Monday, February 11, 2008

La Traición - Episodes 7, 8 & 9

Episode 7

In the bar, Arturo announces that Beatriz has disappeared. She is highly strung and the announcement of Hugo’s engagement might have affected her. He asks those present to help him find her. The judge says that the whole city has been searched and there is no trace of her. Alcides comes in and says the he searched for her at the houses of her friends without success. Arturo says that the only option left is to search in the forest.

In the Obragón house, Ester says that it is dawn and Soledad hasn’t returned. She tells Lucas that she is sure Hugo took Soledad to his house and they have to go and look for her. Lucas says no. He sent a servant there and Hugo hasn’t returned either. Ester says that this is too much. First, they are humiliated in front of everyone by the announcement of their engagement and now this scandal. She is sure that everyone is talking about them. Lucas says that this time Soledad will have to face the consequences of what she had done.

In the cabaña, Hugo wakes Soledad up with a rose.
H: Good morning, my love [‘amor mío’].
S: My love…
H: I brought you breakfast.
S: Thank you. What a beautiful morning.
H: No more beautiful than you. We have to get ready to go see your parents.
S: I don’t ever want to leave here. I am afraid that this dream will end.
H: Don’t be afraid. From now on, your life will be different. I promise you. But your parents deserve an explanation and we will go now and give it to them.
S: They will never accept you.
H: If they don’t. I will accept your proposal and we will go to a beautiful church in a little town and get married.

Arturo is giving instructions on the search for Beatriz when she staggers into the taverna. Arturo asks her what happened. She says that she was raped. He hit her.. he was like a crazy person… Arturo asks who it was. Alcides fearfully waits for Beatriz’ answer. “Hugo de Medina,” says Beatriz, “Hugo de Medina raped me.” Alcides closes his eyes in relief and with the realization of what he has done to his brother. Arturo swears to Beatriz that he will kill Hugo with his own hands. The judge tells Arturo that things shouldn’t be resolved that way. He will tell the police to begin an investigation. Alcides tells that judge that Beatriz and Hugo disappeared during the fight at the club. He says that Hugo must have found Beatriz and attacked her. Beatriz reacts in fear when she sees Alcides. Alcides says that she must be confusing him with his brother.

The judge wants to have Beatriz seen by doctor Max. Alcides says that isn’t necessary – surely no one doubts the truth of Beatriz’ accusations. Alcides tells the judge that he is ashamed of this brother’s behavior. He whips up he crowd in the taverna by saying that Hugo has turned into a Casanova who doesn’t have any respect for women. Arturo interrupts and says that he will take Beatriz to see the doctor but if the law doesn’t deal with Hugo de Medina, he swears that he will do it himself.

Hugo and Soledad-
H: The carriage is ready. We can leave. (He holds out his hand to her.)
S: I’ve been thinking about my parents.
H: They are going to be angry, Soledad. It won’t be easy when we come back. They won’t be the only ones judging us. I think the whole city will be pointing fingers at us.
S: I don’t care. When I am with you, I don’t care. I love my parents but I won’t let anything separate us.
H: You have opened your heart to me and demonstrated how much you love me and I haven’t been equally frank.
S: Don’t say that. Or don’t you love me as much as you say?
H: I love you with all my soul but there is a secret in my life that I haven’t told you about. A secret that I fear could change things between us.
S: It is about another woman? Is there someone else?
H: Of course not, my love. It concerns my father.
S: I don’t care. Since you love me, I don’t care.
H: Soledad, I think it is very important that you know this.
S: There is plenty of time but don’t spoil this moment of happiness for something like that. It’s better to concentrate on what is important: for example, talking to my parents.
H: I love you.

Lucas returns to the house. “Look at what time it is and they still haven’t returned,” says Ester. Lucas says that he hoped to find Soledad here. Lucas asks where she could be. Ester says that undoubtedly she is rolling around with that animal somewhere. Lucas tells her not to speak that way about her daughter. Ester says that it hurts but it is the truth. She sees that Lucas is holding something behind his back. Ester snatches the newspaper and reads the story about the brawl at the party. As usual, she is concerned about what people will say and she blames everything on Hugo de Medina. Lucas says that Alcides is at fault too, he doesn’t know how to behave. Ester says that he could hardly be blamed after Hugo announced his engagement to Soledad. There is a knock on the door. It’s Nicolás Duarte, the police inspector. [I believe this is the only time we find out his first name. Inspector Duarte is honest but like most policemen on novelas, he’s worse than useless. He virtually never arrests the correct person and if he does, they always have to be released. And, of course, he frequently arrests the wrong person.] The Inspector says that he needs to speak to them urgently.

Doctor Max confirms that Beatriz was raped. Unfortunately, the shock of what happened has driven her crazy. She doesn’t remember what happened and she can’t tell fantasy from reality. She calls Arturo Hugo and says that she is glad he has come. Alcides asks if she can be cured. The doctor recommends that she be put in a sanatorium so she can get treatment.

The police tell Ester and Lucas that it appears that last night Hugo de Medina raped Beatriz. Lucas starts to say that it was impossible. Ester cuts him off. She says that of course, Hugo could have done it. He was drinking and out of control. The police say that several employees of the club have stated that Hugo left with their daughter. Ester denies this and says that their daughter returned home with them and is resting since they got home very late. The police say that in view of the importance of the matter, Soledad must be woken up.

Boris asks Úrsula what is the matter. He says that he hopes she isn’t fighting with Marina again. He has enough to deal with looking for Hugo. He went out last night and didn’t return. Úrsula says that she supposes it is about what it says in the newspaper. Boris reads that Hugo got in a fight with his brother in the middle of the party. She says that there is worse. She says that everyone in the market is saying that Beatriz was raped by Hugo last night.

Ester tells the police that Soledad is still asleep. Inspector Duarte says that when Soledad gets up, they will be waiting for her to come and make a statement at the police station. Her testimony is important in resolving the matter of Beatriz de Linares. The police leave. Lucas asks why Ester lied. Ester asks if he wants her to say that Soledad spent the night with Hugo de Medina. Lucas replies that if Soledad was with Hugo, that means that he didn’t have anything to do with the rape. Ester says that she won’t let Soledad testify in favor of Hugo for anything in the world. As far as Ester is concerned, that man should rot in jail before her family is exposed to shame.

There is a problem with Hugo’s carriage. He says that the wheel has to be changed or there is a risk that the axle might break. They hear another vehicle approaching. Hugo says they are in luck. They hail the cart. In the cart are a man and woman and a little girl. We will learn later that these are Jose, Lupe, his wife and their daughter, Aurora. Even outside the city, these people have heard about Beatriz and refuse to stop. Soledad wonders why they didn’t stop. She says that she has a bad feeling. Hugo tells her not to worry. They will continue on slowly.

Los Burke go to Dr. Max’s house. They hope that he will hire them to rob graves since otherwise they are flat broke. Guillermo wants Helena to let him speak to Alcides. He will invent something about Hugo’s house so that Alcides will pay them what he owes them. Helena emphatically says no. She doesn’t want anything to do with Hugo or Alcides. Speak of angels, Alcides comes out of Dr. Max’s. Helena tells Alcides that they did what he asked and ask to be paid. Alcides asks if they found anything in Hugo’s house that he could use. Los Burke say that they didn’t find anything although the house is haunted. Alcides asks why he should pay them when they didn’t do what he asked. He says that besides, he doesn’t need them anymore.

Alcides sees Hugo and Soledad go by in their carriage.

In the bar, Alcides tells the customers to gather around-
A: I need you to listen to me because I have something very delicate to tell you. Dr. Max examined Beatriz de Linares and confirmed that the poor woman was raped. In the name of the Medina family, I am ashamed of what I have to tell you –the man who is my brother. This man is the rapist. He has become a criminal..
Customer: Why do you say that about your own brother?
A: What would you say if your brother was a filthy rapist? What would you do if you knew he had raped your daughter or your girlfriend or your niece? I am ashamed to say it but my brother is a danger to all women. What happened to Beatriz could happen to any woman.
Crowd: We have to do something!
A: As a lawyer [first time we learn this], I doubt that the law can do anything. He is rich and can do what he wants, buy whomever he wants.
Crowd: We have to take justice into our own hands!

When Hugo and Soledad get back to town the mob tries to kill them. Hugo draws a gun and yells at them to get back.

Dr. Max wants Los Burke to bring him a new cadaver. He has students who need to practice. Los Burke say that no one has died recently. Dr. Max says that there will be a corpse very soon. Hugo de Medina will pay with his life for what he did to Beatriz de Linares. Los Burke asks what Hugo did. Dr. Max tells them to get gossip in the plaza. He is interested in Hugo’s death. Elena says that it is too bad. She won’t have anything to do with Hugo de Medina, alive or dead. Guillermo says that they would consider it if they received a good incentive. Dr. Max says that he will pay the most for Hugo’s corpse. He suffers from some terrible disease and Dr. Max says that he wants to know what it is.

Hugo tells the crowd to get back. He fires into the air and at the feet of the crowd. Boris makes his way to help defend Hugo and Soledad and they flee. Alcides watches, disappointed.

Arturo brings Beatriz home and tells Matilde to prepare a bath for her. Beatriz continues to rave and confuses Arturo with Hugo.

Boris tells Hugo and Soledad that Beatriz has accused Hugo of raping her. They understand why the people in the crowd acted the way they did.
H: I can’t believe that Beatriz’ obsession has gotten to the point where she would invent something like that.
S: I will go and speak to the authorities. They have to withdraw the charges. I was with Hugo. I will testify.
H: Listen, my love, I can’t let you be pointed out in public for having spent the night with me.
S: I don’t care what they say but I can’t permit any harm to come to you.
H: I will take care of it another way. Trust me. (to Boris) Take Soledad home.
S: I want to stay with you. I don’t want us to be separated.
H: No one will separate us. I promise that when this is all resolved, we will speak to your parents as we had planned. I love you.
S: I love you, too.
H: (to Boris) Take the forest road to avoid problems.

Arturo loads his gun. He says that he will make Hugo regret the day he was born. Los Burke are in the cemetery to ask Miguel, the gravedigger, if anyone has died recently. They see Arturo meeting with Fabio, his hired killer. They eavesdrop. Arturo tells Fabio to get some trustworthy men together to do a job for him. Fabio guesses that the job concerns Hugo de Medina. Unfortunately, his men don’t want to work for Arturo after he killed Herman. Arturo produces a large wad of money he says should be sufficient to stop Fabio’s men from crying over that useless coward. Fabio takes the money and asks what Arturo wants them to do. Arturo tells Fabio to get his men together and wait for his orders. Guillermo wants to follow Fabio but Elena says that Arturo’s plan is none of their business. Guillermo says that if Arturo is going to kill Hugo de Medina, he wants to be there.

Alcides tells Ester and Lucas that it is a fact that Beatriz’ dignity was sullied. Many people are looking for Hugo to lynch him. Soledad comes in and greets them. Ester says that this isn’t the time to come back to a decent home. Where has she been? Soledad says that she prefers not to give an explanation in front of strangers. Ester says that Alcides came to tell them about something that she should know also. “The supposed rape of Beatriz?” says Soledad, “That’s completely false.” Lucas says that Dr. Max proved that she wasn’t lying. She was abused last night after Hugo disappeared. Soledad says that she is sorry for the woman but it wasn’t Hugo. He would never do something so horrible. Alcides says that it isn’t necessary for her to defend Hugo. Soledad says that she knows perfectly well what she is saying. She says that she can prove he wasn’t involved because she was with Hugo last night. Ester almost faints. Soledad leaves. Ester asks Alcides to forgive them. He shouldn’t hear such things. Alcides says that the only important thing is Soledad. He doesn’t want to think about what it would like for her if she decides to defend Hugo publicly and how terrible it would be for Ester and Lucas if it were known that those two had been intimate.

Marina tells Inspector Duarte that Hugo is not a home. Duarte says that he wants to verify that for himself. Marina repeats that no one can enter without the permission of her master. Úrsula backs her up and defends Hugo’s house with a gun. Hugo arrives and tells her to lower the weapon. He will meet with these gentlemen.

Ester tells Lucas that none of this would have happened if Soledad had been sent to her Aunt Antonia but he let her stay. Lucas tells her to stop crying over spilt milk. They have to find a solution. Alcides agrees and says that the only thing to do is to get Soledad out of the city. She must not testify at a trial. Ester says that she will send Soledad to Lucas’ sister’s house even if they have to tie her up. Lucas says that Ester doesn’t seem to know her daughter. She will use any means to avoid being sent to his sister’s especially if she knows that her testimony is the only thing that can prevent Hugo from being condemned. Alcides says that he can help them with this problem.

Hugo: Have you come to arrest me for what happened to the Linares woman?
Inspector: She has accused you but there is no proof yet. Where were you last night after the party for Soledad de Obragón?
H: I was outside of the city, Inspector, and I didn’t abuse Beatriz.
I: It’s a fact that in the past you had a romance with her.
H: It’s a fact that in the past we had a nice friendship that she confused with romance.
I: I find that doubtful. I know your reputation with women. I believe that last night she looked for you to get you back. You had announced your engagement to Soledad de Obragón and this must have affected her and in the heat of the moment, you went too far.
H: That is an absurd theory that I won’t debate with you. I advise you to look for proof to detain me and I will do the same in my defense. Meanwhile, you know your way out.

Alcides tells the pharmacist that he needs to buy something for the nerves. It is for a person very close to him who is nervous and can’t sleep. Alcides asks for the best thing the pharmacist has. The pharmacist produces a compound of valerian and opium. He says it is very strong and can only be given with a doctor’s prescription. Alcides gives the pharmacist some money as the prescription and asks what the correct dose is.

Marina thanks Úrsula for defending her when the police came. Úrsula says that she was defending her boss’s house, not Marina. When Úrsula goes to get the dinner, Boris congratulates Marina. She asks why since it was Úrsula who was brave. Boris says that it was her first act of friendship towards Úrsula and that was brave too. Boris tells Marina that he has come to clear things up about their kiss. Marina says that she was nervous and that’s why she kissed Boris. Boris says that he is happy about that because they can’t forget that the rule in this house is that there shouldn’t be amorous relations between the servants. Marina says that she won’t forget and it won’t happen again.

The Judge and Inspector Duarte have come to see if Dr. Max can help them resolve the case. If Beatriz de Linares has lost her reason, she can’t testify at the trial. Dr. Max says that he may be able to help. He could hypnotize Beatriz. Under hypnosis, she would say exactly what happened even if she can’t accept reality.

