Monday, April 08, 2013

Amor Bravío #163 (Uni 158) Mon 4/8/13

Capitulo 163: There Will Be Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Lo del pasado

Piedad tells Pablo that Luzma stayed with Natalia the night before to help her prepare; Eleuterio and Rodolfo slack off with some tequila and sympathy, Hipolito begins his new job, Amanda announces that the wedding will not take place.
Lo de nuevo:

Iglesia, Outside: Amanda delivers the apology announcement to their guests.

Amanda: I ask for everyone's attention, please. We are gathered today for the wedding of Natalia and Yago. I'm grateful that you are all here, but at the same time I must offer you an apology. [This gets suspicious expressions on the faces of Iago and Dionicio] because the wedding will not take place. (Camila has a curious expression)
Dionicio (angry): Why will the wedding not take place?
Iago: Why, Amanda?
Amanda: Because Natalia discovered what class of man she had for a father and also what she would have for a husband. (musical crash) Therefore, there is no wedding. Natalia is now in a place where neither of you will ever find her.
Dionicio: Tell me where my daughter is.
Amanda (firmly): No. Neither of you have any rights over her because Natalia hates you. Never did she take the name 'Ferrer' don't you know? Neither will she call you “Father” again.
Iago: Dionicio may not have rights over Natalia but I do because she is expecting my child. [Note, Iagho, that there will be consequences for that public declaration.]
Amanda: Ay, Iago, do you think you will be a good father? That you're interested in this baby? You rejected this baby when you found out she was pregnant! If you changed your mind it wasn't because of love for the baby or for my daughter; it was because of Dionicio's threats.
Iagho: I don't know what you're talking about, Señora.
Amanda: Don't pretend, Iago. Natalia heard you. You and Dionicio talking about your “deal.”
Mariano (beginning to get suspicious): What deal are you talking about, Amanda? (turning to Iago) Iago, answer me. (Iago looks at the ground)
Amanda: Iago sold himself to Dionicio, Mariano. (Cayetano looks shocked and upset. Isadora watches intently) He accepted money and luxuries to marry Natalia and alienate her from me.
Mariano (sternly): Is this the truth, Iago?
Dionicio (indignantly): Of course not!
Amanda: Yes, it is! (Camila looks over at Dionicio) It doesn't matter to me how much you and Iago deny it because Natalia, thank God, opened her eyes just in time. [Cayetano really looks as though he needs to sit down while Isadora pretends to be supportive] Because of this she has left here never to return. [String section flourish into a musical crash and all stare at Amanda as though she were Renée Fleming finishing an aria.]

Commune in Chiapas: We travel down a lovely river, spot a beautiful waterfall, and see the community greet Aaron on his return. He is accompanied by Luzma and Natalia; they have one rolling suitcase each. He introduces the two girls to them, saying they are there to find peace. The women offer to help them settle in and Aaron says they will eat together later. They thank him, Luzma saying that she hopes her mother and Pablo will understand. He tells them that Amanda will see to that.

Iglesia, Outside: El Diablo will not go down easily in any arena.

Dionicio: This will not end like this, Amanda. Nobody makes me look ridiculous. This is about my daughter and I have all the right in the world to know where she is!
Amanda: Because of your attitude, stubbornness, and evil you have lost any rights you could had over her.
Dionicio: You are very mistaken. You better tell me this minute where she is or I will – [We think he means to say “kill you” as he charges in at her.] (Camila and the other women step forward to shield Amanda while Osvaldo, Daniel, and Mariano run up to grab Dionicio. Daniel and Mariano grab him from either side and pull him back. Multiple utterances as Osvaldo goes to Amanda's side.)
Osvaldo: Unfortunately, this man has only knows how to do evil, but this time he [???] because you've lost, Dionicio!
Dionicio (struggling): Let go of me!
Camila (pointing): Leave, Dionicio. You better leave. Leave, por favor.
Padre Anselmo (striding in with robes floating like an avenging angel's wings): This is a house of God! It is for all but I cannot permit a scandalous scene. If you cannot respect that I – along with Camila – ask that you leave.
Dionicio (with calculated calm): Let go of me! (a slight pause, and they do. He stares at both Mariano and Daniel, meeting his eyes, then exits without further ranting)
Osvaldo: Good. Very good, Amanda! You did well, my love; I am so proud of you. You confronted this man to defend your daughter tooth and nail.
Amanda: Thanks. Thanks, my love. (turns to Daniel) Thanks, Daniel. (Daniel hugs her, kisses her forehead, and she leans into him.)
Mariano (shoving Iago away from their father): Once more I'm ashamed of you, Iago. How are you capable of doing this to Natalia? Don't try to deny it because the evidence is here.
Iago: I had to do it.
Mariano: No, you didn't. You're not getting away with this.
Iago: It's true, Mariano. I had no choice. Dionicio sent his men after me. They pulled me out of my car and threatened to kill me. If I didn't comply I'd be in the next world.
Mariano: Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you denounce this man? (Amanda and Osvaldo approach) The other day I told you he was dangerous and you shouldn't be anywhere near himl, but you said nothing. On the contrary, you went out to meet with him.
Iago: I tell you I had no alternative.
Amanda: Yes, you did, Iago. Yes. Because as Mariano said you could have denounced him. But not only didn't you do that you accepted gifts and luxuries like that watch you're wearing. (looks at it. Mariano picks up Iago's left hand)
Mariano (as Iago jerks his hand away): Is this true?
Iago: Leave me alone. I've been humiliated enough with Natalia not showing up and planting me like this with her accusations and claims. [reclamos]
Amanda: Fortunately, my daughter didn't marry you. (walks away with Osvaldo)
Mariano: Never did I think you would be capable of sinking this low. (Iago walks away, with Mariano staring a hole into his back.)

Amanda hands letters to Piedad and Pablo to explain Luzma's absence. As she leaves, Daniel stops her long enough to tell her how proud he is of Natalia for this. He now understands the conversation from the other day was a farewell. He tells her he will talk to her later and bids Osvaldo to take care of Amanda.

Viviana and Camila talk; neither expected this wedding to end this way. Or not happen, as is the case. Camila borrows Vivi's cell phone to call her own, which is in the hands of Hipolito.

El Diablo's Lair, Outside: The string section sees the danger and gives the appropriate leitmotif, building it step by step up the scale. Hipolito has skeleton keys, which he uses to open the gate, then the front door. An alarm sounds as he opens the door and he runs around the corner without closing either the door or the gate. He answers the cell phone. Camila warns him that the wedding was canceled and it's likely that El Diablo will return promptly to his lair. He apologises, saying the alarm sounded as soon as he got the door open so he ran. He doesn't have the documents she needs. She tells him not to worry and to get back to La Malquerida. She looks worried as she ends the call.

Iglesia, Jardin: Piedad and Pablo sit on benches reading Luzma's letters. She aplogises for the manner in which she did this but needed to take advantage of Natalia's departure to go to a place where she can find peace and safety. She can have neither while Leoncerdo is still at large. She tells her mother to marry Hipolito and be happy. She tells Pablo to see a lawyer for a divorce so he can be free and suggests he take a long trip. The tone of both letters sounds like she has no intention of returning. They both cry, then run back to Amanda to ask where she is. She tells them she can't tell them anything other than that Luzma is safe. Camila interjects that it's important for their peace of mind that Pablo know whether she is alone or with Natalia; Amanda says the girls are together. They had told her not to tell where and she needs to respect their wishes. She takes leave of them. Daniel concludes that it's better this way until Leoncerdo is dealt with. Pablo starts to run off, but Mariano catches up with him for a man-hug and offering his help, being the strong big brother he is.

Iglesia, Interior: Piedad enters to pray to the Virgencita. Amanda follows her in to tell her that Luzma is with Natalia and Aaron in Chiapas. She couldn't tell her this in front of Pablo. She is sure that nobody can harm the girls there. Piedad thanks her and turns to the crucifix on the wall. Both women thank God. [We flies on the wall are hoping that nobody is eavesdropping on them.]

Reclusorio de Mujeres, Yard: Augustina talks to the younger of the two mothers she has met, who tries to reassure her that possibly Camila was trying to make her feel better and that Dionicio was just trying to jerk her chain with his threat to ravish her daughter. She is incredulous that this subhuman would actually do such a thing. Augustina wants to believe this, but doesn't look as though she can. She doesn't know what to think. She had begged Camila not to sacrifice the ranch, but there is no way for her to prevent this. “In truth, I would prefer to die than for my daughter to sacrifice herself.” The other woman tells her not to talk like this, but Augustina is desperate. “Do you know how it feels knowing that someone is about to rape your daughter? That wretch Dionicio would do it. I have to stop him. I have to do it if it's the last thing I do in this life.” As the music goes on in the minor key of mental anguish with some percussion accents she walks away from the other woman alone, staring at the sky.

Iglesia, Jardin: Cayetano sits on the bench, looking less alert than when they left La Buenaventura. [We wonder how Hissadora managed this.] He doesn't understand what Iagho did or why Natalia stood him up at the wedding. Hissadora tells him that Natalia discovered he was marrying her por interes and therefore ditched him. Cayetano doesn't get this, as Iagho has his share of La Buenaventura. Hissadora makes a comment about ambición, but then comments on how this made the family look ridiculous. She suggests they leave before the other people eat them alive. He gets up and they exit.

Mariano finds Rocio praying to the Virgen. He explains to her what this was all about, his hope that this has no effect on the baby, and she laments her earlier selfishness and what a bad example that was for Iagho. She is dying of shame over what he did. They decide to go home.

Cayetano says something about finding Iagho to give him a piece of his mind; Hissadora says he probably is back at the ranch and they start to leave. She thinks “Damn you, Iagho! It's your fault I can't kill Cayetano tonight as I planned.”

El Diablo's Lair, Outside: As they pull up in the black SUV, El Diablo asks what the police are doing in front of his house. Omar parks the car and exits, talking to the uniformed cops in front of the house. They tell him that they came in response to the alarm. They found the gate and the front door open but nobody is inside and nothing appears to have happened. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Yes. Your camera probably caught whatever happened. “ They suggest he check the recording. He assumes a calm demeanor, thanks them, then goes inside with Omar.

La Malquerida, Courtyard: Camila, Piedad, and Dorotea return to find Eleuterio and Rodolfo sitting in the same spot with an empty tequila bottle between them. She gets them to explain that. She then asks if Hipolito is back, but they haven't seen him. Dorotea says nothing but can see that something isn't right. Camila realizes that somehow they have been slacking and Eleuterio explains that Rodolfo was feeling bad because Natalia was marrying Iagho. Camila realizes they were drinking and tells them this was not the time or the place for it regardless of Natalia getting married... or not. Rodolfo gets a little more alert and asks why; Camila explains. Rodolfo asks where she is and they explain. Rodolfo wants to make fajitas out of Iagho, but Camila isn't taking any nonsense at this point. She orders them inside to have coffee and wake up because she needs them awake and alert. They apologise and start in the direction of the hacienda. Eleuterio comments to Rodolfo that since Natalia didn't marry Iagho... and Camila tells them to hurry up. The happy banda music ushers the guys off camera as Piedad looks with disapproval at the empty tequila bottle.

