Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – February 15, 2008 – In which we re-discover how much insight we can get from the opening credits

Pastor is more giddy than usual, despite being demeaned, degraded and fired from Farell at 120 decibels. So, what’s up with that? He’s discovered that life with Angarita might not be all bad. In fact, it might not be bad at all. He has persuaded Anga that if he can bring enormous accounts to the business and make Anga’s company way bigger than Farell, the biggest in the history of the country, then Pastor won't have to drive the delivery truck. Anga would just be happy if Pastor cuts the losses. Pastor declares he’s going to build a wonderful office to receive clients, and decorate it himself [Ed. Note: Well, of COURSE he will, especially if Anga isn’t letting him change the house.]. Anga is fine with all that, as long as he can die a happy man at the central market even if he’s rolling in dough. Anga actually looks like this might suit him as long as he’s left to do his thing.

Paula and Juan have a lovely view of a waterfall and a canyon with green walls and mist. I, on the other hand, am dizzy and want them to slooooowly baaacckkk awayyyyy from the edge and not make AnySuddenMoves. Paula marvels at Juan having a son, and he replies it’s the most lovely thing that’s happened to him after her. Juan paints a scene of the three of them, in Achichipico, together. It’s idyllic. Juan will work the land, and she’ll be in their little house fixing him those foods he loves. Juan gives her a sample weekly schedule that includes swimming in the river below and Paula smiles. But of course he doesn’t expect her just to do housework. Nope, she’s got the expertise to be the marketing director and they’ll really become a splash in the anthurium world. They’ll do those charity bazaars, too (kermesses, from a few weeks ago). Paula’s smile falters. Juan doesn’t notice and continues that she should go back to the city, ponder the question of her divorce with CL, and think about what he’s said. Palomita music tells us this is an Important Moment. Paula’s look makes us wonder if she’s going with the program.

Well, the Important Moment seems to have abruptly moved away from the edge of the canyon, for which some of us are eternally grateful. However, the Important Moment now has a crowd of admirers and perhaps a few who aren’t admirers, necessarily. On my campus, the High School Handbook expressly forbids this kind of PDA (NOT a personal digital assistant, folks). Juanito takes notes as Papi kisses Paula rather thoroughly. Nidia and Delfi beam, and so do Molo and even Herl. Only Ana is put out. Juan continues his pep talk about thinking it over. Paula starts the weaseling out process—things in the city are pretty complex. Juan knows it’ll take a while, though. He loves her. Literally, in front of the gang. Until, that is, Ana clears her throat loudly. [Ed. Note: This doesn’t work with deaf kids. You have to go in and break it up] Juan tells Ana to take care of Paula and don’t let her do anything crazy. Like what she’s doing in front of witnesses isn’t crazy. Paula goes to Juanito and tells him to take care of Daddy and don’t let him do anything crazy. He replies just the way Ana did—as if they’ll pay any attention, either of them. Paula bids the others farewell and Ana talks Nidia into going back to the city with them although Nidia doesn’t want to even think about Delirio and she really wants to keep having fun with Delfi. She mourns her bad Karma in this life. Juan kisses her farewell and Nidia mourns leaving him.

Our heads spin as the traffic in the city zips before our eyes and suddenly we’re in CL’s office. CL wants to know why Moni’s worried about him using Ivonne as a spy, after all, Pastor and Ivonne are such great girlfriends. That’s what worries Moni. She thinks Ivonne will actually help Pastor, but CL knows how to manage Ivonne. Moni realizes what his hook in Ivonne is (so to speak) and Moni isn’t thrilled. She warns him that Ivonne can’t be trusted and she’s lost interest in CL. The lobby lizards are still milling, but they’re actually reading documents and doing their best to look busy. Imagine that! Back to Moni, reminding CL that Paula could have something to do with the loss of the anthurium biz. He tells Moni he’s cancelled the trip with Paula. Moni thinks that’s a pretty big lesson for Paula and CL informs Moni he’s going to formalize something that will change everything—he’s separating from Paula. Moni is predictably impactada.

Paula drives and thinks, thinks and drives. Oh, scratch that, Nidia is in the back seat so Paula can’t think. Nidia gleefully demands all the chisme. Paula good-naturedly tells her it went will with Juan. Nidia, predictably, wants details. She wants Juan’s and Paula’s schedule for the next decade or so—day by day, preferably. How will this love story finish? Paula tells her they talked a lot. Well, that’s highly unsatisfactory. Talked? We KNOW that, and we saw those kisses. Nidia conjectures a scenario that suits her better. Ana is scandalized and Paula is thoroughly amused. Nidia picks at her and Paula tells her to not change, grinning broadly. Nidia realizes what’s missing here and pulls out the bottle, offering a sip to the driver and navigator. Paula pushes the bottle away and points out she’s driving. Ana just moans at the smell of it. Nidia’s fine with that, more for her.

Moni expresses her concern for CL’s plan. He is thinking of divorce, and she thinks he needs a cool head to think this out. Maybe that’s not the best thing. He’s could be making assumptions that have no basis. CL doesn’t want to wait until Paula gives him more problems. She ran after that idiot, and they’re mocking him. Moni points out it COULD be true, but it could just be supposition. He hasn’t heard her side of the story. [Ed. Note: Great defensive strategy, speak on behalf of the enemy’s position.] He’s taking a lot for granted—she might not even have seen Juan. CL needs to wait and get the facts. He’s just acting out of jealousy. She exhorts him to wait and find out more. He thinks it’s not worth the trouble.

Paula gives Nidia a few more details about how she’s feeling—it’s a mixture of emotions. She’s beaming, though, so we suppose we’ll have to go with the possibility that she’s actually not going to whine here. [Could it be?] It’s uncertainty, joy, fantasy. Nidia is jubilant, possibly in large part due to the vast quantity of 80 proof fermented agave potion # 9 she’s imbibed. Ana is Not Amused. Nidia pushes for more info—so, what REALLY happened? They talked. But Paula points out that at the end of the day, it looks like what he expects life to be and what she expects are different. Well, apparently she’s Not Going with the Program, folks. Ana gets to the real point—how the heck can she even be discussing this with Juan when she’s married to CL? Nidia throws her support behind Paula. Paula points out she’s speaking hypothetically based on something he said (en el supuesto, my interpretation based on context). Paula continues that he’s a country boy and she’s a city girl. The environments they are used to are very different. She fantasizes about his proposal that she could separate and move to Achichipico but eventually it would terrify her. Nidia expostulates that life is an adventure and you have to take risks or you’ll end up a zombie—but you’ll feel secure. Love is worth the risk. Ana disagrees and gives all her reasons. Love’s not enough; you have to be compatible, have common goals. Paula could be listening to this, or maybe she’s back in Achichipico, who knows. At least she’s not on her cell phone. This conversation is distracting enough in traffic. Paula comes to and points out that at least Juan’s not alone; he has Juanito. Part of her wants to leave it all behind and go to them, and part resists because this love won’t hold up. Her happiness begins to fade and our excitement at no whining today fades, too. She talks herself out of feeling good.

Moni brings CL papers to review and sign. He’d rather proposition her. He deftly disguises it as an invitation to eat to show his appreciation for all she’s done for him, like not noticing his years of cheating and lying. [Ed. Note: Who said that? (looking over shoulder)]. Moni wants to know about his Paula, isn’t she coming in tonight? He informs her with a meaningful look that Paula called and it’s not for sure she’s coming tonight. Moni wonders [coquettishly] if he’s willing to risk that. Apparently, he is. Moni has to “think” about accepting the invite and he has to “persuade” her. When will he pick her up? At 8:00. Perfect.

Paula’s counseling session continues. She doesn’t know what to do with CL and it’s going to be a bit difficult when she gets home. She doesn’t want to hurt him because she’s been unfair with him. If only you knew, Paula, honey. Nidia has better sense, why the heck is she worried about this guy? He’ll have them lining up out to the street! Women will beat a path to his door! Well, THAT’S comforting. Ana points out it’s not a question of the number of willing women. Paula and CL made a commitment when they married. [Ed. Note: Paula strays over the lines like I do when I’ve been at meetings all day and I’m driving late at night. It’s daylight, though, and she’s not the one drinking. Maybe the fumes are getting to her.] Nidia doesn’t buy that. Paula defends CL, though, and heaven knows why she’d do that. But we know way more than she does. She can’t abandon CL because he’s given up so much for her, Paula tells Nidia, who scoffs. Ana is glad, though, that Paula recognizes it. Whatever, Nidia tells Paula, if you think the guy’s a saint, okay. Paula continues to defend this paragon who has been respectful to her. Right. I’m with Nidia—whatever. Nidia makes a crack about him cuckolding Paula and Ana cuts her off as Nidia gets slurrier and slurrier. [Ed. Note: my spell check tells me that’s not a word, but trust me here folks, tonight that’s the only word that describes our Nidia.] Ana throws in a pointed statement about there needing to be a calculated (cool) balance between CL and Juan. Whatever. Paula looks like more whining’s in the offing here.

Anga calls Kike out of a pea-soup fog—where’s his brain (he’s like he’s “frozen stiff” – pasmado)? Earth to Kike! Kike's sorry and indicates to Anga there’s trouble in River City. Anga tells him to spit it out. Kike hesitates and finally spills the soup. Something bad happened in the house—not recently, but some time ago. Did you know who got everything when Samuel died? Anga supposes Nidia and the girls, but Kike disabuses him of the notion—nope, it was the Dávilas. But, Perafán and Nidia faked a will so it looks like Nidia and the girls got it all. They emptied the accounts and there you go. Anga is predictably impactado.

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Nidia is emptying the bottle at a dizzying pace. Literally. My stomach jumps as I see the bottle upended. Suddenly, she sobs and Paula and Ana get worried. Nidia feels awful. [For good reasons!] Ana scolds her for drinking when she hasn’t eaten. That’s not it. Nidia laments her sins. Paula wants to know what’s up, she was so happy just a little while ago. Nidia continues her lament about the sins she’s committed against Ana and Paula, and asks forgiveness. She’s so filled with remorse! Haunting violin music reminds us of how tragic this is. Ana thinks Nidia’s just drunk. Nidia agrees, she is, and that’s why she’s also contrite. She begs forgiveness for all she’s done to them and she shouldn’t have treated them like she has. Ana and Paula are very concerned and totally without a clue. Ana comforts her—everyone gets into their cups now and then. Paula encourages Nidia to take a nap. Nidia wants good fortune for them. They assure her they want the same for her. Nidia asks for Ana’s hand, and tells her how much she cares about Ana, who smiles indulgently.

Anga defends Nidia to Kike—it was that coyote, Perafán. Surely it was his idea, Nidia would NEVER come up with something so ugly. Kike isn’t so sure. He thinks she was on board. They kept it all under wraps really well, too. Anga won’t hear it of his Nidia. We hear a cheery “¡hola!” that actually reminds us of Lety. A little orange blob comes around the corner, carried by her Mami. It’s Nidia Micaela accompanied by Yadira. Surprise! Anga warmly greets Yadi while Kike takes momentary charge of his precious hija. What’s up, and why this lovely little visit? Yadi has an interview to get back into college and Kike is the designated babysitter. ¿Qué?!! We see Anga peering over Yadi’s shoulder and again are struck by how much these two look alike. Kike tells Yadi under his breath no way he can do that, because Don Anga might not be thrilled and Anga butts in to assure them that Kike and he will be the tag team babysitters. Yadi falls all over herself thanking Anga. Kike is pleased and relieved. Nidia Micaela is totally entranced by the cameraman. What a precious headband with a little yellow bow to remind us she’s a girl. At least for the story line. Yadi thanks Anga again and takes off before anyone changes his mind. Anga beams and waves her off.

Juan’s back in his office discussing the pageant details with Molo. How’s it going? Fine. Doña Delfina’s the only entrant from Achichipico. Juan is impactado. Everyone else is an out-of-towner….and of…er….other ages. Uh-huh. They muse about that but move on quickly to the real details about the contestants. Juan wants to review all the applications and know about them—who they are, what are their aspirations, and most importantly, what are there qualifications….er, measurements. Molo gestures his agreement. Juan needs to know everything they’ve spent up to now, too. Molo’s getting right on it. They high five and Molo’s off to take care of bidniz.

At the Insituto Del Valle, Yadi’s interview is in process. She scribbles hastily at paperwork for the interview, and looks up at a drop-dead gorgeous professor. Young, trim, tailored, guapo. Whew, I need Nidia’s fan. Not bad for a prof. He says her name slowly, with emphasis, and smiiiiiiles at Yadi, who is mesmerized. For a change, she’s speechless. As he drops the paper she’s given him on the desk of a Fea, unsmiling Profesora (now, THIS is a Profesora, collared blouse with ruffles, buttoned up to the nose and probably with a skirt down to her toenails, and to top the haute couture NOT off , a camel colored v-neck cardigan and snide look), we note that he’s a real Profe, too, because he has those professorial patches on his jacket elbows that my hubby had when he was a prof at a college.). The Profa sneers at Yadi and wants to know why she dropped out of school. Yadi tells her it was because her father died. The Profe wants to know why she has chose Social Communication? Yadi replies she wants to help teach folks how to communicate. [Right.] The Profes do the Good Prof/Bad Prof routine. Wanna guess who’s who? The Profe stands behind the Profa and smiles with a glazed look at Yadi. The Profa looks down at her notes and questions, and up to Yadi, so she can’t tell what he’s up to back there. On the white board there are all kinds of grammar terms. Yadi apparently hasn’t told them she’s Sra. Bueno Lindo because the Profa calls her Srta. Cachón. Hm. The Profa wants to know three works she’s recently read. Yadi tells her about the telenovelas and reality television. We hear her Mami’s cuckoos. Nope, the Profa means real books. Gulp. Nope, those put Yadi to sleep on the first page. The Profe steps in to save Yadi’s bacon and gives her an easier question. Does she like the movies? Sure, she loves the movies. Sure, it’s the ninth art. He corrects her, it’s the seventh. Right, whatever. He smiles a little nervously as the Profa scrutinizes Yadi with the disapproval growing visibly by the second. The Profe asks Yadi what movie marked a milestone in the history of the Mexican cinema? Yadi needs the term “milestone” (hito) clarified. The Profe takes the opportunity to move up close and ‘splain. With a smile. Ah, sure. Yadi names some trashy film. The Profa rolls her eyes and the Profe is charmed with Yadi’s sense of humor, and possibly her mini-falda. He keeps his hands in his pockets and we assume he has good reasons when faced with such pulchritude when his colleague is too fea for words. Speaking of the Queen of Rome, the Profa wants to change the topic. We note that she isn’t wearing a skirt down to her toenails at all. In fact, she’s wearing tasteless brown polyester pants that complete her schoolmarm wardrobe. [Ed. Note: Who said that? (looking over shoulder).] The Profa poses a theoretical question to Yadi about Yadi’s thoughts on the effects of the media on the democratization of the political elitists of the country, or some such. The cuckoos go off violently as Yadi is duh-impactada and the Profa crosses her arms in triumph. The Profe looks worried—he might lose this great catch of a student. The Profa turns back to him smugly and he looks away, hands still in his pockets. He smiles up at Yadi nervously and she looks back quizzically. Read that cluelessly.

