Monday, September 17, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #114 Mon 9/17/12 Luci Learns a Jacinto-Flores by Any Other Name is Still a Jacinto-Flores; Aldo Learns the Art of Lying is Best Left to the Experts- Tio Max and Tia MentiRosa

This weekend, the poets, writers, and sassy troublemakers of Caray Caray decided to try our hand at writing prose and greeting cards inspired by our telenovela characters. If you missed it, you must go back and read it:

I wrote this little greeting card ditty for our hapless galan, Rodrigo:
Two baby-mamas is a lot to handle
In fact, it seems quite the scandal
But, you double dipped your wick
Now you look like a dick
And your life is all a shambles
Felicitaciones Papa!

Back to our show…
Gala has just made herself a patient of Luci’s (and Connie’s and Melissa’s) OBGyn, and given him some bull story about being Luci’s “friend”, only to have her scheme bite her in the tush when the doctor waxes poetic about the movie-worthy kiss Luci’s “husband” gave her. Ha! The look on Gala’s sour face is priceless!

Meanwhile, said happy papa is in his office when Luci’s papa CL comes in to warn him to quit sniffing around his daughter. Rod tries to assert his rights as expectant papa to stalk Luci, but CL reminds him that he is no longer Luci’s husband, and shouldn’t act as such. His daughter has already had enough troubles without Rod’s crazy wife jumping down her throat all the time for Rod’s behavior. And CL doesn’t want this to be a risk to Luci’s pregnancy. “You are the father of her child, NOT her husband.” Rod clenches his jaw muscles, but seems to get the message.
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Amorcito Corazón Discussion #109-113 Sept. 17-21

Thanks for your patience.  Please let me know what I missed or misinterpreted.
The drunkards, F5 and Fer, are given coffee.  I think Blue Lass mentioned this earlier but our guys really need some professional help with regard to their increasing abuse of alcohol.  They are fortunate they have not had a serious car accident at this point.  Yet, they can’t use being drunk as an excuse for falling in bed with Sabrina; so unfortunate male protagonists, get your acts together before you wake up in someone else’s bed or worse.

Lucia is livid about her kidnaping (surprise, not).  Willy sends the boys back home and keeps Lucia as his captive.  She attempts to escape by going to the bathroom but gets caught in the window.  At this point we have no couples together and watching the evil ones make gains is painful.
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Abismo de pasión #130 9/14/12: If Dam's not Getting Married...Ain't No Dam Body Getting Married!

I did not proofread this.  Sorry.  I will update it shortly. 

Casa de Gabby’s Crib:  Alfonsina is looking for Ingrid.  Gabby reminds her that he found the receipt for the plane tickets.  Alfonsina says that Gabby has always assured her that Estefania was the low-down husband-hawk who was running away with Rosendo.  Gabby says that Alfonsina jumped to her own conclusions about those two tickets to paradise!  He simply let her assume that his lover was Estefania.  Alfonsina believes that Gabby would have never kept those tickets for all of these years if Estefania was the real culprit.  Maybe so…maybe no, says Gabby.  Gabby says that he will give her the tickets for 50% (what a bargain!) of the Procesadora.  Alfonsina says that Gabby can kiss 50% of her butt, cuz he will never be part owner in her company.  Gabby says she will never know the truth.  Alfonsina storms out. 
Casa de Castanon: Sabrina has come to visit Elisa on her wedding day.  She wants to apologize for how she acted in front of Florencia.  Elisa forgives her.  Before Sabrina leaves, Elisa wants to know what Sabby wanted to tell her about Florencia.  Sabby tells Elisa that Paolo told her that he never loved her.  He was only with her to steal Sabby’s baby so that he could give it to Florencia.  According to Paolo, Florencia can’t have kids; Sabby realizes that Paolo was lying.  Elisa points out that Florencia is obviously six months pregnant.  Sabrina wishes Elisa luck and walks out.  Elisa caresses her amulet. 
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Weekend Discussion: Witticisms; Telenovela Greeting Cards-9/15/12

In one of this week's discussions, the Abismo gang noticed a repeated sequence of various characters expressing sympathy to someone because his mother was such a very, very...grave disappointment. It occurred to us that we could make a killing in Telenovelaland by developing a line of appropriate greeting cards for just these sorts of situations...por ejemplo:

Tu mamá es ramera, yo sé
Qué pena contigo mi güey
Pues ni modo, compadre
Lo que hizo tu madre
No fue por tu culpa --
¿o qué?

(Thanks, NovelaMaven!) 

What kinds of greeting cards do you think might come in handy for our imaginary friends? Feel free to dig in in either Spanish or English (or Spanglish) with themes, rhymes or designs.

Here are a few more ideas to get you started:

...on your fake pregnancy
...on your successful embezzlement scheme
...on losing your virginity/fetching up pregnant (combined card)

So sorry
...your rapist got out of jail

Best wishes for a speedy recovery
...from your fall down the stairs
...from your golpeazo
...from your pivotal automobile accident

So have at it -- we know how clever you are!

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Amor Bravío #27 (Uni 22) Fri 9/14/12 A Moment of Truth for Dan; a Confession for Cam; and Possible Curtains for the Curate

Cap 27

As Daniel/D’Andres lends his arm to support a smiling Camila, now forever in his debt for talking her through her fears and getting her behind the wheel of a car again, Dionisio is inside Isadora’s private rooms of the main house complaining to Isssa that the three of them have gone from one major clusterf!%* to another with this land project.  Isssa says she’ll personally clean up their little problem at the hospital (cuz you gotta do it yerself if y’a really want it done right and right away).  Dio’s horns start showing as he says it seems this isn’t Isssa’s first time at the rodeo.

D’Andres brings Agustina and Cam to the hospital.  No change with Padre, says Amanda, but he did survive the night which is something to hang their sombrero’s on.  D’Andres takes Amanda back to the B&B to change, and Cam talks the doc into letting her see how Padre Baldemero is. 

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Por ella soy eva #43 9/14/12- Eva Gets A Promotion, Some of Silvia's Past Comes To Light,,The Putz Gets A Comeuppance


I always get the numbers in Spanish mixed up so please comment on the amount of the shares.

We start tonight with Marcela and Fernando in their office, and Marcela is going over some bills. She wants Ferni to pay the lights, the mortgage and a couple other bills and hands him Kevin's cell phone bill. Lots of calls and numbers. He takes the majority of the bills, not happy about it either and hands the cell phone bill back to Marcela and tells her to handle it, handle it. Marcela looks at the phone bill and doesn't recognize some of the numbers. She calls the number and gets the guy that Kevin was with yesterday, the guy answers, and Marcela hangs up. She looks very concerned.

