Friday, April 13, 2012

Abismo de pasión #24 4/12/12: To seek approval is to have no resting place, no sanctuary.*

* Rachel Naomi Remen, Kitchen Table Wisdom 

I thought about this concept of sanctuary during tonight's episode, and where our young characters are able to find it. Or not...

Leftovers: After being disgraced at the party of the year and in front of the entire town, Elisa was dragged home by the odious Augusto. 

Tonight: Elisa seeks the sanctuary of her own room and is comforted by Lolita, the person who loves her unconditionally. Elisa cries that she wants to be left alone. As she leaves Lolita kindly tells Elisa she does indeed look very beautiful. Such a sad, sad girl.

Sanctuary - Over at the rectory Padre asks a glum Gael why he left the party so early. It’s because he didn’t like seeing Elisa dance with another, right? Es cierto, Padre, he admits, he couldn’t stand seeing her in the arms of another. Padre suggests Gael get used to it because one day Elisa will marry and it won’t be to Gael. (Ouch!) Padre’s not trying to torture Gael, just make him see the truth. (Still, ouch!)

Padre then tells Gael what happened when Assgusto showed up at the party. Gael excitedly demands didn’t Padre do anything to help her? Padre tried but it happened so fast; anyway, Assgusto is her papa. Super Gael is incensed. Assgusto doesn’t have the right to humiliate her. Furthermore, Elisa went to the fiesta to help her papa.

Fina, Flo and Damian are doing a post-party debrief. Fina complains she thought Begoña would never leave, always the first to arrive and the last to leave, lol! (Sounds like me.)  Flor admires her ring but Damian is distracted. He excuses himself to go to bed. Fina comments Dam is acting strangely. Flo observes he started acting weird after he disappeared for a while. Hey, Elisa disappeared at the same time. They console themselves with the memory of Elisa’s humiliation.

Sanctuary - Dam sits in dad’s old office, fondling his amulet and recalling his recent smooch with Elisa. 

Elisa fondles her lips , recalls the kiss and asks, “Why did he do it?” 

Guido joins Fina. (He looks smashing in a white suit, a look few men can pull off. He and Fina make a striking couple.) He says he was out in the garden ‘talking’ to Paolo. Gosh it was a great party except for that little incident with the local girl and her father. She’s glad he came (bats eyes), he wouldn’t miss it (kisses hand). 

Gabino interrupts to tell Fina he’s leaving and to surreptitiously ogle the pair. Then he passes through the kitchen to bother Tonia. He rubs his, er, belt buckle and silently approaches. Ta da! Braulio walks in and wonders whazzup with the Belt Buckle? Shouldn’t he be helping the other workers in the garden? Gab doesn’t like Brau giving him orders. Tonia grovels, Brau spoke badly, he was only asking not telling. Gab smirks that Tonia knows how to talk to him and he doesn’t know what a babe like her is doing with Brau. Seeya. Brau tells Tonia he doesn’t like Gab’s attitude toward her and he hopes she hasn’t done anything to encourage him. 

Gabino finds Paolo outside, checking bottles for any leftover tidbits of vino. They introduce themselves and I don’t know who is the biggest fashion disaster, Gab with his one-sleeve look or Paolo with his white elbow patches. I think they should both remove the offending clothing immediately. Gab saw Paolo dancing with Elisa. Paolo is bummed because she had to leave early. She enchants me, he admits. He says he’s heard she’s...easy. Gab observes she’s one of the town beauties and it runs in the family. “You should check out her tia.”  Paolo looks intrigued.

Sanctuary - Early next morning Elisa goes to the yerberia looking for Paloma, whom she finds fast asleep in her hammock. Elisa is perturbed and asks why Paloma and Gael left the party early? Because Gael got mad watching her dance with Paolo. Elisa says it gets worse, Damian kissed her. They were talking alone, blah blah blah and he kissed her. “How did it feel?” “Bad bad bad, very bad. How do you think it feels to kiss a man who is celebrating his engagement to another woman?” Paloma asks what if Dam decides not to marry because he discovers he’s in love with another? “Impossible,” weeps our sad Elisa.

Over at Hacienda Harangue-o Dam eats Flo’s kisses for breakfast. Well, there might be a breakfast burrito thrown in there too. She notices he’s wearing the amulet. How lovely, a gift for her? Not really. She keeps pressing until he reluctantly removes it and hands it over. She puts it around her lovely neck and he glowers. “You love me baby?” she asks. “Mmmm hmmm," he mumbles. “Well then do something better than this necklace. Marry me today in a civil ceremony.”  Cara impactada de Damian.

Braulio glowers too, and he’s still miffed about last night. He tells Tonia he doesn’t like her alone in Fina’s kitchen with Gabino sneaking around. He doesn’t care if Gab is his boss or if Fina protects him, he has to put a stop to that loser. Tonia advises him to give it a rest and not make trouble for them, they both need their jobs. 

Dam tells Flo he doesn’t get it, why the rush? (¿Por qué la prisa?) She doesn’t want to wait, she loves him too much. He says people will talk and mommy won’t like it. No, they are going to have the church and civil ceremony at the same time as planned. Pretty Pout, but let’s do it soon she says. Dam promises they’ll go back to the DF tomorrow, today he must visit his father’s grave, “You wanna come?” “No, it’s a very personal thing for you and I’d better stay here so you can run into Elisa and wrangle with your tormented sentiments of ambiguous love.” 

At Casa Castañon Carmeany whines (what else is new?) about Assgusto going to work on a Sunday. He gripes that since Gael left there’s more work for him. He reminds her that it’s muy importante that she convince Elisa to go with her to Doc Tovar’s office tomorrow. He kvetches about Damian hovering around Elisa, and their possibly being hermanos. (I think we can see where this is going.)

Breakfast at Casa Tovar, guaranteed to start the day with indigestion - Begoña blathers incessantly about the elegant party. Enrique blathers that the lovely Florencia was the highlight. No, corrects Begoña, the highlight was what Assgusto did to his daughter. “Poor girl,” tuts Enrique. “She deserved it,” snips Sabrina. “You’re just jealous because she danced with Paolo,”  jabs her brother. Doc Gordo rolls his eyes, he’s had enough and he’s off to visit a sick patient. The remaining Tovars comment on his continuing odd behavior.

Sanctuary - Dam sees Braulio changing flowers on his dad’s grave. Brau observes it’s a shame Damian isn’t interested in taking over the procesadora, all the workers were hoping when they saw Damian that he had returned and Gabino would be fired. “You have problems with him too?”  “That guy is abominable,” sighs Braulio. (nefasto = nefarious, abominable, poison, trouble)  “And the farther away he is from the procesadora and Alfonsina the better.” 

Back at Hacienda Harangue-o kitchen, Useless Gabino sees Useless Vicente sweeping the floor. UG asks is UV a servant now? Vicente admits he did badly in school so now he has to work. Gabino pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket and hands it to UV. The kids says his parents would be mad but. UG tells him to quit being a whiner (chillón), it will be their little secret, “Now take off and hang out with your useless pals and leave the cleaning to the old ladies”. Nice job teaching the kid values, dad. Like father like son.

Warning: Ladies, get yourselves a shot of tequila and a punching bag: Paolo comes in to raid the refrigerator and compare belt buckles. He says it seems like that kid is Gabino’s. Heck no, says Gab, but if it turned out to be so he would deny it.  Hmm, Paolo gripes he knows what it’s like because he’s got a little package back in the DF. The stupid chick got herself pregnant so she could trap him. Surely Gabino has an illegitimate child or two in La Ermita, right? Gabino denies it, but maybe in Santa Rita or thereabouts, ha ha funny joke. Paolo says he’s off to find Elisa. “Keep an eye out for her aunt,” reminds Gabino. They compare notes on slimy seduction techniques. Get a room boys.

