Saturday, June 30, 2012

Abismo de pasión #78 6/29/12: Give Me One Reason to Leave Here and I'll Turn Right Back Around (And You Can See Me Turning)

Alternative Titles

Luke, I'm Not Your Father
If You Leave Me, You'll Miss A Good Thing
And I Am Telling You (You're Not Going...With Him)
B*tch Betta Have My Money
I Got My Mind on My Money and My Money on My Mind
Clueless or Clue (Your Choice)
If You Leave Me Now, You'll Take Away the Biggest Part of Me

Church Rectory-Gael Kravitz has just busted Damien out and told Alfonsina that Damien has asked Agosto for Elisa’s hand in marriage.  Alfonsina says, “It’s impossible!”  Yeah, it’s true mama, says Damien. I’m just waiting on Agosto to make his decision.  Alfonsina can’t believe that Agosto is allowing Damien on his property.  Damien says that Agosto is able to put away the past, unlike his mother.  She reminds him that Agosto tried to kill him.  He didn’t mean it to do it.  It was all my fault for trying to sneak and marry his daughter.  But, we’re totally buds now that I’m being honest with him.  Gael, now thoroughly pleased with himself for causing grief for Dam, pats his “friend” on the back and promptly excuses himself.  Primero Muerta!  Alfonsina says that she will die before she allows Damien to marry that girl.  I don’t need your cash; I’m educated! I will renounce your name! Alfonsina’s mouth drops open and slams into her chest.  “Hold up!  You don’t want my money?  Who raised you?”  She says that she will have a heart attack.  Well, good night, ma, cuz Elisa and my father-in-law are waiting.  I’ve got to get back to the reception.  Good Luck with that heart attack.  There’s the phone, call 911 if you need anything.  Alfonsina takes her medication. 

Casa de Castanon Home Office-Carmina’s wedding hair looks very pretty, but she is irate!  Agosto and Camina are in the office discussing he and Elisa leaving town.  He tells Carmina that she is not part of the plans that he has with Elisa.  You’re crazy if you think you’re leaving me here and running off with Elisa. (Run, this means she’s going to kill you!)  Not only am I leaving, says Agosto, but you won’t get fifty cents out of me.  You’re in the prime of your life.  Find another gravy train. Carmina tells him that for many years she has been with him through the bad times.  You’re not going to give me any of the cash from selling the property? That’s what I said and that’s what I meant.  Agosto….tick tock tick tock, I’m afraid to say it, but I think you’re time might be up soon.  Stop talking.  Sometimes men don’t know when they’ve gone too far.  Anyways, Carmina says that she is willing to do ANYTHING to stop Agosto from leaving.   

Church-Gael walks into the church and finds Lupe down on his knees praying.  As you may recall, Lupe is freaked out about what Carmina revealed to him about Horacio being Blanca’s murderer.  Lupe tells Gael that he won’t be going to the reception. He asks him to send his apologies to everyone.  He tells Gael that it was wrong of him (Lupe) to encourage Dolores to marry Horacio.  Gael, I need to be alone while I have my nervous breakdown, but don’t worry about me.  I’ll be alright eventually.  Gael tells him that Alfonsina is waiting for him.   Padre asks him to apologize to her as well, then picks up his hat and leaves. 

Reception-Delores is sitting alone and the bride and groom’s table when Elisa goes over and sits down.  Elisa tells Dolores that she looks very beautiful.  Dolores thanks her.  Where’s my groom? (That’s what I wanted to know).  He’s in the house with my father.  Dolores tells Elisa that it’s the best party she’s ever had.  Elisa tells Delores that she loves her very much.  Delores tells Elisa that she loves her too.  Elisa tells Dolores that she needs to speak to her about something important in the morning (after the wedding night). 

Casa de Arango Home Office-Gabino is waiting in office for Alfonsina arrives.  Alfonsina starts yelling about Agosto.  Weeks ago, she told Gabby to find some dirt on Agosto and Agosto is still Mr. Clean.  Gabby says that he hasn’t had the opportunity to do some damage because he’s been trying to solve problems at the procesadora.  What the hell are you talking about?   Gabby tells her that they didn’t get the raw materials in, so the machinery was shut down.  They also didn’t get the habaneros because they couldn’t pay for them.  He tells her that the company is losing money.  Nothing like this ever happened under Rosendo and under him (Gabby) the profits doubled. 

Reception-Why is Damien still Gael’s friend?  Anyways the two of them sit down at a table with the Paloma and Elisa.  Paloma wants to know why Lupe isn’t there.  Gael tells her that the priest sends his apologies.  Paloma and Gael excuse themselves to go speak with Delores (because she had been asking for the padre).  Elisa feels Damien’s tension and asks him what’s wrong.  He tells her about the heated discussion that he had with his mother at Lupe’s house.  They are both wearing their amulets (how cute), but she’s  not wearing wedding hair.  When is she going to lose that halo braid?  It bugs me.  Hmmmmm.  Now that I’m with you, I feel better.  He asks if she would like to dance.  No, she wants to talk to him about something important.  She grabs his hand and leads him away from the party. 

Casa de Arango Home Office-Gabino (he is so hot) opens the door and lets Guido in.  Guido starts yelling at Gabby about making trouble at the procesadora.  After cussing Gabby out a bit, Alfonsina asks Guido to sit down.  He begins to tell her of all of the problems he is having at the procesadora.  The checks are rubber and the banks are stamping everything NSF (not that this re-capper has ever seen such a check-I had to look up the meaning for research).  Anyways, Guido assures Alfonsina that he would clear things up in the morning.  Alfonsina drops the bomb that all of her money has been located because Guido gave the order to transfer all of her money out of the country.  Guido leaps from his seat!  How’d my cash get in your bank account? And you better give me an explanation that I can believe!

Elisa’s Bedroom-Elisa leads Damien into her bedroom.  He protests because he’s promised to keep her pure until their wedding day.  This will only give Agosto another reason to use Damien for target practice.  Dam, calm little Dam down.  That’s not what I brought you here for.  Elisa tells Dam that her father never even considered allowing her to marry Damien.  She explains that Agosto wants to take her away from La Ermita.   They are going to sell everything and leave.  Agosto has changed.  He’s very nice to her and they are going away together.  Damien looks shocked.  Where does this leave me?  Damien, I love you with all of my soul (just not as much as I love my daddy).  She touches his face and gives him a little hug.  She tells him that he can’t image what it feels like to grow up without a father’s love.  She explains that her father has rejected him all of her life (even after her mother died).  Damien has shown a lot of restraint today, because Elisa would be the third person (behind his mother and Gael) on my list of people to punch in the face.  I take that back, she would be number one on the list of people to punch.  Commercial.

Back in Elisa’s Bedroom-I was raised like an orphan.  I’ve given up everything for you!  My mommy, Florencia, my job, my hacienda and my money.  Did I mention that I gave up all of my money for you?  And most of all, I gave up all of my money for you.  Why can’t you do the same?  What about us, Elisa?  Elisa tells Damien that she promised her father that they would leave together and never come back.  Tonight is goodbye.  Damien tells her that she isn’t leaving La Ermita with her father; Damien is taking her with him, even if she doesn’t want to go.   

