Thursday, May 17, 2012

Abismo de pasión #48 5/16/12: a tale of 7 buildings in 7 acts... truth serum is back, and Elisita and Dam together together at last

Recap by Marta Ivett

Sorry this was so long, but it was a real good episode... lots of fun stuff, hot steamy scenes and lots of truths revealed...
7 locations: blue house, rectory, Cast-ILLON house, procesadora, Ramona's, Tovar household, Centro de Salud,
plus two non-building locations: Cast-ILLON fields, cenote
Act I  definitely the HOT spot in town tonight, the church rectory
We did not get the full replay of the HOT HOT HOOOOT delicious scene… just the ending kiss on the bed and (Pop-adre goes the Cheez-Wheezle!!)
PL: Gae… look what do we have here… WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? … (Gael and Pal look at each other).. HEY!..(Gael looks up with an Urkel  ‘did I do thaaaat??’ face)
G: Padre…I … I can explain..
PL: Nothing! Nothing would justify you two in here in this shameful spectacle, and in these conditions even less!
Pal: Padre!… Padre!... I swear to you that Gael… (Gael has a hand on forehead, probably with the WORST headache of his life) .. I was the one that got all the way in here and…
PL: I will ask you to leave, Paloma. (Gael signals to her in prayer/beg hand gesture to go ahead and leave) ..
(I have to say it was a nice touch by Padre/Rene C to not make much eye contact, since Padre must feel a bit ashamed/betrayed by Gael’s allowing this to happen. Also Mark T. looking down in shame.)
PL: How could it be, mijito? The least I expected of you was to respect this ‘house (of the Lord)’!
G: And I do! I swear, I did not do anything! I just came out of the shower, was drying up and suddenly Pal was there! what did you want me to do??
PL: Don’t swear! When words cannot be more dignified than silence, you can’t swear! You allowed this! And that makes you responsible for what happened here!
G: Ya, ya! It is not so serious! Nothing happened!
PL: Fortunately not, because I got here on time! Bless the Lord! But I am not so sure you would have stopped it!
G: What do you want me to do? I am a man! I have my weaknesses!
PL: Even if you doubt it, I understand that! We all have weaknesses! But that is no valid excuse, no siree! Even less if you know what this young girl feels for you! This barrage(barbajanada?) will let her build up false hopes with you!
G: I know it is not right! Don’t make me feel worse than I do!
PL: I am beginning to doubt that great love you claim you feel for Elisa.
G: That has nothing to do with what just happened, padre!
(in living room, Elisa won’t take Paloma’s explanations, don’t need them, but frankly, what the heck were you doing in his bedroom? … trying to convince him of the sincerity of my feelings! And I would have done it if Padre Loopy and you did not show up!... forgive me but you would not have convinced him. What you did was wrong. I am not criticizing you. I just want you to realize you were about to do something stupid, And you would have regretted it forever.  … and what are you here for?... to tell Gael that I love DamTheMan… well, ‘pa’ luego es tarde!’ (Pal is dragging Elisa toward Gael’s room, but Elisa stops her).. you are nuts! Now is DEFINITELY not the right time!...lets get out of here instead…
Act II, at the little blue house
Irritating: Are you sure Alf ate the story that I left town?
Gab: Yes, but It is important that you don’t leave the house... I am not going to be locked in here for long… just wait a while for my patrona to forget about you… and you are going to locate Kenya?... tomorrow, but I think it is pretty silly that you allowed your daughter to steal money right in front of your face! But don’t worry, that’s why you have me. And we will squeeze Alfie as soon as we find your son. … I told you I don’t care about that, Gab. I just want to be in peace for a while. Are you sure we can stay in this house?… it is yours, chula. Just make yourself at home, safe. … (just as if she got a stage call, in waltzes the other ‘owner’ of the little blue house)
Nemo-Ho: wanna tell me what are you and Miss Measles doing in MY house?... This is private property! And you have no right to … I told you I was coming to live here… and I told you CLEARLY that you could not!!  … Nemo-Ho tells Gabino he has half an hour for them two to learn and perform the disappearing act…  Nemo heads out. It is Irritat-Ing’s turn to nag. I demand you tell me who the heck is this woman??!!
Back At rectory.. (the most exciting spot in La Ermita tonight).. Kenya came to find Gael… Gael tells her Gael is in his bedroom, will go tell him you are here… But don’t worry, Padre! I will go… (Padre immediately gets on ‘STOP!!’ body pose .. ) No!, No!... no way!.. (walks over to other side to block her) I prefer that Gael attend to his friends (female) here in the living room. Please sit down. Kenya, right?. (on his way to the bedroom.. ‘What’s up with this?!’)
Gael comes out to living room and gets a new sermon (in front of Kenya!! OUCH!!) by Padre to ‘behave and respect this house’. Gael is shocked that Padre feels he has to say that in front of her. And so is Kenya.
G: Padre, don’t throw more salt at the open wound! I don’t want you to think that because of what just happened with Paloma, I can’t be proper in a room with a woman! You raised me! You know who I am!
PL: Alright. And I apologize. But behave!... (LOL!!)
Gael tells Kenya what just happened with Paloma.. and then Padre got in there and you can imagine!...
(Stop the action!... ok Gael, if you don’t feel anything for Pal, why did you smile so sweetly when you tell Kenya that Paloma kissed you?... you liked it, don’t deny it, youuuuuuuu liiiiiiiiiiiiiked it!)
K: I will confess it was my fault. I talked to Paloma and advised her to tell you about her feelings.
G: You shouldn’t have! Elisa was here too! And right now must be thinking the worst of me!
K: Please forgive me, it was not my intention to cause trouble. I am so sorry you can’t give yourself a chance with Paloma because of what you feel for Elisa. With Elisa you have no chance.
G: No, you never mean harm, no? just like with your pregnancy, no? (OUCH!)... Regardless, I am willing to fight for her and nothing and no one will stop me!
K: That is a lost cause, because Elisa loves DamTheMan.
G: Did she tell you?
K: IT is evident she loves him! No need for her to tell anyone! Just open your eyes! (absolutely right, K!)
G: Not true! If she loved him she would have said it the day he put her on the spot to decide!
K: I will give you the same advice I gave Paloma. Go tell her about your feelings! Only that way you will get the truth about hers!
G: Thank you for your advice, but don’t need it. what are you here for?
K: I came to become your and Elisa’s associate in the green house business project.
Back at little blue house…Irritat-Ing angry at Gabino: you lied to me, you said I could trust you, that I could stay here and that I would be safe!! Carmina will tell Alfonsina that I am here!!… Carmina doesn’t even know your name! trust me! I am super Gabino!!... no I don’t trust you… well then we are on same turf, you have lied to me too… if we want this to work, we will have to start trusting each other…
Outside the little blue house, UnkaHunk arrives in the La Anita pickup truck.. little did he know that the plan had changed, he no longer came for a night long powwow but to PICKUP LocaAunt, ‘No hay cama pa’ tanta gente!’ (there are not enough beds in the little blue house so LocaAunt is homeless for now)
At the outdoor café in town, UnkaHunk tells LocaAunt how DamTheMan chewed him up about Elisa… LocaAunt asks UnkaHunk lets cool it off, lets stop seeing each other… UnkaHunk not willing to split…
Act III  At the dysfunctional Tovar home, and at equally dysfunctional Cast-ILLON home
Inmundo gets home and the Female Inquisition is waiting for him. He came to tell them the truth.
Paloma is not the right target for your shooting/bad gossip frenzy… Paloma did not steal the cookie from the cookie jar… Ah no? then who?...
Inmundo insists Paloma is a good girl, Sabrina insists he is a liar and Pal a H_  and that she is disillusioned in him… Inmundo tells BeGoneYa that their relationship is long over and that it is no use trying to stay and trying to repair it. Inmundo says I will be at the Hotel NoTell in case you need anything. He starts to walk out. But first Be-goneYa even asks him for the keys. Seems the only one whose glasses prescription is correct (to be interpreted as ‘sees clearly enough’) is Inmundo. Everyone else sees what they want to see.
Cabana Cenote: Pal gets home… Grandma is waiting for the ‘cartilla’(rulebook reminder) of the day. This lecture is about Dr Tovar… In any case, Master YODA Ramona asks Pal to quit her job… That woman (Begone-Ya) won’t leave her in peace… Paloma is reluctant to just leave the job…But Ramona is still sane enough to believe Paloma when she tells her the story… However Ramona knows there is something else in Pal’s little dreamer head… Pal won’t talk so Ramona threatens if you wear that scampy outfit again I will burn it.
At Cast’iLLON Nemo-Ho arrives home on her crutches… She tells Elisa one story (came from Dr Tovar’s office, Dr says to keep on using the crutches), then she tells Charles Bronson look-alike another story … he is very suspicious, since she had told him last time another Dr besides Inmundo tended to her. HE is not convinced by her story… She turns the tortilla on them… is there something I should know?
