Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #13 Monday 5/9/11 I'm Glad I Never Had a Prettier Sister

Actually I never had a sister so didn’t realize that if one is self-absorbed and spoiled and wanting unearned recognition like Mommy Dearest dishes out, everyone else in the world is bound to be a disappointment. But then it is fun to help MD humiliate and foil said lovely sis. Feel free to correct, add, alter etc. I did this pretty fast and have been away from the details of the story since last week. Names still elude me at times. All help is good help.

We replay the insults and threats by Fina, Mati, y Renata about the reveal on the romance between Mati and Renata. and Roberta’s frustration and worry with the new beau preferring Renata. We start with Iglesias and Guerra harmonize on the CME theme song which is the highpoint of every episode for some of us.

Roberta’s girlfriend and she talk BFF talk about how yummy and desirable to be with Jeronimo. Mom only finds fault with old Jero and tells her to concentrate on getting Mati and foiling the unlovable Renata. Roberta, all dolled up, kisses MD and says she will go off to enjoy the bonbon Jero. MD makes faces, she’s really got her ugly face down pat.

Carlos calls Jero from Spain, telling him he has told Loria about Rafa. Jero says he is a bit nostalgic but only feels their lives are distinct. separate. He again swears revenge on Roberta for causing Rafa’s death.

Yes the horsey romance scene is easily out-sexed by Mati’s pantalones.

Jero and Roberta have a sexy kiss more sex on her part than his in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes.

Adriana and Renata rehash the dinner party. Renata, ever hopeful, plays down the problem. It seems she can’t get a grip on how hateful Mommy Fina really is.

The doctor enters his office and advises a tearful sad Agatha who wants only the truth. If these tumors are cancerous she needs to know and needs to prepare for what ever unknown. Thanks to Dr. Carlos Loma, we know this to be uteran cancer so her tears are warranted and Adriana is going to be needing a new family...

Love the red bustier (pronounced bustiYAY) so chic for a young VP, one would think that Augie can actually see said garment when he invites her out to eat. To eat? she demures, he hopes it isn’t a bother so they can continue the “business” discussion. She suggests a restaurant where they can meets, didn’t catch the name.

Regina, her mother and Ines discuss the dinner at the Monterubbios. Guess she hasn’t heard how savage they are, but Who’s Afraid of Virginia....” I mean Fina.

Gonzo and Honorio guy-talk about how fine a woman Regina is when Constanza comes up also in sexy dress. Does Gonzo have any memory of meeting the young Regina? He seems puzzled but not sure.

Mati wants to go eat and shows a bit of jealousy in Renata’s protestations that she just has to do this business lunch.

Ines introduces herself as Regina’s collaborator/coworker as she meets Constanza and Gonzo and they go off to the foundation where Regina is delayed because of media filming about the foundation’s work.

At the foundation Regina is crying into the camera about wanting to find her lost daughter Regina. Gonzo has strong, strange feelings. And little wonder, Fina is fuming around the bedroom of I’m not sure who while deftly berating the maid. Notice how you can always tell the bad people by how shabbily they treat the hired help.

The brother and sister meet and are charmed by Regina who thanks them for their interest in her beloved foundation and its mission.

Picture and song only scene of Roberta flirting with Jero as they visit the lovely center of DF (Mexico City). eating ice cream, laughing, thanks for no inane dialog. Wow vengeance can wear a handsome face, neither butter nor ice cream would melt in Roberta’s mouth and Jero keeps his poker face and game on too. ***

Augie awaits Regina’s arrival as he is every bit the connoisseur smelling the wine cork and then suavely presenting Regina a long stem red rose that so perfectly matches her bustier. I love punctual women he says, what a romantic way with words. She relates that she is happy to find people that will help other people fall in love with the gastronomy of her country. He demonstrates the wine and she finds it delicious. They flirt over the properties of the wine. He invites her to learn all about good wines UNDER his tutelage. He urges her to come to the winery soon to see for herself.

Gonzo appreciates and flatters Regina and her mother who is so young and lovely too. they are all in a swoon of flattery and friendliness. Constanza and Gonzo invite the ladies to dine but Mom chines in that her daughter is physical therapist too dedicated to her work and has no time for lunch. They hope for another day. Fina interrupts Gonzalo’s happy time on his cell phone . She can’t find the guest list in his office, he tells her where it is, she finds it and he turns his attention back to the pleasanter room full of nice women.

The manor managers Matilda and Lazaro argue over her naive wish to win over Jero. She tosses in his face his love for a doctor that turned him down (gee who could that be?). He warns that Matilda is cruising for disappointment in setting her sights on the patron, Jero. Matilda dreams her foolish girl dreams of being the lady of the manor not paying attention to the shawl she is being dramatic with is just a tablecloth not a great lady’s lace manta ...

Augie and Renata talk about going to the winery to see the operations while in the background Jero and Roberta are being seated in a not far enough away table. Makes you wonder with all the hundreds of fine restaurants in DF, it just makes you wonder...

Adriana eats lunch in the office with uncle Honorio and Mati. She talks incessantly of her mother raising her alone Mati compliments that her mom sure made her a hard worker.

Agatha cries and looks at a picture of her long lost love, Ariana‘s absent father perchance? I didn’t catch the photo while I was typing, anybody get a good look? Hopefully she is writing a letter to finally tell Adriana who her real father is.

Regina and Ines talk about how Constanza had indicated that the handsome Gonzo’s wife Fina is a nasty piece of work. (A testament to her great acting ability that Rocio Banquells who appeared as a saintly mother and wife in Pasión is such a complete devil here, It’s hard not to spit on the tv screen but with all the dust here in bone dry NM, I wouldn’t be able to see the action to finish this piece.

Ines gets a call that her son has been rushed to the hospital so she and Regina rush out the door.

Gonzo and Constanza talk more about how lovely and noble Regina is. Gonzo comes up with the great idea to invite Regina and Inez to Mati’s party . Oh, great idea Gonzo. The irony isn’t entirely lost on Constanza.

In the ladies room, Roberta smirks into the mirrors, hears Regina entering while blabbing into her cell phone, so sis Roberta hides in another stall so she doesn’t have to face her. She primps on the way out with another sneer. Meanwhile Augie spots Jero and has the waiter send a bottle of wine over to Jero’s table. They discuss that the wine was one of Rafa’s favorites, it has such promise. Augie knows the impact of his gift. Just to add my 2 cents, He did intimate to Rafa that he was wiser and Rafa would just screw up launching his wine with out his help. That wasn’t so GOOD. They discuss that they are both with exceptional women without saying who they are with. they go back to their respective tables to await the exceptional women.

Roberta carps at her BFF that she doesn’t want Jero any where near Renata until she Roberta can snare him for sure. Roberta carps like a Fina clone that Jero isn’t giving all his attention to her. Right then to prove her point, Renata walks behind them and Jero can’t sit still he says he’ll be right back, Roberta snaps that she will have to eat her whole meal alone but Jero doesn’t seem to hear as he rushes after Renata who step into her pumpkin coach with just enough time to hear Jero’s yell to stop. She does turn and see him from the rear window but is distracted by a phone call, we go to break wondering if she will talk on the phone, stop the car, both, neither, so much action, whew!

Jero turns back empty handed, the call Renata takes turns out to be Mati who wants to know who Augie was and then talks about how he now feels better about Adriana and her complex life with sympathy. Renata calls her an great gal (tipazo) and compliments his understanding way with his employees.

Jero questions the hostess about who was the thin beautiful woman who just left. The hostess shrugs. Carping voice revved up, Roberta is not pleased that he dashed off but he mildly makes the excuse that he saw a friend Adriana and tried to catch her. It’s not important. Roberta pouts and fumes.

Renata remembers the stolen kiss with Jero then is really kissed by Matias and given yet another rose.

Gonzo calls Roberta who is in her car and tells her to add the two new guests to the party list, tells her he loves her, she loves him too but thought carps that he loves her but adores Renata.

Adriana and Renata talk and she tells who she saw out of the back of her cab. Adriana decides this calls for a good throw of the old Tarot cards, were they in her pocket?? After a shuffle or two, Renata draws a card and Adriana insists that someone is coming into her life to change her definitely. Off in his hotel room, Jero is swearing some day he will see her face to face again. He gazes at the profile of Renata in the photo of her with Regina while seeming to ignore Roberta for the moment.

Roberta and BFF talk poolside about how Jero is who Roberta must have, and why? because he is more of a man than she has ever known. I’m thinking about poor ghost of Rafa who so sincerely loved her, the only one really, while she could not feel it with her heart of ice.

And the sprint to the finish line. The hospital scene with Inez son with tape under his nose, I didn’t catch how he got that way but the doctor states that studies and observation are needed, they get the name of a specialist, the identity of which makes Regina tear up with knowledge. Edit: Again our sage medical advisor, Dr. Carlos Loma has deemed this to be TNICL (telenovela induced childhood leukemia) with a 90% cure rate.

Renata and Matias enter a bar finally the bustier looks so appropriate. They talk about how worried she is that she lost contact with Rafa. They joke with the bartender that her friend or novio didn’t come in Mati says he must be friend since he himself is the only boyfriend. Cristian the bartender suggests don’t they want to stay for a drink. They decide to stay and Cristian calls Jero and tells him that the lady came in with her boyfriend asking for Rafa and Jero takes off.

Augie talks with his slicko business partner, who is the drinker (was this the doctor partner of Rafa who was taken in my Augie?) his wife hears the plans to substitute wines or is this some other bait and switch?. Sorry, I missed some of this obviously dastardly plan. Edit: DD (Drunk Dr., thanks Dr. C,) is encouraging Augie that his plans to take over the hacienda are so likely and is talking about clearing out the staff and substituting new workers who won't interfere with plans to hoodwink the public. Maybe we will see rotgut wines slipped into to the product line.

