Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #146 2/13/13: Fernando's Anvil Dropped, Another Woman Scorned and So Much More

Hi all, finally a juicy episode.  They have saved the best for last.  These next three weeks are going to be doozies!!!!

Fernando is going to sleep in Kevin’s room because Kevin worries about him.  Marsela clears the table.

Mimi tells Our Eva that the Loud Eva has turned the rooming house into a bordello.  Our Eva says to offer her more money but Loud Eva is too stubborn.  Our Eva wants to call the police and liberate himself from the Loud Eva.  Helena calls Our Eva.  Helena wanted to hear his voice.  Tomorrow she will meet Eva at Silvia’s nursery.  

Renato is working late and asks the security guard to open up Helena’s office so that he can leave some paperwork.

Loud Eva is on the phone with “Chino”.  She has a way to pay him back for the favors that he did for her for keeping the counterfeit merchandise.

Renato is searching through Helena’s office and find some Fitsa Construction Company documents and thinks that Helena is not as innocent as she appears.  He thinks that Helena is involved in some dirty dealings.

Claudia meets Daniel.  Where are we going?  He has beer and Claudia doesn’t drink, she doesn’t like the taste.  But then she opens up a can, I’m confused.

Renato is confused.  Something about Helena and Fitsa doesn’t make sense.

Daniel has been expelled from so many foreign schools since he was a little boy that he can’t keep count. (What a catch- yuck!!)  Claudia wanted to know why he was expelled, he got into trouble didn’t care.  He is the only child, he doesn’t have siblings.  Claudia tells her story, she hardly sees her brother, and she lives with her father.  Her mother was her father’s mistress and her mother died.  When her mother died she was going to be sent to boarding school but she had the option to stay there so she stayed.  They toasted.

Mimi and Our Eva tiptoe into the rooming house, that looks like a nightmare of red and gold.  She wants to know where they have been.  (I can’t take her- she is too loud!!!)

Claudia and Daniel commiserate over their lives.  Claudia would like to go far away where no one knows her (and I am sure that Viewerville) would like to send her away on a one way ticket.  It’s getting late and Claudia is ready to go home but Daniel the Dog has other ideas.  He wants to kiss her and be with her BUT he is still Jennifer’s boyfriend and Claudia is not down with OPP- (Other people’s property) Jennifer is his girl BUT there is no one more important than Claudia.  (This is difficult for me to type because it doesn’t make sense.)  Oh no!!! Come just for a little bit!!!  Daniel can’t believe it himself.  They both go into the car for just a little bit- I call that a quickie.

Back at the screaming match- Our Eva tells Loud Eva that exploiting women is a crime.  It’s not worth it. She sings a different tune.  You can’t buy love and affection. Loud Eva makes crude remarks to Our Eva about being conservative, prudish.

Rebeca doesn’t know what to do but stupid Oneismo has the 3 million dollars.

Loud Eva talks about taking her business to Grupo Imperio but Our Eva tells her that she will need legal identity documents.

Marsela is awakened by some noise in another room.  She goes to investigate with a bat!!!!!! It’s Fernando in the kitchen.  She thought that someone broke into the house.  She asks Fernando- if he is blind.

Our Eva wants to follow Loud Eva and find out exactly what she is up to.  She will allow Mimi’s rooming house to be turned into a spa.

Oh no, the quickie was Claudia’s first time and it was special to her. Daniel being the romantic guy that he is tells Claudia don’t think that this quickie will make us an item. 

It’s a miracle- NOT-- Fernando can see.  He has no shame. Marsela should have used his head as a baseball; instead she starts breaking up everything in sight.

Daniel tells Claudia that he is not going to give up Jennifer for her. He threw back everything that Claudia had told him about her family. He threw a forlorn Claudia out of his car, she had to walk home.  He didn’t even drop her near the door. Boy, oh boy will he learn about a woman scorned!  His anvil needs to drop on my watch!!!!  I also noted that her braid band was broken- was this some type of virginal symbolism?

Marsela was beyond furious and stupid Fernando was trying to justify his blindness, and explain what he was doing!!! Marsela sent the kids back to bed.  She was on a rampage.  Could you blame her?? She cried in her bedroom and I along with Viewerville felt her sadness. Fernando’s anvil finally dropped!

Mad Dad called to find out when he can visit Lalito.  Helena, Silvia and Lalito were going to spend the day at Silvia’s nursery and Mad Dad was surprised that she owned the nursery already.  They can meet at the nursery.

Loud Eva got into a car with some (O.G.) old gangsters  (or undercover police), one was named Chino. She was thanking them for keeping her counterfeit merchandise.  And she would reward him with a big Northern woman, just like what he likes.  The old man was asking about the company and that if she doesn’t deliver, he will kill her..

Marsela sent the kids to grandma’s because she was going to have a loooong talk with the jackass, I mean Fernando.  Fernando complains that no one spoke to him during breakfast and treated him like a ghost.  Marsela told him that the only thing that she wanted to do was kill him. The lawyer shows up, because Marsela called him.

Eva meets Helena , Silvia and Lalito at the nursery. Lalito wanted to see Eva.  Everyone loves the nursery and we are all so proud of Silva. Helena is going to meet Juan and she wants Eva to accompany her.  Uh oh!

Loud Eva is asking for Our Eva and tells Mimi that she has a male friend, who was a singer who is dying to meet her.  Mimi is trying to guess who it is and Loud Eva slips and says “Dog” berto..  Mimi asks Loud Eva if she has seen Dogberto and Loud Eva acts as if she has a lapse in memory and changes the subject. Mimi is adding up two and two.

Marsela tells the lawyer that Fernando has regained his sight and that the lawsuit  will be cancelled. They still have to pay the lawyer and court fees that have been incurred and Fernando will pay back everything..

Eva and Helena are waiting for Juan at the restaurant.  Perhaps he is stuck in traffic.  Mimi calls Our Eva.  She tells Eva that something smells rotten.  Her cousin Eva never  knew Dogberto, but Dogberto appeared and then disappeared and Loud Eva appeared. Our Eva tells Mimi to be tactful. Unbeknownst to Mimi, the Loud Eva is listening.  Mimi calls the Loud Eva “a rat with two legs” a poisonous snake, etc, etc.  Loud Eva thinks that they are trying to deceive her. She is going to make them pay, using her hand as a gun.

Our Eva is going to change into Juan.

Fernando is sitting there looking like the fool that he is and then wants to talk to Marsela.  Marsela can’t believe that he was trying to rob money from this company just like he did to Grupo Imperio.  She has been a fool twice.   He did this on the backs of his family., who didn’t deserve this. Marsela doesn’t want to hear any more pretexts.  Its time for a divorce. (I can hear Viewerville cheering!!!!!!!!!  )

A man , named Gustavo, a client  comes to the nursery (Hipolito from Amor Bravio) and he is looking for a certain type of tree when Mad Dad rudely wants to know who is this man??

Juan shows up, he didn’t realize that his cell wasn’t charge and he was looking for a charger.   Juan was thinking crazy- he wants Helena and Lalo to move somewhere where they can’t be recognized, a family of three. Helena wants him cleared first so everyone can know that he is alive.. Helena has a lot to tell him about Grupo Imperio.

Mad Dad starts his foolishness , he is jealous and now he understands why Silvia was in a hurry to get a divorce. Really,??? Maybe the beatings and insults could have added to the mix??  Gustavo speaks up for Silvia. Hey Mad Dad, you don’t speak to women like that!!!  Silva makes it known that he is her ex husband.  Gustavo says that Mad Dad is too jealous and if he was Mad Dad he wouldn’t forgive himself if he let a woman like Silvia get away!!! (Compared to Mad Dad, Gustavo was looking good)

Juan tells Helena that Pluti is the worst of all., now that he is President he will manipulate his power. She tells Juan that she found the fake thesis in Pluti’s office but Renato found her.  Helena is looking for Eva now, she has to leave now and Juan will wait for Eva. What luck!!!!

Fernando pleads and begs. But Marsela has had enough.  She has loved him but he hasn’t learned his lesson.  He is corrupt as ever!!! He never learns!!!

Loud Eva calls Chino and tells him to bring his flunkies with him.  Our Eva comes and Loud Eva says that they are trying to deceive her and she pulls a gun on them. Loud Eva keeps calling Mimi- Emeteria and Mimi is not happy.

Marsela has had it with his machismo..  She is going to get the kids  from her parents and when she comes back he better be gone.  I loved when he called her Flaquita and she told him to save it!!!

Loud Eva demands respect from Mimi and Our Eva. They can’t leave because someone is coming for them.  Eva’s phone rings and Loud Eva says that if she answers it she will die.

Marsela explains  to the kids at a restaurant without their grandparents knowledge what Fernando did He never lost his sight.  She wants the kids in spite of everything to be strong and continue to respect him as their father.  She is going to separate from Fernando.

At Santi and Lucia’s apartment- Santi is moving.  Lucia is going to miss him.  Lucia thinks that she is going to spend the day with Sebastian and formalize their relationship.  Poor thing.  Her anvil is coming.

Marsela  tells the kids tat the decision has been made.  Jenifer supports her mom and then Daniel  the pig calls Jennifer, who coldly responds.  He wants to see her.

Loud Eva still has the gun on Mimi and our Eva and some men come.  Loud Eva tells them that Our Eva is a criminal and that they should arrest her.  I’m not clear on who these men are?  Are they Chino’s flunkies or the police?  Our Eva identifies herself and tells the police to take her.

Coming attractions:  Pluti is still obsessed with Helena and hopefully Loud Eva disappears.


Amores Verdaderos #68 Wed 2/13/13 Salsero's checkered past may keep him from competing in the Michelle Obama Look-Alike Contest.

