Tuesday, March 06, 2012

El Talismán #24 Mon 3/5/12 It’s always sunny in Fresno

I will be out of town on a fun, short trip from Thursday through next Monday or Tuesday so I thought I would be the sub for this Monday’s recap. Blue Lass will post headers for discussion for Thursday’s recap. Oh, and next Monday’s too unless someone else decides to recap it.

The title? Well, it *does* always seem to be sunny in El Tal Fresno, and I was too lazy to think of a better title.

Reminder from last night in the words of Novela Maven:
As soon as Camila closes her bedroom door, Lu slinks out from her hidey-hole and needles Pedro about getting snubbed by Cami.
Alone in the bedroom, Cami reconsiders. Maybe she was a bit prudish – what’s a little kiss, after all?
She opens her door to rejoin Pedro ... just a second or two after LuCraziest has pulled Pedro onto her face.
Camila gives them the stinkeye. The credits roll before Pedro can say “Déjame explicar ...”

And does he explain? Well...no because Cami hears Pedro tell Loo to lay off and Cami rips him a new one for yet again luring a woman to him with his masculine wiles and then rejecting her. Hey folks, I don’t write this crap I just report it. Pedro tells LooKrazia to leave El Tal now (Vete ya = Leave already) and tries to do damage control with Cami the drama queen.  Yell, rant, rave, Cami says Loo goes or she goes. Pedro, just tell her.

Renato welcomes El Viral to “his” spectacular palace complete with faux butler. It is a palace so clearly not his. He tells El Viral that he prefers staying at his niece’s apartment. “You must really love her,” observes El Viral. Uh, sort of. Renato tells her he’s looking for a wife.

The Harlot and the Belt Buckle fight about their daughters, Doris says they will never accept Camila. Tony kindly says Camila will be a better mother than Doris. The lovebirds continue this constructive conversation for another scene or two.

Pedro pushes Cami around a little and finally tells her he told LooKrazia to leave. Loo is listening outside the door and indicates to herself she doesn’t agree with this plan. She calls Tony with this update and he tells her to calm down, Operation Opprobriate Pedro Soon (OOPS) is about to go into motion, a newspaper article blaming him for his wife’s disappearance.

Panchito reports to Pigorio that he doesn’t have any chisme or proof of plots yet. Pigorio gripes that LooKrazia is manipulating Antonio and turning him against dad.

Pedro keeps telling Cami that she doesn’t trust him. She tries, she says, but she just can’t. He doesn’t trust her either. I’m having a deja vu here. Didn’t I recap this same conversation last Thursday? I guess the 8 or so scenes from last week weren’t enough. He insists he was found innocent of making Mariana disappear. More blathering and Pedro leaves in a huff.

El Viral strolls around the house admiring trinkets and photos. Be careful Elvira or you’ll slip on your own drool. Ren pretends to be oh, so sad because his sister, mother of Rita, died. Rita is his only relative and he’s so very lonely. He’s looking for someone who wants him for himself, not his money. Oh brother.

Meanwhile the maids set the table for dinner and gripe at the butler for putting them in this mess. What if the real owner shows up? Oho, apparently Rita is keeping him busy with her little lace and vinyl underthingies, promising him the best night of his life.

Cami runs to Geno crying her eyes out because she and Pedro are fighting about the same old thing. I totally get that, they make me want to cry too. In another deja vu from last week Pedro is once again saying “No más” and is about to go after Cami.

Pedro finds Cami’s room empty and hunts her down. I think he’s going to go into neanderthal mode again. Yep!! He grabs the amazon, flings her over his shoulder and takes her back to his cave. Well, her room actually, and he romantically locks her in. Dude, you are such a chick magnet, no wonder they can’t resist you.

El Viral says the night is perfect, just like Renato, gag. Cue the dispassionate kissing. Oh cool, we get to hear their thoughts while they eat. Ren doesn’t want to wait, he’ll propose marriage. Elvira is orgasmically eating her dessert, thinking about the riches to come. Renato escorts Elvira to the boudoir. She’s a little nervous but his amazingly boring kisses soon thaw the ice queen.

Pedro can’t resist going back into the bedroom and fighting some more with Cami even though a few minutes ago he said “No más. Fight, yell, blame, I love you, you’re stubborn. Pedro: "Believe me or leave me."

Pigorio dreams about running into Elvira at the GAGG ball and her calling him an ugly old fart. He wakes up sweaty, ugly and probably farty too, and says he might be old but he’s still the boss of everyone and she’s going to be his diamond.

Over at the the best little whorehouse in Fresno Doris complains to Brigitte that now more than ever she needs to seduce Pigorio and get him to marry her. The overly dramatic music tells us this is very heavy news indeed, but the mask just makes me want to laugh.

Armani is mooning over pics of Fabiola on his laptop. He kvetches about seducing both sisters. Loser.

On the other side of the tracks Fabi wants to show Flor pics of Armani. Saved by a knock on the door. It’s daddy and he wants to talk and explain that he was very mad when he murdered grandpa’s wall safe. Wow, he tells them about granny’s will and that grandpa ignored it and kept the whole rancho for himself. More importantly, he’s asking mom for a divorce and he wants to girls to stay with him. The girls say they will not accept his new girlfriend Camila.

LooKrazy goes to Cami’s room to hang out, have a slumber party, play records, do each other’s nails and talk about boys. Well, that last part is true. Loo’s happy to see Cami suffering. They take turns insisting Pedro will be hers. What a stupid party.

Pedro’s boozing it up and Aunt Patty’s worried. She scolds him that getting drunk won’t help. Au contraire, I say, get some booze in the guy and see if he warms up a little. He’s slightly more animated but basically repeats the conversation about Cami not trusting him. Aunt Patty says he’s a dumba$$, LooKrazia’s behind all this and all he and Cami do is go around in circles. Amen sister. Pedro talks about maybe going back to Tijuana to see his peeps. Uh oh, Aunt Patty reveals that Sister Luciana died a few days ago.

Tony admits it’s true about his girlfriend. He hopes they’ll give Camila a chance because she’s simply marvelous. They mumble they’ll try for his sake. He can’t understand why they defend their mama when she’s never given them the time of day. He says the girls have disillusioned him for not being on his side 100%.

Brigitte doesn’t seem as excited as Doris about her idea to marry Pigorio. Doris whines about Elvira, the new old kid in town who intrigues Pigorio. She needs to snag Pigorio before Tony throws her into the street. Brigitte knits her brows.

Oh ick, Renato and Elvira get horizontal as she keeps saying “No puedo”. Oh sure you can. Cue the 70’s romance music.

Next morning Pedro gathers the troops and tells them he’s going to Tijuana to put flowers on Sister Luciana’s grave. And he might not return. Gasp!

Renato admires himself in the mirror while El Viral sleeps. He goes downstairs and compliments the staff. If all goes well with Elvira he’ll give them a huge tip. Elvira wakes and thanks God for giving Renato do her, what a man! What a lover! What a crock.

Speaking of tips, Rita’s rich Gordo hands her a wad of cash and happily tells her his wife is in Europe for three months and he wants to spend every night with her! The sleazy background music is a hoot, with some guy crooning “oh baby” while Rita cringes at the thought. She calls Renato to tell him her Gordo is on the way home. Renato runs upstairs with a rose and tells Elvira they’re going to breakfast on his yacht after stopping by his office. Hurry up! As Elvira dresses he berates himself for making up that crap about a yacht. What’s he gonna do now?

Tracy shows up at Alcatrash to talk to Panchito. Alberta tells her about LooKrazia moving in at El Tal. Poor Camila, says Tracy. She also thinks Panchito is up to something and she’s going to find out what it is.

Panchito’s pathetically following Pigorio around, calling him papa and being concerned for his health. Pig says whatever Pancho does don’t let Tony know he’s sick, otherwise the Pig's unit will shrink. Panchito reports that Tony and Doris got in a big fight and the girls don’t want to accept Tony’s new novia Camila. Pigorio says he’s going to disown Tony and make Panchito his true son. Panchito swallows the hook big time. He might as well just start filleting himself now.

Flor talks with Alberta as Tony strolls through the room. He shuns his daughter and grouses that he wants to have breakfast outside, alone, so he can think. He can’t believe his own daughters turned their backs on him. That jerk-off is more immature than his kids. The girls spy on him while he’s pouting and drinking his breakfast. Doris joins them and they glare at her. So now Doris gets her turn to talk to the girls. She knows something is going on between the girls and their Papa. She tells them about having to marry young and basically tries to get their sympathy. Flor cries; mission accomplished.

Tony and Valentin pace the porch and wonder where LooKrazia is. Tony wants Valentin to somehow keep Pigorio from going to his office at the usual time for some reason, to plant the poison pills I guess. Then they talk about Panchito, he’s a useless gossip and a big brown-noser when it comes to Pigorio.

Panchito sees Tracy and tells her a lot has happened to him lately. She accuses him of neglecting her, maybe he doesn’t deserve her love. He promises that his current busy-ness will be better for both of them. When Tracy looks away he picks his nose. If he grabs her with that hand I’m going to barf. He says finally Pigorio is going to put Panchito in his rightful place. Nose-picking foreman maybe. Or lead engineer for the mining of Alcatrash boogers.

Tony recalls getting Elvira’s fingerprints on the pills and tells himself she’ll be accused of killing the Pig. Then he mumbles his last statement so badly I couldn’t understand him! Probably something about Camila being all his. Doesn’t really matter because it will be repeated at least twenty times.

Avances: Pedro asks Camila to go to Tijuana with him. LooKrazia sabotages the truck.


Monday, March 05, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #49 Monday 3/5/12 Where is the Cumaean Sybil When She Is Most Needed? (with apologies to Robert Graves)

That Which Has Passed
Lady Ana Paula tells Sir Gustavo that her marriage was a sham while Lord Rogelio and Maria talk about Vainessa. Sir Gustavo and Lady Ana Paula are on the beach by the bonfire as he presents the ring he hopes to exchange for a proper one later. She remembers – with the words echoing in her head – Lord Rogelio giving her the second ring, the one she had cast away. She then tells Sir Gustavo that the proper symbol of his love was the shell necklace, which he then returns to her.

