Monday, July 02, 2012

Abismo de pasión #79 7/2/12: A Virtual FLOOD of Tears

Alternate Title: Pithed recapper curses the heavens while Elisa cries (and cries and cries)

Bullets tonight. Every week I  have the intention of watching ahead online and crafting a masterpiece, but I never do. So you all get stuck with the craptastic "watch in real time, take notes and curse the crappy CCs" recaps.

Lo Refrito
  • Gab and the arrest of Gweedo. Flor, Gweedo and Paolo are color coordinated.
  • Elisa chooses to go away with Dam when Pop goes the lying ho' bag Sleazel with her BS about them being half siblings. Cue the waterworks in 3...2....1
Lo Nuevo which is a lot of Elisa crying so how "nuevo" is that?
  • Elisa says Tía is just making it up to hurt them (true) and Dam Shocked wants proof. Horacio never appears to tell about the truck robbery and Doc Tovar does not pop in for a visit so we get to hear Toad tell the BS story again about the paternity test results. Sadly, says Toad, I've destroyed the results. How convenient, says the Church Lady Elisa. 
  • Dam and Elisa head for Elisa's room. Tears, no puede sers and lárgates.
  • Carnita (thanks Audrey's husband!) joins Toad in his office and the delusional beech thinks things are going to go back to the way they were. She slimes on him and he accuses her of revealing the truth so he wouldn't leave with Elisa. She admits it. If they hadn't stopped Dam and Elisa, who knows how far it would have gotten? Padre, Gael and Pal arrive to interrupt. Carnita gives the BS excuse that  no one is in the mood for visitors and they are sort of shuffled out the door.
  • Gab, Brau and Alf confab. They need the the Pro Ce working again. Brau suggests the Castañon harvest. Alf balks. She'll pay the habanero farmers herself. She's got her personal accounts. Brau leaves. Gab kisses butt. Alf tells him to find a way to sink the Castañons.
  • Elisa cries to Lola. Through the wailing, tears and no es ciertos we discover that Lola came to the hacienda after Elisa was born. Elisa loves Dam like a man. He can't be her bro 'cause that's just gross.
  • Sabrina is mad at her mom for being a metiche IRT the Paolo situation. Enrique takes mom's side. Sabrina flounces out. Flor arrives and begs Quique to take her to Mérida to visit Papá Gweedo.
  • Toad talks to Elisa. He's sorry. She accuses him of lying just to get her to leave with him. His new leaf was a ruse. He never cared for her. Now she finally understands why he despised her and was cruel all these years. She wishes he had been honest from the beginning and maybe she would have  been spared the suffering she is now enduring (Viewerville would have appreciated that too.) He not only destroyed her image of him as her father. He destroyed her dreams, too. He hates her that much? He wants to know why she fell for Dam. Why couldn't she have fallen for someone else? Elisa replies (all together now) PORQUE EL CORAZÓN NO SE MANDA!!! Toad thinks she can find someone else. Toad even suggests Gael (dammit. I guess we *are* going to go there. How many episodes left?GAH!) Elisa screams and cries and dájames and vetes.
  • Carnita thinks Elisa should be grateful to Toad for having taken responsibility for her all these years. Toad lets Carnita know that he may have stayed in La Ermita, but things between them are the same. Did I already mention that Carnita is delusional? She actually offers to go talk to Elisa. Thank goodness Toad turns down *that* offer. I could not have recapped that.
  • Dam PithedandConfused arrives at Casa Harangue-o. Tonia explains she's not supposed to let him in. He confronts his mother. He needs to know how long Rosie and Steffie were involved.  He asks if it could be true that he and Elisa are half siblings. Alf can neither confirm nor deny it. But it's possible. She knows Dam is Rosendo's, but she doesn't know about Elisa.
  • Toad gets into the crying game (ha!) at Steffie's grave (which is covered with fresh dirt QTH?) He blames her for everything. Ass. Ramona creeps up. She told him that the next time she saw him at Steffie's grave he'd be on his knees begging for forgiveness. He says that will never happen. What Steffie did to him and his daughter cannot be forgiven. Ramona tells him that she cannot let him leave La Ermita without him knowing the truth...which he won't know for now because she gets caught up telling him about the accident and Steffie's last words. She never gets to the truth because STOOPID CRYING  ELISA interrupts and tells Toad to get the heck away from mommy's grave. He leaves. Ramona tells her she shouldn't have interrupted. and Elisa cries into the fresh dirt (again I say QTH?)
  • Horacio is working in his butcher shop. Gab comes to call and can't believe Horacio would open his little business in Blanca's shop. Gab needs Horacio's help with the Assgusto Conundrum. Horacio informs Gab that el patrón is selling all his lands and leaving. Srsly, Horacio? You just blab everything, don't you?? I am so done with your table. DONE!! (Sorry, Blue Lass)
  • ING rifling through things at the Casa Azul. She gets an idea.
  • Elisa cries at Steffie's grave. She has so many doubts and needs her help. She never believed anything anyone said, but now she finds out that she and Dam are half-siblings?? She refuses to believe it! Dad swears he saw the paternity tests. No puede sers and more tears. Dear God make it stop. She's the most unhappy woman in the world. Viewerville is the most miserable group in the world tonight.
  • Gab reports to Alf about the sale of Toad's land. She asks how he would like to own those lands. He says he can't afford it, but Alf tells him she's got the money. Does he want to own the land or not?
  • ING comes to call on Carnita and tells her she knows all about Carnita's carnal knowledge of Rosie. Maybe they can do a little business. 
  • Elisa and Dam see each other at the cemetery to the musical accompaniment of Junto a Ti (Alex Sirvent and Ximena Herrera. Note to self: look that up on iTunes.) Dam says their being there is a waste of time. Neither of their parents can answer their questions. Elisa is running out of strength. Dam Determined will get to the bottom of this. Their parents may not be able to help, but he knows someone who can. (It better be a damn doctor and tight security paternity tests.)
  • ING wants to know how much Carnita paid Kenia. ING promises she will be more expensive. Carnita tells her to leave. She's wasting her time since she (Carnita) has no money. ING wants the house. Carnita says no way she is handing over the house. She wonders why Gab sent her. Carnita says she can take Gab and ING down. ING does not now the kind of scum she is spending her nights with. (Carnita is super scary tonight.) ING asks Carnita to tell her. Carnita tells ING to talk to him herself. Ask him about what he did a few months ago. Carnita lets ING know that she has no idea who she's dealing with. 
  • Carnita calls Gab and tells him if ING blabs, she will blab. (Anvils for ING?)
  • Lola and Lucio rehash the half sibling business. Lucio offers to talk to Toad and Elisa.
  • Carnita wants Horacio to get the plane tickets from Gab. Horacio thinks that's a mighty dangerous job and tells Carnita she better cough up sufficient payment. Her silence is not enough
  • Alf wants to talk to Flor, but Tonia lets her know Flor left a while ago. She's visiting Papá Gweedo in jail. She and dad need to get Alf her money back AND get to the bottom of this BS. (There's a Flor table, right? I like her. She's got spunk.) Quique offers to help. He's not just doing it for Gweedo, but he knows Alf is behind all the problems his family is having too. Revenge is a dish best served with a free Gweedo and an ever so grateful Flor.
  • Pal and Gael rehash the episode. Pal mentions her grandmother has been acting weird and it makes her nervous.
  • Ramona wonders why destiny has conspired against her telling the truth. At least Ass won't be leaving. She is going to tell the truth even if it means all of La Ermita trembles.
  • Gab is waiting for Toad at Cielo Abierto. He heard it was for sale. Awww hell.
  • Dam Sad tells Padre he and Elisa will never be together. When Padre asks about love and why Dam has become so Dam Pessimistic, Dam spills the BS half-hermanos beans. Padre splutters MENTIRA!! MIL MENTIRA!! and I start screaming TELL THE TRUTH!!!! TELL THE TRUTH!!!!!!! I am only half satisfied with Padre's "Rosendo and Estefania nunca fueron amantes" response.
  • Girl Fight!
  • Dark, brooding threatening Padre.


Refugio Para el Amor #52-53 Mon 7/2/12 Gala Learns What Mama Loves Best/Vicky Learns What Her Sugar Daddy Hates Most/Max Learns the Truth

Gala and Julie show Rosa the hot off the presses issue of her magazine with a cover story exposé on “hot clubs of the moment” featuring Luci in her devil girl costume. Rosa is sure Luci won’t admit it’s her in the photos, but Julie tells her not to worry about that. This is just one little piece of their big, well thought out plan.

Aldo meets with Inez, the Torreslanda computer tech. She seems willing to help him get into the account he wants to access on his computer, until he admits the account isn’t his.  He eventually begs and sweet talks her into doing it, but he’ll need to leave his laptop with her overnight and she’ll work on it when she has time. He reluctantly agrees to leave it with her.

Rod drives and plays with his ball. No, not his rocks. It’s the ball Ariche gave him, and he remembers the deal he made with Ariche (to take care of Luci).  He calls Luci to tell her how much he loves her, and Hannah and Melissa, who are listening in the background with Luci, tease them.  H&M want to keep shopping. Luci thinks they’ve already done enough shopping, but they take her into a shoe store. Later, Rod sneaks into the shoe shop and surprises Luci with a rose. They get kissy, H&M giggle, and Luci blushes.

At the school, Boris plans with some of his friends how they will all get to the lake house for the party, so that everyone doesn’t have to take a car. Some will go in his parents’ cars, some with him, etc. Lula comes over to gloat since she’s sure Hannah’s parents won’t let her go to the party without Lula. Too bad, so sad for you Lula. Boris rubs in her face that they already gave her permission to go, and not only that, they gave him permission to be Hannah’s boyfriend.

Pato is having a bit of a down moment and asks Mati if she thinks he will someday recover enough to find someone to marry, and to have his own family. All Mati can say, is that he’s always been a good boy/man, and any woman would be lucky to have him.

