Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #18, Wednesday 2-13: Constancio finds his long-lost daughter, and boy is he thrilled.

Padre Manuel comes to visit Constancio right after Mili offers to help Constancio find his long-lost son (and some of the pronouns can be interpreted as non-gender-specific, but others just can't be interpreted as anything but masculine). Mili happily announces to Padre Manuel that she's helping Constancio out, but Constancio gets really upset that she's blabbing to PM and storms out of the room. Mili notices that PM is pale and asks if he's ok and what he's there for. He babbles about nothing in particular and eventually says he came to talk to Sr. B. and very determinedly goes to look for him. He meets up with Braulio in the lobby…digo, the living room. Braulio says that Sr. B has left the house and there's no telling when he'll be back. Mili tries to get PM to come to the kitchen with her, but he gets quite red in the face, has a bit of a dizzy spell, and has to sit down.

Luciana is realizing that because Constancio wants to get into politics, he's going to need her around for his image. She doesn't think he knows anything about politics, but Damian points out that he's an expert liar. Ha! Luciana's pissed that Damian's telling her to "think" when no one's thinking about her--although, Damian claims he is and that Constancio being in politics will benefit everyone. He tells her she's being selfish and picks up a glass of half-melted ice cubes from the bed. The way Luciana's looking at it, there's probably more than just ice and water in that glass.

Mili and Padre Manuel make it into the kitchen, where Socorro gives him a cup of tea (fixes everything--just ask the Brits). Socorro takes off and PM asks for more details about Constancio's lost child. PM goes pale again when Mili says she's going to help Constancio. He starts to leave, saying that since Mili told him he'd lost his color, he needed to go find it. Oh, that Padre Manuel, such a kidder.

Valeria tells her model friend, who I'll call "Veruca" (for lack of a better name and because the haircut calls to mind a character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), that her chauffer is her secret admirer. Valeria laments that Rorgan's "ugly". He comes up just then, asking if she needs the car. Veruca gets a good look at Rorgan and pronounces him "not as ugly as you say," making Rorgan puff up with pride. He really needs to get some better standards.

Mili and Alejandro run into each other on opposite sides of the stairs. Alejandro tries to explain that he had nothing to do with Andrea living there, but Mili won't hear it. She tells him she picked the wrong guy and she's going to go for Hugo since he's not an ass. Doña Regina shows up asking what they're arguing about. Mili blows off the question and says she has news that she can't talk to Regina about with Alejandro there. Regina eventually sends Alejandro away, but he hides behind the Christmas tree to listen in. Mili tells Regina that Constancio lied about his "other" child being dead. Alejandro is impactado. And slightly goofy looking with the remains of that bruise on the side of his mouth. It looks like he had grape jelly with breakfast and forgot to wipe his mouth after.

Rorgan and Horacio talk about their luuuuurve lives while Horacio tends the vegetable garden. Horacio talks about Socorro being the 2nd time he's ever been in love. There was another woman, years ago, but he sorta accidentally kissed her friend and she dumped him. They were even going to get married, but the day after that happened, she left. Now she lives somewhere around Satelite. Wherever that is.

We cut to a reasonably good-looking, dark-haired woman in a catsuit, who will probably end up being the woman Horacio's talking about since they rarely make scene cuts like that without a reason. She's Roxana, an old friend of Damian's (ugh, bad taste) who runs a little gaming salon. She's actually happy to see Damian and lets him play the day on the house. Damian decides to shoot craps. Hm, that one's literal and figurative.

Mili tries to stick up for Constancio's decision to lie and tells Regina that she overheard parts of it and was told the rest of it. Regina's impactada and Mili worries it's because Regina thinks she's a big mouth. Regina explains it's because her grandchild is alive and Mili (sweetly) says her grandchild is alive and doesn't know what a grandma s/he's missing out on.

Luciana practices marginally useful Italian vocabulary in her room alone. Alejandro knocks on the door and comes in. He asks about Constancio's "other" child. Luciana won't answer, but Alejandro repeats the question in time for Valeria to hear it. Luciana claims it's a vicious lie and leaves the room. Alejandro fills Valeria in on what he knows.

Night falls on Mansion la Soledad, squashing the hapless occupants, except for Mili and Alejandro who were busy making out in a doorway and were saved from squashing, doorways being so structurally sound. Just kidding.

Night falls and finds Constancio in his study alone. He rips the picture of him and Rosario in half, accidentally knocks a glass of something off the desk as he throws his half of the picture in the trash, and then returns the picture of Rosario to his desk drawer as someone knocks. It's Milagros, sent by Braulio to tell him that dinner is served. Constancio tells her to clean up his mess, but in his distraction, he actually says "please" and "if you would be so kind." Mili steals his picture out of the trash.

At dinner, Andrea declines Damian's offer to make a speech, so Constancio welcomes her to the house and says they're all happy to have her sharing their table. Alejandro says "not everyone…I mean, grandma's not here." Luciana complains about her being locked in her room all the time. Constancio says she shouldn't care and Luciana says she doesn't. Valeria, holding Alejandro's hand, brings up their lost sibling. Alejandro adds "and if we have one, where is he?" Constancio calls them "filthy brats" for asking the question and tells Valeria he's disappointed in her and that Alejandro must have rubbed off on her. Alejandro says if it's a lie, Constancio has no reason to be upset and he just can't talk to him anymore. Alejandro leaves the table. Constancio tells Valeria again that he's disappointed in her and leaves. Valeria calls him on it (well, after he's gone anyway) and asks who's disappointing whom. Luciana also declines to answer the questions and leaves. Damian, dramatically, dips his hands in his water glass, declares himself the reincarnation of Pontius Pilate, and says he washes his hands of the matter. Valeria turns to Andrea, the last person left at the table and says "Welcome to Mansion la Soledad." I don't think we saw Andrea's reaction to any of that, did we?

Braulio brings Hugo his dinner, since Milagros declined. She told Braulio that until Hugo stops talking about luuuuurve, she won't visit him anymore. Hugo can't understand why she won't believe he's in love with her. Braulio says it's because women are ungrateful--you give them affection and they forget it. He's talking about Rosario. He raised her and one night she left--not with a guy, but because of a guy--and he never saw her again. He calls her ungrateful again, then chokes up and has to leave the room. Great, so Milagros gets "kinda nuts" and "melodramatic" from both sides of the family.

Constancio and Damian conference. Constancio figures that Milagros must have found out from Regina and then he and she had some conversations. Damian's confused that Constancio would have a conversation like that with a servant. Damian brings up Constancio's need for a squeaky clean image. Damian wants to help Constancio clean up said image…and he wants to know where he fits into the Belmonte political regime. He's such a parasite.

Alejandro argues with Luciana about dinner. Alejandro doesn't want to be nice to daddy after the way daddy treats him, and as for Andrea hearing dirty laundry…well, she wanted to move in, didn't she. Luciana says that Andrea didn't have anywhere else to go and besides, the poor dear's dealing with a lot, what with Constancio trying to have his way with her. This gets Alejandro's attention and he storms off…

To find Andrea, who takes advantage of his presence to try to mack on him. She fake-cries and hugs him, saying she didn't want him to find out and if it hadn't been for Luciana…more fake crying. She actually looks a lot prettier without the excessive eye makeup, IMO. Mili walks by the door and sees them hugging.

Constancio brings a bottle and a couple of glasses into the bedroom and invites Luciana to toast with him. She sniffs at it, but doesn't drink. Constancio announces he's being put forward as a candidate for "diputado" (a member of the Chamber of Deputies, which is the lower chamber of congress--equivalent to a member of the House of Representatives, more or less). He toasts himself and asks if she doesn't want to save her son. What? Well, he knows her "vacation" isn't really a vacation and if he were her, he'd stick around. He says if she leaves him, he'll make "the bastard's" life impossible and he'll be sorry he was born. Who knows, he might even have some kind of accident. Luciana doesn't want to believe he's capable. He demands again that she toast with him. Spineless fool! Like she can't take him with her or just warn him to get away, or oh, here's a novel idea--tell him the truth!

Andrea thinks Alejandro's concern means he really luuuuurves her, but Alejandro says he doesn't and it's over. Andrea tries to rag on Mili, then she tries to compare him to his dad. Neither works. She asks him if what he's got with "the servant" is serious and whether he loves her. She interprets his silence as confusion. She says she'll wait for him, and then something about how he shouldn't blame his dad, but my BS alarm was going off and I didn't quite catch her reasoning.

Padre Manuel is back to talk to Constancio and they go into the study.

Alejandro confronts Mili in the hallway and says now she's the one playing around with him. They get back to arguing about Andrea and whether he's telling the truth. Mili tells him if he luuuuurves her so much, they can go into Andrea's room right now and he can tell her to get out of the house. Alejandro says he can't do that. Wimp.

Padre Manuel tells Constancio it's about his other kid, and they need to talk about it. Constancio says he's going to make confession: he had a thing with a servant, she got pregnant…yeah, yeah, says PM, I know that part…well, Regina's always suffered about her grandchild being missing, sometimes he'd like to find him. PM says he's found…or rather, SHE'S found, and you know her, she's staying in this house. Constancio calls PM crazy. PM explains the nuns found a pregnant girl with pneumonia, took her in, she died in childbirth, and the kid was raised at the convent. PM calls her "Mili Gol" but her name is Milagros--yep, Doña Regina's companion. Constancio is impactadissimo!

Mili calls him on it and says it's not that he "can't" tell her to leave, he "won't." She eventually gets around to telling him she found Andrea in his bed. He's surprised and flounders. She tells him to quit lying so he won't end up burning "down there" when the time comes (and for a minute there, I thought she meant it anatomically and was saying he should sleep with Andrea more often so it wouldn't burn when he finally got to hell--good thing I rewound!). She tells him to leave her alone--if he were serious and if he were a real man, he wouldn't do this to her.

PM offers Constancio a glass of water, but he says he's fine and asks PM to sit. Constancio says his mother never lost hope, but he did, although deep down….Constancio now freaks out and says he can't have a "bastard" daughter. PM takes offense at the word and says the kids at the convent aren't "bastards" they're orphans. Constancio asks if she knows, which she doesn't. PM thought her father should tell her the truth. Constancio asks who all knows--PM, Sor Cachete, and Madre Superior. Constancio says no one else must know, that girl can't be his daughter, his political career wouldn't take it. Constancio says he'll give PM money for her to have a decent life, but he wants her out of his house and out of his life. Dude, that's cold.

Later that night, Milagros lies in her bunk and talks about Alejandro to Lina. She says she's got to show him she doesn't care about him. Lina thinks that's going to be difficult, but Milagros intends to try her best. They start talking about Hugo and how he's different…he doesn't care that Milagros is a servant, he sings her Billy Joel songs…digo, he likes her just the way she is. Karla appears to be listening in on this part of the conversation. Lina says it's too bad Milagros' heart is already occupied.

Speaking of crazed painters, Hugo strokes the painting (ewwwww!) and then decides that if Mili won't talk to him, she'll talk to his alter ego, Pandroso.

Very, very early the next morning, Constancio drinks his coffee and tucks the picture of Rosario in his breast pocket. Braulio walks into the study and Constancio says he needs him to do something without asking any questions. We know it's very, very early because Braulio's in most of his uniform, but didn’t have a chance to put on his tie yet. He asks him to pack up Milagros' stuff, escort her out of the house, and wait until Constancio comes out of the house to talk to her. Braulio goes off to obey his orders.