The Current Happenings
Lord Rogelio's Bedchamber: He sits on his bed, looks at Sir Gustavo's shell necklace, and yells for Hugo. We wonder why the wheelchair is so far from the side of the bed.
Hotel: Tia MentiRosa tells Lord Federico she loves him, which takes him by surprise. Ever since she first went to work for him and even after he fell in love with her sister. He is becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this.
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Maria tries to make her feel better and she speaks of Sir Gustavo's foolishness at leaving her; it was the politically expedient thing to do. Her pride has been hurt, nothing more, says Lady Chatterley. She has renounced love, saying look at what good it's done her brother? Maria expresses concern that Lady Ana Paula has become an obsession with him.
Hotel: After more embarrassing admissions by her, Lord Federico tells MentiRosa that she was like a sister in his eyes. True to form, she lies again that Lady Ana Paula was like more than a daughter to her and pledges her help. He expresses regret that he cannot return her feelings. She know she hasn't been happy in his marriage and says he has the right to be happy, to seek a woman who could make him happy. She then tells him to think about it, kisses him, and exits. The sad flamenco music underscoring the end of this scene expresses how unsuccessful her efforts have been.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Miguel continues to imbibe while talking to Skelator. Horrible vice that. Lord Rogelio enters unannounced before Skelator can escape and he is not pleased at this sight. Miguel is visibly intoxicated and very slow to recognize what is transpiring.
Rogelio: Miguel, we have to talk. What is this? Bruno, what are you doing here? Go to my study immediately. Go! (Bruno jumps off the balcony and Miguel closes the window while concealing the tequila bottle)
Miguel: Set my sister and me free. Now.
Rogelio: Now, relax. Calm down. Just tell me where Ana Paula found the things belonging to her fiancé.
Miguel: What?
Rogelio: How did those things happen to be here? Where did she find them? Tell me what you know. (Miguel says nothing, but walks toward him without taking his eyes off his face.) Calm down, Miguel. Tell me. (Miguel is close enough that Rogelio quickly takes away the near-empty bottle, shoves him onto the sofa to the far corner, and hits the nearest armrest with his riding crop). Tell me. (now shouting) Where did she find them?
Miguel: What things?
Rogelio: What things? Was it in my bedchamber, my study? Where? (Miguel cowers, bending over with his head in his hands). I am talking to you! (raises the riding crop again)
Miguel (still cowering): I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Rogelio (thoughtfully, without anger): Miguel, tell me what you know.
No reply is forthcoming, and Lord Rogelio takes a deep breath, looking thoughtful.
Hotel Garden: Tia MentiRosa is walking away talking to herself, but Lord Federico follows her. Before they can speak Lady Ana Paula returns with Sir Gustavo, happy as a clam escaping a New England fisherman's net. She displays the ring made of reeds and the shell necklace. Lord Federico deduces the meaning of this as does MentiRosa and we need not ask ourselves who is and who is not happy about this.
Lord Rogelio's Study: His Lordship lambasts Knave Skelator over the liquor incident, knowing that he is responsible for it. Skelator tries to excuse it by saying that it was more expedient to get him to talk about Lady Ana Paula'sand Tia MentiRosa's whereabouts while drunk, but His Lordship does not accept that. He points out that Miguel is an alcoholic and that this will only worsen his illness. That there had to have been a better way.
Hotel Garden: Tia MentiRosa informs Lady Ana Paula that they will be returning to Tuxtla in the morning. Lady Ana Paula does not want to and Sir Gustavo asks Lord Federico's permission to allow his daughter to stay with him for a few days. This does not please the tia, who insists that it is not proper. She points out the consequences and that Lady Ana Paula is married. She reminds her tia that the marriage is a sham. Lord Federico takes the side of the two young lovers, reminding Tia MentiRosa that Lady Ana Paula is a grown woman and he trusts her to make the right decisions. He will be returning to Tuxtla the next day to arrange for the legal acknowledgment of Lady Ana Paula as his daughter and asks if Tia MentiRosa would prefer to stay in Boca del Cielo while he sees the notario. She tells him that she will go with him to help in whatever way she can before lamenting "estos tiempos modernos." Que hypocrita.
Durán Residence: Lady Sneerwell arrives, talking animatedly about the beauty of Lord Rogelio's estate and the enormous manor house. Sir Esteban, who is present with Lady Chio, asks about Vainessa. Lady Sneerwell tells him directly that she saw her several times at the estate. He does not like this news, especially when Lady Chio comments that Vainessa hasn't stopped loving Lord Rogelio. Obviously she does not know Vainessa very well at all.
Hotel: Lord Federico takes his leave of Lady Ana Paula, cautioning her to take care in the company of Sir Gustavo for her own protection. He has given her his cell phone number if she needs anything. He explains that a medical test will probably be required to complete the legal proceedings that he will begin. He wishes to leave no doubts in the minds of his wife and older daughter. Lady Ana Paula is concerned at that outcome in view of her history with Vainessa. Lord Federico, like any proper father, also wishes to protect her. They express their love for each other and embrace.
Durán Residence: Sir Esteban takes his leave of the ladies as Lady Chio enters with a coffee tray. He is clearly unhappy at the news regarding his Vainessa. After his departure Lady Chio begins to speak of him as though they had had an assignation; Lady Sneerwell looks as though she believes her friend to be delusional. The course of true love never does run smooth. Nor will it ever, we daresay, or there would be no tale to tell.
Hotel: After explaining about his own romantic disaster, Lord Federico advises Sir Gustavo to fight for his love, promising his advice and aid. Sir Gustavo replies that he would give his life for his Lady Ana. The two men shake hands. In another chamber, Tia MentiRosa once again tells Lady Ana Paula she is not pleased with her remaining in Boca del Cielo with Sir Gustavo. She is concerned for the consequences if Lord Rogelio finds out. Lady Ana Paula also wishes to avoid problems, which is why she never told Sir Gustavo whom she had married. She is concerned that there would be a duel if Sir Gustavo knew of Lord Rogelio's threats of violence and will therefore not risk his safety. She is grateful for what he has done for Miguel and wants all to turn out for the best. Tia MentiRosa is still not pleased, but is returning to Tuxtla with Lord Federico to prevent Fishwife Elsa and Vainessa from ruining Lord Federico's plans. The following morning Lord Federico and Tia MentiRosa take their leave of the two young lovers. As Lord Federico and Lady Ana Paula embrace with their “te quiero muchos” we worry for them.
Galván Mansion, Garden: Fishwife Elsa and Vainessa speak of Lord Federico's absence. Vainessa attempts to tell her suspicious mater that perhaps he is not feeling well enough to travel (We recall that the air is substantially different due to the varied altitudes of these areas). The telephone rings and Elsa is not pleased at hearing the voice of Notario Patricio, who seeks to confirm Lord Federico's urgent appointment with him. The meaning of this appointment is not lost on either of these vipers.
House of Fermin: He is pleased at the reunion of the young lovers. Lady Ana Paula expresses her gratitude for what Fermin and his family have done for them. We are not certain of Carmen's feelings, as her last encounter with Her Ladyship was far less than cordial.
Lord Rogelio's Study: Skelator has found Farmer Gomez and escorts him inside. The man looks apprehensive and with good reason, for His Lordship's intimidating ways are infamous. The horse was confiscated by the local constabulary, but he claims to have purchased it from a beautiful young woman who was in the company of a boy. When Lord Rogelio threatens to have him arrested unless he tells him the whereabouts of the woman and the boy (and punctuating that with a lash of his riding crop on the desk) he tells him that they spoke of going to the beach, the nearest one being Boca del Cielo.
Boca del Cielo, Beach: The two young lovers walk near the breaking waves as Margarito and Meli play in the sand. The lovers speak of their present and future happiness as Meli asks Margarito whether he liked living where he came from. He speaks of the fearsome lord of his previous residence and that this is why he does not wish to return there.
Lord Rogelio's Study: Satisfied that he now knows what he needs to know, Lord Rogelio dismisses Farmer Gomez, slams his checkbook shut, and informs Knave Skelator that he personally will be going to Boca del Cielo immediately. He categorically refuses Skelator's offer to accompany him and exits, leaving Skelator to glower at an empty room.
Boca del Cielo, Hotel: The lovers return from the walk on the beach. They enter the Lady's chamber and begin kissing, speaking of their need for each other.
A Posh Hotel Chamber in Tuxtla: Lord Federico's secretary escorts Tia MentiRosa into this room, which she finds extremely satisfactory. She leaps onto the large bed and hugs a large pillow with the sentiment that she finally has received her due. Oh, how little does she know what that truly is.
Boca del Cielo, Hotel: There is but one phrase for this scene – Entrega Total. The author thanks Don Pablo Montero (no relation to Lord Rogelio in this incarnation) for his excellent recording of the beautiful song of that title.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act One) Lord Federico arrives home and is greeted by his older daughter.
Vainessa: Father? Are you well? Why did you not come home yesterday?
Federico: Relax; all is well. Now I will explain everything.
Vainessa: Well, begin by explaining to me first why you had an urgent appointment with the notary.
Federico: Who told you that?
Vainessa: He called this morning responding to your call.
Federico: I'm sorry, daughter, I didn't want you to find out this way, but now we have something very serious to discuss.
Vainessa: What about? (sits down)
Federico: I found your sister.
Vainessa: What?
Federico: Yes, and I'm telling you I will be taking responsibility for her because she is also my daughter.
Vainessa: Don't tell me this is why you're talking to a notary?
Federico: Yes, Vanessa. I will be giving your sister my name, and I will protect her and provide for her for all the lost time I wasn't at her side.
Vainessa: No you couldn't because you were with your wife and with me, your legitimate daughter. All those years I believed I was your only daughter, the person you most loved. (Elsa enters)
Elsa: Giving her your name? And what else? Are you going to invite her to move into our house to live with us as though we were some great family? That will be over my dead body!
Federico: Elsa, don't exaggerate, and let me talk to her.
Elsa: The one committing social suicide is you. We're not going along with this and we're not sharing a single thing!
Federico: Enough, Elsa! Leave me alone with Vanessa. We'll talk afterward.
Vainessa: Father!
Federico: Vanessa, understand. I have a relationship with my other daughter. At least give her a chance. You'll find out she is a good person.
Vainessa: No! I don't want to know her.
Federico: Life has put your paths together. Regretfully it happened this way.
Vainessa: What are you saying? Why are you saying that? Do I know her?
Elsa (shouting): Who is she?
Federico: Yes, you know her. It's Ana Paula, the wife of Lord Rogelio.
Montero Estate, Terrace: Lady Daniela and Maria discuss Miguel's romance with the bottle. They know not what to do. We must seriously question Lady Daniela's intelligence in her poor choice of suitor. Lady Daniela sees the faithful Squire Hugo and begins speaking with him about getting his help with Miguel when he is suddenly summoned by Lord Rogelio. Knowing the urgency of this summons he apologises to Lady Daniela to attend to His Lordship, who is being wheeled out by the resentful Knave Skelator. As Squire Hugo proceeds to obey His Lordship's orders, Maria suggests to Lady Daniela that they seek out the manservant Simon's assistance.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Two) The family quarrel continues.
Vainessa: No, no, no! This cannot be, Father! Paula can't be my sister. I hate her! I hate her and where did you get this idea?
Federico: I have a letter, daughter, that proves it and all the necessary tests will be done.
Vainessa: No, no, no, no, no. Of all the people on this earth it can't be her. I hate her! I hate her, Father. I hate her!
Federico: You can't hate her; you have no motive to.
Vainessa: She stole Rogelio!
Elsa: And now she's stealing the love of your father, daughter!
Federico: I will never stop loving you, daughter. And Paula never –
Vainessa: Yes, I saw that wretch in Boca del Cielo. Yesterday. And it doesn't matter to her that Rogelio is worried to death about her. And you? You're my father but prefer to stay with her when I'm here helping to solve your problems?
Federico: Try to understand me. I have things to resolve with her. Legal things.
Vainessa: I can't. I will not understand you and I will never accept this nobody as your daughter.
Montero Estate, Terrace: His Lordship orders Squire Hugo to prepare for the trip to Boca del Cielo. Lady Chatterley enters, asking where he is going. He informs her that he is going to fetch his wife. She is shocked that he knows where Lady Ana Paula is to be found.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Three) The family quarrel continues and escalates.
Vainessa: She stole Rogelio. She stole him and it's her fault that I looked ridiculous in front of the whole world!
Federico: I'm telling you it wasn't like that, daughter. It was Rogelio who handled this badly. Paula did not know that he was preparing a wedding to you at the same time as with her.
Vainessa: How quickly! How quickly this nobody convinced you so you're defending her from your legitimate daughter, the only one you had to raise.
Elsa: You have to know if this other is your daughter! Surely it's a deception. A letter... dear God, a letter doesn't prove anything. Who knows what this wretch will do tomorrow!
Federico: Silence! What you are saying is untrue.
Elsa: What? You're saying in front of me that your daughter is this strumpet? Of course she came out the same. Why did she marry Rogelio? For his money!
Federico: That is not true or she would not have left the estate. (to Vainessa) Daughter, please listen to me –
Elsa: Let her enjoy Rogelio's money or is she looking for yours? I will not permit you to humiliate my daughter and me by helping that bastard.
Vainessa: Do not give her your name, Father, because then today you are dead to me.
Montero Estate, Terrace: Lady Chatterley tells her brother not to go, but to send Skelator. He orders Skelator to call out the other men while Squire Hugo fetches his carriage, then brutally tells his sister that despite her dislike of Lady Ana Paula and her wish that she never return, she will. And that she will fulfill her duties as wife and lady of the manor. Whether Lady Chatterley likes it or not. Lady Chatterley looks frightened – as well she should for she knows her brother's dark moods and how they combine with his determination. We leave the scene with her kneeling in front of him and he looking out as though he has doubts he will make this happen.
Boca del Cielo, Hotel: Sir Gustavo and Lady Ana Paula have clearly rode the beast with two backs. He says to her “Now, nobody and nothing will stop us being together.” We hope that he had the foresight to have purchased some French letters, as this does not bode well. One does not challenge the gods and get away with it.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Four, Scene 1) In which Vainessa tries to have the last word.
Federico: Daughter, you don't know how much that hurts me to hear you say that.
Vainessa: Father, do you know what you're asking of me? To accept this nobody when you don't even know if she's your daughter or not?
Federico: But she is! Paula is your sister; you have the same blood.
Elsa: You are being perverse.
Federico: I'll order all the medical tests you want. What's important, daughter, is for you to talk to Paula and understand why she married Rogelio.
Vainessa: You can't make me talk to that bastard. As I see it, you don't understand how much you are hurting me. I don't want to know any more of you. You have deceived me. My own father.
Federico (tries to embrace her): Daughter, please.
Vainessa (pushing him away): Get away from me. (grabs her purse and exits. Federico starts to cry. Elsa gives him an evil look and follows Vainessa outside)
Elsa: Vanessa, Vanessa, don't go. You have to help me.
Vainessa: How? How? If Father is determined to give her his name. To love her. To give her everything. And she wins.
Elsa (grabbing her hand): You and I have to prevent him from recognizing her as his daughter.
Vainessa: It'll be the same as before. Because he says he loves her. You know how that hurts me. I always believed that I was the beloved daughter of my father. The only one. (Lord ShadyDeal appears in the background) Never did I imagine that I would have a half sister, least of all that it's her.
Elsa: Me neither. Neither will I accept this but we can't let this tear us apart now. But together we can get what we want. (grabs her hand) Please, come with me.
Vainessa (pulling her hand back): No. I don't want to see Father.
Elsa: Very well. Very well, but please calm down.
Vainessa: I need fresh air.
Elsa: Very well, but don't say a word of this to anyone. We must pretend that this nobody doesn't exist. (turns and goes back to the house, talking insanely to herself. Vainessa turns around as Lord ShadyDeal approaches)
David: Vanessa, how are you? What's happened? What are you crying about?
Vainessa: No, no, no. Nothing.
David: You can trust me, can't you? Vanessa, I couldn't help but overhear you talking to your mother about your half-sister.
Vainessa says nothing, but goes to him for comfort. As they embrace he gloats over her shoulder while she looks over his with an anguished expression
Durán Residence: Lady Sneerwell shares coffee with Sir Esteban. He tells her directly that while Lady Chio is a nice person, to him she will only be Lady Sneerwell's best friend. Lady Sneerwell is still ill at ease regarding Dr Ernesto. She does not know what to do, but also knows she cannot avoid him forever.
Miguel's Bedchamber: Lady Daniela speaks to Lady Ana Paula over her cell phone, learning that Lady Ana Paula is well and has reconciled with Sir Gustavo. She allows Miguel to hear his sister's words, but declines to permit him to speak to her because she tells her that Miguel has escaped but she does not have a telephone number to call him back. Lady Ana Paula asks her friend to have him call her if she hears from him. She finally tells her that she has found her real father and that he will help her straighten out the mess with Lord Rogelio, but Lady Daniela has to cut the call short as a manservant (not Squire Hugo) opens the door to the room. Lady Ana Paula tries to call her back, but Lady Daniela has turned off her cellular.
Montero Estate, Carpentry Shop: A manservant tells Consuelo he's taking a break as Miguel and Lady Daniela arrive. Just before she leaves she tells Miguel that Lord Rogelio has just left with his retinue to fetch Lady Ana Paula back from Boca del Cielo. Miguel picks up a two by four and breaks it whacking the workbench as Consuelo leaves, then tells Lady Daniela to find his sister. She checks the cell phone and discovers that the call is listed as “number unknown”. He says they have to find her so she can get out of there.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Four, Scene 2) In which Fishwife Elsa's eyes bug out so far we fear (or hope) they will fall out.
Elsa: Drop that martyr's face. What did you expect? That Vanessa would be filled with happiness at the news of this illegitimate daughter?
Federico: Very soon this will be finished. After all the necessary proof you and Vanessa are so insecure about you will know that Paula is of my blood. That they both carry the same blood. I will give her my name and care for her and enjoy being with her because she has every right. (clutches the left side of his chest with his right hand)
Elsa: She has the right to nothing. Because she is a bastard, And I? I will make it my business to put her in her place. (raises her right arm)
Federico (seizing her arm with his right hand): You will do nothing. Of course you will not.
Elsa: Yes. I will look for.. and tell all what kind of woman her mother was.
Federico: You will do nothing. For years I heard you speak ill of Mariana. But that's over. I don't have to defend my feelings for her. But with every force I will defend my daughter, including from you. (clutches his chest in pain)

