Sunday, December 18, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #95 Fri 12/16/11 Sound the Alarms!

We’re near the end of this family tragedy and it seems that Lucrecia is as well.  She’s hobbling to her bed as we rejoin the Amazons of Alamos, las Curiel. 

Cleto walks into the kitchen for a cuppa jo and well-meaning Gloria whose neurons don’t quite spark with a full charge, asks him if the Sra. is going to die and then leave her (fully adult) daughters orphaned.  Cleto loses patience–guess there’s a first time for everything—and grouses at her to keep her silly (and moribund) thoughts to herself.

Judith and her now fiancé are discussing her nasty papa’s offer to live at the lair—er, the manse after they’re married.  Nothin’ doin’ says Mr. O.  Let the sonofaslug learn what it is to be lonely and rejected by those he used to abuse.  Anyway, he’s independent and means to stay that way.  Judith’s not going to disagree but says she’s sure he feels loneliness—especially now.

Juan Jaime calls over to speak to Lucrazia and finds out she’s got bad kidneys and just finished taking her first hemodialysis treatment.  They agree it would be best if he visits tomorrow instead of dropping by today.

At the same time, Maripaz’s first official visitation date with Alex is a virtual flop.  Alex is forced to say “Hi” and asks afterwards to be excused.  MP whines to Ivan about it.  He says it’s not his fault the kid doesn’t like her or that now she feels lonesome and shunned.  She races out in tears and drives back to the rancho to ask Carlota to let her come back home. 

MP whines now to Carly that Alex has rejected her.  “What did you expect --especially after telling him you’d just used him to force his daddy to marry you?”  Well, says MP, she regrets that and the way she’s treated all the others in her family.  She wants to come back home.  Why should she let her, asks Carly.  Merry Piece ain’t feelin’ so merry anymore and she needs the love and acceptance that only a family gives.  Suddenly Lucia races in to inform Carly that Mama has just vomited again. 

All three race to Lucrazia’s bedroom.  Maripaz finds out that Mama needs dialysis because her kidney’s are giving out.  MP goes over to her mother’s bedside and tells her she’s there for her.  Finally Lucrazia has something to smile about.  She grins from ear to ear and hugs MP tight.  This is not lost on either Lucia or Carly.

In another--rat-infested--part of town, El Gordo is spending time with his cousin and her hubby.  He offers to have Hubby help him with the kidnapping which should give them a take of six million American greenbacks!  Sure, yeah!  No, really!  He talks Hubby into going with him to see what he means.

Berenice drops in at David’s apartment where Esther’s been staying with him and finally meets her.  David shows up and the two finally make up –but only after David agrees never to keep her out of the loop with anything ever again!   (Good gawd!!)  FF>>

Ivan visits Lucia and mentions Alex’s rejection of his mother. They discuss Lucrazia’s disease and about Maripaz’s being allowed to move back in; so many worrisome things are happening one right after another!  It’s only a bad spell, but it will pass, he assures her. Then, they discuss (PSA alert!) how somebody in the family usually donates a kidney in these kinds of situations and how they’ll wait, otherwise, for one from some other donor from wherever it comes, the U.S., Mexico, etc.  He’ll be there for her and can’t wait till they are together forever and always.  FF>> 

At breakfast the next morning, Antolin and Camilo discuss Lucia’s being raped by Saul Mondragon, and that Perlita is really his daughter, the cowardly wretch! Carmen butts in and says Saul is HOT!  He doesn’t need to rape someone! She believe’s Saul’s version that Lucia wanted it.  Arcelia joins the conversation, which is decidedly negative after the way Saul treated Carmen and Lichita.  Anto and Cam start arguing with the slutty, nutty Carmen, the way they’ve had to live with the gossip and rumors about the numerous bastards he’s littered the region with—including her own!  They pretty much tell her to cram it cuz she’s got nothing to brag about since the slug wouldn’t marry her or give her kid a name. Cam says Lucia is too decent to do what Carmen suggests.  Carmen sneers that that’s why she left him for Ivan the minute he returned to town!  Antolin can’t understand why Carmen’s always got to badmouth someone and is so envious of what everybody else has!  Naw, they aren’t exactly white as the wind-driven snow [la paloma blanca = lit. white doves] themselves, what with Cam fooling around with his sister-in-law and Anto, a known criminal and jailbird!  

Celia has heard enough and lets loose with a huge slap across Carmen’s mouth.  Carmen breaks the dish she’s holding and sneers that she’s tired of being the slave in that household any longer!   She races off to her room. (Viewerville says good-riddance!)

El Gordo’s cousins are arguing.  Hubby is a drunk and can’t find any liquor.  He blames it on not having money and says he needs to get with Gordy on that job—then they’ll have the money for whiskey!  Hubby storms out and finds a payphone.  He calls Gordy to tell him he’s in

Back at El Socorro, Lucia gets a visit from Cam.  He apologizes for his bad ‘tude all those many months and can’t they now be friends.  She says sure.  Ivan walks in and Cam slinks out.  Lucia explains Cam’s visit.  When Lucia asks Van if he’s jealous, he says he’s certain after living so many months together they had various things to discuss, but no, he’s not jealous—Or should he be?  She says not at all and gives him a big smooch. Lucia tells Ivan that she’s worried that nut-job sister of hers will do something to Perlita now that Carly’s allowed Maripaz to return to live at home again.   She doesn’t trust her as far as she can throw her. 

Juan Jaime Mondragon, aka Juan Jeil-me Meandragon, is downing tequila in his cavernous, echoing, and empty lair when David brings over the divorce papers to his papi for his signature.  His mama’s asking for half of everything JJ owns—er, what’s left of it that is.  He whines about just having paid back 40 million pesos to The Association.  “--She now wants half of what it took me a lifetime to build up?  So easy for her!”   Esther can go jump in a lake if she’s not willing to come back where she belongs.  Dave says not a chance; that he’s gotten what he asked for.  He drove her off; she got fed up from all his abuse and now she wants what’s rightfully hers.  Don’t make them go to a judge and force the situation, he warns.  

Gordy and Cuz spy on Alex as he’s leaving school.  The guy wonders why he’s going to public school if his daddy’s so rich.  What does it matter?  His daddy’s Ivan McGuire!!  Now you can believe him that there’ll be millions of American dollars involved in this.  Cuz tells Gordy he thinks they should kill Benito who could be a pain for them when the time comes to snatch Richy Rich, but Gordo says nothin’ doin’.  They agree to observe his and Benito’s every move from now on.

A bit later that day, JJ pays Lucrecia a visit to cheer her up.  She’s so depressed and uses his shoulder to snivel on.  He suggests the two of them get married.  Riiiiight.  Two old invalided grandparents? She has to snicker at that one.  No thanks, that boat has sailed for them.  They’ll still be dear friends, tho’.   FF>>

Alex refuses to visit with Maripaz this time and Ivan doesn’t force the issue.  He tells MP the truth.  She’s certain tho’ that it’s only because he and Lucia have bad-mouthed her to him.  Now Lucia’s taken everything that’s hers: Ivan, her family and her little boy.  Ivan swears it’s nothing like that.  It’s the nasty way she treated him from the beginning and the kid, being only ten, simply can’t be reprogrammed like a little robot the way she wants.  Just then Anthony walks out with Bruno who growls at her and says maybe Bruno was the one who badmouthed her to Alex.  (Why not?  MP’s an alley cat after all.)  MP cowers in the corner as soon as she sees the dog.   (Hmmm.  Possible maul alert?)

Van tells Tony what happened with Alex and Tony doesn’t blame the kid in the least.  She’s crap as a mother and everyone knows it!  Van mentions MP’s moving back in at the ranch and that he’s worried she’ll cause trouble for Lucia.  “—Then get married!”  No, he wouldn’t dare bring it up now with all the family problems they’re going through.  It will have to wait.  Besides, both of them just got divorced and really should wait a decent amount of time before getting remarried.

