Saturday, August 18, 2007

Acorralada #149 Wednesday 8-15-07 – Another Woman Falls at Mucks' Feet! What Gives?

Granny DS is in the hospital and doesn't want to die without seeing Dimwit with her rapist grandson. Dimwit and Mucks are standing side by side; Dimwit has tears streaming down her face. They don't want her to die. Their love theme plays.

Marfil is trying to talk Diablo into killing Princess Fi. Diablo claims he's not a killer. Marfil points out that just because he hasn't succeeded yet doesn't mean he isn't capable. After all, he kidnapped Mucks and stabbed Emili-Oh. They fight about it and Marfil struts off, "Just do it or I'll tell everyone about the fire!"

Fidiota tells Granny M she has an appointment and swears Granny M to secrecy. No one can know where she's going, especially her daughters and Roddy. Granny M swears to take it to her grave, but is concerned for Fidiota's safety. Kick Me overhears the conversation and wonders where Fidiota is off to. He's bound and determined to find out.

Sylvie, in one of her more normal-looking wigs, stumbles across Roddy. Roddy is out for a run on the beach. Sylvie is flirting up a storm. As if. Roddy asks Sylvie to befriend his daughter. Mocosa needs a friend to help her through the trauma of losing her mom. Sylvie agrees to help.

Dimwit is telling Mucks to leave Granny DS' room. Just as he's ready to walk out the door, Dimwit tells him to wait. Mucks is all excited that perhaps Dimwit has forgiven his raping her. Dimwit wants to know who burned down the manicomio.

Princess Fi is telling her hairdresser that yes, she (Princess Fi) is pregnant by Mucks. The hairdresser points out Marfil and Octopus are also clients and she finds it hard to believe. Right on cue, Marfil and Octopus show up. Princess Fi says, "Hello future mother-in-law!" Octopus and Marfil scowl.

Roddy meets Mocosa at the beach. She tells him she doesn't want to cause problems, but…she still feels like an outsider. She continues to weave her little web around Roddy until he says how good and wonderful she is. They hug and Mocosa cocks an eyebrow at the camera. Roddy is such a dupe.

Mucks fills Dimwit in about the night of the fire and how Iggy and Diablo are involved. He knows because he unmasked them. Dimwit wants them to pay, but Mucks stops her. She tells him Diablo is a psychopath. Mucks points out, "Aha! You're worried about me!" Dimwit says she isn't. After his brutality THAT night, her feelings for him died. Mucks shuffles out dejectedly.

Insults continue to be exchanged between Marfil and Princess Fi. Mayra, the beautician, tries to get them to calm down. Marfil wants Mayra to kick Princess Fi out.

Mocosa complains to Roddy that Fidiota won't let Mocosa's boyfriend, Lunkhead, come to the house to visit her. Roddy says he'll talk to Fidiota. Mocosa is all smiles and chants that Roddy is the best daddy in the whole wide world! Ugh!

Fidiota has come to visit Puncho at the warehouse. Kick Me has followed Fidiota and wants to know what she's doing at that place. Meanwhile, Puncho invites her to sit so they can chat in a civilized manner. I find it hard to believe Puncho knows anything about civilized manners.

Sylvie and Gaby are at the hospital when Lunkhead comes out. Sure enough Mocosa shows up and zeros in for a kiss with Lunkhead. Clueless Lunkhead goes along. Mocosa nasally drones on about how she came as soon as she could. She needs to be there to support him. Etc. Lunkhead suggests they go down to the cafeteria for a drink. After Mocosa and Lunkhead leave, Sylvie wants to know what up. Gaby tells Sylvie that Lunkhead is in love with "Chucky." "The devil doll?" asks Sylvie. Sylvie says they need to devise a plan to get rid of Mocosa. She talks about a war with grenades, but Gaby envisions Mocosa winning. We get to see this little comic sketch with Sylvie and Gaby in war paint, shooting at Mocosa with toy machine guns. Mocosa is firing back. They throw a grenade at Mocosa, who throws it back. Gaby and Sylvie get "blown up" and we see their hair all frazzled. Gaby decides a war won't work.

More insults are exchanged between Marfil and Princess Fi, until Mayra evicts Princess Fi from the salon. Princess Fi isn't happy.

Pedro is telling Marcela about how he passed Mucks off as his grandson. Marcela and her blind Godmum are in the garden. Pedro tells Marcela that Mucks really needs her; perhaps she can go to the hospital to support Mucks. "Don't worry; I'll take care of Godmum!" says Pedro.

Mucks is telling Tia Yo that he forced himself on Dimwit out of rage and jealousy; now Dimwit wants nothing to do with him. Tia Yo says no woman should be attacked like that. "Now you're going to have to really work hard at begging for forgiveness!"

Godmum is trying to warn Marcela. She doesn't want to see Marcela hurt by Mucks. Mucks is apparently tormented and loves Dimwit. Mucks and Dimwit even have a child together. Godmum is probably one of the smarter characters on this show. She tries to get Marcela to forget about Mucks, but Marcela won't listen. The only pain Marcela feels is for Godmum's suffering.

More of a showdown between Puncho and Fidiota. If Fidiota doesn't pay him, Puncho is going to tell Roddy Mocosa is a jewelry smuggler. Why does Fidiota care? Mocosa is nasty to Little Doormat, yet Fidiota wants to defend Mocosa? It's not like Fidiota even loves Roddy. But that would make sense and the writers are capable of anything BUT that.

Princess Fi storms into Pasta's Palace and tells him about the scene Marfil created in front of everyone at the salon. Pasta wonders if Princess Fi is sure she's pregnant. "Of course I am!"

Marfil is whining to Octopus about Princess Fi. She's tired of Mucks having kids with everyone but her. After Octopus leaves, Marfil calls Diablo. "When are you going to eliminate Princess Fi?" Diablo tells Marfil to quit bugging him. Marfil points out that Diablo's freedom is in her hands; if he doesn't kill Princess Fi, she'll turn Diablo over to the police.

Dimwit is still standing next to Granny DS's bed. The kindly older doctor suggests that Dimwit go home and get rest; her shift ended two hours ago. Dimwit would stay all night if it wasn't for her son. Reluctantly Dimwit leaves.

Lunkhead is lurking in the lobby. He tries to get Dimwit to give Mucks another chance. For now she's holding out. No second chances for Mucks.

Marcela is telling Mucks he can count on her to help with his plans of vengeance. He takes her hand to thank her and Dimwit walks in.

It's late and Fidiota is nowhere to be found. Roddy tries to get answers from Granny M, but Granny M is vague. Roddy makes Granny M promise to let him know when Fidiota arrives.

Kick Me doesn't want Lunkhead coming to the house. Mocosa points out the only reason she invited her "boyfriend" Lunkhead over is to make Little Doormat jealous. Suddenly Kick Me thinks Mocosa is wonderfully evil, which turns him on. They start making out.

Lunkhead tells the camera he hopes Mocosa can help him forget Little Doormat.

More conversation between Marcela and Mucks. After all the kindness he has shown her and Godmum, she'll do anything to help him. Mucks can count on her help, friendship, and love. "You're a dang fine woman!" says Mucks. I'm about ready to hack up a fur ball.

Mocosa is lying in bed next to Kick Me. I couldn't catch if she thinks he's good in bed, or if she's just using him to further her diabolical plans. Either is possible. She can't wait to get Lunkhead to marry her; Little Doormat will just turn gray with jealousy. She starts laughing to herself, which wakes up Kick Me. She tells Kick Me he'd better leave before they get caught together. Kick Me sneaks out of the room, but Gaby (who is hiding around the corner) catches him. She walks into Mocosa's room and insults are exchanged. Gaby calls Mocosa a tramp. Mocosa gloats that Lunkhead's going to be coming over to visit and she hopes Gaby and the witch Fidiota squirm. She loves making Gaby jealous. Gaby calls Mocosa "Chuky" and stomps out. This apparently gets to Mocosa and she throws something in anger at the door as it closes. It appears Mocosa is jealous of "Saint Doormat."

Princess Fi is correcting Pedro, "His name is Mucks; not Alejandro!" Mucks shows up with Marcela clutching his arm. Princess Fi runs up and plants a big wet sloppy one on him. Marcela doesn't seem too happy with this. Before Marcela can say anything, Pedro says Godmum is asking for her. Mucks wants to know if Princess Fi has received the paternity test results yet.

Fidiota shows up at Emili-Oh's and Dimwit answers the door. Fidiota has a white seagull pin strategically placed on her chest. It doesn't even closely match her red and black outfit. Fidiota wonders if Dimwit is still worried about Granny DS. Dimwit than breaks the news. Mucks is alive! The Orchestra of Impactada strikes an ominous chord.

Mucks is still pressing Princess Fi for the test results. She changes the subject and says how much she loves him. "Do you love Mucks or Alejandro?" Princess Fi claims she's known he's Mucks all along and has loved him for years. Her marriage was a mistake. Whatever. Mucks still presses her for the paternity test results. She wants to know if he's going to marry her. "Show me the test results then we'll talk."