Jero arrives at the bar too late to catch up with Renata/Adriana.

Mati and Renata argue more about Rafa, Jero berates Cristian the barkeep for for not calling him fast enough , which he did but they left when he was going to the wine room, (bodega). Jero sees a call on his phone from Roberta and puts his phone away without answering.

More carping back at the home ship, Gonzolo and Fina argue over more guests and who they are. When Regina appears on Televisa and Fina gets that OMG ITS HER, look on her unhappy face, it all starts to add up.

Next steps: Renata and Jero finally meet and talk with dreamy looks on both sides. Looks like Roberta is going to press herself further on Jero and shows up at this door. Maybe stalking is in her future endeavors? Buenas noches, amigos.


Saturday, May 07, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of May 9, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

I watched Friday's episode, virtually all of which took place at Teresa's birthday party.
Confessions - voluntary and otherwise:
Conejo confesses to Alberto that she murdered her husband and his mother.

Eugenia crashes the party, hangs all over Teo and tells Teresa that she isn't going to give him up. Eugenia follows Teresa into some other room and Teresa tells her that she knows that Eugenia paid Eddie to put the hit on Teo. When Eugenia denies it, Teresa plays the tape of her phone conversation with Eddie. Teo comes in while this is going on so now he knows. He says that he won't allow Eugenia to be with their daughters. Eugenia's world shatters and she stumbles out of the party imagining that everyone is calling her a murderer. Teresa sends Teo after her and Patty predicts that worse is to come.

Oleg tells Teresa that he has another surprise for her and in comes Sanchez Godoy fronting a mariachi band. Godoy is all over Patty and Lupe/Veronica. Patty recalls Godoy's birthday party in Colombia and Godoy tells her that his buddy turned out to be a police informant named Willy. Now, he only trusts Huguito, his assistant, to handle the shipments he is doing with Transer Naga. 'Shipments?' asks Lupe but Patty changes the subject.

I think that's about it. Feel free to fill in what I missed.


The world's most boring novela moves forward at its glacial pace. We are in the 'etapa culminante' now so that's a good sign.

Emilio/Pablo is now testing his family and persons from his former life. Sofía fails when she marches out after Emilio/Pablo tells her that he is broke.

Emilio Pablo goes to La Arboleda pretending to be a sick, homeless person looking for work and a place to stay. Not surprisingly, Jose fails the test when he tell E/P to get lost. Lucas passes when he agrees to give E/P a job. Gaspar gets a C when he grudgingly lets E/P sleep in the stables. Later Juan passes the test with an A+.

Esteban wants his money from Jose but Jose refuses and threatens to kill him. It seemed like Esteban was going to tell Juan what was going on but he finds the payroll money in Juan's office, succumbs to temptation and takes it. To keep Juan from calling the police, Jose confesses to taking the money and then orders Paula to get it back from Esteban.

It's Lucas' birthday. His mother comes to see him and they reconcile. Lucas has only one wish when he blows out the candles on his cake but Rosario still isn't ready to have sex with him even though she has erotic dreams about him.

Modesto and Berta are getting closer although it seems like she is going to be another one who is afraid of having sex.

Rosa pretends to have a boyfriend to make Miguel jealous. It works and then Rosa meets E/P and he is very gallant and invites her to his hotel room. She agrees but later sends a message declining the invitation.

Juan finds out that Julieta lied about not being able to have any more children. She claims that she lied because she is afraid that he will go back to Paula. Juan and Paula continue to be on the point of igniting the passion that is clearly smoldering in both of them. The laws of telenovelas say that Paula has to get pregnant by Juan in circumstances that he won't remember so he can believe that the child isn't his. When Juan was drunk in Friday's episode, I kept expecting it to happen but it didn't.

Over to you now.

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Teresa Fri 5/6/11 #45 Revovling Doors at the Blecheler Pad; #46 Bobblehead Arturo

Capitulo 45 Revolving Doors at the Blecheler Pad

Showdown at the church. Everyone is assembled in front of the church and Rubigote arrives with a huge gift for Pablito – a racecar set (cresta de cochesitos). Patty-jail-bait shows up and Johnny runs up to her and they kiss. No one seems to have an issue with this, including Holier -Than-Thou Refugio. Teresa gives Ruben the old stinkeye. Ruben starts to make some excuse to Espe that he, um, uh, left his cell in the car. Teresa stops him before he can get away and tells him she’s known of the affair for years and hasn’t said anything. She goes on to say she felt it would have been a shame for him to miss this important day just to avoid running into her. Espe confirms Teresa is her BFF.

Paulo/Geno: Paulo gives momma some documentation indicating he’s drug free. She’s not convinced and asks if he’s lying to her. She loves him and would hate to see something bad happen to him. Well, he says, you needn’t worry. She leaves and he gets on the phone to Fito saying the drug analysis on “that guy” worked out great, but now he needs something.

Church: Teresa asks Ruben why he’s so nervous? Does he doubt her discretion? Espe tries to convince Ruben everything’s okie-dokie and tries to pull him toward the church. He’s not going anywhere and wants to know where they met. Tere fills him in, saying they know each other from the vecindad that his daughter holds in such contempt (desprecio). If his daughter knew that the woman he loves comes from the same vecindad as Teresa, she would say he’s fallen in love with another “rata del vecindad”. But of course she’ll never find out. Because when he’s divorced and marries her friend, they’ll live someplace else, right? He stammers out something about how complicated divorces are and you know how my daughter is. Teresa informs him she’s advised Espe to be patient. And Espe chimes in telling him she showed Teresa his divorce papers. Tere then tells him although Arturo does know everything that’s going on, he’s very discreet plus he won’t be attending the ceremony today. She walks away to join her family.

Nachita is telling Refugio that Espe’s BF is here and wants to introduce them. Papa Pedro makes a comment about the age gap. Refugio says that’s ok and emphasizes “as long as they REALLY care for each other” and looks directly at Teresa who ignores this and walks away looking for someone to take a photo. Ay Refugio just doesn’t give up, does she?

Aurora and Mariano are inside the church praying for Pablito. He puts his arm around her as he’s praying that he and Aurora will be good godparents. Of course, Teresa is tearfully watching from behind a wall.

Johnny and Pati skip around making small talk. FF>>

Ruben and Espe are arguing. Ruben is concerned about running into Tere just when he was becoming partners with Arturo. If he had known Tere was going to be there, he wouldn’t have come. There’s always a risk. Why didn’t she tell him Teresa knew? Espe: Because I knew how you’d react. Teresa has said she’ll never say anything even though your daughter has dedicated her life to bothering her. Ruben: You should have told me. How is it she’s your BFF? What if she’s the one who sent the photo? Espe: ¿Como crees? Besides Teresa would never do anything to harm me (HA!) especially now that you’re getting a divorce.

Jaws theme plays as Tiburoncita comes up behind Mariano and Aurora. Phew! She only asks them to step outside to take photos. [I thought she was gonna go all Great White on them.] Once outside, she suggests Pablito take a photo with Espe and her novio. Mala. Ruben is feeling really uncomfortable and wants to leave. Espe, of course, is having none of it. What will she tell her parents. He doesn’t care, he cannot risk having another problem. He warned her. He tries to move past her but she holds him back asking to please not leave like this, all angry. She’s kissing him and trying to convince him to stay. Aurora and Pablito are moving closer to take their picture. Aurora’s messing with her camera and then looks up and realizes Espe’s BF is Ruben! I forgot she knew him. Just at that moment, Cutberto comes out rushing everyone in, the priest is ready. Ruben takes this opportunity to leave. Teresa is smiling, Aurora is shocked and Espe is hurt and impactada that he would leave.

During the ceremony, the priest speaks about the godparents. They seem to be a couple on good terms (avenida). This is great for their godson and hopes they share the same values and always care for each other’s well-being; that they avoid selfishness, vanity, and ambition. Mariano looks back and meets Teresa’s eyes. The priests goes on to say this is the true meaning of love and although we all make mistakes, there is always the possibility to put things right. This time, it’s Refugio’s turn to look at Tere.

After the ceremony, Aurora pulls Espe aside and says she needs to speak with her, but later. They all pose for a group picture. Tere has a sourpuss look watching Mariano and Aurora together with Pablito. Refugio, never knowing when to keep her trap shut, says: “That should’ve been you.” Tere reminds her she chose not to be madrina. Refugio twists the knife in deeper: “That doesn’t mean you’re not suffering. I know you. That look tells me you’d like nothing more than be by Mariano’s side.” Teresa tells her that’s enough, be quiet, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Refugio continues, “And where’s Arturo? Why isn’t he here?” When Tere tells her he’s working, Refugio still on her rant says, “Well that’s too bad you can’t be together on such a beautiful occasion. Face it. Your relationship with el Licenciado is starting off bad.” Tere walks away. Ok, I’ll reserve my soapbox rant for the comments but this woman needs to SHUT THE FUG UP!

Mariano and Aurora share a nice little moment together talking about being godparents and what a great mother she’ll be someday. He takes her hand as they smile at each other. Teresa witnesses this looking very unhappy.

Cutberto takes Juana inside the church and swears to her before the alter that nothing happened during their night of tequila driven madness. He tells her if something had happened, she would have remembered. Nudge-nudge, wink-wink. She’s relieved.

Nachita and Pedro confront Espe about Ruben leaving. They thought he was going to change his work so he could spend more time with her. They’re very disappointed in him and everyone starts leaving to head off to the vecindad. Espe is left standing there mortificada and Aurora stands behind her, concerned, and behind them is Teresa, satisfied with her work.