Rod strolls with Luci, H&M, and all the shopping bags. He asks if she found a wedding dress she likes. The girls jump in and talk about the one dress she tried on, in which she looked like a queen. Rod corrects them—like a princes, his princess. Luci says she’d prefer to find a more simple dress. He tells her not to leave it too long since the wedding is in two weeks. He then drops the bomb on her that he wants them to have dinner with his parents.

The Blonde B/Witches continue their meeting at Gala’s place. Gala wants Rosa to pretend like she’s cool with Rod and Luci’s relationship until they’re ready to give the final blow. Rosa says she can’t since she HATES that woman so much.

H&M and Rod try to convince Luci that the dinner with the parents is a good thing. She’ll win them over. Luci looks like she’s going to be sick. She knows Rosa won’t react well. She fears she’ll run her out of the house. Rod says if she does that, then he’ll leave with her. H&M says they’d leave with them too, and bring Connie and Aldo with them. And Pato and Mati too, Luci says. They joke about bringing Frigida along. Rod reassures Luci and kisses her hand.

Rosa calls Luci a social climber (trepadora), and a hypocrite.  (Oh, spare me! Pot, meet kettle.) Gala and Julie tell Rosa about Don Aquiles and how Luci ran out on not paying her dad’s debt to him (doesn’t seem to matter that payment would mean her marrying/sleeping with the old fart). He’ll give them what they need if they pay him. Rosa’s on board with paying him whatever it takes. Gala crows about all their evidence against Luci-- the magazine article and photos of her, Lastra, and Don Aquiles. (I don’t think any of this amounts to much, but whatever.)   Rosa gives some bullshit justification that the only thing they’re doing is telling the TRUTH. She then thought bubbles: “Luci herself will cause the separation between her and Rodrigo.  So I don’t need to tell the truth.”  Rosa asks Gala to take Rodrigo far from here after he dumps Luci.

Paz and Madga find Procopio skulking around Paz’s house with some other guy. His boss wants them to clean the house and help Paz move in. Paz and Magda run them off and inform Procopio that Paz will move back in when she darn well feels like it, and she doesn’t need Don A’s help, thank you very much. Magda thinks he’s just trying to get in good with Paz, so that she won’t have his butt thrown in jail. Ariche runs up to them, excited that his mama is going to buy him a new pair of sandals (huaraches) for Luci’s wedding. Don Aquiles interrupts this happy scene to bluster at them. He wants to know the wedding date. They tell him off, and he grabs Ariche by the lapels and lifts him up to his face to threaten the info out of him. Ariche’s not backing down. He’s a man!  (Ariche has the biggest set of rocks in this whole tn.) Magda makes him release Ariche, then stomps on one of his cowboy boot clad feet, leaving Aquiles hopping around and hollering in pain. Procopio watches the whole scene with delight. Magda and Ariche high five.

Rod takes Luci and all her bags home (to the vecinidad). He won’t let her help him carry the bags, but she can help him by taking his car keys out of his pants pocket. Heh, heh. Luci is embarrassed at first, but then she’s game and flirts right back as she gets the keys.

Rosa reveals to Gala and Julie that Rod and Luci will marry in two weeks. Julie thinks they need to get Aquiles to D.F. right away and pay him well for his expenses (gastos), since people don’t do anything for free. Rosa notes that Julie doesn’t either. Gala wonders how Max will react to their plot against Luci. Rosa says he will be the first to be in agreement with the separation of Rod and Luci. It will also suit him. With that cryptic comment, she leaves. Frigida calls Gala with stale info—the wedding is in two weeks. Frigida sure was slow to get that hot piece of gossip to the Blonde B/Witches.

Max comes to the office on the phone with Vicky. He demands that they meet up in their love nest that afternoon, doesn’t matter if she has a lot of work. Like a good little slave, Vicky does all she can to make sure she gets there. She begs her boss Nicole to let her go, even though they have a lot of customers that day. (Why Nicole hasn’t fired her already is a mystery.)

Julie is blown away by how easily Rosa gave up tons of cash to them. Gala thinks Julie is pushing it too far. Since she’s headed out, she asks Julie to give her the big check Rosa just wrote so that she can deposit it. Julie refuses. She’s going to be the “administrator” of this money. They’ll use part to pay for the photos and Aquiles, and the rest she’s keeping as her “commission.” Gala is annoyed by this and tells Julie that she should at least use that money to pay the loan she took out on the NYC apartment. “Did you really believe that story that I’d taken out a loan on my NYC apt.? How little you know me my love. I would never do that. The apartment is my only asset, and I care for it more than I do you.” (Yes people, she really just said that to her daughter.)  Pissed off Gala says she can see that, and leaves for work.  Julie blows her a kiss and says she loves her. Then she turns to her real love, the check, and says Rosa is the best business she’s come across in her life.

Padre Honesto has come to see his supervisor, the Bishop (last seen as Padre Severino in CME), about the news Rosa just gave him about Rod and Luci being siblings. He doesn’t know if it’s true, but if it is, he can’t marry Rod and Luci. But how does he find out if he’s bound by the secrets of the confessional? The Obispo tells him there’s a difference between someone giving a confession and someone taking you into their confidence and telling you something. He gives Padre Honesto leave to speak with Max to find out if it’s true.

Rosa, wearing an ice blue wrap dress, that matches her eyes and her icy personality, goes to see Max at the office. We all know where he is, but his secretary has the usual story that he left for a “meeting” and can’t be reached.

Meanwhile, he’s waiting at the love nest and is supremely annoyed at Vicky who runs in late. She had to finish with a client. Like a true daddy, her sugar daddy orders Vicky to sit down in the chair. He needs to talk to her. “You know very well that I don’t forgive lies and betrayal. Why didn’t you tell me about Aldo?”  Vicky looks like a poor little deer in the Mac truck headlights.

Luci’s back with the whole vecinidad gang in Estella’s apartment. They are amazed at all the shopping bags and all that Rod is paying for. Luci says it was Melissa and Hannah that pushed the shopping thing. Lorenzo’s ears perk up at Hannah’s name. You mean, that pretty girl that I met? They all tease him. Luci tells them about the beautiful wedding dresses, in particular the one she tried on and loved.  Now we find out why she didn’t buy it. She tells them that she looked at the price tag after she took it off and saw that it costs a fortune, even more than all the money they owed Don Aquiles! We see in her flashback that the dress costs 60,000 pesos ($4,500 US).  They all can’t believe it.

Rod talks to Pato from the office on the video phone. Rod tells him he and Luci will be having dinner with the parents soon to talk about the wedding. Pato tells him to prepare himself for rejection.  Rod says that if Rosa doesn’t accept Luci, then they’ll just pack up Pato’s stuff and move him into their apartment, because Rod won’t be setting foot in that house again. Pato tells him not to exaggerate. He just asks that he take care of Luci, love her and respect her, and above all, value her love.  That’s what he most desires. Rod makes the understatement of the year and notes that Pato cares (quiere) for Luci. Pato, with longing in his voice says, “I care for her (but he’s really saying it in the love sense) SO much.”  Rod is clueless. He gets off the video chat with Pato because their mother has come to see him. “Speaking of the king of Rome!” (Speak of the Devil.)

The Ice Queen enters Rod’s office and casually does a dust test on Rod’s things. One of the secretaries brings in the “fashionable clubs” edition of Gala’s magazine, especially sent by Gala for him. Rosa acts like she’s just seeing it for the first time. The note attached says Gala thought Rod would be interested and she hopes he likes it. Rosa makes some digs about the kind of women who work in these places. Rod takes a closer look at the picture of Luci and says he’s sure that’s the girl who they encountered when they went to Inferno. He remembers because she was so pretty. He stares at the picture a bit too long and Rosa closes it up and sends him to get her tea. When she’s alone with the magazine she scoffs and says: “And I felt guilty because I gave you away Luciana. But look where you ended up.” When Rod comes back, he tells Rosa news she already knows-- he and Luci will marry in two weeks. They are the two most important women in his life and nothing would make him happier than the two of them getting along. He knows he loves Luci as much as his dad loves her (Rosa). (Bad comparison dude.) The Ice Queen runs her hands along the cover page of the magazine and says nothing. Rod says they’re coming to eat at the house tomorrow.  It looks like she’s about to reveal something about Luci that she believes will make him change his mind, but they are interrupted by a call. It’s Padre Honesto who’s come to see Max. Rosa rushes out quick to intercept the Padre.

Vio thinks that Luci should just enjoy letting Rod spend all this money on her. Luci doesn’t agree. She doesn’t want Rod to think she’s taking advantage (aprovechar). Lorenzo agrees with her—their family doesn’t do that.  Vio suggests that they go affordable wedding dress shopping. Fabian and Lorenzo want to go too, to buy suits for the wedding, but Vio says they can rent them and she’ll show them where. Marianita also wants to buy her dress for the wedding, a pink one. They all head off for shopping, minus Estella.

Max demands answers from Vicky about Aldo. He accuses her of having given Aldo her phone number at the company party where they met. She denies it. Being that Jero is Aldo’s boss, she’s sure he got it easily somehow. “Your father told me that Aldo has come looking for you. And he doesn’t think that looks right.” He hopes Vicky isn’t letting Aldo see her. Vicky goes all sex kitten and tells Max of course she isn’t. Max seems to believe her for now. He gets up to leave, but warns her: “I love treachery, but I hate traitors.”  Vicky looks a bit scared but tries to cheer herself up by looking at the pretty bracelet he just gave her. (Run Vicky! Run!)