Commune, Luzma and Natalia's Quarters: Natalia isn't hungry; what should have been the happiest day of her life is one of the saddest. Luzma tells her she made the right decision. Natalia was imagining what the latest hours were like for her mother. But Luzma tells her she will help her take care of the baby and they'll be alright. It was an odd cuñada situation with her about to divorce Pablo as Natalia was about to marry Iagho and Natalia expresses concern that Iagho would try to claim their baby. Luzma tells her that Pablo would never permit him to do that. Luzma then asks her not to do for her child what Amanda had done. Don't invent a father that never existed. Don't say he's dead or that he was perfect. When the time comes, tell the truth. That you loved him but he not you, but that you are happy to have the child. Natalia tells her she is happy to be having the baby and she will be a successful single mother, like her own. [Grrrrr; methinks this lets too many men off the hook.] She then asks Luzma if she trusts Aaron's people to help her with her trauma. “not for Pablo, but for yourself.” Luzma says si and they hug.

Park Walkway: Pablo walks slowly, looking at the wedding picture on his cell phone. “Why did you renounce our love?” Other related questions, the sad renunciation song, and a few bars later he takes the letter out of his pocket again.

El Diablo's Lair, Study: El Diablo looks at his laptop for the recording from the front door security camera and sees Hipolito. “That's the chauffeur from La Malquerida.” “Are you sure, Master?” says his chief demon. “He was hear last night delivering flowers. He came to the door and Señorita Natalia let him in.” As he continues to watch other security recordings, including Natalia entering the study during the party he decides that she did this so they could rob him. “Natalia betrayed me. Leave me alone. Tell the police that unfortunately the cameras showed nothing.” Omar tries to change his mind, but doesn't get to complete a word. El Diablo tells him to leave him alone, so he does. As soon as he is out the door El Diablo makes a gesture of frustration, then rises from his desk and opens the door on the left of the sideboard behind him. There is a small safe in it. He punches in the code [Methinks it be 25257] and opens it. There is a pile of cash and the fake passports. No violent outburst so everything must be in place. He closes it, then turns back to the computer to see the recording of the day Augustina was standing outside the door of the study. He flashes back to removing the passports and the cash from the briefcase and locking them in the safe. “You thought to surprise me, but they were the ones surprised. This will have consequences for you, Camila. I'm sure you were behind this.” The horn section speaks of evil to come. He takes out his cell phone.

Cabaña: Camila looks at the photo of herself with Augustina and Ximena from the day that honored her tio and thinks about having to surrender her ranch and her body to El Diablo in order to free her mother. “Nobody must see, nobody must know, nobody can interfere.” Her cell phone rings and she answers. She listens with forced indifference as El Diablo tells her he knows what they tried to do. She asks whether Hipolito took anything.

Dionicio: So far, no. But everything depends on how you behave tonight. That will determine whether or not you get what you have demanded.
Camila: Ya, Dionicio, please let's be sensible. You'll have La Malquerida but why would you want to congress with a woman who despises you? Doesn't that matter to you?
Dionicio: Because I swear that for good or ill you will be mine. You had better be punctual and have a good attitude or you will add to the list of victims.

He ends the call and Camila looks truly defeated.

Laboratory Assistance Desk: Still clad in his traje de charro, Pablo arrives to pick up the results. He takes another look at the wedding photo on his cell as the receptionist fetches the envelope.

La Buenaventura, Study: Iagho takes off his jacket and tie as Hissadora watches him from the next room. She enters, telling him that his father wants to talk to him; he's very annoyed with him. He's upstairs in his room. Iagho gets defensive, blaming everything on El Diablo. She pretends to take his side by saying she understands. He seems to fall for it. Especially since she convinces him that between El Diablo and his own father he was being pressured. She suggests that he go away, take the trip that was planned as the honeymoon to put distance between himself and the issues. “Why don't you leave tonight?” “Alone?” “Well, you don't have to be alone long, do you?” She certainly knows how to play to this stepson's weak points.

Cabaña: Hipolito asks for another chance at El Diablo's lair, but Camila will not hear of it. She emphasizes the danger. She isn't – and can't be – sure that El Diablo will have her mother released before she surrenders La Malquerida but that will help prove that he is a swindler. Finally, she tells him not to tell anyone what really happened that day; that he was unable to get in and that he will try again tomorrow. Which will not happen. He reluctantly agrees.

El Diablo's Lair, Study: Estevez is in the guest chair, apologizing for the unfortunate timing but there is something he has to tell him. He met with the other shareholders and they convinced him he had to tell him something Hissadora didn't want him to know. It's a change to the entire deal. Hissadora is planning to leave him out of the part of the deal about La Buenaventura (which would make her the majority shareholder of the whole deal). They can't afford any more complications from this point on. Any more and they will take legal action against him and Black Widow Lazcano. As he tries to keep from exploding into an infernal ball of fire, El Diablo tells him not to worry, that he is well aware that Monday will be the final deadline. He will have everything ready. Estevez tells him he will expect him in his office at noon on Monday. He takes a last sip of his drink, wishes him a good evening, and exits. After the door is closed, El Diablo picks up his own drink, throws it at the chair, then paces in frustration. Scene-ender czrdas measure closes this little scene.

Hostal, Breakfast Room: Daniel and Amanda sit down to coffee, talking about how the events shocked not only El Diablo, but everyone else. He is still worried that the girls are alone without protection and Amanda worries us by telling him where they are. They will be together to take care of each other. Daniel realizes that this is why Aaron left when he did. Amanda is relieved that neither El Diablo nor Iagho can find Natalia. Daniel is sure she doesn't need to worry about Iagho, who never wanted to marry Natalia in the first place. It was only about El Diablo's threats. Daniel has a lightbulb moment when it occurs to him that if only Iagho would bring charges against El Diablo he can be arrested and Camila will not have to surrender her entire being to the devil. Amanda asks if he's sure Iagho will help, but he says he has to try. He gets up and exits to go over to La Malquerida. [Really, since time is at a premium now shouldn't he have called Mariano?]

La Malquerida, Kitchen: Piedad is very upset at how Luzma chose to leave. Hipolito tells her that it was easier to do this than to hear her begging her to stay. In due time she will be at peace when she doesn't have to worry about Leoncerdo or see Pablo. Piedad realizes he is right, and a few sentences later tells him she may have cancer. She will have the results on Monday.

Commune: Aaron introduces Luzma to an alternative therapist. Talk of how all therapies are not created equal and how this therapy is about her and her sense of inner peace, Pablo notwithstanding. Aaron tells her he wouldn't recommend this if he didn't think it might be effective. She agrees to try this.

La Buenaventura: Minor keys in the violins as we see Iagho in everyday clothes going over some papers. Mariano enters, enquiring about their father and Hissadora. Cayetano is upstairs in his room and Hissadora went out a little while ago. “Why?” Mariano relays what Pablo just called him about, that Hissadora had been poisoning their father with potassium. He checked the internet and it reported their father's exact symptoms (fatigue, lack of energy, memory loss) and soon he would have become a puppet [titere] she could manipulate however she wanted. Little do either of them realize that Hissadora is just outside the room eavesdropping and none of the three see that Leoncerdo is just outside the window also eavesdropping. “I see you want to kill Don Cayetano, beggar woman,” he thinks before slinking away. He doesn't hear that Pablo and Sherlock Juarez are on their way over to arrest her for attempted murder. Iagho -- and Hissadora -- son impactados.

¡No te pierdes los ultimos capitulos de este gran historia!

It's been a great pleasure to work on this series. I will be staying on for Que Bonito Amor, which has two of my favorite men, a good supporting cast, and – we hope – lots of good music. See you next Monday!

Capitulo 163: There Will Be Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Lo del pasado

Piedad tells Pablo that Luzma stayed with Natalia the night before to help her prepare; Eleuterio and Rodolfo slack off with some tequila and sympathy, Hipolito begins his new job, Amanda announces that the wedding will not take place.
Lo de nuevo:

Iglesia, Outside: Amanda delivers the apology announcement to their guests.

Amanda: I ask for everyone's attention, please. We are gathered today for the wedding of Natalia and Yago. I'm grateful that you are all here, but at the same time I must offer you an apology. [This gets suspicious expressions on the faces of Iago and Dionicio] because the wedding will not take place. (Camila has a curious expression)
Dionicio (angry): Why will the wedding not take place?
Iago: Why, Amanda?
Amanda: Because Natalia discovered what class of man she had for a father and also what she would have for a husband. (musical crash) Therefore, there is no wedding. Natalia is now in a place where neither of you will ever find her.
Dionicio: Tell me where my daughter is.
Amanda (firmly): No. Neither of you have any rights over her because Natalia hates you. Never did she take the name 'Ferrer' don't you know? Neither will she call you “Father” again.
Iago: Dionicio may not have rights over Natalia but I do because she is expecting my child. [Note, Iagho, that there will be consequences for that public declaration.]
Amanda: Ay, Iago, do you think you will be a good father? That you're interested in this baby? You rejected this baby when you found out she was pregnant! If you changed your mind it wasn't because of love for the baby or for my daughter; it was because of Dionicio's threats.
Iagho: I don't know what you're talking about, Señora.
Amanda: Don't pretend, Iago. Natalia heard you. You and Dionicio talking about your “deal.”
Mariano (beginning to get suspicious): What deal are you talking about, Amanda? (turning to Iago) Iago, answer me. (Iago looks at the ground)
Amanda: Iago sold himself to Dionicio, Mariano. (Cayetano looks shocked and upset. Isadora watches intently) He accepted money and luxuries to marry Natalia and alienate her from me.
Mariano (sternly): Is this the truth, Iago?
Dionicio (indignantly): Of course not!
Amanda: Yes, it is! (Camila looks over at Dionicio) It doesn't matter to me how much you and Iago deny it because Natalia, thank God, opened her eyes just in time. [Cayetano really looks as though he needs to sit down while Isadora pretends to be supportive] Because of this she has left here never to return. [String section flourish into a musical crash and all stare at Amanda as though she were Renée Fleming finishing an aria.]

Commune in Chiapas: We travel down a lovely river, spot a beautiful waterfall, and see the community greet Aaron on his return. He is accompanied by Luzma and Natalia; they have one rolling suitcase each. He introduces the two girls to them, saying they are there to find peace. The women offer to help them settle in and Aaron says they will eat together later. They thank him, Luzma saying that she hopes her mother and Pablo will understand. He tells them that Amanda will see to that.

Iglesia, Outside: El Diablo will not go down easily in any arena.

Dionicio: This will not end like this, Amanda. Nobody makes me look ridiculous. This is about my daughter and I have all the right in the world to know where she is!
Amanda: Because of your attitude, stubbornness, and evil you have lost any rights you could had over her.
Dionicio: You are very mistaken. You better tell me this minute where she is or I will – [We think he means to say “kill you” as he charges in at her.] (Camila and the other women step forward to shield Amanda while Osvaldo, Daniel, and Mariano run up to grab Dionicio. Daniel and Mariano grab him from either side and pull him back. Multiple utterances as Osvaldo goes to Amanda's side.)
Osvaldo: Unfortunately, this man has only knows how to do evil, but this time he [???] because you've lost, Dionicio!
Dionicio (struggling): Let go of me!
Camila (pointing): Leave, Dionicio. You better leave. Leave, por favor.
Padre Anselmo (striding in with robes floating like an avenging angel's wings): This is a house of God! It is for all but I cannot permit a scandalous scene. If you cannot respect that I – along with Camila – ask that you leave.
Dionicio (with calculated calm): Let go of me! (a slight pause, and they do. He stares at both Mariano and Daniel, meeting his eyes, then exits without further ranting)
Osvaldo: Good. Very good, Amanda! You did well, my love; I am so proud of you. You confronted this man to defend your daughter tooth and nail.
Amanda: Thanks. Thanks, my love. (turns to Daniel) Thanks, Daniel. (Daniel hugs her, kisses her forehead, and she leans into him.)
Mariano (shoving Iago away from their father): Once more I'm ashamed of you, Iago. How are you capable of doing this to Natalia? Don't try to deny it because the evidence is here.
Iago: I had to do it.
Mariano: No, you didn't. You're not getting away with this.
Iago: It's true, Mariano. I had no choice. Dionicio sent his men after me. They pulled me out of my car and threatened to kill me. If I didn't comply I'd be in the next world.
Mariano: Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you denounce this man? (Amanda and Osvaldo approach) The other day I told you he was dangerous and you shouldn't be anywhere near himl, but you said nothing. On the contrary, you went out to meet with him.
Iago: I tell you I had no alternative.
Amanda: Yes, you did, Iago. Yes. Because as Mariano said you could have denounced him. But not only didn't you do that you accepted gifts and luxuries like that watch you're wearing. (looks at it. Mariano picks up Iago's left hand)
Mariano (as Iago jerks his hand away): Is this true?
Iago: Leave me alone. I've been humiliated enough with Natalia not showing up and planting me like this with her accusations and claims. [reclamos]
Amanda: Fortunately, my daughter didn't marry you. (walks away with Osvaldo)
Mariano: Never did I think you would be capable of sinking this low. (Iago walks away, with Mariano staring a hole into his back.)