Speaking of the Queen of Roma, Merry Piece drives back to the ranch and politely asks Cleto to take her bags in for her. Merry Piece is dragging her tail behind her.  Carly isn’t very happy to see her there, but doesn’t object.  MP gets Cam and Lucia’s old room.  MP gives her grammy a hug of thanks for letting her return.

JJ pays a visit to David now and asks if he thinks Esther will ever return to him.  He says he doubts it.  JJ brings up the ranch and says he can’t manage it now, so since he did a decent job before, would he do it again?  Since he’s planning on marrying Berenice, the two of them could live at the house with him, then.  David at first says Bernie wouldn’t go for it probably.  JJ says a word to the wise, don’t believe everything that gal tells him.  David replies with the truth then: it’s him that really doesn’t want to live there with him!  Riiiiiight.  JJ hobbles out.

MP has a chat with Mama.  She complains that Lucia has ended up with everything—her boyfriend, her granny’s love and her son! Lucrazia tells her to calm down and leave that all in the past.  What’s done is done.  The only sane thing is to look ahead and start from scratch.  Maripaz isn’t quite ready to do that yet, though.

Outside, Ivan mentions what happened that morning between Alex and MP.  He says he’s worried now that MP might try doing something to get even because she still blames Lucia for it all.  Lucia says not to worry, then takes a call from Cam asking if Ivan was jealous after seeing him there with her and to find out the latest on her mother’s condition.   When Lucia tries explaining again what the call from Cam was about, Ivan can’t mask his true feelings any longer.  Why does Cam need to keep calling if they’ve really broken it off?  Lucia throws her hands up in the air in frustration and yells back at Van that this is déjà-vu all over again.  She’s been through this once before and isn’t intending to do it again!  She storms off and Ivan’s left with his size 12 foot stuck in his size 12 mouth wondering how he could have been so uncool!

Back inside the house, Lucia now finds Maripaz staring down at Perlita while she sleeps.  Ruh-roh!!  She drags MP off and asks what she’s doing there.  MP mentions how the baby looks so much like Saul.  MP blames Lucia for turning Alex against her.  Lucia says if she’s come back home to steal Ivan away from her again, she can forget it because MP doesn’t interest Ivan in the least.  Hah!  She stopped wanting Ivan the moment she saw how obsessed he was over Lucia.  She sneers at Lucia and says that he’s making do with her, and well, he already knows what he’s missing. Nothing matters except getting Alex to love her now. Lucia says it’s a bit late, wouldn’t she say, to think about that?  Nope!  A person needs affection.  She has her mother’s love tho’ Carly and she are in doubt.     She needs her son to love her and she’s going to succeed in getting him to.  She walks out and leaves Lucia (and Viewerville) mulling over the possible troublesome ways she’ll probably go about it, too.

Carmen has apparently gone to the Meandragon’s looking for Saul only to find out he’s no longer living there.  JJ hears the chatter and has her come into the dining room.  She tells Juan Jeil-me that Lichita “—ah, Alicia!”  is his granddaughter.  JJ softens and has the housekeeper give her a piece of candy in the kitchen.  Meanwhile, Carmen complains that living at home has become Hell.  Aha!  Juan Jeil-me asks if she’d be interested in living there as his DIL and granddaughter.  Just what Carmen was hoping to hear!  She doesn’t have to think twice!

Celia comes back from doing the shopping that evening and notices that Carmen and Lichita are both missing. Celia, unconditionally loving mother that she is, doesn’t feel the same as Viewerville about Carmen’s latest whereabouts. She freaks out and tells Antolin. 

Meanwhile, Van visits Cam and they discuss each other’s intentions towards Lucia.  Is Cam going to pursue her still?  Naw, admits Cam, not now, although it was really difficult to give her up.  They had good times together till Van returned to Alamos—but return he did and Cam values their friendship more.  So does Ivan.  (Maybe Bernie has a BFF who needs a buff, blonde beefcake as a bedroom buddy.  Cam deserves to be happy now that he’s done the honorable thing by Lucia and Ivan.)  He asks for Cam to keep his distance now just to be sure.  All of a sudden in races Antolin with the bad news that Carmen’s left and taken Lichita with her to gawdknowswhere!  Neighbors saw the two of them take their suitcases and hop into a taxi.  Sound the alarms!

Caro is pregnant and gives Anto the heads up.  Sound the alarms again!     


Saturday, December 17, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of December 19, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Feliz Navidad!

Telenovelas seldom seem to observe the holidays probably because they are broadcast starting at different dates in different countries. This is good because on American soap operas, the holidays always seemed rather dreary with tacky decorations and people always arriving with large wrapped gifts.

FLOR SALVAJE - viernes

Last night's episode was rather depressing - mostly bad things happened.
Catalina didn't lose her baby so she is still trying to get Sacramento.

Flor had sex with Rafa. She believes it is part of her revenge plot but it seems like she might be falling for him - at least Zahra thinks so.

Rafa seems to have had his fingers crossed when he swore to Flor that he didn't want to harm Zahra. He poisons Tío Francisco against her and is nasty about it when she confronts him.

Malicia falls off the wagon big time thanks to the odious Abelardo and Enrique discovers them. Malicia runs away and collapses.

Rocío is devastated to learn that JM is going to marry Ines. The 4P chicas try an help her. All the girls agree that it never works for prostitutes to take up with johns. They can't get past their girlfriend's past activities. So far this has been true for Flor and Sacto, Rocío and JM, Zahra and Francisco and Enrique and Malicia.

Urged on by Flor to get revenge on Mariano, Rocío takes a job as his assistant. This is probably going to turn out badly.

Desperate for money, Mina and CC talk their way into the petrolero and service a couple of the workers before Mr. Peter catches them and throws them out.

Lourdes plans her demonstration against the 4P - getting schoolchildren from all over to march dressed as angels or something.

I think that was it. I'm doing this from memory and I was making bread while the show was on so I might have missed or misconstrued something.

Over to you for Una Maid and La Casa.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #169 Friday 12/16/11 Teary Goodbyes and No Hope for Hellos.

Queridos, we're headed into the home stretch of CME and I can't believe we only have a handful of weeks left of our lovely Nata, fearsome Fina, repulsive Roberta, and our anti-hero Jero. Let's savor what little time we have left!

Augie repeats his indecent proposal to Nata about becoming a father figure for her baby. He wants to give the little critter everything because of how much he cares about her. Nata reacts with shock and confusion.

Karina assures Lazaro that she feels nothing for Doc PlotTumor except pity. She wants to visit him only to give him a bit of peace. Lazaro gives his sweetie a kiss and admires her compassion.

Nata tells Matias and Adriana about her heart condition diagnosis but promises it's nothing to worry about. Oh, and Augie offered to be the father of her baby. There's that little fact too. Adriana thinks it's odd that Augie would offer to be a father figure for the baby of a man he hates. Nata is torn; Augie has always been there for her when times get tough yet something feels wrong about his offer.

Anibal does his best Nancy Drew sleuthing on Augie's laptop. He finds out that Augie has been investigating Marina and Saul.

Regina and Matias convene in Jero's office. They both agree to keep mum about Fina's possible death and will wait for confirmation before they distress Nata with the news. "When will all the suffering end for Renata?" Regina asks. "When?"

Nata says her goodbyes to Gitana as they walk together in the field. "Amgia, we have to leave all this behind again. The vineyard, the hacienda, and Jero. And we're not coming back this time." Nata swears to send for Gitana as soon as she can and sobs into Gitana's beautiful neck.

Anibal barely escapes discovery when Augie bursts into his office. Ani hides in the curtains as Augie manifestos to himself that Nata will be his.

Prissy strolls by Matilde with a smug smile. Mati wastes no time in shoving Prissy in the mud. LOL. Prissy gets up in a snit. "You pushed me!" (Tú me empujaste!) Prissy calls Mati a low-class nobody. "Yes, but at least I defend what's mine," Mati counters. "As long you you stay in this hacienda, I will make your life impossible!"

