Friday, February 12, 2010

Sortilegio 2/11 The Investigation Continues

Sortilegio 2/11/10

From yesterday:
Victoria and Felipa--Fernando loves you. I know. You are right. I’m stupid. Well maybe just a little.

Tio was glad to see MJ and Alex. Alex has to tell Tio about Nando’s accident. He lies and says it was an accident at work and he broke his leg. He’s getting therapy. Tio wants to visit him and Alex tries to talk him out of it. He’s like a son to me.

The cops are visiting Elena. They want to ask her a bunch of questions.
Dr. Kruger is in Canada at a conference. She invites them in and cop #1 says they are interested in the kidnapping of MJ. They have a few questions. They want to know why she insisted that MJ was her other daughter Sandra. She says that they were confused because when they found her she was in a coma. The cops are looking at her like uh huh--sure. She continues explaining that Sandra was into drugs and they thought she had overdosed. The cop wants to know who found “Sandra” and Elena tells him about Useless. He was a friend of hers from Spain. He found her and brought her to the rehab in Mexico. No one ever suspected that Useless had switched Sandra with MJ? Of course not. So you went to Merida to see Sr. Lombardo. Of course. He took my daughter. And who told you where he was? His brother, Bruno. Ah—Bruno says cop #2. So when the doctor said that “Sandra” was really MJ they said you accused Useless. Didn’t you talk to Bruno about Useless changing your daughter for MJ? I didn’t say anything about him. The other cop chimes in and wants to know about Dr. Evil and suggests that what he gave MJ was not authorized by the medical association. Elena gets defensive and says that her husband does important research He is a serious doctor. Yeah, right. Cop #1 wants to know when Dr. Evil returns from Canada. She says she doesn’t know. The cops leave and they look like they don’t believe a word she said.

Over at Porfirio’s. Porfirio is in bed not looking very well. Iseas runs in looking like my siblings and I did when we would slide across the hardwood floor in our socks. Except he didn’t smash into the wall, break anything, or get grounded. He tells Por that his grandaughter is here with the baby. Por perks right up at that news. In they come and Por is overjoyed to see them. He is really taken with Tiny Tony. He’s very handsome and strong. He wants the nurse to give him a photo of his son. Look it is the same. Alex has the look like, “Not so much really, but ok.” He laughs that fake laugh that my first husband used to do when something wasn’t really funny. But he doesn’t comment. Por says this is the happiest time in my life. It’s a miracle. I have a granddaughter and a great grandson. My blood will continue. I am very satisfied. He kisses MJ’s hand. Tiny Tony makes the “I have gas face”and sticks out his tongue. What a cutie.

Back at Mengele Manor, Elena gets on the phone with Dr. Evil. She gets voice mail and leaves a message that he needs to contact her as soon as possible. The cops were here investigating.

MJ and Alex are leaving Por and heading back to the hotel. FF>>They say good-bye to Iseas. MJ wants him to take care of her grandfather. He assures her that he will. Don’t worry. FF>>

The nurse shows up at Elena’s. Elena wants to know if everything is ok with Porfirio. She spills the beans about MJ and family being there. She said he was happy about his granddaughter visiting. Elena looks impactada! She should--heifer. Elena gets on the phone with Dr. Evil. She asks how it is going and he says that they are imbeciles. They are afraid of advanced medicine. They aren’t real up on what he’s doing and are afraid and stupid. FF>> Then you are not interested in the investigation. They asked me questions about Useless, Sandra and MJ. Of course you answered correctly. Of course. MJ and her husband and their baby came to visit with Porfirio today. What child? The great grandson of Porfirio. Dr. Evil wants to know if MJ came to visit her. No. You need to go to Merida and talk to her. She is our only hope.

Nando is having his PT with the pretty therapist. She wants him to move his legs. Victoria looks on. He asks her about her schooling, and her family. Victoria makes her “I’m jealous but trying not to be” face and gets up and walks away.

Back at the Casa Victoria is telling Felipa how she’s not jealous. Ok, you keep on believing that. She is young and beautiful. He ignores me when she is there. Felipa is like don’t get your panties in a wad. She’s sure that Nando is just talking to her while they do their exercises. Vicky says they talk about things that don’t include her. All she has to talk about are things that happen at the house, and her kids. The competition has much more interesting things to talk about. Felipa thinks she is being silly. Yawn…FF>> Victioria is trying to convince herself that it’s better this way. Felipa says she has good news and bad news. Things are happening with her book deal. That’s the good news. The bad news is that Raquel wants to have Useless cremated and something I didn’t understand.

Emiliano is talking to Hernan who is glad to see him. He’s come to see his nephew. How is he doing? He’s better considering the accident was so bad its amazing he’s not dead. Tio looks confused. Alex said he broke his leg on the job. Dr. Big Mouth says it is understandable that Alex didn’t want to worry him. Nando is strong and young and with therapy he will walk again. Tio is impactada! He’s paralyzed?! Yes, didn’t I just say that?

Tio goes in to see Nando. You shouldn’t have come. Alex didn’t tell me the truth to not worry me. Hernan says his body is responding to therapy. You will get out of bed. Tio says he needs to know these things. They are family. Fernando says he won’t keep things from him again. FF>>

Vicky is talking with Raquel who is hugging the box containing the useless ashes of Useless.

Alex is talking to the cop. (Somebody fill-in here. It was way too fast.) The cop said they asked the same questions. Then who do we suspect? Alex says he knows who is responsible—dun, dun, dun—Quien? My brother Bruno. The cop says they checked him out and he is clean. (I guess that depends on your definition of “clean.” If his precious scarves are straight and his shirt isn’t rumpled then yeah--I guess he’s clean.) Alex wants to know what is going on with Dr. Evil. The cop says he’s in Vancouver. Alex wants to know when he gets back. Uh, we don’t know. He can come and go as he pleases. And besides he doesn’t have any motive. (I think I’m going to call him Inspector Clouseau because he is a moron). Mrs. Evil said that Useless took her but she wasn’t Sandra. There are witnesses that say that Useless didn’t take her. What about my wife. They erased her memory and put her mental health in danger. The mother gave authorization.

Dr. Evil is back in town and goes over to see Porfirio. Well, if it isn’t the esteemed Dr. Matasanos (quack—where have we heard that one before?) Dr. E wants to know how Por is doing. He’s just so happy since he got to see his great- grandchild. Dr. Evil says oh, swell, I’m happy for you. MENTIROSO! You know he’s thinking how unfortunate for ME. Por goes on to give him even more good news; He’s left all his stuff to MJ with the provision that she not give any money, not one red cent, ni uno centavo to your damn clinic! It’s done. Dr. E with a menacing face says “As you like it”(or as it pleases you.) I think what he’s really saying is “There will be blood. Oh yes--there will be blood.”

Alex wants MJ to have a DNA test done so they will know the truth. MJ is not so hot on the idea. FF>>

Dr. Evil wants Mrs. Evil to convince MJ to give them some money. Yeah I see that happening. She asks him why he can’t do it. He says because you are her mother for better or for worse. He continues to rant about others being stupid and imbeciles.

Alex buys MJ a car she is so excited. He wants her to take it for a drive. I didn’t know she could drive.

Victoria is talking to her agent. Fernando calls. She hesitates and then answers. He wants to know why she hasn’t been to see him. She gives him some BS about being busy with her book. He loves her and doesn’t understand why she is acting so strange. Tell me what is going on. She hangs up on him and cries.

Maura and Lissette. Maura gets a call. Mari tells her there is a meeting of the associates tomorrow. Maura gets upset about seeing Alex and MJ together.

Alex is talking to Nando. Nando is whining because Victoria hasn’t been to see him and doesn’t want to talk to him. Alex doesn’t know anything. Whiner FF>>

MJ is hanging out with Pedro and the baby enjoying a nice afternoon and talking about the wedding. Oh look, it’s the Wicked Witch of the West flying in on her broom—Maybe if MJ clicks her ruby slippers together 3 times a flying house will land on The Witch. EZ greets Elena with a very snotty Buenas Tardes. She says she’s here to see her daughter. EZ doesn’t look too happy and neither does Pedro. She wants to talk to MJ in private but Pedro has finally grown a set and isn’t having any of it. He gets upset and says if she has anything to say she can say it with him present. She looks down her nose at him. He says she is responsible for everything that has happened. If she was a real mother Sandra would never have been on drugs. It’s her fault that Sandra is dead. You go Pedro. He begs MJ not to go talk to her alone. MJ walks off with Elena and EZ makes a beeline for the house looking for Vicky. I didn’t know the old dude could move that fast. He’s always kind of reminded me of a turtle with his little bald head and that collar on his jacket. Pedro tells MJ that he’s here if she needs him.


Elena tells MJ that Pedro isn’t her father. Yeah, so I heard. Elena swears its true. Vicky comes out of the house and asks Pedro what’s up. Pedro thinks Elena is trying to put one over on MJ. MJ tells Elena she doesn’t care if Pedro is her biological father—she loves him anyway. Now we get to the gist of the matter—we need money. JorHey is a brilliant doctor and they need money for the clinic. Pedro and Vicky scuttle furtively behind them. It’s cracking me up for some reason. MJ says she doesn’t have Por’s money so what does she want. Por is going to leave all his money to you. Don’t abandon us, don’t abandon the clinic. It’s not working so she tries—I’ll tell your dad that you’re not really his daughter. What a heifer. No redemption.

Back inside Alex, MJ and Vicky are talking. She must have told them what heifer said because she is upset and crying. Vicky thinks if she finds out for sure then Elena will never be able to hold that over her head. They try to convince her but she’s not sure.

Bruno knocks on the door of Erik’s cousin’s apartment. Ruh Roh, Shaggy! He wants to know what happened to Erik. She said he was hurt pretty bad and in pain. Bruno wants to know if he’s dead. And not “Oh My God is he dead!” But more like “Is the desgraciado infeliz finally dead?” She says no they went to the doctor. He’s doing pretty well. He gives her a card where to call him and some money.

Fernando is home!

Vicky is talking to Felipa when Raquel shows up. She said she’s feeling better but she feels really alone. Vicky says she could have therapy. Other people do it and they come out fine. Or you could take a vacation. She doesn’t like that idea either. To her credit she does ask about Nando. He’s ok. She’s surprised that Vicky hasn’t seen him but she thinks he’s too young for her. She leaves but comes back in and says sorry, I’m leaving.

Tio and Katia try to make him comfortable. He wants to see Sami. While Katia is gone Tio asks Nando about Victoria. Nando says she hasn’t come to see him. Tio says well call her then. Tell her you are home.

Chucho and Pedro. He’s back to whining and telling Chucho about Elena. Chucho says think about it—why does she want to talk to MJ alone?

Back to Elena and JorHey. They are trying to figure out what to do now. They need to get Por to change his will—by FORCE. Apparently they don’t know that “forcing” someone to change their Will makes it invalid.

MJ and Alex are explaining to Paula how Elena says MJ is the child of another father. Paula is really upset. She HATES Elena. Maybe Paula will get to be the one to get revenge on Elena. Four more days and counting!


Dinero #19- 2/11/10: Rafa, Ale, Vicky & Marco All Want to Seal the Deal

Rafael’s name rings a bell in Jorge’s dim memory. “Isn’t that the guy who hit you?” Luckily, because Jorge is usually so confused, no one takes this seriously and they begin to confuse him more by suggesting names of people he must be thinking of. Ale quickly hustles off the sales team back to work and sends her papa home with one of the drivers, making him promise to never do this again.

