Saturday, June 23, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #41-42 Fri 6/22/12 Part 1- Wanna Prove You're a REAL GUY? Go Eat Worms; Part 2- Did You Know Luci and Rod Got Married?

Part I Recap by Anita

Before we get into the weeds, your humble scribe wishes to have a few words, OT.  First, Where is the Wedding Reception taking place???  I want to go there, right now.  Second, Did anyone else recognize Aldo as the reincarnated Klutzy assistant to Horacio the Furball in STuD, who made deliveries on his bicycle, took verbatim notes on seduction scenes and ineptly wooed Iluminada?  Third, While some of you are obsessed with sightings of the Pear Robe and started the Pear Robe Project, I, however, am obsessed with the legacy of the blue-rimmed glassware.  I noticed it first on Sortilegio in Merida (the first full length tn I watched).  I thought it was interesting, probably locally produced Mexican blown glass.  Then I saw it being used in Amor Real.  Wow!! Over 150 years old and still in style.  Then I saw it in humbler settings in MEPS and Mi Pecado—out in the boonies.  What’s going on here, I wondered, especially as I watched blue-rimmed goblets raised at Doña Lupe’s to toast the Newlyweds in Het Het.  My conclusion is that it must be the Mexican National Ubiquitous Glassware, made according to government standards and provided to every Televisa telenovela requiring glassware (at a discount).  I *have* noticed that when a scene calls for throwing or breaking glass, this particular line of glassware is never used.

Your humble scribe is going to skip the lo de ayer, since it is presumed everybody saw it.

Everything that happened in Het Het

A table is set for the wedding feast.  There is a gorgeous outdoor mountain top terrace overlooking a valley with more mountains in the distance.  Paz has changed out of her black into a deep rose blouse, signifying that she’s trying to get with the wedding program.  She still hasn’t recovered her composure and we tire of her Debbie-Downer mood.  Magda urges her to get happy, her daughter just married a really good guy.  Lucia and Rodrigo are so happy and in love.  Rod can’t believe they are husband and wife.  Luci says how could she have known when she first met him that they would end up getting married.  Rod always knew she would be someone important in his life.  She is now his wife.  Neither can quite believe it.  Ariche accompanies the solo violinist on his flute.  Everybody claps.  Rodrigo tells Luci that he loves her with all his heart.  She replies that she adores him.  Te Amos and kisses between them.  Don Serapio gets up; he has a few words to say.  He thanks Lucia for asking him to be their witness then toasts the couple with some wise words on how to maintain wedded bliss the way Paz and Galdino did.  Luci thanks Serapio for mentioning her daddy.  There is glass-clinking and hugs all around.

Debbie-Downer takes the groom aside and reminds him of the need for a church wedding.  She can’t quite bring herself to be really happy until she gets Rodrigo to promise not to go all, um,  horizontal on Lucia until the Padre blesses their union.  Dang, thinks Hot Bod Rod, he was already picturing it for that very night.  Oh, very well, he promises, thinking that he’d better get that church ceremony organized asap rather than later.

On the streets of Het Het, the Real Chismosas catch up with Procopio.  They are looking for Don Aquiles to tell him something, but won’t tell him what it is.  They’re sure what they have to say about Luciana will interest Don A. 

After the reception is over, Magda, Paz and Serapio come back to Magda’s place.  Paz goes off to change.  Serapio tells Magda that he’s planning to buy Paz’ house, that is if the first buyer falls through.  Until he’s sure he doesn’t want Paz to know.  He says, and I quote, “Por qué son los bienes si no por remediar los malos.”  Essentially, it’s a play on the word bienes—goods (money, in this case) and good, or, what are the goods for if not to remedy the bads.  Magda reminds him that his savings came from hard work, but he’s adamant, he wants to make Paz happy (and hoping, maybe, even his wife).   Magda then shares how Don A can’t sell any of Galdino’s properties because they were never turned over to secure a loan, never notarized, so invalid.  If he does, it would be a crime.

Meanwhile, La Gorda enters Don A’s office.  She’s made up her mind to buy the Galdino house.  She’d love it if he would reduce the price a little, since she’s paying for the whole thing in cash.  That would not suit Don A.  Well, giggle, giggle, she gives him the whole bundle and leaves happy.  Don A is probably thinking that this was the easiest money he’s ever made and kicks back to contemplate the wad of dough.

Luciana and Rodrigo are taking a little paseo on the streets of Het Het with Ariche.  He’s talking about his buds and how brave they are.  Rod claims he’s a bud now and he’s brave.  He lists the activities that make him brave.  Ariche tells him that he has to prove it.  Rod is sure it will entail more competition with the sling shot, but no, it’s about eating worms.  He demonstrates.  Rod is grossed out, but he can’t be less than a brave bud, so he downs a worm.  Luci calls them a couple of cochinos (filthy pigs)  Then they try to get Luciana to go for a worm.  She’s so grossed out she won’t kiss Rodrigo (I’m with you there, girl) when she leaves to go get drinks.  Rod & Ariche have a nice little chat about daddies.

Night falls.  Rodrigo brings Luciana back to Magda’s place.  They will be going back to DF in the morning.  The newlyweds say nitey-nite to each other.  I guess Rodrigo already explained why they aren’t going to do the nitey-nite together.  There is a symbolic dropping of hands between Paz and Luci as she takes her new husband’s hand when he’s ready to leave.  Smoochies and te amos and he’s gone.  Luci says nitey-nite to the moms and retires to her room to dream of Hot Bod Rod while Rodrigo is going to dream of his new wife (although he may need a cold shower first).

Paz admits to Magda that she couldn’t tell Luciana the truth about her origins.  She just couldn’t bring herself to ruin her happiness on her wedding day.

Next morning the couple is ready to leave.  Paz is fearful of what is waiting for them.  Rod assures Paz that he will defend Luci with his life (careful what you promise, galán), “Trust me, ni mi mamá, ni nadie will make her suffer.  Luciana is already a part of my life.”  There is a long good-bye among Paz, Magda, and the newlyweds.  Ariche arrives to give them going away gifts, he gives Luci his red and white headband and gives Rod a ball his grandfather made.

Everything that Pato is doing

Pato is dreaming of Snow White and Prince Charming smiling and embracing each other—no, it’s actually Luci in Snow White’s dress with Rod smiling at Pato and telling him that Luciana is already his wife.  Pato may or may not want that particular dream to continue, but Nana Mati is there with his pills and juice.  He tells her to put the pills in his hand, to show her how much his therapy has progressed.  He grasps them in the palm of his hand; Nana is pleased.  Pato wonders if “they” are already married.  Matilde says that knowing his brother, he is.  Pato notices she is sad when she says this.  Mati is sure of all the mortifications it will bring.  “Do you mean, for example, my mother?” Pato continues, “Don’t worry, Nana, Rodrigo will defend Luciana.  If Mama wants to keep the family together, she’ll *have* to accept Luci as her DIL.”  The two gaze thoughtfully off into the distance.

Later, after Aldo leaves Hannah and Melissa downstairs after dinner, he tries to get Pato interested in going in with him in an antro (my heart just melts to see Pato smile).  Pato thinks he’s loco and wonders how he got all this information.  And what will Max think of this.  Aldo admits he’s already tried to talk to his uncle.  Speak of the devil, here he comes to tell Pato that the architect has finished with making the plans for modifying the house so it is wheelchair accessible.  Then Pato shows his dad how he is almost able to shake hands with him.  Max also tells him about going to see a specialist in Rowchesiter.  Aldo wants to go with them.  Max is que, que?

Everything that is making Gala Ms. Mopey of the year

Gala arrives back home, desecha, for not being able to catch her Hot Rod before he took off, leaving her holding the bag—of dirt on Lucia.  Julie & Connie are chatting about who else but Gala and Luciana.  Gala ignores them and walks past them in some very uncomfortable-looking high heeled red shoes that must be pretending to be de mode.  The house phone rings, ehh, can’t be bothered.  Cell phone rings, it’s Fernanda, ehh, can’t be bothered.  She’d rather mope.

Connie gets up to go.  Julie can’t believe Connie doesn’t want to stick around to hear the dirt they’ve collected on Luci.  Connie isn’t into chismes, especially ones about folks who haven’t done anything to her.  In fact, she thinks Luci is a pretty decent chick.  Julie assures her that she ain’t and sooner or later Connie will learn it all.  The Torreslandas should be concerning themselves more now with how Gala is doing.  Connie wonders what they could possibly do, with Rosa carrying on and furious all the time.  True, but not because of Gala, but at Rodrigo and that sirvienta getting what she wanted.  Connie sighs, she thinks it’s time to darle carpeta to all of this.  (I think she means to end it; couldn’t find darle carpeta in the idiomatic sources I tried—babelfish said it was to give the folder) and let Rodrigo live his life.  Julie doesn’t think it’s that easy.  Connie does.  Oh, and by the way, she’s going back to her own house at the end of the week.  No, no, she can’t.  Connie says, there’s nothing more she can do for her sister.  Roselena loves to suffer, so let her suffer.   No, no, Julie reminds her she can’t because this weekend Oscar invited them to do a three-way, out dancing, that is.  Oh, ok, she’ll think about it. Bye.