Honorio pays a visit to everyone's favorite unfairly accused jailbird. Constanza admits she hated Fina but she never would have wished such a terrible death upon her. Connie changes gears and whimpers about getting out of jail. Honorio does his best to give her hope. The cops are searching round-the-clock for Corina.

Meanwhile, the mistress of disguise gives herself a haircut and giggles about Blanca's stupidity. Now she's dead and Fina gets all her money. Ja, ja, ja.

Gonzo gives Jero's information to a private detective in hopes that Jero will be found quickly. The detective agrees to keep everything confidential.

Berta arrives at work to an awaiting German. He's got a house in the country and he wants her to come with him for the weekend. Beth, the secretary, peeks in just in time to see Berta deep-tonguing German. "No puede ser!" Beth sighs to herself.

Nata says her goodbyes to the ladies of the hacienda. There's not a dry eye in the house as Nata tells everyone that she's leaving for good. She asks all of them to keep quiet about her pregnancy. The last thing she wants is for Jero to find out about her baby. They promise to keep it a secret. Nata sobs that she will never forget any of them. Of course, none of the ladies will forget her either. Sobby group hug!

Fina and her kicky new haircut peruse the newspaper. She's pleased to read her own name on the list of deaths in the madhouse fire. Though she gets nervous when Blanca's name isn't mentioned at all. "No! She has to be dead!"

Indeed, she is. Blanca is on the slab at the morgue right that very moment. A supposed suicide note was found in Blanca's pocket (penned by Fina) but the detective doesn't buy it. "A ligature on the victim's neck suggests she was strangled (fue ahorcada)."

Berta asks German to let her visit his apartment early. She wants to decorate it as a surprise. He has no problem with it. In fact, his place is in the same building as Julieta and Matias's apartment. Berta's hackles raise at the news.

Not-Quite-Padre Antonio and Padre Severino have a chat. Padre wants to pay a visit to La Bonita; he's desperate for word from Marina.

Augie opens his computer and gets his angry face on. Uh-oh. Anibal broke one of the cardinal rules of Junior Sleuthing: always cover your tracks. Augie charges Anibal and the two of them end up in a fencing match. (Isn't this how all arguments should be solved?)

Augie holds the sword to Anibal's throat and warns him that nobody betrays him. Anibal plays innocent but when that doesn't work he gives a different excuse about using the computer.

Carlos walks in on Prissy changing clothes. He gets agitated and leaves the room.

Allison and Herminia gossip about Nata, Jero, and Augie's torrid affairs. Trust us, writers, we already know this stuff.

Nata packs the last of her bags and reminisces about Jero's cuddles, kisses, and pillow talk. "You're the most important thing in my life," Jero said. Nata cries. "Then why did you leave? Why did you lie?" Manuela interrupts to give Nata a box of photos and some sage advice. "Time heals all wounds, even the most painful ones." ("El tiempo lo cura todo, aún los dolores más fuertes")

Karina warmly greets Padre and Tony. No, she hasn't heard anything from Jero or Marina. But she does want to ask Padre to take her to see Doc. He's in an awful way and she wants to offer a little comfort. She's too kind for her own good.

Corina, in a Fina-worthy wig, is captured by undercover cops. They handcuff her and drag her away.

Beth delivers Honorio a cup of coffee and comes clean to him about German's constant sexual harassment. He made advances and intimidated her. Beth is on the verge of telling Hon about what she saw between German and Berta but Hon is interrupted by the news about Corina's capture. Hon promises to follow up on her complaints as soon as he can.

Berta and Fina cackle and spit at each other in their lair. Berta is uncomfortable that the entire world knows that Fina is a murderer. She mocks Fina for calling herself free when she's stuck hiding in an apartment.

Antonio mulls over the news that both Roberta and Renata have their father's heart condition. Tony asks if Regi ever doubted that Berta was her daughter. "Of course not," says Regi.

Nata interrupts to give Regina the box of old photographs. She shows Regi the photos of herself and Berta as children. Regina's head starts spinning. Antonio pockets a few of the pictures while her back is turned.

Marina goes shopping for a baby crib with a man. We never see his face. Is it Jero? Saul? Her twin brother? Padre Severino's illegitimate son that he doesn't know exists? I guess we'll never know...

Gonzo and Honorio sit in on the interrogation as Corina gets raked over the coals. Corina admits she was hired by Blanca and Fina to entrap Connie. Hon and Gonzo snap into action. Looks like Connie will be out of the clink by Monday. Gonzo gets a phone call from a different set of detectives. Blanca was murdered and Fina's body was not recovered in the fire. She's missing. "Do you realize what this means?"

Avances: Ultimos Capitulos! Ay, dios mio. "Renata is Regina's daughter!" Tony says with certainty. He also turns up unexpectedly at Marina''s in search of Jero.

empujar - to push
bosillos del pantalón - pants pocket
ahorcada - strangled / hanged.
husmeado - sniffed (ie: sniffing around, snooping)
acoso sexual - sexual harassment


La Fuerza del Destino #94 Thu 12/15/11 La Fuerza de tough talk and potential repentance.

Ivan drops Lucia off at home after their "wonderful" night together. Lucia praises him for making her feel loved and important. Ivan says he'd be capable of doing the impossible for her. She says he has, what with the sex therapy. They finish smooching their goodbyes.

Lucia runs into Carlota and giddily announces that Ivan's the love of her life. Carlota was surprised to find that when Lucia said "the love of my life" what she really meant was "Grandma, we TOTALLY did it!" Lucia says she's hoping that she can convince her mom to talk to Berenice. She thinks Berenice can bust through her mom's stubbornness. Lucia goes back to waxing rhapsodic about Ivan's attributes. She doesn't seem too optimistic about the long-term effects of his nookie, though, since she tells her grandma that yes, "this time" she was able to overcome her fears.

David is couching it at his place. Mom comes in to find out why he's pouty. She tells him things with him and Berenice will be ok and he's got to buck up because sleeping on that couch is going to suck bad enough without him also having a sucky attitude. She says once the divorce is final and the property is all divvied up, she'll find her own apartment. David is planning to go ask his dad tomorrow for a statement of assets so he can turn it over to Esther's lawyer. Esther doesn't expect him to take it well (puh-leeze, when does JJ take anything well?). She's definitely made up her mind about divorcing him, but that doesn't keep it from hurting, despite David's reassurances that she really did try her best and even gave him another chance. She worries, though, about Judith being stuck in the house with JJ. David tells her she's always worrying about everyone and not to worry about Judith--they'll get her out of the house.

Arcelia asks Camilo what's going to happen to JJ, financially speaking. Camilo doesn't expect him to end up broke, since he'll still have his lands and the money he can get from selling his crops. "But even if that's not enough for him, too bad. What's right is for him to give back the money he took!" Carmen and Lichita both giggle at the idea of the "pomposo" Mr. Mondragon being just as broke as they are. Lichita especially giggles at the sound of the word "pomposo" and announces that she plans to be "pomposa" when she grows up. Like mother, like daughter. Lack of money certainly never kept Carmen from putting on airs! Arcelia sagely points out that in fashion, one day you're in and the next day you're out…digo…in life one day you're up and the next day you're down. JJ's broke now and look at Ivan, who started with nothing and is now a big shot. Camilo gets that old jealous look in his eyes.

JJ remembers telling Ivan when he was younger that he'd end up in jail. He wonders what he's done. Wait, JJ repenting? Say it ain't so!

Ivan drops Alex off at school, verifies that he has his homework…then Alex verifies that Ivan called Carolina to ask if he could visit 2 days a week. Alex is hoping that Antolín might be there too, so they can play soccer or "luchas" (literally, "fights", he probably means "wrestling" as in "lucha libre"). Ivan extracts a promise that Alex will behave himself (when does he not?) while Gordo fusses at Ivan to just leave the damn kid already. Gordo fusses some more because Ivan walks Alex into the building.