Moni is dressed to kill, or at least seduce with a vengeance. Laura grins and oohs and wants to know what the plan is. Will Paula discover how unfaithful her hubby is tonight? Moni reports smugly that CL wants a separation. “You won, cousin!” Laura exults. Moni wants the separation to be long and torturous for them. She asks a big favor—that Laura evacuates and leaves the apartment to Moni for the night. Laura teases—what will you do? “One night” Moni cajoles—but doesn’t give a straight answer.

We hear the strains of Vivaldi’s “Spring” as Ana and Paula chat about the wonderful new gallery. Nidia is zonked in the back. Paula asks Ana what could she lose? It’s a stupendous opportunity. Ana wonders what it would be like to be a highly valued (cotizoda, one definition), famous painter. Paula loves the idea. She marvels that her mother hasn’t already had that status for years now.

Juanito, in his innocence, asks if Paula is Papi’s new girlfriend? Juan is actually stumped for a second. Who told him that? Oh, let me guess, Delfina, right? Juan rolls his eyes. Nope, Juanito’s just very observant. He figured it out himself. Maybe it was the deep kissing on Main Street at noon. He tries to explain about Paula being a very special type of friend. What are species/types of girlfriends? Juan thought bubbles, bemused about how to respond. How does he tell his son that his girlfriend has some other guy as hubby? Juan finally tells him she’s the kind every guy wants, they make the guys crazy for them. He thought bubbles that at least it’s not exactly a lie. He tells Juanito he loves Paula with his whole soul. Does she love him back? Well, of course, but she’s got a few little items to resolve. When she gets here, my happiness will be complete. Juan tells Juanito to imagine with her, Juanito and himself, it’d be complete. Juanito smiles back, pleased.

Moni welcomes CL in the background while we see a nice, full bottle of red wine and two glasses in the foreground. CL exclaims and Moni wonders why [yeah, right]. Well, she looks spectacular. Are they going? Moni turns back into the apartment and CL wonders what’s up. Moni explains she’s not in the mood for crowds, especially if they might see folks like Marely and Fern. How about they stay in? CL soon understands the direction of this…..sounds great. They can order whatever trips her trigger. (Se antoje, takes your fancy or the like). Whatever, just something tasty (rico). They exchange a bit of coquetry about ordering out and staying in, and Moni takes his hand to lead him to the sofa so she can go serve a copa or two. He gets to watch her retreating derriere and decides that he knows exactly what he wants to eat. [What? Is CL seeing a side of Monica he never saw when they were married?] Moni smiles to herself as she faces away from him to pour and he stares with glazed eyes from behind her.

It’s gotten dark and Paula’s thought bubbling as she drives. She hears Juan telling her how much he’s loved her since the first day he saw her, and nothing’s changed, he’s never stopped loving her. Palomita music plays and we discover that Juan’s in his bed/hammock with Juanito sound asleep beside him in the bed. Juan’s thought bubbling that he’s opened his heart a bit and aired out his trapped feelings of affection. She’s left him with a bit of hope. He’s convinced that their relationship is a battle between fate and love. Our view moves to the end of the hammock where Juan’s feet aren’t alone any more….there’s a set with painted toenails next to his. Our view pans up two naked pairs of legs to the p.j.’d Paula and Juan, wrapped together and trying to look comfortable in the undeniably narrow, sagging hammock. As he strokes a smiling Paula lovingly, he continues his thought bubble. It was only a matter of time until they were together. Who ever said that fate is stronger than love? Who? Juan and Paula smile lovingly at each other while Juanito sleeps on in the background, unaware that it’s the family hour on television and his Papi is…..oh, well, let’s leave it at that.

CL tells Moni at that time they were just at the point of discovering the “watchman/guard/keeper (vigilante).” Moni recalls she barely had enough time to throw her clothes on. Hm. Could it be they were a little on the wild side in their courting days? They keep recounting what might have happened if they’d been caught while they chop veggies and cook. Moni asks for the olive oil. They are so domestic. CL brings it to her and her hand touches his as he hands off the bottle. Is her stunned look for real, or is she just that good when she’s executing vengeance? CL asks if she felt it, too? Felt what? CL somehow straddles the back of her seat and kisses her head as he sits down, grasping her shoulders and kissing from behind. One of them better be careful how she handles that knife. Moni tells him that wasn’t the idea. [Yeah, right.] He’s determined, though. He’s sure she felt the same as he did just now. Moni jumps up, denying it. She reminds him about all the obstacles, especially Paula. And? This can’t happen. They’ll be sorry tomorrow. CL sweeps everything they’ve worked so hard to prepare right off the table and lifts Moni up onto it. After a Very Bad Editing Moment where we have clearly missed some action because it’s the family hour for this novela, we find CL now sweeping Moni off to the bedroom, with her legs locked around his waist as he rushes her off for some bliss. [Ed. Note: While this position may look provocative to some folks as he carries her to the bedroom in the heat of it all, her leg lock puts me in mind of a frog. Good thing she’s not wearing green.]

Yadi exultantly reports to the family (which now includes Fern and Delirio has seized the head of the table for himself) that the interview was tedious but she’s feeling optimistic. Nidia’s not home, but the cuckoos are still going off on Yadi’s behalf. Kike supportively asks when she’ll know if she’s been accepted? Tomorrow, but Yadi’s sure they’re going to validate all her paperwork. She left ALL the Profes with a good impression. Marely notes that she’s not seen Yadi so excited since the baby was born. Yadi admits she’s nervous, because there was this one long-faced, sourpuss Profa who’s clearly never had a husband darken her door. They all laugh about the old woman. Fortunately, the other Profe was super lovely. Kike begins to cloud up at Yadi’s over-enthusiastic description of this guy. He gave her confidence. Those (other) intellectuals who know everything and overwhelm one, no.

At another casita across the city, the long-faced sourpuss Profa drinks juice and watches her drop-dead gorgeous Profe dinner companion as they talk about the very same interview from another angle. She asks him how many years they’ve been married and he jerks up, startled at the question. HUH? The Virgin’s picture on the wall behind him surely will compel him to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The Profa continues that in all these years, she’s never been through such an absurd interview. She nods emphatically and folds her schoolmarmish hands, watching for his response. The Profe closes his eyes and the Virgin apparently has left the building—Yadi’s coquettish face is simpering behind him in a nice thought bubble. Apparently the Virgin isn’t going to compel him to do much at the moment. The Profa wonders about the ignorance they saw—how does this chick dare to try to get into the Uni again? One wonders if she know what two and two is. The Profe wipes his mouth and defends Yadi, while her face reappears with a loving smile behind him. He tells his wife that Yadira Cachón wants to finish her studies and that’s good enough for him. [Yeah, right.] The Profa wants to know if he’s joking as she gets up to clear the table. The Virgin is back in her place. The Profa shoots back over her shoulder that this woman has not even two centimeters of brain. Yadi blows the Profe a kiss over his shoulder. The Profe hesitates a split second and then replies that Yadi seems like a girl who’s … very clever. His wife brings the coffee back and tells him to do her the favor of getting his feet back on the ground. [Call it like it IS, sister!] He has to recognize it. He just looks at her. More school fun coming up, folks!

Paula pulls up in front of a pink building. It’s been dark for a while, and Nidia’s talking in her sleep (at least she’s not snoring any more) while Ana dozes, too. Paula wakes them and Ana wants to know if they’re there yet. Nope, Paula’s tired and just can’t drive any more and their snoring was bugging her. Nidia says what snoring, I was sleeping like a baby. Sure, Ana retorts, like a baby polar bear. Paula grins at the viejas. They’ll have to leave in the morning to get home. Ana wants to know if she plans to call her hubby. Sure, but she’ll get the car to the garage while the viejas check into the hotel.

Meanwhile, it won’t matter a whole lot if Paula tries to make sure CL doesn’t worry about her coming home tonight, because he’s in bed with Moni, dozing a little and clearly well-satisfied. Lovely sheet pattern, that. Moni tells him it’s best if he goes. CL protests; no need. Moni insists. He wants to know what’s bothering her. All of it, Moni tells him. They have a half-hearted fuss with Moni averring this was a mistake and the phone rings. Guess who? Moni wants to know if he’s going to lie to Paula like he lied to Moni so many times. CL lies regarding his whereabouts. CL makes short work of asking Paula what’s up, don’t drive at night, take care, see you tomorrow, goodbye. Moni starts in on the fuss again and CL protests her attitude. She finally gets him out and says they won’t have “this kind of confusion” again. For the record, it didn’t look like confusion to us. It looked very well planned and implemented.

Dawn breaks in the D. F. and Consuelo is hard at work fixing CL’s breakfast. He tells her that Paula will get home today, but he’s not sure what time, so go ahead and do whatever you need to do. Consuelo tells him sure, sir, of course and runs off to call Moni. No rocket scientist, this.

Moni and Paula have their breakfast chat, too. CL fell more easily than she expected, Moni reports. It’s incredible, Laura observes, that men are so predictable and more than anything, unfaithful. [Ed. Note: one wonders about Laura, who appears to have no visible means of support. We’re not talking about her missing bra straps with this dress, either. How DOES the woman pay the rent?] Moni’s pleased she’s got him right where she wanted him. Right now, he must be swimming in doubts. What better way for him to receive his beloved wife? The phone rings; it’s Chelo. Moni wants to know how CL woke up. Chelo says he was a bit irritable, pensive, and reports that Paula’s on the way in. Moni replies she knew that, and it’s imperative that Chelo be very vigilant to let her know what all happens in that house. Chelo replies excitedly that she’ll get all the details for Moni, while we note CL coming into the room around the corner and hearing Every Word. Chelo cheerfully bids Moni farewell and is…..BUSTED! CL stands behind her, arms crossed. Consuelo. Don César Luis? Chelo is terrified. Seems to me, he says and shakes a finger gently at her, that we need to talk very, but very seriously.

Juan excitedly and very rapidly describes to Molo how they’ll get merchants to support the clothing, shoes, accessories for all the contestants, even the bikinis. That way, they won’t have to pay—they can’t. Molo wants to know who’s going to let go of their money for that? Juan declares they all will for the PR of showing off their clothing lines. Molo doesn’t think it’s that simple. Juan argues that it is. It’s an exchange; they sell their clothes and we sell the models. [Gentle Readers: You know how the credits roll in the intro, and we see scenes of Farell, then the new scenes they’ve added of Achichipico and Juan’s triumphant re-entry to his birthplace, and then Herlinda and Yolanda roll by? They’re history. But, the credits had one more chica there, and we get glimpses of her hot pants and cami with high-heeled sandals. Well, folks, here she is.] In walks the newest addition to Juan’s queue of admirers. She sets down her luggage and stops dead in her tracks as Juan dances away from her, mesmerized as we have been by his bodacious okole. Juan continues to babble on only to be interrupted and snap around to see this lovely vision. Juan stops dead in his tracks and gives her the once over. Multiple times. She puts her hands on her hips, saucily tosses her hair and asks with Very Red Lips if this is where she enters the beauty pageant? Juan and Molo make universally understood signs to each other. It seems they approve. The newcomer smiles smugly.

CL quietly asks Chelo how long she’s been Moni’s spy, as if that wasn’t an established fact in the last twenty seconds. Oh, sure, since you got here. Chelo protests that Moni asked her and she couldn’t say no. She’ll just go grab her stuff……CL tells her no, and informs Chelo that he’s got a better deal for her--she’s going to spy for him now. She’s going to tell Moni only what he wants her to know, and tell him everything Paula does when he’s gone. Chelo stupidly asks how she’s going to do that. He tells her easy—just like you’ve done this with me. It’s that, or leave here with a bad recommendation, and no one I know will hire you. She whines and CL tells her she really better appreciate that he’s giving her this opportunity to redeem herself with him. She shouldn’t have done it. Consuelo gives him the royal stink eye.

