absolutely certain?”  I don’t think it’s Paolo’s but I’ll ask him.  “Well, I’d been hoping to wack a blood Arango, but if I have to settle for Paolo…OK”.  Agosto wants to kill…I mean speak with Paolo immediately.  Alfosina says that she will talk to him alone, first. She’ll keep the letter and humiliate Paolo with it and get back to him when she knows more. 
Dr. Whipped’s Clinic

Paloma is bummed.  Elated, Elisa floats in and kisses her.  What’s wrong?”  Elisa sees fallen Paloma’s countenance.  My grandma knows about the kissident in Gael’s bedroom.  She smacked the hell out of me and told me that I was a disappointment.  Basically, Elisa says Ramona had a right to be mad.  Yeah, but she didn’t have to hit me.  She’s never hit me before. Elisa tries to cheer her up. She sits on Paloma’s desk.  I have great news!  Dam Fine and I are so totally dating now!  At first, I must say, it so was hard for me to choose between Gael, (the total love of your FREAKING LIFE), and Damien.  Buutttttttt!  Dam Fine is hot and he’s so stinking rich; I chose him”   Tears slide down Paloma’s face.  People in love make her sick too.  Elisa tells her that one day she’ll find love too.  Stuff like that doesn’t happen to me, says Paloma.  It never will because Gael is the stupidest man in the world.  Side note:  if I am ever at the point where I am about to slit my wrists.  Please….for the love of all that is good…don’t send sad or happy Elisa over to cheer me up. 

Casa de Arango

Alfonsina is grilling Paolo like a BK Whopper.  Answer me Paolo!  Did you or did you not send this letter to Elisa?  Paolo says he wrote the letter.  They hooked up.  He wants to know how she got it. I pay the bills!  I ask the questions!  Is it true what you wrote in the letter?  Are you are in love with Elisa?  Or is it a lie?  Yeah, I’m in love with her. 

Ramona, also wearing an incredibly stylish straw hat, has come to ask Father (perfect hair) Lupe about the kissident with Gael.  She wants to know why he didn’t tell her.  Lupe wants to know who told her.  Paloma.  He invites her to sit down.  She tells Lupe that her granddaughter is crazy for Gael.   She feels like she didn’t do a good job.  Lupe tells her that she is being too hard on herself and Paloma.  Young people make mistakes.  Lupe tells Ramona that she won’t have to worry for long because Gael is about to leave La Ermita.  Ramona is shocked. 
Green Castanon Fields

The field hands, all dressed in their white Sunday best, are walking down a dirt road.  Once again, all thirty women choose to pick from the exact same bush, which is conveniently located directly in front of the main camera.  Gael tells Agosto that he’s leaving.  Agosto wants to know why.  Well, I want a job with an opportunity for advancement.  He thanks Agosto for giving him a chance.  Agosto says that there is no reason to thank him.  He wants to know if it’s because of Elisa’s project. Is it about Kenia?  Gael says that Kenia turned out to be a disappointment.  He is so bummed.  He thanks Agosto for giving him a chance.  He and Father Lupe made him a man. He’s quitting immediately.  They hug. Hasta luego. 
Casa de Mickey and Mallory

Ingrid is sitting at the table, wearing a chaste pink Alice the waitress uniform, when Gaby shoves frightened Kenia through the door.  Hola Kenia, says her mother.  Did you think you could trick me? 

Procesadora-Damien’s Office

Damien is carrying the blue and white contract folder.  I THINK he tells Braulio that he will be sending him to train or to work on Elisa’s property, he will have to be discreet.  Braulio tells him that sooner or later Gabby will find out about it.  Once Gabby finds out, Alfonsina will know.  Damien says, then we’ll try to keep it a secret as long as we can.  Braulio congratulates him on his new relationship with Elisa.  He smiles.  People in love….did I mention they make me sick?
Casa de Costanon-Living Room

Carmina tells Agosto that they have visitors and leads him into the parlor.  Paolo and Alfonsina are sitting on the couch.  Damn it! If I would have known Paolo was here, I would have grabbed my sawed-off on the way in.  Alfonsina dramatically lifts up the letter and announces that the person who wrote it is Paolo.  She then holds the letter out to Agosto.  He snatches it from her and asks Paolo if what he wrote in the letter was true.  Did it happen?  Si.  Paolo nervously clears his throat.  Elisa might deny it, but it’s all true.  Agosto turns his back to his guests as if he’s looking for a makeshift weapon.   Alfonsina tells Agosto that Paolo wants to marry Elisa.  Everyone is shocked (including Paolo).  Commercial. 
Back to the Casa de Costanon-Living Room

