Friday, December 09, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #46 Fri 12/9/11 There's no place like home, except maybe your other house

Alternate title: More baggage! More suitcases! More Brazil! And of course... MORE CRYING!!

Fer pensively kisses a Virgen de Guadalupe medallion that was once worn by a tiny little baby of her acquaintance. (We didn't see this last night, did we? It's so confusing when they show new stuff before old stuff.)

Lupita pensively kisses the medallion of her namesake (I had no idea that word was so controversial, see here) and thanks Virgencita for letting her live. (Has she had any brushes with death that we know of?)

Rerun of Pepe talking about wearing Mónica down like the sea crashing against the rocks. He appears to be making some headway with his elemental logic when she sees Enzo approach and says she doesn't want that; she just wants Pepe to go away and forget she exists. He doesn't wanna.

Also rerun of Pancho hugging Rebeca goodbye when Chela walks in. I don't think it's a particularly sexy-looking hug, but clearly Chela feels differently. I reach for my earplugs in anticipation of another fine fit.

Mónica starts saying nastier things to Pepe for Enzo's benefit, like for instance that she was just playing with him; she wanted to know what it would be like to go out with a naco. Enzo slips away unseen by Pepe just as Pepe decides to take the hint and leave. (We hear all the time about actors and comic timing, but there's something to be said for soap opera timing.) Moni asks herself what she's done.

Chela is speechless after seeing the hug. She leaves Pancho's office without a word. Although I revel in the silence, even Rebeca is concerned about Chela's unexpected reaction. She urges Pancho to go talk to Chela, but he doesn't get to her fast enough.

It turns out that Mónica is doing the loud crying in this round. She tells Kari how much it hurt her to say those things to Pepe. Kari tells her to just think how it hurt Pepe! Mo says she had to do it because she and Pepe have no future. Kari yells at her, "and above all it's because your father was watching you and you wanted to show him how afraid you are of him! Don't you realize it's YOUR life and YOUR happiness?" She'd love to tell him how much she loves him and can't live with him, but it's better this way because they'd never be happy together. Facetiously, Karina says sure, you'd be the most dejected couple in the world! But Mónica can't stop crying.

Pancho phones home for Chela, but she's not home yet. Turns out she's at church, telling Jesus how she finally came to accept that it wasn't a sin for her to want to be with Pancho, and that Laurita would have wanted her to be with him, and now she can even admit that she's in love with him, but she's lost him.

Chela goes home and puts on her most extra-frumpy sweater and tells Chucha that she has to leave. She gives Chucha a bunch of instructions for taking care of the kids, as well as a note for Pancho. Sad adios, lugging her baggage awkwardly just as Pancho did in her nightmare.

Tomás goes to Avon to talk to Pancho about Elena and Freddy. Tom wants to go to Brazil and bust Fred's tangerine (head) into wedges (romperle su mandarina en gajos). Pancho says that's kind of cannon-ish (like a loose cannon, I guess) and besides, they're oranges. (I'm not sure I got this quite right.)

Next in the parade through Pancho's office is Ana. She's intrigued when he tells her that Elena went to Brazil... until he reveals that she went with Irachetita. Suddenly, Ana gets all flustered and leaves. Pancho is as puzzled by this as he is by every other female's behavior.

Tomás and Pepe over beers. Tom reiterates his plan to split Fred's tangerine. He also opines that Monica really mustn't love Pepe after all those things she said. Pepe says her words said one thing, but her eyes said another.

At band rehearsal, Ana recalls her conversation with Pancho about Fred and Elena and starts to cry. Her mystified bandmates offer their help, but she excuses herself.

Freddy is watching TV at the hotel when Elena comes back from somewhere and thanks him effusively for taking her to Brazil. At first he seems more interested in the TV than listening to her, but when she physically pulls him out of the chair he takes more notice.

Elena nervously notes that there's only one bedroom in the suite. Fred is feeling friskier now. She asks Fred if he loves her. "Of course I do," he replies in a careless tone. "You're truly incredible - you deserve all this and more," he says, undressing hurriedly. "But do you love me?" "I told you yes," he says, and the camera focuses ironically on some flowers. (She still has all her clothes on at this point, so we'll never know if her fingerless gloves come off for this special occasion.)

Pancho comes home and, finding no one in the foyer to greet him, echoes his own greeting. He starts chatting with Laurita at her little shrine, but notices something is amiss (I'm not sure what - the candle's still burning). Then Chucha gives him Chela's letter. He wants to know where Chela is. She says it's best if he reads the letter.

Dear Pancho,

Forgive me, but I can't go on with my anxiety, with this profound pain, with this feeling of desolation. My heart's been breaking in two ever since we left the neighborhood to live in this house and you were named president. But today I'm done making cachitos [which generally refers to little bits of something, but in Mexico specifically can mean a 1/20th share in a lottery ticket which represents tiny pieces of hope, or maybe it means something else] and I realize that we are losing you, that I've lost you forever. Up till now, what's kept me at your side was the great love that I feel for your children, my beautiful nieces and nephews, and the immense love that I feel for you. But I can't continue at your side knowing that I will never be able to have you, and that's why I'm leaving. Please don't look for me.

Yours, Chela.
(Even though Pancho is reading silently, Chucha seems to be weeping at the sound of Chela's words.)

So where did Chela go that she'll be so hard to find? Did she go to Brazil to bust Fred's head into wedges and start a new life of hope? Nah, she's gone back to their old house in the 'hood to sob bitterly and feel sorry for herself. Ha! They'll NEVER think to look for her there! They say you can't go home again, but if anyone can pull it off, it's Chela.

Pepe comes home and sees Pancho still looking thunderstruck. He tells Pepe to gather the kids. Pepe does so by yelling. I think Pancho could have done that himself.

Candy is on a date with Vince. What what what? Nah, it's not a date, it's just two people who are hot for one another having champagne together in a nice restaurant. She's playing it cool. He tells her she makes him crazy and he's NOT having a thing with Sandra. Candy says she's not worried about her; she's way more woman than Sandra! Vince says he does nothing more in his life except think about her day and night, night and day. The first thing he sees when each morning and the last image in his mind as he nestles into the arms of Morpheus. HE's not the same since he met her. He begins gobbling her hand with kisses. Now there's a guy who knows how to kiss.

Pancho tells the kids and Fernanda that Chela's gone. They want to know why. They ask to see the letter. Pancho nervously tries to get Temo to go do his homework. Ana thinks he's old enough to hear the truth and volunteers to advance her theory as to why Chela left, but is interrupted by Candy's cheerful hello. Lupita brings her up to speed, and Candy isn't surprised. Ana finally explains: Chela left because she's in love with Dad! Everyone stares at him accusingly.

Pina tries to call Fred. His phone rings and rings. "I bet he's busy with that Elena!" Adoración laughs. Pina is scandalized that her precious son might be sharing a room with that [social] climber (trepadora), that plumber's sister. Ado begins to ask what's wrong with the plumber's sister, since you like the plumber so much...

Vince calls Abeja's psychiatrist for an appointment - for himself. (The doctor says Vince is too old to be peeing on the furniture too.) The doctor is reluctant, but Vince argues that he's a mammal just like the other pets. Vince needs to see him right away!

Even after reading the letter, Pancho is STILL in denial about Chela's love for him and trying to make excuses even though he very well knows what she wrote in that letter - he says they can't be sure. Lupita and Pepe don't get why Chela would leave if she were in love with Pancho. Ana says it's because of being una tercera en descordia (the odd one out, the third wheel, three's a crowd). Candy mentions Rebeca. Pancho is very unhappy with where this conversation is going. Candy tells him not to lie to the kids and confirms Ana's theory: Pancho and Rebeca are in love, and if Chela left so suddenly, it's because she found out. Pancho uncomfortably flashes back to telling Kojak and BigBoy that he'd fallen in love. Temo concludes that this is Rebeca's fault.

Pina and Ado talk about Abeja's pregnancy. It emerges that Pina didn't lose her hair or pee in the living room when she was pregnant. Ado says Abeja's been chewing the walls, too. It's all that nasty dog's fault. Ado thinks Abeja seems quite content. Pina wants to do a DNA test (I don't know what she thinks that will accomplish).

Vince tells the veterinary psychiatrist all about his problems with Pancho Lopez, the bane of his existence. And his sister makes him crazy, too.

Fer also confirms that Chela's in love with Pancho whereas he sees her as a sister. Even Temo seems to understand it now. He observes that Pancho loves Rebe, but why doesn't he love Auntie Chela? Pancho admits that he kissed Rebe last night, but she's not interested in him and now she's on a trip so there's nothing to worry about.

A woman with a lot of jingly jewelry wanders into the living room old house at Casa Popular and appears to be in a trance. I guess Chela knows her, she calls her Jessenia. Jess complains that the house is full of bad vibes. She says Chela's sister is trying to tell them something, but she can't make out what it is. She's got a nice tall glass of maté, which is interesting because she was empty-handed when she entered the room. How long's she been in the house? Anyway, she thinks a stronger drink would help her communicate with Laurita better. Chela offers to look for some tequila or mezcal. I would recommend a nice long nap for Jess instead.

Candy makes dinner while Chucha and Goya look on in horror. Didn't they used to cook for Fernanda? Maybe they should have asserted themselves a little more forcefully. It's just spaghetti, but somehow Candy screws it up. It doesn't matter much because nobody feels like eating.