Fidiota asks if it's true that Iggy and Diablo set the fire at the asylum. Dimwit assures her it is. "Pobre Lala, her sons are delinquents!" Dimwit begs Fidiota to not say a word to Lala; it will hurt her terribly!

Kick Me and Mocosa continue to torment Little Doormat. Mocosa laughs evilly.

Fidiota arrives home and Granny M says Roddy is waiting for her. Roddy then appears in the room. "Where have you been? I've been worried," says Roddy. "Are you checking up on me? I've been visiting Dimwit." Roddy says she should have told him, he'd have gone with her. He just loves spending as much time as possible with his beautiful wife!"

We see Lunkhead, Yo, Octopus, and Iggy having dinner together. Yo and Lunkhead have dour expressions. Iggy is going on about how wonderful it is to join them for dinner. Octopus flashes back to when she poisoned her hubby during dinner after stealing everything from Fidiota. Iggy is gushing. Lunkhead insults him. Finally Iggy drops the bomb. Octopus has agreed to marry him. Yo and Lunkhead are impactados! The Orchestra of Doom plays.

Dimwit is in her room as her and Mucks' love theme plays. Dimwit flashes back to seeing Mucks with Marcela. "Are you going to knock her up too?" asks Dimwit to herself.

Marcela walks into the living room, where Mucks is clutching his cocktail. Marcela says she needs to tell him something. She then proceeds to profess her love for him and starts kissing him passionately. Yuck, yuck, and triple yuck!!

Credits roll.


August 17, 2007 Yo Amo a Juan Q - In which Juan’s locks get picked -- up off the floor -- and his hopes get dashed

We open to see Juan and Fernando in the garage, and find Juan telling Fernando he’s been waiting for Fern. Fern looks at Juan warily, sensing he’s going to be hit up for another favor. He’s right. “I don’t have any money!” Juan begs, and Fern tells him he knows the answer. Nope. Nothing doing. Juan begs some more, he has in his hands the opportunity of his life. If Fern doesn’t help, all will be lost. Fern grumbles another no at him and Juan turns to the ceiling to beg the Blessed Child of Atocha to tell him why the Child brought him to this cold city! To be humiliated by all these people? Why Blessed Child? He tears up compellingly and turns away behind Fernando. Fern looks disgusted and asks when he needs the money. “Tonight!” Fern wants to know how much they’re talking about, and Juan tells him 2,000 pesos ($184.55 US). Fern is impactado and put out! He yells at Juan; is Juan drunk? Juan begs Fernando not to let him die alone! Fern thinks he has a screw loose. Juan tries to explain that this is going to be his big night. Why, Fern wants to know. Because, Juan explains, tonight I’m going to declare myself to Licenciada Paula. Now Fernando is beyond impactado, he’s gaping like a fish, speechless.

In Paula’s office, Ana is coming in. Paula is pleased to see her Mami and wants to know how it went. Ana tells her good and bad; she went to see the lady she was supposed to see the day before, and she wasn’t there, but on the other hand, she’s been hired at another job! Paula thinks it’s strange that she was not able to the woman at all, and Ana tells her that it’s going to be fine, though that work would have been good for her. Paula wants to know when Ana will start. This afternoon! Paula is very pleased, and remarks that who would have thought they’d soon become such important executives? Ana says she can’t believe it! Paula agrees and tells her mother they have an invitation to go to dinner, with Juan. Ana is a bit surprised; she guessed it was with CL. Paula tells Ana she has accepted for both of them. Ana smiles dubiously and nods.

In the garage, Fernando asks Juan, “you’re going to tell her WHAT?” Juan dances around, smugly advising Fern that he’s just going to spill the beans and tell her everything that’s in his heart. In the nights, he remembers her voice, her beautiful image, etc. He’s dreamily describing all he’ll tell her. Fern scoffs. Juan is really nuts. He tells Juan that if some day he pays back this money, he should really spend it on a good psychiatric treatment instead. Juan begs him not to be so insensitive. He says Fern is clearly not into poetry. “Who loves ya?” He asks and pulls Fernando’s ears out. Fern shakes him off. Juan asks if he’s going to help or not? Juan thought bubbles that Fernando is going to let go of the cattle (cash) while we see Fern biting his lip in thought about if he should make this loan. Juan’s smile will seal the deal. Who can resist this guy?

Ana asks to use Paula’s phone to talk to the lady she missed this morning and yesterday afternoon. She’s going to thank her and make sure no doors are closed. Paula’s cell phone rings at the same time, and she steps out to take the call, thus totally missing Ana asking for Monica Berrocal. [Ed. note: How very convenient! Ana and Paula still can’t put two and two together about CL’s interference! Paula would have recognized that name for sure.] Monica answers and they chat; Monica remarks that they have finally connected. She was sure they would never get to talk. Ana tells her they’ve actually lost the battle; she’s been offered and accepted other work. Ana tells Monica she has appreciated her graciousness (gentileza-gentility). Monica says there’s no remedy and she wishes Ana good luck. Ana thanks her, and lets her know that if the opportunity arises another time, she’d like Monica to keep her in mind. Paula comes back in the door. Monica assures her the door will be open. Ana thanks her again and they say goodbye and hang up. Paula comments on the lady’s kindness, knowing nothing of who it was. [Ed. Note: Paula is so right. Monica is waaaay too nice a lady for such a scumbag as CL]. Ana agrees and says what a shame it is (that she can’t work with her).

Fernando wants to give Juan advice, as friends. He tells Juan to come down off his cloud. Juan understands his worry; Fernando surely thinks the Licenciada is an unattainable trophy, he knows. He supposes Fern thinks he’s setting his sights too high, if he were Fern, he’d think the same, he knows. Fern wants to know “well, then, if you know that why do you keep fooling yourself?” Juan says that between him and the Licenciada there’s a lot of chemistry. He’s sure that she feels the same. Fern understands what he feels for her, but how is Juan so sure that she feels the same? Juan recounts several incidents where there were sparks (from his perspective), like the night he brought the musicians for her mother’s birthday, and when she intervened so he wouldn’t be fired. Fern says, okay, so? Juan says the most important detail is that when he had no place to go, she got him settled in her house, in the room and the bed that had been hers. He’s sure that’s the place she had the best dreams of her life. Is that insignificant? Fern tells him kindly that this means she esteems him and she’s good people, nothing more. Juan protests that in the end this is his problem and if he wants to fools himself, that’s his business. He’s not asking permission, just for a loan. Yes or no? Fernando is not going to make the loan. Juan tells him not to be bad folks, they’re friends, right? Fernando agrees they are, because they are friends, he’s not going to sponsor the huge blow/thump Juan wants to give himself. He tells Juan to open his eyes. Juan is going to do what he planned to. While we see Juan continuing to “lecture” Fernando about his plans and Fern walking away and finally turning to watch Juan, we hear Juan thought bubbling how he wishes he had paid attention to Fen’s words, because he would have avoided so much suffering. Fern wasn’t telling him at this time all he knew about Don Cesár Luis. But to be truthful, if he had told Juan at that moment, he wouldn’t have been listening to anyone. Juan continues to thought bubble that he was so emotional, thinking about the night with his little caramel-mouth, that he wouldn’t have heard anything at all.

In Pastor’s office, he’s telling Ivonne that supposedly, then, CL is in Monterey. Ivonne confirms it, saying that CL asked her to use much discretion. Pastor chuckles. He says he knows the word so well. She warns him about talking. He assures her he’s a tomb; among other things, he needs to remain the right hand of the big boss. They need to forget this, and remain like a sepulcher. Ivonne nods in agreement.

Juan is opening the door of the car to let Paula out. Talking with the speed of light, he tells he’ll leave her here, and tells her to go rest, he’ll come and get her, they’ll get her mother, they’ll all go to eat and be happy and content. She smiles and chuckles at his agitation, and tells him she’ll be waiting then. He opens the back door again and she comes back to him, thanking him for everything. He says she has nothing to thank him for, and they’ll go eat very tasty food [Ed. Note: is it just me, or does Juan become a complete imbecile most of the time when she’s around? He doesn’t do that with Marely. Looks more like heroine worship to me.] As he watches her going into the building, Juan happily thought bubbles about they will live their love all their days, and how she enchants his eyes. Palomita music plays and he whips his jacket around.