Boris tells Hugo that that someone tried to rob the house the previous night but Úrsula shot at two possible thieves. Hugo says that Úrsula is very brave.
B: I know that last night you got engaged to Soledad in front of everyone at the party. Congratulations.
H: Thanks, Boris.
B: I imagine that you have told her about the catalepsy.
H: I tried but Soledad doesn’t want to know about anything that would mar her happiness.
B: Sooner or later she will have to know. I don’t want to think about what would happen if you had an attack and she thought you were dead.
H: I will find the appropriate moment, Boris. Meanwhile, there are other more important things.
B: The accusation by Beatriz de Linares.
H: She’s gone too far in inventing this whole thing. I have to speak with her.
B: That’s not a good idea, señor. I was investigating in the tavern this afternoon and it appears that the rape did occur.
H: How is that possible?
B: She showed up in a very bad state with bruises and wounds. Dr. Max verified that she had been raped.
H: Who could have done such a thing? Who?

Alcides wants to know why the judge is going to interrogate Beatriz. He says that an interrogation could do a lot of harm. Arturo says that Beatriz will tell what happened. Alcides says that he will speak to the judge. Reliving the situation could be bad for the patient. Arturo says no. He wants to do everything possible so that Hugo pays for what he did to Beatriz.

Lucas tells Soledad that the Inspector wants her to go tomorrow and make a statement in the case of Beatriz’ rape. Lucas says that he and Ester think it is not a good idea for Soledad to testify. Soledad tells him not to worry. Hugo has asked her not to say anything. He will defend himself alone.
“He said that?” says Lucas, surprised. Soledad replies that Hugo is not the bad person that he believes. Hugo wanted to speak with Lucas to demonstrate that his intentions are serious but poor Beatriz’ tragedy…
Lucas says that he hopes everything will work out. Soledad warns Lucas that if Hugo isn’t able to defend himself, she will speak to the judge and tell him that she and Hugo spent the night together.

Alcides, disguised as Hugo, gets into where Beatriz is in Arturo’s house. He reminds her of what happened the previous night. She sobs in terror. Arturo arrives home in his carriage and hears Beatriz screaming inside. He runs in. Beatriz says that there was a man there who said that he would kill her. Arturo tries to comfort her.

Alcides brings the sedative to Ester. He says that three drops are enough. Ester asks if he is sure it isn’t dangerous. Alcides replies that he would never to anything to harm the life of her daughter. Three drops and Soledad will be profoundly… He stops realizing that Soledad has come into the room. She smiles sweetly and tells them that dinner is served.

The police inspector comes looking for Hugo. Hugo says that they have returned sooner than the expected. Duarte says that the judge wants Hugo to come and make a statement. Hugo asks what time he needs to be there. Duarte says that Hugo will accompany them back to the station. Hugo asks if he is being detained. Duarte says that it is a precaution and tells Hugo that it is for his own good.

Ester brings Soledad a glass of orange juice saying that she hasn’t eaten anything. Soledad says the doesn’t have an appetite but she will take the juice. Soledad asks what the noise outside is. Ester says that people have been going into the city because Hugo is going to make a statement before the Judge. While Ester’s back is turned, Soledad exchanges the full glass of juice for an empty one and hides the full glass. Soledad tells Ester that she is not testifying in favor of Hugo. Ester says that Lucas has told her that Hugo is defending himself. Ester says that she and Lucas have decided not to oppose her if she decides to testify in favor of Hugo. Soledad asks if Ester is serious. Ester says that she doesn’t want to have Soledad end up doing something crazy. Soledad says that she doesn’t believe her but… Soledad pretends that the drug has taken effect and she goes to sleep. Lucas comes in and Ester tells him what she did. Ester says that she was supposed to give Soledad 3 drops to make her sleep but Ester gave her 5 drops. Lucas asks if Ester has lost her mind. He says that if anything happens to his daughter, he will never forgive her.

An angry crowd waits for Hugo outside the police station. Los Burke, Arturo and Fabio are there. Guillermo notices Fabio leaving and follows him. Hugo gets out of the carriage and goes into the police station ignoring the crowd.

Dr. Max hypnotizes Beatriz. Alcides watches. Dr. Max asks where Beatriz went after the party. Beatriz says that she was walking in the forest. She was very sad because Hugo was going to marry Soledad. She remembers the rape and yells for Hugo not to do it, not to hurt her. Arturo demands that Dr. Max wake Beatriz up. He does so.
Alcides is relieved. The judge tells Duarte to bring the accused in. When Hugo enters, Beatriz yells, “He raped me!” Arturo tries to attack Hugo but Boris intervenes. Alcides watches satisfied.

The credits roll.

Episode 8

It’s chaos in the courtroom as the crowd screams for Hugo’s head, Arturo holds the weeping Beatriz and the Judge calls for order. Arturo calls for Hugo to admit to his crime. The Judge says that based on Beatriz’ testimony, Hugo is being formally charged with rape and he is to be held in prison until the trial. The Judge tells Hugo that if he is found guilty, he will hang.

Ester brings the coachman to Soledad’s room so he can carry her to the carriage but she’s gone. Ester finds the drugged orange juice and realizes that Soledad switched the glasses. She finds a note Soledad left:
Mother, yesterday I heard your conversation with Alcides and I know that you planned to drug me in order to get me out of the city. It hurts that you would try such a dirty trick. You can’t imagine how disappointed I am in you. You’ve gone too far. I am going right now to the judge in order to testify for Hugo and I will tell the truth about how we spent the night together. I don’t care about the consequences.

Soledad is walking through the plaza when Fabio grabs her, puts a bag over her head and ties her hands. Soledad protests while she is being bundled into a carriage but the kidnappers threaten to beat her if she isn’t quiet. The abduction is witnessed by Guillermo who concludes that he can get a lot of money from this. He will follow the kidnappers.

The Judge again calls for order or he will clear the room.
Judge: Señor Hugo de Medina, what do you have to say about this accusation against you?
H: That I am innocent, your Honor [‘Señor Juez,’ literally ‘Mr. Judge’]
Inspector: Isn’t it a strange coincidence that you and Señorita de Linares disappeared from the club in the middle of the fight? Where did you quarrel with her?
H: I already told you before. I was outside of the city. I didn’t see Beatriz.
Inspector: With whom? Do you have witnesses who can testify to this?
H: No, I don’t have any witnesses.
Arturo calls for Hugo to be hung. Inspector Duarte says that he doesn’t have any more questions. The Judge asks if Hugo has anything else to say in his defense.
“Yes I do,” says Hugo, “I will prove my innocence.” The Judge orders Hugo to be held in the cells in the police station. Arturo objects and says that a criminal like Hugo should be held in the city prison. The Judge says that where prisoners are held is his decision. Hugo is led out.

Alcides says to Arturo that finally justice has been done. Arturo doesn’t agree. He says that Hugo is powerful enough to walk away from this. Arturo says that if the judge doesn’t send Hugo to the gallows, he, Arturo, will make sure that Hugo pays for his crime. Alcides asks what he is going to do. Arturo declines to share the details of his plan with Alcides but he says that Hugo will regret to the end of his life having touched Beatriz.

Lucas asks Ester how Soledad escaped. Ester shows him the note.
L: She’s gone to testify in favor of Hugo de Medina.
E: This can’t happen. If Soledad testifies, the whole city will know that she slept with Hugo de Medina. Find her. Stop her.
L: I will go find her but I won’t stop her.
E: You are going to let the dignity of our daughter be dragged in the dirt?
L: You’ve gone too far, Ester. I agree with what this note says. To drug Soledad against her will is too much. I’m not going to be your accomplice in this craziness.
E: You think I’m a monster. I adore my daughter. I only want to keep her from being humiliated.
L: Pray that nothing bad has happened to her, Ester.
Soledad has been taken to an abandoned church.

Guillermo has followed the kidnappers.

Helena has whipped up the crowd to attack Hugo’s house. They throw stones through the windows. Úrsula and Marina take cover under a piano. Úrsula says that she will go for the shotgun. Marina said that she is afraid and begs Úrsula not to leave her alone. Marina suggests escaping out the back of the house. Úrsula says that they can’t abandon their responsibility. Marina says that she doesn’t want to die. Úrsula reassures her that nothing bad will happen.

Soledad is tied up and blindfolded in the old church.

She struggles and screams and the kidnappers hit her and tell her that they have been ordered not to hurt her but she has to be quiet. They leave. Soledad calls on Hugo to help her.

Hugo is in a cell. [This is the first time that Hugo is in jail but not the last. Note that Hugo doesn’t have any physical problems about being in confined space like a cell. This will change later.]
The judge comes into Hugo’s cell and apologizes.

Judge: I know you, young man. You aren’t capable of committing such a despicable act. I don’t understand why she is accusing you.
H: I don’t understand either but I’m going to find out and demonstrate my innocence.
J: It won’t be that easy. There are a lot of people in this city who hate you starting with Arturo de Linares. He is going to do everything possible to send you to the gallows.
H: I know.
J: (calls the guard) Hugo, at least as far as I am concerned, I want you know that you will have a fair trial. (He leaves the cell. Hugo gets up.)
H: Roldan, I need to ask you a favor. It concerns Soledad.

Guillermo drags Helena away from the crowd attacking Hugo’s house. He asks what she is doing and she replies that she is the leader of this mob. Guillermo says that he thought she was afraid of Hugo’s house. Helena says that she isn’t afraid when she is in the mob. Guillermo says that he has something important to tell her. Helena wants to continue attacking Hugo’s house but at that moment, Boris arrives and disperses the crowd with gunshots.

Hugo and the Judge-
H: My enemies want to hurt me and they could try and harm Soledad.
J: Are you talking about Arturo de Linares? Don’t you think you are exaggerating?
H: No. Look, no one knows this but he tried to kill me twice. That’s why it is important to end someone to protect Soledad.
J: I will see what I can do. By the way, I understand Duarte has an appointment for her to make a statement. If you want, I can order that she be permitted to see you.
H: No, I want her to be left in peace. She has nothing to testify to. You need to send someone to protect her. Please.
J: All right. I wish you good luck Hugo. Get a good lawyer. You have a difficult time ahead of you.

Guillermo tells Helena how Arturo’s man, Fabio, kidnapped Soledad. Guillermo wants to tell Alcides. Since he is courting Soledad, he will pay to find out where she is. Helena doesn’t believe Alcides will pay them anything and reminds Guillermo how Alcides treated them the last time they had dealings. Helena’s idea is to demand money from Arturo de Linares for keeping their mouths shut about his kidnapping Soledad. This time Guillermo reminds Helena about how Arturo killed Fabio’s friend. They can’t agree on which plan to follow so Helena says that she will act on her own.

The Judge asks Inspector Duarte if he has interviewed Soledad. The Inspector says that Soledad hasn’t shown up. The Judge orders Duarte not to interview Soledad and to send a man to her house to guard her.

Alcides tells Ester that their agreement was for her to get Soledad out of town and that’s why he gave her the sedative. Ester tells him that Soledad fooled them and even now must be making her statement to the authorities. Alcides say that he just came from the police station and Soledad hadn’t been there. Ester is concerned – where could Soledad be? Lucas returns to the house. He tells Ester and Alcides that he went to the police station and the courthouse and Soledad wasn’t there. Worse, he shows them Soledad’s hat and bag that he found near the house. Ester and Soledad ask what could have happened to Soledad? Alcides tells them to leave it to him.

Úrsula and Marina tell Boris about how the mob attacked the house. They say that if Boris hadn’t shown up, the mob would have burned the house down with them inside. Marina lies and says that Úrsula wanted to escape out the back door of the house. Úrsula denies this. Boris tells them to stop fighting. Úrsula asks how Hugo is and why didn’t he return with Boris. Boris tells them that Hugo is in custody, having been formally accused of raping Beatriz.

Arturo puts Beatriz in a sanatorium and tells the nurses not to spare any expense to cure his sister. As he leaves, Fabio comes up to report that he completed his assignment. They have Soledad in their power. She is being held at the Red Hill [‘La Colina Roja’]. Arturo says that he hopes Fabio wasn’t stupid enough to leave any witnesses. Fabio replies that no one saw them. He asks what Arturo is going to do with Soledad. Arturo says that Soledad de Obragón will suffer the same fate as his sister did.

Alcides calls at Arturo’s house but the maid says that Arturo isn’t home. Guillermo is hiding in the garden. Alcides asks the maid to tell Arturo that he needs to see him urgently. Guillermo pops out of the bushes and tells Alcides that he knows where Arturo’s men took Soledad. He says that he will tell Alcides where she is if he pays the remainder of the money that he owes Guillermo for breaking into Hugo’s house plus some more for this information. Alcides holds the money out to Guillermo, then lets it fall on the ground. He hits Guillermo with his cane as he reaches down to pick up the money. He hauls Guillermo up by the neck with his cane and demands to know where Soledad is.

In the Church, Arturo unties the legs of the still blindfolded Soledad. He starts to assault her and she knees him in the crotch. He pulls his gun and aims it at her.

Guillermo staggers into his house. Helena looks at the wound on his head and asks who did it. Guillermo tells her that Alcides de Medina hit him with his cane.

Arturo holds his gun to Soledad’s head. She asks him not to kill her. He starts to kiss her. “Please, I beg you…” says Soledad. Alcides knocks Arturo out. Soledad asks who is there. Alcides says nothing. He touches her face and kisses her very lightly. Alcides drags Arturo out of the church.

Úrsula is sweeping up outside Hugo’s house when Lucas says that he needs to talk to her. He asks if she has seen Soledad. Úrsula says no. Lucas tells her that Soledad went out in the morning and hasn’t come back. She has disappeared. Úrsula is impactada. Marina sees Úrsula talking to Lucas and goes to tell Boris.

Arturo comes to and sees Alcides.
Ar: How dare you hit me?
Al: How dare you kidnap Soledad without telling me?
Ar: Soledad is Hugo de Medina’s woman, not yours and I am going to attack him where it will cause him the most pain. Do you want to know what is going to happen to Soledad?
Al: Soldead is mine and if you touch her, I swear that I’ll kill you.
They fight. Alcides knocks Arturo down and gets out his flick knife. Before he can use it, Fabio holds him at gunpoint.

Boris asks Úrsula what she and Lucas were talking about. Marina accuses her of being a spy in the house. Úrsula says that she has to go look for Soledad. Lucas told her that she has disappeared.

In the church, Soledad gets free, knocks out the guard and escapes.

Arturo hits Alcides.
Ar: That’s so you don’t mess with me again.
Al: You should know what Soledad means to me.
Ar: I know what she means to your brother. That’s why I’m doing this.
Al: My brother will be hanged very soon.
Ar: Don’t be naïve, Alcides. The judge is your brother’s friend. He will do everything possible to free him.
Al: Then we have to be sure that doesn’t happen. We have to buy him.
Ar: Buy the honorable Judge Roldan? Are you raving, Alcides?
Al: No, I’m not raving. Every man has his price. I will make sure that he is on our side. You can relax.