Sanctuary - At the yerberia Paloma’s got the Gael blues. Ramona reminds Paloma that Gael’s had the hots for Elisa for a long time. Paloma says Elisa looked absolutely beautiful last night. Ramona agrees that Elisa is a looker, but she points out that Paloma is also lovely. Elisa’s looks don’t seem to have made her life easier, since everybody gives her a hard time. “How that girl has suffered, and now that Damian has returned...”  Paloma asks if they will end up together. Ramona scoffs, she’s not a witch or a seer. “Abuela, you have great intuition, will they?”

Dam sees Elisa putting flowers on her mother’s plain grave. She lets him have it for his actions last night. He is not the same Damian! He tells her he’s returning to Mexico City tomorrow. “Good, as I told you last night, you no longer belong in this town.”  He says she’s right and he’s accepted it. He tenderly cradles her face and tells her goodbye. Pobrecitos, they both look so sad.

At Hacienda Araña Flo is gushing to Fina about how much she loves Dam and can’t wait to get back to the DF to get married. “Would you do anything for him?” asks the Black Widow, “Would you live here if he wanted to stay?” Flo thinks a moment, then says yes of course. Fina admits that is what would make her happiest but Dam doesn’t seem to have any interest in the procesadora. Here he could be the boss and not just an employee. Flo’s not sure he would be happy in La Ermita after all those years in Europe. “Ah well,” says the spider, “it’s just a dream I have. The most important thing is whatever you and Dam decide to do.” They both smile confidently. Good luck Florencia.

Sanctuary - Dam visits Padre Lupe. Lupe asks whom did Dam come to visit, the priest or the uncle? Both, admits Dam, last night he kissed Elisa. He knows he’s engaged to another but it was an impulse he was unable to resist. Now Elisa is very offended. “Well duh,” says the Padre, “what do you feel for her?” Dam says she’s a childhood friend, nothing more. Padre points out one doesn’t kiss a childhood friend like he kissed Elisa. “No wonder she was offended,” says padre, “Dios mio, dude you have to analyze your feelings. If you love Florencia then you have no right playing with Elisa’s sentiments.”  Dam promises the last thing he wants to do is hurt her. “Listen to what you’re saying,” advises Padre, “It’s time you made a decision.”  Smart padre!

Sanctuary - Elisa visits her padrinos who are always happy to see her. Lucio has the feeling he’s the third wheel, he leaves so the ladies can girl talk. “More trouble with dad?” asks Blanca. “Worse, I’m in love for the first time in my life, and it’s an impossible love.” 

Flo gripes to father Guido that Fina is crazy. No way will she and Damian stay in this town. Papa says the decision is up to Damian and he doesn’t want to stay, right? Flo is worried that Fina will convince him. She is very dominant. (Ya think?) Pop says a woman needs to stay with her man. “Por Favor!”, she scoffs, “that’s old school.” Guido advises her not to get between the son and mother, she’s sure to lose.  Oh well, tomorrow they will all return to Mexico City. Skeptical glances.

Casa Castaño - “Dolores, someone's knocking at the door, somebody's ringing the bell, do me a favor, open the door and let 'em in! Dolores!!” Dolores strolls up and reminds Carmeany it’s her day of rest. They stand there arguing while the bell rings. Lolita glides out of the room and Carmeany’s ample balcony is forced to answer the door. The sleazy Paolo music plays and his hips slither into the room while he gets an eyeful of Tia’s boobs. “Sorry for gawking but I’m Paolo. You must be Elisa’s aunt because I heard of your great beauty.”  She’s dying to know who said that. “I’m not naming names,” he purrs. (Se dice el pecado pero no el pecador = tell the sin, not the sinner) They eagerly sniff each other while Paolo explains he’s Elisa’s friend. He’ll come back later when she’s around. Kiss hand, sniff sniff, see ya. They like.

Doc Tovar calls Carmeany in a panic. He begs to see her in his office right away! He just wants to talk to her one last time, then he won’t bother her any more. She smirks confidently. 

Elisa sadly tells Blanca she has no right to Dam because he’s engaged, not to mention neither his mother nor her father would allow it. But that doesn’t change what she feels in her heart. Blanca understands but agrees with Elisa that the relationship isn’t meant to be. What Elisa needs is caring and understanding, not problems. It’s just a matter of finding the right guy, Gael for example? Elisa admits Gael is just a friend, also Paloma is her best friend and she’s in love with Gael. She could never betray her. 

Speaking of whom, Paloma is in the street and sees Carmeany arrive at the consultorio. Gasp, it’s Sunday! 

Gael runs up to Elisa as she arrives home. He heard all about the fiasco at the party. He hates that her father treats her that way and that he’s so ungrateful, she only went to the party to help him out. Too right, she says, and when she tried to tell him that he didn’t even believe her. “So it’s true?” asks Gael, “you only went to help dad?” Elisa is very worried about pops, he’s on the verge of losing everything. Gael says she doesn’t know the half of it, production is really down. She wants to ask Gael a very serious favor, please come back and work for dad. “No, aaaahhhh! Oh shoot, I can’t resist your pretty pleading. I’ll return but only because I’d do anything for you.”

Inside, Doc Tovar desperately asks if he means anything to Carmeany. “Of course,” she soothes, “I’m not done sucking you dry yet. I’ll let you fondle me while I tell you what I need from you. I need you to tamper with Augusto’s paternity test.” Doc doesn’t understand her motive. She snaps that she doesn’t require his understanding, will he do it, yes or no?  Doc is shocked, no way would he ever do what she’s asking. “Fine then you can forget me and my boobies forever,” she hisses. Doc goes ballistic, he can’t lose her, he leaps across the room and grabs her in a mad clinch...just as Paloma walks into the office. 

Avances: Carmeany and Paloma face off. Elisa slaps Gabino. Damian wants to stay a little longer in La Ermita. Florencia is not happy.


La Que No Podía Amar #77 Thursday 4/12/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Manage To Get Rid of Her Sister-In-Law

As Cinthia ponders the snake I ponder the reasoning behind her endless array of hideous, ill-fitting chokers.  Did Susana Gonzalez get a bad neck tattoo?  Constant hickeys?  Inquiring minds….

Gustavo apologizes to Ernesto for being an ass the night before.  Ern tells him he understands, but he's got to chill.  Ana's already had one nervous breakdown, so it's best they avoid another.  Ernesto tells Gus it's official that he and Mercedes are together.  They're going to live together and everything.  She'll find out about the toothpaste on the sink and the way he leaves his socks about two feet from the hamper.  Good times.

Cinthia's pretty nervous about the snake.  They're common in that area, so it won't be a big surprise for it to turn up in her bed.  They'll get rid of both Ana and the baby.  They plan to do the deed tonight.  With the snake.  I mean the murdering.  OK, probably the sex too, knowing those two.

Gus says Ernesto better treat it as seriously as he would being married and not make his sister suffer any more.

Rosaura and Maria face off yet again.  Rosaura wants posole…for Ana Paula.  With lots of oregano.  Maria gets highly pissed off and says she knows what Rosaura is up to and she won't do it!  I actually looked it up and oregano and/or oregano oil can cause miscarriage, but it doesn't sound like it's terribly common.  Ana Paula and Ernesto come in, happily chatting and AP says Ernesto will give them good news at dinner.  She asks Rosaura to help Maria make a really good dinner.  Predictable facial expressions ensue.

Night falls.  Macaria is sadly remembering Maripaz.  She and Consuelo bond.  Efrain comes to the fonda, saying he's just checking on Macaria and Ulises.  He leaves and Consuelo admits she still has feelings for him.

Ernesto starts off his big speech by thanking AP for "lending" them the house.  Cinthia gets just about as tacky as Rosaura about there being too many people there and it not being AP's house, etc., etc., etc.  Ernesto moves on to singing Mercedes' praises and then announces that he and Rogelio are opening a clinic in San Gabriel.  AP's drinking a big 'ol glass of water.  Gee, that's not too obvious.

Macaria tries to talk Consuelo out of having a thing for Efrain.  Unforunately, Macaria understands how Efrain can charm a gal's pants off.