Amanda hands letters to Piedad and Pablo to explain Luzma's absence. As she leaves, Daniel stops her long enough to tell her how proud he is of Natalia for this. He now understands the conversation from the other day was a farewell. He tells her he will talk to her later and bids Osvaldo to take care of Amanda.

Viviana and Camila talk; neither expected this wedding to end this way. Or not happen, as is the case. Camila borrows Vivi's cell phone to call her own, which is in the hands of Hipolito.

El Diablo's Lair, Outside: The string section sees the danger and gives the appropriate leitmotif, building it step by step up the scale. Hipolito has skeleton keys, which he uses to open the gate, then the front door. An alarm sounds as he opens the door and he runs around the corner without closing either the door or the gate. He answers the cell phone. Camila warns him that the wedding was canceled and it's likely that El Diablo will return promptly to his lair. He apologises, saying the alarm sounded as soon as he got the door open so he ran. He doesn't have the documents she needs. She tells him not to worry and to get back to La Malquerida. She looks worried as she ends the call.

Iglesia, Jardin: Piedad and Pablo sit on benches reading Luzma's letters. She aplogises for the manner in which she did this but needed to take advantage of Natalia's departure to go to a place where she can find peace and safety. She can have neither while Leoncerdo is still at large. She tells her mother to marry Hipolito and be happy. She tells Pablo to see a lawyer for a divorce so he can be free and suggests he take a long trip. The tone of both letters sounds like she has no intention of returning. They both cry, then run back to Amanda to ask where she is. She tells them she can't tell them anything other than that Luzma is safe. Camila interjects that it's important for their peace of mind that Pablo know whether she is alone or with Natalia; Amanda says the girls are together. They had told her not to tell where and she needs to respect their wishes. She takes leave of them. Daniel concludes that it's better this way until Leoncerdo is dealt with. Pablo starts to run off, but Mariano catches up with him for a man-hug and offering his help, being the strong big brother he is.

Iglesia, Interior: Piedad enters to pray to the Virgencita. Amanda follows her in to tell her that Luzma is with Natalia and Aaron in Chiapas. She couldn't tell her this in front of Pablo. She is sure that nobody can harm the girls there. Piedad thanks her and turns to the crucifix on the wall. Both women thank God. [We flies on the wall are hoping that nobody is eavesdropping on them.]

Reclusorio de Mujeres, Yard: Augustina talks to the younger of the two mothers she has met, who tries to reassure her that possibly Camila was trying to make her feel better and that Dionicio was just trying to jerk her chain with his threat to ravish her daughter. She is incredulous that this subhuman would actually do such a thing. Augustina wants to believe this, but doesn't look as though she can. She doesn't know what to think. She had begged Camila not to sacrifice the ranch, but there is no way for her to prevent this. “In truth, I would prefer to die than for my daughter to sacrifice herself.” The other woman tells her not to talk like this, but Augustina is desperate. “Do you know how it feels knowing that someone is about to rape your daughter? That wretch Dionicio would do it. I have to stop him. I have to do it if it's the last thing I do in this life.” As the music goes on in the minor key of mental anguish with some percussion accents she walks away from the other woman alone, staring at the sky.

Iglesia, Jardin: Cayetano sits on the bench, looking less alert than when they left La Buenaventura. [We wonder how Hissadora managed this.] He doesn't understand what Iagho did or why Natalia stood him up at the wedding. Hissadora tells him that Natalia discovered he was marrying her por interes and therefore ditched him. Cayetano doesn't get this, as Iagho has his share of La Buenaventura. Hissadora makes a comment about ambición, but then comments on how this made the family look ridiculous. She suggests they leave before the other people eat them alive. He gets up and they exit.

Mariano finds Rocio praying to the Virgen. He explains to her what this was all about, his hope that this has no effect on the baby, and she laments her earlier selfishness and what a bad example that was for Iagho. She is dying of shame over what he did. They decide to go home.

Cayetano says something about finding Iagho to give him a piece of his mind; Hissadora says he probably is back at the ranch and they start to leave. She thinks “Damn you, Iagho! It's your fault I can't kill Cayetano tonight as I planned.”

El Diablo's Lair, Outside: As they pull up in the black SUV, El Diablo asks what the police are doing in front of his house. Omar parks the car and exits, talking to the uniformed cops in front of the house. They tell him that they came in response to the alarm. They found the gate and the front door open but nobody is inside and nothing appears to have happened. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Yes. Your camera probably caught whatever happened. “ They suggest he check the recording. He assumes a calm demeanor, thanks them, then goes inside with Omar.

La Malquerida, Courtyard: Camila, Piedad, and Dorotea return to find Eleuterio and Rodolfo sitting in the same spot with an empty tequila bottle between them. She gets them to explain that. She then asks if Hipolito is back, but they haven't seen him. Dorotea says nothing but can see that something isn't right. Camila realizes that somehow they have been slacking and Eleuterio explains that Rodolfo was feeling bad because Natalia was marrying Iagho. Camila realizes they were drinking and tells them this was not the time or the place for it regardless of Natalia getting married... or not. Rodolfo gets a little more alert and asks why; Camila explains. Rodolfo asks where she is and they explain. Rodolfo wants to make fajitas out of Iagho, but Camila isn't taking any nonsense at this point. She orders them inside to have coffee and wake up because she needs them awake and alert. They apologise and start in the direction of the hacienda. Eleuterio comments to Rodolfo that since Natalia didn't marry Iagho... and Camila tells them to hurry up. The happy banda music ushers the guys off camera as Piedad looks with disapproval at the empty tequila bottle.

Commune, Luzma and Natalia's Quarters: Natalia isn't hungry; what should have been the happiest day of her life is one of the saddest. Luzma tells her she made the right decision. Natalia was imagining what the latest hours were like for her mother. But Luzma tells her she will help her take care of the baby and they'll be alright. It was an odd cuñada situation with her about to divorce Pablo as Natalia was about to marry Iagho and Natalia expresses concern that Iagho would try to claim their baby. Luzma tells her that Pablo would never permit him to do that. Luzma then asks her not to do for her child what Amanda had done. Don't invent a father that never existed. Don't say he's dead or that he was perfect. When the time comes, tell the truth. That you loved him but he not you, but that you are happy to have the child. Natalia tells her she is happy to be having the baby and she will be a successful single mother, like her own. [Grrrrr; methinks this lets too many men off the hook.] She then asks Luzma if she trusts Aaron's people to help her with her trauma. “not for Pablo, but for yourself.” Luzma says si and they hug.

Park Walkway: Pablo walks slowly, looking at the wedding picture on his cell phone. “Why did you renounce our love?” Other related questions, the sad renunciation song, and a few bars later he takes the letter out of his pocket again.

El Diablo's Lair, Study: El Diablo looks at his laptop for the recording from the front door security camera and sees Hipolito. “That's the chauffeur from La Malquerida.” “Are you sure, Master?” says his chief demon. “He was hear last night delivering flowers. He came to the door and Señorita Natalia let him in.” As he continues to watch other security recordings, including Natalia entering the study during the party he decides that she did this so they could rob him. “Natalia betrayed me. Leave me alone. Tell the police that unfortunately the cameras showed nothing.” Omar tries to change his mind, but doesn't get to complete a word. El Diablo tells him to leave him alone, so he does. As soon as he is out the door El Diablo makes a gesture of frustration, then rises from his desk and opens the door on the left of the sideboard behind him. There is a small safe in it. He punches in the code [Methinks it be 25257] and opens it. There is a pile of cash and the fake passports. No violent outburst so everything must be in place. He closes it, then turns back to the computer to see the recording of the day Augustina was standing outside the door of the study. He flashes back to removing the passports and the cash from the briefcase and locking them in the safe. “You thought to surprise me, but they were the ones surprised. This will have consequences for you, Camila. I'm sure you were behind this.” The horn section speaks of evil to come. He takes out his cell phone.

Cabaña: Camila looks at the photo of herself with Augustina and Ximena from the day that honored her tio and thinks about having to surrender her ranch and her body to El Diablo in order to free her mother. “Nobody must see, nobody must know, nobody can interfere.” Her cell phone rings and she answers. She listens with forced indifference as El Diablo tells her he knows what they tried to do. She asks whether Hipolito took anything.

Dionicio: So far, no. But everything depends on how you behave tonight. That will determine whether or not you get what you have demanded.
Camila: Ya, Dionicio, please let's be sensible. You'll have La Malquerida but why would you want to congress with a woman who despises you? Doesn't that matter to you?
Dionicio: Because I swear that for good or ill you will be mine. You had better be punctual and have a good attitude or you will add to the list of victims.

He ends the call and Camila looks truly defeated.

Laboratory Assistance Desk: Still clad in his traje de charro, Pablo arrives to pick up the results. He takes another look at the wedding photo on his cell as the receptionist fetches the envelope.

La Buenaventura, Study: Iagho takes off his jacket and tie as Hissadora watches him from the next room. She enters, telling him that his father wants to talk to him; he's very annoyed with him. He's upstairs in his room. Iagho gets defensive, blaming everything on El Diablo. She pretends to take his side by saying she understands. He seems to fall for it. Especially since she convinces him that between El Diablo and his own father he was being pressured. She suggests that he go away, take the trip that was planned as the honeymoon to put distance between himself and the issues. “Why don't you leave tonight?” “Alone?” “Well, you don't have to be alone long, do you?” She certainly knows how to play to this stepson's weak points.

Cabaña: Hipolito asks for another chance at El Diablo's lair, but Camila will not hear of it. She emphasizes the danger. She isn't – and can't be – sure that El Diablo will have her mother released before she surrenders La Malquerida but that will help prove that he is a swindler. Finally, she tells him not to tell anyone what really happened that day; that he was unable to get in and that he will try again tomorrow. Which will not happen. He reluctantly agrees.

El Diablo's Lair, Study: Estevez is in the guest chair, apologizing for the unfortunate timing but there is something he has to tell him. He met with the other shareholders and they convinced him he had to tell him something Hissadora didn't want him to know. It's a change to the entire deal. Hissadora is planning to leave him out of the part of the deal about La Buenaventura (which would make her the majority shareholder of the whole deal). They can't afford any more complications from this point on. Any more and they will take legal action against him and Black Widow Lazcano. As he tries to keep from exploding into an infernal ball of fire, El Diablo tells him not to worry, that he is well aware that Monday will be the final deadline. He will have everything ready. Estevez tells him he will expect him in his office at noon on Monday. He takes a last sip of his drink, wishes him a good evening, and exits. After the door is closed, El Diablo picks up his own drink, throws it at the chair, then paces in frustration. Scene-ender czrdas measure closes this little scene.