Rubigote is asking if Aida can prove Teresa took that photo of him with the “other woman”. She can’t but he must understand why she can no longer have Arturo as testigo at her wedding. Ruben: “It’s impossible to cancel his invitation.” Aida: “Then find a way for him to come without Teresa. No way do I want her at my wedding – ¡ni en pintura! (Not even painted/in a painting). Ruben then has a bright idea. Teresa has said she wants to let bygones be bygones. Why not take her up on it and be her friend. Predictably, Aida scoffs at this harebrained idea. She doesn’t understand why he or el profe can’t see Tere’s true evil. Daddy has the last word: No way is he going to undo a multi-million peso contract because of one of her caprichos (whim) especially since she can’t prove Tere sent the photo.

Everyone shows up at the vecindad. Tere walks in and announces she has a gift for Pablito. Her chauffeur brings it in – a bike. Pablito’s jumping for joy and Mariano knows she’s just doing this to show off.

Cancún: Fernando and Luisa are enjoying drinks on the beach and Fernando takes a call from Arturo. They talk business. Art tells him he’s buying into Ruben’s project and he also mentions he’s planning to come down soon. He asks about Luisa. Fernando tells him Luisa’s very happy and not to worry, she’s in very good hands.

First Communion Fiesta: Mariano doesn’t understand why Teresa bought him a bike when she knows he shouldn’t exert himself or did she do it just to show she has money. She says yes, she does have money and Pablito is very happy with her generosity. He doesn’t understand how she could be spending Arturo’s money when they’re not married yet. She doesn’t understand what that would prove Pablito interrupts them and Tere makes her escape.

Pedro starts asking questions regarding Johnny and his jail-bait girlfriend. Did she skip school? In the end it comes out that she sneaked out of the house. Pedro is not happy about this – it’s just not right. Pati asks him not to say anything, por fa. Grandpa will fire Johnny and they won’t be able to see each other. Pedro stands firm – this isn’t right. He advises her to try to convince her Grandpa so they can see other openly.

Tere suggests Aurora speak to Mariano and convince him to forget about her (Tere). Aurora knows Mariano will not give in. Tere asks mom, in a voice loud enough for Mariano to hear, for her Baptism and Confirmation certificates. Since they’re getting married in another parish, she needs to take them with her.

Cancún: Fernando and Luisa are still at the beach. If Arturo is planning to come down, she’ll have to speak with him about what’s developed between them. After Fer suggest they call him now, Luisa says it’s best to speak with him in person. She knows he won’t take the news lightly given Fernando’s playboy reputation. To prove that’s all in the past, he suggests they fly to D. F. next week to speak with him together. She tells him she’ll have to leave as soon as her work is done anyway. He protests. She wants to help with Arturo’s wedding. She still can’t believe he’d ever fall in love again and get married. He asks about Paloma. Luisa tells him they haven’t heard from her in some time. Good riddance, she never wants Paloma to come near him again. She changes the subject, the important thing is that Arturo is happy and nothing will ruin that.

Mariano asks Tere if she plans to vow eternal love before God. Yup! She pulls her parents into the conversation telling mom she’s getting married by the church after all, just as she wished. Armando congratulates her for convincing el Licenciado. Tere corrects him. No, Arturo convinced her. Of course Refugio has to add her pearls of wisdom. Remember, getting married by the church is not just a ceremony. It’s a promise you make that you must keep Every.Day.Of.Your.Life! Duh, really? Jaws theme plays and our tiburoncita actually takes in a breath.

Ruben’s office: Geno arrives and see he’s in a huff. He explains Aida refuses to get along with Teresa. It’s best they make amends considering the partnership with Arturo. He asks Geno to speak with Aida to convince her to mend the friendship with Tere. Geno thinks that’ll be awkward. Aida knows she hates that trepadora (climber) more than Aida herself. Maybe he can get out of the contract with Arturo? No – he must keep his word. Not only due to their years of friendship but that contract is beneficial to him. Geno brings him the news that she may have the third partner they need.

We see a young man pacing a hallway and Whoa! In walks Paloma! She greets him as Martin (have we met him before?). She wants to become a partner in the Cancún project and needs his opinion.

Cancún: Fernando asks about the heart locket she wears. It’s a picture of her parents. She always feels them near. He remembers them well and suggests they visit the cemetery when they return to D.F. He wants to tell them he will take care of their daughter.

Martin tells Paloma he checked out the Cancún project and feels those condos will sell fast and at a large profit. She’s wants to get more involved in real estate. Martin tells her Geno is very interested in getting another partner involved in the project. They may end up signing the contracts this week. She’s in agreement and suggests he sign as her power of attorney if she can’t make it back from Puebla. He recommends they set up a meeting in Cancún to review the site and get to know the people from the construction company. The name of the project: Luna Turquesa (Turquoise Moon).

Teresa tells Juana and Cutberto they don’t make a good couple (no hacen pareja), but her Madrina will figure that out for herself. He tells her "con esas porras me la va espantar peor" (with that kind of encouragement [sarcastic use of Porras=cheers] you’re going to scare her off more.) He asks Juana what more does she want? He told he respected her. Why is she still angry? If she wants, they can go off and he can respect her some more! Ja ja Now she complains that he should have told her right away. He again swears she just fell asleep and he carried her to her bed.

Pati and Aurora chit chat a little about the clinic. Aurora invites her to volunteer at the clinic. Pedro pulls Johnny aside and tries to have a heart to heart with Johnny warning him against dating the boss’ granddaughter. Pedro warns him to respect her. Nachita interrupts them to send Johnny to the market for more refrescos (soft drinks). Pedro tells him this isn’t over.

But before Johnny can leave for the refrescos: Aurora tells Espe they need to talk about Espe’s BF. She doesn’t know how to say this but her BF es casado. Johnny overhears and goes ballistic! WHAT DO YOU MEAN ES CASADO? WHOA – el gato’s out of the bag now! Johnny’s screaming at Aurora demanding to know if the BF was stringing her along. Now her parents are in it too. Did Espe know he was married? SuperMariano to the rescue again and gets between Johnny and Aurora telling him to calm down. In the ruckus Espe escapes to her room with Tere close behind. Espe asks her to get the papers proving Rubigote’s getting a divorce. Tere agrees but in the meantime, Espe needs to consider clearing everything up once and for all so she can be happy with Ruben. How, asks Espe, he’s still married and his daughter hates me. Tere advises her to confront the daughter as well. The important thing now is to tell your family he’s the man you love. There’s no going back now (ya no hay marcha atrás). Tere leaves and Nachita and Johnny come in looking for blood!

Tere walks up to Aurora: creo que ahora si lo regaste (slang=now you’ve done it). Aurora is upset, she didn’t mean to. Tere observes ahora no era el momento (now was not the time). Pedro announces the fiesta is obviously over. Poor Pablito is not happy. Cutberto takes Pablito and Hugo out to try out his bike. Aurora tries to apologize. On the contrary, Pedro says, thank you for opening our eyes. Mariano offers to help. Pedro tells him this is a family matter and asks them to leave. Pedro goes to the racing car set Ruben gave Pablito and destroys it, knocking it to the floor. Johnny and Nachita are in the bedroom with Espe. Nachita is shocked at Ruben’s audacity to speak to them. Johnny can’t believe he deceived her. He wants to know where to find him so he can romperle la cara (literally=break his face). Espe pleads with him not to. Nachita confronts her: did she know he was married? Espe can do nothing else but confess but says he loves her and will marry her as soon as he gets the divorce. WHACK! Nachita slaps her. Everyone is crying. Such a distressing scene and well done, too!

Mariano is consoling Aurora telling her the truth was going to come out sooner or later. This may actually have a good ending forcing that jerk to make a decision and get a divorce. Aurora knows the family and as far as she knows Rubigote and wife are fine and have no plans to divorce. He had a feeling this was so and tried to warn Espe. Aurora just can’t believe this of Aida’s father. Aida’s always bragging about how much in love her parents are. She’s wondering why Teresa didn’t do anything. Mariano tells her she reviewed the divorce papers and found everything in order. Obviously it was all a lie. Aurora’s distressed about Espe and her family. Mariano tries to cheer her up and invites her to have some ice cream. Having ice cream with him always makes her happy, but it’s not the ice cream, it’s his company. She smiles meekly.

Espe’s room: Mom’s understandably upset. Que decepción (disappointment). How could she do this to the family? Espe didn’t mean to do anything wrong, she fell in love with Ruben. A married man, Nachita screams back. Yes, Espe tries to weakly explain, but his wife only made his life bitter (amargo). His wife! Nachita says. Now it’s Johnny wants to know where did they meet, when did they meet? Nachita suddenly realizes the money she brought home was from that man. She admits he helped her sometimes. Johnny is disgusted, saying he admired her and thought she was working so hard. Espe begs for forgiveness. Mom’s not having it. Espe is the lover of an old man. Pedro tells her Ruben will one day tire of her and find another lover. Espe refuses to believe this saying he’ll divorce his wife and marry her. (ah, poor Espe, this sounds so much more pathetic now) Pedro is really upset and says she can go to him now, “¡Vete con el!” He drags her off the bed and toward the door.

Whew, we need a break from all this drama. At the park, Juana and Cutberto are trying to teach Pablito how to ride a bike. Cutberto flirts with Juana.