The chica in Juan’s office giggles, slaps her naked thighs, and tells them her name is Lorena Peláez. She wants to enter the contest. Molo and Juan during the commercial break somehow broke out of their stupor and she’s got one on each side of her now. Juan is pleased to meet her and introduces himself. He shakes her hand and she nearly shakes his arm off when she learns he’s the President. He pops his hand out of her death grip and introduces Molo, to whom she presents her hand for a kiss and barely spares a glance before she’s looking back seductively at Juan over her shoulder. That doesn’t stop Molo from looking her over again. She turns back to Juan and tells him “you’re the President, how funny. I was thinking there must be a pageant for handsome men along with this one and you were one of the contestants.” Surprise! Juan is flattered. He thought bubbles about this precious little gal who just threw him (?? Un chol?), or was it just him. He laughs and shakes a finger at her in jest, and tries to pass her off to Molo who can help her. Lorena’s not interested, she wants attention from the Prez himself. They can talk from the Queen to the President. She flips her hair and Juan grasps her shoulders to aim her back Molo’s way. Molo looks excited and Lorena’s not. Molo gives her the scoop and she plays bored while Juan assesses her credentials from behind. Molo does the same more obviously from the front—looks like she has all the requirements. Did she bring her paperwork? Of COURSE she did. They are conveniently on top of her suitcase. She’s got her birth certificate, voter’s registration, a medical certificate, and…..she looks back at Juan….asks for them to just tell her what more she needs and she’ll get them. She beams at Juan. Molo, from behind, informs Lorena that they’ll review it right away and make the entry. Lorena actually looks at Molo and marvels that it’s so easy! She bubbles that she’s sure the crown is hers. What do you think, Juan? Juan is impactado and has the good sense to shut up, but thought bubbles about this chick’s self-confidence. He starts to talk to her, Srta…..she interrupts because he’s supposed to call her Lorena. Molo gestures to him over Lorena’s shoulder. She leans forward to give him a bit more of a view—heck, all he has to do is stand a little closer, because she’s a good foot shorter than he is even with the heels. Juan wants to know how she heard about the contest. It’s all the gossip where she lives. Juan is pleased with the publicity. She always wanted to be the queen of something, and this is hers. It’s the news of the day. We see Juan babble on to her while we hear him babble on to himself in a thought bubble about the spreading fame of the first international beauty pageant for the Anthurium Queen.

Pastor is serving a simple but elegant meal for Ivonne in his new home at Anga’s. He comments on her spying on him. She asks what does he think? He chuckles about how great it is, CL’s found a Mata Hari and she’s run right to him to let him know. She shrugs --what does he want, since Pastor’s her friend? Pastor points out that CL must be running scared if he took such a risk to send her of all people (mandar precisamente a ti). Ivonne tells Pastor CL is scared to death because the clients are dropping like flies. Pastor is ecstatic that CL is so sure of Pastor’s skills as a marketing executive. Ivonne wants to know what message Pastor wants her to take back to that fool? They play out some scenarios—Pastor wants her to brainwash CL and make him believe that everything is wonderful and Pastor is a business czar. He might as well get an ulcer obsessing that Pastor is going to leave him in ruins. Ivonne tells Pastor whatever he wants, she’ll report. She laughs that CL will be up against the wall and explode with fury.

Those extra tall sandals make Lorena just tall enough to lean fetchingly over the desk for Molo’s benefit. Juan, on the other side of the room at his desk, hyperventilates at the rear view. He could fall backward out of his chair if he’s not careful. Lorena asks Molo if that’s it, and he says that’s it (ya?), so she spins around to catch Juan ogling. He snaps to and assures her in his most firm and businesslike voice that pretty soon they’ll have the date for the pageant, etc. They’ll let her know. Lorena takes a seat on top of Molo’s desk (when I visited NZ, I was told it is Very Bad Form to sit on a table or desk, to put one’s bum where food might be served. It’s a major faux pas to even lean one’s okole against a desk or table, same reason. It’s a Maori cultural taboo, if I remember correctly. Lorena would be a social outcast in New Zealand. Can we just send her there and get it over with, folks?). She announces that she’s not interested in leaving. She wants to hang out in Achichipico and get the lay of the land. [!] She’s got nothing better to do back home, so she’s staying. Molo is beginning to get nervous. She asks if Juan would be so good as to take her to her hotel. Juan jumps up and works his level best to pass her off to Molo. Molo gestures wildly behind Lorena—he doesn’t want that duty, either. For two guys who like to ogle so much, they sure don’t follow through when the opportunity presents itself, do they? ;-) Lorena turns to Molo as Juan gestures in Molo’s direction and Molo pastes on a smile. Juan thought bubbles—chinches bravas, just when one makes a commitment to fly right, women one hasn’t even gone looking for begin to line up, despite our best intentions. Lorena slinks across the room back to Juan’s desk, looking very 40s Garbo-ish. She plops her hands down on his desk, giving him a view if he looks down. Juan keeps eye contact. Sort of . She’s really lots shorter so he has to look down even for eye contact. “We’ll see each other later?” The question is more accusatory than interrogatory. “You won’t miss it, eh?” She taps his lips with her forefinger. Sheesh. As she skip walks out the door, she claps and giggles like a five year old. Sheesh. Molo grins at Juan and they both chuckle…..Methinks Lorena Peláez is Big Trouble.

Ana and Paula have finally made it home, but Nidia is with them. Ana asks why she asked for a taxi. Seems Nidia’s sparing them the trouble of stopping by her place since everyone’s so tired and they’ve been on their okoles so long. Ana is worried about Nidia, though. Nidia assures Ana she’s fine. She was just a bit tipsy (bebercua?). She wonders if she uttered anything indiscreet, or wasn’t singing clearly, or what? Ana chuckles at her, teases and assures her she was amusing and nothing was out of line. The taxi honks outside and they say their farewells. Ana firmly tells Nidia to get well from this hangover (cruda). Hint, hint, don’t keep drinking, Nidia. Nidia tells Ana with Delirio in her house that’s impossible. I see her point. Nidia thanks Ana for everything. She’ll come by for Ana early so they can scout out the place for the gallery. Nidia’s theme plays: La Habañera from Bizet’s Carmen, to which Nidia can mince perfectly. She gathers her luggage and leaves with a farewell that Ana can give to Paula.

Speaking of the Q of R, Paula is in her old bedroom thought bubbling Juan’s words to her—he knows she’s a married woman but he can’t forget her. She’s a woman who profoundly loves her husband…..Paula is transported to Achichipico to hear Juan saying the words in person. It’s not important to him if she’s married. He loves her with his whole soul. They kisssssssss…..and Paula’s back at Ana’s, touching her lips and asking God for illumination on this situation. We are reminded that any similarity to reality is purely a coincidence.

Monday: It’s better than never, folks. Paula has stuff to resolve. CL has –a HALO? Or is it just fire and brimstone glowing behind him? Paula cuts to the chase and confesses she was with Juan.

Vocabulary –such as it is, is embedded this week again.



Guapos Friday 2/15/08 Crappy New Year, or fasten your seat belts--it's going to be a bumpy night

Braulio has a talk with Hugo. Isn't it amazing how much Braulio looks like Pee Wee Herman? Braulio tells Hugo that Mili has come back. Hugo tells him that his hope is that Mili won't believe in Alex.
Hugo then tells Alex that Mili is back. Alex goes looking for her in the kitchen and finds out she's in with Connie.

Connie has called Mili in for a talk. They talk about the conditions under which she will stay--no more fighting with his wife and daughter. Mili agrees, but she asks that he tell them to stop picking on her. She says it's her father's fault for why she's the way she is. The creep took off before she was born and left her mother suffering. Her mother died, and so on. She talks about how she lost parents and he lost a child. Since Granny R is taking her in as a substitute daughter, they can comfort each other. She asks him to give her a hug in her childlike way and dives in. He holds his arms out, not sure what to do, then he hugs her close and buries his head in hers. He is near tears as he hugs his long-lost child for the first time. If anyone did not tear up while watching this amazing scene, I give up. You could feel all his regrets communicated in a few seconds.

Just then, Alex bursts in. He tells Pop to get his hands off Mili. He can't believe it--first you attack Andrea, and now Mili. Mili reveals that it was she who asked for the hug. She says she did it just because she felt like it. Alex is impactado. He runs out. Connie asks her what that was all about. Nothing, she replies. She exits saying con su permiso.

Alex is crying in his room, saying "you are worthless, Milagros." Mili is crying in her bunk bed.

Morgan is talking with Horacio about Horacio's two women, but I'm not sure what he really meant or what Morgan knows.

Regina tells Rocky to clean up Mili's meal. She left it overnight and it's full of ants. This makes no sense. Is she to be allowed to be a slob?

Snobby and her friend are talking about how Bobby is Snobby's secret admirer. They decide to play a trick on him. They call him and invite him to a party. He takes down the address, exulting at his success with Val. It's probably going to turn out to be a warehouse in a bad neighborhood.

Connie meets with Peralta, aka blackmailer guy. Is this Burgay from Amar? Yes, says IMDB--the actor's name is Arsenio Campos. He congratulates Connie. Apparently he's met with someone and it went well. They'll use the New Year's party to make some candidacy announcement.

Now Horacio corners Roxana in the garden. He tells her that he has to talk. He had looked for her at her sister's place years ago, but he couldn't find her. Roxana scoffs that she hasn't heard from her in years. Then she says "she would be proud of you." I am completely confused with this, but it appears from later dialogue that Horacio didn't know he had a daughter, and Roxana is referring to the daughter here.

Now Luciana comes over, and the two get all giggly about Luciana's flower collection. I have trouble seeing Luciana as a member of the garden club, especially since Horacio is doing all the work. Anyway, these two gals are new BFFs. Perhaps they'll play a few hands of canasta later.

Granny R wants to know why Mili is upset. To cheer her up, she tells Mili that tomorrow Mili will be invited to the party. Mili figures she's supposed to serve the hors d'oeuvres (bocadillas) and drinks, but no--Granny R assures her that she'll be attending as a member of the family. She will come down the stairs like a princess. Mili revels in the fact that the family will be "a parar de pestanas." I wish I could find a translation for this, as it appears to be a colorful way of saying "really pissed off."

Horacio and Morgan rehash in the kitchen again. Horacio wonders who Roxana could be referring to when she said "she'd be proud of you." Lina comes in on the tail end and hears them mention someone named Roxana. She tells them that Roxana is her mother's name. Note to Horacio: Get a clue!

Alex is smooching dispassionately with Andrea. He tells her the immortal words that every girl wants to hear: He needs her to forget Mili. Golddigger that she is, however, this is music to her ears, but she has some conditions: She says she's not coming back to him unless she's sure of him. She wants to be his wife. Alex flashes back on Mili and is not immediately forthcoming with an enthusiastic response. Andrea says she's waiting. Alex chokes out the equivalent of "well, I guess so." No problem! Andrea is ecstatic and immediately begins planning for wedded bliss. They will announce the engagement at the big party.

Granny continues planning with Mili. She reminds Mili that Alex told her he loved her. Mili tells her it's just more of his cruel joking. The joke is that she loves him, but he feels nothing for her.

Mili leaves. Regina says to herself that the old history will not be repeated, not this time.

Horacio and Lina talk about Roxana. Lina asks how he knows Roxana. I didn't quite follow what he said.

Luciana is chatting in the garden with her new BFF, Roxana. Roxana spots Horacio talking to Lina. Then Lina comes over to ask if she can bring them a drink. She leaves, and Roxana comments that she notices that girl and her father sure spend a lot of time together. Luciana is completely puzzled. She says that Lina's father doesn't work here. Roxana says she thought Lina's father was the gardener, meaning Horacio. Luciana tells Roxana that she's a real comedian. But she's happy to have her over--she needs a good friend.

Mili is regaling the other maids with the tale of her upcoming debut. This is pretty cute, I thought. She is acting out broadly how she will be presented. Everyone oohs and aahs, but Mili said, don't be so happy--it won't be so great when she tumbles down the stairs and makes a fool of herself.

Luciana comes in to see Regina. She calls her usted, which I find surprising. Is it typical that people keep using usted with their in-laws? Regina wants to know why she decided not to go away. Luciana says she's afraid of what Connie would do to her son if she left. Granny reminds her that she is really in charge, and she'd never allow anything wrong to happen. Then they move on to the subject of a possible divorce or separation. Luciana says that Regina would be very happy if they got divorced. Regina denies it. She says she's sorry that things didn't work out. Luciana calls her a hypocrite. She says Regina really wanted Connie to marry a servant.
Moreover, Regina doesn't know what it's like to sleep with someone who doesn't love you. Regina tells her that she's wrong. If Luciana only knew . . . Hmm. I wonder what Regina's back story is.

Val is telling Andrea about some photo shoot and models' party she's going to the next day. Andrea tells her that she has to come to the New Year's party because of the big engagement announcement. Val is thrilled. Meanwhile, this is all going on in front of Karla.

Alex is now meeting with Regina, who is telling him all about how she's going to have him introduce his novia Mili. He tells her that things have changed. One day you're in, and one day you're out. Granny tells him to quit the Heidi Klum stuff. He says something confusing about it will be better this way if they break off. There was something about having no memory, but it made no sense to me.

Granny castigates Alex--he can't let Mili suffer. Please gratify her whim, and do it for her. Alex reluctantly agrees. Boy, this party is going to be fun!

The next scene shows him talking to Andrea. He says that Granny wants him to present Mili to the family. Andrea says the she hopes he told her no. Er, no. Andrea then decides that it's not a bad idea for Mili to be a princess for a day. Then she'll be put in her place.

Mili is in her bunk bed. Melancholy piano theme.

More desultory kissing between Alex and Andrea. He is flashing back on Mili again. He holds Andrea limply and tells her he's not in the mood--he has a headache! She reminds him that that's what women say! But she doesn't really seem to mind, as long as she's going to get that ring on her finger.

Padre and Sor are still plotting on what to do about a problem like Milagros. They decide they'll tell Connie she must not go back to the house--it's the only way to separate them.

Bobby talks to Val about the party again. He leaves with Alex to go shopping. Val quickly calls her other partner in crime and tells her that the plot is working. Bobby is really falling for that fake party story.

Val calls Morgan over to get him to drive her somewhere. Morgan says he can't--he's driving Regina and Mili shopping. What? Spoily Spice asks Granny if she could actually be using HER chauffeur to drive . . . THAT (pointing at Mili and cringing). Granny tells her too bad--she can drive herself. Val says she doesn't like to drive. Well, you can call a cab--or take the subway. Be careful you don't fall on the rails! Mili then comes over and whispers triumphantly to Val that she should "chupate esta, mandarina," or suck it up, tangerine! For good measure, she makes a sucking sound. Hah!

Damien now tells Hugo that he wants him to come down to the party. Hugo wants to know why--does Pop want everyone to view his crippled handiwork? Damien tells Hugo to stop being a victim. He also wants sonny boy to meet his new girlfriend. This makes Hugo really mad!

Mili and Granny have a lot of fun shopping. Mili trips on some stilettos, and hilarity ensues. Mili and Granny stroll the mall in matching soccer shirts. Morgan brings up the rear loaded down with packages.