Kike is waiting for Juan on the street, standing in front of his new transport truck. He’s got a lively lime green shirt on, probably one of the best colors we’ve seen on Kike yet. Juan sees him and whips the car in front of the truck, jumping out to greet his friend. They greet each other; Juan wants a favor. [Ed. Note: Enrique should be way nervous right now; the favors Juan wants usually leave him broke for weeks.] Warily, he asks what type of favor they’re talking about now. Juan tells him not to get like that, it’s not of the other world. Enrique knows that the favors Juan asks will grind one down. Juan says this one will fill his heart and soul. He puts his arm around Enrique’s shoulder and kisses him on the head. Kike has a questioning look…..Juan says it’s the one way Kike can lend a hand. Kike laughs at him, and tells him to quit grinding. He loves Juan, too, but don’t work on him that way. It took everything he had to buy that truck. [Ed. Note: Aha! Kike has the nature of the favor figured out!] It left him broke. Juan begins to moan. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do, because the appointment he has is so vital to him…..the scene pops and we hear a “boing” sound repeatedly and we know that Juan continues to work Kike over about the favor he wants. Kike has his back to Juan and keeps saying, “no, no.” We see scene after scene with Juan begging. He looks sooo pitiful! Then he begins to rap “my Kike is with me, always with me” dancing with the rap. Kike is beginning to chuckle in spite of himself. Who can resist this guy?

The next thing we know, Juan is trying on expensive jackets in that men’s store. Kike wonders how he can convince Juan, knowing how he is. He looks resigned. Juan puts his arm around Kike and assures him he’ll return all that he has borrowed. Kike looks up at him dubiously. (We get a great shot of Juan’s chest, because his shirt is open to the waist and the shark’s tooth is prominent.) Kike says he can only hope so. Juan asks when he’s told him an untruth, or been crooked with Kike? Kike says what about what happened with Yadira? Juan asks when he hasn’t been honest? Kike acknowledges that he’s right. Juan says they’re soul brothers, until death, and he’ll make Kike feel proud. He asks Kike to help him find a great suit. It has to be tonight. Kike is concerned about the money Juan wants. Juan reassures him it’ll be all right.

Fernando is leaving CL outside Paula’s apartment building. CL won’t need him later. He’s staying. Fernando tells him to rest.

Juan tries on a white shirt and a gold and black tie with a trendy pattern. Kike thinks the only thing this will cause is smiles. He thinks the jacket Juan has him holding is eccentric (it’s light gray with white lapels. Kike is on to something here). Juan assures him it’s stylish, the color, fabric and texture. He calls the sales person. He wants five centimeters taken up on the slacks. The salesperson doesn’t like the idea, it’ll spoil where the pants break. Juan wants his boots to show. He’s the customer. They guy reluctantly agrees and goes off to take care of it. Juan explains about how his boots should be showing to Kike, who also looks dubious. (For all Kike’s lack of fashion expertise, he apparently registers that the shorter pants are NOT good form.)

We find Paula answering the bell in her robe. [Ed. Note: Geez, Louise, this is a lovely apartment!] She is pleasantly surprised. CL says that here he is, a well-behaved boy, as she can see, and he knocked first. He comes in with his little suitcase and briefcase. She asks about the suitcase. He tells her [duh] it’s a suitcase. She knows, but why? They flirt a little, and he finally tells her he’s staying (after he lays some mildly guilt-inducing groundwork about her worrying). They’re going to spend the night together, alone. She repeats this as a question…..and he says, “but if you don’t think it’s a good idea” and pretends to take his suitcase out the door. She grabs him back playfully. [Ed. Note. Blech]. They kiss. And kiss. [Ed. Note: Double Blech.]

In the mall, Kike and Juan walk away from the store. Juan is dressed in the new jacket and slacks (fast altering job, you think?) His tie is still tied too high above his buckle. What’s up with that? Kike tells him he’s keeping notes about how much Juan owes. Juan tells him he’s good for it. He’s Juan Dominguez. He walks away and Kike sees some girls ogle Juan and make a u-turn to follow them. Kike grins and comments on his new followers. Juan tells him to forget it, for him there is only one woman. From now on, pay attention here, Kike, Juan Dominguez is a faithful man! He throws back his head to punctuate this announcement. Kike smiles and chuckles. So, who’s the victim? He’s dying of curiosity. Well, it’s a formidable woman. Kike wants to know if he knows her? Is it Marely? Juan is slightly impactado. No, it’s not Marely. It’s his Licenciada, his boss. Kike is impactado. She is a major bombon. Juan does a twirl and they chuckle together.

CL is telling Paula about how they’ll be together all night. They can maximize the time. They flirt disgustingly. [Okay, okay, that should have been an Ed. Note. It was totally judgmental.] It’s his proposal. It depends on her. On me? Yep. She flirtingly reminds him she’s a decent woman. [Ed. Note: you could have fooled us, Paula.] He responds he’s a man of proposals. [Ed. Note: okay, at least he’s somewhat honest.] How about if they eat, dance, who knows what? She tells him “sorry, I have another commitment.” What??? Let me get this straight…..we are supposed to be together and what??? She explains about the dinner with Juan. CL is annoyed impactado.

Juan and Kike are sitting at a table, and Juan is telling Kike that things began as all great love stories begin. He can’t deny that his marble goddess, from the first day, began throwing him to the dogs (making him crazy?) Just imagine, here he was, a country boy in the capital, confused, and he didn’t realize. Kike notes that he falls for the women. Juan coughs and comments on it……He tells Kike this evolved over time, chatting in the car, while they were in traffic, at the stoplights, and romance surged, clearly, between them. [Ed. Note: I hate to see Juan doing this to himself. What planet has he been on?] And the moment arrived when he realized…..Kike asks if the Licenciada has said something to him. Well, no, she doesn’t need to say it, he can tell. Kike isn’t so sure. Kike points out that unfortunately, one never really can understand women. [Ed. Note: pay attention, Juan, Kike is more savvy than you think.] Juan says he and Paula are at another level. He goes on about how they arrived at the place where their hearts collided. Kike wants to know if they’ve done the deed. Juan is offended! Not yet! It’s in her heart and mine. Kike asks about the invitation to eat, what’s up with that? Juan explains (as if Kike were a small child who had to have everything explained very clearly), it’s to bare their hearts to each other, and accept that they must be for each other. He sings some thumping sounds like heartbeats for Kike.

CL wants to know how Paula prefers eating with her chauffeur. She shouldn’t be choosing the chauffeur over him! She tells him she just can’t tell him no. He mocks her— “oh, what a bother, you’re his BOSS!” She protests that it’s a question of politeness, and he lives with her mother. Okay, but why does it have to be exactly today?? She tells him to put himself in Juan’s place. He showed a lot of fortitude to make this invitation and she’s not going to cancel. CL wants to know if they couldn’t pick another day? He goes on the offensive; he accuses her of exaggerating. He says he’s gotten jealous. Of Juan? Yes, of Juan, who are we talking about? She chuckles and tells him he’s exaggerating. [Ed. Note: I can’t get past him keeping his wedding ring firmly on his hand and gesturing often with it flashing at the camera. Why isn’t she picking up on this??? Or, is it not a wedding ring? Do they wear weddings rings on the right hand like the Europeans, so this isn’t one? I’m just saying….] CL backs down a little. He puts his hand on her cheek. What he wants is to be with her. Could they come to a neutral point? He has the perfect solution; he’ll go eat with them.

Kike and Juan are walking out of the mall. Kike asks him what he’s getting mixed up in here. Juan tells him it was going to happen sooner or later. Kike is concerned about what he’s going to do, but Juan says it’s a sacrifice he’s prepared to make for love. It turns out what Kike is trying to argue him out of doing is…..CUT HIS HAIR! Juan is determined to get it cut more in a current style. [Ed. Note: Kike, leave the man alone. It’s time he cut it.] Kike tries to convince him it’s part of him, his personality. Juan says where there is love, there is grief. He’s doing this. He appreciates Kike’s good intentions. Kike wants him to take five minutes to think it over. Juan agrees. Five minutes, no more.

Paula and CL are still discussing him going with them to dinner with Juan. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea and he doesn’t see why. Well, because she thinks she should ask Juan first. CL thinks Juan will be charmed with the idea. [Ed. Note: baloney]. Well, she tells him, the plan was more for a family thing. He’ll inhibit it. He goes on the offensive again, telling her he gets the impression that she doesn’t want him along. Or, does she have some problem about Juan finding out about them? She sighs and tells him that’s not it. She’s the one who’s interested in having what’s between them as open as possible. Well, since that’s the case, he tells her, then this person so important to you, so close, such as Juan, should find out about us right now. She tries to explain, and he cuts her off, telling her not to worry so much. She says they’re back to the same place, it’s just not the correct thing to do. “I want to say something. Correct or no, Paula, I am not prepared, for anything in the world, to be apart from you. Not even for a second.” [Ed. Note: at least for the next twelve hours or so.] He charms her annoyance away with kisses.