The other reason we know it's very, very early is that the alarm in the girls' room is ringing and shows 6am. Lina wakes up Mili. They have a conversation about missing their moms. Mili never had one, but Lina says she had a mom, but her mom never acted like one. Her aunt raised her after her mom ran off with some guy. At least until Lina ran away and started working. Lina says her mom's dead to her. They change the subject to what to do about Karla. They run off to the bathroom for glasses of water and Mili sing-songs "It's going to rain, it's going to rain, thunder and lightning, you'll see, 1-2-3" and they pour water in Karla's face. Karla screams that they'll pay! Heh.

Alejandro comes to visit Regina and asks her about Constancio's lost child. He tells her he overheard her and Mili and she can't deny it.

Braulio packs Mili's meager belongings in a small sack. He finds the pictures of Alejandro and Constancio and also her medal. Mili comes into her room and finds Braulio. She snatches the medal out of his hand (so he may or may not have had a chance to look at it) and he grabs her by the arm and drags her out of the room.

Regina tells Alejandro that Constancio had another child, but she doesn't want him to tell anyone she told him. They all swore they wouldn't talk about it because his mother can't stand it. She tells him she doesn't know, no one knows, where to find the other child. Also, all the detectives she's hired come back with the same answer. She tells him she doesn't want to die without finding him, but every year it hurts more and more. Alejandro hugs her.

Braulio drags Mili out of the house, but before he gets her to Constancio, he warns her off about servants dating their bosses. He tells her his sister fell in love with the boss' son and it destroyed her. These things never work, he says, people like us need to look around us, not up…understand? Never look up. Wow, that Braulio, he should be a motivational speaker. Actually, I hear he's working that nugget of wisdom into his Tightass Butler of the Year Award acceptance speech. And no, Univision won't be broadcasting that.

Constancio asks Damian to tell Andrea to cancel all his appointments for the day and rushes out of the house. Karla comes in with a glass of water on a tray and begs Damian to forgive her. He tells her he has a new friend, with class, and he's invited her over to meet the family. And also, the relationship's serious…isn't she going to congratulate him? She throws the convenient glass of water in his face.

Braulio and Mili tussle over her bag in the driveway where she and Constancio had words the last time. He tells Mili to get in the car and Braulio to put her bag in the trunk. Both are accomplished and Constancio and Mili drive off.

Tomorrow: Damian brings Roxana home to met the family…do she and Lina have the same eyes? (Just speculating.) Horacio recognizes Roxana. Braulio tells Alejandro and Regina that Mili's gone and she wasn't fired, she just left. Alejandro tells Regina it's his fault. Mili moves back into the convent. Constancio tells the Madre Superior that the news could be disastrous for his career. Padre Manuel says he'll tell Mili the truth.


Pasion - Feb. 12, 2008 confession is good for the soul

* Rico enters the bedroom and interrupts Cami and Jimena's conversation. Cami makes excuses why she doesn't feel like eating in the dining room with Lis and Fran, plus Jimena just got here. Jimena says don't worry about her, she'll take care of her own dinner and leaves. Rico wonders if he was too abrupt; Cami says no he was just perfect. They smile and hug and kiss. Rico tells her about his two boats. Cami knows all about the Salamander; he tells her about his new one, he named it the Camila, in her honor. She's touched. They kiss. He says that destiny brought them together, and G-d willing, they will be together forever. They kiss passionately.

* Fran and Lis stop in the hallway as the maids bring food trays to Rico and Cami's room. Lis loses her appetite and heads back to their room. Fran follows.

* Mario and Jimena eat together, alone. Mario explains the sailing life, to a sailor the sea forever calls to them. Jimena asks about women being on board ship; Mario explains women aren't allowed, they stay at home. Jimena explains Cami's fears and worries and says Rico is retired. Mario says not now, maybe someday, if they are really lucky. Jimena wonders about telling Mario a secret - Mario is curious and wants to know who it is about; Jimena looks at him and decides against it, he may just tell Rico. Mario irritates her; she gets up to leave. He presses about the secret, must be important. She plays hard to get. He pulls her close and plants a kiss on her lips. She pulls herself away. "I hope you don't think that kiss convinced you of anything about me," says Jimena. Mario says, "No, but your eyes did." She is annoyed and leaves. Mario stands alone, looking quite curious and enchanted.

* Sofia, Fortunata, Ursula and Manuela are sitting and talking in the formal salon. Manuela discusses the break-in at her house with them. Sofia wonders if any papers were taken. Manuela says her dad will be home soon and can find out. Fortunata expresses her opinions on the matter, then asks about Jorge. Sofia replies where he is. Manuela mentions talking with Ascanio in town about the concession papers for Justo's businesses - they discuss the situation. Jorge, Uriel and Mateo appear in the salon and greet the ladies. Manuela and Uriel exchange looks; Manuela is shy and nervous. Ursula thanks her dad for releasing Santo. Jorge says you're welcome and exchanges looks with Sofia. Sofia is indifferent to him and his pals. Jorge and his pals leave. Ursula giggles.

* In office, Jorge, Uriel and Mateo talk. Uriel is interested in Manuela, and wonders what Alberto would say to it. Jorge replies. Mateo then chimes in with his interest in running the mill, instead of Gonzalo. Jorge wants to wait, if the family can buy it, fine, if not, pity to them.

* Santo finds Ines crying on bench outside their front gate. Santo tells her he's concerned over their mother's change of attitude towards Ursula. Ines thinks it may be because of his arrest and then everything with Justo's stroke and businesses. Santo says no it has to be something else. Ines cries to Santo about wanting to cancel the wedding with Vasco, and tells him her reasons. Santo sides with Ofelia on the issue. As they walk towards the front of the shop, Santo tells her of all his errors in the name of love with Cami; he knows she's a good person and thinks she should go ahead and marry Vasco, he's a good person and she may be the one who can help him change and actually be a better man. Vasco and Ines hug.

* In her bedroom, Ursula is in her underwear on the bed looking at her picture book and teasing Manuela for having a crush on Ascanio. Manuela is embarrassed and upset by the teasing. Fortunata mentions that Alberto may not agree with Ascanio courting Manuela, he isn't in the same social circle. Ursula continues to tease and shows Manuela a picture in her book. Manuela leaves quickly. Fortunata scolds Ursula for teasing Manuela like that. Ursula replies. Fortunata asks Ursula if she's still obsessed with Santo. Ursula says she's enchanted by his tenderness.

* In the raguan, Jorge apologizes to Sofia for slapping her the other day. He then explains his actions against Vasco (for seducing Ursula), and Santo's arrest (due to his insults in defense of Cami), which ultimately led to Jorge taking the concessions away from Justo. Sofia snaps back in reply. Jorge scolds Sofia for leaving and being witness to Rico and Cami's wedding at Monte Carmelo. Sofia briefly explains her reason. They talk about the lack of progress in finding a husband for Ursula, she's not that interested says Sofia. This prompt Sofia to ask Jorge about what he would do if he found out he had an illegitimate son. Jorge says if he was dignified and proper then he would recognize him, but if he was illiterate and a bum then no way, he wouldn't want to even know of his existence. Jorge then mentions to Sofia about Uriel's interest in Manuela and tells her to end the search. Jorge leaves. Sofia grumbles.

* At dinner in their room, Rico confesses to Cami the truth about his past. He starts out by telling her the part where he was accused of murder, his uncle made him disappear and his mother went along with the decision - she didn't want her son in prison. So he became a fugitive and ended up in the pirate world, where he had to decide to either become one or die. He chose to become one, and has been trapped in that life forever. Cami is impactado as he tells her that he isn't really a spy for the Spanish crown, undercover as a pirate, but he is really a pirate. Cami wonders about everything he's been telling her of his wealth being stolen and the investigation into Jorge and Alberto's connection to the ambushes. He says that's all true, but he doesn't have enough to prove it yet. Cami wonders why he didn't tell her this in the beginning - he explains his reasons. Cami then wonders why when they fell in love, he didn't come clean with her. He was scared of losing her, he wanted to get his money back and get a pardon from the Spanish crown to clear his name, but everything happened so fast. Cami asks to help him with his investigation of Jorge and Alberto, or maybe Sofia can help. Rico declines the offer/suggestion. Rico grumbles to her about having to use his fake name for their marriage certificate. They discuss how to handle the lie with her family, especially her dad.

* In the kitchen at the Darien house, Vasco talks with Ascanio and gives him the list of addresses of places to search for Bernie. Vasco tells Ascanio about his plan to marry Ines and move her to the house after the ceremony. Ascanio congratulates him and says he's getting a pearl for a wife. Vasco goes inside.

* In bed, Cami is crying. Rico has to reassure her about the deception, all will work out fine. She's scared about Jorge - he knows Rico is a pirate, and may want him dead. Rico gets Cami to laugh. He says he's " not stupid, just stupid in love (with her), very in love (with her)". They make love.

* Next morning, Lis and Fran wash up in their room. Fran complains about the people in the house and in town - she wants to go back to La Mariana. Lis didn't like life in La Mariana, she only had her Aunt Mercedes to visit; here she has more people to talk with and visit (like Santo and his family). Fran still doesn't understand. They complain about Cami, Jimena and Mario. Lis goes to her chair and starts to cry about having a hard time accepting that Rico married Cami. She refuses to marry or even court Alberto - he reminds her too much of her dad. Fran thinks Alberto is a fine man for her to be courting. Lis is adamant if he is the last man on earth, she rather be with Rico or no one.

* As Cami helps Rico get dressed in their bedroom, Rico talks with Cami about his trip to San Juan, and his investigation of Alberto and Jorge. She wonders when they will be able to live a normal life. He first plans to get his money back, clear his name and then he can become a honest merchant ship captain (he is adamant about merchant, not pirate.)

* Ascanio talks with Santo as they go to the shop. Ascanio needs time off to take a trip for a few days. Santo grants permission, and hands him a money bag - and won't let Ascanio refuse to accept it.

* In the yard of the hacienda, Rico and Mario meet. Rico tells him to saddle up two horses, he and Mario will be the only ones to go on this trip - the rest are to keep watch and care for his wife while they are away in San Juan. Mario tells Rico about his conversation with Jimena last night - she knows some secret, he doesn't know what it is but it could be important. Mario leaves.

* Inside the hall, Cami and Jimena talk as they head to the salon about Rico's confession to her last night. Cami is scared of the implications with Jorge, also she doesn't know how to take that he lied to her - thinks one lie may lead to another and another. Jimena asks if she loves him. She does. Jimena says then accept him as is and that's that (pa-tan-tan).

* Rico is impatiently waiting outside; he asks the maid where Cami is; she says in the salon. He runs up the stairs and goes inside.

* Rico stands at the door and listens to Cami and Jimena discuss Jimena's talk with Vasco in the field - Jimena told Vasco about Rico losing his money in the ambush and then discussing using Vasco's keys to sneak into the mansion and spy on Jorge. Rico enters and interrupts - he scowls at the ladies. Cami stands and quickly apologizes and explains the conversation. Jimena swears Vasco is the only one she told his secret. Rico cuts Jimena off, and talks with Cami - he is ready to leave - she tells him about her brother's wedding and asks if San Juan is far away. He says yes. They leave. Jimena stands alone and nervous.

* In the hallway, Cami apologizes to Rico again for telling Jimena his secret - she needed to talk to someone. He whispers she should've talked with him. They go outside.

* In the yard, Mario is on his horse waiting. Cami apologizes again to Rico. He whispers quietly and explains to her that he wants their personal matters to stay only between them, not fodder for the town gossips. He tells her he will be gone several days. He mounts his horse and leaves with Mario.

* In the hallway, Lis and Fran see Cami enter and stop her. They ask who is outside; Cami looks at them. Lis asks about Rico. She says he just left on a trip. Lis asks, A trip? To where? Cami doesn't respond, and leaves quickly.