Jess fiddles with some fortune-telling cards while Chela tells her story. Jess says you don't need cards to see that Chela's a fool. There's nothing wrong with her, she's not ugly or old or fat, so she should fight for her man instead of running away. Pull in her stomach, walk like a model, raise the hems on her skirts, etc. Oh, and cook for him, because that's her best weapon. This doesn't make Chela feel any better and she says she's already lost. Jess repeats don't let Rebeca have him without a fight.

Dinner is too salty. Pepe tries to drown everything in salsa. Only Pancho tries to spare Candy's feelings, but Candy isn't fooled. Temo wants to go to bed and runs out yelling. Fer offers to read him a bedtime story, but no, only Auntie Chela can do that. Is she gone forever like Mommy? When is she coming back? Are you going to marry Rebeca? Why don't you marry Auntie Chela? Pancho says he's pretty sure he knows where she is and will go there tomorrow. He leaves Temo alone with Fer. He still has questions. She says sometimes grownups need a pause to think things over. He asks why she likes him so much, they're not even related. She tells him that she can be his grandma because when she met Pancho, he adopted her as his mother. So he can be her grandson and count on her no matter what.

Candy and Pancho talk. Well, Candy talks. She says it's all his fault. He knew deep down inside how Chela felt about him. It's not his fault he's in love with Rebeca, but he should have taken the bull by the horns.

Pancho wants everything to be like before. Candy says it can't. He and Chela will never be able to look at one another the same way after this. He has to tell her how he feels, without any hemming and hawing: that he loves her, but not as a woman.

"Now that you know the truth," Candy asks, "what are you going to do? Are you going to change your mind?"

Next time:
Pina puts the horns on herself. Cathy sees Vince hug Candy at a lemonade stand. Pancho confronts Chela and tells her he loves Rebeca.


La Fuerza del Destino #89 Thu 12/08/11 La Fuerza de JJ's delusions, Ivan's stupidity, and Saul's malice

Antolín points out to Camilo that JJ didn’t actually help him win the election, what with being in a coma and all. (Except that maybe his being indisposed was actually helpful!) He also asks Camilo to be his "testigo" (witness) at the "boda" (wedding).

Maripaz and Lucrezia wonder who's the baby daddy. Maripaz sees this whole incident as proof that Lucia isn't such a saint and figures she got knocked up by some random guy right after Ivan left. Lucrezia bemoans her fate at having two slutty daughters.

JJ wants to call work, so Esther lends him her cell phone and dials for him. He asks the secretary why no one came to see him and ends up talking to Camilo. He realizes Camilo replaced him and hangs up, cursing the ranchers for being traitors. He asks Esther if she thinks he's useless and starts whining about wanting to see Ivan again. He has a borderline tender moment with Esther and tells her he knows she's been the only one here for him, he knows he's been an ass, and he's going to change.

Lucrezia persists in thinking Lucia is lying about the baby's father. She thinks he's going to show up and blackmail them.

Ivan spends some daddy daughter time with the baby. Lucia comes up and he tells her he's convinced the results were a lab error. He can't wait for them to be a family and jokes about how the kids will have parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and even a dog!

Camilo tells his mom Lucia won't take him back. He can't imagine she had a one night stand with someone else.

Lucia and Carlota assume she was drugged and raped. She asks if she was completely dressed when Carlota got her into the shower. Carlota won't answer, so Lucia begs. Carlota tells her Cleto found her in the front seat and her panties were on the floor.

Berenice is blaming herself for insisting Lucia go with her to the club. David counsels patience and insists it wasn't her fault. Berenice asks David about Saul and he has nothing good to say about him. She assumes he didn't like Lucia leaving him for someone else. She remembers him being at the club that night and wonders…David thinks Saul is capable of anything. Berenice calls Saul repugnant.

JJ is home, in a wheelchair, and they've remodeled to accommodate him. He's an ass about it as usual, but at least apologizes for being an ass. He asks where Ivan is and Esther says he's not back from his "trip" yet, then distracts him by taking him to see his room.

Ivan reports to Toni that business is going well. Toni reports that JJ is back at home, but still thinks Ivan is his son who takes care of the ranch. Ivan wimps out on breaking the truth to JJ, so Toni will have to do it.

Saul calls from Hermosillo. He's doing well, almost back to normal, and will leave in a few days, but he's got to settle up his bill. Esther balks at the total, mostly because she can't get to the bank for the cash, but she offers to send him a check.

JJ complains to Toni about those damn ranchers taking advantage of his illness. Toni tries to bring logic to the situation and tells JJ to calm down, for all that's worth. He complains about not being able to find out what's going on with his ranch since Ivan is gone. He complains about the other kids and Toni sets him straight. He starts all the way back with bringing up Alicia Villagomez, but JJ doesn't really remember her. Toni tells her the story about Alicia having a son and JJ treating that son badly…well, that son is Ivan. JJ tries to remember and we get a recap of young Ivan's confrontations with JJ. He fixates on the fact that Ivan is his son, even if he has been a complete dick about him. He accuses Toni of "stealing" Ivan from him. "Who's going to take care of my ranch now?" Toni tries to talk JJ into apologizing to Ivan, but he can't get through JJ's thick skull and walks out. JJ fusses that Ivan is a bastard.

The judge gave Lucia custody of Perlita. There are a few days more to wait for the new DNA results.

And they pass.

Carolina tries on wedding dresses. She, Antolín and Arcelia choose a menu.

Ivan and Alex spend time together.

Ivan and Lucia meet with the judge to get the new DNA test results…and they came out the same as the previous test. Lucia goes running out of the office, Ivan hot on her heels. She screams at him that she doesn't know who the "real" father of her daughter is, like she told him before. She drives home crying and runs off the road.

She's conscious and able to get herself out of the car.

Saul walks back into the house, to a happy Esther. He says it only hurts a little and has trouble holding back tears. Esther tells him JJ is home and he wonders how much JJ knows. She tells him not to worry.

Antolin finds Lucia by the road, still sobbing. She just wants to go home. He gets her purse from her car and tries to convince her to go to the hospital. He asks her what happened and her response is "I don't know who the father of my daughter is." Antolín tells her the baby has a mother and that's what counts.

Esther begs Saul to see his dad, dress better, and speak more formally. Saul doesn't take it well. She tells him if he wants to keep living there, he'd better not question her and do what she says.

Lucia gets walked back to her room by her mother and grandmother. Antolín walks back out front just as Ivan is getting there. Antolín fills him in and tells him to call a wrecker to get Lucia's car. Lucrezia tells Ivan that Lucia won't go to the hospital.

Lucia insists nothing's broken. And that she doesn't want to see Ivan or anyone else.

Ivan tells Lucrezia what the DNA results said. He tells her it doesn't matter to him and he accepts Perla as his daughter and won't treat her any differently from Alex. He says he'll forgive her.

Toni gripes him out for not considering that maybe there's nothing to forgive, maybe she was raped. Ivan feels like an idiot.

Lucrezia is completely confused about what the hell is going on and how Lucia doesn't know who the father of her child is. Lucia says she was raped. Carlota fills her in on the details, as far as they know them. Lucrezia dares say the family is now completely dishonored and begs Lucia that no one can find out. Lucia assures her she can't say anything since she can't remember anything. Carlota chews Lucrezia out for her attitude and not taking Lucia's feelings into account.

Antolín visits Camilo and tells him he was helping a crying woman by the side of the road. "And guess who it was…."

The doctor says Lucia didn't break anything.

Camilo proposes building an office out there, but he'd rather just have a room at the Association. Antolín tells him to forget Lucia and reminds him that the wedding is on Saturday.

Lucia insists on being up and about and taking care of Perlita. She'll let Gloria take care of Perla, but she's decided she doesn't want to see Ivan or Camilo ever again. She goes to take a shower and mutters about feeling dirty.

Ivan gets the update from Carlota. Toni asks for the phone and talks to Carlota. She's not sure if Lucia would want to see Toni.

Toni tells Ivan that Lucia doesn't want to see anyone right now. He tells him to give her time. Ivan is all anxious to make her feel better, but he'd already been stupid enough to talk about "forgiving" her.

Which is exactly what she's complaining to Berenice about. Berenice reminds her that they both know that it's not her fault she was raped. Lucia can't remember anything, so Berenice suggests hypnotherapy, but Lucia doesn't want to remember.

JJ is learning that physical therapy involves massages from pretty PT's. Too bad he doesn't also realize that for her it's completely professional.

Antolin gives Carolina her engagement ring. In a pretty flower arrangement. She says she didn't need one, but he says things have to be done right. I love those two together.

Berenice advises Lucrezia and Carlota to just leave Lucia alone for a while. Until she decides she's ready.

Ivan ponders the rapists identity and what he'd do if he had the guy in front of him.

JJ's done with PT and Esther begs him to see Saul. Saul has had his makeover, though Esther nixes the 10-gallon hat. He still stumbles over "padre" instead of "pa." He shows off his ability to walk and claims a friend paid for the operation he needed. He offers to help JJ get his position at the Association back and asks JJ to give him a chance.

Yay! Carolina and Antolín get married. Squee! They manage to keep the kiss pretty clean.

Lucia didn't go to the wedding. She mopes around the house and is unfortunately found there by Maripaz. She's still all banged up from the accident and has to explain to Maripaz. Maripaz gloats over the baby not being Ivan's . She asks who Lucia cheated with, then jokes that she was knocked up by the Holy Spirit, so Lucia shuts her up with, "No, I was drugged and raped." We'll see how long her shocked silence lasts.

Ivan, that dumbass, is thinking about buying Lucia a car. Toni tells him money isn't the way to do this. He needs to be patient. He seems to have realized that Ivan sucks at that.