Yadi and Marely are talking together in their living room. Marely wants to know what Yadi knows about Cesár Luis Farell. Yadi senses some gossip here and wants to know that now she wants to spite Juan with this Papi Rico? Marely is offended. She says she’s looking for a boyfriend, like others (but implies he’s not it). Yadi turns back to CL and sings his praises, especially his wealth. He’s almost perfect. Except for one tiny detail. Marely wants to know what that is. Yadi tells her that according to Mami, he shoots at anything that moves. Marely wants to know how Mami knows these things about him. Well, Yadi replies, according to Mami, he had her in his sights at one time. And you know our Mami….Marely cuts her off, yelling. It’s TMI. Don’t be vulgar, we’re talking about Mami here. Yadi says, what else? It’s in my genes. She goes back to flipping her magazine. Marely points out he’s married, or what? Yadi replies he’s VERY married. Marely asks if she sure, and Yadira replies that she was there with Mami when she called the wife personally and invited them to the wedding. Marely is impactada and says, for real? Yadi nods, yep, yep. We hear Nidia prancing in on the wood floor before we see her. Well, we actually only see her legs, with her hands carrying a large poster covered with brown paper wrapping, and she’s behind it. They greet each other. The package slides down and Nidia is beaming over the top of it at them. Yadi wants to know why this joyful face? Nidia’s brought them a little surprise.

Juan and Kike are still sitting in the mall at the table. Juan notices time is flying and he’s going to be late. Kike is still working on him, reminding him to pay attention to how Kike has ended up with Yadira. (He implies that he loves her and she is on another planet). Juan says his thing with Paula is different. Kike presses him; did she say something in concrete? Of course not! Juan is miffed. Kike wants to know how he can be so sure. Juan says one can feel these things in the soul, the skin. It’s a great attraction like the moon feels for the earth, and neither of them can deny it. How could they resist such a pull? Okay, Kike says, if you cut the mop of hair, and then….they give you a hit (as in baseball)…..Juan says that would be a work/an act of God. One of two things will happen; they’ll have to unglue him from the floor with a spatula or off the morfera? But one thing is for sure, I’d split myself for what I feel for her, now and always (it’s a guess, folks “Yo me la rifo”). Kike wonders if he hasn’t thought maybe his boss likes him with his hair like that? Juan says again that he wants to be stylish so he’s cutting it, and adapt himself as the women like. In the world of bald men, the hairy ones are ?? Trenzudo? Mocked? Kike hopes it all his dreams come true with all this effort. He’ll be Kike’s total idol, Kike tells Juan. Juan hears a cuckoo clock (in his head), taps his watch, and Kike looks at his. It’s getting late and time to get that mop of hair cut and listen to the rhythm of the sax. Juan dances in place.

Yadi tells her mother not to keep them waiting, what’s the great surprise? The girls stand, waiting, with arms crossed and backs to us. Nidia tells them not to get ancy, they’re going to adore it. Marely and Yadi exchange irritated looks and Marely asks if they can turn around yet. Nidia says they can turn around, and she’s got a large picture up on the kitchen wall, but is standing in front of it, covering the best parts so it’s not fully visible. Yadi whines a little about Mami messing with them. Mami moves aside with a trumpet sound and flourish of hands—it’s Juan, nude and framed beautifully on canvas. Yadi and Marely have never, ever been so impactada in their lives. El Rey de Tiburon plays in the background as the camera pans up and down the picture of Juan’s elegant frame. Marely puts her hand to her mouth, her eyes big a saucers. Yadi makes a large “o” with her mouth, and then abruptly closes it. Nidia grins impishly. [Ed. Note: one wonders how Alirio will take this, gentle readers.]

Juan is in the same salon at the mall where Pastor had taken him when Pastor was trying to change Juan. The stylist, Pastor’s friend, says, “look who we have here, the rebel without a cause.” He mocks. Have you finally decided to cut that hair? Juan grabs his hand in a friendly shake. How’s it going? The stylist tells him fine. He peers around Juan to give Kike a judgmental once-over. Has Juan abandoned Pastor for this? Kike fusses. Juan calms them. He tells Kike he looks very good. Juan tells the guy Pastor is his boss, period, nothing more, and this is his brother. [Ed. Note: not to put too fine a point on it, but you two look nothing alike, Juan.] The stylist tells Juan not to infuriate him. He tells the fellow to cut his hair. The stylist says with much pleasure he will arrange these locks, for Juan, he always has time. He turns and glides happily to the chair. Juan turns to the scowling Kike and hands him the new jacket, telling him not to wrinkle it. Kike gets the shopping bag, too. Juan goes to the chair. The stylist puts a cape on Juan, walks away, then turns and gives him an intense look before he goes to the back to get his cutting tools. Kike leans over and stage whispers to Juan that they really better go, and he’ll take Juan to see Kike’s stylist, who’s very macho. Juan shushes Kike. In this day and age fellows like Juan and Kike do go to stylists like this one, what’s Kike talking about? The stylist is on the way back, behind Kike, who is gesturing widely at Juan. The stylist pushes Kike away and speaks to Juan. He asks what Juan would like. Juan tells him cut it, cut it, it’s your hair, whatever you like. The stylist beams! He wants to put highlights in it, and the whole nine yards. He grins devilishly. It’s a joke. [Ed. Note: what a lovely floral pattern on his black silk long-sleeved shirt, and how nice with that white vest. How come I can never find outfits like that? ;-) ] Juan sets his jaw. He’s prepared for the worst. The beaming stylist spins Juan around so he can watch the devastation in the mirror.

Back at Casa Cachón, Yadi and Marely are frozen in time and space with open mouths. Marely speaks first. “It looks grotesque to me, Mamá!” Why? Nidia wants to know. Give me reasons. Reasons??? Yadi is incensed. The man is naked right in the middle of a room of our house! Nidia says exactly, now they going to be able to have Juan present in body in the house, at least in their imaginations. She babbles sweet nothings at the portrait. What a body, my Lord! Oh, yeah, divine, Yadi tells her. All we need is to light a candle and pray to him, as if he were a cherub. [Ed. Note: Yadi does sarcasm so well]. Nidia tells her not to be such a lowbrow, this is art! She says there’s nothing vulgar about it, it is the purest expression of the beauty of the male figure. We hear well-known classical music playing in the background. Marely says no, Yadira is right, it’s frightful. Frightful? Look at it well, Nidia tells her, it’s like Rafael’s David. Marely analyzes, that would be Michelangelo. Nidia says whatever. Our Juan, has his skin…..Nidia strokes her fingers along the portrait’s body and the girls are in shock. If they keep their mouths open that wide much longer they may not be able to get them closed again. Nidia says, “so bronzed, so tan!” The girls are gasping and gaping. Nidia turns back to them and points out that those marble statues are so white! Yadira, perhaps at a loss for words, says, well, it seems you know a lot about art. Marely says perhaps a female would be better, more delicate, and more feminine. Nidia says, well, excuse me, I like this one. Yadi tells her okay, okay, if you like it, put it into your room but not here where the whole world can see it! Marely agrees. You have to take it out! No, no, Nidia says she’s not taking it out. It’s good there. Not only the model, but also the work itself is good. The person who painted it has an artistic sensitivity. (She hoists and clasps her fists in emphasis.) And since she’s in charge of the house, she is ordering that this picture stays put. She huffs off, mincing and hoisting, complaining that they know nothing about nudes. Yadi stares at her Mami while Marely goes to the kitchen bar and drapes her elbows on it, head on hands, to stare at the picture. Yadi joins her. They sigh, and Marely says, “no way. Well, he has good body.” Yadi agrees, very good. She wonders aloud who could have painted it. [Ed. Note: won’t THAT make for an excellent scene?] They sigh, stare and purr at the painting as the camera turns back to it. We hear Juan’s voice, “here I was. Like Cuauhtémoc , [Ed Note: Tortured to reveal his treasure, Cuauhtémoc replied that it lay at the bottom of the lake–where the Spaniards had perished with it in their flight from Tenochtitlán on the noche triste [sad night]. ] The camera slides slowly to Juan in the chair getting his hair cut.

He’s handing over his treasured hair. It’s torture. We see the scissors snip the tangled locks into the stylist’s waiting hand. If the emperor could give himself up to the fire, he can go to the bother of giving up his hair for the Licenciada. He thinks that the sacrifice will allow him to break the hard shell of his oriental pearl and he can cherish the pearl in his hands finally. He glances in resignation at the pile of hair on the floor.

Paula is still in her robe and CL is still working on her. He tells her she looks divine in a robe. She tells him to enjoy it now because she has to go get ready. CL wants to take advantage of the moment in time they have now. He pulls her down onto the sofa deftly and kisses her.

The stylist declares it’s ready and he’s a genius! Juan had his eyes closed, and is turned around to Kike, whose opinion he wants. You’re asking me?? Come on! Is it good or bad? Kike tries to respond. Well, like a sheared lion-that was a lot of hair you were carrying around! [Ed. Note: I think he looks great! Okay, okay, the mullet was endearing, but this is classy.] The stylist says “permit me to disagree, it looks divine to me.” He leans over and talks to Juan about ten inches from his face. Juan is uneasy with this. He’s left Juan an Adonis. Really? Uh-huh. Kike interrupts and says “what Adonis? This is Juan Dominguez.” The stylist pats Juan on the shoulder and makes a snide comment about Kike, who retorts back. Juan gets up and calms Kike. The stylist wonders if Kike is jealous or what? Juan calms them some more. He asks for the bill so he can pay it, and how about the clippings in a plastic bag? The stylist gasps in horror. Juan wants him to hurry. While the stylist picks the clippings off the floor and glares over his shoulder at Juan, Juan puts his jacket on and asks Kike’s opinion. Kike just scowls at him.