Palace Intrigue at Meta Imagen
Victoria comes back for her cell phone and is shocked to see José Ángel reading a file left open on her desk.  But it's his own file, he protests.  And if she hired him because of what it says, she hired the wrong man:  because everything in it is false.

Kendra, showing off her Medusa tresses in profile at the reception desk, leaves an envelope for Mr. Brizz and a bit of advice for Betty: Watch out for Salsero -- that man is very dangerous. Before Beatriz can react, the elevator opens and spits out Nelson and his peculiarly coiffed shadow.  Bea gives the furry one the Kendra Papers and gives the dancing man a suspicious once-over.  Hmmm.

Once back in Nelson's office, Salsero observes:
Parece que Kendra Ferretti no quita el dedo del renglón.
(It looks like KF isn't giving up.  Literally, she's not taking her finger off the [written]line.]
The Furry Fornicator, however, admires Kendra for smuggling a Booty Call to him so discreetly (that's what the important document was).

He calls bread bread
The Angel speaks plainly:
Llamo al pan pan y al vino vino.
(I call a spade a spade.  I call bread "bread" and wine "wine.")
He came looking for a job as a foreman; he never pretended to know about guns; he's just a country boy. 
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Amores Verdaderos #67 Tue 2/12/13 Lies, misunderstandings, and stupid assumptions.

Amores Verdaderos Cap 67, 2/12/13—Lies, misunderstandings, and stupid assumptions (in other words, a typical day in the Amores universe)

Lo siento, as usual I'm getting a late start. But I have some screencaps and am going to regurgitate a summary of what happened last night.


A preview screencap:

Nikki asks our Little Gorilla that if he weren't married, and if he weren't working for her, would he consider her as a girlfriend? He looks impactado and she doesn't give him a chance to answer.


Refried: Paula tells Bea that she's willing to take the chance of being Nikki's piano teacher because she's bumping into Frankie! Maybe he'll finally forgive her! Bea warns Paula that if everyone finds out that she's Anibal's amante that the crap will hit the fan and she'll lose everything because of her lies. Paula says she's already lost everything.

Guzmancito thanks Nikki for trying to dump his mom, aka piano teacher. She wants to help. He comments that she can be nice when she wants to, or in other words, deep down she's a nice person. She smiles.

The new: It's breakfast. Big Angel is in the kitchen. Jean Marie is happily cooking up a tasty breakfast. Thomasina gives Big Angel the stinkeye (he looks confused). As he's getting ready to eat his breakfast, Vicki announces that it's time to go. "Forget about breakfast!" she orders, not giving a crap that the big guy is in need of breakfast. (Hey! He's big! You don't want him to tip over from hunger!) He asks Jean Marie to save the breakfast for later, it looks delicious!

No breakfast for you!

At Odioette's office, she's fuming over Vicki's successful ad campaign, which was saved by Big Angel stepping in at the last minute to model. Her son Estefano says that Big Angel looks good in the part, and that he shouldn't be embarrassed or jealous of the model that had been originally slated to do the job (who was bribed by Odioette to not show up). Odioette is fuming and full of bitterness. Estefano asks her why she's so angry. She actually takes the time to explain: Years ago, after her husband died, Anibal seduced her with the intention of stealing clients away from her so he could save his failing company. Later when Vicki took over the creative part, the company succeeded on its own (due to Vicki's awesomeness, apparently!) but Odioette wants revenge on Anibal, and how better to do it than through his "spoiled, privileged" daughter? Estafano points out that Vicki had nothing to do with Anibal's douchebaggery, but Odioette grits out that Vicki is the apple of Anibal's eye, so she wants to destroy Vicki to get to Anibal! Poor Estafano doesn't approve and is very ashamed of all the crap Odioette has pulled, but he's browbeaten by his mom and slinks out of the office.

Poor Estafano has a bruja for a mom.

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Amor Bravío #125 (Uni 120) Tue 2/12/13 Lola Hissadora: “I always get what I aim for! And your heart and soul is what I caaaaaaaame for!”

I’ll start with lo Nuevo although I must say I enjoyed the replay of Rodolfo*sigh* giving Yago one to the kisser.  That slime ball deserved more.

El Hostal
Natalia is angry that Amanda told Osvaldo, who then went to confront Yago!  Amanda rightfully says Osvaldo isn’t to blame for Yago’s reaction and besides, she had no idea Ozzie was going to confront him.  But she’s grateful Yago knows Natalia is not alone in this.  Rodolfo*sigh* is on Amanda’s side and says so.  Natalia, still blinded by her misguided love, thinks this has caused her to lose Yago forever! Boo-hoo-hoo.  Amanda tries in vain to get it through Natalia’s thick skull that she never had him to begin with.  Rodolfo frankly tells her Yago was just playing with her and reminds her they all tried to warn her.   Natalia admits this but cries that Yago is now the father of her babyyyyyyy - waaaaahhh!  Rodolfo points out that Yago doesn’t want to be the father and Ileana has told him that Yago has denied his paternity to his family.  Amanda and Rodolfo both try to calm her down.  Rodolfo doesn’t think that imbecil is worth crying over.  Rodolfo promises that she can count him him, just like Osvaldo.  If Yago bothers her, he’ll put him in his place.  Natalia thanks him but she doesn’t think Yago will ever come near her, or her child, again.  Poor Natalia!
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #145 2/12/13: Viewerville Wants to Reach Through the Screen and Poke Fernando's Eyes Out For Real.

Potential recappers for the upcoming Colunga comedy starting March 11: please write me at People who are currently recapping have priority, and people who want to keep their current slots have priority on those slots. But please, all current and potential recappers, write me at home. I can't keep track of these threads of proposed days that happen in the comments!

  • Real Eva is quite a dynamo isn't she? Besides her cuerpazo and her fine personal style, she is handy with the butt end of a gun.

    Also, her interior design skills are impressive. She's turned Mimi's pension into a red-and-gold bordello with naked statues and nearly-naked "masseuses" in what they're calling a "spa de hombres," hee-hee.

    Mimi complains that Real Eva has also brought cockroaches into her nice boarding house and that she doesn't want it to be a "casa de citas," a place of vice and perdition. Real Eva makes vague threats about Juan's dangerous situation and insists: "My mother left this pension to ME." "Your mother was a saint, she deserved better than you."

    "I'll denounce you! I'll say you have no permits for running a boarding house." "Oh, and you have permits for running a 'spa' - ??" "My important clients will protect me. And you stole my name. I'm going to flatten you! [machacar]"

  • Fer is so unspeakable, you just have to roll with it and enjoy his short-sighted [sic] narcissistic infantile approach to life. Eva comes by and tries to figure out if he's faking his blindness. Fer righteously expects his wife to quit work to take care of him.

    Eva suggests to Marcela that she could work from home for a while. "But my family expects me to resign." Fer sits around like a wounded lion king expecting people to put peeled grapes into his mouth.

    I'm glad to hear nasty Daniel hasn't been answering Jennifer's texts (but she is sad).

  • Rebeca comes into her office to find the blue dress girls packing her pics of Ricky Martin into a box. Renato comes in, gloating that she's been fired. She, bitterly: "I'm sure there will be champagne and confetti, you're all enjoying my fall." "Yes, we're all glad you're leaving." On the way out he snatches one of her magazines (William Levy the cover boy). "Oh no, not William!" she laments, hee hee.

    Rebeca stamps towards the elevator in a rage. "You hyenas are glad I'm leaving." Yes, they are all laughing, it's wonderful. "Reap what you sow, Rebe," says Eva.

    Rebe sees Pluto and yells about the ten years she spent shagging him while he was married to the whale. "My vengeance will be apocalyptic," she vows.

    Pluto calls Onesimo and orders him to give Rebe "a warning."

  • Magda passes along her flower biz to Silvia and they bless each other.

  • Eva/JC asks Renato why Rebeca was fired and wonders what happened to the incriminating cd she had.

  • Before the meeting, Helena sneaks into Adri's office to spy. (Don't you like Adri's big photo of Donald Trump surrounded by bimbos?) She finds another copy of the fake thesis. Renato comes in and asks what she's doing. He buys (with suspicion) her explanation that she was looking for papers.

  • Pluto the temporary boss calls a brief meeting just to say: Rebe will be replaced, nobody is indispensible. Eva says he shouldn't have fired Rebe without Adri's agreement and Helena agrees: "Rebe was good at her job."

    Pluto asks Marci why she's been absent so much. She stammers: "My husband is blind from a work accident." Pluto is unmoved. His hinted threats of taking her work away actually cause her to ... not quit.

    Alone with Pluto, Eva decries his 3 day reign of terror. Pluto: "It's your fault Adri got soft, he no longer has the coldness one needs in business." "Actually, it's scruples and kindness that are needed in business." "If it weren't for you, Adri would still be here; I owe my new position to you, thanks, Eva."

    Eva counters: "I'll get Adri back here and he'll put you in your place. You didn't love your spouse Antonio, it's your fault she's dead." "I didn't kill her!" "You are insanely defensive. Anyway, this business won't fall into the hands of an imbecile like you. Practice waving your water bottle around, you haven't mastered the knack yet." Pluto curses Eva.

  • Onesimo goes to see Rebe. "I need you now," she wails, "do you know why I wasn't fired sooner?" She mentions the compromising video and asks him to help her get vengeance. "Pluto ordered me to to frighten you but I can't touch you... except for looovve... Yes, we should get vengeance on him. Let's leave the country with his millions. With that dough I can keep you living in the style you prefer. And if you don't come, Pluto will get you sooner or later."