Ursula: (crying) Please let me go look for her. I beg you. She needs me.
B: No Úrsula, none of us should leave this house. As employees of Don Hugo, we are in danger in the street.
U: And if she is in danger? I have to do something.
M: You hear Boris? Your job is to correct what this riffraff does in this house.
U: If Don Hugo were here he would be more concerned about what could happen to Soledad than anything else.
M: Don’t speak to me that way. I’m your boss.
B: We have enough problems now without you two fighting. Úrsula is right. We have to do something.
U: Does that me you will help me look for Soledad?
B: No. But I will go tell Don Hugo. He has to know what has happened to his fiancé.

Soledad runs through the forest.

Arturo: Why should I have you do anything more? If I have Soledad here, I have the solution is in my hands.
Alcides: When Hugo dies, I will inherit his fortune and I will give you the part of it that I promised but only if Soledad isn’t touched.
Ar: I will tell you something. I will give you the money to buy the judge but Soledad stays here to guarantee that your plan works.
Al: No, Arturo.
Ar: That is how it will be. If your brother goes free, you can be sure that I will make good on my word with Soledad’s life.
Al: If you touch Soledad, I will kill you.
Ar: (to his henchmen) Men, if we touch Soledad, I die. From now on, we will treat the lady like a princess.
One of Arturo’s men comes up and tells them that Soledad has escaped. Arturo orders his men to go look for her. Alcides laughs to himself.

Guillermo tells Helena where Soledad is being held. Helena is convinced that the best course of action is to make a deal with Arturo de Linares. Guillermo tells her that it is dangerous to deal with Arturo but Helena assures him that nothing will happen to her.

Boris goes to see Hugo in jail.
H: Why did they attack the house?
B: The crowd was furious. They yelled, threw stones and a few tried to burn the place down.
H: Did anything happen to the servants?
B: No sir. They are fine. Don Hugo, I don’t want to add to your troubles but Señorita Soledad has disappeared.
H: I had a feeling that something happened to Soledad. For sure, Arturo de Linares is behind all this.
B: Does that man hate you enough to harm Soledad?
H: Yes, that much. We have to do something. I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to Soledad because of me.

Soledad is still crashing around in the forest. She realizes that she is running in circles. Soledad runs into Helena literally. She begs Helena to help her get out of there. Some men want to harm her. Helena asks what Soledad will give for her help. “Whatever you want,” says Soledad, “but get me out of here. Which way?” Instead of helping Soledad, Helena calls to Arturo’s men and gives Soledad up.

Hugo and Boris-
H: You are going to do exactly what I tell you. Go find Alcides and tell him to come see me as soon as possible.
B: With all due respect, sir, even though you and Alcides share the same blood, I’m not sure he’s the right person to ask...
H: Boris, you do exactly as I tell you. Go find Alcides and whatever happens [como dé lugar’], convince him to come.
B: As you wish. Anything else?
H: Yes (Hugo whispers something in Boris’ ear)

Fabio blindfolds Soledad again. Helena tells the other henchman that it isn’t necessary to point a gun at her. She is one of them. All she needs is to find out where their boss is so that she can do some business. “Business? Don’t make me laugh,” says Fabio. Helena proceeds to tell him that she won’t disclose where Soledad is being held in return for money. Fabio says that he could kill her right her and no one would know. Soledad pleads with Arturo’s men not to kill Helena.

Alcides has arranged to meet the Judge in alley.
J: I don’t understand why we had to meet in this place, Alcides. What is it that is so important that you have to tell me about your brother?
A: It’s very important Judge. Hugo is guilty of the crimes he is accused of.
J: You must have convincing proof to be so sure of what you are saying.
A: Of course, I have such proof.
J: I’m not stupid, Alcides. I know that that you have a bad relationship with your brother. Something tells me that you want to make false accusations against him.
A: I don’t have bad intentions. With the proofs that I have, I have no doubt that you will send him to the scaffold. (He takes out a lot of money)

Arturo silently indicates to Fabio not to kill Helena. The two women are marched off. Arturo tells Fabio that he has done a good job. Fabio asks what they will do with Helena. Arturo replies that after he finds and kills Guillermo, they can deal with her.

J: What you are doing is called bribery and you more than anyone should know that it is a very serious crime.
A: No, bribery is too strong a word. I am simply offering you a business transaction that benefits both of us.
J: Don’t insult me that way because I might forget who I am and challenge you to a duel to the death right now.
A: I know who you are. You are an honest man. So honest that it doesn’t matter if you make bets in illegal gaming parlors.
J: What are you talking about?
A: I’m talking about your weakness for games of chance. I’m talking about the fact that you owe a lot of money to Manrique, the moneylender. You owe more than one year of your ‘honorable judge’s’ salary can cover. Judge, your image as the impeccable moral authority is safe. Just accept my generous offer and declare Hugo guilty.
J: You are a bastard. You hate your brother that much to stoop so low?
A: I don’t have to give you explanations. (He waves the money in front of the Judge) Are you going to accept or not? (The Judge hesitates but takes the money.) I assure that you’ve made the right decision.
The Judge leaves. Boris calls to Alcides and says that Hugo has sent him to say that he needs to see him immediately.

Lucas is frustrated. He says that it’s been hours and they have no news. Ester feels obligated to point out that none of this would have happened if Lucas had sent Soledad out of town like she told him to. Lucas says enough with the reproaches. Their daughter has disappeared and could be being held by someone. Ester tells him not to say such horrible things. Lucas says that Hugo de Medina has enemies and if his enemies know about his relationship with her, they could want to harm her. Lucas wants to go to the police. Ester says that they should wait until Alcides comes back with news. Lucas points to his watch and says that Alcides isn’t coming back. Lucas and Ester agree to go to the police station together.

Soledad and Helena-
H: I didn’t want to help you but you helped me when they wanted to kill me. Why?
S: Because life only belongs to God. No one has the right to take it.
H: I owe you my life. I am in your debt.
S: I don’t want to be negative but I believe that are in great danger if we stay here. The man who took me here is blind with hatred. He wants to harm me.
H: My Guillermo told Alcides that you were here and he is going to come and rescue you.
S: Alcides? God help me.

The guard lets Alcides into Hugo’s cell.
A: You sent for me? You need my services as a lawyer?
H: (laughs) Asking you to defend me would not be very sensible on my part.
A: You are friends with the judge. He will help you go free.
H: I don’t need the tricks that you sometimes resort to Alcides.
A: If you asked me to come to insult me, I don’t have to listen to you.
H: I know that it was you who raped Beatriz de Linares.
A: What idiocy are you saying?
H: You raped her while pretending to be me!

Arturo’s mother, Gladis, has come to stay.

Arturo tells her that he had to commit Beatriz to a sanatorium because of her mental condition. Gladis asks what happened and Arturo tells her that Beatriz was raped.

Hugo and Alcides in the prison-
A: How could you think I could commit such an atrocity?
H: She thinks I attacked her but I know that it was you who did it.
A: (laughs) You seem very convinced. I remind you that you aren’t God who knows everything.
H: We are brothers. For a while now, I’ve had a feeling that something perverse was going through your head. How could you? You’re also involved in the disappearance of Soledad?
A: Try to prove it and no one will believe you.
Alcides punches Hugo and they fight.

Guillermo finds a pistol in his house. He says that now he going to find his kitten [‘gatita’].

After seeing Beatriz at the sanatorium, Gladis tells Arturo that Beatriz is in worse shape than she thought. Arturo agrees and says that is why he had her committed. Arturo tells his mother that this is his fault. He should have been more involved in preventing Beatriz from getting involved with Hugo de Medina. Gladis says that Hugo is the only person who is responsible. Gladis wants to Arturo to take revenge on Hugo. She wants him to pay with his life for the harm he has done to her family.

Alcides calls the guard. Hugo is lying on the floor unconscious. The guard opens the cell and asks what happened. Alcides says that he and his brother had a little disagreement. He says that he hopes Hugo has learned his lesson.

Guillermo, with a cloth tied over his face, points a gun at Arturo and Gladis and demands that Arturo tell him where Helena is.

Alcides leaves the police station. He runs into Lucas and Ester who ask him if he has any information on where Soledad is. Alcides apologizes and says that he can’t talk to them. He is in a hurry. He walks away. Lucas tells Ester that he knew they shouldn’t have had confidence that Alcides would find their daughter. Ester excuses Alcides saying that he is probably upset after talking to his brother. Lucas scornfully says that Ester is always defending Alcides. Meanwhile Alcides gets into Hugo’s carriage. Ester sees this and remarks on how strange it is that Alcides would get into Hugo’s carriage with Boris. Lucas drags Ester into the police station saying that they have to report that their daughter is missing.
“Hurry Boris,” says ‘Alcides,’ “we have to rescue Soledad as soon as possible.”

In the cell, ‘Hugo’ wakes up and realizes that Hugo has switched clothes and hairstyles with him and left him in the cell. Alcides yells that Hugo has escaped and he is Alcides. “Open up! Get me out of here! I’m Alcides!” yells Alcides.
The credits roll.

Episode 9

In the cell, Alcides (now in Hugo’s clothes and with his hair pulled back like Hugo) yells that his brother Hugo has escaped. He demands that they open the door and let him out. A guard comes up but refuses to believe that he is Alcides.

Hugo (dressed and with his hair like Alcides) is in his carriage being driven by Boris.
H: We have to rescue Soledad before the police realize that I’ve escaped and start looking for me.
B: Your escape is going to make everyone believe even more that you raped Beatriz de Linares.
H: But I couldn’t stay there doing nothing knowing that Arturo de Linares has kidnapped Soledad.
B: You believe that he had something to do with it.
H: I don’t believe it. I’m sure of it. Did you do as I asked?
B: Yes, sir. Úrsula and Marina are watching the Linares house.
H: Good. Hurry. We don’t have much time.

Guillermo Burke, with a bandanna over his face as if that would conceal his identity, demands that Arturo de Linares release Helena.
 Arturo tells him not to be an idiot. If he has lost his wife, he should look for her somewhere else. Guillermo insists that Helena went to speak to Arturo so he must know where she is. Artruo dares Guillermo to fire his gun. He tries but the gun falls apart. Guillermo runs off and Arturo sends Fabio to bring him back.

Soledad’s parents are telling Inspector Duarte that their daughter has disappeared. Alcides’ voice yelling to be set free can be heard from the cells. The Inspector asks the policeman what the racket is. The policeman says that Hugo de Medina is claiming that he is Alcides and his brother changed places with him. Inspector Duarte says that he isn’t stupid enough to believe that. Ester asks to see ‘Hugo.’

Guillermo runs into the tavern to escape Arturo’s men. Margot hides him.

Soledad tells Helena that they should work together. Helena says that if it weren’t for Soledad, she wouldn’t be here but she has knife hidden in her stocking. Soledad says that they are saved.

Alcides tells Ester and Lucas that Hugo knocked him out and is pretending to be him. They don’t believe him. Alcides proves his identity by referring to the bottle of medicine he gave Ester yesterday. Ester and Lucas try to persuade the Inspector that this is really Alcides but Duarte says that only the Judge can release a prisoner. Alcides changes his tactics. He acknowledges that he is Hugo. He wants to see the Judge right away to confess.

Arturo is annoyed that his men lost Guillermo Burke. He gives the order to have Helena killed to demonstrate that no one should mess with his family. Doña Gladis asks Arturo to tell her everything that is going on.

Ester doesn’t want to leave the police station until Alcides is released. The inspector tells Ester and Lucas that ‘Hugo’ has admitted that he was pretending to be Alcides to escape and now he wants to see the judge. Ester and Lucas are confused – they were sure he was Alcides. The Inspector says that he will go look for Soledad. There is nothing for Ester and Lucas to do but go home and wait to see if Soledad comes home.

Helena gets herself free. She takes Soledad’s blindfold off but refuses to untie her saying that Soledad is worth more to her here than free. It would be like letting the goose that lays the golden eggs get away. Soledad reminds Helena that she owes her life to Soledad. Helena says that Hugo de Medina will give a large amount of money to find out where she is. She leaves. Soledad begs her not to leave her there.

Arturo tells his mother that Soledad is Hugo’s Achilles heel and that is why he kidnapped her. If Hugo isn’t sentenced to death, he will take his own justice. Gladis says that Arturo has done very well. He is surprised. He thought she would be upset. “Hugo de Medina has to pay for what he did to my daughter,” says Gladis. Arturo tells his mother that he knows what he is doing is dangerous and he could end up in prison or dead but he wants her to know that he is willing to go to the limit.

Hugo, still disguised as Alcides, goes to the Linares house. Úrsula and Marina confirm that Arturo is inside. Úrsula wants to help Hugo but he orders Boris to take her and Marina home. Boris asks Hugo if he is sure that he wants to do this alone. Hugo says yes and Boris leaves.

Inspector Duarte has brought the Judge to see ‘Hugo’ in jail. Alcides demands to speak with the Judge alone but the inspector doesn’t want to leave. The Judge agrees to speak to ‘Hugo’ alone. The judge tells ‘Hugo’ that even though they are friends, he can’t release him just because he says that he is Alcides. “I imagine that you found a good use for the money I gave you in the alley,” says Alcides. The Judge is impactado. “If you are here, where is your brother?” he asks. Alcides says that he can help them find Hugo.

Hugo, disguised as Alcides, knocks on the door of Arturo’s house.
H: We have to talk.
Ar: Don’t tell me that you couldn’t bribe the judge to condemn your brother,” says Arturo annoyed.
H: The judge… of course. It’s done.
Ar: What do you want?
H: I need to speak to Soledad right away.

Alcides, the Judge and Inspector Duarte come out of the police station. Duarte apologizes to Alcides for what happened. Alcides says that he and his men are useless. The Judge asks Duarte to call his men to go look for Hugo. Duarte replies that that is impossible. Soledad de Obgragón has just been reported missing. The Judge is surprised. He tells Duarte to divide his men. He should look for Soledad and the Judge and Alcides will look for Hugo. Duarte says that isn’t the Judge’s job but the Judge insists. When Duarte is gone, the Judge asks who is behind all this. Alcides tells him to concentrate on finding Hugo and sending him to the gallows.

Arturo and Hugo-
Ar: You know perfectly well where Soledad is. Why have you come looking for her here?
H: Because I don’t want to go behind your back. We’re partners, right?
Ar: Partners? I don’t trust you very much. We have an agreement. I told you that I wouldn’t harm her until you completed your part and the judge convicts your brother.
H: Don’t worry. Hugo can look forward to many years in jail.
Ar: I’m not interested in having him in jail. I told you I wanted the judge to have him hanged.
H: As you say. He is on his way to the gallows. Now, come with me to where Soledad is so that I can be sure that she is well. Or is there a problem?

The Obragóns have come home but Soledad has not returned. Ester asks Lucas what they are going to do. Lucas says that they have done what they could. Now the police must find Soledad. Ester says that she doesn’t feel well and goes to lie down. There is a knock at the door and Manrique comes in with several men.

He says that he has to talk to Lucas. Lucas asks if they can talk outside.