Gala is still in the dumps.  Julie thinks some champagne will cheer her up.  Gala would rather just forget the whole thing.  Julie is desperate to think of something to animate her daughter to reconquer Rod.  She’s sure that Rosa is going to separate Rod from Luci and that Gala is the right woman for her son and that will leave the way clear for Gala.   Julie doesn’t want to lose her Nieworquino apartment (she used it for collateral for a loan).  Gala, in a moment of clarity tells mama Julie that she’s living in a dream world.  Even the arrival of her two BFF, one blonde, the other brunette, can’t get her animated enough to go out on the town.  Gala tells them to, wait for it, Déjame en Paz.  Julie is still delusional thinking that the information she’s gathering to use against Luciana will be worth it.  She’s convinced that Rodrigo only wants to have a little aventura (fling) with her and then as in all flings, he’ll leave her.  The bobbsey friends don’t think it’s worth it.  Julie is convinced it is.
Everything that is eating up Roselena

Padre Honesto lives up to his name.  He tells Rosa that she’ll just have to accept Luciana as her DIL in the event Rodrigo decides to marry her.  How can he ask her that, he who knows all the things that she’s anguished about.  If he marries her, there is nothing more she can do, he counsels.  No, she’s not going to lose her son.  Padre keeps going, with this one or with any other one of his choice, she is going to have to respect his decision.  No, she’s not going to give up.  She’s going to send Rodrigo to the Padre to see if getting a little closer to God will bring him to his senses.

Everything Claudio has pendiente before his 20-day trip

Claudio is getting ready to leave the office to stop by Aurora’s tomb.  Norma brings him a folder (la carpeta) with the things on his docket.  Then there is the matter of Melissa’s thesis.  He asks Norma to make a copy of it.  She wonders how he can take on one more thing, as busy as he is.  He’s going to do it because she was so persuasive.  True, he doesn’t know her very well, but he’s known her mother for many years.  She’s also Roselena Torreslanda’s niece and Max’s, his worst enemy.  Claudio gets to the cemetery and talks to Aurora.  We assume she's listening and not busy doing something else.  Then he talks to cemetery guy about why the exhumation authorization is taking so long.  Cemetery guy mentions that the Sra. Torreslanda was there.  That’s a surprise.  CG was sure that Mrs. TL was going to pass on the information he gave her about the exhumations.  Claudio wants CG to be the one to call him the minute he knows anything.  CG pats his CHEQUE after Claudio leaves.

Everything that happens during the Torreslanda dinner hour

The dinner table is full of people on one side and empty on the other.  (That bothers your humble scribe…the better the cameras to see you by, m’dears, just like hospital beds which are cranked half-way up to get a better angle of a patient—but I digress.)  Roselena, Oscar, Hannah and Max are seated.  Roselena is still complaining about not knowing Rod’s whereabouts.  Frigida hovers, her icy breath mingling with the Ice Queen’s.  There’s definitely a chill in the air.  Max states the obvious, “We all know he’s with Luciana.”  Connie breezes in, apologizing for being late.  She was with Julie and to answer Rosa’s question, Gala is very depressed.  General conversation halts.  Oscar tries to get it started again by asking Hannah what's up.  Hannah shares her news about Boris being her novio.  Rosa lights right into her—is she going to pull the same stunt as her brother?  Why haven’t they met him, she needs to ask permission from both her parents.  Hannah can’t believe they are so old fashioned, it’s not like they’re getting married or anything.  Melissa arrives in the nick of time and Hannah’s pecadillo is replaced by Melissa’s bigger one when she tells them her advisor is going to be Claudio Linares.  He’s very respected in the academic community so, ya.  Maximum Strength Maximus does a slow chew.  He’s sure it was Linares that approached her, but she denies it.  She met him at a conference a few days ago.  Hannah met him there.  Even Connie was there.  Rosa thinks she could still pick someone else, but Melissa is decidida.

The men rise from the table abruptly and retire to the biblioteca.  Rosa can’t believe Connie never said a word to her about meeting Linares.  Connie never attached much importance to it and she’s just now finding out about the advisor thing herself.  Rosa doesn’t believe her (since she only believes her version of stories).  Even Melissa’s declarations are insufficient.  Rosa rises with her face set and asks Connie to talk—alone.  Frigida is to bring them coffee (and get a grand opportunity to eavesdrop).  Hanna and Melissa are left to rehash what just happened, realizing that Linares’ friendship with Luciana wasn’t mentioned.  Frigida, who is clearing the table picks up yet another tid-bit to pass on to Gala & Co.

Connie and Roselena carry on their convo a solas in the master bedroom.  Rosa goes first, “Ok, maybe you just met Linares, but now your daughter is mixed up with him and you know how *she* is.”  Connie comes back with, “Oh yeah, and how *is* she?  I, for one, am very proud of her; she has a great sense of justice.”  They lob word grenades back and forth—Linares is a good man and Rosa knows it; he defrauded their empresa; Rosa took care of his wife, yadda, yadda.  What has Rosa in a snit now is that Claudio wants to exhume the remains of his wife and daughter.  This gives Connie pause.  “You know what that means,” Rosa says to Connie, “he’ll learn his daughter was never buried with his wife.”  Connie believes the moment has arrived to tell the whole truth.  Rosa says she’s crazy.  Connie begs her that now is the time to tell Claudio what happened to his child.  No, it can’t be, how on earth will Claudio react if he learns about this.

Back in the dining room, Frigida is really taking her time clearing dishes, hoping to pick up some more juicy stuff, while Hanna and Melissa continue their conversation,.  They note that the names of two people that can never be mentioned in this house are Luciana and Claudio Linares, two people they greatly esteem.  Why do the grown-ups in this house show such hostility towards them, and yet seem to have a tight connection to the Torreslanda family.  The girls are puzzled by Max’s anger towards his former associate when he should be pleased he’s trying to clear his name, since besides being Max’s associate, he was also his friend.

Aldo breezes in long enough to make big about how they are talking to a future millionairo but since they don’t understand business, he’ll go talk to Pato instead.

Matilde brings coffee to the men in the library.  Max and Oscar are still trying to figure out if Claudio Linares has any ulterior motives for trying to get close to members of his family, through Melissa, for instance.  Oscar wonders why every time his name is mentioned, Max freaks out.  Oscar needs Max to calm down, leave the matter of Linares to him and then he walks out.

Frigida interrupts the war of words to bring in the coffee to Rosa and Connie.  Frigida leaves but doesn’t leave—she posts herself right outside the door, leaving it cracked in order to enjoy any drops of eaves that might reach her.  Connie walks over to the door and slams it, making Frigida’s hair blow in the gust of air.  (And what have we here viewerville—Telenovela Cliché #448: “You must leave doors open when you are having a key behind-closed-doors private conversation,” has, in effect, been *broken.*)  Connie begs her to understand that if she lets things go on as they are, they will resolve themselves one way or another and then what will happen among her children and her husband.  She needs to unburden herself of what has been weighing her down for 20 years.

The scene ends here, but the episodio ends with Gala wanting to be left in paz.

Part II- Recap by Madelaine

Het Het:

The Chisme Ladies have arrived at Don A's to give him the good news bout Luci. He is like what good news? Oh, you didn't know, did you? Luci got married to that handsome man from the D. F. Don A so doesn't believe his palomita got married. (Note to Don A: Copio took the day off dude. And if you hadn't been doing dirty dealings, you would have known there was a wedding in town, jus' sayin). He throws the Chisme Ladies out.

The investigator is on the streets of Het Het, just walking around. The P.I. stops at Don Serapio's and tells him his cell phone doesn't seem to be working and is there somewhere he can use a phone? Don Serapio says to use his, no problem. Don Serapio goes to the coffin room, but the door is wide open and he hears everything.

Luci and Rod are walking hand in hand down the street. Later,  they get on a Torreslanda corporate jet. The pilots greet Rod and the new Senora Torreslanda. Luci is very afraid to fly. (OT: This is like the flight scene with Rafa and Alejandra from Dinero, and Pancho and Rebe from UFCS, too funny) He assures her it is perfectly safe to fly, he holds her hand, she blesses them both and the plane starts moving. She is very scared but Rod assures her again. She ends up falling asleep on his shoulder and he thinks about the first time he talked to her.