* Rico and Mario ride along the trail. They talk about where Jorge and Alberto may have hid the chests and money. Rico thinks that's a lost cause, and wants them to focus on investigating and getting lots of proof that Alberto and Jorge are responsible for the ambushes.

* In the salon, Ursula, Fortunata and Manuela are sitting and talking. Santo and Vasco enter, after being announced. Ursula greets them warmly, especially Santo. Santo and Vasco join the ladies in conversation. Sofia comes down to the salon. Santo apologizes for coming without invitation, but they had the time so they came to talk about Vasco and Ines' wedding. Sofia suggests they visit Justo and talk about the wedding with him and the family. She leaves. Santo and Vasco excuse themselves and leave. Ursula is giddy about how handsome Santo is.

* At the house, Sofia walks with Justo, Ofelia, Ines and Santo and Vasco away from the kitchen/dining hall to the yard. Sofia will pay all the costs for the wedding - they all say thank you and try to refuse - Sofia won't let them, she insists. As they go to the garden area, Sofia starts to talk with Ines about how wonderful a seamstress her mom is; then hands Ines a golden box - Ines opens it to show an elegant diamond necklace. Sofia's wedding gift to her. Ines is enchanted and thanks Sofia for it. Justo thanks her also. Ofelia says she's too kind and generous to her family. Sofia says her family is worthy of so much more. Sofia and Ofelia shoot each other looks. Vasco watches Ines put the necklace on.

* In the kitchen, Rita is chopping up vegetables and visiting with Lis and Fran. Rita talks to Lis about Sofia paying for Ines and Vasco's wedding; then they start to talk about Cami and Rico. Rita tries her best to not insult or be rude about her own sister. Lis claims to understand her position, but senses something wrong and presses Rita to talk about it. Lis mentions how Cami married her dad and how unjust her dad was to have Cami inherit his estate; she includes how she's confused with Rico's support to get the estate back. She wonders who will be there that she can count on. Rita can't hold back and starts to talk to Lis about her opinions on Cami becoming an egomaniac; and her suspicions that Santo and Cami have been together but she has no proof of it whatsoever. That ever since Cami returned, her marriage and life have been horrible. Rita tells Lis and Fran that Santo was arrested and in jail for defending Cami and insulting Jorge. He has since been released. Rita blames Santo and Cami for Justo losing his businesses, and hates to think what else bad could happen to Rico if he and Cami stay in town.

* Sofia and Ofelia have a private talk about Jorge, Ursula and Santo as they walk to the carriage. Sofia gets in the coach. Santo asks Ofelia what's the matter. She says nothing, nothing, and leaves. Santo stands there bewildered.

* On the street in town, Lis and Fran discuss what Rita just told them. Fran doesn't think they should believe a word she said. Lis thinks some of what she said may be useful to them, especially if Santo still cares at all for Cami. Lis wants to go to the shop. Fran says he may not be there. Lis says whatever, Rico is a very possessive man. Fran walks Lis to the shop.

* Cami and Jimena read the notice board; they discuss the asking price for the mill is 2,000 pesos. That's a lot of pesos; Cami ponders if she has enough to buy it. Vasco finds them. Vasco and Jimena try to talk Cami out of buying the mill. Cami wants to do it for their father. Vasco says that's not necessary, dad's idea is to buy a farm and some cows. Cami says that's beneath his dignity. Vasco changes the subject and tells Cami that his wedding is set for next Saturday, but that when Justo suggested the party be a dual one to celebrate her and Rico's marriage also, Rita and Santo protested the idea. Cami understands. Vasco asks her to visit Justo. Cami says "no te apuras." As Cami and Jimena start to walk away, Cami sees Uriel enter the administrative building. She freaks out that Uriel is about to get the mill - she has to buy it now! Jimena and Vasco argue with Cami about using her money to buy it. Vasco is scared that Bernie and/or the letter could turn up and spell doom for Cami. Cami snaps back. Vasco explains how Ascanio is out searching for Bernie right now. Cami explains again her plan. Jimena plays devil's advocate and helps Vasco argue against the purchase. Vasco reminds Cami of the danger she faces with Don Jorge. Cami says fine, she'll go to Marcelino for help. Vasco and Jimena run after Cami.

* In the office lobby, Cami, Jimena and Vasco find Marcelino, he's as nervous as ever. Cami asks to speak with Jorge about the mill. Marcelino disappears into the office.

* Marcelino whispers to Jorge, and then waits as Jorge finishes settling the dispute between two men. They leave. Jorge tells Marcelino to let Cami, and only Cami, enter. Marcelino leaves.

* In the lobby, Marcelino tells Cami only she can go inside to see Jorge. Vasco is frustrated and tries again to talk Cami into leaving. Cami is determined, and reminds him that she's married now. She goes into the office. Vasco vents his frustration to Jimena; Jimena scolds him about how angry Ascanio will be when he returns and finds this out. They run out of the building.

* In the office, Jorge congratulates Cami on her marriage. Cami explains very briefly why they did it so quickly. Jorge nods like he understands. Cami asks Jorge about how a woman can buy real estate. Jorge explains that certain items women can purchase, but other items they have no rights at all. She asks about exceptions. He replies. Cami says she wishes to purchase the mill, as Senora Lopez de Carvajal. (AY CARAY!)


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Guapos 02-12-08 "So Many Detours on the Road to Rome"

First a big shout out to Cathy for her excellent and detailed recap of last night, I missed all but the last five minutes. I missed last Friday night as well, futilely trying to score a permanent job move where I work.

So enough about me let’s get ready to see why people who are not futilely working for an unachievable goal, people who live in mansions & don’t worry about health care or the price of gas. Well looks like they aren’t any happier than I am.

So Red has moved into the family hacienda? Everyone who I ever knew that let his or her son’s girlfriend move in to the family estate was usually going by the term Grandma or PaPa, by the next year. Maybe cause it was a double wide and not a mansion.

Luci grills Andrea, worried that Const has lured Red into his lair. Red says, no it is just to get closer to Al & win his heart back. Meanwhile, Val has come bouncing into Al’s room to tell him that Red has moved in and isn’t it great? Al thinks not and in a bad humor sends Val on her way.

Next day….

Gloves, the awesome secret keeper family butler, is in Hugo’s room.
See I don’t get why he treats Hugo like he is an invalid, Gloves is in on the secret that as far as we can tell everything south of Hugo’s belt seems to be working just fine. Really Gloves has something on each and everyone of these AssHat’s. I hope someday he gets to use the info. I think Gloves fills Hugo in on the fact that Red has slithered into the house. This does not bode well for the happiness of Al & Mili.
Hugo wanting to be alone mulls over this news.

Al, Luci, Damien and the ever-evil Const are having a meeting. Luci is going on a trip, (this is polite talk for going to Italy to hook-up with Eugenio). In her absence she is giving Al her twenty percent, meaning Al now has as much company sway as Const. Const recent winner of the much coveted, “Father of the Year” award; reminds of why he is such a stellar father by calling Al an idiot and trying to badger Luci into reneging on her decision. Sorry Const, she isn’t reneging.

Back at the Hacienda, Mili visits Granny. Granny is suffering from her shattered dreams, Granny believes Rosario & said grandchild are dead. We, the viewing public of course know better. Mili tries to cheer Grams up to no avail. All is not lost. Young Mili offers to let Grams adopt her. She can pretend that Mili is her missing sight unseen, but much beloved grandchild. This perks Granny right up. What a generous thought. Seriously think about it, twenty million people in Mexico City and Granny’s real granddaughter is offering be Granny’s pretend granddaughter.
----Grams, if you’d like to disinherit Const, well I’d be perfectly happy to step up as daughter, I mean just sayin---

We get to see Mili drinking some water, I guess in reference to her drinking the evening before.

Val is sunbathing and Morgan and Horacio are watching. She is listening to her Secret Love CD. Horacio tries to get Morgan to say he is the singer. Finally, Horacio goes up and lets it slip that Morgan is the Secret Lover. Val is all giggly. Soon Bobby approaches and asks if she likes the CD. Val tells him, yes indeed and that Morgan is the singer. Bobby says that isn’t true, but Val just blows him off with a classic rich girl scoff.

Andrea visits Hugo, she spots the painting, the one that didn’t have a face. Well now Mili’s face is on it. Red makes some nasty comments and Hugo stops her. They will help each other so Al & Mili break up and the can both claim their respective prizes.
---Okay I must insert here that Hugo is no longer amusing me, there is something kind of “Norman Bates” about this guy---

Damien, the weasel, is talking to Const. He realizes his value has just gone up. Al has 40% and Const has 40%. Hmmmm, Damien asks Const for some money. Yes, loyalty has price. The conversation rotates to Al in absencia, Damien says your Hijo, which Const snarks out a bastard comment. Damien reminds him of son by marriage. Now I may have missed the fine points, but apparently, Luci was granted a marriage into a classy family, and her father saved Const Pa’s company. Kinda like the British in Iraq, you slap a country together and fifty years later, you find out everybody despises each other and they are going for blood.

We now get a “Classic Television Moment”, a shot of female legs walking across a room and dropping a towel or robe on the floor, the movement of sheets and we see Red closing her eyes, resting her head on sweet Al’s pillow. A knock at the door. She doesn’t answer. Mili opens the door and seeing Red lying there demands to know, “What are you doing here?”
Red answers, “That she was invited to spend the night”. A long hawt night of passion.
---It is a well known ploy of TeleNovelas and real life, that when people regale their romantic encounters, they are lying, the only people who talk about it are the ones who aren’t getting any---
Mili holds her own in this war of words. Red says that Red and Al are an item. Mili counters with no, she and Al are Novios. Red says, “Nope you are a diversion.” Mili answer, “Speak for yourself, you are the one on your back, you are the diversion, Al respects me”. She then shakes like three weeks worth of dust out of her handy feather duster and leaves. Red doesn’t seem too thrilled that Al’s not nailing the help.

Luci has a conversation with Al about her trip. Al understands completely why she wants to fly to Europe and nail Eugenio. Actually it is one of those, you have suffered from being married to my BSC father for all these years and you deserve some happiness. Go with God. Oh yeah and I am going to make nice with Bobby. Luci thinks indeed he should.

Later hanging around the garden, Luci runs into Grammy. Grammy is like, did you think I have done nothing but sit in my room for the past eighteen years. Luci is chagrined like “Well yeah”. Grammy has older generation advice for Luci. She asks if Luci is going to Italy to “hook-up”. Luci says she deserves some happiness, Gawd knows Const sucks it out of every situation, he is the Hoover of Happiness sucking.
Grammy is well aware of her son’s personality quirks and faults Luci not in the least, but get a divorce first, then get some lovin. I just don’t think Luci can wait.

In the servant quarters Karla is lying on the bed crying. It is over and she just wants to die. How sad is that? Anyway, someone fill me in, cause I don’t know what Damien did other than his normal odious behavior. Her mother is trying to make her feel better and Mili comes in climbing on her own bed crying. Karla’s ma now lament and poor Lina the other servant who isn’t crying is forced to question if perhaps the Convent has any openings.

Bobby tells Val that he is good friends with the guy at the Radio Station. This is like the fifth time I have heard this conversation and I miss a lot of episodes, anyway, the Secret Lover will be singing at five so she should see if Morgan is there at that time. We get a snotty “Whatever” combo eyeroll from Val.