    We can all agree Onesimo is in over his head, but he continues wheedling/threatening: "I'm dying for your anatomy -- and also for your little heart. We can be like the lady and the tramp. But don't forget, you need me and I'm calling the shots."

  • Marcela is pleased/anxious as Renato points out her nice new office. She's so conflicted: the kids shouldn't have to take care of her poor blind husband, and she wants time to research ways to cure him. But her friends say, "Don't treat him like a child." She cries - she's so sorry for him.

    Fer, gleefully, is just eating his peeled grapes and counting the (15) days till he gets his big payout for going blind on the job. When Marcela gets home and has to admit she couldn't force herself to quit, he yells and yells like a baby.

  • There's another stupid rehash scene just so everybody can eat from individual bags of snack chips (all with the brand name facing the camera). Santi, standing at the snack machine with 1,000s of bags of the same kind of chips, hears gossip about Lucia marrying Sebastian. He looks sad as he eats his chips.

  • Mimi meets Juan in a restaurant and tells him about Real Eva's new business. He says they should denounce Real Eva to the police even if it puts him at risk: "better me than you," he kindly tells her.
Tomorrow: many fellows will be waving guns in the pension as there's a faceoff between Real and Fake Eva.


Amores Verdaderos #66 Mon 2/11/13 The Aftermath of the Facehugger Attack: the Wrath of Valvanera Bickie and the Death of Julius Caesar

* José Ángel fortunately survived the FATS™ (Face Attack Telenovela Style by NovelaMaven, all rights reserved to Meta*Mart) without permanent scars, but alas, the damage is already done because Valvanera Bickie™ (by Anita, all rights reserved to Meta*Mart), the famous Mexican socialite was totally stalking her favourite bodyguard, and naturalmente she saw the kiss. While Victoria flees from the crime scene, the Angel tries to get rid of Jocelyn politely, but all his efforts are in vain. She’s in heat, and she wants to taste that delicious-looking Arriaga cake so desperately that she even offers the blushing, stuttering and embarrassed guy money for a night. You’re married, Angelito? Nevermind, so am I! I think Arriaga now knows what it is like to be in Guzmán’s shoes, because Jocelyn is the older version of Nikki… with a more easy-going nature and less brain cells. 
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Monday, February 11, 2013

Amor Bravío #124 (Uni 119) Mon 2/11/13

Capitulo #124:   La Familia es Todo... te guste o no te guste

Lo del pasado

Luzma explains the previous day's slip to Camila.  Iago wants to accompany his father on his vacation, which Cayetano does not permit.  Rocio has the bitchy encounter with Hissadora in the hotel bar.  Natalia continues in her delusion about Iago.  Osvaldo Becerra barges into the dining room at La Buenaventura and Cayetano finds out why Iago wanted to go on the vacation with him.

Lo de nuevo

La Buenaventura, Dining Room:    Iago denies paternity and is told not to show disrespect to Licenciado Becerra. Becerra calls Iago a coward, orders him to stay away from Natalia, and wishes Cayetano a good day before he exits. Bratgirl sits there listening intently at that which es nada de su asunto. Mariano gives Iago the “I told you so” and agrees with Osvaldo. Iago again denies paternity. Cayetano asks him if he is sure of this and he goes on that he wasn't the only guy to boink her. Mariano is not believing this, so Bratgirl backs Iago [We wonder why], saying that while Natalia might have the face of a saint she is a whore [zorra]. Mariano doesn't fall for this either and also knows his brother's unsavory reputation with women. Cayetano seems to find his cojones for this situation, telling Iago that he will not allow a grandchild of his to be born unrecognized. There will be a DNA test and if Iago is the father of the child he will do the right thing whether he likes it or not. Iago tries to say he can't be forced; this isn't a past century when Cayetano would have that authority over him. Cayetano tells him that if he wishes to continue receiving the benefits of being an Albarrán, he will conduct himself as one and not as a patán who leaves his DNA all over the place irresponsibly. Mariano backs Natalia, saying he is sure she isn't lying and calls Iago on his cowardice because he tried to get out of town with dad to avoid facing the music. Iago tries to deny it, but Cayetano is on a roll. He tells him he has to resolve this situation before he gets back from his vacation.

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Por ella soy Eva #144 2/11/13: Fakers!

we get a review (I think it's a review) of Pluti demanding to know who she left him for. He proclaims that it's his right! "I own you! You're mine! You're mine!" What. A. Jerk. She reminds him how much he tried to steal from her. Mousse boy makes a very convenient entrance, allowing her to escape.

Who is this lady with the glowing red hair yelling at Eva? Is it the real Eva? I can't really tell without the birds in the hair.Mimi looks on grumpily.

The greasy boyfriend is wrapping his arm around Claudia. Seriously, can someone clarify - is she wearing a weird headband or weird hairstyle. She wants him to leave Jennifer. He continues to be a jerk. So what's new?

Juan thinks the real Eva is hiding something... It is certainly true that she's acting suspicious.

Pluti is grumpy.

Adri takes Eva's call from his golf cart! He is very sad about what happened to their relationship. Eva hangs up to receive a call from Helena (answering as Juan to get all mushy). But he didn't hang up on Adri, and he's trying to juggle both calls. Adri: I'm in the perfect place to meditate on my future (haha. he's sitting in a golf cart). He needs to be LOVED. He needs her to LOVE HIM. Juan lunges back to pick up the phone with Helena on it to reassure her that nothing funny is going on. Clearly something funny IS going on... Adri has also picked up on it. He frowns and hangs up on her.

Rebe flirts up Mendoza. Pluti Flips.

Ferni looks really pathetic in his sunglasses. He is being offered a ton of money by a mysterious man. I didn't catch what he has to do in return. Later at dinner, he proposes to the kids that his wife quit her job. What? He wants to start a business at home. Kevin is excited, but everyone else is like WHAT?

Helena tells Eva that she needs a big favor. . . it's been so hard to keep her thing with Juan secret, and she wants to start meeting him at Eva's place. Eva - impactada. on the one hand, how convenient! on the other hand, the whole split-personality thing seems to be wearing on him.

Onesimo calls Rebe to set up a meeting... she thinks he just wants another chance to examine her "escultural cuerpo." Then Pluti bursts in and starts smooching her. Rock bottom? Or does he just want something from her? Actually, she thought he was marvelous! The had great sex. I bet he wants something. He's "Lobito" now. Oh. He came to tell her she's getting fired tomorrow. Ouch. "No puede ser!"

It looks like Helena wants to tell Eva a secret. Some things just can't be shared between man and woman, she says. But we don't find out what the secret is. Actually maybe we do, but I was distracted by my dog. Helena is happy to have a confidante.

Dagoberto is chatting up the real Eva. He was clearly looking for dirt on Mimi and Eva, but he seems to be distracted by her assets. He takes a good look at her "escultural cuerpo" and has some grand words about how glorious she is. I totally lose track of what they're saying. "la witzi witzi arana?" What does the itsy bitsy spider have to do with GI and money laundring. Haha! It was her name back when she sang with the techno bands! Regardless of what they've decided, they're thick as thieves. They smooch a bit. Haha, she likes her "implantos de bubies." She tells him that her favorite time of crime is simple, like fake designer clothes and fragrances. They get a little sexy out in a construction site. Then she takes a phone call (she says "yes, I've got the money"), and when Dago turns away she pulls a gun from her purse, clubs him in the back of the head, and sends him plummeting several stories to the ground (where he lands in a conveniently soft truck bed filled with garbage bags.

*GASP* Ferni sends Marcela out of the room to get him some water, then he slips off the sunglasses so he can watch soccer! He's been faking!


Saturday, February 09, 2013

Weekend Discussion: Novela Writing; Should writers always listen to what viewers are saying?

This question isn't about outdated cliche storylines, but about viewer reaction to what happens on the screen while the series is still in production.  It's also about viewer ratings and how that affects what they do.  A few examples of past decisions:

Pasion de Gavilanes (Telemundo, 2003-2004):  This was the most successful series Telemundo ever had in the 7PM EST timeslot.  Good story, writing was decent, cast was attractive.  At some point after the first third had aired, Telemundo made the episodes shorter so they ended five minutes early and the next program (Prisionera) began at 7:55 instead of 8PM.  The last chapter of the story was extended to twice the length it should have been because the network wanted to keep the ratings up in the time slot.  This series was rerun twice in the US, edited to its appropriate length in terms of the correct pace of the story.

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Amores Verdaderos #65 Fri 2/8/13 Secrets, Lies, and One Distressed Angel

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. For those of you in the Northeast, I am hoping you are safe and warm and dry and take lots of hot chocolate breaks with some Baileys of course ,in between snow shoveling. I also hope you keep your power. Some very interesting developments this evening y'all. We find out a bit more about our hawt Guzmi, about his past that is. We also find out what Jocelyn is really all about. Deep down Nikki is really a sweet soul, and Vikki, well we get to see a "different" side to her, as well as Cris. Want to know more, please read on to find out what happened!
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Amor Bravío #123 (Uni 118) Fri 2/8/13 Yago's Date With Destiny Or Day Of The Baby-Daddy Blues News

Cap 123 

Lo Del Pasado:

Camila and Dan have agreed to take off their wedding rings in order to avoid any more uncomfortable and compromising questions from on-the-mend-Miriam. They commiserate about not being able to sleep together during all this kerfuffle and swear their enduring luhhhhv for each other till Miriam is strong enough to deal with the truth.  On the other side of the coin there is Yago and Natalia.  (Need I say more?)  Nat’s just been showered with chic from the most expensive Aculco boutique by her dangerous, double-dealing dawg of a dad, and then headed to the town square [zocalo=main square] to deliver the news to her disappointing dud of a dude.  Poor, naive Nat was in for a surprise—but then so was Yago, selfishly assuming his easy-squeezy went there to agree to submit to his …er…carnal requirements without a bunch of snippy lip from her; but our local ladies-man has just gotten the shock of his womanizing life because Nat has just told him she is pregnant and he’s to be the proud papa. Cara de-Ruh-Roh–del-lothario éste de Yago!!!  

