Wednesday, March 06, 2013

"Porque El Amor Manda" - TBLMOTP or TBLMOE aka Fernando Colunga is Coming Back...

Buenas noches a todos,  So, it's a long time no hear from.  I have promised Melinama I would post a little synopsis of the new telenovela, "Porque El Amor Manda"  that premieres on Monday, March 11 replacing Por Ella Soy Eva.  I have been away from recapping for so many months, I can't remember when but how could I resist jumping back into the fray with Fernando Colunga to thrill us once again. So here is what Univisión has to say about the new story line:

Fernando Colunga, Blanca Soto to Star in New Univision Soap Opera

MIAMI – The Univision television network on Tuesday announced that its new primetime soap opera “Porque el amor manda,” starring Mexican actors Fernando Colunga and Blanca Soto, will debut on March 11.

The new “telenovela” by Televisa, produced by Juan Osorio, tells a love story focused on a successful female business executive who falls in love with her male secretary, the network said in a communique.

After spending several years trying to make a living in Chicago, Jesus Garcia (Colunga’s character) discovers that he has a daughter with his former girlfriend in Monterrey, Mexico.

Anxious to get to know the little girl, he decides to return to his country, but he falls into a trap linked with a money laundering operation and is arrested.

With a criminal record and no income, Jesus undertakes the difficult task of finding work and learns that a top executive, Alma Montemayor (Soto) is looking for a secretary, he begins to work for her and their romantic involvement commences. EFE

Otherwise, I am swamped with getting the third of five photo exhibits that I will prepare between January and May.  I just returned from two months in Mexico in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas and really just returned from my 4th photo trip to Costa Rica so my Spanish is streetwise but not necessarily  perfect by academic standards.  But who cares?

I will try to dig up some character synopses before Monday but if anyone already has them, feel free to add them to the Caray Caray blog site.  I hope to have much fun and many snarkful moments with old friends and new. ¡Vamos al lunes, muchachos!   Abrazos de Cheryl NewMex

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Amor Bravío #139 (Uni 134) Tue 3/5/13 La Malquerida is spared while Hissadora takes one giant step toward the Anvil.

Mariano continues his efforts to warn his father against the evil vamp known to us a Hissadora.  Cayetansordo refuses to heed his sons warning.  He can’t believe his loverly Hissie would be capable of such an atrocious (atroz) act as murdering a priest!  Mariano isn’t ready to accuse her of murder but he thinks she’s hiding something.  Now he lays it on him that Refugio saw Dionicio visiting Hissadora while she was staying in Metepec.  Cayetansordo is aghast!  His Hisse has no dealings with Agustina’s husband.  How would that be possible when all the Monterdes hate her?  Mariano feels Refugio would have no reason to lie.  He only asks that his father open his eyes and take precautions.  Cayetansiego thinks its simply a case of mistaken identity by Refugio.  She’s an old woman and no longer sees well (uh, pot calling kettle…..).  Mariano is frustrated and suggests that possibly it’s Cayetansiego who refuses to see.  Caretantarugo: “ Hissadora is now my wife and as such I respect her and support her.  I can’t judge her.  Even the authorities haven’t found her responsible yet, and you should do the same!”  Mariano urges him to be careful and revoke the control her gave her over the property.  That did it, Cayetansiego is outraged and slams his hand on the desk, “Basta!  Hissadora is an honest woman!  She’s given me some incredible moments (oof!).  As soon as she’s out of the pokey, she’ll live here.  So you need to think about whether or not you want to continue to live under the same roof as her.  From this day forward she is the dueña and Señora of this house.”  Mariano stares him square in the face and tells him, “Fine, don’t worry about it.  By the time she arrives, Ana and I will have moved out!”  He leaves. So, let’s see, Pablo’s already out, Yago’s just about out, so now he’s Cayetansolo

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Porque El Amor Manda-Index

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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #81 Tue 3/5/13 You're So Pretty When You Cry, and other nonsense

Amores Verdaderos Cap 81 - 3/5/13—You're So Pretty When You Cry, and other nonsense

(I can't believe Leo actually said that!)

A quick recap, which may or may not be fleshed out later with more screencaps. My video capture is processing and will take a long time to finish. In the meantime, here is an overview with preview screencap:

Nikki can't take the stress anymore!

OVERVIEW OF EVENTS MAY NOT BE LISTED IN ORDER: (I'm just typing from memory)

* Leo is completely off the rails crazy. Bea's still being kept hostage in the car mechanic's garage. He has gagged Beatriz with duct tape. When he removes the tape (harshly—she cries in pain) and she tries to cry for help, it's back to duct tape for her. Tears stream down her face and onto the duct tape. Poor Beatriz!

* Roy the Boy is feigning love for Nikki while hitting on some chicks at the tennis court. Viewerville is given many, many hints that this guy is no good.

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Por ella soy Eva #159 3/5/13: KaBOOM

hehe, Juan runs from the altar in his dress, with Pluto racing after to catch him. But Santi and Fern are finally useful, holding him back. Onesimo is busy eating tacos so JC gets off free as Adri collapses in heart attack.

Juan grabs some random unconscious guy.

Eugenia tells Modesto that now isn't the time to turn his back on his son.

As Helena steams, Plutigloats in her ear.s

De-moussed mousse boy invites Modesto to stay at his place, at least as long as this unpleasantness lasts.

Enter JC, dressed as doctor, to speak to the comatose Adriano. I don't know if it makes sense, but everything i did I did for love. But I don't see how that would actually make things any better.

But it works - when he mentions mimi and the real baby, he opens his eyes. Get out of this place! You better take advantage of the chance to escape, because when I get outta here I won't rest till you're in jail.

At home, Helena weeps.

Renato has a hug and a patching-up with his Dad. Both apologize.
. . .Cerberez here, filling in for Melinama. . .

Today we get an awful lot of people standing around gasping, wondering how this could ever have happened. I don't begrudge them that.

We'll start this off with Mad Dad. He still looks pretty grumpy, but he gives his daughter a sweet hug and an apology and refrains from telling her "I told you so."

Here comes Pluto (in, at last, a shiny tux) and he wants a word with Helena...Does he really think he can get her back? Anyway, you can practically see the canary feathers stuck between his teeth. He comes to shove his stolen goodbye letters in her face and Rub it in some more.

Meanwhile, JC calls. Helena ignores it, but picks it up when Pluto leaves. JC begs and begs and begs for a chance to explain, and she says he's dead to her.

Renato consoles a weeping Mimi, who seems to buck up a bit with a "vida de color rosa" speech.

Helena heads out for a midnight walk through a scenic parking lot. Pluto tails her as she goes to meet Juan, who tells her for the zillionth time that he did everything for love. It's a pretty thin excuse. She lays into him pretty satisfyingly. It's an impressive anvil, and he certainly deserves it! He keeps begging for a chance to explain, but he really has nothing more than "I did it because I love you." Fortunately, the cops come to lock him up, and we don't have to listen to any more of this. Pluto comes rushing to the scene to get his boy-scout badge, but she wonders what gave him the right to follow her. He honestly thought he was at least gonna get a hug. What a chump!