Damien and Const are still discussing at the office. Red comes in and tells them, I don’t know his name is there to see them, it is the wheeler dealer guy, from earlier in the show. I think they already lost money to this guy. He comes in and tells them first about some guy that went to jail. White collar crime I suppose. Then he has some fantastic proposition for Dumb and Dumber. Only thing is, that Const must present a perfect family image in order to capture this fine contract worth millions.
---What contract can this be? In an effort to cut cost is “Family First” shipping it pamphlet contract south of the border?---
Well, that doesn’t bode well for the “Luci trip, the servant romance, the ex-Amante now nailing the son.
How will Const handle these problems?

Mili goes to visit Hugo of the Sturdy Legs. She laments her heartbreak over Al. Hugo says Al was just playing her, unlike Hugo. Mili felt so important and pretty on their date last night. Hugo says he loves Mili even in her lil gangsta clothes. He is telling her how he loves her for her and would never try to change her. He is in a creepy way getting closer and closer, he looks like he is going to swoop in for a kiss, but Mili pulls back and leaves. Hugo is thwarted again. Mili always take a bath never a shower. This guy is creepy.

Mili visits Granny. Granny is reading a book of poetry. She says she wants to introduce Mili to the author. Mili thinks she is referring to a TeleNovela star and Granny says no, it is a poet. Mili questions if he is coming to visit. No Granny says he has been dead these many years.
---Then we are forced to endure an embarrassing, “Ellie Mae Clampett” conversation. How could she meet the guy if he is dead, Mili then says she does not want to be introduced to a ghost---Yes folks it was that painful, what kind of education did she receive at that school? I mean I know the Holy Orders have suffered fewer recruits in the past few years, but is it like the Armed Services? I mean have the standards fallen that low?

Grammy starts lamenting some scripted despair, which is actually poetry. Mili leaves and Gloves comes in clapping. He mentions explaining that passage to Rosario. This sends Grams into another road not taken, decline. She tells Gloves that wonderful Mili has offered to play Grandkid, to her, bringing a smile to Grannies lips. Gloves is also pleased.

At some point Bobby and Al, make up. Al tells Bobby that his Ma is off on a trip, Bobby says probably to see my Dad. Both decide that their family units suck and maybe they will end up brothers. Bobby is moving to a Hotel and Al offers to help with the rent. I guess Bobby doesn’t have a job. If his Dad was worth anything he would have gone National, like Dr. Phil, then Bobby could have cranked out teen help books after a couple of semesters at junior college. Life is so unfair.

Val spies Morgan rubbing on the car, (with a cloth, not with himself). She teases him about the CD & he does some lame ass scoobie doobie doo nonsense and says that indeed he is an excellent singer. Val tells him to she wants to go somewhere. Once they are in the car, she tells him to turn on her favorite radio station. There it is, the singing lover. How can you be there when you are here. Awwww the Naco hilarity insues.

Damien and Const arrive at home and want some coffee in the study. Const makes a big pretense of asking Al what he see when he looks at Const. Al just blows him off.

Mili brings the coffee to the study, pausing first to eavesdrop, like good servants everywhere, she hears Const say (and I may have this wrong), that Ma is dead.
Mili is horrified. She brings the coffee in and hangs around til Damien realizing his drink isn’t coming leaves.

Val arrives at the Radio Station, she goes one way, Morgan opens a door and sees Bobby. Val walks in to the announcer booth, explains who she is. The announcer stokes her fragile ego with cries that she is famous. She wants to see the Secret Lover, Bobby ducks down and she sees Morgan. Like her father she screams ‘Me Encanta’. Morgan isn’t about to say it isn’t him.

Luci is on the phone talking with Eugenio, we only see a one sided conversation, which leads me to believe we may never see Eugenio again and the actor has gone on to more fertile TeleNovela grounds. She is planning to go when Damien comes in and she hangs up the phone. He tells her she can’t go now.

Down in the study, Mili tells Const, that she has millions of street buds and they can find Granny’s missing grandkid. She does the “Do you want your kid to hate you for abandoning him/her?”

Stay tuned for more highclass hijnks…
Looks like the good Padre is dropping in…
Meanwhile, Al overhears the story of the missing Grandkid and like all good Television families, Val and Al bring up the missing Hermano at dinner.


La Traicion, Episodes 10 and 11

Episode 10

[When La Traición started to be broadcast in other countries, it was reported on the LT foro on Telenovela World that scenes had been cut from the US broadcast that were included in the foreign broadcasts. A viewer of LT in Israel posted an eight minute missing scene from this episode to You Tube: . I have incorporated it into the recap of this episode. The Israeli viewer has been posting on You Tube the novela as it is broadcast in Israel. I compared the rest of the episode that was broadcast here to the You Tube videos and there are a lot of differences. Most of them are only a few lines here and there. However, not everything that was broadcast here is on the You Tube videos from Israel. I have incorporated all the missing material into this recap with links to the You Tube videos. The material that was not broadcast here is in green, thus. However, I have compared the Israeli You Tube videos to other episodes and I don't find any more omitted scenes. On the contrary, the Isreali broadcast cuts many scenes that are in the US broadcast. There was something unusual about Episode 10. Maybe it was intended to be 1 1/2 hours.]

Soledad: Your honor, Hugo de Medina is innocent. He did not harm Beatriz de Linares.
Judge: Order!
Prosecutor: This is absurd, Your Honor. What is this woman doing disguised as a police officer?
S: I apologize for having to come here like this, your honor but I did it for my own protection. (She looks at Arturo.)
Prosecutor: The defendant has admitted his guilt. There can’t be any more testimony.
Judge: The prosecutor is correct, Señorita de Obragon. If Hugo de Media has admitted his guilt, there is no sense in defending him.
S: He did it to protect me. We were together that night…
H: (interrupting) Soledad! It isn’t necessary to defend me. These details aren’t necessary. For the love of God...
S: (Soledad flashes back to their night of passion.) Hugo isn’t guilty because I was with him all night. We were together until dawn.
Arturo: Your honor! You can’t believe this woman, she is lying. She is in love with Hugo de Medina and will do anything to save him.
S: Your honor, I can present witnesses. They can testify that what I am saying is true. Please let them come in.
The judge lets the witnesses come forward. Juan, Lupe and Aurora come into the courtroom.

Helena wakes up and says that today is the trial of Hugo de Medina. She calls for Guillermo but he isn’t there. He has left a note saying that he has left her forever.

S: Your honor, these people can confirm that we were out of the city on the morning of the party. Prosecutor: Your honor, these campesinos could have been bought.
Arturo: Of course, they were bought.
If Soledad de Obragón is willing to make such an admission in front of everyone, what wouldn’t she do to save her fiancé?
Hugo: Your honor. Listen to them. It’s the least you can do before judging me.
Judge: Is it true that you encountered Hugo de Medina and Soledad de Obragón on the road outside the city yesterday morning?

Jose: That is so, Your Honor. We saw them in the road. They were heading for the city and they signaled us to stop us but we didn’t.
Arturo: Your honor, instead of asking them, why don’t you ask the child? The child wouldn’t lie. Little one, tell us, isn’t it true that this woman spoke to your parents and asked them to come to this trial and lie? (the child shakes her head slightly.)
Prosecutor: Tell us if you saw this man and woman yesterday on the road.
The child flashes back to seeing Hugo and Soledad)
Judge: We’re listening, child. Tell us. Have you seen this couple before?

Aurora: Yes, they were on the road yesterday.

The police are taking Guillermo away. Elena accosts the police and asks them why they have her husband. The policeman says that Guillermo threatened a rich man with a gun. Helena yells at and ultimately jumps on the policeman.

Prosecutor: The testimony of the child isn’t valid, your honor.
Soledad: Why isn’t it valid? You yourselves asked that the child testify. Isn’t that so, your Honor?
Judge: The testimony of the family and especially the child is admissible.
Silence! By the power vested in me by this court, I declare Hugo de Medina innocent of the charge of sexual abuse of Señorita Beatriz de Linares. . The investigation to discover the responsible person will continue. You are free to go, Hugo de Medina.

 Sensation in the court.
Hugo goes up to Soledad.

S: We won.
H: Thanks to you. We won thanks to you. (they kiss)

Los Burke are in jail. Guillermo explains to Helena why he threatened Arturo and his mother and why he was in the tavern with Margot. He asks if she believes him. She says that she does.

Úrsula: I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you two so happy.

H: Part of that happiness is thanks to you too. Soledad told me what you did. You were very brave.

Marina: But it wasn’t just us. Boris was very brave, too.

Boris: I apologize for disobeying you, señor, but if we hadn’t, we wouldn’t have been able to rescue Señorita Soledad and you wouldn’t have been acquitted.
H: Very good, Boris. Very good. You are a loyal employee who knows how to make decisions.
Boris, Marina and Úrsula return to their work.

Soledad: My love, I want you to meet the people who helped us.

Hugo: (to Jose, Lupe and Aurora) I want thank you so much for what you did. I would like to reward you in some way.

Jose: That’s not necessary, señor, we just told what we saw. Excuse us.
Hugo: (to Soledad) How did it occur to you to bring them?

Soledad: I knew my testimony alone wouldn’t be enough. Something more convincing was necessary so I thought of them.

Hugo: I am very lucky. You are not only beautiful but very smart. (they kiss)

Gladis: You promised to make sure that Hugo de Medina paid for what he did to my daughter and look what happened.
Arturo: I was surprised as you, mother, but I promise you it won’t end here.

Gladis: Don’t be an idiot. You need to concentrate on getting out of this without any problems. You have to prevent that woman from accusing you. They could send you to jail for kidnapping her.

Arturo: Don’t worry mother, I know what I have to do.

Gladis sniffs and walks off.

Alcides starts to leave the courtroom.
Arturo: (to Alcides) You and I have unfinished business. Meet me at the north side of the forest in one hour. (to Hugo) I know what I did was bad but I want you to understand that my sister was the victim of an atrocious crime and all the evidence pointed to you. I was afraid that you would be freed unjustly. So I decided to hold Soledad. I knew it was drastic and excessive but I wanted to be sure justice was done.
S: You didn’t just hold me. You tried to rape me.
A: I swear that I didn’t have anything to do with that. If any of my men did that, you can be sure that I will punish them.

H: Linares, you don’t mess with the people I love. You can be sure that I will repay you for what you did.

S: It doesn’t matter. I can’t prove it was Arturo. (to Arturo) You will leave us in peace now, right?
A: You can be sure that I will.

S: (to Hugo) Let’s go talk to my parents.
H: You go ahead. I’ll catch you up. (to Arturo) I know what kind of man you are. I don’t believe a single word of your apology.

Ester, Lucas and Soledad in the Courtroom-
E: Come home with us. You have a lot of explaining to do.
L: You can start with how it was that Arturo de Linares kidnapped you. We couldn’t believe it when Alcides told us.
S: I don’t want to bother you with that. I am fine. I’m here and thanks to God, I’m free.
Hugo comes up.
H: This may not be the best place but it is important that you know that Soledad and I want to be married as soon as possible.
E: Señor de Medina, even though you have been declared innocent, you aren’t a good influence for my daughter. Since she has been with you she has done nothing but do crazy things and bring shame on us.
S:The only thing I am asking for is your blessing but if you won’t give it to me, I am going to marry him anyway.
L: What Hugo said is correct. This is not the time or the place to talk about this.
E: There is nothing to talk about!
L: We will wait for you at home, daughter.

In the woods near a lake, Arturo tells Alcides that their agreement was that Alcides would bribe the judge and Hugo would be hanged. Alcides says that it was Arturo’s men who let Soledad escape. Arturo replies that the Judge didn’t do what he was supposed to. Alcides says that he will take of that. Arturo says that he is glad that Alcides is going to take care of it because he can do it right now. Arturo’s men lead the judge up with his hand tied behind his back. He begs them not to kill him. Arturo hands Alcides a gun and tells him to fix the problem. Alcides first points the gun at Arturo, “I don’t like being tested,” he says and then he shoots the judge.