Pluti and Rebeca walk down the hall, and Rebeca wants to know why he's there already, wasn't he taking time off? He says he is there for the reading of La Gorda's will, (Note to Pluti- Hope the anvil hits you where it hurts the most, jus' sayin'). Anyhoo, they pass by the desk of the Evelettes who are gossiping with other women at G.I., like Tablet Jeffe said, noone works!

Eva is in Helena's office and making some racket with the files, banging them on the table. She isn't singing and yelling at Helena today. She is giving Helena the silent treatment as far as her voice goes, but is banging things around. Eva bangs some files on Helena's desk and the Eiffel Tower too, lol. Helena can't stand the silent treatment and says sorry about throwing you out, but I think Helena says she has to be out by tomorrow, first thing. "Don Pluti" comes in to see Helena. Eva kinda listens over Pluti's shoulder and Cindy one of the Evalettes comes in and says that Eva will have to be at the reading of the will of Antonia. Well, Pluti is having a problem with that. Eva goes and then Pluti too.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #113 Fri 9/14/12 Magda reveals her secret, but is it too late? ... Rod gets mad at his wife's antics and won't let Luci go...Janah has her first jealous itch... and RosaE draws a line with Gala.

Lo refrito:
  • Gala calls RosaE, insults her for letting her son go to the OBGyn with Luci. Whose side are you on???!! (behind Rosa Julie makes sign language gestures to stop Gagme from really signing up Rosa as the enemy = damage control on Gagme's tantrum)
  • Luci tells CL what happened with the meeting with Rod. She is trying to keep her distance but Rod is her child’s father. This is why she does not want to go to the office much. CL promises they will find a solution.
  • Rod gets home to loud barking from Gala, playing offended. She cancelled her apt. with her doctor. Accuses him of not caring for her child, she will not go to Dr unless he goes with her. And warns her if anything happens to my baby, it will be YOUR Fault. (Rod looks as if asking himself what kind of jerk he was for marrying this B___)
  • At Het Het Magda confesses to Paz her story. Just as you and Galdino kept the secret about Luci, I kept the secret of my daughter Vio’s origin. (we see Vio waltzing around with Aquiles)… it is first time I will trust anyone with my secret. And you are like my sister… the father of my Vio.. is Aquiles Trueba Tajonar. (Paz impactada/scared).
Lo Nuevo:
Magda admits it is hard to believe but it is true. At one point Aquiles and I loved each other very much. I was young and innocent and believed anything he told me. I let him wrap me up in his scheme. I got pregnant with my Vio and when I went to tell him, I found him with another woman. I saw them in his house! I felt So much anger, so much rage… I confronted him face to face and all I got from him was insults and humilliations. He said ‘how would you think I would marry you, you ho?’.. he kicked me out like a dirty old rag. I could never go back to my town… I just left, never said anything. I went to another town to have my Chiquita. When I got back, I only got more insults and rejections. That is why I hate him so much. God knows my hatred has been justified. That is why I am full of rancor and resentment. He is a bad man, he poisons the ground/grass he steps on. [Paz is understanding.] Magda is very afraid Aquiles will find Vio.. will not stop being anguished until I can speak to Vio to warn her that man is over there. [Paz understands. Maybe we could now explain the origin of the universe or the laws of inertia and conservation of matter to Paz and she would understand.]

Vio plays Aquiles, pulls on his strings… Aquiles swears he will take care of her, she will need nothing. I am the riches man in SFeA and will put the world at your feet. Vio plays hard to get… and questions the solidity of the offer.  Aquiles squeezes her knee swearing he is good… VERY good!... Aquiles puts pressure for her to decide. She says she feels flattered and appreciated… she sees him handsome, interesting, gentleman, machoman… but what she is looking for is: economic stability, a house, car with driver, cook and maid… a pool, many gifts, new car every year, lots of traveling to Eu and US… if you want to take me to your town, then I will need over there my own house, my own car and everything else like I have here at the capital. Aquiles says she is asking for much, but a lo macho I will say let me run some numbers, and if it turns out good I will give you all you ask. Vio is in disbelief. But he repeats he will run some #s, make some business deals and come back for her. Word of ATT.

At Het Het Luciana arrives. Paz and Magda say she looks beautiful. Luci is so excited telling them she heard her baby’s heartbeat, ‘twas the most wonderful moment of her life. (makes me start humming 'the most wonderful time of the year' song) So happy to know I have a life inside of me. (all 3 women smile). Paz/Magda happy to have her back.

At TL manor, Janah tells Pato about Luci’s visit to the OBGyn. And that Luci already went back to her town. Janah also tells her about meeting Lorenzo at stand but also running into the maids, she is not happy he gets along with the maids… is afraid he likes women like that more than girls like… I don’t know… Pato realizes her look and voice changes when she speaks of Lorenzo… Janah, don’t tell me you are falling for Lorenzo… don’t know, just when I see Lorenzo, I feel something I don’t feel when I see Boris. (butterflies in the stomach, a knot in the throat, flying in the clouds, walking on sunshine... any of this sound familiar, Janah?)

At vecindad, Lorenzo telling Estelita and the girls about his meeting with Janah. Estelita says Luci came to say goodbye. Worried about Magda, who is frantically looking for Vio. The boys and Estelita are taking a day off from working the taco business.. the boys will go with the girls from the hood to the park for a day out. Ofelia says it is a day off for Estelita too, she needs rest from all that cooking. The boys say they will learn to cook…

At Het Het Luci tells the women about Rodrigo showing up at the Doctor. And that he told the Doc he was the father and paid the bill.. it is so hard to run into him all the time, but I can’t stop supporting my dad just to avoid him. Already talked to my dad. Told him what I want to do is to help the women from around here. And he agreed. Magda excited about it. Paz not so. How will you do it? Luci says you two will help me organize the women. What about the ceramic work? Luci won’t leave that for anything in the world. Paz says you will then still have to go to the capital often and to the office. Luci says yes that is right… and yes I will run into Rod frequently. Luci speaks of what she feels when she sees him.. her heart stops. She feels a knot in the stomach. No matter how much she tries she won’t stop loving him. (said Rod the Bod is in bed remembering the hug and kiss with Luci with a smile, then gets sad).

The day off for the barrio boyz and the maids from the ‘hood is here. The girls are very clingy with the boys and brought the food in bags. One of them even brought her cute puppy.

At school the three-some are sitting. Janah is very distracted and Boris again notices it and calls her on it. She mentions watching the Santo movie with Pato… Boris and Lula feel yucky about Santo movies. (come on Boris, they are not THAT bad! ... yes they are.)

Back to the picnic… the girls make tacos for the boys, then two of the girls invite Lorenzo and Fabian up to the ‘lomita de los novios’ (the hill of the couples or the mount of lovers)… it is a great spot to make love declarations. Lorenzo and Fabian look at each other, they are a bit blushed and a bit entertained/amused at same time.