Ruben and Tere arrive at Arturo’s at the same time. He tells her they need to talk. She’s kept his lover a secret for a long time but now he needs to do her a favor. He wonders if she’s threatening him. No, she’s proposing a non-aggressive pact. In exchange for her discretion, she’s asking that he speak to Aida to stop harassing and humiliating her. It’s clear to him she is the only one who could have sent that photo. Why should she do that when she’s got much better proof to show Aida the real man behind the bigote. He warns her not to threaten him. She tells him to stand back, Jack! Instead of telling Aida, she can talk to his wife. He calms down considerably saying this is a non-aggressive pact. She agrees there’s no need for aggression. She doesn’t want problems. It’s best they form an alliance instead of working against each other. Arturo walks in and sees she’s having a chat with his new partner. Well, she was just telling him how glad she was everyone is happy and that hopefully Aida will eventually join in. Ruben can only stand there and smile. Tere takes it a step further and invites the Caceres clan over for dinner to celebrate their business venture. She takes a call and excuses herself. It’s Espe.

Espe is distraught. Poor thing. She’s a pitiful sight, standing in the vecindad, suitcase in hand. Dad kicked her out, telling her to go live with Ruben. Tere doesn’t skip a beat. Espe must now seek Ruben out and tell him he needs to step up. After all, she’s told her family everything and now he must do the same. Before hanging up, she whispers “Búscalo” (find him).

Park: Hugo and Pablito are complaining about the fiesta ending. Cutberto is flirting with Juana telling her she’s so good with kids. She should get married and have children. She tells him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He tries to steal a kiss and she rejects him, telling him needs to start at zero.

At the Medina home, Johnny is suggesting they should have made Espe stay to see if that man would have the nerve to show his face again. Pedro doesn’t think they’ll see him again. Mariano, Pablito, and Hugo arrive from the park. Pablito starts crying over his broken racecar set. Johnny tells Mariano that his dad sent Espe off to live with that man. Mariano starts talking about how the Espe/Ruben affair went down, letting on that he knew about the affair. Johnny’s in disbelief and attacks Mariano. They tussle back and forth but no real damage is done.

Espe arrives at the blecheler pad. Ruben comes out of the bedroom in a bathrobe, “who’s there?” -Oh, this is surely going to be bad. What is she doing here, he demands. She runs to him and starts crying telling him what happened. He wants to know who told them - Teresa? Espe tells him it wasn’t her but that doesn’t matter now saying, “My family doesn’t want to have anything to do with me.” (no quieren saber nada de mi). He says, “Well, you always knew that was a possibility and yet you insisted that I meet them.” She understands but now he’s going to need to speed up the divorce proceedings. He pulls her off him (!), “No, Esperanza. I warned you that I didn’t want problems. It’s your fault that everything’s ruined. I told you to be discreet. But you and your cheap (cursilería) romantic ideas, wanting to have a novio con manitas sudadas (BF with sweaty hands) ruined everything. Forget about me!” Espe: “How can you ask that of me? I’ve left my family. I confronted my family. (yo enfrente a mi familia) and I was waiting for you to get a divorce.” Ruben: “Well, yeah but that was before you committed tantas estupidezes (so many stupidities) y peor aún (worse yet) I let myself be convinced. Give me the keys. I won’t permit you to ruin all my plans.” And with that, out comes Genoveva wrapped in a sheet: “I think Ruben was very clear." She wraps an arm around Ruben.

Maira and Aida arrive at Arturo’s for dinner. Teresa’s coming down the staircase looking very much like the lady of the house and Aida says so. Tere asks how the wedding plans are coming along. Well, Aida went to try on a dress and a certain RATA tried on the dress she liked so now she’ll have to find another dress. Arturo walks in and greets Maira. She goes to greet him and Tere asks if Paulo is joining them. Aida says most assuredly not and don’t think she’s planning to stay. She didn’t bring along any pesticide (pesticida) Teresa warns her not to provoke her. Tere turns to speak to Maira and Aida stops her, saying she better not mention that other woman. Tere: “If you stop humiliating me, I’ll keep quiet but that’s up to you.” Aida loudly announces she’s leaving and splits. Maira asks Teresa what happened. Tere doesn’t answer but says she has many things she wishes to discuss as they walk off arm in arm.

Blecheler pad: Espe physically attacks Ruben yelling at him: “¡Cínico! (shameless) ¡Descarado! (barefaced/blatant) How long have you been cheating on me.” Ruben: “Think what you want, but stop bothering me.” Espe: “I’m so stupid, if you did it to your wife, how could I think you wouldn’t do it to me. ¡Eres un desgraciado!” She attacks him again. She throws the key at him and then tells him now she wants nothing more to do with him. She picks up her suitcase and leaves. This whole time Geno is standing there smirking. She tells Ruben she guesses he’s now finished with Espe forever. Then she lets the sheet fall: “Where were we?” He tells her he needs to leave. He’s expected at Arturo’s. She relents saying it’s important that he attend this dinner as the Cancún project will prove beneficial to both of them. She expects this will be the first of many projects they’ll work together. They start to smooch. Ugh – they deserve each other.

Cutberto can’t believe Johnny fought with Mariano. Mariano understands and asks Cutberto to put himself in Johnny’s place. How would he feel if it were his sister. Sure, Cutberto says, but it’s certain le dio mas entripados (it made him angrier)when he found out Mariano knew all along and didn’t say anything. The Medina’s are really going to be hurting for money now that Espe won’t be helping out. Johnny also told Mariano he no longer wanted to drive the taxi. They talk about Ruben. Mariano saying he knows he’ll never get divorced. Cutberto says it makes matters worse that he’s the father of that girl who is always tormenting Teresa. Mariano then says he needs to talk to Teresa.

Ruben finally arrives at Arturo’s. Arturo, Teresa, and Maira are already seated. Arturo and Tere offer a toast to the project in Cancún. Maira’s surprised to hear about the project in Cancún. Ruben starts tap dancing saying he’s only one of the partners. Then he corrects himself. They are only one of the partners, because after all “what’s mine is yours.”

Reina comes in and calls Tere away, saying someone is asking for her. Tere excuses herself and finds Espe waiting for her in the entryway! “¡Teresa, ayudame!” Ave Maria Purisíma – what now?


Capitulo 46 Bobblehead Arturo

Tere wants to know how she can help. Espe is desperate and asks if she can stay here tonight, she has nowhere to go. Teresa agrees Ruben is a desgraciado but explains he’s here now with his wife and it’s obvious that infeliz never plans to divorce. Espe wants to go tell his wife right then and there. Tere stops her saying Arturo would kill her. Espe can’t be seen here. She sneaks her up to her room.

At the dining table, Maira tells Arturo she’s happy he’s finally ready to marry. Arturo expects she’ll tell him next Tere’s not the right girl. Maira says if Arturo is happy with Teresa, then he has their support. Arturo says if it were up to him, he’d marry Tere tomorrow. She’s the woman of his life (es la mujer de mi vida)

Tere and Espe enter the bedroom. Tere says she’s furious with Ruben. If it weren’t for Arturo’s business, she’d tell him a thing or two. But she really can’t do anything. Espe’s distraught saying she’d love nothing more than confront his wife and tell her everything. No, Tere says. He’s an infeliz. He had that woman in his apartment today but imagine how many others there have been. Juana walks in just then, surprised to see Espe. Tere fills her in. Juana hugs Espe, consoling her, “All men are condenados (wretched)”. Tere asks Juana to help Espe settle in while she goes back to her dinner party.

Mariano and Cutberto commiserate about their woman troubles. Cutberto suggests Mariano reconsider his friendship with Aurora and date her.

Aurora is on the phone with Espe, apologizing for her blunder. Aurora is angry at the way Ruben treated her and offers her a place to stay. Espe still doesn’t know what she’s going to do. Tere comes up and warns Juana not to let Espe out of her sight and not to allow anyone to see her. Espe assures Tere she’s her friend and wouldn’t do anything to cause her problems.

In the dining room, Maira, Ruben, and Arturo are talking wedding plans. Maira shares that after Aida leaves, the emptynesters plan to do some traveling. Tere returns, apologizing for her absence but she had to help a friend who is having man trouble. Maira agrees it’s important to help her, breakups (rupturas amorosa) are so terrible. Tere tells her the friend is suffering terribly. Ruben is stone-faced (the cad!). Tere asks Maira her opinion, as a woman, “Isn’t it terrible when you love someone so much and give yourself to him and in return he cheats and lies to you.” She looks straight at Ruben as she says this. Maira agrees it’s terrible. Tere starts twisting the knife, saying the “friend” dated him for 4 years. Ruben clears his throat. She continues that her “friend” was understanding, affectionate and only asked that he devote more time to her and meet her family. Tere feels such men are so selfish and will stoop to any depth of treachery so long as they get what they want. Again, she looks at Ruben as she finishes then asks everyone’s opinion on the matter. Arturo says nothing.

Juana lectures Espe. This is why a woman should let herself be pursued (hacerse desear) Espe cries she just wants to die. Juana says no, she has her whole life ahead of her. Espe only wanted Ruben to love her and now she realizes he didn’t love her, never loved her. She doesn’t think she’ll ever love another as much as she loved Ruben. She feels a part of her has died. Juana consoles her telling her to believe everything will be better in time.

Meanwhile, downstairs Maira is shocked that Tere’s friend had no idea her lover was married. ¡Ay Dios Mio ! ¡Que Horror! For a woman, infidelity is one of the most hurtful blows she can sustain. In her opinion it is an unpardonable offense. That said, Tere suggests they change the subject to the matter of the partnership. Ruben talks business and says they only need another investor for Luna Turquesa. Arturo asks if that is the final decision on the name of the project. Tere asks if he doesn’t like the name. He tries to shrug it off and Ruben goes on talking about the project. Arturo goes into a fuzzy flashback of Paloma and him in bed and on the nightstand there’s a book with the title Luna Turchesa. Tere snaps him back into the present. He apologizes. He was distracted. Tere looks at him suspiciously. Could it be he was thinking of something else besides her loveliness?