Meanwhile, Alex and Bobby are shopping for an engagement ring, but the whole time Alex is talking about Mili. Bobby tells him that he's had enough with hearing about "Carlitos." It's a wonder they didn't run into Granny and Mili.

Karla corners Damien in the hall and accuses him of inviting his new girlfriend over before the paint is dry. She calls him trash. She says she was going to be rid of the uniform, but now she won't He tells her to get one thing clear--he's the boss and she's the servant (he's not even the boss--what a creep). Once a servant, always a servant. She says she swears he'll regret what he's doing (using the tu form). He says, let me make one thing perfectly clear--don't you tutear me, you igualada (uppity lowlife). Double creep!

Mili's now talking about all her new clothes in the kitchen. Oops. Karla breaks the news that Alex is going to announce his engagement to Andrea. She says she heard it from Val. Mili is impactada.

Connie meets with the Padre to discuss the upcoming election. Padre will support Connie. Connie thanks him, saying it's good to have a sacerdote linked to the family. Yes, everyone should have his own personal sacerdote.

Mili is now in Hugo's room crying bitterly. Alex has played his games for the last time. This time she's going far away. No, Hugo says--she promised Granny she would go to the party, and she wouldn't want to disappoint Granny--trust him he says, and play along.

Bobby is making his way to the "party." He knocks on the door of an apartment, and a fat woman answers. He tries to say it's a mistake. Where's Gisele Bundchen? No, she says. You're Bobby, right? We'll spend new year together and have breakfast. She pulls him in and closes the door.

The party is now in full swing. Peralty introduces his wife to Damien. Damien introduces his girlfriend Roxana. Damien meets the Padre and tells him the good news that Alex is announcing his engagement and introduces Andrea. Padrea is relieved at this good choice--anyone who isn't Mili.

Now it's time for Mili to come down. Alex starts heading up the stairs. Andrea takes a look and mutters that the chamagosa doesn't know what's going to hit her. Mili poses at the top of the balcony, and she looks really pretty. Alex hesitates in going up the stairs, but Granny encourages him to get going. Just then someone appears at Mili's side. It's Hugo, dressed in a tuxedo, and WALKING! He offers his arm to Mili, and she takes it, looking triumphantly at her subjects below: They are impactados, as the chords of shock music plays.

Preview: A bar fight where Alex gets hurt and is rushed to the hospital. Mili cries over an unconscious Alex and says she loves him. She says it's all her fault.


Friday, February 15, 2008

Guapos: Thursday, February 14th : Not just the thin and rich tell lies, sometimes the rotund and religious do too

My Spanish isn’t that great, so additions and corrections are very welcome!

We start off with the tail-end of yesterday’s show: Damien is telling Lina that he has a new girlfriend who is way classier than she is and that she’ll be coming to the house for dinner. Lina tosses a glass of water on him. In the driveway: Mili is trying to wrestle her bag from Braulio. Connie pulls up in his fancy car, tells her to get in.

Now to the new stuff: We are in an empty apartment with nice wood floors – it’s Bobby’s new place, and he and Alex are admiring it. It’s expensive, but Alex says they will share expenses. It sounds like Bobby and Alex are going to be roomies. Alex brings up the topic of the newfound but unfound brother – Bobby offers to help find him, but Alex points out the Abue had already hired 10 detectives over the years, and if they can’t find the brother, what chance do he and Bobby have of finding him? None.

At the house, Damien is introducing Roxanna to Luci and Valeria. They feel him out about the nature of the relationship. An old friend, says Damien. A dear friend, adds Roxanna. Luci wonders why he’s never mentioned her before. Damien says they’ve always been to busy talking about themselves to pay any attention. Whadda guy!

Roxanna, who has much better social skills than Damien, asks about Luci’s flowers. Luci offers to show what’s left, namely her orchids. They are about to repair to the garden when Lina comes in. Both Lina and Roxanna look impactada. The two ladies head for the garden and Lina smiles.

Now Mili and Connie are at the convent. Mili: You didn’t say one word on the drive here. Are you firing me? What did I do? Connie says “nothing.” Mili: I want you to say it to my face, are you firing me? Connie: I don’t want you in my house any more.

Luci and Roxanna are looking at the orchids. Roxanna reaches out to touch one, but Luci gestures her away. Luci explains that gardening is her therapy. She has a gardener, but you know the saying – if you want something done right, do it yourself. Roxanna asks about the maid they just saw – what is her name? Lina. Roxanna asks if that’s a nickname, and Luci says she doesn’t deal with matters concerning the servants, that’s the butler’s job. Braulio approaches and tells Luci she has a call from Italy. Both leave Roxanna alone with the orchids. “It’s her!” says Roxanna “Adelina.”

Now we’re in the convent office and Connie is talking to the Mother Superior and the good padre. Connie asks them to keep the secret. He says if they tell, it will destroy his family and his career. But Mili IS your family, she’s your daughter! Connie:You don’t understand the details, please just believe me. I know it’s expensive to keep her here – I’ll pay. He writes a check. The MS says they’ll do as he says. Connie gives her the photo of Rosario and asks them to give it to Mili and just tell her they found it. (Of course this is the Roxanna half of the photo that he had ripped in half, - Mili had taken the Constancio half from the wastebasket of his office, and then Braulio found it and kept it.)

Mili is in the dorm of the convent, talking to her BFF Gloria. Mili doesn’t seem too upset, given what has just happened. Gloria points out that Mili said she’d missed the convent. And Mili said she did, she isn’t unhappy, but she’d like to know why she was fired. She guesses it is all the social goofs she made. Oh, and the photo! What photo, says Gloria? Mili doesn’t answer. Still, it’s okay, she just wishes that they had given her the chance to say goodbye. She names some of the nice people at casa Belmonte and says she’ll miss them. She notes that the chain is to her medallion is broken and hopes it doesn’t mean bad luck.

We’re in Regina’s room. Carla comes in with tea. Regina asks where’s Mili? She didn’t bring me breakfast either. Carla says she has no idea. Regina tries to get something out of her, but Carla tells her to enjoy her tea and turns to go. Regina tells her to go find Mili and bring her right away. Carla with her back to her is snotty, chomps her gum and rolls her eyes, but Regina doesn’t see.

Roxana is alone in the orchid greenhouse. Horacio sees her, is impactado. She sees him and looks a bit sad.

We’re back in Regina’s room, and Alex is asking her if she’s coming down for dinner. Braulio comes in, asks if she called. Regina says I wasn’t looking for you, I was looking for Mili. She’s gone, he says. She doesn’t work here any more. Alex and Regina are impactados. Regina says was she fired? She’s my employee! Braulio says no, she just left. She wanted to go and Constancio was kind enough to drive her. Alex says it’s his fault. They were talking and Mili was upset. He says he will go straighten everything out. He leaves. Regina asks how she could just leave like that without saying goodbye, after all the affection she gave her? Braulio says some women are like that. His sister for instance. Regina points out that at least his sister had a good reason.

Back in the garden, Horacio utters the immortal novela words: Que haces aqui? Roxanna utters them back. Horacio says he’s the gardener. Roxanna: Still? Horacio says he’s proud of it. And here it is 20 years later and she never gave him the opportunity to explain what happened with her girlfriend. She waves that off and Luci appears. Roxanna says she has a terrible headache and the two ladies retire to the house. Horacio looks after them and if he has any sense, he’s thinking he had a close call, almost marrying her. But probably not.

Mili is on the convent steps – she spots Homeless Hugo in the bushes, runs over and gives him a big hug. Where have you been – I haven’t seen you since Christmas. Oh, I’ve been looking for you, he says, but you’re not out of the house much. Soccer today? He asks. No, I came for another reason. She admits she’s been fired. Hugo is surprised. Why? I’d sure like to find out why, she says.

Roxanna and Damien are on the huge impressive garden steps. Casa Belmonte seems to be a villa. She comments that the house is great. He asks if he likes her family and she says she doesn’t really know them, but she thinks she’ll get along great with his sister. Does the sister like to gamble? She’s into other things, he demurs. Braulio comes to get them for dinner. Damien says he has to make a call and takes off. Roxanna asks Braulio about Lina’s name. It’s a nickname, he says, for Adelina. Roxanna: Ah!

Horacio is peeking at the big family diner. He tells Rorgan that that is the woman he talked about before, his big love.

Homeless Hugo and Mili are sitting on the lawn, picking at the vegetation and talking. He says that Hugo said he loves her. Mili says he still loves his dead girlfriend. She doesn’t want him to suffer. HH says everyone loves you, Hugo, the cousin, and now me. Mili: don’t start with me! You know what, she says, I’d like him to decide to get up and come see me. He shouldn’t lie to his family. HH: Hugo’s not a bad guy. Mili: I know, I like him. If he doesn’t come see me, I won’t see him again. HH: Maybe he’ll do it for you.

We’re at the big family dinner. Carla is pouring water and has to pour for Roxanna. She and Luci look daggers at each other. Luci gives a fake smile and says how perfect Roxanna is for her brother. Valeria comments they are just friends. For now, says Roxanne. Valeria notes that they can all celebrate, Mili is gone. Some at the table are surprised. Connie: let’s change the subject, how are your travel plans coming, my love? Alex leaves the table. Fun times at Casa Belmonte!

Carla is looking at herself in a hall mirror. She remembers Mili saying that Hugo likes her (Mili) just the way she is. Carla wonders how she can get out of this uniform. She mentions Damien’s child. Maybe she is pregnant after all? Or planning to be?

Mili is praying aloud to Christ. She asks for advice, and asks him to strike Alex with lightening. Then she softens and says maybe send him a dove – to do it on his head. Make it a big dove.

We’re outside the house – Valeria has caught up with Alex by his car. She wants to know what about the supposed brother. Alex fudges a little, then says it’s true, Abuela confirmed it. With a servant. This last horrifies Valeria. She says she doesn’t want to find out where this child is – she doesn’t want a bastard for a brother. She leaves. Alex gets a big bird plop in his hair. This is why she’s named Milagros. Somebody call the Vatican.

All of the staff except Braulio are in the kitchen. They are sad about Mili, and about how she didn’t say goodbye. Horacia looks very thoughtful and Socorro says it must be because of Mili. Even though there’s another tray to be served, Carla says she’s so sad she’s going to her room and flounces out.

As an aside, Rorgan says to Horacio that he guesses he’s really sad about the old girlfriend in there at dinner. Horacio says shut up.

Valeria is lounging in the den, listening to a music tape. From the off-key singing we know it’s Bobby. Lina comes in and comments that Bobby has a great voice. Bobby! Valeria is stunned and not happy.

We have a close-up of Braulio’s gloves. He is straightening a room, a man’s room judging by the shirt hanging in the background. Whose is it? There is a photo of Alex on the dresser.

Mili is talking to the padre. She really wants to know why she was dismissed. She keeps asking and finally he says he’ll tell her the truth. They both walk off, talking.

Braulio is looking in a box in the room – he puts the half photo of Constancio in it, looks at other photos in the box of a woman. There is a puppet on the bed. He takes out a photo of the woman pregnant, shows it to the puppet, keeps it. He unlocks the door from the inside and furtively leaves.

Luci is packing in her bedroom, and Damien is trying to convince her that it’s better for everyone if she stays and doesn’t make a scandal. She tells him how dangerous Connie is, how he threatened to kill Alex. He’s a monster. Oh, he was probably just mad, says Damien. Don’t worry. He offers her a drink.

Mili and her BFF are talking. What did the padre say? Mili says he said to just stay in the convent like nothing happened. A sister appears to tell Mili there’s a young man to see her. It’s…..not Alex. It’s Hugo! He’s up and dressed. Mili throws her arms around him. Yes, he walked there. Does his family know? No, he snuck out.

Carla is trying to unlock a room. Braulio sees her and is furious. Carla is snotty, and says she just wanted to help. It’s Hugo’s room and Braulio says nobody but him serves Hugo. She leaves, he goes in and looks around frantically – the wheelchair is empty.

Alex is at the convent looking for Mili. Sor Cachete tells him that Mili is off with a boyfriend and isn’t that nice? She deserves to be happy.

We’re in the foyer. Valeria, Damien and Andrea are happily discussing Constancio’s future while he preens. Valeria asks why he let Mili go. He says she’s vulgar, uneducated. Mili bursts in and says it’s all lies. Why doesn’t he tell everyone the truth?
Look at your faces! Luci wants call the police to throw her out. Mili says, this man lied to you. Constancio says yes, this girl is my… is my…..

We are at the convent. Sor Cacheta is telling Alex that everyone thought that he was the boyfriend, but they’re glad he isn’t. Why? Alex wants to know. Because…she catches herself. Because Mili doesn’t really care for you. Alex asks if the so-called boyfriend has a beard. No. Alex wonders if HH has shaved. He leaves and the Sor begs God for forgiveness for lying.

Back in the foyer, Mili tells the “truth” that she heard – they didn’t want to pay her wages. Braulio bolts upstairs to tell Regina. He explains to Regina and says Mili is downstairs calling her son a cheapskate and saying she doesn’t care about money, she’ll work for free, so there. Regina is thrilled. Braulio leaves to go get Mili, but there she is at the door. Mili and Regina hug. Sweet.

In the lobby, the family is telling Constancio that that was a stupid pretext.

At the convent, the MS superior is telling Gloria and Sor Cachete that Mili can’t just come and go.. and with a boyfriend! The padre comes in puffing – Mili has gone back to work at Casa Belmonte!

The kitchen staff are very happy to have Mili back. Braulio takes her out in the hall and asks what’s with the photo of Constancio? She said she found it in the trash. Back in the kitchen, he tells her to stick to her job and don’t have personal relationships with the family (what about Regina?).Constacio comes in the kitchen: I want to talk to you….

Tomorrow: Roxanna tells Horacio to leave things as they are. I’m glad you found her. Horacio: who? Alex tells Andrea he’ll marry her. Constancio and Mili are hugging tenderly. Alex bursts in and protectively tears her away.