Gordo and Saul hang out. Saul wants to figure out how to get Camilo out of office. Gordo says he must have some flaw they can exploit. Gordo proposes they get Lucrezia to help them, maybe say he stole money or something. He calls the house and gets Lucia instead. His voice triggers memories of the rape and she drops the phone and runs off, crying. Gloria picks up the phone and Saul snaps at her, asking what happened to Lucia. He asks for Lucrezia and Gloria tells him everyone is at the wedding. Saul can't figure out why Lucia dropped the phone.

Lucia keeps remembering. She stumbles around her room. She ends up picking up the phone and tells someone she needs to see them.

Tomorrow: JJ wonders if Saul had something to do with Lucia's rape; Berenice and Lucia process; Camilo finds out Lucia was raped.


Una Familia Con Suerte #45 Thu 12/8/11 Everyone has a lot of baggage, and two put it in suitcases and head to Brasil.

Immediately after the long-awaited liplock, Rebeca tells Pancho he’d better leave. He does, and once he’s out the door they both swoon.
At the compucafe, Freddy is very cold to Elena, thinking she told Mónica about their little getaway. She denies it and asks if this means they aren’t going. He turns on the ingratiating smarm once again and says of course they’re going. “Just to make Moni jealous,” she asks. Fred the Fraud claims he’s really into her.
Moni visits Pepe at the big manse to explain the conversation with Freddy he walked in on. She admits that for a moment she thought Freddy was sincere and considered taking him back, but she quickly came to her senses. No Freddy for her, no way, no how. Pepe is thrilled.
Tomás does some shirtless plumbing and panting Pina has a hard time dragging addled Adoración away from the scenic view. Pina tells Tom to holler for her if he needs anything.
Pancho is no gentleman; he kisses and tells. Tweedles Dee and Dum get the smooch story con lujo de detalles. They squeal and jump around. Pancho says then she kicked him out. The sidekicks think his kiss must have sucked, and not in a good way. He says no, it was awesome.
Meanwhile, Rebeca and Bárbara also celebrate at some club. Rebe’s still being a worrywart and Bárbara tells her to live it up.
Chela and Candy chatter about Candy’s inexplicable crush on Vins and chilled friendship with Pina. Since this is not about Pancho, Chela looks bored. At least she isn’t sobbing.
Tomás tells Elena he will break Freddy’s face. Elena says no need; she’s already thought better of it and decided he’s probably just using her, so she isn’t going to Brasil. Tomás is overjoyed. Elena’s britches smolder and spark.
Pina takes over Freddy’s packing. She puts in a lot of heavy sweaters so he won’t get chilled and come down with something in Rio, then fusses over his socks and undies. Fred complains. Pina has mucho histrionics about missing him and jokes about going as a stowaway in his luggage and baby-talks to him. Freddy complains and calls her a drama queen but consents to some Eskimo kisses (besitos de esquimal).
Before band practice, Ana and Manuel are on the verge of a serious chat, but César comes in telling a story of a chica who gave him a phone number that turned out to be for a recording service that tells dudes to buzz off. Manuel flirts with Ana and the fourth band member looks annoyed.
Lupita talks to the contractors at the casa popular. Lollipop sidekick asks her about Elena and says she left a note saying she’ll be gone for days. Uh-oh.
At the Toluca airport, Elena tells Freddy how well her plan worked. He says now that they’ve gotten away by themselves, nature can take its course. They appear to be getting right on that, right there in the concourse.
Pancho’s secretary tells him that Freddy has left town. He tries to call Rebeca but she doesn’t answer. She tells Barb no más besos until she’s made sense of everything. Barb says love isn’t about logic; just go for it.
Pancho calls Lupita and confirms that Freddy and Elena have probably run off together.
Enzo and Vins are at the gym. Vins can’t seem to even move the light weight he’s holding; he’s just moaning about Candy. She walks in. Enzo can’t keep Vins from ogling.
Tomás is telling Pina he needs more money for pipes. Lupita walks in to tell him Elena left. Tomás rages and explains to Pina that his sister went to Brasil with her son. Pina has a meltdown.
Vins and Candy lunge and squat together until Pina twirls in. She gives the two of them a hard time and tells Vins that their son went to Brasil with the plumber’s sister.
Chela overhears the sidekicks talking about The Kiss. They claim they were talking about someone else, but she gets them to confess the truth. Chacho realizes Chela is in love with Pancho and his own crush is unrequited. Wordplay wherein Big Boy thinks platónico (platonic) means someone who sells plátanos (plantains).
Chela cries in the casa popular kitchen. Chacho offers a clean hankie and sympathy.
Ana overhears Fernanda getting an address from someone on the phone, then watches her leave the house in a suspicious fashion. Ana asks Goya if she’s noticed Fer’s sneaking around.
Pina does not approve of Moni’s complete indifference to Freddy’s tomcatting. Moni is just done with him.
Rebe finally talks to Pancho but she’s still a neurotic mess. She wants distance. He runs across the room; is that far enough?
Moni daydreams of the mime giving her a paper rose. He appears in her office with a real rose. He launches into a long and nonsensical explanation that he’s the sea, and she’s the rock, and he won’t give up until he’s ground her down into sand. I suppose that was meant to be romantic. Moni sees Enzo appear in the office doorway out the corner of her eye, so she stages a big dramatic “get lost” speech. Pepe tries some more to woo her and a tear runs down her cheek.
Pancho tells Rebe to have a good trip and hugs her just as Chela walks in.
Avances: Mucha melodrama de Chela.


Thursday, December 08, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #163 Thursday 12/8/11 When you have courage nothing is dangerous*

*Fina Monterrubio (damn her!)

Last night we left off with MariTata’s nasty little ultimatum. “Your wife and the mother of your children cannot be together or near each other. So it is her or us! But never again together!” (Translation courtesy of Marta.) My advice, Never say Never Marina.

Padre Severino joins them and Marina bites his head off for talking to Jero in the first place. She’s on a roll and ready to see heads roll so Tony wisely skulks unseen. She tells Jero if he wants to see the kids he can see them when it’s convenient for her. After Jero leaves she gets all over Padre’s case for butting in, approaching Saul and then soliciting Jero’s help. She firmly states that her decision is irrevocable and she hopes Padre S finally gets it.

Padre S runs after Jero to insist that Jero is the only one who can influence Marina, however Jero doesn’t want to involve himself further. Jero thinks Padre is right to be concerned about Marina going with Saul, but he feels impotent because he can’t do anything about it. (Hee, a little late to be claiming impotence.)

It’s Gonzo’s turn to try to get Coni to see sense about the baby. The threatening music plays so we know the anvil is hovering closer than ever over Coni’s head. He has to admit that a baby is always a blessing but... She gripes about Hons not understanding that she wants the baby to sleep with them. Gonzo gives sis the “you’re freaking me out” look but calmly says it’s, um, difficult to sleep with a baby next to you. She complains that Hons is completely close-minded about the possibility of having or adopting a kid. Gonzo gets that she’s always wanted to be a mother but the baby is NOT hers and Cons needs to be clear-headed about that. Amparito did not drop into Coni’s life, Coni brought her. He’s sorry Cons never had kids but she shouldn’t torment herself because sooner or later the baby will have to leave.

Oh goodie, we’re at the manicomio with the locas. While all the other inmates act truly loca in the background our two she-devils calmly stroll and discuss their first night out on the town which Fina says will be tonight. Regina and Gonzo are back from their honeymoon and she’s ready to make a widower out of her ex-husband. Blanca asks if Fina plans to kill Regina and Fina corrects her, not me but WE are going to kill her. Blanca’s not down with that, she’s not a murderer. Fina reminds her they are in this together. When Blanca shudders Fina informs her that the world is for the brave, not for the cowardly, and little Blanca will get to find her courage tonight at midnight.

Anibal takes Alf’s money to La Bonita so he and Alison (who is babysitting Luz) can flirt and kiss. The three of us were thoroughly enjoying ourselves when we are rudely interrupted by “Alison!!!” Oops, busted by granny Manny and she ain’t happy. Whew, we have a commercial break for Alison to think of something or we’ll all be in trouble.

Manuela says she wants to speak to Ali alone and Ani mans up, says it’s his fault, he came to deliver something and if Gran wants to talk to him he’s available. Instead of getting mad Gran asks Ali how much does she like Ani? A lot gushes Ali and they both laugh. Ahhh...Manuela was young once.

Hooray, Laz and Kari sighting! They admit to each other that as much as they have enjoyed themselves the city is a bit overwhelming. All the people, cars, traffic, metro...heck, they’re just a couple of country mice and all they really want is to get back to their vineyards, the hacienda, their tierra. They laugh in relief that they are on the same page, agree to return home and seal the deal with a kiss. Darn, I wanted Super Laz to solve all of the problems in the DF.

Nata paces in her room, reasoning with herself over this whole Marina crap, when she suddenly gets a twinge in her tummy. She tries to shrug it off but Nopis, it’s time to pray to the porcelain princess.

Downstairs the kitchen committee (Mati, Herminia and Alf ) discusses the inconsistencies of Don Augustin while dishing up some yummy-looking fruit salad. Renata, temporarily refreshed, overhears and wants to know the skinny. Mati is about to tell her what a nasty dude El Guapo Augustin is when Anibal shows up with the envelope full of money for Alfonsina. Renata asks Herme for some chamomile tea for her upset tummy. Good luck with that.

