Saturday, August 11, 2007

Destilando Amor 08/10/07: "Let the Games Begin!"

It's been one hell of a long wedding day and an even longer dinner reception. Finally Rod joins Isa up in their bedroom for a nifty little heart-to-heart. She's in bed, hugging that valuable belly of hers. She starts in on him. "So ought I to suppose that you are staying with me because you're in love? Or, should I believe that you are the same man as ever, who came back to me disappointed, but moved by my pregnancy? Certainly you've seen Gaviota and explained all that's happened. So which man am I living with now?"

Rod keeps his cool. "You're with the same man you've been living with these last few months. I told you I saw her, I cleared up everything with her, but I intend to stand by my word. That's all." Isa plays the pity card one more time, maybe once too often. "--So I'm supposed to leave calmly, despite knowing that that woman is prowling around the place!" "--If I were planning to run off with her I'd have done it by now, don't you think?" "--No, Rodrigo. I have the weird feeling that something is going on between you two and it is not something that is over in one fell swoop. So, tell me the truth!"

Rodrigo is clenching his jaw and showing much more restraint than he might, owing to Isa's condition. "No.--" She interrupts again. "--You aren't going to forgive me for the pregancy, are you?" Again, with much more restraint than she deserves, "--Get it through your head that everything between her and me is already over and done with." "--Ah, so that's what she was trying to prove, coming here to the ranch and singing so shamelessly!"

Rod is really trying to reason with her here. "--Once things calm down you'll believe me." "--No! You're still with me because of the baby. Things would be much different if I weren't pregnant. You'd be running after her, begging her to take you back! what's stopping you that she was Aaron's mistress?" (Oof. Nice try, Isadora, but wretched Rod is so beyond caring by now that Gavi could have diddled the whole D.F. and it wouldn't matter.)

Later that night, in town, Gavi has a nightmare that while she's singing and cutting jima, a very pregnant Isadora runs after her, Skanky Bratz belly and all, into the mescal, screaming to leave her husband in peace.

Early the next morning Rod takes another stroll down Mescal Memories Lane. He walks through the vast expanse of agave and stops at the ancient parota tree, "their" tree. Lying against it he looks up at the sky and with little effort just blanks it all out while, back at the hacienda, the harpies hover over breakfast.

Gavi wakes up and throws her pillow in a fit onto the floor. Clarita wonders what gives and Gavi tells her about her dream and that she barely got to sleep the rest of the night. She is angry at herself for getting drunk and brazenly singing to Rod the next morning. She should have just done her job and gone back to the hotel right after. Period. Now her job is in jeapardy. Clarita wonders if Rod would really go gossiping to Avellaneda about it, but tries to cheer Gavi up the best she can.

Minnie comes in to the dining room to say good-bye to Pilar, Isa and Fedra who're all eating breakfast. Isa wants her to wait so that she can travel back to the city with her. Minnie joins them and then Fedra mentions to Isa in between mouthfuls that she should not leave now that Gavi has returned to Tequila and the hacienda. Isa, resigned to her situation, replies in full frustration mode, "Why not? If they want to get together and go on seeing each other, the two of them will find a way whether it's now or twenty years from now!" Grammy stares absently at her cornflakes.

Bruno and Sofia join the group and start to chit chat. Pilar wants Bruno to get Aaron to personally apologize to Rod. Bruno was thinking likewise and went looking for him but couldn't find him. Ofelia offers that Aaron spent the night in the study. Minnie thinks snidely to herself "to spend it talking with his fiancé, no doubt."

Apparently Frankie the Faux got up early to make the rounds of the property with Roman. So, we are treated to much mooing and some engagingly contrasting strains of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as Roman and an exhultant Frankie, undoubtedly now mentally patting himself on the back and thinking, "Yes, and one day this could all be yours, de la Vega", take a tour of the cattle stalls to discuss Montalveña's vast (yawn) herds of dairy cattle.....

The two men pay their respects to Bossie and Flossie during which, as those strains of Beethoven get ever louder, the two cows enjoy an early morning repast of hay and water; and all rather appropriately, I'd say, being that cad and cows have much in common, since both Frankie and our bovine beauties are quite adept at dumping multitudenous quantities of quality cow-pie when the need arises..... Roman assures Frankie that with time one can learn to carry on the administrative duties of the entire hacienda.

With breakfast over, Bruno finds Aaron in the study and asks him if he couldn't sleep because of Minerva or his upcoming marriage. Aaron confesses that he doesn't know what's come over him. He's never felt this way before. He admits it was such a relief to be as far away as possible from his ex. Just the sound of her voice put his nerves (not to mention those of the rest of us) on edge. Now he feels worse than when he loses money in a bad business deal.

Bruno suggests it's really love for the Minnie mouse. "You've never known love. You got married to have that baby. Oh, you've had your affairs, but you never have truly loved a woman." "--That's crazy, Dad. Whatever I'm feeling isn't love! Love is a weakness of women and the likes of Rodrigo. For me it's secondary. It's nothing more than a damned nuisance!"

Aaron admits then that it's as if he needs to live in that same hell that he used to live in, with her, in order to be able to work and to be at peace. He cannot concentrate; he just goes crazy at the thought of her being in the arms of another man. Bruno, who sometimes disappointingly waxes wise --like now-- says that this is jealousy and warns Aaron that jealousy kills. "It kills love. It kills everything."

James goes to pick up his things at Dry Gulch Acres. He finds Acacia unconscious on the bedroom floor and kneels down to pick her up and into his arms. "Pequeña!" He anxiously tries to wake her up. (Sorry, he may be married to her now, and she is admittedly 2 or 3 years older; but every time he calls her "Little One" I still feel queasy.)

Aaron tells Minerva that he doesn't want her to leave. The jerk promises her then that he is not going to marry Pammy since he loves her, and he tells her he wants her to come back to him. He asks her to forgive him and she forces him in front of everyone to get down on his knees and ask again; and he obliges, leaving everyone there jaw-dropping impactado.

Aaron and Minnie kiss passionately and make up and Aaron then suggests they go back home together to Mexico City on his jet. Pilar comes in with what passes for a look of exultation and rejoices at their reconciliation. From the other side of the room Bruno is talking about it being a "miracle" while Fedra is doing OhMyGawd! double-takes.

Aaron is so relieved and happy with himself that he even shows a bit of initiative and apologizes to Rod right afterward. Of course, rather than just leaving it at that, Aaron adds that he only did what was necessary to save his marriage to Isadora for him and to keep his little child from being left fatherless. Then, Aaron bear-hugs Rod and slaps him on the back. Rod, though, feigning forgiveness, grabs Aaron by his ear and whispers in it that he can keep his apology. He doesn't need or want it from a worthless, two-faced repentant Judas like him; and if he ever interferes in his personal life again he'll regret it. R-E-G-R-E-T-I-T!

Off to the side, Minnie thanks Patricio for all his good advice. Pat congratulates Minnie as Lluvia stares in silent and prudent awe. Minnie tells Pat that she has Aaron back, but she is not going to be satisfied until she deals the final blow to him.

Meanwhile James races Acacia into the little clinic for help.

In town, Clarita and Gavi run into Nazario, Nabor and Seferina. Everyone is glad to see them again. Sefarina invites them to the cantina for a round or two with the rest of the jima cutters. It's a fiesta and they've got a mariachi band and everything. Outside, Gavi takes a minute to ask Seferina what happened after she left Montalveña.

Seferina tells Gavi that they are not going back to work until they up their pay at Montalveña. Gavi tells them that they cannot do that to the Montalvos, and of course Seferina looks at her like she's crazy, so Gavi follows her inside where Carmello tells them drinks are on the house for his two guests of honor. The mariachis show up on cue and they have Gavi sing one of her drinking ballads.

At Montalveña, Sofia, Minnie and Isa are walking out together. Minnie, so sure of herself after her success with Aaron, is now back to her old tricks. She tells Isa that if she leaves the hacienda now she's serving Rod up on a silver platter to his little hooker. Sofia complains about upsetting Isa with her remarks. "She knows Isa is pregnant and that probably cooled her jets." Minnie argues with her. "That woman is a leech!"

Isa says the two of them can probably find each other any time they want since she's reappeared at the hacienda anyway. Sofia suggests that if Isa wants to save her marriage, then she needs to fight openly for Rod. "There's nothing else left for you to do." Minnie says she has a better plan to deal with the likes of Mariana Franco and when they're back in Mexico City she'll explain what she means.

While Gavi is singing in the cantina, Roman and Rod are driving through town to find the jima cutters to settle the strike that same day. He needs them back at work first thing on Monday morning. Rod walks into the cantina and is impactado to see her singing there.

Rod walks to a corner and watches her. He stands there thinking to himself, "Gaviota! Why when I am fighting to put distance between myself and our love, fate persists in carrying you back to me again? My heart screams 'Go looking for her", but reason forces me to leave you out of my life."

When Gavi finishes her song, she notices Rod is there in the corner, and she leaves for the table to tell her mother that Rod showed up after all. She thinks he's come to complain to her about stirring up the cutters and starting the strike. They look around the corner of the room for him, but he's gone again. Then everybody leaves to go outside and watch the street dancers performing on stage. As Gavi leaves, Carmello thinks to himself that Gaviota came back prettier but much sadder.

James approaches the doctor to ask about Acacia's condition, probably not admitting to the doc that he coldly abandon her in that ranch house in the middle of nowhere for two days. James enters her hospital room and wakes her up --in another questionably selfish move. Acacia regains consciousness, sees him and begins to cry.

James tells her she's going to be fine, that she was just dehydrated (from all those tears she wasted on cowardly Jimmy Boy). He says she just needs to get better and in the morning she will get to go home. Acacia says she has to tell him something, that she knows he doesn't love her anymore. (Maybe she's on to something here.) He hugs her and tells her not to say that. Tomorrow back home they'll talk.

Rod arrives at the town square where the street dancers are performing. He sees Gavi and in front of the group of jima cutters, he tells her to stay. Since she was the one who riled up the cutters against him and got them to strike, she should be the one to tell him just how much their pay should be increased. To her he says, "You aren't going to just turn around like that and just walk off, are you? Or aren't you so sure of what you said?" He turns around to the group, "If the young lady would retract what she said, I have no problem with her leaving." (Sly dog.)

Clarita asks her if they should stay or not. Gavi answers defiantly. "We're staying." "--Thank you very, very much!" Rod smiles at her and the crowd. "...because we exploiters like to talk to our victims! --You all agree that I am exploiting you, right?" The cutters chime in "Yes!" He continues, "Well, this comes from the expert in agave cultivation. So she should be the one to tell me just what is the exact amount I should raise your salaries." Gavi smarts back,"--I'm not the owner of the place! I only came at the request of the CRT!" Rod comes back at her, "--Did the CRT tell you you should come to fight for cutters' salaries?" (Oops. Score for the home team.)

