Saturday, August 18, 2007

Destilando Amor 08/17/07: "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble..."

" burn and cauldron bubble......"

During James and Rod's umpteenth heart-to-heart at the hacienda, Rod tells his best bud that he's determined to return to Montalveña to live out the rest of his maudlin days with his wife, and to raise this child there in hopes of forgetting the love of his life and to make sure she keeps her job at the CRT. Yep, Rod is going to let sleeping bitches lie rather than stir up trouble with The Family and start all the catcalls and hate speech all over again. Anyway, he figures that Isa and Minnie would know that he went running to Avellaneda to intercede for Gaviota and they'd be back to kick up another scandal at the Commission.

James asks Rod if he seriously thinks he can pull this emotional separation thing off 'cause he remembers the binge drinking and the 24/7 lude, crude, and rude dude Hot-Rod turned into last time. Rod says sure he can 'cause he and Gavi are sworn to remain friends. (Hubby smirks every time he hears this dandy little phrase, saying it doesn't work that way; men aren't put together like that and those screwball women writers never listen). Rod explains that he would rather keep Isa isolated there with him at the hacienda and just live for the kid with Isa in mommy mode in order to keep his promise to Gavi to stay a safe distance away. He is certain he can survive it all because now there no longer is any resentment or bitterness between the two of them, only beautiful memories.

Meantime, Avellaneda is recovering from Excedrin headache #99 (that's a generational joke, folks) and figuring out where he'll place Mariana Franco to avoid more problems from those malicious and meddlesome Mujeres de Montalvo, a.k.a., Minerva's Minions. Since the CRT needs a few days to set up the Guadalajara transfer, he asks Gavi to fill in at the Public Relations Department till they can hire the director over there a new secretary; then he sends her home for the rest of the day to recover.

As Mariana is leaving, Susy stops her and says she is dying to find out exactly what happened and if she's leaving for good. Mariana says things worked out and she's coming back the next day but will be transferring to Guadalara eventually. Susy asks her point blank about Rod and her, saying it's as plain as day (literally, the wall opposite them) that she had a love affair with the guy, so would she at least 'fess up about that?

Mariana refuses to go into detail 'cause it's a long, boring story she just finished burying. Instead she explains about her subbing stint in the P.R. department and asks about her boss there. Susy says Dr. Santaoeña is an egg-head but is very well respected by the whole organization.

Minerva, who seems to need the constant high she gets from the chaos she causes in others' lives, calls the CRT to check whether Mariana was actually fired or not. She talks to Susy who agrees to meet her for lunch and give her the details. Aaron finds her in the bedroom and asks what gives at the CRT and whether Rod's working-girl was fired or not.

Minnie says she thinks the shameless hussy is still there, but plans to find out for sure at lunch with Avellaneda's secretary and he and Isa are going to join them. Here, though, Aaron finally manages to find the key to Minnie's testicle lock-box. He pushes her back into the bed and tells her in no uncertain terms he will not! He is tired of her meddling like the old days at the corporation, and from now on the only one giving orders in that household is going to be him. Minnie seems momentarily impactada by his furious response as he storms out of the bedroom.

James finally tells Rod about his discovering that Meliton's unfortunate and untimely passing was a matter of self-defence for Acacia (Happy, happy, joy, joy!), since the old perv was literally in the wrong place at the wrong time when he went after her again.

Gavi meets Clarita at the neighborhood bar. Clarita orders a couple of doubles of tequila because she's certain the news is going to hit her like a huge stab in the back. Gavi explains how Rod stood up for her, and puts her mother's mind to rest. She explains they are not left out on the street, but that now they're going to have to move to Guadalajara to avoid more run-ins with Rod's family.

Clarita is sad to hear Gavi will have to give up her relationship with Young Mr. Rod again 'cause she knows how much it means to her. So much for happy telenovela endings they agree, like the one where the heroine ends up happily married to the hero and even has his twins......

James is scared and ashamed that in the morning he has got to put his new little bride in for psychiatric observation at a clinic in Guadalajara. He explains that Acacia's had two serious breaks with reality owing to her fear and guilt from the whole Meliton experience. Rod assures James this is the best thing and that the experts there will have all sorts of ways to help her get better. James is worried that they'll start asking questions and turn her into the police. Rod tells him to calm down. Let them do their examination, and once her condition is made clear then James should do whatever his conscience dictates.

Ofelia and San Juana are watching, meanwhile, over Acacia who has been drugged to sleep. SJ, never one to mince words, says pretty much that the handsome Mr. James must feel like he must be the second coming of Job. First he gets the grand brush off from Sofia and now he ends up involved with this ugly little thing who's going nuts on him.

Next morning, Gavi thanks Demetrio for going to bat for her with Avellaneda. She offers to pitch in for him till he gets a replacement. Demetrio chuckles and says her new boss will be keeping her too busy. When Gavi enters the P.R. department she is overjoyed to see it's Nancy, of all people, from her first job at the hotel who is sitting down at the receptionist's desk. The two friends make plans for lunch to catch up on their time apart and Gavi tells her that she's changed her name from Teresa Hernandez to Mariana Franco.

Well, at least we see that the new boss makes his own coffee. In fact, he offers Mariana/Gavi his own peculiar blend of espresso and asks her to try it and to tell him what she thinks. She says she is not exactly a coffee drinker and has no opinion. When he insists she says it's too strong and bitter and it could use a couple spoons of sugar. The way he describes what makes a fine tasting coffee is so erudite and poetic that Gavi, still a country girl in the big city, is pretty darned surprised that anybody could ramble on like that about a stupid cup of coffee.

So, their workday together starts and Dr. Santaoeña points out a number of flavored tequilas he was just sent that will be marketed to the younger twenty/thirty-somethings and in the midst of her trying to find his schedule book, he complains that his entire office is in chaos since his former secretary left him in the lurch. He adds, not just his office, but his entire life is in chaos. This makes Mariana stop and stare.

Back at the penthouse, Minnie irritatingly ignores Aaron's discomfort when he sees the gigantic picture and article in the society pages of the paper about them getting back together instead of him marrying Pamela Torreblanca.

Alonso rushes a mile a minute through a whole set of other instructions and demands without taking a single breath; and one of these includes setting up a meeting for exporters of tequila in the region. While absent-mindedly giving Mariana even more directions and asking for her response to proposals on fungicide and bactericidal product marketing campaigns, it suddenly occurs to him to ask for her name. She tells him but he promptly forgets it. In fact, she politely corrects him at least three times in a row about this. 'Nuff said. The dude is definitely ADDS challenged.......

Across town again, Isa and Minnie are gossiping about the photo of her and Aaron in the morning's paper. Minnie brags about the blitzkrieg move against Pamela and the Torreblancas, then insists Isa goes with her and Avellaneda's secretary, Susy, to lunch to find out what the CRT did to Mariana after they left. Minnie says she's afraid they didn't fire her after all. Isa doesn't want to at first and thinks she should wait for Rod to come home at noon.

Minnie argues she has to go with her since Rod's her husband and not Minnie's and Isa cannot allow this home wrecker and him to play her for a fool again. Isa is afraid to go any further with this business because she is sure Rod already knows what the five of them did there, and she's afraid he's going to take it out on her somehow; but, in the end, she buys Minnie's argument that the fight is righteous and that she should not allow Rod to intimidate her.

They hang up and Minnie the Malevolent says to herself that she will run this slut off every job she gets till she ends up starving. (In fact, the woman is so evil that the only thing we're missing in this scene is the maniacal cackle.....)

Fedra arrives and complains to Aaron about the article that appeared in the society page in the morning paper and the tacky way he chose to bluntly tell the whole world he has just jilted Pamela Torreblanca. He tells mama that the devil in red made him do it. Why, Minnie Mouse had him so tightly in her clutches that she was able to pull a fast one on him; and before he knew it she had blindsided him with it in the morning papers. Fedra asks him if he realizes the full consequences of handling it this way. It was totally uncalled for and Pamela didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

Just then Minnie glides in on her broomstick and makes a perfect landing. Aaron tries to stop the confrontation, but Minnie waves him off saying this is between his mother and her. She asks Fedra if she thinks she should have gone personally to Miami to the house there and asked Pammy to please hand her back her hubby-wubby. Besides, could it be that Fedra is partial to Pam and is sad to think she's losing the only opportunity of getting herself a grandchild? Well, no problem! Rest assured Minnie will get pregnant again. Or, isn't she happy that she and Aaron are back together now?

Fedra composes herself, then begins to slather it on thick with her ex-daughter-in-law. She says of course she's happy that she and Aaron are reconciled. However, when Minnie acts like a spoiled child, she has the right to correct her rude and ill-mannered methods. She insists that there was no need for Minerva to go running to the newspapers like this. Aaron agrees and calls her actions classless.

Minnie, on her high-horse, snaps back at him that she had every right, and anyway, how classy was it to have the slut move into her home and play house with her husband? Aaron reminds her that Torreblanca is a darned powerful member of the guild. Minnie sneers that Montalvo Corporation is much more respected and powerful in the tequila world than the Torreblanca organization. As far as she's concerned, the Torreblancas can gripe and complain to whomever and however they please, and for that matter so can Fedra!

At that insult, Fedra leaves in a snit. She tells them she's had enough and doesn't have to take that then stomps out. Aaron's jaw is pulsing he's so mad at Minnie. He tells her he was extremely upset at the way she spoke to his mother, but Minnie gets on her high horse with him too. This time he reacts and growls at Her Haughtiness that his patience is wearing way thin. Then Aaron viciously grabs her jaw and threatens her. "Understand this once and for all!! I will not allow it again!" He shoves her down into the nearest chair and walks out. She lets him leave and considers her next move.