Gael arrives at Cast’iLLON… He is blabbing but basically came to apologize/explain the Paloma incident… Elisa does not want any explanation, she is glad he realized Paloma is the woman for him (OK, I was VERY distracted by Elisa’s eyes on this take, the sunlight coming through the door top window made her eyes look like cat’s eyes since it made the pupils shrink). He says nope, YOU are the only one for me, Because I love you and you don’t give a hoot about me. And I know you will use what happened with Paloma to dump me and hook up with DamTheMan.  Elisa insists he is wrong. Gael argues that she is going to sign the contract with the Arango business. Elisa says she is not planning to. Gael argues Then how come you did not allow Kenya to invest with us?? Elisa asks him to ask Kenya. Gael insists again she did not take Kenya’s money because she wants to sign with Dam to be with him all the time. Elisa gives up on arguing against what he believes. Gael loses his marbles and yells at her to tell him the truth,  HE turns around and calms down before asking her to be honest with him. Gael has to close his eyes to gather strength to ask the hard question: Are you in love with DamTheMan? Yes… I love him dearly, but that does not mean I am hooking up with him. Gael says that would be silly, because he loves you too. And you deserve to be happy even if it is not with me. Elisa would not want to hurt him. HE says don’t worry about me. Or about me or anything else. If I am a hurdle for you to be with him, I am not anymore.
Elisa goes to tell Lolita about her convo with Gael. Elisa is surprised Gael did not get mad/angry… on the contrary, he asked her to hook up with DamTheMan. Lolita also finds it strange, but agrees with him. Forget everything and everyone… think only about yourself… Elisa is reluctant, so Lolita asks her to look at my life… see what could happen if you deny yourself the chance of love?... I do have you, but it is also true a part of my heart is empty.  Elisa acknowledges she sacrificed her happiness with Braulio for her. Elisa tells her she was a little kid, if she had known better, she would never have allowed Lolita to sacrifice for her. Lolita says make it worth it… hook up with Damian and fight for your happiness. Elisa finally agrees.
Act IV at the Procesadora… and Ramona’s hut by cenote
At La Anita procesadora, Dam arrives. Maru is worried Ingrid is still MIA and she has to find that report Ingrid was working on… Gael is waiting for Dam…
Gael: Just came to tell you I won’t muddle anymore your path with Elisa.  … why the change of mind? Yesterday you said you would fight for her… I have accepted that it is no use, because she loves you… how are you sure of that?... she told me. I am only going to warn you. You better make her happy. She deserves it.        DamTheMan lets go a sweet smirk/smile once Gael leaves…
Padre Loopy visits Ramona… this scene is very funny… Padre Loopy visibly uncomfortable with all the ‘hangings’ at Ramona’s place (the aloe vera and herbs hanging upside down)  LOL Ramona asks ‘what saint brought you here?’  Padre came to talk about Pal… Don’t say I am a gossip.. but we gotta talk. Paloma is a bit misguided… RaMona thinks he is talking about Dr Tovar so she says Pal is incapable of any wrong doing… Did she tell you? (oh my, that hat of Padre’s is getting a workout from nervous padre’s hands).. yes, of course. Of course BeGoneYa came to give me her version. (Padre confused, even scratches his hair/head, turns out he came to talk about gossip page 3 but Ramona is spilling gossip page 5 of the Ermita Enquirer)  .. Padre now uses the hat as a hand fan… (phew! I thought that was the end of the hat!) ‘ you don’t know how much it worries me that because of that fast mouth woman, the name of my granddaughter will be the talk of the town!! They could say anything about me! That I am a witch! That I am nutsy! But not of my granddaughter!!’
Padre asks Ramona to calm down… How could I keep quiet?! It is not fair!! you know how easy it is to screw someone’s reputation, and how hard it is to rebuild it!... Padre says we are on time to do damage control… Ramona says thank you for taking my ranting, had to release with someone. Did you come to tell me something else?... Nope, nope! That was it.. yeah, that was it! (LOL!!) Ramona insists Padre takes the tea for the nerves, Padre accepts gladly.
Back At Procesadora, Maru comes to DamTheMan’s office to tell him Elisa is there to see him. Dam almost leaps around Maru with a smile on his face, Maru giggles glad about SOMETHING going right around here!
E: I came to tell you I accept the contract to help her raise the greenhouse in my fields.
(Right now for all he cares, she could be trying to give him a lesson on how to sew a quilt, or how to make habanero sauce, but he could care less, he is STARING at her and is in la-la land.)
E: Here it is. I signed it. sorry that it is a bit wrinkled (no more than Padre Loopy’s hat, girl!) I hope it doesn’t bother you.
D: Is that all you came here to tell me that?... Are you sure that was all you came for?
E: No… I came for something else too… (smooches… oh boy! that was a thing of beauty and passion)
Act V at the ONLY Centro de Salud in La Ermita … enter at your own risk
At Dr Tovar’s office, Sabrina comes to rant at Paloma, calling her a ho and a handful of other synonyms.
Inmundo comes out to yell at Sabrina defending Pal… Inmundo asks Sabrina to apologize to Pal. Sabrina rants Pal is the one who should appologize… Sabrina and Inmundo continue yelling at each other. Then Sabrina finishes nailing the wood with ‘I am ashamed to be your child’… She leaves.
Paloma says she better quit her job. Inmundo says no,  the only way to end this nonsense is to go tell my family the truth, that the woman I had an affair with was Nemo-Ho. It is not fair that they rant to her. Pal begs him not to.. the truth would also harm my friend Elisa. And that is not fair. So please don’t…
Back with the lovebirds at Procesadora… I love you Dam… Tell me again, please!. Tell me a thousand times!... I love you (bis 6 times) (they can’t keep their eyes and hands off each other’s face) an I don’t care who/what I have to face to be with you. I don’t care what may come… Me either, Elisa.. I am willing to face ANYTHING for you and will do ANYTHING… Anything!...(more smooches)  let’s get out of here… where?... somewhere where we can be alone. We have much to talk about. … but you have to work… even if I wanted to, I could not concentrate. (finally! He is smiling joyfully!... and another sweeeeeet smooch) lets go. Lets go. (they walk out holding hands. Gabino the snake comes out of hiding biting his bandana hand knuckle).
Act VI
At Cast-ILLON, Lolita is telling Jackie Chan look-alike about a suspicion of Carmina and her frequent appointments to the doctor to check on her ankle injury.  He does not find it so strange… Lola says she has a gut feeling (as in something is fishy about that situation)… door bell rings.. it is Kenya.. and Jackie Chan look-alike again changes gear and only has eyes and ears for Kenya… Kenya is here looking for Elisa to find Gael. JC Look-alike is headed to Cielo Abierto so he will see Gael there. Kenya sends her apt address with JC Look-Alike to tell Gael to go there to talk to her later. Kenya kisses him on cheek and he freezes (looking pretty dumb like a 10 year old just kissed by a celebrity girl singer on cheek)
At Procesadora, Gabino tells Paolo about the show he just missed, DamTheMan and Elisa, kissing and jolly walking away hand in hand … ) but Paolo is not interested in Elisa any longer. How about Kenya? … she arrived a couple weeks ago asking for you… that problem is gone, she left town… are you sure?
… What is your beef with her? .. nothin...
At Hacienda Harango., Tonita tells Alfie about the gossip about the Tovar split racing around town…. Tonita invites Alfie to go to town to find out the juicy details… Alfie acts all proper and brushes her off… phone rings. Its loyal dog Gabino reporting about Elisa and DamTheMan.  Surely she agreed to the contract, unless she meant to agree to much more than that, given that they left holding hands….
At Cast-ILLON, Gabino came to nag at LocaAunt… you are all alone, lola is at market, Elisa is with DamTheMan, your hubby is at fields… you will leave now and you will go back with your low-ranking girlfriend of yours… (he basically wants her to leave him and Irritat-Ing at the house in peace, so he brought her copies of the plane tickets to remind her he has her a__ where he wants her… see ya!)
Carmina destroys the copies…
At Cast-ILLON fields, JC look-alike gives Gael Kenya’s address and message.
JCLA: What is your beef with Kenya?
G: What is your beef with my personal life?
JCLA: you tell me one second you are in love with Elisa… then you go out with this other girl.
G: its time for me to give up if I am not returned my feelings. And it is about time to leave Elisa behind and find my own life.
JCLA: Don’t give up so easily.
G: You say that because you live with a woman you don’t love and I don’t want to end up like that. And regarding Elisa… she deserves to be with the one she chooses. (Wow, that proved to be a bit too tough a statement/response for JCLA to ‘get’)
Lovebirds At Cenote. Get some cold icy drinks, you will need them… (ok, maybe not.. they are ‘talking’…)
E: I remember when we escaped.. spent the night together… I wanted to go to the ocean…
D: And I would have taken you if Gabino did not find us
E: I was so scared when he found us, and I was even more scared when he took us with your mom… I can still remember her exact words ‘you will leave la Ermita today, and will never see your dear Elisa again!’
D: True… you have such a good memory… (kiss)
E: maybe because even back then I realized I already loved you. Those words really hurt me. (kiss)
D: But as you can see, it doesn’t matter what my mom does to try to split us, we will be together forever. And that is exactly what I will tell her!
E: We need to take it easy, we need to wait a little for you to prepare your mom and I will with my dad.
D: I thought you were ready to face anything.
E: And I am, but… if we wait just a little while… it will be good for both of us… (kiss).. please…
D: You got me… but let it be clear it will be a short wait…
(they go on to play with the water… then diss the water, lets lock lips with our feet wet…)
K: I have never been attracted to you as a man!
G: Then I don’t get it!! I don’t get it, Kenya!?
K: Gael, you and I are siblings!!
(Gael impactado, or rather anxious again! Poor Gael, it has been an emotional roller coaster ride for sure lately!)
Elisa and DamTheMan keep vowing to be together…
Alfie tells someone (Carm?) we have to do something!
Elisa and DamTheMan kiss goodbye, Gael watches and shares a dead stare with DamTheMan after.
Padre again scared about something.
Padre talking to Dam at church, Dam a bit worried, hand on forehead, is it his turn to have a headache??