Gala and Julie talk about the TL money. Gala not interested in the money, Julie certainly is. Julie wants money to pay maintenance for her apt in NY. Gala gives her a blank check, but warns her she does not want trouble with Rod.  In comes RosaE. She warns Gala to never raise her voice at her ever again.  If I could get you together with my son, I can also get you away from him in a heartbeat! Are we in agreement? You treat me with respect or we sign up with different teams right now. Gala wants to shout back warnings but Julie pulls RosaE aside to cut off Gala's tantrum. Julie tells Rosa I can’t believe you are making a big deal of that. After all Gala is right. How can you let your son go with the chacha to her doctor and not go with my nena to her OBGyn.  Gala adds that their partnership is clear, but Rod is getting uncontrollable. You have to help me with him. And now that he knows the scheme we used before, he is more on alert than before. RosaE says that is your problem as his wife. I offered to get my son to marry you and I fulfilled my part. (Julie standing behind Rosa is worried) Think about it. Act! DO whatever you have to do but never again raise your voice at me. You all know me and know how far I can go as an enemy. Gala wants to run after RosaE but Julie stops her. Warns Gala that they can’t afford to lose control over 'esta loca' RosaE (LOL!! even the two witches say she is loca!).

Connie and Mati are talking about Luci’s visit to OBGyn and her leaving for het het … when Connie leaves Mati comments/sighs that it would be nice to have this house filled with laughs from Luci’s baby… Frigida finds that sickening… says she is not looking forward to having messes and fingerprints all over, dirty diapers, stinch… (I would add broken valuable things, stains/scribbles on walls, toys all over the floor, baby pictures on computer screens, etc)yucky!.

Rod is in Pato’s office, he still hyper waving his arms all over and says he is is mad he did not get there in time to hear the baby’s heartbeat. Pato laughs, must have been one of the best sounds in the world. When the doctor told him that Luci and the baby were great, he felt so happy and fulfilled that he kissed her. (Pato is not thrilled to hear that). Pato says glad you saw her, she went back to her town. Seems she will be coming and going… "Rodrigo, you can’t go around kissing her in public whenever you feel like. Luci is no longer your wife. Remember what she asked me for and she told you many times. All she wants to do is forget you."
Rod answers: That is what the head says but not the heart, brother. Love does not understand. Our love is so big and stubborn that it is determined to keep us together forever. (with that he leaves on a high in spirits, Pato looks concerned and also sad at same time).

At Het Het Luci tells Paz ever since she heard the baby heartbeat, she can’t stop smiling. Paz says you deserve that happiness.  Speaking of highs, Luci is STILL on a high from the baby's heartbeat, its been several hours already.

At TL offices Rod is meeting with Oscar, the boys and the architect about the construction of a hotel (i guess for this particular project Rod is the lead). Rod thank the architect for the report. He finishes but the architect stays behind to show him the remodeling project Gala asked him to work on for their apartment. Rod is totally lost and unaware. When the architect shows him the drawings to turn his gym into the baby room, Rod goes beserk. He has another tantrum and asks the architect not to do anything. When the architect leaves he throws the drawing away and looks real miffed.  (this guy reminds me of Mr Deeds and the psychologist that said he always rode the extremes of emotional state... either REALLY happy or REALLY mad/angry... )

At Het Het Ariche arrives to greet Luci. Ariche will go with Luci to deliver the ceramic work to Namurachi.  Luci tries to explain to Ariche what she is doing with her dad, sort of working with him. What about the ceramics? She will still do that. Luci tells Ariche she heard the baby’s heart. Ariche doesn't quite get it, he wants to see the baby’s heart in her belly (sweet!). She explains he can’t see it because it is very tiny tiny tiny. But it makes her very happy. They will play hide and seek after delivering the ceramics.

At TL manor, Frigida is on phone with Gala and Julie about Connie and Mati’s conversation. Tells Gala they went to Connie and Melissa’s Doctor. Gala's scheming gears are rolling and asks Frigida if she can get Connie’s agenda to get the OBGyn’s name and number. Frigida will have no problem getting that for her, will call her back within 5 min.

Lastra arrives to bring Ofelia a few dozen roses. She has a bit of hard time recognizing him without beard or gray hair(I am not sure if he looks older or younger, still tbd), but she turns him down again and his invitation to a coffee or lunch. She flat out tells him not interested in going out with you, only want to support my daughter. He offers his support but she turns him down again. He looks very taken aback (I guess noone had ever turned him down or he suffers from let-down amnesia when it comes to women, may explain a bit why he is alone now).

Vio tells Serena about her meeting with Aquiles. Serena asks you really want that for your life? To have an old man only for his money? Vio says yes that is right. After Marcial I am not interested in love. What about Polo? He is nice but I am not interested in him. I only go after the money (lana). And if Don Aquiles can give it to me, then so be it.

At Het Het Aquiles arrives at his place and is convinced some burglar came in. Yells at the dumb guy and then at Procopio. Procopio only cleaned up and organized his paperwork. Aquiles yells to shut up, only need (que los pajaros le tiren a las escopetas) for the birds to shoot at the shotguns… Want to tell everyone that Don Aquiles TT will get married… (Procopio and the other employee are blown away, trying to pick up their jaws from the floor).

RosaE is at Padre’s, totally desperate about her son’s… Padre says what happened? You confessed to your sons, and last time we talked you told me you were doing better. RosaE says now it is about Max. Tells him how she thought he was the model husband, but she found the text messages. She can’t lose her marriage, her everything. She can’t give her husband up to an ordinary ho. Maximino is MINE!

Max comes in Claudio’s office very confrontational. Asks CL to stop making him look like the white collar criminal. What was that about demanding an audit by a third party in front of my sons! .. CL asks him why so afraid of confrontation? All you get with your attitude is to increase my curiosity on the management of the company. Max warns him 'curiosity killed the cat'…

At Het Het Namurachi is excited about the delivery.  Luci tells her about her plan to have more women in the area participating in the work. Namurachi agrees women around here are talented in crafts.

In his office, Rod pulls out the ceramic heart he kept from Luci when she was a maid at his house. With the heart in his hands he remembers the congratulatory words from the OBGyn Doctor.

Said OBGyn Doctor is receiving Gala and Julie… Gala is behaving very pleasant, says Luci, her friend, recommended him to her. He remembers it was Luci's first appointment with him today as well (and don't you think, Doctor, that it is TOO EARLY for a recommendation??) and tells Gala that he met Luci's husband (Rod), and that as soon as he told him Luci and the baby were doing great, he kissed her with such love, worthy of being in movies!...  (Gala and Julie look like they swallowed a bottle of very sour pills)

Previews: RosaE blames Max for everything, she is ready to confront the woman taking her husband from her.  Claudio wants to talk to Luci and Paz, apparently about Max threats.



El Mundo de Telemundo, week of 9/17/12: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Here's a fresh page for your posting pleasure.  Have a great week, folks!