Mimi gets her obligatory weeping-over-the-patient hospital scene. Come back for my baby! I mean, your baby! The nurse drags her out and his eyes open a bit.

Uh-oh, it looks like Mimi isn't going to be able to go back to her place after Juan's been arrested. I think the cops are there. She'll stay w/ Lucia for the time being.

At the jail, we realize that JC is also officially being charged with homicide. I notice that, while many other characters have changed clothes, Pluti is still in his shiny tux. Now he shares some congratulatory glass of champagne with Onesimo. But that quickly sours. He sends Onesimo out, though, so he can swill more champagne of self-congratulation in private.

He wakes up a total mess, but Rebe busts in wearing a rattlesnake-pattern dress. She wants some smooches with her husband-to-be. She wants an heir, a plutarquito. He's really too drunk to mount any kind of defense.

Juan paces his cell as Helena paces her room. There is a sappy song sung by Juan's actor.

Mimi - I want to go be with Adri... "ando con jesus en la boca." what does that mean?

The good guys discuss plans. Renato has a video of Pluto and Rebe during his marriage to Antonia. Santi looks hilarious. he's shocked - "but I thought he LOVED Antonia." I thought everyone knew.

Wow, what a typical twist - Helena is pregnant.Whoop-dee-doo!
Have fun with the rest of the show!


Monday, March 04, 2013

Amor Bravío #138 (Uni 133) Mon 3/4/13

Capitulo 138: Buenas Noticias y Recuerdos Malditos

Lo del pasado

El Diablo wonders why not all the bulls are dead yet as Omar.  As Hissadora looks at her sleeping husband she thinks about making sure she maintains control of La Buenaventura; Leoncerdo communicates to Aaron that Hissadora cut out his tongue.  Camila explains to Vivi that Miriam loves Daniel, then immediately rushes in to perform CPR on him.

Lo de nuevo:

Miriam's House:   Mariano fusses over Baby Agatha, recalling Ana as a baby. A few stereotypically parental comments later Miriam's phone rings and it's Gaston telling her that the vaccine has been found and will be delivered via private plane. Abe has taken care of all the bills and Gaston will deliver it personally first thing in the morning. Miriam asks and Mariano agrees to drive her to the airport.
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Amores Verdaderos #80 Mon 3/4/13 Hey Super-Superman, Just Connect the Dots Already, Captas?

* Lo refrito: At the Balvaneras Aníbal grabs Pau-Whiner’s arm and asks her in his adorable in-your-face-style: Qué haces aquí?! (What are you doing here?!) Lo nuevo: Paula informs His Majesty that she’s Nikki’s piano teacher. In the meantime upstairs Neta Equis is doing her usual bratty stuff to Polita.

* In the kitchen Angel, Lili, Tomasina and Jean Marie are talking about Cristina: Little Orchid says she was very mad at her when she told him that she was going to visit the countryside with her dad and the Balvanera sisters. Arriaga thinks that Cris’s right about Adriana: she’s adorable, but when she and Liliana are together, something weird always happens. Adriana, who overheard the conversation, enters the room and greets them.
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Por ella soy Eva #158 3/4/12: CAT. OUT. OF. BAG.

Okay. . . so Juan realizes that Pluto used his name to set up the fraud.

Pluto is surprised to find Rebe in her slutty red-riding-hood suit and a bedroom full of flowers. She teases him about his impotence when he manages to decline. She manages to goad him into it, though! Could we score ANOTHER false pregnancy in this show?

But in the morning Pluti gets a visit from the ghost of Antonia - a nice touch.

Renato to Adri - I just don't know if this is the time for reconciliation w/ me and dad. It looks like his use of the mousse is decreasing as his self-confidence grows.

Pluto lurks in his car to see Helena pay a visit to Eva. Helena complements Eva on her "prizification," premificacion.


A reluctant Eva has to get shoved out onto the stage. She thanks them all for the world of help that they have all given her. "You're not giving this reward to a woman," she announces [scary music, santi and ferni gasp]. . . "but to all the women of Mexico." You've all changed my life, I am a better person for having all of you. She talks of the saintly Antonia and starts winding up to a song, but everyone in the wings says NO SINGING. She works in a little wink to Helena's mom when she says women don't need men to be happy. She has really sweet things to say about all her friends in the audience, and barely recovers from another slip, calling Eugenia "ma-" [everyone who knows the truth gasps] "-magnifica actriz". . . good one!

She is quite sweet to them all, and starts winding up for an announcement - she has to tell them all something very important: "No soy una mujer" [GAAH everyone who knows freaks out and we get some big juicy "drama" music]. . . "uhhh. . . no soy una mujer valiente."
Fernie echoes my sentiments with a hand signal reminding Juan to cut it short, and surprisingly manages to do it.

Afterwards Renato sidles up to Eva with a disc of accounting (presumably proof of Pluto's guilt?)

Meanwhile, Pluto has broken into Eva's room. He finds wigs, and much more juicily, a spare set of boobies. He keeps going and finds a conveniently placed set of photos that lead him to the truth - Eva is Juan Carlos! But it gets juicier - he finds a pair of letters addressed to Adri and Helena - they must be a confession for after the planned disappearance of Eva. He makes his shark smile.

Juan sets up a meeting with Helena and starts to say goodbye and thanks to Eva. You've helped me, my dear, and taught me, and I'll miss you so much. Then he cackles with glee and dances when he finally gets those stockings off for the last time! Lord, he sure looks weird dancing in his undies and his boobies!

Next thing we know, Pluto joins Adri, who's waiting for Eva. Pluto jokes about Eva disappearing and leaving him at the altar, and jokingly lends him a gun.

Juan romantically makes out with Eva in his plaid boxer shorts. They have a great night, and then, in bed, she goes on and on about how she trusts him now and knows he'd never, ever mislead her. Viewerville is acutely aware of the whistling noise of the plummeting foreshadowing.

The next morning, in his bed at Mimi's, Juan is delighted to wake up and not have to dress as a lady again, but Mimi brings emergency news! Lucia and Helena and Lalito are here to help her get dressed and rush her to the church. ZOMG! At the primping party, things begin to look grim for her prospects of escape, with ladies all around. The wedding dress is a quite impressive display of foofery. Eva flips and screams, overwhelmed, but the ladies drag her along. She keeps trying to run away! Eugenia, on the phone: "COMO QUE SE VA A CASAR..." With all of them plus Lalo shoving, they finally manage to wedge her in the car. She tries to escape again, but it's too late! They're at the church!

Pluto is in a tux that isn't shiny - I'm a little disappointed.

As the pressure rises, Juan's face begins to spasm! Helena puts the veil on, and a quivering Eva begins to trundle down the carpet as slowly as she can manage, dragging an absurdly long train! Adri gets tired of waiting and he heads out to drag her in! OMG this incredible! Fortunately, mom to the rescue! Mimi brings her in at the last minute! But no, no rescue, they just bought her a little time. Now, as the priest asks if anyone has an objection, her phone rings! She pulls it out of the front of her dress to find out about the failure of the safe-snatching plan! Adri interrupts- DO IT, FATHER! Eugenia loos sick, but not as sick as Eva. The priest actually looks like Modesto. Priest: will you take this man - Eva: that's a tricky question, etc. . . stalls for a few minutes. Pluto smirks. Finally, when it comes down to it, she/he takes off the wig/makeup and


That's it!