Carlota tries to guilt Lucrezia into following through with her treatment, by saying it's not fair to make Lucia worry about her. Berenice walks up, prompting Carlota to announce that they have a visitor. Lucrezia gripes, "We don't have anything. Berenice is coming to see Lucia. No one remembers we exist anymore. We've become nothing [un cero al izquierda, a zero to the left] to our friends." Berenice greets Carlota and Lucrezia and Carlota leaves to bring Berenice a coffee. She sits down and tells Lucrezia that Lucia is worried about her and hasn't Lucia suffered enough? She realizes it's taking Lucrezia some time to accept her situation, but she needs to just say it coldly. "It's dialysis or death, ma'am. There are no other paths. 'But' nothing, ma'am! Death means not seeing your daughters again, not seeing your grandchildren grow up. It's the end of everything. This isn't a game, ma'am!"

Ivan goes over to Carolina and Antolín's. He asks her if she'd be ok with Alex coming to spend 2 afternoons a week with him. Ivan worries that he's spending too much time alone at the house. Carolina is thrilled. Ivan thanks her and says that he knows Alex loves her too. They joke about Caro and Antolín wanting kids and Alex being practice, so they'll know what to expect. Ivan says he's going over to the Curiel's to see how Lucrezia is doing. This is the first Carolina has heard about anything being wrong with her.

Carlota and Lucia wait in the living room, wondering if Berenice has said anything to Lucrezia yet. Lucia has faith in Berenice's confrontational techniques. Berenice comes into the living room and announces that Lucrezia agreed to go to her appointment tomorrow. "But how did you do it?" Lucia wonders. Berenice grins and says she has her secrets. Carlota tells Berenice that she's definitely earned her place in heaven…in many, many years, when it's time.

David and Judith talk about their parents. Judith didn't know her mom had left, since she got home late and tired. David lets her know that Esther is staying in his tiny apartment and that anyplace is better for her than being with JJ.

Cuthberto comes up to Antolín to bring him something to eat. He's grateful to Antolín and Camilo for keeping an eye on JJ. He offers to relieve him, but Antolín turns him down, saying JJ will probably come out any time now. And sure enough, once Cuthberto walks off, JJ leaves the house. Antolín calls Camilo to tell him JJ left the house, but without any suitcases. Camilo tells him to follow him anyway--he could be on his way to the bank to take out all his money before he runs off.

JJ goes out to the cemetery to see Alicia. "I guess you never expected me to come see you, Alicia. I didn't either. Maybe because I always felt that I was better than you. But you see that life has taken care of showing me that's not true. You raised an exemplary son and I have a son that's a good for nothing. And the other two want nothing to do with me. Much less ours, Ivan." Ivan gets on the horn to Camilo to tell him "I bet you can't imagine where Mondragon went." JJ: "Well, anyway, I admit I made a mistake. I shouldn't have looked down on either you or Ivan. I'm sorry and…and I ask for your pardon." He leaves a red rose on Alicia's tomb. Okay, fine, but just because he repents doesn't mean I have to like him.

Gordo complains to Saul (who is busy playing with a puppy that obviously has no sense) that their kidnapping plan won't be easy. It could take weeks to find an opening to snatch the kid. Saul tells him "I told you so!" but Gordo won't be talked out of it. He says they failed last time because they depended on Carmen for information, and it was second- and third-hand at that. Gordo says they've got to get up close and learn all his movements and those of the people close to him. But there's one problem…one of those people close to him is Antolín. Gordo hopes Antolín doesn't catch him in the act. Saul says he can't get close either. "Then we'll need help." Saul complains that this means splitting the ransom three ways. How do they not suffocate from their stupidity sucking all the oxygen out of that damn barn? Even if they did somehow manage to grab Alex, I still put money on the kid outwitting them all by himself. Never has a single one of their stupid plots gone well for them! Have they not wondered if maybe it's them? Gah!

Antolin calls Camilo and tells him that something is going on with JJ and he thinks it has something to do with Ivan.

Carlos flirts with Judith. He tells her to kiss him. Just a little one, though. She complains that they're at work and they're totally gonna get busted! He bats his eyelashes and she relents. And right then JJ walks in. Sorry, Carlos, but that was way too traumatic and you're never getting any office smoochies again! JJ asks if Judith isn't going to introduce him. She does. JJ asks to speak to Ivan. Judith goes to find Ivan's secretary and JJ tells her that tonight, the two of them will need to sit down and have a talk. Aw, crap. If he apologizes for being an ass all her life…well, that would explain the bizarre weather we've been having lately.

JJ goes into Ivan's office. Ivan says he only agreed to see him because it would be rude not to. "What brings you here? I doubt you came to tell me where Saul is." JJ says he would tell him if he knew. Ivan says that Saul is probably hiding like the rat he is. JJ starts to talk about what a stupid thing Saul did, but Ivan asks him why he came there. JJ asks if Ivan has heard about his troubles with the association. Yep, says Ivan, he's heard all about the "desfalco" (embezzlement) and supposes JJ will make like Saul. JJ tells him he has no intention of running, but that's not what he came to talk about (then why bring it up?). He came to propose that Ivan manage his ranch. "Or should I say, yours. Because, like it or not, you're a Mondragon. And that ranch belongs to you too." Ivan's not interested. "Let your legitimate sons manage it. I'm only your bastard. And don't call me 'son'!" JJ says he deserves Ivan's anger, but he's sorry. "Perdoname." Whoa! And there was much amazed cursing in the 5ft household. Mr. 5ft is optimistic, however, that what this really means is that JJ is either going to try to stab Ivan in the back or is about to die. And, sorry, for those who don't know, "Perdoname" is "forgive me." Ivan's response is to stand up, open the office door, and bid JJ a good day. "How can I show you that I'm sorry?" Ivan says there's no need. JJ can carry his repentance around for the rest of his life, although he doesn't think JJ really knows what it means to be repentant. JJ gives the office a last look before walking out. Ivan shuts his laptop and looks like he's trying to figure out what JJ's angle is.

Ivan fills Toni in on the conversation. He thinks JJ is desperate because of what's been going on with the Association. If he's going to live off his land, he needs it to be better managed. Since JJ never treated Ivan's mother or Ivan well, Ivan doesn't have any reason to believe him now. Ivan says it's just too late now and he doesn't buy it. Benito announces Camilo is there. Once Camilo comes in, Ivan asks Benito to go pick up Alex.

Lucia tells Lucrezia that she's glad she agreed to the treatment. "Your friend helped me see that I'm not ready to die." Lucia will take Lucrezia to her treatment tomorrow. "And you'll see that you feel much better." Lucrezia says Lucia's the one that looks better (it's that special after-nookie glow). Lucia just grins. Cleto and Maripaz come in. Maripaz is grumpy about having to be announced like a stranger. Carlota starts to chew her out, but Lucrezia whines at her not to start. Maripaz says she was prepared for it. She asks to come back to the house.

Camilo tells Ivan and Toni that JJ was at the cemetery. He tells them Antolín followed JJ and saw him leave flowers at Alicia's tomb. Toni thinks it must mean something, but Ivan says that JJ feeling repentant doesn't obligate him to forgive. Camilo is surprised to hear that JJ asked for forgiveness. Ivan says it doesn't fix anything--not his mother's hard work, his own need for a father, etc. So he won't forgive him. Toni agrees the damage is done, but he says Ivan is the only one who can erase the damage. "By forgetting and forgiving." Ivan says he can't and he doesn't want to talk about it anymore. He leaves the office. Camilo understands. He wonders what JJ is after. "To have Ivan fill the holes his other sons have left? If he wants to ingratiate himself with Ivan, he's going to have to offer more than an apology." Toni asks what Camilo will have to do to make up for what he did to his friend--setting his sights on the woman Ivan loved.