Úrsula, Marina and Boris watch from the carriage as Hugo and Arturo leave the house. Úrsula wants to follow. Marina reminds her that Hugo ordered them to return to his house. Úrsula says that Arturo has a reputation for being dangerous. He might harm Hugo. Boris decides to take action and whips up the horses.

“Manrique, I told you not to show up at my house,” says Lucas, “I am not accustomed to doing business here.” Manrique tells Lucas that has come for his money. Manrique says that he has been expecting Lucas in his office to pay the interest on his debt. Lucas says that he had setbacks but he will resolve them and go to see Manrique. Manrique says that it has been three months. Ester sees Lucas and Manrique outside and wonders what is going on. Lucas asks Manrique not to pressure him, the interest on the debt is very high. He needs time. Manrique says that Lucas is on the verge of bankruptcy and if he doesn’t pay up, Manrique will have to take more drastic measures. He demonstrates what he means by having his men rough Lucas up. Lucas says that wasn’t necessary. Manrique says that it is only a sample of what will happen to him if he doesn’t pay up. Manrique says that he doesn’t want any more excuses. He and his men leave. Ester runs out of the house and asks if Lucas is all right.

Elena decides to celebrate her escape with a drink and finds Guillermo in the tavern with Margot. She attacks them.

Hugo and Arturo arrive at the abandoned church. [You can see that it is raining and cold – the breath of people in the background is condensing.] Arturo is annoyed to learn that Helena has escaped. He says that they can’t remain here. Hugo says that he wants to see Soledad and not waste any more time. Out of Hugo’s hearing, Arturo tells Fabio to go with Hugo to make sure that Soledad is ok and to take off her blindfold. Fabio says that she will recognize him. Arturo says that he has a suspicion. He wants to know what happens. Fabio goes into the church and takes off Soledad’s blindfold. He tells her that she has a visitor. Soledad looks at Hugo (still disguised as Alcides). Arturo watches from hiding.

Ester tells Lucas that he is crazy to do business with that man. Lucas tells Ester he didn’t have any choice. His business went badly and Manrique was the only one who would lend him money. Ester says that she doesn’t understand. Ester asks how the business could be doing badly when they still live the same way. Lucas replies that he tried to keep up the lie so that she wouldn’t suffer. They are on the verge of bankruptcy. “What a nightmare!” says Ester, “Our daughter disappears, we are the laughing stock of the whole city and now you tell me we are almost bankrupt!” Lucas says that if he doesn’t get some money, they will be in serious problems. 

Soledad and Hugo in the Church-
S: You are a wretch, Alcides. It’s you who are behind all this. How could you?

H: Who told you to take off her blindfold? (Arturo leaves reassured that it is really Alcides)

Fabio: I was just following orders.

H: Leave us alone!

F: Don’t take too long. We have to leave here.
When they are alone, Hugo lifts Soledad up .
H: Soledad, I’m …

S: You don’t have to say anything. I know who you are. (She kisses him passionately) [Soledad’s ability to tell Hugo from Alcides varies depending on the needs of the story. Here she can tell just by looking at him. Other times she won’t be able to tell even when he kisses her.] How did you find me? 

H: That doesn’t matter. We have to get out of here. (Hugo unties Soledad.)

Helena throws Guillermo out of their house. Guillermo protests that he was in the tavern to hide from Fabio who was trying to kill him. Helena says that she doesn’t believe a single word that he says. Guillermo begs her to let him stay the night before he leaves.

Hugo and Soledad-
S: Arturo’s men must be outside. How are we going to escape?
H: They should be busy packing up the campsite. This is the perfect moment to escape, Soledad. You go first.

S: No!
I’m not going without you.
H: Soledad. Do you trust me? (Soledad kisses him.)

Outside the church, Arturo comes up to where Fabio is hanging out with the other henchmen. “What are you doing here?” he asks, “Didn’t I tell you to watch Alcides?” Fabio replies that Alcides asked to be alone with the prisoner. Arturo goes into the Church and finds Soledad gone and Hugo standing there.
Arturo: What do you think you are you doing? (Hugo points a pistol at him.)
Hugo: Don’t try anything.
A: I suspected you weren’t Alcides! How did you escape from prison?

H: Turn around.
A: Don’t think that you can escape from my men. (Hugo knocks Arturo out.)

Ester goes to see Manrique. He greets her as, “the very disguinguised Señora de Obragón" and using the familiar ‘tú’ form of the verb greets her. Ester tells him not to address her that way [‘no me tutee’]. She says that she has come to pay her husband’s debt and to warn him that if he lays a hand on Lucas again, she will call the police. Manrique, still using the familiar form of the verb, tells her not to try and frighten him. She would die of shame if everyone knew that such a distinguished family had borrowed money from him. Ester says that she has come to pay Lucas’s debt with her jewelry. Manrique looks at the jewelry and says that they are not enough even to pay the interest on the debt. Manrique says that he wants the balance of the payment. Ester tells him not to threaten her or she won’t permit… Manrique says that right now he owns all their goods.
What is it that she won’t permit?

Fabio finds Arturo tied up. He tell him that Hugo and Soledad have escaped and they have to find them.

Soledad and Hugo are running through the forest.
S: Wait. I’m out of breath.
H: Make an effort, my love. We have to get out of here.
S: I know that Arturo was involved in this but Alcides? Why did he help Arturo?
H: I will explain later. We have to get out of here. Let’s go. (They see some policemen approaching.)
S: The police! They are looking for us.
H: We can’t let the police see us, Soledad.
S: Why?
H: Because they are looking for me. I escaped from prison to rescue you. I have been formally accused of raping Beatriz.
S: That doesn’t matter, my love. I will tell them that we spend the night together.
H: No! Don’t do that.
Alcides: (appearing with a gun) I agree, Soledad. That would be a big mistake. (Hugo puts himself between Soledad and Alcides.)

Take out your weapon carefully. Don’t try anything. (He takes Hugo's gun.)
S: I was wrong about you Alcides. I never would have imagined that your obsession about me would make you ally with Arturo de Linares.
A: You are wrong, Soledad. Things are not what they seem.
S: They are not what they seem? In what way? They are very clear to me. You helped Arturo kidnap me.
A: Arturo planned the whole thing by himself. I didn’t have anything to do with it. I confronted him and he told me that he had kidnapped you to pay Hugo back for what he did to Beatriz.
S: That isn’t true and you know it.
H: You don’t have to explain, my love. Alcides, let’s leave Soledad out of this and work things out between you and me, alone.
A: We will work things out, brother. Do you know what you are going to do? Surrender to the authorities and if you want to save Soledad, surrender and plead guilty or Arturo will kill Soledad for what you did to Beatriz. Soledad. I’m sorry but I have to turn my brother in to save your life.
S: Alcides, there’s still time to reconsider.
A: (to the police) He is here! I found him!
H: (He disarms Alcides.) Run, Soledad! I will catch up. (to Alcides) You are a traitor, Alcides!
 The police come up and take Hugo into custody. Soledad returns.
S: Let him go! What are you doing?
Judge: I’m sorry Soledad but at this moment Hugo is a fugtive from justice.
S: No, you’ve made a big mistake. You have to listen to me. (Alcides forcibly restrains Soledad.)
A: We are leaving, your Honor. Soledad is very upset. She needs to rest.
Judge: I want to know about the kidnapping.
A: It wasn’t a kidnapping, your Honor. Soledad came her to meet Hugo so they could escape from the city.
S: That’s not true.
A: There will be time to talk to the Judge. Right now, he is busy with Hugo. Don’t worry, I will take care of Soledad. (Alcides drags Soledad away and the Judge looks away, ashamed.)

Ester tells Lucas that she has given her jewelry to Manrique but if the rest of the debt isn’t paid, he will kill them.

The Judge comes up to Hugo who is in custody in a carriage.
H: I always thought you were an honorable man, Judge. How did you end up mixed up in all this?
J: I don’t know what you are talking about.
H: I was pretending to be Alcides. I know that that he bought you.
J: I’m sorry, Hugo. I have a noose around my neck. Your brother knows embarrassing things about my private life and he will destroy me if I don’t convict you.
Hugo is taken away.

Alcides drags Soledad through the forest.
S: Let me go! I’m not afraid of you, Alcides. If it costs me my life, I won’t let Hugo be executed for a crime he didn’t commit.
A: How long are you going to defend him, Soledad? You don’t realize what kind of man he is.

Arturo’s men think Alcides is Hugo but he tells them that the police have taken Hugo. Fabio confirms that this is Alcides because he is wearing different clothes. Fabio says that if he is Alcides, he won’t have any problem if they take Soledad. Alcides tells Fabio to be careful with Soledad. Fabio tells him not to worry, aren’t they on same side? Soledad asks to speak to Arturo but Fabio pretends that he doesn’t know what she is talking about. Fabio takes Soledad back into the church. Arturo appears. Alcides tells him not to mistreat Soledad. Arturo tells Alcides that they still have a deal – when Hugo is sentenced to death, Soledad will go free. If not, she will pay the consequences. Boris, Úrsula and Marina overhear this.

Alcides (now in his own clothes) is at the Obragón house.
E: Arturo de Linares is holding my daughter? How can you say such a horrible thing?
A: He asked me to come here with the message that he won’t release her until Hugo admits his guilt and is convicted.
L: We have to tell the police.
E: No, Lucas, he could harm Soledad.
A: Doña Ester is right. Arturo is obsessed with the harm that Hugo did to his sister. Against my will I advise you not to do anything to provoke Arturo.
L: Then what is your suggestion, Alcides?
 This involves the life of my daughter and I don’t intend to leave her in the hands of Arturo de Linares.
A: Of course not, of course not but here is a way to help Soledad…If Doña Ester testifies against Hugo at the trial...
E: Me?

A: Yes. Remember, you talked to Beatriz at the party. She told you about her romance with Hugo. That testimony could help get Hugo to be found guilty and could get him convicted.
L: No! We aren’t going to testify that Hugo raped that woman.
E: Be quiet, Lucas! I am capable of whatever is necessary to save my daughter. Tell the prosecutor that I will testify at the trial.

The trial:

[They have very speedy trials in this city. Hugo was only arrested the day before. This is not the only time that Hugo will be on trial for his life in this courtroom.]

The judge calls for order.
Prosecutor: Permit me to introduce myself. I am the prosecutor assigned to bring the case against Hugo de Medina for the rape of Señorita de Linares.
Judge: This trial is about to begin. The defendant will rise.
Judge: Señor Hugo de Medina, who will represent you?
H: I will defend myself against the charges against me.

Arturo leaves the church to go to the trial. He tells Fabio not to take his eyes off Soledad. Boris approaches the church and goes inside. Marina and Úrsula throw stones and Fabio and his men run outside to check it out. Fabio sends the men to look around while he goes to check on the prisoner. Boris knocks Fabio out and frees the blindfolded Soledad.
B: It’s me, Boris.
S: I heard a shot.
B: Yes, I’ve come to rescue you.
S: We have to go to the Courthouse and help Hugo before he is convicted.
B: I don’t think Hugo wants you to come and testify for him.
S: I need you to help me find some people. I know how to prove that Hugo is innocent.
Arturo comes back and realizes that Soledad has escaped. He tells his men to get the horses and find Soledad. She must not testify at the trial!

Ester testifies at the trial-
E: Beatriz told me that Hugo de Medina wasn’t a good person, that he was using my daughter to get rid of his reputation as a libertine.
Prosecutor: His reputation as a libertine!
E: It was all part of a cynical plan. What’s more Beatriz told me that they continued to be lovers. (Sensation in the court. Gladis can’t believe what she is hearing. The Judge calls for order.)
Prosecutor: If what you are saying is the truth, why did you permit your daughter to get engaged to Hugo de Medina?
E: I didn’t permit it. Hugo de Medina had the audacity to make the announcement of his engagement with my daughter without our approval.
Prosecutor: This testimony, your honor, corroborates the declaration that Beatriz de Linares made under hypnosis. The defendant wanted to avoid the disclosure of his clandestine relationship. That is why he wanted to punish Beatriz when she threatened him. For that reason, I ask your Honor to declare Hugo de Medina guilty! (The spectators start yelling, “guilty.” Hugo is reading a piece of paper seemingly oblvious to the whole proceeding.

Team Soledad arrives at the Courthouse.

They see Arturo and his men arriving.
Soledad: They got here ahead of us. They must have taken a shortcut.
Úrsula:What are we going to do? Those murderers look capable of anything.
S: I am too.

Arturo sits down with his mother in the courtroom. She asks why he is so late. He replies that there was a little problem but he has it under control.

Úrsula flirts with a policeman and while he is distracted looking at her, Marina knocks him out. Boris arrives and says that he has found the people Soledad told him about. [These mysterious people that Boris finds figure in a scene that was deleted when Episode 10 was broadcast in the US.]

Marina is a little jumpy

He asks what she is planning. Soledad says that Arturo’s men have surrounded the place but with the help of this man (indicating the policeman), we can get inside.

Arturo tells his mother that it looks like he has arrived in time to see Hugo de Medina sent to the gallows. The judge calls for order and says that now it is to hear from the defense. Hugo flashes back to Alcides telling him that unless he confessed to raping Beatriz, Arturo would kill Soledad. The Judge says that they are waiting.
H: Your honor, I have decided not to offer a defense. I am guilty of the charges against me. (murmuring in the courtroom)
Alcides (to Arturo): This time he won’t be able to escape.
Judge: Did I hear you correctly, Señor de Medina?
H: That is correct.
Soledad: This is not true, you honor. (She comes into the courtroom in a policeman’s uniform.)

Your honor, Hugo de Medina is innocent.
They look at each other lovingly.
The credits roll.


Guapos Friday 2/8/08 Merry Christmas, Y'all

Sorry this is late again, folks--I am still learning how much time this recap takes. This show takes longer than others I have done--they speak faster, and they use more slang, and I have to rewind several times to get the notes down. Also, a lot happens in each episode. Anyway, I'm doing my best!

We open with a glimpse of homeless Hugo taking off his disguise. He vows that he will make Mili love him.

Alex rehashes the Santa visit with Bobby (looks like this show follows the tradition of filling time with rehashing to bring other characters up to speed).

Bobby asks if Alex did it for the kids--or for Carlitos? He says he can't believe Alex is in love with a servant. He says that she's pretty but nothing fantastic.

Comic relief filler: Rorgan and Horacio practice dancing.
When you were watching the really bad cuartel scenes on LFMB, did you ever think you would wish to have them back? This minor-character filler is so bad it makes Marta's diet foibles looks like the proverbial Shakespeare. You long for Sara to come in and give them a punch.

Bobby and Al continue their discussion, and Luciana comes in. She asks why they're so serious--and moreover, where Alex was last night. Andrea puts in her unsolicited two cents--Noche Buena is for family. She has a lot of chutzpah taking an advance on her family rights. (I guess Noche Buena is supposed to be Christmas Eve, but wouldn't they be celebrating actual Christmas on this day? If so, they aren't having much fun.)