At the house in Miami, Gaspar and Barbara are eating breakfast when he begins to read the morning paper. Barbara sees the society news photo of Aaron and Minnie, large as life, with the huge black headline blaring that Aaron is going back to his ex. Gaspar is fit to be tied and Barbara is gasping for words. Pam shows up then and begins to eat. Gaspar shoves the paper in her face to show her he was right all along, and says what a joke agreeing to marry this Montalvo was. They are going to pack her things up that day and leave for Mexico on the next flight out.

Back in Mexico City at the penthouse, Minnie changes tactics and catches Aaron on the way out of the house. She says she realizes she went too far and promises sweetly never to abuse the family nor try his patience like that again, then kisses him sweetly on the mouth while leaving the rest of us with the uncontrollable urge to look for anything to wipe our mouth off with. That said, she tries to ever so smoothly roll him over and to slyly slip his collar back onto him, saying in her most ingenuous voice and manner, that they'll be late for their lunch with Susy so just wait while she takes a second to go for her purse.

Again Aaron reacts to this ruse and adamantly refuses to get involved or to join her. He's not sitting in on a hen party with any secretary! So she sweetly, and ingenuously, backs away and says he is right and she'll attend to it. Aaron escapes from the penthouse and slams the door in her face.

Just then Pammy calls for Aaron and Minnie takes the call. She lets The Other Woman have it with both barrels and right between the eyes in a confrontation at least as worthy as any seen on Sally Jesse. Minnie tells Pam no way she's letting her talk to her husband. Pam says she demands he face her to break it off. Minnie answers that whores and mistresses don't have rights to demand anything. She demands that Pam leave her house immediately or she will come there to drag her out by the hair herself.

Pam refuses to leave and says that she loves him. Minnie has a big laugh at this but Pammy insists she didn't accept Aaron's marriage proposal till he was already divorced. Pammy is, of course, totally oblivious at this point in her argument to the fact that before he and Minnie were legally separated, a little thing like Aaron's still being married never stopped her from sneaking around with him for long weekend trysts --but enough of picking nits, right?

Minnie replies that, "If he came back to me it's because I am the love of his life." Minnie threatens she'll call the police on her if Pammy doesn't leave the premises within the next 30 minutes. "You've been warned. Don't come near my husband again or you'll be sorry!"

Pam is beside herself with the pain and the humiliation and locks herself in the bathroom. She starts remembering Aaron's telling her that she was the only one who gave meaning to his life. "Aaron, you don't know how to love. If you did you'd have never cheated on your wife and deceived her or me this way." All she ever did was love him she says to herself. "You are a selfish man who loves only yourself, yourself and your work," she sobs.

Pam decides then to tell her parents they're returning to Mexico ASAP. First though, she has something else to take care of. They leave her alone. Pam takes the external hard-drive she's been handling like a toy key chain the past few days, and inserts it into Aaron's computer drive. "What I'm taking from you does not compare to what you've stolen from me: hope, faith, love! You've left me empty, empty, Bichito!!"

Meanwhile, Aaron goes to Patricio's office to gripe and let off steam. "What was it that you meant by telling me not to get upset over something that never was?" Pat tells him the truth about how Minnie really spent the two or three months she was divorced, faking the cruises, locking herself up in her apartment all day, and then eventually flying to Spain to attend to her gravely ill grand-aunt. "Why did you make me believe all this?" "--Love! Because Minerva loves you, above all else!" At that moment Aaron starts laughing insanely at some private joke and says a huge weight has been lifted from him. Pat is puzzled.

Pam downloads all of Aaron's "Agave Turquesa" files (his only set which he has never bothered to back up) and does something to the hard drive of his computer which looks like she's either erasing the main drive, or is destroying it some other way. "Bichi, this is my farewell gift to you!"

Patricio makes the call to the grand-aunt in Spain to prove to Aaron that this relative of Minnie's really exists and that is where she went for two months.


By the time Mariana leaves Alonso's office to work on the huge stack of stuff he's got for her, Nancy and she cannot go out to lunch or for a coffee break together because there is just too much for her to get done. They agree to go out after work, though, to catch up on things.

Minnie and Isa corner Susy at lunch and start to give her the 3rd degree. Isa tells her it's important to know what's happened with Mariana Franco because her marriage depends on it. Susy tells them that they didn't really fire her That said, Minnie and Isa start telling her how Mariana has been after Isa's husband for the past 3 years despite Isa's now being pregnant. They add that she had tried to destroy both of their marriages before she left the corporation.

Next these two female hounds de Baskervilla warn her against ever trusting Mariana because she's power hungry, flirts with the bosses till she gets her way, and will step on anyone to get ahead. She loves stealing away all the secretaries' jobs!
Susy says she's never seen any funny stuff between her bosses but Avellaneda does appear to respect her greatly. They say it always happens like that everywhere she goes. Susy says that won't happen there because they plan to transfer Mariana to Guadalajara soon. However, she'll be working temporarily for a high ranking official till then.

Isa offers to pay her very well if she agrees to keep them up to date on anything that has to do with Mariana there. Susana definitely looks uncomfortable about now and quickly excuses herself without answering. Isa asks Minnie if the woman will run to Avellaneda first thing and expose them. Minnie says naw, the girl doesn't look that foolish.

Rod gets back to Mexico City and runs into Dani at Pilar's. She asks him what he found out about Gavi and if the others were involved in trying to run her off again. Rod tells Daniela how it went down at the CRT and that he and Gavi will have to live apart forever now to be sure she keeps her job. They agreed.

Rod admits he has spent the last three years running like a loon to catch and keep Gaviota, and he never figured it would have to end this way. He feels empty inside; but he plans to return to the hacienda and to start a new life without her. He will refuse to continue at the corporate offices to avoid the off chance of running into her.

Back at the restaurant Minnie and Isa agree that as long as Mariana is at the CRT she'll continue to be a pain in the family's backside. Isa plans to demand that Rod return with her to the hacienda until Mariana Franco no longer works at the CRT. She just knows though he'll try to find whatever excuse he can to keep on seeing her, and Isa's life will be hell. Minnie suggests they both go to Pilar and ask her to force Rod to do this for Isa.

Dani begs Rod to pay attention to her. She says trying to avoid Gaviota, let alone trying to live without her, is foolish. He knows his life will be never be complete and he will never be at peace without her with him. Besides, the last thing he should do is abandon her to that pack of hyenas. After all, as soon as those women returned to Mexico City they totally ignored his warnings and raced to the CRT and kicked up a fuss with Avellaneda to get her fired again. Those women, she continues, will constantly interfere in his life if he doesn't do something to stop them. He must stay as the head of the corporate offices to keep an eye on Gavi, because otherwise if she is anywhere within reach of their claws they'll grab her and tear her to pieces. He has to protect her........


Amar Sin Limites #21, Wednesday 8-15: The engagement party from hell

This will be a brief recap, as I'm so behind in posting it! Hold on to your tequila, cause here we go…

Mansión Malicia: Guy who saved Mauricio's life, meet woman who's marrying Mauricio. In how many languages can you say "impactados"? Mauricio leaves them together to go talk to some other couple and they stare at each other for a while until Azul gets pissy and leaves.

Azul goes off to complain to Ceci and Arnaldo about how Diego did this on purpose just to ruin her day. Ceci and I question Azul's logic on this one. Ceci and Arnaldo volunteer to keep an eye on him and report anything strange he does and Azul says she's going to go stick to Mauricio's side for the rest of the day.

Diego goes to tell Paco that Azul is Mauricio's fiancée and Paco suggests they leave, but Diego wants to talk to her first (no, Diego, run, run now, while you still can!). Mauricio, still in the dark, introduces Ceci and Arnaldo to Diego. GSD notices Diego and comes over to ask if he's met him before, but Diego and Azul both try to cover and blame it on GSD's bad memory and propensity to think he knows everyone. Diego tries to leave, but Mauricio insists that he stay for the toast, sits him down at his (Mauricio's) table next to Azul and reminds him that he's still got a job offer. Mauricio is summoned by Andres and leaves the table. Azul accuses Diego of befriending Mauricio on purpose (as if!) and Diego bemoans his fate to fall in love with a woman who's marrying someone else. Blah, blah, blah, lastima (lastima=hurt).

Gloria's apartment: Silvana is back in full-on Morticia mode. She's not wanting to go back to work or ever see Diego again and she tells Gloria she wants to run away. Gloria makes an attempt to be a good mother and asks Silvana not to leave now, just when they're starting to get closer to each other. Gloria's flighty, but she's trying.

Mansión Malicia: Mauricio, Caty, and Azul stand together while Mauricio makes his engagement announcement/toast. He says some pretty BS about how ever since Azul came back into his life he got back the love he lost after his wife (was viciously murdered by him) died. Diego's eyes water. I think it's hay fever from all the flowers…he can't be crying over Azul. Tía Inés' quartet starts playing Canon in D while Diego tries to leave the party again. Azul goes off to hide in Mauricio's room. Mauricio goes to ask Diego not to leave by offering CECI as a reason he should stay. My husband and I crack up laughing at Mauricio's display of being on our team--we're rooting for Ceci and Diego (well, really, anyone-but-Azul and Diego). Ceci has the entire conversation between her and Diego all by herself--"I know you're going to tell me you're here to say goodbye to her, and then I'd have to tell you that you're both stupid and suffering, and then you'd say that it's not fair, and then I'd say that she's been with Mauricio since before you showed up." Diego asks Ceci not to tell him anything and walks off.