At the big house, architect Hector has finished the elevator for Pato. (Wow! We never even saw the workmen.) He has a special remote for Pato that attaches to his finger and allows him to open, close and summon the elevator with his hand that has mobility. Very cool! The elevator doors are designed the same as the wooden sliding doors throughout the rest of the house. Pato tells the architect about going to see the specialist in Boston and about becoming more hopeful every day. Frigida listens in through the door and says to herself that it’s all a waste of money, since he’s never going to get up from that wheelchair. Bitch.

Rosa tells the Padre that she’s going to speak to her husband and tell the truth, so no need for him to speak to Max. (Come on Padre! Don’t believe the crazy lady!) Padre is relieved. If it’s not true, then she will be separating two young people who love each other greatly. (Like she cares.)  She says she knows exactly what she’s doing and she’ll put an end to this situation. Everything will be different from now on. (Please note that although her voice is calm and rational in this scene, her crazy hands are working overtime. Look down Padre!) He thinks God has heard his prayers.

Lorenzo calls Aldo. Aldo says can’t go to Inferno that night, but is this close to breaking into the black four leaf clover account. He invites Lorenzo to come to Boris’s party with him. He tells him to bring his “brother” Fabian along too. The more the merrier!

The vecinidad gang has fun in the city center looking at all the tall buildings, eating street fruit, and shopping.

Magda and Paz look at the fabric they bought for their dresses. Ariche thinks they’ll look beautiful, but not as beautiful as his Luciana.

Rod calls the jeweler and orders the wedding bands.

Gala’s gal pals congratulate her on the cover article. Valentina (the blonde one) thinks Luci looks pretty and reminds Gala that Rod chose Luci. They shut her up as usual by encouraging her to eat something.

Looks like Magda really stomped on Don A’s foot good. His toe is all black and blue, and he’s crying like a baby as Procopio soaks his foot. He orders Procopio to go to his house and get him the boots that are a looser fit. Yes, he wants BOTH feet of the boots, dammit! Gala calls to set the date for his arrival. She tries to entice him by saying she’ll pay for all the costs. Don Aquiles is offended by the thought of a woman (vieja) paying for him. Gala tells him Luci and Rod are getting married in a few days, so it’s urgent. She then calls Julie and tells her Aquiles accepted, and Julie needs to go talk to Rosa, now.

Rosa has dropped Padre off at the Church. He tells her that when she speaks to her husband she really needs to listen. (Ha! Like that’s going to happen.) He hopes God helps her. She says she’ll need it.

Gala marches into Rod’s office. She’s happy he got the magazine and smugly asks if he recognizes the waitress. Rod looks at the cover photo hard and seems to be making some connection, but he just says it’s the young lady (señorita) who served them at Inferno. Gala bad mouths the waitress, and Rod asks why. She’s acting as if she knows her. She says she does. She interviewed the manager (Lastra) and he described perfectly the kind of woman who works there. But she’s not going to argue with Rod. She’s glad to see him. He looks good. Rod knows she’s up to something, but since he can’t figure it out, he just gives her a silent skeptical look and accepts her words of congratulations on his upcoming marriage. She leaves looking smug, but then nearly loses it right outside his door. She then cries in the elevator and says she loves him. Rod looks hard at the magazine cover of Luci once again.

Luci, Vio and Marianita find a wedding dress store they like and send off the boys to the suit rental place. Vio and Marianita try on matching hot pink dresses. Marianita also has fairy wings. Luci tries on an A-line wedding dress with a few sparkly accents.  She looks beautiful, but she’d look beautiful in anything. What she really loves about it is the price—10,050 pesos/$750 US. (Or it could be 1,050 pesos/$80 US. I saw this on a little computer screen and it went by quickly. Either way, a LOT less than the other dress). They meet up with the boys, but instead of suits, they’ve found two cute girls to spend the rest of the day with. The girls continue their day out, having fun in the city plaza.

Julie arrives at Casa Torreslanda before Rosa returns and orders her usual mimosa to be brought out to her on the lawn. Frigida takes the opportunity to continue her espionage with the Blonde B/Witches and relieves Mati of the duty of serving Julie. She also brings her designer bribe bag with her, using the silly excuse that it needs some air. LOL! What she really wants is for Julie to keep her promise of filling the bag up with pesos for all the info she’s been passing on. Neither she nor Julie realizes that Pato, who now has more freedom of mobility throughout the house and grounds due to the new elevator, has seen Julie pass a check to Frigida. Frigida says it’s not easy for her to pass the info on quickly because Mati is always watching her. Julie tells her that everything needs to work like clockwork and Frigida is a key piece. Pato surprises them both by wheeling up. He coldly asks how Julie is. He wastes no time in saying how strange it is that she just gave a check to Frigida. Frigida hightails it out of there.  Julie makes up some b.s. excuse about giving Frigida a check so that she can buy flowers for Rosa, since Frigida surely knows Rosa’s favorites.  Pato doesn’t believe a word of it, but Julie is saved by Rosa’s arrival.

Procopio has made the mistake of walking by Ariche with Don Aquiles’ comfy red boots. Ariche slips a lizard into one of the boots. The scamp! At Magda’s house, she and Paz are talking about Aquiles’ reasons for trying to make nice lately. Magda knows it’s just because he’s scared that Paz might throw him in jail, which has made his rocks shrink to pebbles. Paz isn’t actually sure she wants to move back into her house, without her Galdino and her kids. Magda asks her to stay with her permanently and they can keep each other company. Over at his office, Don A. is still being a baby about his toe. He gets a nice little surprise when a lizard tries to run up his leg as he puts on his comfy red boots. Poor Procopio gets the blame, and nearly gets the business end of the Don’s belt.

Julie reports that Aquiles is ready to come to D.F. when Rosa gives the signal. Rosa thinks the perfect time will be when Max takes Pato to Boston to see the specialist. No one in the family will be here to defend her. Right on cue, Max comes home and confirms that he and Pato are leaving in two days for Boston. That’s the day they will attack Luci, the B/Witches decide.

Don Aquiles meanwhile justifies taking revenge on Luci to himself. “You humiliated me.  I lay my fortune and properties at your feet. And the worst is that I lay my heart at your feet. And that’s what hurts me most.”  Procopio interrupts these musings, and he and Aquiles plan an evening of wine and food, because life goes on. Luchita is listening at the door and is excited that Don A has put so much thought into their night of amor. She runs off to get herself pretty—lots of perfume and a sparkly top.

Oscar calls Connie to invite her out. Upstairs in the big house, Pato is showing Hannah and Boris his cool elevator remote.  Max comes in and stares through Boris. “What did you say your name was again?” Poor Boris. Max and Pato plan the Boston trip. Pato is happy they’ll be back in time for the wedding and asks his dad for a big old hug. Max happily obliges.  Boris invites Pato to his party, but Pato wants to be able to go on his own when he does. Hannah gets all swoony about how beautiful Luci looked in the wedding dress she tried on. Boris puts his arm around Hannah and says that hopefully soon she’ll be trying on wedding dresses too. Hannah looks uncomfortable. Max clears his throat, looks Boris up and down and calls him muchachito (little boy). “Aren’t you going a little fast, *Boris*?” (Major eye roll from Max.) It’s not fast for Boris. He’s been in love with Hannah since the first day of grade/primary school.

The boys finally come home to Estella’s. Serena is fast asleep on the kitchen table, exhausted from her day job as a nurse and her night job at Inferno. The boys wake her up to get ready for work. Lorenzo speaks about being on the cusp of something big with Aldo.

Aldo meets with Inez the IT girl. She hasn’t gotten to his laptop yet, but she does have a decoding disc she was going to use later. Aldo sweet talks her again into letting him try with the decoding disc and takes his laptop back. He says she’s the kind of woman you can’t find these days. She’s an extinct species!

Vicky gets home and tells her dad about the hard day she had. She goes to start dinner, and he leaves for the bakery.  Vicky scolds herself and says she will be left like the dog with the two sandwiches (el perro con las dos tortas)—with neither her Osito, nor Aldo. She calls Aldo, but then hangs up quickly when her dad knocks on the door. He forgot his keys. She thinks better of calling Aldo. Max will kill them both if he found out, and her dad would die of shame.

Julie and Rosa have taken their plotting indoors. Rod calls Rosa to say he’s not coming by to see her that evening because he’s preparing dinner for Luci at his apartment. Rosa is so NOT down with that. It’s not proper for him to be alone in his apartment with that muchacha. Rod reminds her that that “girl” will be his wife and there’s nothing wrong with it. They will be coming for dinner at the big house tomorrow. Julie hears the whole conversation and then prepares to leave just as Oscar arrives to pick up Connie. Julie gets offended that he invited Connie out and not her. Sand has taken the place of Oscar’s rocks this evening, so he is shamed into asking Julie along too. She then invites Carola to some out with them! (Oh, Oscar! Really dude?) Ever the lady, Connie hides her true feelings about this arrangement pretty well and they head out. Rosa shakes her head at these strange modern dating games. Julie calls Gala and informs her about Rod and Luci’s dinner.

Luci is all alone at Vio’s cooking up something delicious. Rod arrives and convinces her, with some work, to come to his place for dinner instead. He wants her to get to know the apartment that will be THEIR home, and to chat about wedding plans. He gives his boy scout’s honor that he will bring her back home early.  Later at the apartment, Luci and Rod are finishing off a romantic candlelit dinner with kisses, when all of a sudden someone turns on the lights. It’s Gala! She says perdon, but sure as heck doesn’t mean it. Luci are Rod are both shocked and pissed. Rod asks what the heck she’s doing there.  She says she thought he wasn’t home and she was just coming to pick up her things. Luci’s had enough and picks up her purse to go. Rod stops her, puts his arm around her, and says that the one who’s going is Gala.