"--Ah, now the young lady doesn't want to meddle in our problem. As the expert, I am going to ask her if the offer appeals to her. Let's see what you all think. As you know, Montalveña offers the highest salaries in the region. We increased them last year and this year we adjusted it all up again. This made you the highest paid cutters compared to any other farms' cutters in the area." Rod gets in her face, "Does this seem unjust to you? Does it?" ( A foul. A pass and he scores again!)

Gavi tries to walk away, but turns around instead and faces Rod, "You got sentimental, huh?" she smarts off at him. You talk like a cutter's salary would leave you out in the street! Ha! What a cutter earns in a month you spend in one night on a bash with your wife!" (Slam! Bam! Wham! Two points for the visitors.) She walks off but Rod follows.

Rod wheedles her. "Don't leave yet, Gaviota! You are talking about a single cutter. I am talking about thousands." (Ouch! Another two for the home team.) He continues with a list of all the seemingly endless additional costs and considerations for the eight years it takes to grow and get his finished product to market. "So, tell me, Miss Expert, what should I sell it for to come out at a profit?" (He scores another two. Game over! The home team wins!)

Gavi is finally shamed and says, "What do I know? Calm down and stay alone as director of the corporation!" "--Hey, wait!" Rod grabs her and pulls her to him. "You know the only reason I accepted that position was to be near you. I never collected any salary from that position as director and you know it!" He sighs. "If you hadn't crossed my path I swear I would be earning 100% of my living at La Montalveña. Now, please. I'm tiring of you putting me on display as an exploiter of jima cutters. It's not right."

Gavi gets loose and stares him down. Rod yells at everyone, "The agave and the land are mine. I was born here." "--Oh, now don't go saying you're one of us, because you're not. You're not!" she screams at him and the group. "--I say I am, just like my father and grandfather, the land is in my blood. Like you, Gaviota. Listen all of you! I eat whatever you eat, Gaviota. I am entrusted by the same God as you. I listen to the same music as you all." He looks back at Gavi again, " I love the same way you know how to love."

Gavi sneers back at Rod, "Don't compare yourself with those of us here, because none of us has a 'family name'. Neither did we study in London, nor are we owners of a hacienda. If you live here, its because of your family's little gold mine." Rod yells out in frustration, "Carry me! --I'm telling you I am a part of you people! What must I do to prove it to you?"

Seferina mischievously suggests that Rod and Gavi dance the native machete dance. Clarita then proposes that if Gavi wins, he'll have to increase their daily pay; but if Rod wins they go back to work without the increase in salary. They all agree, "All right!! Gavi is great at this dance!"

Minnie and Aaron finally arrive back at their penthouse in Mexico City. He is eager to get some nooky and since the servants have the weekend off, even better!! Minnie warns him it won't be so easy to get her back into his bed and making love after so many infidelities. He makes her a drink in the meantime to relax and while he's busy at the bar she smiles to herself.

Back in the Tequila town square before Rod goes up to the stage, Clarita warns him that he should be careful because the dance is very dangerous and Gavi is excellent at it. It could be deadly. Rod glances warily over at the machetes but takes the challenge rather than look like a wuss. He smiles and tells Clarita not to worry. "Ma'am, your daughter killed me a while ago."

Rod goes up to the stage with Gavi. Gavi gives him a shiver when she clangs the two knife blades together as a warning. "There's still time to get out of this, but be careful because if you should get a scratch and that blue blood of yours spills out everywhere don't expect a transfusion, because nobody here has that kind of blood." Rod looks at her and says, "It's better they bring me out dead, Gaviota, because I don't want to come out of this wounded or bankrupt because of high salaries." She smirks. He looks her in the eyes and says, "You are going to do me a favor by killing me, Gaviota, because this business of living so far away from you is a wretched tragedy." Gavi is moved and the two almost kiss........


Friday, August 10, 2007

Yo Amo a Juan Querendón EXTRA VOCABULARY

Provided by Maricruz in her recaps, and I thought some of you might like them so I asked her permission to compile a list and post.

From August 9, 2007

Sinvergüenza = shameless

una chucha cuerera y ardida = a seething and vengeful female dog

de volada = as fast as I could, as fast as possible

capricho = caprice, whim

me saca de onda = that disconcerts me

muy neta = very honest

les hayas hecho el paro = you have helped them

me cala = gets to me

luego se ve que pan tiene la mantequilla = easy to see what bread has the butter, i.e., easy to see who’s the boss

Tititipequense = person from Titipico

la soga al cuello = putting one’s head in a noose

agachados de quinta = people shameful to the fifth degree, not just a little shameful—way shameful (from the verb “agarchar”)

no seas zoquete = don’t be a fool

From August 2, 2007

bendecido (a)/bendito (a) = blessed, used as an adjective in a sarcastic sense, to say, for example “the blessed door-la bendita puerta” when one means he or she is tired of hearing another talk about about this door

tepache = a drink made from fermented pineapple, which Maricruz drinks with sal de chile (chile powder)

regaste el tepache = spilled the tepache, i.e., made a mistake

el pez por su boca muere = the fish dies by his own mouth

si calladito te vez mas bonito = you look better when you’re quiet

si para tonto no se estudia = you don’t need to study to be a dunce

ni maiz paloma = no way

plato de segunda mesa = second best

hechar mas agua a los frijoles = add more water to the beans (set another place at the table for an extra guest)

Un clavo saca otro clavo = a nail pulls another nail, i. e., a lover helps forget another lover

Maricruz (posted by Jeanne)

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August 9, 2007 Juan Q. Where the chickens have come home to roost and Juan just, might, perhaps with a lot of begging, could keep his job.

Maricruz is again graciously substituting for Sylvia, and I am posting on her behalf.

We open with Pastor humiliating Juan and telling him that he (Juan) was mistaken, that Pastor has really good taste and Juan is not his type. Juan is happy that everything has been clarified and tries to leave, but Pastor stops him and tells him that since Juan doesn’t like the way things are done at work, then he should leave the company.

In Paula’s office
Marely and Paula are talking about Juan and how Paula thinks that Juan likes Marely, perhaps Marely likes Juan too? She wonders. Marely smiles playfully and says that maybe, but she can’t go out with Juan because he is gay, Paula doesn’t believe that this is true, she says that Juan has shown that he is a real man, and maybe he is going out with Pastor becausehe has been forced. Marely says that that is not the only reason she can’t go out with Juan, she also knows that Juan is a liar, and she doesn’t like it. Paula says that Juan lied because he wanted to impress Marely, and this is the proof that he is not gay and that he loves her (let me see if I understand, if somebody lies to you that shows that they really love you? No wonder she is convinced that CL loves her). Paula – Do you love him? Marely – All I can say is that he makes me uneasy. Paula – Do not let him go he is a good man.

At the office of human resources

Juan is furious and yells at Pastor that what he is doing is not fair, and is against the workers rights (you tell him Juan) Pastor tells him that since Juan was in his probationary period, he doesn’t have any rights yet. Pastor explains to Juan that the probationary period is like courtship, a time to get to know each other before marriage. Pastor – Do I make myself clear? Juan – You can’t fire me. Pastor –Why not, is clear that you are not happy with us and I just found out we are not happy with you, thus our relationship ends our “work” relationship, I don’t want you to misunderstand what I’m saying. Is everything clear? Juan – Everything is as clear as water from a well I’m glad that finally we understand each other and now if you excuse me. Juan exits and thought bubbles – Not even in the smile from my little rose I could find comfort, I was thinking in all the contours and outlines. That sinverguenza (Shameless) Pastor believed himself to be “una chucha cuerera y ardida” a seething and vengeful female dog, but right then the Saint Atocha Child illuminated me, of course! And I remembered what Don CL had offered me; he said he would help me with whatever I needed, then “de volada” (as fast as I could) I went to his office.

Juan goes to CL’s office enters and asks him if they could talk, at that moment Paula enters and Juan tells CL he would talk to him later, CL asks Juan to wait outside. Paula wants to know what the problem is; Juan doesn’t tell her and walks to wait outside. Paula gives CL some folders, CL wants to know if Paula talked to her mother and what did she say. Paula says that her mother wants to see her happy so will try to understand the relationship. She says that she really appreciates that he went to talk to her mother.

In the mean time Yvonne is trying to undo what she did. She asks one of the other secretaries to call Ana Davila to tell her that the work is not longer available. The other secretary wants to know why Yvonne is doing this. Yvonne says is Monica’s caprice (capricho). She thanks her for the favor. She comes back to her desk and wants to know why Juan is waiting for CL. After making fun of him, she calls Monica and tells her that Ana declined the job offer. Monica is not happy, but relents and asks Yvonne to please look for another secretary.

Paula comes out of CL’s office and asks Juan to tell her what the problem is. After a little hesitation Juan tells her that Pastor fired him, when she tries to intervene, Juan tells her not to worry that he is going to talk to CL to see if there is something that can be done.

CL receives Juan in his office. Juan informs him that he has a problem and his problem’s name is Pastor Gaitan. CL looks amused and says that he thought that Juan and Pastor “understood” each other. Juan clarifies and tells him that he doesn’t play in that “orchestra”. CL pretends that he doesn’t understand and tells Juan that if he wants help he hast to be frank and tell him that whole truth. Finally Juan tells him (really fast) that Don Pastor is in love with him. CL – And, you…? Juan – No, no Licenciado.

In the meanwhile Paula went to Pastor’s office. Paula is furious and wants Pastor to stop it and leave Juan alone. Pastor says he is the head of the human resources and he decides if employees pass their probationary period or not, and since he doesn’t meddle with her department, she should not meddle with his. She is left speechless and storms out of the office.

Back to CL’s office
Juan keeps on denying that he likes Pastor. Yo no le hago al 41(?) (I’m not sure what this means, I’m not gay?) And that is why I’m in trouble with Don Pastor. He is driving me crazy!!! CL wants to know if Juan provoked Pastor. Juan Swears he did not do such thing and that he should be judge for his work performance, not in his sexual preferences.

In the mean time Kike arrives to the office and sees Fernando washing the car. He realizes that Fernando is a chauffer and not an executive. Kike delights in this information. He tells Fernando that he is looking for Juan, but not to worry he’ll go upstairs and will wait for him. He tells him to keep on washing the car that he is still not done. Fernando looks worried and calls Marely to tell her that kike is on his way up and that he (Kike) found out everything. Marely tells him that Juan is with CL.