I Love Juan - Thurs 2/14 - Reunited, and it feels so good, we both are so excited cause we're reunited, hey hey

From Yesterday - Monica asks Marely to keep her yap shut about seeing her and CL at the restaurant. Nidia call Ana's room from reception but Ana's too hung over to take the call. Paula tells Ana that she and Juan are 'past history'.

Monica asks Marely if Paula has been seeing Juan being CL's back. When Mari denies it Moni makes a sour face.

Nidia, returned from Ana's hotel, councils Juan on not giving up on Paula. Then, weary of not having herself as the main subject, asks Juan if Delfina knows that she and Anga were...well..that Anga was the love of Nidia's life. Juan surprises her by saying he thinks Anga himself might have told Delfi.

Pastor and Anga are discussing Pastor's business proposal. Pastor says Anga won't be spending per se, but rather investing. He shows Anga his financial projections and Anga looks thoughtful. He sees Kike and asks shouldn't Kike be going home about now? Kike says he'd rather hang around work because Yadi's mad at him.

At Casa Cachón Yadi and Delirio argue about Kike not being home. He's probably spilling his guts to Marely about the Cachón thievery. This is all Delirio's fault. No it's all Yadi's fault. Suddenly Mari arrives home and Delirio and Yadi stop bickering so they can act suspiciously innocent.

Anga's helper, weird hair guy (I forget his name), finds Kike in a deep slumber and cheerily wishes him a good morning. Kike says if it's morning why is it dark outside? Weird hair guy says it's the total eclipse, didn't Kike hear about it? Kike dashes home thinking he's in big trouble because he's been out all night. The goofy thing is, he's wearing a watch, so why doesn't he look at it? Oh well, it's a telenovela.

Moni and Laura have a conversation about what's going on with CL and Paula. Moni says that when Pau called CL he was as cool as a cucumber. Laura comments that CL has the self control of a monk. (Is that a saying? Because when I think of CL I don't think monk.) Moni tells Laura that she can't wait to see the outcome of this story.

Herli, Molo and his guitar stroll through a dark alley under the Achichipico moonlight. He tells her that when Juan finally saw Paula, instead of saying what he really felt he threw toads and snakes at her (ranted and raved). Afterward he was like an animal in pain. "Poor Juan," clucks Herli. She says she has an idea and drags Molo back up the alley.

Nidia, who apparently has the stamina of an ox, is strutting about while her gal pals are still trying to sleep off their breakfast hangovers. Nidia struck out with Ana and her next victim is Delfina. Nidia goes to Delfi's room for a little chat. She wants to talk about Angarita. She tells Delfi that she knew Anga from before, in fact he was the love of her life! She says she's a bit put out because he never mentioned her to Delfi. "Aha! So you're the one he was trying to forget. But he never mentioned a name," says Delfi. Nidia's thrilled to at least have been mentioned. "We shared a man," she tells Delfi. "And we both lost him," Delfi responds. NoNoNoNo corrects Nidia, she hefts her chest and announces that she and Anga still have An Opportunity.

Juan sits by the fountain mooning over Pau, (do we see him wipe away a tear?). Molo approaches and tells Juan that Herli wants to talk to him. Molo dolefully departs. Juan thinks she's come to make a play for him, but he's wrong. Herli tells him shame on him for saying stupid things to Paula. She says it's not important what Paula said, but rather what she did. "She came looking for you Juan!" I'm not sure, but I think she concludes with "She's not betraying you Juan, just because you've betrayed every woman who has ever loved you." Juan is impactado.

Herli joins Molo back at his room and she tells him she really told Juan some things. He supposes now that Juan has dumped Paula he's looking at Herli with new eyes, right? She laughs and says she only sees Juan as a good friend. Her heart has been touched by the man who enchanted her with his remarks, with his songs, with his gaze. To her he's the best man in the world...and he's standing right in front of her. Finally they kiss, sort of.

Kike shows up at home with the lame excuse that he was out looking at the eclipse. Yadi's all 'Que the hell and who cares anyway?' They have the same argument as yesterday but this time with the baby gurgling and squawking in the background. Kike fumes and Yadi insists she won't turn against her Mami. She shakes her finger and tells him he'd better not leave her, then she turns out the light and flops under the covers leaving him sitting on the end of the bed.

Back in Molo's love shack the love-struck and giddy Molo lays a big wet one on Herli. She tells him she loves him and he reveals that marrying her is his life's dream. Then there is a badly edited cut of him standing there holding her as if he's going to carry her off except that he's not going anywhere. It's odd.

Paula's on the phone lying to CL again. She says Ana ate something and got sick so they'll be home tomorrow. She hears Juan's angry words in her head. He's telling her off, that she thinks she has the whole world at her feet. (How true!!)

Cut to Juan thinking of Paula's words, then Nidia's, then Herlinda's.

The bells of Achichipico toll across a clear, sunny morning. Delfi and Nidia bid their farewells to Las Davila. Nidia tells Pau that running away is never the answer but oh well, bon voyage. But wait! It's Juan! He approaches Paula, looking like a wounded animal.

Mooooo! A bovine creature loudly heralds the next scene. Molo drops Juanito off at school and explains to him that Juan is busy attending to his future.

Juan looks anguished. He tells Pau that she can't leave because...well, because he said a lot of stupidities and he's sorry, will she forgive him? Pau says she's sorry, she acted like a child, they were both silly, OK? Juan says no, it won't be OK until he says what he came to say, because what he holds in his chest is burning him up. The thing is, his feelings for her have never changed. Since the day he met her he hasn't stopped loving her, not for one day. Ana, Delfi and Nidia (having a hot flash) watch and sigh loudly into the commercial.

Juan tells Pau the he couldn't forget her. She's the one that he'd love to marry, to have as his wife. She smiles and says he won't believe it but she's been waiting to hear those words for a long time. She came to his pueblo only because she wanted to see him, to have him in front of her, because she couldn't get him out of her heart. "You're not just sugar-coating this for me, are you?" he asks. She laughs and tells him what she feels is much greater than what even she thought. Juan gives her a huge kiss as Molo joins the three ladies. "Did I miss anything?" Molo asks.

Anga arrives home to find a salad-faced monster in his house. But no, it's only Pastor giving himself a yogurt-cucumber facial. Anga mocks him and tells him he's too old for this silliness. Pastor retorts that with his blotchy skin Anga could use a yogurt-honey-strawberry facial. Anga looks at his skin in the mirror, hmmmm...the record scratches, Anga composes himself, and he tells Pastor to get his butt out of bed and get to work!

We have a long scene of Juan and Paula with the tres amigas in the background cheering Juan on. He tells Pau how much he loves her. She says she's a married woman. (Do I hear an anvil creaking?) Juan suggest she separate and soon. He wants to get back on track now that he's reunited with his love. (He calls her licenciada; is that odd?) The tres amigas sigh and fan themselves. Juan tells Pau that divorce is the only option; he wants to be her partner and to love her but only if it's legal and on the up and up. She kisses him and says divorce is a radical decision, she needs time. (Creak...) He says he'll wait till the end of time just so she knows he won't be secondary, no he won't accept that situation. By the way, he adds, a lot has happened since he last saw her. There has been an important change in his life that he needs to tell her about.

Molo, inspired by Juan's passion, proclaims his love to Herlinda and kisses her in the street. In public!

The tres amigas stroll through town on cloud 9 thanks to the Juan and Paula show. Nidia blathers on and on that nothing, absolutely nothing can spoil her day. She doesn't see the implacable hammer of destiny over her head. The town operator spots them and comes out with a message for Doña Delfina's prima (Nidia). "Señora, your husband called to say he's out of jail and he's waiting for you at home." Nidia almost faints while Delfi and Ana support her.

Juan proudly introduces Licenciada Paula to his office. She asks what he does for work and he tells her he's an exporter of Anthuriums. His partners are Molo, Anga, and the local Chavez family. Paula is impactada (and maybe a little mad?) and observes it's because of him that Farell lost the Japanese deal. He adamantly tells her it was a coincidence; he was in the right place at the right time. Looks like I was wrong; she's not pissed off, she's happy for him. He says he did it all for her so he could put the world at her feet. She tells him she doesn't care about Things. He tells her not to lie; one can't live on love alone.

"Aniushka" (as Nidia calls Ana) convinces Nidia to call Delirio though for the life of me I can't figure out why she should care.

Juan shows Paula his Anthurium greenhouse and he tells her his grand plans to put Achichipico on the map. The beauty contest is to show off all the local beauties and to make the citizens feel proud. Call me suspicious but I for one haven't forgotten that Paula is still married to Juan's nemesis.

Delirio tries to scold Nidia for being in Juan's pueblo and for putting the horns on him. She gives him a verbal smack-down. Delirio grovels and Nidia hangs up on him.

Juan tells Pau that his pueblo is only one of many that Mexico has forgotten. But will they sit with arms crossed feeling less Mexican while waiting around for the government to do something? Heck no, the desire to succeed and move forward is deep inside all their hearts, and where there is will and solidarity there is action. Paula tells him he sounds like a politician, no offense because in their country most politicians are fake. (Wow, some very interesting social comments going on here.) Juan responds that a lot of people are honest and will do the right thing. Paula suggests he become the Municipal President. He says he just wants to grow the best anthuriums in the world.

Kike scolds weird hair guy for making him look like a buffoon. He says he's the boss and weird hair guy has to clean the warehouse with a toothbrush.

We have some cool shots of Juan hauling Paula through some interesting ruins and telling her he wants to introduce her to somebody.

CL asks Ivonne about her "amiga" Pastor. "Oh, so now you're trying to prohibit my friendships?" she asks. She tells him that after his hissy fit she thought it best not to discuss Pastor. CL says he was just curious, nada mas. Then he lays a guilt trip on her that because of her he underwent the bogus operation and thanks to Her Friend Pastor they are losing all their clients. CL says he needs Ivonne on his side. She can't allow Pastor to do this to him. He needs her help.

Juan and Pau arrive at the school. In an amusing scene he pulls Juanito out of class. This was funny because Juanito acted a little miffed and embarrassed, just like kids do in the real world. Anway, once outside Juan proudly introduces him to Pau as His Son. Juanito comments that Paula is very beautiful. "Like father like son, eh?" notes Juan. Pau's enchanted to meet him. After the principal drags Juanito back to class Juan explains to an enquiring Pau that he didn't know about Juanito until he returned to town.

Anga tells Pastor, over a lunch of Tacos Al Pastor, the he has thought over Pastor's business proposal and has come to a decision. He'll go ahead and expand the biz but only on two conditions. The first - if it doesn't work out and he loses his money then Pastor has to work for him for free for the rest of his life. Pastor is thrilled, they will convert the biz to an emporium like no other seen in the history of the country! Anga says the second condition is that Anga wants to keep his headquarters there in the market. Pastor says they'll have a grand office and he'll decorate it!

Juan takes Pau to the top of a ridge so he can show her the beautiful view and share his dreams with her. He'll work with the Anthuriums, he'll come home to her and a good meal, on Sundays they'll go to mass then swim in the river, afterward they'll go to the market and get supplies, then to the park where they'll share a Mamey ice cream (Yum!!). Thankfully he goes on to say she won't just stay at home, she'll also be a professional in the exportation of the flowers and they'll work together. (OK Juan, she'll be home waiting for you but also working at your side? Clearly Juan has not solidified his fantasy yet.)

Juan tells her he has a proposal, that she go to Mexico City now, arrange all her business with CL, and think about everything that he said. What does she say to that?

Tomorrow: It looks like CL's not acting like a monk nor is he twiddling his thumbs while waiting for Paula to come home.

Autocontrol = Self control
Echar sapos y culebras = To rant and rave (lit. to throw toads and snakes)
Dorar la pildora = To sugar coat (lit. to sweeten the pill)
Por añadidura = In addition
De tal palo, tal astillo = Like father like son, a chip off the old block (lit. as the stick, so the splinter)


Valentine’s Day Pasion—No love lost between pirates

We start out in the bar with Gonzalo “spitting on the plate where he eats” again by badmouthing Jorge and La LaFont. Gonzo may be a lush but he still has exacting taste in wines—he spits out the wine he’s drinking and demands that the barkeep get him another one. Uriel shows up after checking out his new store. Gonzo rips him for being a lowly storekeeper and says that he thought he had more class. Gonzalo then changes the subject, insisting that he wants to rob the money train. Mateo and Uriel say no way. Gonzalo complains more about LaFont and then gets up and leaves. Mateo and Uriel assess what’s going on. Mateo remarks that Gonzo has always been violent and impulsive. They agree that they want nothing to do with any unauthorized activities. Jorge’s not going to like it.

Jimena accompanies Cami to the government house to buy the mill. Jimena is still trying to talk her out of it, trying the argument that Ric isn’t going to like it. Camila thinks it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. She’s going to do it. When they arrive. Ines and Vasco try to talk her out of it but they don’t succeed. Camila goes in and Marcelino has all the docs ready for her. He asks her if she wants to wait for Don Jorge. She says no. But suddenly she notices that there are two places for a signature, hers and Ricardo’s. When she asks Marcelino, he says of course her husband has to sign, yes, even if she’s spending her own money. Camila explains that he’s on a trip. Marcelino says even how she spends her dowery is subject to her husband’s consent. Camila smiles nervously and says that she’s sure he won’t have a problem with it. She picks up the quill and signs.

Next we see why Don Jorge is delayed, he is with Gonzalo is still lobbying him to do the caravan robbery. Jorge says not without LaFont. Gonzalo whines some more and Don Jorge complains that he’s starting to annoy him. Gonzalo wants to know what would happen if he did it anyway. Jorge says don’t do it or else. Gonzalo actually has to ask “or else what?” “You die” responds Jorge matter of factly.