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Abismo de pasión #129 9/13/12: Everything is the way it is because it got that way.* or "Dude, she shot me in the head!"

*D'Arcy Thompson, evolutionary biologist and classical scholar.

Let's settle in on the Patio and enjoy another evening in Anhedonia* where three young couples are preparing their floats for the Festival of Marital Despair.  In this remarkably barren corner of the Yucatán, where the last live birth was the odious Chente, the population would have dwindled to nothing were it not for knaves and fools and their careless couplings.

*anhedonia: lack of pleasure or the inability to experience pleasure.

The old: 

At Casa Castigo:
Carmina's not selling Cielo Abierto to Elisa.  Well then Elisa will fight for the land and the quinta.  (Her words would carry more weight if only she would remember to wear pants.)

Elisa gets a phone call and arranges to meet someone.

At Hacienda Harango:
Florencia tells Damián to stop playing with his gun and put it back in the box.

[Anxious whispers are heard on the Patio.  The crowd knows what's coming.  What the hell is wrong with you, Alfonsina?]

Flor goes all sphinxy on Dam about tomorrow.  Dam clueless may be getting a clue but still doesn't have a clue what it is.

The New:

The problem with Ingrid
While Doc Tovar and Gael wait for the ambulance to deliver Gabino to the Health Center, they have an awkward conversation about Curly.  When doc tells Gael that Ingrid is married to Gabino, Gael feels bad that his ma toyed with the doc's feelings; and doc feels bad for Gael because his ma is such a cold, calculating slut.   While Curly didn't actually admit to planning what happened, says Doc Tovar, she didn't exactly deny it either.  She has probably already left La Ermita because she knew Edmundo was going to turn her in to the police today.  Do it, says Gael.

Out at Ramona's chosa, the wail of the ambulance sirens spooks Gabino.  He thinks the police are coming for him.  (Perhaps he recalls leaving his shovel marking the spot of the huge death pit right in front of the blue house and overestimates the inferential power of local law enforcement.)

But for now, Gabino's punishment is that the bullet in his head isn't going to kill him.  And it is only Ramona's herbs which can take away the torment of his headaches.  The problem is, he ain't getting a second dose:
"Los vas a padecer día y noche el resto de sus días."
(The pains will torment you day and night for the rest of your life.)

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Amor Bravío #26 (Uni 21) Thu 9/13/12 Amor Desengañado

Pobre del Padre Baldy…he ran his truck right into a tree and Leoncio's not all that broken up about it "Que Dios me perdone" aside (May God forgive me).

Alonso bitches his mom out for contracting a hit on Padre Baldy.  She bitches him out for not having the balls to do it himself.  Isadora backs Dionisio's play, saying they needed the fake death certificate.  Alonso says things are getting way out of hand…and when he thinks they're getting out of hand, that's pretty damn out of hand.  Isadora tells him to shut up already and get 3 million pesos out of his wife to pay for the hit.  "Do something right for once!  If she won't do it, then get her signature or whatever, but we have to pay him off or he'll turn us in."

Andres and Camila see Padre Baldy's truck and pull over to see what they can do.  Camila is shocked and has a flashback to her own accident.  Adres can't get Padre Baldy's door open.

Lenocio reports to Isadora and Alonso that Padre Baldy resembles nothing so much as a doornail.  Leoncio violated the cardinal rule of murder for hire…ALWAYS double tap.  Or at least check for a pulse, moron!

Camila is lost in her flashback.  Andres tells her that Padre Baldy's still alive, but they need help.  They don't have a cell with them.  Andres gets in the cab with the truck and tells her to go get back, but she's stuck on not being able to drive and not being able to walk back fast enough.  Andres talks her into driving back.  When pleading doesn't work, he resorts to yelling at her to just go already.  "Slowly!  You can do it!"  Camila puts on her big girl panties and gets in the SUV.  Andres kicks the door open from the inside as she's driving off.  It would have been good if he'd done that before she drove off…maybe driven the Padre into town on his own?  But at the speed she's driving he could probably catch up.

Leoncio claims it was an accident.  He's not a killer or anything.  Alonso says  in that case, there's no need to pay him.  "Well, I did help him die.  And I risked myself for our mommy, so…"  Isadora says she'll pay up.  Leoncio feels the need to say he had his own reasons for getting rid of the metiche (busybody) Padre.  He gets a little too handsy with Isadora and Alonso tells him to cut that out.  Leoncio, still under the assumption that he's now one of the cool kids, goes on to say the truck got a little scuffed, but they can always blame it on Andres, right?  "Why would he want the priest dead?" asks Alonso.  "I don't know.  I mean, I don't know your reasons either, but you have them.  I just don't like the guy.  We'll just make something up and get rid of him.  It's not like you care."  Isadora tells him to get lost already and keep his mouth shut.  Isadora grabs Alonso's hand to stop him from biting his nails.

Andres has gotten Padre Baldy out of the truck and reaches back in for the envelope with the letter, stuffing it in the back of his pants and examining the truck.  He notes the paint marks are the same colors as Alonso's truck.  Padre Baldy starts moaning.  Andres tells him to hang in there and asks if it was Alonso.

Padre Baldy loses consciousness as Andres keeps begging him to hang in there.

Luzma stuffs some papers in an envelope and rushes out of the cabin.

She sees Camila drive up in the SUV.  Camila tells her to call for an ambulance and tells her where they can find the padre while she goes to get her case.

Luzma, sobbing, runs into the kitchen, grabs the phone, and calls the Red Cross.  Leoncio is in shock.  Luzma was supposed to tell Agustina, but she's not there.  Lenocio suggests she tell Isadora.

Dionisio is busy macking on Agustina.  He ignores his cell phone, but she encourages him to answer it.  It's Isadora, calling him to tell him they need to talk, so he'd better hurry up his romancing.  She says they need to stop the death certificate from showing up.  Dinoisio makes his excuses to Agustina and calls for the check.

Camila made it back with her bag.  She and Andres start working on the Padre.  She jabs him with an ENORMOUS needle as she tells Andres she told Luzma to call an ambulance.  Andres reminds her that if Padre Baldy lives it's because she got over her fear of driving.  Camila tries to brush it off, but then says Andres made her do it, so maybe God and the two of them will have to share the credit.

Piedad comes looking for Isadora to tell her about Padre Baldy.  "Ummm..dying or dead?"  Cara de impactada de Isadora when she hears it's "dying."

Amanda and Natalia are serving dinner to their guests.  They've noticed Padre Baldy hasn't shown up.  Natalia takes a call from Luz Maria with the news about the Padre.

Padre makes it to the hospital, where Camila and Andres aren't allowed in.

Isadora passes the news on the Padre on to Agustina and Dionisio.  Agustina wants to go see how he's doing, so Dionisio offers to take them.  The moms encourage Alonso to stay home since his heart isn't doing well.  While Agustina goes to get her bag, Dionisio demands an explanation.  More nail biting from Alonso.