Kike confronts Marely. Kike –You know what disconcerts me? (me saca de onda) You are very honest (muy neta) I don’t understand why you have help them (les hayas hecho el paro), that gets to me (me cala), because neither Fernando nor Juan are executives, they are chauffeurs. Marely doesn’t deny nor confirms this, she tells him he should wait for Juan and ask him. Kike says of course he is going to ask him.

In CL’s office

Juan is still trying to convince CL to help him. CL finally says that he’ll help him. Juan is very happy. Juan –Truly licenciado it is easy to see what bread has the butter (La verdad licenciado, luego, luego se ve que pan tiene la mantequilla; in other words who is the boss) I swear to you I don’t know how I’m going to pay you for this. CL – Not to worry Juan I’m pretty sure we’ll find the way ( I’m pretty sure of that, if I where Juan I would worry) Juan – I give you my word of Tititipequense (Juan is from Tititipico thus he is a Tititipequense) that I’ll do wherever you want. Juan thought bubbles – What I didn’t know is that with this promise I was putting my own neck in the noose (la soga al cuello) because Don CL would charge me for this favor later, and with what I loved the most.

Yadira arrives to the office Marely comments that the entire troop came by today. Yadi doesn’t understand and Marely points to Kike, he is all the way on the other side of the office and is flirting with the other secretary. Yadi wants to know what is Kike doing there, Kike says he came to see Juan. Yadi asks Marely for the address to Fernando’s office. Kike tells her that he’ll take her to see him that he knows where his office is and that is really close. Yadi doesn’t want to go with him, but finally accepts. Kike takes Yadira to the garage, Yadi tells Kike to leave, but Kike won’t leave until Fernando tells the truth, he finally admits that he is a chauffer. Yadi makes a BIG impactada face.

Juan comes out of CL’s office. He is very happy and tells Yvonne that her boss is great, he goes to talk to Paula, and asks Marely to announce him. Marely tells him that Yadi came by and Kike told her the whole truth. Juan comes down the stairs on time to hear Fernando telling Yadira that everything started as a game. Juan tells her it was his idea, he asked him to lie for him. Yadi is not impress she yells at all of them (Fer, Juan and Kike) Yadi – You are sick!!! Agachados de quinta !!! (Agacharse is a verb and it means to put your head down, but here Yadi is using it as an adjective to show shame, like saying shameful people and she is using the degree to show just how shameful they are. Not of the first or second degree but of the fifth degree. This reminded me of a place in Oaxaca where the food was really good. It was so little that there where no tables and you would have to eat outside standing up and facing the wall. It had a name which I don’t remember, but everybody called it “Los agachados” because the people that ate there did not dare put their heads up, they were afraid their friends would recognized them. The first time my parents took me there I had the audacity to ask for cutlery. You should have seen the face of the people around me…. but I digress….. Did I mention the food was great?.. I’m sorry I’m getting hungry..... anyway back to Yadira) pair of idiots, you can’t play with the people, don’t you have feelings??!!! Fernando – I still love you Yadirita. Yadi – Don’t be a fool (no seas zoquete) do you believe that somebody that does what you did can love?? And the saddest part of all is that I had to find out this way, you didn’t have the guts to tell me yourself? Juan – I told him to tell you Yadi – and you Juan what a disappointment, we open the door of our house to you, we received you as a part of our family, and this is how you repay us? Juan –I’m sorry, forgive me. Yadi – Forgiveness?? Forgiveness is what you will have to ask, but not to me, to my mother, because I’m going straight home to tell her. She turns to leave, but before she leaves she yells at Kike Yadi – Are you happy Enrique? There is nothing else that I hate the most than a snitch; you thought I was going back to you? You were mistaken!!! I’m never, ever, going back to you. You three are the worst (persons) I have ever known in my whole life!!!

When Yadi leaves Fernando and Juan look at each other and then to Kike, Kike realizes he is in danger and runs for his life. Juan and Fer chase him

Monica is at home talking to Consuelo. She is sad because she doesn’t have a secretary any more. Consuelo says that maybe she could be her secretary. Monica says that she needs somebody to help her organize the whole business, somebody with experience, but Consuelo could be her personal assistant and should start by getting her Ana Davila’s phone number. Consuelo is so happy that runs out the room to call Yvonne to ask her for the number. Yvonne gives her the wrong number. Consuelo calls and finds out that that is not the number. Monica tells her to ask Yvonne again. Yvonne gives her another fake number. This time Monica suspects that CL is behind everything. She decides she’ll ask him why he doesn’t want Yvonne to give her the number

Fernando and Juan have catch up with Kike. Fernando tries to hit Kike but Juan stops him, the police arrives and they say they were not fighting they were only horse playing the police believes them and leaves, but Kike tells them that since they are going the same way to take him with them. The police men agree. Juan and Fernando walk back to the company. Fernando tells Juan he feels broken inside and he has finally lost her. Juan tells Fer that he lost Yadi long time ago, and reminds him that they knew this was going to happen sooner o later and that what really worries him is what Dona Lidia is going to say when she finds out.

At CL’s office
Pastor and CL are talking. CL tells Pastor he wants Juan back. Pastor in no uncertain terms tells him that he (pastor) is the director of human resources and that he decided that Juan is not a good employee. Pastor – Of course you are the boss and if you want to hire Juan back there is nothing I can do about it, but I have to remind you that in doing that you would be taking away my authority and that would affect the whole company. CL – I’m asking for a favor, please do not make me give you an order. Pastor still refuses. CL comes up with a plan. CL – I’ll tell Juan that I couldn’t do anything for him, that if he wants to stay he needs to asks you and he would have to kneel before you to stay. Pastor is still unsure.

Pastor leaves the office and Yvonne goes in. CL tells her to look for Juan. Yvonne tells CL that they have problems. Monica insist on talking to Ana Davila

At the Cachon residence Lidia and Alirio are talking about the wedding. She is looking for a wedding dress and Alirio is looking at her, Lidia tells Alirio to look for something to do because she doesn’t like him to be in the house all the time. Yadira enters and slams the door. Lidia wants to know what is wrong. Yadira says that today she found out who is in reality Juan Dominguez. We hear dramatic music. The End

Tomorrow: Will Juan stay or not?



Amar Sin Limites #16 Wednesday 8/8/07 Part II

Diego and Gloria continue talking about Silvana. Gloria says that Silvana thinks she is bad. She wants Diego to help get Silvana to forgive her for the past. Gloria wants to help her daughter, but she is not allowed to do anything. Good guy Diego agrees to try to help.
Gloria says that is she had been there when Nico died, things might have gone better. Diego says he wouldn't be so sure. Yes, says Gloria--I am her mother! I never disappeared, am not traveling now, I am forming a small business. She says that she always lived by the sound of her voice--is she a singer? She needs an opportunity. She has to repay the debt to her daughter. This time she's not leaving.

Mo and Azul continue their conversation. She looks like a sourpuss. I'm sorry but my notes are garbled here. But they seem to end with some discussion of being a couple and inviting friends over like everyone else.

Lidia and Piero continue their spat. It seems to end with his getting his way.

Now we are back to touring the lab with Tia Ines, who has never visited Alfredo in the lab. He shows her the centrifuge, which separates the "muestras," or samples. (I guess blood samples.)

He is glad to see her--it's been so many days she was not at his house. He reminds her that he still has the key. She needs him to play well. They kiss.

At home, pop is cleaning the oven! and Clemencia is preparing to go out. She is going to some volunteer work at the hospital. Can he drive her? Then he says that some guy called while she was taking a bath. Some guy from the hospital named Demetrio. It turns out he is a paramedic. What did he want. Something about stopping medication. Oh, good, she says. It must have to do with our work for poor people. (Something tells me this is going to be about a mistake in Clemencia's treatment/test results, and she is really going to be sick again.)

She then tells hubby that their children need them. She wants to talk to him later that night.

Tia Ines and GCSSD are reviewing the recent gulf in their relationship. He says he came over last night and found Arnaldo on her sofa. He doesn't want others entering into what is theirs. (Folks, this is just as creepy as when he said their relationship was perverted. He seems to be jealous of his girlfriend's nephew. Ugh.)
He remarks on the age difference. Ines says that Arnaldo is her nephew for pete's sake. Doesn't matter--he's still a man. Ines's response to this insanity is to placate the purveyor: You are my life, Alfredo--the only one. Are you sure? They kiss. Yuck, yuck and double yuck. We still don't know if she had something going with some other musician.

Diego, Manuel and Clemencia are now discussing Silvana. They want to help, but they don't want a hotel. They're not sure it's right to take her in again.
They point out to him that they are just worried.

Azule and Emilia are now talking about Azul's degree studies at the University. Isn't it a coincidence that her adviser is Emilia? She is saying how she needs to go to work, so it looks like she is not going to finish. Mauricio needs her. Doesn't Emilia know that Mauricio is the bad guy who allegedly killed her patient's son? Or doesn't Emilia know that Azul's new jefe/boyfriend is Mauricio? Help me out, guys! Thanks! Azul leaves.

Meanwhile, Our Villain is buying an engagement ring for Azul. He wants to pick one that demonstrates everlasting love. He picks a nice sapphire and diamond number. Good choice, the salesman tells him. Don't salesmen always say that?

Diego is in the same university building. He asks Silvana to come back to his house. She doesn't want to go. She wants to take charge of her own life.

Now he goes out, and coincidentally, Azul is outside. This is a scene that we have been seeing in the opening credits. He runs after her. What are you doing here? I am visiting a friend who is a patient. She is visiting a friend too.
He tells her she looks beautiful. She says he looks good too. But she doesn't want him to start anything. He is frustrated--she never let him explain. She asks why he wants to act crazy. He tells her he loves her so much--she makes him crazy. I think about you all the time. She says that she cannot/does not etc. She calls him cursi (pretentious or affected?). He asks what she is afraid of. She doesn't want him to call her love. She says she fells that between them is nothing but his obsession with her. (I agree--so far their relationship sprung from their locking eyes through the glass of the Men's Wearhouse, then winding red fabric, a dance, a sewing incident, and some kisses.) He denies it--she is the love of his life. She runs to her car.

Moppet alert! Mauricio asks Caty if she wants to be Azul's daughter. Will she come there and live with them? Caty wants to know if Mo forgot mom. He assures her that no, mom will always be in their hearts.

Silvana is talking to Emilia. She likes Diego, and he has space for her, but she does not want to be a burden to him.

A great ending scene: Azul tries to drive away, and Diego tries to throw himself in front of her car. She gets a flat tire. He says, "Thank you god, I owe you one."