Cinthia starts in on Ernesto about how some of the money he's planning to use is hers.  Mercedes doesn't like that he'll have to deal with Rogelio.  She blames Ana Paula for all the mess.  Chio asks Esteban to forgive her and she hopes they can still be friends.  Esteban adds his voice to the "and if you hurt her," chorus.  Vanessa comes in and Cinthia welcomes Vanessa to *her* house.

Ulises tells Macaria things are going to get ugly when Rogelio gets home, since AP is pregnant.

Vanessa asks for a drink and Cinthia rivals Rosaura for TACKINESS by saying if anyone deserves a drink, it's Vanessa.  Vanessa moves on to insulting AP's family.

Macaria can't believe it.  Ulises says better she's unfaithful so Rogelio will kick her and her family off the hacienda.

AP tells her to shut it about her and her family.  Cinthia pipes up again with the "half of this is mine" chorus.  Rosaura picks on her for not being able to snag a man.  Cinthia brags that she'll get back what's hers and AP and family will be gone once Rogelio finds out….  Gustavo interrupts her.  Esteban is sick of listening to Vanessa's attitude.  She turns her ire on him and Chio.  Since Chio stands up to her, she moves on to Miguel the murderer, Rosaura the Mooch, and starts to go back to Chio when Mercedes interrupts her and says Chio's there because she's her friend.  Maria declares the party a bust.  AP tells everyone to go in to dinner, except Vanessa.  AP swoons again and Gus tells Vanessa to please leave, if not out of respect for Ana, then out of respect for Ernesto and Mercedes.  Cinthia asks Vanessa to come with her and they leave the room.   Chio can't figure out why Esteban would have such a hard time forgetting a bitch like that.  Esteban looks like he can't figure it out either.

Vanessa is pissed that Cinthia didn't defend her.  Cinthia says she couldn't expose herself in front of Gustavo.  She wants Vanessa to be nice to Mercedes because Mercedes is going to be her sister-in-law.  She says AP will be out of their way soon.  Vanessa is also pissed that Esteban was there with Chio.  Oh, not that she wants him back or anything…she just hates seeing him so happy when she's still unable to get her hooks back into Rogelio because of Ana Paula.  Gee, and to think he let a great gal like her get away.

Efrain sneaks into AP's room and puts the snake in her bed.

AP retreats to Rogelio's office.  The phone rings.  It's Rogelio and she's happy to hear him.  She says she's worried about him.  "You really care about me?"  She tells him not to doubt it.  She's taking care of the water problem and she keeps learning.  Rogelio says he knew she'd handle it, although he doesn't figure Cinthia took it well.  AP asks him how he's doing.  Rogelio says he has good news--the last test went well and as soon as Ernesto gets back to San Gabriel, he can operate.

Efrain goes to Cinthia's room to report that the deed is done.  She tells him to be careful and not call her "my love" in front of everyone else.  Cinthia hopes the snake gets to biting quickly.  She invites him to spend the night so they can both hear AP scream.  Efrain can't believe what he's capable of for her.  Cinthia looks both disgusted and turned on.

AP wants to see him soon, but Rogelio doesn't want her to see him until he's all healed up.  She wants to talk, but has to settle for it being after the surgery.  She says she'll go to the chapel and pray for him.  Rogelio is looking forward to them spending time together after he's back on his feet.

The next morning, Cinthia and Efrain wake up and realize they didn't hear any screaming the night before.  Presumably not even from each other.  Cinthia grins, wondering if the snake bit her in her sleep and she's already dead.  Efrain calls her the "new" boss lady, earning a rebuke.  Cinthia can't restrain her curiosity and goes to see what happened.

It looks like Ana Paula didn't sleep in her bed, nor did anyone else.  Cinthia fumes.

Rosaura finds AP in Rogelio's bed.  She just really missed Rogelio and couldn't resist coming into his room last night instead of going to her own.  Rosaura looks hopeful.

Cinthia is still standing in AP's room when she sees the snake on the floor.  She walks out, avoiding it and runs back to her room to report to Efrain that AP's not dead.  She sends him to retrieve the snake and wonders if AP spent the night in Gustavo's room.

Cinthia runs into Rosaura and AP in the hallway.  She demands to know if AP spent the night with Gustavo.  Rosaura tells her she spent the night in Rogelio's room.  Cinthia scolds her and tells her to have some respect for the house and leave Gustavo alone.  AP looks like she's ready to keel over any minute now.

Gustavo overhears Ernesto talking to Rogelio about which clinic he'd like to use to operate.  Dun, dun, dun…

Vanessa and Cinthia have Product Placement Tea.  Cinthia was pissed to think AP spent the night with Gustavo.  They bitch that AP's just hoping someone will tell Rogelio that she slept in his room later to curry favor with him.  Bruno comes in and they bitch at him for David's behavior, wanting to put him on a leash.  Bruno says he'll talk to him.  Yeah, right.

Gustavo wants AP to delegate some responsibility.  AP says as much as she'd like to share responsibility with Cinthia or Vanessa, since they both hate her, that's not going to happen.  Gus is ready for them to run away together, but AP won't shirk her responsibilities.  And she won't run away again.  Gus tells her that whatever happens, he doesn't want her to forget that he loves her.  That sounded pretty final.  AP noticed it too.

Ernesto and Mercedes talk about their living situation.  He wants to make sure she can have a house with a garden like she's always wanted.

Gus sees Cinthia in the living room.  He says he's going to see Rogelio to confront him.  He refuses to take Cinthia with him or tell her where Rogelio is…but he thinks she has the right to know where he's going.  That made a lot of sense.

Bruno plays the good guy to AP yet again.  No important info is shared.

Maria cooks while Rosaura drinks tea and complains about having to keep watch over the cows.  Maria hopes guard duty ends soon so Rosaura will actually help her out in the kitchen.  Rosaura is offended at being relegated to assistant status.  Maria breaks it to her that Consuelo doesn't work there anymore.  She tells Rosaura to put down the coffee and help her make more "tostichilaquiles" (chilaquiles made with Tostitos?  Tostitos is definitely the product placement here).

Rutilio scopes out Consuelo as she sets the tables on the patio at the fonda.  He tries to give her a flower and she tells him to get the hell away from her and take his damn flower with her.  He still won't back off.  Macaria comes outside and he says he was just stopping by to say hello.  He leaves and Consuelo wonders who he is.  She gets a bad vibe off him.

Cinthia confronts AP about not telling her that the Cattle Association wants to kick Rogelio out.  She rubs it in AP's face that Gustavo went to confront Rogelio.

And there he is.

AP freaks out and says it's impossible since Gus doesn't know where Rogelio is.  Cinthia says it's all AP's fault for causing this.  "If you really loved him you wouldn't have married my brother!"  She whines that she loves Gustavo and doesn't want Rogelio to kill him.  Cinthia gets in the last dig that what ever happens will be AP's fault.  She starts to leave and AP cries that she doesn't feel well and begs her to get Maria.  Cinthia just grins.

Rogelio asks if Cinthia is ok and Gus says she is.  "Then it's the water?"  Gus admits Ernesto didn't tell him where Rogelio was and says no one else knows.  "Ok, then.  What's so important?  Are you here to ask for my sister's hand?"  Lol…no, but if Gus can't get a word in he's going to leave with Cinthia's hand whether he wants it or not!

Tomorrow:  AP may have lost the baby; Cinthia takes up the whip.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

El Talismán #52 Thu 4/12/12 Mariana is found

Previously on El Talisman:
Tonio catches Doris coming out of Pigorio's bedroom dressed in her PJ's. He asks her what she was doing
in there. He grabs her by the throat and wants an answer, she says I was giving Pigorio his pills, what about it? He lets her go, but is highly suspicious. 

Flor and Fabi overhear and are worried about there parents and all the fighting and divorce that is going on.

Cameela has dreams about Pedro and all the good times and bad. She is missing him.