Leoncio gets his drink on while recalling the afternoon's joyride.  Looks like the drinking ain't working anymore.  Piedad comes out to ask him to come to dinner.  She sends Luzma into the kitchen.  She thinks that Leoncio is worried about the Padre dying, but I don't think she realizes he's more worried about him living.

Padre Baldy is getting his head stitched up by some less-than-competent actors who haven't watched enough Grey's Anatomy to make it look like an actual surgery.

Andres brings Camila some coffee in the waiting room.  She's grateful to him for what he did for the Padre.  Amanda and Natalia come running in looking for an update on the Padre, but right now, none of them know much of anything.

Alonso comes looking for Leoncio, but Piedad claims she can't find him.  Alonso goes running out the back door.  Piedad is afraid Alonso will find him drunk and fire them both.

Amanda needs a minute alone, so she goes to get some tea.  Agustina, Dionisio, and Isadora come in.  Dionisio supposes something ran in front of him and he lost control of the truck.  Camila wonders why Padre Baldy was at the ranch in the first place.  Isadora claims she talked to the Padre, but he didn't say why he was there besides looking for Camila.  Andres looks suspicious.

Alonso finds drunk Leoncio in his room.  Leoncio blames Isadora for asking him to do it in the first place, Alonso blames Leoncio for not doing it properly.  Leoncio says he won't go down for this on his own.  "You can't fire me because you still owe me money.  If you want me to keep my mouth shut, don't threaten me."

Andres goes to make a phone call, but Natalia finds him in the hallway to tell him that Isadora lied.  Padre Baldy was there to see Andres.  When Natalia told him that only Alonso and his mother were home, Padre Baldy got upset and went into the house to talk to them.  "Why would she lie?"  Natalia doesn't know, but she smells a rat.  She begs him not to say anything to anyone.  Andres calls Rafael and tells him he thinks Alonso and/or his mother tried to kill Padre Baldy.  Rafael is worried that they don't know what the Padre said to upset them.  Andres arranges to meet Rafael at this house tomorrow.

Dionisio takes his leave because he has a "business meeting" early the next morning.  The doctor comes in and says Padre Baldy is in critical condition.  They're trying to control some internal bleeding.  He's in Intensive Care and sedated, so he advises them to go home.  Agustina wants to leave the number of the ranch so they can call if there's any change.

Luzma heads for the woods to snog Pablo.  She tells him about Padre Baldy.  Between that and Leoncio's drunkenness, she thought it would be safe for them to meet.  Pablo's all set to tie the knot.

Alonso meets everyone coming in.  Agustina is on her way to bed.  Isadora tries to talk Agustina and Camila out of going to the hospital in the morning, but Agustina blows her off and tells Andres to have the car ready early.  Alonso slips up and says it must have been awful to see Padre Baldy's car there crashed into a tree.  Isadora catches the slip and her eyes widen, but Camila just agrees it was awful.  Agustina asks Camila for a moment alone and dismisses Andres.  This leaves Alonso and Isadora in the foyer alone.  Isadora barely waits for them to be alone before she starts yelling at him for being an idiot.  She noticed the look on Andres' face, so she knows he realized that Alonso must have had something to do with the accident.  She supposes they can't fire him now and they'll have to bribe him to keep his mouth shut.

Andres goes out to Alonso's SUV and examines the damage.  He notes the scratches on the passenger side, then sees something on the floor outside the driver's door.

Alonso and Isadora continue the argument.  He plans to just claim that Isadora told him the details.  Isadora actually says her hands are clean and it's all going to point to Alonso.  "I'm so disappointed in you.  As hard as I tried to educate you, you wouldn't learn.  You always have to be one step ahead!  But you're such a weakling…and now we're paying the price!"  Isadora continues berating her stupid imbecile of a son, who goes back to biting his nails.

Agustina tells Camila that they need to take an image of the Sacred Heart to the Padre since it helped Camila get better when she first arrived.  Camila tells Agustina about Andres getting her to drive the SUV.  Agustina thinks Andres is an angel.  Camila says she actually does feel a little better.

Andres goes to his room and opens the envelope.  He finds the surveillance photo, again, then the other envelope.  Open it, open it!  He opens it!  "Daniel, you don't know me.  Maybe you've never heard of me.  I don't really know.  I hope this revelation doesn't affect the image you have of your mother, may she rest in peace, but I can't keep it quiet.  I knew Agatha over 30 years ago. I loved her more than my life, and now isn't the moment to try to justify anything, but our encounter happened at the wrong time.  We were both married, but in spite of that, our love was clean and sincere.  I regret I didn't have the courage to confront the whole world to love her freely, the way she deserved.  With her recent death, I learned of your existence and the possibility that you could be my son won't leave me in peace.  I tried to find out, so I had you investigated.  I'd like to do a DNA test to confirm it, but that will only happen if you agree and when we're face to face, if life allows that to happen.  But since I can't wait for that to happen, in order to protect my beloved niece, Camila, I've made the decision to change my will and leave you as my sole heir, in case I die before you and I are together."

In split scene, Andres contemplates the letter and Camila contemplates Andres.

"Now I need your help, and I want to ask you for a huge favor, now that I have anyone else to rely on.  I know this might take you by surprise and change your life, but I just find out my niece is in danger because she's fallen into the hands of leeches--her husband Alonso and one Dionisio Ferrer.  They've gotten close to her with bad intentions, to divest her of La Malquerida and all the goods they think she will inherit the day I die.  Camila is my adoration, the daughter I never had.  She's a woman of values and good feelings.  I feel responsible for throwing her into Alonso's arms and since at this moment I can't think of another way to protect her, I've decided to leave you all my goods, supposing you are my son.  If you're not, in exchange for you help, you'll be able to live comfortably with what I'm leaving you for the simple fact of being Agatha's son and for the love I had for her.  I know you're a good man and you'll help me get justice in case I can't do it.  When you're both safe, share my inheritance with her.  At this moment the two of you are my two greatest treasures.  I hope you can understand my desperation and receive in advance my appreciation and my eternal gratitude.  Daniel Monterde."

Next morning, Rodolfo tells Camila that they've all heard about the Padre and are going to pray extra hard for him.  He figures she's probably not in the mood, but today is the "tienda de macho" (store of the macho?  A bull auction perhaps?) and he's got everything all ready.  Camila tells him to handle it and he assures her he can.  He asks her to send his best to the Padre.

Camila thanks Andres again for what he did yesterday.  Agustina is ready to go and is crowing that soon she'll have Andres all to herself since he's gotten Camila to drive again.