Lo Del Nuevo:
What? Who? Me? impactado de Yago gives a snide reply that Natalia’s got to be kidding!  Nat howls back that she wouldn’t dare joke about something as serious as this!  Yago accuses her of bopping horizontally with somebody else somewhere along the line after doing the diddling deed with him, so he can’t be sure that it even is his!!  (Daggers are now shooting out of the eyeballs of Viewerville's female population but falling uselessly to the ground.) How can he suggest such a thing, wails Nat, when he knows he got so weirded out [sacarse de onda = do a double-take/get bent out of shape] that she was a virgin their first time together????  Yago refuses to accept that it is his.  After all, Nat spent time at Camila’s wedding with Rodolfo.  How does he know she didn’t do the diddling squat with Rod after doing it with him? He hisses his accusation at her with dis-missive dis-gust. “—Looks like his plan turned out pretty good, huh!”  Cara de consternation de Nat.

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Friday, February 08, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #143 2/8/13: The Coronation of Napoleon

Alternate title: "The Joy of Slapping"

Morning! At the office, Santi apologizes to Lucia for walking in on her date. Santi says he can move out soon anyway - the tenant he sublet his apartment to is pregnant and needs a bigger place, and Santi can afford to live there again. Lucia tells him there's no hurry to move out, and she'll miss him. He says he's glad her dreams are finally coming true - because (he's asking), Sebastian is her boyfriend, right? Lucia says they aren't technically novios yet, but "almost." (Just when we thought she couldn't get any dumber!)

Marcela takes the morning off from work to be with Ferni. They wait for his lawyer to show up so they can have the meeting with his employer. Marcela doesn't want him to sue and imagines that the company is probably finding him a good specialist right now. But Ferni would rather sue. He explains that they have a record of negligence with their employees. (And their son too, I'm thinking.)

He needs help getting ready for the meeting. She doesn't just take his arm to guide him to the bedroom/bathroom - she lets him spoon onto her back like a snail. (This must be some rare type of blindness that affects his legs.)

At school, Jennifer tells Daniel about her family's latest woes (which always seem to revolve around her father). "No one from the company has even asked how he's doing," she sobs. Daniel promises to help. He hugs her and throws another one of his creepy smiles over her shoulder.
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Telemundo y más, week of 2/11/13

Here's a new page for your comments.  Stay safe and warm, everyone!

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Por ella soy Eva #142 2/7/13: There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See.

Helena and Plutarco are fighting in his office.  She wants to know why she's been shut out of the Playa Majagua project, and he's demanding to know why she left without telling him.   And who was she with?  She tells him she was alone.

Fernando arranges for an accident for himself at work by climbing a big step ladder, pulling some heavy boxes off a top shelf, and falling.   He lies unconscious under a pile of boxes. 

Mimi introduces our Eva to the real Eva.  Real Eva gives her the up-down and comments on how well fed she is-  like the cows in her pueblo.  They slap each other in disguised hostility.  The two of them refer to Mimi as Emeteria, while Mimi protests.  Our Eva has an offer.  She wants to buy the pension, but real Eva says no way, she'll have to find another pension to buy.  Mimi and our Eva stare in horror as a huge gold statue is carried in.  Mimi suggests Feng Shui to her cousin, but real Eva has her own ideas.  The two Evas sing while Mimi covers her ears.

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Amor Bravío #122 (Uni 117) Thu 2/7/13 Amor Complicadissimo

Miriam notices Camila's stricken look and apologizes for asking.  Camila finally says she's a widow and her husband just died.  She tells Miriam not to worry about it.  But now Miriam wants to chat…"Have you been married long?  It must have been so hard on you!" Camila says he died in a car crash with her sister…so she's going to fake like Alonso was the husband in question.  "If something like that happened to me…I love Daniel so much, I think I'd die!"  Camila reminds her she has a daughter to live for. Miriam agrees, but brings it back to Daniel and the two of them being there for their daughter.  Camila actually closes the door on Miriam as Miriam is trying to continue the conversation.

She stops in the hallway to try to take off her wedding ring, but it doesn't appear to be budging.  Dionisio comes up (Ugh, just go away!) to ask what's wrong.  Like, duh!  Camila says Miriam asked about her wedding ring, but, no, she didn't tell her the truth.  Dio thinks that was the right move, since telling her the truth could kill her.  He tells her men are cowards and he doesn't think Daniel will ever dare tell Miriam the truth. "Oh, I'm sure that's his intention, but with her so frail…she'll take a long time to be ready for the truth.  I don't think it's fair to keep you waiting."  Camila reminds him they've been through shit before…she's going to hang in there.  Dio says that he'd have a tough time abandoning his wife and daughter after they were hurt by something he had done.  He urges Camila to think about herself and her happiness.  "You don't deserve to be the mistress.  You're too valuable for that."  Camila runs off crying and Dio gloats that everything is going his way.  He thought bubbles that Camila will be free for him soon.  Yuck!

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Thursday, February 07, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #64 Thu 2/7/13 all the men in the city seem to be thinking 'how did i get in trouble again? ' or ' did i do THAAAAAAT???' Some react guilt-ridden, some have too much pride to admit mistakes

Please forgive me, my dvdr will NOT record anymore, this recap is all typed real-time.. so pls forgive if some translations are not totally accurate or I missed anything.

- JA and Vikki laugh together watching the video of the commercial, joke about how hard it was to take his makeup off.
- At MI, Nikki mocks Bea in front of Frankie… sort of, Bea is not biting all crap coming out of Nikki’s hypocritic mouth.
- On street, Paula and Cris talk. Cris tells Pau Adri sure her baby is not dead.
- Cris sees the billboard and goes berserk…

Lo Nuevo:

Back at offices, Nikki tells Bea she will wait for her dad. Frankie summons Nikki to another room. But before he can haul her away, Nikki kids with Bea about Frankie.
Nikki wants to know the skeletons in Frankie’s closet of the past, he is not amused. ‘rokero y melenudo’ (long haired rocker)

At Vikki’s office,
they are hurting bellies from laughing. He blushes childishly. She says his laugh is contagious.. (I agree).
- Did you like it? …
- The truth? Yes, but I feel like that is not me.
Vikki gets cell phone call. Someone coming in to visit from Paris. (Jocelyn). Another call. This time it is Doris. Seems this billboard got around the world quick! (wasn’t the concorde retired? lol I know, satellite communications make videos available around the world in the blink of an eye...) Once the call is over, Vikki explains to Angel her friends just came back from Europe.
A: Too bad my friends are so far, Sta Rita… (then he remembers) Cristina! She has not seen the commercial!!
 Vikki recommends he tell Cris about it before she sees it and makes up a whole false story.
 (a bit too late for damage control, don't you think?)

NilSon in his office wants ads all over the place, this is a very important campaign. Nikki comes in. NilSon barges/barks at her about her ‘state’(drunk) she came home last night in.
- If a drunk man looks bad, a drunk woman … (ya salio el peine, this man is prejudiced against women!, among other issues of his)
Niki wants to talk about him and his ‘la urrica (sp?) esa’…
- do you intend to keep being unfaithful (poniendole el cuerno) to my mom??

At Vikki’s office
 Angel is going berserk scared about Cris’ reaction. Bea brings Angel’s check. Viki gives it to him with a smile. He is reluctant to take it.
- The agency has to pay the model who worked on the commercial. (His jaw drops to floor at seeing the check.) Marketing modeling pays very well.
HE wants to give it back to her as part of the repayment for the mortgage of his house.

Back to NilSon's office, he is trying to get a picture in Nikki's head that he loves her mother above all else. Nikki is not quite following/agreeing
- You love her but you sleep with another?  'Menos me entra en el disco duro lo que hiciste, papa!’(what you did does not 'compute' in my hard drive, daddy) … you did not care to push aside a woman like my mother, and even less you thought about me….
He is now in apologetic mode…
- Why did you do it, papa? You (two) were happy.
- I am doing everything possible (the impossible) to get your mother’s trust back.
- I don't know. My mom is very nice but don’t think she will swallow the pill of your betrayal easily.

At reception, Frankie is asking Bea not to give Nikki more ammo to mock him with. Bea says Nikki seems a very charming/entertaining person… Dances arrives, Frankie’s mood spoils and he leaves in a huff.

Nikki and Vicky meet at reception, with Angel, Frankie and Bea around. Vicky is on way out.. Nikki is very cold with her. Vicky and Angel leave. Frankie asks Nikki what is up with you and your mama? (as if this is totally new to him, Nikki and Vikki debacle) Nikki does not want to talk about it. Her mother depressed her, Nikki looks down sad.