Ester and Lucas come home to find Manrique there. He says that he came to see the house that will soon be his. Ester asks what he means. Manrique replies that Lucas pledged their house as collateral for his loan. Manrique says that he has thought about it and decided the Lucas will never be able to pay him back so he will take this lovely house. Ester says that he is wrong. The house belongs to her. She inherited it from her family [we find out later that that isn’t true] and he can’t take it from her. “Would you like to bet on that, Señora?” says Manrique and breaks a vase. Ester protests and Lucas attacks Manrique. Manrique’s men start beating Lucas up. Ester says that she knows a way that they can pay him. Manrique calls his men off and says that he is listening.

Hugo and Soledad are in Hugo’s house-
H: Yes, but you heard what your mother said at the trial.
S: They’ll have to accept it. If they don’t, we’ll do what we planned. We’ll get married far away from everybody and everything. You know something, I feel a little afraid. It’s as if everyone is against us being together.
H: No one can separate us. No one. I will always be by your side to protect you.
S: I won’t give up on my parents. I will speak to my father. Maybe he can convince my mother to give us her blessing.

Ester speaks to Manrique while Lucas is unconscious on the floor.
E: My daughter is engaged to Hugo de Medina. You know that he has lots of money. When they marry, he will pay all the money that we owe you.
M: I know Hugo de Medina well. He isn’t an idiot. It will be hard to get that amount of money from him. When is the wedding?
E: In a month.
M: Fine. That is the deadline. (He leaves with his men.)
Ester runs to Lucas and cries.

[This scene comes right after Alcides shoots the judge in the Israeli broadcast of the novela. The scene with Manrique at the Obragón house was not included. at 2:18
Hugo (still dressed in Alcides’ clothes) is on his bed and he wakes up from a nap.
B: Do you feel all right?

H: Yes, I’m fine. I had a premonition that something bad happened to my brother.

B: Try to relax. Now you have the right to be happy. Forget all the people who upset you.

H: My brother is eaten up with hatred. It was he who raped Beatriz. He did it to use against me. B: Señor, even though you share the same blood with him, I think you should report your brother to the authorities.
H: No. I don’t have any way to prove it was him. My heart tells me that he will try to harm me again.

Lucas and Ester are at Hugo’s house with Soledad.
H: I am happy that you reconsidered and let me speak with you again.
L: I have been thinking… (Ester thumps him) We have been thinking that your love is obvious and we..

S: Say it already.
E: We won’t oppose this relationship. Señor Hugo de Medina, you have our authorization to marry Soledad.

H: You did a great job convincing your parents.
S: I don’t know what happened. When I got home, my parents gave me the news.
Úrsula: You don’t know happy it makes me feel to see you so happy.
S: I’ve missed you so much. I want you to come back to the house with me and help to prepare for the wedding.
Ú: Is Don Hugo ok with that?
H: Whatever Soledad wants is fine with me.
S: (calls her mother and father into the room) I want Úrsula to come back to the house with me.
E: Fine. Let her come back then.
H: This occasion merits a toast. I would like everyone, including the staff to have a drink. (He takes a ring off his little finger.)

With this ring, I would like you to accept my proposal of marriage. Do you accept? Do you want to be my wife?

S: There is nothing in my life that I want more. (He put the ring on her finger and they kiss)
[same clip at 5:03]
H: I want to tell you that I will spend my whole life making her happy and showing how much I love her.
L: Fine. A toast for the happy couple.

[There is still more of this episode that wasn't in either the US or Israeli broadcast. The summary of LT on Venzuelan televsion:

contains the paragraph below:

Burke solo podrá salir de la cárcel con una fianza que su esposa sale a buscar. La esposa de Burke consigue el dinero con el Dr. Max prometiéndole todos lo cadáveres que él quiera. Beatriz es visitada por su madre en el centro, le dice que ella se casará con Hugo, la madre furiosa le dice que se olvide de eso y le entrega de regalo un diario para que escriba todo lo que recuerda. Burke sale en libertad y al enterarse de la noticia de los cadáveres del Dr. Max esta furioso.

Helena leaves prison to find money to bail Guillermo out. Helena gets money from Dr. Max by promising to get all the cadavers he wants. Beatriz' mother visits her in the sanatorium. Beatriz says that she is going to marry Hugo. Furious, Gladis tells her to forget about Hugo. She gives her a diary to record what she remembers. Guillermo is released from prison and is furious when he finds out about having to get cadavers for Dr. Max.]

In that taverna, a man says that he heard two policemen saying that Judge Roldan committed suicide. Arturo tells Alcides that no one suspects that Alcides killed the Judge. Arturo apologizes to Alcides for testing him but he had to know how far he would go. “You’ll never know how far I’m willing to go, Arturo,” says Alcides. Arturo says that is good because the next thing they have to do is get rid of his brother. Alcides says he has no alternative. “But Hugo has to die,” says Alcides, “I should have done it a long time ago.” Arturo says that they should do it as soon as possible. Alcides says no, Arturo would be the prime suspect. They will do it his way and he will take all the time necessary to do it right.

Soledad is happy and tells her parents that marrying Hugo is the best thing that could happen in her life. She tells her parents that she has had enough excitement for one day and is going to bed. She and Úrsula leave. Lucas says to Ester that this morning she didn’t want to see Hugo de Media near her daughter and now she accepts the engagement as if it was no big deal. Why the change? Ester says that she reconsidered her position. She loves Soledad and only cares for her well being. What other reason could she have?

Hugo and Boris-
H: I want you to take this portrait and store it in cellar.
B: Are you sure about that, sir? This is the first time since I have been in your service that you have wanted to get rid of the memory of your father.
H: The memory of my father is associated with death and I don’t have anything more to do with that. From now on, my destiny will be different.
B: I assume that you have told Señorita Soledad about your illness?
H: No and I’m not going to. It isn’t necessary. Take this (he gives Boris his father’s skull)

[An additional part of this scene is at: at 0:37]
B: I’ve always been curious to know what you experience when you have a catalepsy attack.
H: It’s a dream state. I’m neither asleep nor awake. My breathing is very slow and my heart hardly beats. I feel neither heat nor cold and I can’t move a single muscle in my body. It is truly distressing to want to move and not be able to. The only thing that links me to the world is my hearing and my mind. However, Boris,
from today on, catalepsy is part of my past.
B: You are convinced of that?
H: I have faith that my love for Soledad will save me from a relapse. In a month I will marry her and I will be the happiest man in the world.

Scenes of the month before the wedding. Soledad being fitted for her gown. Hugo and Soledad together. Hugo having dinner and playing chess at Soledad’s house.

Ester is horrified that Lucas wants to give a bachelor party for Hugo at the club. She asks why he didn’t tell her. Lucas replies that he knew she wouldn’t like it. He says that a month has gone by; tomorrow their daughter is marrying Hugo. He thought it was a nice gesture. Ester doesn’t think that they have to make any nice gestures to that man. Lucas tells her that it is too late. The invitations have gone out. Lucas says that the only person he doesn’t want to see there is Manrique. Ester is surprised that Manrique was invited. Lucas says that Manrique found out about the party and asked to be invited. Ester says that she hopes that he doesn’t air their dirty laundry in front of everyone.

Hugo and Boris:

H: My father in law insists on having a bachelor party.
B: Do you want me to accompany you, señor?
H: I want you to go to San Marino with these blank checks and find me a nice hacienda for when I get back from my honeymoon with Soledad.
B: San Marino is quite far. It will certainly take several days to find a property and come back.
H: I’m sorry my friend but you won’t be able to attend my wedding. I’ve been thinking it over and I have too many enemies in this city. I don’t want Soledad to be upset by them.
B: That seems wise but now that I won’t be with you to take care of you if you have a catalepsy attack, I think it is prudent that you tell señorita Soledad about your illness.
H: Boris! Months have passed without a single attack I haven’t even had any symptoms. [Hugo is exaggerating here. He had an attack the night of Soledad’s birthday party and was on trial two days after that so it’s only been one month.]
B: In any event, señor…
H: In any event, these have been the best days of my life. Pack your bags and leave right away for San Marino.
B: As you wish, sir.
H: Right away.

In the pharmacy, Alicides shows Arturo a medicine bottle. He tells Arturo that it is a potent sleeping compound but if it is taken with alcohol, it becomes toxic. Arturo asks what he is planning. Alcides tells Arturo to have his men ready tonight.

At the bachelor party, Manrique toasts Hugo. He tells Hugo that his marriage will make Soledad and especially her parents very happy. Hugo thanks him politely and moves away.
Alcides: Brother, wait. (He gives Hugo a hug.) I heard about your party and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I suppose that you forgot to invite me but I am a member of the club and I can come and go as I please.
Hugo: Of course you can enter the club but you are not invited to this affair.
A: Hugo, let’s put our differences aside. If I am here, it is because I acknowledge defeat. Because.. (He stops a waiter and takes two glasses off his tray.) Because I believe that the moment has come for us to unite as brothers.
H: I have tried to numerous times to get close to you, Alcides and you have never wanted anything to do with me. I don’t think that you have changed.
A: Very well. You have your reasons for thinking that way but at least give me the pleasure of sharing your happiness today. I propose a toast. (He hands Hugo one of the glasses) Here’s to you and to your good fortune.
Hugo hesitates.
A: What is the matter? Do you think that I put something in the glass to poison you? (He switches glasses with Hugo.) (to the guests) Gentlemen, a toast. A toast to my brother and his happiness. The guests raise their glasses. Hugo drinks from his glass.
Manrique offers a toast to those present.
M: Salud!” (drunkenly) To Hugo de Medina and thanks to him I will get my money back.
H: Money? I’ve never had any business with you.
M: It’s all relative.
Lucas: What are you saying, Manrique?

M: Your wife told me that when Hugo de Medina marries Soledad, the money I loaned you will be repaid.
L: All right but this isn’t the place to talk about that. You’ve drunk enough.
M: What is the problem? Soledad knows all about this, or doesn’t she? This is the reason that she decided to marry Hugo de Medina. That is the reason. Or am I wrong?
H: (to Manrique) What did you say?
L: Gentlemen. Tonight’s party is over.

A: I agree with you Don Lucas. You take care of Manrique and I will take Hugo home. (to Hugo) Let’s go.
H: Why… why is everything spinning around?

A: Probably because you’re not used to drinking so much, brother. Let me help you.
H: I don’t feel well. (He drops his glass and it smashes on the ground.)
A: I will go with you brother.
Hugo walks off unsteadily.

Outside the club are Arturo and Fabio. Hugo is in his carriage semi-conscious. Alcides has tied Hugo’s wrists to the sides of the carriage.
Al: You are tied pretty well so there is no way you can fall.
Ar: We’re ready. The axles of the carriage have been loosened.
Al: It’s time for him to go. (to Hugo) It’s time for you to go, little brother. (He gives the horse a smack with a crop and the carriage takes off)
Ar: Are you sure this will be enough?
Al: This is the best way to get rid of him without getting our hands dirty.

Soledad has the same dream she had earlier. In her wedding dress, she tries to keep Hugo from sliding into a hole but she can’t hold him. Then she sees his tombstone. Soledad sits up in bed, 
”No!” she yells. 
Úrsula comes in. 

Ú: What happened, señorita? Why did you yell?
S: Oh my God. I had the same nightmare. Hugo was drowning in a swamp and I couldn’t save him.

We see the carriage going down the road at a good speed carrying an unconscious Hugo. A wheel hits a rock and the carriage crashes into a ravine.