Out in the vast entry hallway, Rorgan is dancing with Valeria. Why, I don't know. (Practicing for tryouts for the Mexican version of Dancing With the Stars?) He grabs her leg, and she shouts Let me go. Damien comes in and tries to break it up, and Connie comes down the stairs and wants to know why Rorgan is touching his daughter's leg. Valeria pipes up that Rorgan is her professor of tango--let's give them a demo, she says, signaling to Rorgan that he better play along. They start tangoing badly; Rorgan is shaking nervously. Bobby, Alex and Luciana come in. What's going on, they ask? Connie says "your daughter is learning to dance." We hear rising swells of the galloping comic theme music.

Connie now sneers at Alex as again someone demands to know where he was last night. Don't you know that Noche Buena is for family? He says he had an appointment. Andrea demands to know what appointment and shrewishly repeats that he should be with his family.

Mili now comes clattering down the stairs, smiling. Feliz Navidad, you guys! Thanks for last night, Alex. Oops.

Cut to the MS and Padre, who are again trying to figure out how to keep Mili and Alex apart.

Andrea now says she doesn't care about Alex's charitable feelings for those snotnose kids. He stood her up for dinner with that chamosa (low-class girl?). You'd rather be with a servant than with me? He says he wants to talk. Oh, you're breaking up with me, she asks.

Andrea doesn't want him to break up with her like this. He wants to talk (so he can tell her that he's just not that into her). Anyway, here comes Our Little Spitfire. She hears Andrea refer to her as a buscona (synonym for chamosa?). Andrea doesn't want to compete with a servant. Mili says she's learning to be a lady. Andrea says there are too many lowlifes in this house and pulls Mili's hair. Mili gets her in a headlock--yeah!

Connie comes in to break up the fight. There's a kerfuffle over Mili's beloved medallion, which fell off. She is petrified of losing it. He goes off to speak to his mother.

Regina is having none of it--she figures that Andrea must have done something to deserve it.

Alex follows Mili into her room. She is mad that he let that stupid grenuda (hippie girl?) says stupid stuff. Mili scampers off to see Regina. She learns what happened.

Andrea now talks to Regina. Godmother, it was really terrible , she says.
I only pulled her hair because she called me things. I called her a mugriata and a buscona. You did, Regina asks? The only thing wrong here is that I have to be confronted by servants. No, Regina corrects her--the only thing wrong is that you have to learn respect. Regina tells Mili to go to up to Regina's room, as they have lots of work to do.

Regina tells Mili that there have been many years of hypocrisy here, and they have to make up for it. Mili pops out with a "That's my old lady!" What did you say, asks Regina. Oh, nothing, she covers.

Bobby is now grilling Alex on why he's with that peluda (penniless one) and gentuza (riffraff). I think I'm liking Bobby less and less, not that I liked him much to begin with. Alex says there are some things he can't share. Bobby eggs him on--so you like the servant class now?

Connie comes in and asks if they are still talking and discussing. I'm not sure what he says, but I thought it might be that Alex should lead with his strengths. This didn't make much sense. Alex responds with But you're cheating on my mother. Speaking of the Queen of Rome, here comes Luciana down the stairs. Oh, your father is cheating, she asks. No, they all try to cover up. Connie says--oh, do you want to talk about cheating? That shuts her up.

Bobby is now talking to his mom. She is upset at how he's still friends with Alex, because his friend's mother and his father were running off together. Her life is over. Bobby points out that Alex had no fault. Well, says Melena--he should know the kind of mother he has.

Valeria comes down the stairs . Andrea tells her "Your brother has just broken up with me." Snobby Spice is outraged.

Somehow we end up in Andrea's room where Connie is shouting at Andrea. Luciana bangs on the door demanding to be let in--she naively wants to defend Andrea. Connie throws her out and grabs Andrea by the neck. This is disturbingly rough, even for him. He tells her that she has one day to get out. He has someone else and doesn't need her.
Now he lets Luciana in and says "See, she's still alive."

The Padre is trying to tell Alex why Alex can't go out with Mili without really telling him. They are interrupted by Regina, so Padre says he'll tell them more later. Regina discusses soccer. She seems to be saying that Mili needs to learn to be a better team player?

Andrea weeps to Luciana how Connie wants to throw her out. Luciana says that he's doing it because of her son. Andrea says she never thought he would act like that--not knowing that Luciana has a different meaning.

Now Alex and Bobby are out on the tennis court. Bobby reveals that Luciana had plans with Eugenio. Alex punches Bobby, and a big fight breaks out.

Connie now tells Melina that he's going to take her to a five-star hotel and then rent an apartment for her (probably that apartment he just threw Andrea out of). She is all aflutter.

Cut to Hugo in his wheelchair with a plaid blanket. From afar, he looks like Tony Perkins playing Norman Bates's mother; he acts just as creepy too, in my opinion.
Mili comes in and tells him he better get up from the chair. He gives her a Christmas gift--the completed painting. Wow, she says--she loves it. She can't believe she looks so pretty. He says that she is really that beautiful.
He professes his love, but she says he really loves his dead girlfriend.

Andrea talks to an invisible Alex: She says, If you think you can turn me in for a piece of trash, you are wrong.

Mili finds Alex with a big scrape on his face from the fight. She seems to think he got it in soccer. She apologizes for attacking his girlfriend.

No, he says, it's not a problem. She says she only wanted to thank him for what he did for the kids, and Andrea came out and called her a mugrosa buscona. I started to wring her neck (pescuezo). She sure is bony (huesuda), that one. Alex laughs.

Forget what happened, he says. We are finished. He tells Mili that she looks pretty in a dress. She doesn't want him to start again with his candy-coated words. No, he says, he did it because he could be happy with her. He was wrong before.

Karla is now telling Damien that she is pregnant. She wants to get married. Slick Willie tells her they will have a secret marriage. She is thrilled. They make plans to go to a restaurant later.

Meanwhile, Luciana and Connie have a conversation that was very hard to understand. In the end, it's worth it and reveals a lot.

Connie says he's fed up with sleeping next to someone who oozes alcohol from every pore. She wants to know why he treated Andrea badly--because of what that bastard son did. He's not a bastard, Luciana says--he's YOUR son. No he's not. I'm not his father. I'm the idiot who gave him a name for your French sin. (If this were a sitcom with a live audience they would now go "Ooohh." If this were the Jerry Springer show, the audience would now go Whore!")

She points out that he married her to save his business. (So now we finally have an explanation of that money situation--Luciana's family must have provided money to save the business. I know other commenters have mentioned this before, but this is the clearest I can remember it.) Yes, my father arranged this to save the business, Connie says, but he's taken me down for the last time. He storms out, and she grabs a bottle for a drink.

Andrea now cries more crocodile tears to Granny R. Granny R doesn't really want her around with the Alex situation, but she agrees Andrea could stay a few more days till she find something. Apparently, she really is the godmother, and she promised Andrea's dead parents to watch out for her. She says Andrea has to keep out of the way.

Now Regina wants to know why Alex has a scrape on his face.

Damien and Regina get into the car. Damien overacts looking both ways to make sure no one sees him.

Horacio and Soccorro go out for a picnic on a cute raft named Soccorrito.

Mili asks why Regina is so sad. She wants Regina to come to the game as her good luck charm. Regina reminds her that they lost when she came the last time.
She says she's not in the mood because of Alex. He was deceived by his mother.

Now we see that lowlife Damien drop off Karla at a hospital instead of a restaurant. He cruelly dismisses her--did you think I would have a child with you? Go get rid of it, he says. (Question--isn't abortion illegal in Mexico? Well, maybe it was recently made legal in the DF.)

Luciana calls Eugenio in Venice. Alex overhears. So it's true what I heard. She wants to explain. He brushes her off. He would expect this from Connie, but not from her. He runs out.
Alex sees Mili. He is irritated, but asks what she wants. Mili says it's the day of the match, and she wants to know if he's playing. He tells her to go with her lover.

Alex is now crying in his room. Mili comes in. She learns that he was talking figuratively to his mother, not to her. He says he feels really bad about his mother. He knew her life was terrible, that his father made her miserable--but to go off with a married man? the father of his best friend? He says that it's his fault--he should have paid more attention and been nicer.

Mili tells her that it's not his fault. He should forgive his mother. No one is perfect. She's his only mother.

Alex now takes Mili's cap off and pulls her hair down and calls her Mili. Then they kiss. Unfortunately, Luciana comes in and shrieks "How could you be with a servant." Alex tells her that Mili is the one he loves. Impactado looks all around.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan February 8, 2008 – In which Pastor has a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (a nod to Judith Viorst)

It’s a lovely day in Achichipico (thanks, K, for your theory on the name of Juan’s town—which we must keep in mind is also Nidia’s, Herlinda’s, Yolanda’s, and Delfina’s town). Paula isn’t getting what she wants from Delfi—the 411 on Juan. Delfi tells her there’s no one who knows, he’s so enigmatic. [That’s a polite word for it.] Ana looks dubious, but maybe she’s just squinting from the glare of the sun. [Oh, I can hardly wait to see how the Tweedles latch on to Paula].

Nidia’s packs her little red suitcase. Juan is nervous about Paula showing up and they tell her he’s not there. Nidia hadn’t thought of that and Juan wonders if he shouldn’t call someone to let them know. Nidia agrees-- Delfina, right? She could tell Paula you’ll show up sooner or later. [It’s already too late, folks.] Juan loves it and drags her over to the phone so she can call Right Now.

In the Achichipico office of the cuartel’s business, the only one who apparently works there now, Molo, is chatting with Delfi. She tells Molo how discomfited she was with all the questions the women asked, and didn’t want to tell them anything even if she knew. The phone rings and Molo picks it up, announcing “office of Juan Dominguez.” Juan is startled and asks “Molondrón?” Molo tells him it’s good he called—he must be reading Molo’s mind and Delfi has something to tell him. Molo hands off the phone. She tells him she has a news flash (thanks to Cap’n Sylvia, “one of eight columns”-Eight Columns being a news periodical for which Sylvia gave us the website). She describes the lovely Paula asking for him and Juan is impactado. Was it Paula? Yep, the very same, with her mother. Juan wants to know if Delfi talked with them and she affirms it, less than 20 minutes, though. “Well, what did you tell her?” Delfi points out she knew nothing so couldn’t tell them anything. Juan jumps up from Nidia’s bed where they’ve been sitting and Nidia jumps with him, excited even at only half the conversation. She’s got to stop Paula immediately, and tell her Juan’s going to be arriving any old time now. Convince her to stay until I get there. Delfi protests that she won’t know where to find Paula since she’s already left the house. Juan speculates that Paula will go around the town asking for him, so just find her and detain her. Delfi isn’t super enthused about the idea. I wouldn’t be, either. One more thing, Doña Delfina, don’t let her talk to anyone else and don’t let her find out I’m somebody important there—especially not what I’m doing there. Delfi whines that he’s putting her between the rock and the hard place. Juan begs her to give him a hand here, and if she needs help, ask Molo. She reluctantly agrees and Juan falls all over himself thanking her before they hang up-he’s leaving right away for Achichipico.

Paula and Ana check into the local hotel. A young man hovers near the door, and seems to be waiting for them to complete the check-in. Since he’s got no bags, we conclude he’s not the next in line. Ana protests that they can’t stay in this town indefinitely. Paula’s figured out that Delfi wasn’t giving up the info and she’s going to nose around. She’s just got to find out about Juan-she’s not leaving until she finds him. Apparently Juan knows Paula’s ways well. Ana asks what about CL? You need to get back to him as soon as possible. Paula shrugs, well, there’s a complication. Aren’t’ they going on a trip This Weekend? Ana challenges Paula. Paula says they’ll be on time for it. They’re wasting time, so they had best get checked in and get to it. Ana complains that Paula’s going to tell lie after lie. Paula tells her to chill and enjoy the moment. The clerk gives her the key, and she thanks him; apparently the lad is the bellhop in a cowboy hat. Paula expounds on her reasoning (and she feels “alive!”). Ana is worried. Paula says they’re just going to resolve the mystery, puts her arm around Ana and herds Ana out to start the hunt.

Delfi, meanwhile, is getting moral support from Molo. First, she has to find the woman, convince her to wait. Molo wants to know how he can help. Delfi tells him about Juan’s request that Paula won’t find out he’s Mr. Big in town, that she won’t know anything about him. Molo looks concerned—for good reason. Why? Delfi doesn’t know. But he was very clear about it, and they’ll have to tell everyone to zip their lips. Molo thinks Juan’s thrown a monkey wrench in it. Yeah, Delfi told Juan that, but Juan says it it’s a matter of life or death. Molo will see what he can do (shrug). Delfi takes off at a dead trot to get back to her part of this.

CL is very irritated to hear his phone, but warms slightly when he hears it’s his wife. She tells him all is well and spins her tale about what she and Ana are doing. It was a long trip, they’re tired, but they’ve found a precious town. CL probes over how far it was and Paula doesn’t say, only that neither of them realized how far it would be. CL probes once more; what’s the name of the place? Paula triumphantly announces it’s “Achichipico.” Funny name, huh? CL sounds it out and grabs a pen to write it down and makes an amiable comment about the name.

Pastor theorizes to Ivonne about his brother’s business with Juan and how they might be able to work it out with Farell. Even if Anga doesn’t want to do it, Juan might. Ivonne is concerned about the rivalry there. Pastor, dreamer that he is where Juan is concerned, thinks Juan might do business with CL. He just needs to talk directly with Juan. Ivonne wants to know if Pastor calls his brother, will he tell Pastor how to find Juan? Pastor thinks his brother would ask a thousand questions and shave him with a machete. Ivonne thinks that the answer is for Pastor to march right into CL’s office and tell him that Juan’s involved with this business and there’s no way to get it back. Pastor thinks CL would burn him in green wood. Well, Ivonne wants to know, would you prefer to be shaved with a machete or burned with green wood? Pastor tells her not to make fun and she claims she’s not. She warns him sooner or later it’s all going to come out and he’s going to be caught in the tug of war (the torta between the two dogs). She advises him to take his stand, show his strength, and stand firm. Pastor sees the value in that.

Meanwhile, Anga is advising Kike to handle his money carefully. If you don’t handle it carefully, it’s gone forever. The accounts have to be exact! Kike tells him yes, sir and looks wary, but he’s saved by the bell. Anga answers the phone—it’s Pastor. Anga is busy and Pastor says he doesn’t have vision like a telescope to know that. Anga wants to know what’s up. Pastor has something to tell him that Anga needs to know. Ivonne gives him a silent pep talk behind the scenes. So, what’s so important, Anga wants to know. Pastor describes how he was forced to spill the beans about Juan being involved in the business with the Japanese firm. Anga is impactado and upset. He calls Pastor a swine, traitor, Cain [very clever, since he is your bro, Anga. It’s also a low blow]. Anga hangs up and Pastor reports to Ivonne that he hung up. Kike is impactado at the end of the conversation he heard. Anga tells Kike he has to find Juan Right Away.