Destilando Amor - Aug. 9, 2007 "welcome to the cabaret ole' chum, welcome to the cabaret"

(Editor's note: Well, here is my full recap for this episode. Better late than never as the saying goes. Enjoy! Remember, please only post comments about this episode or past episodes that have aired in the comments. Please refrain from posting advance notices of episodes that have not aired on Univision on this blog - if you wish to talk about future episodes, please do so in the Telenovela-World forums. Thank you. -- J.R. )

EPISODE - Aug. 9, 2007:
(NOTE: Missed first 13 minutes of this episode)

* Minnie and Isa are sitting on bench watching the guests. Crispin tries to greet Aaron, who walks passed and ignores him. Crispin manages to stop Bruno to say hello. Fedra approaches Minnie and tries to talk to her about Aaron. Minnie isn't interested, makes a comment about Miami and her new daughter-in-law, and walks away. Fedra sits down to talk with Isa. Isa spots Frankie and his "acting" parents with Steve. Isa approaches Frankie. Steve takes the fake parents away. Isa drops the bombshell secret that Frankie is her baby's real father - Happy Wedding Day!. Isa leaves; Frankie is very impactado.

* The wedding of Frankie and Sophia at Montalveno chapel. Rodrigo gives his sister away. Aaron takes off his sunglasses to get better glances of Minnie sitting with his parents across the aisle.

* Clara, Gavi and her associate approach fieldworkers gathering. Medicine man is there doing his demo sales pitch on his miracle elixir to help protect the crops.

* Wedding ceremony ends, Aaron greets ma and pa. Minnie ignores him as she walks passed. Granny takes his hand and then Rod's, and tries to get them to make peace. She leaves. Rod is still holding a grudge against Aaron.

* Medicine man finishes his pitch, and Gavi confronts him before he has a change to sell anything. Medicine man and Gavi debate the authencity vs. false hopes of this elixir. Gavi asks administrator of the ranch for permission to examine his fields of agave for free. Medicine man speaks about G*d; Gavi speaks about research and lab reports. Gavi and Clara discuss next point to debate. Gavi convinces the fieldworkers not to believe a word from the Medicine man - just a load of falsehoods. Medicine man argues to defend himself. Gavi takes a bottle - she will have it tested at the government labs to see what it really is. She also convinces the owner to allow government inspections of fields. She continues to convince them that the Medicine man is telling lies. She forces him to leave. He tries to leave but Clara stands in his way and tells her opinions. Gavi reminds him that she will have his bottle lab tested. He orders them to step aside, picks up his pick ax, walks a few steps mores and starts to dig. Group watches.

* Wedding reception in garden. Frankie starts his "french cabaret" serenade. Sophie is enchanted by all the details as she talks with her friends. Isa glares at Frankie (like she's jealous). Minnie glances back at Isa and Rod and others at table, no one is talking, she turns back around to watch. Bruno is surprised, had no idea Frankie could sing. Isa glares as Frankie kisses his bride on the hand and they start dancing as he continues to sing. Dani smiles and tells James about Sophia and Frankie's plans to live in Japan. Dani giggles. James sits very repentant and is sad.

* Acacia cries on her front stoop at Dry Gulch Ranch and calls out, "Mr. James! Mr. James! Mr. James!"

* At nightfall, Rod asks Isa how she feels; She is irritated and starts to bit his head off. Rod says it's only a question. They discuss returning to the city together. Tequila rep comes over and talks with Rod - urgent business that he needs to be part of in town. Rod asks Isa - she says, fine, go ahead, stay at the hacienda, see you when you get back to the city. Isa is about to leave, Granny asks her to stay. She makes her excuses and leaves. Rod is stopped by Bruno to sit down and listen to him and Granny. Rod agrees to listen.

* Frankie catches Isa on path, wants to talk about the bomb she dropped on him earlier before the wedding. He wants to know what she plans to do with this tidbit of information in regards to the Montalvo family. She says don't worry, soon we will be together. Sophia interrumpts. Frankie smiles. Isa covers by saying that she was asking Frankie about the two of them becoming her and Rod's baby's godparents. Sophia is overjoyed and accepts. Frankie agrees. Isy leaves. Crispin approaches the newlyweds to present himself and give them his wedding gift - an agave family tree for Montalvo family. Frankie asks for one for his family, de la Vega.

* Dona Jose enters office looking for Clara; she was to meet with Clara and accompany her to Tequila to visit Gavi. Boss lady says too late, emergency came with Gavi and Clara rushed out immediately. Boss lady rushes out to take care of some files but lets Dona Jose stay in the office. Dona Jose, depressed, sets her bag down on the chair and starts looking at the town newspaper. She admires how handsome her son looks in the picture in the paper. Then she is impactado when she discovers her "Pancho" married a Montalvo.

* Pat, Fedra and Aaron have conversation on patio, nearby Minne sits alon. They talk Fedra into going over to talk with Minnie. Aaron listens as Fedra reveals with she was in Miami with Pamela and Aaron. Minnie asks if the mission was successful. Fedra says she isn't sure.

* Bruno and Granny explain and apologize to Rod for all actions they took against Mariana Franco. Dani and Rod listen. Gavi says Aaron isn't bad; Dani counters with no he's just macho, greedy, etc., all because of the inheritance clause in the will. Rod says it doesn't matter to him. Dani says it does to Aaron. Bruno and Granny make final plea for Rod not to abandon the family or business. Rod agrees to think about it, on one condition that no one ever visits or cause trouble for Mariana. Granny asks Rod about his decision to separate from Isa - she begs him not to do it.

*Fedra and Aaron have a quiet intimate conversation.

* Ofelia, Roman, SWB and Carmelo talk about his "misplaced admiration" SWB. Ofelia feels sick and leaves, Roman follows away.

* Rod wishes Granny good-night. He goes up the stairs (NOTE: Coat too long - no good butt shots). Ofelia and Roman enter - stop in living room where Granny gives them orders to fulfill. They leave. Frankie carries Sophia into the hall/sala. Sax player and family enter with them. They kiss and go upstairs.

* Aaron talks with Minnie outside on the patio, about Rod and Gavi. She mentions his relationships with other women. He continues to talk; she becomes quite calm as she talks of the memories of their marriage, her new life and new attitude. She stands up. He is jealous and wants to know who this better man is. She describes her ideal mate. She tells him that he's had several lovers over the year - now it's her turn to have some fun with men, good luck Aaron. She leaves.

* In bedroom, Isa in bed. Rod still in shirt and pants standing near bed. They discuss Gavi and their marriage. He plans to stick by his promise to her and the baby. She's still jealous of Gavi.


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #16 Wednesday 8/8/07

This is half the episode. I left my notes in the office, so I can't enter the rest till tomorrow:; sorry.

Reprise of the previous day's closing:
Abuelo tries to get Lidia to tell the truth about her antics.
He says she's going down the wrong road.

Lidia is crying, and Graciela says that Piero is not worth it. She's getting the job the wrong way.

Mauricio and Azul chat about Diego (unknown to her that it is Diego). She wonders why he is offering a job to a stranger.

Diego visits Silvana at the manicomio and she tells him where to find the gun in her house.

Perla is then confronting Paco. She wonders why he told Lidia about the fling. He says he wants to get back with her. (I think this is what is going on. I did not see all of the previous day, so I'm not sure how Lidia found out.) (Anyway, if you want to get back together with your girlfriend, is it best to tell her you just slept with someone else? Well so much for that strategy--see next scene.)

Next we see Lidia kissing Piero. She tells him she is breaking up with Paco. Now he should break up with his wife.

Emilia talks to Gloria? (Silvana's mom) and asks how the meeting went with daughter. I still don't know what Gloria did in the past to alienate herself from Silvana.
Gloria says she is confused and asks for help.

Back at the shop, Diego is sewing. Perla comes in and they argue about Paco. Diego tells her to forget him.

Abuelo and Diego discuss the check he was offered by Mauricio. Abuelo asks why Diego didn't tell him about the check. Abuelo warns him that Mo is trying to make himself feel better by giving out money, but he'll have Diego in debt to him the rest of his days. That Abuelo is a smart man.

Mauricio and Andres meet. They have to adjust prices. I don't know what this is about. Obviously some McGuffin about their business.
Mo reveals that he offered Diego 300,000 pesos.

Diego goes to Silvana's to get the gun. He talks to Gloria. I don't have good notes on this section. I don't know what they were talking about.

Leonarda and Azul discuss snacks and coffee again. It seems like Azul is trying to placate her by letting her have her way with the coffee.

GCSSD gets a visit from Tia Ines at the lab.

Silvana is talking to Gloria ? about wanting to kill Mo because he caused Nico's death. How does she know? Because a witness says that if he had gone to the hospital he would have been okay.
I don't fully understand what they are referring to.

Gloria says Silvana always thinks the worst of her. Then she asks if Silvana thinks she and Diego could fall in love.

Diego is talking to the jefe. He is two hours late from lunch. He tells the boss to dock him for the day. There are personal problems he has to deal with.

Meanhwhile, Auntie meets Mauricio. They discuss her cello playing. Alfredo reveals that she plays for the great quartet of Maestro Robles. Wow, says Mo to Azul. Let's get them to play at our wedding. Azul seems to run a figurative finger under the collar.


Acorralada #142 Monday 8/6/07 Suspicions continue

Everyone in TeleMiami is still confused over whether Alejandro is really Max. Camila goes to talk to Diana about it, they end up arguing, and Diana throws her out. Immediately the doorbell rings so they assume that Camila's back for more, so out comes the bucket of water! Diana opens the door as Silvia throws a bucket of water onto --- Jorge! Oops. Sweet Jorge has come to bring Silvia flowers and this is how she treats him. Pobre de Jorge.

Ignacio's not worried about the whole Alejandro/Max quandry. He has a plan... He'll marry Octavia! If Alejandro is Max, he won't want to put is stepdad in jail! He asks her, and she accepts. Eeeew.

Diego vists Pancho in the room with the warehouse size box fan where all of the Accorralada criminals hang out when they're not in an abandoned shack on the beach. He wears his Ranger ball cap for the occasion - he always breaks that out when he's up to no good. He tells Pancho that before he lets her be with another man, he'll kill her!

Marcela's mama's bandages are removed, and she learns that she's blind. Marcella is beside herself - what will they do? They have no money, no insurance, they haven't even paid the rent! Alejandro offers to pay all of their expenses. Pedro has no problem with this, his money is Alejandro's money. Besides, Alejandro is such a shrewd business man that he's helped Pedro double his fortune!

The witches are sitting around a table at casa Irazabal while Yolanda paints. I love the ceramic dog centerpiece! Yolanda's sick of hearing them whine about Diana.

Gaby and Fedora are ready to go to work at the fabrica, and Roddy suggests that they ask if Sharon wants to go with them. Fedora knocks on Sharon's door and finds her staring at herself in a silver framed mirror and brushing her hair. Of course she's not ready for a day at the office and they have a showdown which ends in Sharon throwing Fedora out of her room.