Don A has come to call on Magda, Paz and Ariche, he wants to verify what he heard from the Chisme Ladies about his Palomita, being married. Is this true? They tell him yes. He wants to know how this is possible. La Palomita's future should have been with him, should not have married some chilango (person from Mexico City). They throw him out of the house, and he swears he will get back at them for withholding this info from him.

Madga and Paz are by themselves now and Paz is worried what will happen when Luci gets back to the D.F .and has to face Rosa. Magda says Rod promised to protect Luci from Rosa, but Paz says Rod works during the day, Luci will be alone, and that is when Rosa will raise hell with her, uh, you get the gist. Magda and Paz are still painting pots, and they talk about Violetta. Magda misses her mushos, but is resigned to the fact, that Violetta will never leave the big city and come home to Het Het. Too much opportunity for Violetta in the D.F.

Mexico City:

Julie has gone to see Rosa about Gala. Gala is in a terrible state, and Julie has hired a P.I. to find out info on her, but she is having money problems. Rosa assures her money won't be a problem, but they need to get the dirt. Rosa also says Gala is very strong, she'll make it through this. Julie gets up to leave but tells Rosa, Rod is the one that is chasing this servant, and if you don't watch out he'll come home married to her! Rosa is unable to answer, there is too much smoke coming out of her ears.

The good news is starting to travel. Dona Estella tells Violetta that Luci and Rod are married now. Don Serapio called to tell her. Violetta is very happy and so is Marinita. There is a knock on the door, and it is Serena. She has nowhere to live now. She was unable to pay her rent, cause she hasn't been paid in three months, and Dona Estella takes her in.

Pato and Melissa are in Pato's room and Melissa is helping him with some work. She is working the keyboard, Mati had so much trouble with. She wants to know what he thinks of Claudio helping her with her thesis? He doesn't know. Melissa tells Pato he is a brilliant lawyer, very well esteemed, and that he is a gentleman. A text comes in and it's from Rod. He is telling them he and Luci got married. Pato is sort of sad. Hanna and Mati have come into the room and Pato tells them Rod and Luci got married. They are both very happy, but Pato is getting sadder. Hanna knows why, but tries to cheer him up, by saying what a great thing this is. Mati is happy too, but prays to the Virgincita for a little peace and happiness for Rod and Luci. Melissa wants to know if Pato will be the one to tell Rosa.

Gabe is video conferencing with Oscar and Marcos, when Marcos gets a text, about , wait for it, Rod and Luci got married. Oscar is shocked, but Gabe and Marcos are happy, when Max walks in. He wants to know why they are celebrating, noone really wants to say, when Max himself gets a text, about, can anyone guess, that's right, Rod and Luci got married. Max isn't real happy and neither is Oscar. I think Oscar is asking Max if he will disinherit Rod for doing this, but I think Max tells him, he needs him for the business and he will have to respect what Rod has done.

Rosa is in her room alone, and has summoned Mati. She wants to know why Melissa, Hanna, Mati and Pato were doing together in Pato's room. Mati is like why, who wants to know, no not that, but Rosa is fishing for info. She has Mati sit down and she starts the Inquistion. She wants to know what Mati knows about Luci. Mati tells her she is a good and earnest girl, her parents live in the North, and she has a brother Lorenzo here, who by the way, you threw out, and a friend named Violetta from her home town. Well this kind of satisfies Rosa, but not much. She also wants to know if Rod has contacted Pato. Mati is coy and doesn't say anything. Mati says she doesn't want to say anything more. Rosa just wants to be the *first* doncha know, to know if Rod contacts Pato.

Norma and Claudio are in his office, he has just come back from the cemetary. He tells her he has some news. She wants to know if it is good or bad. He says he doesn't know which, but Rosa knew about the exhumation, and he wants to talk to her, ruh, roh.

Julie is with Gala. Gala is still moping when the P.I. calls from Het Het. Julie is so excited, cause she thinks he finally got the dirt on Luci, and puts him on speaker phone. He tells Gala and Julie that Rod Torreslanda and Luci Jacinto Flores are married, punto. Julie thinks it must be a mistake. The P.I. tells her no mistake it is a fact. Gala in the meantime, is clearing everything, and I mean everything off the tables, the sofa, throwing the cell phone (better than Sergio Sendel, Uni must have an excess of cell phones, jus' sayin') and she is completely hysterical. She keeps screaming and crying and saying he married that servant, Mama, Mama, she goes on and on. Where is the manicomio for her already??????

Violetta and Ivan are having a meet, and he tells her she has a show now, cause the clientle like the way she sings. She wants to talk to Ivan about Lorenzo. She thinks he would be fab in the casino. Ivan wants to know what Lorenzo is to her, while he is leering at her. She tells him, just a friend, he stays with her, helps her with the rent, nothing else going on. She thinks he is very smart. Ivan tells her they really need Lorenzo in the back bodega with the alcohol. Ivan says he will have to run this by Lastra. Violetta has gone out to the bar area, and tells Lorenzo and Polo that, are you ready, Luci got married to Rod. Lorenzo is meh about it. Aldo and Ivan come up. There was something about Lorenzo maybe getting a new boss, but in the meantime, clean those glasses like a good boy.

Rod and Luci have landed in the D.F. I'm assuming. The Captian greets Rod and he introduces him to Luci. He congratulates the newlyweds and they get into Rod's little black sports car and head off.

Rosa is at Torreslanda looking for Max. She is looking every inch the Stepford Wife, really no movement of eyes, head, hair etc. She tells his secretary she wants to see him. She has to wait, while the secretary phones him to see where he is at. Of course, he is in his little love nest, waiting on Vicky, but tells the secretary to tell his wife he is in a meeting, not at Torreslanda and cannot be disturbed. She tells Rosa this, who is not a happy camper, but when is she ever????

Meanwhile, Vicky is late to her little meet with Max. He is so impatient waiting for her. She finally comes in and apologizes but tells him she had a client and couldn't just drop everything and come running. He really isn't happy at all. So he says, oh, your client is more important than me??? (Vicky: memba that advice I gave you, stop being a door mat and dump this guy). She tries to assure him she has to work, doncha know she isn't rich like him, but you get the gist. He warns her again, neva, eva to betray him. He goes, she's pithed.

Oscar has dropped by Julie's place, to see how Gala is doing. Julie tells him not good. He suggests that Julie get her professional help. She is sick in the head doncha know. She says she knows, Gala stays in bed all day, is depressed, doesn't want to do anything. Julie goes on about how Hot Bod Rod married that servant. Oscar tells Julie (Ruh Roh) that Rosa doesn't know about the Rod and Luci getting married part. Julie says this servant pulled the wool over everyone's eyes, and just wait until they find out how much. Oscar doesn't like that idea. He tells Julie to just let it go. Julie want to tell Oscar exactly what Luci was up to, and invites him to have a glass of champagne. Meanwhile, Gala is in bed, pretending to be asleep, and has used the Frigid method to take everything in.

Rosa is in bed, and Max comes in. Well, she just jumps right out of that bed and she wants to talk about where he's been? She went to his office doncha know and he wasn't there. She wants to know, right this minute, where he was. I have to give Max credit here, cause he actually told her the truth. He says I was with my lover, happy now, what's it to ya? He tells her, her jealousy is getting out of control again. She wants to know if he was with another woman? I have to say here, listen you nutjob, he told you the truth already, but your green eyed monster, must be asleep, jus' sayin'. Max tells her he is goin' to sleep and rolls over and does just that. Of course, this will put ole Rosa on another "suffering" mode.

Pato is in his room, in the dark, thinking of the time he talked to Luci in Het Het. He is really suffering unrequited love.

Rod and Luci finally have come to their destination. It is a really nice hotel. The clerk asks if they want the honeymoon suite, Rod is like yeah, but Luci looks at him and he says two rooms. So the clerk does that. Rod goes to Luci's room and he is looking at her with the bridegroom's view of, wait for it, let's get en flagrante already, but he calls her a princessa and many smoochies.


Pato and Max talk about Aurora.

Rosa has a meltdown, must be the 1,000th one, just saying.

Looks like Rod and Luci may get en flagrante .


Abismo de pasión #73 6/22/12 Damien, Gael, Gabby and Agosto are Shirtless (And other Things)

Sorry this is so late.  Please interpret or clarify whatever you can. 

Church Carmina is in the church and yet, her flesh has not melted from her body.  Maybe she’s not as bad as we think.  Padre talks about someone having proof on her.  He draws in a deep breath.  He can smell the evil all over her.  Carmina says that Gabino has nothing on her.  Did anyone say anything about Gabino?  Gabino knows the truth?  Padre Lupe strongly encourages her to tell the truth before it’s too late.  Sooner or later, whatever is in the dark will come to the light.  She won’t have a moment of peace until she confesses what she’s done.  Mystery:  a child keeps yelling in the background, but Carmina and Lupe are the only two people in the church. 