Casa de Arango Home Office-Guido swears to Alfonsina that he did not transfer the funds into his account.  It’s a surprise to him.  He doesn’t have an explanation.  She points out that he signed all the documents and demands that he admit everything.  He says that he can’t admit something he didn’t do, but he will get the proof.  He marches out of the office and leaves Gabby and Alfonsina alone.  Gabby takes the opportunity to drive home the point that Guido robbed her.  Don’t be a fool!  He’s lying! He’s a player. He’s trying to treat you like a hayseed.  I want my job back.  She tells Gabby to leave. 

Casa de Arango Home Paolo’s Bedroom-Whoa!  Paolo is wearing nothing but a short itty bitty white towel…now let that sink down in your spirit for a minute.  Swirl that all around in your loins.  From now on, I am going to need a two-minute warning to prepare myself before watching scenes like this.  This week, I’m not going to church until Sunday, so I will take the opportunity to describe what I see.  What?  I’m almost like a reporter.  Paolo comes out of the bedroom all oiled up..I mean all wet.  Guido barges into his room and interrupts what could have potentially have been a fantastic drying off scene.  Guido is saying something like I don’t understand how this could have happened.  He tells his Paolo that Alfonsina is accusing him of transferring his money out of the country.  Who cares?  The cameraman has decided to follow Guido at this time, but fortunately not for long.  We cut to Paolo who is standing in front of his headboard putting gel or more oil in his hair.  His arm is up, so at his point, we get a clear shot of all of his muscles from the waist up.  He has waxed every bit of hair from his glistening body.  I don’t know what the shoulder muscles are called, but he definitely has a big pair of them.  I’m not a fan of “waxed hairless Ken Doll type”, but he’s rockin’ it.  Anyways Paolo, pretending not to know how this happened, asks “but how”?  Darn it!  This places the camera back on Guido.  Tell me something Paolo, he asks, did you have anything to do with this?  Now, you’re cooking with grease, Guido.  The camera goes back to Paolo, who is still oiled/wet from the shower.  He feigns hurt that his brother suspects him.  Paolo says that there is no way that he could have accessed the account.  Is he going to need someone to help him dry off?  Can I be that person?  Again, I am not a fan of wax look, but geez!  Guido sits down on the bed.  The camera shows us a full body shot.  Guido believes his brother and asks for his help in clearing his name.  He was just asking because lighting has struck twice.  Guido blames Gabby and Paolo “agrees with him”.  The brothers hug.

Elisa’s Bedroom-Elisa and Damien are still dressed, but he’s getting to her.  Damien is sweet-talking quick and tries begging.  I am a big fan of a begging man.  If that doesn’t work…she’s gay.  He sits her on his lap.  He asks her not to leave with her father.  He wants her to leave with him.  They will go to a place where no one knows them and they can be in love.  I’ll go. I’d leave RIGHT THEN.   It takes everything that she can to pull herself away from him.  Ummmm, he would have had my clothes off by now.  He would have won.  I don’t know how she can stand it.  She begs him not to make her choose between him and her father (there’s no competition).  Agosto wants to buy some land and they will start over.  Elisa can’t reject her father.  He wants to know when Agosto plans to leave.  She tells him that she doesn’t know.  She agreed to leave after the wedding.  Damien promises to come back tomorrow and she will have to choose between him and her father.   He will die fighting for her.  I LOVE DAMIEN. He turns to leave, but she pulls him back to her and sucks his lips off. 

Agosto’s Office-Damien barges into Agosto’s office and cusses him out.  He accuses Agosto of manipulating him until he could get Elisa out of town.  Agosto, silently listens to Damien and calmly drinks his wine.  He’s probably wondering when the police will return his gun so he can shoot Damien again.  Damien tells him that he tried to be up front with him, but it didn’t work.  Damien says that he is taking Elisa. 

Elisa’s Bedroom-Carmina barges into Elisa’s bedroom and cusses her out.  She’s mad about Elisa stealing Agosto.  Carmina tells Elisa that she won’t allow her to take away her only reason for living.  Leave me in peace!  Carmina tells her that Estefania should have taken Elisa with her so that Elisa could have died along with her.  Carmina, that was just mean!  Commericial.

Casa de Arango Home Office-Paolo enters Alfonsina’s office.  Paolo tells her that this was exactly what happened in Mexico.  Guido lost the family’s money.  Paolo is a ssssssssssnake.  He tells her that the Guido almost went to jail for fraud.  He gives her the names and phone numbers of Guido’s associates in Mexico. He tells her to call them; they will tell him the truth.  She wants to know why he is sharing this with her.  Paolo tells her that Guido’s plan was to marry Damien off to Florencia so that he would have access to her money.  Now that Damien and Florencia are done, Guido will now try to get her to fall in love with him.  He says that he tired of Guido acting superior to him and his double moral standards.  I wish Paolo had an “s” in his name.  Well, he’s got one today.  Ssssssssssnakolo. 

Casa de Mickey and Mallory-Gabby tells Ingrid that Alfonsina knows that the money was transferred out of the country.  Ingrid is worried that the money can be transferred back to them.  He tells her not to worry because the money can only be traced back to Guido.  Ingrid wants her share so she can bounce from La Ermita.  Request stamp Denied.  They can’t touch that money for many years.  Paolo and Gabby can’t leave either because it will look as if they’ve got something to hide.  Ingrid’s upset because she doesn’t have any money (Gabby stole all of hers).  He assures her that all of her money is safe in an account under his name. 

Elisa Bedroom-Elisa is packing her ugliest clothes into the suitcase.  Agosto enters her bedroom.  He wants to discuss Damien.  He wants to know if she will change her mind at the last minute.  She promises not to choose Damien over her father.  Dolores come in, sees the luggage and wants to know what’s up?  Agosto tells Dolores that he and Elisa are about to leave La Ermita today.  He tells her that he told Elisa not to tell anyone. 

Witch Mountain-Paloma tells Ramona that Elisa and Agosto are leaving La Ermita for good.  Ramona says that Agosto can’t leave La Ermita without knowing the truth. 

Elisa’s Bedroom-All I’m saying is that Horacio may not have done the job on the boda de noche because Delores is balling over Elisa leaving.  Like deep sobs.  Like somebody died.  Elisa didn’t tell Dolores because she didn’t want to ruin the wedding, but she can leave in peace because Dolores married a good man.  A man that loves her and will give Dolores some kids.  She says that Dolores will forget her as soon as she pushes out the first baby.  Dolores doesn’t think so. 

Rectory-Gael comes out of the bathroom; shirtless.  He must not work out, because he’s always filmed in flashes.  We never get a good look at him.  Maybe he has moobs (man boobs).  Anyways, Damien is quickly packing his bags when Gael walks in.  He’s going to block Elisa from leaving with her father.  Agosto will have to kill him this time.  Can I be Damien and Gabby’s girlfriend?  Don’t judge me.  Damien runs into his uncle.  Lupe asks what the suitcases are for.  Adios, uncle.  Thanks for everything.  Where are you going?  I don’t know.  Gael runs out of the room.  Do you know where Damien is going?  Yeppers.  He’s going to steal Elisa.  Commercial. 