Maripaz says she hasn't forgotten what she did. She accepts that she behaved badly. She tells Lucia that it's over with her and Camilo. Lucrezia doesn't want them to fight. Maripaz just wants to come back home. She says she needs her family. "Why? Because we're the only ones who put up with you? Everyone's already gotten tired of you?" Carlota hit the nail right on the head. Maripaz admits that Carlota is right. Everyone has turned their backs on her. "You can't go around hurting and disappointing people! You have to understand that no one here trusts you. You've blackmailed your mother; you've done horrible things to Lucia; and you've even stolen from me!" Maripaz swears she won't do it again. Carlota tells her that putting on an innocent face and crying a few tears isn't going to be enough. Lucrezia begs for another chance for Maipaz. Carlota says she'll give her another chance when she's earned one. "We've turned a blind eye to all your bad behavior, but not anymore." Maripaz says fine, thanks, and walks out. Lucrezia whines about Maripaz needing her family. "If she needs us, she'll come back. But with proof that she's changed, not tears."

Maripaz runs out to her car and cries that she doesn't want to end up alone. She drives off.

Ivan remembers JJ meeting him and being a dick. Alex comes in. He wants Ivan to have Lucia come there so he can surprise her with a drawing. Alex makes fun of Ivan calling Lucia "mi amor." Lucia happily tells him that Lucrezia has agreed to going to dialysis. Ivan tells her that someone she knows has invited her to come over to see a surprise. Lucia guesses that it's Alex. Ivan offers to send Benito to pick her up and says she can drive herself back in the other car. Lucia fusses about the car again. Ivan repeats his offer that she just borrow the car until she buys herself a new one. She agrees to the loan. Alex makes fun of him again for calling her "mi amor." Ivan tells Alex he's going to get jealous, "What's this about you giving MY girlfriend a present?" Alex warns him that if he doesn't watch out, he'll steal her away. That would be funnier if this weren't a telenovela, and if there weren't some precedent for tialoving.

Antolín tells Camilo he has nothing to report. JJ went back to the house and the accountant came over. Antolín supposes that if JJ were going to make a run for it, he would have done it already. Camilo agrees and tells him to go home. Antolín is glad, since he was starting to get tired of surveillance work, but says it was just part of his job. Camilo tells him to come by the office tomorrow for a reward. JJ will be paying off his debt tomorrow.

JJ tells the accountant that Ivan won't manage his ranch and since David hates him, he's not going to ask him to do it. The accountant tells him that after tomorrow, his situation's going to get a lot worse. JJ's going to have to fire all his servants, and the accountant. The accountant gives him one last piece of advice…"You still have time to run off with the money. You don't have to give it to the Association. Go. Nothing ties you to Alamos anymore. Your wife and kids left you. I'll buy your lands. You can say I sold them to you a long time ago. Listen to me, Juan Jaime…go before you end up in ruins!" JJ looks like he's considering it.

Ivan and Alex wait outside for Lucia. Alex shows her his drawing. They're all unpleasantly surprised to see Maripaz come sashaying up. She's come to see Alex and reminds them she has a right. Alex asks Lucia to get rid of her. Maripaz asks Alex not to be afraid. She tells him she's changed and she wants to be good to him. She says she knows she treated him badly in the past and she's really sorry. Ivan pulls her aside to ask what this is about. Maripaz says it's not fair for Ivan to have Alex all to himself and she wants a chance to win his affections. Ivan reminds her she's never been interested in Alex before. "Well, I am now. I feel really lonely, Ivan." Lucia reassures Alex that everything will be ok. She reminds him that Maripaz can't take him away again because of the judge's order that he live with his dad. Alex tells her that Maripaz wanted to kill Bruno and that she was really mean to him. Maripaz reminds Ivan that she does have a right and he can't deny her visitation or she'll go complain to the judge. Maripaz reassures him that she has no intentions of hurting him, she just wants a chance to win him over. Ivan doesn't believe it. She asks for a chance. Maripaz goes over to Alex and tells him he doesn't have to be afraid of her. Lucia tells her to give it a rest already. Maripaz tells Alex that little by little, he'll realize it's the truth. She gives him a kiss and says she'll come by tomorrow so they can spend some time together. Alex begs Ivan not to let her come back.

JJ sips his tequila, remembering what the accountant said. He says out loud that he's not a coward. The maid comes running, thinking he called her. JJ just wants to be left alone.

Alex whines about having to obey the judge, since he doesn't know Maripaz is bad! Ivan tells him that if they don't follow the judge's orders he's the one who's going to get punished. Lucia reminds him that the judge also said that Maripaz can't be alone with him, so she won't be able to do anything bad to him or to Bruno. Alex wonders why they want him to spend time with Maripaz if she doesn't love him. Ivan says it could be true that Maripaz has changed. Alex says maybe it's a lie and she's just waiting for them to let their guard down so she can take him away. Ivan tells him that won't happen, but Alex is just too scared of Maripaz. Lucia asks to speak to Alex alone. She reminds him that he used to be afraid of Ivan. "Because my aunt Carolina said he was bad." Lucia tells him that when you get to know people, you realize that sometimes they're better than you thought. Alex reminds her that he lived with her, so he knows what she's like. Lucia tells him sometimes people change. "And if she hasn't changed, then we'll see what we have to do to get the judge to change his decision." Alex agrees, under duress.

Maripaz goes shopping for presents for Alex. She buys him a toy car, some clothes, and a giant happy face balloon.

Lucia tells Ivan that Alex read her a little of his pirate book, and it seems like he's forgotten about Maripaz for now. Lucia would like to be there when Maripaz spends time with him, but she has to take Lucrezia to dialysis. Ivan says he'll be there and tells her not to worry. Lucia is worried this is a ploy and Maripaz is trying to get in good with Ivan again. She doesn't trust Maripaz, but Ivan doesn't trust her either. Lucia tells him that Maripaz even went over to the house to beg to move back in. He wonders if she really is changing. He gives Lucia the keys to the car she's borrowing. Smoochies.

Lucrezia is moping around in the front yard by the fountain. She begs Carlota that if the treatment doesn't work and her life is in danger, she'll let Maripaz move back into the house. Carlota agrees, but she's sure Lucrezia will get better. "I hope your daughter really has mended her ways, if that does happen." Lucia comes up in her new, uh, borrowed car. Lucrezia tells Lucia that she's feeling weak and depressed.

Toni doesn't trust Maripaz either, but he does think it's time for Alex not to be afraid of her anymore. Ivan lets Toni know that Lucrezia is sick.

Carlota talks to the painting of Teodoro. Cleto announces Toni. She's glad to see him. They decide to have a tequila together, but not in celebration…to fortify themselves. Toni wants her to be optimistic.

JJ hides his tequila under the table when he hears Judith coming home. He tells her that his mother filed for divorce, her brothers, well, she knows, and he supposes her boyfriend told her what was going on at the Association. Judith sits down and JJ tells her he's glad she has a boyfriend. All Judith tells him is that he's an engineer who works for the McGuires. "And when are you getting married?" She says they haven't been together for long. JJ says he's been thinking that after they get married, they should live in the house instead of spending money on an apartment. "That way we can keep each other company." Judith looks horrified at the thought.

Antolín and Carolina are in bed and Carolina is whining that she should be pregnant already. Antolín reminds her that the gyno told her to be patient. "But you want a kid!" "Well, so do you! But the doctor said, if you keep being anxious about it, it's not going to happen." Caro is worried that Antolín will be disappointed in her. Antolín reminds her that he married her because he loved her and not so she could be a baby factory! Caro whines some more about wanting to have a baby to fill the void Alex left. Antolín doesn't want this to turn into an obsession. More lovey-dovey talk. If they'll accept a consejo from Dr. 5ft (I'm not a doctor, nor have I played one on TV…yet…it could happen) I think I've identified the problem. Too much talking in bed and not enough nookie!

Toni and Carlota sip their tequilas. He reminds her that they're friends, and she should have picked up the phone to tell him what was going on. He says that Alex and Ivan have their own lives and sometimes he feels alone. He'd like a friend to talk to as well, and Carlota is the ideal one for him. She complains about not wanting to be a bother, but he says that there's a lot of affection between them. They drink to that. He says they've got to stick together and they toast to their friendship.

Gordo watches Alex some more and complains that the kid is never alone.