Cenote The Swingers Club (Dam, Gael, Paloma, Elisa) has just finished taking a dip in the cool waters of the Cenote.  Gael and Paloma are sitting on a rock drying in the sun. Once again, Gael is wearing the standard issue plaid shirt issued to all La Ermita males over the age of 15.  They are discussing Kenia’s obsession Agosto; Paloma blames Agosto.  Paloma tells Gael that Carmina was knocked up before she married Agosto.  Gael wants to tell Elisa, but she swears him to secrecy.  She told her grandma that she wouldn’t tell anyone else.  She only told him because he’s her boyfriend.  Meanwhile, Elisa re-reads the Kenia’s note and tells Damien that she wants to talk to Kenia.  She’s feeling guilty about not believing her about lusting over Agosto.  It was a logical mistake Elisa; we all made it.    Side note, Elisa has a really pretty voice (sultry) when she’s not crying. 

Hacienda de Arango Gambino is pissed about Alfonsina hiring Guido and has gone to visit Alfonsina.  He’s upset because after Damien quit, she put him in charge, then hired Guido without informing him.  She tells him not to take it personally.  Guido is an experienced business man.  Gabino angrily points out that no one is more experienced in the habanero business than him.  Alfonsina says that Guido is a responsible gentleman with class and frankly, she’s doing it because would like the opportunity to have hot sex with Guido one day.  Gabino wants to know if she means that Guido is more responsible than him.  She says, “Of course”, while rolling her eyes and flipping her hair.  I think he tells her that he deserves a chance because he has worked hard for her for years.  She tells him that Guido and Paolo are part of her family and he is just an employee.  She tells him to get back to work.  He looks like he wants to smack the hell out of her.  He storms out.

For some reason beyond me, Tonia is in front of the house drawing water out of the decorative fountain with a plastic green mop bucket.  She spies Gabino stomping down the sidewalk and decides to taunt him.  At that point Gabino runs over and decides to take all of his pent up rage out on her.  He grabs her by her arm and demands to know, “What is your problem with me?” He then tries to have sex with her out on the front lawn.  She tells him over and over again to “sueltame”!  I think he tells her that she isn’t getting what she needs from Braulio (which could be true in my opinion).  She tells him that Braulio is a better man than him and tries to escape, but he grabs with a choke hold and dry humps her from behind.  Yes, Pinky, all of this is happening in PLAIN VIEW in front of the Hacienda Arango and no one notices.  Sueltame! Normally, I don’t blame the woman, but shouldn’t she have thought of that before she decided to mess with him.  Goodness!  He finally lets her go.  She wipes his kisses and the smell of his sweat from her body.

Casa de Kenia Damien and Elisa have come to speak with Kenia.  Kenia doesn’t answer the door since she’s still dead somewhere in the Cenote. 

Casa de Castanon Horacio tells Gabby about the letter Kenia gave him to give to Agosto and how he gave the letter to Camina.  I think Gabby tells Horacio that he just signed Kenia’s death certificate and walks away. 

Plaza Damien (wearing blue plaid shirt), and Elisa are making goo goo eyes at each other.  He wants to walk her home so they can talk to her father together.  She says that this is something that she has to do alone.  He can’t keep his hands off of her. 

Casa de Castanon Horacio stops Carmina, he tells her that Gabino stopped by looking for Kenia.   I think he tells her that he told Gabby about the letter.  She calls him a fool.  I think she tells him that they have to leave or do something early in the morning.   I don’t know what else they discussed, but it had something to do with Dolores.  Commericial.

Clinic Don Lucio is visiting Dr. Whupped (by Agosto).  He looks like he was beat with a brick.  They discuss how he was tempted by Carmina and how it has bought problems to his marriage.  Paloma walks in and sees his face.  She tells him that it’s her fault that he caught a beat down.  She’s the one who slipped up and told Alfonsina.  Dr. Whupped (by Agosto) knows that Alfonsina is going to tell Mrs. Kravitz who will only spread her own gossip all over town.  She asks his forgiveness. 

Casa de Castanon Home Office Carmina calls Gabino, but hangs up quickly when Agosto, looking quite well for being in a fist fight walks in.  He hangs up his hat and asks who Carmina is talking to.  She tries to change the subject, but he demands to know who she was talking to.  He wants to know if she was talking to Tovar.  She wants to know why, then sits on him lap and smooches with him a little.  Does she know that he whupped up on Dr. Whupped?  Anyways, they go up stairs and have “hot sex”.  They are both breathing heavily.  Afterwards, he throws some bills on the bed (like she’s a good little hooker) and tells her to get the hell out (he is a dead man).  The words of the priest come back to her.  She thinks he’s mad about Rosendo and doesn’t realize that he’s talking about Dr. Tovar.  I really don’t get what they were discussing.  Please interpret. 

Casa de Arango Mrs. Kravitz (Begona) is visiting Alfonsina. She wants to suck up.  Alfonsina tells Tonia to put Mrs. Kravitz out.  At first she doesn’t go, but Alfonsina has enough time to tell her about her gossiping and I THINK Alfonsina tells her that they were both cheated on.

Casa de Mickey and Mallory Gabby is removing her jewelry, preparing for bed.  A half-naked Gabby, is snacking in bed beside her.  I think he’s getting ready for a marathon session and needs protein and carbs to keep his endurance up.   She’s gonna be a happy girl tonight because he’s frustrated and needs to get out all of that aggression.  He’s still bitchin’ about how he’s worked all these years for Alfonsina and she treats him like dirt.  He looks delicious and I bet he tastes good too.  Ingrid is upset because she still can’t get Gael on her side. 

Casa Arango Florencia has no pride.  She is still there and Damien is not.  I would have bounced by now or secretly slept with Enrique to make myself feel better.  The Italians are in Florencia’s bedroom.  I don’t know what they are discussing, but when her father walks in, she gets in a snit and leaves. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa is in her bedroom, holding her amulet.  She is thinking of Damien and how she told him that she wants to talk to her father alone first. 

Clinic Oh my gosh! Both Damien and Gael are wearing matching plaid shirts, cowboy boots and cowboy hats.  Damien should RUN back to Florencia (she would have never allowed this fashion don’t).  Damien is there to ask about his amulet.  The nurse says that they haven’t found it.  Commercial.  

Casa de Arango Guido and Alfonsina discuss her relationship with Damien and what’s going on at the procesadora.  He tells her that Gabby was upset about him new position.  He says that Gabby acts like he owns the place.  She tells him to fire Gabby.  She is a big bitch!  I love her. 

Casa de Castanon Horacio and Dolores discuss putting his meat business in the location where he accidentally murdered Blanca.  He protests and storms out. 

Church Alfonsina calls Lupe.  She wants to discuss what Damien is doing at his uncle’s house.  They argue.  I think it’s about how she wants to run her son’s life.  Did she say that she was going to stop her giving? 

Damien and Gael run in fight over who gets the bathroom first.  Gael won.

Clinic Begona visits Dr. Tovar.  He wants to talk to her about something very serious.  She crawls in the bed with him.  He doesn’t tell her that he cheated on her with Carmina.  She blames their problems on Alfonsina and tells him that she will commit to her family.  He shocked but it looks like they are getting back together. 

Church Damien is wearing some black BVDs.  Today’s not my birthday, but thanks wardrobe department.  How did you know that I would enjoy that?  He reaches into the closet and removes a plaid shirt (you can take a man out of La Ermita, but you can’t take La Ermita out of the man….he’s been to Europe…didn’t he learn anything?).  Anyways, something drops out of the shirt.  As he bends down to retrieve the item, the camera follows every inch of his body.  What a treat!  If I had the time, I would review him from his head to his toes, but I’m about to go to church (for real) and I can’t have my skin burning off from all the lustful thoughts I am thinking.  Anyway, he picks up the amulet.  Gael, the dirty rat, has had it the entire time!  Gael comes out of the bathroom and Damien confronts him. 


Weekend Discussion: The Healers

Despite all the medical misinformation we get in novelas, we do get some good doctors who fight for their patients' well-being.  Herewith are examples:

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Friday, June 22, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of June 25, 2012 -- Discuss Amongst Yourselves

A new page for your chatting pleasure, Telemundo folks. Have a great week!

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Abismo de pasión #72 6/21/12: Run Lolita Run

Dear friends, please join me tonight at the Kenia Memorial Table, where we mourn our favorite character, no doubt killed off early because she was upstaging our heroine nightly. Kenia, here’s to you. We hope you surface soon.

By the way, there are several open positions in La Ermita for those who are interested:  Anger Management Counselor (FT), Chief of Police (FT), Dressmaker (FT), Fashion Consultant specializing in What Not to Wear (FT), Doctor (Temporary), Fan Maker (As Needed).