Paloma is checking out the plans for Luna Turquesa and she has her own flashback of the bedroom and Arturo is reading the book Luna Turchesa – He’s impressed she was able to find it in Italian. He’s spent years looking for it. She found it in Venice. She comes out of her flashback talking to herself that she misses him terribly and needs to see him.

Casa de la Barrera: Ruben hands Arturo the invitation to the wedding and makes it clear that of course Teresa is included in the invitation. She’s delighted to attend. Jaws theme: Now that her friendship with Aida is mending, she wants to wish her the best on that day. She adds, “It will certainly be an unforgettable (inolvidable) wedding. Oh, I’ll bet.

Paulo and Raul are in the poolroom talking about Paulo getting married and starting a new life. Paulo says it’s time Raul start a new life as well and stop thinking about Aida because he’ll be dead before Paulo allows him to touch his woman.

Aurora and Aida are at a club talking wedding and bachelorette party. Aurora can’t help but have a preoccupied look on her face. Aida asks what gives. Aurora asks if everything’s ok at home (not too slick, Aurora). Aida says sure, why? Never mind. Aida goes on about the wedding saying she wants everything to be perfect on the day she marries Paulo.

Casa de la Barrera: the party has moved to the living room. Both couples are talking marriage and how happy the Caceres couple looks. Oh no, mad Espe is in a robe on the balcony watching as Maira talks about 25 years of wedded bliss and kisses Ruben. She watches as they talk about their plans for their silver wedding anniversary. We see Juana leading mad Espe away from the balcony.

Aida complains to Aurora that her dad is now partners with Arturo de la Barrera meaning he’ll be closer to Teresa. Even now, he’s having dinner with them. She was invited but didn’t stay. She criticizes the way Tere flaunts herself as the woman of the house. Aurora suggests she get used to it. Aida knows Aurora doesn’t like her to speak ill of Teresa but really, she is not a good person. Aida acknowledges that she’s very class conscious but clearly Teresa is mad, bitter at life and is genuinely not a good person.

Juana marches Espe back into the room asking her what was she planning to do, cause a scandal? Espe just wanted to see for herself what the Mrs was like. She thought she was a witch but now realizes she is a nice person. Ruben painted her as a desgraciada but she’s a good woman.

Arturo and Teresa are saying good bye to the Caceres. Teresa seems to be doing all the talking with Arturo only nodding his head appropriately. She hopes to one day host a dinner for all the investors although she doesn’t think Genoveva will want to sit at the same table. Ruben assures her Geno is a businesswoman and knows how to separate business from personal differences. Maira offers to host the next dinner. They say their goodbyes and leave. Arturo thanks her profusely for being such a good hostess (anfitríona) They share a tender kiss. He assumes it was Espe that came by. He understands she’s her friend and is ok with her staying there. They’ll talk in the morning.

Espe apologizes to Tere for the drama but she had nowhere to go and promises this will only be for one night. They discuss her options and decide she can stay at Juana’s. Juana leaves to get her something to eat. As soon as she leaves Tere gets to work. “Are you going to admit defeat so easily?” (te vas dejar por vencida tan facíl ) “If I were you, the least I’d do is ruin Ruben’s marriage, cause a scandal.” She should confront the wife and tell her everything. It’s the least that jerk deserves. Espe sinks into the bed, feeling faint. She hasn’t had anything to eat and Tere offers her some fruit. When Espe says the sight of it makes her queasy, Tere’s eyes almost pop out of her head! “Esperanza, no estaras embarazada.” (Can you be pregnant?) I don’t know where this falls in TN rulebook but it’s gotta be in the top 10. OH NO!

Aurora tells Dad about her evening with Aida and the wedding plans. Dad’s glad and teasingly asks if she may have met a galán even though he knows she still has her heart set on Mariano. She tells him that’s on hold because Mariano insists he’s going to keep pursuing Tere until she gets married. Dad feels this is a mistake. Aurora thinks it’s a sign of true love. No, dad disagrees, true love is letting that person go when they no longer want to be with you. Daddy Hector the Director is so cool.

Espe doesn’t even know where she’ll live and now that she may be pregnant…..Tere suggests they first need to do a pregnancy test but this may not be a bad thing. Can she imagine what Maira and Aida will do when they discover she’s going to have his child? As they’re pondering this, we hear mariachi music starting to play “Si Nos Dejan”. A serenata! Tere assumes it’s from Arturo, how romantic. She runs downstairs to take a peek. She sees it’s Cutberto singing with Mariano by his side looking all hunky and hawt! Juana and Tere are worried about what Arturo will do when he finds out. On cue, in comes Arturo.

Arturo asks about the serenata. Tere tells him she’s sure it’s one of his neighbors with a romantic boyfriend. She changes the subject, wanting to talk about what happened with Espe. As the song keeps playing in the background, she keeps him busy by talking about how she didn’t want to bring up the subject of the affair because of his friendship with Ruben. Espe comes down and tells she’s embarrassed by what’s happened. Espe thanks him for his hospitality and explains she’s leaving the next day to stay at Juana’s. Arturo agrees ending the affair is best and they’ll talk tomorrow. Espe thanks him again and starts to leave. Tere tries to keep her there talking and and tries to signal with her eyes for Espe to stay and talk. Espe’s tired and just wants to go to bed now. Music’s still playing and Tere’s getting frantic. Arturo hugs Tere and says he had warned Ruben this day would come and he would have to choose and it’s obvious he has stayed with his family. She breaks the news to him that Espe told her Ruben already has another amante. While they’re talking, Tere is mouthing to Juana who is still standing by the window – “help me” Arturo, as usual, is oblivious to all this.

Casa de la Barrera: Mariachis are still playing. Mariano is giving them instructions and stands against the wall, hidden from the house. What, is he planning to stay there all night? Inside, Arturo is going on about how he was never in agreement with the whole affair, marriage is sacred, etc, etc. Tere keeps holding him, signaling Juana behind his back to do something! Juana’s at a loss. She suggests they all retire. How can they rest with all that racket going on? He’s going to ask them to stop. Tere tries in vain to stop him from going to the window. He thinks he recognizes Cutberto. Juana’s so embarrassed, saying he’s come to serenade her. Tere chimes in saying Cutberto is Juana’s suitor. Tere suggests Juana go and tell him to leave. Arturo thinks they should invite them in as is customary. No! We’re all tired. Juana yawns, yeah, so tired. She goes outside and tells Cutberto to get the hell outta there. Cutberto refuses until she kisses him. Juana then starts in on Mariano. Mariano starts shouting about his love for Teresa, climbing the fence. Juana tells him she’s out with Arturo. Mariano insists he wants Tere to tell him she no longer loves him, in front of Arturo. He plans to wait until she returns. The three go back and forth at some length.

Inside Tere and Arturo are resting on the couch. She telling him she can’t believe Cutberto would bring the serenata to his home. Love makes us do crazy things, he says. Just then Juana comes in to tell them the mariachis have left. Tere goes back to her room and speaks to Mariano via Teddy the Familiar, telling him it was so wonderful for him to bring her a serenata and to see how far he’ll go for her. Juana comes in and tells her she lied for her, telling Mariano they were out. She tells Tere Mariano’s got it bad, he loves her so much. But wasn’t it romantic?

The following morning, Arturo and Teresa are working. She mentions she noticed he seemed a little tense when they spoke about Luna Turquesa. It’s nothing he said, just thinking about the project. She suggests if Ruben is capable of lying and cheating with Espe, maybe they need to be cautious in their dealings with him. He may be a womanizer (mujeriego), but Arturo’s never had cause to distrust him when it came to business. Tere understands he’s a friend but Espe is her friend and doesn’t want to give up the friendship. He’s fine with that only he suspects Espe wouldn’t want to run into Ruben. He’s sure she can get through this.

Cancun poolside: Fer and Luisa chit chat about work a little then head off to jump in the pool. Zoom into their cellphones sitting side by side and sinister music plays.

Vecindad: Mariano tries to talk with Johnny. Johnny’s still angry with Mariano for keeping Espe’s secret. Mariano’s concerned Johnny no longer wants to drive the Taxi only because of the money Johnny will be missing out on. Johnny is still very angry, saying he doesn’t need any favors, especially when he hasn’t asked for them. Then he stalks off.

Casa de la Barrera: Espe doesn’t know what she’s going to do. Tere has brought her a pregnancy test. As Espe runs off to pee on a strip, Tere’s left to muse on Ruben, as though talking to Aida: “your dad may not leave his marriage, but the news that you may soon have a little bro/sis will be worse.” Then she whispers, let it be positive! Let it be positive! Please let it be positive.

Rubigote’s office: Geno comes by and smooches him before he even has a chance to close the door. She tells him of the new investor who’s just recently moved back from Spain: Paloma Dueñas. Hmm, the name sounds familiar to him but he can’t quite place it. She’s meeting with her and if she agrees to invest, a meeting will be set with Ruben and Arturo.

Espe and Tere wait for the results. Here it comes, the suspense builds: RESULTA POSITIVA!!! Espe is beside herself as Teresa grins behind her back. Teresa can’t believe Espe didn’t take any precautions in this day and age. Espe doesn’t want to have the baby. She always dreamed of having a baby with Rubigote but didn’t plan on it happening like this. Teresa tries to reason with her, telling her a baby is always a blessing. Espe counters that she has no money, no support and how will she work and take care of a baby! Tere tries to comfort her telling her she’s good with babies saying how well she did with her little brothers. And besides Ruben will have to help her, even if it’s only financial help. Espe can’t imagine how Ruben will react to the news of a little Mini-bigote. Tere wants her to think about it calmly. She’s going to drop her off at the vecindad and they’ll talk later. Just remember that a baby is the greatest miracle of love. Amazing how Tere gloats and grins with glee then immediately changes when Espe turns to look at her.