Isadora and Dionisio bitch about how wrong it's all gone. Isadora says she's got 24 hours while Padre is in Intensive Care to take further action.  Dionisio is pissed that Isadora trusted Leoncio to take care of something so delicate.  He realizes this isn't the first time she's contracted a hit on someone…or is it?

Tomorrow:  Isadora plans to take matters into her own hands; Daniel admits they've all been Alonso's victims; Vivi asks the immortal question, "So what do we do now?"  I guess we'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out.

Vivales = vividores, leeches, sponges,
Despojar = divest, disposess
Desahogadamente = comfortably


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Por ella soy Eva capitulo #42 9/13/12: And the Oscar goes to... Plutarco Ramos Arrieta!

I apologize.  I forgot to change the recorder from the other night when Univision moved the show, so this will be just from memory.

Adriano is upset about the way Paola used him and wants to say goodbye to love.  Eva tells him love is the best thing in life- "you just have to see a woman not with your eyes but with your heart."  Adriano hears the pep talk and keeps grabbing her hands in gratitude and excitement, making Juan underneath nervous as he keeps pulling away from Adriano's grasp.  Eva talks up Mimi a bit to him.

Renato shows up again at Grupo Imperio and Lucia falls all over him [really, she is too desperate].  He says something about liking parades and she just LOVES parades. [isn't that a song?]  Helena expresses her concern to Lucia about Silvia's mysterious fall down the stairs and Lucia promises that tomorrow they'll get to the bottom of it.

There's a scene with Mimi and JC and I'm sorry, but they talk so fast and it seems to be so full of idiomatic Spanish that I don't often understand much of it.  I think it would be funny if I did understand it.

There's an extended scene in the home of Fernando and Marcela.  Marcela is working (as usual) and Fernando is bitching (as usual).  Jenny offers to help with dinner and Marcela talks about them being a team.  Jenny wants to have a new boyfriend come to dinner and Fernando says, "Another one?"  The boy is polite at the table but of course Fernando doesn't like him anyway.  There's a very brief scene on the street with the son, Kevin, giving money to some blond guy who has his back to the camera.  The implication is drugs, but it must be something else because the writers are setting that up to be too obvious.  Marcela and Fernando are in bed talking about the kids.  Fernando is saying something about Kevin being slow (lento) but Marcela says he's only fourteen.

Lalo's grades have been falling, but Helena says to Silvia [or was it the other way around?] that it makes sense with all the changes in the poor kid's life recently.  Helena asks Silvia again about her fall down the stairs all those years ago and Silvia again evades answering.  It was nothing.  I don't even remember it.  She scurries out of the room to put Lalo to bed leaving Helena looking confused and concerned.  Pluto calls Helena, distraught and threatening to do something crazy.  Helena says she'll be right over.

Adriano calls Eva to invite her out to further express his gratitude for all her wise counsel.  Eva talks Mimi, who's reluctant at first, into going with her.  Adriano is happy to see them both.  Mimi drinks like a truck driver while Eva gives her a look to take it easy.  There's some talk about them being from the North, which apparently explains their behavior.  The two end up in their usual chorus of excess about life being rose-colored and it raining flowers.

Ah, here we go.  Plutarco is just beside himself with grief and is clutching a picture of his beloved and recently departed wife.  You almost forget and feel sorry for him.  Helena of course does feel sorry for him and tries to console him, saying time will heal his wounds.  Pluto again talks about doing something desperate and convinces Helena to spend the night.  Eventually she falls asleep on the couch.  In the process of covering her with a blanket he lingers way too long, smelling her bare shoulder in a version of the pervert hug and he tells her she'll soon be completely his.  Oy vey.

Eva shows up at Helena's, and to avoid temptation spends the night on the couch.  Camil is the epitome of femininity as he takes off his heels, scratches himself, and lies down like a bull on steroids.  In the morning Eva goes to awaken Helena to discover she hasn't spent the night there.  When Helena arrives Eva goes into overdrive lecturing her.  Helena gets angry and tells Eva she is just friends with the Putz.  Helena is an adult and she doesn't need another mother.  She already has an overbearing father.

Speaking of whom, Bastardo isn't at all bothered by Helena being at Pluto's.  Silvia says she doesn't understand him- he gets all righteous about Helena going out, but he's happy to see her with someone who just lost his wife.

And that someone is home alone, dressed only in a towel, parading like a peacock in front of the mirror planning his next triumph.  Adriano calls to tell him that Antonia's will is to be read and the executor is none other than JC's father, Modesto.  Pluto feigns indifference to such things; he can only think about his grief, poor guy, but somehow he'll pull himself out of bed to come.  When Adriano hangs up Pluto is once again triumphant!

But...  uh oh, the avances show Eva being the recipient of Antonia's good will.


Refugio Para el Amor #112 Thu 9/13/12 A Kiss, A Kiss, My Kingdom For Another Kiss



Recap by Anita (Who says she has taken great liberties with the dialog, times, and places in order to get to the heart of the matters at hand).

Gala and Rodrigo's Gloomy-hued Apartment

Roselena has arrived and announces to Gala that she wishes to talk to Rodrigo – a solas. Gala says she completely understands, after all their relationship has been ice cold so they probably have much to talk about. She excuses herself [but we are certain she’s as good at picking up conversations behind closed doors as Frigida]. Ok, so, que pasa, mamá? Rosa doesn’t mince any words, your father has a lover. Again with the same jealousies mamá? I’m not imagining things. Have you forgotten so soon all the harm you did thinking the same about Aurora Linares? I myself saw a message from someone calling him Osito and containing other words of love. I want you and me to confront your father.

Rodrigo asks if she’s sure she wants him to talk to his dad. She says yes and not to listen if he tries to deny it. She doesn’t deserve this humiliation. He agrees to talk to Max, but asks her to please not tell his sibs. No, no, she can’t promise that. She doesn’t deserve what he’s doing to her. He points out correctly that she kept a secret for 19 years, why not this one?

Roselena rises from her seat and puts on her imperious face, looking down at him as she would a subject—You are never going to forgive me, are you? [Her sincerity is cloudy; her desire to have him back under her control is transparent.] It’s time for you to go mamá, I’ll see you out. When her straightforward tactic didn’t work, she tries appealing through brotherly love—Patricio needs you; I need you. Unmoved, he tells her it’s getting late and grabs the keys to escort her downstairs.

Gala emerges from hiding, musing to herself, so my suegro also has a tail to be stepped on [cola que le pisen [commonly refers to having something to hide—maybe even worth blackmail]. He’s unfaithful and a liar, what a lovely family.


Don Aquiles is finally back where he wants to be. Vio is serving him and asks what he would like. He says he came back for *her,* mamacita. He’s tired of his former life and the same ‘ole same ‘ole and today she’s coming with him. Well, they are both coming on to each other. He’s the Impatient Lover; she the Shrinking Violet. She gets a peck on the cheek. Marcial watches their interaction through the screen of smoke.