In the plaza, Inez goes to buy some candles in front of church, Vasco calls her over when Camila is coming out of the government house. Vasco asks her what went down, Camila says it’s done. Vasco wants to know when he can go back to the Mill but Camila admits that without Ric’s signature, the transaction isn’t finished. Vasco says, “God willing…he won’t do it.” Camila asks after her Dad and Vasco says he’s doing well. Then she asks after the wedding preparations. Ines says they are going well and she adds a thanks for her generosity and kindness and she’s sure that God won’t let anything bad happen to her after her goodness. Little Mary Sunshine is our Ines. Even Camila looks doubtful. Camila asks everybody to keep the news that she bought the mill from her father. At least until Ric gets back. Hugs and kisses all around and Camila and Jimena depart. As soon as they are gone, Ines rips Vasco for complaining about Camila buying the mill, saying she’s doing it all for him and their father. Vasco explains to her that if Bernabe comes back and sells the letter to Lis, he’s going get “crucified” by the family. Ines holds out hope that Ascanio will find him. Vasco is doubtful. He thinks Benabe is in the “fifth circle of hell” living in fear because he knows that if he (Vasco) finds him, he’ll kill him. Ines grabs Vasco and insists that they go into church.

Back to Ric and Mario, who are at another tavern, this time out on the patio. Ric asks the waiter about a merchant named Molina Pastor (?) The waiter obliges by pointing him out and Ric asks him to bring him over. Ric and Mario confirm that his name is Diego. When the waiter comes over to say that he’ll be over shortly Mario asks for Rum and three glasses. Just then the guy comes over. He’s older and from his clothes, pretty prosperous looking. They introduce themselves. Ric is Diego …(couldn’t catch the last name) and Mario says he’s Ruperto Gomez. When the merchant asks what they’re trading Ric says “stolen money.” The merchant gets alarmed and says they’ve got the wrong guy. He doesn’t do that sort of thing. Ric says he’s looking to launder some loot and the merchant again tells him he isn’t their guy. Ric and Mario act surprised and start musing aloud how Mancera and Lafont must have deceived them, told them to come to this guy, that he helped them sell their stuff to “that pirate.” The Merchant smiles and says that he’s no government agent; he’s just careful and doesn’t want to get involved in shady deals with people he doesn’t know. The rum arrives and the merchant serves himself and adds helpfully that he knows one of the guys that Ric mentioned, La Font. He did help him in a previous transaction. “But only as an intermediary.” Ric suggests that he could help them too. The merchant seems agreeable to the idea. But he can’t help them if they are in a big hurry. He explains that he has to send a letter to the Antilles and then wait for the reply. That could take awhile. Ric says that La Font spoke of a guy named “Foreman.” Mario nods sagely. The merchant says he doesn’t know. “He’s some pirate or corsair. Who else would buy stolen Spanish money?” Ric laughs and agrees “Only a pirate!” The three clink glasses.

Next we see Ascanio, who has made his way to the countryside, looking for Bernabe. He arrives at a stone house where a couple of children are playing outside. A rooster crows in the background. Ascanio bends down to tell a little girl that he’s come from San Fernando. He asks for “Dona Celia.” The little girl says she’ll go get her Mama. A woman comes out in a few seconds with a baby on her hip. Ascanio tells her he’s looking for her cousin Bernabe. “Have you seen him?” The woman looks suspicious and says no while nervously shaking her head. The baby starts fussing. Ascanio pleads with her—he tells her he doesn’t want trouble with Bernabe, only to talk to him. “A woman is in great danger if he doesn’t find him and talk to him.” The woman relents. She tells him that he was there but he left. He went to another relative’s house. Ascanio checks the list he’s carrying and finds the name, an Uncle Demetrio (?). The woman tells him that he left three days ago. Ascanio thanks her and leaves. As soon as he goes the woman goes inside and there’s Bernabe, sitting there with a bottle of wine, looking a little rough for a guy who just stole a pile of money. She tells him that a guy came looking for him. Bernabe is alarmed and asked if it was Vasco. She tells him no, he had dark hair. She’s freaked out and wants him to leave. Clearly he’s messed with important people and she doesn’t want trouble. She has enough problems on her own. Bernabe snarks that sure she has problems with two kids and no husband. She sure can use the money he’s given her. The cousin says she’s grateful but she’s worried about Ascanio coming back. Which no doubt he’ll do when he finds out at Demetrio’s that she lied about Bernabe going there. Bernabe says if he comes back, just repeat that story. He tells her to stop bothering him. He’ll leave but he has to think of where to go next. The cousin is placated with his answer.

At Mansion Mancera, Ursula is sticking her little jeweled pins in her hair while Fortunata rips her for primping to go to see Santiago. Ursula says that she’s going to go bring a gift to Ines for her wedding. Fortunata tells her that if she’s thinking of trying to seduce Santiago, she’s not going to help her cover it up. Ursula grabs her parasol and says she’s going. Fortunata tells her she’s going with her and runs after her.

Camila and Jimena pay a visit to the Camila’s house where the young maid who replaced Clotilde, Candela (?) is happy to see them. (Pablo and the other pirate—the guy who played Frank on Duelo de Pasiones who are still shadowing them, wait outside). Candela gives a report about the house being dusty since nobody’s there. Only the gardener has been by to water the plants, nobody else. She leaves and Camila remarks to Jimena as she sits by the fountain next to her potted roses that she feels more at comfortable there than at Ricardo’s. Jimena comments that it’s probably just a matter of getting used to the other place. Camila says that she wishes that Ricardo would have moved in with her. Jimena laughs and says, “What would people have said?” Camila says at this point in her life, she really doesn’t care what people think. “I’m married to a pirate!” Go figure!” She sighs and says misses him. She misses his presence, his strength. Jimena smiles at her and says “You really love him, don’t you?” Camila smiles and says “Yes.” They laugh. Jimena recalls how she suggested that she sleep with him on the boat on the way to La Mariana Island. They have a flashback to the ship. Both of them looking pretty grimy, torn clothes and tangled hair. Rick tries to apologize for having their wrists tied and he even tries to put a cloth under the rope on Camila’s to keep it from cutting her. She grabs it in her teeth and rips it away. Back in the present, they can laugh about it. “And what turns life gives,” says Jimena that you would end up marrying him.” Camila suddenly is sad. She misses him and wants him back at her side, never to leave again. Jimena smiles understandingly and sighs.

Ursula is still making her way out of the palace, with Fortunata dogging her. Ursula complains that she doesn’t need a nanny to accompany her. Fortunata tells her she does. Just then Sofia arrives with Tita and asks what the fuss is about. Ursula downplays the dispute and tries to sail out. Sofia says “aren’t you going to greet your daughter?” Ursula doesn’t skip a beat and says “Have a nice day, Tita!” on her way out. The little girl looks crestfallen.

Ric and Mario are now out riding in the countryside. They are conferring about what they’ve learned from the Merchant. They need more than just one merchant’s word for the bureaucratic Spanish justice system, if he’s going to get a pardon, especially if the accused is Don Jorge Mancera. Mario asks what happens if he puts all the blame on Pancho. Ric says no way, he will have the complete truth to give to his godfather. Mario suggests that on the way back to San Fernando, they stop and see Pancho. Pirate central (La Paisana’s town) is right in between them and the town. Ric agrees.

Back to Ursula and Fortunata on their way to see Santiago. They come upon Ofelia who is giving out a home remedy to a blind guy. Ursula asks after Santiago and Ofelia tells her that he’s gone to Ricardo’s on an errand for Dona Lis. Fortunata explains that Ursula came with a wedding gift for Ines. Ofelia says that she needn’t have but..she goes to get Ines but Ursula says not to bother, she can just give it to Ofelia to give to her. Fortunata asks about Justo and Ofelia tells her that he’s doing well. After exchanging more pleasantries, the two women leave Ofelia. As soon as they are a short distance away, Ursula is complaining that Lis has become enchanted with Santiago. Fortunata tsks tsks her, saying that no woman gets enchanted with a married guy. Ursula gets to thinking that Santiago didn’t go there to see Lis, he went to see Camila. It reminds her of how angry she is that Camila stole Ricardo from her. Fortunata shakes her head disapprovingly.

We are treated to a view of the mountain terrain as Mario and Ric scope out pirate central which apparently lies in a valley. Through the scope they see a lot of people and movement, including, FOREMAN himself. They are both impactados that Foreman would show up in Mexico. Neither has any idea why he’s there. Mario thinks it’s risky to go there now. Ric doesn’t think so. He wants to ask him what he’s doing there. Mario says he’d like to do the same. They go.
Over at Ric’s mansion, Santiago and the twins have brought an enormous chest and have stashed it in the ladies’ bedroom. After Lis is done feeling it, she searches for the words to describe what she doesn’t like about it. Santiago suggests that she wanted something more refined. He says that he can get a carpenter over to upholster it with fabric. Lis likes the sound of that. Santiago says that in the meantime, they can use it, since he’s brought the keys. He holds them out to Fran who rejects them, saying that he can show Lis. He kneels down with her and lets her feel the keys, that one is smaller than the other. He shows her how one fits and then the other. The twins look on as if to say, awww, how cute! Fran looks on looking totally disgusted. He holds the chest open for her while she feels around inside. She compliments his workmanship. (Or sniffs his armpit as her head is right under his arm as he holds the lid.)

Back at Ofelia’s, Ofelia is working on the wedding dress. Ines comes in. She makes some remark that I couldn’t hear about being tired. Ines spies the present on the table and is immediately elated. When Ofelia mentions it’s from Ursula, the smile vanishes even quicker. She suggests that it’s straight from hell. Ofelia upbraids her for her lack of gratitude. Ines pulls the ribbon and flips the top off, while barely touching it. Inside are some little porcelain figurines. Ines is sure that she means some nastiness by it. That woman is a Messalina.

[Ah those Spaniards and their classical education—from Wikipedia: Valeria Messalina[1], sometimes spelled Messallina, (c. 17/2048) was Roman Empress as the third wife of Emperor Claudius. A powerful and influential woman with a slatternly reputation, she conspired against her husband and was executed when the plot was discovered.]

Ofelia asks Ines what happened with Camila. Ines tells her that she signed the docs but that Ric has to sign too. She hopes to God he refuses. Ofelia agrees. She says although It would be a great joy to Justo [to get the mill back] it will go very badly for her, if the worst comes to pass [with the discovery of the letter]. Ines adds that Vasco is upset about it. Ofelia says, “as well he should be.” “If he hadn’t been tempted by greed, none of this would be happening.” Ines says that Vasco’s very sorry and he’s changed a lot since his father’s illness. Ofelia smiles wanly at her daughter. The two women turn to focus their attention on the dress.

At Ric’s, two maids are scrubbing the hallway floor. Santiago asks if he can see Camila. A maid goes to get her. He asks the twins to wait outside. Santiago tells her that he’s heard that she signed [for the Mill] but that the document lacks her husband’s signature. She nods. Santiago rags on her for signing. She complains that nobody seems to understand why she’s doing it. Santiago says it’s because they are all worried for her. He gives her a look and she stares back at him. He says that he guesses it’s no good asking her to withdraw her signature. She says that she’s made her decision and that’s that. She’s tired of hearing people’s opinions. He says OK and walks out, where he is seen by Fran, who drags Lis into an alcove. After Camila walks out. Fran explains that she just saw them together in the Salon. Lis is elated. “I told you so!” she says and laughs.

At Pirate Central, Foreman is conferring with La Paisana. He is trying to convince her that he’s on a pleasure trip but she sounds skeptical. I guess Pirates don’t usually go on vacations. She asks what happens if he gets recognized. Risk is part of life, he says. Foreman’s baggage shows up and he asks La Paisana if she’s got a decent room he can stay in, one without fleas. She laughs and says, “yeah one without fleas, but with lice and ticks and without water.” She walks away and Foreman complains to his pirate companion that the place is unhealthy. The pirate adds “and full of mosquitoes.” Foreman commands him to go and find a coach that can take them to Veracruz tomorrow. The pirate is confused. He thought that Foreman wanted to go to San Fernando. Foreman says they’ll go there later. First, he wants to see the city and the fortifications it has, one never knows [when such information will be useful.] As pirate camp followers sidle up to them, they walk off.

At mansion Mancera, in the zaguan, Dona Sofia is balancing some books when Fortunata comes in, with a hang-dog expression. She’s come to inform on Ursula. Sofia asks where they went. “Shopping?” Fortunata admits they went to the blacksmiths, but on an errand to drop off Ines’ wedding present. Sofia gets a dark look. Fortunata says that they didn’t see him, but yes she went there on that mission. Instead, they dropped the package off with Ofelia. Fortunata tells Sofia that Ursula is willful and she doesn’t know how they are going to be able to control her. Sofia says she KNOWS what they are going to do. Something DRASTIC.

Back at Pirate central, Foreman sits at a table with Juancho and the boys. Juancho fills him in on how things are going—well. They have a laugh. Foreman is skeptical that they can come and go as they please, looking like the pirates they are but Juancho says they’ve paid off guards and a bunch of other people and so don’t have to worry about their movements. Lazaro is at the table and Foreman asks him why he’s not with El Antillano. Lazaro complains that he left El Antillano because he turned into a COWARD. Foreman spits his beer across the table upon hearing this. But in a nice save, he complains that it’s the beer. He tells La Paisana to bring him something else. She recommends the Mescal. He agrees. Juancho fills in some more background. He says that El Antillano showed up about a month ago in Pirate town, with all his men. He was looking for a wagon that had all his belongings. He accused them of stealing it but they had only stolen a bunch of mules that night and they were busy trying to keep them together. Juancho asks for corroboration from his mates and they agree. Juancho then explained that there is another band of robbers working the area, well armed although not as fast and smart as them! His men errupt in a cheer when they hear Juancho singing their praises. Lots of backslapping folllows.

At that moment, Ric and Mario ride up. Upon hearing the noise outside, Foreman asks what’s up. Juancho brushes it off but Lazaro gets up to see what’s going on. Foreman looks nervous.
Outside, Lazaro sees Ric and challenging him, asks what he’s there for. Ric says “To kill you.” and advances on him. Lazaro says ”nobody has it easy.” (a nadie le tiene la vida comprada). As they draw closer, Lazaro suddenly does a hip check on Ric that knocks him to the ground. Rick uses his legs to propel himself up again, using Lazaro’s body as leverage. Pretty soon Ric has him under control, with his foot on his sword hand and Ric’s sword under Lazaro’s chin. Didn’t take long at all. Lazaro is humiliated in front of his buddies (and Foreman, who has come outside) once again. It turns out to be the last time. Amid cries of “kill him” and “finish it,” Ric slices his throat open. As Lazaro falls to the ground, somebody yells “well done.” I guess Lazaro wasn’t a popular guy. Ric administers the coup de grace.