Cameela meets Yenny in the only Hotel in Fresno about that job. Yenny tells her she needs to contact Gloria at personnel. Yenny borrows Cameela's phone to call "Gloria" but there is no answer. She asks Cameela, since she has no cell phone, to call her boyfriend. Cami says sure use my phone. Yenny calls Pedro and hangs up.

Tonio and Lucrazy are looking of pics of Yenny and Cami together.

Pedro and Lucrazy are in the bedroom. She asks if he needs a pill for the pain in his head from being hit in the head. He says no, he'll see her tomorrow. While she is still there Yenny calls him and says it's Mariana please help me. He asks where she is; she says she doesn't know. Then she says help me and hangs up. Lucrazy has a secret smile on her face.

Pedro goes to see El Capitan about the investigation into finding Mariana. I think the Capitan tells him he is working on it, but it takes time. Pedro goes to see Dr. Raul and tells him about the phone calls and that he believes that Mariana is alive. The doctor says she is dead, but Pedro tells him he would know in his gut if she was dead. He decides to go to LA to visit Margarito and see if his investigator has found out anything new. He is taking Claudio with him. Also when Pedro talked to Dr Raul he asked him if it was possible that maybe Mariana had recovered her memory? The Doctor doesn't think so.

Pedro tells Tia Patty that he is going to LA and Claudio is going with him.

Pigorio has a meeting with Valentin on the border of El Tal and he wants to know what Valentin is doing about the Mariana problem? Valentin wants nothing to do with it. Pigorio tells him he is a coward and says if you won't do it I will get Panchito to do it. Valentin rides off.
Tracy and Panchito are talking and she tells him Valentin and Pigorio are meeting and she doesn't like it. Valentin rides up and says Pigorio is looking for you and go meet him. Panchito goes and Tracy tells Valentin she doesn't trust him and is keeping her eye on him. Panchito goes to meet Pigorio in the same area, and Pigorio reminds him that this land of Al Catrash Lucrazy and Tonio will never get, but if you do what I tell you, you'll get it. He rides off and thinks this land is mine and El Tal too. I will have them both because they are mio.

Tia Maria get the apartment and tells Army that he and Cameela don't have to live in the hotel anymore, but Army isn't sure. Tia says that's it your moving in.

Geno and Cameela visit El Viral in the hospital. Geno leaves and Cameela tells El Viral about her new possible job in LA. El Viral is so not down with that. She says make up with Pedro and you can recoup everything we lost. Cameela tells her no way, I am not a woman who goes after money like you did with Rennie. El Viral says that Pedro loves her and she loves Pedro so what is the problem? Cameela tells her to leave her in peace. Cameela tells El Viral she is going to LA with or without her.

Rita and Rennie talk about all the moola they will get from Tonio. Rita just loves how handsome Tonio is. The major domo from Oscar's comes by and asks what Rennie wants and he wants his money. Rennie says he will get the money but he has to do something else for him. He tells him about the plan about the fake doctor. Major domo says he'll do it but wants his money. Oscar interrupts and goes off with Rita, while she is trying not to get sick from all his kisses. The major domo hides in the bathroom.

Tonio and his lawyer talk about the lawsuit for all this money for Rennie. Tonio is hopping mad. He says this has Pigorio written all over it. He confronts Pigorio in his office and accuses him of doing this to him. Pigorio tells him remember you don't get anything from Al Catrash. Tonio has flashbacks again of what Pigorio did to him as a kid. Didn't get the end of the conversation.

Margarito and his friend are in the vicinity of Dr. Bermudez's house when they run into Mariana. And it is the real Mariana. Margarito runs after her and this time she doesn't get away. He calls her Mariana and asks if she remembers him. She doesn't know who he is. He asks if she remembers Pedro and she doesn't know who that is. She is looking panicky like he is crazy. Margarito tells her about El Talisman, that she is married to Pedro, and that Pedro has been looking for her for awhile because she is his wife. Well, Mariana says I am not Mariana my name is Magaly and I don't know who you are or Pedro or El Talisman. Then he asks her if she remembers Pigorio. She stops for a minute where she might remember but she says no, don't know him either. Meantime a security guard comes up and asks if she needs help.

Margarito is trying to press his point, his friend tells him look let's go. She doesn't know you and you have the wrong woman. Margarito says no this is Mariana she just doesn't remember. His friend walks off, Margario is still pressing his point, and Mariana tells him to shut up already. Finally Margarito goes and Mariana drives off. She goes to see Dr Bermudez and tells him what happened with Margarito. Dr Bermudez doesn't know what her name was or what her life was like before he found her. She asks him if she might be this Mariana and to help her find out.

Tomorrow on El Talisman:
Scenes of Cameela and Pedro making out.


La Que No Podía Amar #76 Wednesday 4/11/12

There will be a recap later on this day. Until then, feel free to talk amongst yourselves.


Abismo de pasión #23 4/11/12: an engagement party, a slapfest, a stolen kiss, a few broken hearts and a lot of ooohs and aaahhhs...