Note - Friday is the last day (it'll be a two hour show). How can Helena possibly forgive Juan by then? I mean, in any way that's remotely satisfying for viewerville. My only theory at this point is that she'll move away in anger and we'll get a "months later..." for Juan's final apology, but even that sounds a little hollow.


Saturday, March 02, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #79 Fri 3/1/13 True Love Diaries and If Lovin' You Is Wrong I Don't Wanna Be Right

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman, we have another letter from the writers of this TN.

Dear Patio Peeps,

Yeah, we've had too much Baileys. We thought we would drop you a line to say howdy. See we told you we would incorporate some more comedy in this TN. There will be more coming, you can count on it. We also got a letter from PETA, complaining of our shabby treatment of Balzac, you know letting him run all over the D.F. in the storyline. We assured them that Balzac is safe and sound. Not a spoiler, but we wouldn't mistreat a dog. We also want to give a shout out to NovelaMaven who got that letter from Kendritta. Needless to say, we gave her a dressing down for sending you that letter, and told her in future, she must show us the letter before she sends anymore. We like your Patio and want to keep it Kendho free. We have heard some chisme that FF and Anyballs are up in arms about no table for them either. Don't be surprised if you receive a letter from them. Just a heads up. Now we have to get back to writing more of this TN but just wanted to drop our Patio Peeps a line to let them know we are enjoying the Patio and also that store you now have set up. We'll keep in touch.


The Writers

We start this epi with Guzmi and Felipe talking about the gambling, Ms Vikki and the Angel talking about how her "reconciliation" with FF is just for show, not hanky panky, it's just for Nikki's benefit. And then Nikki and Roy and how many championships he's won with the tennis and now he's done. And how Nikki is gonna be his future wife. He tells Ms Vikki this and she is shocked, I tell you shocked! She personally, to herself, doesn't think Nikki is ready for this. So Roy explains he means not tomorrow of course, but they are gettin married and besides adds Nikki that they have known each other a long time, were a couple before and that the families have known each other foreva! We'll get back to them.
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Amor Bravío #137 (Uni 132) Fri 3/1/13 More Curation Frenzy and Frustration As Dio The Bull Butcherer’s Bombast Bungles The Play

capítulo 137

There has been nothing quite as horrendous or as devastating for Camila and Crew (let alone Viewerville) as the sight of motionless mounds of beautiful black bull beasties’ bodies scattered throughout the pastures of La Malquerida, dead as Dionisio’s coffin door nails, except for Daniel’s incapacitated and unconscious body now lying in Cam’s bed in the cabana.
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Por ella soy Eva #157 3/1/13: Sugar, I'm Going Down Swinging, If I Can't Have You, I Don't Want No Body Baby


I'm going down, down in an earlier round:

So Pluti is meeting with the henchies and finds out that Helena was indeed with JC in Acapulco, cause the guy swears on his Motha, well, maybe not that, but you get the drift, it is so true she was with this guy in the pic, doncha know, so now Pluti is in denial, ya know that river in Egypt, can't be that infeliz is so dead. But on second thought, Pluti is gonna make good and sure that JC is really dead, but the henchie tells him he can't follow Helena or JC cause they know who he is. So Pluti decides to take the task on himself. He is gonna find the proof of JC being alive or dead. Just watch him.

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Friday, March 01, 2013

Telemundo y más: week of March 4, 2013

Telemundo's 10pm/9c show, El rostro de la venganza, is slogging towards its gory finish line.  The date of the final episode hasn't been announced nor has Telemundo named its replacement.  Will El señor de los cielos be ready to fill the slot?  The promos boast that the new novela is coming muy pronto.

UniMás has announced that its 9pm/8c Colombian drama, Made in Cartagena, is also coming to a close.   Again, we have no date for a final episode.  Anyone know what will replace it?  

A gentle reminder: NO SPOILERS please.  If something hasn't actually happened in an episode, we don't talk about it here. 

Enjoy your page and your week!

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Weekend Discussion: Is it always necessary to have a Felices Para Siempre?

In my almost two decades of watching telenovelas I can only recall one that had a tragic ending. I think it was technically a mini-series because it had only 45 episodes (or it was originally shown in 90 half-hours; couldn't find the info) but I haven't seen another since then. It was 1989's Angeles Blancos and it ended with the death of the male protagonist. It aired here in daytime in early 1994 and I was shocked despite my relative inexperience with telenovelas.

I've seen bittersweet endings since then, such as La Esposa Virgen, Ramona, El Cuerpo del Deseo, and Aurora. Even La Que No Podia Amar didn't have a full FPS, as Rogelio didn't get out of the wheelchair. Ramona couldn't end differently because of how the original novel ended, La Esposa Virgen was given a surprise ending allegedly based on audience feedback during production, Aurora was so badly tampered with for reasons I can only speculate on. These three productions flew in the face of what most viewers expect from novelas.

Globo-TV, the Brazilian network that produced the original El Clon, doesn't follow Mexican novela rules. Their series are straight dramas which don't usually have designated villains, their protagonists are frequently flawed in ways that Mexican ones are not (e.g., Lucas of El Clon was a wimp), and they can have sad endings. Fans of Globo-TV's productions don't know what to expect when they get a new series that is an original story.

Would you prefer that to the fairy-tale endings typically provided by Televisa? Would you prefer the characters to be more ambiguous? Would you want to see the villains win once in a while?

Weigh in, amigos.

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Amor Bravío #136 (Uni 131) Thu 2/28/13 Amor Infectado

Daniel says Camila can't ask him to leave her alone now when she needs help with the bulls.  He's not happy when she reminds him she's got plenty of help--including Mariano.  She asks him to leave because it's becoming a torment.  "Oh, so I'm a torment to you!"  Dude, that's not what she said. He's grumpy because he's suffering too with all the marital nookie he's being forced to have so his wife pops her cork instead of, well, permanently popping her cork. Camila says she'll be ok on her own and it's best if they end it.  Daniel remembers Miriam saying she doesn't want him halfway. Daniel agrees to leave and never see Camila again.  Not that he won't pout about it.  Camila cries as he walks away.

Piedad is working on a pozole.  Maybe it'll cheer the bosses up to have some good food.  She talks to Dorotea about the ingredients she uses. 

The health inspectors are responding to Dio's anonymous report.  The ranch could end up being quarantined.  The inspectors say there's no way to get the vaccine from out of the country without a lot of red tape.  Which they're fine to get going, but they want to confirm that it's the cabrex virus after all.

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Por ella soy Eva #156 2/28/13: I've Given Up the Truth to Those I've Tried to Please, But Now It's My Turn...

And if living for myself is what I'm guilty of, go on and sentence me.  I'll still be free.

In a meeting between Adriano, Pluto, and Eva, Adri tells Pluto that he has demonstrated he can't handle the presidency.  Pluto starts to object, but Adri tells him that after the honeymoon things are going to change around here.  Eva smiles to herself and claps silently.  Pluto is pissed.