Ceci goes to check on Azul and tells her that Diego keeps trying to leave, but Mauricio keeps dragging him back and that the last thing they need is for Mauricio to insist that Diego dance with Azul. (Dude's got all the money in the world, but I will pay him to do it! I'm sure I've got some loose change here in the couch cushions.)

Tía Inés' quartet finishes playing something a little more lively. She leaves her cello to the conductor and goes to talk to GSD. She's feeling really good, as she's got her chops back and GSD says she's playing like she did back in the good old days. She says what would make her completely happy is to tell everyone about their relationship. GSD's reply is to ask if she's crazy. Wow, he sucks at interpersonal relationships, possibly even worse than his daughter does. Tía Inés says either they come clean or it's over. Leonarda has observed this little scene and smiles fetchingly at GSD, who returns said fetching smile. EWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Diego finally gets to leave the party, but not before getting more pressure from Mauricio to accept his job offer. Diego says he'll think about it. Azul walks up to be by Mauricio and the four of them (Diego, Paco, Mauricio, and Azul) say their goodbyes. While Mauricio is distracted by Paco, Diego leans over and whispers in Azul's ear that this time it's goodbye forever. After they leave, Mauricio asks what Azul thinks of Diego and she says he's "normal" (nothing special).

In the kitchen, Leo tells Andres she overheard the conversation between Tía Inés and GSD (I can't wait to see how she turns this to her advantage). Arnaldo wanders into the kitchen and makes small talk about what a great party it is. One of our burning questions gets answered as Andres confirms that Leo is not his mother, but his aunt (however, I'm still creeped out by the relationship!). Arnaldo and Andres make eyes at each other, which Leo notices, and I guess it's not just other girls she doesn't want her little Andres paying attention to, but other boys as well. She looks steamed and when Andres introduces Arnaldo as Azul's brother, and she shakes his hand with as little enthusiasm and as curled an upper lip as she possibly can. I predict that soon we will get a tirade about how those darn Toscanos want to take away everyone she loves. *Shudder*

Outside Isela's Pool Hall of Taking In Every Stray: Silvana watches Paco coming back from the party and stops him to tell him she doesn't want to work there anymore, but doesn't know how to tell Isela. Paco fills her in on the whole "Azul is Mauricio's fiancée" news and the fact that Diego is having fights with "everybody". Silvana takes this in, but I'm not sure if this news is something that is going to make her more or less sympathetic towards Diego.

Mansión Malicia: Ick, ick, ick--Leo and Andres are back in their quarters. Leo is waxing rhapsodic about GSD, trying to make Andres jealous. How do I know? Because she's gratified when Andres insists that she tell him whether she seriously likes GSD. All together now…EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

Mauricio and Azul are getting ready for bed. Azul is brushing her wet hair. She shouldn't do that. Wet hair stretches and she's going to get breakage. She should get a wide-tooth comb. I digress. Mauricio is AGAIN asking her what she thinks of Diego and she tells him she thinks it's weird for him to be so interested in Diego. Mauricio lets her in on the fact that (a) he made Diego a job offer, (b) Diego turned it down, and (c) the reason he's so interested is Diego's the guy who saved his life. So now she knows. She's impactada, but not speechless. She continues nervously getting ready for bed by applying moisturizer. Good habit, that.

Upstairs in the Stray Cat Pool Hall: Silvana comes to visit Diego in the upstairs bedroom/storage room because she heard about Azul.

Mauricio and Azul: More moisturizer application while Mauricio talks about Diego's woman problems.

Silvana and Diego: Diego talks about his woman problems. Silvana marvels at the coincidences that brought her and Diego together. Another big revelation…Silvana read the police report. It clearly states that Mauricio had nothing to do with Nico's death. One of the witnesses said that they (the witness) looked after Nico while Mauricio was seeing to Caty. Silvana is grateful to Diego for giving her back the will to live, I accidentally typed "will to love", but she means that too…she's hinting very heavy-handedly that she'd like a relationship with Diego. I'd vote for it if she stops being crazy and smiles more. My husband is still insistent that it needs to be Ceci. We're going to have to work that out between ourselves :)

Mauricio and Azul: Azul wonders what job Mauricio was going to offer Diego. He says PR and Azul complains that PR is her job (What? I thought it was personnel). Mauricio says she does "so much more" than just PR, so Diego would be her assistant. She complains about Mauricio going on and on about Diego and that they haven't even talked about the party or about their relationship. She writes it off as being tired and disappointed that they're not making sweet, sweet love and are talking about Diego instead. She questions Mauricio's objectivity about Diego (because of the whole saving-Mauricio's-life thing).

Gloria's apartment: Bow chica bow bow. Phone coitus interruptus. Watching Gloria talk dirty while filing her nails is kind of funny. Gloria assumes that Silvana knew what she was doing, but Silvana thinks it was a guy Gloria genuinely liked. Gloria explains the phone sex thing and Silvana looks less horrified than one would expect. I think she has such a low opinion of her mother that this is just one other crazy thing (that runs in the family, no). Gloria's happy to hear that Silvana wants to go back to work.

Casa Abuelo's buddy: Buddy and son are looking at pictures. Sounds like his mama left when he was 4 and papa's been very good about not talking bad about her. Sonny says papa has done a good job raising him. Diego and Abuelo come over to visit. Sonny's name is Gaspar. Buddy pours everybody tequila and they toast to being all together.

GSD's apartment: At the party, Azul had asked Tía Inés and GSD if her engagement present could be a music box that Tía Inés gave to her mom. GSD is looking for it and babbling to Inés. He still can't remember where he saw Diego. Inés finally says she's leaving and has to clarify that it's her leaving, not the two of them--she wants to be alone. GSD stupidly wants to know why. Inés complains that he spent the party being friendly with Leonarda and acting like Inés wasn't there. Inés says that since he won't tell the family it's like she's nothing and she's sick of it. She storms out. But hey, GSD's still got science, and science will never give him a hard time and storm out if he spends an afternoon with philosophy instead. Some consolation.

Casa Abulo's buddy: The younger set leave the little party early--Diego to go home and Gaspar to go to bed. But Abuelo and his friend are experienced gentlemen of the world, and they know how to keep partying. They sit and talk some more over their tequilas. Abuelo is worried about Diego with his unemployment situation.

Mansión Malicia: Alfredo gives Azul the music box. He remembers suddenly that Diego once left a present for Azul at his apartment and asks her what's up with that. Mauricio comes in at the tail end of the sentence and Azul and Alfredo cover that the "muchacho" in question is Arnaldo. Mauricio says he doesn't want to butt in, but he thinks Alfredo and Arnaldo need to work on their communication. Azul leaves and Mauricio asks if he and Alfredo can talk business.

Emilia's office: Silvana talks about how Diego's in love with a woman he can't have, so she thinks she's got a clear shot. Emilia worries about what this means about Silvana's self-esteem, going after a guy who's in love with someone else. Silvana's not worried, she thinks she can make Diego happy. Bow chicka bow bow?

Casa Azul and Ceci: Hey, Azul's back in the bubblegum pink track suit! Alfredo is questioning Azul about Diego. She says it was nothing and Alfredo wants to confirm that (a) it's nothing, but (b) he's supposed to lie about it. He's giving her the "hey, missy, I wasn't born yesterday and I know from having clandestine affairs" look. Azul admits that it could have been something, but it wasn't and GSD can't understand because his only love is science. Well, there it is, Tía Inés should just change her name.

Gloria's apartment: Diego is telling Silvana he wishes a witch would read his fortune and tell him what to do. Silvana grabs some candles and a pack of cards and tells him she'll ask the cards. Diego laughs that she's a witch, but she says a gypsy showed her how to read the cards. She lights three candles for past, present, and future, and a fourth for fate. Diego tells the cards to talk to him. Silvana has him cut the cards with his left hand and she starts laying them out.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Alfredo say's he'll play dumb about Diego, but he still wants to hear the story. Emilia comes over to visit and meets GSD. Uh-oh, they're looking at each other…you know, like really looking. Alfredo grandly sends Azul to get them coffee. She looks like this is a pairing she'd approve of. Poor Tía Inés.

Gloria's apartment: Silvana's not so much reading Diego's cards as hitting on him. He says it infuriates him to think of Azul and Mauricio together. Diego says he wants to live in the present he has with Silvana. Ooh, smoochies--but then, no, he says he doesn't want to hurt her. She puts his hand on her chest and tells him to feel her heartbeat. She says he doesn't need to take care of her any more and asks (or perhaps orders) him to make love to her "de una buena vez" which as close as I can figure means "do it already, and make it good". Smoochies. Bow chicka bow bow indeed.


Friday, August 17, 2007

August 16, 2007 Juan Q Were Juan is about to declare his love and CL learns a lesson or two from Pastor

Maricruz is stepping in again.... (And I am posting)

We open today with Paula and CL talking about what happened yesterday. She tells him that Fernando got lost in traffic and they (Fer and Ana) did not make it to the interview. CL feigns anger, and tells her that he is going to reprimand Fernando. Paula tells him not to do it and that he doesn’t have to worry, because Ana is going tomorrow morning to talk to the lady that offered the job. CL makes an impactado face.

Juan is eating dinner with Ana and he is apologizing about the car. Ana says not to worry; she had to take the car to the mechanic any way. Juan thought bubbles that he is never, ever going to volunteer to do anything again. They finish dinner and Juan volunteers to clear the table and wash the dishes (so much for his resolution☺) He falls, and breaks the plates.