Rosa tells Max that Padre was looking to speak with him earlier about Luci and Rod. (Cue Max eye roll.) Rosa tells Max that the Padre wanted to speak to him about the wedding—a wedding that can’t happen. (Cue heavy sigh from Max.) Mati interrupts to give Rosa her medication. Rosa protests that the medicine makes her feel worse, but she takes it. (Oh, please let that be Prozac.) They continue their conversation alone. Max wants to know what fantasy Rosa made up for the Padre. “It’s reality. Yours and mine. Because of your bad actions, hate is coming after those we most love- our kids.” (Cue major stink eye from Max.)

Gala continues the innocent act. She’s sorry, but how was she to know they would be there? “This is MY apartment Gala.” Gala reminds him that he gave her a set of keys. Rod tells her if she needs to get her stuff, do it tomorrow when he’s not there. He’ll let security know to let her in tomorrow. He tells her to take her blonde ass out of his house and to leave the keys on the cabinet. Gala’s parting words are to Luci. Luci can rest easy. Gala only came to get what’s hers, not to steal what belongs to another woman. Hint, hint. Luci is so hot, she won’t even let Rod touch her. He promises it won’t happen again.

Max tells Rosa that the only one doing their kids harm is Rosa. Now, what the hell fantasy does she have in her head? Rosa tells him that Aurora’s child is not a fantasy. She’s just as real as the two of them.  Max is about to leave the room in disgust when Rosa’s next words stop him in his tracks. She tells him that the little girl isn’t dead. She’s Luciana. (Cara impactada de Max.)

In a karaoke restaurant, Julie and Carola are warbling as Oscar and Connie look on and laugh at them. Oscar proposes a toast to Connie. Julie and Carola drink to that, and it looks like they have drunk to many other things that evening. While those two order more drinks, Oscar and Connie have a private chat. He notices that she seems really worried about something. She admits she’s really worried about Rosa. Oscar tells her not to worry because Rosa loves to suffer. If she’s not suffering, then she doesn’t feel good. Julie jumps in and blames Rosa’s problems on Luci. Had she not come along, then Rod and Gala would have been married by now and pregnant already. Connie has a look of thank the Lord that didn’t happen on her face. Connie pokes fun at Julie about all the grandkids calling her grandma. Ah hell no, says Julie. She’s Julieta to everyone. Julie to close friends and family (and grandkids). Connie toasts to Abuela Julie and shares a laugh with Oscar.

The intense revelations continue at the big house. Max wants to know what the hell Rosa is talking about.  He can’t believe the baby never died as SHE led them all to believe. Now that she’s told the truth, she says her soul can finally be at peace. (I don’t think that’s the way it works, Rosa.) “Now you know why Rod and Luci can’t marry? They’re half siblings!” Max still can’t get over the fact that she has LIED to him all these years! “But now you know the truth.” She walks out of the room like that solves everything.  “It’s your turn Maximino. Let’s see what you do with this truth I’ve just given you.”

Upstairs, Aldo and Pato have the decoder disc in his laptop and begin trying to break the password code. They have it up on Pato’s big screen. All of a sudden Max walks into the room. Uh oh. Aldo nonchalantly walks over to and in front of the big screen so that Max can’t see the black four leaf clover. He and Pato exchange nervous looks. Luckily Max is too distracted by his recent conversation with Rosa to notice. Aldo’s cover is nearly blown when his phone rings and he refuses to move from his strategic spot in front of the screen to answer it. It’s Vicky, but he’s too late to catch her. Pato scolds Aldo for still going after Vicky, since Max won’t like it. Aldo points out that it’s she who called him.  They continue trying to break the code.

Gala calls Don Aquiles as soon as she gets home. Unfortunately, Procopio is the only one at the office. Gala leaves a message that the Don needs to come to D.F. right away. She’s making all the arrangements for him. Procopio then brings champagne to Aquiles at home.  He’s lounging on the couch in his purple satin robe and red boots. (Let that image sink into your brain.) Before Procopio opens the door to Luchita, Aquiles tells Copio to remember the “plan.”  Luchita is more than ready for her night of loving.

Rosa’s in the house chapel and tells God and the Virgin that now she has been relieved of her sin, and now no one can accuse her of the disgrace that’s befallen them. (Oh boy, is she delusional.) “Now I don’t owe you anything, Aurora. Now it’s Max, your lover, who has been charged with this truth.” Mati comes in and tells her she should be resting. Rosa tells her she’s told Max that Luci is the child he had with Aurora. Mati tells her she doesn’t know that this is the truth. They are only her suspicions based on her jealousy. Rosa is sure that now that Max knows the truth, he’ll want to send Luci far away. “And what about Claudio Linares? What’s to become of this poor man who thinks his daughter is dead?”  Rosa says to let him stay as he is—let him keep thinking Aurora was a saint and his daughter died with her. “God, our Father has illuminated me.”  She thinks God has given her the power to resolve the whole matter in the best way possible. (Crazy!!!!) “Thank you God. Thank you.” Mati looks on in horror.

At the apartment, Luci is still ticked off, and Rod is still apologizing. “This apartment is where you were going to live with Gala, the woman you were going to marry.” (I wouldn’t want to live there either. Plus, he and Gala did it in the bed too.) Rod has her look at him and tells her they were born to be together. “I love you so much Luciana, that it’s impossible for me to love you more. This is your house, and here we will live together.” She promises to live there at his side and they kiss.

As Pato sleeps, Aldo continues to try to break into the account. Finally the code is broken! But there’s another one right after. He gets to work trying to break that one too.

Max finds Rosa in the chapel. He has her swear there in front of God that everything she told him is true. She swears it. He then swears in front of God that he had nothing going with Aurora. Luci is not his child. "She’s the child of Aurora and Claudio Linares.” Rosa looks impactada, but does she believe him?


Amorocito Corazón Discussion #34-43 July 2-6

The first hour

  • Isa decides it is for the best if she and 'Nando break up. She doesn't want to be to blame for the break-up of his family.
  • Leo gets angry that 'Nando made Isa cry. The two go off to share a few drinks. 'Nando opens up about his situation with Doris, but swears Isa is the one for him. Both Leo and 'Nando talk about their fear of being alone. Leo admits he regrets leaving Sarita. (Meanwhile Sarita explains to Zoe that once a love is broken, it's never the same. Zoe looked pensive.) Leo asks 'Nando to keep their little chat secret.
  • Willy makes his way to the archbishop's office and takes the blame for the *ahem* campaign for prevention.
  • Mother Superior tells Lucía to take a vow of silence. Lucía starts wearing a dry erase board. "NO ME HABLES. VOTO DE SILENCIO." Mother Superior is not amused, but allows Lucia to use it for emergencies.
  • Cecilio visits FFFFF in the hospital. FFFFF tells him about kissing Zoe. FFFFF tells Cecilio to call Zoe (not sure on the details.) He does but Zoe hangs up since she doesn't recognize the voice. FFFFF calls right back and explains it was his buddy Cecilio. For his part Cecilio seemed to recognize Zoe's voice.
  • *sigh* Horty and Marisnot. Marisnot is Marisnot and wants to leave the house, but Mine stops her since that's what 'Nando wanted. Marisnot calls Horty who rushes to her aid. As they are leaving the run into Isa who tells them she is breaking up with 'Nando...right when he walks up. Horty and Marisnot don't really believe her and they flounce off. 'Nando tells Isa he loves her enough to fight the odds and eventually talks her out of breaking up. (The kissing is still "meh" in my book. Have I mentioned that I now think both Diego and Elizabeth are culpable? They only have chemistry if they DON'T kiss.)
  • Guillerma nags Leo. He has some sort of attack. (Maybe the vapors?)
  • Jazmín and Reina get busted by Padre...but he lets her stay.
  • Doris comes to visit 'Nando and brings gifts for the girls. A perfectly times gastric gurgle makes Merifer think she felt the baby move. While Doris is there she finds out abut 'Nando's plan to take Isa out. Doris texts Poncho and tells him to do something to sabotage the evening.
I will return with hour two later this evening...


Sunday, July 01, 2012

Por ella soy Eva- Cast of Characters

Lucero is Helena Moreno: Single, she is an administrator for tourist businesses. A loving mother, intelligent, dedicated to making a good life for her son Lalito, 8 years old. She has had to deny her wish for independence in order to remain in the family home under the strict rules of her father and to work to cover Lalito's needs. Love is not her priority. She doesn't want to risk being hurt, or worse, having her son become fond of somebody who isn't worth it. Juan Perón conquers her with romantic gestures, wins her son's heart and her mother's trust. She becomes engaged and believes he is the love of her life. Unexpectedly she discovers he has been out to deciev her and steal her project. She will have to reconstruct her life and becomes rather cold and hard to survive her pain.
Jaime Camil is Juan Carlos Caballero: Operations Vice President of Grupo Imperio. Efficient, competitive, able to ignore ethics in order to achieve his goals and steal information. As a friend he is loyal, generous and affectionate. His best friends, Santiago y Fernando, are like his family. He is the iconic Don Juan: sexy, virile, intellitent, charming, elegant and well-dressed, born to seduce, he has money and is part of the jet set. No woman can resist his charms. In order to steal her project he decides to win Helena, but finds in fact she's a wonderful woman, and, without noticing, he falls hopelessly in love with her and her son. Accused of a fraud he did not commit, chased by the cops, there is an accident and people think he's dead. When he finds out Helena needs an assistant when she joines Grupo Imperio, he pretends to be a widow and gets the job. He sets out to prove his innocence.
Jaime Camil is Eva María León Jaramillo: She is a character invented by Juan Carlos, evidently of the working class, without family, a widow. Observing Mimi, 'she' becomes brusque, frank, uses florid language, and is very appealing. She is robust, tall, coarse, and comes to be seen as intelligent, wise, loyal, efficient, a good friend, and altogether a fine woman.
Jesús Ochoa is Adriano Reyes: Antonia's brother, Plutarco's brother-in-law. Major share-holder and president of Grupo Imperio. A seducer, noble, gentlemanly and serious about work. He loves to be around beautiful woman but doesn't think highly of their capacities. This ugly attitude permeates Grupo Imperio. He is very disappointed when he believes Juan Carlos has betrayed him. Though he is a master of seduction, he feels very alone. He seriously falls for Eva.
Helena Rojo is Eugenia Mistral: Modesto's wife, mother of Juan Carlose, she has been an actress all her life and became well-known, but when she married Modesto made her abandon her career to be wife and mother. She is friendly, assertive, educated, with some eccentricities that hint at her artistic past, nevertheless she has episodes similar to dementia although her diagnosis is not clear.
Paty Navidad is Mimí de la Rosa: Owner of the apartment where Juan Carlos takes refuge after the accident. She is single, kindly, optimistic, generous, a hard worker, she tries to see the best in everyone. She is frank and open like the people of the north: happy, likes to party, tells jokes. Her talent for makeup was inherited from her mother who worked in the cinema and knew famous actors. She makes up everybody in the neighborhood so she's a celebrity. She transforms Juan Carlos into Eva.
Mariana Seoane is Rebeca Oropeza: Plutarco's lover, coordinator of Public Relations at Grupo Impero and, like her kind, she has thousands of contacts in the tourism world. She is manipulative, cynical, astute, ambicious and greedy, but very amusing and appealing. And sexy. She's quite a trickster; she seduces Plutarco and looks to a secure future with high status and cool stuff. She expects him to obey her caprices but she has to put up with his having a spouse (Antonia).
Leticia Perdigón is es Silvia Romero:Helena's mother, Eduardo's wife, Lalito's aunt. Housekeeper. She is patient, loyal, sensitive and dependable. It is her efforts that keep her marriage together, she believes marriage is for better or worse. She is serene, reserved, observant, wise, she loves her daughter and nephew, they are her main happiness.