The sales team gossip about Ale’s personal life. They think her dad is sweet, but the boyfriend, not so much. The General says that guy can’t fool me, he doesn’t even have a real/fixed job. They all think it a low down dirty shame that Ale has to go to and from work in a taxi, instead of Marco taking her each day. Rafa seems genuinely concerned about this, and when Ale limps in to order them all back to work, he takes a moment to give her a look of admiration and adoration.

Marino and Ramirez want to know what has been making Ale so nervous and keeping her so on edge. It must be something right under their noses…Once he finds out, Marino is sure this will be the key to Ale’s downfall, and his rise to the Manager position.

Marco is relaxing and getting a massage and mani-pedi after a hard day of doing nothing. It also looks like he is no stranger to leg waxing, as those look pretty smooth peeking out from his white terry cloth spa robe. His “serenity now” moment is ruined, first by Ale calling to tell him about her father coming to Autos Siglos (he somehow fools her into thinking he actually cares about her father’s well being); and then by Chavez who calls him to invite him to his birthday party that evening. It will apparently be quite the pachanga of historic proportions, and Chavez will of course have some lovely amigitas available for Marco to sample. The one in particular that he’s thinking about for Marco is named Yormanis- Yormi for short.

Ale is distressed that Marco seems to have forgotten about their anniversary (of when they met) and has been acting strange. She thinks it’s her fault because she is so demanding, works so much, has money and family issues, and is currently an invalid. Susana gives her a new age-y pep talk. “You have the power to save your relationship. You need to change your attitude. Be positive.” Much the same talk Vicky’s friend had with her yesterday, but Ale is much more pleasant to speak with, given that she doesn’t have a big knife in her hand. She says Susana is right and decides she will start to change things with Marco tonight. After the Autos Siglos reception and new car presentation, she will surprise him at his apartment and get the home fires burning again.

Susana agrees to help get her ready, look “super-sexy”, and drive her to Marco’s place- not for Marco (because she can’t see the fine qualities Alex sees in him), but to make her friend Ale happy. Ale calls Marco and tells her “angel” that she’ll be out late at work, not to worry about her, and to sleep well (as he says he will be turning in early).

Rafa is hustling to sell some cars. First he sits down with a customer at his desk. They guy doesn’t want to buy a car today, so Rafa offers to sell him some fine whiskey instead. Next he tries to sell a car to a lady who doesn’t seem to have the least interest in buying. His desperation shows, and as she’s attempting to walk away quickly he offers to sell her some of the other goods he’s got for sale. She looks more scared than intrigued. He then finds another potential car buyer. A well dressed young guy who wants a luxurious car. Rafa has just the car for him, and the guy seems interested in buying! Rafa rushes off excitedly to Susana’s desk to get the sales forms (and we see Claudia eyeing his customer in the background). His first sale! Both he and Susana take a moment to celebrate. But as Rafa is headed back to his client, he is intercepted by the General, who is none too happy that Vicky has started calling other extensions, namely hers, trying to reach Rafa. He goes to his desk to take the call. She is going to treat him tonight- not only will she pay their date expenses (he’s still flat broke), but she is also in the midst of trying on a number of tiny underwear ensembles that she intends for Rafa to see on her. Oh joy! His first sale AND a well earned reward tonight.

While he’s on the phone, Claudia has sidled up to his client and is getting “friendly” with him. She even points to her nametag, which is oh so helpfully being jutted out by her boob, because Claudia is such a hard name to understand. She helpfully points out how rude Rafa is being to him, that she is also a salesperson, and that she wouldn’t do such a thing to her client. But, of course, she could never betray Rafa and steal his client. Unless…they just happen to bump into each other at a nearby restaurant and just happen to start talking about cars after getting friendly, then she could help him. Once Rafa finally gets back, it seems his customer has mysteriously changed his mind. Nope, he doesn’t want to buy that car afterall. In desperation Rafa asks him if he want to buy a bottle of whiskey. Uh…no. Rafa is crushed. He heads back to Susana’s desk to return the sales papers with tears in his eyes. Both I and Susana tear up with him. Susana tries her sunshiny best to cheer him up. Next time.

Claudia heads off for her serendipitous meeting with Rafa’s almost first customer. Nelson sees her leaving, sees dejected Rafa, and hears Rafa’s story. He puts 1 and 1 together and it seems he can actually add. He warns Rafa about letting Claudia anywhere near his male customers. They always seem to mysteriously gravitate towards her. Rafa thanks him for his advice, and watches as Nelson walks off with two female customers, one on each arm.

Ale presents the two new Ford models Autos Siglos will now sell- the Fusion and a Mustang. I’m asking myself what kind of deal did Ford make with the producers of HQEDNS because this whole show is one giant commercial for them. In fact, during Ale’s presentation, there is an actual car commercial! Applauses and cheers all around.

Marco has brought home a party favor from Chavez’s birthday pachanga. Could this be the much spoken about Yormi? I don’t think Marco cares really. She has a nice set and seems to be allergic to clothing because she’s wearing very little of it and proceeds very quickly to take the rest of it off.

Susana drops off Ale in front of Marco’s building. Apparently the front desk attendant believes guys should have each other’s back, because he stalls Ale and tells her he needs to call Marco to announce her arrival. He gives Marco enough time to hide Yormi, and her itsy bitsy clothes, in the bathroom, telling her it’s a (female) work colleague that has come to see him about business. He opens the door and is greeted by Alex holding a bottle of wine and calling him “mi amor.” Marco is obviously not used to this kind of spontaneity from Ale and asks if anything has happened, perhaps to her dad? She says no. She just wanted to see him, and she proceeds to seductively unbutton her jacket.

Yormi is listening at the bathroom door and decides she likes the possibilities of the combination of her, Marco and his female friend! She decides she is going to exit and give them a surprise.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gancho Thursday Feb 11 #166 - Just one small prick and then he's no longer there...

Yes I know I'm a complete copy-cat but I HAD to do it and you'll see why. I hope Kris doesn't mind....

Ahoy all, it's my honey's birthday and we're going out tonight so this is what it is. Also, I notice that the closed caps are not working AT ALL and the sound is bad so if I get something wrong please feel free to comment and I will correct/add later. Thanks!!

Redux: Aldo proposes to Estrella and, well, we know our lovely star has very little self-restraint, usually choosing to follow her heart above all else. Frankly, I admire that about her, but it certainly does not make her life easy. Gabi's friends console her by pooh-poohing her concerns that Sal was killed.

Salvador is trapped in the drugged weirdness of the manicomio. Gah, creepy!!

Aldo tempts Estre with his dreams and fantasies of having a life and family with her. She's tormented.

Hahaha! Jacqui and Jero are soaking in the tub holding drinks and wearing cucumber slices on their eyes. I love how she includes everyone in her spa moments. He says to love her is the only thing he wants in his life, then he says he wants to kill himself, then he take a dive under the water right between her legs. What? He complains about Oscar and goes under the water again. OK, I think he's threatening to drown himself, not...well, never mind. Jero shares with Jacqui that he thinks Oscar planned Salvador's death. (Now if only Jero and Gabi can get together maybe she could start saving Sal!)

Back to the star-crossed and age-challenged lovers, Aldo continues to argue his case for marriage. Estre says it's not that easy but he argues yes it is. Surprise (not), she finally relents and agrees to marry him. He's ecstatic but she gives us the classic over-the-shoulder telenovela worry look that always bodes ill.

Jero is still pressing his point (so to speak) in the bathtub. He trusted Oski who betrayed him and now he wants to kill him! Jacqui says he's probably in Paris by now. Dang, they are talking fast. I think Jero figures he can hit Coni up for his part his in helping her to disengage Mau from his wealth. This pisses Jacqui off who she says she'll not stand for him going against Coni. She's had enough of his tonterias and himm being a guy who doen't make anything of himself. He was just an affair for her and she doesn't want to see him anymore, they are over. She stands up nekkid, covers her loveliness in a plush white robe, and leaves. He sinks down in the water, limp and defeated. Wow, breaking up with your boy toy while naked in the bathtub? I see where Coni gets her cojones!

Gabi and Pau are thrilled at Mau's announcement that he plans to start a new company. Pau loves the idea that she and Gabi will be peers at last and Pau can talk "tu" to Gabi. Ahem...Gabi tries to explain about the invisible but very real hierarchy of work experience. They way these two pals stick up for their own interests cracks me up.

The little group sympathizes with Gabi who tries to have enthusiasm for the project in spite of her sadness.

Jero trots after Jacquelinay like a pathetically oversexed puppy dog. He'll do whatever she wants just so he can be her guard dog. She's dumping him because he'll always be a muerto de hambre (without money). He pathetically begs her to keep him while trying to take her robe off, then he tries to borrow 2 million pesos (about 153K) from her. This really sets her off, she's an expensive dame and she's not about to support a man. She orders Jero to stay away from her and her daughter or she'll send her ex after him. She gives him her earrings saying they should keep him for a couple of years, think of it as a tip for all the fun they had together. She calls Britney Sofia and her multicolored duster and asks her to escort Jero out.

Jero chases off Britney Sofia, pockets the earrings and answers his phone. Well well, it's Oscar calling his dear friend Jerónimo.

Gabi doesn't want to be an aguasfiestas but feels she should get home. Moni and Pau convince her to stay in the vecindad with her gal pal support group.

Jero spits out a stream of bile directed at his old pal. Jero wants to kill Oski like the rat he is. Oski, completely unphased, needs a favor, will Jero do it or not? NO NO NO! Oski tells Jero to relax and let him explain what he needs. When Jero tells him he's at Cojoni's place Oski says that's just perfect, their entire future depends upon what Jero is about to do.

Aldo walks Estrella home and, standing in the most public place in their little patio, they agree to keep their marriage a secret and to tell no one, especially...(cut to Mau and Moni strolling up behind them)...especially Mauricia and Monita. Busted!

"Um, we were just talking about nothing, um, we're novios again." Mau congratulates them and Moni looks doubtful. Aldo points out they need to be together just like Mau and Moni. Aldo and Estre victory punch the air and vow that after the back and forth they will make it work this time. Moni pulls Estrella aside and they argue with their eyes.

It looks like Oski got Jero to be his lap dog again because Jero sneaks into Coni's darkened room and starts searching the closet.

Mau tells Aldo to be careful around Coni and to behave himself so he doesn't end up in jail again. Estre is shocked and kisses him for beating up the little dopes who attacked her.

Moni and Mau are happy because of Mau's brilliant new company idea and they gaze at each other. Under the anvil.

Andres is visiting Luisa. I think they're talking about how their parents reacted when they ended up in jail. Stupid parents, they never understand. Coni comes in and is thrilled to see Andres because he's rich and therefore better than Luisa's other loser relationship. He sucks up and asks Coni if they can go out to dinner pleeeeeeze? No Luisa is grounded. Then he gives Coni his slimy smile and she folds. They can go out as long as Luisa doesn't "engordar". It's not always great to have a model-skinny momma. Luisa looks shocked and embarrassed. The kids leave and promise to be home early. OK, at this point Andres is acting kind of sweet and normal for a change. Maybe he's OK but the jury is still out.

Outside Luisa wants to know what his plan is, hers is to NOT engordar. Wow, kid's got a nice car, a sweet little white convertible. I'm no car expert but it looks like a Mercedes to me. As they drive off in his rod Ivan walks into view. It sucks to be poor.