In the Cachon residence, the Cachon ladies are eating dinner. Alirio is with them. They are sad and they all sigh at the same time. Alirio asks what the problem is. Nidia tells him that they miss Juan, he was the soul of the house. Alirio says that he can do the same things that Juan did. Nidia says, are you sure? Fine, do the dishes, that was Juan’s job. Alirio is not a happy camper.

Ana and Juan are looking at old Paula’s pictures, and they are commenting in how beautiful she was. Juan – And in the inside my silver goddess was even more beautiful….. those eyes, those eyes kill me. I don’t know how to explain what happened that day. It was something that hit me here very deep inside… it was like if I had found a treasure… like if I was discovering the most profound (feelings, thoughts) of my adored hembra (female). I realized that the owner of those eyes was the owner of my life… oh Paulita, you have been the love of my live, you are still the love of my life (this is a reference to a beautiful song “El Amor de Mi Vida” I found it in you tube, sorry I don’t know how to post links this is the URL

In the love nest, CL is getting dressed, Paula wants him to stay, but he says that he has a very early, important appointment, and he can’t show up with the same clothes. Paula doesn’t quite believe this, but apologizes and tells him that she is afraid that she is going to repeat her mother’s history.

Juan and Ana are still commenting on Paula. Juan says that the man that marries Paula, se va a sacar la loteria (will win the lottery). Ana wants to know about Juan’s life. He says his life is boring. Juan – My story is the same as other’s…. my mother raised me by herself because my father left. He said he left para abrirse camino to find opportunities. Ana – You (Juan and Mother) never went looking for him? Juan – My mother was a lady and she was more than enough for me. Ana – She must miss you a lot, Juan. Juan – No because every day, she sends me her blessings from heaven. She died when I was 14. Ana – and who did you stay with. Juan – I stayed with an aunt and uncle. They put me to work in the farm, and I said to myself, no Juanito, this is not for you, and I pele gayo left. Ana – Where did you go? Juan – I went from here to there, but always under the protection of my Saint Child of Atocha always until today that I’m here sitting with you in your living room.

At the Cachon residence, Marely is in his room looking at the street thru her window. Yadira enters and is looking for her yellow blouse, she realizes that Marely is waiting for Juan, and teases her. Marely tells her to leave her alone. Yadira says that she doesn’t want to bother her; it’s just that love hurts and doesn’t want Marely crying, she also tells her not to worry, because knowing their mother, Juan will be back very soon.

CL is in a taxi and is calling his friend. He asks for a favor, can his friend invite him to breakfast tomorrow morning? The friend says fine, but I want to know what is happening CL says he will explain tomorrow. They decide to see each other at 8:00 am

At Ana’s house, Juan is by himself the lights are off and Juan is looking at Paula’s pictures again by the light of a lamp. Juan – Those eyes, when I saw my Paula again in that picture I understood why the birds sing and the poets write verses. There is one (verse) that I read once and it stayed in my head: There are 4 things in life that are worth living for, but only 1 that is worth dying for, and that is you Paulita… I don’t know who wrote that (neither do I, sorry I tried looking for this poem, but I couldn’t find it☹), but that night, I felt it could have been me. He takes Paula’s picture and hides it in his shirt.

At CL’s house, his wife tells him that she didn’t hear him coming last night. He’s getting ready to go to breakfast with his friend, and tells her that he is leaving for Monterrey after breakfast and is coming back the next day. In a very calculated way (He makes it look like he is not happy having to go and that he wants to spend more time with her) he invites her to go to breakfast with him. She accepts.

At Ana’s house, the mechanic is telling her that whoever tried to fix her car, burnt the whole electric system, and he has to take the car to his repair shop.

Juan picks up Paula; she wants to know if he has slept well. He says yes, and he also tells her that he enjoyed looking at her pictures. He thinks that he can’t wait any longer to declare his love. Juan – Hay papa Diosito Oh father God, when she smiles at me like that I could melt and I can hear bells…but what was clear, is that I could not stay all my life only talking, and I said to myself al ritmo del saxofon menos palabras y mas accion at the rythm of the saxophone less words and more action. He invites Paula and her mother to dinner tonight. Paula is enchanted and accepts.

In the Car, CL and Monica talk. Monica tells CL that Nidia Cachon called her and invited her to the wedding. He doesn’t want to go. Monica insists, she says that she has already accepted the invitation, and they are going. CL says ok, but is not too happy about it.

At the office Marely is giving Paula her scheduled meetings and reports. Ana is not paying attention and interrupts her. Paula asks Marely for a favor, could she call Alberto Cardenas ‘cell and ask for CL? Marely doesn’t understand. Paula wants Marely to call and if CL answers she should hang up.

Ana arrives to CL’s house, she asks for Monica. Consuelo tells her that Monica left very early in the morning. Ana asks for Monica phone number and says that she will call her.

In the office Marely calls Alberto Cardenas’ cell and asks for CL. CL answers and Marely hangs up. She reports to Paula that yes CL is where he said he was going to be. Paula explains that she is in love with CL. Marely – But, isn’t he married? Paula – Not no more, he just got divorced. Marely – I didn’t know that. Paula – He doesn’t want anybody to know, because he doesn’t want people to gossip. Marely – Are you sure? Paula – Yes. Marely – Then why the phone call? Don’t you trust him? Paula – Sometimes I don’t. Marely looks worried.

We are back to Juan in the parking lot. He is day dreaming. We see him dancing with Paula and we hear this song in the background Juan – I could imagine myself telling her Paulita, Por alto que este el cielo en el mundo, por hondo que sea el mar profundo no habra barrera en el mundo que este amor profundo no rompa por ti. It doesn’t matter how high is the sky of this world, it doesn’t matter how deep is the sea in this world there will not be a barrier in this world that my profound love will not break for you (This a reference to this song ) This night with the approval of my mother in law maybe I mataba dos pajaros de un tiro could kill 2 birds with one stone (do two things at the same time) and I could ask her hand in marriage, but this can’t be possible if Fernando didn’t show up and soon because he was my only salvation, I need to have some money for the dinner, because sin dinero no baila el perro without money the dog doesn’t dance (in other words he needs money)

CL and his wife Monica, are coming out of the restaurant, she is asking him what does he prefer boy or girl? He stops and tells her that he forgot to get some papers from Alberto, he goes back into the restaurant and tells his friend that he has to hire Ana, it is a case of death and life. His friend smiles and says sure, but tell me, is this Ana your lover? He says no, her daughter and you have to maker her an offer she can’t refuse. His friend accepts. He goes back to the car and tells his wife that Alberto forgot the papers and he will fax them. He tells her is time to go to the airport. Fer drives them to the airport and CL gets down and takes his little luggage for his imaginary trip to Monterrey. He kisses his wife goodbye and tells her he’ll be back tomorrow. When Fer and his wife drive away we see CL looking to see if they have left. Fer drops Monica at her house and Consuelo tells her that Ana Davila was there and asked for her phone number. Monica wants to call her back as soon as possible.

In the mean time CL arrives to the office in a taxi and tells Juan to give his little luggage to Fernando to put back in the trunk of the car. He also tells him that Juan should be more discreet. CL tells him that he doesn’t care about his sexual preferences, but just be careful because his “indiscretions” could affect the image of the company. Juan tries to explain but CL doesn’t allow it and heads off to the office leaving a frustrated Juan behind.

CL enters the office and tells Yvonne that he has a very simple instruction. If his wife calls he is not here he is in Monterrey, he also tells her to call Pastor to his office.

We later see pastor in CL’s office he is denying that he (pastor) called him to his friend’s cell. If it wasn’t you then… who? Pastor – Well who knew you were having that appointment? CL – Monica and Paula. Pastor – Monica was with you then … CL – It was Paula!!!. Pastor – Blanco es, gallina lo pone, y frito con pan se come, this is a Mexican riddle and pastor is trying to make the point that the answer was obvious. The riddle would be; it is white, a hen lays it, you fry it and eat it with bread.

We get a really weird cut and now CL is in Paula’s office. He is really the master of deceit. He lays it thick and starts giving Paula the guilt trip, why did you call? Don’t you trust me? I don’t know you guys, but when my husband gets really, really mad for no apparent reason I know that there is something else there, all kind of warning bells should be ringing, but no, Paula just feels very sorry and apologizes. CL “forgives” her and leaves the office without kissing her when she tried to, like my grandmother used to say, No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver, the worst blind is the one that doesn’t want to see, but I digress. We get another weird cut and CL is back at his office laughing and congratulating Pastor. Apparently while we were not looking Pastor told CL how to manipulate Paula. CL is worried about something else. How is he going to keep Paula and Monica since he loves both women? Not to worry Pastor to the rescue. He suggest that when Paula is really in love with him, he should come to her and confess that he has to go back to his wife because she is expecting his child. He is going to tell her that he is going to sacrifice his love for her (Paula) to make sure his child has a home. CL thinks this is brilliant. (Forgive me I have to barf).

While all of this is happening Fer arrives to the office. Juan wants to know why he is arriving so late and without the boss. Fer tells him to be careful and remember la curiosidad mato al gato, curiosity killed the kitty (you know, as a warning that he shouldn’t ask so many questions) Fer tells him to go and see si ya puso la marrana if the sow laid an egg. (It means something like: Not just stand there, go and do something) Juan tells him that he was waiting for him; can he lend him some money? Fer says no. Juan insists, Fer wants to know what is going Juan to do with the money. Juan tells him he is taking Paula to dinner and is going to declare his love for her. Big impactado face from Fernando.