Sharon has bigger plans for the day - she's going to visit Larry. When she gets there she sees that he's swimming laps and she wants to join him, but she didn't bring her bikini. No problemo, she'll swim nude! Larry's shocked! Even more so when she goes underwater and comes back up with his bathing suit. He's not sure what to say to this crazy girl.

As luck would have it, Gaby has arrived to visit Larry just in time to catch his bathing suit when Sharon throws it. Larry and Sharon get out of the pool and stand there in all their glory looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. Gaby's disgusted, and Yolanda runs out to see what the commotion is. She's furious and calls Sharon a desvergonzada. Larry tells Sharon that's she's crazy and she says maybe that's just what he needs to forget about Gaby. Triple yuck.

Of course Sharon runs to tell Kike about Gaby's visit to Larry. Kike is not happy. Pobre de Gaby. She's sure to get a paliza for this.

Pedro receives several visits from the ladies in love with Alejandro - first it's Diana who wants to know if he's really Max, but Pedro assure her that he's not. Max is dead and she must accept it. Later it's Fiona who's come to see Alejandro, but Alejandro's not home. But that's okay, Pedro would like to have a conversation with her. (this line really is the best of the show - I love the way he enunciates "conversacion contigo.") Fiona picks up on his tone and wants to know what it's about... he wants to know if he's in love with Alejandro, or if she's just a gold digger. She swears that she's in love with him, not his money. As they continue to discuss Alejandro, Pedro accidently refers to Alejandro as Maximilliano! Fiona is impactada, as is Pedro. (Really - the look on Pedro's face in this scene is priceless!)

Alejandro visits Camila, who wants to tell him to his face that she knows that he's really Max. He reacts by reaching out and grabbing her by the neck and we see her grasping for air. Eventually he lets her go and apologizes for overreacting.

Fedora lets Roddy know that Sharon didn't go to work, simply because she didn't want to. Of course he defends her because she must have been upset over her mother's death. Fedora suggests that she see a psychiatrist, to which Sharon runs into the room crying that she's not crazy. This one really knows how to work the men in Miami! Roddy tells Sharon that he plans to legally adopt her. After they leave the room, Sharon says that soon she will have her revenge.

Pedro tries to talk his way out of the slip of the tongue, but Fiona is suspicious. She tells Pedro to tell Alejandro that she was there and storms out of the room. Pedro berates himself for the mistake, then tells himself that Diana is better for Max.

At Paco's place, Fiona is telling herself that Alejandro or Max, it doesn't matter. She needs a rich man to support her. Won't it be fabulous if she turns out to be pregnant?

Alejandro goes to visit Diana at work. It's a boring talk - he wants to tell her that he'll protect her, yadda yadda. Then she reaches out and touches his lips and says that they feel the same as Max's did. He calls her Azucena. Azucena! That's what Max called her in the sanatorio. credits roll.


Juan Q 8/7 - Juan flashes, Kike says Yadi likes flashy, and CL wishes Moni's idea is just a flash in the pan

And, cachi cachi bon bon. Ana makes excited eyes after Juan rips off his towel and moves to her canvas where it appears that she nervously tries to figure out where to start her masterpiece.

Enrique tells Nid they should go to the studio to chat because the walls have ears. Yadi pops out and wonders where this is going. Kike tells Nid that no one wants to marry someone as poorly decorated as their napkins, he says he’s as frozen as a penguin! Nid tells him not to exaggerate. He says look it’s the truth, that she likes even the floor to shine! He says something about a diamond and that Yadi says if you want to shine well you have to polish up. Nid says, yes, that’s our family, we love the finer things. HA! But she says you have the Consentida. He says it’s worth a little, but what he really wants to do is sell it and buy a nice truck to start in the transporte business and follow Samuel’s footsteps. He says he’d love to give her the life she wants like Fer offers her. He also wants to even educate himself so he’s not such a blockhead.

In the apartment of sin CL is telling Paula how much he loves her. She says she has to go to her Mom and he wants to come so they all can have dinner. They tell each other they don’t want this to end. She tells him how much she needs this to be a sure thing and that depends on him. He promises to come through. They start at it again back to the sheets.

Nid is moved by Enrique’s efforts to win her daughter. She says he has her support, and what he does speaks volumes about him. He says when he comes back with a fat wallet, a new love for him will be born.

During the painting Juan says he’s glad at least with his whole team out in the air that he’s not getting libidinous thoughts. He says the first bitter taste is over and now it’s going down more smoothly for him, he’s even getting bored and getting cramps and says he needs to go pipi. Ana lets him free. The drawing is conveniently well shaded in “that area.”

At dinner the family Cachon is discussing whether or not Juan is or isn’t and sharing their reasons why they think so with each other.

Paula comes home after her tryst Cl wants to go in but she thinks not, and when she enters, she sees Juan as he comes out of the restroom in his towel. He doesn’t first see her. He’s saying how he feels like a fish in water now and she can paint him all she wants and he throws off the towel in front of Paula. She asks her Mom what’s going on here. This scene looked cut funny to me as he must have grabbed it back on again really quickly. Very anti-climactic. Paula tells him he has a nice body and he smiles and goes up to change. While he’s changing he tells himself that he left her in cramps no doubt and he noticed she came alone and that reacted positively and that she’ll never look at him with the same eyes again.

Ana says she only looked at his beautiful body like an Artist and not with any lust. Paula asks how she could look at such a great body without any lust at all. She asks Juan if they owe him anything for his modeling services he says no, and they say well at least dinner, and he says ok. Paula gives him the address where he should pick her up tomorrow. She says Cl helped her find the apt. Juan is impactado.

CL comes home and asks how the prettiest Mom is doing to which she asks if he brought her pharmacy item. In his post love session bliss he forgot his pregnant wife’s medicine. Shame Shame. They continue discussions about his bad head for being a future dad. Cl asks her if she found someone to help her. Yes I did find someone, Ana Davila the Mom of your vice president. CL is impactado. She says she’s going to be a good worker and she was highly recommended. CL wants to know by whom. She stalls. CL questions her about why she contracted Ana. She says that even he told her that she practically managed Samuel’s whole business. He wants to know who recommended her. Ah hah, it was IVONNE!! Moni says don’t say anything because I called her and asked for her help.

Juan can’t stand when the conversation shifts to CL. He gets up to leave. Paula continues telling her mom about the new living arrangement and how wonderful CL is. Mom goes through the motions of agreeing, but never really believes that all these things including the divorce are really going to happen. Finally Ana tells her that she might be getting some work. Paula is excited and Ana tells her she will go to speak with them day after tomorrow.

Cl is awake turning and Moni wonders why if it has to do with Ana. He says no, but argues with her about being stupid to choose her just because of Ivonne’s recommendation.

Juan tells himself he’s still not sure about Paula and CL, and that the only way he’ll know for sure if he asks her again straight out.

Marely tells Juan she ran in to Pastor and that man is jealous and wants to know if there is something between us. He thinks he would love that, but she’s punished until further notice for hating him. He tells her he’s given him no reason to be jealous. She suggests he clear things up then because he seems to think that you are looking at him with eyes of love.

Moni wants to know how her office is coming along. She says she hopes it’s ok if she works here in the meantime. He says working here is great and you’ll get no complaint from me. She says good because Ana is coming tomorrow here. for an interview oh and lovey, why don’t you help me? He says no, and oh he has to go.

Juan shows up at the apt to collect Paula.

Nid and Yadi are chatting about her maybe going back to school but Yadi says you ask the same thing everyday and I answer the same everyday, so maybe she’s losing her memory. Yadi wants to know what Mom has cooking with Enrique. Mom says nothing

Juan is impactado when Paula answers in her bathrobe. She wants to know if he knows anything about plumbing. He says yes, and that soon he’ll have it fixed.Plomeria Como chirriones funciono esa chiva.

Nid spills the beans to Yadi about Enrique’s plan.

Juan is giving himself a peptalk. He wonders if maybe there was a reason she answered in her robe. He says that women love to send signals. He daydreams he is in a smoky bedroom with Paula making out. She wakes him up while he’s kissing the wrench instead. Juan creates a plumbing fountain when he tries to keep up with the charade that he knows what he’s doing. Water goes everywhere.

Nid continues -Don’t you see he thinks you hate him because he’s poor. Y-No I hate him because he’s low class and ugly. Nid asks as if she were the princess of Monaco. Yadi says I will never care for him, even if he becomes a millionaire!

CL marches into the business and commands Ivonne to his office to tell him why she recommended Ana.

Nidia wishes she ahd someone like that who would do anything for her. Yadi says she’s still in love with Fer but thinks he must be hiding something because no one changes so drastically in one day. She vows to find out why.

Juan is discussing with a real plumber and haggling over the price. He doesn’t want the plumber to take advantage of her but he appears to be severely undercutting the real price. He says he did the hard work already, but the plumber says yeah and with that you took out the water of the whole colonia. Paula gives him more than Juan says, she’s not in agreement with Juan.

Cl is back with Ivonne, threatening to let her go after she says she’s not doing anything, just helping his wife. She says she knows too many things so he won’t. He ends up telling he’s not sure what to do but Ana can’t work with Moni. He concocts a plan that she calls and telll Ana that someone else already got the job. Ivo says she can’t call because she didn’t call in the first place.
Juan and Paula are sriving and he thinks he wants to ask her his question, she says it’s ok, but he chickens out and asks her if she’s still mad about the plumbing. She says of course not.

Juan discusses with Fer about the apartment Paula is in now. He says she’s there because she’s renting. Fer laughs. He says fine I’ll be quiet. If you want to believe that’s the truth, fine, just believe it then. Juan thought bubbles that he should listen to this guy because he’s making sense, but he can’t bring himself to do it.

Merely goes into Paula’s office and tells her all the messages. Paula asks how Marely likes the work. She likes it. No prob with Pastor? She says no but rehashes the conversation with him about Juan. Paula wonders if there is more too. She thinks he’s interested in Marely. Marely says he can’t be interested in me because I’m almost sure that Juan is Gay.

Juan wants to clear up some things with Pastor. He tells him he’s causing serious problems. He doesn’t want to be rude but he needs him to listen. He starts yelling, and pastor yells back not for him to yell. Juan continues that things are making him uncomfortable. He says he likes being his friend and things can’t pass that line. Pastor wants him to be more concrete. He says I don’t want to be your, Pastor interrupts and says what makes you think I’m interested in you as a man.

Paula tells Marely that she really thinks Juan likes her, and that he isn’t really gay, but that he might be faking it to keep Pastor of his back. Paula says if he was gay, would he be with someone like Pastor anyway? She tells Marely no Juan likes you, he asked me to help you with getting the job. Paula asks her to tell the truth, does she like Juan?