At her apt, Paula is surprised to have Anibal waiting for her, he had an extra set of keys…
- I want to talk about what happened this morning…
- I know you left me and we broke up. But if your daughter Adri can come here and question me, I have the right to do the same. You don’t live here anymore.
- Not my choice, you wanted to break up.
- I only was trying to get more of your time, go to movies, to a good restaurant, but you always feared your family would see us together. We spent 20 yrs like this!! ..
- You know I love you. But I want to please my daughters. They reject me because you and I were traveling when their mother died…
- (Paula plays martyr again) You don’t care about me.
- IF I didn’t I would not be here.
- Then you better start explaining to me the story about your daughter and granddaughter.
- Ok I will tell you the truth right now. When Adri turned 15, she got pregnant with a nobody.
- Did he not respond?
- On the contrary, he wanted to marry her. But I split them, so he would not ruin her life. So I got him sent away. He just wanted our social status and money. A child would have joined them forever but I wanted the best for Adriana.
- (Paula insists) What if he would have made her ha…'
- (a bit louder) He was not at her level! And if she had the baby, no worthy man would have considered her. Since she wanted to have the baby, I hid her at the hacienda so no one would find out. But she got ill when she was going to have the baby…
- and the baby died?
- No, she didn’t die. Her daughter is alive…
- what did you do?? … (she is a good actress for sure, faking she knows NOTHING about the story)…
- I handed the baby to Dr Montano… and told her(Adriana) her daughter was still born. That was the only way I could think of to straighten up her life…
Paula is sickened… she never thought the man she loved could be such a monster.

Adri and Antonio dining at some rest/cafe… She is still looking for the solid proof to force Anibal B to say what he did with my baby girl…
- Did you ever find the birth certificate.
- No.
- To bury someone you need a death certificate…
- Then in that certificate must be the name of my dad’s accomplice… I need to find that doctor. He needs to confess where is Lucia.

Back to Pau-Whiner/Anyballs…
Pau-Whiner keeps asking where his granddaughter is…
- Telling Adri would be disaster. She is impulsive, violent. And most of all, Vikki would condemn me the moment she found out what I did to Adri’s baby.
- It is time you…
- I can expect reproach from Adri and Vikki, but you?... no! …
- Just like you forced Adri and her baby girl separated, you forced me to abandon my children…
- You agreed to it, so that we could travel without the children bothering us… At this stage in the game, don’t try to throw your sentimental baggage at me…

At some beauty parlor, stated ‘Doris’ is getting her nails done, (talking to another woman, maybe Jocelyn?) She looks just like a younger Vikki. Here comes Vikki (with Angel with Hugs trailing behind her) to meet with them… she knows both Doris and Jocelyn well. They ask who is Angel, he is my bodyguard… both ladies start mumbling and drooling…

Bea and Dances at reception…
- Did you mention Leo?
- Of course not. I just warned him not to bother you.
- I hope he will accept the divorce in a civilized way (wishful thinking on your part, Bea, you know better)
- I enjoyed last night.
- Me too…
- The issue with that other woman is over… I am free, and I will wait for you however long it takes.
Bea has no response. In comes Cris… she is not in mood for jokes… tells Bea she is looking for her husband. 'I saw the ads….'

Vicky introduces Angel to the ladies…
Jocelyn asks Angel what is your first name. 'JAA, at your service…' Vikki orders some pampering for Angel (massage, facial mask treatment…) Angel tells Vikki ‘I don’t do that’… Vikki says 'now men take care of themselves just like women… you are the image of that line of clothing. (trajes Aldo)  and this is a unisex spa… for both men and women. (Another client that is there at the time, and it turns out to be Estefano, yes, THAT Estefano!!) Vikki greets him happily… He congratulates her on the campaign… then leaves soon after. After some insisting, Angel agrees reluctantly to let them ‘pamper’ him, and is hauled away.

Back at reception at MI, Bea is asking Dances not to look at her ‘like that’.
- Then you feel SOMETHING when I look at you. What is it you feel? I can’t help to look at you. You know what you inspire in me.
Phone rings, at same time Kendrat arrives. She came to see NilSon… Bea says he had asked to not send through any calls, but she will check with him anyway… Bea leaves… Kendrat stands right by Dances.
- Did you drop for her? For that ‘bland’ie? Careful if you set me aside, let alone for someone so worthless like her.
Bea comes back. Kendrat leaves and Dances no longer has a smile on his face, not singing ‘You make me feel like dancing!’ anymore.

Back at spa… ladies are still having fun, they ask Vikki ‘tell us everything about him.’ He is a bon bon! … what were we talking about? The expo! Will you go with us?' Vikki is tired, wants to go home and rest. The ladies huddle… Jocelyn tells Vikki ‘then I want Arriaga for myself! I need a good bodyguard to take to the expo. Imagine my going to the expo with Arriaga, it will be the ‘sensation!’(the talk of the town) … Vikki gets sad. They ask her what is up. She says it is her husband NilSon… Jocelyn comments ' the perfect marriage does not exist'… Doris jumps 'Mine IS'… Viki says 'NilSon was unfaithful to me..'

Said NilSon and KenDrat are arguing in his office. It is not good for him to get divorced from Vikki.
K: Is that for convenience or … for love? You don’t have to answer. I get it that you want to stay together with Vikki… Don’t worry, (she puts on the play) precisely because I knew you would get back with Vikki, I went looking for ‘someone else’… (this gets his attention)

Back at spa... Vikki gives the women the details of how she ‘found’ NilSon in the office. She can’t forgive his betrayal… Jocelyn admits her husband is unfaithful to her too… but she got over it… Doris nags her ‘how can you talk about that so coldly?’… Vicky says 'infidelity is unforgiveable'. Jocelyn is about to say something ‘for’ unfaithful men again, Doris almost stops her, but Joc says it anyway… Vikki says 'without trust, nothing can happen between us two.'
Jocelyn gives up (does not throw the white towel on her head, though).

Back to NilSon’s office, he is now sweating, you can see a bit of confusion in his face… He is in disbelief she ‘found another’.
K: -  I am with you not for a company, not for money, not for a daughter, only for love. I want a relationship with you because I love you. But I want you to be happy with Vikki, just give me some of your time (let me be your side show).
- But if my daughter, Vikki or Viejo Zorro AnyBalls find out, I… (will be fried meat, won’t you ?)
She puts on a desperate crying skid… he hugs her, she hugs him, obviously faking tears, looks away.

Back at spa, Vikki continues to explain about NilSOn to the ladies at spa… Jocelyn will coordinate a ‘cheer up’ party for her. then insists on taking Arriaga with her.
V: - Arriaga is a human being, not an object that can be borrowed around… I want to ask him what does he think…

Cristina arrives at the spa. Viki is surprised at seeing her.
- IS my husband with you?
- Yeah over there!...
Cris goes to the 'wash/facial' station, where he is…
- Jose Angel! (he sits up scared, and has his face covered with a white mask… Vicky has followed them so she is a few feet away) (Cris tells Vikki) It is good he got a mask on… That is the price of fame!... (to him) I just saw you on the street!... A few blocks from home in one of those giant posters marketing men’s clothing… but know what? In every corner on my way here there was an ad with your picture!! (Cris is manhandling him as she is talking.. Viki is oblivious that Cris is ‘torturing’ Angel. )
V: - Arriaga did us the favor of helping us out…
Cris continues ‘faking’ like she is buying the whole thing but she continues torturing him physically…
C: - (to spa lady) Put more mask cream on him.
(the funniest thing is how Vikki is totally oblivious about the scene)

Back home, Anyballs is remembering Adriana going berserk asking him about her baby,  and then also remembers Pau-whiner saying she can’t believe the man she has loved for 20 yrs can be such a monster…
Tomasina comes and tells him the new piano teacher is on her way, Anyballs says he does not want to see her…
Paula arrives, Tomasina walks her in the house..

Back at spa, Cris is still standing by Angel and talking to Vicky about the ads as if it were the greatest news… Vikki says 'we can show you the video of the commercial'. Cris says 'if they are coming to the house to interview him, I need to look the part!'… Angel stands up quick in protest (he wants no 'PART' of that)…


Cris draws the territorial line with Vicky by planting a HUGE kiss on Angel in front of her…

But… (Jocelyn is introduced as her new rival)

Frankie runs into Paula at the house, later he reveals to Nikki ' your new piano teacher is... my mother…' Nikki impactada. (why should she be? Doesn’t she remember how well he plays piano too?)


Amor Bravío #121 (Uni 116) Wed 2/6/13 "More Smoke and Mirrors and Viewerville Learns Who We Can Count On"

Life at the ranch is getting more interesting by the day and today’s capitulo adds more plot twists to our story.

The story begins in “The Bedroom” at LaMQ where Dan has been explaining to Miriam the reason he inherited La MQ.  Dan Sr and Agatha had an affair and eventually went their separate ways.  Years later, after Agatha died Dan Sr discovered that Agatha had had a son and named him Dan.  Dan Sr assumed that Dan was either their love child or would be a galan who could protect Camila from the ranch-grabbers.  So he decided that he should leave Dan the ranch.   However, Dan had an ADN (DNA) test and it turns out he was not a Monterde, but only the galan who could protect Camila. Ever the galan, he believed it was his debar morale (morale duty) to give Camila the ranch as she was really the closest living blood relative to Dan Sr.  Well, peachy says Misty Miriam, just give Camila back the ranch and we can go right back to Chile and pick up life where we left off.  What say you, Dan?

Green Pastures of La MQ:  Camila, strolling with Mariano is telling him that if only Miriam were not in such delicate health, they could tell Miriam the truth about Camila and Dan being married.  Miriam needs to know that she and Dan’s future is a wee bit different than it was before Miriam went into the coma.  Mariano asks her is she wants to fight for Dan (dumb, yet self-serving question) despite the obstacles.  Que?  Camila asks, not understanding what Mariano means.  He tells Camila to consider that maybe all these obstacles in the way of her living happily ever after with Dan may just be signs (enseñales) that they were just not meant to be together.  Nice try Mariano, but Camila insists that she knows what she wants- Dan- and will struggle for it no matter what.  Mariano assures Camila that he will always be there for her.  Laaaalalalaaaaalalalaaaaaalalala ….the music tunes up. She thanks him and he responds (with what will be the writers mantra of the night), “Cuentas conmigo!”  Count on me!