Hostal, Breakfast Room: Daniel and Amanda sit down to coffee, talking about how the events shocked not only El Diablo, but everyone else. He is still worried that the girls are alone without protection and Amanda worries us by telling him where they are. They will be together to take care of each other. Daniel realizes that this is why Aaron left when he did. Amanda is relieved that neither El Diablo nor Iagho can find Natalia. Daniel is sure she doesn't need to worry about Iagho, who never wanted to marry Natalia in the first place. It was only about El Diablo's threats. Daniel has a lightbulb moment when it occurs to him that if only Iagho would bring charges against El Diablo he can be arrested and Camila will not have to surrender her entire being to the devil. Amanda asks if he's sure Iagho will help, but he says he has to try. He gets up and exits to go over to La Malquerida. [Really, since time is at a premium now shouldn't he have called Mariano?]

La Malquerida, Kitchen: Piedad is very upset at how Luzma chose to leave. Hipolito tells her that it was easier to do this than to hear her begging her to stay. In due time she will be at peace when she doesn't have to worry about Leoncerdo or see Pablo. Piedad realizes he is right, and a few sentences later tells him she may have cancer. She will have the results on Monday.

Commune: Aaron introduces Luzma to an alternative therapist. Talk of how all therapies are not created equal and how this therapy is about her and her sense of inner peace, Pablo notwithstanding. Aaron tells her he wouldn't recommend this if he didn't think it might be effective. She agrees to try this.

La Buenaventura: Minor keys in the violins as we see Iagho in everyday clothes going over some papers. Mariano enters, enquiring about their father and Hissadora. Cayetano is upstairs in his room and Hissadora went out a little while ago. “Why?” Mariano relays what Pablo just called him about, that Hissadora had been poisoning their father with potassium. He checked the internet and it reported their father's exact symptoms (fatigue, lack of energy, memory loss) and soon he would have become a puppet [titere] she could manipulate however she wanted. Little do either of them realize that Hissadora is just outside the room eavesdropping and none of the three see that Leoncerdo is just outside the window also eavesdropping. “I see you want to kill Don Cayetano, beggar woman,” he thinks before slinking away. He doesn't hear that Pablo and Sherlock Juarez are on their way over to arrest her for attempted murder. Iagho -- and Hissadora -- son impactados.

¡No te pierdes los ultimos capitulos de este gran historia!

It's been a great pleasure to work on this series. I will be staying on for Que Bonito Amor, which has two of my favorite men, a good supporting cast, and – we hope – lots of good music. See you next Monday!


Amores Verdaderos #104 Mon 4/8/13 FINALLY the truth is out LOUD AND CLEAR for JA, Vicky and Cris... 2. Former SCUM sets the rules on current SCUM... 3. Little man gets away with a zero cost wedding...

JM walking Balzac in the park, throwing the stick... so cute Balzac barks back 'i get it' and then does not go after it. Here is Estefano... Aahhh the looks between these two...

Angel at hosp with doctor, worried no reason to keep Vicky at hosp anymore... baring any infection. but she is getting antibiotics... cute, he hessitates to go in her room... then slowly approaches her and caresses her face, hair... here is KenDrat to spoil the moment.

Interrumpo?? ( naaahhh, just a little.)

JA slides away as KenDrat wakes Vicky up to play the innocent friend who came to see how she is.

outside the room Cris nagging talking to herself that she is holding back the need to rant at JA that he never called her. But she will follow KenDrat's advice, and will stand for her dignity.

Back to the park... JM and Estefano do the usual how are you greetings... JM has become so fond of the dog, he feels sad he has to say goodbye.

Inside hospital room, KenDrat announces to JA she will stay a while to keep Vicky company. JA reluctantly walks out. But Niki, Anibal and He-man (Guzman) arrival save the day for Vicky. They announce to Vicky that they are working on preparations for Niki's wedding. As Niki tells Vicky she dreams of marrying Roy, this is cue He-man uses to take his leave. KenDrat takes her leave.

Anyballs tells Niki that Vicky will be in hospital and Nil-Son will be real busy at office, but he wants Niki to go forward with her wedding plans. Niki wants to get married at hacienda. (not sure Niki can plan her own wedding, can she?)

KenDrat is barking at JA in front of He-man in hallway about him letting Vicky get shot. JA not willing to discuss the issue with her, but tells her if he were there he would have defended Vicky with his own life. (He-Man is making all kinds of 'WTH' faces at hearing all this) When JA walks away from her He-Man asks him why he barked at her, JA does not like her. duh! says He-man. tell me something i dont know.

Ni-Son arrives and grabs KenDrat rudely, what are you doing here? visiting a friend... (Dances arrived with Nil-Son and he, JA and He-Man witness how Nil-Son drags KenDrat away... He-man deducts that there must be something beyond work going on between Ni-Son/KenDrat. JA does not want to weigh in. He-Man is worried about Niki finding out that precisely her best friend is her dad's mistress.

Inside room, Niki gives Vicky the card from Lilli with her get well wishes, hugs and prayers. Vicky likes the gesture, Niki says she just wants to 'kiss up to her'. Vicky asks 'are you jealous?' Niki denies. Anyballs watches as mother and daughter embrace lovingly.

Back outside, at hospital parking, Nil-Son still arguing with KenDrat, who is willing to do a DNA test... whether you want to or not, you will have to give your surname to my daughter. But doctor told her they can't do DNA test until she is 3 months along. (i must be behind in medical advances, i thought the baby had to be born first). Nil-Son nags that she had promised to stay hidden, but now she only wants to cause him trouble. KenDrat says not true! Vicky is your wife but i love you and make you happy. He won't deny that. But he is angry she told Niki about the baby and went to see Vicky. KenDrat plays the hurt mistress. Crocodile tears on both idiot and snake. he asks for time. she plays sacrificial lover, she will go far away. (if she were only honest in saying that... but mala hierba nunca muere o desaparece)
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Qué Bonito Amor! starts next week. Here's the plot kick-off summary...

Here's the synopsis, courtesy of Vivi. This team is raring to go! They think this is going to be fun...

Qué Bonito Amor! is a love story like no other, which not only encompasses the most endearing Mexican traditions, but also ennobles one of the most representative icons from Mexican culture: mariachi music.
The story begins when we meet Santos Martinez de la Garza (Jorge Salinas), a young (LOL!), handsome and carefree millionaire, who owns a car distribution company. Santos is deceived by his closest partners; one of them is Bruno (Sergio Mayer), his friend and his sister Wendy’s (Susana Diazáyas) boyfriend. After being accused of fraud and money laundering, Santos is compelled to escape from Los Angeles, CA to Mexico, like a fugitive. This situation forces him to take on a new identity: Jorge Alfredo Vargas, a mariachi singer.
At the same time, we meet Maria Mendoza (Danna García), a humble, pretty and brave young (LOL!) girl who lives with her mother, Amalia (Angélica María), a widow; and her two younger sisters,Paloma (Renata Notni), who is about to turn 15, and Isabel (Karyme Hernández), 8 years old. Ever since Pedro her father died, Maria has had to work in order to help her family get ahead in life, because Amalia suffers from a degenerative disease, so Maria is the only support her family has.
Santos and Maria meet at the “Ay Jalisco, No Te Rajes” Bar, where Maria works as a ranchera music singer. It is there in the bar where they both find love for the first time. It is also in this bar, run byDon Concho (Salvador Pineda) and his wife Lourdes (Lina Santos), where the sweetest, saddest, most touching, comic and dramatic situations of the story will take place, together with Maria´s inseparable friends who are members of the bar´s mariachi band: El Coloso/the Giant (Pablo Montero); El Mil Amores/the Casanova (Arturo Peniche), who will turn into Santos´ confidant and ally; El Soñador/the Dreamer (Mariano Palacios); Susanito (Miguel Ángel Biagio); El Barítono (Rafael Negrete); and El Aventurero (Latin Lover)

But there will be lots of tunes, chords, and conflicting forces within Santos and Maria’s love story. Santos will face Ruben del Olmo (Marcelo Buquet), a powerful and dishonest business man who is married but obsessed with Maria´s love; and El Coloso, Maria´s eternal suitor, who will fight for her against Santos. On the other hand, Maria will deal with lies and tricks of Elvira (Malillany Marín), Don Concho´s daughter, who will not rest until she can have Santos at any cost. 
And of course, the threat of the revelation of his true identity, jail, and potential separation from his one and only love, the beautiful Maria, hang over Santos. A story full of ranchera music, mariachis, tequila, color, but most of all, full of hopes and dreams that will make us all sing: ¡Qué Bonito Amor!

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Sunday, April 07, 2013

3rd Recapper Still Needed For Que Bonito Amor on Tuesdays

APB To All Recappers and Would-Be Recappers!

Anita and ViviDC will be alternating Tuesdays for the first two months of QBA, but then we'll need a recapper to take Anita's place if possible.  If someone wants to plan ahead please let Melinama know, either here or at caray[at]


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Qué Bonito Amor-index

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Saturday, April 06, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #103 Fri 4/5/13 The Curious Case of the Patient in Room 504 or Room 503 or Room 504 or Room 503.....

Sorry this is late.  I also didn't edit it.  I'm posting it, but I'm making corrections right now. 

Hospital Lobby:  Arriaga and Tomasina are worried about Victoria.  Arriaga swears that he will personally watch Victoria’s body from now on.  He will never leave her side again. 

Arriaga Penthouse:  Hung over, Disney Princess Lilly tells her mother about getting blasted out of her mind, picking up a stranger and almost screwing him his car.  Just the thing a mother wants to hear.  Christina tells Lilly to wait for Prince Charming.  Your first time should be with someone who loves you and you love him.  Christina fondly recounts her first time with Arriaga.  Great…just what a daughter wants to hear….stories about the first time her parents had sex. 

Hospital Lobby:  Nikki asks about her mother.  Tomasina says that she’s doing better.  Nikki asks about Roy.  Arriaga says that he hasn’t seen him.  Nelson tells Arriaga to butt out.  He wants to know if Arriaga stayed there all night.  Tomasina lies and says that Arriaga just arrived.  The doctor has good news for the family.  Victoria is awake and excited to see her family.  Although, the wound is draining properly, they will keep her in observation.  Arriaga shoves pregnant women, the elderly and sick children out of his way and frantically rushes towards his love’s hospital room.  His effort is halted when Nelson’s calls him back.  Arriaga is simply an employee; he is not family.  Nelson orders Arriga to stay in the lobby.  Guzman, tells Arriaga to calm down.  Arriaga declares that he’s tired of Nelson berating him and he’s not going to put up with it any more. 

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PEAM #20: 4/5/13-Chucho is the Life of the Partay; The Brothers Dimm Can't Win


We start this epi with Chucho taking little Valentina with her little pumpkin and the nurse in tow, going trick or treating.

Chucho is back in his 'hood and sees a crowd in front of the apartment building with a cop out in front. Chucho asks what is going on and he is informed there was a burglery in one of the apartments. Chucho asks which and is informed of the number and Chucho realizes it was his apartment and is allowed to enter. He meets Chatita and they go together and there is another cop outside the apartment. Chucho tells the cop it's his apartment. The cop thinks Chucho must have been cleaned out cause there is hardly anything in there. Chucho tells the cop he doesn't have much. Now he wants Chucho's name. Chucho gives his name, but it doesn't match the ownership of the apartment, Ruh, Roh. The cop thinks he is lying. Chatita is trying very hard to explain to the cop that this is indeed Chucho's apartment and he tries to tell her to be quiet. Finally, Chatita butts in and gives him the apartment owner's name, she has finally remembered his name is (Ed Note: Since I have no captions of any kind I am going to give the gentleman's name as I heard it) Pablo Avellos, but I heard it wrong, thanks to Pablo and Julie the guy's name is Pedro Davalos. Thanks Pablo and Julie.  The cop is satisfied with this info and Chucho is allowed into the apartment.