Recap by Marta Ivett
Gael and Damian exchange comments about Damian’s relationship with Fina and  Fina’s  obsession over the years to throw mud at Elisa’s reputation… Damian asks Gael to pls go to the party, if only just to count on a familiar face. Gael just sighs.
Fina visiting Elisa and asking her to come to the party in exchange for La Anita to become sole buyer of ToadHead’s habanero’s crops.
Damian apologizes to Guido on the ‘welcome skit’ he had with Paolo. Guido admits they have never got along, but asks Damian to be the grown reasonable one and try to get along with Paolo (really, Guido? You can’t control him and you are asking Damian to try to?) Damian says he has tried but Paolo has never helped it. Guido claims Paolo is jealous of Damian. Guido is embarrassed that these issues have resurfaced in Fina’s house. Guido tells Damian he understands if Elisa is an old friend and he must have reason to defend her from Paolo. That is correct. Surprise! Guido brings Damian his amulet, from Mexico City, in Damian’s room, remember whey you were a kid you would not take it off, not even to shower. Damian smiles at the amulet once Guido leaves.
ToadHead (apparently with new eye glasses, these are not cracked/scratched) gets home. Medusa is either wiping sweat off or tarantula oil or maybe Proactive lotion ON her face… ToadHead Lets Medusa know that Gael resigned… but that is not important. I went to talk to Inmundo, will do the paternity tests after all. This is a firm decision. Of course Medusa opposes… How will they get Elisa’s blood? ToadHead says Inmudno will figure out a way. Medusa claims Elisa is not dumb, she will figure it out.
At dinner table, Medusa asks ToadHead to sell everything and leave town once and for all… you have always wanted to start over… leave all the gossip and all the intrigue behind.  He says he is just an habanero farmer.. if we sell everything and leave, it will be the ruin of us.
At Ramona’s, Paloma looks gorgeous (even though she is not wearing the necklace that Ramona had shown her) and as she is about to head out the door, Gael comes and skips a beat at seeing her (but only a beat.. ) he came to see if she wanted him to escort her to the party… Ramona asks Gael firmly to take care of her. No prob, I will. Ramona smiles wide once they leave.
At Arango Hacienda, both Damian and Flo are dressed up… lets go to the garden, almost all the guests are here…
Paloma and Gael arrive, he suggests they sit at a far unnoticed table… she is ok with that
Gabino is standing around as a bar bouncer waiting for the riot to begin…
The engaged couple come out… just as Elisa is arriving walking the runway/driveway (dressed in the white dress we saw on Estefania on ep 1, when the Castanon had invited the Arangos for dinner), seems she causes a lot of commotion…
At the main table, Padre Lupe asks Fina what she is pretending/planning with inviting Elisa. She claims she is just trying to make amends with the Castanon Bouvier family.
Gael asks Paloma what Elisa is doing here. She tells him Elisa was invited by Flo herself, and Paloma goes to get Elisa.
Paolo stands and starts to walk toward the table Elisa is sitting at… Guido comes out to lazzo him and remind him he does not want Paolo within 50 meters of her. Even if she is THAT attractive.  .. ‘e per que no? .. per que no! y basta! (that’s what I say!!)
At another table, GossipGirl and her children are gossiping about Elisa daring to come.
At main table, Flo excuses herself … Damian is sitting by himself at the moment. He and Elisa exchange stares…
At Castanon’s, Lolita notices Elisa went to the party (the old pillow decoy trick).  ‘now things are really going to get good/interesting in this house!’.
Lolita goes to Estefania’s room, notices the dresses on the bed and puts them away… On her way out, Medusa catches her, but Lolita manages to just say Elisa fell asleep after making a whole wardrobe for her appearance at Project Runway final round in record time…
Flo and Fina assign Paolo the task/job of entertaining Elisa so everyone sees them together… make good of the sacrifice of having her there… so Damian will realize ‘that girl’ is worthless…  ‘ni modo… let it all be for the happiness of my niece…’
At the trio of friends table, Gael is mad at Elisa for having come, after Dona Fina has treated her so bad over the years… Paloma defends Elisa, but Elisa decides to be honest and tells Gael about what Fina told her… Gael won’t buy Fina’s good intentions. Elisa says ‘had to try it’… Yeah, he is worse financially than ever.. even more since you quit on him. Now he really will have no one to help him out. Happy now?
Paolo invites himself to the table… Gael just stares at him, and Damian sees that and is smoking fire out his nose remotely from main table.
Medusa (who is eating sugar cookies, sorry Medusa, but that won’t help sweeten you up) keeps trying to convince ToadHead that the paternity tests is not worth it…  I am afraid you will get more anxious/angry/depressed than ever when you get the results if they are what we expect…
Phone rings, its Inmundo, Medusa tells ToadHead it was a wrong number.
At party, Paolo keeps making conversation and Gael continues his ironic tone responses. Smart Gael does not buy that Paolo has become so fond of a small farm town like La Ermita. Dance music (Son de la Loma) begins and Paolo wants to dance with Elisa. She is reluctant. Paloma suggests all four of them dance (Gabino smiles and walks right by Gael and Paloma)… So there are four dancing and one going through an internal combustion at main table… when he gets up dear fiancee pulls him over to be dancers no. 5 and 6.  And we get the stares contest… Elisa staring at Damian and holding her nausea at dancing with Paolo, Gael staring at Elisa, Paloma flustered at Gael (I don’t blame her one bit!)..   Gael can’t take it anymore and leaves poor Paloma standing on the dance floor… Elisa is clearly suffering… 
At main table Guido is not happy seeing Paolo near Elisa. Fina says let him have some fun.
Paloma argues with Gael…tells him Elisa had already met Paolo and didn’t even like him. Gael is mad about Elisa dancing with him. Paloma has heard enough, not only he left her standing in the dance floor, but he is also mad about Elisa… Gael plays stupid asking ‘what do you know about my obsession for Elisa??’ but Paloma asks him not to underestimate her IQ… everyone can tell. I want to go home. Gael offers to take her, she refuses… can take care of myself.
Elisa realizes her friends are gone… Paolo won’t let her go away… now that this is the most important moment of the party… he drags her back..
Guido and Fina announce the engagement between Flo (que bella sei tu) and Damian.. Fina all but forces Damian to put the ring on Flo’s finger right then and there (he would rather have it be a more private moment). Elisa is about to faint of the pain and tears… Fina keeps pushing Damian to kiss Flo. This is too much for Elisa, who goes away…
After they were already in bed, ToadHead wants to check up on Elisa… He finds the pillows and yells for Lolita, who is trying to deny knowing where Elisa is, but Medusa gives him the blow, she is at Arango party, along with almost all of La Ermita humans.
Both Damian and Paolo are looking for Elisa, but young GossipGirl holds Paolo back to dance.
At La Anita stables, with Damian’s white horse, Elisa is letting her tears and frustration out. Damian walks behind her … asks what she is doing there, she came to take a break from the noise and crowds… he thanks her for being there, knowing how much effort she had to make to go… she comments he loves horses as much as before… Damian compliments on her looks… she does not welcome that kind of compliment at this moment from him… He does not think it is so wrong to do it… he notices her amulet… she says it became a habit for her to wear it, she is sure he must have lost his… nope, still have it. what would you give me if I proved I still have it? .. whatever you want… he pulls it out.. see? I still have it… I can’t believe it… can I REALLY ask whatever I want? / Yes… (slowly approaches and kisses her without asking anything)
Elisa pulls away, she is upset, .. why do you do this?? We are at your engagement party!... I just felt the impulse to do it!... of course! And surely you agree with everyone else that I am a no-moral woman willing to go with any man that asks her…  No, that is not true!! I swear I did not mean to offend you!... no need, I thought you were honest but I see I was wrong. (she won’t listen to him) You,  Damian! no longer fit with La Ermita.. your place is in Mexico with your fiancee… leave and never come back!!...
Paolo and Flo figure out that neither Damian or Elisa are around, Flo rants at him for not doing his duty of ‘being with Elisa all night’ .. he defends himself saying all the single girls in town are sticking to him… they spot Elisa coming back. Paolo can tell Elisa seems to be running away from someone or something. He will find out…
As Elisa is trying to walk OUT the runway, in comes ToadHEad with another moment to outdo his STUPID impulses and slaps her right in front of everyone.. Again we get Padre Lupe yelling at him that she is HIS daughter! (are these panama hats suddenly the fashion IN thing at La Ermita?) Everyone begins to gather around standing by them… ToadHEad grabs Elisa hard and drags her out of there… Padre Lupe looks on sad… Fina asks Flo where Damian is… ‘what are you waiting for to go find him?’…
Right outside the Arango hacienda gate/arch, ToadHead yells at Elisa and won’t let her tell him why she came until she has to yell it to him… ToadHead does not seem to believe her…he could swear she came to see Damian… she yells at him saying Damian means nothing to her… even if you don’t believe me, I only came her for YOU! and it is not fair I had to swallow my dignity and you slapped me in front of everyone!!... he is not thankful.
Paloma gets home and tells Ramona she came home alone, and about her frustrations with Gael only caring about Elisa, only watching over Elisa… ‘Gael will never notice me no matter what I do, he only has eyes for Elisa’… Ramona argues Paloma has always known that… yes, but I can’t take it anymore… Paloma asks her for a witchcraft to make her forget Gael.
Still alone at the stables with his horse, Damian is thinking of Elisa, and is still teary-eyed. Flo comes behind him.  He uses same excuse wording Elisa used, escaping from noise and crowd…  are you sure you ‘te engentaste’? or is it something else?... Flo seems to reprieve that they have not been intimate (were they?) since they got to La Ermita… she seems more than willing to get hanky-panky right there at the stable… he ust says ‘lets go back to the party’ (not exactly original but works as turn down/off)..
(Is this beautiful white horse going to become a silent witness to the love story here?)
Elisa gets home (well, she is dragged into the house, miracle she missed hitting the table with her head), ToadHead is still miffed. Medusa twists the knife on him reminding him about the dress being Estefania’s dress for the dinner with the Arangos. Toadhead does a note checking and ties Medusa and Gabino’s meeting about the possibility of Fina buying his crops again and what Elisa told him Fina suggested to her. Medusa tries to blame it on Dolores, has influence on Elisa, but ToadHead says no way anyone else would work at his quinta and take all this abuse for the pay he gives Dolores.
Dolores is consoling Elisa, but Elisa does not feel like talking about what happened or about Damian… Elisa is too upset to talk … Lolita gives in… kisses her goodnight. You truly look beautiful… Elisa just cries in her bed…
Damian sits on dad’s desk.
Elisa tells Paloma Damian kissed her.
Seems Damian and Elisa meet again, maybe at cemetery…
Flo ups the ante… she suggests to Damian ‘lets get civil-married today…’


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #203-204 Wed 4/11/12 More babies, more weddings.

Frida's boss says he'll help her fix up her car if she'll let him rent it out for weddings etc.

Chucha says being the only maid at the casa Lopez is too much work - there are an awful lot of people in the house! A new (tall, young, skinny) maid is hired to help.