Eugenia is talking to Claudia about all her grand plans for the play she will be producing.  Modesto comes in, attempting to rain on her parade once again.  Eugenia puts him in his place, and tells him it's obvious their marriage died many years ago.  Modesto asks about a pile of suitcases on the floor.  Eugenia tells him they are his and she wants him to leave the house.  Modesto objects, saying the house is also his, but Eugenia reminds him that he is a gentleman and asks him to do the gentlemanly thing.  Modesto acquiesces, asking Claudia to come with him, but she moves to Eugenia's side and says that she is staying with Eugenia.  Modesto looks old and confused.  Eugenia and Claudia embrace after he leaves.

The years have seen my life through someone else's eyes, but now it's my turn.

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #78 Thu 2/28/13 Big bodyguards with big broken hearts and tied hands... sigh...

Have to do a quick one, have a commitment for early tomorrow until mid afternoon... so here we go...

refrito ... the UGLY BAD CHOICE reconciliation of Vicky and Nil-so-boneless-Jerk..
Angel swallows pride and holds his dinner in watching the scene... Nil-SBJ acts nasty to Angel with Hugs
Vicky thinks she is in control... Nil-SBJ thinks otherwise...

Lo Nuevo:

Catwoman KenDrat very angry at Dances since he won't answer phone calls... She drinks her frustrations off.  She nags talking to herself a lot, even refers to Vicky as old-hag-cellulite-prone wife of Nil-SBJ's

Nil-SBJ says to himself KenDrat will stay lonely and dry tonight, there are priorities. But he thinks she is the best lover... because she 'understands'.

Niki and Viki have a close chat... Niki needs Viki... Viky gives her the good news Nil-SBJ's stuff is going back to THEIR bedroom... Niki relieved.

Leo and his drinking buddy... Leo has a plan for getting Bea to be back. And his buddy is included in plan.

Dances and Nil-SBJ... Nil-SBJ thinks he is in control. Dances fakes ignorance. Nil-SBJ is visibly getting wasted. and sends dances away to go out with his car...   'tonight is for..... celebrating'

Viki tells Tomasina about the 'fake reconciliation'.  Viki mad at Nil-SBJ for bragging to ANgel about the 'recon'.   Tomas asks Viki if worried about ANgel mad about the 'recon'. Viki says (but we know otherwise) that what she is worried about is he will think she is one to give in easily.

Niki's old boyfriend arrives... (Roy)... typical young Nil-SBJ if you ask me.  Hypocrisy at its best.
He is gladly surprised at Niki's beauty. 

Niki and Roy go outside... He asks TOmasina for champagne and smoked salmon even though Niki's idea was just some cold drinks.

Gorilita is totally oblivious to this, taking a shower and remembering Niki's loving words and kisses... 'Niki loves me!!... tonight i will invite her out to formally declare my love to her'..

Outside, Roy is showering niki with flattery... (i think she is thin and flat enough, don't you? the last thing someone with low self-esteem needs is all this trashy talk)  But Niki shows some backbone throwing at Roy's face how he dropped her like a used sock way back when.  He says that was then, this is now... (kisses her, she makes believe it is Gorilita for a moment, but pulls back before they actually kiss)

Estefano is ordering a newspaper notice about his lost puppy (awwwwwwwwwwwww... Balsac? LOL)

Jean Marie and Polita busy cooking... Gorilita comes in, handsomer and smiling wider than normal, they notice.  They ask for the reason, he says you will soon find out.

Tomasina sends Angel with Hugs to Anibal's room. She tells Gorilita that Niki is out in garden.

Dances and Bea/Guillo arrive at his godmother's house. Her name is Imperia. and she is good at puppet-ing. She makes Guillo laugh and talk to the teddy bear... cute scene. Imperia very nice to Bea and Guillo.

Anibal, in his usual business-like emotion-less tone, thanks Angel for his support for Vicky, but if you still have a job, it is thanks to me (ya salio el peine!)... remember i defended you when Nil-son tried to get rid of you. So now i will ask you for a favor... very small. I want you to spy for me with Vicky and Adriana's meetings. Angel calls it by face value and says 'you want me to spy on them.... and if my job depends on that, i would rather leave.'.
Nil-SDF, totally wasted, makes it in Viky's bedroom. He tries to get her to drink with him. When she refuses, he keeps acting silly, then tries to force himself on her.

Anibal insists, trying to dress it up differently, making it sound like he is looking after Vicky's 'health'.  When Angel leaves, Anibal says 'that guy is stronger/harder than i thought'
Out in hallway, Angel wonders what kind of jerk Anibal is... then he hears what is going on in bedroom... and is tortured in his feelings between tearing down the door and defending Vicky and not doing anything.

Niki and Roy... Niki still in disbelief Roy wants to start over where they had left it.  He approaches for a kiss, Viki is about to kiss him, and sees Gorilita watching them, so she actually puts the words in Roy's mouth saying 'are you proposing?'... Roy answers 'that is it!.'. THey kiss, she makes it obvious to hurt Gorilita.

Nil-SDF keeps trying to force himself on Viki... ANgel biting his lips (if he has any left) outside the door but resists the urge to run in. Viki shouts demanding respect. Nil-SDF demands his marital rights (is he going to 'RESPOND' this time?  now that he is wasted... i think ... NOT!).

Back in backyard... Gorilita walks up to them... Niki keeps faking being happy about a proposal. She tells Roy he is her bodyguard. SHe tells Gorilita you can go now, now i have someone to protect me. Gorilita leaves in a miff.  Niki tells Roy she detests Gorilita.  Roy acts again like a young Nil-Son, bratty rich boy.
Once Gorilita is gone, Niki is back to being honest and says she is not interested in getting back with him. But he insists and she makes a small smile smirk.

Inside Viki's room, she keeps demanding he act like a true man and leave.   As he insists in forcing himself on her, Angel knocks on the door... Nil-SDF and Viki freeze even stop breathing for a sec.  Viki tells Angel she is fine. HE says i will be closeby if you need anything. She thanks him.... This has given Nil-SDF time to reflect so he appologizes.   She just cryes quietly... he leaves.

At Imperia's Guillo is having a good time. She can even teach him to build puppets. He gets excited.  Guillo is excited to have Dances and Imperia go watch him play futbol early next morning. Bea already asked permission to come in to work a bit late.  Nice scene, these folks could easily build a very nice family.
(LOL IMperia tells Bea she has always told Dances to have at least 4 kids so she can be their nanny).
Dances very thankful to Imperia. Bea very thankful to Dances. Dances very happy 'to be with the woman i adore'.

Gorilita is miffed, packing in his room, but Tomasina runs a beat up Felipe to Gorilita's room. Gorilita's jaw drops to floor... Felipe is really beat up. .. .later, as Gorilita is doing first aid, asks who did it... who else? el Turco!... Felipe says it was an impulse he could not control, thought luck was with him that night....  Felipe tells Gorilita that he played thinking he was doing something good for Bea and Guillo. Gorilita gets madder, how can you do anything for them if you can't handle yourself? ...before you recite me the same old story,  how much was it this time?  ...  a bit more... $200K pesos.  Gorilita is irate now. Felipe says this is just a sign of what they will do to me if i don't pay them tomorrow.  ... I deserve for them to kill me... (YOU SAID IT MAN!! SO GO TAKE YOURSELF AND ALL YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF THEIR MISERY!!)
Later he says maybe if i give Turco the deed of the apartment... Gorilita does not agree at all.