Kike, counting the change, comes out of the shop where Juan is waiting for him in the mall. He’s hoping this serves well to solidify Juan’s happiness, because here’s all Kike has left. Juan grabs at it, but Kike’s too fast. Finally, Juan gets the cash. What? You’re sure there’s no more? [Ed. Note: with friends like Kike, who needs an ATM?] Kike is irritated. This should get him dinner and pay the tip. Juan explains he’s not sure, because he wanted to make it really special down to the last detail for his little dove, that’s all. Kike is surprised, won’t that fill his belly sufficiently? Juan puts the cash in his pocket and mumbles a little that he wanted to be able to buy her a little gift. Something that would help her never to forget this evening, for example, a little ring. Kike is impactado. Oh, a ring and everything! Well, when have you not seen a hand with a ring?

Prominent on the screen is a black velvet box with a shiny, big diamond in it, held in a masculine hand with well-buffed nails. We hear Paula exclaiming in awe, “it’s for me?” “For who else?” CL asks as the camera shows his face, all earnest, as he offers it to her. She can’t believe it and he tells her to take it, it’s a way for him to show how much he loves her. She takes the box. She remarks that it’s precious and must have cost a fortune. He replies it’s nothing she doesn’t deserve. She tells him she adores him, and he replies not as much as he loves her---between the sloshy kisses.

Kike is still mocking at the idea of Juan spending Kike’s money on a ring for his love. Juan remarks about them seeing his mother-in-law, and Kike wonders if he’s already asked for the lady’s hand. Juan says he hasn’t yet. Kike thinks he’s moving pretty fast! Juan scolds him on his pessimism, though. Kike says it’s one thing to be confident, and another to be defective, with all respect. Juan scolds him again. What kind of friend is he? Kike responds he’s the kind who’ll work 18 hours a day so he can give his lunatic friend the money to do all this for an old woman. Juan asks if he’s going to help him buy the ring or not? Well, why not? Can’t send you into the war without a weapon (fusil=rifle, gun). Juan beams at him. [Ed. Note: could it be that Kike is living his dreams out vicariously through Juan?] He hugs Kike from the side and gives him a kiss on the head. They mutter at each other. Juan tells him to come here and moves him back toward the stores.

Juan is looking through the center of a ring, close-up. He thought bubbles it’s like he told Kike, the prices are like from another planet. Kike shakes his head and says nothing. Juan leans over the counter with the rings, behind which stands a saleslady. He hands her the ring and says confidentially “very pretty, but do you have something more….economical?” She smiles and takes it back; she’ll show them to him right away. Kike whispers “it costs more than….” Juan waves him off while the saleslady comes back with more to show him. Juan is thought bubbling to himself how he realizes he’s near the stars, he wants to buy the best for his little caramel mouth, and little by little as they go down in price, he’s realizing the truth. They get the last tray, with tiny stones in the rings. “And this one, how much?” He holds one up. “150 pesos.” Kike tells them it’s precious. Juan says this one will charm her, he’s getting this one. Kike pats him on the shoulder and they comment on how precious it is and how pretty.

Outside Ana’s home, it’s dark. Juan enters. Ana is sitting at the table, having a cup of tea. Juan comes to parade his new clothes and see if she’ll notice, greeting her warmly. He asks how she likes his new look as she seems muy impactada. He whips off the jacket to show the white shirt, tie, etc. She tells him very good, it suits him well. He tells her to touch the jacket, it’s pure English cashmere [Ed. Note: Caray! Expensive for Kike!] Ana obligingly touches it. She tells him she meant his hair. Oh, my ex-mop! He’s a little embarrassed. But how about the clothes? Pretty, huh? She agrees, very lovely. Very appropriate for the occasion. Ana doesn’t know what else to say. (After all he left this morning a country boy in a suit, and now he’s a meterosexual…..or would be, if his tie didn’t end midway up his chest). He tells her she’s elegant herself and twirls her around, dances with her, and tells her she’s so good-looking, nice, and look, she’s in blue, and he’s bluish. [Ed. Note: huh, Juan??] The tease back and forth, and Ana says, well, shall we go? Yes, he replies, it’s time to get the Licenciada, my dear lady. She goes for her purse. Juan thought bubbles that with a mother-in-law it’s better to have a friend than an enemy. It’s no work to do that with Doña Ana. She’s a total lady. They leave together.

Alirio comes in and says “lovely Yadi,” he thought no one was home. It almost sounds suggestive, or ooky, depending on one’s perspective of this viejo. He sort of gives her a once over. (Me, I’m shuddering). She retorts that for a moment, she thought it must be someone else. She tells him to come in, sit down, she’ll tell her mother he’s here. He hopes he didn’t interrupt supper. Sarcastically she tells him not to worry, the freeloader arrived at the right moment. He says she always comes up with witty remarks. She looks irritated and puts her forehead on her elbow, which is resting on the banister. Unfortunately, he’s not to blame if he happened to show up to visit exactly when they chose to eat. [Ed. Note: timing is everything, Alirio, isn’t it?] Yadi says really, what a coincidence. (She’s a pro at sarcasm.) He avidly watches her retreating derriere swaying up the stairs in her minifalda and smiles to himself. [Ed. Note: she’s going to be your step-DAUGHTER, Alirio!] He goes to get a drink, and notices the PICTURE. Thunder booms as the music gets darker and darker. Alirio is muy, pero muy, impactado!

Yadi runs into Nidia’s room, breathless. Mama, Mama, your enamored is looking for you and you better go downstairs before he sees the picture…..we hear a bellow from below. Niiiiidia! Yadi looks at her mother—“he’s already seen it.” They look at each other ruefully. Alirio is having a mimisqui, ala Luigi from La Fea Más Bella. He gasps for air. He looks again. We see the magnificent portrait.

Paula is wearing a lovely red confection, and hanging after telling someone they’ll be right down. She tells CL Juan has arrived. CL says, oh, a punctual gentleman. He puts on his jacket, making a comment about Juan. Paula tells him not to make fun. CL brushes it off. She tells him she doesn’t like that kind of commentary. Why can’t he let people express themselves as they want? Not everyone can be the same as you. He backs down and pacifies her. He says he was just playing; he knows perfectly well how to behave according to the occasion and the guests. He tells her not to worry, and she says she hopes so. Juan is good with her and her mother, and there’s no need to make fun of him. CL takes her face in his hands. He promises and what’s more, this evening he’s going to make Juan feel like a king. They leave.

Juan and Ana are waiting downstairs, chatting. Ana is thanking him for the lovely gesture of inviting them to eat. He assures her it’s nothing, and they deserve much more. He wants to confess to her that because they have been so supportive and have trusted him, this dinner is to thank them really for all they have done for him, but this isn’t the whole reason for the invitation. Ana asks, well, what then, Juan? He thought bubbles to himself “Here I go, Papa God, give me a hand.” He sets his shoulders and screws up his courage as Ana watches curiously. He takes her hand and tells her he wants to take this occasion to express (in the background we hear the elevator ding as Ana looks a bit concerned at something behind Juan)……He turns to look, still holding her hand. Here come Paula and CL off the elevator smiling broadly. The four look at each other and then Juan looks down; Juan is impactado-unhappy and Ana is impactada-irritated. Juan looks back up at the pair with shock and hurt in his face. We are reminded that any similarity to real life is purely a coincidence. [Ed. Note: thank heaven]



Destilando Amor 08/17/07: "Double, Double, Toil and Trouble..."

" burn and cauldron bubble......"

During James and Rod's umpteenth heart-to-heart at the hacienda, Rod tells his best bud that he's determined to return to Montalveña to live out the rest of his maudlin days with his wife, and to raise this child there in hopes of forgetting the love of his life and to make sure she keeps her job at the CRT. Yep, Rod is going to let sleeping bitches lie rather than stir up trouble with The Family and start all the catcalls and hate speech all over again. Anyway, he figures that Isa and Minnie would know that he went running to Avellaneda to intercede for Gaviota and they'd be back to kick up another scandal at the Commission.

James asks Rod if he seriously thinks he can pull this emotional separation thing off 'cause he remembers the binge drinking and the 24/7 lude, crude, and rude dude Hot-Rod turned into last time. Rod says sure he can 'cause he and Gavi are sworn to remain friends. (Hubby smirks every time he hears this dandy little phrase, saying it doesn't work that way; men aren't put together like that and those screwball women writers never listen). Rod explains that he would rather keep Isa isolated there with him at the hacienda and just live for the kid with Isa in mommy mode in order to keep his promise to Gavi to stay a safe distance away. He is certain he can survive it all because now there no longer is any resentment or bitterness between the two of them, only beautiful memories.