This is it. I just want to thank you for reading, and giving me the opportunity to sub while Sylvia was away.

Thank you


Destilando Amor - Aug. 16, 2007 while Isa and Minnie gloat, Gavi gets a new boss

(NOTE: due to time constraints, health concerns and the early stages of telenovela burnout, here are the brief highlights from the episode last night. if you were able to see the whole episode, please post your recap in the comments. thank you. J.R. )

Bruno catches Fedra on the phone, meddling with Pammie's insecurities of Aaron and Minnie. Fedra then confesses that isn't the only relationship she's been meddling in - she had assisted Sofia, Minnie and Isa with their plan against Gavi and the Ag. commission. Bruno is furious, because he and Granny just promised Rod to stay away from Mariana the other night.

Pammie's mom walks into the office where Pammie is staring at her poem on the computer screen. As mommy approaches, Pammie has a severe epileptic seizure. (at least that's what it looked like to me.)

Minnie is taking advantage of Aaron's groveling - making him take part in an endless array of interviews and appearances to show that they are happily back together. Aaron is growing evermore frustrated by her demands. Patricio is caught in the middle (trying to remain as neutral as Switzerland).

Isa goes on an expensive shopping spree - gloating about her success in the plan against Gavi's job at the commission.(Jardinera adds: when Isa went on a shopping spree it was for the most outrageously expensive diamond and rubi necklace and earrings she could find, and then she pulls a Teddy Roosevelt and tells the clerk to charge it all)

Don Roberto has the papers drawn up to fire Gavi from the commission. Gavi cries and tries to explain her side of the story. He isn't interested and she goes ahead and signs the papers.

Dani informs Rod about the threesome's poisonous meetings at the Ag. Commission - Rod tells Dani that he went to Gavi's hotel and she checked out. They determine the two incidents are somehow related. Rod is more determined than ever to play protector for Gavi against his own family.

Rod calls Don Roberto to convince him into not firing Gavi/Mariana (not listening to Rod's family when it comes to business and personnel matters). Mariana's boss is fuming as he goes to meet with Don Roberto to convince him not to fire Gavi as well.

Gavi doesn't get fired after all - Don Roberto is going to move her to the commission's Guadalajara's office, so they can avoid any more problems from the Montalvo family (and she and Rod can more easily live up to their promise to avoid contacting each other. Rod and Gavi's final phone conversation ends with Rod saying "friends forever," and Gavi responding "friends forever, mi amor."

Oh, and Gavi's new boss will be Alonso (portrayed by Rene Strickler - if you're watching Amar Sin Limites, he portrays Mauricio.) Alonso just lost his beloved secretary Lupita and is up in arms - he asks Gavi's boss and Don Roberto for help in finding a replacement.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Juan Q 8/15 - Unraveling? Juan's guard slips, CL's guard is up trying to give Mon the slip , Nid's is down, and Ana and Paula just plain need a guard

Marely asks Juan if he likes Paula. He just looks at her and she says what is that a hard question? He picks up her hand and start wiping her fingers with the napkin nervously as he asks her how she could think such a thing, you are crazy how could I be interested in her, I worry about what she thinks of me because she’s my boss, that’s all. Marely is not convinced, she tells him he has nothing to worry about because Paula is very happy with his work, she asks him if he really doesn’t think about her in another sense. He says Paula has everything that a man could want and that her qualities aren’t easy to find in a woman, but, uh, no, she doesn’t interest me that way. [Wink, wink]

Marely seems bummed about the way he described her and says, well that’s good to hear. Now the tables seem to turn and he wonders why she’s happy about that. She brushes him off now and says that it’s simply because it’s good not to be in love with someone who is out of your reach and that these situations always end badly. Now, he is not convinced and he asks her if she knows this because it happened to her once, or how can she be so sure? She brushes him off again and says, no, it’s just common sense. He tells himself happily that she’s a little jealous.

CL tells Fer that even though Ana is going to ask him to take her to Moni’s house, don’t for anything in the world take her there, do we understand each other????? Fer says of course.

Kike shows up at Farell again and ribs Juan about hanging out with Marely. Juan admits his heart belongs to someone else. Kike, all excited that Juan is coming home with him, tells him they will watch a karate movie. Juan apologizes and says he can’t because he’s found another place to stay. Kike is visibly hurt.

Marely comes upstairs to find her Ma there set to give out invitations to Cl and to Paula. Marely is pleased she’s inviting the Davilas and Mama is happy she’s supporting her decision because Yadi and Ali are being pills. They muse about being sad that Juan is gone, but Nid warns maybe she hasn’t had the last word.

Kike tells Juan he had everything ready and wonders if he didn’t really want to stay with him why he didn’t just tell him that. Juan says that’s not it, it’s that he wasn’t expecting what came his way, that he is going to live with his boss’s mom!

Kike forgives him and hopes that they are still going to hang out he’s like a brother. Juan says of course. Just then Paula shows up in the car and Juan helps her out. Kike remarks oh, that is your boss, now I understand. Is she with CL? This of course hits Juan’s raw nerve. Kike says he knows how these things work and Juan all offended tells him she’s not like other women, and Kike busts him remarking that he’s acting as if she were his girlfriend!

Moni is at her house discussing with Chelo that she should rest and she will do so after her interview with Ana, to which Chelo asks if she shouldn’t already be here. Moni says, yes, you’re right. We then flash to Fer driving Ana in circles.

Nid is talking with CL about the wedding and that it’s to Alirio. CL remarks that’s soon as asks if she’s pregnant. She jokes him off, but asks him to do her a favor and show up with his wife. He says of course, who else. She says maybe one of your little adventures, but no you better come with your wife. Marriage is serious.

We flash back to Ana going in more circles and sitting in traffic and Moni thinking it’s very weird that she hasn’t arrived and that she better have a good excuse. Chelo thinks maybe Moni is too trusting, then she wonders if something might have happened. Fer apologizes that he’s messing Ana up he thought he was saving them time. She says it’s not your fault don't worry, she asks for a cell, and he doesn’t have conveniently.

Just then CL calls his honey to make sure the evil deed has been carried through but fakes that he thinks Ana is very responsible and that he didn’t think she’d do something like this, and maybe she’ll come later because of the traffic. CL apologizes again for being a tonto during his last explosion at her. She wonders if maybe he can come home early, of course he has meetings. He hangs up and continues drinking his booze in the middle of the day at work. Guess it’s good to be the boss. :)

Nid enters Paula’s office and present her with an invitation for her wedding. Paula is impactado. Nid tells her she comes in peace and oh, by the way here is the invitation for you too because you have been so wonderful with Marely and I know how to show appreciation, besides you are half sisters. Paula says she’ll try to do what she can to be there then. I like these folks much better at peace than pulling out each other’s hair.

Nid then spreads her cheer to invite Juan. He thanks her but he’s not sure if he should go. She says he should leave the past as past. She also invites him to come visit them sometime without calling or asking permision. Their house is still his house. He’s happy to hear this.

She says goodbye, then one more thing, wouldn’t you like to dance nude at my bachelorette party? Juan is not terribly impactado, but he does decline. Bummer. Then one last thing. She reminds him though not to come with that naco Fer because Yadi doesn’t want anything to do with him. He agrees, and she throws some more chomis at him.

Ivonne goes in to see Pastor who is still wallowing in his misery with his head stuck to his desk.

Nidia calls Moni to invite her personally because even though she gave CL the invitation, well men can't be trusted to remember those things. Moni appreciates it, but wonders if she didn't just become a widow. Nidia says well, this is what my dead husband would have wanted. She might actually be right about that...

Yadi wonders if she's going to call everyone's wives to invite them personally. Nidia says no, she doesn't care about the rest, but with CL she doesn't want any surprises, like him showing up with some hussy. Something tells me she is going to get one anyway.

Cl is kissy facing with Paula and he wants to go meet up with her at the apt. She says she can't because she wants to accompany Juan to her Mom's. Cl wants to know what's up with that? He thinks maybe she's involving herself too much in his life. She thinks maybe he's jealous. He says no. She sees the invitation to Nid's wedding and says oh so you are invited too! He says yes, she says me too, so we'll go together right? CL is impactado of course.

He tries to weasel out of it, and rightly Paula gets PO'd. He is having a hard time explaining it. She yells at him that they always seem to be going around in hiding. Duh, Paula, duh.

Yadi surmises so then, CL is putting the horns on his wife (cheating on her) Nid says of course, and he might even be thinking about bringing the other. Yad doesn't care especially if the Davilas are going to be there too. Nid wants her to understand it's her wedding and she should respect her wishes. Yadi gets an idea about CL for herself. Nid admonishes her harshly that he's married and she's but a girl.

Back with Paula, CL is trying to dig faster but the dirt keeps falling back on him. He can't beat her so he'll join her. He says they'll go together to the wedding, then.

Pastor recalls his conversation with Juan about finding him an hombre. His Mom tells him to knock it off already, he shouldn't be going around after boys anyway, he's too old. he doesn't want to talk anymore and wants her to leave him alone.

Juan moves in to Casa Davila with his "Juan" box. Ana tells them about her mishap with Fer. They welcome Juan and tell him he gets to sleep in Paula's room. He is in a dream and imagines the love letters she must have written in here, and that she slept in this bed etc.

Paula is still skeptical about Nid's invitation, though she does have feelings that maybe this time she was sincere. Paula says ok, so we'll go to this show then, and guess who is coming with us. CL. Ana is impactado. She tells Paula to push it with him then because that's the only way she'll get what she wants.