Redux: Paloma blabs to Alfonsina about Doc T having it on with the TangelHo. Damian dumps Flor again. Damian wants to hug Elisa, forget about mommie dearest, and be happy. Just for one day please? Let’s see if they can last 24 hours.

New Stuff:
It’s sunrise. No wait, it’s sunset, then moonrise. Another full moon. Didn’t I have a full moon in my last recap? So it must be a month later, hee, just kidding. It’s always a full moon in La Ermita.

Funny, Casa Castigo looks modern from the outside, but so old-fashioned from the inside. Don Asshat wonders why Carmina’s not ready to greet her dinner guests. She and Begoña arranged this get-together and she had better get her orange butt in gear. She says she’s not up to it. (Homicide takes it out of a woman, dontcha know.) She’s got the crazy eyes going on, she feels “off” and needs to rest. She’s not having her best moment, she says.

Downstairs the Doc squirms. Asshat and Begoña advise him to check out the TangelHo. Begoña even gives him a frisky whack on the tuches as he leaves the room.

“How dare you enter my room?” queries Orangina. She doesn’t need a doctor...or a man. (Que? Unless Asshat doesn’t count as a man.) Doc says she doesn’t appreciate what she’s got, Asshat is a fine man. She puts her cantaloupes in his face and reminds him of what they did, then says she wouldn’t re-boink an insipid like him, she doesn’t like to eat the same dish twice. (Is it me or are her lines awesome tonight?) Good gosh darn thing, he says, because news flash, she’s sick in the head. Suddenly she feels better, see what a good Doc he is? She just needed a little injection of nasty ‘ho to give her an appetite.

Wow, Dam learned to make pasta while he was in Italy. He’ll have Elisa popping out of her hotpants in no time. Oh wait, I didn’t mean...I meant gaining weight, no not that way, er, by eating...never mind. Paloma and Gael arrive at the rectory in time to hear that Dam and Elisa are novios again (oh goodie). They are invited to stay for Dam’s special pasta and to bask in the momentary joy that Dam and Elisa are an item. Gael sucks it up, “great, let’s hope it’s final this time,” and Paloma makes up with Elisa.

Back at Casa Castigo the dreary dinner conversation about Fina’s loan is punctuated by Begoña commenting that Alfonsina is cruel and heartless. (Doorbell rings in the background.) Pop! goes the Bitch Queen of the Galaxy. “Good to know how you really feel about me!” glowers Fina. Oopsie. She wants to talk to Asshat. Alone. Outdoors. “Wheee, looks like Fina’s gonna declare war on you,” titters Carmina to Begoña.

Outside, Fina tells Asshat (fliiiip goes the fan!) that her lawyer said she can’t put Asshat back in jail. AssH says she can thank her brother for that favor. And if Dam shows up at his place he’ll treat her son the same way she treated Elisa, except he’ll toss Dam Fine out on his keister with his own hands instead of asking some lackey to do it. (fliiiip goes the fan!) Fina scowls and goes to plan B for ruining Asshat’s night, “We’re standing in the same spot where I told you Stef was boinking my hubs and you stupidly didn’t believe me. Tonight I’m telling you that your current wife boinked your best friend. Yup (fliiiiip!), Carmina and Edmundo. Hah!”

Gah, that casa gives me indigestion. Let’s go back to the more civilized mediterranean dinner at the rectory, pasta, red wine, and hunks. Padre joins the young uns, stuffs his face and blathers on about all of them being BFFs. The kids decide to go swimming at the cenote tomorrow for old time’s sake. Qué buena idea! (Ruh Roh!!!)

Fina twists the knife, she says Asshat shouldn’t blame his pathetic self that all his women cheat on him. Blame the Bouviers, its in their blood and sadly it has passed on to Elisa. Asshat tells her to Largate and wants Horacio to escort her home. She sniffs in disdain, no escort required. She advises Asshat and his family to Largate from La Ermita para siempre and she will forgive Elisa’s debt. He croaks that he will repay every last centavo. “Fine, enjoy dinner with your...guests,” she coolly replies. She’s a bitch but she’s magnificent.

Asshat returns to the table and glares at the others. He toasts his best friend Edmundo. Begoña toasts her new girlfriend Carmina. Glares for all! Burp.

Horacio gives Lolita the 411, or at least as much as he knows, about Fina and Asshat’s conversation. Tomorrow they’re gonna talk to Padre about their marriage, and she has a surprise for him! He has a surprise too, unexpected cash for his carniceria. From, um, Alfonsina’s two-week (quincena) severance, yeah that’s it.

At that very moment Lucio and Braulio are at the Cantina. It actually looks like the restaurant but they are playing the cantina music so I’m going with that. They talk about Lolita’s upcoming wedding and Lucio says wherever Blanca is, he’s sure she’s happy for Lolita. (I thought about this. Blanca doesn’t know who threw the fire bomb that killed her so she could be happy, right? Or do angels get to know everything just like God does? I forget the rules.) Brau blabs that he’s loaning Horacio money for his business, “but please don’t tell anyone I’m doing this for Lolita.”  They both want Lolita to be happy and Brau admits he’ll have feelings for her until the day he dies.

Fina’s back at home, still madly fanning herself. Guido trots after her complaining that Flor is inconsolable now that Dam is back with Elisa. He wants to scrape up what little dignity they have and return to Mexico City tomorrow. (Do it! Do it before you become crazy like the rest of the La Ermutants! We’re saving your seat on the patio.) Fina, (I hate her but she looks fantastic in that outfit) tries to get him to remain. She needs a Real Man in the house and at the Proce. Please don’t abandon her when she needs him now more than ever.

Speaking of mad fanning, Begoña’s got hers flapping as fast as her mouth. The boys have trotted off to the cantina and she is alone with Carmina. She wants to talk about the little chippy who’s been chasing after Asshat. Carmina very calmly says word has it Kenia left town, fingers crossed. They trade harmless barbs about being the wronged woman and Begoña tells Carmina not to fret, in a small town los chismes corren como pólvora (gossip spreads like wildfire?). At this time tomorrow they’ll have better things to talk about than the robamaridos (husband-stealers) of the town.

Augusto and Doc T join Luc and Brau at the Cantina. Asshat’s got a grumpy face and Doc T comments he’s been like that ever since Fina paid a call. Don L says forget the beeyatch, they are all friends here. Nope, says grumpy jowls, they are NOT all friends. He glares at Doc T and tells him he should have the pantalones to tell him to his face he boinked his wife. About half a second later he picks up the bottle of tequila and smashes Doc T on the head! Holy cow, that surprised the crap out of Doc T and me.

Doc manages to backhand Assgusto (yay!!) but Asshat beats him to a pulp before Brau can pull him away. “Traitor!!” yells Asshat, and adds all his other gripes to this mashup performance, somehow confusing Doc T with Rosendo and God only knows what else. Lucio is as baffled as I am, “Dude, you’re not fighting with Rosendo. Get a grip. Carambas!” Doc T can only sit there with blood streaming from his nose. They call an ambulance. I think they should call the police too, but that’s just me. And props to the makeup crew, Doc’s bloody face looks grossly authentic.

Somebody must have given Elisa’s script to Flor tonight. She’s sitting on her bed crying over, wait for it, Damian. Fina flounces in, fanning madly, and berates Flor for blubbering instead of taking action. Fina assures her that soon Dam will be back, begging forgiveness and (fliiiiiip!) everything will be back to normal (fliiiiiiip!). Flor’s not buying it and she can’t wait to get out of this Dam town. Fina informs Flor that Guido has agreed to run the Proce until Dam’s brains move back upstairs (fliiiiip!). She needs Flor’s help because she can’t control Dam all on her own! (Fliiiiiiiip! Thwack thwack thwack thwack thwack.)

At least someone gets to finish dinner tonight. The original foursome (Padre L has left the table) finish their muy rica comida and Gael offers to walk Paloma home. Dam wants to walk Elisa but she doesn’t think that’s a good idea considering dad already shot him once and still wants to murder him. Her relationship with dad is getting better so he just needs a little time. (And no weapons nearby. And anger management counseling. And a brain transplant.)

There’s GABINO MENDOZA, playing with his generic beer bottle again. Ingrid gripes that she hasn’t been able to get a hold of Kenia, her daughter with the supreme bad taste to fall for Assgusto. Kenia is the one who realized the importance of those tickets they discovered, that Rosendo was having an affair with Carmina, not Estefania. This info wakes GABINO up; he says for Kenia’s own good she’d better keep her mouth shut about this. He wants those tickets back NOW. II says fine, give back her money first. He says fine keep them, but II had better warn Kenia to keep it zipped. That’s what II has been saying, she can’t find Kenia which is very strange. Gab wonders if Kenia might have said something to Carmina and for her own good the answer had better be no.