Ú: It was just a bad dream. I’ll bring you some tea to calm your nerves.
S: This time it was real. I felt so afraid and useless because I couldn’t help him.
Ú: Tomorrow is the most important day of you life. You have to be rested so you’ll be more beautiful than ever. I’ll be right back.

Alcides, Arturo and his men look down into a gully at the wreckage of Hugo’s carriage.
Arturo’s man: He’s not in what’s left of the carriage but I found traces of blood.
Al: That’s impossible. He couldn’t have survived that fall.
Ar: (to his men) If he’s hurt, he couldn’t have gotten too far. Find him. (to Alcides) If Hugo survived and he opens his mouth, he could report us to the police, Alcides.
Al: If we don’t find him tonight, we will kill him tomorrow.
Ar: I’ll have to disguise my men in the church, we will finish him off there.
Al: In the church? That could be dangerous for Soledad.
Ar: We will be careful not to hurt her. I can’t have any more errors. Tomorrow Hugo de Medina must die.

The door of Hugo’s house opens and Hugo, breathing heavily, his clothes a mess and leaning on his cane, shuffles in. Marina runs downstairs.
M: What happened?
H: Go to bed Marina.
M: But sir, someone should look at you.
H: I don’t want anyone to bother me. I don’t want anyone to bother me.
Hugo goes down to the room in the basement where the thermal chamber is. He fiddles with the controls of the chamber.
H: (to himself) You won’t defeat me. You won’t take me.
A spasm of pain nearly makes him fall.

(to his father’s portrait) Can’t you get it through your head? I’m not going to die. Neither you nor my enemies will defeat me. Get it through your head. I am the master of my destiny. (He has another spasm.)I am the master of my destiny.
He backs out of the room. We see him fall onto his bed.

He remembers what Manrique said at the party.
H: It isn’t true. I won’t let these bad thoughts take over my mind. I won’t permit it. Tomorrow will be another day. Tomorrow my new life will start. Tomorrow will be the happiest day of my whole life, my whole life.

The next morning in the Obragón house, Lucas and Ester are dressed for the wedding. Lucas asks Ester what Manrique meant by saying that Soledad’s marriage would enable him to pay back the debt. Ester asks if Hugo heard. Lucas says not all of it. Ester says that there was no other alternative to win them some time. She says that man was going to kill Lucas. Lucas says that is horrible. She shouldn’t have involved Soledad. Ester replies that Soledad has to find out sometime. She is the only one who can save the house and Lucas’ life.

[This short scene is at at 4:18]
At the Obragón house, Soledad and Úrsula come in. Soledad is in her wedding dress.
L: God! How beautiful you are, daughter.
S: I’m so happy. I’m going to marry the man I love. What more could I want? You too, look very nice papa. You just need one little thing. (She puts a rose in his buttonhole and pricks her finger.)

E: Be careful.

Ursula takes Soledad out to take care of the wound.

At the church, a radiant Soledad steps out of a carriage decorated with flowers.

Ester: The church is full and Hugo hasn’t arrived.
A: Soledad, you are beautiful. Hugo is so willful that it wouldn’t surprise me if he had changed his mind.
E: Don’t say that. Imagine what would happen.
S: He can’t be long now. Something must have come up.
Inspector Duarte: Good morning to all. I fear that I bring bad news.
E: I can take anything except that Hugo de Medina has left Soledad at the altar.
I: It is something much worse than that, señora. We found Hugo de Medina’s carriage smashed on the road.
L: That isn’t possible. (to Alcides) You left with him. You were going to take him home.
A: I tried but he wouldn’t let me. He threw problems from our past in my face so I left him alone. He was very heated. We all saw him leave.
Soledad gets back into the carriage and drives off leaving her family, Alcides and Inspector Duarte open mouthed in surprise.

Soleded goes into Hugo’s house and calls, “Hugo!” and runs upstairs. Marina is knocking on the door of Hugo’s bedroom and begging him to open it. Soledad knocks and calls Hugo.
M: Señorita Soledad, last night Don Hugo came back from the club badly hurt but he wouldn’t let me help him.
Soledad knocks and calls again. Then she uses a vase to break the lock. She goes into the bedroom and Hugo is on the bed.
S: My love. Hugo, my love. Talk to me! What happened? He’s hurt. Why is he so cold? My love. (She leans over him) He’s not breathing! Marina, call a doctor, quickly. Hugo, my love, please, look at me! My love, don’t die. My love. (she cries) Please answer me!

Soledad continues to try and get Hugo to react until Marina comes in with Dr. Max followed by Lucas and Ester. Lucas takes her away from Hugo so that Dr. Max can examine him. Soledad tells Dr. Max that Hugo is very ill. He’s not breathing and he is very cold. Ester and Soledad take Soledad out of the room. Dr. Max takes Hugo’s pulse.
Dr. Max: With so many enemies, who would have thought you would die like this, Hugo de Medina?
H: (silently) I’m alive! [‘Estoy vivo’]

Out in the hall-
Alcides: How could he be dead?
Marina: Señorita Soledad found him.
A: I want to see him.
M: You can’t, Don Alcides. Dr. Max is with him and he wants to be alone.
Inspector Duarte: (to Marina) How did it happen?
 You need to tell me everything you know.
M: Inspector, I’m very confused. Last night, Hugo came back from the club injured but he didn’t want my help. Then he was in the basement. He was making strange noises. I think he was doing something. Finally, early in the morning, he went to bed.
D: Don Alcides, you saw him leave the club. How was he?
A: He was in a bad mood. He had drunk too much.
M: I called him this morning. He didn’t answer. Señorita Soledad came and found him stretched out, dead.
D: I’m sorry. In any case, it’s best to wait for the doctor to finish examining him to determine the cause of death. (He leaves.)
Úrsula comes up the stairs.
Ú: What’s happening? Is Don Hugo…?
M: Yes, Úrsula, our boss is dead.
Ú: This can’t be. It can’t be. And does Señorita Soledad know already?
M: Yes, she found him.

Dr. Max, Ester, Lucas, Inspector Duarte and Soledad are in Hugo’s bedroom. Soledad runs and kneels by Hugo crying.
Ester: What happened?
Dr. Max: First, it is evident that Hugo de Medina is dead. I thought that he succumbed to his wounds but none of them is serious enough to have caused his death.
L: Then what could have happened, Doctor?
Dr. Max: I can’t be sure. It could have been a heart attack but I have my doubts. In any event, I will find out when I do the autopsy.
Hugo (silently): I’m alive!
[This tiny bit of the scene is at: at 2:28
L: If you need authorization for the autopsy, you should talk to his brother, Alcides.
D: That won’t be necessary. The doctor doesn’t need authorization when the cause of death is suspicious.
Dr. Max: In any case, I promise you that I will leave the body as presentable as possible for the velorio.

Guillermo runs into the tavern to be he first to announce that Hugo de Medina is dead. Arturo is there and has Fabio bring Guillermo over. Arturo asks what he knows. Guillermo is afraid of him. Arturo says that he asked his mother not to report him to the police so that he would keep his mouth shut about the kidnapping of Soledad. Once again, he asks what Guillermo knows about Hugo.
 Guillermo tells him that Hugo de Medina was found dead in his house and it appears that he died in his sleep.

Soledad is crying inconsolably:
S:Why, why? I don’t understand.
[This tiny bit of the scene is in the same clip above at 2:58]
S: Hugo, why did you have to leave me? For the first time in my life, I found such a wonderful man that I loved. We were so happy. Why did you have to die?
Ú: Calm down, mi niña. There are things in life we can’t control.
S: Maybe I could have. I had this premonition. I had that dream. I should have gone to him. Maybe I could have prevented the accident and I didn’t go..
Ú: There’s no way of knowing that. You yourself told me that Dr. Max said that Don Hugo didn’t die from the injuries he got in the accident and I believe that is true.
S: You know something?
Ú: I suspected that Hugo was ill a while ago.
S: Ill?
Ú: The day of your birthday, he was very ill.
[This tiny bit of the scene is in the same clip above at 4:09]
S: No, that can’t be. He was fine that night. He was fine.
Ú: But in the afternoon, he wasn’t. So bad that Boris sent Marina to get medicines from Dr. Max.

S: Why didn’t you tell me anything?
Ú: I wanted to tell you about it but you were so happy. I didn’t want to worry you.
I have to go see Dr. Max. I have to speak to him. He’s investigating the cause of Hugo’s death. I have to talk to him.

[This tiny bit of the scene is in the same clip above at 4:45]
In a shot from above, we see two men leave Hugo on a table in Dr. Max’s laboratory.

He thanks and pays them.
Dr. Max : At last, I am going to find out the mystery that surrounded your health. Why the strange medicines that came from Germany?
Finally, what was your illness?
(stroking a huge cleaver) Very well, let’s begin.
H: (silently) I’m alive!

Boris tells the owner of an hacienda, Rebeca, that he has heard it is for sale and is interested in buying. Rebeca tells him that she is the widow of Jeremias de Montenegro. Boris tells her that he thinks this hacienda would be perfect for his boss. Rebeca asks who that is and Boris tells her that he works for Hugo de Medina. Rebeca says that she has heard bad things about him. Boris replies that they are lies made up by envious people. Rebeca says she is sorry but she isn’t interested in selling to Hugo.

At the Obragón house, Alcides talks to Ester and Lucas.
A: I imagine that Soledad is very sad.
L: More than that. Soledad is destroyed.
E: You have to be very patient with her, Alcides. With some time for her to recover and forget Hugo, you will have the opportunity to win her.
L: Ester, this isn’t the moment for such things.
A: Yes, Don Lucas, you are right. I only came to tell you that I am going to get my brother’s body from Dr. Max and that we will hold the wake [‘velorio’] at my brother’s house.
E: I hope Dr. Max has finished the autopsy.
A: Autopsy? Wasn’t he just going to prepare the body?
E: Dr. Max said that his death was very strange and he needs to find out what happened.
A: Excuse me. (He leaves.)
L: What is this nonsense about telling Alcides to court Soledad?
E: Don’t you realize? With the death of Hugo de Medina, Manrique will come looking for his money. Soledad has to marry Alcides to save my house.

Alcides strides across the square. Arturo calls him but Alcides doesn’t respond.

Helena tells a very drunk Guillermo that Dr. Max is going to want them to dig up Hugo’s body. Guillermo says that he has his own plans. He is going to rob the vault in Hugo’s house with Margot’s help.

At Dr. Max’s, Hugo is laid out on a table under a sheet
[This tiny bit of the scene is in the same clip above at 6:44]
Dr. Max is making notes.
Dr.: Small wounds on the body caused by the accident but none sufficient to cause death.
Dr. Max picks up a big knife.
Dr.: Where to start? The heart. Yes, the heart. (he raises the knife.)
Alcides: Don’t you dare touch him! Stop.

Boris asks Rebeca to reconsider. He has made her a very good offer. Rebeca says that his boss is obviously very wealthy but it’s not a matter of money. Hercules (Jeremias’ son by his first marriage. Rebeca refers to him as her godson ['ahijado']) asks to speak to Rebeca alone. He asks her what she is doing. This is obviously the buyer that they have been waiting for. Rebeca tells him that she knows what she is doing and to leave money matters to her. Hercules reminds her that they are partners in matters involving the estate for reasons she is well aware of. Rebeca returns to Boris and says that they have nothing more to talk about. Boris offers twenty percent more than the price. Boris offers 30 percent more. Hercules accepts. Rebeca says that her godson is too emotional and agrees to sell the estate for an additional 35 percent. Boris agrees and says he will have the papers drawn up right away.