Elsa stares without concern; yea, with mad glee.
Boca del Cielo, Park: Lady Ana Paula tells Sir Gustavo about the phone call as they picnic. She thinks that Miguel is in a small town and is well. Sir Gustavo – poor foolish young man – speaks of them shortly having offspring. They speak of nothing else bad every happening again. Methinks the French letters had been forgotten and the anvil awaits.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Five, Scene One) Hitchcock-style music underscores the scene we hoped would not take place. Federico is sitting on the window seat, clutching his left shoulder.
Federico: I took all that crap for enough years, but no more. I will see the notary. If only to defend Ana Paula – (grimaces in pain)
Elsa (with a maniacal grin): Another of your threats? You always pretend to be ill.
Federico: No. I am ill.
Elsa (sarcastically): Every time things go bad, you're ill. And at the beach with that bastard you felt very well!
Federico (attempting to open a pillbox, then coughing): Get me my pills from the dining room. The ones in the emergency drawer.
Elsa: You think I will never help you.
Federico: Please, please.
Elsa: You want me to help you? Get the idea out of your head to legitimatize that bastard.
Federico: Elsa, please. I can't believe that at a moment like this –
Elsa: Do as I ask or you can go get the medicine.
Federico (grimaces and gasps): Elsa, Elsa, Elsa, please...Elsa
On the Road to Boca del Cielo: Lord Rogelio's carriage is stuck in the mud. Squire Hugo checks the mud around the rear wheels and informs Lord Rogelio that he is unable to move the vehicle by himself. They will have to send for help. Lord Rogelio summons Skelator on his cell phone, ordering him to send some men out to take care of this.
Galván Mansion: (Family Affairs, Act Five, Scene 2) This turns more horrific as Fishwife Elsa returns with the pills. She holds them out toward him and as he reaches for them, backs away holding them just beyond his reach.
Federico (reaching for the bottle): Give me my pills.Elsa (backing up): Say it! Say it! Say you will deny this bastard!Federico: Elsa, please...Elsa (backing up with each phrase, grin getting more maniacal with each word): Say it! Say it! Say you won't acknowledge that bastard! Say it! Say it!
We end with a look of sheer horror on Lord Federico's face. We fear he will shortly be comparing notes with Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, whose murderous wife certainly had more class than Fishwife Elsa.