Elisa’s Bedroom-This chick is still packing those ugly clothes that she wears.  She packs the picture of her mother and Blanca.  Horacio must have told Dolores that they will get the house until it’s sold because Dolores has stopped crying.  She voluntarily removes Elisa’s suitcase from the bed.  Dolores wants to know if Elisa is leaving with Damien or Agosto.  Elisa doesn’t know.  Dolores tells her that it’s obvious that she does not want to leave with her father.  Elisa says that Damien has promised to come for her even if her father kills him.  Normally, I would take Agosto’s side, but in this case, I would encourage her to leave with Damien.  Ummmm Damien can do things that fathers can’t do.  Ummmm, well, he can do things with her that would be illegal in most countries for a father to do.  And he’s a great begger.  I love beggars.  Anyways, Dolores tells her that if Damien says that he’s coming….Damien is coming.  Expect him.  Dolores hopes that Damien comes before they leave. 

Alfonsina’s Bedroom-Alfonsina tells Guido that she wants him to admit his guilt and give back all over benjamins.  Guido tells Alfonsina that he loves her and that her mistrust hurts him.  Now?  Now? He tells her?  Dude!  This makes you look totally guilty!  I wouldn’t believe you either.  She opens the door and invites him out of her bedroom. 

Master Bedroom Casa de Arango-Agosto takes his suitcase off of the bed.  Carmina begs him not to leave and blocks the way.  She wants him to take her with him.  He will have to kill her before he abandons her like a dog.  He tells her dead or alive, it’s her decision and shoves her out of the way.  She screams for Agosto not to leave her. 

Alfonsina’s Bedroom Guido tries to tell Alfonsina that he’s innocent and again, declares his feelings for her.   They are in still in front to the opened door.  He touches her face and tries to kiss her.  IDIOT!!!!!!   He assures her that he would never hurt her.  She rejects his attempt (as she should), and asks him what kind of woman do you think I am?  She’s only ever been in love with one man and that man was Saint Rosendo Arango, her dead husband.   In her life there is room for no other man.  Ummm, I have some guest waiting for you in the foyer. 

Casa de Arango Foyer-Guido is certainly going to jail.  Do Not Pass Go.  Do Not Collect $200.  When they step out of the bedroom, Florencia runs over to her father.  “I don’t understand what’s going on!”  Gabby informs Guido that the police are waiting for him.  This episode is so awesome.  SSSSSSSSSPaolo, Gabby, Maru, Braulio, Florencia are there too.  It’s like a Colombo mystery and all of the suspects are in the foyer.  Maybe I mean it’s like the Clue game.  Guido turns to Alfonsina.   I am going to give you one more opportunity Guido.  Tell me how my money got into your account and we forget all this happened.  I don’t know.  Please believe me!  She brings up the incident in Mexico.  She tells him that she called all of his business associates in Mexico and she is still reeling from all that she’s learned.  He sunk everybody.  He confirms that it happened.  His associates accused him of fraud, but they couldn’t prove it.  She tells him that she’s enough proof to make him rot in jail. 

Casa de Tovar-Dr. Tovar is in his house and in his bed.  Mrs. Kravitz asks if he would like her to bring him breakfast in bed.  He says that he just wants to take a shower.  She asks why he made them leave the reception so quickly.  It was rude.  She wants to know about his conversation with Agosto.  He tells her that Agosto tells him that he was going to leave the party.  Since Agosto was leaving, Dr. Tovar didn’t think that they should stay. 

Casa de Arango Foyer Guido is still insisting that he hasn’t done anything.  He says that there is no proof against him.  Maru has bought the paperwork and copies of the checks with Guido’s signature.  This proves that he took all of the money from the procesadora accounts.  Large amounts of money have been withdrawn for no reason.  Guido agrees that the signatures look like his; but insists they he did not sign the documents.  He blames Gabby.  This is awesome!  SSSSSSSSSSSPaolo agrees that Gabby could have had something to do with this.  Gabby says that Paolo is just upset because Gabby fired him.  Gabby says that Alfonsina made him do it.  He says that since Guido took over, Gabby was not allowed in any of the business deals.  Braulio steps forward and defends Gabby.  He even says that when Gabby ran the company, not a single penny disappeared.  Alfonsina tells Guido to admit the truth.  Florencia begs her father to give the money back and stop this.  Guido says that he can’t believe that his own kid doesn’t believe him.  I didn’t steal anything!  In that case, accept the consequences, says Alfonsina, she tells the cops to take him away.    

Casa de Castanon-Agosto asks Elisa if she is ready to go.  He grabs her bags and tells her that he will burn, I mean put the ugly clothes in the van while she says goodbye to Dolores.  Yeah!  Damien barges in.  Agosto demands to know what he’s doing there.  Damien says that he’s come for Elisa.   He asks Elisa if she’s going with him or if she’s going with her father.  He tells Elisa that this time Agosto will have to kill him, because that’s the only way she’s leaving La Ermita without him. Agosto pimp slapped Damien….or was it a bitch slapped? I don’t know.  Alls I know is that Damien went down, but he got up again.  He tells Agosto to kill him, but he’s taking Elisa with him. Only death will keep him from her.  I love Damien.  Elisa tells her father that she can’t let Damien go.  She’s gonna choose Damien.  Good choice!  Damien tells Agosto to give them one good reason besides my father sleeping with your wife that I can’t sleep with your daughter.  Carmina comes in and demands that Agosto tell them the truth.  Agosto tells her to be quiet!  Carmina tells them that they have the same father.  Yes, Pinky, you have been making out with your sister!  Well, in my opinion, that is a good reason.  Credits.


Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekend Discussion: A Study of Novela Villains, Part One

Villains.  Where would melodramatic telenovelas be without them? As in grand opera, they are colorful and over-the-top evil, with grand gestures and outrageous fashions on the women and basso-profundo voices on the men. They come in distinct (stereo)types and for our purposes we will discuss them by classification. Therefore we will examine a series of Dirty Dozens to determine who is the most evil within each. Controlling parent villains will also include their usual surrogates (steps, uncles, aunts, grands), peers will include same-sex siblings, and there is a third category yet to be named. This week's Dirty Dozen – in this author's mind – is perhaps the most lethal of them all:

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El Mundo de Telemundo: week of July 2- Discuss among yourselves

Happy 4th of July!! Now that Relaciones has ended, Hombre de Misterio is taking a well deserved break until Escobar: El Patrón del Mal starts on July 9. Corazón Valiente continues to hurtle forward with almost as high a body count as some narco-novelas. Now over to you.

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Abismo de pasión #77 6/28/12: A boda, besos, brindis, and barbaridades

Alternate Title: I’m not Lolita, My name is Doris, Lolita left you, Long ago.