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #253-254 Wed 5/16/12

Sorry folks, but my internet is down, and I don't feel up to typing the whole thing on my phone... Tomorrow, then. But this show was a doozy!


El Talismán #76 Wed 5/16/12 The Truth is Out There and Blackmail is the Way To Her Heart


Today on El Talisman:

Cameela confronts her Mama, er the Gasbag about what Tonio just said. She hems and haws and finally admits she "helped" Tonio but had no direct poisoning of the pills. That was all Tonio's idea. (Look on the side bar about the quote of the one that holds the leg of the cow, is equally responsible with the one that kills the cow). Cameela says, so you tried to kill Pigorio? Now your a killer? (Note to Cameela: Move into El Tal and stay there, don't go back to the Toxic One and tell her you are dead to me.). Poor Cameela she can't get a break. Her Gasbag of a mother admits she bought the poison, cause Tonio gave her dinero, she did it, and now she is crying like a lake of tears.

Padre has come to see Pedro in the carcel. He tells Padre all about how Lucrazy is loca (like anyone in town thinks otherwise), that he was trying to save her from that burning inferno, but all she kept saying to Pedro was we are dying here together, and that she didn't care if they both died.

Pigorio and Doris are having a little convo. He is fit to be tied that that Pedro Ibarra has killed his Lucrazy, his only hija (You sure about that El Pig, the way you rutted around who knows how many other hijas and hijos you have running around, jus' sayin'), he is pithed off noone else is mad his only hija is dead. Especially Doris. She tells him to calm down already.

Fabi and Flor are in their room and Fabi tells Flor she knows her Daddio hates Army, she wishes she could stay with Flor at Alcatrash, but probably in a little while she will have to go to the boarding school. They mourn the loss of their Tia. Alberta comes to their room to let them know what Cameela is here to see their Papa. They are thinking it must be true he is wanting to marry Cameela. Alberts says so not true.

Army and Angel are still at the school. Army can't beleive that Pedro killed Lucrazy, he's such a good guy, no way. Angel gets to talking about his Mama and hopes she will be happy now that Manuel is in the picture. Who cares about El Viral anyway? (You got that right Angel).

Pedro meets with a lawyer, and the lawyer tells him he is culpable for killing Lucrazy and that he should take a deal. Pedro is like no way Jose, I am an innocent man and I didn't kill her and I am sticking by my story, come hell or high water. The lawyer isn't buying it, Pedro in essence fires him and the lawyer says well good luck to you but you will be in prison for many years.