Moni scolds Estrella, what's she thinking? Estrella reveals that the near rape was all Katia's fault. The important thing is that her cub is repentant and learned his lesson so she'll give him a second chance.

Jero calls Oski from the closet (are we liking this symbolism?) to say he can't find the clothes he's supposed to be looking for. I don't think we know why yet. OK, he finds a blouse, then a skirt, but he can't find the shoes. Oski tells him to open his eyes and look, they are low-heeled and coffee colored. Jero looks through the thousands of shoes and finally finds them. He sniffs them. Really he does, I'm not making this stuff up.

More serious talk between Monita and Estrella, same old stuff. Moni wonders what happened with Estre's plans to stay with Alicia? Plans change, she got her big break. More talk about Estre's role and Angelii asking her up front if she is pregnant. In summary, Estrella says she has decided to "interrupt" her pregnancy.

Oski talks Jero through the closet search and decides to have Jero take a picture of the clothing so he can be completely sure they are the items he wants. Jero sets up the shot while Coni pouts in the other room.

Jacqui walks in and Coni wants to talk in her bedroom. Of course it makes no sense for them to have to go to another room to talk (unless Coni's afraid Britney Sofia will overhear) but how else will Jero get to eavesdrop on their conversation?

Jero takes the picture of the clothing arranged as if it's the victim at a crime scene and sends it to Oski. Oski likes what he sees and instructs Jero bring him the goods but to be very careful that nobody sees him. Jero shoves the clothing into his shirt front then hears Jacqui and Coni approaching so it's back in the closet for Jero.

Moni asks Estrella one thing, that she not do anything she'll regret later. Sigh, I'm getting tired of these endless chats about Estrella's future. Career vs. child, she's confused, neither she nor Aldo are prepared to deal with a child, etc. May we fast forward? However our male viewers might wish to watch simply because the two ladies are absolutely lovely and they do get up and pose a bit in this scene. They can catch up with the rest of us later.

Coni is in a typhoon of a snit as she confronts Jacqui about daddy's past, was he really in love and on the point of getting married with that Nieves? Why didn't Jacqui ever tell her? Her papa with that nobody? Jacqui tells her that Marcos insists he still loves Nieves, blech. Coni looks like she's going to be sick. Cut to Jero hiding out in the closet and listening intently.

Jacqui says Coni's taste for nacos is genetic while she herself has always had impeccable taste in men. Jero preens a bit but he looks pretty stupid with Coni's blouse hanging out the front of his shirt.

Coni asks Jacqui has she forgotten about that loathful Jeronimo? Jacqui sez let me clarify I was never in love with him. Her interest in Jero and Oski was only to protect Coni. Jero seethes in the closet. Jacqui vehemently insists that being with those two idiots, especially Jero, was revolting and it was a sacrifice all for Coni. Then Jacqui starts mocking him, Jackoleeenay, Jackoleeenay, she nearly barfed every time he played the grand seductor. He doesn't have money, style, personality, and very little below the waist. She holds up her little finger and then wraps her hand around it so only half shows. Smack down! Poor Jero sinks to the floor, limp and defeated AGAIN, and Coni looks like she's about to explode in laughter; another classic scene courtesy of Jacquelinay.

Nieves and Beto have returned from the movies. He's thrilled to have her all to himself again, she no longer needs that ugly porcupine nor he that Constanza. She sez best day in her life because she feels his love again deep in her heart. They have a mutual love fest, almost a little to lovey for my sensibilities but whatever. They talk about Moni's horrible mother and Nieves is all thank goodness that viper is dead. Uh oh.

While Nieves visits the baño Beto dashes into the house, turns on the light, and is frightened by the insidious Isabel. Is it an understatement to say he is muy, pero muy impactado?

Mañana: Jacqui tells Coni that Jero thinks Oski killed Sal and this time he might not be wrong. Beto physically bars Monita from entering his house.

Sorry, no time for vocab but some of the comments this week reminded me of a couple of my favorite dichos:

Con el Jesus en la boca = very worried, concerned (Lit. with Jesus in the mouth, i.e. praying, this was Susanlynn worrying about her daughter)

De tal palo tal astilla = like father like daughter (Lit. from the stick as the splinter, when Coni was compared to Marcos)


Gancho Wed Feb 10 - #165 Just one small prick and then you're there...


Well, I haven't yet been able to review the show so here is a place for you to comment. I thought about writing random happenings to see if you were on your toes...maybe I'll pull that trick out next time. :)) HA!!! Hopefully I'll have a chance to elaborate once I've seen the show...til then, thanks as always...

OK here's some elaboration:

We open with Issy dishing to a disgusted Coni that her Pa was in love with no one other than our Snowball. Issy taunts her about having a relationship with Beto Coni says none of your beeswax. Issy toasts!

Aldo and Estre are arguing about whether or not she should have the baby. He telling her to keep it, her thinking it best if she doesn't. She is kind of losing it.

Issy and Coni pick up the conversation about Beto again. Coni denies he meant anything to her, she opened her eyes on time. Issy doesn't buy it. She thinks it's hysterical that the Pa liked the Ma and the daughter liked the son.

Cesar discusses with MOna that he knows Nieves never forget her great love. Mona tries to convince him he is loved now and that was old stuff. He tells her Nieves said she just saw him and still loves him. So he needs to step away graciously. Whoa tears.

Nieves and Alicia are washing laundry in the courtyard. What the heck is she wearing? She looks like someone threw a tub of carmel corn all over her and it stuck. The ladies discuss her drunken exploit, and how Cesar followed her to make sure she was ok. Alicia counsels against chasing Marcos, that Cesar is the lottery and she is lucky to have him.

Mona and Nieves are now chatting about Cesar, and how he left. Nieves thinks he left because she got drunk but Moni says uh uh, I talked to him and you told him about your love returning and that you even kissed him. Doh!

At SG, Marcos leaves, he and Mau agreeing to think about what the other said. Xime is there and she and Mau talk about the dough and how Rolu is almost stalking her, thank God he can't walk, and Coni was pissed off aboutthe money and she might need to borrow the Furia costume to hide from Coni!! Magic cousin bonding moments here.

Moni learns from Nieves it's true about the man coming back. Turns out its Marcos and she can't believe the same Coni's Dad. Nieves tells lovingly of the kiss and butterflies, and they both still love each other. But he also kissed that other one Jacqui. They don't quite finish this conversation when Pau runs in and has to take Moni off. They go to Pau's unit where Gaby is gushing tears, her old man (aka Sal) has died.

No we go to Estre and Aldo arguing about the baby and career in the park. He thinks she's silly for making castings more important that the baby. She tells him she already has a part and she's afraid. Neither one is ready for this and if he really wants to help her he'll help her lose the baby. Sigh.

Jacqui and Katia argue about Kat's misgivings. Kat runs off and jero shows up. Jacqui is still wearing dark glasses and complaining about too much noise. She's stressed, he complains about Oscar's traicion. He begs her to talk to Marcos to get back his shares. She tells him that Marcos won't kill him. jero swears vengence on the cockroach that is Oscar.

Suddenly after a fortuitous (gratutitous?) boob shot, we see said cockroach grabbing Coni and warning her she owes him his part of her divorce grabbings.

Blech, more arguing over the loss or not of the bebe between Estre and Aldo. Her luck is now, she'll never get another opportunity...he want to marry her.

Moni tries to cheer up Gabi. Mau arrives and offers all his support. Pau says except monetary because Coni took all that. Ha! Tea will have to do. Gabi thinks Sal was murdered. Everything happened so strangely and she lists some of the things that happened. She's convinced.

OK back to Oscar strong arming. Coni swears she'll give him nothing and he better get the heck out of dodge. She pulls the, we both know X so guess what, you won't push me. She says he killed Sal. He says nope you were there too and did nothing oh and besides, remember that you broke his phone on that day, and that phone has your fingerprints all over it so I can easily turn that over to the police and you'll be on the hook. She scowls at him.

A & E are still at it. She won't marry him, he's too young. She's being real, he's being dumb.

Coni still spitting back at Oski. How dare each other play with the other. He warns her again he has her in his hands. She'll get the damning phone when he gets his moolah.

Gabi still maoning about Sal, she can't even say the word plane. She insists jero and Oski have something to do with this. Mau still thinks it must be an accident. Moni tells of her fight for the tenement. Gabi promises her support.

Ah jeez, back to Coni and Oski. Don't extort me, etc. Coni finally gets to depart threatening her word is worth more than his.

Back again to A & E...talking about marriage. He looooves her and it will all be ok. The youth she criticizes is what will give him the strength to make it all happen. Hmm, words to live by.

Gabi still speculates about what the two might have done. Mau still tries to convince her it was an accident. She still feels something. Yeah the anvil.

In the manicomio, Sal and his wife are chatting, he gets an injection despite pining away for Gabi. This is where we end.


Dinero 2/10 "Siglo" a company known for its' high moral standards

Tonight starts out with Ale telling Susana that if everything goes as planned, her life will be practically back to Normal. Susana wonders if perhaps Ale is being a bit too optimistic. Ale says not with that great list of clients she gave Rafa. He’ll be able to pay her this month what her owes her.

There’s a knock on the door and in walks Rafa, nervously shuffling his client list. He tells Ale that he has a little problem. He proceeds to tell her he has the feeling that his co-workers have stolen his list of clients.

Ale is beside herself, asking how this could have happened, how could you have been robbed? Rafa isn’t certain how it happened. Ale starts screaming and poor Susana leaves them alone.

Ale asks Rafa for an explanation of how this happened. Rafa explains that when he started calling the clients on the list, each client had already been notified by a Siglo sales person. Rafa hands Ale the list of clients with the corresponding list of Siglo employees who had talked with the clients.

Ale asks where he had the list, Rafa states it was on his desk. Ale cant believe that he would be such an idiot to leave the list out on his desk. Ale angrily tells Rafa to come with her, shoving the list of clients back at him and goes to confront the thieves.

Ale is demanding an explanation as to what happened with Rafa’s list of clients and wants to know who stole them. El Torico thinks she is using rather strong accusatory language. The general is also offended with the accusation. When Ale confronts each employee with their corresponding ”client” from Rafas’ list they all come up with their own story of how it was just a coincidence. That their clients, were the same people that was on Rafas’ list.

There is a brief scene at the butcher shop with Vicky screaming and making lots of noise, telling papa he just doesn’t understand her problems. She has to fight for her relationship with Rafa. Papa is trying to calm her down and finally agrees that she can go out with Rafa tonight. Vicky hugs and thanks papa and off she goes, as papa is smiling and thinking he has such a beautiful daughter and some poor guy (our Rafa) is lucky.

We now see Julieta Introducing herself to Ernesto. She tells him that Pepito referred her to him, as she has a great deal for him. Ernesto sits her down and inquires about this great deal she has. She pulls out the two bottles of whiskey she stole from Rafa and asks if he is interested in buying them from her. He states they have good labels and is wondering if they are the real thing.

She assures him they are the real thing, addressing him as Sir. He starts getting all fresh with her, takes her hand and tells her he is not an old man. (Creepy) He asks how much they cost and she says 1000 pesos. (I ‘m not really certain but I think they are a lot more expensive than that). He states He doesn’t know if he is mistaken or if she has bewitched him with her eyes but he believes her and will buy them from her. As well as 10 more. Julieta is pleased with this and agrees. He gives her a small prepayment.