Back outside Viki's room... Angel does not hear anything else, thinks maybe Nil-Son has given up.  Anibal asks him why he is there. And asks him if he thought about his request. Angel says Viki is old enough to decide what hurts her or not.  Viki comes out of her room. She thanks Angel for his help.  Anibal asks her if something happened, Viki says as usual, Angel was nearby when she needed him. And gives the good news to Anibal that they 'reconciled'.  (liar liar...) Viki leaves, wants Angel to go with her.

Angel tells Viki about Anibal talking to him and when he came out, he heard what was going on in her room. He wanted to come in but resisted... the important thing is that you are alright. he might be your husband but he does not have the right to...    Viki tells him that Nil-Son and her took Niki to the doctor today. She is suffering an eating disorder. Angel agrees with her that the most important thing is our children's health. Viki clears to ANgel that the 'recon' with NilSon is fake, there won't ever be anything between them ever again.
Angel says it must be hard for her to fake what is not true. Viki says we have agreed that you would do anything for your kids.   Angel mentions that Nil-Son 'bragged' to his face that she and him... that she and him...    anyway you are a great mother... look at all you do for your daughter.  Viki not so sure. She is just a mother... so many women continue a fake marriage for the sake of the children's happiness... ANgel understands her perfectly. Our children give meaning to our lives.

In living room now, Roy keeps bragging about his 'grand slam' achievements.  Then he comes up with the crap that he should have quit earlier, because he had to come back to recover her...
Viki comes out and is happy to see them together and happy... Asks Niki for Gorilita.  Niki says Gorilita went to bed, was not feeling well.  Roy is happy Viky hired a bodyguard for 'his future wife'... Viki surprised, Niki visibly uncomfortable but smirks a smile to Viki.

ANgel reads Viki's writings 'she felt like that man made her shiver... too bad the man was her bodyguard...' (and realizes that writing is about him).


Amor Bravío #135 (Uni 130) Wed 2/27/13 “Clashes and Contagions – And Did They or Didn’t They?”

Part One:

Courtyard of La MQ:  Dante is guy-lecturing Dan about neglecting his family responsibilities.  Hangdog face Dan listens and soberly agrees. Rodolfo breaks up the man-lecture to ask if Dan is going to join the gang inside the house.  Dan tells Rodolfo to explain to everyone he has to excuse himself  from the powwow this time because his baby is sick at home and that is where he needs to be.

Center for Disease Control at La MQ:   All hands are on deck in El Rancho living room this evening.  Rodolfo comes in to report to Camila that Dan had to go home to be with his sick baby.  Everyone else is gathered together discussing a plan for the growing and now out of control epidemic.  Camila gets the results of the blood analysis – it is an outbreak (brote) of the Cabrex virus!  This virulent virus can wipe out the ranch in a very short time she reports.  Camila says there is no time to lose. Dio offers his services to his secret fantasy girl, um, to Camila to go pick up any vaccines that they locate.  Camila considers that they should ask the pharmacies but Mariano reminds her that the pharmacies are now closed for the day.  Pablo, being more generation X (or whatever his generation is labelled right now) suggests he will look on the internet.  Camila instructs everyone to be super-careful because the virus is muy, pero muy contagious.  Agustina clutches her pearls in fear but Camila allays her worries by informing her that the virus is only contagious through direct contact with the animals, so Agustina has nothing to worry about (except for the dog she is married to). Mariano says the herd will still need to be quarantined for around 45 more days.  Camila understands this, but is still set on saving the ranch.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #77 Wed 2/27/13 Who Let the Dog Out?

Tonight, we hear from another troubled character:

Dear NovelaMaven:

It ain't easy being mean.  It's been a long road and I've had to kiss a lot of frogs along the way.  So no one -- not your precious Guzmancito, not your darling Dances with Dippity-Do, not your Soon-to-be-Fallen Angel, and not your hoity-toity Miss Vikki -- is going to stand between me and the Balvanera billions.   Nevertheless, I am concerned by my extremely low Q score.  It appears I am not well-liked by the estúpidos who watch the show.  So don't just sit there using up oxygen, Maven.  Do something.   Persuade the cretins who call themselves writers to show me in a more sympathetic light.  I'm sure that after a little tweaking of the dialogue, those imbéciles will set up a table for me.  I am so VERY tired of getting dissed on the Patio every night.  


Dear Miss Ferretti:

I regret to inform you that it would take more than some editorial tweaking to make you likeable.  You are what we call a harpy.  A hag.  A harlot.  Or in terms you might understand -- a ho.  Let me give you a little advice -- The prize pig in the Balvanera sty is the old guy.  Forget the awful Eff-ful Nelson.  Aníbal has all the money.  It's HIS company.  It's HIS mansion.  HIS wife is dead.  And after twenty years with PaulaToo, he is primed to appreciate your very special ASSETS.  Best of all, you might even outlive him (if one of the many people you have double-crossed doesn't get to you first.)  Marry him!  Spend your honeymoon on some remote island, just the three of you -- Aníbal, your personal assistant, Cristine, and you.  And don't forget to take along a little light reading:  How about "No Exit"?


P.S.  No table for you, Kendrita!  ¿Captas?  Or do I have to explain it with apples?

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Por ella soy Eva #155 2/27/13: The Episode With a Cast of Characters- The Wicked Witch, The Three Stooges, The Woman of the Year, A Liberated Woman and Let's Not Forget That The Teflon Modesto Got His Walking Papers

We start out with Rebeca telling Pluti that they are going to get married, no joking is involved.  Pluti says that he will never marry her and Rebeca lets him know that she knows him as Alberto, Leoncio, Henry and Juan Carlos, may he rest in peace.  He knows where she found the paperwork and Rebeca thanks Antonia for helping her and says that she will light a candle for her but calls her a manatee. (Its good to know that her anvil will be here before we know it.) Pluti is none too thrilled and is ready to choke the life out of her.  If her touches a hair on her head, the fake ids will go to Adriano and to the authorities.  She understands now that he needed the fake names to open up bank accounts (money laundering), which further involves him in the fraud, not Juan Carlos.  She also blames him for the accidental death of Mendoza.  She wants a diamond ring and wedding like William and Kate.  She is out of her mind!!

The thee million dollars went to an account in Mexico in Juan Carlos’ name and one of his boss, another in New York.  After Juan’s death the money kept moving and then disappeared. The genius Santi- realizes that someone used false identification to open up the bank accounts in Juan’s name. How brilliant!! He must have missed vitamins as a child!!!   Eva/Juan sees that the names are Alberto, Leoncio and Henry, all from Grupo Imperio. Dumb and Dumber are going to investigate. They are like the Three Stooges with Eva being Moe.  Eva/Juan says that this weekend she is to get married and the two dummies get carried away congratulating her/him on the wedding.  Juan is fanning in between his legs and Dumb and Dumber look on.  It’s hot!! The stockings are hot; I don’t know how they do it!!