Mariana and Manuel are at the hospital. Mariana tells Manuel that she is happy now she feels more like a sister to Pedro and that Cameela's and Pedro love is very grand. She just wants to get her memory back so she can move on with her life. Manuel tells Mariana he has to get to work, so Mariana says work for realz, or concentrating on Maria? Dr. Raul comes upon them and tells them that Pedro has been arrested for killing Lucrazy. They are astounded.


Now we have The Pig and Panchito and they have come to, wait for it, El Capitan's office. The Pig wants to exact his brand of justice on Pedro for killing his ONLY HIJA, which means the Pig killing Pedro with his bare ham hocks, er, his bare hands. El Capitan tells him we will not have this in my police force. He lets the Pig know he is investigating and it isn't completed yet. He tells the Pig you know she tried to kill Pedro before, right, right? He tells Pigorio to go on home now. He keeps insisting that Pedro killed his hija. El Capitan tells him, oh by the way, do you know we are still investigating what happened with Mariana, you know the pregnant woman who lost the baby due to a beating, and then promply disappeared? Pigorio's bacon is curling around the edges and he says, oh, she's here? El Capitan tells him, yes siree bob, she's down in the carcel visiting Pedro. He tells the Pig, as a matter of fact, why don't you stay and you can talk to her yourself. The Pig is so not down with that, he uses the lame excuse he has to go to the doctor, so sorry so sad can't stay. El Capitan asks him what are you afraid of? hmmm. El Capitan is insisting he meet Mariana. Why don't you want to meet her? He turns it around on El Capitan and tells him Pedro will pay for killing his one and only hija! Panchito and the Pig leave. El Capitan is shaking his head. The Pig and Pancho walk out of the office and see Mariana, but she doesn't see them. Panchito pulls the Pig around the corner so Mariana can't see him. The Pig has left he building with Panchito and now they are in the Pig's truck. The Pig is worried Mariana will get her memory back. Panchito tells him he will be by his side for better or worse. Pig says lets go, I don't like being near Mariana.

Mariana has high tailed it to the carcel to see Pedro. Mariana knows why he is there, and he tells her he is innocent, he didn't do it. She beleives him. He tells her Tonio lied about everything to the popo's and now they think he did it. He tells her again he is innocent. She tells him she beleives him. She says she will help him anyway she can. He tells her Cameela is very upset about what has gone down. He tells Mariana he has to find a way to prove his innocence. He is looking for a new lawyer. He tells her that El Capitan would like to have a word with her before she leaves.

The Beltbuckle and Lucrazy are in the deserted cabana on Alcatrash. She is bored silly, I knew she would be, she is getting the cabin fever. The Beltbuckle tells her to chill out. About this time Alberta calls Tonio and says he has company and to come on back, guess who it is viewerville, on the count of three, that's right, Cameela.

Tracy and Cameela are talking in the living room of Alcatrash. Tracy can't beleive that Cameela is there. What are you doing here? Are you crazy? Cameela tells Tracy what the Gasbag did, and she did it for (we all know what she did it for, dinero. Tracy is like O M Gee. Tonio comes in and tells Tracy to Largate. He lays it flat out for Cameela, either you marry me or your blessed mother (oh, come on now, you don't have a clue do you? Well of course not you never did) or she goes to prison for many years. The Beltbuckle tells her and oh, by the way, it has to be this weekend. She stands her ground and says he is loca, she doesn't love him and she won't do it. She tells him you are obsessed with me, my heart belongs to Pedro. He grabs Cameela by the face and neck and squeezes her. She is yelling at him SUELTE MI. He warns her again her *blessed mother* will be going to prison for many years. Think about that. (Note to Beltbuckle- she hates her *blessed mother* as much as she hates your asshat, jus' sayin'.). I have to say here, Cameela stood her ground, she is so not intimidated by the Beltbuckle. He tells her to Callate, and that he will, wait for it, Make her love him, oh please, somebody take this dude out, Lucrazy are you listening? He keeps threating to send her mama to jail. He even tells Cameela he is going to call the police so they can investigate. She begs him not to do that. He gives her an ultimatum, either marry me this weekend, or suffer the consequences. He walks out and she is crying her eyes out. Tracy comes back in and tells her don't you do it. He's crazy. Tracy says it could be a lie what he said, but Cameela knows it's true. She doesn't want her mama to go to jail. She can't and won't marry the Beltbuckle (you go girl)! She tells Tracy is not going to think about marrying the crazed Beltbuckle. She is leaving. Doris comes in and basically none to gentley gets Tracy out of the room. Doris wants to know why Cameela is there. She lets Cameela know that this house will be, wait for it, ES MIA, (what is it with these people and this house? What is there some magic here, oil, a diamond mine, jus' sayin') and if Cameela marries Tonio she will regret it. Cameela stands right up to Doris and tells her she is never marrying that Beltbuckle and she doesn't love him. She says the Beltbuckle asked her but she told him no. Doris wants to know why? She doesn't tell her. Doris says well if that is the case I will help you. Say what? She admits to Cameela that she still loves Tonio. Cameela leaves and calls Padre and tells him she is ok. All at El Tal were worried when she didn't answer the phone. She tells him I'll answer all your questions when I see you later.

Army has gone home and catches his Gasbag of a mother at home. She had thought bubbled about her confrontation with Cameela and the Beltbuckle. He tells the Gasbag about Pedro being in jail and that the Beltbuckle is responsible for putting him there. That hopefully he won't be in jail a long time. The Gasbag then tells him she might be going to jail. She tells him why, and he wants to know if she really tried to kill the Pig? She says she helped Tonio for dinero, but the Beltbuckle actually tried to kill him,and besides Cameela won't let her go to jail. Well Army and his new avacadoes says oh, yeah like Cameela should sacrifice herself for you? Of course the Gasbag doesn't answer him.

Margo and Padre are talking about how they will get a new lawyer for Pedro. They meet with the new lawyer.

Liliana the woman from social services comes to see Pedro and she tells him no way no how you are ever adopting Santiago. Even if you are proved innocent, not happening. As a matter of fact, we are looking for new parents for him, punto. Adios, Senor Ibarra. Pedro is pithed.

Mariana goes to El Capitan's office and meets him. She says so Pedro told me you want to talk to me. She tells him how she doesn't remember any of her past and doesn't remember the Pig. El Capitan tells her the Pig is probably responsible for what happened to her. She tells him she had gone to El Tal with Cameela to see if she remembered anything, she didn't, and she also tells him she went to Alcatrash with Tonio, met Lucrazy and there were no memories there either. She tells El Capitan she doesn't remember a thing. She tells him how Pedro brought documents for her to see all her money from before is still in the bank. Meanwhile a guard has come for Pedro and tells him to come with him. They go to El Capitan's office and he meets with El Capitan and Mariana. He gives some papers to Mariana. I don't know if it is bail or adoption papers maybe for Santiago. Mariana also tells how Tonio lied to her about Pedro.