[ Foreman and La Paisana exchanged some words right before this happened--he says something about Lazaro and she says “No.”—if someone could fill me in, that would be great. I tried several times to get it and couldn’t with the background noise and yelling].

Foreman applauds as Ric comes up to him. He tells Ric that he had heard that he had lost his edge. But he can see that he’s the same as ever—fast and effective. He puts a hand on his shoulder and Ric does the same and agrees. He does the same to greet la Paisana.

Ascanio has arrived back from his search for Bernabe. He greets Santiago. At first he pretends that it was just a trip around the countryside. Santiago pulls him aside and asks him about the search for Bernabe. Santiago isn’t too happy that Ascanio hadn’t confided in him as to the real purpose of his journey before he left. Ascanio tells him that he understands but he wasn’t sure if he was in the loop on the letter. It wasn’t his place to tell him. Ascanio says he made a mistake in not telling him. Santiago agrees and wants him to be honest with him in the future. So—what happened with Bernabe? Ascanio tells Santiago he didn’t find him.

We hop back to Pirate central where the buxom wenches are serving food, to Ric, Mario, Foreman and the others. They are talking pirate biz. Although the land operations are good, Foreman relates how sea piracy is winding down. Merchant ships travel well armed these days and are hard to attack. They travel in flotillas guarded by the navy. The gulfs are patrolled by ships. Not too many pirates are left. “That’s why you are robbing the caravans” finishes Ric. Foreman says, extra money is always good. Ric adds that he uses other people too, besides these guys. Foreman says yes, and if he’d like, he can cut him in…Juancho jumps in at this point to disagree. He’s got his group and he doesn’t want El Antillano joining it. Plus there will be less for the rest of them. Ric hastily says that he’s not interested in joining the land pirates. Foreman says he should be—he’s heard that there was a robbery in which all HIS gold got taken. Ric says yes, but he’s going to be getting it back. Foreman is intrigued by the sound of that. He asks what Ric is doing there and Ric reminds him of a letter he sent telling him about the family matter that brought him there. Foreman says he remembers. Ric goes on to tell him that he’s on his way back to San Fernando. “And you?” he asks Foreman. Foreman gives him the line about wanting a rest. They laugh. The bagpipe group and the girl singer come up to the table and La Paisana gets up to dance.

After the commercial break, we can see that time has passed, the pirates have left the table and the women are just about done clearing up. Mario stands around talking to La Paisana while they are smoking and drinking wine. She asks him about Pablo. Mario says he’s fine, “like new.” He asks why she doesn’t go see him. She says no. She doesn’t think he would want to see her. Mario says, “you never know. A lot of years have passed and things change. “ La Paisana is silent. Mario changes the subject to Foreman and what he might be up to. La Paisana repeats the line about “a vacation” but she says she doesn’t believe him. Mario asks if he’s staying here. If he’s waiting for somebody. LP says that she has the idea that he’s leaving tomorrow. “Where to?” asks Mario. LP says she doesn’t know. She calls the girls over to help her finish cleaning up.

Foreman and Ric are walking around outside the tavern. Foreman has an idea of pulling off one big pirate caper before retiring from piracy, maybe in Veracruz or Campeche. Ric looks interested. Foreman says he should need the money after having all his booty stolen. He guesses that Ric must have investigated who stole it. Does he have an idea of who did it? Ric shakes his head. No. Foreman presses him more on why he’s there and Ric insists it was the family matter that brought him there. Foreman pushes some more—he’s been here a long time. Ric says that things became complicated. Foreman gives up trying to get more info out of him and tells him to think about his offer. Ric promises that he will. “And don’t be thinking about giving me up to the Spanish” says Foreman. Ric says no way and he’ll let him know if he thinks he’s in danger. But, he adds, that Foreman knows how it is, everybody’s got to watch out for themselves. Foreman agrees. And while they are on the subject of information, Foreman is curious about how he happened to come by Pirate central while he was there. Ric is non-committal—it just happened to be on his path. He smiles broadly, giving nothing away.

It’s a henfest over at Ofelia’s. Inez is trying on her wedding dress. Jimena says Vasco will faint when he sees her. Rita, the wet blanket, calls her “skinny” and says she’d look better with a few more pounds. More feminine. Camila says no, she’ll fill out later, when she’s pregnant. They turn to talk of the dinner. Ofelia tells them that Dona Sofia is having the food prepared in the kitchens at the palace. The women are all giggly and happy except for the sullen Rita. When talk turns to Camila, what she’s wearing etc. and then to Ricardo’s absence, Rita starts an interrogation “Where does he go? What does he do?” Camila looks uncomfortable. She says that he’s looking for a ranch, land to work. Rita suddenly cracks a smile. “You’re going to be leaving town!, If he’s gone this long, it must not be around here.” Camila tells her she doesn’t really know. Ofelia reproaches her for sticking her nose in other people’s business. Rita complains that it is her business, Camila is her sister. Ofelia says she knows but that doesn’t give her the right to poke in nose in her sister’s husband’s business. Rita shoots a martry look at Ofelia but says nothing. Camila looks serious, Ines and Jimena go back to being happy.

Next we are in the street. La Font has finally arrived back in town and arrives in a coach back to his house. He plops in a chair in his salon and says he wants a bath and decent food. He asks about his daughter. The Majordomo who is still holding his saddlebags fills him in. While he was gone, thieves broke in. La Font hits the ceiling, asking what was stolen, if they did anything to his daughter. The Mayordomo says that nothing appeared to have been taken and his daughter never saw them. He goes on to say that Don Jorge told Manuela to stay at the palace, in case they came back. La Font is freaked.

Ric and Mario are riding back to town. Ric tells Mario about Foreman’s offer to join him in a big raid on a large city. He says that there will be enough booty to retire. Mario thinks it’s a great idea. He needs the money, the boys do too. It’s been years since they’ve gotten a big haul. And it’s not just the boys, the widows and orphans all depend on his pirate productivity. Ric agrees. But he doesn’t like making his living this way. Killing people to feed his people. Leaving widows and orphans of others. Mario is scornful. He says “how are you going to make a living? As a merchant? Don’t make me laugh.” He finishes up. “THIS is our life, CAPTAIN.” Ric gives him a dark look, slaps his horse and rides on. Mario follows.

Back at Santiago’s, Rita and Santi are in their bedroom. Rita fills Santiago in on the wedding dress party. She cracks again about how skinny Ines is. Santiago is getting dressed up and Rita asks where he is going. Santiago says he’s going to talk to Padre Agustin to make the final arrangements for the wedding. She remarks about why he has bothered to change his clothes. Santiago says it’s out of respect. She acts like she thinks he’s going somewhere else. He tells her that’s all but she still won’t let it go and comments that he doesn’t usually change from his work clothes to go to church. She changes the subject to ask if he knows anything about Ric going to buy land out of town. Santiago says he doesn’t know anything. Rita gossips that she doesn’t believe it. She thinks that Ric is involved in something else. Plus there are all those guys hanging around the house. For what? Santiago tells her that everyone has all the employees they want. He ties his little green scarf around his neck. Rita decides that this is the moment to unload about everything that’s on her mind. She starts complaining about how his mother and sister are constantly criticizing her. Santiago finally lets loose. He tells her that it’s she who won’t listen. Instead she goes around badmouthing everybody. He doesn’t know what happened to her. She used to be accommodating, modest and a good Christian woman. Rita explodes. She says “don’t you know what happened?” Santiago cuts her off. He knows where she is going. She wants to blame Camila for her bad temper. He tells her that he’s not going to fall into her trap. He’s ending the conversation. He takes off. She yells after him “You can’t get her out of your mind, can you?” After he’s gone, she shuts the door and she curses her sister, saying, what do I have to do? Kill you? Suddenly she’s afraid of what she just said and kneels down in front of the crucifix in the room asking God to forgive her.

Meanwhile, La Font is busy trying to figure out what was stolen. He checks his money, which is all there. Suddenly he goes to his correspondence and sees what’s missing. He gets a somber look and says aloud “Damn! They took the letters!”
Next time, Jorge tells LaFont that while he was gone Foreman sent a letter saying that he was coming. La Font panics. There is no reason for Foreman to show up now. And boda!! Vasco and Ines get hitched. Will Ric make the wedding? He ‘d better because he and Camila are supposed to be the witnesses.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

La Traicion, Episode 13

Soledad and Lucas-
S: I didn’t know you were capable of confronting mama that way. And you did it for me. Forgive me.
L: The only one who should ask forgiveness here is me. You know, daughter, for many years, I have permitted your mother to make all the decisions in this house. And to avoid arguments, I let her mistreat you.
S: For a while, I thought you agreed with her about having me marry Alcides and that’s why..
L: That’s why you decided to run away.
S: Yes, I was very angry. Papa, I understand what you are doing for me but I don’t want to leave my mother alone.
L: She can still change her mind. She has to understand that a house or position are not what is important. (He pulls the covers up on the still fully dressed Soledad) Tomorrow, we will go to your Aunt Antonia.

S: Papa, thank you. I know that if Hugo could see you, he would thank you for all you have done for me and our baby. Thanks for your help and support. I love you.
L: And I love you. (He leaves.)
S: (sighing) Hugo. If you were here, everything would be so different.

At Dr. Max’s, Hugo is barely able to climb the stairs to get out of the amphitheater leaving the sleeping/fainted Burkes behind.

[What is the matter with Hugo? We learned earlier that absent the medicines from Germany or keeping his body temperature up in the thermal chamber, a person with catalepsy like Hugo gets terrible pain in his muscles when he wakes up from an attack. Hugo had a very long attack here without anything that would lessen the effect when he woke up so he is in bad shape. In our timeline from Episode 12, it’s early Monday morning.]

The next morning, Soledad and Lucas are getting ready to leave. Úrsula wants to go with her but Soledad says that Ester can’t be left alone. She says that she doesn’t want to leave Úrsula but she is sure that they will be together again soon. Úrsula asks if Soledad is going to see Don Hugo at the cemetery. Soledad says that she plans to stop there on her way out of town. Lucas asks Úrsula to call Ester to say goodbye. Úrsula says that Ester went out very early without telling anyone.

Ester and Alcides in Hugo’s house-
E: You have to help me and keep her here. If Soledad doesn’t marry you, Manrique will take the house. Please lend me the money and I will convince Soledad to marry you.
A: Doña Ester, my inheritance is in probate. I can’t spend any of it.
E: There must be a way.
A: I will find a way to get the money.
E: Thanks Alcides. I knew that I could count on you. You are the son I never had.
Alcides escorts her out. We see that Paquito has overheard the conversation.

At Dr. Max’s-
Dr. Max: How could Hugo de Medina be gone? Dead men don’t walk! You are useless. You weren’t even capable of digging him up.
G: Of course we were capable of digging him up. I myself put him on that table.
H: It was the worst thing that I have seen in my life. What I saw in front of me was like a living cadaver or a dead cadaver, I don’t know.
Dr.: Hugo de Medina alive? Could it be that Hugo suffers from …?
H: Could it be that Hugo was resurrected? Is that it?
Dr.: Shut up! Go after him. He can’t have gotten far.
G: No señor. The deal was to bring him here.
Dr.: If Hugo de Medina opens his mouth, everyone will know that we dig up corpses from the cemetery and we’ll hang. Get going!
Los Burke leave.

Hugo staggers through the woods, falling repeatedly. He falls and lying on the ground says, “I have to tell her I’m alive. I have to tell her I’m alive.” He gets ups and staggers on.

Alcides and Duarte-
A: Duarte, I’m glad I ran into you. I’ve been looking for you. I have a very important and sensitive matter to discuss with you.
D: What is it?
A: It appears that Boris was attacked last night. I say “it appears.” He was carrying a large amount of my brother’s money.
D: That’s not surprising. He was Hugo’s confidential employee.
A: He was absconding with it. You should arrest him.
D: I will arrest him but I need to have proof that he did it.
A: I will get the proofs but I suggest that you act as soon as possible so that he doesn’t escape.
Paquito has overheard this. He follows Alcides but Alcides is waits for him and asks at gunpoint why Paquito is following him.

Soledad and Lucas-
L: It hurts me not to be able to say goodbye to your mother, but it was she who made that decision.
S: Papa, I know how important she is to you. You will miss her, right?
L: When we met, she was different, gentle and humble. I believe that over the years she has changed but even so I still love her.
S: Papa, you should go back. Don’t worry about me.
L: No, Soledad, if I take this decision it’s not because I don’t love your mother but because I think that it is the best for everyone. Like you, I think this separation will help me. I will be fine. You’ll see.
S: I hope so.

Paquito and Alcides-
P: Please don’t point your gun at me.
A: You haven’t answered my question.
P: I only wanted to talk to you.
A: To accept the offer I made to you?
P: Not exactly. Let me ask you a question. Why do you want to harm Boris? What has he done to injure you? I inadvertently overheard what you said to Inspector Duarte but you are completely wrong. Boris bought the property on the orders of your brother.
A: How do you know that?
P: Very simple. That beautiful hacienda belongs to friends of mine. What do you gain by this? Why do you want to injure your brother’s most faithful servant?
A: I don’t want to injure anyone. I am simply looking after my own interests.
P: I understand. Now I will make you an offer. I have a counterproposal, if you will. When you pay me, I will write the article you always wanted but I need more money for my silence, you understand?
A: For your own good, I hope that you know how to keep your mouth shut.

Hugo is still stumbling along in the woods. He falls. At that moment, Soledad’s carriage passes by. He calls to her out loud and psychically.

Soledad orders the carriage to stop.

Lucas asks what is the matter. “I thought he was ... No, it’s nothing,” she says, “Let’s go to the cemetery so I can say goodbye to Hugo before I go. Let’s go.” The carriage continues on. Hugo keeps staggering forward.