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Por ella soy Eva #41 9/12/12 The Paola Anvil Drops! You can teach an old dog a new trick.

Mimi’s house- Eva is ranting about Helena going to see Pluto because he is depressed. He is using Antonia’s death to get closer to Helena. Its pure theatrics! 

Paola meets Adriano at one her dad’s favorite restaurants and she is complaining, you are not afraid that we won’t get caught.  Adriano has no fears, they are together.  Paola is tuned off because he is too intense.  (If I wasn’t translating this scene I would have fast-forwarded it-My eyes are hurting from the constant eye rolling in this scene)  Adriano asks Paola to marry him? Which requires a yes or no answer.  Paola looked like he asked her to define the Pythagorean theorem.

GI- Eva is addressing the company, (because as usual no one is working)- we are humans, we are united, and I want to ask you something.  An impatient Fernando demands to know what?

Back to the restaurant- Paola is still figuring out what to say.  Even Adriano tells her that it’s a yes or no answer.  Paola tells him that he is the best, etc. etc but…
Adriano gives her more time to decide.  He will even speak to her dad.  Is he crazy? If anyone talks to her dad it will be her.  She’ll think about it. 

Pluto’s house- Again, I felt like fast forwarding while, listening to Pluto’s babble about how Antonia didn’t love him equally. (In a sense he is right, she loved him unconditionally and it wasn’t mutual.)  Pluto had evidence that Antonia had a lover- he found his card in her things- Samuel De Ls Cavada- her college boyfriend.  (When Pluto’s anvil drops –I hope that it’s my night to translate)  He asked Helena not to tell anyone.  Ooh she doesn’t know what a calming effect her presence has on him. (Yuck)  Then he gives her a pervert hug.  Here comes Eva and the Grupo Imperia cavalry, they have come to support him and cheer him on with a real rah rah rah!

Eugenia and Modesto’s house- as they are having their tea and coffee-Eugenia tells Modesto that she would have gone to the funeral but Modesto felt that it would have been too much for her, being so close to JC’s death.  She can’t convince Modesto that JC is not dead.  She quotes a saying about dreams from Shakespeare’s – The Tempest.  Modesto gives her a gift.  A cell phone- JC can call her, etc.  She lets him know that she is going to return to acing.

Rebeca has another jealousy tantrum.  She wants to know why Helena was there and why didn’t he just slam the door in her face.  He is such a gentleman.  Rebeca will be his next wife not Helena.  (What is wrong with Rebeca? If he cheated with you, he will cheat on you- this is basic – Relationship 101) He tells Rebeca not to make a storm out of a glass of water. Rebeca warns him!  When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad – watch out!

The blue dressed are impressed with the house and all of the luxurious things.
Fernando mentions that now Pluto will inherit Antonia shares in the company. And he will be out of control. Marsela reminds Fernando to show respect.  The other stooge, Santiago agrees with Fernando.  Fernando was making jokes about not planning to die him and I was ready to fast forward once again.  Santiago said that with Pluto in charge it would be party time at GI.  Isn’t it party time now?  No one works.

Eva tells Helena that she is such a good person for supporting Pluto, not letting him suffer alone. Helena tells her to remember when her husband died and to watch what her ugly, indirect comments.
Eva has everyone gather around

AT GI- Lucia is looking for Mauricio who went on vacation and is not due back soon.  In the hallway, Lucid bumps into a real cutie who is going to interview for a job there.  She is willing to give him a tour of the company and he introduces himself Renato Camaro. And once again she is in love.

Eva talks about her best friend and how everyone is there to support Pluto.  Antonia’s last wish is that Pluto should mourn her and be faithful. Just like how she mourns for her husband and remains faithful.  Both Pluto and Rebeca were very uncomfortable at the mention of the word faithful.
Rebeca wants to say a few words, because she too loved Antonia. (At that point, I thought it would start thundering indoors)  They shared an office and so many other things (how disrespectful!!!!!!!!!- I wanted to jump into the TV and slap her)
Rebeca said that Antonia’s last wish was for her husband to be happy. (yeah in hell!)  Yes, in the event that a good woman is near, maybe he will remarry as he looks at Helena and Rebeca cuts her eyes. Eva tells Pluto- that to honor her friend-by being loyal and honest.  Rebeca and Eva argue over whether he should remarry and Helena shuts everyone down and says that Pluto needs to rest. Let Pluto know that she is watching him.

At Adriano’s house- he returns with Paola and Adriano is trying to be serious and let Paola know that he would like to be with her 24/7. After the restaurant question, he didn’t think that he would see her tonight. Paola doesn’t want to be pressured.  He tells her not to be so childish. Paola told him that he was a little too intense. (Hello, Paola, he just lost his sister. Estupida)

Pluto house- Rebeca is ready to move in and Pluto tells her not so fast.  They were playing Ali Baba and the 40 thieves.  The doorbell rings- and Pluto goes to answer it and tells Rebeca (Snow White) to stay put.  Rebeca tells Pluto to ask the maid to bring them something to eat, but the maid has the weekend off. No one is to see Rebeca there.  She wants her waffles with syrup and Pluto tells her to make some for both of them. She is Snow White not Cinderella. In other words she doesn’t cook.  (She’s more like the Evil stepmother to me) She tells him to hurry back, so that they can take yet another bath.)

Adriano tries to call Paola but she ignores the call.  Jesus comes in to tell Paola that he is going out and why doesn’t she answer her phone.  She wasn’t bought up that way. Oh dad, you are too intense, and I’m not in the mood. If you want to argue go and argue with one of your little chippies. Paola leaves the room and the phone rings again.  Dad sees that its from Adriano and listens to the message.  (I guess that there is no such thing as passwords on their phones)  Dad is impactado and furious!!

Adriano asks how Pluto is? Adrian also can’t sleep, he still can’t believe it. Antonia was young and full of life.   They only have each other now.  Antonia was right, he needs to settle down and not die alone.  Pluto just can’t bear to be separated from his wife’s ashes.  (And the Oscar goes to??)  Adriano goes to work and Rebeca wants to stay and bathe with Pluto.  Pluto insists that she go to work so that no one gets suspicious.  Rebeca makes fun and insults Antonia’s picture.  (If I could only teleport myself into the TV)

Paola returns from her shower and notes that Jesus (her dad) heard her message.

At GI- Adriano is at a meeting discussing the Mayagua Beach project will be in memory of his sister.
And a furious Jesus arrives at GI and insists that he wants to see Adriano. (I’m guessing that GI does not have any security) Jesus is yelling Adriano’s name! Adriano walks down the hall and when he sees Jesus, everything goes into slow motion. Every blue dress and other employees from GI are there. Everyone is impactado. (No one has the good sense to call 911, security, somebody? Que the heck? Does anyone work??)  A crazed Jesus points a gun at Adriano!!  We break for commercials.