Paolo’s muscles continue to strain against his shirt. Shhhh!   Agosto is thinking again.  We must not judge him.  We have to support him. He finds it strange that Alfonsina wants to arrange a marriage between his daughter and this moron.  Alfonsina defends the Landucci honor.  She’s known them for years and they are a good family. Pablo loves her.  Elisa’s not interested in marrying someone like him, says Agosto.  Alfonsina, says the letter says otherwise.  Carmina agrees with Alfonsina.  Paolo is visibly appalled.   Agosto doesn’t want to force her to marry that barbarian.  Alfonsina says that he must convince her to do so. He thanks Alfonsina for her advice, but says that it’s not necessary.  Alfonsina tells him that he can’t afford to have his reputation damaged again.  Paolo and Alfonsina leave.  Carmina wants to know what Agosto thinks.  She tells him the wedding is a good idea.   Agosto walks out of the room.  Out of the shadows Lolita, having just heard the conversation, appears with a sick look on her face. 
Casa de Arango-Front Yard

Paolo’s shirt is still doing a great job of clinging to all of his muscles.  He is pissed because Alfonsina offered his hand in marriage without discussing it with him first.  Alfonsina tells him that it doesn’t matter what he thinks.  She hops in the back of the SUV and he drives them away. 
Casa de Mickey and Mallory

Answer me!  What have you done with my money?  Ingrid really wants those Benjamins!  She accuses her daughter of sneaking into her hotel room and stealing the check.   Kenia insists that she did not take the money.  Kenia says it could have been your idiot boyfriend.  Right then, Gabby swaggers in and tosses down Kenia’s suitcase.  He’s flipped her house!  He shoves Kenia’s Bank of Merida statements into her face.  When her mother grabs the statements, Kenia lunges for them.  Ingrids smacks her in the face; Kenia yelps and Gabby pulls her away from her mother.  Gabby smiles.  Suddenly, his jeans got a little tighter.  He’s just found a soul mate that’s just as psychotic as he is and it is turning him on.  While Kenia holds her face, Ingrid inspects the papers.  Ingrid says this is proof that Kenia robbed her.  Kenia tells her mother that she can have the money.  It doesn’t matter.  Kenia attempts to leave; Gabby yanks her back by her hair.  They are all going to stay together. 
Dead Weeds of Elisa Castanon

Thank goodness!  Someone finally sent an official memo to the extras and explained that spreading out across the field will be more realistic.  Paragraph one:  forty people cannot pick one weed.  Paragraph two:  wear some jeans and t-shirts.  No one will believe that field hands dress in their white Sunday best.   Gael arrives on horseback.  He lacks side burns and that disturbs me.  He has come to tell Lucio that he’s leaving.  He gives Don Lucio the green house estimates, but feels it’s a waste now that Damien involved.  Lucio says that it’s a shame that he’s leaving since the whole thing was his idea.  Don Lucio wants to know why he’s doesn’t give the papers to Elisa.  Cuz Elisa’s in love with Damien and she doesn’t love me.  He gets on his horse and leaves.  Side note:  Everyone involved with the project appears to be working in Elisa’s fields except Scarlett (I mean Elisa) who, only last week, vowed to clear the fields by hand.  “As God is my witness!” she declared to the sky as she tore at the weeds with her bare hands.  That was last week.  How quickly she forgot now that she has that sweet contract.  Oh Well fiddle dee dee!

Casa de Castanon-Foyer

Elisa returns from cheering Paloma up.   Lolita greets her at the door and tries to warn her of the bomb that about to drop.  Damien’s crazy mother and the child molester were here!  Lolita’s talking quick, but not quick enough!   Carmina hobbles out and tells Elisa that her father wants to see her in the office.  Elisa leaves.  Lolita tells Carmina that what their planning is crazy.  Carmina tells Lolita to get her butt in the kitchen.  The beans are burning.  Lolita leaves.  Carmina, wearing bedazzled jeans, hobbles off to eavesdrop at the office door. 
Casa de Castanon-Home Office

Agosto informs Elisa that the dress is ready, the judge is hired, they bought the cake and she’s getting hitched in the morning.  Who’s the groom?  Your lover, the rapist/pedofile, Paolo.  He’s an excellent catch.  Oh, hell no, I’m not!  He ain’t my lover and I’m not going back to Dr. Whipped to take another virtue test. You can kiss my behind.  I don’t even like him.  He disgusts me.  Agosto shows her the letter.  He knows they’ve had sex.  She grabs it and frantically reads.  She says that she doesn’t care what he thinks.  Elisa vows that she will not marry that idiot.  He tells her that she has to marry him to protect her reputation.  She storms out.  He follows her out to the foyer.  Carmina tells Elisa that she should lucky that Paolo wants to marry her.  Elisa turns around and tells them Paolo got Kenia preggers.  She tells them that the pregnancy test belonged to Kenia, not to her or Florencia.  Paolo knocked up a minor and hid in La Ermita so he wouldn’t have to take responsibility.  For once both Agosto and Carmina are miraculously stunned into silence.  Elisa tells them that she’s in love with Damien Arango.  Accept it daddy!  After hearing that, he tells her that now, more than ever, it is imperative that marries Paolo.  Primero…Muerto!  She storms out of the foyer, without doubt, to sob in Lolita’s arms, but this time, I don’t care!  She did a good job.  She was great.  Her father calls her name.  Commercial. 
Casa de Mickey and Mallory