[This tiny addition to the scene continues from the one above. The Israeli broadcast did not include Boris's visit to the Hacienda.]
Dr. Max: You can’t stop me from doing the autopsy on your brother. I am permitted by law to do one because your brother died without apparent cause.
A: You are wrong, Doctor. Hugo had a bad heart.
Dr. Max: How strange since you didn’t know anything about it when you came to get the medicines that Dr. von Chirac sent from Germany.
A: Hugo told me this afternoon. He wanted to keep his illness a secret. He was very proud, doctor. (Alcides opens his jacket to show the pistol in his belt) I don’t want to make this sad event any worse. Let me give him a proper burial.
Dr.: What are you waiting for? Take the body!

Soledad and Úrsula are going out.
E: What are you talking about? There’s no reason for you to go to see Dr. Max.
S: Úrsula saw that Hugo was ill. I have to talk to Dr. Max because I have to know the real cause of his death.
L: There is no need to torture yourself like this, daughter.
E: What you have to do is come with us to the wake at Hugo’s house.
S: No, mama. I’ll go to the wake but first I have to talk to Dr. Max. Leave me alone.
E: Why must you always contradict me? I’m fed up with your disobedience.
S: Leave me alone! Don’t you understand… (Soledad faints)
Ester sends Úrsula for a doctor.

Hugo is laid out in his coffin in his house for the wake.

Arturo arrives. Alcides greets him.
Al: What are you doing here? You reek of liquor.
Ar: I’ve been celebrating our success and I couldn’t resist coming to offer my condolences and to see your brother dead in his coffin. (to Hugo) I told you that I would finish you off. I would have liked to do it with my own hands and see you beg when I did to you what you did to my sister. (to Alcides) This is a nice house. You can give it to me as part of our agreement.
Al: Soledad and I will live in this house when we are married.
Ar: How optimistic! You still believe that that wild animal will fall into your arms.
Al: In a few days, the judge will declare me the sole inheritor of Hugo’s fortune and I will be very rich and my dream will be realized. Soledad will be my wife. Now leave.

In the tavern, Guillermo is dressed up as a woman in mourning. He tries to leave with Margot but she has to stay with a client.

The doctor comes to the Obragón house.
E: How is my daughter, doctor? Is she all right?
Dr.: Yes. It was only a faint. It’s normal in the condition that she is in.
[This tiny bit of the scene is in at 2:09
E: That is true, doctor. With everything that has happened, my daughter is very upset.
Dr.: I wasn’t only referring to that, Señora
. I said that because your daughter is pregnant.
E: How dare you say that? My daughter is a decent girl.
S: I’m pregnant? (wonderingly)I’m expecting Hugo’s child.

[The parts of this scene and the ones that follow is in the clip above starting at 3:41]:
Guillermo, in his disguise, comes to the wake and speaks to Hugo in his casket.
G: Surprise. Yes, Don Hugo, it’s me, Guillermo Burke. [Something that I can’t quite get] Throw me out of here. Throw me out. [He holds up a tool that I can’t get the name of]

I’m going open your vault and I assure you that I won’t leave empty handed. No señor! I’m going to take all your fortune. That’s right – all your fortune!

At the Obragón house-
E: You never stop causing me shame, Soledad. You exposed your relationship with that man to everyone at the trial and now you are pregnant by him.
L: Ester, please. Don’t blame her any more.

E:I will speak to Alcides today. I am sure that he will agree to marry you to free you from this shame.
S: Don’t you dare. Mama. I just lost the only man I have loved in my life. I don’t want to marry anyone.
L: Soledad is right. To think about marriage is absurd.
E: She has to do it. She is pregnant and I won’t let my daughter be talked about by everyone in the city again.
S: If that is what you are worried about, mama, I will have the baby alone. I won’t stay here.
L: No, daughter, it’s not about that.

S: Of course it is. All she cares about is her prestige. I don’t care about that.

E: Don’t talk like that.

S: You are completely wrong.
This child is the most beautiful that I have left from Hugo, mama. I will fight for him against everyone, including you if necessary.
E: If that’s the case, then you have to leave this house. You can raise that bastard away from us.
L: Enough Ester! Enough! I won’t let you refer to Soledad’s baby that way. (Ester leaves) Daughter, try to understand. Your mother is going through a difficult time.
S: How ironic. The only thing that is keeping me going is Hugo’s baby inside me.

Ester comes to the wake alone:
E: I never knew Hugo had so many friends and associates.
A: Most of them are just curious. Morbid people who want to see with their own eyes that Hugo is dead. I see you came without Soledad and Don Lucas.

E: (she sights) Soledad. I need to speak to you about. It’s about a very delicate matter. Can we speak in private?
A: Come this way, please.
A: Soledad is pregnant?
E: Dr. Jimenez confirmed it a little while ago. Do you know what this means?
A: A child conceived out of wedlock will always be a cause for shame, especially when it concerns a distinguished family, such as yours.
E: That is why I wanted to talk to you. You have to help us.
A: How? You just told me that she doesn’t want to marry me.
E: I will be very frank with you. This doesn’t only concern Soledad’s pregnancy. There is something worse.
A: Worse than this?
E: Lucas is bankrupt. He owes a lot of money to that Manrique, the moneylender. I only accepted this ridiculous marriage because of that. He was our salvation but now that he is dead, we will lose everything. We need your help.
A: Doña Ester, you know me. You know that I can provide all the money that is necessary when I receive my inheritance from Hugo. But..
E: You don’t even have to mention it Alcides. If you help us, I will convince Soledad to marry you. You can depend on it.
The credits roll.

Episode 11

Thunder and lightening crash outside Dr. Max’s house. Soledad and Úrsula have come to see Dr. Max-
“A heart condition?” says Soledad, “I never imagined that could be the cause.”
Dr. Max tells Soledad that is what Alcides told him when he stopped the autopsy. Dr. Max says that Soledad will have to be satisfied with that explanation since he can’t confirm it. Sobbing, Soledad tells him that he was her last hope. Now she will never know why Hugo died and will have to accept that it was God’s will. Úrsula says that they should go to the wake. Her parents are waiting for her. Soledad says that she doesn’t feel well. Úrsula says that it would be better if she went home to rest. Soledad says that she needs to be with Hugo but Ursula tells her to think of her child. Soledad agrees saying that she is dizzy and feels bad. They leave.
[We know that Hugo is going to conclude that Soledad betrayed him – hence the title of the novela, The Betrayal. There will be a core group of things that will lead Hugo to this conclusion and Soledad’s failure to attend the wake is one of them. Hugo will say later that as he lay in his coffin unable to move, he was waiting for Soledad to come to the wake, convinced that her presence would bring him out of his catalepsy attack.]

“You aren’t the only one who is confused, Soledad,” says Dr. Max when he is alone, “that is why I want to get Hugo de Medina’s body so that I can find out the cause of his death.”

Guillermo goes to the basement of Hugo’s house, still dressed as a woman and with his tools. He says to himself that when he has Hugo’s fortune, he will show Helena that he can do things. He has fantasy of him and Margot dressed as king and queen being fed grapes by Helena in a maid’s uniform.

Upstairs, Elena comes to the wake. She peeks at Hugo’s casket and slips away.

At the wake, Ester moves toward the door. Alcides asks if she is leaving without going up to the coffin. Ester says that she prefers not to. Alcides advises her to do so since otherwise people might talk. Hugo was engaged to her daughter. Ester agrees.

Helena surprises Guillermo who is working on opening the door. She mocks his get up. She says that whatever he finds in the vault belongs to both of them since they found it when they were together.

Ester goes up to the coffin-

E: (to Hugo) Even though I don’t wish misfortune on anyone, I am relieved that you have passed to another world,.
Manrique approaches and he and Ester stand over Hugo’s coffin.
M: What a tragedy, Ester. What are we going to do? The gold mine is gone.
E: This isn’t the time or place to talk about this.
M: Of course it is. Hugo de Medina is dead. Where is the money to pay me back going to come from?
E: Don’t worry. Soledad will marry Alcides. He will inherit all of Hugo’s fortune and you will get your money.
M: This seems very strange to me. I can’t believe that from one moment to another your daughter would agree to marry the brother of the man who was going to be her husband.
E: And why not? Soledad was never in love with Hugo de Medina.
M: No?
E: She is a good daughter and she knows our financial situation. She agreed to marry him for economic advantage. Don’t worry, she is aware of everything. She will marry Alcides. I can assure you.
Hugo has heard this, of course and he recalls the words of Manrique at the bachelor party.

[This is another of the core groups of things that will lead Hugo to believe that Soledad betrayed him. We will see this scene many, many times. I will refer to it in shorthand as, ‘Manrique at the velorio.’]

Boris is at the Hacienda waiting for the notary to bring the sale documents. He is nervous and impatient. Rebeca doesn’t understand his need for haste. She asks Boris to tell her about Hugo but Boris excuses himself to send a telegram to his boss.

It’s the next morning. In the basement of Hugo’s house, Guillermo has been trying to get into the vault all night. Helena is on the floor asleep. Guillermo wakes her up and she leaves to find something to eat. Guillermo starts on the door again and the lock opens. He excitedly pushes the door open.

Marina comes into the room where Hugo is laid out. Alcides comes in.
A: Close the coffin. They are waiting for us to start the funeral.
M: Don Alcides, This makes me very afraid. What if Hugo gets up like the time when he fought with that man?
A: That’s true. I had forgotten that. You said that Hugo fought the thief and fell on the floor unconscious?
M: Yes, señor. He was very cold and pale and I could have sworn that he was dead but a few hours later he went to señorita Soledad’s birthday party as if nothing had happened.
A: Marina, what did he do the other night? What did he do when he came back?
M: When he got back from the club, he seemed very upset and hurt but he didn’t want me to help him. Then he went to the basement.
A: What was he doing in the basement?
M: I don’t know, señor. Excuse me. (She leaves.)
A: (to Hugo) What were you doing in the basement, Hugo?

Guillermo is about to go into the vault when Alcides comes up behind him with a gun. Alcides asks what Guillermo is doing there. While Guillermo tries to think of an answer, Helena hits Alcides over the head and the diminutive duo make their escape.

Alcides opens the door of the vault and looks around. “What the hell is this?” he says looking at the thermal chamber. He sees the portrait of his father, “You again?” he says. He takes one of the books and reads the title, “A Treatise on Catalepsy, by Ernest von Chirac. He picks up another book, Catalepsy and its Origin, and reads, “Catalepsy is a biological state in which the person lies unmoving, apparently dead and without vital signs, when in reality he is conscious…” He puts the book down. He picks up his father’s diary and then he begins to figure it out.
He reads the description of catalepsy again. He has a series of flashbacks: to when he was child asking what happened to his brother and if he was dead; to his mother accusing him of causing the attack of catalepsy that led to his father being buried alive; and to when his father’s body was dug up and it was clear that he had been buried alive. “Hugo suffers from the same illness as you, papa,” says Alcides, “He isn’t dead. He suffers from catalepsy.”

Soledad has her dream of being in a forest in her wedding dress. Hugo is slipping into a grave. He calls for her to help him and holds out his hand. Soledad tries to keep Hugo from sliding into the hole but she can’t. She calls for help and sees Hugo’s tombstone. A child comes out from behind a tree and says, “Don’t let him die. You have to save him, Soledad. Help him.” Soledad sits up in bed and cries, “Hugo! Don’t go. He can’t be dead. Don’t leave me.”