Meantime, Avellaneda is recovering from Excedrin headache #99 (that's a generational joke, folks) and figuring out where he'll place Mariana Franco to avoid more problems from those malicious and meddlesome Mujeres de Montalvo, a.k.a., Minerva's Minions. Since the CRT needs a few days to set up the Guadalajara transfer, he asks Gavi to fill in at the Public Relations Department till they can hire the director over there a new secretary; then he sends her home for the rest of the day to recover.

As Mariana is leaving, Susy stops her and says she is dying to find out exactly what happened and if she's leaving for good. Mariana says things worked out and she's coming back the next day but will be transferring to Guadalara eventually. Susy asks her point blank about Rod and her, saying it's as plain as day (literally, the wall opposite them) that she had a love affair with the guy, so would she at least 'fess up about that?

Mariana refuses to go into detail 'cause it's a long, boring story she just finished burying. Instead she explains about her subbing stint in the P.R. department and asks about her boss there. Susy says Dr. Santaoeña is an egg-head but is very well respected by the whole organization.

Minerva, who seems to need the constant high she gets from the chaos she causes in others' lives, calls the CRT to check whether Mariana was actually fired or not. She talks to Susy who agrees to meet her for lunch and give her the details. Aaron finds her in the bedroom and asks what gives at the CRT and whether Rod's working-girl was fired or not.

Minnie says she thinks the shameless hussy is still there, but plans to find out for sure at lunch with Avellaneda's secretary and he and Isa are going to join them. Here, though, Aaron finally manages to find the key to Minnie's testicle lock-box. He pushes her back into the bed and tells her in no uncertain terms he will not! He is tired of her meddling like the old days at the corporation, and from now on the only one giving orders in that household is going to be him. Minnie seems momentarily impactada by his furious response as he storms out of the bedroom.

James finally tells Rod about his discovering that Meliton's unfortunate and untimely passing was a matter of self-defence for Acacia (Happy, happy, joy, joy!), since the old perv was literally in the wrong place at the wrong time when he went after her again.

Gavi meets Clarita at the neighborhood bar. Clarita orders a couple of doubles of tequila because she's certain the news is going to hit her like a huge stab in the back. Gavi explains how Rod stood up for her, and puts her mother's mind to rest. She explains they are not left out on the street, but that now they're going to have to move to Guadalajara to avoid more run-ins with Rod's family.

Clarita is sad to hear Gavi will have to give up her relationship with Young Mr. Rod again 'cause she knows how much it means to her. So much for happy telenovela endings they agree, like the one where the heroine ends up happily married to the hero and even has his twins......

James is scared and ashamed that in the morning he has got to put his new little bride in for psychiatric observation at a clinic in Guadalajara. He explains that Acacia's had two serious breaks with reality owing to her fear and guilt from the whole Meliton experience. Rod assures James this is the best thing and that the experts there will have all sorts of ways to help her get better. James is worried that they'll start asking questions and turn her into the police. Rod tells him to calm down. Let them do their examination, and once her condition is made clear then James should do whatever his conscience dictates.

Ofelia and San Juana are watching, meanwhile, over Acacia who has been drugged to sleep. SJ, never one to mince words, says pretty much that the handsome Mr. James must feel like he must be the second coming of Job. First he gets the grand brush off from Sofia and now he ends up involved with this ugly little thing who's going nuts on him.

Next morning, Gavi thanks Demetrio for going to bat for her with Avellaneda. She offers to pitch in for him till he gets a replacement. Demetrio chuckles and says her new boss will be keeping her too busy. When Gavi enters the P.R. department she is overjoyed to see it's Nancy, of all people, from her first job at the hotel who is sitting down at the receptionist's desk. The two friends make plans for lunch to catch up on their time apart and Gavi tells her that she's changed her name from Teresa Hernandez to Mariana Franco.

Well, at least we see that the new boss makes his own coffee. In fact, he offers Mariana/Gavi his own peculiar blend of espresso and asks her to try it and to tell him what she thinks. She says she is not exactly a coffee drinker and has no opinion. When he insists she says it's too strong and bitter and it could use a couple spoons of sugar. The way he describes what makes a fine tasting coffee is so erudite and poetic that Gavi, still a country girl in the big city, is pretty darned surprised that anybody could ramble on like that about a stupid cup of coffee.

So, their workday together starts and Dr. Santaoeña points out a number of flavored tequilas he was just sent that will be marketed to the younger twenty/thirty-somethings and in the midst of her trying to find his schedule book, he complains that his entire office is in chaos since his former secretary left him in the lurch. He adds, not just his office, but his entire life is in chaos. This makes Mariana stop and stare.

Back at the penthouse, Minnie irritatingly ignores Aaron's discomfort when he sees the gigantic picture and article in the society pages of the paper about them getting back together instead of him marrying Pamela Torreblanca.

Alonso rushes a mile a minute through a whole set of other instructions and demands without taking a single breath; and one of these includes setting up a meeting for exporters of tequila in the region. While absent-mindedly giving Mariana even more directions and asking for her response to proposals on fungicide and bactericidal product marketing campaigns, it suddenly occurs to him to ask for her name. She tells him but he promptly forgets it. In fact, she politely corrects him at least three times in a row about this. 'Nuff said. The dude is definitely ADDS challenged.......

Across town again, Isa and Minnie are gossiping about the photo of her and Aaron in the morning's paper. Minnie brags about the blitzkrieg move against Pamela and the Torreblancas, then insists Isa goes with her and Avellaneda's secretary, Susy, to lunch to find out what the CRT did to Mariana after they left. Minnie says she's afraid they didn't fire her after all. Isa doesn't want to at first and thinks she should wait for Rod to come home at noon.

Minnie argues she has to go with her since Rod's her husband and not Minnie's and Isa cannot allow this home wrecker and him to play her for a fool again. Isa is afraid to go any further with this business because she is sure Rod already knows what the five of them did there, and she's afraid he's going to take it out on her somehow; but, in the end, she buys Minnie's argument that the fight is righteous and that she should not allow Rod to intimidate her.

They hang up and Minnie the Malevolent says to herself that she will run this slut off every job she gets till she ends up starving. (In fact, the woman is so evil that the only thing we're missing in this scene is the maniacal cackle.....)

Fedra arrives and complains to Aaron about the article that appeared in the society page in the morning paper and the tacky way he chose to bluntly tell the whole world he has just jilted Pamela Torreblanca. He tells mama that the devil in red made him do it. Why, Minnie Mouse had him so tightly in her clutches that she was able to pull a fast one on him; and before he knew it she had blindsided him with it in the morning papers. Fedra asks him if he realizes the full consequences of handling it this way. It was totally uncalled for and Pamela didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

Just then Minnie glides in on her broomstick and makes a perfect landing. Aaron tries to stop the confrontation, but Minnie waves him off saying this is between his mother and her. She asks Fedra if she thinks she should have gone personally to Miami to the house there and asked Pammy to please hand her back her hubby-wubby. Besides, could it be that Fedra is partial to Pam and is sad to think she's losing the only opportunity of getting herself a grandchild? Well, no problem! Rest assured Minnie will get pregnant again. Or, isn't she happy that she and Aaron are back together now?

Fedra composes herself, then begins to slather it on thick with her ex-daughter-in-law. She says of course she's happy that she and Aaron are reconciled. However, when Minnie acts like a spoiled child, she has the right to correct her rude and ill-mannered methods. She insists that there was no need for Minerva to go running to the newspapers like this. Aaron agrees and calls her actions classless.

Minnie, on her high-horse, snaps back at him that she had every right, and anyway, how classy was it to have the slut move into her home and play house with her husband? Aaron reminds her that Torreblanca is a darned powerful member of the guild. Minnie sneers that Montalvo Corporation is much more respected and powerful in the tequila world than the Torreblanca organization. As far as she's concerned, the Torreblancas can gripe and complain to whomever and however they please, and for that matter so can Fedra!

At that insult, Fedra leaves in a snit. She tells them she's had enough and doesn't have to take that then stomps out. Aaron's jaw is pulsing he's so mad at Minnie. He tells her he was extremely upset at the way she spoke to his mother, but Minnie gets on her high horse with him too. This time he reacts and growls at Her Haughtiness that his patience is wearing way thin. Then Aaron viciously grabs her jaw and threatens her. "Understand this once and for all!! I will not allow it again!" He shoves her down into the nearest chair and walks out. She lets him leave and considers her next move.

At the house in Miami, Gaspar and Barbara are eating breakfast when he begins to read the morning paper. Barbara sees the society news photo of Aaron and Minnie, large as life, with the huge black headline blaring that Aaron is going back to his ex. Gaspar is fit to be tied and Barbara is gasping for words. Pam shows up then and begins to eat. Gaspar shoves the paper in her face to show her he was right all along, and says what a joke agreeing to marry this Montalvo was. They are going to pack her things up that day and leave for Mexico on the next flight out.