Yadi is thoroughly put out because Nidia is apparently running off again, this time with her guapíssimo. What about that promise to help Yadi with the baby? Nidia, who has been displaying the traits of about a triple personality split since Christmas, now wants to know why she carries the world on her shoulders. She throws out the references to being the worst Grandma and the worst influence for effect and looks to Juan for his thoughts on the matter. Smart man, he keeps his trap shut. In fact, as Yadi starts in again, Juan makes it clear that he is Not Getting Involved. It’s not his stuff. He only knows they have to Leave Right Now or they’ll miss the bus to Achichipico. Juan grabs the suitcases, picks them both up [Ed. Note: show off, they both have wheels, don’t they?], and Yadi gets in his face. He’s Responsible For Her Mother. At this point, Juan’s agreeing to most everything. He’ll care for her as if she was his very own Mommy. Nidia strokes him in a most un-motherly manner and tells him he’s the sun. Juan looks pained and urges her to go answer the phone, which is ringing. Nidia gives a very formal greeting and we hear the cuckoos sing. But, it’s for Juan—Kike calling. Chinches bravas! Kike has very bad news for Juan. HUH? What news? I’m out of here! Kike convinces Juan he must listen. Farell knows you’re involved with the Japanese firm. ¿QUÉ?? Impactado ‘r’ Juan.

Ana and Paula, dressed to kill in the tropics [whoda thunk we’d see Ana wearing something cut down to her navel? Okay, maybe not that far, but still well below her neck. And, it’s pink and has a lovely pattern.] Paula is on the phone again or still. We can see her in the mirror, which has a lovely black wooden hand cut frame on the dresser. Ana is looking with very narrowed eyes at her offspring who is telling lies again. Paula tells CL she’s not sure when they’ll find the pigments for painting that her Mami is looking for. Ana looks disgusted. I would be, too. Paula assures her enquiring husband that they will be back as soon as they can. Yep, she’s AWARE they have trip this weekend, not to worry. If he needs anything, he should call her cell phone. Paula gets him off as soon as she can and snaps the phone shut. She remarks on how CL seems bothered, cold. Ana can perfectly understand why this might happen. In fact, this man has every reason in the world not to be bothered, but furious. Paula, spoiled brat that she is, can’t get it. Paula wonders if Ana thinks he knows why they came to Achichipico. Ana points out how lame the “pigments” rationale is. Nah, Paula disagrees, he never would have let me come. Ana gives her an exasperated look. The phone rings and Paula thinks CL has called back, but it’s someone down in the lobby looking for Paula. She’s impactada—and has no idea who it could be. Duh. Paula wonders if it could be Juan.

CL paces his lovely office. Oh, how I wish mine was so neat and orderly. [Not to complain, mine is outstandingly lovely, it’s just not that neat and orderly.] Ivonne comes in to take notes on the steno pad that’s embedded in her hand. CL wants info on a town called “Achichipico.” Ivonne’s impactada. CL continues that he wants to know how it’s connected to Juan Dominguez. Ivonne gives him the “qué the heck” look and he repeats the town name multiple times for our listening pleasure. “Well, what a little name!” She struggles to write it down. She wants more details and he yells that he doesn’t know, that’s why he wants info. If he’s connected, if he’s there, whatever. Ivonne wants to know why he’s complicating things so much. Everyone knows he’s in the D. F. But, CL suspects he’s in Achichipico for “something very important.” Ivonne asks if he’s meeting up with Paula, with her best chisme-gathering face on. CL wonders how Ivonne knows his wife is out of town? Moni told her. Ivonne feeds his suspicions a bit. CL wants to know if she’s going to get on it or just focus on conjecturing? He wants the info now—clear? CL takes a sip of water and works the glass over in his hand. Ivonne escapes and hears the glass shatter—in fact, all the lobby lizards are entertained by the sound of glass tinkling from the big boss’s office. Ivonne makes excuses for CL who’s a “little upset.” It’s his habit.

Paula has found Delfi waiting in the lobby to see her. She tells Delfi she’s surprised that they’ve suddenly heard from Juan after all this time. Delfi assures Paula she’s just as surprised that as soon as Paula asked, Juan called. Paula tries another tack; she knows perfectly well that Delfi is a friend of Juan’s and so is Paula. They both love him well. Why doesn’t Delfi just tell him once and for all where he is? Delfi puts on her most innocent face and assures Paula that no one in the town knows where he is. Paula snidely remarks he’s a man of mystery. [Give it up, Paula, it’s lost on Delfina.] Delfi continues with her tale of the call…he call to ask…..the record scratches to a stop. To ask about family, etc. She babbles on about his call. Uh=huh, Paula responds, our mystery man disappears for months and then calls to ask about family, etc. Of COURSE, Delfi assures Paula. What could the man be thinking? Okay, Paula asks, what did you tell him? Delfi tells the truth that she mentioned Paula had stopped by to ask about him. Wow, it’s like a novela! Paula presses on: when you told him that, what did he say, that I’d come looking for him? Delfi blurts out --that he’s coming here. And Paula is predictably impactada. When? Delfi blows out a breath and shrugs.

While Juan paces back and forth in front of the mantel at the Casa Cachón, Yadi yells that he’s making her nuts (infuriating her) and he’s going to walk a groove in the floor. Nidia tries to intervene and tells him Yadi’s right plus he’s infecting them with anxiety. Juan retorts it’s not for nothing, because if Kike is telling him the whole story, it’s very serious. Juan points out that if Kike has it right, they’re looking at something pretty serious. Yadi retorts that Kike has no reason to lie, and Nidia scoffs at her. Nidia seriously doubts Kike’s info and thinks Juan better scrutinize it with a magnifying glass (lupa). Yadi thinks Nidia only agrees with what suits her. Nidia retorts and Yadi tells that okay, at times my hubby babbles on, but only a little. Nidia scoffs about that office, where the gossip service is the fastest known to man. She strokes her body and tells them to calm down, breathe, calm down, breathe. Juan rubs on his arms in harmony with Nidia, who tells him to hang on until Kike gets here and explains. It’s on Juan’s last nerve, though—qué the heck is keeping him? Nidia assures him it’s probably traffic.

Anga is scolding Pastor for waiting until the last minute to open his mouth. Pastor protests that they were pressuring him and he wasn’t seeing it all clearly. Kike looks on in concern as they stand outside….someplace with a stone building that reminds one of a zoo exhibit. Anga accuses Pastor of toadying up to the bosses. Pastor assures his bro he’s telling the truth now. He’s here, facing up to it, asking for forgiveness. What more does Anga want? Anga wants him to learn and not get into these messes (hacer esas jaladas, make these failures). You, in order to stay in good with Farell, are capable of selling out your own brother. Pastor shamefacedly hangs his head and rubs his face. Anga continues that this is all hogwash, and after all you have done for these people they treat you like a criminal (? jerga). Pastor begs forgiveness again and Kike interrupts, checking his watch. Anga stops him; “we’re going already. He has to face the consequences.” They’re going after he talks with this….traitor! Pastor tries to warn his brother, who hustles Pastor off to the truck with them.

Ivonne is hot on the trail of Juan, calling the information booth, or what passes for it, in Achichipico. The chic at the desk where there are pay telephones gives Ivonne the scoop; yep, Juan Dominguez is from Achichipico and there isn’t anyone here who DOESN’T know him. She waxes eloquent about our Juan. But, if you’re interested in the beauty pageant, don’t bother. The town is full of beauties. Don’t waste your time. Ivonne is a little impactada. No, she wasn’t thinking of competing. She describes Juan to see if it’s our guy. Yep, it’s him. Couldn’t be two of them in Achichipico. Ivonne is pleased—have you seen him around those parts lately? Gee, now that you mention it, no. Why are you looking for him? Ivonne hustles off the phone, thanking her and hanging up. Molo runs in to the chica (Margarita) to ask for a favor. He tells her not to tell anyone anything about anything about Juan [sic] if she gets any calls asking about him. Too late! Just a minute ago some chick was asking about Juan on the phone. I told her he lives here and I thought she wanted to know about the pageant, but no. Molo wants to know who it was, her name, something. Nope. Nothing.

Meanwhile, Super Sleuth Ivonne has news for CL. So fast? It wasn’t hard. Look into his personnel file and it’s easy to see his home was Achichipico. Your worst suspicions were confirmed. From what she could figure out, he’s the king of the town. CL is muy, but muy impactado.

Ana doesn’t like any of this a bit, though she’s strolling around a lovely pool in a lovelly hotel in a lovely town with Paula while the bell tower chimes in Achichipico. But, Ana’s not happy with Delfi’s sudden change of attitude; it gives her a bad feeling. Paula, on the other hand, feels optimistic. She feels like she finally could clear things up. Close the circle. Ana thinks it might open the circle more, and new problems, more serious ones, could begin. Paula says that’s why she has to talk with Juan and confront the ghost. They argue about what a face to face will bring. But Paula doesn’t want it by phone, but face to face. She just has to shed this doubt and asks her mother to understand and help out here.

Ivonne continues telling CL that’s all she could find out, and it’s not for sure if Juan’s in the town or on the way. She thinks he should call his little wife and ask her. CL tells her that he wants one thing to be perfectly clear—she’s not to utter one word of this to anyone or he’ll kill her. Ivonne tells him not to worry, because she’s aware that he’s recovering from an operation and his wife’s off looking for her lover. CL clenches his hands together. It’s so sad. CL orders her out of his office because he doesn’t want to fight. She points out he’ll never be able to force a woman to marry him. Because, even if it hurts him, Paula is in love with Juan Dominguez, not CL. CL tells her to get out. Ivonne gives it one last shot, though—look at this, the great César Luis Farell losing his woman to a shabby chauffeur. The day will come when he gets on his knees not to beg for love, let’s say, but for a little company. She purses her lips and stalks out as CL stares in anger at nothing in particular.

Nidia, good abuela, holds the baby while Juan lounges on the sofa and Yadi sits expectantly. Juan jumps up as the door slams. Pastor comes first, then Anga and Kike. Juan greets Pastor and looks over him at Kike and Anga. Kike gives him a signal to hold on. Anga tells Juan to look who they brought. They’re going to resolve this right now. The boys all adjourn to the study.

Delfi and Molo are holding a mini-conference; what to do? Why is Delfi so sure that the Lic Paula is going to wait for Juan? Delfi informs him she noted that Paula is at least as much or possibly more interested in seeing Juan than he is in seeing her. As they say, Mission Completed!

Pastor faces the consequences with Juan and informs Juan that he let the Farell folks know that Juan is involved with his brother and the Japanese folks in the business. Juan is Impactado. You told CL that? Yes, and Sra. Monica. Forgive me, Juan. They all stare at each other, some scowling and one with apology written all over him.

Pastor continues that he’s the worst kind of toady, a bad man, but he’s sorry. He tries to apologize to Anga again. Juan calls him back. What did CL and Monica say? Nothing, because Pastor didn’t confirm that Juan was in the business. Pastor tells them about trying to get the two partnerships working together to avoid CL’s vengeance. Juan quietly tells him that Pastor knew perfectly well what could come with that, and so why did he do it? Weren’t they friends? Anga jumps in; this señor is no friend, but a traitor. Kike pipes up that Juan should realize who are his real friends and Pastor hangs his head again. He swears that he doesn’t know the moment when he lost his way, but Juan can see how sorry he is. Juan tells them all fine, let’s calm down. Anyone can have a weakness. The good thing is that we realize and it can be corrected. Kike tells him “oh, sure, correct it now that the damage is done, huh?” It was bound to happen sooner or later that they’d learn I’m involved in the business, Juan tells them. He sits down quietly, tired of it all. Pastor takes hope; Juan is a saint, a marvel of a man. He can’t imagine Pastor’s feeling that the burden has been lifted. Juan looks sadly up at Pastor, who is still standing in front of the desk. Kike eyes Pastor warily and Anga looks disgusted.

The boys and Nidia have finally made it to the bus station, with the lovely bag that looks like a Gateway computer should be in it. Kike and Juan chat about having made it to the bus, even though it was close. Juan thanks his Blessed Child of Atocha they made it. Kike wants to know what Juan’s going to do now. Well, what can he do except wait for CL’s retaliation? They break into street talk and Juan says what worries him is working it out in person with his little dove, before anyone else gets to her. Meanwhile, next to them, Anga tries to engage Nidia. What’s going on in her life? Forget it, no need to ask questions that don’t really interest you. What, don’t tell me you’re still mad since the last time we saw each other, he wonders. What, me mad? No, man, especially not with a man who is disloyal—like you. What, he asks, just because I refused to go on a binge with you and your friend when you came by the market center? She says that since he has a conscience, he probably hasn’t forgotten that day. Nidia tells him it’s better they keep their distance and pushes him away. He wonders who can possibly understand her; one days she’s all joy and smiles, another she’s a stranger. [Ed. Note: we had the telenovela device of amnesia so far, how about a little split personality thing next?] Nidia lectures him about thinking on people who believe in loyalty, respect, solidarity. But that’s hablablablabla. What’s important is the emotions and ties of friendship that they say are worth so much. Anga remarks that he had forgotten that Nidia is sensitivity made woman. She retorts that it’s nice that he agrees. Anga protests that it’s better for him to invite her to eat so they can talk like civilized and mature adults. Nidia asks him if she’s buying a ticket, has a suitcase, what part of her traveling doesn’t he get? It’s her turn to get a ticket, and she buys it gleefully. [Ed. Note: the agent says she’s in luck, it’s the last one left, so one wonders how Juan is going to get on the bus.]

Delirio is deliriously happy to see the cop coming into the yard at the pen. Gutis looks on as Delirio attacks the cop and tries to convince him that Gutis is the guilty one and Delirio himself is innocent. The cop tells them to calm down, he has to talk to them. They’ve found Manny. He’s on his way to the pen. Delirio’s hands clench as if to strangle….

Ivonne shakes her head as Pastor approaches her desk; what’s he into now? Pastor tells her he had to go with his bro on an urgent matter. Did he tell Anga the truth? Yes. She congratulates him on doing the right thing. He supposes it was. Well, Ivonne wants to know, what did he say? Pastor tells how Anga preached at him. And Juan? Is on his way to his hometown. Anga took him to the terminal. Pastor proceeds to tell her what a great guy Juan is, a sun. He told me not to worry, he understood, the important thing was I corrected it all. So why do you have this long face? Because he felt totally deceived by me. Well, for good reason, Ivonne tells him. But don’t you feel a burden is lifted? Yes…..somewhat. But, I still need to do the worst part. He indicates CL’s door behind Ivonne. Ivonne advises him not to go in because CL is breathing fire because the Lic Paula has gone to look for Juan in his hometown. Pastor says he understands Juan’s rush to leave now. Ivonne gets the glimmer of chisme look in her eyes. She ooohs about what will happen when they get together and advises him again to leave it until tomorrow. Pastor decides it’s better to get it over with today (never leave until tomorrow what you can do today--to the bad step, give speed). Ivonne wishes him good luck, because he’ll need it. Pastor crosses himself, tells her that he hopes that’s God’s will, and that he doesn’t want flowers on his grave.