Outside Manuela reassures Ali she’s not mad, she just wants Ali to remember that both she and Anibal are there temporarily, ships passing in the night. She understands their love is sweet and fresh but it’s a summer love. (Anyone else hear Theme From A Summer Place faintly in the background?) Ali hugs and kisses granny for understanding. Manuela assures her that Ali can trust Gran and tell her anything.

Inside LaB Renata catches up with Anibal. She wants to know how his and Augi’s relationship is progressing. Ani says it’s moving along but Augustin still doesn’t recognize that Anibal is his son. Apparently Ani gets his motorcycle back tomorrow and Renata invites him to the re-wedding. Just then Manuela, Ali and Luz enter and Manuela sternly announces the kids have something to tell Renata.

Manuela cracks a smile and says the kids are novios. Of course our eternal romantic Renata thinks it’s fantastic news and laughs that they didn’t waste any time. Ani says count on him to be at her wedding.

Renata cuddles and coos with baby Luz. Manuela claps her hands and observes when Renata is a mother it will be a beautiful thing. Nata holds the bebe up and laughs “don’t we have the same cheeks?”  Time to start designing the nursery.

It’s a breezy afternoon on the La Bonita patio. Alison apologizes to Anibal for what Manuela said inside, about them being novios. “Why apologize?” he asks. “We are.” I like this kid. He officially asks her to be his novia and they smooch. Heck, with the expansive LaB vineyards behind them who wouldn’t fall in love in that setting?

Right on cue, over in the DF our unlovable sister with the ice-cold heart greets daddy and asks about mama Gina. She barely hides her sneer as she supposes mom is on the phone talking to Renata about her Big Day. Regina enters (wearing a faux fur collar just like Renata) and observes that Nata is ready but doesn’t have a dress, not enough time and nowhere to buy one. Gonzo suggests that before they take off tomorrow they can get a dress for his princess. Speaking of weddings Regina mentions Sele’s and assumes Berta will get an invite. Not so, says Berta, it’s been a while since they were friends. Was this just filler or does it mean something?

Gonzo says he went to talk to Coni but he’s not sure if she’ll heed his advice. Who knows if she’ll be going to Ensenada with them or not? Gina fills Roberta in on the Bebe Amparito problema.

Hons is packing and Cons is still carrying the baby around. Soon she’s going to look like a pink lobster with one over-developed right arm.  Cons happily announces Gonzo convinced her to go to the wedding in Ensenada; the brightly tinkling piano in the background tells us this marriage is on steady ground at last, at least to our misguided Coni. But I spoke too soon, the piano is muscled out by aggressive violins as Hons figures out Coni plans to bring the baby WITH them to Ensenada!

Hubby ain’t happy. How many times does he have to tell Cons that the baby isn’t hers!? Hons blows a gasket, at the airport they’ll ask for ID for mother and child, birth certificates, etc. What does Coni have proving the child is hers? Nada! Coni rebuffs Honorio’s idea to leave the child with a nurse. He points out Corinna didn’t check with Coni first so if Coni wants to leave the bebe with a nurse then it shouldn’t matter. Cons refuses. Hons says he’s sick of discussing the subject over and over again. He tells her to do what she wants but he’s going to the wedding.

Fina calls Berta and demands a visit. Sorry, says Berta, but tomorrow I’m going to my sister’s wedding. Everyone’s going to be there except for Coni who is stuck taking care of some bebe from the Regina Center. “You don’t say,” purrs Fina, “let me know when you get back.”  She tells Blanca that everything is going perfectly and tomorrow will end the happiness of  Constanza. I think the plot to kill Regina tonight just got superseded by the plot to arrest Coni.

It’s dinner time at LaB and an oddly glum threesome are enjoying dinner with a plethora of wine glasses. Jero is preocupied because of his argument with and ultimatum from Marina. Carlos is quiet because Mati is AWOL and still not happy even though Prissbutt’s staying in town. He excuses himself as Nata assures Jero that Mati is still in love with Carlos.

Over at Cruz de Desamor the dinner conversation is all about whether or not Renata saw Anibal giving Alfonsina Augi’s generous gift. Yes yes, Renata actually SAW Ani give the money and yes she actually KNOWS it was from Augustin. Sheesh. Anibal also mentions he’ll be going to the wedding.

The next morning Hons, Matias and Adri are ready to leave when Coni strolls in with the stroller. She’s defiantly staying behind. Hons shrugs, he’s sick of the subject. Matias gently tells his aunt he thinks she’s wrong and he kisses her goodbye.

Berta is talking to Germy on the phone, needling him about being super busy with his wife and no time for her. He supposes he’ll see Berta soon and she smugly says No, she’s off to Ensenada for her sister’s wedding. He tries the “I’ll miss you strategy” but she’s all “yeah right” and hangs up. She’s too busy pretending she cares about her sister to bother with that old fart.

Regina and Gonzo have the wedding dress, the Hons family minus Cons arrives, and they all leave for the airport.

Meanwhile Fina and Blanca put their plan into action. Fina makes an anonymous call to the authorities about a missing baby, Sandra Ortiz. She saw her hidden at the Regina Hope Center but now she is in the possession of Constanza Monterrubio de Sanchez and at her house. The center is owned by Regina Monterrubio, blah blah blah and Fina provides the addresses. Such a helpful little snitch. The two locas cackle gleefully as they try to imagine Constanza’s stupid face when she gets arrested. Blanca wants to be there to see it. Fina says absolutely not. When Coni gets hers it will be better for them to be behind bars. Blanca disagrees and the two alpha bitches square off. Blanca says they are equals in this and Fina doesn’t give her orders. After she leaves Fina laughs, as if that gata was equal to her, ha!!

Renata’s getting ready, wearing another of her weird getups, when Mati enters. Nata probes about last night and Mati says she wasn’t at dinner because she just wasn’t hungry. Yeah right, Nata knows she’s still mad at Carlos. Nata works her over and convinces Mati to give Carlos another chance. Follow your heart, hug him and kiss him!

Downstairs Jero is also counseling Carlos but mostly talking about himself. He says he loves Renata but he felt an attraction to Marina. Relationships are complicated and now through circumstances he’s connected to Marina and the kids. Jero reveals that Marina gave him an ultimatum. It’s just not fair and he feels torn between Renata and his children.

Augi takes Anibal shopping for a suit. Ani balks at the price but Augi just shrugs. God forbid his bastard should shame him by looking like a regular person. (Note to Augustin, lose the Marlboro Man jacket or windbreaker for the wedding.) He gets a call from Saul and meets him outside. Anibal watches as Augie hands Saul an envelope and gives him Jero’s phone number and instructions. Things had better go well and he wants Saul to report back when he’s been successful. It’s today or never. Ani eavesdrops as Augi tells Saul he’ll get the rest of his money when he’s completed the mission. Augi sees Anibal and scowls. Ani thought bubbles “What are you up to papa?”

I guess Coni already has a nurse to help her, dressed in pink of course, LOL!! Or maybe she’s the housekeeper. Anyhoo, nursie says Coni should have gone to the wedding but Cons couldn’t bear to leave the baby. Ines calls with scary news. Corina’s address isn’t right. She and Isidro checked and nobody knows a Corina. Coni just smiles an incredibly dopey smile, maybe hoping Corina will never come back.

Carlos is in the chem lab with Prissbutt who “assumes” he and Mati have gotten back together. Not yet, says Carlos. She reminds him of their promise long ago, that if they are ever single they’ll get married. He’s not quite getting the scary stalker vibes that I’m getting from her. Undeterred she plows on, saying even though he’s in love with Mati she knows he feels something for her. She looks him in the eyes, sees Mati peek around the corner, and lays a big fat kiss on him. The boob, and I mean Carlos, doesn’t pull back and Mati flees with tears in her eyes.

Isidro takes Ines back to the center and they kvetch briefly about next steps. After he leaves the police arrive looking for Regina Soberon. Inez gets the frozen cara impactada.

Coni is guess what? Yep, holding the baby, feeding her and promising to never leave her alone. Never say Never Cons.

The doorbell rings at casa Coni and it is, predictably, the police with a woman from child services. They received an anonymous call with info about the kidnapped baby. Coni is stunned, she didn’t steal any baby! The Comandante tells her they are arresting her for the kidnapping of Sandra Ortiz.

Avances: The wedding is about to begin...but where is Jeronimo?


The Pear Robe Project

The sexy, interesting, and sometimes just bizarre wardrobe of our TN characters, particularly our heroines, provides an endless source of conversation on this blog. As does the re-use of props and clothing in multiple TNs. But never has a recycled TN clothing item been more used, debated, and immortalized than THE PEAR ROBE.

You know the robe I’m talking about. It’s legendary! Kind of like Fafy Cuenca! White terry cloth. LARGE black and green pears all over. It has been donned by an assortment of TN ladies—heroines and villainesses alike. I decided to hunt down this often sighted, but never photographed (at least not on this blog) clothing item, and capture its image. Here is the result.

Perfect Wedding Day Attire- En Nombre del AmorBefore the ill-fated nuptials between bad girl Romina and her best friend Paloma’s one-true-love Emiliano, Romina donned The Pear Robe, and her bridal tiara. She was positively glowing from her victory in fooling Emiliano into believing that the baby she was carrying was his, and not that hunky bad boy German’s. Not even the shock of finding out she was bleeding, and likely miscarrying, was going to keep her from walking down that isle.

Romina gets her tiara on just right, but then gets a nasty surprise when she sits on the porcelain throne.