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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #63 Wed 2/6/13 ¡Salud! ¡Dinero! ¡Amor! Would snails lie? (the slimy bastards)

Poor Adriana.  How she droops -- from her hair to her scarf to her long, sad, shapeless clothes that conceal her beauty.  She is like a lovely but neglected plant.  Now, as she sits in the greenhouse with Vikki, she mentions that she took care to avoid an encounter with Aníbal (No me quiero topar* con él/ I don't want to bump into him)

[Word nerd alert: Feel free to skip this:
toparse con algo o alguien: to run into something or meet someone casually, from the sound -- top -- (sort of rhymes with "dope") of the crash or choque.  It's Spanish onomatopoeia, folks! And whoever wrote this episode loves the word.] 
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Por ella soy Eva #141 2/6/13: Helena's Eyes Are Opened, A New Spa May Be Opening and There Are Fools Galore!

Side note- I’m not sure who was able to watch “El Gordo y La Flaca” today. It was live from Mexico City.  Some cast members from Por Ella were on.  Jaime Camil wasn’t able to be there but Helena- Lucero, Rebeca sans the animal print, Pluti, sans the slick hair and shiny suits and Mimi- Patty Natividad.  Mimi (Patty) dressed El Gordo like a woman and there was a poll on which “woman” did we prefer- El Gordo or Eva.  Eva won. Lucero also sang “No Me Dejes Ir”.  She looked very nice in a gold mini skirt.  It was refreshing to see the cast in a different light.

Juan is going to tell Helena that he is Eva, but Oneismo’s minion is following them.

Fernando has made a decision, he will work overtime to pay back Grupo Imperio the money that he owes them and then he is quitting his miserable job!!!
Mimi calls Juan just in time; she has news, the real cousin Eva is there.    The real Eva speaks in her outside voice, calling Mimi- Emeteria and asks her who is she telling that she is there?

Juan realizes that someone is photographing them.  He runs after the photographer.

Mimi lies to the real Eva, she talks about jealousy, but who in their right mind would be jealous of her?

Marsela tells Fernando that her new department has been approved and she will be making double. Fernando starts his foolish rant about her denying him from the travelling job.
Fernando’s pride is hurt more than anything else and Jennifer and Kevin show up and could hear them shouting from outside.    The parents fluff over the argument and everyone gets ready for work, school,

Santi warns Lucia about Sebastian.  She explains that she interrupted his wedding thinking that it was Sebastian’s.  Sebastian is a part of Lucia’s destiny according to her.

Juan catches up to the photographer and throws him into the pool, asking, who sent him.  Juan has the camera.  Helena is relieved that the man wasn’t armed.  They deduce that Pluti is behind it.
Oneismo tells Rebeca that he has the $3 million dollars.  If she wants to see that money, she has to pay up.  He will show her the money if she shows him her body. She throws him out. (And she better not even think about bothering the Virgencita)

The real Eva has painters and carpenters coming over.  She wants to close the rooming house. (She is most annoying)

Juan and Helena have to cut their trip short. They don’t ant to take any risks.

Pluti calls Oneismo to check up on Helena. Oneismo lies and says that he hasn’t seen her with anyone. (It’s not a lie)  He calls his flunky, who tells him that he was caught and they have the camera.
Juan has 2 options- one- go to the police or two go to the US and get the $3 million dollars that is in the bank.  Either way he will spend time in jail.  Helena is not in agreement with the options. Juan better not dare leave her alone again. 

Fernando is in the Dead Files warehouse reading files about the company paying out a lawsuit regarding an employee who got hurt on the job. (I’m impressed that he can read)  Is he considering a lawsuit?

Since someone was following them, its time to pack and end their trip.

Juan takes a call from Mimi and feels bad that he has her involved in this hullabaloo with the real Eva.  Juan will find a solution and he swears that he will not leave her alone.

Rebeca flirts with Mendoza inviting him to the Jacuzzi to relieve a little stress.  She feels like Snow White, Pocahontas or Sleeping Beauty, humph more like the wicked witch - Ewww.

The real Eva has rounded up all of the guests from the boarding house and has asked them to leave.  It’s her house. Mimi reminds her that these are paying people.  Eva tells her to return their money.  Mimi will help them to find a new rooming house.  They have 24 hours to vacate the premises according to the real Eva.

Eugenia makes plans with Chepina to receive the filming crew.  Eugenia has chosen The Verona Institute for Claudia.

Fernando is reading more of the dead files and reads to see if the file is about negligence.

Helena and Juan leave Acapulco separately.  Helena goes onto to Playa Mayagua and Juan takes a bus back.

Adriano confesses to Pluti that he and Eva aren’t doing too well.  Pluti deduces that women are traitors.  He puts in Adriano’s head that she may be two-timing him.

Helena meets with the councilman to assure him that she is trying to find a solution to the FITSA’s Construction issue.  She is going to meet with the boss from her job next week.  It was important to her that the construction company respected her requirements,  He reminds her that the only reason that they haven’t stopped the construction is because of their faith in her.  She realizes that her original plan was plagiarized and at the next board meeting she will be able to prove it.

Eugenia takes Claudia to the school and recognizes Daniel who is kissing Jennifer.
Pluti lets Raul know about the love troubles between Eva and Adriano.  He tells her about Rebeca and asks why does he keep her.  Pluti also wants to keep his enemies close.
Mendoza ( sorry but he reminds me of Uncle Fester with hair from the Addams Family) he is in Pluti’s office and Pluti is reminding him about trying to court Eva, especially now since her engagement with Adriano is on the rocks.
Pluti warns Mendoza to stay away from Rebeca because she is worse than a boa constrictor.  Mendoza asks why is she still around and Pluti says because he wants to keep his enemies close. (haven’t we heard that before)  He wants to give her a good punishment because she is a real headache.

Eugenia is sure that its Daniel, who played chauffeur in the casting joke, but he walks away and Claudia plays dumb.  Eugenia demands to know his name. address,  his telephone number to locate his parents ,etc.  Claudia gives her a false name, Jesus Anibal Galas.  Really?  (Hopefully Eugenia knows that teenagers, lie- thank you Judge Judy)

Juan Carlos is staying at a hotel as to not arise suspicions with the real Eva being there but Mimi feels that his absence may arise suspicions.  Juan has a plan but he needs for the real Eva to leave so that he can go and get dressed as Eva at the rooming house.

Eugenia goes to the Principal and of course he can’t find Daniel aka Jesus.   The Principal says that the students of his school are examples of discipline and civility.  No student from his school would never participate in such a heinous act. Eugenia can’t believe that he wouldn’t alert the student’s parent of misbehavior.   Eugenia’s mind is very clear and Claudia motions to the Principal that she is crazy. The principal  suggests that his school may not be the school for Claudia.
Helena is speaking to a representative from Fitsa  regarding the fact that Fitsa is not involving the local people in the construction project and the agreement said so. but according to a memorandum that he received he can only negotiate with Pluti or Raul.  Helena is livid.

Lucia is happy to tell Santi that she is going to dinner tonight with Sebastian.  (Hasn’t she learned anything??)It’s going to be romantic with music, candles and wine blah, blah, blah. She’s a modern, contemporary woman who doesn’t wait for the man to initiate the first move. (I can hear her anvil speeding towards Earth)

Daniel calls Claudia and tells him that Eugenia recognized him but she threw her of his trail.  He owes hr one.  Just let him know when they can be alone.  He wants to know the time and the place, he will be there.

Helena returns home to Lalo and Silvia.  Lalo notes that Helena is more happy than usual, her eyes look as if she is in love.  (what a perceptive little boy)

At the club- Sebastian had a terrible marriage,  they fought from day one, he married her too soon,, blah, blah, blah. There was something magical, a religious experience between he and Lucia.  He gives her the speech –that women come and go but there is no one like her., blah, blah, blah.  He didn’t know what he had lost.(Eye rolling time)  She is in his heart.  Lucia reminds him hat he used those same words before, the night before he got married. (Then why is she listening again???) He was a fool, he misses her,  and doesn’t she believe him.  She has grabbed his heart and soul, kiss, kiss, kiss. Poor Lucia.

The real Eva is going shopping for the spa.  She is going to have carpenters and construction workers there.  Mimi tells Juan that the coast is clear so he can come now.

Daniel the jerk meets Claudia, and she presses him about Jennifer, who is the flavor of the day.  He is looking for a real woman.  Where can he find one? They kiss.

Helena calls Juan to tell him about how Pluti is exploiting her project.  She wants to speak to Eva and Adriano about what is going on.  She loves him more than ever.

Back at the car-Claudia knows how to kiss very well. If Danny wants more than he has to drop Jennifer. (That will be good for Jennifer in the long run.)

Helena bursts into Pluti’s office and asks why is he pushing her further away from the Playa Mayagua project and what is he hiding?? As usual- Pluti has the "Duh uh" as he thinks of a lie.

Coming attractions-
The real Eva was put up to this by "Dog”berto- yuck.  So it will be Real Eva against Juan Carlos/Eva.  It should be interesting


Amor Bravío #120 (Uni 115) Tue 2/5/13 Daniel finds himself between a very hard rock and an even harder place.