Back at Siglo, Ale is still confronting the group about the list. They continue with their lies of how they all knew personally all these clients and didn’t get them from Rafas’ list. She almost traps one of them in their lies, but he is able to talk his way out of it.

Ale realizing defeat, sarcastically thanks them all and tells them to return to work They all slink away like the thieves that they are. Ale turns to leave telling Rafa to come with her shoving the list back at him. He asks what he should do with the list, she takes it from him starts crumbling up each page throwing them at him in disgust.

She stomps off to her office saying “this cant be happening,” with Rafa in close pursuit. Rafa says it appears to him that this office isn’t very secure. Ale calls him naive and an idiot along with other cutting insults. She even wonders if he ever took a course on how to be an idiot.

Rafa tries to explain, and Ale tells him to shut up she doesn’t want to hear any more excuses. Rafa asks what are they going to do now. Ale tells him she had a sure fire plan to pay off her debts, as she waves her bills in front off him, and says your on your way back to jail. Rafa looks puzzled and repeats “back to jail” Ale sarcastically replies, what do you expect a 5 star hotel. Rafa asks her if she thinks she’s being fair. Ales reply is “Fair?” pointing to her neck brace. Telling him once again that this whole mess is his fault.

Rafa pounds on the table stands up and finally gets a little backbone. He screams back at her if that’s what she wants to do, then send me back to jail, I will go their happily!! He tells her it is a lot better then here and with fewer thieves.

Ale is taken aback with Rafa’s just outburst, and asks him what he is insinuating. He tells her he’s not insinuating anything, and this place is full of robbers. He rants on even managing to mock her beloved Siglo anthem. He doesn’t know what its like at her house but at his house, people respect each others property and he doesn’t have to worry about hiding anything in fear of being robbed. (Didn’t
Julieta just take a couple of his fine bottles of whiskey to sell?)

Speaking of Julieta, she returns home, and Leonor is asking why she isn’t in school. Julieta lies to mom, and then tells her she has a surprise for her and hands her the money she got from her ill-gotten sales. Mom asks her where she got the money and Julieta lies that she got it from a job at school.

Leonor doesn’t quite believe her and tells her to not get herself in trouble. Julieta reassures her everything is okay. Lies some more, with Leonor still not convinced. At the end saying she didn’t want to say anything about her new job for fear that Rafa would get mad she was ignoring her studies. She tells Leonor to trust her, smiles asks for a high five and goes on her merry way. Leonor looks worried.

Back at the den of thieves. El Bebe tells everyone he is out-raged at what just went on. They agree that Ale was behaving poorly, and El Bebe says that’s not what He meant. He says each one of them has to live with your own conscience for what they did. Marino resents this statement defending their actions. El Bebe continues scolding them, and disgusted with their behavior excuses himself. And runs off to the bathroom.

Ale and Rafa walk back to the showroom. She tells them they will all put the uncomfortable topic of the client list behind them and that Rafa will have the clients that aren’t friends or relatives of any of them without any more problems. (I wasn’t really clear on exactly what she was saying her) “Are we all clear” she states, and scolds Jimenez on his posture as she leaves and tells them all to get back to work.

We have a cute little scene with Jorge and Rosario. He is distressed because he is so poor. He comes up with the idea of calling one of his old friends for a loan. Rosario reminds him he has been dead for about 5 years. “oh that’s why he didn’t come to my birthday party. “ They both continue discussing the gravity of their problems.

Jorge blames himself for all the problems. All of his bad investments resulting in an embargo, and having to deal with this vulgar administrator. We flash to said administrator at some club surrounded by many scantly dressed women, Stating all of this luxury is thanks to Jorge’s prosperous hacienda. (Slimeball)

Back to poor Jorge lamenting that worse of all is that poor Ale has to work so hard to help them out. She has to work so hard that she doesn’t even have time for her own recuperation. He laments on, that he is nothing but a poor old man in his last days and cant even help out his own daughter. (very touching and sad little scene).

Back at Siglo, Rafa tries to get the attention of a customer who walks by hurriedly. He is then approached by his co-workers assuring him that all of this was nothing but a misunderstanding and a series of coincidences. They even lie and tell him that before Lopez left, he was so fond of everyone their that he gave them a list of his clients which by the way just happened to be the same clients on the list Ale had given him. What a sea of coincidences.

OH Rafa you are naïve. They convince him to believe them and even invite him out to lunch. After all they don’t want any bad feeling or misunderstandings between them.

Jorge sneaks out of the house and gets into his car and is on a mission. He nearly runs over a pedestrian and almost hit’s a biker as he heads out for Siglo.

Rafa agrees to go to lunch with the group , but not before we have to put up with Vicky on the phone. She starts with the voice and the whine and demands a kiss before he hangs-up.

Rosario calls Ale and tells her Jorge has taken the car and left the house. Ale is very concerned about his safety. They both promise to call each other if they hear any thing about him. We flash to Jorge almost causing an accident out on the road.

Back to Vicky slamming a knife through a piece of meat complaining to her friend about Rafa. She rants and raves and her friend looks at her and simply says. If you weren’t such a rag you wouldn’t have to worry about what Rafa was doing. ( Well not exactly her words, but similar). She hands her a mirror and tells her to look into it. Vicky admires herself in the mirror, missing her friends point.

Vicky’s friend , at knife point, tells Vicky she’s acting like a tele-novela star, all screaming and mad . She tells her that she’s going to loose Rafa acting like that. She tells Vicky she will help her become the kind of women men want. The first thing to know is don’t scream!

The Siglo group, including Rafa are now at a restaurant. This whole scene was long and boring so will just get to the point. They all order tons of food they have no intention of paying for. They Rag on poor Rafa and then stiff him with the bill. Oh yea and when Rafa sits down, the chair breaks.

After everyone leaves and Rafa is left with the bill, he does try to make it right with the waitress. He offers her a couple of bottles of his finest.

Susana is informing Ale that her dad is out in the parking lot. Ale is relieved and starts to call Rosario. It finally sinks in that Jorge is at Siglo and she becomes alarmed that he might run into Rafa. She tells Susana to hide Rafa somewhere. Susana tells her not to worry, that Rafa is at lunch with the others.

Ale is relieved to hear this and for the first time is glad that they aren’t working. She scurries off to greet Jorge asking Susana to call Rosario and inform her that Jorge is safe.

Ale goes out to talk with Jorge. He tells her he feels bad about everything and just wants to do his part.
He wants to sell the car to help out with expenses. She pleads with him not to do this.

Okay now we have a little name game going on here, Jorge first gets Beltron’s name wrong as he strolls out to greet Jorge. He chides Beltran because Ale has to get up so early to work, Beltran mentions the show tonight(Igot a little lost here) and that Ale will be there . They continue chatting, and Beltran invites Jorge into his office.

Ale is still panicked that Jorge will run into Rafa and states that he was just leaving. Jorge looks a little confused . Baltran continues insisting Jorge stay.

So now we have the entire Siglo group arriving at the parking lot. As they approach Ale, she becomes more panicked and Jorge appears even more confused. Rafa is standing behind Ale and Jorge asks who is that.
One of the group introduces him “Rafel Medina”.

Now the ultimate name game with Jorge reaching into the depths of his memory, Looking at Rafa, stating I know your name, its familiar, I know I’ve heard it before. He asks him if he’s a boxer. Rafa shakes his head no. Ale is trying to convince him that he doesn’t know that name. Finally Jorge states “Rafal Medino ? Isn’t that the guy that crashed into you.”
And that’s where we end.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ENDA, Feb. 10, 2010

Emiliano remembering Paloma and Gabriel together at various places. Also remembering Paloma telling him that Gabriel is the guy she wants to be with. Emiliano crying and swearing that she will be his.

Dr. Bermudez getting ready for bed and Carloca steps out from behind the screen. He asks what are you doing here. Carloca tells him that she always gets what she wants. What do you want asks Dr. Bermudez. Do you really think that you can steal Paloma away from me asks Carloca. She's not yours replies Dr. Bermudez. She is 18 now and can do what she pleases. And I'm going to help her. So leave my house! I will leave but before...Carloca pulls a gun and points it at him. He yells out are you crazy? Calm down, calm down! Carloca fires her gun and he looks at her in shock, falls on his knees and then lies on the floor. Die says Carloca.

Its morning in Unreal de Monte and Carloca comes in with Rufi singing happy birthday to Paloma. Paloma smiles and thanks them. Rufi tells her to make a wish and blow out her candle. Carloca asks Paloma what time did she get home? Like you don't know replies Paloma. I don't replies Carloca. I stopped watching now that your 18 and this will be your last day here. How was the party? Paloma says it was wonderful. Carloca gives her a present and says it's her inheritance that her mother left her. (Carloca's mother) Rufi is like what? I thought that it was left to Macarena. Then why would I have it if it was Macarena's replies Carloca. We each took care of our own things. Yes, but Macarena had nothing of value except the necklace that Paloma's father gave her says Rufi. But her mother's jewelry, I never saw. Perhaps she got rid of them replies Carloca. She had the same amount as I says Carloca. I felt today was the day to give this to my niece. In reality you are my only family. Paloma thanks her. Carloca asks her not to get rid of it. That was the only jewelry she inherited from her mother. Paloma promises to take care of it.

Emiliano is having breakfast and Anamar shows up. Did you get my messages asks Anamar. Yes, but I came home late and didn't want to bother you. I don't mind how late it was says Anamar. Emiliano invites her to eat breakfast with him so they can talk about what she wanted to tell him. Anamar says if you need me even only as a friend then I'll stay. Emiliano says what's more important is what you want. I want to stay replies Anamar. But that depends on you. Emiliano tells her to do what you want, not what I want. I can only be your friend. Anamar decides to stay for her. (Yeah right)

Eugenio gets a call from Gabe the babe. Gabe asks him where has he been all night? Eugenio tells him I had an emergency and am in the city. Gabe says that he's on his way to the city as soon as he drops off the painting to the church. Eugenio asks him to wait until he gets back so they can talk about it. Gabe has made his decision. He is turning in his work at the church and leaving. Eugenio again asks if he can wait just for a couple of hours. Gabe has made up his mind. If I don't leave now then I may never be able too.

Luz gets a call from the social worker telling her she's approved to be a helper at Xiochi's school/daycare.

Padre's Mateo and Benito are praising Gabe for his work.

Paloma gazes at the locket Emiliano gave her. She calls Gabe the babe but he doesn't answer. She leaves a message for him to call her back. She wants to say bye before she leaves.

Camila meets with Rafa and he says he thought she was on her honeymoon. I am replies Camila. Orlando had to come back and take care of a couple of things. I see you no longer have any doubts regarding Orlando asks Rafa. Yes replies Carmila. The air has been cleared. Please don't talk about that anymore or about us. Rafa agrees. Camila tells him that she wants to sell her stock in the company.

Emiliano asks Orlando what Camila said about moving to Houston. Orlando says I haven't found the right time yet. With everything that is happening between you and Romina I felt it wasn't the right time. Emiliano says I think you are trying to prolong the confrontation. What are you scared about? That she doesn't want to move? Yes replies Orlando. Emiliano points out that she will pissed that he didn't tell her sooner. Orlando gets the bright idea of Emiliano moving there instead.

Rafa says business is going good. Why would you want to sell now? I don't care if I lose money replies Camila. I invested because I believed in you and cared about you. Rafa goes up to her and says do you not believe in me still? Yes, but I don't want anything to tie me to you. So you think by selling your stock that their would be nothing between us asks Rafa. No, but then I have no motive to see you replies Camila. I need you to be far away. Rafa says all this does is prove that you care about me. Camila says she has decided to live her life without him and he must do the same. Rafa agrees. With Luz and the little girl we are to adopt. Camila pleads with him to sell her stock as soon as possible.