Pastor tells him he’s wrong and that he’s just like the typical macho. He tells him he doesn’t have bad taste, look in the mirror at yourself, you have no class, no style, etc. Look at your awful hair. Juan says ok, we’ve cleared that up, so see ya. Pastor calls him back, and says not so fast, if you feel so uncomfortable here, then fine, as of today you are out of the office. See ya!


Destilando Amor, Weds 8/8: What does the $#!% hit when there's no fan?

The family worries about the Gaviota-sighting; they decide they're not going to let anything ruin Sofia's big day. Minerva pulls Isa aside and wants to know what's going on with that husband-stealer; Isa says she's going to find out.

Sanwanna offers to pay Rosa for her information about Gaviota, but Rosa is offended and refuses. Sanwanna complains that Gavi's presence has turned loose-lipped Rosa into "some grand thing."

Meanwhile, Gavi flops onto her bed, remembering Isa's sparkly swollen belly. "It can't be, it can't be," she sobs. I remember a happy time when "it can't be" was always followed up with a knowing, "...artificial insemination." Unfortunately, no one's around to hiss those words into Gaviota's ear now.

Rod pleads with the jimadores: he CANNOT increase their wages. A jimadora assures him that Gavi doesn't lie; he's being miserly with their pennies. Rod reminds them he gives the best wages in the region. He also reminds them that some jimas are losing their jobs and looking for work now because farmers are having to burn their crops thanks to the plague.

They say they'll give him till Monday to think about it. Until then, they won't be trimming a single agave. They all file out. Rod asks Roman to please not tell the family about this. If anyone asks, he can say they're on strike, but don't mention that Gavi did this!

In the bedroom, Sanwanna passes on to Isa the information she did get - that Gavi came over on behalf of the CRT to teach the difference between sick agaves and healthy ones. They knew some techs would be coming over, but they didn't know Gavi would be coming with them! Isa is dumbfounded. And really, really mad. "So why was she jimadoring?" Sanwanna describes the contest, and how later Gavi spent the night.

Minerva comes in. Did I mention that I love her dress as usual? She sarcastically thanks Isadora for all the supportive phone calls (which apparently Isadora didn't make). Isa rolls her eyes and says, "Ha, you haven't gotten the story of the drama **I'VE** been living." Minerva is bien impactada to hear that Gavi's working for the CRT!

Clarita shows up at Gavi's room. Drunk. Evidently she needed some liquid courage to better enjoy the plane ride. She offers Gavi the rest of the bottle, but for once in her life Gavi turns down an offer of alcohol, saying she had enough last night. But she is very, very, very happy to see her mom. She ruefully confides that her days with the CRT are probably numbered. For the moment, Clarita is too drunk to do much more than squeak supportively.

Minnie tells Isa she's going to Spain to live with her great-aunt. She's left with no other choice; she had thought she could get Aaron back, but she was wrong. He'll marry Pam next week and she'll want to be as far away as possible.

Isa says she's wanted to stand by Min during these times, but Isa was traveling... Min says she made up the trip to Greece, never even left her apartment, and Isa's the only person who knows. Well... plus Patricio. She was trying to get a rise out of Aaron, but he pthat other woman anyway.

Isa observes that Minerva looks very tan. Min admits she used up two whole tubes of bronzer. And she's sorry she didn't take that singles cruise - she could have met someone. But on second thought, maybe not. She's never had the nerve to meet another man. Now she's paying dearly for the price of love. Aaron traded her in for a healthy womb and a generous bed, and he's very happy.

Isa: At least you've had a chance to travel and get out of this hell.

Min: So how's the pregnancy going? Do you know what it's going to be?

Isa: Rod is hoping for a girl.

Min: A girl? Oh well, I hope you can give him what he wants.

Isa: That's impossible. I'm expecting a boy... the much-anticipated Montalvo heir.

Minerva is impactada yet again. Isa says she had an ultrasound. She asks Minnie to keep the secret and excuses herself. "I need to get dressed for this farce." Alone, Minerva muses to herself that Isadora's son will ruin all of Aaron's plans. She doesn't seem very sure as to whether she likes the idea or not.

Back to Gavi and Clarita. Clarita is sobered up somewhat, drinking coffee. Gavi is describing what happened that morning. She was working the agaves and singing really loud. Rod showed up. That lit up her heart, she was smiling ear-to-ear, but that all congealed when Isa showed up, and all the blood drained into Gavi's feet. Isa is pregnant by Rodrigo. About five months. Aaron was right - Rod is a liar. He claimed he was only able to be with one woman. What a dummy she is.

Clarita has been silent through all of this. Finally she says, "That baby is not his." Clarita's theory is based on something they've both seen many times... in telenovelas.

Gavi thinks it's ridiculous - if Isa had cheated on Rod as Clarita suggests, no way would he have stayed with her IF it were truly true that he'd never been with her himself.

Clarita is really enamored of the idea, however, and reminds Gavi of a particular novela in which the woman got drunk one night with someone and slept with him... he was a NEIGHBOR!

(Please... give me a break. I say this with all due respect.)

"This isn't a telenovela, Mama. It's real life. It's MY real life!"

Clarita insists - it is not Rodrigo's child. "Or my name's not Clarita Hernandez."

Later, Gavi talks about how she watched Rodrigo from the garden. He looked sad. She fancied he was thinking about his Gaviota. Then she drank some more, next day started singing... Clarita says, well, probably everybody heard and recognized her voice. Gavi then admits that she turned all the jimadores against Rod. She took one look at that pregnant belly and couldn't control herself. Right then and there they went on strike! Now she's very, very concerned about what will happen when the Montalvos tell her boss what she did.

Gavi goes back to bed and tells Clarita she should probably go back to the CRT, put her head on her boss's desk, and then fall off the face of the earth. But maybe it'd be better if she finishes her work there first. She'll do it well, and then if they fire her, at least she'll have her dignity.

Back at Montalveña, Dani gently rebukes Rodrigo for not having told Gavi about the pregnancy. (Dani DID warn him about this last week!) He wonders why Gaviota came back. He tells Dani about the strike. He'd been hoping to go back to the city soon, but now he's stuck. He's got to meet with the jimadores and Monday and do whatever's necessary to take care of his father's organic agave crop.

With family like these, is a Bridezilla redundant?

The day is intermittently sunny. The chairs are set up in tidy rows. Altar boys steal treats off the buffet table. The area slowly fills with guests. Pilar notices that James is wearing a suit that's too big for him. He admits that he couldn't go back to the ranch for his clothes. (Wuss.) Patricio asks after Acacia. James admits they're "fighting" and jokes "now you know why I'm dressed like this."

Elvis is taking photos. He gets one of Pilar and James together on a loveseat. Elvis tries to get suddenly-grumpy Pilar to smile. "It's not for me, it's for the camera," he teases. Patricio says "smile, or we'll be posing here all afternoon." She obliges. "Nobody will believe that I took this photo," Elvis laughs.

Elvis then switches seats with James and puts his arm around Pilar. "One last smile, Abuelita." He tells her to imagine that he just told her that he's moving to Africa and she'll never see him again. She musters up a smile for that one! "I'll go with Daniela," is Elvis's punchline. Pilar pulls away impatiently. (For some reason, the audio was missing when Elvis said "Africa." It was like when they want to bleep a word without drawing attention to it by making an actual bleep sound. Did anyone else notice this?)

Francisco's hired parents show up. So does Estefano, the guy who owns the apartment Frankie's been squatting in. He complains about having to pay Frankie's faux parents, on top of all the other expenses he's covered for Frankie. "Think of it as an investment," Frankie tells him.

Everyone is impressed with the fake de la Vegas, Maximiliano and Josephene. She might be Spanish. Pilar is charmed. James introduces himself as a "friend of the family"; Frankie somewhat rudely points out that he's Sofia's ex. (Isa's holding her belly up again, and I can see why; she's wearing a mostly-backless dress, which means less support for her baby bump.) Elvis introduces himself as a painter, sculptor, and "dark spot" of the family.

Isa, Minerva, and Pilar sit with their drinks. Isa breaks the news to Pilar that Gavi is there because she's gotten a job with the CRT and they're going to be inspecting their crops. She wants to go tell Rod. Min dissuades her, saying he'll just go looking for Gavi again. (Meanwhile, Rod is debating with Dani whether someone will warn the family that Gavi's working for the CRT. Dani thinks not, because it's only the family plus Sofie's friends who are there today.)

With perfect timing, Gelasio Barrales comes. He's the head of the agave growers' syndicate, and he just might be a Scorpio. (Or perhaps it's more likely that scorpions are a popular motif on embroidered jackets?) He tells Pilar that Don Amador would be proud of this shindig. He wants to talk about agave stuff. Isa intercepts him and asks about Mariana Franco. Rod tries to drag him away, but he turns to Isa and says "Oh yes, I know Mariana Franco very well." It's the perfect moment for a commercial break!

Gelasio explains Gavi's job function to Isadora. "And who was asking?" Rod answers, looking at Isa. "What's it to you?" he asks her. He explains to Gelasio that his family very well knows who Mariana is.

Elvis takes a photo of Dani, who's happy. He takes a photo of Rod, Minerva, and Isa, who are flustered and distracted. "Don't everyone smile at once," he quips cheerfully. Sometimes I wonder if Elvis is some kind of happiness-machine. Dani warns him that unless he'd like to photograph a massacre, he'd better go away. Rod argues with Min and Isa (mostly Min) about Gavi. "It's the end of your game," he declares. He won't let them commit the same crime twice. Dani grins with satisfaction.

(Back at the hotel, Gavi remembers Rod protesting "you can't do this to me" as she lectured all the jimadores on what a tightfisted cheat he is.)

Rod lectures his wife and his XSIL about what they did to Gavi. Isa feigns ignorance, so he lists every specific sin that they committed against Gavi. James, Pat, and Lluvia look on in bewilderment. Varying degrees of regret, guilt, shame, and horror spread over everyone else's faces - everyone's except Isa's and Min's, of course. Pilar is week in the knees. Isa demands to know how he's been playing her. Rod explains to his loving, loyal wife how he finally helped hook Gavi up with a letter of recommendation so she could get a job.

Dani carefully explains to Pilar that Gavi was desperate and needed help. That's why she told Rodrigo the truth, and why he helped her. "It was the least he could do."

Rod takes Isa aside and says "if I were fooling around with Gaviota, do you really think I'd do it here? We're finished, forever."

"Why didn't you tell me before," Isa whines. She's got some nerve. Min accuses Rod of trying to "protect" Gavi. He tells her that people like Gavi NEED protection "from people like you." Offended, Isa storms off. Min glares at Rodrigo, nose-to-nose. She tries to guilt Rodrigo for upsetting Isa. He says he's got more to say.