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Amor Bravío #162 (Uni 157) Fri 4/5/13 Di-Day Arrives and We All Get a Wedding-Day Surprise

Capítulo 162 

Lo del Pasado:

Hipolito and the rest of the MI B-team have successfully purloined Dionisio’s “portafolios” [briefcase] and gotten it safely to Camila and the others waiting at Osvaldo Becerra's office.  Hipo has forced it open with his knife and Cami’s finally gotten a chance to peer inside.

Lo del Nuevo:

And…as Viewerville holds its breath with great angst, the result is that...IT’S EMPTY!!!  (Ok. Did we honestly expect it to be anything but this early into the final episodios?????  Those writers did it to us again!  Darn ‘em!)  Cam is ready to pull her hair out.  Mariano grabs the knife from Hipo and starts tearing along the edges of the briefcase to see if there are any hidden pockets or false bottoms, but again there’s nothing to be found.  Hipo has a thought.  He mentions that while they were searching Dio’s office, he spied a group of documents on his desk and a locked drawer.  (It would have been too much to ask for him to have thought on his feet and grabbed those papers and possibly jiggled the desk open at the same time, right? I suppose that would have broken telenovela rules regarding the inability of the good guys to contemplate more than their navels in tight spots.)   “--Perhaps that’s where he’s put them now?”  Well, yeah, but she needed the stuff today!  Cam groans in despair.

Mariano, even slower on the uptake than usual, suggests negotiating with Dio.  As if, Cami answers.  “--He doesn’t negotiate and if he would I’d have done it already.”  Hipo suggests breaking into Dio’s house today while he and his bodyguards are all at the wedding.  It just so happens (coinkidinkilly) that Hipo’s uncles owned a locksmith’s shop when he was a kid and he picked up a few tricks of the trade from them, not that he ever did anything illegit because of it.  How will he go about it, Cam asks?  He’d do just what those thieves do to others--and just as easily—break in and take what’s wanted. 

Cami isn’t comfortable doing something illegal.  Hipo tries reasoning with her. “--It’s all for the greater good, right?  It’s for your mother’sfreedom!!”  Mariano and Osvaldo both agree that in this kind of circumstance they’d do exactly the same thing Hipo’s suggesting.  Cam reluctantly agrees then and reminds him to be extremely careful cuz this is one dangerous dude.  (No duh!)  He’ll get what she needs, no problem, he assures her.  She thinks to herself that he’d better find those passports, cuz if not she’ll have to go to bed with that slimeball and break her non-promise to Mama.

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Friday, April 05, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MAS, week of April 8, 2013

Here's your weekly posting. Enjoy!!

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Amor Bravío #161 (Uni 156) Thu 4/4/13 Amor Engañoso

Vivi and Rafa are surprised and sad that Aaron is leaving so soon.  Even Roman is sad.  Daniel might be sad, but since his face is one giant bruise, it's hard to tell.  He thanks Aaron again for impersonating him.  Aaron sweetly says "When I got here I had one brother, and now I'm leaving with two and a nephew and a sister-in-law and a bunch of friends and that makes me really happy." Dude, Aaron is such a nice guy, he really deserves that.  But, come on, writers…a girlfriend?  Would that be too much to ask?  Roman refers to Rafa as his dad, saying it's too bad everyone's skipping out on his dad's book party.  Roman says he's already thinking of Rafa as his dad and Vivi as his mom.  Slow-mo happy family moment.

 Piedad and Dorotea come to Camila's cabin where she brusquely informs Piedad that they have an appointment with an oncologist in half an hour.  Piedad doesn't appreciate Dorotea burdening Camila when she already has so much going on. Camila explains an oncologist is a cancer specialist and she needs to have the lumps checked out.  There's a big musical crash every time someone says "cancer."  Dorotea promises to keep where Piedad and Camila have gone a secret so no one gets worried.

 Luzma has cooked up some new scheme to push Mayalen into Pablo's arms.  Mayalen still doesn't think it will work, but she understands why Luzma doesn't want Pablo left alone. Pablo catches them hugging and is suspicious, but Luzma pretends it was just a goodbye hug.  Mayalen won't tell Pablo what they were talking about, so she just says Luzma was feeling a little sensitive.

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Amores Verdaderos #102 Thu 4/4/13 Pants on Fire, or You're Already Dead, BoyToyRobRoy

* Lo refrito: Polita freaks out in the bar, the Angel confesses his neverending love to Zombictoria.

* Lo nuevo: the nurse politely kicks Arriaga out of the hospital room because the patient needs to rest. He leans over Vicky for the last time and whispers that even though his feelings are forbidden, he can’t stop loving her. The crying Angel slowly leaves the room, and whoa, suddenly Ms. Vicky opens her eyes and we hear her inner thoughts: I love you too.

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Thursday, April 04, 2013

PEAM # 19- I Just Love It When You Speak to Me Forcefully and This is What Happens to Your Body if You Smoke

Happy Thursday, the weekend is almost here.

We begin with Pati and Alma talking about how suddenly status doesn’t matter to Pati.  He is just a simple, respectable man.  He is some chupazo !!!! The woman who has him is a lucky woman. 
Xochy puts 2 +2 together and asks Chucho if he is in love with Alma.  He tries to dismiss it but Xochy is not falling for any excuses.  He says that she is his guardian angel, trying to keep it platonic but Xochy is buying it for now.  Alma is getting ready to be married, she’s classy (hecha and derecha) and he respects and admires her and as Xochy gets closer, his phone rings.

Uptight Vero is yelling on the other end of the phone, like nails on a chalkboard. She is screeching about Valentina being on a public bus, germ city and with a dog!!!  How imprudent and irresponsible is he????? She prepared a looong list for him to follow.  Why was Valentina sleeping with his girlfriend, Chatita?  Chucho was trying to explain, and she continued screeching about Valentina being late to school. On a bus with bacteria and infections, blah, blah, blah.  A thief came into the house, what type of neighborhood do you live in, etc. etc.  He threatened to hang up and then Chucho straightened up his back and read her the riot act. Valentina is a child, like it or not his child too, let her enjoy life and live without so many rules. Stop putting absurd things into her head. Two men were in the elevator, one was smoking, the smoke was bothering Jesus. He hung up on her and she had an orgasmic look on face!!!!! Jesus let the smoking man have it too; smoking in such a small space and Baldomero introduced Maximo Valtierra, President of Orion Corporation.  Another blunder.
Valentina, with her little adorable self, overheard the conversation and told her mother that she spoke badly to her father.  Val walked away and Vero finally showed some human feelings. 
Iron fisted Vero, was totally turned on by Chucho’s aggressive attitude towards her. 
Maximo walked in smoking, which bothered Alma, but according to Rogue he owns half of Monterrey so he can do what he wants. He had the nerve to say that it smells funny and Rogue explained that there was little fire.  How could he smell anything?

Frisky Fern (and I preferred him without his pants) kept calling Chucho, waiting for his clothes and Chucho asked Balmero, his friend from the elevator if he could have his suit.  Pati, the Octopus strutted into the office and proceeded to prop herself on Chucho’s desk. She had a wonderful plan for him for tonight.

Maximo, still with the cigarette hanging form his mouth and noticeably bothering Alma and Rogue discussed his proposal.  Alma asked him to please stop smoking and he obliged. 
Pati invited Chucho to a fundraiser. He will be her date.  Chucho declined, its not appropriate.  (Money can’t buy class)
Pati wouldn’t take no for an answer and she embellished the story saying that Alma didn’t mind, he would be helping the children, yada, yada. Pati the Octopus was all over Chucho, so he jokingly said I’m a 42 large.
Max, still with the cigarette hanging out of  his mouth but unlit, confirmed that he would be at the fundraiser tonight.  Fern was bending over and his pants ripped and Max got a kick out of that.

Valentina is on her computer getting ready to skype her dad.  The nanny was impressed.  She was worried about her mother’s reaction to her visit with her dad, but Chucho insisted that she tell the truth and that’s all that matters.    They will communicate through skype until the Ice Princess cools off.  The Fuchsia Club envied the little scene.  It was sweet!

The Brothers Dimm were complaining about Fern’s clothes.

Susana was looking at lungs and lips that have been damaged by smoking, and planning on sending them to her husband.  They were going to make captions- here is how you will look if you smoke.

Susanna had to email some documents to Max, she pressed send while Rogue was watching.  Baldomero was asking Chucho for his clothes.  He told Max that he spilled coffee on them.  Susana emailed the damaged lungs photos to Max instead of the documents.  He continued smoking as he read the papers and then appeared to have had a heart attack or stroke.  (This seemed to be a PSA about the dangers of smoking)

Susana was hyperventilating; Chucho was trying to calm her down.  Susana’s husband called and couldn’t speak to him.  Chucho tried to call Max but he was not answering his cell.  Susana was worried about the affects of her mistake.  Chucho will make it right and he will take responsibility.

Rogue announced that he will be married in a month and he is installing all of the Fuchsia Club to help.  It should be the most unforgettable weeding ever held.

Chucho, thought bubbled to the kiss last night and that Alma will marry Rogue in one month.   Fern is still whining about his suit, because it was too small.  He was humiliated in front of the most important man in Monterrey. He shows the Human Resources Director.

Jesus, asks Alma to sign some documents for him, and makes small talk about the upcoming wedding, that will be here before you know it.  Jesus offers to help in any way and of course Alma refuses.
She has Jesus confirm the date with the church.

Fern calls Jesus, trying to find out who is the owner of the pants.   Jesus tells Fern that they belong to Max’s bodyguard.  Fern is waiting for his dry suit and Jesus finds the suit on the ground of the warehouse.  Fern is taking out of Jesus’ pay the cost of suit and the other debacle (which wasn’t Jesus’ fault) with the sandwich. By payday, Jesus may owe Avon.
Xochy fixed Baldemero’s pants.  Jesus thinks about his small check on payday.
Susana finds out on transistor radio ( did I just type the word, transistor, who uses a transistor, there's no hurricane) that Max had a heart attack.  He was looking at some pictures on his computer that were sent from Rogue at Avon. 

Jesus explained to Alma about the photo mix up.  The photos were intended for Susana’s husband and not Maximo Valtierra.  Jesus took the blame for Max’s heart attack but Alma said that the photos had nothing to do with the heart attack.  The man smoked too much. 

Elias the Wonderful greets Valentina and notes that she is worried. Val explains that The Ice Princess is upset because Papa Jesus took her to school late.  Val had a ball with her dad.  Elias will chip away at the Ice Princess so that she will be able to see her Papa Jesus-it’s a Mission Impossible.

Baldomero explains to Jesus what happened with Maximo.  Max is going to live!!!!
Jesus gets to see Valentina dressed as a fairy princess, but Vero cannot be told, the nanny helped to keep the secret.  Jesus gave her a bag of candy, which we know is like having illegal drugs in The Ice Princess’ home.  Jesus goes home and sees the police at the building.  He was worried about Chatita. He finds out that his apartment was robbed but according to Chatita they didn’t take anything.    The officer thought that the apartment was emptied out except for a little bit of furniture.  Jesus has to prove, that he is renting/owns the apartment or why he is living there, uh oh.