The Look of Innocence- Llena de Amor
Kristel has just been rolling around in bed with her lout of a boyfriend Mauricio (aka Rapey Snake). Unfortunately, the maid tattled on her to Mama Fedra who has called on henchman Bernardo to kick the locked door down. Kristel may be a fresa, but she’s no dummy. She’s thrown Mauricio off her second floor balcony, hopped quickly into the shower to get that wet look, and emerged from her bathroom in her beloved Pear Robe to find out what all the fuss is about. She was just taking a shower, by herself, after all.

Kristel perfects her look of innocent confusion in front of an incredulous Fedra and Bernardo

Anguish and Despair Wear- Hasta Que el Dinero Nos SepareAfter hating him, then fighting her feelings, then falling madly in love with him, Alejandra must give up her Rafael. This leads to endless nights of sorrow and tears like this one.

What could be better to wear when one is in the depths of despair than a comfy robe of pears?

Phantoms, Panic, and Pears- Soy tu DueñaOscar the Not-So-Friendly Ghost has come to visit evil Ivana once again. Maybe he’s mad that she killed him? Or he just might be trying to tell her that that Pear Robe is a major fashion faux pas.

This is the most clothing we ever saw Ivana wear

Random Pear Sightings- Ni Contigo Ni Sin TiI’m not even watching this TN, but I was going along, minding my own business, working from home with the tv on in the background, and of course checking in on CarayCaray and gossiping about The Pear Robe, when what should appear, but THE PEAR ROBE?! This pretty young lady was carrying it nonchalantly, as she blew off this nice young man who seems to really like her. Obviously her taste in bathrobes does not bother him.

Did I conjure up the Pear Robe just thinking about it?

Honorable Mentions
There are rumors that The Pear Robe made an ap-pear-ance in Un Gancho al Corazon and Mañana es Para Siempre (MEPS), two TNs I have seen. I seem to remember it appearing in those too, but can’t remember the exact scene, nor who the un-lucky wearer was. I have also been told it appeared in Juan Querendon, a TN I did not see, on a character named Marley.

I for sure remember this similar robe from MEPS, worn by our heroine Fernanda on her wedding day. Instead of pears, the robe is covered with flowers. Perfect for a sweet heroine filled with doubts about marrying her hot fiancé (Sergio Sendel), when her hot one-true-love (Fernando Colugna) is still out there somewhere. Why is THE PEAR ROBE so popular, while this one has disappeared into the back of Televisa’s wardrobe closet?

Flowers vs. Pears, which do you prefer?

Have you spotted The Pear Robe?

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La Fuerza del Destino #88 Wed 12/07/11 Maury Povich, please report to the studio and will somebody call Dr. Phil!


Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


Lucia talks to the lawyer, Camilo's not cooperating, Antolin tries to talk sense, and Ivan and Camilo face off. Ivan talks to Lucia's lawyer.


Hospital, JJ's Room, morning: JJ is dressed and using a walker, frustrated as the doctor tries to reassure him that he will recover over the next few weeks if he works at it. Esther and the doctor come out to find Tony in reception. Tony explains the delicate situation regarding Ivan's paternity and asks about JJ's memory. The doctor talks in medical jargon about a lesion in the brain that is healing rapidly, but in general gives a positive prognosis. He advises against spilling the whole truth for a few days while JJ's brain recovers. Sounds like he knows his stuff.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrazia is paranoid at a possible new kidnapping attempt and won't go out alone. At the news that Lucia is out with the baby and Ivan Lucrazia gets annoying again with her Harper Valley rant. Carlota tells her off as usual.

Maripaz' new den of iniquity / Camilo's office: Maripaz calls Camilo to lure him into her web. He tries to beg off but she persists until he agrees, telling her that they will have a lot to talk about.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia and Ivan return to explain about the DNA test with regard to the divorce and custody.

Carlota: Where have you been?
Lucia: Camilo wants to take Perlita away because of the divorce so we need a DNA test to prove that Ivan is the biological father. (Hands the baby to Lucrazia)
Carlota: Ay, hija.
Ivan: In this way I can get custody of my daughter.
Lucrazia: Isn't this a little precipitous?
Carlota: We need to be prepared, Señora. Lucia and I are preparing ourselves precisely to avoid problems.
Ivan: In a few days we will have the results of the DNA test and it won't be that easy for Camilo to demand custody. Besides, he's fooling around with my sister. There is no better moment to file for divorce.
Lucrazia: Well, that doesn't mean they went to bed...
Lucia: Mama, you surprised them when they were practically naked.
Lucrazia: Well, that doesn't mean anything...
Ivan: Pardon me, Señora, but I don't think the judge will think the same as you
Lucrazia: And you two? What? You never did anything that –
Lucia: Ay, mama; por favor!
Carlota: Lucrazia, shut your mouth!

Ivan somehow manages to maintain a stiff upper lip through this craziness.

Lawyer Lavacida's (?) office: Camilo arrives for his appointment.

Casa Galvan: Carmen has the idea she no longer needs to work as a servant now that Camilo is the Ag Ass President. Arcelia reminds her that they may be poor, but they're honest people and she will have to do something. She refuses to be a servant, claiming she will do secretarial work in Camilo's office. Arcelia calls her on her B.S., and she flounces off. Another stalemate in this battle.

Camilo came clean about his dalliance with MP, but says that he will request that she deny it. The lawyer doesn't quite buy this, as he is aware that Lucrazia and Carlota saw the (circumstantial) evidence. Camilo says that there was no actual proof of any wrongdoing, but the lawyer advises him that the judge won't be that naïve. Camilo is determined to get custody of the baby. He starts talking about Ivan abandoning the pregnant Lucia (without admitting that Ivan didn't know she had been pregnant) and that he had previously abandoned the pregnant Maripaz. The lawyer says this could work in Camilo's favor, but asks him what his priority is;. Camilo replies that he wants custody of the baby because he loves her but that above all he doesn't want to lose Lucia.

Cada McGuire: Ivan is not prepared to lose either Lucia or the baby. He is sure that the DNA test will prove he is the father of Perlita and the judge will have no choice in the matter.

The anvil awaits.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.

Restaurant, outdoor table: Carlos and Judith are on a date. He tells her that her goodness shows through her beautiful eyes. He also says he loves her and that when JJ is better they will break the news to him. [This may just give him a heart attack, which would be best for both Judith and David.]

Casa McGuire: Ivan and Lucia talk over the phone about the upcoming divorce. Lucia is still worried.

MP's Web: They've obviously gotten it on, but Camilo asks her to lie about this if asked about it by the judge. She asks why and he says that he can't afford a scandal hurting his image due to his new position [Obviously he's been around Lucrazia too long.] and in the second place he doesn't want to give Ivan the satisfaction.

Hospital, Morning Saul has had his operation. He calls Esther to tell her that the prognosis is good and he'll be on his feet shortly.

Lawyer Zavaleta's office: The two lawyers talk about the case without their clients present. Zavaleta knows the entire backstory of the situation, including the fact that Ivan was unaware that Lucia was pregnant when he left Mexico the second time. Lavacida intends to paint the picture of Ivan as an irresponsible person who should not have custody of a child. Lucia has two choices: She can get the divorce but lose the baby or she can stay with Camilo. He believes she has everything to lose.

JJ's Hospital Room: Esther tells him that Ivan had to take a trip. JJ complains about Esther abandoning him to the tortures of hospitalization. She tells him off, saying she stuck around to help because he's ill, but if he wants her to go she'll go. He apologises, saying he's annoyed because he feels useless. She says she understands, but if he talks to her like that again, she will walk. He rolls his eyes with that merde-eating grin of his. The old JJ is almost back.

Judge's Chambers: Now it's on with Maury Povich off-camera.

Judge: Well, you all know that the purpose of this first meeting is to see if we can come to some agreement to avert the divorce.
Zavaleta: My client is not disposed to an agreement.
Judge: Very well. May I ask why, Señora?
Lucia: Our marriage had been good, Your Honor, but suddenly Camilo had insane fits of jealousy and my life at his side became impossible. I gave him an opportunity to change and he said he would but he couldn't control his jealousy and I don't think he ever can.
Camilo: She gave me the motive. When Ivan came back from the US my wife changed with me. She denied me physical intimacy
Judge: And you [both] don't think you can reconcile? That you can forget the errors of the past and change?
Lucia: No, I don't think so. (to Camilo) You'll never change. I can't go on with you.
Camilo: She's saying this because she's been hurt. Ivan won't stop pursuing her. But I'm sure we can still be happy again. Think about it Lucia. Give me a chance; what will it cost you?
Zavaleta: There is no agreement here and this will not end in a reconciliation. We can only pursue a divorce [forasoso?]
Judge: Under what article, licenciado?
Zavaleta: Under article number 425 of the civil code. For adultery. Señor Galvan deceived Señora Lomieli with her own sister.
Lavacida: There is no proof of this.
Lucia: Of course, there is. My mother and grandmother saw them together half naked and my grandmother will testify.
Camilo: Testify to what? What you want to see is --
Lucia: Por favor, have the guts to accept this.
Judge: I will have order! I understand that Señor Galvan is seeking custody of your daughter;.
Zavaleta: But, Your Honor, the biological father is Señor Ivan McGuire.
Judge: We'll see. We will continue when we have the results of the DNA test. In the next few days I will hear testimony about the presumed adultery, including that which implicates Señora Maripaz Lomieli. I will take these into consideration for the resolution.

All parties take leave of the judge and exit. Montage of scenes with Carlota, Lucrazia, and Maripaz and her crocodile tears. talking to the judge. We don't hear any dialogue because of the music bed. Finally, it's a few days later and we're back.