Pilar begs them to stop, but Min admits that Rodrigo is right - she is no longer of any importance to this family. She tries to stomp off in a self-righteous, self-pitying, faux snit, but just then, Fedra and Aaron show up. Dani greets them in a sarcastic tone, "Great timing, cousin!" (I love her, she's such a brat!) Aaron tells Min she looks spectacular, and that her travels have clearly done her some good.

There are times when it's appropriate to make a wisecrack, and there are times when it's best not to go for the cheap shot. So I'll just remind you that Minerva put on her very best panties for him this morning, and I'll leave it at that.

"I wish I could say the same for you," Minnie answers smugly. "You look fatal" (this isn't a compliment - it means something like "you look like death warmed over"). Laughing with barely-concealed contempt, Aaron approaches Rodrigo for a fist-bump and/or hug, but Rod brusquely pushes him away.

(Gavi is watching the Rodrigo channel inside her head. It looks like the Christmas Eve party. "You are a creep, Rodrigo. You always have been. You don't deserve any of my tears.")

Aaron scolds Rodrigo for not being nicer to him for coming over from Miami for the wedding. Fedra complains of his coldness as he brushes off her hug. Rodrigo makes increasingly sarcastic, snide remarks to Aaron. The mention of "Mariana Franco" hits the other Montalvos like a ton of bricks, and the air around them quickly becomes thick with tension. "Please - we joined you here to celebrate your sister's wedding!" Fedra protests in her most innocent-sounding voice. Pilar begs Rodrigo to stop, but Rod says her tears won't work this time. It's too late.

He accuses the rival Montalvos of trying to ruin the family and the company. Bruno, for one, is mystified by these references. Rodrigo tells him about Fedra's and Minerva's phone calls to all the other tequila companies, trying to blackball Gaviota, saying she'd stolen money from the company.

Patricio approaches to say that the priest is ready to begin. Rodrigo says nobody's going anywhere until he's finished.

(From a distance, Frankie points out Aaron to his fake parents and his reluctant roommate. He explains to them that the Montalvos are two families, but they're very closely knit. Watching the spectacle, Estefano says it looks like they're having a very intense conversation/argument. Frankie conjectures that they may be having some conflict, but they still love each other very much.)

Back to the family reunion - Patricio wants to know what's going on. "Ah, it's Patricio the Silent." He says Patricio was in on the tricks against Gaviota too. Patricio is dumbfounded, and Fedra jumps to his defense. "Leave my nephew out of this." Patricio simply says that Sofia's waiting. "Don't worry, what I still have to say won't take much time," Rodrigo says coolly. Aaron tries to shame Rodrigo for choosing this time to discuss such a worn-out subject.

"I'll sum it up in three words," Rodrigo says to Aaron's sunglasses. "Gaviota came back."

Reaction shots: Aaron is impactado. Pilar wrings her hands and her mouth is stretched in a grimace. Dani struggles to limit her smile to a mere grin. Bruno touches his face as if it's getting hot.

In short, it's the kind of tension that can only be relieved with another commercial break.

Rodrigo tells Aaron he knows that the millions of pesos that were supposedly given to Gaviota actually ended up in Oñate's wallet, as payment for unmasking Mariana Franco. He took away her severance, threw her into the street, gave away her car - the work of a cheap thief.

Fedra interrupts again, Rod says he's just saying what Aaron deserves. Not only did he throw her into the street, he also let Fedra and Minerva sabotage Gavi's reputation to make sure she would starve to death.

"You're hurting us, Rodrigo!" Fedra whines. (Pilar looks around anxiously - I bet she'd welcome an interruption from Elvis right about now.) "You know what you did, don't deny it," Rod answers. "Classy people do not act this way. Where'd you dump your class, Fedra?"

Aaron attacks Rodrigo like lighting, but Rod is easily able to hold off his attack. Dani and Pilar yell at them to stop. Bruno is standing right there, almost as if he wants to split them up, but doesn't quite make a move. "You don't have any right to protest," Rodrigo hisses at Aaron. "Get your filthy piggy hands out of my life and Gaviota's. You act like a coward, you are a creep to have said you slept with her, a creep." With that, he shoves Aaron staggering backwards into some out-of-frame chairs.

Minerva picks this exact moment to retry that grand, dramatic, silent exit she'd been planning. Aaron calls weakly after her, but it is Bruno who follows her. Embarrassed, Aaron simply fiddles with his sunglasses.

Sofia comes over to investigate. (Again, I guess in Mexico they don't have that superstition about letting the groom see the bride in her dress before the wedding.) Aaron complains about Rodrigo's uncivil behavior. "Why are you doing this to me, Rodrigo?!" Sofia complains. "You just want to ruin my wedding, don't you!" She takes off.

By now, Frankie has come over to investigate too. Rod tells him to go find Sofia and reassure her that nobody's going to ruin her wedding today. (That's nice of Rod. I agree that Sofia should have ONE day of marital bliss. Bwahahahaha.)

The priest comes over, wanting to know when they're going to start. Dani asks for a few more minutes because "it seems Sofia's not feeling well at all." Pilar seems grateful for the tactful lie. Aaron consoles Fedra with a hug.

"You look calmer," Clarita tells Gaviota at an outdoor cafe. "That's because you're with me," Gavi answers. Demitri joins them, and Gavi introduces her mother. (Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? Clarita and Demitri? No? Is it just me?) Gavi explains that her mother was a jimadora too. D wants an update on Montalveña. Before Gavi can answer, Clarita quickly explains that Gavi explained all about the little agave bugs ("bicharacos," so there's that "bich" root as in "bichi") and the jimadores were all very happy to hear it. She adds that her daughter doesn't like to brag (literally "throw flowers at herself").

Gavi asks Demitri if he's spoken with Avellaneda (head of the CRT) yet. Nope. She was just wondering if he needed anything special. D says no, but there's a problem - he tells her about those tonics and remedies those crooks have been selling in town. Gavi is angry that tricksters are ripping off the farmers' money with this stuff. D says something about people thinking the pests are a form of divine punishment that can only be cured by incantations and potions, etc. Gavi shares his concern, and I suddenly feel as though I'm in the middle of an anti-potion PSA.

Don't use potions, kids! They don't work and they can be dangerous. You're welcome.

Anyway, they need to be able to complete their inspections. Gavi is eager to help, so Demitri tells her to accompany the field tech.

Back to the hacienda! Minerva asks Sanwanna to pack her bags and get someone to take her to the airport. Isa finds her and asks how the conversation ended. (Ha - I had forgotten that Isa took off before it got really interesting!)

"Your husband turned a wedding into a funeral, just to defend his precious migrant worker. You can't even imagine what-all he said!" Naturally, Isa wants to hear the whole thing, but Min says no, she doesn't want to make Isa miscarry! "No, wait, I'll go with you, I've got absolutely no reason to be in this house." Minerva says, "Let's go!"

They make for the exit, but Bruno intercepts them. "You're not going anywhere." Minnie says she's not a member of this family anymore, she's not welcome, the accusations of Rodrigo, the sins of Aaron, etc. etc... "You're still a Montalvo," Bruno soothes, and leads her to the sofa. "You can't leave like this." Min says she's made her decision. Bruno tells the women to put their hands in/on Sofia's heart (it's an icky image, but a common saying meaning "show her some compassion") and have some consideration for Pilar.

He asks Isa if she would really be capable of doing something like this to Sofia. He expresses disappointment at Minerva's attitude and says okay, you can't even look at my son, you can't stand Rodrigo... but at least stay for me. She agrees.

Outside, James is telling Rodrigo to control himself, or they'll all end up in the neighborhood jail (something like that). (Hey, James, I've got an idea - if the intensity of all this is too much for you, maybe you should just run away, since that's how you deal with your problems.) Rodrigo complains about how long he's had to "maintain" a smile in front of those people. He talks about how much he'd love to break Aaron's face, and wring Fedra's and Minerva's necks. And how awful it's been to think that Bruno, Granny, and Sofia all participated in that damn lie. (James is surprised.) They knew everything, and they hid it!


Isadora spells it all out for Frankie in tiny words that he can understand. Comprehension slowly dawns.
Rodrigo does a cool wrist-lock on Aaron, then later leads Sofia down the aisle to her doom.


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #15 Tuesday 8/7/07

Tuesday episode opens with a talk between Leo and Andres, where he's complaining about how since the accident, he has to do all of Mo's dirty work. Leo tells him that Mo is their boss, the "owner of their lives." He says that it's costing him more and more. She responds that she's his only family, and if something happens to him, it will kill her. Creepy, creepy, creepy.

Next we see Andres and Mo, where Andres tells Mo that he knows who tried to kill him!

Diego and Morticia: She's saying that she has no right to kill anyone. She's not a murderer. She's glad that he stopped her from killing Mo. She claims that she doesn't remember where the gun is when he asks her for it.

Mo is on the phone with Benjamin (the scientist he fired so that he could hire GSD), who tells him that "Acosta" is the one who tried to kill him because Mo owes him money. Mo hangs up looking impactado and tells Andres what Ben said, but that he's not sure he believes it. Andres says that Ben wouldn't lie about something like that. He tells Andres to investigate.

Piero y Lidia: Lidia tells Piero that things are really bad with her and Paco and she can't concentrate. He offers to help, and she thanks him and walk out. He looks as confused as I am at her response.

Morticia's writing a letter to Diego, which will express all that she feels...

Gloria's talking to Diego on the phone. Apparently she's traveling again and she wants to know how Silvana's doing and where she is. He tells her that Silvana has gone back to the clinic.

Creepy Leo is carrying a coffeepot and cups and is interrupted by Azul, who wants to know where she's going. (The weird thing is that Leo is carrying a full coffee pot AND the machine. If she was going to set up the coffee machine anyway, why wouldn't she prepare the coffee after it's set up?) There's a mild stand off between the ladies here - Azul tells her that the old system isn't working and they need to change. Leo says that she knows, but it's what they asked for. Azul tells her just to do it, and Leo takes the coffee supplies back to the kitchen. I'm a little confused on what just happened, but I've only read the recaps the last few days so maybe I missed something.

Leo returns to the kitchen looking furiosa, where Andres is on the phone and wants to know what's happened. She throws a glass to the floor and says she will not talk to her that way - even if she's Mo's woman! She's sure that Azul hates her. Andres tells her to calm down, Mo knows that he job is important.

Diego's moma is looking at some lovely red roses when Lidia enters. Mama tells Lidia that they're from Paco. Lidia growls that he's a son of a... she hates him and if he think this will fix things.... (well, well, it looks like what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander in Lidia's world!) Mama's still staring at the flowers and smiling to herself as Lidia storms out. You can just read her mind "oh - those crazy kids. They don't even know what they're fighting about."