The Beltbuckle has gone back to the cabana, and the first thing Lucrazy asks if Cameela has consented to marrying him? He tells her he threatened to put her mama in prison. He tells Lucrazy that Cameela is different from other women and she drives him crazy. (Note to Beltbuckle- you are already crazy dude and not about love). Lucrazy isn't sure the plan will work. He tells her to be calm, and she says so now we wait? She is bored witless, not that she isn't already, jus' sayin'. The Beltbuckle has brought her a computer. He tells her she has to stay here. (Bet me she doesn't email somebody? This reminds me of Maria del Rosario from CS 09 except with better bennies jus' sayin').

Pedro has met with a new lawyer and the new lawyer is really good. He tells Pedro he has a good attitude and he will do everything in his power to prove Pedro didn't do this.

We have a Manuel sighting. He is ordering a pizza, evidently the doc can't cook. He is calling, wait for the product placement, Domino's pizza! He wants jalepenos and I don't know what else. (Note to Manuel: If you want to impress Maria, get a cookbook, start small and work your way up, jus' sayin").

Army and the Gasbag are still talking and he wants to know where Cameela is? The Gasbag tells him she went to see the Beltbuckle. Cameela comes in and tells them what the Beltbuckle said to her. El Virus, er the Gasbag, says so I'll go to jail unless you marry him? You'll marry him right, right? (Oh Dios Mio someone give her a really huge mug of sleepytime tea, can't stand the building up of the gas I am seeing) that headband of hers is tightening again and she begs and pleads to Cameela that she doesn't want to go to the carcel (hummm I think it would do her good, she would, MAYBE, see the error of her ways) and to forgive her PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE (Note to Cameela-tell her you are Dead to Me. Do not pass go, never collect any dinero ever again).

Tomorrow on El Talisman:

Tonio and Pigorio are fighting over what else? Alcatrash!


Abismo de pasión #47 5/15/12: Fly on the Wall Tour, 2012

Abismo de Pasion Fly on the Wall Tour, 2012
Abismo de Pasion # 47 5/15/2012

The tour guide has changed her shirt. I am sure that this is because yesterday, when she was trying to get us back into the bus after visiting the cenote, we pretended that we did not see her. It took her at least an hour to round us all up, and, I confess, the recappers were the worse behaved of all.  Today, I presume because she wants to stop THAT argument in it’s tracks, she is wearing a truly neon shade of lime green. I could see her from 200 meters and I guess that is the point. Good for her. Saks 5th Avenue says that Fluorescent colors are all the rage for Spring 2012.

The tour guide’s name is Ofelia, and she speaks perfect, unaccented English. We ask her to speak Spanish, slowly, slowly. She is 26, gorgeous and we are very tempted to hate her, especially when she cops an attitude. At least she has lost the little flag she was carrying yesterday. It was emblazoned with the words, “Abismo de Pasion Fly on the Wall Tour, 2012”—so shaming! Ah, Marta is whispering in my ear, Blue Lass and Sara liberated the flag last night, on a midnight raid to the tour guide’s room. I believe a few tequila shots may have gone into planning that escapade.

We are here in the Yucatan because Abismo de Pasion has hit an inevitable patch of the telenovela doldrums. Nothing has really happened for several days and in sheer boredom the fans and recappers of Abismo on Caray Caray signed up for the “Fly On The Wall Tour”. We are supposed to get an up-close and in-person view of La Ermita and the characters involved in our story. We are meant to be “Flies on the wall”, and, while the actors in Abismo are able to see us, they are not supposed to notice us. We, on the other hand, are supposed to refrain from any OVERT fan/boy-girl behavior. Out subtlety is what will allow us to get close to the action. We’ll see how this all works out.

Today’s tour started out with Ofelia trying to round us up in the lobby of The Only Inn In Ermita, a growing international franchise owned by our own Julia from Seattle. There is not really room for all 50 of us in the Lobby, so all of us, recappers and commenters alike are spilling out in to the street. Way to be subtle, Ofelia.  Finally Ofelia announces that she only has one person missing, Cynderella. I refuse to make eye contact with the harried tour guide but finally, one of the Anon’s rats out Cynderella. It seems Cynder had a ‘moment’ when running into Gabino in the hall and now he is with her over behind the potted palm trying to persuade her to enjoy a day in her cool room, away from the madding crowd.  Cynderella nobly breaks away to join the group before Gabino unbuttons one more button on his plaid shirt. Cap’n Sylvia offers la Novia de Victor Hugo Cabrera a sympathetic nod but hustles us all into the bus for our day’s adventures.

First Stop, The Cantina

·      Kenia stalks “Don” Augusto to the dive Cantina. She asks if he is waiting for anyone and is it OK if she sits down? Augusto tells her “This cantina is not a good place for a girl like you.” “Why?” demands Kenia. “Because it is very rough.” I think he means it’s a workingman’s bar.
·      She asks him a few questions abut Elisa and the financing for planting the new fields. He tells her that Elisa has a signed contract with the Arango Procesadora to purchase her produce. Kenia pushes him on the topic and he tells her “This is my business, no?”
·      She looks taken aback, excuses herself and takes her leave. He looks like he regrets being sharp with her.

Now we all pile politely on the bus for the short drive to Casa Castañon. We hop out and crowd around the open kitchen window for a scene with…
Casa Castañon

·      Elisa and Lolita prepare dinner in the cucina. Elisa is cutting the vegetables like she could really use a sharp Ginsu knife—with each slice she makes a big thud on the cutting board. I keep hoping she will have all her digits at the end of this scene.
·      Elisa tells Lolita that both Damian and Gael are asshat louts.
·      (“We already knew that, growls Doris.” We recall that last night when Damian asked her to choose between the two of them, Elisa told them they could both go to the devil. We agree with Elisa. We agree with Doris.)
The group decides to walk the short distance to Casa Arango.

Damian Puts His Foot Down at Hacienda Arango

·      The minute Damian walks in the door, Mama Alfonsina asks him if it is true that he offered a contract for the purchase of her future produce (habanero peppers) to Elisa Castañon.
·      “Yes it is certain.” Damian snaps back at her.
·      Alfie tries the high-handed route with her son. “Well you are completely wrong about this, Damian if you think that I am going to permit it.”
·      Damian isn’t having it. “You will recall that all things regarding the procesadora are under my control,” replies Damian.
·      “You will not help the daughter of the woman who stole your father!” cries a furious Alfie!
·      Damian comes right back with, “Enough already! I have heard this discussion my entire life! Mother, what happened years ago is very independent from business I might be doing now with Elisa.
·      “Do not try to deceive me!” yells Alfonsina. “You just want to do business with Elisa in order to be close to her.”
·      “Yes, I want to be close to her. But her family is also in economic difficulties.”
·      “That is not your problem.”
·      “Mama, I am not a child. Now you cannot just send me away from La Ermita for years—your “Holy Sacrifice”.
·      “I did it for YOU!” cries Alfonsina. “You were able to study, get a good education!”
·      “Really, Mama? I was a child who had just lost his father. You are so indignant that dad abandoned but you did not think about abandoning your  only son. What I needed was to be here in La Ermita, here with my Mama, not in another country. And don’t worry about the contract with Elisa it probably wont’ happen.”

And the Fly-On-The-Wall group lurches away from this tragic scene, wiping their eyes. Poor, poor Damian. And Alfonsina is a tragically bad Mom. Maybe she even believes her own stories.