Alcides returns to where Hugo is lying in his coffin. He sighs and puts his hand on Hugo’s hands that are clasped over his chest. In a voice thick with emotion and seemingly on the verge of tears, he speaks to his brother:
A: Why didn’t they tell me? Why didn’t you tell me that you suffered from catalepsy? Don’t you realize all the time I wasted? I had so much resentment against you. I envied your luck. But you were only a poor soul, Hugo, with a horrible illness that must have filled your life with suffering. Why didn’t they tell me? Why didn’t you tell me brother? (He looks down at Hugo and we hear the sound of church bells. Then in a completely matter of fact tone, he continues.) I know what you are thinking. Listen, those are the bells of the cathedral that are calling everyone to your funeral. (He pauses.) We won’t make them wait.
He turns and leaves the room having knowingly condemned his brother to be buried alive and Hugo has heard this and is helpless to prevent it. [This is one of my favorite scenes in the novela.]

Los Burke are packing up to leave town. Guillermo curses his bad luck in being discovered by Alcides before he could loot the vault. Helena tells him to hurry up. They have to get away before Hugo de Medina is buried. They open the door of their house and Dr. Max is standing there with his sword drawn. He tells them not to run away before they have fulfilled their agreement. Dr. Max says that he wants Hugo de Medina’s cadaver dug up this very night. Helena says that they will do it. Dr. Max says that he will be waiting for them before dawn.

We see the funeral procession heading into the cemetery.

Alcides is a pallbearer and Soledad walks behind in a black veil, crying helplessly and accompanied by her parents and Úrsula. Gladis, Arturo’s mother, comes up and curses Hugo. Arturo leads her away.

At the Hacienda, Boris signs the sale documents for the Hacienda. A psychic wind blows the papers around and Rebeca says that this isn’t the season for wind. Boris refuses to stay for a drink and says that he has to leave right away. Rebeca thinks his behavior is strange but tells Hercules that the important thing is that the deal is done. They’ve paid their debts with the money they can live as they deserve. [We hear the gobbling of wild turkeys in the background. For many episodes, this will the signature sound of the Hacienda.] Rebeca and Hercules kiss indicating that Rebeca is unusually close to her stepson.

Hugo’s coffin is lowered into the grave. Alcides sprinkles dirt on top. Sobbing, Soledad lifts her veil and tosses her flowers onto the coffin.

Boris is riding home. He tells himself that he is sure that it wasn’t his imagination. Don Hugo’s life is in danger.

The gravedigger fills in the grave.

Soledad sits next to the grave and speaks to Hugo,

“Today would have been our second day of marriage and we would have been so happy enjoying our love and knowing that we were going to have a baby. You would have been the happiest man in the world. I know you would. But you aren’t here any more.

Ester tells Lucas that Manrique won’t stop staring at them. Lucas says that Manrique won’t make a scene here.

Inspector Duarte asks to speak to Alcides and they walk away from the gravesite.
I: The death of your brother seems very strange to me – starting with the accident.
A: The accident was the result of drunkenness. Besides, Hugo had a bad heart.
I: That makes sense but he also had many enemies. You don’t think that someone could have tried to kill him?
A: Do you know something I don’t?
I: It’s only a speculation.
A: Watch what you say. Duarte. I have enough grief with the death of my brother without tormenting myself about someone trying to kill him.
Alcides returns to the gravesite. Arturo watches from the entrance to the cemetery.

Marina and Úrsula:
M: If Boris had been here perhaps Hugo wouldn’t be dead. I couldn’t do anything for him.
Ú: Don’t blame yourself.
M: Boris will never forgive me when he finds out.
Ú: Don’t say that. Boris has to understand that you couldn’t do anything. He loved Hugo very much but he is also a fair man. Don’t torment yourself anymore.

Manrique sidles up to Ester and gives his condolences. He says that Hugo’s death has affected him as much and maybe more than them. Lucas says that this isn’t the time for sarcasm. Manrique says that it’s not sarcasm. He asks where they are going to get the money to pay him now that Hugo de Medina is dead. Ester says that she has already promised that he would get his money. She tells him to go away and respect their grief. “Your time is running out,” says Manrique. Lucas is shocked that Ester had talked to Manrique. He wants to know what she told him. “Not now,” says Ester, “Soledad is in terrible shape. She needs us.”

Inside his coffin, we see Hugo’s fingers move and then his whole body trembles. He opens his eyes and gasps for breath.

Hugo’s worst nightmare has come to pass – he has been buried alive. At the same time, Alcides doubles over choking.

Alcides staggers away from the grave clutching his throat.
Lucas follows and asks if he is all right. Alcides manages to say that he is ok. Ester tells Soledad that it is time to leave. Soledad says that she doesn’t want to be separated from Hugo.

Los Burke decide to stay in town. Helena refuses to dig up Hugo’s corpse. Guillermo says that they don’t have any alternative. Dr. Max doesn’t make vain threats. Guillermo tells Helena that Hugo was buried with many jewels – an emerald cross, a ring with a diamond as big as a pineapple. She agrees to dig up Hugo but only for his jewels. When she is out of earshot, Guillermo says that he is sorry he had to lie to her but he’d rather lie than be killed.

Alcides has moved away from everyone else. He leans against a tree choking.

A: (to Hugo) Can’t you die for real? Die already!
Arturo has been watching from the gates of the cemetery. He goes up to Alcides.
Ar: Do you feel guilty because you killed your twin brother?
Al: What the hell are you doing here?
Ar: You surprise me, Alcides. I didn’t think you would suffer so much for the death of your brother.
Al: Go away. Leave me alone.
Ar: You killed Judge Roldan in cold blood but you act this way for the death of Hugo.
Al: Get lost.
Ar: I’m concerned. I hope you don’t regret it and try to destroy me tomorrow.
Alcides takes out his gun and aims it at Arturo.
Al: Get out of here or there will be two burials.

Inspector Duarte gives his condolences to Soledad. Úrsula says that Soledad has to be strong. Lucas says that everyone else has left. It’s time to go home. Soledad takes Úrsula’s lilies, lays them on the grave, kneels down and speaks to Hugo:

S: There are so many things that I wanted to tell you. I never could have imagined that I could feel such pain. The only thing that consoles me is that I am pregnant with our child. Every time I see him, I will be looking at you. He will be the living reminder of our love. I will never forget you. You will always be in my heart. I love you forever. I love you.

Lucas and Ester help Soledad up and lead her away.

When everyone has gone, Dr. Max comes to Hugo’s grave. He says that tonight he will discover the mystery about Hugo’s death.

We see Hugo in his coffin and Boris deciding to take a shortcut as he rides home. He says that he is sure that Hugo needs him.

Eloisa Reñan, Rebeca’s niece, arrives at the Hacienda.

She says that she is sorry to come without notice but shedidn’t marry Rogelio. She found out that he only looked rich. With her is Paquito, a journalist.

Eloisa tells Rebeca that it was thanks to Paquito that found out that Rogelio was deceiving her and he saved from the horrible fate of being married to a poor person. Paquito says that he knows he isn’t welcome here but not to worry. He has important business in the capital. A journalist as important as he has to be there when news breaks. Rebeca asks what happened. “You don’t know?” says Paquito, “I’ll tell you. This morning a very important person died – Hugo de Medina.”

Alcides goes through Hugo’s house with Marina telling her the things that he wants to get rid off. He indicates the piano and Marina respectfully objects saying that it is an heirloom. Hugo took great care of it because he inherited it from his parents. Alcides says that he wants it out of here and the clock. Marina asks what she should do with all the stuff Alcides is getting rid off. “Burn it,” says Alcides, “and while you’re at it, get your things and leave. You don’t work here anymore!”

Paquito, Rebeca and Eloisa-
P: Hugo de Medina was one of the most wealthy men in the region. He was smart enough to double what he inherited from his parents. He made good investments. In other words, he was rich.
E: Why haven’t I heard of him?
P: However, he was shameless, a womanizer. The only one he showed any interest in was Soledad de Obragón.
R: According to Boris, his right-hand man, this house was a wedding gift.
P: Yes, life is very unfair. He died on his wedding day. I think he was afraid to make a commitment. He died before he said, ‘I do.’
E: Was he as rich as they say? Who inherits his fortune?
P: He has a twin brother, named Alcides de Medina. But between you and me, he is a loser. He always lived in the shadow of his brother.
E: Paquito, I want you to find out everything about this Alcides. Is he single, married, engaged and above all is he is going to inherit from his brother.
P: Eloisa, your wish is my command.
R: Since we had business with the deceased, tomorrow we will go to the capital to offer our condolences.
P: Perfect. I’ll see you there. I am leaving tonight.

Marina cries and begs Alcides not to fire her. She has nowhere to go and he needs someone who knows how to run this house. Alcides agrees but says that she was Hugo’s employee. Marina says that she was loyal to his brother. Alcides says that she can stay under certain conditions. Marina says that she will do whatever he says. Alcides says that Hugo’s name must never be mentioned in this house and he is only keeping her on. Boris has to leave. Marina says that Boris took good care of Hugo and he could do the same for Alcides. Alcides says that he will take care of himself. If Marina is so fond of Boris, she can go with him. The door is open. Marina accepts Alcides’ conditions and leaves. Alcides continues to look around at his new possessions. “What else?” says Alcides.

The cemetery at night-
Los Burke come into the cemetery with lamps and tools.

Elena tells Guillermo that she is only digging up Hugo de Medina for his jewelry. She says that she doesn’t like that man at all. She says that she also doing to save Guillermo’s life.

We see Hugo in his coffin apparently unconscious.

Miguel the gravedigger encounters Los Burke. He assumes that they have come to visit their cousin, Clarissa, the story they told him the last time they dug up a corpse. Helena says that they have come to visit Hugo de Medina, Guillermo’s former boss. Miguel [who has a flashlight, which hadn’t been invented yet] tells them that Hugo’s grave is on the other side of the cemetery. He will come with them since there are grave robbers around and it might be dangerous. Guillermo says that isn’t necessary but Helena says that she is a little afraid and she will stay with Miguel. Guillermo leaves and Helena offers Miguel a drink.

Hugo suddenly opens his eyes and chokes. He tries to move in the coffin and beats on the lid, “Get me out of here!” he cries.

Helena tries to get Miguel to take a drink. He refuses and says that he has decided to stop drinking. Helena says that she only takes a drink to keep out the cold. She encourages Miguel to have a drink to warm himself up. He finally accepts.

Alcides gets a bunch of telegrams. In the midst of the condolences is a telegram from Boris: "Señor, after a long search, I succeeded in purchasing a property that will be to your liking. When I return tonight.."
“Tonight?” says Alcides.

Lucas and Ester-
L: Our poor daughter, Ester. She is destroyed. I think we should take her to her Aunt Antonia’s very soon. She needs to be far away from any memories of Hugo. Don’t you think so?
E: That won’t be possible, Lucas. I spoke to Alcides and told him about her pregnancy. Alcides agreed to marry Soledad.
L: You did what?
E: Don’t look at me that way. Now that Hugo is dead, we have to find a way to pay the debt to Manrique and we have to do it soon.
L: You are treating our daughter like she was merchandise. I won’t permit it and especially now that she is suffering so much from Hugo’s death.
Soledad walks into the room unseen by Ester and Lucas.

E: You are in no position to tell me what to do. You were the one who borrowed money from that lowlife Manrique. Do you want us to lose the house and be left in the street?
L: No, but there must be another solution. I don’t want Soledad to pay for my mistakes.
E: You should have thought about that before. If you don’t think of anything, we must convince Soledad to marry Alcides. We must force her if necessary. We have no other choice.
Overhearing all this, Soledad is impactada.

In his grave, time is running out for Hugo.

Barely conscious, he murmurs Soledad’s name. He remembers their lovemaking and when he promised her that it would always be this way. Then he remembers Manrique at the velorio.
A tear rolls down his cheek. “She didn’t lie to me,” he murmurs, “no…”
The credits roll.


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