Redux, Marta said it best: Lolita comes in in Augie’s pickup with Lucio and Elisa. Augie and Lucio leave Lolita and Elisa in truck while they check that Loopy has everything ready. Brau comes by to Lolita’s window in the truck. Brau congrats Lolita on how pretty she is. “Horacio is taking a great woman, you don’t know how much I envy him. Years ago I would have been the man marrying you.” … you left me and you forgot me… “no, I never forgot you. in all these years not a night has gone by in which I did not think of you, remembered the taste of your lips, the smell of your skin. I still love you. (awkward look on Lolita’s face)
(and we leave it there)

Lo Nuevo:
Ha! Remember I was mad at Braulio for choosing this moment to tell all that stuff to Lolita? Well Lolita’s not liking it either. “It’s not fair,” she says, “Why choose this very moment to tell me this? It’s not fair, so vete!” They rehash the details of their past, she reminds him he waited about 5 minutes after she dumped him to hook up with another and now she’s his wife and they have a kid. It’s Lolita’s turn to be happy now. Brau agrees, and says she will always be special to him. She loses it and breaks down in tears, poor thing. Gosh I felt just terrible for her.

Useless Vicente is over at Hacienda Harangue-O sucking up to Gabino, (in a low-cut and sweaty t-shirt!), and doing a paperwork trade. Gab slips him some cash so Vicente will show him all the ProCe paperwork. Tonia catches them and Chente runs off. Gab and Tonia do their usual argument with Gab rubbing it in her face that the chamaco is his and not Braulio’s. (Dude, you would be more effective if you didn’t get that toothpick accidentally stuck on your lip.) And guess who was eavesdropping and now knows that Gabino is his daddy?

Let’s go to the Blue Lagoon where Pal is getting ready for the wedding and Ramona is moping over her colorful seeds or beads or whatever. Ramona thinks Lolita is making the worst mistake of her life. “Otra vez la burra al trigo,” sasses Paloma, using my favorite dicho. She thinks Ramona is being a wet blanket as usual when it comes to love. Ramona bodes ill for Lolita and predicts that Paloma and Gael will never end up in a church. Paloma messes up Ramona’s beads out of spite.

Useless V happily muses over what he just heard, he loves the sound of Vicente Mendoza. He sees Tonia and comments that she’s not really happy with his current papá. Wouldn’t it be cool if he could snap his fingers and just like that papá would disappear? (Egad this kid is a creep!)

Ingrid has summoned Gael to the cantina. She’s looking for Kenia. (At least somebody is!) She makes Gael promise to let her know if he hears anything about his sister.

Padre is having a one-on-one with Horacio and is urging him to confess his sins. He suspects Gabino Mendoza is involved. Horacio says life has been very surly to him. Everyone makes mistakes and he has the right at a second chance, right? Padre says sure as long as you sincerely repent; he can tell something is really tormenting Horacio. Horacio says when he came to this town he was determined to improve his life, whiten his teeth, walk the straight and narrow. He is in tears now, will he confess? But they are interrupted by Lucio so no confession for Horacio today.

The church bells are ringing and Don AssForFace paces outside the church waiting for Lolita and Elisa. The Tovars arrive and BegoneYa asks about Carmina. When she hears Carmina isn’t feeling well she suggests maybe her “gordo” can go check her out. “Good idea,” says Assgusto ominously, “your husband’s visits always seem to make Carmina feel so much better.” (Snort!!)

Don Ass is approached next by Dam, Gael and Paloma. Dam tries to talk and Don A says now is not the time. “It’s never the time, is it?” queries Gael.

Just then Elisa runs up the steps and gives dad the 411 about Lolita and Braulio. Lolita doesn’t want to cancel the wedding but she can’t stop crying.

Let’s travel to the bustling city of Mérida, where it looks like Flor and Alfonsina shopping? Que? Ohhhhh, Fina’s wants to buy Flor a car so she won’t feel like such a prisoner in La Ermita. Flor is pithed for about half a second if Fina thinks she can buy Flor’s cooperation, but then she relents (Fina says cost is no object) and starts happily checking out the cars. In another half second she’s made her choice.

Padre talks Lolita down from her weeping jag. She admits she’s not sure of anything right now. Padre says Brau shouldn’t have approached her because he’d never leave his wife and kid. Horacio adores her, does she not feel the same for him? Lola says she quieros him mucho and darn it, she just wants to be happy.

Back at the car dealership Flor is happy with her snappy new convertible, but her happiness is short lived when the salesman brings Fina’s check back and announces “insufficient funds”. “QUE??” demands the botox queen. She orders Flor back to the clinic alone so she can visit the bank, then reams out the poor salesman for wasting her time, LOL. She’s such a beeyatch.

Let’s go back to the church and see what kind of trouble we can find there.

Squeeee! The wedding march always makes me feel excited. Here comes Padre, Gael and Paloma, Dam and Elisa carrying the rings, followed by Lolita and Don A. Horacio takes Lolita’s hand and they stand before the Padre. Blah blah blah, we all know the drill, let’s get to the good part. “If anyone know any just cause why this couple should not be married, speak now or forever be silent. Hey you Carmina slinking in the back, do you have something to say?” Carmina and Horacio stare at each other. “Nope, sorry for being late,” she says. Everybody looks like they just got a bad case of indigestion, especially Doc Tovar.

Sweet scenes of Elisa bringing the ring, bride and groom putting the rings on, Lolita’s smiles, Dam and Elisa stare at each other, Horacio looks happy, Carmina’s eye bug out in the background. Paloma and Gael place the lazo over the couple. They leave the church and everyone claps and demand besos. Braulio hides in the bushes and cries, poor sap. Now I feel bad for scolding him earlier.

Fina is at the bank getting all over El Gerente for her supposed lack of funds. How could they commit such a huge mistake? No mistake he says, over the past few days all her funds have been transferred to the account of a Guido Landucci. Get a load of her face y’all, it’s classic.

Things aren’t going well at the ProCe either. Guido’s in a tizzy because the machines aren’t running. He demands an explanation from Braulio. Brau says there are no habaneros to process because all the deliveries have been stopped for the past two days. Guido bellows for Gabino. Gab explains that all the checks have bounced and since they can’t pay then they can’t get habaneros. (Now this is really stupid because if this were the case then surely someone would have mentioned this to Guido earlier on, right? But let’s move on.)

Guido yells for Maru (now you’re using your head) but she’s got the day off for Dolores’s wedding. Guido instructs Paolo to get in touch with the bank immediately.

Back to Fina who says it’s impossible that her account “is in zeros”. Bank gerente dude says it is possible because Fina authorized Guido Landucci to pull from her accounts. El Gerente shows her the paperwork signed by him transferring all her money to him. It looks like Fina has been the victim of fraud. Just then he gets a call from Guido and she instructs  him not to take it. From now on every bit of this business will go through her!! El Gerente looks like he just lost his nuts in that conversation.