Clinic: Mariano receives word that the hospital Santillana has accepted his application for residency. Aurora hugs him in congratulations and lingers maybe a second too long when they break apart. Mariano seems oblivious.

Arturo asks if Espe is ok, he thinks she’s pale. Tere and Espe leave for the vecindad. Reina brings in the mail. He drops a magazine, sees Fernando on the cover then he picks it and rips it open to find a picture of Fernando and Luisa! In the pool kissing! Infeliz, says Arturo, te encargue a mi hermana. (Scoundrel, I left you in charge of my sister). I'm confused, aren't Fernando and Luisa in the pool at this very minute? And she's wearing the same bathing suit -- those tabloids work fast!

Cancun: Luisa and Fernando chit chat about his mom. We get the impression she’s a very busy woman always working and he can’t wait to tell her face to face about meeting Luisa. They kiss. In the distance, her cell phone rings, it’s Arturo telling her to call him immediately. Arturo throws down the phone then looks at the magazine again. The cover story is about Fernando, el playboy.

Fernando tells Luisa he can’t wait for his mother to meet her. He hasn’t told her he’s in love yet. He wants to wait until he introduces them. Art leaves her another message, then tries her room. Of course, no answer. Angrily he says, “no puede ser.”

Espe arrives at Juana’s. Cutberto comes by claiming the serenata was for Teresa because if he wins her over, he wins Juana as well. Juana: Si me toca, me pierde. Then she breaks the news that Espe is now living there.

Cancun: Luisa and Fer are still kissing in the pool and now his phone is rings. Arturo leaves an angry message saying this is the fourth message he’s left. He throws the phone across the room and it lands at Ruben’s feet who has come by to meet with him. Ruben hands him the contracts and tells him Geno is meeting with the possible new investor and suggest they meet if the investor decides to sign on. Arturo tells him he’s leaving for Cancun, for a personal matter involving his sister and he’ll review the project site while he’s there. Ruben leaves and Arturo is still agitated, repeating, “no puede ser”

Tere’s in the car talking to Arturo via cell. She can’t believe he’s on his way to Cancun and didn’t say anything to her, did something happen to Luisa? It’s nothing like that he says, and he’s gotta go. Then he hangs up on her (!) as he leaves through the gate to his taxi. Tere stares at her phone then dials up Luisa’s number and gets voicemail. Sista’s still smooching up the playboy is my guess. She leaves a message then says she can’t believe Arturo had the nerve to go without her. He’ll regret it. She then orders the chauffeur to take her to the vecindad.

Clinic: Mariano is on the phone in an interview saying they’re opening another clinic and will continue until they have 60 clinics. He finishes his call and in walks Mala Hembra herself. She tells him yesterday he serenaded her with no thought to the fight that may have ensued had Arturo found out. Mariano doesn’t care so long as she realizes the depth of his love (lo grande de mi amor). He’s willing to do anything to win her back. He kisses her and she kisses him back, and their theme plays. He asks her to stay with him. She tells him her life is with Arturo. He knows she still loves him and asks yet again for her to return to him. She claims she’s very confused. Maybe she needs to be alone to figure it all out. Then she lays it on him, she’s going to Cancun to figure it all out.


Triunfo del Amor #106 5/6/11Ghosts of Wives Past

Maria is ready to shack up; Jimena is ready to crack up; Max has avoided a major whack up; and Victoria is ready to give Osvaldo a little bit of emotional back up as Viewerville tunes in for their Friday night TDA fix.  

Maria has nothing but hugs and tears for Papa Padre Juan Pablo as she’s decided not to kick her broad-shouldered bio-daddy out on his hassock after all.   (Now, if he’d have just given up the collar for good, we in Viewerville wouldn’t have to feel so guilty about going ga-ga over him every time we look into those pleading, deep, dark eyes of his!)  We get the signature, multitudinous mi’ja’s from PPJP.

At the same time, Ji is spacing out on drugs in the middle of town somewhere.  She stumbles her way along the streets and stops in front of a store running a loop of Maria’s “Lovely” commercial.  Apparently Jimmie still has enough functioning grey matter to recognize Maria.  She mumbles a few curses at Maria’s image through the window and staggers on.  

PPJP insists to Maria that her mom never abandoned her; that instead she lost her and could never find her again.  He reiterates that he’s bound by a confession and so cannot tell her her mother’s name.  He gives her the cross Victoria gave him before he went to the seminary (hopefully as a way to get around his mad mama’s confession, tho’ Viewerville is sceptical) and suggests it might be a bit of consolation until Dios reunites her with her mother.  Maria is thankful to finally have something that once belonged to her mother.  More tears and hugs.

The next day at Casa Bernada’s, a very high Ji is alone on the platform stage telling herself, in between slugging down pills, that she’s still top model there.  Suddenly there’s a nasty-looking switch-blade in her hands and she’s mesmerized by it.  She places the point of the blade on her neck, but doesn’t quite have enough loca in her yet to actually do the deed.   (To which the nastier among us say more’s the pity.)

Back int the bowels of the barrio, Fausto drops by Mari’s to give her the news about Max and Osguito’s close call with a freight train, courtesy supposedly of Max’s murderous and vengeful missus, the night before.  Fausto takes care of the baby while Maria races to the hospital waiting room to catch up with Max.

At Casa Bernarda’s, Mama Roxy walks in on Ji just as she’s attempting to slit her wrist and the knife drops away somehow.  Ji falls to the floor in tears, blathering on about Max and the baby being dead and a train dragging them.  Roxy chalks the blather up to the mental breakdown.

Back in the barrio at the mercado, Napo and Milagros are chatting about Juano and Nathy as a good twosome when Nat walks up, all giggles and smiles, because JJ has just asked her out dancing that night.  

Meanwhile, Rox has apparently called an ambulance.  Max walks up to the building on his way to the offices to look for Ji and give her holy hell and spies her being wheeled away to a waiting ambulance by attendants.  Rox comes over to blame him for her daughter’s breakdown and then races back to her baby chic.  Max looks at her like look inward, lady.  Time for a bit of your own introspection!

A while later, Mama Rox sits by Ji in her room in the loony ward which, granted, is not padded, but at least has  leather cuffs on the bed rails.  Ji gains a bit of lucidity and is immediately  beset by the memory of watching Max and her baby stuck on the train tracks,  sandwiched in by our dour Dona Demented’s two fiendish felons-in-waiting, El Alacran and Padilla, as the train rushes towards them. She tries explaining this to Mama, but Roxy thinks it’s just the rantings of a model daughter in meltdown.  

In the waiting room, Max is told by the psychiatrist in charge of Ji’s case that she’s lost her mind [perder la razon].  (You’re kidding, right?  Could the writers have used a less dignified turn of phrase?  I mean we are dealing with a medical professional in this script, ya know?)  Max looks at the doc like hey, tell me something I don’t know, already! Is this what you get the big bucks for? As Max has already told the doc that he’s Ji’s estranged husband and that they’re in the middle of a divorce, the psych counsels that this is not a good idea.  (Sorry, but when is it ever? Viewerville senses another looooong year of self-denial for Max and Maria and another opportunity for Alonso to leap back into the picture again.)

At Casa de los Sandoval, Cruz sings his signature ballad outside Fernanda’s bedroom window.  (I keep wondering if it’s because that’s her favorite, or just that he’s got a limited repertoire? I mean, there are so many other wonderful mariachi ballads to choose from.  It’s starting to get on my nerves.)  The two have flashbacks to their romantic and riotous times together.

Maria manages to locate Max in the waiting room of the psych ward. Smoochies and hugs abound as she tells him that Fausto gave her the low-down. Hearing it was like a “knife in her heart.”  “--Yes, he saved our lives.”  More smoochies and te amo’s.  (The writers must have momentarily run out of steam while writing this part of the scene.  Yawn.)  FF>>

Across the way, Vic visits Oz and says she’s ready to forget and to forgive.  They kiss and make up.  

Back at Casa Scandal-val post commercial break, Cruz is still crooning.  Fer opens her notebook to begin writing.  However, Feddie’s photo stares up at her and she has flashes back to their accident in all it’s bloody, bone-shattering detail.  

In town, meanwhile, at Fabian’s apartment, he and Lucy are getting ready for breakfast.  He sees a full fridge, immediately seeing the advantages to having a female roomie. (Millie is apparently on to something when it comes to reaching a man through his stomach, and this probably bodes well for Cruz’s crusade with Fer.)  Fabian enthusiastically agrees to keep Lucy on.

Back in the psych ward waiting room, Max tells Maria how he feared he’d never see her or his other son again.  Maria says no more sacrifices for evil, nasty people.  She won’t wait any longer.  More hugs and smoochies.....  

A bit later Max walks in on Oz and Vicki in mid-smooch and tells them that he’s gotten Osguito back safe and sound.  Smiles all around.

Maria visits Papa PJP to explain that she and Max are ready to move in together.  He asks if she’s ready to abandon her principles.  She says absolutely!  They’ve waited too long already and are tired of sacrificing.  Why should Max stay tied to a woman who tricked him into marrying her and most recently tried to murder him?  PPJP cannot give her a moral judgment against the sinners, he says, since it’s his duty to council them.  Maria is like “--Whatever!”