Lucia and Carlota bring Lucrezia to her first dialysis session. Carlota tries for a pep talk in the lobby.

JJ brings Camilo a certified check and Camilo gives him a receipt. JJ tries to whine about being broke, but Camilo's not buying it. "I'm getting divorced. I'm going to have to give my wife half of what's left." "I'm sorry about that." "No. You don't feel anything. And I don't even have anyone to manage the ranch. Saul's always been a good for nothing, and besides he's off hiding. Didn't Ivan tell you why? Aren't you guys best buds? About a year ago Saul raped Lucia. Her daughter is Saul's." "Are you sure?" "Saul confessed it to me himself." "Why are you just now tell me?" "I just found out. Saul ran away. Go on, then, gloat about how far I've fallen….Your friend Ivan has gotten his revenge." JJ leaves and Camilo picks up the phone. Camilo calls the Curiel house and finds out from Gloria that Lucrezia is sick and Lucia took her to the hospital.

Benito drives Alex to Carolina's house, where he waits for him outside. Gordo takes heart, thinking he's found his opportunity.

Lucia and Carlota wait for Lucrezia. Lucia notices she has a missed call from Camilo. Her phone rings again, but this time it's Ivan. She turns down his offer of company at the hospital, but makes a date for later.

Toni figures Lucrezia will be fine since she's such a tough lady. He wonders if a kidney transplant would be better and asks Ivan how you go about getting a kidney…can you buy one? Ivan says that's illegal. It has to come from a donor or a family member. Toni's never been fond of Lucrezia, but he doesn't like seeing Carlota's suffering. "Are you in love with her?" Toni says Ivan is too young to understand what he feels for Carlota.

And tomorrow: Camilo visits Lucia and Ivan gets jealous. Stupid boys! And we're heading for the Gran Final on the 26th.


Una Familia Con Suerte #50 Thu 12/15/11 Pina Opina is back in the ring, in full fighting form.

We’re back at the hotel where Yuri is putting the moves on Vins. She offers to be his geisha. Vins waffles a bit, then claims his esquincle, Cuautémoc, is sick, so he’s gotta go. She’s impressed by his hands-on fatherhood (or maybe twitterpated by what else he’s got his hands on). He leaves, she swoons.
Meanwhile, Chela takes leave of the mansion yet again with yet another long dramatic departure scene with Pancho. We’ve got this song memorized by now.
Elena sits in Lupita’s bed crying, sleep eluding her as she recalls her tumble in another bed with far worse company. She wakes Lupita to sniffle and sob and confess that she rolled in the hay with Frauddie in Brazil. Lupita is more surprised to learn that this was Elena’s first rodeo. All the boohooing somehow lures Ana in but Elena won’t tell her anything.
Next morning at the casa popular, Chela whines to Jessinia that Pancho refuses to lust after her. Pancho and Chacho stroll in and Chacho tries to flirt with Chela while Jess gives Pancho her best Chela sales pitch. It is not effective. Shockingly, Chela is rude to both of them. No soup for you! Er, breakfast.
In the cafeteria, Karina tells Monica again to be honest with her dad and get aboard the Pepe Express. Pepe and Tomás sit one table away and Tom rants about wanting to break Freddie’s face. Pepe calms him down and tells him not to or he’ll lose the big plumbing job. Tomás says working around Pina and Adoración is weird. Fred joins Moni and Kari, all smarmy-like, and Moni tells him to get lost now that he’s graduated from Jerk University.
Vins tells Enzo he’s impersonating Pancho and plans to strategically let Yuri seduce him in order to destroy Pancho and find out what the Japanese guy’s plans are.
At the TV station, Pina gets primped and reviews her script. Candy shows up looking all tarty and the TV dudes love it and Pina has a jealousy tantrum.
Pina Opina begins its broadcast, and Chela, Pancho (with Beto), and Vincente (with Enzo) tune in. Pina’s guest is a lucha libre character, La Parka, who looks like a skeleton. A rather bulky skeleton. Pina asks him if he’s rudo or técnico and he flirtily says whichever you like more. Candy is introduced and Vins drools all over. She tells the audience she wants to teach the women to dominate men and have their way with them. Vins is into it, Beto is weirded out, Pancho is just excited that Candy is on television, and Chela seems to be taking mental notes on man-catching.
In the Avon hallway, Ana overhears Vins telling Enzo he’s impersonating Pancho and having dinner with the japonesa. Freddy comes along and actually speaks to Ana which leaves her dumbstruck. She runs away and Fred dweeb-chuckles.
Chela gets a makeover and Jessinia coaches her on acting cold and casually sexy. Then Chela goes to Avon under the pretext of giving Pancho a shopping list and tosses her hair and feels herself up a lot. Pancho just thinks there’s something wrong with her. Rebeca calls, and Chela pitifully slinks out. The secretary comes in and tells Pancho that Yuri wants him to pick her up at her hotel for dinner. They think that’s weird since he doesn’t even know her.
Ana tells Candy that Vins said he was having dinner with a japonesa and would take advantage. Candy is jealous.
Pancho valet parks El Burro at the hotel and tells the valet “danke” for parking the donkey. The valet doesn’t get it. Yuri thinks Pancho is the chofer but says “let’s go!” anyway.
Ana meets Manuel for coffee. He wants to be novios, but she says she doesn’t know him at all. He agrees to spill some of his secrets if she promises not to tell.
Chela whines to Jess again some more. Jess says she needs a new strategy.
Candy dresses as a geisha and goes to the restaurant to confront Vins. He stutters a lot and Pancho and Yuri enter.
Pepe takes Monica flowers and she smooches him until Freddie shows up to ruin everything. Fred is really rude but Pepe and Monica ignore him and continue making out until Enzo walks in. Freddie smirks.
Avances: Everyone keeps calling Yuri “la china.”


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #168 Thursday 12/15/11 Never let a fox guard the hen house or a serpent guard the aviary

Last night we left just as the silver fox entered the hen house and offered our two little chickies a helping hand and ride into town. Tonight the protective and faithful sheepdog Laz rolls his eyes, but since one of our lovely birds is La Dueña of the Coop he is forced to concede. The fox gives the dog a victorious glance as he departs.

Over at the Den de Desamor, the young cub searches dad's office, but all the drawers and cupboards are locked.

In the La B cocina, Alison pumps Manuela for background on the characters in this tale. Manuela says apparently Doc Marina is a decent sort, she helped Manuela when she was sick, but she’s not happy that Jero ran off with her. She has no comment on Saul having never met him. They say he’s a doctor in the capital. (Did we know that? Makes sense I guess.) As for Don Augustin, she can’t say whether he’s good or bad, but he is very haughty (alzado, an interesting word that often means elevated or raised) and looks down his nose (por encima del hombro) at all of them. Manuela finally asks Ali why the sudden interest? Ali says she just wants to understand the people around her. Manuela gives Ali some advice: around here you look, listen, and keep your mouth shut. (Ve, oye, y calla).

Herminia runs in wriggling in excitement with her hot chisme. Ali cracks up and Manuela rolls her eyes, how many times has she told Hermi she hates gossip? But Hermi’s already spilling it, Don Augustin is driving Regina and Renata to Ensenada. Ali thought bubbles Hermi is the one who can reliably spill the soup.

Back the fox’s den the cub continues his search. He spies the laptop, boots it up, and appears frustrated as he pounds the keys.

Next up we see the giant letters in the bay of Ensenada announcing it is the Ruta del Vino and all I can say is I sure wish those monoliths had been there the one time I sailed into Ensenada because for the 3-4 months my boat was down there I was clueless that I was in the Wine Country. Oh well, cold beers went fine with fish tacos and I will just have to visit that now infamous wine country another time.

The doc is printing out the results of Renata’s ECG while Nata jokes about dying and Regina pats her arm in a motherly fashion.

Augustin, in white windbreaker of course, strolls and thought bubbles that without Jero in Nata’s life it will be easier to win her over again. It will take a while for her to forget Jero but Augi can be very very patient. (Since when?!?) He plans to become indispensable in her life but what are they going to do with Jeronimo’s cub? His icy glare does not bode well for the tiny creature’s future.