Back in Mexico City at the penthouse, Minnie changes tactics and catches Aaron on the way out of the house. She says she realizes she went too far and promises sweetly never to abuse the family nor try his patience like that again, then kisses him sweetly on the mouth while leaving the rest of us with the uncontrollable urge to look for anything to wipe our mouth off with. That said, she tries to ever so smoothly roll him over and to slyly slip his collar back onto him, saying in her most ingenuous voice and manner, that they'll be late for their lunch with Susy so just wait while she takes a second to go for her purse.

Again Aaron reacts to this ruse and adamantly refuses to get involved or to join her. He's not sitting in on a hen party with any secretary! So she sweetly, and ingenuously, backs away and says he is right and she'll attend to it. Aaron escapes from the penthouse and slams the door in her face.

Just then Pammy calls for Aaron and Minnie takes the call. She lets The Other Woman have it with both barrels and right between the eyes in a confrontation at least as worthy as any seen on Sally Jesse. Minnie tells Pam no way she's letting her talk to her husband. Pam says she demands he face her to break it off. Minnie answers that whores and mistresses don't have rights to demand anything. She demands that Pam leave her house immediately or she will come there to drag her out by the hair herself.

Pam refuses to leave and says that she loves him. Minnie has a big laugh at this but Pammy insists she didn't accept Aaron's marriage proposal till he was already divorced. Pammy is, of course, totally oblivious at this point in her argument to the fact that before he and Minnie were legally separated, a little thing like Aaron's still being married never stopped her from sneaking around with him for long weekend trysts --but enough of picking nits, right?

Minnie replies that, "If he came back to me it's because I am the love of his life." Minnie threatens she'll call the police on her if Pammy doesn't leave the premises within the next 30 minutes. "You've been warned. Don't come near my husband again or you'll be sorry!"

Pam is beside herself with the pain and the humiliation and locks herself in the bathroom. She starts remembering Aaron's telling her that she was the only one who gave meaning to his life. "Aaron, you don't know how to love. If you did you'd have never cheated on your wife and deceived her or me this way." All she ever did was love him she says to herself. "You are a selfish man who loves only yourself, yourself and your work," she sobs.

Pam decides then to tell her parents they're returning to Mexico ASAP. First though, she has something else to take care of. They leave her alone. Pam takes the external hard-drive she's been handling like a toy key chain the past few days, and inserts it into Aaron's computer drive. "What I'm taking from you does not compare to what you've stolen from me: hope, faith, love! You've left me empty, empty, Bichito!!"

Meanwhile, Aaron goes to Patricio's office to gripe and let off steam. "What was it that you meant by telling me not to get upset over something that never was?" Pat tells him the truth about how Minnie really spent the two or three months she was divorced, faking the cruises, locking herself up in her apartment all day, and then eventually flying to Spain to attend to her gravely ill grand-aunt. "Why did you make me believe all this?" "--Love! Because Minerva loves you, above all else!" At that moment Aaron starts laughing insanely at some private joke and says a huge weight has been lifted from him. Pat is puzzled.

Pam downloads all of Aaron's "Agave Turquesa" files (his only set which he has never bothered to back up) and does something to the hard drive of his computer which looks like she's either erasing the main drive, or is destroying it some other way. "Bichi, this is my farewell gift to you!"

Patricio makes the call to the grand-aunt in Spain to prove to Aaron that this relative of Minnie's really exists and that is where she went for two months.


By the time Mariana leaves Alonso's office to work on the huge stack of stuff he's got for her, Nancy and she cannot go out to lunch or for a coffee break together because there is just too much for her to get done. They agree to go out after work, though, to catch up on things.

Minnie and Isa corner Susy at lunch and start to give her the 3rd degree. Isa tells her it's important to know what's happened with Mariana Franco because her marriage depends on it. Susy tells them that they didn't really fire her That said, Minnie and Isa start telling her how Mariana has been after Isa's husband for the past 3 years despite Isa's now being pregnant. They add that she had tried to destroy both of their marriages before she left the corporation.

Next these two female hounds de Baskervilla warn her against ever trusting Mariana because she's power hungry, flirts with the bosses till she gets her way, and will step on anyone to get ahead. She loves stealing away all the secretaries' jobs!
Susy says she's never seen any funny stuff between her bosses but Avellaneda does appear to respect her greatly. They say it always happens like that everywhere she goes. Susy says that won't happen there because they plan to transfer Mariana to Guadalajara soon. However, she'll be working temporarily for a high ranking official till then.

Isa offers to pay her very well if she agrees to keep them up to date on anything that has to do with Mariana there. Susana definitely looks uncomfortable about now and quickly excuses herself without answering. Isa asks Minnie if the woman will run to Avellaneda first thing and expose them. Minnie says naw, the girl doesn't look that foolish.

Rod gets back to Mexico City and runs into Dani at Pilar's. She asks him what he found out about Gavi and if the others were involved in trying to run her off again. Rod tells Daniela how it went down at the CRT and that he and Gavi will have to live apart forever now to be sure she keeps her job. They agreed.

Rod admits he has spent the last three years running like a loon to catch and keep Gaviota, and he never figured it would have to end this way. He feels empty inside; but he plans to return to the hacienda and to start a new life without her. He will refuse to continue at the corporate offices to avoid the off chance of running into her.

Back at the restaurant Minnie and Isa agree that as long as Mariana is at the CRT she'll continue to be a pain in the family's backside. Isa plans to demand that Rod return with her to the hacienda until Mariana Franco no longer works at the CRT. She just knows though he'll try to find whatever excuse he can to keep on seeing her, and Isa's life will be hell. Minnie suggests they both go to Pilar and ask her to force Rod to do this for Isa.

Dani begs Rod to pay attention to her. She says trying to avoid Gaviota, let alone trying to live without her, is foolish. He knows his life will be never be complete and he will never be at peace without her with him. Besides, the last thing he should do is abandon her to that pack of hyenas. After all, as soon as those women returned to Mexico City they totally ignored his warnings and raced to the CRT and kicked up a fuss with Avellaneda to get her fired again. Those women, she continues, will constantly interfere in his life if he doesn't do something to stop them. He must stay as the head of the corporate offices to keep an eye on Gavi, because otherwise if she is anywhere within reach of their claws they'll grab her and tear her to pieces. He has to protect her........


Amar Sin Limites #21, Wednesday 8-15: The engagement party from hell

This will be a brief recap, as I'm so behind in posting it! Hold on to your tequila, cause here we go…

Mansión Malicia: Guy who saved Mauricio's life, meet woman who's marrying Mauricio. In how many languages can you say "impactados"? Mauricio leaves them together to go talk to some other couple and they stare at each other for a while until Azul gets pissy and leaves.

Azul goes off to complain to Ceci and Arnaldo about how Diego did this on purpose just to ruin her day. Ceci and I question Azul's logic on this one. Ceci and Arnaldo volunteer to keep an eye on him and report anything strange he does and Azul says she's going to go stick to Mauricio's side for the rest of the day.

Diego goes to tell Paco that Azul is Mauricio's fiancée and Paco suggests they leave, but Diego wants to talk to her first (no, Diego, run, run now, while you still can!). Mauricio, still in the dark, introduces Ceci and Arnaldo to Diego. GSD notices Diego and comes over to ask if he's met him before, but Diego and Azul both try to cover and blame it on GSD's bad memory and propensity to think he knows everyone. Diego tries to leave, but Mauricio insists that he stay for the toast, sits him down at his (Mauricio's) table next to Azul and reminds him that he's still got a job offer. Mauricio is summoned by Andres and leaves the table. Azul accuses Diego of befriending Mauricio on purpose (as if!) and Diego bemoans his fate to fall in love with a woman who's marrying someone else. Blah, blah, blah, lastima (lastima=hurt).

Gloria's apartment: Silvana is back in full-on Morticia mode. She's not wanting to go back to work or ever see Diego again and she tells Gloria she wants to run away. Gloria makes an attempt to be a good mother and asks Silvana not to leave now, just when they're starting to get closer to each other. Gloria's flighty, but she's trying.

Mansión Malicia: Mauricio, Caty, and Azul stand together while Mauricio makes his engagement announcement/toast. He says some pretty BS about how ever since Azul came back into his life he got back the love he lost after his wife (was viciously murdered by him) died. Diego's eyes water. I think it's hay fever from all the flowers…he can't be crying over Azul. Tía Inés' quartet starts playing Canon in D while Diego tries to leave the party again. Azul goes off to hide in Mauricio's room. Mauricio goes to ask Diego not to leave by offering CECI as a reason he should stay. My husband and I crack up laughing at Mauricio's display of being on our team--we're rooting for Ceci and Diego (well, really, anyone-but-Azul and Diego). Ceci has the entire conversation between her and Diego all by herself--"I know you're going to tell me you're here to say goodbye to her, and then I'd have to tell you that you're both stupid and suffering, and then you'd say that it's not fair, and then I'd say that she's been with Mauricio since before you showed up." Diego asks Ceci not to tell him anything and walks off.