Lord Rogelio arrives in Boca del Cielo as Vainessa arrives home to a tragedy.


Una Familia Con Suerte #149-150 Mon 3/5/12 Anyone for a Game of Brinksmanship? Call it Chicken if You Like

Un Verdedero Escuincle en Oaxaca se llama Benito

Rehash: Mike professes his total love to Rebe. His words remind her of Pancho, not what he had in mind. She expresses Pancho’s love for Chela and thinks her love with Pancho was false but Mike assures her that his love is all true. She loves Pancho and he says don’t worry. (I would)

Vicente talks sweetly with Pina, sweeter than he ever did when they were together. Enzo watches with a cool eye and the observation that Vin is missing Pina, Vice accuses him of projecting his own pain. Vice tries to convince Enzo that he is better off without the low class Chela. Neither one is really convinced or changed.

Candy is snotty with her producer again who chastises her for her bad attitude and worse ratings. The leather-girl enters and presents Candy with a gift in an expensive wooden box which Candy fears is a bomb.

Doctor Octavio with Doña Fer discusses Pepe’s condition with the family in the waiting room. The infection has spread from his hand to his entire body and his situation is very serious. He must remain uncontaminated in isolation so they can’t mob him with Lopez kisses and hugs. The only thing they can do is WAIT. This family is never at their best doing the waiting.

Poor old Tomas, discusses missing his family with his wooly mammoth cell mate. He says he has no kids but his family is really Pancho and the Lopez group. They both acknowledge their innocence but also their slim chance of getting out of prison any time soon. Wooly has already been waiting several years to have his case re-examined.

Still in the hospital waiting room the family discuss or Chela lectures that Elena is still family too and they need to support her as well as Tomas. Lupita wonders who could have killed Cristian if for sure Tomas didn’t and she doesn’t even think Elena is that craven. They worry about Pepe and Tomas in their usual family huddle.

Wooly doesn’t want to have his children come to the jail. His is ashamed that they would see him behind bars. Maybe this means he isn’t going to eat Tomas tonight. In fact he cries sadly on his top bunk missing his little ones, while Tomas below thinks he has more hours to live but perhaps more years until this nightmare ends.

Candy shows up at the hospital with the box which hasn’t exploded yet so she hands it to Chela. It is from Napoleon. Temo wonders who this Napo could be. Chela is in Pancho’s arms holding the ribboned bomb (not bonbon) box explaining to the children that Candy had a (bronca) fight with Napy. Finally when Temo tries to open the box and Candy freaks out, Pancho takes it and opens exclaiming MANCHES.

Switch to Rebe and Mike having a romantinc drink. Her idea of rejection or even going slow is puzzling.

Pancho reveals some non-exploding diamonds on an elaborate necklace and reads the romantic note from Napy that he will love her forever. (I think this means that he will also stalk her forever.) Doctor Octavio walks back in to say that Pepe is in danger of DYING. Oh where or where has my little dog (comedy) gone.

Pancho can’t believe this (pesadilla) nightmare they are living. DocOc says they are doing everything possible to save Pepe but he has to reserve his prognostication. The family struggle with what this means.

Monita has another argument with her not so glam amazonmom, she looks different without so much makeup but her mouth is just as foul regarding Pepe. They continue a futile argument about Violeta wanting her to dump Pepe while Violeta’s voice goes toward high screams. Lupita enters the hospital room, who knew that the only hospital in D.F. is still where everyone wants to be. Lupita quietly informs Monica that her Pepe is really gravely ill. Sorry, glamazonmom, you just got upstaged.

Enzo and Vice discuss women and their painful situations. Vice can’t believe that Enzo is so miserable does he really love Chela so. Yes he does. For once Vice actually says poor you with sweet sincerity. Did they change his whiskey mix while I was away?

Pancho and Chela hug and pray in the chapel. Chela takes the opportunity to kiss Pancho.

Back at the bedside of the struggling to live Pepe, DocOc brings Monica in gowned and masked to spend a few minutes with Pepe. I love you José she repeats, you have no idea how much. She kisses his hand and his eyes flicker. She pulls a saint’s metal out of her pocket saying it is from Lupita and places it on his chest so I think it is the famous Fer metal given to her baby. She kisses his brow and we feel the power of the metal straining to save our Pepe.

The waiting room is strewn with sleeping Lopez members, Freddie and Ana wake to the sound of her cell phone. Joachim is on the other end wanting, no insisting that she go on a tour today to push her new disc. She tells him she can’t since her brother is so ill. Pancho comforts Monica.

Finally the reprobate Elena goes to visit Tomas. (Hey, you all didn’t tell me that his new Luke was so transforming, he is totally handsome). Elena complains to him about confessing for her sake. It is still all about her and all done in uberwhiny voice but at least she got her buttinsky to the jail. She begins to describe the drunken passionate embraces she and Cristian shared and him falling to the ground, striking his head on the table edge and then she lost consciousness too. They reach for a hug but the smarmy guard tells them not to touch. At last they declare their love and allegiance.

Rebe is going all pouty on another streeeetch-limo ride with Mikey. They talk in the conference room about his handsome face on the cover of a business magazine then they both carp about Pancho being tardy once more.

Enzo calls Pancho to see why he is late and hears about Pepe which causes Rebe to insist on fleeing to the hospital but she tells Mike it isn’t prudent for him to come with her which of course he wants to play velcroman and stick at her side. He does obey her in this case.

Enzo comes to the hospital and has a tender moment with Chela but needs to see his daughter and talk with Pancho. Chela asks his pardon and he insists that she has nothing to ask pardon for. Her heart must answer it’s own call. She winces at this. She and Pancho exchange sad looks. This all looks so wrong to me and to everyone in it but no one seems to be able to cry STOP.

Violeta is full of venom but not nearly enough drugs so she is screaming at Moni and Enzo to get out of her room. Enzo wants to do just that. Moni hasn’t figured out that she can’t now raise the mother who abandoned her to find a loving mom at the end of the rainbow. But she is getting some strong clues…

Candy shows the diamonds to Vice and talks of her fear of Napoleon he is amazed but ends assuring her that he will defend her against any harm. He shows his well sculptured arm muscles to demonstrate his sincerity.

Chela and Pancho continue consoling each other about Pepe surviving and having faith that Pepe will survive when they stand up and hug tight declaring how much they love each other but it is very fraternal from my vantage point but just as they squeeze tight, Rebeca shows up. She watches the interaction. They part but hold hands while she notices like she had a magnifying glass held up to their hand clasp. She announces her presence by asking how Pepe is doing, but looks like she would rather run out of the room immediately.

Temo stands up and hugs Rebe, Ana and Lupita add kisses and greetings for Rebe. Fer comes up to greet her and tells her that they were told last night that Pepe is in danger of dying. Rebe addresses Pancho rather formally and expresses her sorrow at Pepe’s condition. Pancho thanks her for coming and asks her to offer his pardon to the office for abandoning the meetings. He just is not able to leave his son to sign papers. Rebe reminds him that he is the one that wisely says the family must always come first. Fernanda walks Rebe to the side. Fer thanks her for coming. Rebe is able to talk about her love for Pancho and how she has come to love all his children but really there is nothing to talk about. She can see how things are (with that pause to see if we see the same thing) and needs to go.

Pancho’s cuates show up and the mood begins to shift. DocOc pronounces that Pepe has passed out of grave danger and the crowd goes wild.

Rebe is reviewing the sad viewing of Pancho and Chela as she gets a telephone call from Enzo who says he saw her at the hospital. They are glad Pepe is better and will talk tomorrow. Both share the same sad tone. Mike knocks on the door with another bouquet of flowers for his princess. She wants to get her feelings straight in peace and keeps telling him to slow down. He looks like he will do anything but. It reminds me of how many times you have to tell a puppy not to jump on you, like thousands of times with now effect.

The rowdy crowd rush in with much noise and balloons of joy with Chato and Chacho right up crowding Pancho as he tries to embrace his almost dead son. Pepe looks like he would rather sleep some more. DocOc tries to tell them they are in a hospital and need to quiet down but Fer knows this is a Lopez cure technique saying there is no family like Los Lopez, ehh? Indeed there is not.

Pancho visits Tomas at the prison to assure him that they will help him. He knows that he is innocent and he only confessed to protect Elena.

Moni feeds Pepe and tells him how ill he was and how everyone was so worried. He doesn’t seem to remember but loves the attention. They do lovely makeup so well.

Vice and Fredster have a cordial talk at the table after Vice hugs Adoracion. Fred misses his Momster and Vice admits that he does too to Fred’s surprise.

Chela and Candy wonder what she is going to do with the fearsome Napoleon.

Vice tries to discuss his eggs with Ado and this and that with Abeja while Freddy says Paps don’t change the subject, you said you miss Moms. He decides to not deny and Fredster gives him a big kiss.

Chato has an envelope that contains a letter from his son who is in LA. He misses his dad, and writes in a perfectly blended mix of Spanish and English. We see the letter and the cute little son and Chato’s sadness deepens.

Ana gets annoying news about her disk and tour that now will be cancelled by the annoyed promoter. She begs Joachim to understand that she couldn’t leave her dying brother’s side but he is cold and unbending that she forfeited her career or at least all that he is involved with. Lucky you, Ana. Click your heels and give this bugger the boot.