Judge: Well, gentlemen – and ma'am – I will render my judgment based on the evidence presented. In the matter of the divorce between Señora Lomieli and Señor Galvan on charges of adultery, the divorce is granted in favor of Señora Lomieli. (Lucia smiles as the suspense violins begin playing) With regard to the custody of Perla Galvan Lomieli demanded by Señor Camilo Galvan and Señor Ivan McGuire, (he looks at Ivan) the results of the DNA test requested by you to prove paternity is negative. Señor McGuire, you are not the father of this baby. (suspense music volume increases)
Ivan: This is impossible, Your Honor. I am the father of this baby girl.
Lucia: This can't be, Your Honor.
Judge: Perhaps the baby is the child of Señor Galvan?
Lucia: Camilo, you know the answer is No. That I was pregnant when we were married. Tell him. Tell him!
Judge: We can do another test to find the truth.
Camilo: Your Honor, the lady is right. I knew she was pregnant before we were married.
Ivan: I don't believe this. I don't believe this. Something's happened. I don't know. A lab error or somebody who could benefit from this result --
Judge: I recommend caution. This is very serious.
Ivan: I insist upon another test.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for the terrorist documentary. As if the previous scene wasn't depressing enough.

Rancho Socorro: Lucia is crying, afraid of what the DNA results are going to mean. Ivan tries to calm her down, but she won't stop crying. She goes back inside and cries as she holds the baby.

Ivan: Ya, everything will be alright.
Lucia: I don't understand. I've never been with anyone else, I swear.
Ivan: Surely it's an error.
Lucia: But the judge will use this to decide custody of Perlita. That's what I'm worried about.
Ivan: We'll have to wait for new test results.
Lucia: But if it's wrong I could lose my baby!
Ivan (embracing her): Calm down, calm down.
Lucia: How can I? (She goes inside and takes the baby away from the maid, holding her) Nobody, nobody is going to separate us. Nobody. Nobody.

Lucrazia slithers in.

Lucrazia: Are you saying that Lucia has been with someone else?
Ivan: No. It was a lab mistake and that will be clarified.
Lucrazia: Because labs don't make mistakes like this, especially when the test is mandated. [something about legal procedures]

Carlota flashes back to the night Cleto found Lucia unconscious in her car and the evidence that something had happened to her.

Lucrazia: So, what happened then? The judge gave Lucia the divorce, didn't he?
Ivan: Yes, but nothing about the custody.
Carlota: Then what?
Ivan: Surely they're waiting for results of the test I demanded.
Lucrazia: Look, Ivan, I think you need to be a gentleman and put an end to this situation. Renounce your intentions toward my daughter and withdraw so Lucia can return to Camilo. Since he accepted her pregnant with another man's child what does it matter if the child is yours or someone else's?
Ivan: It's evident you are a woman without feelings. And very selfish. You have no love for you daughter Lucia. Con permiso. (exits)
Lucrazia: What did I say? At least he could have a little sympathy. [sentido] It would be better to avoid the murmurings that Maripaz isn't the only hija [cusca?] I have. They might even think I'm like this, fooling around with the workers or … I don't know only God knows.
Carlota (with a gesture of frustration): Shut up! You only say stupid things!
Lucrazia: What stupid things? It's obvious Lucia fooled around with someone else. What other proof do we need? You say things without sympathy; I don't understand anybody in this house! (Carlota exits to find Lucia).

Carlota (embracing her from behind as she sits in a chair crying): Hija.
Lucia: Abuela, I swear I never ---
Carlota: You don't have to tell me anything.
Lucia: The only men I've known are Ivan and Camilo. But with Camilo I only had relations after the wedding when I was already pregnant by Ivan.
Carlota (with a thoughtful expression Lucia can't see): What you have to do first is be calm.
Lucia: But I'm afraid that Ivan will think I've been with someone else.
Carlota: Ivan doesn't think that.
Lucia: But the results of the test –
Carlota: But the test could be wrong.
Lucia: It has to be. It has to be wrong.

Casa McGuire: Ivan and Tony talk about this. Zavaleta assures Ivan since judges are prejudiced in the mother's favor, but he suggests that Ivan marry Lucia right away to automatically share custody of the baby. Alternatively, he could wait for the test results. Ivan's not crazy about waiting another 10 days for another set of test results. Nor are we because there are only another 13 episodes left.

Ivan's temper is back and Tony denies that he thinks Lucia fooled around with anyone.

Restaurant: Camilo and his lawyer talk about this. No conclusions here.

Rancho Socorro: Lucia cries as she tells Ivan once more that she had never been with anyone other than him and Camilo. He believes her. He suggests that she simply file for sole custody for the moment and they will share custody when they're married. He hands her his cell phone so she can call Zavaleta.

Restaurant: Camilo and Antolin talk. Antolin warns him not to get mixed up with Maripaz. Camilo reminds him that he (himself) is neither a monk nor a saint. Anto advises him that if the urge hits he should find a hooker and pay her instead. Camilo asks whether Anto has done the Merry Piece and he replies “No. I'm not that foolish.”

Commercial Break that leads out with the crow's profile shot.

Casa McGuire, night: Ivan checks up on Alex, stroking his hair and kissing him.

Casa Lomieli: Carolina tells Antolin that no way would Lucia have been with a third man. They start discussing their wedding and even their future baby.

Park Bench, morning: Carlota talks to Berenice about the night she and Lucia went out clubbing. She tells her she thinks she saw Saul in the club, but she isn't quite sure. Carlota doesn't exactly tell her why she is enquiring about this.

Rancho Socorro: Antolin drives Carolina over so she can hang with Lucia. She brings a baby gift and tells her she will be getting married.

Casa McGuire: Carlota arrives and it almost feels like their earlier scenes. When she tells him how good and wise he is, Tony realizes that she's going to tell him something serious.

Rancho Socorro: Lucia and Carolina talk about their mixed feelings about their new situations. The happiness and the fear Carolina felt about her surgery and now Lucia's divorce; Carolina is now more optimistic than Lucia.

Commercial Break

Casa McGuire: Carlota and Tony talk

Tony: What do you think happened?
Carlota: I think she was drugged and raped. Lucia doesn't normally go out at night, especially to those kind of places, but her friend insisted.
Tony: Whoever brought her back to her home knows her and where she lives.
Carlota: Everyone in Alamos knows us.
Tony: I suppose you never spoke to her about this.
Carlota: No. In the beginning I couldn't believe it. I couldn't confront her with something this horrible. Now I'm hoping that the new DNA test will prove that Ivan is the father of Perlita. I don't know if I should warn her. She doesn't know anything. She is sure Ivan is the father.
Tony: We should hope for those results and then we'll see. I won't say anything to Ivan either.
Carlota: Thanks, Tony. When I talk about this I'm afraid. Never did I imagine this could happen to her. Never. I know in places like that girls can end up with stuff... drinks, pills, precisely so someone can take advantage of them.
Tony: Do you know whom she might have danced or talked with that night who could have done this?
Carlota: No. Her friend Berenice said she didn't see her with anyone. They were out only two hours.
Tony: Did they know anyone who was there?
Carlota: Berenice said that she thought she saw Saul Mondragon.

As the suspense theme begins Tony has the look of Impactada de Conocimiento.

Saul's Hospital Room: Saul is lying in his bed, happy at his progress. El Gordo comes to visit, entering without knocking. After what for them are a few pleasantries, Saul updates him.

Saul: You ran like a rat.
El Gordo: Better they said that I ran than stayed here.
Saul: Carmen would have had your head. I paid you. We had an agreement, but now I don't have to pay. Everything's fixed except my neck. Can't hide that.
El Gordo: Not so bad. You're looking well, dude.
Saul: Ayyy. With the therapy and rehab I'll walk again. Look. (flexes his left leg and ankle)
El Gordo: You're lucky. How did you manage to pay for the operation?
Saul: I didn't have to pay. My father is ill. He was in a coma. Can you believe that?
El Gordo: You don't say.
Saul: That desgraciado Camilo Galvan took advantage and became president of the ag ass. However I have the final satisfaction that I took a little while ago.
El Gordo: How did you do that?

Saul whistles through his teeth. He looks more repulsive than ever with his merde-eating grin. He is his father's son.

Casa McGuire: Tony lies about why Carlota came to see him, saying she came to see him about business matters.

Ivan: But I suppose you didn't just talk to her about business.
Tony: No. About many things.
Ivan: About Lucia?
Tony: About many things.
Ivan: But in all those things surely she said something about Lucia. What are you trying to say?
Tony: It was a conversation between Carlota and myself.
Ivan: But we should not have secrets between us.
Tony (shifts in his chair, clearly uncomfortable): Let's suppose that Lucia had a fling with someone and the baby isn't yours? Would you abandon them?
Ivan: Did Senora Carlota tell you Lucia had an affair?
Tony: We're only speculating.
Ivan: Never would Lucia have an affair with another man. She isn't that sort of woman.
Tony: You have the right of suspicion. It could have been revenge or desperation... or a misfortune. [desgracia]
Ivan: What desgracia?
Tony: An assault in the street?
Ivan: Do you think someone took advantage of her?
Tony: Ivan, I am speculating.

Cue suspense music.

Rancho Socorro: Camilo comes to see Lucia to tell her he's sorry for what's happened and that he loves Perla. When he insists that Perla will need a father she dismisses him. As he leaves Berenice arrives.