Rebe Sr. misses her husband Julio, even though she told him life at his side was profoundly boring.

Freddy tells Vince he's broken up with Ana and is now unenthusiastically dating Kari. "But you don't love her!" "Maybe I could." He tells his dad he wants to get a job, a real job, in publicity or communications. He doesn't want to be the hubby who follows his singer wife around the country - also he's annoyed about that other galan following her around. He and his dad make fun of Adrian (who texts Ana just as she's leaving for a three-week tour and is not too proud to bring her flowers in various hotel rooms).

Product placements for Avon.

In the hospital poor little Nayeli tells her mom she doesn't want to go back where her dad is. The mom hasn't got a cent to set up house with. Fer, Doc Oc, and Lupita press her to leave the abusive husband. She agrees.

A pointless potpourri of unnecessary scenes follows. Then Lupita and Rebe go to the gynecologist and find out Rebe is pregnant.

Frida calls Pepe, she hasn't seen him for a month. Her car is good as new and she's over her anemia. They go out for juice together.

I see Adoracion Sr. works for Chela and Enzo now.

Adrian comes to Avon to tell Pancho he's in love with Ana and has the most proper intentions toward her. Pancho tells him: "She still loves Freddy. And she's too young to take on your children. In sum, sir, you don't stand a chance."

Pina is reading one self-help book after another. Chela comes into her office with some stuff from the house. "How does it feel to be living in a social class you don't deserve?" Pina sneers. "You should think less about us, do less hating, think instead about what to do with your energy. Try helping others." Pina pretends to be bored but she's listening.

Ana tells her dad she is not interested in Adrian. Her current problem: she thinks she's getting fat.

Frida stands very close to Pepe, she's glad things are not going well with Frenchie. She asks him to race against her one more time, he says it's dangerous, she asks for a kiss instead. "Satan, don't tempt me!" says Pepe, centimeters from her lips. He gives her the kiss. It's a nice long one. Mmmm.

Vince and Candy meet in a cafe. He is a baby with a very special piece of paper - his divorce!! Now she's happy! He has an engagement ring for her! Don't marry a baby, Candy! But of course she says yes. They dive into bed.

Chela has moved into Pina's house. She tells Moni (who's living there too) not to let jealousy destroy her relationship with Pepe.

Freddy comes to see his ma. "What should I do with my life?" she whines. "I'm asking myself the same question," he says. He feels he can't move on when Moms is so miserably parked under a blanket reading self-help books. He says "Learn from your mistakes, don't be so rancorous." She can barely say the words: "Chela thought I should do something for other people." She finds this distasteful, but he suggests, since she's loaded, she could establish a charitable foundation of some kind.

Ana's very fat manager tells Ana she's losing her figure! "Nobody wants a fatty singer." She goes on a diet.

Frida says goodbye forever to Pepe (wagging her butt in farewell). She gets on a bus and bam, it's in an accident and everybody on it faints in a heap. Meanwhile Pepe walks Moni back to the former Iracheta's, they're lovey dovey. Just like Lupita and Tomas canoodling only a few steps away. Tomas will graduate soon, Lupita's worried that he'll be in danger then.

No dinner for Ana, then no breakfast.

Pepe gets a call - Frida's in the hospital. He takes Moni with him to the hospital. Frida's foot is wrecked, she may lose it.

Pancho is shocked and disapproving that Candy's going to marry his cousin Iracheta. Then he's additionally shocked to hear: Rebe is having twins.

Chela reminds Ana, who's upset but not talking, "When your mom died, you didn't talk for a month. You were the one I worried about the most. I know something's wrong."

Tomorrow: are you kidding me? Candy and Vince are getting married? And Napoleon's not happy to hear about it.


El Talismán #51 Wed 4/11/12 The Search is on for Mariana, Mystery at the Orphanage

News Flash: Fresno, California the #1 most Beauty Obsessed city in the U.S.

Read all about it here.

Thanks to our eagle-eyed commenter and El Tal faithful Rosemary La Otra for discovering this gem. Now, on to the show...

Recap by Madelaine
Previously on El Talisman:
While drinking tequila, Pigorio and Panchito talk about Mariana and the fake
Today on El Talisman:
Pigorio wants Panchito to get all the info he can about what Pedro is up
to as far as the investigation goes in finding Mariana. He wants specifics
and all the info he can get. Panchito says whatever you need I will do.
He leaves.
Lucrazy has a plan. She takes Yenny to the hosptial where she knows
Cameela is and tells her to remember the plan they talked about. Yenny
bumps into Cameela and tells her she is looking for a worker for her business
which I think is the same as Cameela does. Cameela is so happy, she asks
about it. Yenny tells her to come by the Only Hotel in Fresno tomorrow and she
will be happy to talk to her about it. The job is in LA. Later Lucrazy and Yenny are
talking and Lucrazy says she better follow the plan. She wants Cameela gone
for awhile, but if Tonio finds out he will kill Yenny.
Tracy is talking to Nana again about Panchito being obessed with being
Pigorio's son and spying on Pedro.
Cameela takes El Viral back to the hospital, El Viral is still talking about
the check, she wants that check. Cameela asks Dr. Raul if her Mom is ok
he says physically she is fine. Tia Maria comes to the hospital too and
she stays with El Viral. El Viral is whining to Maria about how all this is
Cameela's fault that she didn't get that check from Pedro. Maria sets
her straight and tells her this is her own fault, quit blaming it on the kids
and accept the blame herself! Then El Viral remembers Tonio telling her
that half of what is Rennie's is hers. Uh oh, now she wants half of what
Rennie has.
Cameela goes back to El Tal and interrupts Geno and Tomas.
Tomas leaves and Cameela tells Geno about what happened with
El Viral and Pedro. She tells her about the job possiblity in LA.
Geno is WTH. But she understands.
Angel and Army talk about the same old, same old. Army tries
calling Fabi for the umpteenth time, he hangs up just as Fabi
answers. Army is mad she won't talk to him.
Pedro and Claudio talk about Margarito. Claudio wants nothing to
do with him, he abandoned him, became a drunk and he wants
nothing to do with him. Pedro says people change and he ought
to give Margarito another chance. Claudio calls Flor and asks
her where's she been. She says school, friends, her parents
she hasn't had time for him. He says he needs to talk to her.
She goes to see him at El Tal and he tells her everything about
Margarito. She too says he needs to talk to his Dad. Claudio
says she's right and gives her a quick kiss. She likes it.
The whole Negrete family is having dinner. Tonio brings up
that fake will again to Pigorio. He has had enough and get up
and goes to his office. Doris gets up too and follows him.
Tonio is left with his daughters. He asks about the boyfriends
and they don't really want to talk about it. He says love is important
that he is divorcing Doris and marrying Cameela. The girls are none
too happy about that, but he tells them he loves Cameela and that
they should accept it.
Margarito is at his AA meeting in LA. The doctor is giving a speech
and then talks to Margarito afterwards. Margo is happy that he has
quit drinking for such a long time, and the doctor says he should
contact Claudio and make amends with him. The doctor is interrrupted
by a phone call from his daughter who is waiting for him in an SUV.
Margo and the doctor kind of walk out together and Margo thinks
this is Mariana and runs after the SUV calling her name again.
Margo's friends tell him this can't possibly be Mariana cause this
is the doctor's daughter, but Margo is positive this is her. Later
his friend tells him, how can you look for Mariana in a city this
big? I think his friend has convinced Margo this wasn't Mariana.
Margo doesn't know but he is going to try.
Doris and Panchito have a conversation. She was send to find
Valentin cause Pigorio wanted a meeting with him. Anyway,
I didn't catch what they were talking about. I know part of it was
the will, his neices and thinking he is above his station. Someone
please fill in here.
Rennie and Rita are talking in the hospital about the money they
will get from Tonio. Rita says something about getting another
doctor, to make Rennie's injuries worse than they are, so they
can get lots of money. Rennie doesn't look comfortable but agrees.
(Wait till he finds out he owes El Viral half )
Oscar is at home having an argument with his wife. He tells
her he wants a divorce. The major domo is listening while
eating a sandwich and smiling and nodding. Oscar comes
out and says he can't wait to be single. He is thinking of Rita.
Finally Pigorio takes a meeting with Valentin. He calls the
investigator to find out if he has found Mariana. The investigator
tells him not yet. Pigorio says he is a good for nothing and hangs
up on him. Pigorio wants Valentin to find her tout suite or get the
info about where she is. Pigorio wants her dead. Valentin says
he doesn't want to go to jail. Valentin is so not down with this.
Doris goes to talk to Pigorio in his bedroom. I think they are talking
about this will again. Doris wants to make sure that Pigorio doesn't
kick her out of Al Catrash. Pigorio says Al Catrash is his and just
cause she is his lover doesn't mean anything. He tells her to get
out. He tells her like three times. She finally goes out of the room,
and there is Tonio. She is shocked and he wants to know what
she was doing in Pigorio's room. Dun Dun Dun Dun
Pedro, Sarita and (don't know the guy's name) go to the orphange.
They notice the door is open, and Pedro goes inside and is
knocked in the head by someone in jeans. Sarita and friend
go in after Pedro and find him knocked out. He says he is fine
doesn't need to go to the hospital and they will search to find
this person. They search all over the orphanage and in the kitchen
they find a pile of belongings. Pedro says it is probably some kid
from the streets needing a place to stay and they will come back
in the morning to search. They go back to El Tal and of course
Lucrazy is there to tend to Pedro, Mi Amor.
Next on El Talisman:
Margarito finds Mariana and talks to her!