Chato threatens to become a wetback (mohado) again to go see his little son. Pancho promises to get him all the proper papers through Avon to allow him to go visit his son. Chato plants a big wet kiss and hugs Pancho long enough for Lamberto and Enzo to walk in and think they are witnessing a romantic moment. They all confess and have a silly laugh.

Pepe and Moni continue talking of their love Pepe apologizes that her momster doesn’t like him. She explains that it’s not his fault and her Mom is in the psychiatric hospital so isn’t to be counted on for making sense.

Wooly and Tomas continue their talk about innocence while the tough committee realizes they have a protectee of Pancho Lopez and you can almost see the $$$$ signs in their eyes. The head of Tough Comm. grabs Tom to announce his demands.

Pancho greets everyone in the conference room. The stiff formalities continue around the table when suddenly Pancho announces he has made a decision as he slaps his notebook shut. He says there is no reason for Avon to merge with BelleFace and he is ending the merger talks now. Everyone at the table is up at arms demanding his reasons but while Rebe and Pancho talk through gritted teeth with gritty metaphor, Pancho slams Rebe that she only advised him to go with this merger so she could be helpful to Mike and Mike needs the merger. Pancho is about to find out who else was anxious for this merger as the looks around the table are full of unspoken threats.

Monica brings Pepe up to date on what the family has learned about Tomas’ and Elena’s innocence. Pepe gets it immediately that Tomas was only protecting his hapless sister.

The merger talks continue to unravel when Vicente stands up, pretentiously calms Rebe several times and says that he and only he can contest Pancho’s decision to unilaterally discontinue the merger. Arnold is happy face, he just loves a good fight. Pancho asks Lambe and Enzo if this is true. Enzo quietly tells him that in fact Vicente does own enough shares as an investor and he can indeed contest Pancho’s decision. Pancho and Rebeca quickly raise the stakes to their very personal contest ignoring Vicente and everyone else as they stare each other down. Pancho says he has no choice but to fire Rebeca.

Pancho even questions himself as Rebe screams at his meanness and runs out of the room. Pancho gives his usual confused looks and asks Lambe if he went too far. He nods yes, Enzo says yes but it is understandable.

Rebe runs in her office followed by Velcro-Mike who defends her and she and Pancho miss another chance to work out the real problem. Pancho shows up in time to see Rebeca and Mike in locked embrace this time. They continue the formal slams until Pancho walks out defeated.

Chato comes to see Adoracion who wonders what he wants but he is honest at last that he is going home to his little son. They embrace and cry before Chato leaves sadly.

Ana cries into Freddy’s chest about losing her contract and career. He comforts her.

Pancho comes in and yells at Pepe about his frustration that Pepe hid his condition and didn’t seek help. Pepe finally admits he was thinking he had to ignore his own pain to be macho. Pancho gives him a rougher than intended hair pull then grabs him and hugs while telling him that they all need him and are there to support him no matter what other problems they have.

Chela and Lupita talk about her feelings for Tomas but Lupita only wants to help him and have him not suffer. She admits it will take a long time to feel romance but she knows she has to help people she cares for. Chela recognizes that she is a truly unique person full of loving feelings.

Pancho talks with Pepe and Moni at the hospital Pancho admits that things got out of hand with Rebeca. Pepe questions if he will now be with Chela. He admits that they have been together for so long and Chela has always been at his side supporting him.

We see brief moments of Rebe reliving with disbelief that her beloved Pancho really fired her butt but smarmy Mike is right their pawing at her every moment while enforcing that she is free now and they can just move on. Ewwwww, none of this feels right as I write it down.

Chela and Lupita continue their heart to heart about love and Chela says she isn’t going to make the same mistakes as before. I can’t for the life of me tell which set of mistakes she is recognizing. Funny how Lupita is always the sane adult in all her talks.

Mike’s next surprise is offering Rebe a helmet. She is already in motorcycle girl clothes. They take off after she argues feebly. And have a romantic ride in the country that makes her look positively miserable while he blithely pursues his romantic voyage fantasy. The scene even keeps going to black and white to add to the out of place out of time quality.

Back at Enzo’s he and Moni talk about her dilemmas. She asks to come home. He says no she has to suffer a bit but then says JOKE, of course you can move back home. They hug.

Ana cries about not being able to keep her dream of selling a chorro of discos to Pancho, Chela , Temo and Lupita. Pancho tells her that he will help her sell them out of the house if they have to. She doesn’t need that Joachim.

Vicente and Candy now fight about his tie with Freddy and he tells her that he will never ignore his son or be an irresponsible father. He leaves while she looks sad.

Pancho and Chela try to be romantic but it keeps turning into rather platonic hugs.

Lupita shows up at the prison all sweet to see Tomas who appears with his new Luke all ruined, scratched up and his eyes stitched and torso wrapped in gauze. Her smile turns to horror.

Next time: the showdown of rearranged romance continues like too roadsters playing chicken as they race toward the cliffs edge like that scene in “Rebel Without a Cause.” Chela and Pancho kiss passionlessly some more then celebrate being together with the surprised children. Later Pancho overhears Rebeca telling Arnoldo that she is moving to Miami with Mike. Yikes!

JP, thanks for all the great recaps you did to cover Mondays. I enjoyed your keen observations and I know you had a great reception from the grateful CarayCarayers. And the best part for all of us is that he is going to continue and we will collaborate on sharing Monday nights. It’s good to go away but it’s good to be home too!


Sunday, March 04, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #147-148 Fri 3/2/12 The Hand of Fate

Part One: Fists of Fury

Ana and her manager talk about the promotion of her CD. Suddenly the music wells up and Alejandra Guzmán comes in, singing "Un Día de Suerte."

There's something terribly wrong with her voice. And she's lost some weight. And her microphone appears to be a whisk from the kitchen drawer. I'm starting to think that's not Alejandra Guzmán! Is it an escapee from Parodiando? Worse! It's Goya!

Ana is mortified. Her manager is angry. Goya wants to know when she can go to his office and sign a contract. She offers to do another number for them. The manager yells at Ana, not appreciating the joke, and storms out. Goya cries and says she just wanted a chance. Don't domestic workers deserve a chance? Ana tries to cheer her up and says she did great.

At the prison, Pancho's lawyer is only able to get one visitor pass to see Tomás. Pancho thinks Lupita's the best choice to cheer him up and let him know they won't leave him. Pepe thanks Pancho. "I admire you more every day, jefe." He winces. Pancho doesn't notice.

Tom is grateful to see Lupita. She asks him for the truth. (They sit together at a table, their hands touching. A guard raps the table and says "no touching! This isn't a hotel!") Tom asks her not to tell anyone what he's about to say. She swears she won't. He admits that he didn't kill Cristián; he confessed to the crime to keep his sister out of prison. Cris was already dead when Tomás got there. Lupe thinks Elena killed the guy because he wouldn't give her a car! (Lupita sure is getting cynical in her old age!) Tom isn't so sure - why would Elena kill the hen/goose/idiot that lays the golden eggs? In any case, he won't let her take the blame for this. He's taken care of her since they were orphans. Lupe says Elena would never do something like this for him. That doesn't matter to Tom. He reminds her not to tell anyone.

And visiting time is up. Lupita leaves. Tom curses himself for having been such a lousy boyfriend to her.

Pancho asks the lawyer to help Tom. The lawyer says they're going to have to find out who the real murderer is, because with a signed confession from Tom, the authorities aren't going to investigate any more. They're going to need very good evidence.

Lupe rejoins her family. Pepe asks what she found out. Why did Tom confess? Lupe says he couldn't tell her anything, but it hurts her to see how much pain he's in. Pancho, who has failed to notice that Pepe is cradling his injured hand in a really obvious way, seems to sense that something's wrong with Lupita.

Moni and Enzo are at the hospital. Moni is crying again. Enzo says Violeta is stable now that they've pumped her stomach a couple of times. Moni thinks it's her fault. Enzo says this isn't the first time her mother's hurt herself; she's sick, they can't help her. She needs professional help.

Lidia calls to see how Enzo and his babymama are doing. Hmm. I don't like this. Moni asks who she is. He explains that it's about work, and "she's a very attractive woman, if that's what you're asking."

At home, Lupita won't tell Pancho what Tom said. "All I can say is that he's innocent."

Tomás makes friends in the lunchroom. The little guy says they're gonna call him Alex (ouch, ouch, ouch), after Alejandro Fernandez, cuz he looks like El Potrillo! (Joke: singer Alejandro Fernandez is nicknamed El Potrillo, i.e. The Colt or The Foal.) He offers to explain the rules of their exclusive social club. Tomás says he's not interested. The big guy slaps him in the head. A skinny guy with a beard says he's the Gargoyle, he's the boss of this place and the first rule here is to respect him. Nothing happens here without his authority. "And if not?" Tom asks. The big guy punches him in the stomach.

Rule number two is that Tom will need to pay money for protection. It's like healthcare insurance. "I don't have any money," answers Tom. (He is a slow learner.) Wrong answer! The big guy punches him in the side. Tom fall to the floor.

Rule three is that the Gargoyle gets a piece of any action that goes down. Also, it's time for Tom's baptism. Gargoyle throws a glass of punch in Tom's face.

Candy is upset with Vice because he was talking about Pina in his sleep last night. But Vice doesn't know that. "If you really loved me, I wouldn't have to tell you!" she exclaims. They fight some more and he leaves.

Napoleón's goonette visits Vice's detective, Jiménez, and brings a message on Nap's behalf: if he values his life and those of the people around him, he'd better back off. He'll only get this one warning. If he messes with Napoleon, he'll cease to exist. She casually kicks her foot up to his chin to let him know that she has great boots. She asks who his client is. He mumbles something about professional ethics; however, wishing to avoid getting a heel-shaped dent in his face, he quickly gives Vice up. (From the look on her face, I think she's planning to enshroud the detective in freshly spun silk and take him down to her lair to feed her hatchlings.)

At the Avon offices, Chacho counsels Chato to get over Adoración and move on, like Chacho did with Chela. Rebe and Mike overhear the two speculating about Pancho going after Chela. Rebe is unhappy. Mike smirks.

Chacho brings a Pancho doll to Sandy. Vice interrupts. (Chacho waves the doll's hand at Vice.) Vice insults Chacho's humble background and asks what he has to offer someone like Sandy. Chacho has a great answer: he's a nice guy and he's not married! HA!! And love.