Ceci goes to check on Azul and tells her that Diego keeps trying to leave, but Mauricio keeps dragging him back and that the last thing they need is for Mauricio to insist that Diego dance with Azul. (Dude's got all the money in the world, but I will pay him to do it! I'm sure I've got some loose change here in the couch cushions.)

Tía Inés' quartet finishes playing something a little more lively. She leaves her cello to the conductor and goes to talk to GSD. She's feeling really good, as she's got her chops back and GSD says she's playing like she did back in the good old days. She says what would make her completely happy is to tell everyone about their relationship. GSD's reply is to ask if she's crazy. Wow, he sucks at interpersonal relationships, possibly even worse than his daughter does. Tía Inés says either they come clean or it's over. Leonarda has observed this little scene and smiles fetchingly at GSD, who returns said fetching smile. EWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Diego finally gets to leave the party, but not before getting more pressure from Mauricio to accept his job offer. Diego says he'll think about it. Azul walks up to be by Mauricio and the four of them (Diego, Paco, Mauricio, and Azul) say their goodbyes. While Mauricio is distracted by Paco, Diego leans over and whispers in Azul's ear that this time it's goodbye forever. After they leave, Mauricio asks what Azul thinks of Diego and she says he's "normal" (nothing special).

In the kitchen, Leo tells Andres she overheard the conversation between Tía Inés and GSD (I can't wait to see how she turns this to her advantage). Arnaldo wanders into the kitchen and makes small talk about what a great party it is. One of our burning questions gets answered as Andres confirms that Leo is not his mother, but his aunt (however, I'm still creeped out by the relationship!). Arnaldo and Andres make eyes at each other, which Leo notices, and I guess it's not just other girls she doesn't want her little Andres paying attention to, but other boys as well. She looks steamed and when Andres introduces Arnaldo as Azul's brother, and she shakes his hand with as little enthusiasm and as curled an upper lip as she possibly can. I predict that soon we will get a tirade about how those darn Toscanos want to take away everyone she loves. *Shudder*

Outside Isela's Pool Hall of Taking In Every Stray: Silvana watches Paco coming back from the party and stops him to tell him she doesn't want to work there anymore, but doesn't know how to tell Isela. Paco fills her in on the whole "Azul is Mauricio's fiancée" news and the fact that Diego is having fights with "everybody". Silvana takes this in, but I'm not sure if this news is something that is going to make her more or less sympathetic towards Diego.

Mansión Malicia: Ick, ick, ick--Leo and Andres are back in their quarters. Leo is waxing rhapsodic about GSD, trying to make Andres jealous. How do I know? Because she's gratified when Andres insists that she tell him whether she seriously likes GSD. All together now…EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

Mauricio and Azul are getting ready for bed. Azul is brushing her wet hair. She shouldn't do that. Wet hair stretches and she's going to get breakage. She should get a wide-tooth comb. I digress. Mauricio is AGAIN asking her what she thinks of Diego and she tells him she thinks it's weird for him to be so interested in Diego. Mauricio lets her in on the fact that (a) he made Diego a job offer, (b) Diego turned it down, and (c) the reason he's so interested is Diego's the guy who saved his life. So now she knows. She's impactada, but not speechless. She continues nervously getting ready for bed by applying moisturizer. Good habit, that.

Upstairs in the Stray Cat Pool Hall: Silvana comes to visit Diego in the upstairs bedroom/storage room because she heard about Azul.

Mauricio and Azul: More moisturizer application while Mauricio talks about Diego's woman problems.

Silvana and Diego: Diego talks about his woman problems. Silvana marvels at the coincidences that brought her and Diego together. Another big revelation…Silvana read the police report. It clearly states that Mauricio had nothing to do with Nico's death. One of the witnesses said that they (the witness) looked after Nico while Mauricio was seeing to Caty. Silvana is grateful to Diego for giving her back the will to live, I accidentally typed "will to love", but she means that too…she's hinting very heavy-handedly that she'd like a relationship with Diego. I'd vote for it if she stops being crazy and smiles more. My husband is still insistent that it needs to be Ceci. We're going to have to work that out between ourselves :)

Mauricio and Azul: Azul wonders what job Mauricio was going to offer Diego. He says PR and Azul complains that PR is her job (What? I thought it was personnel). Mauricio says she does "so much more" than just PR, so Diego would be her assistant. She complains about Mauricio going on and on about Diego and that they haven't even talked about the party or about their relationship. She writes it off as being tired and disappointed that they're not making sweet, sweet love and are talking about Diego instead. She questions Mauricio's objectivity about Diego (because of the whole saving-Mauricio's-life thing).

Gloria's apartment: Bow chica bow bow. Phone coitus interruptus. Watching Gloria talk dirty while filing her nails is kind of funny. Gloria assumes that Silvana knew what she was doing, but Silvana thinks it was a guy Gloria genuinely liked. Gloria explains the phone sex thing and Silvana looks less horrified than one would expect. I think she has such a low opinion of her mother that this is just one other crazy thing (that runs in the family, no). Gloria's happy to hear that Silvana wants to go back to work.

Casa Abuelo's buddy: Buddy and son are looking at pictures. Sounds like his mama left when he was 4 and papa's been very good about not talking bad about her. Sonny says papa has done a good job raising him. Diego and Abuelo come over to visit. Sonny's name is Gaspar. Buddy pours everybody tequila and they toast to being all together.

GSD's apartment: At the party, Azul had asked Tía Inés and GSD if her engagement present could be a music box that Tía Inés gave to her mom. GSD is looking for it and babbling to Inés. He still can't remember where he saw Diego. Inés finally says she's leaving and has to clarify that it's her leaving, not the two of them--she wants to be alone. GSD stupidly wants to know why. Inés complains that he spent the party being friendly with Leonarda and acting like Inés wasn't there. Inés says that since he won't tell the family it's like she's nothing and she's sick of it. She storms out. But hey, GSD's still got science, and science will never give him a hard time and storm out if he spends an afternoon with philosophy instead. Some consolation.

Casa Abulo's buddy: The younger set leave the little party early--Diego to go home and Gaspar to go to bed. But Abuelo and his friend are experienced gentlemen of the world, and they know how to keep partying. They sit and talk some more over their tequilas. Abuelo is worried about Diego with his unemployment situation.

Mansión Malicia: Alfredo gives Azul the music box. He remembers suddenly that Diego once left a present for Azul at his apartment and asks her what's up with that. Mauricio comes in at the tail end of the sentence and Azul and Alfredo cover that the "muchacho" in question is Arnaldo. Mauricio says he doesn't want to butt in, but he thinks Alfredo and Arnaldo need to work on their communication. Azul leaves and Mauricio asks if he and Alfredo can talk business.

Emilia's office: Silvana talks about how Diego's in love with a woman he can't have, so she thinks she's got a clear shot. Emilia worries about what this means about Silvana's self-esteem, going after a guy who's in love with someone else. Silvana's not worried, she thinks she can make Diego happy. Bow chicka bow bow?

Casa Azul and Ceci: Hey, Azul's back in the bubblegum pink track suit! Alfredo is questioning Azul about Diego. She says it was nothing and Alfredo wants to confirm that (a) it's nothing, but (b) he's supposed to lie about it. He's giving her the "hey, missy, I wasn't born yesterday and I know from having clandestine affairs" look. Azul admits that it could have been something, but it wasn't and GSD can't understand because his only love is science. Well, there it is, Tía Inés should just change her name.

Gloria's apartment: Diego is telling Silvana he wishes a witch would read his fortune and tell him what to do. Silvana grabs some candles and a pack of cards and tells him she'll ask the cards. Diego laughs that she's a witch, but she says a gypsy showed her how to read the cards. She lights three candles for past, present, and future, and a fourth for fate. Diego tells the cards to talk to him. Silvana has him cut the cards with his left hand and she starts laying them out.

Casa Azul and Ceci: Alfredo say's he'll play dumb about Diego, but he still wants to hear the story. Emilia comes over to visit and meets GSD. Uh-oh, they're looking at each other…you know, like really looking. Alfredo grandly sends Azul to get them coffee. She looks like this is a pairing she'd approve of. Poor Tía Inés.

Gloria's apartment: Silvana's not so much reading Diego's cards as hitting on him. He says it infuriates him to think of Azul and Mauricio together. Diego says he wants to live in the present he has with Silvana. Ooh, smoochies--but then, no, he says he doesn't want to hurt her. She puts his hand on her chest and tells him to feel her heartbeat. She says he doesn't need to take care of her any more and asks (or perhaps orders) him to make love to her "de una buena vez" which as close as I can figure means "do it already, and make it good". Smoochies. Bow chicka bow bow indeed.


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