In the consultation the doc tells Renata she has a heart condition. He says it’s not serious but Nata needs to be vigilant during her pregnancy. Regina’s eyes grow wide as the jigsaw pieces of her brain start falling into place. “Has she had this condition since birth?” queries Regina. Doc says most likely, especially when he hears Nata’s sister also has a heart condition. In Nata’s case it just didn’t manifest itself until now. We can see by Regina’s face that more pieces are fitting together and she no doubt wonders if this lovely heart-achy chick could possibly be her own. Renata asks if she can fly to Mexico City and the doc says he will give her a prescription to minimize the altitude affect on her heart and pregnancy.

Puppy sighting! Back at La B Adri and Matias are playing Name That Dog. Matias suggests Fido (Feedo) which is the quintessential perro name. Adri corrects him and displays the chubby puppy underbelly. Silly Matias, it is a perra not a perro and both Adri and perra glare at him with big brown eyes, dumb boy. Adri snuggles the pup and tells Matias that Julietta called with some prime chisme. Apparently she saw Berta and German in her building and Robertita is the amante of none other than German Ibarrola! Matias grimly says dad’s not going to be happy to hear his kid is hanging with a married man and Adri says Regi’s not going to like it either. Matias reveals that Gonzo told him there was a fire at Fina’s psych ward but no word yet about Fina. Matias cautions Adri not a word of this news to Renata.

Our question regarding Fina’s hideout is answered as Berta lets them into her Germy lust nest. Berta coldly advises that she’ll give Fina some money to skip to Europe but this is the last thing she intends to do for mommy dearest and ma can’t stay there forever, is that clear? Fina cases the joint, feigning humility while she lets Berta blather. And one more thing, says Berta, she doesn’t want mom to insert herself in Berta’s life. She snips that Fina can go ahead and tell Regina that Berta’s not her own daughter if she wants and she, Berta, is no longer afraid of being alone because thank God she has someone. Fina supposes it’s the same so-and-so (fulano) that subsidised the apartment for them to wallow (revolcarse) in, no? And this same guy will protect Berta from everything, eh? Fina sneers and cackles give her a break, she’s not stupid. If Berta thinks this guy will give up everything for Berta then little B is sadly mistaken. Fina advises Berta to enjoy herself now because sooner or later Berta is going to ask Fina for help.  Those purple eyelids flutter in consternation.

Gonzo and Honorio are at the morgue and the locas are lined up horizontally, now clad in black body bags. The doctor tells G and H that the bodies are completely burned (calcinados) and they need authorization from the families before they can check records. Gonzo tells him he’s going to call and get Fina’s dental records sent over straight away.

Aw geez, is Isidro going to be delayed AGAIN from analyzing the prints? He sits across the desk from his bank guy drinking tea and taking a pill for his temperature. He’s also hoarse so I think he really is sick. Isidro asks the guy for a favor, something confidential to be kept just between the two of them. He  hands over the fingerprints from baby Regina Soberon and adult Renata and asks the guy to run an analysis. The guy supposes it’s for a good cause and he’ll check to see if they are a match. He’ll be able to let Isidro know in a couple of days to confirm Isisdro’s suspicions.  Isisdro wants the satisfaction of telling Regina who her daughter really is. OK so this is just between these two and Isidro is sick? Something tells me he’s going to be dead or out of commission when the results come in. GAH!!! They shake hands and Isidro smiles the grin of the doomed but hopefully I’m wrong about that.

Fina is enjoying her freedom and chugging a glass of good wine while Berta stalks around the apartment in her angry spike heels. Fina demands money and tells Berta she needs new clothes and accesories. Berta hands over some cash and sasses that she’s not mom’s servant. Fina lashes out that she’s the mother and Berta had better get her some new duds NOW.

After Berta grudgingly departs for the clothing store Fina recalls starting the fire, slipping the paper into Blanca’s pocket, giving Blanca her flying lesson and holding up the key to Blanca’s hidden wealth. Fina smiles and proposes a toast to herself for  her genius (genialidad) in getting rid of all the obstacles in her way and getting the money she needs. All she has to do now is change her look and get her “inheritance” from little Blanca. She raises her glass to heaven and starts to toast Blanca, changes her mind, lowers her glass down and toasts to Blanca in hell.

Back in Ensenada sly Augustin feigns concern that Renata’s baby is fine as he gets a bit more info about her ailment. Yes it’s the same condition that Doc NastyN discovered. Roberta also has the condition so it runs in the family (mal de familia). Regina says thankfully it’s not very serious so they can leave tomorrow for the DF. Augi suggests Renata should stay and recuperate some more but Nata wants to leave right away. Augi tells Nata just because she’s going to the DF doesn’t mean she won’t see him anymore. She confirms that she doesn’t want to lose his friendship. “Friendship!” he thought-bubbles, “I want MUCH MORE than your friendship Renata.”

Regina calls Gonzo and he tells her about the psych ward fire and that Fina is likely dead. Regina breaths a sigh of relief, not remembering that the sneaky gata has nine lives.

Over at Empresas Monterrubio (EM) the nasty serpent stalks the soft gray dove that he hopes to gobble up. Germy approaches receptionist Beth and she squirms in discomfort under his hungry gaze. He tells her to call him German and she responds how can she help him SEÑOR IBARROLA?  She tells him Roberta just called and she’ll be delayed getting to the office. Perfect, he says, knowing that wife-type #2 won’t be around to monitor him. He suggests taking Beth out to eat but she says she doesn’t go out with her bosses and her BOYFRIEND wouldn’t like it. The serpent hisses it’s a good idea to get to know her BOSSES better as it has many benefits, and she knows the kind of work he means. He licks his lips and leers at the prospect of lunch.

Roberta gets back to the lust nest cum hideout with bags of clothing and lunch. Fina tells Berta she wants Berta to be her eyes and ears at Gonzo’s house to see what they find out about her disappearance or incineration (calcinacion, which also means calcination and this might be a clue as to Fina’s demise). Berta agrees but she wants Fina to think about when she’s going to leave and with what, because she wants Fina outta there in a couple of days and has already given her all the money she has. Fina corrects her, Berta had better invent a story for her new boyfriend because it will take a couple of weeks before Berta gets her inheritance and they can escape together. Berta asks who says she’ll leave with Fina? “Your hate,” answers mom, “your hate for Regina and all the Monterrubios which is as great as mine.”  Berta retorts that she hates Fina more than she hates them. Fina tut tuts and says Berta needs to get over it because Berta will do what is best for the two of them.

Sweet Beth goes to Gonzo’s office to discuss a delicate matter with him. She starts to say that the other day she agreed to go out to eat with him but...she is interrupted. The serpent has stalked his prey into this sanctuary and spins it so that he just wanted to go out with Beth to assist with some company training (capacitacion) and personal improvement, is Gonzo cool with that? Gonzo says he fully supports training, right Beth? And with that the sad dove leaves the office in defeat.

Germy sits down and Gonzo says he realizes Germy joined the company at a time of great family conflict but Germy’s done a great job with business negotiations. Germy says he has even better news, he just closed the Edgardo Gorrena deal and he would like Roberta to go with him to the guy’s country house to work out the details of the contract. Gonzo hesitates at the idea of his purple cuckoo flying away with this guy, but Gonzo can’t see the predator in the man and finally relents. Germy is a master of making what is nasty sound innocent.

Ines and Isidro wring their hands as they discuss proving Renata is Regina’s daughter and the thought of Fina, who may or may not be Nata’s mom, burning up in the fire. Ines prays that Renata knows whether or not Pepa is her real mother when she finds out if Pepa lived or died in the fire. But then she says there is one more possibility, maybe Pepa escaped.

Hons welcomes Coni’s lawyer to his office. The lawyer says thanks to the picture and testimony of the woman from the center they are watching Corinna’s house and any moment now should be able to capture her.