Jiménez shows up, so Vice throws out another couple of insults and leaves Chacho alone with Sandy. "Did you say LOVE, Chacho?"

In Vice's office, Jiménez nervously tells Vice that he can't continue the Napoleón investigation. He values his life too much. He gives Vice's money back and runs out. Vice calls him a great big fraidycat.

Chela and Candy catch up. No new information, but she does insist to Candy that she only likes Enzo as a friend.

Moni visits her mother's bedside. Without her giant earrings with their mystical, malevolent powers, Violeta is docile and apologetic. At least, that's what I think until she sees Pepe, who is now cradling his entire left arm. Then she gets mean and evil again. So I guess we can't blame the earrings. Drat. I thought I was onto something there. "I hate you, Jose! Get out of here! You're a loser! Go away!" Moni ìs horrified.

Arnold tries to convince Rebe that since Pancho's getting together with Chela, she's better off with Mike. At least he's of her social level. She should give him a chance.

Mike visits Pancho. Pancho gets angry just at the sight of him. It's because of the picture on that magazine cover. Mike offers to put Pancho in touch with the magazine so that he can be on their next cover with Chela. Pancho wants to punch him in the face. Mike calmly says that the only reason he doesn't respond in kind is out of respect for Rebeca. Pancho scoffs, seeing as how he had left Rebeca holding the bag in Miami.

People are gathered in the doorway, watching. Pancho takes off his jacket and wants to fight. Chacho pulls him away. Mike taunts Pancho for needing someone to defend him.

Arnold assures Rebe that when it's true love, you can just feel it, like he feels for Pina. Rebe reminds him that before Pina, it was Ana - and herself before that. Arnold admits that maybe it's possible to make a couple of mistakes along the way. Rebeca says sometimes true love is one-sided. She put up with so much to be with Pancho, and he hasn't done anything in exchange. How ironic, after she finally got his family to accept her. Arnold says maybe Pancho's not the one for her.

Rebeca says that if Pancho's not her true love, then there's no such thing as true love. Arnold tries to persuade her of Mike's awesomeness: she feels something for him, he took the blame for the fraud, and though he, Arnold is not taking sides, he is on HER side, and he thinks Mike is the better choice to make her happy.

Rebeca is unimpressed by all of Arnold's arguments. She admits that she and Pancho had their differences, but they always managed to get past them. Arnold says now those differences are coming back to haunt her. The kids, the sister-in-law, the ostentatious sister. None of that's a problem with Mike. Besides, Arnold says, Mike's stylish Acapulco tan is very attractive. (Bitch please!)

Lupita goes back to Casa Popular to confront Elena. Elena says she didn't kill Cristián; she only asked Tom to help her with the dead guy. It's not her problem Tom let himself got caught. Lupe wants Elena to tell the truth to the police. "Are ya gonna make me?" Lupe says she's capable of anything to prevent an injustice. She takes Elena's elbow. Elena throws her off. "Don't touch me!"

At the hospital, Enzo notices Pepe staring at his bandaged hand and wincing. Enzo asks if it hurts. Pepe insists that it doesn't. (If only he were in a place with convenient access to doctors... OH RIGHT.) Enzo tells Pepe not to take Violeta's attitude to heart. She's jealous of him because she wants Mónica all to herself. Pepe says he knows she's sick, but Enzo is more worried about Moni and the effect that this emotional blackmail is having on her, filling her with guilt.

Violeta is still badmouthing Pepe to her daughter. Moni says that if she doesn't stop, she'll leave. V apologizes. Moni suggests that she consider hospitalization. V panics and turns her guilt-machine on full blast. "Sure, you're sick of me, right? That's why you want to commit me to a manicomio! Don't you love me?"

Lupita tells Elena that if she doesn't go to the police and explain herself, Lupita will do it for her. Elena says good luck with that; Tom already signed a confession. Lupita gets an idea. "Oh! Why didn't I think of that before!" She won't tell Elena what it is. Elena hauls her away from the door and punches her. "Now I know what kind of person you are, and I will never forgive you!" Lupita cries.

Pancho tells the chamigos about his feelings. It's all rehash. Chacho tells Pancho to stop, gather his thoughts, and don't act on impulse. But Pancho says the kids would be happier if he were with Chela, and Rebe could be happy with Mike.

Candy tells Chela that Vice hired a detective to look into Napoleón. She also tells her about Vice talking about Pina in his sleep.

Vice tells Enzo about Napoleón. He hired a couple of goons to protect Candy, but he knows what it's like to be in love with her, so he's sure Napoleón won't give up easily.

They have to cut their conversation short because someone named Débora is here. Vice is nervous. It's Nap's goonette. Enzo excuses himself hurriedly. Deb gets right to the point: "How much money do you want to dump Candy?"

Part Two: The Sound of One Hand Clapping

Vice says there's not enough money. "How much?" Deb insists. "Enough to buy out every share of this company!" Deb doesn't even blink.

Pancho goes home early to check on things. Candy and Chela tell him about Napoleón. That's just what he needs - more worries.

Vice doesn't trust Deb's offer. For one thing, her boss was accused of ripping off a lot of money. ("He was exonerated.") And why doesn't he come to see Vice personally? ("He's not in Mexico.") Vice tells Deb to tell her boss that it'd cost him a lot to get him to dump Candy. "Well, there's one other option," Deb says. Nap has been in love with Candy - obsessed with her - for more than five years. Unfortunately he's been out of the country. ("Fleeing from justice," Vice says.) Deb says he'll be back in Mexico soon. "You didn't tell me the other option!" "I wouldn't recommend it. We'll be in touch."

Arnold runs into Deb on her way out. He likes her. He asks if she's ever been a model. Maybe she'll be Crush #4... or maybe she'll crush him.

Vice tries to call Enzo. Enzo's busy. Vice seems annoyed that his old pal isn't at his beck and call any more.

At the hospital, Moni is clutching Pepe's good hand and crying about her mother. Pepe is assuring her that none of this is her fault. Lupita shows up and they notice a bruise on her face. She tells them it was Elena.

At the prison, Tom and his roommate, El Tanque, wash dishes. Mr. T isn't very chatty, but Tom tries to get him to talk. "What are you in for?" "Homicide." "Me too!" "Let me guess - you're innocent." "Yes, why do you say that - you too?" "Yes, but I've been awaiting trial for three years." Tom is impactado.

Lupita wants to get the record of the phone call between Elena and Tom the morning he was caught, but she still doesn't want to tell Pepe and Moni everything she knows.

Pancho and Candy and Chela are still upset about Napoleón. Ana comes home and assumes they're upset about Tomás. They don't tell her what's going on.

Moni says Lupe wouldn't be breaking her promise to Tom if she told them what she discussed with Elena. Pepe adds that it's more important not to let their friend rot in prison. Finally Lupita tells them that Elena spent the night with Cristián. Elena has shown that she's capable of all kinds of things, but murder? She doesn't think so. (What changed Lupita's mind?)

Now Pepe and Moni speculate that Elena had a poblem with the guy and called Tom to help - so he might have killed the guy in self-defense, or to defend Elena. Exasperated, Lupita agrees to reveal the rest: Cristián was already dead when Elena made the call. Now Pepe thinks it was Elena. Whoever it was, it wasn't Tom. Getting the phone record will help.

Mike wants another date with Rebeca. She says yes. That is not the way to discourage a guy.

Lupe, Pepe, and Moni go to the lawyer and tell him what they know. Yes, a GPS location on the phone record would establish that Elena spent the night with the victim instead of leaving the night before, as she had claimed. So would security camera footage from the hotel. But those wouldn't prove that Tom didn't murder Cristián, especially since he signed a confession. The lawyer will present all their evidence, and they can certainly try to appeal, but the judge is going to hand down Tom's sentence soon.

Temo makes a face at Fernanda for being in love with Dr. Octavio. Fer says there's no special age for love. He ought to know that, since he's in love with Meli. He's sad that she might become an orphan.

Rebeca complains about Mike's elaborate and mysterious preparations for dinner. They're in a Cadillac SUV streeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch limo. He says he's so excited about taking her to dinner that he has to make a big deal over it. She doesn't know where they're going. He wants her to be surprised.

He strokes her hair. (Ew! Dude, grow your own damned hair and you can stroke that all you want to!) She flashes back to an elaborate and mysterious picnic that Pancho once prepared for her. She loved this. Champagne in a gas-hog limo with a hair-obsessed orange octopus, not so much.

They arrive at the airport. He's going to fly her to Cancún for a romantic dinner on the beach! She's annoyed. They have lots of work to do. He doesn't get it. They can spend the night and come back in the morning on the private jet that's waiting. If she she doesn't like that plan, no problem: they can go somewhere else, anyplace in the world.

Rebe says she doesn't like cliches, so why don't they just have dinner at some restaurant and get some work done instead of wasting time. She gets back in the car and tells him not to call her "Rebe" and to stay on his own side.

At dinner, Lupita has trouble with a loose tooth. She tells Pancho she fell. Nobody believes her. It comes out that Elena did it. Ana goes flying out the door and hitches a ride with Freddy, who just happens to be passing through. Pancho and Chela follow in La Burra.

On the ride over, Chela says she's worried about Pepe's hand. He agrees to have him see a doctor.

It turns out Enzo didn't answer Vice's call earlier because he was WORKING. On the merger. Enzo doesn't think it's a good idea to keep the secret of Pancho's DNA from Fernanda, but Vice doesn't want him to be president of the merged company. Arnold shows up and wants to ask about the woman in leather.

In La Burra, Pancho tells Chela that the one good thing about all the problems they're having is that they're together. He takes her hand. She is delighted. Blech.

Arnold wants Debora to model for one of their campaigns. Vice doesn't want to talk to him. He's sore at Arnold for taking Pina's side. Arnold suggests they kiss and make up. Enzo likes the idea. Vice agrees to make up, without a kiss, and tells his fellow pesketeers that the woman in leather offered him money to break up with Candy. They make like the Three Wise Monkeys.