Emiliano thinks it would be a good idea, but can't leave things unfinished. He has to finish dealing with the situation with Romina and the baby. Orlando asks if that would take a long time. Don't know replies Emiliano. So don't count on me going to Houston. Although Angelica has expressed that she wouldn't mind going to Houston. Send her and when you and Camila are ready go to Houston. Orlando thinks it might be a good idea.

Camila runs into Luz. Luz says that it must have been really important for you to meet with Rafa in the middle of your honeymoon. I had some time before we leave again and I took the opportunity to talk to him. Please don't be jealous. I'm here to tell Rafa that I'm selling my stocks. Luz says I'm not jealous. But I know better. Even though you sell your stock you and Rafa are still connected. Camila denies it. Luz says I don't know you very well. You say one thing, but your actions say another. She mentions Rafa wanting to leave with her on the day of her wedding. He told you asks Camila. Yes replies Luz. I think that one day you will regret not listening to your heart.

Rufi and Paloma waiting for Dr. Bermudez and talking about Edmundo and Gabe the babe. He hasn't called or come by yet. Rufi tells her to go see him. Paloma asks where is Carloca? Rufi thinks it's really strange her not being their to say goodbye. Paloma thinks it's because it would be very hard for her.

Orlando tells Angelica that he wants her to go to Houston. Angelica is okay with it. Angelica says well I guess Miriam and Anamar will stay and help Emiliano. Anamar asks Orlando. Don't you know says Angelica. She has been helping here and is an expert in exports. Although I think she's here for personal reasons. She's interested in Emiliano. She also says that when she comes back from Houston, she's leaving to move to the city.

Carloca is in the woods burning something. Looks like her clothes from the night before. She remembers shooting Dr. Bermudez.

Camila is visiting with Rufi and telling her she knows all about Cristobal being Paloma's dad. Rufi is so glad. Camila wants to say goodbye to Paloma. She also asks Rufi to let her know when Paloma finds out the whole truth.

Rafa tells Luz about the phone call she got. She's so happy to be near Xiochi. Rafa tells her he admires her attitude. She finds a way to get what she wants.

Emiliano is ringing Dr. Bermudez door. No answer. He looks around and tries calling him. No answer. He rings again and decides to knock on the door, but the door opens. He walks in and sees blood on the ground. He calls out for the doctor, but no answer. Looks like he was dragged out or he crawled out. Emiliano goes into the bedroom and sees a pool of blood on the carpet. He calls the police.

Carloca is cleaning her gun and remembers again killing Dr. Bermudez.

Emiliano calls Rafa and he goes running with Joel to him. Then calls Orlando who tells him not to touch anything and he goes running to him.

Carloca wraps her gun and hides it in the bookshelf. Rufi knocks and comes in to tell Carloca that she wants to leave a statue of Guadalupe with her. She wants to thank her for all she has done for her. Carloca says you surprise me. While you have been here you have only loved Macarena and Paloma. Rufi says not true. I told you once that you were also my ninja. We may not have agreed on many things, but will you let me hug you. Carloca goes up to her then turns around. I don't like to say goodbye. Let's leave things the way they are. Rufi asks if she can leave the virgincita so that Carloca can take care of it? Sure replies Carloca. Leave it in the kitchen in it's place. Carloca starts crying. Perhaps she was moved by what Rufi said.

Camila tells Romina the news about Paloma. Of course Romina is jealous. Camila reminds her that Paloma's life has been tragic. Don't you think she deserves a little happiness? It's tragic because of her witch on an aunt replies Romina. Now she's going to live in Mexico, Gabe the babe is in love with her, she now has a father and a rich grandmother. Don't you remember the bad things that have happened to her asks Camila. Romina says who remembers that now. Camila says I can't believe I told you. For a moment I thought you would be happy not jealous.

Paloma goes to Gabe's apartment only to find the maid cleaning up. She tells Paloma that Gabe the babe has already left to Mexico.

Gabe is outside remembering Paloma. He says how hard it would be not to see her eyes everyday. Eugenio comes up on him and asks Gabe how he's doing. Fine replies Gabe. What happened last night? I had an emergency replies Eugenio. I have to return to Unreal de Monte. That's why I wanted you to stay. Why do you have to go back asks Gabe. I have to finish things relating to Carloca says Eugenio. What does she have to do with anything asks Gabe. There are things that I have to attend to and I don't want to speculate yet. Gabe says Paloma's coming to the capital. Perhaps not replies Eugenio. Dr. Bermudez had an accident.

Emilaino is talking to the police. Rafa thinks it was a robbery, but where's the body? Orlando thinks it could have been a kidnapping. Joel thinks it's a mystery. He was suppose to leave today. Emiliano remembers Paloma and goes running off. Orlando in his bad timing asks if Camila talked to Rafa. Yes she did replies Rafa. I know that this was your idea to separate us. Of course replies Orlando. I hope now you would leave her alone. I will replies Rafa, but not because you ask me too. Make sure you make her happy. Like she deserves.

Gabe asks Eugenio if anyone knows where Dr. Bermudez is or if he's dead or alive? No replies Eugenio. So Paloma can't leave Unreal de Monte asks Gabe. Not at this time replies Eugenio. I have to go back. Do you want to go with me? No replies Gabe. Eugenio points out that Paloma will need him. I know, but it's best this way. She probably knows I'm already gone. Maybe all this happen so you can spend more time with her says Eugenio. Time asks Gabe. There is no more time. I will be okay because I know you will take care of her right? I will do whatever you want replies Eugenio. Think about returning. Okay, but remember I want to be far away from her when I die says Gabe.

Paloma's walking home and runs into Luz. She brings a package from Gabe. The man who had Xiochi is lurking around the corner. Luz tells Paloma to read the letter Gabe wrote her when she gets to Mexico. Paloma doesn't understand what the clock that was in the box means. Luz assures her once she reads the letter she will understand. I have known Gabe for a long time and have never seen him look so happy then when he was with you. If that's the case then why did he leave without saying goodbye asks Paloma. You'll understand soon says Luz.

Cristobal, Madeleine and Padre Matteo are having coffee. Cristobal tells Madeleine that he wants to take her to meet her granddaughter. She thinks he's joking, but he tells her that on the way he'll explain. She wants him to go to Paris and run her company.

Paloma tells Rufi about the letter, but she can't read it until she gets to Mexico. Rufi is curious about what's in the letter and says he won't know if she read it here or there. Paloma agrees. Carloca comes downstairs and wonders where the doctor is. Rufi wonders also. He is always punctual. Paloma says he'll be here soon. Carloca says the house will be empty without you. Perhaps I'll sell it. Paloma says but you swore you would never leave this place unless dead. Yes, but things change replies Carloca. I will never leave Unreal de Monte though. Doorbell rings and Rufi thinks it's the doctor. Carloca tells Paloma to call her and let her know how she's doing. Rufi comes in crying and Emiliano tells her it's about the doctor. He has disappeared. He doesn't know if he is alive or dead.

Manana: Carloca remembers killing Dr. Bermudez and thought she left him for dead; Cristobal tells Carloca that he will prove she is behind all this.


Sortilegio - Wed Feb 10 - Bruno can't kill everybody in the whole world, too bad for him.

Vivi in DC has graciously recapped this since our regular couldn't do it. Thanks Vivi!

Alex and Vicky return home and are greeted by Zeke who informs them that Raq is more calm, according to Roberto (who I guess is caring for her). Vicky wants to know what happened to Raq. They tell her about Useless and she gets upset that they didn’t tell her earlier because they were trying not to upset her with all that was also going on with Fer. She rushes to Raq’s chalet and finds her devastated in bed. Vicky kisses her as Raq cries and hugs her. Vicky tells her a hard truth, that now that she knows Useless will never return, Raq can finally move on with her life. She’s not alone, she has Vicky, Alex and Mini Vicky- people who love her.

Bruno meets Erik at a restaurant, gives him Mateo’s number, and orders Erik to find Mateo and kill him. Erik is reluctant at first, but comes around when Bruno offers him half a million pesos for the job. But first, Erik wants to know why Mateo needs to die and wants to know the details of Bruno’s latest dirty dealings.

Jorge leave Elena to her own devices and takes of to Canada.

Porfirio talks to Tio Emiliano and tells him what Elena said about Sandra and MJ being his real nietas. Emiliano questions if this is true, but Porfirio thinks sometimes it’s better to go on believing a lie than to know the truth. In any case, MJ is exactly what he would want in a nieta.

Detective Ortiz comes to speak to Alex and MJ about Useless and the kidnapping. Ortiz is impactado hearing about the twin switch and such. He wants to know how they found out Useless was a part of it and they tell him it was Bruno and Elena that fingered Useless. Ortiz wants to talk to them. Apparently Bruno took Alex’s last threat seriously, because he’s moved into a local hotel. MJ gives the cop Elena’s address willingly.

Fer has been moved to Hernan’s clinic. Fer thinks Hernan doesn’t like him (for obvious reasons) and is only helping him because of Vicky. He’s still feeling low, but when Katia arrives and she and Vicky remind that Katia depends on him and so do others, he decides to buck up, get with the program and start his physical therapy. Later she offers up her home for Fer to recover in. He refuses. It is obvious that he doesn’t want to be a burden on her or for her to take on the “nurse” role with him. The next day we see him with his very lovely physical therapist. Vicky and Katia watch for a while (I would too, if he was wearing those tiny shorts), but he asks them to leave. Vicky is jealous of the therapist, as she is young and beautiful. I would dismiss this jealously if it weren’t for the fact that the therapist Irene, is being played by one of the sisters from FELS. Why would they bring in a well known actress if she wasn’t going to play a significant role?

Bruno tells Maura he will take care of the Mateo problem. She panics, he is arrogantly smug. She’s worried about getting nailed for the kidnapping, he tells her that’s her problem since nothing can stick to him about the kidnapping (this conversation was very much like the one between Jorge and Elena).

Lisette and Letty at Luz de Vida in D.F.

Recap Part 2:
Alex gleefully brings the cops to Bruno’s hotel. Bruno looks worried at first but relaxes when he realizes they are only there to ask about the kidnapping and Useless. The cops wonder how Bruno knows so much about Useless and his kidnapping plans. Bruno’s all ‘I never imagined he would actually do such a thing.” The cops seem doubtful that Useless committed suicide. “Things aren’t always what they appear to be.” Bruno looks worried. As Alex and the cops leave, Ortiz tells Alex that the fingerprint and gunpowder residue tests were inconclusive. The amount of decomposition had something to do with this. Ortiz notes that it looks like Alex and Bruno don’t get along.

MJ goes searching for Raq in the chalet. She finds her curled in fetal position crying behind a chair. Raq thinks it’s all lies about Useless and wants MJ to remember the kidnapping. MJ has dreamt about a spacious room with a screaming woman, and thinks this was the kidnapping. Raq is sure that the woman screaming was Maura and that she had something to do with the kidnapping. She begs/demands that MJ remembers what she screamed, but MJ still can’t remember.

Paula and Gabe have lunch. His treat (of course). She thanks him because now one has taken her out in like forever. They talk about Fer and Gabe feels for him as he went through something very similar after his accident. Paula apologizes for not being more sympathetic with what he was going through at the time as she was so ticked off about being framed for his accident.