Close ups of habaneros and happy, clean workers toiling amidst the pepper plants, i.e. it’s the next morning. Whatevs.

Asshat recalls a time with Stef when he asks if she ever regrets marrying him. She very sweetly says “No, I’ve never been happier than with you.” Carmina walks in and gripes about sleeping alone again. Then she sees his bruised face (where Doc T backhanded him, yay!) and comments “drunk again?” “Just a barroom brawl, nothing important,” he croaks. He adds they (he and she) tried to give things a chance but it’s just not working out. She backpedals, hits rewind, and tells him to enjoy his tea. Gawd how pathetic.

Oh dear, Horacio and Lolita are with Padre L planning their wedding. Padre tells Horacio what a great woman Lolita is and he hopes Horacio is just as good. Nobody’s perfect, says Horacio, but he looks forward to starting a new life with Lolita, new business, family, etc.

GABINO MENDOZA never learns. He’s at the Proce sticking it to Maru and bragging since Dam left he, GABINO MENDOZA, is now The Boss of Everyone. Maru tells him her instructions are otherwise. Señora Arrrrrango herself told her that Señor Landucci is the boss since Dam Absent left, bwahahaha. I love how she shakes her pencil at him. She says in spite of all his sucking up (lambisconería) he’s still in last Last LAST place.

Good grief I thought it would never happen. At last we are served some beefcake and cheesecake at the cenote. Dam and Elisa get right down to besos business. Gael can’t keep his eyes off of them, sad for Paloma. She even tries her little “let’s see how long we can hold our breaths” game but Gael doesn’t notice.

Horacio and Lolita stroll the square and excitedly discuss their wedding. She says if only Blanquita were still around she would have the nicest dress in the world. He changes the subject, what about that surprise she has for him?

They head over to Blanca’s burned out Casa de Modas and Horacio flashes back to his dirty deed. Lolita excitedly runs to the casita, claps her hands, “here we are!” He flashes back to the explosion that he caused. Lolita exclaims this is her surprise. Don Lucio will let them use it with no rent until they can afford to pay. Yes, it will need a lot of work because it was burned so badly inside. Nope, he doesn’t like it, he says not here. Why not?? It’s a great location.  “NO!! End of discussion!” he roars. Run Lolita Run!

GABINO MENDOZA’s belt buckle, followed by GABINO MENDOZA, stalks into Guido’s office. “What, people around here don’t knock first?” asks Guido. “Just wanted to congratulate you Don...Guidio [sic]” growls GABINO. He grumbles that Guido sure played his cards right with Alfonsina, a big loan and now head of her company. Guido doesn’t like Gabino’s tone. Gabino doesn’t like someone taking advantage of his boss lady. Gabino threatens some more and Guido observes that Gabino talks like Fina is his property, like she is his woman instead of his boss. Gabino had better not act up or he’s liable to get fired. “Mi patrona would never allow it!” retorts Gabino. “You want to prove it?” challenges Guido.
Guido = 1, Gabino = 0. But watch your back Guido.

Elisa and Dam are still macking it up at the Cenote. Gael is still gawking and Paloma is still trying to get Gael’s attention. (Where’s the body? That’s all I can think of.) Elisa asks about Dam’s amulet. He admits he lost it the day he was shot. Paloma pipes up she’s got to get back to work and Elisa wonders why she hasn’t been fired yet. (That’s what we’re all wondering too.) Uh oh, Paloma sees something. It’s Kenia’s note all crumpled up. Pal says it’s from Kenia telling Elisa’s papa goodbye.

Carmina, looking like Satan’s concubine, slithers into the church. Padre yells she’s not welcome, what does she think she’s doing there? She hisses she won’t beat about the bush, with whom has he been talking? He swore to her that her confession would be confidential. Padre is incensed, sadly he has carried the weight of her confession all these years and he will continue to do so because it’s his duty to God. She challenges him to swear to God he hasn’t blabbed. Bah, she should know he can’t do that, she’ll just have to take his word for it. OK, just checking, she says. “Wait woman, why are you suspicious all of a sudden?” he demands, “ it means you’re afraid someone else knows about your past. Well guess what, someone other than me knows exactly what you did, and not only that, they have proof.”

Dam and Elisa are still happy, but it hasn’t been 24 hours yet.

Avances: Carmina’s indiscretions are about to be revealed! Secrets come to light!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #39-40 Thu 6/21/12 Luck Be a Lady Tonight


Mexico City:

We start tonight, with Vicky telling Aldo that guy she is seeing, you know the married one? Well it's his Tio Max and he is also, wait for it, her lover. Aldo is soooo bummed. He tells her not to worry his Moms won't say anything and he still wants to be her friend. She leaves.

Julie, Conny and Oscar are still at the table, and Julie is telling them she has an investigator looking into Luci. Conny and Oscar look like they want to hurl. Julie is so fuuulll of herself. Conny wants to know why all the questions already. Julie says she is curious, oh, yeah right, sure, sure and she also wants to know what Luci was like when she worked for Rosa. Conny and Oscar are very suspicious. All three look uncomfortable.

Coral/Violetta is doing a song number and Lorenzo is tending bar. Violetta is very worried about having that door to Lastra's office open. She is afraid if Aldo gets caught, he will rat them out and Lastra will throw them in jail. Also they talk about some woman (Gala) that came in looking for Luci.

Aldo is back at home with his flash drive and he is in the library. Conny is coming in and he says so you saw me with Vicky. She tells Aldo you know about the rule about not dating employees, it's very bad. (Ok, now excuse me but Vicky DOES NOT work for Torreslanda, so I guess since Jeronimo works there, Vicky being his daughter, this applies to her, Say WHAT????) He tells his Moms he wants to be Vicky's novio, but she is dating some older guy who is very bad. Aldo also tells his Moms that he has a business deal for his Tio but he has to talk to Pato first. Conny is just discombobulated, jus' sayin'.

So Julie, the tag along, has come home to her demon offspring, oh, I mean Gala. She tells Gala she went to Inferno and saw Vicky with Aldo. Julie says oh, I guess this family is into the domesticas, what a bunch of rats! Gala wants to know how the investigation is going. They haven't gotten the goods yet, but either this girl, Luci, is very stupid or dignified (Note to Julie: I would go with the dignified) for a domestica, but she doesn't know yet. Gala tells her that what she got from Lastra will sink the domestica (Too bad it is all a pack of lies).

Rod has come to see Pato. Pato tells him his therapy is going well. He tells Rod that thanks to Luci, who always motivated him, he is doing better. Rod is pleased. Pato wants to know if Rod is coming back to the D.F. to live once he and Luci are married, of course Rod says but not in the Torreslanda house, at the apartment. Rod is worried their devil of a mama knows he is getting married, but Pato tells him not to worry about that. Then they start discussing Claudio Linares. They want to know why Rosa has such a hate for Aurora since they were supposed to be good friends. They think maybe it was the "fraud" that Claudio committed.

Claudio and Lic Barrera are meeting about his case. I didn't get all of this, but I think that Claudio has a couple of days to answer something from Max's lawyer, who of course is Oscar. Claudio says he won't answer Max's falsified docs. He is going against Max good lawyer or no. Lic Barrera leaves and Norma, Claudio's assistant comes in with some paperwork about Luci's home in Het Het. Norma says she tried to call Luci, but got no answer. Claudio says he'll take care of it.

Meanwhile, Oscar and the Judge in the case are meeting. Oscar tells the Judge he is the key to this case. The Judge says he can't discuss this case here (Oh, I guess there is taping in there). Oscar says Max would like the "cooperation" of the Judge and his help. Oscar gives him the business card and leaves. The Judge takes it and looks at it.

Gala and Lastra are having a meet, he wants the dinero, she wants the stuff. He gives her the stuff, she gives him the dinero. Julie comes in and is introduced to Lastra. He tells her you need anything else, or help, give me a ringy dingy. He leaves. Gala shows the huge file on Luci to Julie. Gala plans on showing this file to Rod. Boo Hiss!!!!!

There is a Hanna sighting. The gist is she ran into Lula who she wanted to show her paper to, but Lula is still pithed that Boris is now Hanna's novio, so bug off and have Boris look at it. Hanna is sad.

Aldo has come to see Tio Max. He has a business propostion for him that will make millions and is Tio Max interested in coming in on the ground floor. Max looks at him like yeah right, sure, sure. Max gives him the lecture about you gotta work to be a millonare, it just isn't handed to you and that doesn't happen overnight. Aldo wants to explain more, but Max sends him back to his cubby hole. Aldo isn't happy, but Max is curious. Aldo is back in his cubby hole with his laptop and the flashdrive he got at Inferno in it. Jeronimo informs him his Tio wants to see him, so Aldo leaves the computer and goes. (Note to Aldo: Really dude should have taken it). Aldo goes to Max's office and accuses Aldo of just wanting Max's prestige for his "business" and his name. He calls Aldo an imbecile, and when Aldo tries to interrupt, Max so isn't having it. He tells Aldo no more discussion, get back to work and he is going home cause Pato is sick. Aldo goes.