Boris is in bed and Marina is taking care of him-
M: Some men wounded you when you were returning and I rescued you.
B: Yes, I remember that.. but I also remember… but I must been dreaming.
M: No, I also told you that Señor Hugo died.
B: (desperately) Tell me that he hasn’t been buried! Please Marina.
M: We buried him, Boris, yesterday afternoon. You have to be strong.
B: (sobbing) Nooo! Noo!

Still in the woods, Hugo rests leaning against a tree. Guillermo comes up behind him and hits him with a big stick. Hugo falls down unconscious. Los Burke reassure themselves that Hugo is really flesh and blood and then they drag him off to Dr. Max’s.

Boris and Marina-
Boris tries to get up.
B: I have to go to the cemetery.
M: No Boris, don’t be foolish.
B: Marina, you don’t understand.

Alcides and Manrique:
M: I assume you are here to pay the debt that your future father in law owes me. Isn’t that so?
A: I have come to warn you about the danger you are running with your business right now.
M: Danger? What kind of danger?
A: Soledad doesn’t want to marry me so it seems that the Obragóns will not pay the debt.
M: That doesn’t bother me too much. I have the house to pay off the debt.
A: Hurry up because the Obragóns are leaving the city very soon.
M: Then I should pay them a visit.
A: You should teach them a lesson, Manrique. A lesson about not playing games with you.
M: Alcides, what is your sudden interest in giving me advice?
A: I am getting back at them because they fooled me. They made me believe that Soledad would marry me.

At Dr. Max’s-

Dr. Max is reading from a book, “Dr. Ernest von Chirac had made and extensive investigation of this disease...”
Helena and Guillermo enter carrying an unconscious Hugo. They put him on the examining table. [Poor Hugo is on one of Dr. Max’s examining tables for the third time but this time, Dr. Max knows his secret.]
Dr.: I can’t believe it. In front of my eyes is one of the great mysteries of nature.
H: I didn’t know you believed in demons, doctor.
Dr.: Hugo de Medina isn’t a demon. On the contrary, he is very fragile. He suffers from a strange disease called catalepsy.
G: What is that doctor, cataluky?
H: Don’t be an idiot, Guillermo. Catalepsy is strange disease about which little is known. Those who suffer from it mix up colors, white for yellow, red for black, (to Dr. Max) isn’t that right?
Dr.: You are ignorant, Helena. Those who suffer from catalepsy appear to be dead. The patient’s breathing is imperceptible and the heart beats as infrequently as possible. I never imagined that you suffered from catalepsy, Hugo de Medina.

Hugo’s house-
Inspector Duarte comes to detain Boris.
B: What are you talking about, Inspector?
Inspector: Señor Alcides has accused you of taking money from his brother.
B: That’s ridiculous. Don Hugo sent me to buy a property with that money. (He has trouble standing)
I: And the documents evidencing the transaction?
B: They are in the saddlebags of my horse.
I: In that case, I have no alternative but to ask you to accompany me.
M: I’m sorry. You can’t take Boris from this house. He’s very weak.
I: Don’t interfere.
Paquito comes in, “What is going on here! Inspector, mind your manners. What are the police doing in this house?” Marina says that the police want to arrest Boris for something he didn’t do.
Boris takes the opportunity to escape when the police are distracted.
Paquito: Inspector, what happened? The prisoner escaped? What a pity.

Obragón house:
Ester responds to a knock on the door and Manrique and his men barge in. He orders them to take all the stuff in the house. Ester yells at them to stop; they have an agreement. Manrique says that their agreement is broken because she didn’t do her part. She let Soledad leave town without telling him and Soledad doesn’t want to marry Alcides. Manrique tells his men to take the furniture first.
E: I promise you that when my daughter comes back she will marry Alcides.
M: I can’t wait any longer. I’ve been very patient with you but no more.
E: (tries to stop them.) Over my dead body. (Manrique’s men hit her and push her to the ground.) (to Úrsula) Go for help before they take everything in the house. (Úrsula leaves.)

Dr. Max gives Hugo an injection to keep him asleep for a while. He prepares to go out. Los Burke ask him not to leave them alone with Hugo again. Dr. Max says that Hugo is drugged. He can’t do anything to them. He says that he has to go out for more sedatives. In order to study Hugo, he has to keep him sedated. Los Burke ask Dr. Max when he plans to pay them for bringing Hugo to him. Dr. Max says that he won’t pay them a dime. They start to leave. Dr. Max says that they are all in this together. If they don’t want to end up on the gallows, they need to make sure Hugo doesn’t escape again.

Soledad and Lucas are surprised to find Hugo’s grave all messed up.

Soledad says that she has a premonition, she can’t explain it. She believes that Hugo isn’t there anymore. At that moment, Úrsula comes running up to say that Manrique is taking everything from the house. They all leave to return to the house.

Arturo and Doña Gladis visit Beatriz in the asylum-
The doctor says that her emotional state is very delicate. She had a crisis the night before. They had no alternative but to sedate her. She was very violent. Arturo asks the doctor if he knows what caused her crisis. He asks if she mentioned Hugo de Medina. Arturo says that when he told Beatriz earlier that Hugo was dead, she was very upset. The doctor replies that he doesn’t know what caused Beatriz to have a crisis. All he knows is that she was saying over and over that she knows who did this to her. Gladis says that Beatriz came to the sanatorium to get better and that doesn’t seem to be happening. She asks if he doctor knows what he is doing. Gladis tells the doctor to do whatever is necessary to make Beatriz better and she orders that Beatriz not be restrained.

A desperate and crying Boris arrives at the cemetery with a shovel-
B: Don Hugo, please forgive me. Don Hugo.. I should never have left you! All this is my fault .. please.. forgive me. I have to do this. I have to do this. I am sorry but I have to do this. I have to dig you up, Don Hugo. I only hope that your death didn’t have anything to do with your catalepsy, Don Hugo.

Marina is crying and talking about Boris with Paquito-
M: It’s not fair about Boris. First Don Hugo dies and he can’t go to the burial, then he is attacked and now he is arrested.
P: Why are you so sure of his innocence?
M: Because I know him. Because he is an honest man who has worked for many years in this house, because he was Hugo’s trusted servant, because he is incapable of doing this. Please, help him, Paquito.
P: Of course, dear but stop crying. I can’t promise anything but I will try and help your man. You love him a lot, right? I need to think. Bring me some tea. (Marina leaves) Many interesting things are happening in this city, Francisco Javier and you are going to make them work to your advantage.

Inspector Duarte comes to the cemetery in response to reports that Miguel, the watchman and gravedigger, has disappeared. He sees Boris digging up Hugo’s grave.

Manrique’s men are loading up a wagon with furniture. Ester begs Manrique to give her a chance to pay the debt but Manrique doesn’t believe that would ever happen. Soledad, Lucas and Úrsula coming running up. Soledad argues with Manrique about his right to do this but he pushes Soledad to the ground. Lucas attacks Manrique but Lucas has what appears to be heart attack and falls to the ground.

Soledad sends Úrsula for a doctor. She asks Manrique if he is happy about what has happened. Manrique refuses to leave without being sure the debt will be paid. At that moment, Alcides arrives with the police and tells Manrique that he is acting illegally. He can’t take the Obragón’s stuff without an order from a judge. Soledad thanks Alcides and goes inside with her father. Manrique tells Alcides that now he understands what this was all about. Alcides has used him to look like a hero to make points with Soledad. Alcides replies that the ends justify the means.

At the cemetery, Inspector Duarte tells Boris to stop what he is doing. It is a crime and he has an arrest warrant for Boris. Boris faints.

The doctor says that Lucas has to rest. He has had a heart attack but he is stable. The doctor tells Ester and Soledad that from now on they must keep Lucas from being agitated or upset. It could kill him. The doctor leaves.
E: You realize Soledad, that this is all your fault. I begged you to help us and you didn’t. You thought I made the whole thing up and now look at what has happened.
L: Don’t blame her, Ester. Come here, daughter.
S: Forgive me, Papa.
L: None of this is your fault. Go away from here. Tell Jacinto to take you to your Aunt Antonia.
E: Lucas, please. Those men nearly killed me. What more does it take for you two to change your minds?
S: Mother is right. You are close to my heart. I care about you and I can’t abandon you. I can’t do that. Forgive me.
L: You can’t stay here and suffer. You have the right to give your child a peaceful life.
S: Now I understand my destiny. It’s time that I did something for you. Mother, tell Alcides to come in.

At Dr. Max's Helena and Guillermo want Dr. Max to pay them and leave. They are arguing across a corpse covered by a sheet. “I don’t like what the doctor has in mind for Don Hugo,”says Guillermo, “He’s going keep him sedated to do who knows what.” Helena suggests that they tell Alcides that Hugo is alive. He will give them a lot of money for saving Hugo’s life. Guillermo is impressed with this idea. On the examining table next to the one they are standing over, Hugo manages to say, “No. Alcides, no.” Los Burke come over to where he is. “Help me get out of here,” begs Hugo, “Help me.”

Lucas begs Soledad to leave before it’s too late. He swears that he will take care of her mother and solve all their problems. Soledad says that she won’t leave him alone. Alcides comes in and asks Don Lucas how he is feeling. “Alcides,” says Soledad, “I have asked you to come in here because I have something to tell you and I want my parents to be witnesses. My family is the most important thing to me and for them and for their peace of mind, I have decided to marry you.
A: You will not regret having accepted me, Soledad. I have always loved you.. always, always, always. And I’m sure that with time and a little luck, you will feel the same for me.
S: That will never happen. I will marry you but my heart will never be yours.
E: Don’t say that, Soledad.
S: I will never feel for anyone else the love that I felt for Hugo, mother. No one can replace him.
A: It is too soon to talk that way. With time and a little luck, you will love me.
S: Never! If I marry you, it is only because of what has happened. I will save my parents’ house and you can say that I am your wife. But never - do you understand - never will I be yours.
E: You have to do your duties as a wife.
L: Leave her alone, Ester! Soledad is sacrificing herself for us. My child, it’s your life, your future. Don’t sacrifice it this way.
A: Your father is right, Soledad. My intention to make you happy is irrevocable but I won’t force you to do something you don’t want to do.
S: Papa, a little while ago, you were ready to sacrifice yourself for me. I can do something for you. Even thought it’s painful, what is important is that you are ok, that you get better, that my baby is born into stability.The rest doesn’t matter. (to Alcides) I will marry you Alcides if and only if you accept my conditions.

At Dr. Max’s-
Hugo: I have a proposition for you.
Guillermo says to wait and he goes and gets Hugo some water. [This is the first unselfish act by Guillermo towards Hugo and you can imagine how thirsty Hugo must be after nearly 48 hours without a drink. Later, we will see how Guillermo’s respect and admiration for Hugo separates him from Helena.]
Hugo: If you help me get out of here, I will give you a lot of money.
Helena: No, you only cause us problems. It would be better to tell Alcides.
Hugo: No. Alcides knew that I was ill and had me buried alive.
Guillermo: That’s horrible! That man is very bad.
(Helena pulls Guillermo aside.)
Helena: Dr. Max told us to watch him. We can’t start talking to him.
Guillermo: You yourself taught me that you should always listen to a business proposition.
Helena: We don’t need to have a business transaction with that man. (She realizes that she no longer has the ring they stole from the judge’s grave. Hugo calls Guillermo.)
Hugo: I owe you my life. I will pay you a lot of money.
Guillermo: Our future will be secure.

Gladis tells Arturo that Beatriz seems to get worse every day. He replies that it will take time for her to recover from what Hugo did to her. Gladis says in that case, she wants to take a house in the city to be able to take care of her daughter. Arturo says that he will take care of it. He tells Fabio to stop the carriage. He tells Gladis that he is going to see Dr. Max about hypnotizing Beatriz again. Gladis is scornful. She doesn’t believe in such things. After Arturo gets down from the carriage she curses Hugo de Medina and says that she hopes his soul is burning in hell.

Leaning over Hugo, Helena tells Dr. Max that Hugo has been telling them some strange things such as that Alcides had Hugo buried alive. Helena gives her diagnosis that Hugo crazy or is delirious. Dr. Max says that he has to keep Hugo unconscious. He is very strong and might try and escape. He approaches Hugo with a syringe. Hugo grabs Dr. Max’s wrist.

Dr. Max demands that Hugo let him go. He orders Los Burke to help him. At that moment Arturo is heard banging on the door and asking for Dr. Max.

Alcides and Soledad-
A: All right, Soledad, it will be as you say but I have conditions too. The first is … we will be married tomorrow.
E: That’s too soon. We just buried your brother. Can you imagine what people will say? It would make my daughter, you and our family look bad.
S: That is fine with me.
A: Second, we will live in Hugo’s house, Hugo’s former house because now it belongs to me and the third is that the child you are expecting will be registered in my name as if it were my child.
S: This is Hugo’s baby. Even if people point at me in the street, I won’t deny it.
E: What is the problem? He will have the last name of Medina either way and no one will know…
S: Mother, this isn’t about names. Hugo is the father of my child and that’s the end of the discussion.

Arturo keeps banging on the door. Dr. Max manages to free his wrist from Hugo’s grip. He puts down the syringe and goes upstairs to deal with Arturo. He tells Los Burke to tie Hugo up.

Alcides and Soledad-
A: Hang on here. Let’s stay calm. Soledad, what is it you want? Do you want the child to receive part of Hugo’s inheritance? That’s not a problem. Marry me and then you will get it.
S: Have some respect for me and my child. I’m not interested in Hugo’s estate. It’s a question of dignity.
A: What about my dignity? The whole city will be laughing at me for bringing up a child that isn’t mine. If you won’t accept my conditions, I won’t accept yours.
E: Soledad, Reconsider. What does it matter whether people think the child is Alcides' or not? He will still be your husband.
L: No! Don’t do it! It’s one thing to sacrifice yourself for us, it’s quite another to deny the truth to your child.
Lucas clutches his heart and gasps for breath.
A: Don Lucas, calm down!
S: Papa!
The credits roll.


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