Casa Castañon
·      Elisa shows Lolita the only known photo of her beautiful mother, Estefania. You will remember that yesterday Don Lucio gave Elisa the photo of Estefania with Blanca.

Fly-On-The-Wall-Gang – Rosemary la Otra pokes Cap’n Sylvia in the ribs. “Capn’. That’s only a copy, right. Surely someone made a copy of the LAST KNOWN PHOTO of Elisa’s mom!” “Shhh, RlaO. We are not allowed to ask questions!” RlaO looks very worried about the precious photo of Stef. I am worried too.

·      Elisa hides the photo of her Mom and Blanca in a drawer just as Carmina walks in on her crutches. She tells Elisa that she has a visitor—Alfonsina Arango. Carmina exchanges words with Lolita.

·      Alfonsina has come to accuse Elisa of forcing Damian to give her the (as yet unexecuted) contract.  Actually, Elisa denies it. Alfonsina stalks out of Casa Castañon after acting threatening. Pretty poor performance Alfie.

Fly-On-The-Wall-Gang – “Hey EJ, what do you think about Alfie’s ivory silk trousers?” Sara whispers. “Too short,” I say under my breath. “Shhh!”, the group says.

·      After a nasty encounter with Carmina and her super-whitened teeth, Elisa takes a phone call from Kenia. She wants Elisa to come over to her house. She has a solution to all of Elisa’s problems. Really? This ought to be good.

The Gang gets back onto the bus and heads to the Blue House of Shame.

Gabino Installs Ingrid at Casa Azul

Well, Gabino is clearly ambivalent about his assignment to “disappear” Ingrid. Here we see him throwing open the shutters to Casa Azul by the cenote and welcoming Ingrid to her new hideout. Oh, no, Gabino is pushing the envelope with his employer. I think. Gabino was ordered to disappear Ingrid, if not to kill her, and here he is installing her what is now a heavily used love-nest. Just the other day we caught Carmina and Paolo here, mussing up the sheets.

Now there is a choice to make—the Gang will need to split into groups. Some of the Gang members take Taxi #1 to:
The Rectory and on to Dr. Tovar’s Clinic

·      A radiant Paloma goes to visit Gael at the rectory. He decides to walk her to work. They part at the office when she gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek. Gael blinks a few times and looks vaguely pleased with the gesture of affection.
·      Paloma says goodbye to Gael and receives a big surprise when she finds Dr. Tovar asleep on the couch in his office. I don’t know why but it looks like he is wearing a tuxedo shirt.
·      Tovar tells Paloma that he is having problems with his marriage. They talk and Begonia walks in just as the good but bumbling Doc is giving Paloma a thank-you hug for being like a daughter to him. Begonia’s jaw drops.

…Or Taxi #2 to La  Procesadora.. Karen, Daisynjay and rosemary #1 volunteered for this duty.

·      Gabino menaces Maru when she asks about Ingrid’s whereabouts. Gabino plays dumb; he doesn’t know where Ingrid is. Maru complains about Ingrid and then she lets Gabino know that Alfonsina called very early and wants to see him right away.
·      For some reason I do not understand, Gabino takes a moment to get his ego stroked by the snotty son of Antonia (whom we know is also Gabino’s by-blow). Is he actually fond of the annoying teen?
…Some took Taxi #3 to Kenia’s House. I am pretty sure I saw Carlos in that car.

Kenia’s Big Reveal In Her New House

·      Elisa calls on Kenia—at Kenia’s new digs.  Elisa wants to know why Kenia said on the phone that she had a solution for all Elisa’s problems?
·      Kenia answers a question with a question—“Are the Banks still refusing to finance Elisa’s new project? “
·      “Why do you ask?” says Elisa?
·      Kenia answers that Augusto told her that none of the banks are lending to Elisa and Gael even thought they have a contract with La Anita procesadora.
·      “What do you want ,Kenia?” asks a suspicious looking Elisa.
·      Kenia says she is going to be very frank with Elisa. She has come into a lot of money and she does not want to put it in a bank. She is interested in investing it in Elisa and Gael’s enterprise.
·      “Wait, wait, wait,” says an incredulous Elisa. You want to go into business with me as a solution to my problems? You don’t even know me. Why would you want to invest in my business? Don’t waste my time!
·      “My interest is in helping Gael.”
·      “Helping Gael?” says Elisa.
·      “¡Yes!” cries Kenia.
·      “¿Why?” asks Elisa.
·      “Because I am the daughter of Ingrid Navarro. Gael is my half-brother.”

The Clinic Tovar

·      Begonia’s jaw drops and she makes her way swiftly across the room to Paloma and Edmundo and lays a fat slap on Paloma’s cheek.
·      “Wait, no.” Begs an ineffectual Edmundo Tovar.
·      “This is the least I can do,” says Begonia as she gives laser eyes to poor Paloma. She accuses Paloma of being Doc’s lover.
·      “What are you talking about? says Edmundo. “Paloma could be my daughter!”
·      “Precisely my point screams the enraged and confused Begonia. “Paloma is a cualquiera, equal to Elisa Castañon.”
·      “Don’t say that bout Elisa!” shouts Paloma as she defends her friend.
·      “Paloma,!” Shouts the doctor. “Nothing that you think is true, Begonia.” says Doc Tovar.
·      Begonia stalks out the door, ever ready to spread gossip, this time about herself. Her first audience is going to be their children.

Back at Kenia’s Place

·      “Are you Gael’s sister,” Elisa gasps!  “Why haven’t you been in contact with him?
·      “Because Ingrid would not allow it. She does not have good intentions toward Gael,” confesses Kenia. “The only thing I care about, Elisa, is to be close to my brother. I want to get to know him. I repeat, I want to invest in your enterprise in order to be close to my brother. You guys need me.”
·      But Elisa  won’t accept Kenia’s money. “And I will tell Gael not to accept it either.” She is going to wait a while. “It depends on you, Kenia. Buenos Dias.