CL is pensive, smoking with his back turned to the door. Pastor clears his throat and CL turns around, asking what he wants. Can’t Pastor see he’s busy? Pastor apologizes for the interruption but he needs to have a few words with CL. CL says not now. But, it’s urgent. Nothing’s urgent in this life, especially not a conversation with you. But, if it weren’t so important, I promise I wouldn’t be bothering you. Well, then, what language will Pastor understand? CL doesn’t want to talk with ANYBODY. What part is it that Pastor doesn’t understand? Does Pastor want him to draw a picture or what? Or, will he be compelled to forcibly eject Pastor? Pastor finally gets in that he spoke with his brother. Why the h*** does Pastor think CL would be interested in Pastor talking with his brother, his mother, or whoever? Pastor objects to CL bringing his mother, may she rest in peace, into this discussion. Don CL, my brother’s business partner is Juan Dominguez. If looks could kill, CL’s would do worse. And they’re doing business with the Japanese folks. CL’s voice drops 40 decibels to a whisper. “I’m going to kill him.” CL vows to destroy Juan. He’ll make sure that Juan is very sorry for having gotten involved in CL’s business negotiations. Pastor is going to have to help him, though, and that wretch is not going to know what happened to him. Pastor tells CL that Juan already knows that CL is aware of his business. Juan himself authorized Pastor to say so. He knows everything about which CL and Pastor have spoken. CL comes around his desk, rabid. “¿Qué?”

At the bus station, warm hugs and farewells are happening. Anga hugs Juan and looks somberly over his shoulder at Nidia. The men say their farewells, Anga wishes them “good trip,” and Juan tells him to take care (abuzado-careful). He moves toward the bus and Kike tells Nidia farewell. He tells her to behave herself with Juanito, and he doesn’t mean the 6-year old. Kike tells Nidia not to get Juan all mixed up in her silliness. We hear the cuckoo clock…..Nidia throws back a retort and Kike gets a real kick out of it. Anga looks like he wants to get in on the fun.

CL erupts and accuses Pastor of being on drugs, drunk, cursed--something for sure. No, Pastor replies sadly. Well, what then? Don’t you realize what you’ve just done? Pastor stammers that he does, and he’s sorry, but….CL interrupts, turning purple again. Pastor continues—what could he have done? He had betrayed his friend, his own brother, and that’s not good. YOU are talking to ME about what’s good and what’s bad? A person who had not the slightest qualms or scruples about robbing me. A person who, by his negligence, got the company involved in buying pirated software. And it doesn’t seem to be important to you that I have paid the consequences of this stupidity! Pastor stammers again that he knows, but CL needs to understand…. “NO, YOU UNDERSTAND” CL screams at Pastor, you’re a good-for-nothing (mequetrefe-inútil--good-for-nothing) piece of trash (pacotilla)…..(our view moves to the lobby where Ivonne, the lizards, everyone is hearing with us this terrible reaming out as if it were in a wind tunnel or on a megaphone). You’re garbage who doesn’t know how to return a favor, who prefers to bite the hand that feeds you and to defend jerks like Juan Dominguez. I should NEVER have hired a nonentity like you…..(Monica joins all of us out in the lobby, looking as concerned as everyone—no one has the glitter of chisme in the eyes at the moment, including Ivonne or the lobby lizards). Marely looks Very Upset and Fern is somber behind her. I never should have hired a man who is nothing like a man. [Ed. Note: That was just unacceptably low, CL.] Pastor raises a finger—“Pardon me, you are offending me.” CL, totally beside himself, screams—what, you want me to congratulate you? You want an award? Pastor struggles to keep his composure. “No, I only want you to put yourself in my place.” “In your place??? I would die before I would put myself in the place of someone like you!!” The lobby lizards, for the first time in memory, look uncomfortable and even upset for Pastor. CL lowers his voices a little and asks Pastor to do him the favor of getting the H*** out of his office, of his business, and above all, of his life. CL never wants to see Pastor again and Pastor’s presence gives CL nausea. “You disgust me, Gaitán.” Pastor is devastated, but keeping as composed as possible under the stress. “You’re fired. Get out NOW. Don’t put a foot back in this office or I’ll kill you with my own hands. You’re a traitor, hypocrite and an ungrateful dog.” Moni grabs Ivonne and hustles her into Moni’s office. Ivonne sees a good angle and smiles a little to herself as we hear CL continue to yell at Pastor when we thought everything that could possibly have been said was already said.

As the yelling continues in the background, Moni asks if Ivonne knows what’s happening in CL’s office. Ivonne is surprised she doesn’t know. Well, that’s why she asked, if she knew, she wouldn’t be asking! Ivonne smugly reports that CL’s gone hysterical because he’s just found out about the Lic Paula. [Not exactly, Ivonne, but that’s probably your story and you’re sticking to it, no doubt.] Ivonne explains how she had invented an excuse to go find Juan in his hometown. Monica asks how Ivonne knows and Ivonne fills in the dirty details about how CL had her call this little town, Achichipico to see what it had to do with Juan because Paula was going there with her mother, she said. Ivonne wonders why Paula is such a fool to mention the name of the town, and tells Moni how she found the name in Juan’s personnel file. Anyone can find all kinds of things in there. Moni has a look of admiring impactada.

Pastor is miserable as he slowly leaves CL’s office to encounter all the LLs watching closely. Marely and Fern look a bit guilty as Pastor takes his glasses off and wipes his eyes. The concern of all is tangible as sad violin music plays. Pastor hurries to his office through the crowd. Ivonne comes out of Moni’s office and Marely quietly gets her attention to ask what has happened to Don Pastor in CL’s office. Marely’s genuine concern and Fern’s serious demeanor don’t sway Ivonne—“What do you mean, what happened?” “Well, you heard CL screaming in his office and Pastor just came out with such a terribly sad, devastated face. Ivonne sternly tells them to get on the ball (lively) and most likely they’ll be looking for a new head of personnel. [Ed. Note: Dreamer! These folks don’t have a clue how to get on the ball.] Fern is impactado—WHAT? What happened? Ivonne desperately tells him not to ask because it’s so ugly and sooner or later it’s going to happen to everyone. [Ed. Note: Especially if CL and Moni ever get a clue and notice how much Lobby Lounging is happening.] Fern and Marely are concerned and impactados.

An exceptionally unlucky Manny, no glasses or slicked back hair, but wearing the understated tailored khaki uniform that seems to be quite the rage here, is thrown into the exercise yard at the pen, face down. Guys laugh and mock. A crowd surrounds him to toss him around and let him know who’s boss. Gutis and Delirio hang back, waiting…..But Gutis shakes out his arms to get ready to deck Manny at the first opportunity. Delirio, predictably, is impactado. Like he never thought to see his old chum again or something. Manny tosses an insult over his shoulder at the crowd, breaks away from them and sees the Odd Couple, holding out his arms in relief and running to greet them…..only to be decked by Gutis. A great prison yard faked fight ensues. Delirio just hangs around hanging onto Manny’s shirt and yelling for Gutis to calm down. The correctional officers (politically correct term, right?) drag Gutis off of Manny and Gutis is on his feet yelling at Delirio. “Have you forgotten it’s because of this scumbag we’re in the tank? That he disappeared, didn’t face the consequences while you and I were thrown in here?” Delirio looks baffled. Then Delirio slowly moves to Manny, murmuring comforting words while Manny checks to see how many teeth he has left. Poor thing, Delirio tells Manny as he puts both hands on Manny’s face. Gutis watches this in total disbelief. “Sure. Gutis, look.” As Manny relaxes a little at this tender welcome, Delirio bellows to Gutis “BREAK HIS FACE!” Gutis loses no time in diving back at the impactado Manzano. A new faked prison yard fight ensues. We see the back of Manny’s head as he moves around on the ground, Gutis hand on Manny’s shirt as he manhandles the boy, and hear the guys’ yells. Manny wiggles out and stands up to face off with Gutis, the CO standing near. “Just a minute,” Manny snaps at Gutis. Manny says he just gave his declaration to the authorities and absolved the Odd Couple of any guilt. They believed everything he told them. Delirio asks if Manny for sure declared them innocent. Gutis gives him a disbelieving glare. “Of course I did!” He points out that with Gutis it wasn’t such an easy thing. Gutis turns to deepen the scowl. “Yeah?” Manny explains that since they had done some business together, there were documents that compromised Gutis and Manny couldn’t help him much. Delirio wants to know about himself. [Of course.] With you, Manny tells Delirio, it was easier. I told them you were clueless about the pirated programs. I told them you were innocent. Delirio, delirious with joy, exclaims and hugs Manny, kissing and caressing his face until the guys in the yard are totally titillated and hooting. Gutis distances himself fast. [As much as one can in a prison yard with 20 guys that’s about 12x12.]

Pastor is packing his meager belongings and Ivonne is telling him how sorry she is as the sad violins play. Pastor asks if she heard that wretch screaming at him. She did. “Terrible,” Pastor shakes his head and Ivonne agrees, but thinks he did what he had to. Pastor wants to know why, when a person does something he shouldn’t, they pardon him, reward him, they get him out of a jam. But, when a person does what he should, it’s the opposite. Ivonne helpfully tells him that’s life and you have to accept it. Pastor continues—it’s such sadness, so many years dedicated to this company, for what? To end up out in the street like a dog. The LLs watch raptly through the not-so-blinds. Ivonne continues to be helpful, telling Pastor to look on the good side. He’s leaving with his head held high, with his dignity intact, and no one can take it from him, not CL nor Monica, not anyone. Pastor says he can at least go with a calm conscience. “Does that seem so little?” Ivonne asks. She tells him he should feel proud. Pastor didn’t let himself be bought by people whose only interests are their own. Smile, today is the first day of the rest of your life, she exhorts Pastor. Pastor sniffles and looks around distractedly.

Moni has gone to see CL in his office, and asks what happened. He growls, “Oh, please. Don’t tell me you don’t know because I’m not buying it.” He points out that Ivonne surely has already made sure she had the gossip. Moni brings him a glass of water from his desk while he pours from his decanter. She trades the glasses and tells him it’s better for him to calm down first. She reminds him he’s convalescing and could do himself harm. CL wants to know how she proposes that he should calm himself. Especially since he’s dying because of what his wife is doing right under his nose. Moni gives him the feigned wide-eyed innocent look. He warns her to not even think about making a commentary because he won’t stand for it. Moni’s innocent look is honed to perfection. She wouldn’t think of it. She just doesn’t like to see him so upset and it worries her. CL mutters, more to himself than to her, how much he hates this d*** man. He continues on his rant against Juan, hitting himself and declaring that they cuckolded him in the most cynical and insolent way possible. CL smiles with no humor at all.

Meanwhile, that d*** man has a woman’s head on his shoulder in the bus, but it’s not the Licenciada Paula. Nidia is enjoying her time with Juan, and he’s miserable. Nidia’s hand rests on his shoulder, too. She sighs in happiness and tells him this trip seems like something out of a movie—“don’t you think so, treasure?” Juan asks why like a movie? Nidia proceeds to tell him about movie she saw recently with two gals, okay, maybe girls, like herself, who went off to explore the world. She hablablablabla about the plot of the movie while the cuckoo clock sounds. Juan looks at her, bemused by her babbling. He nods periodically and begins to thought bubble—seems that when one is in a hurry to get some place lots of obstacles and problems pop up. He remembers something his mother told him about giving oneself time to have a cool head and things resolve better. But it wasn’t just any old thing he needed to resolve, instead it was with the woman he loved. Juan continues to slip Nidia glances as she babbles on about the hero of the film, with a lovely build like Juan. They got drunk, and….robbed folks, and got into lots of dangerous situations, but how amusing! Juan jumps on her—where’s the amusement in that, I want to know! Nidia is offended at his outburst and wonders what brought that on. It was just the adventure of the movie, that’s all. She fantasizes about herself and Juan on a trip and they could end up on the coast, or a desert island, or…the cuckoo clock goes off again as Juan looks at her in some alarm. Juan tells her to calm down. What was the first thing he warned her? Not to smoke, Nidia wonders? Juan scolds her for messing with him (chistosa-joker). Nope, it’s to be calm. If you couldn’t, you should not have come with me. He scolds that she’s got these “movies” in her head that she shouldn’t. [Ed. Note: Since when is this a new thing, Juan?] He scolds her a little more about these tales and makes her put her head against the backrest to calm down, talking to her as if she’s a preschooler. [Ed. Note: Well, yeah.] She sputters at him—whatever you say, Papi Rico. The bus goes on.

Paula orders tea after the meal for herself and Ana at a lovely outdoor café. [Ed. Question: In Achichipico?] The waiter takes their plates and Paula keeps talking. She whines that she’s nervous and Ana wants to know about what? Paula says about her future, the uncertainty, what might happen—especially with her marriage. Paula continues that since they arrived, she’s had the strangest sensation that her life is about to turn 180 degrees and nothing will ever be like it was. Ana assures her that life is like that, constantly moving. The waiter interrupts and asks if they want anything more, but they don’t. Ana says that she’s not afraid of anything because surprises really don’t turn out to be surprises. On the contrary, things tend to repeat themselves. Paula interrupts and tells Ana she hopes it will move rapidly because Paula feels like she’s in a whirlpool that never stop. Ana tells Paula that her life is really in her own hands, her future, and she shouldn’t leave things to run wild. Paula continues about her fears. Hablablablabla. [Ed. Note: Sorry, folks, I got so tired of whiny Paula all of a sudden I stopped translating.] Ana and I sigh in unison.

While Nidia sleeps on his shoulder, Juan prays to the Blessed Child of Atocha that Paula hasn’t left the building…er, Achichipico.

CL doesn’t want any more of whatever it is that Moni is forcing down this throat and she’s not taking no for an answer. The cup goes up to his open mouth as he protests, NOPE, don’t want any. She insists it will calm him and relax him. [Ed. Note: Probably Valerian tea, which tastes VILE. I wouldn’t want any, either. Take mine in capsule form and it’s over faster.] Finally, he takes it and drinks. Judging by his grimace, it was definitely Valerian tea. Moni asks if he feels better and CL snaps at her. NO. He feels worse. You know what he’s going to do? Moni hopes it’s not some insane thing. Nope, he’s going to look for Paula in that d*** village and he’s going Right Now. We are reminded that any similarity to real life is purely coincidental.