Deb reports to Napo-bot. (There's a bust of Original Napoleon on his desk.) She says Vicente will be a tough customer, but she thinks he'll negotiate.

Candy leaves the Lopez dinner table to do her radio show. It's just Fernanda, Lupita, Temo, Moni, and Pepe now. Pepe is sweating and flushed and distracted. The pain is so bad that he is struggling to keep his eyes open. Nobody notices. Fernanda wants to know what's going on with the lawyer and Tomás and everything. Pepe tries to say something, but can only pant and mumble. He insists that nothing is wrong, and tries to leave the dining room, but collapses. NOW they notice!

There's a knock at Elena's door. She doesn't get up when she hears Ana's voice. "We want to talk to you!" Fred says. NOW Elena opens the door! Ana greets her with the sound of one hand clapping - across Elena's face. Before shocked Freddy can react, Ana gives her a kick that sends her rolling over the couch. "Nobody messes with my sister and lives to tell about it!" Pancho and Chela are right behind them. Pancho restrains Ana. Fred, of all people, holds Elena.

Fernanda calls Dr. Octavio for help. She asks Pepe if he can walk. (Well, yes. Because he doesn't walk on his hands!)

Enzo and Arnold are shocked that Vice would consider taking Napoleón up on his offer, but Vice says he could use the money to become owner of the company. "When I'm bad, I'm REALLY bad," he crows. Then he backpedals and says he couldn't do that. He asked to meet with Nap to buy some time, but he doesn't think he'll win.

Pina calls Arnold. He pretends it's some unwanted boyfriend, but lets her know he's with Vice.

Napo-Bot tells Deb he won't tolerate any mistakes. (Whose voice is that? It's driving me crazy!) Then he asks her to demonstrate her ninja skilz. She clears his pencil-cup (full of those stupid green pencils) off the desk with her foot. That's good enough for Nap.

Pancho et al grill Elena. She says she doesn't remember anything. She tells them what little she does remember: it's just what we saw. They had a drink in the bar, then they went up to the room, and got dizzy. They guess that someone might have drugged them, but why?

Dr. Octavio says Pepe has a serious infection. Pepe thinks it might be his hand. (Seriously? NOBODY told the doctor about the hand?) The doctor unwraps it, and it's clear that Pepe has not been following his Concha Cream regimen.

Elena tells Pancho et al all the stuff we already know. She swears she didn't kill him. Ana doesn't believe her at all.

Octavio wants to take Pepe to the hospital. Else he might get sepsis. (Didn't someone here mention a few weeks ago they didn't like Ana saying "sepsy" for "sexy" because it sounded too much like "sepsis"? Well, this ought to break Ana of that habit!)

Elena feels bad about letting Tom take the blame, but if she told the truth they'd put her in jail instead. That sounds good to Ana. Pancho and Chela says they're family and they won't let her go through this alone. Then he gets a call from Lupita about Pepe's hand.

Rebe tells Mike she appreciates him taking the blame for the Miami thing, since it could hurt his career. He says her love is more important to him than his ambition. All the perks and privileges mean nothing compared to his feelings for her. She says that's just how she FELT about Pancho... but it turns out he doesn't love her, he always denied that he was interested in Chela, but it's looking like he's in love with her, and his love for Rebeca was false. Mike says his love for her is real. She says she can't tell her heart what to do; she loves Pancho. Mike tells her not to worry.

Vice has a sweet conversation with Pina, asks about Yuyu and mini-Yuyu, and says when she gets back he'll buy her some clothes and shoes and they'll take Fred and/or Abeja (whichever the "nene" is) to Chapultepec and look at the boats. Enzo notes that Vice sighed after talking to Pina, because he loves her and misses her. Vice mocks and says it's Enzo who misses his Quesadillas (Chela). Enzo takes offense. Vice taunts him with the likelihood that Chela is in Pancho's arms. Not helpful.

Ortíz - Candy's producer - says their ratings are down and they'd better fix that fast or they'll lose sponsors. Just then, Deb walks in. Amazingly, Candy recognizes her voice from that one brief cellphone call. Deb has a gift from Napoleon. She puts it on Candy's desk and leaves. Candy worries it's a bomb. Ortíz goes for Security, or so he says. Maybe he's just running for his life.

Dr. Octavio says that Pepe had a cut on his hand. (Oh, really?) It had been sewn up (so I guess Pepe did see a doctor that night) but Pepe didn't care for it properly and now it's all infected. They're giving him antibiotics now and they cleaned up the hand, but the infection is raging throughout his body. His situation is very grave.

Next time:
Rebe sees Pancho holding Chela.


Saturday, March 03, 2012

El Talismán #23 Fri 3/2/12 Friday the Rabbi Went Slumming (With Apologies to Harry Kemelman)