Abismo de pasión #22 4/10/12 Beware El Beso De La Mujer Araña

Black widows are notorious spiders identified by the colored, hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomens. This spider's bite is much feared because its venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake's…

Alfonsina Arango is the black widow spider at the center of Abismo de Pasion. Her web is woven through the entire town of La Ermita.

The animals most at risk from the black widow's bite are insects—and male black widow spiders. Females sometimes kill and eat their counterparts after mating in a macabre behavior that gave the insect its name.

Alfonsina’s venom destroyed her marriage and sent her son Damian Arango, into 15 years of exile in Italy. Now that Damian is back will he be able to break free from his mother’s sticky webs? We shall see, amigos, we shall see.

Elisa and Paloma are talking. Elisa repeats some not very surprising news, she is in love with Damian Arango, and she is dying of jealousy because he is going to marry another woman.

It is a dramatic announcement, I think meant to reassure Paloma that she (Elisa) does not return Gael’s feelings or declaration of love. Paloma is borrowing a dress from Blanca to wear to the upcoming party hosted by the Spider Woman, Alfonsina Araña, er, hmm Arango. Elisa told Gael earlier that she cares for him “como un hermano”.  Paloma looks both relieved and sad to hear this from Elisa.

How did you know you were in love with him, asks Paloma? Elisa replies that she thinks it was the other night when he hugged her. She felt safe in his arms. (Sweet vocal music swells.) Well, says Paloma, if you are in love with Damian, you have to fight for him! Go to the engagement party. The battle is already lost, Elisa cries to Paloma. He is engaged to another.

And even if he were to feel something for me neither my dad not Alfonsina Araña would let anything happen.  Paloma encourages Elisa to forget both her dad and Sra. Spider. Blanca has loaned Paloma a dress, Elisa could get one too. She should go to he party. No, says Elisa sadly, I should forget Damian. Fortunately he will leave La Ermita soon.

Damian Returns to Ramona’s House
Damian returns to Ramona’s house on his beautiful horsie. He remembers his visit there when he was a child. He goes into the house and looks around. A flashback: we see the darling kids as he remembers when he bought the love amulets from scary Ramona for his mother and father.

Ramona returns to the house and interrupts his reverie. “ Are you still looking for amulets so two people love each other,” she asks? No, Damian replies. I came to see if someone is still living here. “Yes”, says Ramona. “Myself and my granddaughter. Some things never change. The same loves, the same hatreds— even you are the same Damian.” Damian replies that she is the first person since he returned to tell him that. Most people seem to think he has changed a lot. “Some people’s essence never changes, like you., Damian. And by the way, my amulets do work if two people who love one another wear them at the same time. “I’ll recall that,” says Damian as he fondly squeezes Ramona’s shoulder and takes his leave.

(Father) Guido (Sarduchi)Landuchi Arrives in La Ermita
Back at Casa de la Web, Flo’s handsome father Guido arrives for the party. He didn’t tell anybody he was coming—is he still in time for her engagement party? “Of course,” Flo says. She hasn’t gotten very involved in the party planning but Damian’s Spider mother is sure planning a huge do. Alfonsina comes in and greets Guido warmly to welcome him to her house. “Damian could not have made a better choice,” Alfonspider beams at Florencia. As Alfonsina leaves the room, Guido asks Flo the $64,000 question—“and how is my brother?” It is clear from the look on Guido’s face that hunky-unky Paolo is a pain in his older brother’s a$$.

Castañon Casa
Holy danger-man, Elisa. Watch out, girl. Hunky-unky Paolo rides up on his motorcycle with Western music playing in the background. He asks if Elisa got his flower or his messages inviting her to the party. She replies that she received his invitation but she wants nothing to do with him.  He ignores her completely and says he will pick her up at 8 PM. Paloma, who is a witness to all this accuses Elisa of being a heartbreaker, jajaja. Flo’s uncle may be a bit mature but he is hot!  “Can you imagine standing up as Damian’s aunt,” Paloma teases. The girls head for town as Elisa admonishes Paloma that she will be late to work.

The Brown Recluse Spider
When humans come into contact with brown recluse spiders the results can be painful if not fatal. Most spiders use webs to claim their prey. But Brown Recluse spiders use stealth, waiting in hiding for their prey to appear.

At the doctor’s office, Carmina is lying in wait when Doc Edmundo arrives. “What?” asks Edmundo. Does Augusto suspect something? No, no, he just thinks Carmina is having a series of tests. The Doc moves in for a grabby kiss but she pushes him away with a “No puedo,” and turns her head. It’s early in the morning but she has come not to hump El Gordito, but to dump El Gordito. Alas, it’s true. The needy doctor asks her to say it isn’t so, but Carmina feels too much guilt. Even though her life with Augusto is HELL, she knows that the Do is married. He has TWO (annoying) children. We have to pretend that nothing happened between us. Carmina cannot repeat what her sister did. Carmina leaves Edmundodo stung and in pain. Way to ramp up the attraction, Carmina.

Augusto is considering taking a paternity test while drinking from a very modest snifter instead of the bottle.

In Casa Araña’s Beautiful Garden
It is already a hot day. Flo and Alfonsina are walking in the garden when Damian walks up. Today our little Flo is wearing Blue Spanx dress, perfect for the Yucatan weather (not). Flo greets a warm Damian as he has just come in from his ride and visit with Ramona. When he embraces Flo, she really yuks it up. Ewweee he is all sweaty. He says yes, that happens after a couple of hours of riding and then grooming the horse. Well, he won’t have to deal with the horse anymore, says Alfonspider. She has asked Gabino to hire a groom for the horse.

So far Flo only looks mildly put off by Damian’s coolness toward her. And speaking of ambivalence, does anyone else in viewerville think it’s weird that Dam did not have a ring? I know his Spider Momma pushed him into the engagement but Merida is a big city and he could have surely found a bauble there. I’m just sayin’…

Horacio is there to discuss his new job with Gabino. He reminds Gabino that he is in La Ermita to get a new start, but his friendship with Gabino is unconditional. Oopsie, anvil alert. What kind of dirty work will Gabino have him up to. We wonders, yes, we wonders.

Doctor Edmundo’s Office
Well, Paloma picked a bad day to be late to work. Edmundo just got cut off and he is in no mood for her excuses as to why she is late. (Neither am I.  Hanging around with your girlfriend is not a good reason to show up late for work, pretty Paloma. Doctor E. chews our Paloma out for being late. Paloma promises to never do it again.