Berenice: This morning I saw your grandmother.
Lucia: You were here?
Berenice: No, she came to see me. Questions about the night we went out.
Lucia: Berenice, I told her I don't remember anything. I felt ill when I got home but I don't know how.
Berenice: You were ill from only one mug?
Lucia: I never drink much and I got sick, I don't know. Why is my grandmother asking about this?
Berenice: I don't know.
Lucia: I remember almost nothing about that night. What do you remember?
Berenice: First you were in a bad mood. I got up to dance with somebody and you disappeared. Girlfriend, did something happen?
Lucia: The DNA test results said that Perlita is not Ivan's child.
Berenice: No; that's impossible. Therefore whose? Camilo's?
Lucia: I'm sure she isn't Camilo's.
Berenice: This is very weird. Try to remember. When you left what happened?
Lucia: I don't know how I left. I was confused, upset. I went out to my car. I only remember Cleto escorting me through the door of my house...
Berenice: Drugged?
Lucia: I don't remember anything. I woke up in my bed. (pauses, in shock) Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I was raped! If I was raped, who is the father of my baby?


Lucia confronts the truth. Maripaz trash-talks Lucia to their mother. There is an argument with Ivan followed by a possible accident.


Cuando Me Enamoro #162 Wednesday 12/7/11 Gema pulls out the rules of the game, Berta's bad day, Nata and Jero argue re Marina leaving‏


Prissy telling Carlos she wants to be part of the solution, not the problem. (LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIAR)
Marina arrives to tell Saul she won’t accept his proposed plan but she will accept his help, she wants them to make everyone believe she is leaving with him, she has to leave town. Saul agrees to the terms. He tells her she will see that when she leaves she will feel free… She believes at least she won’t be constantly tortured watching Jero and Nata, and knowing Jero is not for her. Saul says she will finally realize her hopes with Jero were not real and she will have a different life. She says she always had the truth from Jero, that he wanted to be close because of the kids, not because he felt any love for her. She has to think of doing what is best for herself. If she is well, her kids will also be. She wants to leave right away. When can we leave? Whenever you want. Then we will leave in the weekend.

Augie walks up to Renata and Antonio while they are doing the prints with the kids.
Augie fakes having just learned Jero was freed. She is glad he knows already. She tells him Jero was there (in jail) because Augie wanted to clear his name, and hurt many people while at it. Augie fakes remorse. But his conscience is clear. People don’t forgive you for being successful. But time does put everyone in their rightful place. (Jero walks up to them as he finishes this line).. Jero happily says he is surprised, he never thought he would agree with Augie on anything, but yes, he agrees that time puts everyone in their rightful place. Jero is kissy kissy with Nata right on Augie’s face. He even invites Augie to their wedding this weekend. Augie nods faking being happy but we all can tell he is about to have an internal combustion accident. Jero rubs it in saying the whole family is very happy for them and that the church marriage was not annulled. Augie’s parting words: ‘I am so glad you will be together until death do you part… excuse me, I have things to do’. Jero throws in one last bit ‘glad to see you!’ (LOL) Once Augie leaves, Nata rats a little at Jero for being so bad. Jero says he just wanted to show Augie how happy they are together. Antonio joins the happy couple. A whole lot of kids arrive to be next in saving their fingerprints…

At LaB, Carlos is thanking Prissy for doing this favor for him (leaving LaB and will continue working ). She offers a ‘desinteresado’(no interest on her part) advice (yeah right). Prissy tries to convince Charlie to not marry Mati. She claims she is doing it for his sake. Will he withstand that Mati control his life at her leisure? Carlos says Mati was not like this before. She claims it was because Mati did not have to face women who would be close to Carlos. IT would be difficult for him to have women friends or work with women. Mati’s jealousy and insecurities will be torturing him always.

Jero congratulates Antonio on his idea for how to get Nata’s fingerprints. Antonio tells Jero he got the prints from Nata and he will continue with the idea of the campaign to register the prints of all the kids in the town. He will send Nata’s fingerprints to Isidro right away.

Carlos goes to talk to Mati… he says ‘you must be happy, she is leaving the hacienda’. Carlos defends Prissy saying she was the rational one. She stopped this absurd situation. This time you won, but I won’t let you decide who can be my female friend or female coworker. Mati keeps ratting that he never let her know Prissy was his girlfriend. Carlos says ok that’s true but I have not given you one reason to doubt my love. SO I will say it one more time. I won’t let you and your assumptions affect my job. So stop it or, as you say, we are through (‘hasta aqui llegamos’).
At church, Marina tells Padre Seve that she is leaving with Saul. He goes beserk. You can’t be serious! Yes I am and please respect my decision. Saul’s support and company is what I need. PS says how can you trust a man who betrayed you and made you suffer so? He has changed! Everyone deserves a 2nd chance and I am giving it to Saul.
M: Uncle, maybe you don’t understand because you have not lived the loneliness and despair of a couple (being in love). But Saul offers to rescue me precisely from that.
PS: We are never alone, we have God! And what a huge mistake to seek refuge in another’s arms for loneliness and despair.
M: Sorry but I am not changing my mind. I am leaving in the weekend and will never return here.

At MR office, it is lottery day for Berta. Adri and Matias are updating the list of accounts receivable (invoices to collect). Berta happily volunteers to make the calls.
Adri decides to use the moment to ask her what she did last night. Berta says she stayed at the house so Matt and Adri ask her if she did not go out (these two team up nicely with smirks on their faces). Berta takes the folder with the accounts receivable info and leaves. Adri tells Matias she is lying again!!

Antonio calls Isidro and tells him he will send him Renata’s prints tomorrow via a mail. Isidro is so happy. Antonio reassures him he will have them in 2 days.

Gina comes back to the center and tells Ines she did not have the heart to take Amparito from Connie right away. She gave her until the weekend to find Corina and return the baby to her. But she will also look for Corina’s location on her own to try to find her.

Padre Seve goes to see Saul at the hotel. They yell at each other, PS yells you have to leave Marina once and for all! Saul yells he does not want to be rude, but shows him the door after yelling he is noone to tell him what to do or interfere in Marina’s life. Marina and I will start a new life, no matter who is not happy with it (le pese a quien le pese).

Jero and Nata arrive home happy, but notice Carlos is very tense and anguished. He tells them Prissy left the hacienda. Nata asks if it was about Mati. Carlos says yeah. And that he hopes that now that Prissy left Mati will realize she has nothing to worry about. Nata feels bad so she leaves Jero and Carlos alone. Carlos wants to talk at his studio.
Mati is with Manuela who is telling her she was way tantrumy and selfish… you have to accept you overacted. You made a storm in a glass of water. Mati keeps repeating she felt mad that he did not tell her about having been with Prissy. Manuela is worried that Mati sees Prissy as a threat. Not for jealousy but because Mati feels unworthy next to Prissy. Everyone has their virtues, everyone is different. What he finds in you he should not find in her. Otherwise he would be with her and not with you. Chill out. Realize that you are so important to Carlos that he put you above his family. HE has shown you how much he loves you. But if you don’t feel sure of his love or of yourself, you better think again if you can be Carlos’ wife with ‘everything that he is’.

In private in Jero’s studio, Jero tells Carlos he is convinced Prissy came to shake him up. Carlos admits tha Prissy did shake him up, all the memories came back and he felt nostalgia for what they used to have. He admits he was wrong in thinking his relationship with Prissy was completely in the past. (Prissy has heard this whole conversation and is very happy)

At the fields, Augie catches up with Alfo, appologizes for the way he acted when she went to ask for the money he had offered, and offers her the money. She at first is proud enough to reject it but then ends up accepting the offer because she really needs the money. HE will send it to her with Anibal.

Padre Seve comes to LaB to ask Jero help in trying to convince Marina not to leave with Saul. Nata is present in the conversation and she is visibly irritated that Jero seems to agree that Marina cannot leave with him. When Padre Seve tells Nata who is Saul and how he broke Marina’s heart earlier, Nata says she believes that Marina’s decision must be respected. Jero insists that he has to respect Marina’s decision, but his children are at stake here. PS agrees with Jero, the kids will grow up with a ‘taur’ (ogre) beside them.
Padre keeps insisting to Jero to help him out. Jero is reluctant but ends up promising he will do what he can. Padre leaves. Nata is not happy obviously. Jero asks her what she thinks (good point in Jeros’ favor).
N: For starters, if it is true what you said, you have no right to demand or ask Marina anything.
J: IT is about my children.
N: And also hers!. If I was her, I too would leave.
J: Why?
N: Don’t you see it? She is ‘the other one’. It must not be easy at all for her to see you with me and she loves you. I understand that she wants to leave! Obviously!
J: I can’t give up on my children.
N: You are not understanding me. Who told you…
J: Lower the tone! You are asking me to give up on my children!
N: Don’t talk to me like that either. I am not asking you to give up on your children. What you need to realize is that life is not going to work out the way you expect.
J: I won’t let her go live with the wrong guy!
N: See?
J: Antonio came to tell me that PS was worried because that guy had already hurt Marina very much. Do you think I will allow a wretch to abuse my children? And I am surprised that you don’t believe the same. You lived that experience with Fina! (Nata freezes and gets instantly sad)
N: Look. If Marina already decided, I don’t think anyone should interfere in her decision.
Besides, I don’t think she is so dumb to let herself be tricked by this guy.
J: I think the problem is Marina is going through a vulnerable moment due to her pregnancy and the situation she is living.
N: I understand that. I understand the moment she is living and that you are worried about her and your children. But one thing is different than the other! IF she already decided to go, let her go!! (she leaves mad, toward bedroom, he stays there shaking his head)
At bedroom Nata is asking (God) why this is all affecting her, if the children are not to blame for anything.