Coming attractions- Pati, the Octopus is jealous, the Brothers Dimm are upset at the fundraiser because Jesus came and Alma looks exquisite.


Amor Bravío #160 (Uni 155) Wed 4/3/13 “The Plot Thickens and Picks up the Pace for Our People del Pueblo”

Umm, did I tell you?!  Maja showed up?!   I told you she was waiting for the big lug (aka “The Perpetually Distraught and Distracted Dan) to vacate his side of the bed.  I know there are those who would prefer to see, shirtless jammie time with Dan, but I for one, appreciate a scene or two with our Furry Four-Legged Friend.

You made your point.

Camila’s Cabana:  Camila wish bubbles her hope of putting Dio in jail and adds a prayer to the Virgencita for good measure.

Warehouse de LaBV:  LeoSordido skulks about looking for anything to swill or snort.  He finds some toxic solution and takes a swig no doubt hoping to catch a buzz – kerosene, paint thinner or whatever.  His brain can’t get any more toxic.  The BV Rancheros interrupt his buzz and he hides while they talk about his infamy.  They leave and he thought bubbles that he has no care if anyone likes him.  He has found a knife and some acid.  His greatest glory moment will be when he has IsaVibora in front of him and he can seek his long awaited revenge.    He gets his maniacal grin on as he steals away with his tools of torture.

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Amores Verdaderos #101 Wed 4/3/13 Flaquita, it ain't liposuction!

Tonight, as the Balvanera clan and their groupies huddle in the hospital, we learn that an ICU is a perfect incubator not just for infection, but also for truth.

At the police station
Tomasina revises what was a dead-on description of espantoso Espanto.  If the police believe her, they will be combing tony prep schools looking for a somewhat androgynous 16 year-old Cuitlahuac Bonaparte.

At the auto graveyard
When the junkyard gang hears the wail of the sirens, el Talibán pushes Kendra away roughly.  Her body crashes into a car and then tumbles to the ground. [Methinks she won't salir con la Mia.] Meanwhile el T and the guy on the moto try to speed away.  When the cops cut off their escape route, they try to flee on foot.  There is a hail of gunfire.  Both bad guys end up dead.  Kendra is running around with a bag of loot, scurrying over cars like a cockroach.  She seems to have eluded the cops.  For the moment.

In Aníbal's room
The old man wrests his nitro from the odious Odette.  She continues to needle him about Victoria.  He decides to take her up on her offer -- he will go to the clinic with her and find out the truth.
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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Porque El Amor Manda: # 18- 4/3/13-Chucho Sprays Firebug Fer; Vero Almost Has a Heart Attack; And Alma is Jealous of....Alma?

 By Recapper Jody

Jessica scolds Fer on the phone about the dognapping and that she is taking the heat for it; she's the sacrifice.   He is baffled by her outburst.

Sue, Xochi and Chucho return to the office and find Mari.  Mari is upset and grumbles about her meeting with her dad (she lies about him).

Photo shoot - Alma and Eli meet and introduce themselves again - they laugh over their cover for Chucho (secret from Vero).  She admires him for helping Chucho and Val be together.  Eli tells her, what a coincidence, Chucho is crazy about a gal named Alma.  Alma is stunned; there's another Alma in his life?

Fer rips up a photo and sets it on fire.  He grumbles as he leaves the burning photo in Rog's wastebasket and leaves Rog's office.

Chatita talks with neighbors; they tell her there was a break-in at Chucho's apartment.  Chatita goes to check on things - wonders what happened.
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Amor Bravío #159 (Uni 154) Tue 4/2/13 Hell hath no fury as a Kimodo scorned.

Some scenes were adjusted for continuity 

Daniel takes a crack at Dionicio and warns him he’ll kill him before he’ll allow Dionicio to lay a hand on Camila!  He has Omar disarmed for the moment, but before you can say “no puede ser”, two more henchman come out of nowhere and grab Daniel from behind.  Once they have him under control, Dionicio tells him he has no idea what he’s just provoked.  Daniel calls him a coward, saying he uses others to do his dirty deeds.  Dionicio replies that he does whatever he wants and he always gets what he wants.  Daniel assures him he will never be with Camila.  Dionicio disagrees, saying she is what he desires most and she’ll be his whether Daniel likes it or not.  Daniel calls him a dirty pig.  Dionicio:  “You won’t be able to prevent it.  She’ll be mine.  Besides, who are you to complain?  You had the opportunity to keep her forever but you let her go.  Go back to your country with your mujercita and I’ll make Camila very happy!”  Daniel swears this will never happen, this isn’t over yet.  Dionicio:  “Wrong!  This story is over and you’ve just helped me end it!”  Dionicio stands back and allows Omar to beat Daniel to a pulp!

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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 4/2/13 (#17): Blackmail, Anyone?

Math Riddle: Rogelio borrows $200,000 from Malvino and promises $50,000 to Yuri. Two weeks later, he borrows another $50,000 from Malvino. After paying the dog's ransom, he has zero cash; a debt of $50,000 to Yuri; and a debt of $250,000 plus interest to Malvino.

Without using a calculator, can you determine who will shoot Rogue first?

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Amores Verdaderos #100 Tue 4/2/13 Hissy Fits for Everyone

Amores Verdaderos, 4/2/13, Cap 100—Hissy Fits for Everyone

A brief recap plus screencaps for your edification. First, a preview screencap:

Jean Marie and Polita pray to the Virgencita on behalf of Victoria.


* We are treated with a scene with Chris's mom, Candalaria, who is being urged by her priest to visit her family already. Don't let the guilt and shadows of the past keep her away. She agrees to do so. We know that something will come of this, don't we?

Candy will go see her family, after many years of avoidance and guilt.

* Thomasina returns to work without ever knowing that her would-be galán was a bad guy. As she's approaching the service entrance, she discovers a fallen Victoria, has a hissy-fit, which fortunately includes her asking for an ambulance right away. (I give credit that the characters in this show did think to do that before too long—it's not typical for TNs!)
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Monday, April 01, 2013

Amor Bravío #158 (Uni 153) Mon 4/1/13

Capitulo 158:   Fortress, Fraud, Fear, and Fight

Lo del pasado

Luzma faints at the news that her perverted uncle is possibly on the property.  Camila sends Rodolfo to mobilize the men with orders to shoot if necessary.  Natalia goes to talk to Aaron.  Leoncerdo realizes he is at serious risk of being caught by the trusty vaqueros at La Malquerido and decides to hightail it to La Buenaventura.

Lo de nuevo

La Malquerida, Parlour:  Luzma is distraught. Camila gives her a pill and some water. Pablo suggests she go upstairs to her room. The others talk about the police being out looking for El Perver-tio. Dorotea goes to the kitchen to prepare tea as Pablo and Piedad escort Luzma upstairs. Camila, Osvaldo, and Mariano talk about the Great Escape and its possible motive. Mariano speculates that the motive was revenge on those whose testimony put him in the carcel. That means not only Luzma, Piedad, and Pablo but Daniel. Mariano remembers that Leoncerdo accused Hissadora of cutting out his tongue, so he takes out his cell phone to call home. As he calls Iagho, Osvaldo asks Camila what El Diablo came for.

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Amores Verdaderos #99 Mon 4/1/13 Espanto...(inepto)... you better change career paths... how about registering in a plumber's or electrician's school? poor Vicky, she made her bed(decision), now she has to sleep in it(live or die with the consequences)...

here is first section...


Nik-ita and Goril-ita finish the kiss and then begin a game of ‘didn’t feel anything, don’t need you but you need me, am better off without you’ back and forth debate. Angel is nearby so Nik-ita calls him to come over, he plays the ‘don’t know anything, I am blind/deaf/mute’ disclaimer…

Funniest moment of scene is the end when Nik-ita says ‘lets go Guzman… I mean… Arriaga…’

At B house, JM is fixing Lilly a chocolate cake with berries… Tomasina says Vicky also has a surprise present for Lilly. Phone rings. [ok, have to stop the reel here, the kitchen has its own phone number for the servicio? Polita answers ‘Bueno!’ not an expected ‘Casa Balbanera, Buenos dias… etc etc’… so they must have their own line. ] Polita tells Tomasina it is ‘Cuicarlo Bonaparte’ (LOL!)… Tomasina and Kendra’s thug Inepto (I mean… Espanto) a.k.a. water rabbit… (reading a book on ‘chinese horoscope, year of the snake’, LOL!) talks to his ‘fire goat’, wants to meet her tomorrow

Lo Nuevo…

Tomasina agrees to new ‘date’…these two sound like highschoolers on phone with each other, her playing hard to get, both saying they are a bit distracted). After hanging up, Inepto tells KenDrat ‘she fell hook, line and sinker…’

Guzmanc-ito and Bea talk about Guzman warming up to Dances, Dances explained about the ring he is wearing, even accepted him calling me ‘future BIL’. She is very grateful… they have a real nice sibling love moment.

Yikes! Anyballs announces to Nik-ita that she and Roy can take over his NYC apartment, from there they can travel anywhere Roy needs to for his tournaments. But Anyballs wants to speak to Roy first. Nik-ita wants to know what about. Anyballs says he wants to make sure Roy treats her as she deserves (that is up to the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?), so if he needs to give Roy a booster kick (support/sponsorship) for his career, then he will.

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PEAM #16, 4/1/2013 – This Kiss, This Kiss, It’s Perpetual Bliss, but it’s not What’s Criminal

Chatita gets a sweet kiss from Chucho when she agrees to guard Valentina while he takes care of a problem.  He calls Almita to tell her he has been thinking he is sure it was Fernando who is behind the disappearance of Sanson.  Said slime dog, Fernando is meanwhile trying to break into Chucho’s apartment first ruining his credit card.  The sharp eared Valentine hears him and grabs the money she had played with putting it back in the little black satchel it came in.  Sin-stained Fernando tries to use another tool like an a useless allen wrench. Good thing he is completely ineffective at virtually everything, Valentina doesn’t seem to see him trying to break in but after shrugging off the strange sounds, continues to play bank with her play money.  Chatita dreams on in the chair.  Fernando as inept as he is, eventually breaks through the door.  Only Valentina is guarding the house, the treasure, and the sleeping Chatita.  Alma and Chucho drive around.  She totally believes him that Fernando is the culprit but to further his argument, Chucho asks if Fernando has a dog.  NO, she says, well, he continues, there was a barking dog in his apartment this afternoon when he called the office.  Ever the planner, Chucho has papers that he uses to greet the desk staff explaining that he has papers with matters of life and death he must get to Don Fernando.  So he convinces them that he must only slip them under the door.  They joke about his other secretary being there.  Chucho thus forewarned greets a stunned Jessica right after the clever Sanson has torn up the apartment, escaped from the bathroom and eventually escapes into the hall way.  An unsuspecting neighbor lets Sanson into the stairwell and off he goes in his determined little way. 
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Saturday, March 30, 2013

PEAM # 15: 3/29/13- Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone, Oh Where, Oh Where Can He Be?


We start this epi with Chucho being demoted and the ransom demand of 50 thou for Sanson.

Jess is on the phone with Fern talking about Sanson and Ricardo, one of the three Sillies is hiding behind the wall partion, and he is all ears. Fern tells Jess she is only getting 5 % of that ransom and she so isn't happy with that. Their ultimate objective is to get Chucho fired of course! Jess wants her job back, of course. Sanson is barking, he is still in his prison, the bathroom of course, so Fern goes to quiet him and Sanson runs out. HA! Sanson is tearing up the sofa and the shoes and whatever his little mouthy pooh can get ahold of. Probrecito! Sanson that is, not Fern.