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Por ella soy Eva - English synopsis

This show is supposedly starting July 16 at 8pm, so the dreadful 2-hour Refugio marathons suffered by bloggers and fans alike are almost over. Ezra and I will be blogging this new one. Current and would-be bloggers of Refugio and/or Por Ella, leave me a comment below.

Juan Carlos Caballero (Jaime Camil), an incorrigible Don Juan, who uses women and does not believe in love, is a prominent executive in Grupo Imperio, an outstanding firm dedicated to tourist-related activities and business.

Using his famous talents as a seducer he pretends to be a businessman from abroad and tries to steal from Helena Moreno (Lucero) - a single mother and entrepreneur - her innovative project related to tourist development for a Mexican beach. Nevertheless, despite all predictions, getting to know her he finds himself in love for the first time.

Just when he's thinking of telling her the truth, he is busted and at the same time is unjustly accused of a huge fraud by the financial vice president of the company where he works. This villain is the perverse Plutarco Ramos (Marcelo Córdoba), who furthermore is the one who in reality has robbed Helena's important project and now, with the Tourism Commission, he is accusing her of stealing his idea.

Pursued by the police, Juan Carlos flees while within Grupo Imperio Plutarco decides to hire Helen to head up her own project. The young woman, unemployed and with an accusation hanging over her, feels forced to accept the post in order to demonstrate that she has been victim of fraud.

It's at this point that Juan Carlos, who is in hiding, discovers an opportunity to return in order to vindicate himself and recover Helena's love.

How to be near her without her noticing? How to figure out who unjustly accused him of this huge fraud? Juan Carlose decides, because of his love for Helena, to become Eva; in this way he will learn a lesson that changes his vision of life and his perception of women, and will become a man of integrity and power and, finally, bring him to real love.

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Por Ella Soy Eva-index

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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #50-51 Fri 6/29/12 Part I-Conny Wants To Tell The Secret and the PieCart Is Rolling Toward Our Happy Couple; Part II- The 15-Day Slip Twixt the Cup and The Lip


Part I: Recap by Madelaine

Around Mexico City:

Rod and Luci are still eating lunch and Luci is kinda a little miffed at Rod. She wants to know why Rod never told her Rosa was in the hospital. He says he just found out not too long ago.

Gala is in her office, and is thinking about how she is gonna stop this church wedding. The P.I. calls her from Het Het and says he is having trouble getting info on Luci from the locals. He also tells her about the Commandante that is in charge there; He also tells her about Don Aquiles knowing Luci. Julie is hoping the P.I. gets enough good credible dirt on Luci, but they are still going to search for all the proof they can. Gala wants to publish those pics in her magazine. Carolla advices Gala she better have iron clad proof or else that servant will sue. Julie can't wait for all this to go down cause then Luci's reputation will be ruined. (Note to Julie and Gala: I see a piecart in your future too, jus' sayin'). At this point the P.I. calls Gala back and tells her that according to a convo he just heard that Luci could have Don A thrown in jail. Now Gala is really interested in Don A. She wants info on him too, and she wants to contact him.

Hot Bod Rod and Luci have finally arrived at the church to see Padre Honesto. They go into the church and meet Padre Honesto. Rod would like the Padre to perform the wedding ceremony, he tells the Padre that they have already done the civil ceremony. The Padre is delighted to do it, and he tells Rod , word to your mother, hope she gets well soon. While Rod is talking to the Padre, Luci is praying to Jesus on the cross, and Padre wants to know her religious background. She tells him she is Catholic, has gone to Church all her life and has an icon of the Virgincita in her room. Padre is pleased to hear it. They both tell Padre they want Pato at their wedding. Padre is also very pleased with this too. (I have to say here, this is the most relaxed I have seen the Padre yet. He is always being stressed out by the crazy Rosa). There is a knock on the door, and guess who has come to call on the Padre, anyone, it's Pato. Yay. Pato comes in to Padre's office and says he wouldn't miss this wedding for anything. Luci and Rod are so surprised to see him there. Pato knew they would be meeting there, cause Rod told him earlier. He tells Luci he is very happy to be her BIL. Padre is really happy to see Pato, and likes him being there, what a nice surprise. Pato tells Padre Honesto, he can't stay cooped up all of his life he wants to LIVE. Padre is very happy with this also. Pato tells Rod and Luci about the movement in his hand, Luci goes by him and he grabs her hand and holds it, sigh! Now the three are having tea with Padre Honesto. Rod is telling the Padre that he can't wait for the church ceremony, cause then he can finally live with his wife. Padre is further impressed, if he only knew, jus' sayin' Padre wants to know if Rosa has left the hospital yet, Rod doesn't know and calls Hanna. Hanna tells him Rosa is being discharged from the hospital shortly.

Hanna, Max, Oscar, Boris and Mati are all at the hospital and all with Rosa. She is almost ready to leave the hospital. Oscar and Hanna both tell Rosa she looks much better. Rosa tells Mati, to go on back to the house now, cause Pato will feel deserted (Note to Rosa: Pato escaped again, nanny nanny boo boo. ). Mati leaves and Boris tells Max he would like to have a word with him. Boris and Max go out to the waiting area and Boris asks Max if Hanna can be his novia. He explains to Max that he respects Hanna and her whole family and that's why he is asking for permission. Max likes the respect. Then Boris asks him if Hanna can come to his birthday party this weekend. Max says no. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an away party or not. Someone please clarify. Boris tells him his parents will be at this party,and Max wants to know if Lula will be there. Boris tells him, no she won't, but Melissa will be there. Max says then of course she can and Boris thanks him.

Meanwhile, Hanna is on the phone with Rod in Rosa's hospital room. Rosa wants to know where Rod is, Hanna tells her he is meeting with Padre Honesto and Rosa wants to know what about. Hanna doesn't tell her. Hanna is saved by the bell, uh the Doctor, who tells Rosa she can now leave the hospital. The doctor also tells Rosa he wants her to see a cardiologist he is recommending so they can give her an EKG and test her heart to see if there is a problem. (Note to doctor: Why didn't you do all this while she is there, jus' sayin'). He says they need to find out if she has some type of heart malfunction.

Claudio and Conny meet in a cafe. Conny thanks him for helping Melissa with her thesis. Claudio says he is happy to do it. Claudio wants to know how Rosa is doing and tells Conny he hopes she is feeling better, after all Rosa is sooo sensible (haven't really talked to her Claudio have you, jus' sayin'). When he says this, Conny is rolling her eyes, lol. Claudio tells Conny that Rosa was with Aurora when she died and he says there is so much drama now with the exhumation of the bodies of his wife and baby. Claudio tells Conny the reason for the exhumation is to move the bodies of both to his family crypt. Conny says she understands and she is getting very nervous. She tells him she would like to have coffee with him sometime and she goes. But before she leaves the cafe she gives him a look I like to describe as Hey, big fella come up and see me sometime, it is that kind of look. She is interested in our handsome lawyer, jus' sayin'.

Meanwhile Gala has gone to see Lastra the Jackwagon at his dubious place of bidness. They are talking about the photos he wants her to buy. I think she gave him a payment for them or partial payment, someone please clarify. Mr. Jackwagon gives her the photos. There is one of Luci taken from the side and she has that wig on. She doesn't look recognizable. Mr. Jackwagon is happy to be getting payment. He gives her a receipt and she gives him the check.

Now we have a Frigid moment. She is all alone in the house, lording it over nothing, like she is the Grande Dame over everything and goes into the kitchen. Now for the comedy part of this recap, the music becomes playful and guess who is sneaking up on the Rigid one??? Aldo, who scares her so bad, I think she peed her pants (Note to Frigid, invest in Depends, jus' sayin'). He scares her so bad, she tells him she could have had a, wait for it, infarto. Then Frigid lights into Aldo about Gennaro that got in trouble for his crime of sneaking Pato off to that bar, doncha know. He smarts off at her, and then leaves, and then old Frigid is trying to catch her breath when for the second time this recap, wait for it, Mati comes sneaking into the kitchen and scares ole Frigid again. So now she is yelling at Mati for scaring her; Mati throws up her hands, and Frigid finally leaves the kitchen. lol.