Some Random Character Sightings and Happenings
·      Horacio is sighted in the Hacienda kitchen chatting with Antonia. They discuss Delores and she says that maybe Horacio’s luck is going to change.
·      Delores answers the phone at the Casa. It’s Paolo, but he won’t identify himself to Lolita. She let’s Carmina know there is a phone call and then Carmina dismisses Delores. Carmina pretends she is talking to Dr Tovar.
·      Paolo wants to know exactly what he is supposed to do regarding Elisa. He needs to see Carmina so she can explain it to him. Step-by-step.
·      Begonia visits  Ramona at the cenote . Begonia is so proud that she has gossip about herself. “I need to talk to you regarding your granddaughter. My husband told me he has a lover and I know it is Paloma.” She accuses Paloma of being a disgrace and a loose woman.
·      “Paloma is not capable of such behavior, “ defends her grandmother.  “Yes she is screeches Begonia.”
·      “Be gone ya, Begonia! Get out of my house.” Ramona tells her.
·      Over at Hacienda Arango, Alfie. Chews on Gabino ‘s assets. Gabino acts submissive and implies that he took care of the Ingrid problem. Good says Alfie, because I am not giving her another penny. Gabino’s ears prick up at this. Remember, he thinks Ingrid is broke. Alfonsina wants no more surprises.
·      Paloma tells Elisa about the encounter with Begonia. Elisa finds the whole thing quite funny, laughs and says Begonia is a fool.
·      Paloma, who doesn’t have a great sense of humor that I have noticed, is very worried about Begonia’s gossip.  She blurts out that she knows he had another woman.  Elisa catches this right away. “What other woman did Tovar have an affair with?”
·      Paloma sticks her foot in her mouth and chews. Then she equivocates, “I am not sure . I have lots of suspicions.” She does not tell all about Carmina and finally takes the high road. “I will not gossip about work!”
·      Elisa tells Paloma that Kenia is not after Gael in the way Paloma imagines.
·      Augusto inquires about Kenia to Gael. Gael complains that Augusto doesn’t trust anybody. Not him not Elisa.
·      Paolo gives Sabrina the number for Enrique to call Flo in Mexico.
·      Gabino returns to the little Blue Love Shack very mad and dangerous. He manhandles Ingrid again. “Why did you say you needed money?’ he questions Ingrid. She fesses up that Kenia is her daughter and that Kenia stole the cheque from her. Gabino menaces Ingrid. “Why are you here?” he asks through clenched teeth.“ “To look for my son. It is her fault. She took the money. My money.” Gabino menaces some more and tells Ingrid that she can’t imagine what he will do to her if she betrays him.
·      Kenia asks Paloma to have a drink. Paloma disses her totally.
·      Padre Lupe encourages Elisa to help Damian and Gael sort out their differences. Over at the Rectory, Paloma comes into Gael’s room. He has on only PJ bottoms. She commences seduction and tells him Father Lupe is not here. “What are you doing, Paloma?” asks Gael.
·      Paloma moves in. “I need to tell you that I love you.”  “ But, Paloma, I don’t have the same feelings,” Gael responds. She touches his lips. “Don’t say anything. Don’t think about Elisa.” They kiss and Gael lays her down on the bed. “Just think of me..  “ Things are getting quite heated when Padre Lupe walks in on Gael and Paloma. Oopsie. Elisa is standing right behind him and sees everything.

Tomorrow: Elisa tells Gael that she loves him.

Well, it turned out to be quite a day in La Ermita. The-Fly-On-The-Wall-Gang is gathering back at the Cantina for a good chat over today’s events. Novela Maven just sent us a text that has us all laughing out loud. Tomorrow is an elective day and Sylvia has us all organized to choose between the following offerings:

Sara and Marta will be leading “Frolic with Gael and Paloma in the Cenote"

Cap’n Sylvia, Cynderella and I will arm wrestle over the “Guided tour of the Procesadora with Damian Arango”

Elisa teaches “Ramerawear for Dummies” sewing classes

Carmina teaches the ever-popular “Ten Fast and Easy Dishes to Make in Your Tanning Bed” classs

Strangely, no one has signed up for Augusto’s course “Classic Manners of the Hispanic Gentleman”.

See you all in the Cantina.

Elna June


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #251-252 Tue 5/15/12 President Vice; or, Putting the Vice in Vicente

Well, things have certainly taken a turn for the worse for many of our heroes, but we are in the end times of "ultimos capitulos" and that is to be expected. In fact, the end is quite near. The final episode will air on MAY 23!

As usual, I couldn't really tell when the review of yesterday's episode ended and today's began. The first scene of interest to me was the shocking discovery that Vice has been sleeping with Monica's mom! After the two, ahem, finish, Vice lights up a cigarette and admits that he married Candi. Violeta is disappointed in his poor taste. Then he reveals that, despite having what he'd wanted for so long, he doesn't feel any satisfaction (between silly pecks of kisses). He is missing something, some kind of true emotion. Candi breaks up the psychology session when she calls to enquire about her husband's whereabouts.

In jail, Pancho is threatened (and indeed, strangled) by a bald prisoner named Tarzan. I didn't really catch the reference to gargoyles, but maybe it's another case of Pancho's use of Spanish (gárgola/garganta) referring to the throat being throttled. Fortunately, our hero gets out a word or two, and wins Tarzan over with a promise to protect the big man's family.

At Avon, Chacho thinks Sandra is depressed because of his faulty sperm, but it's actually something she is afraid to tell him about [as the viewers know, she saw the mysterious Don David but has been threatened and warned not to tell anyone].

Poor Doc Oc is finally losing his marbles. Pepe and la Sirenita bring him a cake, but he doesn't remember them at first. He is quite scattered, but they have a very sweet visit anyway. Later, at dinner, Monica mentions that she thinks he should have companionship. It is decided that Rebe's mom will go take care of the good doctor.

We get a split shot of Rebe and Pancho each trying to sleep without the other. Rebe is snuggling her stuffed Pancho. How sweet!

Vice's efforts to sneak in after his escapade are for naught, as Candi finds a lipstick-print (labial) on her hubby's shirt (I must have missed the episode where this dummy cancelled her divorce. why?) and proceeds to mildly flip out. He manages to shut her up with some dumb excuse about kissing a client on the cheek and the client missing and kissing his shirt instead of his face, but she takes the issue to Chela for further discussion.

Chela has been mostly relegated to baby duty since Enzo quit his job and the pair moved back to Mexico city. On a side note, these babies are pretty bad fakes. Their faces are visibly plastic, they never blink, and their bodies are stiff. Anyway, Chela is the voice of reason, and tries to talk some sense into stupid Candi. "He cheated on Pina, and now you think he's somehow different?"Then Chela busts out a phrase that I positively adore and I think my mom will to: she refers to Vins as a "burro sin mecate -" a donkey without a leash! As well we know, a donkey without a leash will make a beeline for the nearest succulent morsel.

Meanwhile, Ana has gone undercover to extract the truth about Pancho from Fred. She accidentally kissed him (I think it was yesterday), leading to a breakup with Adrian (who has no idea what her kissing Fred has to do with protecting her father). There are numerous scenes of her uneasily making out with Freddy.

With his Tarzan problem resolved, a friendly visit from Enzo (who has been having heart palpitations or something - will we have *another* heart attack in this show) and Temo, and hope of being released, Pancho is feeling a bit better. But the soggy-cigar-spewing dragon-lady of a directora has other plans. Her flunky, a skeevy-looking dude in a suit, comes with a guard to throw Pancho in a "calabozo," solitary confinement. It's basically a darkened closet made of shoddily-painted styrofoam (the rats chew through it with ease), but it's lonely and there's no food and little water. Pancho begins to joke around with the rats in a very familiar way. He tells one of them that he looks like Iracheta!

Vins keeps taking off work at midday to rendezvous with Violeta. Seriously, couldn't they have found someone for the job of president who would actually do some work? Oh yeah, no one works in telenovela white-collar offices. Anyway, at their latest meeting, he boasts about what he did to Pancho but whines about "Señor Don David's" extortion. Violeta, though, has a plan to unmask the little devil.

Pancho's lawyer, at the mansion, has clearly been fed a line. He tells the family that Pancho was thrown in solitary for his involvement in a fight.

Enzo has been reviewing security footage from before the cameras went down, and he has zeroed in on the presence of a strangely smiley-faced man interacting with Sandra in the final moments. Somehow, he manages to get the face unobscured, and shows what he found to the ladies. They are impressed.