The Secretaries are all gathered, and Tablet Jefe is right, noone, but noone ever works, and they are talking about Sanson too. They decide to say a little prayer for the little pooch for his safe return. Awww.

Rog has gone to the storage in his house. He has determined he will use the "package" moola for the ransom to be paid for Sanson. He has a coniption fit when he sees the dresser is gone. Ruh Roh, he thinks he's been robbed! Later, he mentions the possible theft to his maid, and she informs him that in fact, Chucho now has the dresser, double Ruh Roh, cause if looks could kill, Chucho would be dead!

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Amor Bravío #157 (Uni 152) Fri 3/29/13 Indecent Proposal Or Step-Daddy Dio's Improper Papa-sition

Cap. 157 - Parte 1

Lo Del Pasado:

The Scoobies sans Aaron share an uncomfortable momento when Mariano, arriving at Viviana and Rafael’s house to pick up Ana and Camila, discovers that Daniel got there first.  He starts to butt heads with Dan (no need to pardon the pun) till Dan offers to leave and makes his exit.  Mar chases Dan out to the street as he heads for his car and starts giving him grief about not keeping his word to leave Cam alone—or, more likely, for himself—and to take better care of the wifey who’s probably been pining away the lonely hours at home.

Lo Del Nuevo:

It’s not just Camila that Daniel’s jerking around, gripes Mar, but Miriam!  “—You’re upsetting her greatly with your attitude!”  (Wrong family, isn’t it Mar?  You’re somebody else’s big brother.)  Dan has finally had enough of Mariano getting in his face and is all like, ‘Excuuuuuuuuzzze me, but what’s it to you, dude?’  “—I can understand your preoccupation with Camila, but Miriam?  She’s my problem, not yours!”  Mar says she’s been so great to him and Ana so he’s entitled.   (Let me get this straight.  A couple of cups of coffee, a few coos from Aggie, and some baking lessons while babysitting for Ana is all it takes for Mariano feel he’s family?  Go figure.)  Cam and Ana appear then and Dan finally gets a chance to make his exit.  

In the kitchen at La Malquerida, meanwhile, a tearful Piedad gets the empty nester talk from Hipolito.  Luzma’s got to finally fly on her own and Pie’s got to let her.  It’s time, yadda, yadda, yadda.  Pablo accidentally overhears that Luz is leaving the rancho and panics.  He flies upstairs and panics again when he doesn’t find her there.  He then races out to look for her somewhere on the grounds.

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Amores Verdaderos #98 Fri 3/29/13 Several Shocking Human Resource Violations Definitely Occured at Meta Imagen Today

Retaliation Termination      
Forcing Employees to Work Off of the Clock     
Sexual Harassment
Fraternizing with Subordinates

Consuming Alcoholic Beverages on the Clock
Victoria’s Office Meta Imagen Arriaga and Victoria are sobbing loads because they can’t think of a way to fulfill their lustful fantasies for one another without upsetting a majority of the people in their lives.  Victoria makes an executive decision.  So that they will remain chaste, Guzman will guard her body and Arriaga will guard Nikki’s.  The thought of having to work for Nikki makes Arriaga’s heart sink.  He cries harder as he walks at a snail’s pace towards the door.

(Anibal’s) Allotta Ballsvanera Bedroom Gilda the B/Sn/W/itch (there was no gun to her head) betrays her "friend" by telling Don Anibal that Paula is Guzman’s mother.  Anibal’s pride takes a heavy blow when he learns that he is not irresistible to Paula.

Park Guzman is forced to entertain a Ballsvanera by eating an ice cream cones in the park with Adrianna on his PTO day.  They are discussing how it’s a myth that men and women can’t be friends when Guzman takes an important phone call.  Anibal wants to see him STAT. 

Balvanera Mansion Sitting Room Nikki’s lapel and collar is made up of the carcasses of several multi-colored road-kill rabbits.  Nikki tells Kendra that she and Roy are getting hitched in one month.  Squealing and sporting her normal “hooker ensemble”, Kendra leaps from the couch and embraces her friend.  Naturally, Nikki’s bff will be her maid of honor.  Kendra’s all excited because she gets to wear a hot dress.  Kendra then shares that she’s preggers.   Who’s the daddy?  The married man?  Kendra confirms that she is indeed a selfish, man-stealing, HOmewrecker with absolutely no morals and is preggers by a married man. She will do the noble thing and never tell his family about the baby. Tomasina interrupts the intense conversation and asks if Nikki is hungry.  She’s also going to the grocery store and wants Nikki’s list.  Nikki start bitching about Tomasina being all up in her business and Tomasina threatens not to do a zodiac reading for Nikki and Roy.  Kendra wants to know what’s up with Tomasina; she’s a little familiar with you.  She’s like family and my mom would die if anything happened to her, says Nikki.  Kendra wheels are turning. 

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Friday, March 29, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MAS, week of April 1, 2013

Happy holidays, everyone!  Here's a new page for the week ahead.

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Weekend Discussion: Novela Stars in Passion Plays

Since today is Good Friday, I thought this photo gallery would be appropriate.  This features Passion Plays by novela stars.  The first set -- from Paixão de Cristo --  is Brazilian, the second -- from Triunfo del Amor -- is Mexican.  Most CarayAmigos will recognize the actors in the Mexican photos:

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Weekend Discussion: Amor Bravío – Karmageddon Awaits!

What final fate should befall the evil ones in this tale of greed, lust, romance, and toxic family dynamics?
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Amor Bravío #156 (Uni 151) Thu 3/28/13 Amor Aburrido

I think Leo being carried out like the garbage he is actually refrito from yesterday, but Mr. 5ft was walking through the living room when it aired tonight, so I wanted to share with those of you who are concerned about his general well being (and especially his snarky comments) that he finds it unfortunate that it wasn't one of those trash-compacting garbage trucks.

Daniel is surprised that Camila backs Mariano up in asking him not to be at the meeting with Dio.  He agrees, pouts, and tells Camila she can always count on him.  Mariano apologizes to Camila for running Dan off, but they agree it was necessary.

Natalia tells Luzma, in confidence, that Yago was only marrying her because her daddy threatened to kill him and gave him lots of money.  She feels incredibly stupid for believing that vile delinquent!  Luzma is now playing the "but he loves you!" tune.  Well, Natalia now knows that Dio is only being affectionate to hurt her mother. She's pissed that both her dad and Yago are such filthy rats.  Natalia is ready to get revenge now.  She'll tell her plan to Luzma, but only if she swears not to tell.  "They'll regret messing with me!" 

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Amores Verdaderos #97 Thu 3/28/13 We Will Always Have Paris. Or That Male Stripper Club.

* Lo refrito: lots of jackassery, jealousy and a big SLAP!

* Lo nuevo: when Vicky tries to talk some sense into Nikki for the hundredth time. Roy is going to be the father of her children and her companion for the rest of her life, so she should be completely sure about her feelings before marrying him. But Nikki is convinced that Rollero is the perfect mate for her, and he loves her despite of her bulimia! Don Aníbal overhears their conversation, and when he realizes that Neta wants to get married, he’s over the moon. My princess, you have all my support! Vicky is like “have you all gone mad?”

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

PEAM #14, 3/28/13: Lost Dog, Reward if Found

Happy Holidays, Passover and Easter to all who observe!!!

Rogue reminds Chucho not to harm a hair on the head of his precious puppy and gives him instructions on his booties and his blankets. (We already know how this is going to end up)

The Fussy Fuchsia Gals have welcomed Chucho into their circle.  They want to start fresh, they are a team.  He is a colleague.  Jessica is not too happy to hear that Chucho is no longer the enemy.  The ladies ask for forgiveness.  Chucho couldn’t be happier.  All for one and one for all!!!!
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Amor Bravío #155 (Uni 150) Wed 3/27/13 "Nat Now Knows, Yago is Yucky as Ever and Other News de Aculco"

Mena here, and I am back again burning the midnight oil.  Hold the page for me again, okay?  Viewerville has lots to say about life in Aculco and then some  ……. especially since these are the last capitulos of this story.  Your job is to keep the comment board open, that’s it, nada mas.

Sure, no problem……. Dum dee um dee dummmmm…  Hmmm, no harm in an aside …..   Maja tweeted – she wants a word with the mistress, pronto.  She wants her spot on the big pillow on the bed seeing as the big guy isn’t hogging it anymore……. Dum dee um dee dummmmm……..  Tweet to the writers- she wants them to lose the cute baby actress.  Dog’s don’t require union rates.

The Husband House that Daddy Dio Bought:  Nutty Nat stands in the shadows of the house listening to Yucky Yago and Dio discuss the contract that Yago is being forced to sign.  Yucky Yago is not sure why he needs to sign this agreement.  Dio explains that in the event that there is a mutually agreed upon amendment to their contract divorce between said subcontractor  Yago and his project  Nat,  Yago will give everything that he gained in the marriage  back, including the gigantic hideous watch he now sports.  Not only that, but Yago will be obligated to provide part of his future earnings back to Nat and the bebe.  

Office of the El Orphanage: Viv and Rafa are leaving the office talking to Aaron.  They explain that they have to wait for all efforts to find any other family of Roman’s to be exhausted.   Roman overhears and asks them if they are really going to adopt him.    They explain to Roman that it is not automatic, that a judge will have to decide if they can adopt him.  They also tell him that the officials have to be sure to check that there are no other families that would be better ones to adopt him and that he doesn’t have any bio family that would claim him.  Roman doesn’t understand and is impatient with what is sure to be an excruciatingly long process in his mind [viewerville is in full agreement with Roman].    He offers to talk to the judge himself.  Aaron tells Roman to have patience and Viv reassures Roman to look forward to the future and not worry.

Casita de Dan and Miriam (including Caridad and Agatha and any Other Number of Drop-Ins):  Ana and Miriam and Agatha are  baking cookies and sharing warmies and smiles with ever- present Caridad somewhere on the sidelines.   Dan has arrived and Ana asks Dan to take a photo of the four of them.  Agatha conveniently needs a diaper change and Caridad and Ana excuse themselves to handle poopie duty.  Alone together, Dan is explaining, again, about being late.  This time the reason is  because Agustina was recently transferred from el pokito to El Pokote.  Lucky for him this is sufficiently bad news  and Miriam focuses on the news rather than Dan’s lame excuse again.  Dan asks when Mariano is coming to take his kid home so that he and Miriam can go to the doctor appointment.  Miriam tells him that the appointment was cancelled because the doctor went on vacation.  QTH?  Dan insists that Miriam needs a second opinion – that she cannot return to Chile without it.  She disagrees etc.   Dante arrives to interrupt the back-and-forth.  He  gives Dan the bad news that the audiotape cannot be cleaned up by the local IT team and that they need to send the tape to the big city for work.

The Husband House that Daddy Dio Bought:  Dio is pleased that Yago has been following his orders like a good stooge.  But, Yago has still not come through on one of the requirements to stay present on this planet.  That is, he has not delivered Natty to Daddy by way of showing her complete devotion to him while abandoning her mamita Amanda.  Yago complains that no matter what he does, nothing has completely worked.  Dio is insistent that Nat really feels something for him wayyyyy deep down inside.  Yago’s brain springs a synapse and he wonders aloud to Dio that if Dio is such a devoted and caring father, why is he forcing someone to marry Nat against his will?  All things have a reason says Dio, attempting to be the teller of all things wise.  He explains to Yago that many years ago Amanda abandoned him and NO MUJER ever makes him look bad! Nunca!  Therefore, he is getting revenge on Amanda by robbing her of  what she cares most deeply about, the affections and loyalty of her daughter, Nat.  Nat has overheard enough as her eyelids can  expand no further without ripping at the seams and she sneaks out the way she came in.  She sprints down the stairs and across the lawn.