Selena, Max's secretary, sees Aldo. She tells Aldo his Tio Max wants to see him. Aldo asks Selena about the computer system at Torreslanda. She tells him something, and then gives him a number, that he says over and over. I don't know if this is a password to get in or some security code. If someone knows please comment. Selena reminds Aldo his Tio wants to see him ASAP. Aldo calls his Tio Max. Max asks where he is right now. Aldo tells him he is at Torreslanda, working. Max tells Aldo to go to the Torreslanda home and to wait for him cause he wants to have a *serious* convo with him.

Rod and Luci have left the Padre's and now are at Vio's apt. Hanna calls Rod and tells him Rosa has been released from the hospital and Luci tells Rod he better go home and see his Mama Rosa. Rod assures Luci he will talk to Rosa about the two of them. He reminds her that they are husband and wife now, one person. They will never have any secrets and will be together foreva. (Anyone else see that piecart rolling toward them?) Lots of smoochies and Rod tells her he'll see her tomorrow. Luci is trying to assure herself she will she her Hot Bod Rod Hubby manana.

After Aldo has scared Frigid half to death, don't we wish, he has gone to Pato's room. He has that shamrock page up again and is asking Pato why he can't get in. Pato tells him it is highly secured and you need a special code to get in, I think. Bout this time, Max shows up and Aldo closes that laptop, right quick. Max tells Aldo to get to that library and wait for him! Aldo goes and Max asks Pato what they were discussing? Pato tells him it was something work related.

Rosa, Hanna, and Rod are all together in Rosa's bedroom and Rod gives Rosa the message from Padre Honesto that he will see her tomorrow. She is so pleased. Then she wants to know why he went to see the Padre. Rod tells her that he went to see Padre Honesto to, wait for it, officiate at the church wedding of he and Luci. Rosa is starting to go off the rails again, she is saying, no, no. He says he will talk to her later about this, and she is still saying no, no. Rod tells Rosa to get some rest and leaves her in Hanna's hands. Hanna tries to calm her down. Mati has brought Rosa something to eat and Hanna is trying to feed it to her. They are in Rosa's bedroom. Rosa says she doesn't want anything, that water is enough for her (Remember what I said about saints that over fasted all the time)? She thanks Mati at least for making her something to eat. She tells them both, she wants to sleep. Conny comes in about this time and Hanna and Mati leave. Conny asks Rosa if she is feeling better? Rosa says she feels better. Conny tells Rosa about seeing Claudio this afternoon. Conny says this convo with Claudio was interesting cause he told her, are you ready, that you, Rosa were with Aurora when she died! Rosa says this has been her heavy burden to bear all these years. Well Conny is having none of this self righteous pity from her sister, and tells her What About CLAUDIO'S burden? Poor Claudio has suffered all these years because of your craziness. Conny wants Rosa to tell Claudio the truth. Rosa tells Conny that SHE is crazy and can't tell the truth. Conny wants to know what happened to the baby. Rosa says she won't tell the truth cause it would cost her her family's love, cause they will never forgive her for what she did. Conny reminds Rosa she is the accomplice and can't keep it in anymore and she feels really bad. Then Rosa tells Conny you are my sister, you can't tell. Well, Conny has finally had enough, and she tells Rosa, if you won't tell Claudio, then I will, That his daughter is alive! Rosa tells Conny to leave the past in peace and not to betray her. (Are you kidding me???). Conny tells Rosa how it really is, and not the fantasy she has made up in her mind. She tells Rosa that SHE is the traitor. She tells Rosa that Claudio trusted Rosa and all of the Torreslanda's and just look what they did to him. Conny says she can not take this burden anymore. They have been yelling all this time. Rosa is hyperventilating by this time and takes some pills.Conny leaves. After Conny leaves, Rosa is taking more pills. She is still hyperventilating when Max comes in, he tells her to calm down. Then he notices all the spilled pills, and realizes how many she took. He takes the rest and puts them back in bottle.

Max and Aldo are finally having their little meeting, when Max tells Aldo that Jeronimo talked to him about Vicky. Max wants to know if he is seeing Vicky, si or no? Aldo says, yes Tio, I am seeing her! So Max goes on the song and dance about Aldo knows very well what the regs are and he isn't supposed to be dating an employee, well, Aldo with his stones, and I mean to say they will be boulders soon, when he says, wait for it, Vicky is NOT AN EMPLOYEE. He says Jeronimo is, but not his daughter Vicky. Aldo asks his Tio Max, oh, what is there a problem? Why do you care anyway, Ruh Roh. Well Tio Max is a little flustered and tells Aldo to leave him alone and go. Aldo leaves.

Luci is at Dona Estella's. Rod calls Luci and tells her he has a very special day planned for her tomorrow. After Luci hangs up, she tells Dona Estella that she is going on a shopping trip tomorrow. Dona Estella tells her she is really lucky. Luci says her love for Hot Bod Rod Hubby is very strong and everyone is on board but Rosa. They need her to get on board, good luck with that.

Conny is in a little office at the Torreslanda home when Aldo comes in. He asks his Mama Conny if she is ok. She says she is, but looks upset. She says she is thinking of work. Aldo wants to go out. Conny asks who with? Aldo tells her a friend, what friend? She asks him how work is going? He says he is doing alot, but he is dreaming of being something else someday. He wants to be a big cheese. Aldo goes, and then calls Vicky. He tells her he is waiting for her, and Vicky tells him she can't come out to play, no, she tells him she doesn't want to go out, cause her Daddy says she can't and he knows very well that she got in trouble with Max, and says Max knows he is seeing Vicky. Now Vicky is really pithed and she hangs up on Aldo. Her papa Jeronimo comes out and asks her who she is talking to,and she lies and says it was a client that likes to gossip. Jeronimo doesn't buy it and tells her not to lie. He tells her that that guy should have some respect, cause just cause she's poor doesn't mean she can't be respected. You got that right Don Jeronmio but you got the wrong guy. It's your employer, jus' sayin'.

Rosa is now sleeping and she is having a nightmare, I mean a dream about Aurora and the baby. Aurora is loving her little baby, and has tears in her eyes. Rosa tells her to rest. Aurora wants to get better and she is crying, cause I think she knows she won't. Aurora so wishes she could see Claudio. She begs Rosa to be a good Mama to her baby, and for Max to help raise her if anything should happen to her. Rosa is staring at the baby, and Aurora is pleading with her.


Het Het:

Paz and Ariche are walking down the street in Het Het, and guess who they run into, anyone wanna guess, wait for it, it's Don Aquiles. He tells her he gave the deeds to her house and lands to Lic Barrerra, and she tells him good for you, you A$$Hat, just kidding, but she tells him good for you or you would have ended up in la carcel. Don A tells Paz he wants to be left in well, paz. Paz, in her infinite wisdom, tells Don A, he won't have paz because he is trying to destroy people's lives like that, and wait for it, Dios is watching him. (Ha!). And guess what he does? He actually looks up to Heaven, like he is really in trouble now. Unbeknownst to Paz and Don A the P.I. is sitting not far from them and takes pics and makes a recording of the whole conversation.

Don Aquiles is in his office playing darts when Copio tries to come in and Don A almost hits him. Copio has brought the money from the bodega to him. Don A tells Copio to go clean Dona Paz's house, cause she is having a big ole party there, not really he tells Copio that she is moving back into her house. Copio is Que? Que? (What, What?) She is really moving back in? Don A says no she's having a big ole fiesta, of course she is moving back in. He tells Copio, wait for it, I am a noble human being and I am giving her house back to her. (Note to Don A: Forgot to mention Lic Barrerra and the carcel didn't you) and he does a gesture with his hand, like he is kissing himself, I was roaring with laughter when I saw this, jus' sayin'. Copio wants to know if he is doing this to get an in with Luci. He says no, she didn't do this thing. He says he will never forgive her for marrying that Chilango and that Don A's heart is full of love for Luci. Just about this time his phone rings. Don A answers and the person on the other end would like to do some bidness with him. He wants to know what type of bidness. It's Gala that has called Don A. She tells him she wants info on Luciana Jacinto. He wants to know, what you want with my Palomita? Gala has the gall to tell Don A that Luci stole Rod from Gala just at the point when they were at the altar ready to be married. She tells Don A the man is Rodrigo Torreslanda (like Don A knows who he is). Now Don Aquiles as funky as he is, said something really great here, he feels that this is all, wait for it, Rod's FAULT. Yay, Don A. Gala states her bidness and asks Don A if he is interested in seperating Rod from Luci, si or no? Gala tells him, he could get his Palomita back. Don A gets her phone number and tells her he will think about it and call her back tomorrow.


Dona Lucita is on the sidewalk eating some of that yummy grilled corn you can buy from a street vendor and the Chisme Ladies see her and ask her if she is now Don Aquiles Novia??? I think she says she is. The Chisme Ladies think it is romantic that Don A got her that house. Don A is done with his phone call and is strolling down the street, and Dona Lucita sees him and wants to know if he is looking for her, Don A shoos the Chisme Ladies away. Dona Lucita tells Don A she can't wait for the Night Of Amor with him. Ha! Dona Lucita is flirting with Don A, but the Chisme Ladies have not gone far. They are using the Frigid method of hiding behind pillars and listening. Don A asks her what is the hurry? We can wait, (Note to Don A- you are so stringing her along). She is still eating that grilled corn, and she tells him, please don't break this dream of mine. She wants music and dancing and the whole nine yards, and not only that, she wants this Manana! He is wheedling his way out and leaves. The Chisme Ladies have heard it all and are giggling. 