Bruno and Maura are in her office and upset that Alex and MJ have started an investigation into the kidnapping. Bruno worries that there are too many loose ends- namely Mateo, Elena and Jorge. They need to cover their asses and quick. Maura panics, saying she thought Bruno had it all under control, and blames him for getting her into this mess. If she falls, he falls with her.

Mateo isn’t answering Erik’s calls. His buddies remind him that they can’t keep living hidden like rats and need some cash. Mateo knows exactly where he can get some and calls up Maura to blackmail her. She’s still with Bruno who coaches her through the call. Maura and Mateo agree to meet at 2 AM, that she will pay him 300 thousand pesos, and that they will both come ALONE. Of course, Maura will bring Bruno and Erik to ambush Mateo, and Mateo will bring his two buddies.

Alex arrives home and heads to MJ’s/their room where he takes a call from Emiliano. Tio wants MJ to come visit Abuelo with Tiny Tony. He tells her Elena’s latest tale about her and Sandra’s “real” father. MJ questions if this is true. Later Alex comes into the room holding Tony and asks what MJ has decided about going to Toluca. She is going to go and she wants to bring Tony. Alex worries about her and Tony’s safety. “What if it’s a trap by Bruno?” MJ highly doubts this, lets Alex know how safe she feels with him, and that each day she feels his love more and more and feels her love for him growing. She gives both of her cute boys a kiss.

At the 2 AM meet-up, Mateo scares the bejeezus out of Maura who is stationed in her red sports car. Meanwhile Erik and Bruno, and Mateo’s two buddies hide in the shadows.

Recap Part 3:
They all have guns. Just as Mateo takes his cash to count it and is joined by his two buddies, Bruno shoots Mateo. Erik shoots one of the buddies. The other buddy shoots Erik. Bruno shoots that guy and walks over to Mateo’s body to recover the cash and Mateo’s incriminating cell phone. He ignores Erik’s plea for help, and is saved from being shot by a ticked off Erik only because he was too hurt to fire his gun. Maura in the meantime is panicking and screaming her head off. Bruno hops in the driver’s side of her car, tells her to shut up, and they drive off. Back at her Hello Kitty Mansion, she continue to freak out, calls Bruno crazy and a monster, and that she hates him. She wants to go back to her real life. Bruno tells her to basically man up.

Erik has made it to his cousin’s house and falls bleeding onto his floor. His cousin’s wife rushes out to get medical provisions. Later as they bandage him up, they urge him to go to a hospital. Erik refuses, but seems determined to get back at Bruno who left him like a dog in the streets to die, and on top of that never paid him the half mil he promised him for the job.

MJ and Alex make their Toluca plans over breakfast. She does not intend to tell her papa about the latest paternity developments as he’s already distraught over the whole Elena affair. While in Toluca, MJ will not visit Elena or inform her of their presence. The cops will go see Elena while they visit Emiliano to tell him about Fer and Porfirio, then Alex will deposit MJ and Tony at the hotel while Alex meets up with the police and get the 411. Detective Ortiz arrives to inform Alex and Mateo and buddies have been found shot dead. He wonders if Fer could have hired a hit on them. Alex assures him that Fer had neither the opportunity, nor is the type of person who would do such a thing. This seems to satisfy Ortiz. Alex informs him that MJ and Tony will be joining them on the trip to Toluca.

Fer asks Alex not to tell Tio just how bad his condition is, and to NOT let him visit him. Alex reluctantly agrees. In Toluca, when he, MJ and Tony are visiting Emiliano, Alex is clearly uncomfortable telling Tio a half truth. Tio insists on going to visit Fer who is like a son to him. MJ and Alex look guilty as they know that cat will soon be out of the bag.

The PoPo visit Elena, and she does not look happy to see them.


ENDA Tuesday February 9. Paloma gets kissed; Emiliano gets pissed; Romina gets dissed; Gabriel (and Doc B?) will be missed.

Paloma finally, finally, finally blows out the candles on her birthday cake. 18 years old (though I think it’s actually the next day)! Freeeeeeeeeedom! Rufi says she hopes her next 18 years will be as happy as the first 18. Rufi! Mean!

Hugs all around. Emiliano and Paloma hug for way too long. Romina makes a pass at Gabriel. He passes.

Everyone shakes what their mamas gave them until the witching hour, and eventually all the guests drift away until only Paloma and Gabriel remain, dancing a sexy bachata. Pulling her close, Gabe murmers in Paloma’s ear. “Don’t go home. Carlota is evil. Let’s get out of town right this minute, while the getting is good.” Paloma considers it a moment. In the back of her mind, she has a hazy recollection of some mopey dude who keeps bugging her, but who is it? Well, doesn’t matter. She looks deep into Gabriel’s eyes and intelligence osmoses straight from his brain to hers. Suddenly all those deaths and all those years of abuse don’t seem so random—Auntie Maim is out to get her! And everyone else in town is just nuts! They grab their wallets and Gabriel’s keys and run to the car.

As they drive by Doc B’s house on their way out of town, a shadowy figure in the shrubbery catches Paloma’s eye. Was that a giant vulture? Before she’s even finished the thought, they are out on the highway, and soon Unreal del Monte is a speck in the rearview mirror.

Meanwhile, the would-be intruder falls out of a tree and into an open well. Doc B comes home, after dropping Rufi at home, and sees the cap off the well. “Whoops, careless of me,” he thinks, and replaces it, noting the weird shrieking sound coming from inside. “Wells have the strangest acoustics in the wind,” he remarks.
That last bit may have only happened in my head. Back to what happened on screen:

Carloca sits in her car outside Rodolfo’s house and fondles her lace scarf thing with an evil glint in her eye.

Diana uses three phones simultaneously to try to reach Samuel. She incants her message “call me, whatever time it is” over and over and tries to tell herself he would never deceive her. He loves her and they are going to marry soon.

Slimy Sammy is boozing it up with his super-mellow “business” partner. Partner says the investment is not doing well. Sammy frets. The house will be lost! He’ll be ruined! He can’t move out of the country again; he has no place to go! “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” says the partner, totally unconcerned.

Back at the party, Angélica tells Paloma that she’s moving, and Miriam is taking her place at the platería. Also, that twit Anamar has signed on, supposedly to work on exports but mainly to work on Emiliano. Gabriel pulls Paloma away, saying he has another gift for her. He leads her by the hand into the bedroom, which gets Emo’s blood boiling.

Crazy Cruel leaves her car and heads for the hedge, carrying her purse and wearing high-heeled boots.

Camila fixes dinner while Orlando sets the table and opens wine. They are both thrilled that Paloma is Cris’s daughter. Cami wonders what Cris is doing about Carloca’s deceptions and Orly tells her that Eugenio is helping him with that; he’s an expert at such things. Camila wants to be present when Paloma finds out who her father is. It will be such a happy moment!

A black-gloved hand reaches through a window and pulls the door lever. Then, Carlota enters through the door, which opens on the other side, away from the windows. Did I see that right? It was strange. Carloca wanders around the house, talking to herself, but not turning on the lights, so we can’t tell that the house is a collection of other set parts, primarily, it seems, from Diana’s house.

Gabriel gives Paloma his art kit and books. He says he doesn’t need them anymore. She wonders how she can thank him for all this. He has a good idea. They step close together, Paloma gingerly fingers the wolf suit, lips slowly near…

…after the break, we get to imagine that they kiss while looking at the back of Paloma’s head. They pull away, Paloma remarkably not freaking out, and Gabriel says he knows how she feels about him, but the one kiss was enough; that’s it for them forever. Paloma leaves the room and Gabriel looks blissfully happy.

The party rolls on. Some dude appears to be doing the limbo. Good for him. Rufi and Eugenio hold down the sofa. Don E asks what Carlota is all about, fundamentally. Rufi says she’s a very unsatisfied woman. Don E says an unsatisfied woman can be worse that the devil himself. Totally, says Rufi. Carloca can destroy everything she touches.

Liliana sharpens claws with Romina, as usual. Lili says eventually the truth about Romi’s baby will come out. Romina flounces away to try to get Emo to leave with her, but he doesn’t want to go. She taunts him with musings as to how Paloma will thank Gabriel for the party. Emo flees her toxic presence, and Germy slides in to fill the void. A few wiggled eyebrows and sly suggestions later, Romina says goodnight to Paloma and departs, followed immediately by Germs. This is not lost on Lili.

Carloca relaxes in Doc B’s dim house, pouring herself a drink and reminiscing about her previous four murders. “They all made me get rid of them,” she crazies. “This will be Rodolfo’s last night, and then everyone else will realize they have to change their attitude toward me. And Paloma will never leave me, unless I decide to send her to the other side as well.”

Camila and Orlando enjoy their dinner, at least until Orly starts talking. He invites himself to accompany Cami to the ceramics factory tomorrow. She insists that it is her business and she doesn’t need help. Then he wonders if she will rent or sell her house. ¿Qué? He starts doing a little backtracking and justifying…he wants to buy her a new place, away from the memories, something that’s theirs together. Just as Cami starts to calm down a little, Mr. Clueless says their new house doesn’t have to be in Real del Monte. It could be at the beach, or in another city. Say, isn’t Houston lovely? Cami chugs her wine.

Eugenio finds Gabriel alone in his bedroom, huddled and sniffling. “This is no way to party!” says Don E. Eugenio thinks Gabe should enjoy all the time he has left by dancing and being with Paloma. “And force the woman I love to watch me die?” asks Gabriel. “I am a desahuciado (dispossessed, hopeless) man. I have nothing to offer.”

The party people are terrible dancers, but they’re having a good time. Lili pulls Emiliano aside to inform him of Romina’s and Germy’s coziness.

Back in the bedroom…
Eugenio: I would give my life in exchange for yours.
Gabriel: I know…everyone knows they are going to die, but no one really believes it, or they think it will happen when they’re really old. But I know I don’t have much time.
Eugenio: And that’s why you’ve lived so intensely, in a hurry to leave an impression. But you’ve exceeded your limit.
G: I know I’ve been living on borrowed time.
E: You’ve already survived longer than the doctors expected. Who knows; maybe you’ll be here a lot longer.
G: No, I can feel that my time is coming to an end. I’ve lived my way, and I want to die my way.
E: Maybe you’re just afraid to enjoy life with Paloma, only to leave.
G: Exactly. I can’t be so selfish and make her suffer even more.
E: But Paloma’s presence is such a gift to you. She’s making you so happy! Don’t reject that.
G: Yes, I’ve been happier than ever, but it’s all ending.
Fierce hug.
E: I am so grateful for the time I’ve had you here.
G: I love you, papá!
E: I love you more.
Lots of tears. Then an advertising break so we can find more tissues.

Emo stands around being a total aguafiestas while the others dance. Doc B gives him the address of his new house in the D.F. and says Paloma would kill him, but he’s a total romantic and doesn’t want things to be over between them. They discuss getting the results of the paternity test; sounds like it will be at least a few more days before Emo can pick them up.

Eugenio and Gabriel rejoin the party and Paloma asks Gabe to dance. Emo glares, and Eugenio looks wistful and melancholy.

Germy and Romina can’t even make it into the house to get frisky; they’re still in Germy’s car. Romi seems to think they can’t go inside because although she’s separated, she’s still a married woman. Yes, all the more reason to get busy on the freaking street. Germs thinks she should give up on Emiliano and get together with him. She doesn’t think he can support her and the baby in style. “You don’t need money, you just need my kisses,” he says. Well, she’ll take them, whether she needs them or not.