Vicky is doing Conny's nails when Vicky's cell phone rings. Conny sees who is calling and wants to know if she will answer. Vicky excuses herself and does. It's Max of course wanting a meet. She comes back to Conny and Conny asks her I think, what her mother would think of Vicky if she were here.

Rod and Marco are in Rod's office talking about business, when Gala comes in. She wants a moment alone with Rod. He wants to know why she is here? She says to talk about Luci. Oscar comes in to give Rod a business propectus with financing and Gala says I guess you are very busy, but I need to talk to you in a quiet place with no interruptions. He doesn't want to talk to her about Luci. She also wants her things from their apartment, excuse her, his apartment. She wants to know if after he is married to Luci they will live there. He says yes. She is pithed. So Gala has a plan, she calls Julie and tells her that she is meeting Rod later in their apartment, his apartment, and will give him the Lastra file then. Julie is very pleased about this and Gala says this will put an end to Rod and Luci forevs.

Conny is back home and wants to know what happened to Rosa, she was supposed to meet her at the salon. Rosa says she changed her mind. Mati comes in and says that Pato ate a little. Rosa and Conny go up to see him. Mati comes along too. Well we know how evil Rosa is and she starts the banshee wailing, about how she isn't taking the chantaje from him and Conny touches his forehead and discovers poor Pato burning up with fever, which shuts Rosa right up. Rosa calls the doctor.

We have a Marcial and Vio argument. I think he is being transferred to a better job, more money, etc in another town. Vio says she can't go with. Can't afford it and she thinks she will be dumped I think, but he says can see her on weekends, but she has to work. He tells her still his novia will make time to see her.

Ophelia has finally phoned home to tell Dona Estella and Marinita she is fine, is a maid in a big house, not to worry and hangs up. Both are sad, but Marinita is happy her Mama is ok.

Lorenzo and Serena run into each other, and I think her job is ending soon, and she will have to look for a new job. Lorenzo tells her Inferno is always looking for girls, but Serena isn't down with that. She tells Lorenzo she doesn't like the place.

Rod has come home to see about Pato, and sees the Frigid one. He asks after Pato and she tells him the fever is now under control, the doc gave Pato a shot and now Pato is good. Rod informs her he is staying in for the evening with Pato. Of course, Frigid can't let this pass, so she calls, wait for it, Gala to inform her in the change of plans dept. Frigid tells Gala of Pato's illness and Mati just happens upon Frigid on the phone with Gala. She is now using the Frigid method of getting info. Gala tells Frigid she had a meet with Rod and she'll wait, but Frigid tells her not gonna happen, Rod ain't leavin' he'll be with Pato all night long, all night, all night long, all night (Sorry love Lionel Ritchie). Anyhoo, Frigid wants to know about the Lastra info. Gala says she got it. Well Frigid has a brilliant idea, just bring it to Torreslanda and let Rosa the Evil One see it and that should be that. Besides Frigid is in charge of all these things doncha know. Mati hears the whole thing.

Rosa, Conny, Hanna and Rod all gathered in Pato's room with the Doc. He tells them, fever is natural and not to worry under control. All are happy. The Doc tells them Pato needs to rest. Rosa and Conny and Hanna following a minute behind leave. Frigid and Mati now come in. Frigid the Rigid is yapping about Gala calling "concerned" about Pato. Pato rolls his eyes and looks "thrilled", not. Rod thanks Frigid. Of course his cell phone rings and its Gala. She says don't worry your fine head about me, just stay with Pato. Julie is hovering in the background during this call, with info from the P. I. Gala says they'll talk later. He thanks her for asking about Pato. She tells him she wants to talk about Luci. After she hangs up, Julie gives the P.I.'s report to Gala, it is like a mile thick, combined with the file from Lastra. Gala is grinning from ear to ear. Meanwhile Pato has caught on that Gala wants to talk to Rod about Luci. Pato wants to know why and Mati chimes in with it can't be good. We interrupt this scene with another of my little dittys:

Luck Be A Lady Tonight- the Frank Sinatra version

Luck be with Rod tonight

Luck be with Rod tonight

Luck they so deserve to be so happy for a change

Luck be a lady tonight!

Mati asks Rod how he really feels about Luci? Is it love? Rod says yes, he really loves Luci and Rod wants to know why? Mati says she can't say (This woman is better than a priest in the confessional, jus' sayin'). but she wants Rod to listen to her. Pato also wants to know what is going on. So Mati asks Rod again, and he says he loves Luci with todo mi alma. So Mati says, leave right now, don't look back, don't asks questions just go. Well you get the gist. Rod goes. See song above.

Anyway, here comes the floating devil of fire, Gala of course, with the mile thick file ready to show all. She meets Rosa in the library, hands the file to her and says all you need to know is in there, and you have no idea what awaits you. They send Frigid up to get Rod so he can see too, but wait for it, Rod is gone. See above song. Frigid has to come down and tells them he is gone. GONE? GONE? Frigid doesn't know where. Of course Mati is there, and Gala wants to know where Rod went, cause evidently Mati always knows everything. Well Mati, you go Mati, swears she doesn't know where Hot Bod Rod went.

So we all know where Rod went of course, Het Het. He knocks on the door and of course Luci gives him the Que Haces Aqui? He loves her, can't stay away from her, has the ring, gets on bended knee and asks her to marry him. Ahhh, finally At Last, in the background, the Etta James version, I wish.

Since Gala was foiled, yet again, she is home, being whiny and crying and Julie says you can't sleep? She tells Julie he is with her right now and when he comes back he'll be married. Well Julie, the callous cow, says ok, so he gets divorced big deal. She tells Gala she will be with Rod and she'll make sure, ugh.

Conny, Max,Hanna and Aldo are breakfasting together and Frigid is in the room too. Max wants to know where Rosa is. She isn't feeling well, and Conny goes to check on her. Meanwhile Max, Hanna and Aldo are speculating where Rod could be. Hanna thinks he's with Luci as well as Aldo. Aldo thinks that Luci is very pretty, but not as pretty as VICKY, Aldo sure is stickin' it to his Tio. Hanna is smirking. Hanna wants to know if Aldo is after Vicky. Of course not. Max reminds him about the employee rule again (Pot calling the kettle black), so Aldo says this rule applies to some and not others ,eh. Max says that's so right. lol. Aldo sticks it to him some more, jus' sayin. Meanwhile Conny has gone all over the house looking for Rosa, she finds her in the family chapel. She is curled up on the sofa in there. She is completely insane, jus' sayin'. She is blaming Dios for putting Luci in her path, she hates her and now she has Rod. Conny tells her to get help,this is an obsession and she will drive herself crazy (Note to Conny-its too late, she is already there).

Mati is feeding Pato and he wants to know if Mati talked Rod into going to Luci to avoid Gala. Of course she did. She says she wants them to enjoy their love without interference. Now Pato wants to know about Claudio and Aurora. Mati is wondering why he wants to know. Says Rod said Rosa was yelling about Luci reminding her of Aurora. Did she know Aurora? Gist of the convo was, yes Mati knew her, was best friends with Rosa for a time,and Pato can't figure out why Rosa hates Luci. Marcos comes to give Pato therapy. After the therapy, Pato asks Marcos for a favor. The favor was to move Pato downstairs to Rosa's room. Pato wants to know from her directly about this hate she has for Luci and what about Aurora is that why she hates Luci so much. Rosa wants to know who has told him bout Aurora, Mati of course, and why do you want to know about a dead woman anyway? By this time Pato has told Rosa that Rod is with Luci. Rosa tells Pato to leave the subject of Aurora alone, she ain't talkin. Pato tells HER to leave Luci and Rod alone, and if she doesn't she will lose both her sons. Pato can always go live with them. punto. He goes.

Claudio and Barrera are now talking about that exhumation order and how long it is taking.

Max and Oscar again and Max thinks he has that Judge in his pocket doncha know. Oscar isn't so sure. Max says he knows his enemies well and Claudio will nevea win this one. Oscar isn't too sure, since Oscar thinks that Claudio is innocent. Max says no way Claudio is innocent. Max is in a bad mood cause Rod picked this time to while away with Luci when there is bidness to be done. Oscar tells him Rod could come back married to Luci! Max wants to know how he knows that. Oscar says jus' sayin' Max gives him the stinkeye.

Oh, Gala the she-devil is having a bad day, imagining Rod with Luci and she is crying, boo hoo. (Note to Gala: Too late you posionous snake.)