Braulio visits Padre to whine about Lolita. Padre gets all over Brau’s case for trying to ruin her day. Brau is sure his Lolita won’t be happy with that guy. Padre points out she is not “his” Lolita, call her Doris. She married a good guy and she deserves to be happy. Now Brau should go back to his family and leave Dolores alone. Pop! goes the sleazel. Guess who is lurking and eavesdropping?

Flor is at the clinic and surprise of all surprises, the doc has bad news. She has something called Matriz Infantil (uterine hypoplasia?) and can’t have kids. Gosh, too bad she didn’t get that car because now she can’t have kids, unless she double-crosses Fina. I say go for it Flor.

That creepy insane violin music announces Carmina’s entrance into Padre’s inner sanctum. She wants a few minutes of his time. Just to confirm that whatever she tells him in confession is protected by his complete discretion, correct? Duh, he says, they’ve had this conversation before. She says she has to confess that Padre just married Lolita to a murderer. Horacio is the one who killed Blanca, por favor. (Now wait a minute, they didn’t even go into a confessional. I call non-confession on a technicality. Can we do that?)

“Dios mio!” That’s Padre of course, “Your evil has no limits.” Amen to that brother. Carmina gets the giggles at his reaction. “No lie,” she says, “remember you said that Gabino and I have secrets? This is one of those. Horacio is Gabino’s hit man.” Padre tells her to shut her face. She giggles again and grants herself absolution, (oh that sense of humor!). She tells him to commend Lolita with his God, because who knows what awaits her with a murderer, que bárbaro!! “Oh, and see you at the party!” Creepy exorcist music.

Hey, it’s not a full moon for once. The reception is in full swing and Don Ass is already staggering around proposing toasts. Horacio thanks everyone and announces that starting tomorrow they can buy the best meat in town at his new place. Maru and Lucio are sitting together and she tells him that ever since Guido was made head honcho at the ProCe things have really gone downhill. He’s made one mistake after another, nobody is happy with him, he fired poor Enrique for no reason, and he rehired his stupid younger brother. Lucia basks in the schadenfreude of it all, but Maru points out the ProCe might go under. (Lucio says Gabino must have a knotted liver, higado nudo. Have we heard that one yet?)

The Tovar women gossip about Lolita’s hair and Carmina coming to the church. The Tovar men gripe about Enrique’s termination. They are interrupted by Don Ass who wants a private word with Edmundo. He tells the Doc to make up some excuse but they need to largase from his casa inmediatamente; his family is not welcome. Doc drags his surprised family outta there.

Dam mentions to Elisa that Don A is acting very weird. (Really? Because it’s business as usual from my perspective.) Every time Dam tries to talk Don A cuts him short. He made his request two weeks ago and still nada. Gael suggests they just give up hope. That doesn’t go over well and the boys start arguing about it. Paloma sidetracks them by noticing Padre Lupe hasn’t arrived, so Gael and Dam decide to look for him. Gael actually voluntarily kisses Paloma! Is this a first?

The guys leave which allows Elisa to get all teary and sadly comment that she’s leaving with her father forever, sob. What a bore.

Alfonsina and Flor arrive home and Flor asks Fina what’s been bothering her. Is it the bank? Fina denies it. Flor asks about her car and Fina says she didn’t like the model; they’ll go back next week.

As predicted, Flor lies about her visit with the doctor. Everything is just fine! Good for her, I hope she sticks it to the old bat. Fina instructs Flor to have Guido report to her the moment he gets home, and bring the nutcracker with him.

Don A and Lucio summon Horacio to the study to tell him that tomorrow Elisa and Don A are leaving forever. Don A is entrusting Horacio to help Don Lucio sell the house and with whatever Lucio needs. He says Horacio can’t say a word about their leaving to anyone, especially Doris. Horacio and Lolita can stay there until they find a place of their own. Lucio offers to let them stay at his place, but Horacio says they will find their own casita, no doubt cogitating about the irony of his sending this kind man’s beloved wife to a fiery death.

Horacio leaves and is met by, wait for it, The Tangel-Ho herself, lying in wait outside the door like a one-headed hydra. She asks him if his blood ran cold when she entered the church. He admits it did and he thanks her for not ratting him out. He makes a comment about her family leaving the pueblo and he wishes her a good trip. (Heh, he’s probably so glad she’s leaving town. He thinks!) “What are you talking about?” she demands. He says what her husband just told him, that the family is selling everything and leaving first thing in the morning.

Orangina busts into the den and asks to talk to Assgusto alone. She demands to know why he is selling his tierras and leaving the house. He reminds her that she has asked him many times to sell out and leave. She gripes about his plans for them, does he intend to sell everything, pay Alfonsina back and then leave them with nothing? He wants to clarify things for her. Tomorrow he and Elisa are leaving town, but without her.

Gael and Dam arrive at the rectory to look for Padre. There is a knock at the door. It’s Fina; she tells Dam she’ll come back later. “Mama! Come in because I’m going back to Elisa’s house anyway.” She makes a wisecrack about Don Ass yelling to the heavens if Dam goes there. BlabberGael breezes in and says things have changed. “Really?”, she says, “do you mind telling me what caused this so sudden change of attitude?” Dam tries to shut Gael up but Gael blabs that she’s going to find out anyway. “Find out what?” Gael says she’ll find out that Dam asked for Elisa’s hand in marriage and Don Ass is considering it. Cara impactada de Fina.

Avances: Damian renounces his inheritance, he only wishes he could renounce his last name. He finds out that Don A and Elisa plan to leave town and he tries to stop them. His little mouth goes into a perfect “O”.

Dicho of the Day:
Otra vez la burra al trigo = it’s the same old thing with you, you’re back to your old tricks (Lit. the female burro once again goes to the wheat)


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #48-49 Thu 6/28/12 Rosa Has a Hissy, Everbody Loves Luci Except Rosa and Paz Gets Back What She Lost

Part I

Hospital Mexico City:

Rosa is in the hospital, and Conny is telling her to be calm. Mati comes in and Conny tells her she is now in charge of Rosa (Poor Mati), Conny has to go to work. Conny tells Rosa to have serenity now! No, but to stay calm. Mati tells Conny ( who looks like she'd like to escape already) that she'll call her if anything else happens. As soon as Conny leaves, Rosa is giving Poor Mati the stinkeye and asks her did you tell anyone about our little secret? Mati tells her Pato knows all about the secret of the names of Luci's parents. Mati tells Rosa to stop being mortified. Mati just couldn't hold it in anymore. Rosa is very pithed. She wants to know if Rod and Luci are married? Mati of course doesn't tell her, so Rosa from the corner of her crazed mind says, Luci and Rod can't get married cause they are, wait for it, BROTHER AND SISTER!!! Oh, noes. She tells Mati that Luci is the daughter of Aurora and Max. Mati is shocked. (Poor Mati, I hope she doesn't have an infarto over this). About this point, Max comes in and wants to know what the hey she is talking about. Rosa gives him the death ray. Well, Rosa starts right in, she says you had an affair with Aurora and the result was the baby. He is so mad, he tells Rosa her obsession has made her loca, he never, eva had an affair with Aurora, never touched the woman, had a lot of respect for her and let her rest in peace. Of course, Rosa says Max is a liar, damn him, she knows for a fact it is true, and nothing he says will change her mind. He tells her she is the Amor di mi Vida (Love of my life) and Mi Mujuer (My woman) and she just doesn't beleive him. He grabs her by the arms, but she is hysterical, screaming and ranting and raving with these accusations, while Mati is in the corner, crying and very upset. She also says that Claudio ought to know about Max and Aurora. Mati has finally had enough and leaves. Mati goes outside the door and prays to Dios, ayudi mi nina. (God, help my little one) and please help her, this is a terrible lie. Rosa wants an admission from him, but he says this is a huge lie and all in her mind, with her obsessive jealousy. He also tells her to callate! (Shut up). He keeps insisting this is all a lie, she is still screaming, when the nurse comes in to take her for testing. The nurse is giving Max the stinkeye. She takes Rosa off and Max and Mati are alone. He tells Mati, are you ready for this??? He is worried about Rosa's mental health, ya think??? He thinks this is all Claudio's fault, cause all this started when Claudio got out of la carcel. He asks a good question of Mati, could Luci be this baby???? Mati (Come on now Mati, you could have told him) says, wait for it, Only Dios knows for sure. Oh, please. Now Max wants to know if Rosa was this jealous when she was little. Mati says yes, she was. Of course, this is also Claudio's fault. Speak of the devil, guess who comes in, anyone??? It's Claudio come to see Rosa.

Claudio was just wanting to see how Rosa was doing, and brought her a bouquet of beautiful pink roses. Mati takes those to put them in water. Max gives congrats to Claudio for opening his own office, after getting out of la carcel. Claudio asks Max how Rosa is doing, and Max says better, liar, liar, pants on fire, jus' sayin', and Max invites Claudio to go for coffee, since Rosa isn't there. They go, and Mati is worried that Rosa will have an infarto over this obsession. Claudio and Max are now having coffee and Max wants to know why he is persuing this case against Max. Claudio simply says I'm innocent that's why. He says Max has his family to help him thru everything, and Claudo has nothing, wife is dead, child is dead, and Rosa was the last one to talk to Aurora before she died, and he was all alone in that carcel. Max thinks Claudio is guilty and Claudio tells him,he wants his dignity and prestige back. Claudio says thanks to Max, he lost everything. Rod comes in. Claudio introduces himself to Rod. Claudio is getting ready to leave, and wants to pay the bill, but Max tells him he'll take care of it. Claudio goes. Rod is shocked his Papa Max was having coffee with Claudio, his former best friend, and now convicted fraudster. Rod asks if this is a coincidence? Max says everything is under control,and that Claudio just wanted to see Rosa.

Rod and Max have made it back to Rosa's room. Mati comes out of the bathroom, and is happy to see Rod and asks how Luci is? Rod says she is fine. Max wants to know from Rod's own lips, if he truly married Luci, and Rod tells him, no it was all a joke on you, not really, he tells him yes, Luci is my wife.

Torreslanda, Mexico City:

Max is in his office calling Vicky. He chews her out and wants to know why she wasn't answering her phone? She says her phone died (good one Vicky) and didn't realize it. Then she has a little slip of the tongue and asks how Rosa is. He wants to know who told her. She doesn't answer. He presses. She says "I Heard It Through The Grapevine", not really she heard it at the salon. He thinks they are a bunch of chisme artists. He wants a meet later, she tries to fudge and he tells her she better not stand him up, and then he hangs up on her. (Note to Vicky: Ok, now is the time to dump this idiot, he has NO respect for you, jus' sayin').

Around Mexico City:

Rod and Luci are back in the D.F. They are at Rod's apartment, Rod wants Luci to come in, but she won't. She says they need to not have anymore, en flagrante, until they are married in the church, besides they PROMISED, but Rod agrees. He says if she moves in, he can keep his passion in check, (Note to Hot Bod Rod, how long you think that will last, jus' sayin'), but Luci says nah, can't. He goes in to get a change of clothes and she waits by the open door. Rod comes out and asks Luci where to? She says Violetta's. She is going to stay there until the church wedding. ( I see a pie cart rolling quickly toward them). Rod wants to know if she's sure. She says she is. Rod and Luci get to Vio's and Rod is dropping Luci off there while he is at work, and he gives Luci lots of kisses, and then tells the girls he will be by later to pick up Luci so they can meet with Padre Honesto. He goes and now the girls want all the JUICY DETAILS, and they mean ALL, about the honeymoon. But Luci avoids that by telling them she needs to see Dona Estella to use her phone. Luci goes to see Dona Estella and Marnita is there too. Hugs and congrats and Marinita says she missed Luci. Luci uses the phone and Don Serapio answers and says glad she called cause her Mama Paz is that worried about her. He'll go down and tell her she called, so Paz can call her back. She hangs up, and the little chisme lady-in- waiting Mari wants to know where you been Luci, you got some 'spailin' to do. Luci says she likes married life, I'll bet, she is afraid of Rosa, so she is staying with Vio until the church wedding. Estella is rolling her eyes. Estella tells Luci that Rosa is in the hospital. Luci is wondering why her Roddy didn't tell her. Estella doesn't know what is wrong with Rosa. Luci has gone back to Serena and Vio's and Luci wants to know why Serena is hanging with Vio this time of day. Serena tells Luci she now has a job at Inferno. Luci doesn't like this at all but Vio tells her she is keeping a good eye on Serena after the Luci incident. Luci doesn't want her to give up nursing, but Serena assures her she wouldn't do that, and that this is temporary. Marcial and then Lorenzo come by and Lorenzo is very happy to see Luci. Luci shows Lorenzo her ring and he is very impressed. Luci has gone back to Dona Estella's and her Mama Paz is on the phone. Luci takes the phone and Paz starts asking Luci, where you been, what you been doing? Luci tells her Rod and she went on a little trip and Paz wants to know like yesterday, if Luci has done, the you know what, and poor Luci, who is very truthfull, tells her not to ask. Paz is now upset, she says they both PROMISED, to wait for the Padre to bless this union before they, you know.

Julie and Gala are at Gala's apt and they want to set a spa day, I think. Gala goes off to work. Gala is at work, and had a meeting, and asks her assistant to stay behind, I think her name is Ferny. She tells Ferny she wants to do an article about the Fonda at Inferno, and wants her to be discreet.

Rod has gone to the Torreslanda home and Pato is in the garden and sees him. He is so happy to see Rod. Rod is surprised he is outside, but is very happy to see him. Says he missed Pato. Pato says Rod was enjoying his honeymoon, si. Of course Rod says yes. Pato tells Rod that Rosa is in an emotional state, and is in the hospital for testing. Pato changes the subject to the foundation that Rod is going to run, and Rod doesn't get the hint. You see at this point Pato has seen Frigid the Rigid (using the Frigid method of listening by trying to hide behind a pillar). Rod tells Pato that Luci has him body and soul and Frigid hears everything and just can't beleive it. Now Pato knows she knows all.