Beca comes to the jail to yell at la directora, who unleashes all kinds of dragon lady crankiness on her. Basically the woman is frustrated that not everyone treats her like a god (and she says as much). The cigar-sucking-and-spewing is getting really gross. Maybe she just needs some lovin'. Who on the show could we set her up with? Vicente?

Anselmo (the sympathetic guard) sneaks Pancho a decent meal, which he shares with his rodent buddies.  Then the directora busts in, yells at Pancho, and has her suit-wearing flunky (probably the only person who gives her the respect she desires) spray him with a hose.


El Talismán #75 Tue 5/15/12 Boots in the Cemetery, Boots on the Bed. Pedro in Jail has a Golpe on his Head.

*I literally got a speeding ticket rushing home from work to do this re-cap! 

We begin with suitcase-less F1 walking in and being confronted by a raging Antonio. “Have you been spying on me?”   “No, papa, no vi nada.”  “I haven't seen anything.” She said she was off doing homework with friends, but when Antonio wants her to call them for proof she fesses up that she was with Armi.  He threatens to send her to Hogwarts tomorrow.

The primos are sitting in their car discussing the Fabi situation.  Armando, showing more sense than Assgusto and Paolo (Abismo) combined, worries about her being under age.  Oops, I spoke too soon.  His next sentence is “I will take her out by force if I need to.”  He can't wait a whole half year until she turns 18.  Yikes, I feel a statutory rape charge comin' on.

The doc is examining Pedro in jail.  Yep, he has a golpe en la cabeza.  Chief tells him to get some sleep (opposite of what the doctor would have recommended, right Carlos?).  Pedro retorts with a chuckle that tomorrow Antonio will testify against him and he is sure the chief will believe those lies.

Key-thief Manuel walks Maria to the door.  She turns down his request for a glass of water, but then gives him some sugar.  It's one of those biting-lips kisses.  I am visualizing Elvira on the other side of the door, toilet paper tube held to her ear trying to hear what's going on.  Instead up walk the primos.  “Mama” says Angel.  Awkward.

Camila is bawling her eyes out on the couch while Geno pets her head.  Camila wonders why all the bad things always happen to her.  Her?  I bet Pedro, Mariana, Tia Pati and many others would beg to differ. Geno tells her to have patience.  “At least you won't have Lucrecia, Rest in Peace, making your life impossible.”  LOL!

Antonio is trying to hide Lu, and tells her to keep it down and stay hidden as he is going to deliver the news of her death to Pig.

Pig and his poke are lounging in bed.  She is telling him he is a marvelous lover.  (Bring Me a Bucket!)
Ewwww, also Pig is shirtless.  That is one bacon strip we did not need to see.  Antonio knocks, Pig grunts, Antonio says he has bad news and it's important.  Pig hurriedly dresses in a white tee shirt, black shirt, pants, socks and ties his silk robe while Doris hides.  He is hollering at Antonio for bothering him.  What could be so important?  Antonio answers back “Pedro killed Lucrecia”.  Gulp.

Lulu is in Lala land with the confidence that Pedro cares for her because he told others she was still in the burning building.  Simultaneously, Pedro is in a dark cell (pupils evenly dilated) praying to get out and Camila is laying on her bed WITH HER BOOTS ON!  Is this acceptable in Fresno?  It's happened more than once.

Pig seems to be doing his infarto thing again.  He reaches for his pills.  Antonio takes the bottle away from him saying it's not time, but also getting his prints on the bottle. Doris, looking like a mouse sneaking a peek from a mouse hole, thinks “I need to hurry and marry him before he dies”. 

Antonio grieves for about as long as it takes him to make love to a woman, then starts in on Pig that he wants Alcatraz.  Pig actually gets a second wind, takes a swing at Antonio and accuses him of only caring about the property and Antonio truthfully replies “Soy igual que tu”.  “Just like you.”  Pig tells him they have a burial to plan.  Antonio realizes too late that Lu's charred bones should be in the shack. He storms out, and Petunia comes out of hiding to comfort Porky.  She rolls her eyes behind his back as she is hugging him.

Margarito visits Pedro in jail and brings him a Whole Foods bag with organic fruit, granola and blankets.   He gives him a pep talk.

Gabe, Sarita and Domitila are gossiping about how they don't feel so sad about Lu's demise.  Sarita says the important thing is the ones who are still alive and Camila and Pedro are really messed up.  Lol. 
No caca, Sherlock.  Gabe is concerned that the battle between El Tal and Alcatraz will now escalate. 

Camila is eavesdropping from upstairs.  They invite her down.  She acknowledges that her bad luck won't go away until the Negrete's do. 

F1 and F2 are talking about how weird their dad is acting.  I hear harp music.  Why is there harp music in Hell?

Oh!  This is new!  Antonio is running around a dark cemetery, panting and looking for someone to dig up.  Nice, scary scene.  I thought it was a preview for Dark Shadows.

While Armando is practicing posing for what is sure to be a Dateline-esque photo blasted across the internet, Sweet Angel is telling his mom to go for it with Manuel.  He wants her to be happy.

Manuel comes home and finds Mariana on the couch, having fallen asleep reading a book.  Even so, he proceeds to tell her about his adventure with Maria and how happy he is.  She sleeps on.  The next morning, when she is awake and responsive, he tells her again, including that Maria must learn to deal with Elvira's hissy fits.

After mutual dreams of their romantic first meeting when he nearly ran her down in his truck, Pedro gets a visit from Camila.  She tells him not to worry about her, she's strong.  It is all about her, after all.   Lots of te amo's.

Antonio enters the hideaway.  Seriously, how much of a hideaway can it be if it is on their property and they have a ton of workers flitting around.  I know of a nice casa azul in the Yucatan (Abismo reference again), if they really want to keep her hidden.  The good news is that Lu changed out of her Superman baddie clothes!  She's been wearing them since the wedding.  “Ya, they stink, but dang I look hot”.  Hot enough to set a shed on fire.

Pig and Valentin are discussing getting even with Pedro.  Panchito suggest maybe Lu isn't really dead, it's all happened so fast. They totally disregard him.

Camila goes to visit The Headband.  Elvira immediately starts in, but Camila interrupts telling her Pedro is in el carcel.  Elvira responds with an I Told You So.  Antonio comes a knockin' and smugly  makes threats because Elvira tried to poison his papa and Pedro was an accomplice.  We get one of Camila's QUE?s.  Notice she does not add the T F, to the Q, like we do.  Elvira puts her hands over her ears and even stomps her foot.

Padre visits Pedro.  In the background the police officer is suggestively stroking his night stick.

When F1 tells F2 she wouldn't mind going away to Boarding School, F2 stomps her foot just like Elvira did.  She wants to go too.

Tracy, Alberta and Panchito are conjecturing that Antonio is wound so tight, he is ready to kill someone.  Shhhh, here he comes.  Antonio walks by without even a Hey.

F1 informs Armando that Pedro killed Lucrecia. Another “Que?”.

We end with Camila demanding an explanation from The Headband.  Julieta Rosen is such a pretty lady, but those faces today leave a lot to be desired.

Avances:  Antonio is in Camila's face about getting married to him this weekend.

Recap by Rosemary la Otra; posted by Blue Lass.


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