At first I was puzzled. Why would they make an episode about nothing? Were they doing tequila shots with Larry David over lunch? Had they been watching too many Seinfeld reruns? And then I got it. They were giving us time to process the explosive events of the evening before.
If Thursday was ham on wry, (and it was), then this Friday is pure spam. Which is unfortunate. Because it is precisely today that Rabbi Jacob Sacerdote joins us for the first time. (Hide the pork products and let’s wrap it up before sundown.)
Popularly known in the valley as the Tallis Man because of his distinctive avocado-colored tallis, or prayer shawl, Rabbi Jacob will comment on the text from time to time when the regular go-to goy, Padre Serafin, is out blessing a Suburu and we need moral guidance fast.
Let’s get started on our trip to nowhere, shall we?
It’s a new day at el tal Talismán
La tal Camila is marking her territory. La tal LuCrazy is mincing around, still wearing the skimpy hospital gown whose pale pink color highlights the bruises on her surly face.
It’s the Pi Man himself who makes the call: Lu gets the guestroom, and Camila will sleep in Pedro’s bedroom.
¡No sean malpensados!
(Get your minds out of the gutter!)
No need to call in the rabbi just yet. Pedro will sleep in Mariana’s bedroom, right next to his own. Tía is handing around the chastity belts.
[Rabbi Jacob: It’s very odd that no one mentions the suicide room. Wasn’t that the master bedroom? Did they seal it off? Or, it’s not, God forbid, “Mariana’s room”? NM: Tonight the writers have forgotten Estegone’s tragic legacy and they expect us to do the same. Rabbi: Mutters under breath: Putzes.]
At AlcaTrash
Gregorio explains (again) that Pancho must watch Gregorio’s back and keep an eye on Antonio and LuCrazier. His reward? When he and Greg are alone – and only then – Pancho can call him daddy.
At The Only Hotel Inn-Fresno™
Armando wants out of El Viral’s scheme to hurt the Negrete girls. He protests the same way he does everything -- feebly, ineffectually. He has a hunch Operation F-Girls will backfire and he’ll be the one who gets effed. Exit Armando. Enter Antonio.
Now Tony pulls El Viral’s strings. He has some work for her:
First, make Camila believe that Pedro killed his wife. And second? Oh, yeah -- he wants daddy dead.
Tracy pops in briefly and unnecessarily tonight. She phones El Tal looking for Panchito. She’s got problems, she tells Domitila.
But unbeknownst to Tracy, Pancho, ever so desperate to please, is still closeted with Pigorio over at AlcaTrash. The Pig says he can’t trust anyone – especially Antonio, now that he knows about his mother’s will. Pancho is hurt. Doesn’t Pigorio trust HIM? Pig makes it clear Pancho will have to earn his trust.
El Viral is sorry she ever got mixed up with Tony and regrets agreeing to poison the Pig’s pills. Can’t they kill him some other way? Nope.
At last, Pancho leaves with a wistful “Hasta luego, Papa” and the Pig is alone in his bullet-pocked office. Not for long though. Doris, particularly drab and sullen this evening, comes in whining about Antonio and his plans to divorce her for la tal Camila.
El Tal
Pedro reminds Camila (again) that he only married Mariana to give her baby his name. When Mariana comes home, her old room will be waiting for her and Pedro will move back into his own bedroom. Even if Camila is still in it. Here he and Camila exchange conspiratorial smiles – oh the fun the 40-year-old virgins will have when Mariana comes home!
LuCrazierandcrazier slithers and hisses in the background. Camila looks smug. I’m the one Pedro loves, you nasty whoring munchkin!
[Rabbi Jacob: This you call a telenovela? These people are meshuga. And wicked. And boring. They keep saying the same thing over and over ...]
Pedro looks at a photo of himself with Mariana and her father. He wonders: ¿Dónde estarás, Mariana? ¿Dónde? (I wonder where Mariana is?)
[NM: Pedro uses the future of probability that often gets translated as “I wonder”. I like to think of it as the “Book of Love Future (♪♪Oh I wonder, wonder, wonder ...♪♪)]
[Rabbi Jacob: Future shmuture. Look for her outside of Fresno, already!]
Pigorio counsels Doris to use her daughters by pitting them against Antonio. [I’m distracted by Doris’s voice. It sounds like it should be in a cartoon. If they dub The Simpsons in Spanish, Doris should play one of Marge’s sisters.]
At California State University Fresno
Flor, momentarily sacada de onda (bummed out) because José seems to have stood her up, brightens when her bespectacled suitor appears. ¿Que onda contigo? (Whassup, dude?), she greets him.
[Rabbi Jacob: What’s with the onda talk?
NM: That’s code for “I’m just a kid.”]
Almost immediately Armando gets a phone call and steps away to talk to ... the other F-sister, Fabi, the one he really likes. Oh this is all too much for Armando. His tiny brain is starting to hurt.
Flor wants to know who called. “My friend, Fabio” he sputters. “¡Qué casualidad!” She has a sister named Fabiola!
At the Hotel, Antonio is still turning the screws on El Viral. Now he peels a few bills from the wad he’s carrying. Something to make her smile he says as he hands her the cash. The catch – she has to convince Camila to leave Pedro.
El Viral is aghast when Antonio tells her Pedro was accused of murdering his wife. He thought she already knew.
[Rabbi Jacob: Didn’t he say that to her earlier this evening?
NM: Yes. Maybe the headband is constricting the blood supply to her brain.]
Anyway, Antonio will get all the old newspaper stories about the trial so El Viral can get to work on Operation Comecocos.
(comecocos = brainwashing, Hombre de Misterio’s gift to El Tal)
More girl talk.
Cami asks LuCrazy:
¿No te cansas de estar de rogona?
(Aren’t you tired of acting like a stalker? rogar: to beg)
You’re the “rogona”, giraffe-girl, snarls Lu.
Here Pedro arrives to escort Camila to “his” bedroom while Tía takes charge of LuCrazier. She shuts the door and Lu and Tía are now alone together in a confined space. Lu’s fake smile fades quickly.
[Rabbi Jacob: Hey! Isn’t there supposed to be a scene right here with the aunt telling off the mean girl? NM: No kidding, Rabbi. Tía’s the one who’s always had LuCrazy’s number.]
Pedro shows Cami his room, the very room she lived in for several days. Four years ago. He has kept it exactly as she left it – a few receipts from Yogurt Fusion, a handful of feathers and a cowgirl belt are now cherished relics -- because it made him feel she was there with him.
Fabiola returns home to AlcaTrash. Alberta gives her the skinny on the Belt Buckle vs the Safe:
Se puso bien canijo el pleito entre Don Gregorio y tu papá.
(The argument between Don G and your dad got pretty bad. canijo: literally small, puny but here it’s almost the opposite – big, nasty. Choose your negative.)
Pfffft. That’s old news to Fabiola.
Alberta adds warily:
A Antonio se le metió el chamuco adentro.
(The devil has taken hold of Antonio.)
The devilish Antonio is right now arranging for a (fake) newspaper story to be (fake?) published. It will make Pedro look guilty and then El Viral can use it to turn Camila against him.
El Viral and Tony are startled by a knock on the door. Surprise! It’s Renato and he has come a-courting. “¿Qué dice la mujer más bella ... “, he begins unctuously. But the sight of the Belt Buckle in full pelvic tilt, dries up his spit for a moment. He bounces back quickly though: “May I ask who the gentleman is?”
[Rabbi Jacob: She’s a good-looking woman but why is she wearing the huge earrings and the stupid headband? NM: It’s a long story, Rabbi. Later.]
Antonio curls his lip.
[Rabbi Jacob: And the schmuck* with the Belt Buckle that ate San Jacinto?]
[NM to reader: *Schmuck is a consummately vulgar Yiddish word meaning, literally, “penis” but used popularly to mean a cross between an “imbécil” and an “infeliz”, ie, a nasty piece of work. Using it here is decidedly unrabbinical and I am starting to doubt my judgment in calling upon Rabbi Jacob for commentary.]
Fabiola doesn’t want to hear any AlcaTrash Talk about her daddy.
But Alberta won’t back down. “If you don’t believe me, look at the bullet holes in the wall of your grandfather’s office!” she says. “Tu papá no es tan bueno como crees.” (Your dad isn’t as good a person as you think.)
Pigorio doesn’t think Doris can turn the girls against Tony. They adore him. But listen. If she’s going to make Tony’s life hell, at least do it intelligently.
Doris defends her intellect staunchly, even pulling out a copy of Elna June’s recent Harlot’s Tale to buttress her claim. “I’m not as dumb as you all think.” She knows how much Antonio loves his daughters. If she turns them against him, he’ll suffer.
Working girls
Geno is showing Sarita some leaves with signs of the plaga. Really? El Tal has the plaga? And if so shouldn’t they be concentrating on it? And not gasping girlishly because Camila is back in the big house? Guess not.
Meanwhile Pedro is telling the boys that because of his big mouth (por bocón), he’ll have to do an Odysseus and the Sirens number. There’s no mast to lash him to, but they’ll have to tie him down to control his animal passions what with Camila right next door to his bedroom. And we all know what a raging beast it is, Pedro’s passion. Yeah.
Back at El Viral’s hotel room, Renato stands, decked in shades of vanilla, holding a single long-stemmed red rose. El V introduces Tony as her daughter’s suitor (pretendiente). Tony toys with El V by telling Renato that her only flaw is that she is a poisoner (una envenenadora) -- she likes to poison her romantic conquests. El V smiles uneasily.
“¿De dónde sacaste eso?” (Where the &*$#* did that come from?) asks Renato, somewhat taken aback.
Answers slick Antonio: She poisons with her charms. And Renato ups the schmaltz when he says he’d love to die poisoned by her charms. “Yup. My dad too” says Tony.
Now El Viral makes it PERFECTLY plain that there’s nothing between her and Pigorio. “You remember, the big doofus at the fiesta? That’s his father.” Renato’s brow clears. He turns to Antonio: So you’re the son of the Pig?
No, says Tony darkly. “The Pig is the father of the Belt Buckle.”
And his parting shot to El Viral:
“Thanks for getting my father’s blood pressure medicine!”
Renato está en la inopia:
(R is clueless – (thanks to Cap’n S for the lovely phrase)
“You got his blood pressure pills?”
The working girls wear latex gloves and have a bunch of test tubes arrayed on a table but all they seem to do is gossip about Camila and Pedro and LuCrazy. Geno hopes Lu’s liver will explode from rage.
[Rabbi Jacob: And may all her teeth fall out except one and may that one give her a toothache.
NM: Rabbi, that’s really inappropriate.
Rabbi Jacob: Oy, sorry, I got carried away. That Geno, she’s a good little actress ...]
Fabiola insists that her father must have fired his gun by accident (sin querer). But if he’s acting weird, it must be because of his new girlfriend, la tal Camila.
Meanwhile, la tal Camila is explaining to her skeptical colleagues – ¡malpensadas! – the details of her chaste sleeping arrangements. Geno and Sarita warn her -- Beware the LuCrazyMonster!
[It is nearly sundown and Rabbi Jacob must leave us. He is clearly shaken by what he has seen today and somewhat ashamed of getting caught in the moment. I fear he may be reluctant to return.]
Hah! LuCrazier’s out of her hospital gown and in tight leather. She’s in full stalker mode, sniffing around Mariana’s room where Pedro will be sleeping. Domitila all but sweeps her out.
Outside, Pedro tells the boys Camila is sleeping in his bedroom. Yuk yuk yuk. “¡No sean malpensados!
Antonio pulls over his shiny red pick-up and gets a phone update from Lu: Camila is sleeping in Pedro’s bedroom.
¿Qué? ¡No puede ser!
Calm down, Antonio – the “writers” are just stuck on this “joke”. Pedro hasn’t lost his virtue.
Right now, Pedro is telling the boys he had no choice – he couldn’t leave LuCrazy at the mercy of the brutal Pigorio or let her wander the streets. He has to find a safe place for her. [I’m thinking she’d get three hots and a cot at Mme. Brigitte’s.]
LuCrazy’s job is to make Pedro and Camila argue. Lu seems to be thinking hard. “Wait a sec,” she says, “have you considered what would happen if Pedro’s wife, Mariana ... “
We don’t get to hear the end of her sentence but whatever it is, it brings an evil smirk to Tony’s lips.
Camila, meanwhile, boasts that she’s not afraid of LuCrazy (Though perhaps she should be. The woman is a bunny boiler, if ever there was one.) The issue is Pedro. She’s not sure she can trust him 100%. She wants to check out his story. Geno says she should just talk to him. And she should do it now, “antes de que Lucrecia meta cizaña” (before Lu sows discord.)
LuCrazy and Tony are still yakking it up on the phone. He tells her about the fake news stories. If they don’t do the trick, plan B is to follow Mariana’s trail. They know Pigorio is behind her disappearance and if he has to, Antonio will do whatever it takes to get the truth out of him.
At AlcaTrash, Doris rants on and the Pig rubs his eyes wearily.
At El Tal, Tía throws up her hands at Pedro and Camila acting like big whiny babies:
¡Ay qué necios son los dos!
(Oh what fools you both are!)
Pedro digs in his heels. The problem is that Camila doesn’t trust him.
Pigorio isn’t feeling so hot. He bellows for Alberta. He wants Pancho to come to his room. He brushes off Doris’s suggestion to call the doctor. He’ll call later. He’s sure it’s those capsules – there’s something in them that doesn’t agree with him.
Love is in the air
El Viral notices the pill bottles are sitting out in plain view. She gasps and hurries to conceal them. Renato approaches her and she jumps when he touches her waist. He doesn’t find find her behavior strange. “You’d be the perfect wife” he purrs.
Flor thinks José looks intelligent in his glasses. She invites him to AlcaTrash to meet the psychos. He’d love to but he er... uh ... promised to visit his brother. Yeah. His twin brother.
Fabiola confesses to Alberta that she can’t think of anything but Armaaaando.
Antonio gaves a guy some money to publish an article saying that Pedro killed his wife. [The guy has no lines but his mother is probably making the ladies in her bridge club watch the DVR of the scene over and over.]
Night falls.
The rabbi has made his way home safely.
The F-sisters are also home and chatting about bullets in the wall and what grandpa Pig might have done to make daddy so mad. Flor mentions that José has a twin. Too bad Fabi already has a boyfriend.
Renato escorts El Viral back to her hotel room after wowing her with a pricey dinner that maxed out his credit card. He needs an infusion of capital now. He must woo faster. The next dinner will be in his apartment, just the three of them: he, she and the check. El Viral is smitten!
Doris and Antonio have another skirmish. “I’m divorcing you, marrying Camila and taking the girls” he snarls. “Da lo por hecho” (Take it as a given, literally ‘give it as done’).
The final scene: the upstairs hallway at El Tal. Pedro tries to kiss Camila goodnight but she holds him off with a smile. She’s afraid they won’t be able to control themselves. [Because they’re ANIMALS! Oh yes!]
As soon as Camila closes her bedroom door, Lu slinks out from her hidey-hole and needles Pedro about getting snubbed by Cami.
Alone in the bedroom, Cami reconsiders. Maybe she was a bit prudish – what’s a little kiss, after all?
She opens her door to rejoin Pedro ... just a second or two after LuCraziest has pulled Pedro onto her face.
Camila gives them the stinkeye. The credits roll before Pedro can say “Déjame explicar ...”
Avances: Pedro kicks LuCrazy out of El Tal and Antonio ramps up the Pedro disinformation campaign.


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