Part II- Recap by Anita


Roselena is having a nightmare.  It’s a very complete screening in muted greys and blues of the flashback to Aurora’s final moments.  Aurora is pleading with Rosa to take care of her just-born infant daughter, as she would her own, until such time as Claudio can know her and take care of her.  Rosa apparently promises.  Aurora expends her dying breaths reminding Rosa of her promise.  Sadly, Rosa can barely stand to hold the child.  Rosa tosses and turns, and finally the flashback is over.  We in Viewerville are touched that Aurora got to hold her baby girl before dying.

In The Den of Iniquity - I
Connie and Max can’t sleep.  They bump into each other in the sala and start to talk.  Connie is waiting up for Aldo to get home, she’s always worried about him.  Now that she mentions him, Max tells Connie how Don Jer came to him bothered that Aldo is making a play (cortejando = courting, wooing) for Vicky.  Connie wonders if he’s really sure.  Well, he back pedals a bit, no, maybe not going steady, but he’s definitely seeking her out, trying to woo her.  That bothers him.  Of course he can’t share the real reason, so he comes up with the lame, outdated (IMHO) office policy of non-fraternization among employees.  Never mind that Aldo is not wooing Don Jer, but his daughter.

Connie is completely oblivious of whom and to whom she is speaking as she continues the conversation, about how strange that sounds when Vicky is already in a serious relationship with an older man, a very married one.  Max wants to know how she knows this.  Vicky, the girl from the nail salon they patronize, was telling them—he should remember her, she came to the house one day.  They’ve also heard some things from Nicole.  Apparently this man treats her very well, showers her with gifts and she’s over the moon with felicidad.  Connie adds, Poor Muchachita.  Max wants to know why, if she’s a mature young lady who knows what she wants.  Connie says that Vicky is still young, attractive and should be going out with someone closer to her own age.  This type of relationship can only end by hurting her or cause lasting damage.  Max avers that maybe she’s in love with this man.  Nah, Con doesn’t think so.  Nicole told her this man is of very high social standing, very powerful and very rich.  That type of man pays for his sins with diamonds.  Aldo can’t compete with this man; Vicky would never trade youth for money (Famous Last Words, Connie).  Regardless, she’ll speak with Aldo because the last thing she wants is for Aldo to get into problems with Tío Max.  Max is digging a deep hole with doodoo at the bottom for himself.  When all this comes out and he’s smelling to high heaven, Connie will remember this conversation (IMHO).

Max thanks her profusely and changes the subject.  What he’s really preoccupied by is his wife.  Max doesn’t understand Rosa’s attitude toward Luciana.  Especially after all the good she’s done helping with Patricio’s rehabilitation.  Hanna loves her and Rod fell in love with her and *married* her.  He thinks it’s absurd of Roselena to think that he had a child with Aurora.  Her condition has been getting worse since Luciana arrived.  Is it just because of the physical likeness between the two that has provoked this current state of mind?  He just doesn’t know, doesn’t know.  

Max thinks a psychiatrist is the way to go.  Someone has to help her out of this torment.  She’s losing touch with reality.  She’s hurting herself, him and all her children.  Connie thinks they should seek out a psychoanalyst.  She probably doesn’t know how many years of investing time and money is involved in psychoanalysis, with debatable results (IMHO).  Rosie, poor thing, needs a quick fix.  Max complains that she has even gone so far as wanting him to admit to an affair with Aurora and that the child who died with her is his.  He’s not going to admit to something that has no basis in fact.  He never had anything to do with Aurora, other than to hold her in high esteem and admire her for how loving and attentive she was with Claudio—all the things he wished Roselena could have been for him—a real wife.  Connie reminds him that Rosely really loved him, truly, from the moment they met.  Max says he did, too, and in fact, still loves her, but this illness is going to seriously affect her own son.  So, either she gets professional help or she’s going to end up in a mental institution (Famous Last Words, Max).  Connie is stunned.   

In The Den of Iniquity - II
Julie and her amiga Carola are getting ready for an evening meal at Gala’s.  She makes a quick call to Brigida and learns that Rosie is home. She turns her attention to making a Luciana Salad.  The ingredients read like the list of “proofs” they have built up against that zorra: a) Lastra’s confession; b) the confession of that old pueblerino (meaning Don Aquiles); c) the relationship between Luciana and the Torreslanda’s no. 1 enemy, Claudio Linares; d) the photos of Luci at the antro;  add to that a little intrigue, a little contempt.  All done.  Carola thinks Julie is quite perverse. She doesn’t want any of her “salad.”  This salad is going to wilt (IMHO).

Gala arrives home and might join them at their meal, but she’s really tired.  She has the pictures *and* she talked to el tal Don Aquiles, who’s going to give her an answer tomorrow.  Julie is overjoyed to see the photos and promises to pay Gala back as soon as Roselena pays her.  The money is the least of Gala’s concerns.  But Julie insists.  They did all the work, so since Roselena has it to spare, they’ll stick her for it.  They gossip about Rosa going to see the Padre first thing every morning.  Carola thinks she must be quite the little sinner.  Julie assures her that Rosie prays for everyone, especially for Julie herself.  There is no doubt in Carola’s mind that these two are mother and daughter. 

Gala thinks it would be very advantageous to talk to the Padrecito since everyone in the Torreslanda family confides in him.  Gala sees this as a big opening to suck up to the Padre and to suck out his secrets.  Padre isn’t going to offer his arm to this blood-hungry mosquito any time soon (IMHO).

In the Workout Den of Almost Iniquity – III
For overheated hot bod eye-candy gawkers in Viewerville, we are treated to a 43 second workout session with Hot Bod Rod (where do I get the video?).  He is clearly working out his sexual frustration, so he can maintain his composure around Luciana (IMHO), since she demurely declined to stay with him in his apartment until after the church wedding, which is taking place in 15 days.

In the Homey Lady's Den of Pure Thoughts With Lots of Pictures on the Wall
Luciana is sitting with Estela, waiting up for Serena to get home safely from her first night at the Antro.  Estela tells her that Luciana can stay with them as long as she likes.  Dreamy-eyed, Lucia tells her that she’ll be staying with Violeta, even if it’s going to be a little tight with Lorenzo there.  It’s not for long, only until her wedding day, in 15 days, then she’ll be Sra. Torreslanda, after which, she’ll be living with her husband.  Start crossing the days off the calendar, honey, but it’s going to be a lot longer than those 15 days before you get the Padre’s blessing (IMHO). 

In the REAL Den of Iniquity
Serena, the new devil in a red dress, and Polo talking together at the Inferno.  She’s really tired because she has to get up so early.  Polo says to get a hustle or she’s not going to last very long here.  She’s obviously a raw recruit and a bit nervous, but she needs the job to help her family back home and pay her rent.  Ivan approaches and shoos her out onto the floor—and to remember her charola.

Marcial has accompanied Violeta/Coral to the back of the Inferno.  He’s giving her a hot and heavy goodbye.  He’s frustrated, too.  He wants to “be” with her tonight,  after she gets off work.  Decent girl that she is, Vio says, no, no, to the proposition.  First a wedding, *then* the honeymoon.

Aldo has come to Inferno by himself.  He’s at the roulette wheel.  Lorenzo moseys up and the two of them pretend very hard that nothing is going on between them, as they exchange “pleasantries” for the benefit of the house cameras.  Lorenzo is looking fine in his suit and tie.  He tells Aldo that he’s checked it out and Lastra won’t be in the office tomorrow.   Aldo tells him he’s discovered some strange connection between this place and his uncle Max.

Down In The Saintly Den of the Torreslanda Servants Quarters
Matilde tells the Virgencita and all of Viewerville how sorry she is for protecting Rosa’s secret and not betraying her and also for withholding the information about Luci’s origins.  She tells the Virgencita that the past is catching up with her niña and she’ll have to confront it.  Matilde hopes said Virgencita will show Roselena the way and give her strength.  She begs the Virgencita’s forgiveness.  (Viewerville already knew this.)


In the Saintly Den in Het Het
Don Serapio comes to Magda’s to tell them that Luciana has set the date for her wedding.  It will be in 15 days.  He’s in a quandary over the invitation to the boda.  His new guy is verde (same as in English, green) and he doesn’t want to think about someone in Het Het dying while he’s at the wedding.  Later on, Magda and Paz are together.  Magda can’t wait to see Violeta again after all these years.  Then they talk excitedly about what to wear to the wedding.  They’ve decided the box of stuff didn’t trigger any ahas.  Even though Paz would rather wear her widow’s rags, Magda talks her into a visit to the mercado, pick out some material and ask Doña Marta the Sewing Lady to make them something.  The stand-owner is trying to interest them in a bolt that is a bit too flashy for Paz, too many flowers.  She’d rather have something simpler.  Ariche comes upon them and declares that he wants to look elegant and so he’s going to ask his a-ma for a new pair of guaraches to show off at the wedding. 

In the Not So Saintly Den in Het Het
Don Aquiles is wrestling with himself out loud over Gala’s offer.  He finally picks up his retro, green rotary dial phone and makes the call to Gala.  Acepto (even if it’s not in a customary marriage).  With the two of them working together it won’t take long to separate La Palomita for her from this relamido (affected, prim, over-fine, over-nice) chilango (from the D.F.), Rodrigo.   Don Aquiles is really put out with Proco because he was supposed to tell Paz they were going to switch back houses today, but came back with the story that they weren’t there.  Don A. gives him one upside the head, the shoulders, the backside and tells him to get back there and wait for them.  Procopio explains that if he waits there, who would be in the office for el Día de la Raya (payday).  Don A throws him out, telling him to obey his orders to stay at the house until Paz comes back.