Doc B escorts Rufi home and they marvel anviliciously that finally Paloma is of age and they can all leave and start a new life together.

Carloca continues skulking around the doc’s house and gloating that they won’t get away.

Rufi gets sentimental about all the memories in the Manor of Misery. Yay, Iñaki! Love him.

Eugenio tells Paloma that he owes her, because he’s never seen Gabriel so happy as he is around her. Gabe asks her to dance. It’s a slow song, and he says he wants her to remember him whenever she hears it. They dance super-close, slowly swaying. Emo glares. Just when they’re looking a bit kissy, Emo rudely interrupts to say goodnight. Seriously, dude. STEP OFF.

Doc B pulls up in front of his house as the Cellos of Doom remind us that this is Not Good. He goes inside.

Paloma once again tries to tell Emiliano Goodbye PARA SIEMPRE, but he won’t accept it. “Too bad,” says Paloma. “Romina says she’ll never leave you. My life is not with you.” “Is it with him?” Emo asks. Paloma looks over at Gabriel, politely twiddling his thumbs in the corner while Emo makes a pain of himself. “Yes.” They hug for a long time with much anguish and theme music until Paloma pulls away and goes back to dancing with Gabriel. Atta girl.

Rodolfo takes his pajamas from under his pillow and heads into the bathroom.

Paloma and Gabriel say they don’t want the night to ever end. They dance some more. The other guests seem to have left. Hey, maybe I’ll get part of my fantasy.

Emo is back in his hotel room, being a moony mooner and tormenting himself with memories of all the times he’s seen Paloma with Gabriel. This all just serves to remind me of how much more I like Gabriel.

Doc B puts his jacket away and turns around as Carlota steps out from behind a screen. “¡¿Qué haces aquí?!” Carlota says he isn’t going to steal her Paloma. “She’s an adult. She can leave if she wants to. Get out of my house!” “Okay, I will. But first…” Carloca aims a pistol at him, and the lighting in the room magically adjusts so that it only shines on her evil eyes.

Mañana: Carloca fires the gun. Does the doc meet his doom? Then, she cheerfully brings a flaming birthday cake to Paloma in bed.


Sortilegio, Tuesday, February 9--Ep #85: Sexo, mentiras, y el maldito video!

Ezequiel informs Vicky that there's been "an accident." No, I'm pretty sure those guys dumped Fernando over the railing on purpose. Fernando is in the hospital. Vicky cries and tells Alex what happened. Katia is there too. A doctor says he needs to get Fer into surgery ASAP. Hernán comes over and gets the update from the doc. He's got some spinal fractures and neurological something. Hernán asks for more details, so they go to doc#2's office to talk about their golf swings or whatever it is doctors do when they get together. I suppose they might talk about just how screwed Fernando's going to be, but who knows.

Alex starts asking Katia what happened. She tries to evade, saying she and Fer were talking and he just got upset and took off, but she ends up explaining about the sex tape. Vicky hugs Katia and cries.

MaryJo and Felipa are canangananga-ing the babies in the nursery. Raquel comes in, looking for Vicky. MaryJo tells her what happened to Fernando. Raquel's Good Twin has taken her place today. She feels bad for Vicky because she knows how much Vicky cares for Fer. She also makes some motions with her hands in the general direction of her offspring. She blames what happened to Fer on the bad neighborhood with no security. She touches little Vicky for about a second before she leaves, asking them to keep her informed. Oh, great, they're turning Raquel into a decent person now. I'll believe it when Ulises' death doesn't send her right back to the bottle. And maybe not even then. If the real Raquel had been around she would have come in looking for Vicky, given an "a mi no me importa" (I don't care) when told about Fernando, and called her child a "maldita escuincle" (damn brat). MaryJo and Felipa throw a frickin' party over Raquel actually touching the kid. Rosie comes in with MaryJo's medicine.

Hernán comes in and updates the family. Fernando runs the risk of ending up paraplegic. Alex says "no!" I agree, this is tragic, but it's not the end of the world, people. Especially because Fernando's job doesn't require him to do anything with his legs…checking out job sites could be problematic, but they could figure out a way around that. Plus he's rich and well-educated, so he can afford to buy or hire whoever or whatever he needs to make things work for him. Sorry, sometimes I just hate the way characters in TN's react to disability. I'm sure there are people out there who are paraplegic who still get up in the morning and go about their business and don't think it's the end of the world. Katia goes to Vicky for comfort. Hernán doesn't think there's a lot of possibility of Fernando avoiding his horrible fate. They've got to wait to see how he's doing after the surgery. Hernán tells them they don't need to stay, but Vicky and Katia insist they aren't moving. Alex says he's going home to update MaryJo, but then he's coming back.

Alex fills in MaryJo, who laments Fernando's youth, but she also thinks that being so young and studly, I mean, uh, strong, that that's exactly why he will get better. Alex says he doesn't know why Fer was in that neighborhood, that Katia told him that Fer left the office upset and he has the impression that it wasn't an accident, it was a confrontation with someone. Alex just wants Fer to be ok. Alex has got some serious bags under his eyes. The man needs some sleep. And serious stress reduction (preferably in the form of MJ getting her memory back and Bruno conveniently dying in a gruesome way). MaryJo says they've got to find out who did this to Fer.

Two random ladies complain to a man about a smell. Ah, these are Ulises' neighbors complaining to the super. They can't stand the smell anymore.

Hernán and the Red Cross Doc inform the family that Fer is awake, but it's too soon to tell if he's able to move or not. Yeah, those fancy surgery drugs will do that. Hernan's shirt is way too tight. I don't really like the baggy look, but buttons should not be strained like that. Vicky and Katia both decline the offer to see Fer because they don't want to cry in front of him and upset him. Katia looks like she's hiding behind Vicky. Alex will go, but he only gets a few minutes.

Raquel gets a call from the building super, Alvaro. He reminds her about the apartment and she says she may cancel the lease. He doesn't care about that, he cares about the smell. Raquel laughs it off and says "what do you want me to do?" She thought the place was empty. The super suggests a dead rat, haha. He offers to go check things out unless she wants to do it herself. Raquel says she'll come over, she has a lot of personal stuff there.

Alex tells Fer that he's got to fight, man. Fer says he can't feel his legs. Alex blames it on the anesthesia. He says the doctors are going to take good care of Fer. He asks what happened and asks if it was Bruno. Fernando says he got into a fight and the guys threw him off a balcony. He tells Alex it was Mateo and a couple of other guys. Alex had already heard about the sex tape. Alex says he will take care of it and that dumbass will pay. Fernando asks about Vicky. Alex tells him that both of his ladies have been there all night. Fer gets fixated on not being able to feel his legs, but Alex just tells him everything will be fine.

Maura and Lisette (in a cute hat) argue about Lisette going to Mexico City. Lisette has clearance from Hernán to travel. Maura gripes about her insisting on paying for Lety's treatment. Lisette needs some space from Maura after finding out about the sex tape. Maura is sick of Lisette's "aires de santurrona" (sanctimonious airs), and Lisette's sanctimonious response to that is "blah, blah, blah." I like Lisette better this way. Before Lisette can leave, the maid announces Alex. Lisette changes her mind and sticks around. Alex wants to talk to Maura about Mateo. Lisette takes a seat and says she'll stay since things are about to get good. Alex is upset that Maura let Mateo into her party and let him hang around Katia. Maura tries to claim that she didn't know Mateo was there and she's not Katia's babysitter. Alex asks how Bruno ended up with the video on a cell phone and asks if that wasn't Bruno's plan all along and Maura helped him. She doesn't answer, just makes a face. Alex asks her what she has going on with Bruno that she would do that kind of favor for him. Maura says she has no idea what Alex is talking about. Lisette has had enough. She tells Maura that maybe she wasn't in cahoots with Bruno, but she does know what Alex is talking about, she knew what was going on with Mat and she allowed it to happen. Maura says she thought it was a good idea at first, so that Katia could get over Bruno, but she didn't know what would happen. Alex says he hasn't known for a while if he should believe her. He tells her he hopes she doesn't have Fernando's possible paralysis on her conscience. She asks Alex not to think badly of her. Alex says she got the address of the fight from the paramedics and once he checks things out he'll know what to think of her. Once Alex leaves, Lisette tells Maura she'd better forget about Alex, because once he finds out what happened, he'll never forgive her. Now Lisette leaves.

Katia and Vicky hang out in the hospital waiting room. The Red Cross Doc offers to let Vicky go see Fer. She passes to Katia, but Katia passes back. Vicky ends up going in. Felipa comes up with two cups of coffee and gives one to Katia. Katia leans on Felipa for comfort.

Fer is sleeping. The RCD tells Vicky that the operation went well, but he's got to consult some other white coats to see if they want to do another surgery, or just take care of it with physical therapy. Vicky goes over to stand by Fer, but she has a hard time touching him. She keeps crying and patting him on the head. He wakes up and says he feels like a tank rolled over him. He wants to know what's going to happen. He can't feel his legs. Like son, like mother--she tells him it must be the anesthesia…or maybe the pain meds, yeah, that's it. He insists that he's paralyzed but no one wants to tell him. She insists he's not. Vicky cries and says whatever happens, she's going to be by his side night and day and she loves their conversations, and she loves him. She kisses him very carefully. Fernando says he'll only be half a man. She says he's a whole man. Well, a man-boy anyway. Tears all around. Woe is us.

Raquel pulls up at the apartment. The super meets her. Apparently they can smell it from outside. The super thinks an animal got in and died. Raquel is gagging as they get up to the door. Dude…the makeup guys went to town! Ulises is GREEN! I'm sorry, this is sad, really it is, Ulises, gunned down in his prime, Raquel losing the father of her baby, yes, yes, human tragedy…but GREEEEEEEEEN! I can't help it, I'm cracking up laughing. Also, I had jury duty for two whole months on a second-degree murder trial and I saw dead body pictures every day, so this really looks very fake to me. Anyway, um, yeah, Raquel has a meltdown and acts like she wants to touch him, but just can't bring herself to do it. She screams for help, while the super just stands there with a rag over his nose and mouth.

Alex and three of the neighborhood ladies are down at "la delegación" (the popo) saying they've got to find Mat and make him pay. The ladies have his name and everything. The cop asks if they have proof and all three ladies chime in about how they saw the whole thing go down, with their propios peepers (that's "their own eyes), yep, the saw the "guerito" (blondie) go over the balcony, mhm, they sure did. One lady even thought the poor guy was dead. And then the little group of them ran away…well, they're a "pandilla" (gang) don't'cha know, and they've been causing lots of problems in the neighborhood. Huh, I thought Mateo was a gigolo. Shouldn't he have been living in a nicer place? Maybe gigolo-ing doesn't pay like it used to? The cop asks why Fernando was there in the first place. Alex said he found out that Mateo had made a video of himself having "intimate relations" with Fernando's sister and uploaded it to the internet. Alex's phone rings and he excuses himself to answer it, giving the ladies ample time to gossip over the latest scandal.