Saul has come to Cruz de Amor to talk to Augie. Anibal tells him Augie is not home but Augie gets there right at that moment. Augie is not happy at all to see Saul there. And takes him to his study. Saul tells him things were going great but Padre Seve came to demand he leave Marina alone. If he continues interfering he can mess up our plan. (Anibal is listening outside the door and asks himself what plans these two are talking about). Augie suddenly puts his brain gears to work and says if the padre does whatever possible for his niece not to leave with you, that could be beneficial for us. Yes we want her to leave… but the question now is… under what conditions will she leave.

Carlos goes to the lab and Prissy asks immediately if things are calmer with Mati. (she opens up her button shirt more to make herself more provoking). He says he does not want to talk about that. She then asks if he wants to work. Ok.
Prissy puts on the seduction moves on Carlos as they are working. Meanwhile elsewhere Mati is thinking that Manuela is right, she has to trust Carlos and his love.
Back to lab, Prissy is opening the memory lane part of Carlos mind about their happy times as a couple. Carlos reminds her they had an agreement to not mix business and personal matters. Prissy says that never worked for us (putting her arms around him). Mati sees this and leaves mad. Carlos pulls Prissy’s arms from him and says ‘but now it HAS to work’. Prissy says yes, of course. Now more than ever. (but keeps on the seduction play)

At Cruz de Amor, Anibal goes back to the workout/sword room… Augie is behind him. Says he has figured Anibal likes this room. Anibal says he feels safe there. Augie asks and not in the rest of the hacienda?... Augie asks Anibal to go to La Bonita to give Alfo some money and he can use the visit to see Allison. Anibal questions how Augie changes his moods momentarily. When Saul came he was really irritated and now he is acting like nothing happened. Augie grabs a sword and says ‘au guarde!’ (sp?) puts on the sword moves on him and with a very irritated but low tone, tells Anibal ‘I don’t have to explain anything to you, but for this one time, I will do it! That man came to give me very good news. … (takes the sword from Anibal while keeping his right under Anibal’s jaw).. lets go to the study. I will give you the money.

Saul calls Marina to tell her about her uncle’s visit. But he gives her a different story about the tone in which they ‘talked’. Don’t worry I told him we are leaving together and that I am committing with you. I will help you out. It did not bother me, I agree that he should worry about you. But somehow we have to convince him that I changed and that I did it for you. Marina says she will convince PS and thanks him.

In LaB bedroom Jero comes in, Nata says she has a headache. Jero says he knows all this situation about Marina is affecting her. Nata says she is trying to understand.
J: I am worried about the children.
N: I know that. But she is their mother! And she has a right to her opinion.
J: You are right. I will take care of this.
N: I think that is good. What are you going to do?

At the office Berta goes to German’s office and is kissy-kissy. Just in time they hear that the secretary is walking Gema (his wife) to his office so they straighten up. Gema tells him in front of Berta’s face about their deal that she would give him money to invest in MR and he would dedicate much more time to her. She expects him to come through for her, not like last night when he came home very late. Berta makes her exit. Gema warns German that she does not want any new surprises, either he behaves or she takes his new toy away (LOL!!). He nods nervously like a kid given one last chance to behave.

Berta goes to her office telling herself that German is an imbecil, how can you be with that old hag? Even if she is millionaire, I don’t get how you can stand her! (he calls her cell) You wish I will answer… in your dreams! You stayed with your wife so now you keep her!... hope that you realize that I don’t want to talk to you, to see if you give me my place.. idiot!... (she sees in the paper that Diego and Selene will soon marry).. Darn them! I hope their marriage is a failure!

Jero goes to visit Marina… came to talk to you. (Antonio will hear this whole conversation from behind the wall... hmm... is this something a future priest should do?)
He tells her what he found out… he agrees with her uncle. Marina asks if he will forbid her from it. He says no, but don’t think my children should grow beside a man like that.
M: How easy(comodo) for you! You want to have your wife and the mother of your children in the same place!
J: No its not about that.
M: Then? You have the right to rebuild your life but I don’t?
J: You have the right to lead your life, but with a good man.
M: The man I chose to lead my life with will be my choice, not yours!
J: I think that is perfect! But choose the right man!
M: I thought the right guy was you. But I was wrong. Sorry, Jero. But you can’t control my life.
J: I don’t want to control your life.
M: Yes you want to. But you can’t have it all, Jero. You can’t have your wife and your children in the same place at the same time!
J: We had already talked about that, Marina.
M: Yes, and while I was recovering I accepted to be here. But I am well now. But your wife and the mother of your children cannot be together or near each other. So it is her or us! But never again together! (what an ultimatum!)

Voiceover: you think you have seen the best? You are wrong!
We see Prissy kissing Carlos and Mati watching getting upset.
Fina tells Blanca that WE will kill Gina (Blanca seems a bit concerned)
Saul: I hope everything goes well. Augie says I told you I don’t like the word ‘hope’. Everything has to go well.
And Marina shows her claws! (your wife and I cannot be together, so it is her or us!)

-Marta Ivett


Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Una Familia Con Suerte #44 Wed 12/7/11 Handbags, Brazil, MIKE, and Tea

1. The battle of the bolsas.

Vince is cracking under the strain of juggling (a) his jealous and suspicious wife, (b) his long-time lover (and secretary) Sandra (she's also jealous and suspicious) and (c) Candy. He's in trouble with all three of them.

Candy's jealous of Sandra who now has "her" pocketbook. Sandra is furious that the pocketbook was actually meant for Candy; she pulls at her blouse and demands of Vicente: "What does she have that I don't have?? I have to tolerate your wife but not a second lover. Shape up or I'll tell everybody everything!" Vince thinks he has a solution...

Pina is reviling Vince to her friend when the doorbell rings: it's the exact same model of pocketbook is delivered to Pina, with a nice note! And at the same time, another identical pocketbook is delivered to Candy. So of course all three women meet at Avon, all toting the same pocketbook. They all start maligning their favorite cinico, but Pina says "Only I, his legitimate spouse, may insult Vicente." She confronts him, he sez "I just wanted to make you all happy." "You could have at least gotten different colors."

Pina says she'll return the bag! Sandra says she will, too, but "I'll miss you so much!" she moans to it. (She'd told a friend she planned to be buried with this magnificent bag.) Candy plans to hold on to hers.

2. Monica, Freddy, Lupita and Pepe

Moni is driving very slowly when a strangely dressed guy runs into her car and falls down. Ay, no, she's killed a mime! Thankfully he isn't completely dead - he rises and offers her something invisible. She thinks he's crazy. Then he speaks! It's Pepe! He tells her to have a great day and gives her a toilet-paper flower. Chocolate hearts circle her head. Score!

Lupe continues scolding Elena about going to Brazil, but Elena is deaf to her entreaties, saying "You're jealous. I don't need you or anybody." Meanwhile, Tomas tells Pancho about Freddy and Elena, the hotel love nest, the trip to Brazil. Pancho thinks Tomas should talk to Vicente.

Lupita tells Moni about Brazil - "Please talk to Freddy and tell him not to take her." Moni says she'll try and Lupe kindly thanks her: "Now I know why my brother is in love with you."

Moni confronts Freddy in the cafeteria: "How is it possible you want to get back together with me, but you're taking Elena to Brazil?" Busted! He gives Moni a sick smile and has the whole commercial break to make up some lie. What will it be? He stalls: "How did you find out?" "Never mind. You're taking advantage of a humble girl." Of course, Pepe comes in, sees them together, and is disgusted.

3. More nepotism at Avon Mexico

Lamberto the accountant says there's a problem with one of Avon's plants. It will mess up the visit of the Japanese delegation. A mechanical engineer is needed. Pancho has the answer: "My son Pepe! He's good with machinery!"

4. Opposites attract

So how about this "MIKE" who calls just as lips are about to touch? Pancho leaves Rebe's apartment: "I'll let you get on with talking to your gringo boyfriend." Yes, as one of us surmised, it was actually Barbara on the line. Rebe admits she made up this lame lie because things were getting too "ardent" - "I was about to lose control."

Having stomped out of Rebe's place, Pancho comes home to Chela newly wakened from her nightmare in which Pancho shouted in front of his sobbing family: "I love Rebe and we're getting married and we're going to live in Miami and you'll never see me again." Pancho consoles her: "It will never happen - all of you, you're my reason to live."

Next day, Pancho is telling the accountant to cut expenses but not take anybody's work away when Rebeca enters. Abashed, she tells Pancho to forget about the boyfriend, he doesn't exist. "We can't get involved now when the company is in trouble." "OK, then, we'll throw everything else in the garbage." He commences being cool and distant, she doesn't like that either: "Are you going to be so serious and professional? Have you lost your sense of humor?"

Barbara and Chacho and Nico all have the same take on the sparks flying between Pancho and Rebe. "Presidencies come and go but love..."

Rebe envisions taking Pancho to (some light opera) and he has a soccer game on his phone and wears shorts and striped socks and yells GOLLLLL during the performance; she snobbishly concludes the relationship is an impossibility. Simultaneously, Pancho envisions Rebe snobbishly not wanting to touch his friend's hand or eat comida tipica.

There's a tea ceremony rehearsal at Rebe's that night. Their hands touch as she passes him the cup. They agree they can't stop thinking of each other and that opposites attract. This time they actually kiss and I'm sorry to report Pancho is not a good kisser - he should take lessons from his son Pepe.


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