Adriano tells Jesus to give him the gun.  Jesus is upset because Adriano is sleeping with his 20-year-old daughter. Adriano tells his “friend” that his intentions are sincere and that Paola is 25.  No, Jesus (her dad) corrects him. He doesn’t have any respect.  Jesus- says that he doesn’t deserve to live.  Adriano says that he loves Paola. Eva tells him to shoot the gun.

Silvia and Eduardo-Eduardo insults Silva yet once again and tries to deter her from studying, she is too old, blah, blah, blah.  (I can’t listen to his babble anymore) Silvia is excited about finishing her studies and getting a job.  Fernando, oops, Eduardo tells Silvia that she has to take care of him. (For a convalescing patient, he is pretty strong.  He looks like he can take care of himself) Silvia tells Eduardo that he is using his condition to blackmail Helena and keep Lalito.
His coffee is cold, he demands hot coffee.

Helena asks Jesus to give up the gun.  He doesn’t.
(Oh thank God for Eva, she gives them both a taste of their own medicine)- what a hypocrite you are, don’t you sleep with young girls?  You do the same thing; your daughter is 20 and bragged about having an 18-year old- what’s the difference.  You dispose of the women that you have for a “newer” one.  The women, oh no the girls that you make fun of, surround yourselves with, etc. etc.  What the young girls that you are with are orphans?  They don’t have parents?  We are sick of you old dogs, thinking that you are entitled to do what you want with young girls and treat us like objects.
(Still no one has dialed-911)
Then here comes Paola asking her father- what are you doing??
(Still no security, no one)
Jesus asks- if Paola feels anything for Adriano?  Adriano tells Paola to please tell her dad that they have been together for moths, at first he didn’t know who her father was and that now they are in love and want to marry.  Paola wouldn’t be caught dead marrying him.  Paola only went out with him to teach her father a lesson. - to see how ridiculous you old dogs look!  That he should forget about marrying someone young enough to be his daughter. Eva asked Paola to apologize to Adriano. He doesn’t have any respect.  Helena told everyone to get back to work. Adriano asked Paola- if at any time did you love me?  Never!  (Talking about hitting below the belt)
Adriano asked for one last favor- Jesus to shoot him, because he is so ashamed. (Where’s Mimi when you need her? And still no security)

In Helena’s office- Helena scolded Eva for getting involved.  She could have been killed.  She scared her.  They felt sorry for Don Adriano.  Helena- says that one day she may remarry,  She is not ready just yet.

In the hallway- the two stooges sympathized with Adriano and Rebeca had the nerve to say something- they were talking behind Adriano’s back.  Eva defends Adriano and dares anyone to say the contrary.
Adriano was in his office- he wanted solitude, but Eva came in and spoke to him.  Adriano thought that Paola loved him.  Hits in the heart hurt the most.  Adriano remembered that Juan Carlos said that he was in love ad everything that he did was for the love of a woman and he didn’t believe him.  JC forgives him.
Adriano is going to give up on love and women, Eva told him that time will heal his wounds.  Find someone not with your eyes but with your heart.  He kissed the hand of an uncomfortable Eva.


Por ella soy Eva #41 9/12/12 -Repost of Tablet Jefa's Wed. Recap.

There was some sort of technical difficulty with Tablet Jefa's recap of Wednesday's show. I have recreated it here, so people can read it and have a place to post in the morning.

The Paola Anvil Drops! You can teach an old dog a new trick.
Mimi’s house- Eva is ranting about Helena going to see Pluto because he is depressed. He is using Antonia’s death to get closer to Helena. Its pure theatrics!
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Amor Bravío #25 (Uni 20) Wed 9/12/12 Daniel, AKA Andres: “News of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Rancho Malquerida - Hacienda
El Diablo has arrived to give Camila the death certificate of Daniel Diaz Acosta – bum-bum-BUMMM!  Viviana looks on incredulously as he announces, “there’s no doubt now.”

Becerra’s Office
Osvaldo comes straight to the point with Agustina.  From the moment she mentioned Dionicio’s name, he knew he had heard it before.  He remembers Dionicio had once offered to buy Don Daniel’s rancho.  It’s too much of a coincidence that he’s appeared once again now that Don Daniel has died.  Agustina jumps to the conclusion that Becerra is accusing Dionicio of using her (c’mon Aggie, take off those violet colored glasses).  She further concludes that Osvaldo thinks it’s not possible for a man to find her attractive.  (oh, this is going really wrong for Osito – woops, wrong TN).  He tells her she couldn’t possibly believe that of him, knowing what he feels for her.  Aggie suggests that this is then un revancha (revenge) because she hasn’t returned his affections in all these years, saying it’s so easy to discredit the man she’s falling for. “No,” he says, “that’s playing dirty (jugando sucio) and I would never do something like that!”  He only wants her to realize that Dionicio is a stranger, an unknown.  He only wants her to be forewarned lest she receive an unwelcome surprise.  Well, Aggie is appalled, saying he’s the one who has surprised her.  Good Day!  She leaves in a huff!

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Refugio Para el Amor #111 Wed 9/12/12 Vicky Wins and Rosa Whines and Vio Flirts With Danger


Due to a scheduling conflict, I am taking Anita's recapping night this week and she is taking mine.

Rod and Gagme Torreslanda's Apartment of No Love Lost:

Mati is trying to get Rod to forgive his loca Mama for all the trouble she caused. Rod says it'll never happen, not going home either. Mati thinks he ought to forgive her.

Het Het:

In the hamelt of Het Het, Magda is on the phone with Estelita looking for her daughter Vio, who she finds out is not there. Magda is very concerned, but Estelita tells her not to worry, Vio spent the night with Luci in the hotel she is staying at, while in the D.F. Magda wants Estelita to be sure to tell Vio she called and hands the phone to Paz. Paz wants to know how her darling boy is doing. Estelita says no worries, your son is fine and selling loads of tacos. Paz tells Estelita that the peeps down there can call her anytime cause Claudio installed a phone right in the house.

Torreslanda Bidness, Max' s Office:

We have one pithed off Max calling Vicky who is at work. He tells Vicky his wife saw the text message and now he's in all kinds of trouble. Vicky says well, I guess it's time for us to break up then, now that Rosa knows. He wants a meet, but she says she can't do it now, she's at work and besides she is so NOT putting up with his whims anymore, she just can't come running anytime he feels he wants to see her, and she hangs up on him. Yay! Max is pithed and yells and looks like he wants to fling the cell phone, and Rod the Bod comes in at this time and asks if he's ok? Max tells Rod everything is spiffy, just a little glitch with a bidness deal. Rod wants to know, from his Papa, why Rosa didn't end up in the carcel for what she had done to Luci and Claudio? Max tells him, thanks to Luci and her compassion, your mother stayed out of jail, cause Luci didn't want to send her there.

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