The persistent client, Gustavo returns he wants to begin a relationship with her and he invites her to have a cup of coffee with him.  Is Silvia into him?? Hmmm!

Pluti and I have the same expression as Rebeca pontificates about her 10 years with him.  He tells her that their marriage wouldn’t last and she agrees, she will divorce him and take half.  She is gathering the paperwork for the wedding.

Helena is talking to Silvia about not accepting the coffee invite but she knows someone who is getting married to someone that she doesn’t even know.  Silvia wants to know why does she want o get married?? Is she pregnant??? They tell her about Eva’s pregnancy.

Dumb and Dumber don’t understand how Eva/Juan was able to fool everyone.  They wanted her/him to walk for them.  They were so entertained.  Juan/Eva told them that Mimi taught him how to walk, talk, dress, etc.  They wanted to know if Juan had sex with Mimi and Juan reminded them about respecting women.  He never thought that he could be a friend with a woman but he is just like Santi with Lucia.

Pluti makes a crack about Helena being hysterical, and Adriano is reviewing Antonia’s thesis.  Pluti starts talking abut how women have divided the company and Adriano doesn’t understand.  Pluti insinuates that Helena and Eva are trying to take the company from him.  Pluti lets Adriano know that Eva was with Mendoza on the night of his accident.  Let’s get rady for the jealous rage!!!

Helena acts Juan what’s up?? Juan explained that he had an ulcer and had to go to the hospital.  Helena is dying to see him and needs to embrace him and has lots to tell him.

Pluti is not sure but the description of the woman fits Eva.  He insinuates that Eva may not be pregnant, you know how women lie.  What a jerk!!!

Eva is fanning herself like Cleopatra and Adriano is having his usual jealous tantrum, where have you been?? With who? How do I know that you are pregnant?  I haven’t seen anything medically to verify your pregnancy??  Adriano begs her to find out where was she yesterday?? Was she with Mendoza???  Adriano insists that they go to the gynecologist while fondling the gold statue.  Eva’/Jan’s lips are quivering like a baby that is going to cry.

Pluti is on the phone talking to someone about Fitsa and that someone named Leonardo is not be available if anyone comes sniffing around. Pluti asks Renato if he remembers everything that he has done for him since day one and Renato remembers him being instrumental in his being Adriano’s assistant.  So if Adriano asks about Antonia’s thesis is he free to do what Pluti asks of him?

Adriano wants Eva to go to the gynecologist and Mimi says that Eva spent all of yesterday being examined and she has the proof.  She shows Adriano an analysis while Eva tells Adriano that she spent the night with her friend Eugenia.  Adriano has to trust her.  He swears to his sister that he will never mistrust her.

Lalito had a homework assignment- he had to write about a day when he was happy.  He wrote about a day that he and Juan cooked like chefs.
Helena read an email from Lalito’s dad, telling him that he is sorry that he hasn’t contacted him sooner misses him and loves him and with Helena’s permission he will see him soon.  They can communicate via email, behave and even though they are far away from each other he loves him.

Eva thanked Mimi for the “analysis”. A melancholy Mimi hugged Eva/Juan and told her about her day of examinations. How is Eva going to get out of this mess?? Poor Adriano.  Eva is certain that with Dumb and Dumber they will bring proof very soon.

At Grupo- a man (detective) asks for Eva.  Marsela says that she hasn’t arrived yet.  Marsela takes him to her office because he has some questions about Eva that he wants to ask.  Pluti tells Renato that the man must be investigating Eva about Mendoza’s death.  Renato doesn’t get it.  Renato is starting to put 2 +2 together. What does Eva have to do with Mendoza?  Santi invites Vero to go out.  She is surprised.  She says that romance is in the air- Eva and Adriano and guess who?? Lucia?  Santi is impactado!!!!

Santi confirms with Helena that Lucia is getting married next week.  Helena doesn’t want to interfere but Santi can.  She gives him a card with the address where he can find Lucia.

The investigator asks Helena if he can ask her some questions about Eva.

Eva arrives and there is a nasty exchange between Pluti and Eva about her miracle pregnancy. She wants to know about Fitsa and Playa Mayagua and the accidental death of Mendoza. Pluti knows that she was with Mendoza minutes before his death.  Pluti tells Eva that she should be worried, thinking that the young man is asking questions about her. Helena congratulates Eva.  The young man introduces himself.  She has been chosen as the Woman of the Year.

Silvia (looking younger and sexy) is goes to get coffee with Gustavo (The nice man who bought the tree and defended her to Mad Dad) She closes up shop and makes a phone call.  You go girl!!!!!!!!

Eva was elected unanimously!!!  Pluti looks as if he is going to have to have a root canal.  She was elected for rehiring the female employees and saving Jennifer.  Adriano interrupts the festivities.  Helena gives Adriano the good news.  Adriano is overflowing with emotion.  He mentions the upcoming nuptials.  Pluti looks ill.  Mad Dad is visiting Lalito and he is asking for Helena who is at work and grandma will be home late.  It doesn’t take much but Mad Dad starts with the insults- how irresponsible, leaving him with his babysitter, Lydia!!!  You are still a jerk- Mad Dad.

Adriano shares the baby news with reporter, who now can’t breathe from his bear hug.  Pluti has to rain on the parade and say that Eva is celebrating a prize but she is involved in a delicate matter at the company. (What an asshat!!)

Gustavo says that at his age there’s no time or games.  He would like to have a woman at his side, Silvia wants to know, what is he looking for in a woman?  He wants a woman waiting for him at home with dinner ready, rubbing his sore feet, drawing his bath, and laying out his pjs.  Uh oh, is she going to flip the table??

Lucia is trying on wedding gowns, she looks like a princess and Santi interrupts her. He is mesmerized by how beautiful she looks in the gown. He says that she looks like a princess too.  Santi feels that she is not ready, but this is what she has wanted all of her life.  She is not in love but when she is in love it doesn’t work out.  Santi tells her that   to love is no t the same as being in love. A true love accepts you even with your defects.  She feels like she is a consolation prize or a leftover so she needs to jump at the chance.

Gustavo is putting his foot further down his mouth, he wants someone who cleans his clothes and Silvia lets him have it.  In her 30 years of marriage she has never rubbed her ex’s feet, He is a macho who is looking for a servant and that’s not her.  He tries to clean it up that a man needs a woman and Silvia wants no parts of it.  She feels that it will become codependency.  He wants a friendship first but Silvia tells him to enjoy his dessert. He doesn’t get it.

Pluti says that due to the lawsuit the rehired woman have to be fired again.  Eva says that she borrowed on her shares of the company that Antonia gave her.  Pluti lets her know that the shares will go down in value.

Adriano hears the banter and puts Pluti in his place and tells him that based on his comments he is no longer in charge.  After the wedding there will be some changes at Grupo Imperio.

Eugenia and Claudia are having tea and she is telling Claudia about her plans for the play.  She is in touch with a famous author.  Modesto comes into to rain on their parade and tells her she needs to stop thinking about acting and her traveling show.  Theatre is useful and he tells her that it’s absurd.  He asks her if she is going on trip because he sees suitcase and she tells him, no it’s your stuff- hit the road Jack!!!