Alirio says he's not coming in if Nid invited Juan. She says do what you want I invited him. They discuss this and she says we'll get married yes, but we are not abandoning our former friends etc. essentially, you'll get it the way I give it to you, or you won't get it at all.

Juan and Ana are talking, she tells him about Fer's round abouts. She asks if he knows anything about maybe fixing her car. He tries to see what he can do, and we know trouble is on the way.

Paula returns to her dark apartment, he's heerrrre! CL surprises her in a very feminine apron with dinner. She's mad at him and wants to know how he got in. Duh, it's his, he had keys you dingbat. She yells at him a while about this that he shouldn't have just showed up there, he rents it to her so he has no right blah, blah. He gets offended that she doesn't trust him, then she backs down and now they are kissy face again. Blech. He serves her dinner.

Juan is messing with the car, and he appears to have shocked himself.

Paula compliments the chef. He asks her about her Mom's appt. and we get a rehash but Paula warns him not to get mad. He acts as if he is because he feels bad about what his chauffer did to her mom. She tells him, oh don't worry about my Mom because tomorrow morning she's going to go over and apologize to the lady who offered her work. Of course our CL is impactado otra vez. How long is he going to keep this floating!!!!

Peru, estamos rezando para todos ustedes....


8/15 Destilando Amor: the one where the meddling montalvos meddle yet again.

We open with Clarita and Gavi at the justicio denouncing the photographer. Gavi urges the police to find his accomplice, Collete, so other young impressionable girls will not fall prey to them.

Back at the mansion, Dani teases Sofia about her good mood. Sofia explains that she will be staying in Mexico. She tells them that Frankie has turned down the job offer in Japan. Granny P is pleased beyond measure. Enter Smarmy. He tells them that he will be working at the Montalvena. Silly grins all around save for Daniela who has opted for some jaw dropping.

James is visiting Acacacia at the clinic. The doctor tells him they gave her something to calm her down and control her nerves. Acacia wakes up and is happy to see Meester.

Back at the breakfast table, Smarmy tells them about Rodrigo's job offer and that it was an offer he couldn't refuse because he was so taken with the land and fell in love with the Montalvena. This is music to Piliar's ears as she cannot stop grinning. Dani tells him sarcastically that it is so noble of him to leave such a high paying job in a big city to go milk cows in the country and whittle sticks. (ok, i made the stick part up) He said the deciding factor was his petit fleur and her desire to be close to her familia. He lays it on thick with the if she suffers, i suffer, etc. Barf. Granny said she worries that his decision to work in the Montalvena will be a career setback since he works in public relations. Sofi says he loves her so much, it is not a sacrifice.

Minnie and Isa are on the phone finalizing their plans to meet with Avellandeda so they can start convincing him to oust Gavi from her job.

Aaron is looking for his cell phone so he can call Pammy to pick him up at the airport. He is frantically searching, but Minnie has it. As she is holding it, his "Belleza" calls. Minnie tells him to invent whatever lie to tell her so he can stay.

Back at the agave field, Gaviota is explaining the regulations to the workers about the sanitary methods or something and the plagues. Clarita is there also and thought bubbles that she is proud of her little Gavi.

Isadora receives a call from San Juana with the chisme (gossip). SJ tells her about Gavi's bet with the jimadors and the tequila drinking and the singing. I am missing the point of their conversation, but when SanWannawanna talks I usually space out...

Minnie tells Fedra of her plans to meet with Avellaneda to oust Gavi.

Fedra tells Aaron that she received a call from Pamela and she is bummed that he is not returning until the day of the wedding. She tells him that he cannot do her like that, her parents are in Miami, and whatnot. He drops the bombshell that he is not going to marry Pammy. Fedra is muy impactada.

The housekeeper informs Sofia that Isa is waiting for her outside. Granny P wants to know where she is going. She tells her that she is going to the beauty shop and after have coffee. Daniela asks if she is going to leave Frankie. Sofia says Smarmy is going to the club.

Aaron tells Fedra to tell Pammy that the wedding is off. She asks him to think of the scandal this will cause. She said Pammy does not deserve that. He said he has made his decision, he will stay with Minerva. He tells her that he needs Minnie. Minnie is listening behind the door and likes what she hears. You almost feel sorry for Minnie. Almost. Poor deluded Minerva.

Back at his office, Rodrigo is crunching some numbers on his computer, but instead turns to daydreaming about his time with Gavi on the way to San Pedrito and their friendship. Roman comes in and tells him that Barrales is there. He comes bearing the news that there is a problem with the crops. He needs to accompany the tequila guy somewhere and leaves instructions with Roman to tell James that he had to leave. He tells Rod that the bedroom is ready for James and Acacia.

Roman asks Ofelia if la senora Isa has called lately. She says not that she knows of. He explains that Isa thinks Rod is with Gaviota.

Back at the field, Gavi is coninuing her schpeel about the plants and what to look for and should they see something, alert their patron.

Gaviota all of a sudden gets a look of anxiousness and said she feels like something is not right.

The ladies Montalvo arrive at their appointment. Sofia tells Isa that she feels they are doing something wrong and should Rod find out, there will be hell to pay.

James and Acacia arrive at the Montalvena. Ofelia and Roman tell them that if they need anything, holler. Acacia asks what are they doing there. James tells her that for now, it is a good idea for them to stay there and not return to Dry Gulch. Just the mention of Dry Gulch sends her into freak out mode. James asks her to tell him what happened between her and Meliton.

Avellaneda greets the Montalvo clan and wants to know what is up. Minnie says they are there because of Gaviota and to oust her from her post. He tells them their request is absurd. He tells them that Rodrigo wrote her a letter of recommendation. Isadora tells Avellandea about her "inappropriate" conduct, carousing with the jimadoras, drunkeness, and the worst sin of all SINGING! (i am rolling my eyes at these insipid folks) Isadora, using her position, as the wife of the owner of the Montalvena to fire Gaviota.

Acacia tells James about how it went down when she killed Meliton and how it was not intentional. He asks why she invented the story of Meliton going away. She tells him that she was scared. She says Meliton is mad at her for killing him. She goes into Macbeth mode with the out out damn spot mode. She says her hands are still stained with Meliton's blood. She tells James to talk to Meliton and he will listen to Meester James. Um, okay...

Elvis is looking the fish, comments that the Elvis fish will get eaten by the granny fish. :) Daniela knows something is up with Sofia's outing and correctly conjectures that they are doing something to interfere with Gavi and Rod.

Back at the meeting that Rodrigo is attending, he reminisces about the crazy machete dance. Good times, good times...

Gavi and Clarita are driving through the agave fields and she is thinking about Rod. Clarita wants to eat some tacos, but Gavi prefers to sulk and think about Rodrigo.

Avellaneda is telling the Montalvo gang bye and hopes that his decision is for the best. Isadora asks for one more favor. She asks him to get Gavi to leave the Montalvena as soon as possible. He says no problem, he will get her out of there quick. Next he and Aaron converse, he asks Aaron what to do with the wedding invite. Aaron says to burn it, he is now with Minnie.

Sofia tells Isa about the change in plans and how Frankie will be working at the Montalvena.

Avellaneda tells Demetrio to get Mariana back into town. Demetrio tells him that he has never had a problem with Mariana and she is a vital part of the CRT.

Hilario pays a visit to the talent agent lady. She asks him where he is from. He says Jalisco, more specifically Tequila. She asks him if he would be interested in doing some modeling. he says that is not really his thing, but he is game.

Gavi and Clarita return to the hotel. The front desk girl hands her a note from Demetrio asking her to get back to the city. Gavi says she knew it, she has lost her job.

Clarita tells her not to worry, call Rod. Gavi gets indignant, says she does not have to run to him for every little thing and she is capable of handling her own problems. Gavi says if she gets fired it is her own fault.

Ofelia asks Sanwannawanna to take a tray of food to Acacia. She says she she is not paid to attend that fruit loop. Ofelia tells her that per Rod's orders they are to take care of her and if she does not want trouble with him, she better do it.

James tells Acacia that he is going to go Padre Cosme so she can confess and get some counsel. Enter San Juana with food, she comments that Acacia's color is not good and could she perhaps be pregnant. James is happy with the thought and tells her to eat to keep her strength up. He feeds her and she slips back into her nutty mode and James turns into Meliton. She flips out and starts screaming. San Juana runs for the doctor.

Hilario is at his first modeling shoot. He is pretty uncomfortable and tense. Talent agent girl tells him to imagine he is at the campo and to relax.

Aaron and Minnie return to the apartment. He asks her if she is satisfied with her handy puppet master work. He tells her that he has to return to the United States because he has business to attend to. Minnie calls the newspaper in Miami, the society page. She wants to give them the scoop of their reconciliation. He tells her that he hates her.... Love is crazy.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Destilando Amor, Tues 8/14: The "A" word

I chopped up some habaneros earlier this evening. Later, I stupidly touched my eye. True story. So if you happen to notice my eye watering at any point during this recap, rest assured that it's the habanero and not any of this silly stuff getting to me. Really. Honest.

Ofelia asks Roman if it's true that Hilario left them because he was in love with Isadora. (She declines to identify her informant, though Roman must realize that Sanwanna's the only likely pigeon.) Roman admits that it's so. Ofelia looks worried.

Rodrigo and Gavi go for a walk. He tells her he came to the plantation not just to take care of his father's agave, but to forget about her. Ironically, though, ever since he's arrived he's been remembering all the great moments they shared. And now they're together just like when they first met.