It's Raquel, calling to ask for Alex's help. She retches while she's on the phone with him. She tells him that Ulises is dead, she saw it herself, he's in her apartment. She doesn't know what happened, but he had a gun in his hand and she doesn't know what happened. Alex tells her to calm down, he's on his way. He goes back into the room to inform the ladies and the cop that he has to leave now, his sister just called to tell him someone they know is dead in her apartment from an apparent suicide. Well, the cop can check that one off his bingo card. The cop asks if this might be related to the incident with Fernando, but Alex doesn't think so. If only he knew…"Well, let's see, Bruno, who has been trying to kill me for las ultimas 84 capitulos and/or take my wife from me and/or take control of my company, commissioned the sex tape from Maura who's been trying to get into my pants and/or get my wife bumped off for las ultimas 84 capitulos, who hired Mateo to slip Katia some roofies and make the actual tape (being that she's not into girls, so she couldn't do it herself), which is the reason that Fernando went over there and got his silly ass beat up. Many capitulos ago Maura convinced Ulises to hire Mateo to pretend to be my wife's lover in order to piss me off. Ulises slept with both my sister and my brother-in-law, impregnated my sister, and got her to rent him the apartment where his cold dead stinky body now lies, having been put there by a bullet to the brain courtesy of Bruno. So no, I wouldn't say they're related, no, except for everything ultimately being Bruno's fault." Alex tells the cop that recently his wife was kidnapped and the family had begun to suspect Ulises, who now lies dead and stinky. The cop suggests they both go right over and he bids the ladies farewell, saying they'll start searching for Mateo ASAP. He calls some other guys to come in and take written statements. The ladies buzz. This is about a year's worth of gossip in one afternoon.

Alex, having made a pit stop at a phone booth to pull off his shirt, revealing red, blue, and yellow spandex underneath, pulls up and is greeted by a hysterical Raquel. She swears someone killed Ulises. She's crying that he can't be dead, he just can't! Alex puts her in the passenger seat of his convertible and finishes parking it the rest of the way.

He also gags at the smell. The cop thinks it was days ago, but he's going to have the gun analyzed. Alex supposes that Uli killed himself because he felt "acorralado" (trapped). The cop is curious. Alex says all the clues about his wife's kidnapping pointed to Ulises and he probably didn't think there was any other way out except to kill himself. Either way, the cop wants to talk to Raquel. Alex puts him off until the next day, being that Raquel is hysterical, being that Ulises was her baby daddy. The cop nods from behind his hankie.

Alex calls Roberto and tells him Ulises is dead. Roberto knocks over a statue. Alex wants Roberto to meet him at the house. Alex hangs up, but Roberto is still holding the phone, in apparent shock.

Back at the house, Rosie and MaryJo are out front with the babies when Alex and Raqui pull up. MaryJo goes over to see what's up. Alex says he'll explain later and walks Raquel to her chalet. Roberto pulls up immediately after, tells MaryJo that Ulises killed himself, and runs after Alex and Raquel. MaryJo is impactada…but I'm not sure what kind of impactata. Could be "oh, no, someone killed themselves, how horrible" or "wait a minute, Ulises, I know that name."

Porfirio gets a visit from a terrified Elena. She makes some bland excuses for not visiting sooner. Porfi wants her to get to the point. Elena says she's there to tell him the truth…she hid something for years and it's time for him to know…she doesn't want him to die without knowing it. "Then spit it out!" From down by his knees, Elena gives the floor an annoyed look.

MaryJo is still outside with Tiny Tony and Alex asks where Rosie is. She went to take Mini Vicky for a walk. Alex tells her that Ulises apparently shot himself, probably because he felt cornered, but there's something about all this that doesn't feel right. He's going to go to the Red Cross to visit Fernando. MaryJo reminds him he's gone for about 48 hours without sleep…ah, hence the bags under the eyes. Alex says he'll go try to convince Vicky to come home and get some sleep and then he'll rest.

Elena spins her tale…she was married to another man when she met Cristobal…she ended up pregnant and she made her husband believe the baby was his, but it was really Cristobal's…she gave birth to twins…then Cristobal went away and she had another baby by her husband…then Cristobal came back and she couldn't stand being with Pedro anymore, so she left him and only took one of Porfirio's grandkids. "One of them," he repeats. Elena says it was Sandra, but Sandra died and Ulises kidnapped MaryJo and made them think it was Sandra. Porfirio yells that she's a liar and those girls aren't his son's daughters. Elena swears they are and she can prove it. Porfirio dismisses her and she goes running for Isaias to bring his medicine. Porfirio keeps ordering her out and tells Isaias to throw her out. She drops her fake-pious shawl revealing a truly enviable rack and finally leaves. Mr. 5ft thinks Porfi is faking feeling bad. I think so too.

At the Red Cross, Alex nags Vicky and Katia to eat, sleep, and bathe. They refuse. Alex tells them it's going to take time for Fer to get better and there's no point to them hanging around. Felipa tells Vicky to just go get some sleep and then come back. Vicky insists she wants to stay to get the results of the latest spinal scans. The doctor comes up then and says there's no need for another operation. Fernando is in a lot of pain from the surgery and they're giving him pain meds. As to him walking again, that's going to take time. Vicky finally agrees to leave. Katia also agrees to go, but she'll go to her house. They leave and Alex goes in to see Fer.

Porfirio actually was upset. He'd just gotten used to the idea of not having any family, but now that Elena has come around, telling her tale, he's not sure what to think. He knows Elena is a liar, but he would also rather believe he's not alone in the world. Porfi cries.

Fer has been sedated to deal with his anxiety. Alex tells him he's going to get better, he has to.

Katia is greeted by Sami, who by now has probably peed in everyone's bed and chewed up all of Fer's shoes. She just wants to hug him for a while.

Felipa puts Vicky to bed. Vicky doesn't think she can sleep. Felipa says life goes on. It breaks Vicky's heart to see Fer so down. Felipa tells her to have a lie down and she'll bring some tea.

Ezequiel asks Alex how Fernando is doing. Alex says badly. Zeke says that MJ and Rosie are feeding the babies. He offers to fix Alex some food, but Alex says no, he just wants to sleep.

Roberto tells Bruno that Raquel found the body. Bruno is intensely curious what the police had to say, but Roberto doesn't know. Roberto, however, is of the opinion that a head wound + a gun + he was alone = suicide. Roberto! I expected better of you! Bruno is sure he killed himself to avoid going to jail for MJ's kidnapping. Roberto thinks it's possible, but Bruno insists that's how it went down. Now Roberto looks slightly suspicious…or maybe that's me.

MaryJo finds Alex sleeping in his/her/their bed. She covers him with an absurdly small blanket and tries not to wake him up.

Elena tells Jorge that she told Porfirio her lie. She figures Porfirio will leave the money to MaryJo and then she'll tell MaryJo how much they need it and MaryJo will give them some of it. Jorge won't beg. Either way, the University of Vancouver is interested in his research, so he's outta there if they don't get the money. And he's not taking Elena with him. Come on, that rack's gotta be useful for something. It would probably liven up those faculty mixers. Hey, she could even seduce a student or two. Better yet, a lab assistant!

Jorge goes to his office and takes a call from Bruno. Bruno gives Jorge the update, although he still doesn't know what the cops have said. He's sure he did such a good job that the cops won't find anything. They hang up and Alex walks in and tells Bruno that now he's definitely being kicked out or Alex will turn him in for corrupting a minor and putting the video of Katia up on the internet. Bruno denies and whines about how it's his house. Alex says he knows Bruno and Maura did it and the cops are already looking for Mateo, so maybe Bruno doesn't want to be around when the cops find him. Alex leaves him with "and if Fernando should end up paralyzed…." Bruno is confused.

Vicky has changed into yet another matronly outfit. Come on, she's not much older than Elena, if at all, and Elena's showing a little cleavage, even if her outfits are fugly. A little cleavage could be just what Fernando needs. Alex starts to chew her out, but Felipa says she had a nap and a bath and she just didn't feel comfortable staying in the house. Alex offers to go back to the hospital with her. Felipa will stay home and pray.

Fernando is still sleeping, though his sedative should have worn off already. Hernán, Vicky, and Alex stand around wondering if now is the right time to tell him. Vicky says he suspects, but she couldn't bring herself to tell him. Fernando starts waking up. He asks why he was sleeping. Hernán says he needed the sedative to stay calm. Fernando asks why. Alex tells him there's something he has to know. He has a spinal fracture and part of his body is paralyzed. Fernando starts freaking out. Hernán says he can't move his legs now, but it's not definitive. Fernando thinks they're sugarcoating things and he's going to end up in a wheelchair. He starts crying that he can't live like that and he'd rather kill himself. Ugh. Yes, yes, I know a lot of people have that reaction at first, but maybe they wouldn't if they hadn't heard all these fictional people say it first. Vicky swears she'll stick by him and they'll find the best specialists, etc. Fernando doesn't want her to be stuck with "un invalido" (an invalid) but she screams at him that she's not going anywhere no matter what he says, got it? He might or might not, but I think Hernán finally got it.

Bruno comes looking for Maura. She tells him what happened to Fernando. He already knew that Fernando found out about the sex video, but he says he wasn't the one who put it on the internet. Maura tells him that the cops had better not find Mateo, 'cause Mateo will definitely spill the beans and then both Bruno and Maura are in a lot of trouble. Oh, wait, I think I see a flaw in her logic…. I was expecting Bruno to question her "we" but instead he tells her to just find Mateo and tell him to keep his mouth shut. Maura, however, has had it. She doesn't want any more trouble. Things have gone too far and she's tied up now not only in the sex tape scandal, but in the Maria Jose business as well. Bruno says his hands are clean on the count of MJ's kidnapping and no one can prove his involvement. Maura says her involvement can be proved and when Alex came over to ask about the sex tape, she could tell that he no longer believes a word she says. She doesn't want any more trouble. Bruno says he'll find Mateo. Luckily, in addition to the phone with the video, he also had another phone, which Maura happens to have the number for. Bruno says that when MaryJo gets her memory back, and when she remembers what Maura was saying, she's "frita" (fried). Yeah, yeah, she knows.

The Red Cross Doc says they avoided paralysis and he thinks if Fer gets his ass in gear, he can recover some movement with physical therapy. Vicky says they need to transfer him to another hospital. RCD says he agrees, they're not a specialist facility. Vicky asks Hernán to take Fer to his clinic and Hernán agrees, sadly. Do you think maybe Vicky was the love of Hernán's life? Maybe the writers can set him up with Fernando's new hot physical therapist? Or a nurse? Poor guy.

Pedro and MaryJo talk about Elena. MJ says she's still beautiful, she treated MJ well…although there were times they argued and Elena was harsh with her and would say ugly things, like that MJ was a promiscuous drug addict. MJ asks Pedro if he still loves her. I don't get the beginning of his answer while my DVR switches over to the next program. He starts talking about how he heard that Elena had gone off with a good looking rich guy. MJ says she could have at least been up front and talked to him about it. Poor Self-Esteem Pedro says he was just a poor nobody with nothing to offer her and he still is. Wah, wah, wah. Dude, that doesn't mean that when your wife's leaving you, you don't deserve to have her do it to your face instead of sneaking off while you're at church. MJ says he's a good guy, with a big heart. Pedro says Elena had ambition and it hurt him not to be able to give her what she wanted. That's so not my definition of "ambition"…going after a guy who could shower her with material goods instead of oh, I don't know, doing something on her own account to get ahead in life. Pedro figures she must have loved him at one point, but then, when the feeling fades, everything is different. MaryJo asks if he'd like to see her again, but he refuses. He says she's too pretty and it wouldn't be a good idea for her to see what he's turned into. MaryJo says it hurts her to hear what her mom did to him.

Gran Final on the 17th, feet in the sand, tears and drama. And Corazon Salvaje on the 22nd.


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