Diego is at the police station signing his statement, when Mo approaches him and says that now at least he will know what his name is. Diego responds that yes, he will know, and excuses himself.

Inez is playing the cello when Arnaldo arrives and says they need to go. Suddenly her playing takes a turn for the worse and he asks her what's wrong - is she nervous about seeing the ex love who hurt her so badly? She reminds him that he's the only one who knows about that, and he should keep it to himself. He asks if he should be quiet because there's someone else, but she goes back to playing without responding.

At the lab: GSD, Azul, and Mo are chatting - Mo asks if GSD has heard about the engagement, and GSD congratulates him in response. Andres enters and asks to talk to Mo in private.

Andres tells Mo that Diego is clean, which is the impression that Mo had. Now they must look at Acosta.

Casa de Azul y Ceci: Ceci is chatting with Arnaldo about his travels. He likes to travel, but it has pros and cons, it leaves pieces of your heart all over the place. She asks if he left a piece of it in Brazil, and he admits that he did. Azul arrives and sees how chummy they are and asks if they have something to tell her.

Back to the mansion, where impending doom music tells us something's about to go down: Leo enters the room where Andres is. He asks if she's feeling better and she says yes. He says that he doesn't want her to be worried, he doesn't like it when she worries. She removes a gold necklace and tells him to take it, he says that he's only going to talk to Acosta, and she says that it's not going to be a good day. He should take it. Apparently it's a good luck charm of sorts. Or maybe it has a secret poison inside of it that he can use in case of emergency! How very Inspector Gadget!

Inez y Alfredo: She tells him that Arnaldo heard him practice and says that it sounded good. They've always had a good relationship. He sounds annoyed that she was with Inez, and Inez wants to know why she can't have a relationship with her nephew or to be in a relationship. He doesn't have much to say to this, which seriously pushes her buttons. She tells him that she wants to be alone - she doesn't want his look or his presence. She wants to be alone.

Paco's working at Isela's fun house when Lidia arries. He looks nervous cute as he offers her a seat, or something to drink. Did she receive his flowers? She looks at the floor in response, and he apologizes. She wants to know the name of the tart he slept with.

Emilia and Diego are chatting about Silvana. Emilia gives Diego the address of the clinic where Silvana will be staying, and goes to leave. Silvana enters just as he's leaving and asks how he is. He says that he made his statement, signed it, and left. Don't worry, nobody will suspect a thing! He tells her that Mo was there and he feels in debt to Diego for saving his life. She hands him the note that she's written - it's easier for her to express herself in writing that with speech. He should read it alone later.

Mo's standing outside a locked gate and rings a bell to have the gate opened. A man opens the door and Mo greets him with "Acosta" so we know it's about to get ugly. Just as Acosta opens the gate, Andres appears out of nowhere followed by 2 other suits who push Acosta back into the house. Mo follows and shuts the gate behind him. Acosta's scared, and he should be. Mo is whispering to him - telling him that he's stupid and he knows that he had something to do with what happened yesterday. Acosta tells him that although he stole the formula he worked on for years, he didn't do it, and he's not afraid of Mo or his thugs.

Diego goes to his room to read the note. She tells him that she's not sure if what she feels for him is love, but there's a light that emanates from his body, his look, and his words that makes her feel secure...

Meanwhile, Mo's boys have opened a 6 pack o' kick butt on poor Acosta. Andres and Mo aren't dirtying their hands for this, they're just standing back and watching. Andres tells him not to be an idiot, he shoudl talk. Acosta doesn't know whay he's been accused. Acosta pulls a gun, but Andres is too quick to be taken down by this poor sap. He pulls his own gun and shoots Acosta. Mo is impactado. Commercial break.

After the commercial, we return to Diego's room where he's still reading Silvana's letter... she says that he's the reason that she didn't kill Mo. He's shown her how beautiful life is.

Caty and Leo are in the kitchen when Mo comes home. Caty comes running to greet him and he shouts at her not to touch him - he's dirty. Leo pulls her away and says that daddy's dirty and will bathe before he kisses her so that he won't get her all dirty. This whole scene is weird, but that's to be expected when Leo's involved.

Diego's drinking beer with Papa to get over the love letter he's received. Diego wants to talk about whether people can change, but Papa doesn't think so. He thinks Diego will never grow up and would prefer to rely on his parents. Diego lets this roll off his back, and mentions that he wants to look for someone with money who can help him start a business. Uh oh... this doesn't bode well. Sounds like banco de Mauricio is going to be hit up for a loan! I digress. Papa tells Diego to stop talking crazy, and Diego tells him to stop being bitter.

Next we see Ceci sucking on a lime. This crazy girl is alwasys drunk! She's with Azul and Arnaldo, and Azul is telling her that they need to find Ceci a prince charming (Principe Azul). They're drinking shots of tequila and gettin' their dance on...

Meanwhile Andres is telling Leo about how how stupid Acosta was and that he didn't want to kill anyone. He's had enough of Mauricio and his messes! She tells him the man is not his problem anymore as she strokes his head. He says that he killed a man for Mo, and he could go to jail. She falls to her knees and takes his head in her hands saying "Don't say that!"

Poppet alert: A nanny is reading a story to Caty when Caty interrupts her and asks in a whiny little voice if she thinks that her dad loves her mommy. Nanny says that she doesn't know, she didn't have the pleasure of meeting her mommy. Poppet says that she was a beautiful blonde with big eyes like a princess. And her mama was scared of her daddy, who used to scream ugly things at her. Poppet says that she knows that her daddy loves her, but sometimes he scares her. Nanny says that papa is a strong character, but very good. Poppet responds that sometimes she has ugly dreams and she wakes up crying. Nanny says that she should think of nice things, like her dollies, or Azul, who loves her very much.

Ceci & Azul's house: The girls are in bed chatting about what happened to Mo. How scary it was for someone to try to kill him! Ceci says that he needs to be careful, but not paranoid. It's probably just some crazy person trying to get attention.

Leo is serving breakfast to Mo when Andres enters and updates him on the coverup of Acosta's murder. They've made is look like a robbery gone bad, he was attacked trying to defend himself. Mo is unhappy that another death has happened so close to him - first the accident, now this. He makes it sound like he didn't orchestrate these events! Leo tells him not to worry, he can count on her and Andres. Nobody will know.

In the morning, Ceci and Azul have serious hangovers. Ceci's still in bed talking about how tired she is, and Azul is complaining of a headache as she washes down aspirin with a big bottle of water. Apparently Arnaldo was snoring (ronca). Azul stares off and Ceci asks her what she was thinking about - or who - probably Diego. Azul tries to say she wasn't thinking of anyone. Ceci says she's going back to sleep for a while.

Azul and Diego's theme song plays as we're transported to Diego's bedroom, where he's laying in bed without a shirt on. Back to a close up of Azul's eyes. Back to Diego's chest. Then we get a series of flashbacks of their relationship, mixed in with close ups of her eyes and Diego's chest. She smiles wistfully, he looks saddened, then we see Morticia in the clinic looking sad.

Glora has brought Morticia a dessert, but Morticia's not feeling well. Gloria's surprised to hear that, considering that she looks beautiful, and her eyes are shining. She's sure that she's hungry, which is why she brought her cinnamon rolls that she likes so much. Silvana reminds her that she hates cinnamon rolls (who hates cinnamon rolls? That's crazy talk!). Gloria says "oh silly, me. I forgot. I'll take them back because I love them." This Gloria is just the perfect little doting mama, isn't she? Her trip was wonderful, but she only went because she absolutely had to. Silvana is the most important person in her life. She proposes that they go ice skating... Silvana looks at her like she's the one who should be at a clinic.

Fiera alert! Lidia knows who slept with Paco and she's out for blood! She storms into Men's Wearhouse saying "You're the tart who slept with my boyfriend!" Perla is impactada. Perla recovers and tells Lidia that she likes Paco and he likes her, and the cat fight is on! Luckily there are plenty of men to break up the fight before it actually starts. Diego and abuelo grab Lidia and abuelo lets her know that she's in for a good talking to. They have things to discuss, and somebody needs to "meta en cintura" which literally means to put in waist, but apparently it's a slang term for strong discipline. They send Lidia home and now they have to face their boss, who wants an explanation. Diego apologizes and says that he didn't know that Lidia had an issue with Perla. Abuelo apologizes for Lidia, but the jefe isn't listening. There's another guy standing by who defends Diego and his abuelo, saying that it's none of the employee's faults. The man tells jefe that it's best to leave things as they are, and not to make it bigger than what it is. He would like them to measure him for a suit, so Diego introduces him to his abuelo, who's the best tailor. Jefe tells Diego that his sister better not come back, or any other family members for that matter.

Next Diego hears it from Perla, who tells him that his sister is stupid. Pobre Diego is speechless, and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Gloria is telling Morticia that she's strong, even though everyone said that she was as fragile as an iris. But she was always mature, even as a child. Morticia had to be mature, she had no choice, because her mom was a flake. Gloria seems to thing that if Morticia wears bright colors all will be well.

Diego sells a suit to the guy who defended him to his jefe, and sends him on his way. As the man leaves, Mo enters. Diego ask him what's brought him here, does he need some clothes? Mo says no, he's brought him a check for saving his life. They bicker over whether Diego will take it, and Diego ends up refusing. Mo says that if he won't take it, at least he would like to get to know Diego better. Next we see them sharing some drinks. They talk about the importance of being a responsible worker, and what a great salesman Diego is, and about Mo's near death experience, and how Mo lost his wife in an accident. Mo asks Diego about his dreams, and Diego is vague when he says that he has some, and has an idea of how to realize them. Mo likes that he's ambitious. His cell phone rings and of course it's Azul. He greets her as "amor" so Diego doesn't know who's on the line. She's excited to see Mo, where is he? He's being vague, and she's being flirty. Yuck. She asks if he's with a woman or a man, is he interesting, the doubt is eating away at her. He tells her that he sends a kiss, and hangs up without saying her name.

At Men's Wearhouse, Perla answers the phone to Paco, who wants to talk to Diego. She reads him the riot act about how Lidia insulted her in front of her clients. She never wants to see him again!

Lidia, meanwhile, is crying over what happened at Men's Wearhouse. Manuel wants to know why Diego didn't defend his sister. What is she, five? That's insane! Diego says that it was Lidia'a fault, she came looking for a fight. Abuelo is pacing, not sure what to say, but when Manuel tells Diego that Lidia is a successful professional, unlike Diego, abuelo steps in and says that if he knew what was going on, he wouldn't be so proud. He tells Lidia to tell her proud papa how she climbed the ladder! Credits roll.


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