Coni’s still in jail wailing for help from the Virgencita. With all the proof they have against Corinna can’t they let Coni out? I guess they have to have someone in jail and until they get Corinna Coni gets to keep her spot warm. She’s praying to the Virgen de Guadalupe to get her out of jail soon, she only wanted to help the little baby.

Back at LaB Matias and Adri discuss Germy while the puppy energetically nibbles Adri’s fingers with tiny, sharp teeth. Matias says Gonzo is convinced Germy is a good man and even a friend, but a good friend wouldn’t be having it on with one’s daughter. Germy is an entrepeneur and great businessman, but if he doesn’t respect the Monterrubios then he has no place at EM. Adri points out the problem is so far they only have Julietta’s word for it. At this dead end they weary of family business and let the puppy scamper on the floor while they smooch and express their undying love.

As Augustin’s truck hurtles inland its occupants are occupied with their own thoughts. Regina thinks that she never wanted Fina dead but she must admit that part of her is glad to be able to finally relax. But poor Renata, although her relationship with Fina was fractured, Fina was her mother. She prays to God to help them find the words to give Renata the news in the best way possible. Renata thinks about Jero and asks him how can he be so cruel to her yet again? Why? Why does he keep yanking away her ability to enjoy life? Augi drives and thinks that he will use Renata’s fragility, hate for Jero and her courage in his favor. He’s got to stop her from going to Mexico City and find a way to get her to open her heart to him again. And he thinks he might know just what to do!

Padre Severino tells Antonio that he’s looked everywhere for Marina and he can’t find her. Tony says maybe she and Jero want it that way, at least for now. Come on you two dopes, you look like Spy vs Spy and you are even stupider! Don’t you think it’s weird that nobody can find either Marina or Jero? They are missing! Aaarrrghhh!! At last Toni says something smart. He tells Padre S that even if he heard something in the confidence of confession, if there is any doubt that Jero and Marina have not disappeared voluntarily then Padre S should investigate and get to the bottom of the situation for everyone’s good. Ya think?

Back at La B Manuela and Kari wonder how this will all turn out. Will Jero return and if he does will Doc TwinsForTatas be with him? Manuela’s vote is that he returns alone and with a convincing (contundente) reason so Renata will forgive him. They both have a hard time figuring out what that reason could be. Renata’s heart is broken in a thousand pieces, will it ever be put back together as it once was?  Manuela uses Kari and Laz as an example, they finally got together after all those obstacles.

The phone rings and Manuela answers then goes white. She walks toward Kari and says it’s Dr. UnendingObstacle and he wants to talk to Kari! Kari reluctantly takes the phone and is afraid he somehow escaped from jail. No, he says, he’s still in the Tijuana jail. It’s his birthday and the only present he wanted to give himself is the sound of her voice. Creep!! Manuela and Kari listen as Dr. WhyWasIBornTodayOrAnyDay whimpers that of all the mistakes he made, with her he made the worst. The guard says “Time’s up” but NastyN keeps whining “I’ve done you so much damage and I loved you with an egotistical love, but I loved you, I loved you!”  Well that’s one helluva birthday present jerkoff, call your ex and terrorize her some more. From all the ladies may I say we hope our next birthday is in HELL!

The guard hangs up for NastyN, Kari is dumbstruck, and Manuela just shakes her head, “Too little too late,” (muy tarde llegó su arrepentimiento). Kari says it hurt her to hear him and we are cursed with watching his thin-lipped maw gape in anguish as he blubbers her name over and over.

Speaking of anguish, MiClumsy is over at the chem lab dropping chemicals and pitching a fit because he’s sick of not being able to use his hands, oh boo hoo. Prissbutt uses this as an excuse, not that she ever needs one, to smarmily sooth his childish ego and fondle his hands. She is there to help out. He says he’s stressed out because he wants Jero to get back and have things return to normal. Prissy sits deeply within his space and faces him, making sure to touch his legs. She reminds him that he told her he was conflicted with his feelings about her and Mati and she caresses his face, pressing her case. Just as he is looking confused Super Laz saves the day by coming in and calling “Hey Brother-In-Law, Renata just returned.” Laz stares at Prissy and waits for Carlos to leave the lab before he departs. Priss the predator smiles smugly to herself. Is it because she thinks she’s making headway or has she identified Laz as an impediment?

Renata and Regina have their backs to us as they gaze at the vineyards from the La B porch. From this angle it’s almost impossible to tell them apart. Carlos and Laz join them and Renata tells them the appointment went well and she can leave any time. Carlos and Laz hang their heads but understand. Carlos assures her he’ll let her know what happens at La B. Renata says don’t bother, she has no interest in any more info about Jero or La Bonita; once she leaves it’s over. 

Augustin has his arms crossed in satisfaction as Renata asks Carlos and Laz to respect her wish to keep her pregnancy a secret from Jero. Jero chose to be with Marina and her children so Renata’s baby is all hers. Well? Can she count on them to respect her wish? Carlos reluctantly agrees but Laz hesitates and says he does not, since she first arrived everything at the hacienda has changed, but if this is what she wants she can count on them. (Alison has been listening to this last part and now she runs off, unseen.) Renata asks them to get everyone at the hacienda and gather them in the salon.

Anibal has been on dad’s laptop all this time and hopefully he’s done more than watch streaming video. Alison calls to give him the heads up that dad is back at the ranch. Ani says he’s found nothing, he can’t get into the laptop without the password. The kid must have been napping or daydreaming because he just now starts trying to figure out dad’s password. It’s not Renacer, what about Renata? Success! But of course dad’s back and will likely come striding in any moment.

The La B staff has gathered and Carlos tells them what he knows. He’s not sure exactly what Renata wants to say but she plans to leave and wants to ask them something before she goes. After lunch they’ll be ready to hear whatever Renata wants to say.

Carlos tells them he’s off to the vineyards until lunch. Kari prods Mati to follow him, doesn’t she have something to do outside?

Kari tells Laz about Doc Creepy’s birthday present to himself.

Outside on the picturesque patio Renata thanks Augustin for everything. He tells her although she’s leaving tomorrow he’d still like to be close to her, she means a lot to him. She says he means a lot to her too. He plans to give her all the time she needs and he wants to help her work things out. Renata clarifies for him that she really wants to be alone and dedicate herself to the baby.

Augustin says speaking of the baby, he wants to talk about what he’s been thinking about doing for it. Renata knows all too well the affect that not having a real father can have. He vows he can extend the deep love he feels for Renata to her baby. He proposes that the baby doesn’t need to have a phantom for a father, the baby can have a real daddy and they can form the real family that her child deserves. We conclude with Renata’s cara impactada as her brain tries to process his words.

So there you have it. A lot of talk, not a lot of action, and our biggest questions remain unanswered: Where is Jeronimo? Where is Marina? What did Fina put in Blanca’s pocket?

Avances: Renata wonders if she will be able to forget Jero. She kisses Augustin on the cheek but hugs Gitana with much more affection. She tells Adri that Augi proposes being her baby’s daddy. Mati pushes Prissy down. Fina cuts her hair. Beth walks in on Germy kissing Berta. New Look Fina sees something in the paper that makes her very happy. Gonzo hires a private detective to find Jeronimo. As Marina happily assembles a crib we see the backside of a mystery man. Is it Jero?

Dicho of the Day:
Cuando la zorra predica, no están los pollos seguros = When the fox preaches the chickens are not safe (Be wary of those who use good words but vicious acts)

alzado/a = haughty, vain, elevated
calcinado/a = burned, roasted
calcinacion = roasting, calcination
capitacion = training
contundente = convincing, overwhelming
fulano/a = so-and-so (fulano de tal = john doe)
genialidad = genius
mal de familia = runs in the family
muy tarde llegó su arrepentimiento = too little too late (lit. his repentance came too late)
por encima del hombro = looks down his nose at, discriminates (lit. looks over his shoulder at)
revolcarse = to wallow, thrash about
Ve, oye y calla = Look, listen and keep your mouth shut


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