Loony Leonela walks in on the sleeping Oz who immediately awakes with a fright and Vicki and Max show up a few seconds after.  Ruh-roh!  Vicki’s face fall back into its former frown.  “--What’s going on here?  Who are you?”  “--I’m Leonela Montenegro, Osvaldo’s wife.”  She looks over at Max.  “--Max, I’m your mother.”   Vicki and Max are a pair of WTF-impactados.   

At the same time, Guillermo sneaks into Ji’s hospital room.  She goes all whiny and starts begging him to find a way to get her out of the place.   The whine gets louder and more shrill.  

Back over in Ozzie’s hospital room, Vicki angrily tells Looni-ella that Oz’s first wife is dead.  Looni-ella says that’s a despicable lie!  She’s alive and she’s Oz’s legitimate wife.  Max asks Oz if she’s telling the truth.  Oz, red-faced, says yes.  Death-rays start shooting from both Vic and Max's eyeballs.

In Ji’s hospital room, Gui gets an impish gleam in his eye and tells her that he’s better off having her stuck in the loony-bin the rest of her life.  He doesn’t need her now that Leonela--yes, the love of his life--has returned.  Jimena’s worthless to him now.

Returning to Oz’s hospital room again,  Looni-ella demands that Oz tell the others how he cut her off and out of his life.  He tells her that’s a lie and to get out of there before he calls the police and reports her for attempted murder.  She backs off at that and leaves.  Max shoots his dad another death-ray stare and walks out of the room after her.  

Vicki blows another gasket.  Why did Oz lie to her all these years about something so important to the both of them?  Because she was dead as far as he was concerned, says Oz.  Vicki could have forgiven him, if he’d bothered to bring it up.  He’s sorry, he says, that the past has reared its ugly head this way.  He did it for Max, so that Max wouldn’t have to hold his head in shame all his life.  (So what about Max now? Ozzie, you’re all beautiful brawn but with so little brain!  Toy-boys can be such a boor!  No wonder Vic spent so many nights at the company all those years.  At least designing was an intellectual pursuit!)  She, as his wife, had the right to know this!  Just like he, as her husband, had the right to know she had a daughter before she met and married him, he yells back!  (Touchet and away!)

Max finds his bio-Mom in the coffee shop and demands an explanation.  Long-suffering mother, take one:  Looni-ella’s version is that she and Oz met and married and then realized what a bust their marriage was.  They separated, but then they learned that Max was on the way and tried patching things up.  She had a movie to make outside the country and they went on the shoot together.  She was accused of a murder she didn’t commit and wrongly condemned to life in prison.  Oz supposedly didn’t lift a finger to help her get out of jail! He   took little Max away with him to Mexico and never looked back!

Max looks doubtful and asks why he never got a letter or a phone call all these years, something to at least let him know she was alive?  Looni-ella claims she was isolated in a horrible jail with no one to help her or to lend support.  Fortunately, the authorities took pity on her and they let her free.  Her first and only thought was to find her son!  Max says his father always told him that she was dead.  “--No! He snatched you from me.”  She was abandoned and forgotten.  She was once a famous actress and though she may be out of jail,  her life is in ruins and she's condemned to a life of solitude, thanks to his very cruel and self-serving father!  He took the only thing of value in her life --her child!

Max defends Oz and insists this doesn’t sound like the man he knows.  He’s too truthful to have hidden something like this from him.  Looni-ella tells Max, with well-time crocodile tears streaming down her cheeks, to go ask Oz himself then!  Max has a right to the truth!  

Max, now misty-eyed himself, storms out of the coffee shop.  Looni-ella gloats.  It’s now her turn to snatch Max away from Oz!!


Friday, May 06, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #12 Friday 5/6/11 Quickie Recap for Amy

Hola a todos! Unfortunately I am swamped with end-of-the-semester work and don't have the opportunity to recap this week. Que lastima! :( I will be back in top form next week, so until then you can use this space to comment about tonight's episode. Thanks for your patience!


Sylvia: No worries Amy, here is a quickie recap for Friday's episode...

Last night we left the Monterrubios with the happy (to most) news that Matias and Renata are novios.

Adriana happily tells her mami about her promotion and she loves her boss Matias but he loves Renata. Ma sez don’t make the same mistake I made with your pa, he didn't truly love me and then I got pregnant. But Ma quickly adds she doesn’t regret it because of her awesome daughter. Way to give your daughter a complex lady. (Consensus from comments is that Mom raised Adriana alone.)

Happy toasting and congrats at the Monterrubio table but Fina refuses to congratulate them. Matt’s all “it’s me right?” Nope, Fina snarls it’s because Renata doesn’t deserve Matt. Caras Impactadas.

Augie arrives in the DF and calls Jero to invite him for brekkies. He thought bubbles evil stuff about wanting to make the Hacienda La Bonita his, all his. Marta was right!

Lorea uses Rafa’s death as an excuse to call Jero. She’s not happy to hear he does not plan to return to Spain. “Lo echo de menos” (I miss you) she says. He scowls.

Fina basically sez Nata doesn’t deserve Matt because she’s a tramp. She was caught kissing Diego at her birthday (oh horrors!) while at the same time sniffing around Rafael (again, big deal). Fina’s not happy when everybody sticks up for Renata. Renata runs from the table and Matt publicly confirms that he intends to go forward with the relationship. The party breaks up; Fina = Buzz Kill.

Gonzo takes fina behind closed doors and yells at her that Renata is not an “indecent woman”. He’s happy about her relationship with Matt. Fina says Renata’s slutty behavior will be the shame of the house and the business.

Renata’s in her room crying and doesn’t want to let Matt in, she needs to be alone. Meanwhile Constanza and Honorio wonder what type of horrid mother would do what Fina just did. Coni thinks it’s a shame that a witch like Fina can have kids when a woman like her who would love kids can’t have any. Not fair! She vows to defend Renata. I just figured out who Honorio reminds me of. Alec Baldwin. Does anyone else see it?

Matt sees Roberta in the garden and asks why her ma’s such a beeyatch. Rob sez mom’a not a bruja she was telling the truth. Matt doesn’t believe it and call Rob on it, she’s not objective because the guys always go for Renata instead of her. Whoa, tell it like it is bro. He sez Nata’s always been in love with him. Rob laughs and tells him not to be an ass, she laughs when he stalks off.

Renata lets daddy Gonzo in to comfort her. She promises that mom misinterprets everything about her. Daddy reassures her he’s proud of her and she is different from mom and Roberta. Dad assures her he’s happy about her and Matt and he believes in her. Sweet dad and daughter hug while creepy Fina creepily creeps behind the door watching, plotting, sneering.

Jero visits Regina at her office to ask her a personal favor, he doesn’t want the Monterrubio’s to find out what happened to Rafael nor to know Jero is related to him. Regina sez Matt is Jero’s friend and she doesn’t think his perfidy is a good idea. Antonio interrupts and Regina introduces him as her novio. Smiles and handshakes FF>>.

Matt reassures Renata the witch Fina doesn’t affect them. What they have begins right now, awwww. Maybe they don’t have the electricity but they do make a good team.

Roberta reports to Fina that she planted a seed of doubt in Matt’s mind about Renata. Fina instructs Roberta to do what it takes to make Matt hate Renata, is that clear? These two are so evil that I can’t even think of a good wisecrack right now.

Tony and Regina: he’ll be patient and understanding, yawn.

Ruta de Vino, Baja California Norte: Kari finds Doc moping around the bedroom with a bottle in his hands. More yelping about Rafael then he finds a way to blame her. She recoils and he acts like he’s going to rape her. He tells her any other woman in town would love to be in her place, but she’s incomplete, couldn’t give him kids and she’s a failure as a wife. Uh, you're sitting around drinking instead of working and she's a failure?

Augustin shows up at Renata’s office for their meeting and is instantly smitten. Blah blah business talk, she gives him their proposal which he will review. Can he ask her a personal question? Is everything OK? He sez there is a deep sadness in her eyes.

Jero goes to La Mentira but Chris the bartender has no new news for him. He recalls his kiss with Renata and then Roberta shows up. She immediately starts bitching about the news that Matias and her stupid sister are novios. All sis cares about is power and money. He asks what does Roberta care about? She says no you tell me what YOU care about. Back and forth until he finally asks does she think he’s of her same level or does she think he’s lacking? “You’re perfect for me,” she coos.

Boring scene where Matt and Renata leave work together and he continues to reassure her. FF>>

Back at the bar Rob and Jero plan to spend the next day being tourists. She kisses her finger, puts it to his lips and sashays out. “The more I know you the more I hate you Roberta,” he thought bubbles.

Unpleasant scene where Fina intercepts Matt at home so she can continue badmouthing Renata. He tells her to butt out or face the consequences.

Matt goes straight to dad’s den and tells him he thinks it’s best if he gets his own apartment. I think dad convinces him to stay a bit longer.

Renata puts teabags on her eyes, hey I do that too! Like Kristoise said in her Teresa recap, telenovela people are just like us. Oh sorry...Renata puts teabags on her eyes to soothe them and recalls when Matt and Fina had their first run-in and Matt stood up for her. Then she recalls when they were at the fountain. Then she recall Jero’s kiss. Oh good Lord fina comes crashing in and sez they need to talk. Yelling is more like it. The fight ends with Renata swearing she won’t let Fina insult her any more. Fina winds up for a slap then clenches her fist, then storms out of the room. Renata acts like she’s going to barf. Fina’s face makes me want to barf too.

Jero calls Augie back and agrees to meet him tomorow. Then he pulls out Renata’s bracelet and asks “where are you Adriana?”