Camila tearfully asks Daniel what he wants to do.  Almost as though she’s afraid of his answer she asks “Do  you want to return to Miriam, or stay with me?”  (heart wrenching) Daniel doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know the correct thing to do, doesn’t know what he should or shouldn’t do.  All he knows is what his heart is shouting for him to do him.  His heart tells him he wants her to be his present and future.  Camila sighs a huge sigh of relief.  He tells her he wants to be with her. Camila says the problem here is that Miriam is also in his present.  She wonders if at some point he’ll decide he wants Miriam to be part of his future.  Daniel stresses that all he knows is that the only future he knows now and the only future he imagines is with her, Camila.  Camila understands that but still asks, “What about later, when you’ve been with her and with your daughter, what then?”  He insists that’s all part of his past.  Camila gets worked up and anxious.  Is he going to want to recover everything he’s lost?  He responds he doesn’t know! He just doesn’t know what he’ll want later.  He only knows what he wants now.  He wants to be with her and that’s why they need to live in the moment, and live this moment step by step.  They finally share a kiss and he holds her tightly as though wanting to convey his feelings through this kiss.  He asks her never to doubt his love for her, ever.  She finally hugs him, hanging on for dear life.  She tells him, “I was truly scared to death that you’d suddenly realize that she’s love of your life and that I am not the one you want!”  She collapses in tears against him.  He whispers, “Yo te mo.”  She tells him she loves him too but she doesn’t want to hurt Miriam and doesn’t know where to put her.  (physically and emotionally, I’m sure).  They separate and Daniel turns to the desk and pounds on it out of frustration.  Daniel: “Miriam is a good person and I don’t want to cause her any harm.  Believe me, if she were well, I wouldn’t hesitate in telling her the whole truth.”  Camila knows that but the truth is Miriam’s not well and that’s the problem.   Daniel suggests they find a doctor and get some help so that when the time is right, he can tell her the whole truth.  Camila tells him Vivi had the same idea – that they should get a psychologist.  Daniel agrees, saying that’s exactly what they’re going to do and when she’s well, he will tell her everything that’s happened.  He will tell her exactly how he feels.  Camila wonders what will happen in the meantime, between now and the time he tells her the truth.  “How are we going to live?”

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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #62 Tue 2/5/13 Tears, Lies, and Roman Emperors

Amores Verdaderos Cap 62—2/5/13—Tears, Lies, and Roman Emperors

Lo siento, it's been one of those days. I'm going to do a brief overview and try to flesh it out later.

Here are some screencap highlights:

Salsa Dude isn't buying what Kendra-Ho is selling.

Vicki seeks comfort from Big Angel after having a big fight with Nikki.

Big Angel: Artist model extraordinaire 


Refried: A drunk Nikki getting washed off in the shower with her Little Gorilla. They lock lips for a while. She makes an awkward scene with him, reminding him that she's rich and he's poor, but he loves her, yadda yadda.

Salsa-Dude, with appealing puppydog eyes, tries to ask Bea if he has a chance with her once her marriage is dissolved. She never has a chance to answer since Kendra-Ho calls him and interrupts. Bea tells him that he's got unfinished business, just like she has (with her husband).
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Por ella soy Eva #140 2/5/13: Finally the Juanettes Supervise a Successful Maneuver

  1. Concerning our bounders, bastards, cads, creeps, heels, louses, rat finks, rotters, schmucks, scumbags, skunks, sleazes, slimeballs, stinkards, stinkers, swines, toads, miscreants, scoundrels:

    • Onesimo is playing a dangerous game, he's trying to give Rebeca enough of what she wants so as to get into her pants, while giving Pluto enough of what HE wants to keep from getting murdered.

      • He is hired by Pluto to find out who Helena is lolly-gagging around with in Acapulco. Onesimo sub-contracts with another lout, sending him to follow her and take pictures. He, Pluto, will then kill whoever-it-is with his bare hands.

      • He is then ordered by Rebeca to get into the safe in Pluto's house. In order to buy Onesimo time for the break-in, Rebeca calls Pluto and says she has secrets to tell him about Helena.

      • Pluto blows into Rebeca's house wearing the shiniest shirt ever. He wants to get the dirt and leave but she coos, "We are not of the proletariat, let's be genteel and enjoy a harmonious ambience." She texts Onesimo to say the coast is clear and then takes Pluto to bed.

      • Once again Pluto fails to function properly. Gloating, Rebe mocks him for his inadequacy. He barks, "tell me what you know. Do you know who her lover is?" From her surprise he sees she hadn't known there was one. She counters: "Aw, forget about the single mother, come back to Snow White." He counters: "Shut up and tell me what you know." She gets the last word: "Oh no, whoops, I forgot what I was going to tell you. 'Virgencita, don't give me amnesia!' You're a fiasco, cachito."

      • While Plutarco is failing to shag Rebeca, Onesimo opens Pluto's safe (he has the combination) and basks in the glowing, pulsating stack of millions of dollars. He has had the foresight to bring an empty suitcase with him to stuff the moola into.

    • Daniel, our young but prematurely self-realized scumbag skunk sleaze, continues to manipulate and pressure Jennifer. She is too stupid to notice what a tool he is.

      • He keeps pulling that "I'm a man and have needs" b-s. [I heard this b-s in high school. Once I had to walk home three miles at night because I resisted the "blue balls" wheedling tactic and the guy threw me out of his car! Astonishingly, he grew up to be a nice man.]

      • He sends Jennifer out of the room to put on more decorous clothes (when it was he that told her to dress more provocatively) and spends the time texting Claudia, who is duping him the way he is duping Jennifer.

      • When she comes back Daniel says cheerfully: "We're too late for the movie. Let's enjoy ourselves here so you can demonstrate your love." Can't she hear the bad music indicating that this is a bad idea?

        He continues to text Claudia, drooling, as Jennifer watches. "Who are you texting?" "One of my fans." Fans?

  2. Sebastian suddenly appears in the bar where Lucia and Santi are getting ready to whoop it up (they are happily explaining to each other that it's great they can be just friends. Lucia says she's tired of being a sex object.)

    • Sebastian is the guy who who had sex with Lucia once when he'd just gotten married, then walked out on her. She thought Santi was him and - well, remember, as a consequence she and Helena crashed Santi's first wedding and brought it to a grinding halt?

    • Muscle-bound Sebastian purrs: "I've been thinking about you a lot, it's destiny to meet you here." Lucia: "How's your wife?" "I just got divorced." He kisses her.

  3. Fernando picks another fight with his sweet wife Marcela. He scolds her for having been interested in Rodrigo way back. He's doing it to fend off her current ire that he's possibly going to take a job in the U.S. Fern yells: "You're just jealous and don't want to see your husband race ahead of you and have a glorious career!" She has something to say to him but he won't listen. He runs off to get drunk, calling her a bad wife as he leaves.

  • In the boarding house Mimi is nonplussed to be dealing with her REAL cousin Eva, who wears a ludicrous platinum wig and an astonishing outfit. The real Eva has money, seems to be the actual owner of the pension, and proposes to stay - to live there with Mimi and be her partner. Turns out Mimi is short for Emeteria. The real Eva commandeers a room (I couldn't tell if it was Mimi's or the fake Eva's).

  • At Grupo Imperio Adri gets a call from Eva. Eva supposedly has not returned to GI because of a funeral (but is actually canoodling with Helena). Eva says "Adri, I have to do some re-evaluating about our wedding. You know I told you from the start I did not reciprocate your mad passion... " "Then why did you say you'd marry me? To use me sexually? My life has no meaning if you dump me." Adri is so woeful. Juan feels very guilty about hurting him but has to get some distance.

  • Miscellaneous: Renato reports to Pluto and there is some ruining of Marcela's project going on but I didn't catch the details. Also, Eugenia has decided she will rent her house to the producer. She tells Modesto: "If I'm never going to act again, at least let me enjoy being around the artistic environment." He reluctantly agrees.

  • In Acapulco: the conference ended and everyone left but Helena, who had a few details to take care of and now has time to spend with Juan. Our lovebirds coo unheeding of the anvils rushing toward them. Juan does the buitre (buzzard) thing and Helena says "That's just like Eva!" Whoops.

    Juan tells Helena: "I used to see women as adornments, as being there to serve me. Now I see their faces, smiles, eyes, the souls behind the eyes, their struggles...

    There are lots of kisses. Eventually it's night and there are all 1,001 of the Juanettes (those musicians in white) playing dance music for our lovebirds. Juan and Helena and all the Juanettes get magically teleported into a hotel room with a big bed... and...  and ... the room is so yellow I am taking leave of my senses...

    Juan starts trying to confess his final secret: "I'm still far from being admirable. You don't know it all. You need to know that I am..." Helena kisses him before he can confess, thereby putting off the gigantic disaster reveal for a bit longer.

  • Tomorrow: Onesimo's stooge is taking pictures of Juan and Helena in Acapulco. Also, it's ultimas semanas.

  • Labels:

    Por ella soy Eva #139 2/5/13: Better Late Than Never!

    Hey gang, sorry I didn't make it last night. here you go!

    We get a look at the aftermath of Adri's little choque yesterday. . . the doc tells Eva that it wasn't supers serious, but it happened because he wasn't following proper recommendations about his hypertension (Eva should feel a little guilty... she's been stressing him out big-time).

    Doc recommends that someone spend the night to keep watch on Adri. Adri pulls out the puppy eyes to ask Eva to say. She reluctantly assents but says NO FUNNY BUSINESS.

    Helena invites Juan to come with her to Acapulco. He is quick to agree, but then a shadow casts over his face as he realizes it could be hard to explain Eva's sudden disappearance (especially given her fiancee's tender state) if he goes with Helena.

    Eugenia really does seem to have the interest of a film producer! Yay! Maybe that'll shut Claudia up.

    Back to the real focus of this capitulo, Eva is starting to panic. I don't see why Adri's illness means Eva has to get in the *bed* with him... It seems like that could lead to increased vascular stress, not the other way around (if you know what I mean). Nonetheless, she finally has an idea to stall for time - she can't sleep without her nightgown!