Kenia writes her mother a pink check and hands it to her.  She’s paid her back every cent.  Ingrid can cash the check in the morning.  Ingrid tells Kenia that she has to stay there until the morning.  She begs her Ingrid to trust her.  I’m your daughter!  I wouldn’t trust you even if you told me that I was your mother and you had video proving that I gave birth to you!  Ingrid tells Kenia to calm down and go to the guest room.  Gabby will bring in her luggage.  Gabby, gushing with love, tells Kenia to listen to her mother.  His belt buckled jumped.  He wants to get naked.  Kenia stomps off like a chastised five-year old.   He looks at Ingrid.  Where have you been all my life?   He mentally makes plans to introduce her to his mother and his kids (which is a problem since his kids are not aware that he is their father). 
Casa de Kravitz-Whipped (less Dr. Whipped)

Mrs. Kravitz (Begonia) is sitting on the couch talking on the phone in the living room when Enrique comes home.  She’s telling someone named Rosita that her husband was messing with the fortune teller’s granddaughter.  He deliberately slams the door in order to get her attention.  She quickly ends the call.  You’re putting our family business out on the block, ma?  She says that she’d rather spread the news than have someone else do it.  You’re telling everyone that dad is hiding the baloney pony (thank you Rick Dugerman) with Paloma?  Why are you ruining that girl’s reputation?  Dad swore to me that the Paloma was never his lover.  Mrs. Kravitz is upset that Enrique is on his father’s side.  He tells her, that he is not on either side.  She’s a friend of Elisa, who is the daughter of Estefania.  What did I expect?  He sits beside her on the couch and chides her for gossiping.  The phone rings and she answers it.  It’s Alfonsina.  She looks at her son.  Excuse me!  This gossip’s not gonna spread itself.  Enrique leaves. 

Witch Mountain-Kitchen Table

Ramona is eating.  Paloma asks her grandmother to forgive her.  Paloma knows that she tried to get Gael’s attention the wrong way.  She asks her grandmother for a hug.  Abuela gives her one, and then we had to sit through several moments of mumbo jumbo about relaxation. 
Casa de Castanon

STOP THE PRESSES!  Elisa. Is. Not. Crying.  Darn it!  Now I have to admit that I was wrrr...I was mistak…I was not corr….Let’s all agree that she was not sobbing in her room today.  She’s too pissed to cry; she’s disgusted.  Elisa tells Lolita that can’t believe her father agreed that she should marry Paolo.  Lolita says Alfonsina is behind this because she doesn’t want Damien and Elisa to be together.  She touches her amulet, sits down on her bed and touches some plastic flowers.  She tells Lolita that Gael is leaving La Ermita. 
Church-Gael’s Bedroom

Gael is sitting on the edge of his bed.  His head is down, shoulders bowed and his lips look unusually deflated.   Hopefully, no one will send Elisa over to cheer him up.  If you do, hide the razors and the guns.  Padre Lupe comes in.  He thought the Gael had left without saying goodbye.  Gael tells him that he’s still leaving in the morning.  He asks Gael if he is worried about his mother.  Shouldn’t he look for her?  Gael tells him that he wouldn’t know where to begin.   Padre thinks that Gabby may be behind the disappearance.   
Casa de Mickey and Mallory

Gabino is back.  Ingrid is lounging around in her Alice waitress uniform.  Half of her collar has been up for the entire episode and I won't be able to concentrate until someone puts it down.  Ingrid tells him that Kenia is in the bedroom.  Ingrid says Kenia is stressing her out.  She wants her out of the house.  Kenia gives her the heebeegeebees; she finds Kenia irritating.  Gabby tells Ingrid that Kenia has to stay with them for a little while.  He tells Gabby that she’s a disorganized person.  Damien is looking for his papers.  Also, Kenia is a loose cannon.  Kenia comes out and tells Gabby that her mother knows perfectly well who and where her son is.  Kenia will tell him everything he wants to know.  Ingrid tells Kenia to shut up.  Gabby tells Ingrid to shut up. He is so manly when he takes charge.  Kenia tells him that she will tell him everything about her brother if he lets her go.   
Casa de Arango

Damien eavesdrops behind a pillar on conversation between his mother and Mrs. Kravitz.  Alfonsina tells Mrs. Kravitz about Paolo's letter.  Mrs. Kravitz is concerned that this will hurt Sabrina.  Elisa affects us all dear Mrs. Kravitz.  Damien steps out of the shadows.   Alfonsina tells him that Elisa will marry Paolo in the morning.  Damien is shocked.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Who wants to recap Refugio para el amor?

Hello friends,
I wonder if my Familia con suerte family is too exhausted by our MONTHS OF DOUBLE EPISODES to continue on with the next one, which is of the old-fashioned variety. Please let me know in the comments here. And is anybody else interested in signing on? Let me know.

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