Augie longingly recalls his meeting with Renata and whispers “what a great surprise to meet you Renata, and why so sad?”

Next day Augie offers Jero a good price for the estate, 10% over value I think. He assures Jero nobody else could have as much respect for the estate and Rafa’s dream as he. Jero sighs that he’ll think about it and get back to Aug after reviewing the settlement details.

Fina sees Roberta all gussied up and wonders what’s up. Rob says she’s going out with Jeronimo. Did she tell Fina about Jero? I don’t remember that. Anyway, Fina sez Rob should get busy setting her eyes on Matt, not some other guy. Rob sez for now she’s going to have fun with that bon-bon Jero, byeee.

Carlos (from Spain) calls Jero to warn him that he told Lorea about Rafa. Jero says the only thing that he wants to concentrate on is that Rafa’s death shall not go unpunished (no quede impune). He wants to get that damn Roberta because his brother is in the tomb instead of her.

Supposed to be sexy scene of Matt and Renata riding together on Borracho.

Jero makes his rendezvous with Roberta and lays a big fat kiss on her.

Mañana: Jero’s having lunch with Roberta when Renata happens to stroll by.


Triunfo del Amor #105 5/5/11 A triumph of forgiveness.

Maria and Nathy redecorate the apartment, despite the fact the Maria has promised to marry Max ASAP. Does she really think he's going to move in there? Well, yes, she does. And she wants to prove to all the haterz that she can survive without them.

Xi, Alacran, and Padilla touch base before Max arrives at the clandestine baby hand-off site.

Vic admits to Os that the family needs him, especially Fer. She tells him about Fer's two suitors and Os laughs hard enough to hurt. Vic agrees it's up to Fer to decide.

Xi hands over the baby to Max. She makes some noise about them getting back together, but for once, Max isn't stupid. He turns her down and takes off. Padilla gets ready to put Bernarda's plan in place.

Padre JP comes to visit Maria D.

Once Max gets his car up to the train tracks, Padilla and Alacran use their cars to keep him stuck on the tracks.

PJP wants to explain to Maria how things were.

Max can't get the baby out of the car seat.

PJP doesn't want Maria to lose her faith. He wants to tell her "everything" and then she can judge him.

Max still can't get the baby out of the car seat, so he gets himself out of the car and tries to do it leaning in the back seat instead of reaching from the front seat.

Cruz wants to talk to Fer about the two of them.

Xi is sure Max and the baby are dead and she's all druggedly freaked out about it. Max gets the baby out, but his foot is stuck under the tracks.

Cruz tells Fer she's like an unreachable star to him. He has nothing to offer her, but he can't keep hiding his feelings..really Cruz? You were trying to hide your feelings? I wish other men "hid" their feelings as well as you! "Yo quiero que usted sepa, pues, que estoy enamorado de usted. Y que la amo con toda mi alma. Y quisiera pedirle, pues, que si quiera ser mi novia?" (I want you to know, well, that I'm in love with you. And that I love you with all my soul. And I'd like to ask you, well, if you want to be my girlfriend. [He's not proposing marriage, or he would have said "si quieres casarte conmigo." Plus it's too soon for that since they haven't even been officially dating yet.])

Fausto comes to help get Max's foot free and all three of them get off the tracks. The writers throw the effects team a bone by blowing Max's car up after the train gently shoves it out of the way. The baby cries.

PJP tells Maria that her mother was a humble woman who took refuge in him when she felt lonely. He taught her to read, write, the multiplication tables (gee, thanks for that) and always told her she was a worthy woman who could go far. She never forgot it. That night, he was on his way back to the seminary the next day…maybe it was that…her tenderness, her innocence, maybe her affection and comprehension, who knows…he doesn't like to think about the motives for their hot monkey lovin'.

Max owes Fausto his and the baby's life. Fausto says actually they're even. Max doesn't believe he's there by coincidence, but Fausto won't say what he heard. He insists Max get the baby out of there because it's cold.

At the new Casa Victoria, Antonio tells the boys that Os will be working with them as soon as he's better. Pipino is anxious to use Os as the model for his new line of men's underwear. Toni tells them he rejected a job offer and Pip loves the idea of announcing to the press that Os has given up his career for luuuuuuurve. Toni is most excited that Os will be working for free. Oscar reminds them this is Os's fault in the first place, but Toni and Pip won't hear it. Oscar is in agreement with Vic forgiving Os--he made a mistake, but he's mad for Vic and deserves her forgiveness. Pip is thrilled that Oscar is over Vic and is interested in Toni. There's some fumbling and stumbling with Toni's purse and Pip grabs some white fabric for a veil as Toni and Oscar walk out of the office arm-in-arm.

Cruz is afraid that Fer is going to make fun of him. He doesn't want to hear what nasty thing she's going to say. Fer tells him he's a great guy and she can't deny that she feels something for him, but she doesn't think it's the right time to start a relationship--she might be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. She thinks that he and Fabian just feel sorry for her and are flirting with her to make her feel better. Cruz says that's BS and he likes her more now than when she could walk. He makes some disparaging remarks about the dearly departed Scuzzbucket. He agrees he'll do things Fer's way. He's not sorry he said what he said and if she ever accepts him, he'll never leave her.

PJP tells Maria he hadn't made his vows yet, but he was sure he had a true vocation for the religious life. He didn't accept his mother's insistence like a martyr being sacrificed…it made him happy to dedicate his life to God and to his fellow man. He tells Maria that he and her mom were both virgins…TMI, TMI…who didn't know qué they hell they were doing in the sack. He felt guilty the next day, and his dad didn't think he should give up the world without knowing what it was first. He was weak and that was his last moment of weakness. He never knew the consequences of his actions because his mother kept it from him. He tells her he didn't come to apologize, he came to tell her the truth and let her decide whether she believes him or not. All he wants is for her to know that whatever she decides, he'll love her his whole life and he'll always be near her, without bothering her, just being there for whatever she needs. "You're not unsupported anymore. Now you have a father who would give his life for you if necessary." PJP says when he found out about her, he searched until he found her. "God in his infinite mercy brought you close to me without my knowing you were my daughter. My beloved, adored daughter, who I've looked so hard for."

A cop comes to the hospital to tell Os that his car has been chopped. Os denies having seen anything when he was shot. The cop tells Os that the crime is also being classified as attempted murder. The doc would like the cop to leave so Os can get some rest. The cop tells Os that once he's better, he needs to come down and give a statement. Maybe when he feels better, he'll remember something useful.

Toni counsels Vic to forgive Os and rekindle their relationship. Leonela spies on them. Toni knows that Vic still loves him. And Vic can see how much Os loves her. Toni says they need to win each other over again.

PJP got permission to leave the priesthood temporarily to take care of her when he thought she needed him most. MD wants to know what happened after "that night." "The next day I went back to the seminary. I confessed and I was absolved. I hadn't taken my vows, but I still felt unworthy and shameful. In all the years since then I haven't strayed again. I haven't even had a thought that would take me from the path." Then he found out about her…he was agonized to find out she had been born and that there was a person out there who had come into the world because of him and had grown into a woman without the love of her parents.

Toni wants Vic to quit hesitating and make up her mind. Vic whines about how Toni can't understand what it's like to be cheated on. Her anger is keeping her away from Os and she can't stop thinking about Os being with someone else and getting it on with someone else. Toni says that other woman is dead and Vic needs to let it go. If Os asks her to forgive him, wouldn't she? Vic admits she would, because she loves him and he's the father of her children and the man she loves. Aside from that one mistake, he's never lied to her or hidden anything. Yes, she'd forgive him if he asked. Leonela is eating all this information up.

Nathy and Juanjo flirt awkwardly. I. Don't. Care. Thank you for not kissing! Juanjo's gotta work 3rd shift at the firehouse. He asks her out for the next day, but she wants to go to the movies and he wants to go dancing. He talks her into going dancing. Fabian would have taken her to the movies like she wanted. Ugh.

Max calls Fabian over to the house to tell him someone tried to kill him and the baby. He's sure Ximena set it up. He's going to find a way to prove it was her. He can't believe a woman would try to kill her own child. Xi is nuts and she's dangerous. Max asks Fab to stay with the baby and not tell anyone what happened. Max is going to go find Xi. He wants to divorce her AND throw her in jail.

MD says it's sad not to have anyone and not to have the love of a family and the nuns didn't fill that void in her soul. It's still difficult. MD wishes her mother had also searched for her. PJP says she did. "Then she would have found me already!" PJP asks her to forgive him and her mother too, for causing her pain, for her loneliness. He begs in the name of God.

Xi stumbles around crying about her baby. "My baby, my baby…I killed him, I killed him…I killed my baby!"

Burnie sips some sherry. Max comes looking for her. "You? You shouldn't be here." "I'm not here because I want to be. I came to talk to Ximena." Burnie claims not to know where Xi is. Max takes his leave. They gave Eva a makeover and didn't bother to put her in a suit jacket that actually fits? Or did they not want her to look too hot? Burnie gripes that Max should be dead.

MD tells PJP to get up, please. "Understand, I didn't reject you." She asks what he would have done if he'd know about her before making his vows. He says he would have renounced his vocation to be her father…but they can't change the past. He asks her again to forgive him. MD doesn't know. She's confused. PJP gets up and says he doesn't want to bother her. He realizes she can't forgive him and he understands and doesn't blame her. He tells her he loves her. MD asks him not to leave. "Don't go, dad! Don't go! Please don't go! Don't leave me alone" Everybody cries.

Flashbacks take us into the closing credits.

Tomorrow: Xi goes crazy…er. Max and Maria have a moment. Os and Vic have a moment…except it's really Leonela, who announces her return to Vic and Max.


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