Julie is at lunch with her friend Carolla. Carolla asks Julie if Gala is still working on getting that Hot Bod Rod back. Julie tells Carolla that Gala is intent on exposing that servant to the world to show them who she really is. Carolla says she better think long and hard about that, that servant could sue. Julie wants to go on a little vacay, and invites Carolla to go with her. Carolla wants to know, where, when, why? Julie tells her it's a little pleasure investigation adventure. Carolla is like Que??? (What??). Julie says to come with her somewhere and she'll explain.

Hanna and Boris are talking about Rosa. Hanna tells him she thinks it has to do with her heart. Hanna wants to know if he has talked to Lula, he says no, and just at that point Lula walks by. Hanna tries to talk to her, but she isn't saying anything. Lula doesn't want to talk to Hanna. Hanna says you've been my bff since we were kids, and Lula says yeah, till Boris came along. Hanna says she never wanted to hurt Lula. Boris says if Lula can't handle it, so sorry. Hanna tells her bye and Lula sits on the bench and cries. Hanna doesn't get far when she runs into Melissa. Melissa says she is on the way to see Tia Rosa at the hospital and Hanna wants to come with. They go and afterwards Boris sits right down and lights into Lula. He tells Lula that she and Hanna have been bffs foreva and now she is whining and carrying on, and he feels sorry for her. (Note to Boris: Wait till you find out Hanna is so NOT into you, you'll see), he tells her someway to treat her bff, Lula cries.

Aldo is in his cubbyhole, fiddling with the computer to see if he can get that shamrock screen to reappear on his computer. He talks to Vicky by cell and she is mad at him cause she got in trouble with Max cause of the Rosa business. He finally gets his laptop to show that screen and he asks Vicky to hold on.

Melissa calls Claudio, who is at his office,and wants a meet. He says sure any time.



Het Het:

Paz and Magda are having a little convo and Paz is worried about Luci cause she hasn't called and she wants to go to Don Serapio's to call Hot Bod Rod's cell phone (Note to Paz: They are a little busy, breaking that promise to you, jus' sayin'). There is a knock on the door, and there is Lic Barrerra, and he's got something for Paz. He says its paperwork demanding Don Aquiles produce the deeds to the land and house, and if he doesn't produce said documents he goes to la carcel (the jail). Magda and Paz are shocked. They tell Lic Barrerra that Don A is a huge cheese in this area, has the police in his pocket and they are afraid. Lic Barrera is prepared for that, and says he can go thru the justice system in the D.F. doing an end round around the local justice system. Both women like this idea better, and Lic Barrera shows them the paperwork. Paz is really wanting the deeds for Luci and Lorenzo, because Don A is also cheating them. Lic Barrerra tells her she needs justice and to grab these back from Don A. She now has the power and he doesn't, cause what he did was wrong. Magda and Paz are cleaning, and Paz is still worried she hasn't heard from Luci. Magda reminds her that Luci is now a married lady, but the only thing Paz is really worried about is, can you guess??? That's right, they did the deed without benefit of the Padre (Note to Paz: Your motherly instincts are spot on). Magda says so what if they DID IT, times have changed, but not in Paz's book. Magda basically tells Paz, Rod and Luci are in love and to let it go already. Ariche comes by and tells the ladies that Dona Lucita is at Don A's. Ariche has stayed for lunch, when Don Serapio comes and tells Paz that Luci called. Paz is so happy. Paz wants to go to Don Serapio's and Ariche is coming with, but before they go, Magda gives Ariche a new red banda. He is so happy. After they go Magda says she hopes Vio meets someone like Rod.


Copio is on a mission to deliver a note to Dona Lucita (La Gorda). The note looks like a child wrote it, lol. It is an invitation to dine at Don A's. Well, Dona Lucita is over the moon, and kisses Copio on the cheek and says of course she'll be there with bells on.

Meanwhile, Don A is meeting with the Commandante, hoping this will end up at the local level. He is worried about going to la carcel or being sued. The Commandante thinks this will be local, piece of cake. Don A says they have a good case, cause he threw them out on the street.

Dona Lucita is on her way to Don A's when Ariche passes her on the street. He sees her go in to Don A's house. Dona Lucita has arrived at Don A's and he answers her knock and lets her in. She is over the moon. He takes her hand and tells her the house is happy she's there (Oh come on now, we all know this is a bribe). She thinks Don A is enthralled with her. Copio, who is dressed like a maid, bandana round the head, apron over his clothes, is serving the food, it looks like he made it too. Who knew Copio could cook??? Anyway, there are huge platters of food, and Dona Lucita isn't shy about eating, I have to say. She has loaded two plates and is getting sauce on everything, and salsa too. Don A looks like he wants to hurl, he isn't eating, he is watching Dona Luchita eat. She thanks him for inviting her and that his home is like a palace. Don A says he would like to share this palace with a woman of his dreams, Dona Luchita thinks that is her (lol). Dona Luchita has finished everything on her plates lol. Don A still looks like he wants to hurl. Copio now brings her what looks like Picot (Mexican Alkaseltzer) and she tells Don A she sure enjoyed this lovely meal. Don A tells her he is glad she liked it. He tells Copio to bring on the dessert. He brings a cheesecake, that looks yummy and something else. He gives her the whole cheesecake, lol. Now Dona Luchita wants to know what type of woman he is looking for? He is thought bubbling Luci while he tells her sweet, nice, small and someone that can keep things to herself. Well, she tells him she fits that bill. She puts her arms around him and Don A tells her, he is mad at her cause she told Lic Barrerra that she "owns" Paz' house. He doesn't want Lic Barrerra to find this out, or about the money she gave him. She promises she won't say anything, will say it was a misunderstanding and tells him he is very handsome and grabs his lapels and purses her lips, like she is waiting for him to lay the big one on her, lol. He starts coughing,, like he is about to hurl, but he's faking to avoid the kiss. She wants to give him some water, lol.

Part II

Mexico City:

Luci tells her Mama that in fact they did the deed. Paz is upset cause she feels that Rod won't respect Luci now, say what???? Paz is disappointed in both of them.. but Luci tells her that she is staying with Vio until the church wedding. She tells her moms to chill out, everyone knows they got married but Rosa. She tells Paz that Rod is very good to her. Paz passes on the news about Lic Barrerra and getting the house and lands back and about Don A and the possible ending up in la carcel. Luci, bless her heart, says well yeah Don A was bad but la carcel. Ariche is there and wants to talk to Luci, so Paz gives the blessing to Luci and for Lorenzo too, and passes the phone. Ariche says he misses her, wants Rod, but Luci says Rod is at work, and now he wants Marinita. She passes the phone and the little ones say they miss each other.