Pilar is playing cards with Frankie and Sofia for the very last time before they take off for Japan. (Canasta was mentioned last night - it looks complicated.) Frankie lets Pilar win, and the gullible woman gets up to find Imelda and ask her for a snack. Apparently, if you're rich enough, you can't even make a cucumber sandwich on your own.

Frankie sheepishly tells his new wife that he had to sell her engagement ring to pay some debts. But he'll get her a new one just as soon as they get to Japan! Of course, Sofia wishes he would have let her help him, but he says he can't let his wife do that. She asks why he didn't take Rodrigo's job offer. Frankie insists that the job in Japan is the better bet for their future. Secondly, he'd be working for Aaron and Bruno (I guess his point is that Rod would sort of be forcing them to accept Frankie as an employee, which would be awkward all around).

But, he tells Sofia, he has been meditating on this new offer that Rodrigo made - a job here on the hacienda. (I'm actually not 100% sure Rodrigo made any such offer - can anyone confirm? I think Frankie's just playing another trick.)

Suddenly, Sofia looks queasy. Frankie admits to her that he'd love to live at Montalveña forever, riding horses through the countryside. But Sofia hates the idea and flashes back to when she split up with Mr. James because he wanted to stay in Guadalajara forever. Puzzled (he doesn't get to see the explanatory flashback), Frankie reminds her that if they stay at Montalveña, she'd be near her family. She says she needs time to think about it.

(Isadora stares at her belly in the mirror and says she hopes that Frankie doesn't make the mistake of knocking up that simpleton Sofia. I just realized, she's trying to grow her bangs out, and they're in that awkward stage. Kudos to her for taking on such a daunting task in the midst of all this other stress.)

Rod and Gavi continue their tour of the pueblo. He says that when he woke up to her song, he thought he was still dreaming. Gavi says Rod's family will no doubt be asking Avellaneda for her head. Both of them doubt they will succeed, though.

Gavi is upset, though, that they weren't ever supposed to see each other again, and then there she was back at Montalveña. It was a mistake.

"A divine mistake!" Rodrigo exclaims. (She is looking at his lips.) He asks why she came back. She tries to tell him that she went to Montalveña to advise the jimadores about proper sanitary methods to avoid infestations, but he wants the REAL reason. She gives an even lamer excuse: his place had the highest concentration of jimadores. "So did they send you over here to sing to me?" He reminds her that she could have finished her work and left.

She explains that she thought he was far away, in the city; she was worried about coming back to this place so full of memories. Then Rosa told her that he was there alone, and (I think) Gavi says she got carried away and something about wanting to stir up a wasp's nest and wondering if he would hear her sing? "...I don't know why I did it," she finishes.

She tries to walk away, flustered. He pulls her back, and they almost kiss; she pulls away and says this is why she doesn't like to talk to him - it always ends up like this.

She wants to go back with her mother. He wants to take her there. She insists on going alone and begs him not to look for her; if she's fired from her job, that he please not get involved. "The dream ends tonight," she tells him sadly. "It was lovely, but it's finished." She runs away.

"Our love has not ended, and it won't," he mutters. "I swear it."

Up in the penthouse, Minnie and Aaron proceed to get their reconciliation freak on. He asks her to come to bed - she asks if he'll do as she asked (presumably, announce to all the papers that his engagement to Pamela was just a stunt). "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes" he answers very eagerly. She takes her dress off and throws it on his head. He smiles mischievously.

Meanwhile, in Miami, Pamela is moping alone on the big bed, counting the moments till her hunny comes home.

This woman used to practically live in the water. Now I haven't seen her in the pool or bathtub in weeks. I'm not complaining - I just think it's funny. Like did the folks at Televisa forget to pay the water bill or something?

Elsewhere, Fedra and Bruno are having dinner and debating the merits of the reconciliation. Bruno loves it; Fedra not so much, and she blames Bruno for making it happen. She gets nasty about it - "Minerva is hysterical and jealous, and let's not even talk about her inability to give him a child!" Bruno says who knows, maybe she'll get pregnant. Fedra asks what about Pamela. What a scandal it will be when the Torreblancas find out they have to cancel the wedding because Aaron's dumping her for his ex. Finally he gets tired of it and tells her to stop with the stupid commentary and finish her dinner! She angrily complies.

Gavi thanks the Virgencita for giving her the strength to resist Rodrigo, and goes looking for her own mother among a group of jimadores hanging out in the street. Their friend Nabor tells Gavi that Clarita went off with Serafina to some party in San Pedrito! He gives her the address. The tech from the CRT came by and drove her out there.

Rodrigo "just happens" to roll by in his truck and offers her a ride. Of course she doesn't want to take him up on it, but Nabor says the CRT truck isn't coming back, and Clarita is waiting in San Pedrito... and she was sure that Rodrigo would be willing to bring her.

Gavi rejects this idea and says she'll take a taxi or a bus. "There's no buses out that way at this hour," Nabor protests. She tells him to shut up! She tries to get Rodrigo to go back to the hacienda.

Instead, he picks her up and carries her to the truck. Nabor thoughtfully opens the door for them. Rodrigo finally talks her into accepting his offer (simply a member of the Montalvo family extending a common courtesy to a CRT employee). "Plus, it'll be fun!" He says some more stuff about the machete dance that I don't get, and possibly something about getting fired and/or organizing another strike. Nabor agrees that Gavi should go with Rodrigo. In desperation, Gavi tries to get Nabor to come along too, but Rod sends him away.

Isa calls the hacienda, looking for Rod. Isa is wearing hot pink satin pajamas that bare her midriff, and I just had a thought. Maybe the nude-tummy look is just a way to avoid having to constantly buy bigger maternity clothes. She's rubbing her bejeweled belly once again - maybe she thinks it will bring her good luck.

Roman tells her that Rodrigo went into town to work out some problems with the jimadores. "I don't know if you knew that they don't want to come back to work," he tells her. She wants to know why Roman didn't stay with him. (I think he should just answer "it's not my day to watch him.") She asks if Rod found Gaviota. "I'm talking to you!!" she nags when Roman doesn't answer right away. Roman denies it. She asks him to have Rodrigo call when he comes back.

"He's with her," she fumes.

Rod and Gavi are driving past fields of agave. She scolds him for making a scene in front of "the muchachos" and acting like a nut. He says it's her fault he's crazy. She tries to end the conversation by randomly stuffing a cassette into the stereo - turns out it's the cassette she recorded when she lost the dice game with the businessmen. "This is mine - I lost it!" She wants it back. "It said 'Songs for Rodrigo,' so it's mine," he answers. "You are not the only Rodrigo on the planet," she retorts. She explains how she came to make that tape - losing a bet while trying to sell encyclopedias.

She asks what happened to the original tape she made him three years ago. He admits he burned it, along with the Hernandez shack and the watch and a handkerchief and some clothes, when he was all bummed out about their breakup.

She tries to take the tape back, but he begs her to let him keep it. "It's the only thing of yours that I have left." They almost kiss again, but are interrupted by a commercial.

Now Minnie is in a little red nightgown and Aaron is blindfolded on the bed wearing just his shorts. "What are you going to do to me," he asks Minnie, and she tickles him with an ostrich feather. "Oooh, I like that," he moans.

But we know there's not going to be any sex, because the TV ratings advisory says it's "TV-14" but only a "D" for this segment and no "S". (If you don't know what this means, ask your kids.) The phone rings, and of course Minnie answers - "it could be something important!" It's Isa, wanting to whine to Minerva about Rod's endless pursuit of Gaviota. ("HANG UP," Aaron asks impatiently.) Isa says Minerva was right when she warned Isa not to leave Rodrigo alone. "It's too late to complain now," Minerva answers supportively. Isa whines some more and asks Minerva to help her out with the Mariana Franco problem. Minnie says tomorrow they'll go talk to Avellaneda. Isa grumps some more but finally hangs up.

With the romantic mood, such as it was, now completely ruined, Aaron gets up and puts his clothes on. (I notice that Minerva is wearing a bra under her nightgown. Shrug, just an observation.) Aaron is annoyed that Isa left Rodrigo on his own; maybe he'll impregnate Gaviota. Aaron keeps hoping that maybe Isa's kid will be a girl.

Minerva questions Aaron's motives for getting back together with her; he says he realized he couldn't live without her. How else can he prove that his love is sincere? They start kissing again, and he thought-bubbles how stupid Minerva is; his wedding to Pamela is practically a done deal, and she will give him the child that Minerva never could.

Meanwhile, Minerva thought-bubbles that she's got a lot of surprises for Aaron.

Rod and Gavi finally arrive at the party in San Pedrito. There's the CRT truck; Gaviota will be able to pick up her mother and the CRT guy can take them both back to their hotel. He assures her that she won't be fired, no matter how much of a headache Isadora and Minerva try to give Avellaneda. She says she doesn't want to leave the CRT - tequila is her life. (You could say it's in her blood, but that'd be a cheap shot. Oh, haha, "shot," get it, because... oh no, I can't stop making tequila puns!! I'd better poke myself in the eye, that'll cool me off.) He says he'll warn his family off, if necessary, but Gavi thinks it might be in everyone's best interests for her to quit her job anyway.

She tries to leave, but he thanks her for giving him such a nice day, and a nice evening. He points out that they can be together without fighting. He goes on and on about hardly anything, and it's clear that he's desperate to keep her in the truck as long as possible so the evening won't end.