    Luci and Santi go to a chick flick. She catches him getting moist in the eyes, but doesn't tease him as much as she should.

    As Eva builds a wall of pillows to protect her from Adri's advances, he tells her that he only had the attack because they haven't been intimate in so long. Right (I hear the sound of a million eyes rolling).

    Eva sneaks away to see if Mimi can bail him out (he has to leave for Acapulco tomorrow). She makes a big show of turning Juan down (good - she needs to set some boundaries). Nonetheless, when Adri wakes up, there is Mimi, sitting on her bed. She says, um, Eva had a dying aunt or something. How convenient! Adri doesn't totally buy it, so Mimi lets him know that someday your fiancee will tell you why she does all these weird things. HAHA. I can't wait!

    OH NO! The producer comes to visit Eugenia. Claudia looks on from the shadows. He clarifies that he wants to use her *house* to shoot a film in. That is soooo sad.

    Back at the GI offices, Rebe tries to put some more pressure on Mousse Boy, but he turns the tables on her with his best trick and makes a show of seduction for the onlooking blue-skirts. I must say, I love watching the flustered look on her face.


    Amores Verdaderos #61 Mon 2/4/13 Singin’ in the Rain of Champagne

    * Lo refrito: Adriana asks her godfather where Aníbal’s ex-mujer lives because she wants to find her. She must know something about her daughter!

    * The aforementioned woman is having dinner with Hilda/Gilda/Whatever and they are talking about a certain doctor (Dr. Montaño) whom Aníbal is looking for. He probably knows something about Candelaria. Anyway, Paula whines a bit about Cristina who found her at the Balvaneras: she feels like a traitor because she can’t tell Chris that Darth Vader, I mean Aníbal is her father. H/G/W advises her not to accept that risky job but Paula desperately wants to be close to her son.
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    Monday, February 04, 2013

    Amor Bravío #119 (Uni 114) Mon 2/4/13

    Capitulo 119: The Truth, the Whole Truth, 
    and Those Who Can't Handle the Truth

    Lo del pasado

    Flashback of Miriam's awakening during Abe's conversation with Camila.  Daniel remembers the last time he saw Miriam in the hospital, then his wedding day (Camila), then Miriam's return.   Augustina tells Pablo not to go to the cabaña.  Daniel explains to Augustina that he was at La Malquerida due to Don Daniel's Monterde's will, not by his own choice. She – being the snob and hypocrite she is – sarcastically asks also about his having two wives and a baby girl. He explains about Julian's attempt on his life that ended up endangering Miriam. Augustina refuses to believe him [idiota], provoking him to ask the rhetorical question of how could he forget the face [or what he could see of it] of the man who broke into his apartment and tried to kill him and his wife. However, that no longer matters. Augustina – in her standard metiche way – then tells him that if he truly loved “mi hija” he would take his wife and baby back to Chile and never see her again. She seems hell-bent on taking any decision about this out of Camila's hands.

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    Sunday, February 03, 2013

    AMOR BRAVIO EXTRA - Operation Shine the Light, Pt. 2 (2/3/13)

    High Points/Low Points
    A Nanette Special Contribution
    NOTE: The latest HPLP's will appear at the bottom of the post.
    We're now up to Episode #147 - March 15, 2013
    Episode #81–84 - Week of December 10-14, 2012
    Vivi and Rafa getting closer.
    Pablo gets a job and it’s near Luz.
    Rodolfo keeps his job after his scuffle with Iago (as if there was any doubt).
    Gussie ragging on Dio in his office and his reaction when she leaves.
    Al and Xi’s shopping montage. I like this show of affection for her—even though they are the ultimate dysfunctional couple.
    Nat being comforted by her mother.
    Cam’s little smile re: the flowers Dan had Luzma leave in the cabaña.
    Os kissing Amanda.
    Xi smacking Al right back.
    Dio forced to make love to his wife.
    The Scoobies foiling Bruno’s plot to place cameras.
    Aaron and Rafa’s scene about Rafa loving Vivi. Well played, Aaron. I loved it when he was grinning at Rafa when he was so furious.
    All the mugging everyone was doing behind Cam’s back when she came to doctor Dan.
    Gussie telling Dio off (see below)
    Pablo and Luzma’s scene when he reported for work.
    Al stealing the SIM card from dead Julian’s phone.
    Tolontino and Padre’s little talk
    Nat becoming a spy (clever girl).
    LAZ!!!!!!!!!! is back as Hipolito (for those who didn’t see the awesome Cuando Me Enamoro).
    The brothers’ continued conversation about Vivi.
    Nat blowing Iago off.
    All the Cam/Dan/Scooby Gang at Vivi’s scenes.
    Episode #81-84 - December 10-14, 2012
    Nat’s sadness.
    Cayetano trying to manipulate Pablo to return to the ranch (which you would think by now he’d realize he can’t manipulate Pablo).
    Bruno’s freaky visit to Vivi’s bedroom.
    Al hitting Xi.
    Gussy falling for Dio’s line—again.
    Dio and Gussy “role playing” El Lobo & Caperucita Roja (Eww!).
    Piedad’s face-to-face with Fidencio’s mother.
    Iago calling Nat—creep.
    Nat the spy (she’s in danger, Will Robinson, danger).
    Xi plotting against Cam.
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    Saturday, February 02, 2013

    Amores Verdaderos #60 Fri 2/1/13 Kendho and Angel, Who Knew?; Let's Dance, Put On Your Red Shoes and Dance The Blues

    Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. Tonight we have a really fun epi, truly. Angel gets his acting chops on, Kendho has to participate, Nikki backslides a bit, Leo is a low down dirty, rotten, lying liar, the on again, off again date for Betty, Guzmi and Polita get their dance on, and Nikki and Dances show up too. Want to know more. Well, sit back, grab your Baileys and enjoy the recap, jus' sayin.

    So we start this epi with Polita bein' so excited about going out with Guzmi, it's on her this time, and Lili warning Polita she could be hurt.
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    Por ella soy Eva #138 2/1/13: Pluti Is On The Highway To Hell; What Is Wrong With Adriano?


    So much happened last night and Pluti showed his true Shark Side, Fern is havin' a bad day, Daniel proves he is a predator and Adri? If you want to know more, please read on.

    We start this epi with Pluti plotting the downfall of Rebe and Renato for this new fraud at G.I.

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    Amor Bravío #118 (Uni 113) Fri 2/1/13 It’s More of the Ruh-Roh Redux Rhumba For Camila As Daniel Struggles Through The Double-Time Quicksand Shuffle And Dionicio Jives With Another Snappy, Surreptitious Jig For Joy

    Cap 118

    Lo del Pasado:

    Ok.  Daniel and Camila, both still reeling from the shock of seeing Miriam and child risen from the dead, are seriously wishing he could clone a twin at this point. B-I-L Abraham effing-Farca and Dan have been playing footsie with the truth, speaking in oblique terms about why Dan and Abe's whereabouts was so hard for each other to pin down, so Daniel can keep delicate Miriam ignorant of the truth about her scum-bucket of a crooked cop brother.  (Old Abe, our Chilean crime crusader, definitely turned in his buen hombre bonafides when he got Dan thrown into prison, managed somehow to throw away the key, and then to top it off, tortured his unwitting and innocent B-I-L with the lie of the century that Miriam and their little baking bun were both pushing up daisies.)  Camila has run to the kitchen to keep from crumbling under the burden of the bad luck blues and the stupefying reality that she’ll be giving Dan up just like Louis before.  She and Gussie agreed that it’s Dan and Abe’s place to deliver the harsh truth to Miriam about what’s occurred during the past 9-12 months on both continents.  Camila will just have to cope in her cabana as Mama serves the tea sans the sympathy.  (How Dan successfully fought the urge to wring his B-I-L’s scrawny neck after having knocked the S.O.B.’s teeth out first, and demanded an explanation is still a mystery to Viewerville.)  Dan and Miriam are left to re-discover themselves while Dio diverts to the study with Abe, and Caridad changes Baby Aggie upstairs somewhere.    

    Lo Del Nuevo:

    Mariano tries convincing Cayetano to rethink this Isadora thing. ( I have two words for Mariano: incompetency trial!)  The fact he already found out from his mama, says the arrogant old adder, will save him time with explanations.  “—Tell her to sign the divorce papers already, and that she’s should thank her lucky stars [darse de santos = boast to the saints] that I’ve given her the house in Mexico City and a huge monthly stipend."  Mar tells him he’s opposed to his signing over the BV to Isadora to avoid having to divvy it up with Mama Rocio.   "--Yep  that's the way it is, cuz there’s nothing left between us and no reason to discuss anything any further!  You make her realize that she’d better sign those papers like yesterday because it’s only going to be worse for her if we go to court and the whole seedy story is made public [relucir=glisten, sparkle, to reveal]."  “—It’s too bad things have gone this far, Dad.”  “—Yeah, pretty painful.”  Snort.  "--I think putting the ranch in Isadora’s name is a pretty low down [pésima = nasty, wretched] idea just to humiliate Mother.”  Iliana just happens to be eavesdropping all of this out in the hallway.

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    Friday, February 01, 2013

    Telemundo y Mas - Week of February 4 - Discuss among yourselves

    Hola! Those of us who watched and enjoyed Doña Bárbara on Telemundo several years ago will enjoy Génesis Rodriguez doing a telenovela scene with Conan.

    I am off to Mexico for a couple of weeks. Over to you...

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    Weekend Discussion: Destinos, An Introduction to Spanish

    Since a number of us got started in Spanish by watching this excellent teaching tool (for me it was on PBS), I thought it would be fun to check our memories (with or without a little help from IMDb) to see where we have seen the actors since.  I dug up some photos of varying quality for reference:

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