Pastures of La MQ:  Pablo and Rodolfo moon about not being among the happy couples Eleuterio and Dorotea and Piedad and Hipolito.

Casita del Dan and Miriam:  Dan vents frustration to Miriam and Dante that Isa and Dio still have no evidence against them that would put them in jail once and for all.  Dadnabit @#$$! Dan hates leaving La MQ (translation: Camila) with all this unsettled biz.  He assures Miriam (who of course inquires if this will keep them from returning to Chile) that they will still be returning to Chile.  Nonetheless, he is PO’d that his sacrifice has been for nothing. What sacrifice, asks Miriam?  Dante quickly adds, why the sacrifice of  nearly dying and drowning on his way to Mexico  [Viewerville suspects Dan refers to the giving up Camila sacrifice which will remain a secret from Miriam for now].  Miriam tries to calm him by telling him that Abe and Gaston will be working from Chile to do what they can to catch the bad guys in Mexico.  Dan huffs off and she worries to Dante about Dan’s attitude – that it seems as though he is being forced to go back to Chile (along with being forced to resume his husbandly duties) and she doesn’t like it one single bit.

The Big House:  Agustina is checked in with prints and pics and is left purpleless.  She has a new cellmate, Carmela.  Carmela welcomes Agustina saying that if she acts right and does what Carmela tells her to do, all will be well.  If she doesn’t, well, life will be hell.

Courtyard of La MQ:  The happy rancheros, Pablo and New Girl give a hurrah to the new bulls that have arrived.  Camila and Luzma walk up and Camila gives them the bad news that Agustina has been moved to The Big House.  Camila’s phone rings with seriously disillusioned Nat on the other side.  Nat is calling to offer her help to gather evidence against  Deceptive Daddy Dio.   Scene switches to Nat on the lawn of the house that Daddy bought as she hangs up with Camila.  Behind her she hears a voice!  She freezes – no puede ser!  She turns to see Dio standing at the top of the stairs asking what she is doing there.  Thinking on her well-balanced wedgies (finally) she tells Daddy Dio she was just coming to meet with Curtain Lady.   She smartly turns the table to ask them what they are doing there, hmmm? Ummm, well, the pair come up with some lame story about fixing up a surprise for Nat.  Daddy Dio wanted to take the opportunity of their upcoming honeymoon to load their house up with specially picked furniture.  Guau!  Thanks Daddy, she smartly says, going along with the story.  She tells him she loves surprises with a wink and a nod to viewerville.  Yes, thanks, Don Dio says Yago.  Nah, it is Dio’s pleasure to please the light of his eyes, Nat.  Oh, and no need to call me Don Dio, he tells Yago,  I am your father-in-law, after all.

Courtyard of La MQ:  Everyone is happy to learn that Nat is on the side of the good guys and will help them get Dio’s briefcase.  Camila also informs them that they must be careful while they plot against the bad guys.  She also informs  them that Dio will be visiting the ranch after dinner to talk to her.  Los rancheros  vow to punch his lights out if he tries anything.  Piedad tells Camila that she is praying to the Virgincita for a milagro.  If that fails,  maybe She will divinely deliver a bed for Dio and Isa in a concrete slab courtesy of the frustrated tourist site developers.

The Big House:  Agustina continues to get acquainted with Carmela.  Agustina confides that the experience of jail is horrible for her while Carmela asks if she expected it to be a castle.   Agustina claims she is innocent.  That is what everyone says, Carmela tells her.  No really, Agustina insists that she was a dope who was duped by her husband and when she became a detriment to him, he turned her in for fraud.   But of course, that’s men for you, Carmela exclaims in solidarity with Agustina.  Carmela tells her of her own story of betrayal by a man.   She says that one day she discovered her man was abusing their daughter and when she threatened to turn him in, he pulled a pistol on her.  Well, she decided it was him or it was us, and she decided to save us.  She shot him dead.  No regrets except for missing her daughter.

Courtyard of La MQ:  Hippo asks a favor of Los Rancheros.  He wants them to take care of Piedad and Luzma if anything happens to him in the plot to steal Dio’s briefcase.  Discussion ensues about this plan.
Kitchen of La MQ:  Luzma calls Dan to tell him that Nat has agreed to help in the plot against Dio.   She adds that after Camila and Mariano cenar, they are going to el hostal to talk to Nat about the plan.  WTQ?  Dan goes into jealous thought bubbles about Mariano and Camila spending time together.  He mentions his blood boils thinking about the two of them, even though he knows it is selfish.

Camila’s Cabana:  Trip down memory lane about Dan swearing they will never need to part, Agustina being led away in handcuffs and other tear-jerking scenes.

Botanica del Pueblo:  Isa buys some new magic herbs and she and the shopkeeper exchange recipes for a more potent brew that Isa can give Cayetano.  They decide it is better to add the magic herb drops to a hot toddy or something to strengthen its potency.  Isa leaves and receives a phone call from another random lawyer.  Isa informs him that she and her new husband want to update their will.  Random lawyer tells her that this is as easy as emailing a boilerplate form to her so she Cayetano can fill in the changes and all her his wishes and just send it right back for notarizing.

Courtyard of La MQ:  Pablo and Mariano walk and talk about Pablo’s troubled marriage and when she loves him and when she loves him not.  Pablo wonders about their future.  Cayetano shows up and gives them the good news that he has been to his real lawyer.  He informs them that his will now provides one fourth of the ranch to each son and his wife.  Pablo is happy to be included.  Mariano wonders if Pops did this because of what he told him about Isa’s sketchy plans.  No, says Pops, he just wants to do what is right and adds that Mariano need not worry that Isa is a gold-digger.  Isa, he tells the fellas, is in full agreement with this plan to share the ranch equally.   The words leave his mouth as Isa leaves town with magic herbs and a plot to do Cayetano in and take over the ranch in its entirety.  Isa has not learned to share.

Camila’s Cabana:  Camila talks to Viv on the party line.  Viv consoles her friend.  Camila asks how Viv is, btw.  Viv reluctantly fills her in on her good news that she and Rafa are working on adopting Roman.  Smiles and congrats. Something is going right for someone.

El Hostal:  Dante arrives and needs to talk to Teresa.  He tells her that he thinks they should try to have a relationship.  Teresa wonders about his love for Miriam.  Dante, who finally gets it, says that neither Miriam or Mariano love either of them so it is time to consider giving their new relationship a chance.  Teresa looks as though she is really considering this.  Viewerville has time to have a good look at Dante and approves wholeheartedly that this is a verrrryyyy gooood choice.

Dinner Table at Casita de Dan and Miriam:  Ana overhears Dan mention Miriam needing a doctor appointment and worries about Miriam.  Ana tells them that she remembers that her mom died as did the mother of one of her friends.  She has decided that no mom should die.  Miriam agrees, but tells Ana that sometimes, no matter what we wish, mothers or fathers or children die.  She reassures Ana that she does not plan to die.

El Hostal:  Nat returns home and arranges to meet with Camila later to help plot against Dio.  She tells her mamita that she has agreed to help the good guys.  Amanda acknowledges that this must be hard for her to do.  No worries says Nat, finally looking like she gets that Daddy Dio is not a swell after all.  She tells Amanda she loves her and rolls off to get to bed.

Jail for SubHuman Types:  Trash gathers trash to be deposited in the trash truck.

Dinner Table at El Rancho de BV:  Isa and Cayetano are having a nice family dinner with Yucky Yago.  They discuss the husband house that Dio bought. Cayetano tells Yago that someday he will have a piece of La BV to build his own house.  Yago is happy to hear this as he prefers to have something that is his own, not something that is a gift from his father-in-law.  Isa yanks mixes it up and adds that he will be happy to share his portion with Mariano, Pablo and her, in equal parts.  WTQ?!   Yucky Yago explodes upon hearing this.  He argues that Pablo isn’t even a full Albarran and Mariano has his own house already and wisely keeps his mouth shut about Isa’s portion.  Cayetano tells him he can do whatever the he@# he wants with his ranch.  Yucky Yago finishes with a temper tantrum and tells Cayetano he can keep his crumbs – he will go off and be an important rich man all on his own. So there!

El Hostal:  All gather for the powwow of good guys, everyone but Dan, that is.  Dan shows up to help plot against Dio. Mariano tells Dan he is not needed and to not interfere in Camila’s affairs any longer.  Dan looks crestfallen and looks at Camila.  She says nothing, suggesting she is complicit with Mariano’s  statement.

Jail for SubHuman Types:  Trash collects trash and throws it in the bin.  Trash climbs in after the trash and hides.  Trash waits for the scheduled trash truck pickup.  Trash is dumped into the trash truck and no one working at the jail is the wiser.  Trash thought bubbles to himself to an as yet unnamed mugrosa that is deserving of his revenge.  Trash takes a trip out of the jail to freedom.   Camera freezes the frame on the face of LeoSordido.


Amores Verdaderos #96 Wed 3/27/13 Beauty and the Beast, after the dance

The old: 

Vikki and the Big Guy, having at last owned up to their feelings, do a sweet, romantic turn around the dance floor at the male stripper club.

Soggy Paula opens her apartment door to Francisco while Adriana hides from view.

The new:

Paula's lament -- I did it for love!
Paula is disappointed when Frankie tells her he's there to talk about his father. Frankie can't stand to see Felipe getting excited about a reconciliation and then getting his hopes dashed.  Paula says it was a misunderstanding -- she meant no harm.  But since she has Francisco captive, she seizes the chance to sing her blubbery Song of Self-Pity.  By the end of it, Frankie says he feels sorry for her.  Yes!  That's what she wanted!  Because she is the Unhappiest Woman he has ever known!
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

PEAM #13, March 27, 2013:: Pati and Chucho's lunch date makes Rogelio, Alma and Xochi jealous; Secretaries and Chucho: "All for one and one for all!"

By Recapper Jody

Chucho tries using rich, fatty foods to convince Eli to keep his real job title a secret from Vero. Eli can't do it - Chucho continues to beg and plead - tonight's his first night with Valentina, it's so very important to him and his daughter - Eli still refuses to keep secrets from his wife.

The secretaries are at the coffee station chatting about Chucho and the marketing meeting. Susanah tells them about how Chucho helped her pick out the engagement ring and helped her plan the engagement party. Xochi cries as Susanah continues with her positive comments about Chucho.

As Eli gets on the elevator, Chucho continues to beg and plead for Eli to help him, give him time. Eli stays silent.
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Amores Verdaderos #95 Tue 3/26/13 Inappropriate Liberties are Taken

Recap finished! Here are some preview screenshots.

Ewww! No, just no. Don't let Roy the Boy get too cozy with you, Nikki!

BEHAVE, YOU TWO! He's a married man!


Refried: Kendra-Ho tells the Furry Fornicator that she's expecting his bebe. He is not overjoyed. Victoria wanders into his office. Fortunately for the slutty couple they weren't doing anything incriminating. They make up some story about Kendra being there for business.

Kendra breaking the news to the Furry Fornicator that she has a bun in the oven.

Victoria spins some tale to Big Angel about writing a poem to hubby, because they're reconciling. Big Angel seems suspicious, due to the ambiguous, bittersweet content in the poem.

The New:  Victoria's friends Doris and Jocelyn visit Vicki at work. They're chatting animatedly. Doris is thrilled that they may end up being related some day via the marriage of their kids (Nikki and Roy the Boy).

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