Rosa has gone to the cemetary to spew more venom on poor dead Aurora. I wish at this point the ghost of Aurora would rise out of that grave and give Rosa an infarto, jus' sayin'. Anyhow, she is screaming at the grave, that she is done with her, she will never forgive her, for, are you ready for this, having a baby with her Max (Note to Rosa: if you weren't so far round the bend, ya woulda thought about a DNA test, jus' sayin'). And of course, this is all Aurora's fault, doncha know. She also tells poor Aurora that she made Rosa miserable. oh, please, the caretaker comes and asks if she knows Claudio Linares? The caretaker tells her that Claudio's exhumation order came thru. That shuts her pie hole pretty quick. She says yeah she knows him. I guess he wanted for her to let Claudio know. He thanks her and as he's about to go off, she calls him back and asks if the exhumation if for the daughter too. He says yes. She'll see him in his office, but before she goes to the office, she says she will never forgive Aurora or her hija Luci. Rosa goes to the caretakers office. She looks at the order, and then tells him to get rid of it. (The nerve of this woman) Well the caretaker tells her he can't. So guess what she does??? Anyone?? She bribes him of course, to sit on it, which he does. He takes the bribe and juding by his face, it was a big amount.

Conny and Julie are having coffee and Conny tells Julie how sorry she is for all of Gala's problems. Julie thinks that Rod couldn't possibly marry Luci, cause Luci has no brains, never been in society, should be in the kitchen, yada yada. Conny tells her, you don't know her. The girl only took the job as a maid cause she had to (You go Conny), and that Luci is very intelligent. She wanted to study more, but couldn't cause of money problems. Besides Conny thinks that Rod and Luci are good together. Julie tells Conny, if you knew what I knew about her, you wouldn't be defending her.

Meanwhile, poor Claudio is wondering where that exhumation order is already. He is asking his assistant Norma about that. When he has a visitor. It is Melissa. She asks if he remembers her from the other night. He says yes, well she wants him to do something for her. She wants him to help her with her, are you ready, wait for it, her thesis. He asks her is she knows about the injustice done to him, time in prison etc. She doesn't care about that. She just wants his help. He is happy to help her.

Gala is having a pity party for one at a restaurant, thinking of the lost engagement she had. Boo Hoo. Meanwhile the wedding is ongoing, but not hers.

There is more of Marcial and Vio but FF>>

Lorenzo and Aldo are meeting and Aldo needs some start up cash for his new business. Lorenzo doesn't have it. Aldo says they can be millonaires. Aldo wants to be one bad.

Max is with Vicky doing the en flagrante thing again, and he worries she will find a younger man. She says not so much and he warns her never to betray him.

In the cutest scene of the day, Mati is helping Pato by typing stuff on the computer and she is having a hard time keeping up. I think he is tweeting.He asks Mati if maybe Rod and Luci got married. Mati says it would be great if they did.

Het Het:

Luci and Magda are discussing Paz and her health. Magda tells her she is just overwhelmed cause Luci is getting married already. Luci wants them to come to the D. F. after she is married. She wants them to visit Violetta and Lorenzo; Magda says she would love to, but not ready to go yet (I think). Luci is still worrying about her Mama Paz, but Magda says she should be worried about Rosa, ruh roh, she thinks Rosa is a cruel, terrible woman, with no respect. Rosa is, and then Magda stops herself, before going any further to spilling the beans. Magda and Luci go to see Don Serapio. They want to use the phone there, and Luci calls Claudio. He has good news for her and he wants to know why she isn't using the cell. She is worried about the cost of the bill, he tells her not to worry about that, and he tells her the good news. The land and house are still in Galindo and Paz Jacinto's names. There was never a transfer of title and since Galindo has died, Paz is the sole heir of the lands and house, and if Don A tries to sell anything, he will end up in la carcel cause he is comitting fraud. Luci tells him that Don A has found a buyer already, but Claudio tells her that if he tries it he's going to la carcel. Speaking of the Don, he is talking to a lady named La Gorda, self explanatory name, that works at the market selling clothes and she is interested in Paz' home, but she is a little reluctant. Don A tells her that in fact Don Serapio is interested in the home too. He tells her no offense but, wait for it, Business is Business (Note to commentators and recappers: Memba that phrase from another recently ended TN that used this phrase frequently and right afterwards the anvils started falling, jus' sayin'). The Don tells her she best make up her mind. Luci asks Don Serapio if she can use the phone for one more call. He says yes, of course, anytime. Luci calls Rod of course, they miss each other, mushos, lots of lovey dovey I love you etc. Luci, Magda, Paz and Ariche are painting pots and Ariche wants to know if Luci will go back to the D. F. once she is married. Of course she will. Meanwhile while they are talking Magda is trying to get Paz to tell Luci the truth, bout Rosa. As soon as Luci hears this she wants to know if Paz knows Rosa. Magda tells Paz it is time for the truth. Finally Paz tells Luci that yes she knows Rosa. Luci sees she is very nervous and Paz leaves the room with Luci following. Magda stops Ariche from following them. The gist of what Paz told Luci, is that yes, she knows Rosa, her and Galindo were the gardners there. She knew Mati too, and the boys, Rod and Pato when they were young. That is why Paz freaked out when introduced to Rod, she couldn't beleive he was the same boy. Paz tells her they worked for Torreslandas for many years. Luci says the same house she was a maid in. She wants to know why Paz never told her before this. Paz doesn't want to answer anymore questions and wants Luci to leave her, in well paz. Luci thinks it is because Rosa was a beotch to her and Galindo too, but Paz says no no, she was VERY good to us.

We now encounter the Chisme ladies, they are talking about Hot Bod Rod and Luci and what must Don A think of this? A man has been following them, and he asks to find Don A. (This is the PI Julie hired) he also has a recording device and asks about Luci. The Chisme Ladies tell the P. I. how to find Don A. They tell him.

Rod is still waiting for an answer from Luci. She finally accepts, he puts the ring on her finger, she says, hell yes, you get the gist, lots of smoochies. Luci shows the ring to Magda who is very happy for Luci and then she shows her Mama Paz. Rod wants to know if there is a judge in town that can marry them. Of course there is. Luci wants to know if mama Paz will come to D.F. Paz says no, her life is in Het Het and she's staying. More mooning over the ring. Paz wants to know when they are getting married in the church. They say when they get back to the D. F. The family, including Ariche are now in a flower bedecked jeep, with a little marching band in front and they are headed to the Judge's Office and even the Chisme ladies are there dancing to the beat. The P.I. has made it to Don A's office, at this point the wedding is going on. The P.I has some questions for him about Luci, and points the recording device at him. I am also wondering, at this point , if Don A even knows the wedding is going on. The band and the jeep have been all over town, but not where Don A is. Anyhow, Don A wants to know what all this is about/for. The P.I. tells him the family she works for in the D. F. would like some info on her. Don A grabs that recording device and shoves the P. I. and tells him he is so not giving him any info on his palomita, and trashes the recording device into the circular bin by his desk. He tells the P.I. To VAMANOS. The P.I. grabs his recording device and goes, but comes back real quick to give his business card to Don A, while Don A is still telling him to VAMANOS. He goes.

Het Het The Boda:

The family all disembarks out of the jeep. Rod is looking fine and so is Luci with her native wedding dress, with small silk headband and a small bouquet of flowers. They head into the Judge's office. The Chisme Ladies are outside taking it all in. The family is in the office, waiting for the Judge and Rod spit swears with Ariche again. Don Serapio has arrived for the wedding too. The Judge has finally arrived and he asks everyone to be seated. He has the paperwork already, and gives the pen to Luci. She signs. He then gives the pen to Rod and Rod is toying with it. He takes that pen and, wait for it, signs the paperwork and viola they are now HUSBAND AND WIFE YAY!!!! Besos. They come out of the Judge's office and people are yelling Besos, Besos which they do. Don Serapio tells everyone now we celebrate. The jeep has been decorated with cans on the back and flowers and Rod gets on the running board of the jeep, the family piles inside and off they go, with the little band in front. They are going to Dona ( I don't know her name, folks, sorry) to celebrate. She is doing a wedding banquet. Even the Chisme Ladies go too, and wonder what Don A will do when he finds out!!! The band is still playing. They go to the Dona's place and a wedding celebration is all set up, with a view of the wonderful mountains in the background. Everyone is very happy. The Dona Lady comes out and greets them. Gets the band to stop and gives them something to drink. Then she asks the maestro to start, which I loved this, I have to say, is a single violinist playing, sort of like Fiddler on The Roof. Hot Bod Rod toasts his new wife, Luci Torreslanda.


La Gorda gives Don A the money for Paz' house in cash.

Melissa tells Max about how she got Claudio's help with her thesis.

Julie tries to tell Gala to get Rod back.

Conny tells Rosa to confess the truth its the right thing to do. Rosa thinks Conny is crazy!


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