Monday: Juan hears voices on the bus, and he and Nidia get off the bus in the middle of nowhere. CL breathes fire on his desk—could it be all the scotch?

No vocab at the end today, discúlpanme. Soy floja. ;-)



Pasion Friday Feb 8 - Memo to Santiago: Camila is not YOUR wife

Lis talks to Ric and then when she is out in the hallway, she loudly says that he’ll regret what he has done. But OOOPS – her blindness betrays her, she didn’t realize someone was standing there in the hall. It’s Pablo. She says she was just upset, please don’t say anything about what she just said. She was over there swearing to God, her dead mother and father and all that is holy, but really heh heh I didn’t mean it. Pablo says he will keep his mouth shut. I’m not sure if he will or not. Also, I can’t see this actor (though is doing a fine job) without thinking back to when he and his mute partner worked for Cristobal in Alborada and wore those ridiculous wigs where the hair curled up on the bottom. It makes me laugh every time.

Back in her room, Lis whines to Fran about Ric getting married. Again. She comes up with some idea how to get Ric for herself and how Ric really loves her. Again.

Ric and crew get ready to leave, Mario has decided to join them. He leaves Pablo in charge of the house and the rest of them all leave.

A figure limps across the plaza in the middle of the night – it’s Santiago! He doesn’t appear to be running from the law, not sure if he could run anyway, so I guess he got sprung from the pen.

Ofelia has a headache or something, Ines is making an herbal treatment. So it’s late enough for Ric and crew to sneak out to LaFont’s house, it’s so late that Santiago is the only person out in the plaza, but Ofelia and Ines are still awake and fully dressed? I guess things are more convenient this way, when Santiago arrives he won’t have to go wake anybody up. Ines and Ofelia discuss what a raging bitch GRita is, Ofelia tries to be nice and says she hopes it’s just her pregnancy, Ines says no way, she’s a total bitch. Ofelia says she just wants Santiago to be free – and sure enough, there he is. He gets a lot of bunch of hugs and kisses, they ask if he escaped? No, he was set free, due in no small part to Ursula. Ofelia still thinks that the law might return for him, but Santiago explains that he was set free to soften the blow with the public about taking away Justo’s concessions. They tell him that Justo doesn’t know about that yet but everyone else does. Oh, also, Camila got married last night. Santiago hangs his head like he had a chance until that happened. Get over it dude. After discussing it with my wife, we agreed that he would likely have gotten over it long ago if his wife wasn’t such a huge pain in the ass, so of course everything she is so worried about is her own fault. To his credit, he tells Ofelia and Ines that her getting married was the right thing to do. I reduce my irritation from Santiago by one point.

Ric and crew storm LaFont’s house. Ric has a head wrap that looks like Steven Van Zandt from Bruce Springsteen’s band. They all cover their faces and Ric rings the bell, saying he has some urgent news for Alberto. The guy opens the door and they hold him down. Ric said no noise and no killing. The all split up and search the house. Ric takes FOREVER lighting a candle and looks around LaFont’s room. He finds some documents that look interesting, then he finds some coins. Mario also looks around what looks like an office. Ric also looks like the guys at the very beginning of the movie “Brotherhood of the Wolf”, when they have their coats up over their noses. Sorry for all the references, this is what goes through my mind when I watch TV. Brotherhood of the Wolf is a very interesting movie if you haven’t seen it. Anyway. Upstairs, Nana hears something and does a very Zombie-like walk to the door and into the hall. Mario sees her and grabs her, covering her mouth. Ric hears her yell anyway and rushes out there. He meets up with Mario, they throw Nana back into her room and close the door. Nana and Manuela stress, worry, and pray. Nana says they had faces like demons!

Outside, Ric asks what happened. Mario explains and says don’t worry, they won’t recognize us. Ric complains that he doesn’t want to hurt women, Mario says yeah I know you told me a thousand times. They bicker like old women then realize they are still standing outside and have taken off their disguises. Mario thinks Ric is being a wuss, does he think Jorge and Alberto worry like that? Ric says so what, we have to be like them?

Inside they look at what they found. Ric found some letters, Ric and Mario deduce that it is correspondence between LaFont and Foreman. So, Foreman is involved in the assaults on the caravans. They realize that LaFont has been selling the gold to Foreman. Ric produces coins he found at Alberto’s house, from Namibia and Italy. Mario says it’s proof! Ric says no, he could explain it away, but they know better. Moving on, Ric says maybe his loot is at Jorge’s house instead, but really he thinks it is already gone. Mario wants to kill the bad guys, Ric of course says no, he wants to prove what they did and expose them to the crown. He and Mario, who now seem to be best friends again as long as Ric doesn’t mention Camila, clink their wine glasses together and drink.

Jorge gives some cash to each of the two guys who helped with the last assault. They say it isn’t enough, surely Jorge and Alberto got more. Jorge basically says so what, I’m the boss whatever I want. The other guys don’t like it. Then Gonzalo pipes up from the back of the room, he is sloppy drunk. He complains that at least they got some money, he got nothing because he was off running an errand. Jorge tells Uriel, who looks like the fourth musketeer, that he is getting one of Jorge’s concessions and Gonzalo is getting the other one. Then the third guy complains what about me? Jorge says he gets whatever the others don’t want or don’t do a good job with. More complaining. Gonzalo wants cash to pay off his debt, Jorge says if he does well with the business they’ll work that out. More complaining. These losers will surely turn on each other and make it easier for Ric to find out what happened. Perhaps Gonzalo, being so disgruntled and also a drunk, will say something. Gonzalo then says something about Ric marrying Camila right under his nose, Jorge reproaches him. Gonzalo continues, the others chime in a bit, wanting to know why Jorge doesn’t do anything. Jorge says he’s waiting for LaFont to return, then he’ll decide what to do. Gonzalo slurs “so our opinion means nothing?” Someone tells him “shut up, you’re drunk, go home.” Gonzalo trips on something but finally makes his way out the door. After he leaves, Jorge tells the others that he is worried about Gonzalo, if he opens his fool drunk yap and says even one word about all this, they are all screwed (the word he used was ‘fried’). Ah so even more now I think Gonzalo will be the one to say something stupid.

Camila is getting dressed, worried about Ric since he didn’t come over last night. Jimena tells her to calm down, this is what it will be like being married to El Antillano. Camila worries some more.

GRita says she couldn’t believe it when Santiago showed up! Ines says her too. GRita says she can marry Vasco now, right? Ines says yes. Santiago comes out, GRita is actually nice to him and pulls his chair out for him. Ofelia offers chilaquiles (yum) or menudo (yuck), Santiago chooses menudo. GRita asks why he is so dressed up, he says he needs to go offer his thanks formally to Ursula. GRita immediately gets that look she always has and goes crazy. Now she thinks he’s after Ursula. He says the clothing an the thanks are appropriate, she says he went in just his work clothes the other day and that was to see Jorge! Etc etc. Santiago yells at her and storms off. Ofelia yells at GRita that she can’t tolerate this any more, Santiago hasn’t done anything wrong and she is suffocating him. I really like how everyone is starting to yell at GRita, she deserves it. Oh how I can’t wait for the letter from Camila to reappear from under the tree. That’s going to be awesome.

In the plaza, Ascanio reads the two pronouncements, one about Santiago being freed and the other about Justo losing the concessions. He sees Camila and Jimena there and tells them what they said. Then Santiago arrives, they all greet him warmly. THEN Ric arrives, giving Santiago a dirty look. Santiago congratulates Camila on the wedding not knowing Ric is there, Ric walks up and says “thank you.” Santiago leaves to go see Ursula. Ric says to Camila that it’s time to go see her father. Ascanio wants to know what to do, close the shop or what? Camila wants to talk to her father first. Ascanio offers to walk Jimena home.

Santiago thanks Ursula for her help, Ursula acts all nice. Santiago then thanks Sofia for her help, Sofia says she is glad for him to be free. She asks him to sit. Ursula sits next to him like a teenager in loooove. They discuss Jorge and the Justo thing again. Santiago laughs and says that his mother thought he was a ghost when he appeared last night!

Walking down a path, Camila makes excuses for being with Santiago, unnecessarily I think. Ric says he understands, but how would Camila feel if she saw Ric somewhere with Ursula? Her look says it all. Ric says see? But everything’s cool.

Manuela and Nana are worried about what happened, Manuela is worried that somehow LaFont will yell at her for this, somehow blaming it on her. I don’t put it past him. A card arries for LaFont, Manuela says that she has to take it to Jorge, she leaves.

Jimena and Ascanio discuss the ED card, Ascanio knows about it too. They are worried about it resurfacing. They wonder if Vasco lied and still has the card.

Jorge reads the card that Manuela brought. It’s from Foreman, saying that he is going to come to San Fernando to work out the rest of their business.

Ursula walks Santiago out of the house, he thanks her for the millionth time. His mother has offered to make her something, but she just wants him to visit her. He says he doesn’t want to encounter her father, so she asks to visit him. He says whenever you like. He leaves and she twirls around like a little girl. She’s all hot and horny for her brother! Gross!

Ric and Camila visit Justo, who says they need to tell Vasco they are married. Camila wants to have a wedding party together with him and Ines, Ric says fine. Justo wants to go see after his businesses, Camila tells him uh no, no, we have it taken care of. Justo says he’s much better, look how his hand doesn’t shake! He holds it out for them, he has only a small tremor.

Outside, Camila asks Ric if it was wrong not to tell him, Ric says he doesn’t know, it’s her decision. She thinks he’s mad, he says he’s thinking of something else. She says always something else but he hasn’t ever told her what that is. He says there hasn’t been time, she says find the time. Then she tells him how worried she was when he didn’t come to the house last night. They run into Marcelino, who is bringing the notice to Justo about losing his concessions. He tries to run on in, but they finally convince him to let Camila sign for it instead, since Justo doesn’t know yet. Ric asks if she wants to tell him later, she doesn’t know, she’s worried that he’ll take it hard. Ric says Justo is strong, does she want him (Ric) to tell him? He says it’s easier for people to hear bad news from strangers sometime, they are better able to control themselves. She agrees. Just then Ofelia and Santiago show up, Camila says Ric will tell Justo the news. Santiago says him, why? Ric says “because that’s what we decided.” Ric goes inside. Predictably, Santiago flips out, forgetting that it is Camila’s sister that is his wife, not Camila. Ofelia finally tells him to shut up, he’s making Camila nervous.

Ric goes inside and does a great psych job on Justo, telling him how everyone didn’t want to tell him the bad news but Ric knows better, he knows how strong Justo is and that he would be able to handle it. He explains how Jorge did it because Camila and Ric got married. Justo guesses before Ric has to tell him that Jorge took away his concessions. Ric then tells Justo how Jorge and Alberto are the ones stealing gold from the caravans, and that is why Ric came here, to bust them on it. He wants Justo’s help. He doesn’t say how but he gets Justo to swear that he won’t say anything to anyone.

Outside Camila is pacing madly, Santiago fumes, Ofelia tries to calm them down. Justo and Ric come out, Justo says of course the news is horrible, but they have to see what happens. So everything worked out fine, which doesn’t make Santiago happy. Now he has to admit that Ric was able to handle it.

Walking home, Ric tells Camila that he shared the info on the caravans with Justo, because his life is more important than keeping a secret.

Jorge is interrogating Manuela, she swears nothing was stolen, there were five guys, she didn’t see any of them, but Nana said they had faces like demons. Jorge wants her to stay at his house until Alberto comes home, she of course is worried that Alberto will freak out, Jorge says he’ll explain, she leaves to get ready.

Camila and Ric, who seem to have just been taking one long walk all day long (how I would love to have time like that, to just walk around with my wife all day in the sun doing whatever, that sounds awesome), run into Ascanio in the plaza and tell him that Justo knows the news now. Ascanio says what then, should we close up? Ric says sure, but take all the merchandise and put it at Justo’s house, that’s his own property. They can sell it there from the yard. But won’t Jorge get mad? Ric rightly says that Jorge will find things to get mad about no matter what, so what’s the difference. Ascanio says he’s going to go get the porno twins and get right on it. Camila says she saw Ric with Ascanio talking the other day, what about? Dang woman you are going to turn into GRita if you insist on interrogating your man, knock it off. Ric says he was telling him that he was going to get married with Camila. She asks if he trusts him so much that he told him before anyone else? Ric just says, “let’s go home.” Maybe his lies are starting to unravel.

Santiago is walking home with his mother, whining that Camila puts more trust in Ric than in him, and they have known each other for forever. Um, Santiago, this is because it is her HUSBAND. Him, not you. That point off the irritation scale that Santiago earned earlier? Right back on. He’s just as bad as his wife in the jealousy department sometimes. Ofelia tells him to knock it off, Camila found a good guy, get over it. He says Ric is NOT a good guy. Ofelia says he’s being jealous. Santiago says no, there’s something about him. They see Ascanio and ask what’s going on. He explains that Ric had the great idea to move the stuff to Justo’s house. Rather than agree and be sensible, Santiago explodes and wants to know who the hell Ric is to be giving this family orders all of a sudden. Ascanio is taken aback and says “well, he’s Camila’s husband!” Thank you Ascanio for the reality check, Santiago hasn’t seemed to understand that fact just yet. Santiago says “yeah well I’m Rita’s husband!” Ofelia tells him he’s getting irrational, Santiago storms off. Ascanio says what do I do? Ofelia says do what Ric told you. He goes and explains to the porno twins what the plan will be.

At Ofelia’s house, she is giving cures to various peasants. Ines comes to her and says she doesn’t really trust Ursula. Ofelia plays innocent and says that Ursula just did what God told her to do. Ines says the news is out on Ursula, she likes good looking men and Santiago is good looking, sooo… Ofelia says no way, Santiago wouldn’t do that. Ines says whatever, he’s still a man and his wife is a witch so who knows. Ofelia is freaking out of course, knowing that they are brother and sister. Ofelia grabs her wrap and runs off to talk to Sofia.

She gets there in a hurry. Sofia is told that Ofelia is waiting for her, she tells her granddaughter that she’ll see her later. Ofelia comes in and stammers around a bit about Ursula, finally Sofia just says yeah I know she’s a tramp, and sleeps with whoever, including Vasco, get on with your story. Sofia says “say it.. say that Santiago is Jorge’s son.” Ofelia gets angry, Sofia says she wants Ofelia to announce that Santiago is Jorge’s son and let him have his rightful position. Ofelia says never. Sofia says “well then, we will celebrate incest!” Ewwwwwww. Ofelia runs out and Sofia says “this will be your punishment Jorge.”

Monday – LaFont tells Don Gaspar that he thinks Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal is realy Ricardo Salamanca, pirate. Santiago sees his mother crying in church, talking to a priest, I wonder if she confessed and he overheard? Camila moves into Ric’s house, Lis doesn’t like it. We appear to be on the cusp of the next act in this show – Santiago as Jorge, jr.


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