Coming attractions- Lalo sees Juan, Rebeca is back  in Adriano's face and Pluti is still threatening Oneismo.


Amor Bravío #134 (Uni 129) Tue 2/26/13 Beware the Anvil, and its name is VIRUS!!

Aggie hands over the charred remains of Dionicio’s fake passport to Ozzie.  She asks that he come to her first with the results of his investigation.  Ozzie is astounded with what she’s brought him, it’s a treasure trove of info.  He knows this must have been difficult for her to do this.  She admits it was difficult but finding that passport really affected her.  She just couldn’t continue with this uncertainty.  Ozzie understands her doubt, now she doesn’t even know who she’s married to!  Aggie begins to whimper and Ozzie encourages her to let it all out.  She doesn’t have to pretend or be strong in front of him.  What happens at Ozzie’s, stays at Ozzie’s.  Poor Aggies cries her lavender tears.  She just couldn’t bear having made a mistake yet again,  “For me, Dionicio is everything.  If I find that he deceived me, I’ll be devastated (hundir)!”  Ozzie preaches that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.  He encourages her not to underestimate (subestimar) herself, “You’re a strong woman.  You’ll be able to confront what’s still to come.”  Aggie can only hope there’s a logical explanation for that charred passport and that Dionicio isn’t the man Ozzie and Amanda claim him to be. 

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #76 Tue 2/26/13 Excuse me, there's a decomposing cake under your bed

. . . and it's a BIG cake!

Okay, I'm going to regurgitate a brief from-memory recap and then flesh it out later when my video capture finishes encoding. MORE SCREENCAPS COMING LATER.

But to start us out, here's a screencap of the aforementioned cake:

A crime against a perfectly delicious-looking cake.


Guzmancito professes his love for Nikki to Vicki, who is agreeable to the notion, but tells him to make sure that he's serious, because Nikki is in a vulnerable state of mind and doesn't need to be jerked around. Kendra-ho overhears this exchange and vows to stick it to the Little Gorilla.

The new: It doesn't take long for Kendra-ho to have ammunition. She is friendly to a gullible Polita who tells Kendra-Ho that Guzmancito's dad is a gambling man and Guzmancito is always bailing him out. Aha!

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Por ella soy Eva #154 2/26/13: A Convenient Death, and Mutt and Jeff Receive a Shock

Clouds hid my tv signal on and off tonight so I missed the very beginning. Esmas says:

Mendoza sees Juan Carlos, unconscious, in the closet. He comes into the bathroom, admires himself in the mirror, suddenly a Masked Man enters and threatens him with a pistol. Mendoza thinks it's Plutarco. The pistol falls to the floor. The Masked Man is mocked by Mendoza, but a shot rings out and he falls in the Jacuzzi and is electrocuted. Onesimo leaves the hotel room. Juan staggers out of the closet, grabs his cellphones, and leaves with Mendoza's portfolios.

Helena and Adri go to find Eva at the pension. Mimi improvises, saying Eva's talking to an old friend, Adri doesn't believe it.

Pluto looks pretty darn worried as he sees the corpse exiting the hotel. He later shakes Onesimo, furious that he killed Mendoza and didn't get the portfolios. He demands: "Find the passports and the 3 million dollars." "Do it yourself."

When my antenna signal came back: Juan, looking ghastly as half-Eva and still pretty drugged, staggers away, barefoot, his fake boobs hanging out, his wig in his hand, doubled over with gastritis. Mimi calls (Helena and Adri hovering over her); she passes the phone to Adri. Juan as Eva can barely squeak out an excuse - she's going to have a sleepover with her friend. Adri assumes she's drunk. "Trust me, this is the last time I'll be absent like this." "It better be!" he barks.

Slumped on the ground, Juan calls his mom. She finds him lying there burning up with fever. It's really a horrible sight. Eugenia takes him to the hospital. When Helena calls Juan, Eugenia answers and says he can't answer just now. Turns out he has an ulcer from his chronic (and untreated) gastritis. He needs an operation. The ulcer had almost perforated but in a week he'll be as good as new.

The atmosphere is lighter when Mimi gets to the hospital. He says everybody at the hospital is laughing at him (for having turned up as a half-trannie). "This is no laughing matter, what if Mendoza opens his mouth?"

Helena calls Eva: "I just found out Mendoza died last night." Impactado.

Rebeca is likewise amazed to find out Mendoza is dead - "good thing I didn't go to that assignation with him."

Onesimo calls Rebe, he'd waited for her all night. "I was hiding from you." "I know you have Pluto's papers, watch out, he wants you dead." "Well, naco, if he finds out you have the millions it's you who will be dead." "He asked me to make you disappear, Rebe." She changes the subject: "Did you kill Mendoza?" "I can't kill a Christian." He again asks her to forget about vengeance and leave with him. She says, "Not if you were the last naco on earth." Incredibly, he is not discouraged! He will have her no matter what!

Juan marvels to Mimi and Eugenia: "Mendoza was killed while I was in the closet!! This is too dangerous for you, I have to get out you out of danger." "But we can't leave you alone." "I have friends who will help me."

Fer and Santi have come to the hospital to see Eva. She tells them to stand by the door, where they can't see her, she's not decent. She reminds them she's been there for them when they needed her - with Jennifer, Angelica, Patricia, and Grupo Impera. Now it's time for them to rally round... He goes on reminding them of times he pulled them out of the fire, going back in time... "... and remember Cancun, and that time Santi was drunk and vomited." "How can you know all this? You weren't at Grupo Imperio then." "How much did you love Juan Carlos?" Lots. "And if you saw this neanderthal was still alive?" "I would give him a big hug..." "Now come in with your eyes closed... now open them." Juan is lying there, as himself. "How are you?"

Nobody could call these two quick on the uptake. They stand staring, stunned, paralyzed. "Where is Eva hidden?" "Don't be an idiot." They start fighting with each other and yelling at Juan. It's the Mutt and Jeff show. He yells to snap them out of it. "I NEED YOUR HELP." Big hug. He asks them to sneak him out of the hospital. They go to the pension and go over the files in Mendoza's portfolios. Juan explains about the hacker disk. "I can't prove I didn't open an account for my mom and put the now-missing millions into it." In the portfolios are records of all sorts of accounts for fictitious people, and also for Helena in NY and for Juan himself.

Though Mendoza has croaked, the fraud investigation at GI must go on. Arenas the auditor reports that Helena is free of suspicion. Helena reminds them she saw Mendoza in her office, he could have planted the compromising documents. She also wonders where Renato got the idea she was making hidden deals. Pluto immediately blames everything on Mendoza. Helena: "This isn't the first time that all suspician falls on a corpse." Helena says she can fix the FIXA mess. She tells Adri she doubts Juan's guilt and shows him the two theses, one completely false. Adri, embarrassed, has to admit he never read the thesis so can't say which is the real one. Helena: "Plutarco told me you yourself specifically said to use this thesis and base the project on it." "What? I never said that." Adri can't believe Pluto could be involved and is angry she suggested it. Still, he asks Pluto about it...