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Augusto is sitting, looking dejected as usual. He needs to talk to the doc. After Edmundo figures out that Augusto is not going to kill him for yesterday’s boinkage with Carmina, he attends to Augusto’s question about Carmina’s health. Carmina is not that sick, says sensitive Edmundo. Augusto broaches his real reason for seeing the doctor. Edmundo knows that he and Rosendo were friends for many years. He now believes that Estefania betrayed him for many years with Rosendo. He has decided he wants a paternity test is needed to see if Elisa is really his child. (Asshat.) He also wants the Doc to keep the secret and get blood from Elisa on one of Carmina’s visit’s to the doc. Huh?

Antonia arrives at the procesadora. Braulio comes out and ‘Tonia says that Vicente didn’t take his exam and will have to repeat the year—if he can find a school to take him. Braulio says he may have to get a job.

Casa Castañon
Carmina is in front of the magic mirror applying makeup. It is working. She looks pretty good, especially when compared to, say, Begonia. Lolita comes in to say, “Someone is waiting for you.” It’s Gabino and he thinks that Carmina should continue ‘negotiating’ with him, even if their other business did not work out. Gabino menaces with, “Carmina you need a man. Like you needed Rosendo.” She rejects him but Gabino tells Carmina, “You and I are not done.”

Elisa runs into Gabino as he is leaving the house. “What are you doing here,” she asks. “I had business with your Tia.” Gabino replies.

Elisa asks Tia Brown Reclusa why was Gabino Mendoza here? Carmina says she doesn’t owe Elisa an explanation, but it was to do with the failed deal to try to sell the Arengo’s the Castañon habanero harvest. Elisa is reminded again of the Castañon’s precarious financial standing. Carmina exits left because she needs to rest.

A Quarrel in the Casa Arango Guest Quarters
Flo and her bad-boy womanizing uncle Paolo are in Flo’s room talking. Paolo tells Flo that Elisa doesn’t want to come to the party, but it is best for Flo is she attends. He will pick her up. Flo points out that Elisa doesn’t want to attend. “Ah, niece, she is the most beautiful girl in La Ermita. She is playing hard to get. Tonight I will be with the most beautiful girl in La Ermita.” Flo tells him, “You don’t change.”

Damian overhears this conversation from the hall and catches Paolo with two hands on the front of his shirt as he is leaving Flo’s room. Damian gets in Paolo’s face. “Paolo, I want you to stay away from Elisa. Stay away. I care a lot about her. In fact I want you to leave the Hacienda. Flo now comes out of her room and enters the fray, “Mucho cuidado, Damian, she warns. If my uncle leaves the Hacienda I go with him!”

At this moment Guido and Alfonsina come walking down the hall just in time to see the confrontation.

“Mucho cuidado, with that”, says Flo, “If my uncle leaves, so do I.”

“Who is Elisa Castañon?”, asks a puzzled Guido. “A girl from the village,” Alfonsina replies and she and Damian get into it about Elisa. Damian lets his Mom have it, “ Elisa is a good person. She has a bad reputation because you made that up!”  Alfonsina yells that Damian is acting badly in front of his girlfriend and orders Damian to apologize to Paolo. Damian refuses to apologize to Paulo. They snap nastily at one another. Meanwhile, Guido is worried about the same issue—his skirt chasing brother. Guido and Paolo get into an argument and I feel (briefly) sorry for Flo.

Alfonsina orders Damian to at least make up with Flo. The party will not be postponed! Damian yells at Alfonsina before stalking out, “Mama if you want to fix it with Flo go right ahead. But don’t worry. She would not miss this maldita party for anything. Damian storms out.

In Florencia’s room a big fat Landuchi family argument continues. Guido berates his brother about skirt chasing. No problem says Paolo. Elisa is just a beautiful girl from the village. What about the “problem” (pregnancy?) with Kenia? Paolo says she is lying. As the argument continues we find out that there is a big age difference between the brothers, that Guido has been like a father to Paolo. Flo jumps into the fight and wants to know why Guido and Damian are picking on her uncle? Guido doesn’t want problems with Alfonsina or Damian! (This sounds like a business/money problem to me.)

Florencia finishes the argument by saying, “I don’t want Elisa at my engagement party for any reason. None.” Whew.

Casa Castañon
Elisa is lying around in her room feeling sad. She remembers Paloma’s advice that she has to go to the fiesta and drive Damian wild with love. Lolita comes in and tells her “You are bad if you are thinking of going to that party.” Elisa says she has nothing to wear. Lolita replies, “There are lots of your mom’s clothes you could wear but I think you would be crazy to go. The people who love you are not at the Arango homestead.”

Antonia and Braulio’s House
Antonia and Braulio confront that little snot Vicente about not taking his exam and flunking out of school. Braulio tells his son, “I will get you a job. You will help your Mom prepare for and clean up after Damian’s party.” Vicente doesn’t want to work for either Alfonsina or Damian.  Too bad, bad seed.

At Father Lupe’s Rectory
Gael is thinking about how Augusto gave him his first job. Father Lupe comes in and they have another (wonderful) scene where they tussle verbally back and forth. Gael is looking for a job. He is sick of trying to motivate Augusto. But Lupe plays the guilt card, “He gave you a job when you needed one when you were a kid.” Gael says, “I have repaid that with lots of hard work!” Lupe to Gael, “What will happen if Augusto fails? It will affect Elisa a lot.” Nice, padre. Then he tells Gael to take Paloma to Damian’s party so he doesn’t have to feel alone and out of place.

Ramona gives some beads to Paloma to wear with the dress Blanca lent her.

House of the Spider Woman
Flo is upset about the fight between her Dad and Uncle and her Uncle and Damian. Naturally, as she is talking to Alfonsina,  Elisa is blamed for the gist of the fight. Flo takes some responsibility for the situation, “It is my fault,” she says, “For Paying attention to my uncle he advised me to make peace with Elisa and invite her to the party.”
Alfonsina tells Flo not to worry. Mama Araña will handle it.

Doc Edmundo’s House
At the doc’s house everybody is in curlers Sabrina is doing her mom’s nails and hair. Enrique is looking for a clean shirts. The Doc comes in to get berated by Begonia. But Doctor Gordito has had a bad day and he informs Begonia he will not be attending the fiesta. He has a headache.

Streets of La Ermita
After rushing out of his Hacienda, Damian runs into Gael downtown. They talk about Damian fighting with his Mom and Gael says nothing has changed. Damian says the house is chaos, Flo is making jealous scenes for no reason and the party is mostly his mom’s friends. Gael reminds him that he can’t fix the situation with Alfonsina, especially if he is leaving La Ermita. Finally Damian says , “Gael, I know you don’t want to go to the fiesta but I would really love it if you were there.” Sweet.

The Spider Goes to Casa Castañon
The bell is rung and Elisa opens the door. Shock—it is Alfonsina! Elisa makes a preemptive strike by telling Alfonsina that before she says anything, she will not be insulted in her own home. But Alfonsina is not there to disrespect Elisa—she wants to make peace with Elisa and she has a personal invitation for Elisa to attend the fiesta. Huh? Alfonsina says “I would love it if you were there.” Elisa doesn’t believe her.

Alfonsina says that Damian would like to have his best friends there. Elisa blasts back, “I really appreciate your invitation but I don’t believe you have had such a sudden repentance.”

Now it gets really nasty. Alfonsina says it was hard for her to come to offer this invitation to Elisa. She was afraid Elisa would take this bad attitude. There is another reason for Elisa to come. “Why?” asks Elisa.  Because Augusto’s business is doing very badly.  If the relationships between the two families were improved perhaps the Arengo Procesadora could buy the Castañon crops again. “Think about it very carefully. Buenos noches Elisa.”

Symptoms of the Black Widow Spider bite include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, chest pain, weakness and tremor.


Damian and Elisa kiss in the stable, the amulets make a command appearance and Elisa and Flo each wear bandaid dresses—white and red respectively—to the maldita fiesta.


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