In No Den at All, but Al Fresco
Luciana and Rodrigo are breaking the fast together.  He wants to know if she’s content.  He wants her to have anything she wants, just ask and it shall be given.  Lucia’s meal is less interesting than getting up close and personal with Rod.  She makes him get up and come over to her and gives him a big smack on the lips, in public, no less.  “Eso es lo que quiero,” that’s what I want (the kiss; but also, that’s what I love).  He comes back with a chaste, “Y yo te quiero a tí,”  I love you (but he really means I “want” you).  Then he tells her, “Me encanta ser tu mushashón.” (Translation from Het Het to English: A big, strong, handsome guy who is going to build his beautiful bride a little cottage with indoor plumbing on a bluff overlooking the valley of Het Het, work the land every day to provide his growing family with food on the table, clothes on their backs and eventually forgets about flowers, cards, candles, wine and flower petals around the marital bed—he’s just too tired.)  The camera swings away just a second too soon to catch Luciana saying, “Te quiero,” but we know she says it because we can lip read Rod’s reply, “Y yo mas.”

In Mama Bear’s Den
Roselena is in a much better mood this morning.  Connie stops in to check on her.  Yes, she’ll be seeing Padre later.  She fusses that Padre listens, advises, but never offers solutions.  She wants to talk to Connie later.  Connie leaves for work.  Gala calls.  She wants to update her on the investigations they’ve been making.  She agrees to meet Gala at her apartment later that afternoon, so they can talk without interruptions.  Surprise, surprise, Padre comes to see Roselena at the house.  She knows Rodrigo went to see him.  Yes, he came with Luciana to set their wedding date.  In 15 days he marries Luciana.  There’s a cute little side show with Brigida trying not to deliver the coffee right away as Rosa’s conversation is starting to get interesting, but Mati foils her plan by following on her heels with a tray of cookies and making sure she doesn’t hover after leaving.

She tells the Padre that eso no puede ser (Bingo anyone?), he can’t marry them.  It’s not just because Luci looks like Aurora, there is a justification.  After much back and forth, she finally lets loose with her horrible revelation: 1. Luciana is the baby she gave away to the gardeners; 2. Luciana is the daughter of Aurora Linares; 3. Luciana is the daughter of Aurora Linares WITH her husband Max.  Padre wants to know *what* is she saying.  Rosa is disgorging all her loathing and abhorrence of Luciana.  Every time Luciana looks at her, it’s Aurora that is looking at her and recriminating her for having given away the fruit of that infidelity.  Padre is, to say the least, shocked.  Luciana and Rodrigo are half-sibs, Rosa states the obvious.  Padre wants to know, does Max know?  Yes, he knows, but the coward denies it.  Padre is sure Max would never have approved of the relationship had he known of her paternity.  For Rosa, it is simple, Max is a coward.  He can’t admit that he ever had an affair with Aurora or that the child is his.  Padre is still shocked, still sure Max would have been the first to shout it out.  Because of Max and his infidelity, Roselena declares, she has never been able to live in peace.      

Mati comes in with Rosa’s medicines.  Padre notices the frantic hand sanitizing Rosa is engaged in.  He looks perplexed and grossed out.  He wants to know if she’s ok.  Yes, now that she’s been able to tell him the truth.

Q. Why is she so convinced that Luci is Max’s child?
A. Because an insecure, insanely jealous woman with an overactive imagination always paints the worst scenario and believes it to be true.  Who can argue with that logic (IMHO).

In the Den of Merchants
Rodrigo has brought Luci to Mexico City’s Rodeo Drive.  He wants her to buy anything she wants to be the most beautiful bride.  Melissa and Hanna meet up with them, squealing in delight as the two are caught kissing.  Rod gives Hannah his credit card and his permission to buy out Rodeo Drive, so Luci does Pretty Woman and Maria Isabel.  The first wedding dress she’s shown seems a little too shiny to her, she wants something—a little simpler.  The next one she gets to try on.  It is absolutely gorgeous, as is she.  Take a long look, Viewerville.  The pie carts and anvils are lined up guaranteeing that she won’t make it up the aisle in it in 15 days (IMHO).  Melissa and Hanna think Luci has found *the* dress, but are willing to keep looking for something Luci likes better.  She says she’s satisfied with the one she tried on.  So, the girls try to talk her into buying more clothes.  As Luci demurs, Melissa is very diplomatic about suggesting that Rodrigo might want to see her in something more citadina (urban) and Luci admits they are probably right.  Then they really get busy.  The first deep salmon rose dress is the prettiest on her.  Viewerville has no idea what they ended up buying because there was a free-for-all at the end with dresses, probably designer dresses in the expensive bracket, being tossed everywhere, but mainly at Luci.

In the Den of Executive Businessmen (Except for the Executive Computer Lady)
Rodrigo has gone to the office on important business, but is not really attending to business.  He’s telling the fellows that in 15 days, they’re getting married.  After congratulatory rounds, they try to get back to business, but it’s hopeless.  Pato, participating by remote teleconferencing, finally has to ask Gabe & Marcos to follow up on the stuff they were supposed to be sending by truck for the foundation since Rodrigo is somewhere on the Isla de Alegría (Happy Island).

Outside the Den of Executive Businessmen
Oscar and Max are brunching together on oj, coffee and something they cut with a knife and fork (so it can’t be frijoles).  They’re discussing the relationship between Claudio and Roselena.  Well, Oscar would like a little clarification as to why he would have shown up at the hospital.  Max explains what Viewerville already knows.  Oscar posits that if all that had happened to him, he probably would have felt the same affection toward Rose.  Max is troubled because he’s sure that behind the courteous façade, Claudio is moving ahead with the review of his case to reopen it against them to try to clear his name.  Oscar assures Max that he’s keeping up with everything so there won’t be any surprises.

In the Den of Honest Lawyers
Claudio is getting briefed by Lic. Barrera over the asunto with Paz in Het Het.  Barrera is so pleased with the outcome.  He scared Don Aquiles by telling him that even though he returned the deeds, charges could still be brought against him for selling the lands and the house fraudulently, prosecuted and end up in jail.  Claudio reminds Barrera that he is still planning to be away for 15 days.  In order to go with some peace of mind, he’s going to stop at the cemetery office to see if the matter of the exhumations can be resolved.

In the Den of the Hardworking Inferno Employees
Vio and Lor are having breakfast together (probably frijoles), chatting about Serena’s first night at Inferno.  There’s a knock at the door.  Fabian, the relative that brought Ariche to visit Luciana, has arrived on Lorenzo’s word that he can find him chamba in DF.  He’s ready to go to work since the coyotes that were taking them “al otro lado” dumped them in the desert and took all their money.  He brought Lorenzo a special Paz care-package and a blessing for Vio from her a-ma who is excited to be seeing her soon.  Vio shudders (me tiembla los dientes) when she thinks about seeing her mother face to face and have Magda find out she’s working at an antro.  She’s going to have to think up something really good to tell her.

In Aldo’s Little Cubbyhole (Not Big Enough to be a Den)
Aldo is working away at his computer when he gets a visit from Vicky’s dad.  Aldo tells him he got read the riot act by Tío Max.  He and Vicky aren’t doing anything wrong, they’re just going out having a little fun, so if Vicky wants to go out with him, he should let her.  Don Jer is not convinced and reminds him of the non-fraternization policy.  Aldo, in a moment of brilliance, which Don Jer doesn’t catch, tells him that—rules are to be broken, just ask his tío about that.  And with that he’s off to see the IT lady (that’s Information Technology, not Clara Bow).

In One Den and Out the Other
Nicole and Vicky are at the nail salon talking about Vicky’s Osito.  She’s worried that he’s mad at her since he hasn’t called her all day.  Nicole has some good advice.  In any social scandal involving a married man, they always come out all right.  The blame is always put on the girl and she gets the bad rap (and rep).  She says Vicky is only like a pila de agua (faucet) where these men go to wash their hands.  Listen up, Vicky, none of these ositos are going to leave their families or their wives for someone like you (Famous Last Words, Vicky—are you listening?).   

In the Den of a Different Merchant
Pulseras are a girl’s best friend—maybe.  Max remembers the conversation with Connie about how expensive gifts smooth over the rough bumps in a relationship.  He walks into a jewelry shop and picks out a bracelet.  The clerk tells him it’s the latest style, very fashionable and just in.  She wonders if it is for someone muy joven, which, after he describes the special young lady this is for, the clerk gushes that it must be for his daughter.  Max pauses for half a second to reflect.  He’s going buy the darn thing to salve his conscience and Vicky will probably accept it, despite Nicole’s consejos (IMHO).

Return to the Den of Iniquity - II
Roselena has finally made it to Gala’s apartment, where Julie is tallying the expenses, so far.  Luckily Rose brought her checkbook because they want compensation for the money they laid out for the photos and the investigator in Het Het.  Rose thinks the price they paid for the pictures was excessive.  Gala arrives at this juncture and tells Rose they were worth every penny as she shows Rose the advance issue of her “yellow journalism” (her words) exposé on antros in the area, featuring Luciana on the cover.  Written all over Gala’s face is, “Take THAT, you rat bastard patán who dumped me at the altar to make a nest with that zorra.”

More revelations on Luciana’s background swirl around the Torreslanda household.  Pato sees Frigida accepting a check.  Rod gets a copy of Gala’s magazine handed to him.  Max is told that Aurora’s child he thought was dead is Luciana—*his* daughter—who is getting ready to marry Rodrigo—*his* son.  So, buddy, Fix It.

Vocabulary and Dichos

Cortejando (from cortejar) = courting, wooing
La charola = tray (a bit farther south, it’s called una bandeja)
Día de raya = payday (El día de raya es el día de pago)
Un relamido – someone who is affected, prim, over-fine, over-nice
Los guaraches, pl. – Mexican sandals 
Me tiembla los dientes = Lit: my teeth are shaking (Likely English: teeth are chattering or I shiver or shudder to think about….)
Pila de agua – can be anything from a flagon for drinking to a faucet (in this case it’s a faucet)
…extra credit:  Pila de Agua Bendita – Basin for Holy Water at the entrance of a church.
Un Chilango, m. – originally meant someone visiting the capital city.  It then eroded into someone who is *from* Mexico City.
La Pulsera = bracelet


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