Gala is still having that meeting with Ferny, and she tells her she wants to do an expose on Inferno and wants lots of CLEAR Pics of the women that work there, ruh roh. Ferny goes to start on that, and Julie and Carolla have come to see Gala. Julie informs Gala about her plan to go with Carolla to Het Het to see this old rich dude (Don A) to see if they had a little somethin' somethin' going on before she came to the D.F. Julie wants some money to recoup her N.Y. apartment, but Gala just wants to investigate Luci from before she got to the D. F., that is her new focus. Of course, while this is being discussed, guess who calls, anyone???, its Frigid the Rigid, bout to runtelldat to Gala. Frigid tells her, guess what, ya wanna know, do ya, do ya, its important. Gala is like ok you witch what you want now???? Frigid tells her she used the Frigid method, jus' sayin' and overheard the convo with Rod and Pato and tells Gala, wait for it, Luci and Rod are planning a wedding. 

Aldo is in his cubbyhole calling Pato for help with that shamrock screen, when Jeronimo comes in. He wants to know why Aldo is always being mysterious. Aldo says not so, just working. He has closed his laptop. Jeronimo wants to know why he kept Vicky out so late, and Aldo tells him he and Vicky are just good friends, like to hang out, no worries. Jeronimo is so not down with that.

Frigid is at the Torrelanda house and the phone is for Pato, and Gennaro gives Pato his earpiece. Max is just calling Pato to tell him that his Mama Rosa is in good hands, and Pato wants to know if she knows about Rod and Luci being married. Max tells him she doesn't know. (Ruh Roh, Frigid heard that convo between Rod and Pato, she is going to get that pie cart rolling jus' sayin).

Rod is at the office, and runs into Oscar, Gabe and Marcos and he tells them he is very happy. He tells them he is living at his apartment and Luci is at Vio's till the church wedding. They are ribbing him bout that. Pato calls and wants to know when he will be at the church with Luci.

Jeronmio comes to Max's office and wants to talk to Max. It's about Vicky. Max has a sick look on his face. Is he about to be found out, Just wait. Jeronimo wants to talk to Max about ALDO and Vicky, Max looks muy (Very) releived. Jeronimo doesn't like Vicky keeping company with Aldo, there's a social difference. Max is pithed. Ruh roh. He will speak to Aldo about this personally.

Rod has come for Luci so they can meet with Padre Honesto. Marcial and Serena are still there and when Rod and Luci have gone, Marcial tells Vio he wants to be a novio to Vio. Vio is very happy, is this like a promise ring type of thing, like pre-engagement? Anyhow, Luci and Rod are on their way to Padre Honesto, and Rod is again promising Luci, noone and nothing will ever seperate them. That piecart is coming, jus' sayin.' Luci is nervous.

Oscar and Max are talking about Rosa. Max tells Oscar she is better off in the hospital and will be much calmer there, but then Claudio showed up and Max tells him he didn't like it. He tells Oscar, Claudio came to visit Rosa but he didn't see her cause she was undergoing tests. Max says he is going to the hospital wants to meet with Aldo tout de suite.

Hospital, D.F.

Rod has just told Max he is married to Luci and Mati is in the room too. Rod is very happy. Max says he wants to be sure that Luci is the love of Rod's life. Rod assures him she is. Max then says that a happy marriage is just an illusion. Rod wants to know if he is talking about his Mama and Papa's marriage? Max tells Rod, Rosa is the love of his life, she is very strong, but needs peace and serenity now! um, no, quiet and when she finds out Rod married Luci there will be hell, I mean she won't be happy. He tells Rod, prepare for your church wedding, don't mention the civil wedding or any wedding at all to your Mama. Mati is giving Max the stinkeye. Bout this time the nurse is bringing Rosa back and she sees her little Roddy and she is very happy to see her hijo (son). She hugs him and cries. Rod is now telling his Mama Rosa, that yes he went looking for Luci and is in love with her. She isn't happy, he gets Hanna and Melissa who have come by, to tell them Mama Rosa doesn't know about his marriage and not to let her know. Rod is leaving and he tells them he is going to work and then being with Luci later, Mama Rosa so not pleased. Hanna is now talking to Rosa, she wants Rosa to see that Rod is very in love with Luci. She tells her Mama that Luci is a very classy lady,and reminds her of the Torreslanda party, when Luci was all dressed up. She helped Pato on his road to recovery, she is very smart and only worked as a maid cause she had to. They all love her, why can't Mama Rosa? Rod adores Luci and she is very beautiful. All Mama Rosa says is, she is worried about Rod and doesn't want to talk about Luci. Hanna tells her Mama she wants her to get better, to get rest so she can come home and that she loves her Mama. She hugs her (This is the first time Mama Rosa has shown any affection for Hanna, she actually let her talk and allowed Hanna to hold her hand and kiss her, amazing). Aldo and Melissa are at the hospital too,and Aldo wants to know why Melissa is defending disadvantaged children. She tells Aldo they have noone else to defend them, and she wants to do that. Hanna comes out and tells them her Mama is asleep. Aldo goes in anyway, leaves her a single rose and a note, I didn't see what it said, so if anyone knows please comment. While Aldo is with her, Hanna and Melissa say that it would be better if Rosa knew the whole marriage thing. Aldo comes out and Boris comes. Boris invites them to his upcoming birthday party, Melissa says she'll come, but Aldo doesn't know if he will. Melissa goes in to see her Tia Rosa. Hanna tells Boris her mama is resting and Boris wants to talk about Lula, but Hanna doesn't. Boris wants to talk to her Papa Max to see if he will allow her to come to his party.

Luci and Hot Bod Rod have taken a little sideways journey and are having some lunch. He wants to take her shopping for new clothes, shoes, whatever she wants, he wants her to be stylish (Ruh Roh, Note to Rod: You can take the girl out of Het Het, but you can't take the Het Het out of the girl). She assures Rod she doesn't need anything and that she has what she needs. Rod says that Melissa will go with her. Luci says she would also like to see Pato. Then she asks Rod, why he didn't tell her that Rosa was in the hospital? He says he just found out himself not long ago.

Het Het:

Don A tells La Lucita he is very nervous about Lic Barrerra. She wants a night of amor (oh, this should be fun) from Don A to hold her tongue. He doesn't want her to say anythink to anyone about Paz's house. Don A and La Lucita have a meeting with Lic Barrerra. He tells Lic Barrerra there was a misunderstanding and here are the orginal deeds for the land and house. La Lucita tells Lic Barrerra that Don A is such a gentleman, and she needed a place to stay and Don A "lent" her the use of the house. Lic Barrerra takes the deeds and goes. La Lucita says memba I get a night of lurrrvvve for this, Ha! (Thanks Vivi).

Paz is back with Magda and Paz is pithed cause Luci and Rod, did, you know. Magda is telling her to let it go. She also tells Magda, that if Rosa causes any trouble for Luci, she will tell the truth, the whole truth,and nothing but the truth. Lic Barrerra drops by Magda and Paz's and he has, are you ready, the orginal deeds to the land and house. He tells them he told Don A he would go to the carcel if he didn't turn them over. He lets the ladies know, if they have any trouble with Don A to give him a ringy dingy in the D.F. They thank him and tell him to thank Claudio for all they have done for them. Paz is happy to have her land and house back. She is over the moon.


Max and Aldo have a little talk about Vicky.

Conny will tell on Rosa, if she doesn't tell all.

Rod tells Rosa about the upcoming wedding. Ruh Roh.


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