Pluto apparently sneaks into the morgue and unzips Mendoza's body bag. He tells the corpse: "I'm glad to see you here. Now you can't blackmail me. I'm giving you all the broken plates." The morgue guy gives Pluto all Mendoza's stuff. "Weren't there more documents?" A cop shows up and tells Pluto Mendoza "was with a woman, he asked her to come up to his room..." Pluto sees a chance to pull Eva into the murder investigation and tells the cop: "It's rumored they had more than a work relationship."

Rebe comes to see Adri. Pluto has a temper tantrum and says she can't come in but Adri overrules him. Pluto intercepts her outside and says she'll never get her job back. She says she will and, furthermore, he will marry her. "How can you force me?" She proves she knows about all the fake accounts (the ones Mutt and Jeff and Juan are marveling over).

Oh and p.s. - Everybody is laughting at Jennifer at school, her friend says: "Haven't you seen those pictures of you on the internet? Everybody has seen them, they're very daring." Marcela stares, Jennifer is embarrassed.


Amores Verdaderos #75 Mon 2/25/13 Telenovela Deathmatch Round 3: the Vengeful Plastic Bombshell vs. the Lovesick Hunky Bodyguard

* Lo refrito: a very angry Victoria tells Kendho that she knows everything, and she just wants to hear it from her mouth. Speak, Kendra, speak! Kendho looks like a trashy deer in the headlight. (No offense to Marjorie de Sousa, she’s gorgeous.)

* Lo nuevo. Kendra sticks to her well-working strategy: she plays the innocent till death. She asks Vicky what she is talking about. What, what… about Nikki’s illness! Whoa, that bullet was close! Kendra tries to hide her relief. Her pretty butt is saved by Nikki, who takes the blame for the farce and states that Barbie didn’t know about anything. Kendho adjusts to the situation quickly, and she says sadly that although Vicky hurt her feelings deeply (I thought that you knew me better!), she’ll help Nikki because she loves her very much. Neta, Kendra, says Nikki, who’s moved by the tramp’s confession. *Viewerville echoes: neta, Kendra?* Victoria apologizes, and Kendho graciously accepts it.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Amor Bravío #133 (Uni 128) Mon 2/25/13

Capitulo 133: Death in the Morning; Depression in the Afternoon

Lo del pasado

Omar goes over the evil plan with his master, who gloats.  Augustina talks to Padre Anselmo, Miriam asks Daniel what is wrong; he declines to answer and she realizes something is wrong.
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Por ella soy Eva #153 2/25/13: Rebe As Unwitting Sexual Object?! Who Knew?

Adri wants Eva to move in with him (out of the den of hookers). She said she would die first, and digs her elbow into his neck.

However, she can't think of a way to put off the wedding anymore - Adri wants it to be this weekend! This whole pregnancy thing is really confusing. Poor Mimi gets pulled in to arrange the wedding.

Adri is ridiculously pleased about his baby on the way.

Mendoza finds out that his stolen money is all fake. Clever Onesimo remembered to leave forgeries behind. He's a fine one to yell about treachery, when he's just been breaking into a safe.

Onesimo is looking really amazing in a loud shirt and a tie a foot too long. But that doesn't last long - Rebe gets his shirt off and leads him to believe that today will be the day she turns over her body to him. He just about jumps out of his pants with excitement. He comes running back to her in seconds, in a short bathrobe, everything hanging out like the window of a butcher shop. She looks utterly revolted. But she gets a call from Mendoza mentioning Plutarco's treachery and proposing a deal. She tells him to get ready for an executive meeting in the Jacuzzi, but locks him in and hunts for the money.

Meanwhile, that very rascal (Mendoza) is putting the moves on Eva. It looks like he's trying to roofie her. Good god, something is very wrong with his face. She starts to slur. Yep, she's been drugged. She collapses on the bed and he pulls out his camera (is he planning to get blackmail or a souvenir of his misdeeds). However, he's in a surprise - he discovers the wig and the false boobs! He recognizes Juan Carlos! Looks like he's gotten even better blackmail-fodder than he bargained for.

Much later, Onesimo has finished all the strawberries and gets out of the tub only to discover that she locked him in (not very effectively - he gets out in seconds). She has nabbed his keys and has rushed to Pluto's place to rifle through his (now empty) safe. He manages to get in touch with her. Predictably, he still wants her. Because he's booty-blind.

Helena gets some good news from her lawyer. Lucia has BETTER news! She's getting married next week! Uhh.. it's some guy named Jeff. She doesn't love him, but she doesn't care. Helena rolls her eyes. Apparently  he's Swiss.

My highlight for the episode: Rebe - I AM SICK OF BEING TREATED AS A SEXUAL OBJECT - with her boobs practically popping out. Mendoza now wants his own executive meeting with her. I notice a portrait of Pluto painted on velvet. Then she's astonished to knock over a little sculpture to find a few mexican passports and a bunch of  cocaine (or maybe it's just dust to show us how well this thing was hidden). OMG it wasn't coke - the sculpture was Antonias urn!

Yawn - Claudia was much more convincing as a villain. While I admit that she looks much better without that stupid headband, the scene of her listening earnestly to Eugenia drone on about what kind of sensible and dignified show she wants to be in.

Mimi realizes Eva is missing. Helena has come to see Eva, and can't decide whether to sit down while she waits. Seriously. That's a scene.

Mendoza tells Pluto that's he's sitting on something worth more than gold. He won't tell what it is or why it's worth anything, but he gives Pluto a few days to deliver 60% of the stock. It's a surprise!

Y Tocho Morocho - that's all, folks!


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #74 Fri 2/22/13 Of Porcelan Thrones, The Threat, and the Support Team


Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman, the Patio was in an uproar this evening about some of the characters and their actions this evening. The writers for this TN are hiding out right now in order not to be pelted with rotten tomatoes, and bad second bananas. The writers have released the following statement:

Dear Patio of Lowered Expectations:

What did you expect? This is not a full fledged comedy, we have to include the tragedy sometime. We are striving to get some of the bad stuff out of the way so that we can write some more comedy. We know that all of you detest the procelin throne, and the threatening *leo*, but we have to move this story forward so we can get to the good stuff. Please be patient and trust in us and we will soon get back to the comedy and light heartedness you love, trust us!

Sincerely, and we do mean sincerely,

The Writers

Now let's see what happened to our characters this evening.

We start tonight with Polita and Jean Marie and the chisme about Kendho showing up at Ms. Vikki's Birthday Party. Dances is pithed tells Polita and Jean Marie to git and they do, so Polita can go eat cake. He calls Kendho who crows that Ms Vikki was sick, dissed the partay, and that this will drive Quad F into her arms, doncha know. Dances warns her not to be so sure bout that. Kendho assures Dances she has Nikki right where she wants her, that Nikki owes her a big favor she is gonna collect on soon. Kendho tells him no worries, go be with the washed out Betty, for shame we scream on the Patio. Kendho hangs up on Dances and then throws the phone, and says Ouch in Ingles. Sergio Sendel she ain't. Jus' sayin'.
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