He insists that they've proven that they can be amigos - true amigos. She sternly reminds him to follow through on his promise to Isadora, and tries to get out of the truck again. He begs her to first say that they can be amigos. "Amigos, nothing more," he insists, offering his hand. She reluctantly offers her own to shake, but he looks like he's going to kiss it, so she tries to pull away.

Then he insists on a kiss. "A kiss of amigos," he claims. "Amigos saying goodbye. Just on the cheek." She consents to give him a chaste peck - he turns his head so she gets his mouth, but it's over in a split-second. "See? Nothing happened," he tells her proudly.

Again she reaches for the door, but now he wants a hug. "De amigos," he promises. "Come on, it's the last night we're going to see each other." Gosh, he seems so sincere. "One hug, for amigos," he goads.

This has to be the most ridiculously romantic and silly thing I've seen in I don't know how long. I think now would be a good time to mention that I also sliced up some onions earlier, and their fumes still linger in my eyes.

Rod and Gavi hug. And indeed, it's a hug "de amigos"... for about a half a second. "Know one thing, Srta. Franco - this amigo is madly in love with his amiga."

That does it. Gavi is out of the truck and running away. "This always happens," Rodrigo complains.

Aaron is shaking up some martinis and complaining bitterly about the return of Gaviota/Mariana. Minnie says the only solution is to get her fired. Aaron warns that if they make a move against Gaviota, Rod will go straight for their jugulars. Minnie says Rod can do what he wants - it's unacceptable that he should wave his lover under all of their noses, especially Isa's. Avellaneda might not be so happy to know that one of his employees was singing to Rodrigo.

Aaron does not want to be involved, but Minerva says too bad, they're all going to the CRT tomorrow. Fedra, Sofia, Isadora, Minerva, and Aaron. Aaron says he has other things to do. Minerva says no way, you're not going to have any communications with your ex-lovers - especially Pamela Torreblanca!

Speaking of whom, Pam is now in bed, in her pajamas, talking to a pillow and kissing it like it's Aaron. She's yearning for his return and she can't wait to give him the baby he wants. (She might like him better as a pillow - pillows don't throw tantrums and demand more ice for their drinks, etc.)

Sofia and Frankie are in bed too, talking about that alleged job offer at the hacienda. She admits she never liked the farm, but she'll be happy as long as she's at his side. (Blech.) This pleases Frankie, and he expresses his joy by running through his limited French vocabulary again.

Clarita and Gaviota are now back in their room. Clarita is very pleased with herself for having forced Gavi to spend more time with Rodrigo (or as Gavi describes it, "in the wolf's mouth"). Gavi tries to describe how it all turned out, but gets stuck at artificial insemination because her mother doesn't know what that is. (Her awkward explanation about "little seeds" elicits yet another "¿como así?" from her mother, so drink 'em if you got 'em.) Gavi says she's not sure whether she believes Rodrigo's story or not.

At the hacienda, Rodrigo and James also engage in rehash, with a little more success. Rod tells James that he and Gaviota were able to be together as amigos, and he explained how Isa got pregnant. "And she believed you?" James asks. "Well, sure, I think so," Rod answers, looking miffed.

A little while later, Gavi is trying to get to sleep, but Clarita is still trying to wrap her mind around the bizarre tale of Isa's pregnancy. Gavi explains that it was done without Rodrigo's consent.

Clarita is stumped. She's never seen anything like this in a telenovela. Gavi complains that a story like this wouldn't be credible in even the best telenovela. (Har, har, har.) Clarita snaps the light on and excitedly says she's now more sure than ever that the niño is not Rodrigo's. Who's to say those "little seeds" were his? Maybe the doctor was in on it. She says that's the kind of thing she sees in a novela.

Gavi thinks it's more likely that Rod was simply lying when he said that he couldn't have relations with anyone besides Gavi. She turns out the light. Clarita turns it back on, Gavi turns it off, Clarita turns it on, etc. etc. as they argue about whether or not Clarita's conspiracy theory merits consideration and Gavi pretends not to care. "So, you can accept that?" Clarita finally asks. "No, of course not," Gavi answers glumly.

More James and Rodrigo. Rodrigo is very satisfied with today's conversation. He feels like a great weight has been lifted from him, now that Gavi doesn't hate him.

He is not so sanguine about the future of his marriage. He thinks sooner or later, it's not going to work. (Has it ever worked?) James asks, if Rod and Isa separate, will Gavi come back to him?

Yeah, sure, guys. I'm sure Gavi will be grateful to be allowed to enjoy the spoils of a marriage that died from attrition.

Getting back to reality, Rod says he doesn't know about that, but for now, he and Gavi are amigos.

At the hotel, the amiga turns on the light and blurts out that this amigo thing isn't going to work for her. She tells Clarita about the hug and kiss. Clarita is triumphant, "I knew it!" Gavi says she would have preferred something about an "encorajinada" (not in my dictionary). He promised he'd keep his distance and behave himself with Isadora. Clarita skeptically asks if Gaviota thinks he'll keep his word. Gavi says that if he doesn't, she'll have to quit her job, and he knows she's serious about that.

James tells Rod he'd better keep his word, or he's really going to screw things up. Rod is making it sound like it will be a piece of cake. Roman finds him and lets him know that Isadora was looking for him. "I hope she's okay" Rod says, dialing.

Of course she's okay - sulking is like a bodily function for her. She interrogates him and accuses him of going around with Gavi. "We'll talk when you come back," she snaps, and hangs up on him. (Unlike many telenovela characters, she simply presses the Off button and puts the phone on the bed, rather than hurling it across the room or smashing it against a table or throwing it into a pool.) Rodrigo complains to James that it bothers him that he "has to lie" to her. "Sometimes there's no other way," James says.

(Has to lie? No other way? I'm guessing these people didn't grow up with the influence of Mr. Rogers and Captain Kangaroo.)

James tells Rodrigo that Acacia is at the clinic. Rodrigo asks if Meliton came back and attacked her. "Meliton will never attack Acacia again," James comments darkly. "She killed him!"

(Acacia wakes up alone in the hospital. She hears a man whispering her name. "Mr James?" she asks hopefully. There's a shadow on the wall... it looks like Meliton!)

Mr. James is telling Rodrigo about the death of Meliton. He's crying and panicking. Rod tries to reason with him and says something terrible must have happened for her to have done something like that. James says he doesn't know, Acacia was saying her hands were covered in blood and no one else could know. So he took off to see Rodrigo, but Rod had problems of his own (well, sure, but I think the murder rap wins) so he decided to keep his mouth shut. But he's howling and red in the face now, worried that either she or he or both of them will go to jail.

(Hysterical, Acacia tries to run out of the hospital screaming. The staff pick her up and carry her back into her room.)

Rodrigo encourages James to talk to Acacia tomorrow and let her explain what happened. He can bring her back here to the hacienda and live there for a while. They can't go back to Meliton's ranch - that would be terrible for both of them.

James whines and whines that Acacia didn't trust him enough to tell him what had happened, and why did she make these decisions on her own? Why'd she try to bury him with her own hands? Rod says this is all pure speculation. "She is your wife and you have to be at her side, come what may," Righteous Rodrigo, Professional Marriage Expert, lectures his friend.

(I'm now having a flashback of my own: It's Christmas Eve. Isadora and her parents and an aspiring grifter sit around the dinner table, waiting for Rodrigo to arrive or at least call. By the time he finally does show up, he has spent the evening at another party and danced with and kissed another woman and begged her to run away with him; in desperation, Isadora herself has shared a frightening liplock with a con artist.)

James says that he loves her so much, he's capable of turning himself in for Meliton's murder. Rod is like, whoa, not so fast! Let's find out the truth first. James calms down and thanks Rodrigo for his advice. ("That's why we're amigos," Rodrigo tells him, and this strikes me as very, very funny. But it's just not the same without the hugging and kissing.) James decides to go back to the clinic. Rod suggests that James bring her to the hacienda, and they can run the place while Rodrigo goes back to the city to take care of business. Surprised, James agrees.

Okay. Now I'm very sure that Rodrigo didn't offer Francisco a job running the hacienda.

It's morning. Gavi and Clarita go to the police station to fill out some reports on the creepy photographer, whose name is Rolando Esparragoza. (Roland Asparagus?) She hopes the full weight of the law will crush him and his accomplice, Collette. (People who watched LFMB but missed the first few weeks of this novela may not be aware that Collette, the madam in Paris, was played by Rebeka Mankita, aka Ana-Leticia, Marcia and Ariel Villaroel's goofy sister.) Clarita passionately agrees. The clerk gives them (and us) a preachy little speech about coming forward to speak out against evildoers in the community. Clarita adds that she hopes they put this guy away for the rest of his life, and force him to work like a mule.

It's breakfast in Montalveña. Sofia gives Dani and Pilar the good news that they won't be going to Japan after all. Dani is very sarcastic. ("Don't tell me - they changed their mind about hiring him? No? Oh - he's got a job as Sofia's husband - that'll make him a millionaire.") Pilar scolds. Dani says she's only joking, and that she's glad Sofia's staying.

Frankie comes in and long-windedly begins making an announcement about some job offer that will keep them near the family. (Dani butters her toast with a little knife and a big glob of contempt.) Pilar is very excited and wants to hear the whole story.

"It's in the Tequila region," Frankie teases. "Ever hear tell of a place called... the house of Montalveña?"

Dani's knife freezes in midair. Pilar beams - her best smile in the series so far. Francisco de la Vega gives a smarmy smirk.


Pamela calls; she wants her married boyfriend back.
Some women knit or collect bells. Minnie has a hobby too - getting Gavi fired.


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